Category Archives: self improvement

Unleashing the Wow Woman Within: A Journey of Body Building

The transformative journey from living an ordinary life to one that makes people turn heads in awe — becoming a, wow woman — is an inner trek that involves self-reflection, self-love, and a breadth of personal development. Based on insights shared by Katia Stern, a life coach, author, and self-proclaimed, wow woman, this process isn't just about external perceptions; it's a profound internal evolution that shapes how a woman sees herself and, subsequently, how the world sees her.

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Key Takeaways Becoming a Wow Woman

  • Embracing Personal Audacity: Commit to pursuing your desires and stepping outside conventional boxes after the age of 40 — it's never too late to transform and inspire.

  • Self-Love as the Foundation: Prioritize self-love and acceptance, understanding these are prerequisites for a significant transformation.

  • Navigating Femininity and Masculinity: Learn how to balance masculine and feminine energies, especially in relationships, to maintain healthy dynamics and personal satisfaction.

From Now to “Wow”: Decoding the Transformational Process

The conversion from an everyday woman to one that captures attention and admiration often involves charting a path that catapults personal development to the forefront. Katia's body transformation journey was a pivotal starting point where she embraced an inspiring vision — competing in fitness bikini body building competitions.   This goal was neither born from dissatisfaction nor merely the desire to look better; it came from an acknowledgment of personal potential and the pursuit of a compelling vision.

This goal-setting, or rather, desire-setting, is a testament to the power of aspiring for meaningful and far-reaching objectives. As Katia asserted, “It's not a nice thing. And I was doing that outside part. I was doing pretty well, but that didn't bring me that satisfaction that I was searching for.”

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The Role of Self-Love in Personal Transformation

The cornerstone of becoming a, wow woman, as illustrated by Katia, lies in cultivating profound self-love. This isn't merely about pampering oneself with external luxuries — although these can be expressions of self-love — but about the transformative acceptance of one's starting point, forgiving oneself, and undertaking actions that align with self-care and respect. Katia Stern conveyed the nuance of self-love, emphasizing, “Self-love is how you would want your partner, your lover, would want to treat yourself.”

The Consequences of Repressed Femininity

A recurring theme in Katia's discourse was the nuanced struggle women often face with suppressed sensuality and femininity due to societal norms and professional obligations. She shared insights on how these societal pressures compel women to adopt a more, masculine energy, mainly when ascending professional ladders and fulfilling multiple life roles. The challenge, therefore, lies in re-embracing one's femininity, especially in romantic relationships where the interplay of masculine and, feminine energies, is crucial. Katia advised, “Use that, feminine energy, to establish trust in the universe and learn to surrender, to create a space for a masculine man to step in and balance the dynamic.”

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Becoming a Wow Woman: Finding your Unique quality

A, wow woman, essence is deeply etched in her ambition to fuel dreams and desires that align with her true self — not dictated by external expectations or comparisons. It's an invitation to live boldly and authentically. Katia sternly rejects generic standards of success and ‘wowness', advocating instead for a personalized approach, “my wow is not your wow.”

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iHeart Radio

Reframing Goals as Desires: The Power of Language

Language plays a fundamental role in shaping our mindset towards achieving our ambitions. Katia’s recommendation to replace the word “goal” — which carries a certain masculine weight — with “desire” is a strategic reframe that can energize and feminize the pursuit of our aims. This shift in vocabulary can have a profound effect on our mental approach, influencing our perseverance and excitement towards achieving these desires.

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Listen Notes Transform Your Mind

Synthesizing Transformation to Wow Woman

Katia Stern’s narrative shows us that the wow is not just a badge of external marvel; it’s an inside out revolution of self-perception, confidence, and the art of balancing our power. By cultivating self-love that manifests as a disciplined commitment to our desires, embracing our inherent femininity, and trusting in the power of personal evolution without the bounds of age, every woman has the capacity to evoke her own brand of wow. Through this, she becomes an inspiration not just for herself, but to others who are privileged to witness her transformation.

Through personal audacity, self-love as the foundation, and navigating femininity and masculinity, Katia Stern implores women worldwide to embark on their own journeys of remarkable transformation. It's a clarion call to stop waiting on the sidelines, embrace the complex tapestry of emotions and experiences, and step into the spotlight of your own life's stage where wow is not just an exclamation, but your state of being.

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women body building
women body building


Mindfulness Techniques to Manage Stress and Enhance Well-being

Dr. Romie expounds on leveraging, mindfulness techniques, to combat stress, manage a “busy brain,” and promote overall wellness. In today's world, where stress and burnout have become commonplace, the quest for achieving inner peace seems ever more urgent. Dr. Romie Mushtaq, a board-certified physician merging neurology, integrative medicine, and mindfulness, offers transformative insights into tackling these overwhelming challenges that modern lifestyles impose.

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Key Takeaways:

  • Mindfulness can be a potent tool for, managing stress, and combating the “busy brain” syndrome, characterized by anxiety, focus issues, and insomnia.
  • Restoring one's, circadian rhythm, and addressing underlying medical conditions, such as, thyroid disease, can be pivotal in, managing stress, and sleep problems.
  • An eight-week protocol, as outlined in Dr. Romie Mushtaq  book “The Busy Brain Cure,” provides a structured approach to finding focus, managing anxiety, and, improving sleep quality.

Mindfulness Techniques for Busy Brains

The Phenomenon of the Busy Brain

The term “busy brain” reflects a condition that goes beyond the normal plethora of daily thoughts. It refers to a state where an individual's brain is constantly in overdrive, marked by an inability to focus, heightened anxiety, and persistent sleep disturbances. As Dr. Romie explains, a, busy brain, is not merely about having many thoughts, but primarily about the uncontrolled and intrusive nature of these thoughts.  Particularly negative ones, that people struggle to manage.

“A busy brain is you have a pattern of inflammation in your brain that's causing these three symptoms. […] difficulty focusing, feeling anxious, and insomnia.”

By understanding that a, busy brain, is a condition amplified by, chronic stress, and inflamed neurological pathways, the first step towards managing it lies in recognizing its symptoms and impact on our daily functions.

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 Mindfulness Techniques: Sound healing

Incorporating, sound healing, as one of the, mindfulness techniques, that  serves as a gateway to mindfulness for those who find sitting in silence daunting. Dr. Romie underscores the significance of, sound healing, in aiding cognitive focus and emotional regulation.  Drawing upon its ancient roots and scientific validation. The use of, binaural beats, and certain frequencies of music can bring one's brain back into focus.

“The idea was, to use binaural beat sound healing, where you're using headphones to listen to a certain frequency of music, and that can actually help bring your brain back into focus.”

The practice presents a dynamic and accessible approach to mindfulness.  Catering to the modern individual's need for immediate and tangible relief from the incessant chatter of a, busy brain.

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Transform Your Mind Podlink

Addressing Sleep Patterns and Underlying Health Issues

Correcting sleep patterns is crucial for managing a, busy brain. Dr. Romie prescribes a seven-day sleep challenge based on, cognitive-behavioral therapy, for insomnia that addresses lifestyle habits disrupting our natural, sleep cycle. She also highlights the importance of investigating and treating underlying health issues, such as thyroid disease, which are often overlooked.

“We ask people to actually abstain from alcohol for two to three weeks, because that will wake you up in the middle of the night and prevent you from going to deeper stages of sleep.”

By combining adjustments in sleep hygiene with medical scrutiny, people can considerably reduce the symptoms of a, busy brain, and lay the foundation for improved, mindfulness techniques.

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Cultivating a Culture of Wellness through Mindfulness Techniques

The Integration of Mindfulness in Corporate America

Dr. Romie stresses that, chronic stress, is not just an individual issue but a systemic one that requires organizational change. Her work in corporate America, educating Fortune 500 companies and scaling mindfulness programs, denotes a significant shift in how businesses address employee wellness.

“What if I got real and really thinking about your audience and what your podcast focused on is I had the wrong mindset on what success was. […] We can't expect the workforce to be like this.”

Through promoting, mindfulness techniques,  and creating programs tailored to the corporate environment, Dr. Romie is challenging long-established beliefs about success and productivity that have often come at the expense of mental well-being.

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Personal Narratives and Finding Common Ground

The concept of renting success from one's well-being resonates with many, and the narratives shared in “The Busy Brain Cure” offer diverse perspectives, helping readers identify with the issues at hand. Such personal stories are vital in breaking down the stigma attached to stress and mental health struggles in professional circles.

“I remember knowing what it was like to walk those hospital corridors in this really dark place. We didn't have terms of mental health crisis or burnout back then, and I felt so alone.”

Dr. Romie's openness about her journey paves the way for a more empathetic understanding of, stress management. It invites individuals and organizations to take a more humane approach to performance and success.

Book The Busy Brain Cure
Book The Busy Brain Cure

The Busy Brain Cure: An Empowering Protocol for Mental Health

The “Shift” Protocol: Structured and Holistic Approach to Healing

Dr. Romie's book introduces readers to the “Shift” protocol, which holistically addresses Sleep, Hormones, Inflammation, Food as Fuel, and Technology's role in our lives. By following these carefully outlined steps, individuals can embark on a transformative journey that promises relief from the mental chaos that afflicts so many.

“We walk you through the eight-week protocol, little brain shifts or micro habits to do to heal these key five areas that will help you heal.”

This guided structure empowers readers to take actionable steps towards reclaiming control of their mental and emotional well-being.

By recounting the efficacy of incorporating mindfulness into, stress management, practices and underlining the importance of addressing sleep and medical issues, Dr. Romie Mushtaq delivers a powerful message about the capabilities of introspective healing. Bolstered by the launch of her book, “The Busy Brain Cure,” she offers a comprehensive plan to mitigate the, busy brain, phenomenon—a strategy that promises not just immediate relief but a sustained journey towards a mindful and balanced life. With her professional insight and personal passion, Dr. Romie exemplifies the transformational impact of blending traditional wisdom with contemporary science, providing hope and practical solutions to those navigating the turbulent realities of our time.

Additional Resources

Using Mindfulness And Breathwork To Heal After Tragedy

What is The Type Of Woman Men Fall For?

What is the, type of woman men fall for? Drawing from conversations with Relationship coach Andre Parades, Coach Myrna discusses the qualities that make a woman irresistible to men and how women can, become the, type of woman any man wants to marry.

Drawing inspiration from a conversation between Jesus and a, Samaritan woman, coach Myrna emphasizes the importance of intelligence, confidence, independence, communication, kindness, self-improvement, positivity, and a sense of humor in attracting a partner and building a meaningful relationship. By focusing on self-improvement and fostering genuine connections, women can create a solid foundation for love and marriage.

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In John chapter 4 Jesus has a great conversation with a, Samaritan woman. Because Jesus is Omniscience, which means all-knowing, he is aware of the past, present, and future. He told her she had 5 husbands and living with a man who she is not married to.

Society judges’ women who have a lot of husbands. It carries an element of shame to it. So today I want to flip that around and look at, why a man wants to marry a woman. 

First and foremost, what men want. Men are looking for, intelligent women. A woman who can talk on all topics and can have a stimulating conversation.

The Samaritan woman was such a woman. Jesus knew who she was before he sought her out to talk to her and on cue, she started the conversation by asking “So tell me, why is it that you Jews insist that Jerusalem is the only place of worship?

After that she started taking about the Messiah. Jesus said I am the Messiah.

So, ladies the message today is, Are you, the type of woman a man falls in love with? 

Here are some ways that you can prepare to shine when you are in the spotlight, when you too can tell your friends “I met a man”

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The Power of Becoming Irresistible to men

So what type of woman is an alpha male attracted to? In the intricate dance of love and relationships, there's no magic formula to make someone fall in love with you. However, there are certain qualities and behaviors that can enhance your attractiveness and create a solid foundation for a meaningful connection. Today, we will explore how you can become a woman any man wants to marry, the type of woman a man falls in love with,  by focusing on self-improvement and fostering a genuine connection.

Cultivate Confidence: Embrace Your Inner Strengths

To become, the type of woman a man falls in love with, you must have self-confidence.  Confidence is magnetic. Embrace your strengths, be comfortable with your flaws, by becoming flawesome and radiate self-assurance.  “Confidence not only makes you attractive, but it also creates an environment where others feel comfortable and inspired around you.” When you exude confidence, you become a beacon of positivity and allure and, the type of woman a man falls in love with. 

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Podmust Transform Your Mind podcast

The type of woman men fall for: The Independent Woman

While partnership is essential in a marriage, maintaining individuality is equally crucial. As the transcript states, “A woman with a strong sense of self is not only attractive but also brings added depth to a relationship.” By pursuing your passions, having your own goals, and demonstrating a sense of independence, you become a well-rounded and captivating partner.

Prioritize Communication: The Key to Connection

Effective communication is the cornerstone of any successful relationship. As the transcript suggests, “Being able to communicate honestly and respectfully fosters understanding and strengthens the emotional bond between you and your partner.” By learning to express your thoughts and feelings openly and actively listening, you create a safe space for vulnerability and intimacy to flourish.

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Transform Your Mind Podnews

What men want: an Empathatic Woman

Kindness goes a long way in building lasting connections. Show empathy, be considerate, and prioritize compassion in your interactions.  “A woman who exudes kindness not only attracts a partner but also contributes to the overall well-being of the relationship.” By nurturing kindness and compassion, you create a nurturing and loving environment that fosters a deep emotional connection.

Invest in Self-Improvement: The Journey of Personal Growth

Continuously strive to grow and better yourself.  “Investing in yourself not only makes you more interesting but also demonstrates a commitment to personal growth that can be inspiring to others and make you attractive to men.” That is also the type of woman a player falls in love with. Whether it's through education, personal development, or acquiring new skills, investing in yourself showcases your dedication to self-improvement and adds depth to your character.

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The Power of Optimism: The type of woman a man falls in love with. 

Maintain a positive attitude and approach challenges with optimism. As the transcript states, “Positivity is infectious and can create a harmonious atmosphere in your relationship.” By embracing a positive outlook, you become a source of inspiration and support for your partner. A woman who can navigate life's ups and downs with grace is someone many men would aspire to have by their side and is, the type of woman a man falls in love with. 

Cultivate a Sense of Humor: The Joy of Laughter

Laughter is a powerful bonding tool. Cultivate a sense of humor, find joy in the little things, and share lighthearted moments with your partner. As the transcript suggests, “A woman who can bring joy and laughter into a relationship is sure to be cherished.” By embracing humor, you create a joyful and light-hearted atmosphere that strengthens the emotional connection between you and your partner.

Becoming the Type of Woman Men Fall for

Becoming a woman any man wants to marry, involves a combination of self-discovery, personal growth, and fostering positive qualities. While there is no one-size-fits-all approach to love, by embracing your authenticity and cultivating these traits, you can create a foundation for a fulfilling and lasting relationship. Remember, the journey to becoming irresistible is not about changing who you are, but rather about embracing your unique qualities and continuously striving to be the best version of yourself.

As you embark on this journey, keep in mind the words of Jesus in his conversation with the Samaritan woman. He saw her for who she truly was, and she engaged him in a stimulating conversation. By embodying intelligence, confidence, independence, effective communication, kindness, self-improvement, positivity, and a sense of humor, you can become the woman any man wants to marry.

So, ladies, prepare to shine when you are in the spotlight, and one day, you too can proudly tell your friends, “I met a man.” The power to unlock the qualities that make you irresistible lies within you. Embrace it, nurture it, and watch as love and happiness find their way into your life.

Conclusion and Future Outlook: Type of woman men fall for

The journey to, becoming the, type of woman men fall for, is not a destination but a continuous process of, personal growth and self-improvement. As you navigate the complexities of love and relationships, remember to stay true to yourself, embrace your uniqueness, and never stop learning and evolving. By embodying the qualities discussed in this guide, you will not only attract the right partner but also create a strong foundation for a lifelong connection filled with love, understanding, and mutual respect.

Unlock the qualities that make you irresistible, and embrace the journey of becoming, the woman any man wants to marry. Your future awaits, filled with endless possibilities for love and happiness.

Additional Resources

Help Me Makeover My Marriage: Communication

Transforming Lives Through Cosmetic Dentistry

Dr. Victoria Veytsman, a celebrity cosmetic dentist, joins the podcast to discuss cosmetic dentistry, and, smile makeovers. She explains that a, smile makeover, can transform a person's confidence and eliminate insecurities. Dr. Veytsman offers a range of, cosmetic dentistry services, including, smile makeovers, veneers, teeth whitening, and dento-facial aesthetics. She emphasizes the importance of, dental health, for overall well-being and highlights the link between, oral health, and, systemic health. Dr. Veytsman believes that transforming your smile can be the starting point for a 360-degree life transformation.

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Welcome back to the Transform Your Mind to Transform Your Life radio podcast and television show. I'm your host, Life Coach Myrna Young, and today we have a special guest in the studio, Dr. Victoria Veytsman, a celebrity cosmetic dentist known as Dr. V. We will be discussing the power of a smile and how it can transform lives. Dr. V is an expert in, cosmetic dentistry, and has worked with prominent organizations such as Miss America, Miss Universe 2023, and the New York Giants cheerleaders, as well as celebrities and media personalities. She believes that a beautiful smile can boost confidence and change lives. So let's dive into the, power of a smile, and how Dr. V can help you achieve the smile of your dreams.

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The Power of a Smile: A Cosmetic Dentistry Journey

Dr. V begins by emphasizing the transformative power of, cosmetic dentistry. She explains that her practice focuses exclusively on, cosmetic dentistry, which involves beautifying and restoring smiles to their full potential. Through, smile makeovers, Dr. V helps her patients achieve health, beauty, harmony, and symmetry in their smiles. The result is a newfound sense of confidence and the elimination of long-standing insecurities. Dr. V believes that transforming your smile can have a profound impact on your mindset and overall well-being.

Understanding Smile Makeovers: From Discolored Teeth to Veneers

A, smile makeover, can encompass a range of treatments, depending on the patient's needs. Dr. V explains that, smile makeovers, can involve simple procedures such as, teeth whitening, or bonding, as well as more extensive treatments like veneers or full mouth reconstructions. Veneers, in particular, are thin shells of porcelain that are placed on top of the teeth to mask discoloration, change the shape, and create a more harmonious smile. Dr. V emphasizes that each treatment plan is tailored to the individual patient, ensuring a personalized and natural-looking result.

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Addressing Crowded Teeth: Invisalign and Orthodontic Specialists

Crowded teeth are a common concern for many individuals seeking a, smile makeover. Dr. V explains that minor crowding or spacing issues can often be addressed with clear aligners, such as Invisalign. However, more severe cases of crowding may require the expertise of an orthodontic specialist. Dr. V believes in collaborating with specialists to ensure the best possible outcome for her patients. By working together, they can address both, cosmetic dentistry, and functional aspects of the smile, providing comprehensive care.

Dr. V emphasizes the importance of, dental health, in relation to overall well-being. She explains that oral health issues can often be an indicator of underlying systemic health problems. Conversely, maintaining good oral health can contribute to better cardiovascular and brain health. Dr. V believes that taking care of your, oral health, is an essential part of self-care and can have a significant impact on your overall health and confidence.

The Intersection of Cosmetic Dentistry and Anti-Aging

Dr. V also specializes in anti-aging dentistry, a term that refers to restoring the smile to its natural function and appearance. She explains that the mouth is one of the first areas to show signs of aging, with discoloration, chipping, and missing teeth being common concerns. By addressing these issues, Dr. V can help her patients look and feel younger. Anti-aging dentistry, can take years off a person's appearance and contribute to a more youthful and vibrant smile.

The Art of Dento-Facial Aesthetics: Designing Smiles to Match Personalities

Dento-facial aesthetics, is a philosophy that Dr. V follows in her practice. It involves looking at the entire face when designing smiles, taking into account factors such as eye shape, nose shape, lip shape, skin tone, and even personality. Dr. V believes that smiles have personalities too, and she tailors each smile makeover to reflect the individual's unique characteristics. Whether someone is introverted or extroverted, Dr. V can design a smile that aligns with their personality and enhances their overall beauty.

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Transform Your Mind Luminary podcast

The Ripple Effect: How a Smile Makeover Can Transform Lives

Dr. V has witnessed firsthand the transformative power of a, smile makeover. She has seen patients who have struggled with insecurities for years or even their entire lives gain newfound confidence and take bold steps in their personal and professional lives. A beautiful smile can be the catalyst for positive change, inspiring individuals to reach their full potential. Dr. V believes that a smile makeover is not just about the physical transformation but also about the internal growth and self-actualization that comes with it.

Conclusion: Embracing the Power of a Smile

In conclusion, the power of a smile, cannot be underestimated. Dr. Victoria Veytsman, a celebrity cosmetic dentist, has dedicated her practice to transforming lives through, smile makeovers and, cosmetic dentistry. She believes that a beautiful smile can boost confidence, eliminate insecurities, and inspire individuals to reach their full potential. By addressing both the cosmetic and functional aspects of the smile, Dr. V creates personalized treatment plans that enhance the overall beauty and harmony of the face. Whether you're seeking a minor enhancement or a complete smile transformation, cosmetic dentistry near me, can help you achieve the smile of your dreams. Embrace, the power of a smile, and unlock the door to a brighter, more confident future.

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Transform Your Mind Podcast Pandora

Future Outlook: The Continued Impact of Cosmetic Dentistry

As, cosmetic dentistry, continues to evolve, the possibilities for, smile makeovers, are endless. Advancements in technology and materials allow for more natural-looking results, while the focus on holistic treatment approaches ensures that the entire face is taken into consideration. The intersection of, cosmetic dentistry, and, anti-aging dentistry, will likely become even more prominent as individuals seek to maintain a youthful appearance. With the power to transform lives and boost confidence, cosmetic dentistry, will undoubtedly play a significant role in the future of self-care and personal transformation.

Additional Resources

How To Unlock Your Full Potential: Overcoming Inaction

David Nurse, an NBA Mindset coach and bestselling author, joins host Myrna Young to discuss the importance of a, growth mindset, to, unlock your full potential. We explore eight, archetypes of fear, that hinder action: including the burned, the blamer, and the perfectionist. David shares insights from his book “Do It: The Life-Changing Power of Taking Action” and offers practical tools for overcoming these, archetypes of fear. He emphasizes the need to embrace imperfection and take consistent action to achieve success.

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Unlock your full potential with a growth mindset

Myrna: The common thread in all your books is mindset. Why do you think a, growth mindset, is so important to our success?

David: Having a, growth mindset, is so important because really, when you break down life, it is simple.  Life starts off simple. When you're a kid, you're just playing. You don't have worries, stresses, anxieties.

But as you get older, get into a job, into relationships, everything becomes so complicated. But if you peel back the layers of the onion of life, it actually is very simple. And it just comes down to perspective, how you view each situation. You can't take it all in once. It's just step by step. It's like taking a step forward with a flood lamp where you can only see a little bit in front of you. You can't see the whole picture.

Having a, growth mindset, is a crucial factor in determining our success. It shapes our perspective and how we approach challenges and opportunities.

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How athletes unlock their full potential with mindset growth

Myrna: So as a mindset coach for athletes, before we go into, growth mindset , off the court, let talk about, growth mindset, on the court.  Because we can transition everything in life, whether it's having a, growth mindset, on the court, or having a, growth mindset, in the boardroom. So let's stick with the sports analogy for a while because I never played professional sports. But let's say I'm thinking of a mindset like Michael Jordan.  I know, when he got into the league, he was benched.

Nobody thought he was good, or even Tom Brady, he was a scrawny kid. And actually, now that I started to talk, I'm thinking of all these guys. And I just finished watching the Netflix documentary on  Stephen Curry biography. And of course, that's a perfect one to look at. This scrawny little kid, and everybody is counting him out because he's tiny, he's small, and then he starts playing. And what he said to himself is, I'm just good at these guys. I just need to grow a little more.

So tell us about how that kind of, growth mindset, helps you go from everybody is counting you out to being the top of your game?

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How Stephen Curry unlocked his full potential and changed the game

David: Yeah, absolutely. And it's so interesting to see these top athletes to ever play their sports. A lot of them were counted out or they were underestimated. And it's actually one of the archetypes in Do It: The Life Changing Power of Taking Action that I talk about, because we are either people who says, Why me? Others say, Why not me? Why can't I be the best at what I'm doing? Why don't I deserve a great life? That's the difference between a, growth mindset vs a fixed mindset. 

So it's great that you brought up Curry, as I give this example in talks and I show this slide about when Steph Curry was coming out of college, his scouting report, and you could Google search this, you'll just start laughing. It said, undersized, not quick enough, probably will be a backup,  he'll be lucky to even play in the NBA. And Curry goes on to transcend the way an entire sport is played, which didn't shoot as many threes until Steph Curry came to the game. He literally took a sport that been going on for years and changed the way it was played. That is, how to overcome self-doubt and unlock your full potential.

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Transform Your Mind Podcast Player FM

The archetypes of inaction

Myrna: So today we want to talk a bit about the enemy of inaction, which I think is so important. Your book Do It talks about the enemy of inaction. And you said that you've identified eight archetypes that are the enemy of inaction. These archetypes could also be called the, fear of failure. The first one is The Burned.

I'm assuming that you mean that someone burned me, so I'm not going to do anything. Which is the, enemy of progress. Another one is The Blamer, I know that one because even this morning, I was telling my son to stop going around blaming others, it's one of the worst things that you can do.  And then there is The perfectionist. The people with, type A personality. I understand, The Blamer, and, The Perfectionist. Not so much about, The Burned. So talk to us about these eight, archetypes of fear, that are the enemies of inaction.

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To overcome the enemy of inaction we must release fear

David: So the, enemy of inaction, is fear. Ultimately, it is, fear of uncertainty. It's fear of failure. We don't take action because we don't know what's on the other side of that action. If you were guaranteed results, you would do that. But it's uncertain. So there's actually eight, archetypes of fear, that I outlined, those are just the top three. I'll just go through the eight.

If you're struggling, if you're held back, if you're stuck, you can understand why and be able to break through that and take action. So the archetypes are the allodoxaphobia, which is just a cool way to say, fear of other people's opinions.

The following archetypes are the enemy of inaction. We need to recognize them to, unlock our full potential.

Book Do it
Book Do it
The archetypes of inaction
  1. The Burned archetype refers to individuals who have been hurt or disappointed in the past and are afraid to take action again. They may have experienced failure or rejection, and this has created a, fear of failure. If you are going to, unlock your full potential, you need to start  addressing this by separating the past from the present and adopting a reverse alter ego. By giving the past a silly name, we can distance ourselves from the negative experiences and move forward with a fresh perspective.

2. The Blamer archetype is characterized by individuals who constantly blame others for their current situation.  We can never, unlock our full potential, if we refuse to take responsibility for our actions and believe that external factors are the cause of their lack of progress. I emphasize the importance of personal accountability and encourages individuals to take ownership of their choices and outcomes.

3. The Perfectionist archetype is driven by the need for everything to be perfect.  Type A personalities, fall into to, the perfectionist archetype. These individuals set impossibly high standards for themselves and are often paralyzed by the, fear of failure.  You can never, unlock your full potential, if you have a, fear of failure. I advise my clients to embrace the, 90% theory, which allows for imperfection and acknowledges that nothing will ever be perfect. By focusing on giving 90% effort and accepting that mistakes are part of the learning process, individuals can overcome the, perfectionist mindset, and take action.

The other archetypes of inaction

4. The Believer archetype, organize their lives around their belief systems. When asked why they believe in a certain way, many Believers will simply reply, “Because it’s true.” They have their own way of coming to conclusions and these ways often defy reason and/or are difficult to convey because they are based on a kind of interesting.  Check out, the Believer Archetype, on  Myers Briggs .

5. The Inopportune archetype , which means you think you're either too old or too young. Timing is just not right. Tjis becomes the reason for inaction.

6.  The introvert  believes he is introverted, so he can't go out and talk to people.  Introverted or extroverted has nothing to do with whether you talk to people or not? It's just how you recharge. Do you recharge by yourself or do you recharge with others?


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7. The scarcity archetype, where you have a, scarcity mindset. There's only one slice of the pie that you feel like you just have to hold on to all you got and you can't share anything with anybody else, because if you do, it's all going to be gone.

8. The distracted archetype, and I don't even mean by distracted of like our phones or the notifications or all these things that we have of being constantly on in this world that we live in. But even more the distraction of not knowing what your vision, your mission, your purpose is. And that's your, enemy of inaction.  The enemy of, unlocking your potential.


In conclusion, unlocking our full potential, requires a shift in mindset. We must, overcome the enemy of inaction, which is often fueled by fear and negative thought patterns. By addressing the burned, blamer, and perfectionist archetypes, we can break free from these limiting beliefs and take action towards our goals. Remember, the mind is a powerful tool, and by harnessing its potential, we can transform our lives and achieve greatness.

Additional Resources


Boost Low Self-Esteem with These 8 Self-Care Tips

Low Self-esteem, is a fundamental aspect of our well-being. It shapes our perception of ourselves and influences how we navigate through life. When our self-esteem is healthy, we feel positive about ourselves and are better equipped to handle life's challenges. However, low self-esteem, can have a detrimental impact on our mental and emotional state, making it difficult to face adversity. In this article, we will explore eight, self-care tips, that can help, improve self-esteem, and enhance our sense of self-worth.

Download the podcast here:

Understanding Low Self-Esteem

Self-esteem is the opinion we hold about ourselves. It is the lens through which we view ourselves and our lives. When we have, low self-esteem,  we tend to have a negative and critical perspective, making it harder to tackle life's ups and downs. The causes of, low self-esteem, can be rooted in childhood experiences, societal expectations, stress, difficult life events, and personal tendencies towards negative thinking or setting unrealistic standards.


Did you know that it typically takes most podcasters 10 to 15 hours to edit a one-hour show? And that does not include show nates and transcripts.

“One of the best things I ever did was start this podcast. It’s led to the many life-changing conversations and the amazing community of mindset fans that’s formed around it.

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Alitu the podcast maker

1. Practice Self-Compassion and Positive Self-Talk

“Self-compassion is the foundation of self-esteem. Treat yourself with the same kindness and understanding that you would offer a friend.”

Self-compassion is a crucial aspect of, building healthy self-esteem. It involves treating ourselves with kindness and understanding, especially during times of mistakes or setbacks. Instead of being overly critical, we should practice, self-forgiveness, and offer ourselves the same support we would give to a friend. By adopting, positive self-talk, and reframing negative thoughts, we can cultivate a more compassionate and nurturing relationship with ourselves.

2. Set Realistic Goals improve Low Self-esteem

“Setting achievable goals, can boost your self-worth by giving you a sense of accomplishment.”

Setting realistic goals, is essential for, building self-worth. When we set achievable goals, we create opportunities for success and a sense of accomplishment. Starting with small, manageable goals and gradually working our way up allows us to celebrate our achievements, no matter how minor they may seem. On the other hand, setting unrealistic goals, can lead to feelings of failure and ushers in, low self-esteem.

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3. Become Aware of Your Sponsoring Thoughts

“Pay attention to these self-destructive thoughts because they are creating your reality. Replace self-criticism with, positive affirmations, or scriptures.”

Our thoughts have a significant impact on our self-esteem. Sponsoring thoughts, such as “I am not good enough” or “He won't like me because I am too fat,” can shape our reality and perpetuate negative self-perception. It is crucial to become aware of these thoughts and challenge them. By replacing self-criticism with, positive affirmations, or scriptures, we can reframe our mindset and cultivate a more positive and self-affirming outlook.

4. Engage in Self-Care Activities

“Taking care of your physical and mental well-being is vital for self-esteem. Engage in activities that make you feel good, whether it's exercising, meditating, reading, or practicing a hobby.”

Self-care is an essential component of, improving self-esteem. Engaging in activities that promote physical and mental well-being can have a profound impact on our self-perception. Whether it's exercising, meditating, reading, or pursuing a hobby, these activities nourish our body and soul, fostering a sense of self-worth and fulfillment.


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5. Surround Yourself with Supportive People

“Positive relationships can significantly impact your self-esteem. Surround yourself with people who uplift and support you. Distance yourself from those who bring negativity into your life.”

The people we surround ourselves with can greatly influence our self-esteem. Positive relationships provide a supportive environment where we feel valued and uplifted. It is important to surround ourselves with individuals who believe in us and encourage our growth. Conversely, distancing ourselves from those who bring negativity into our lives can protect our self-esteem and create space for positive influences.

Transform Your Mind
Transform Your Mind

6. Learn from Mistakes

“Mistakes are an inevitable part of life. Instead of dwelling on them, view them as opportunities for growth. Embrace your mistakes as valuable lessons that can help you improve.” –

Mistakes are not a reflection of our worth but rather opportunities for growth. Instead of dwelling on our failures, we should embrace them as valuable lessons that contribute to our personal development. By reframing our perspective and focusing on the lessons learned, we can cultivate a growth mindset and boost, low self-esteem.

Transform your Mind Podbean
Transform your Mind Podbean

7. Practicing Gratitude boosts low self-esteem

“Focusing on the positive aspects of your life can help, improve your self-esteem. Keep a gratitude journal and regularly write down things you're thankful for. This can shift your perspective and boost your self-worth.”

Practicing gratitude is a powerful tool for, improving self-esteem. By focusing on the positive aspects of our lives and regularly expressing gratitude, we shift our perspective towards a more optimistic outlook. Keeping a, gratitude journal, and writing down things we are thankful for can reinforce positive thinking patterns and enhance our sense of self-worth.

Transform Your Mind iHeart Radio
iHeart Radio

8. Seek Professional Help

“If low self-esteem is affecting your daily life significantly, don't hesitate to seek professional support. Therapists, counselors, and even coaches can provide guidance and strategies to help you improve your self-esteem.”

Sometimes, low self-esteem, can significantly impact our daily lives, making it necessary to seek professional help. Therapists, counselors, and coaches are trained to provide guidance and strategies tailored to our specific needs. Seeking professional support can be instrumental in overcoming deep-rooted self-esteem issues and embarking on a journey of self-improvement.

Conclusion and Future Outlook

Building and maintaining healthy self-esteem is an ongoing journey that requires self-care and self-compassion. By practicing self-compassion, setting realistic goals, challenging negative thoughts, engaging in self-care activities, surrounding ourselves with supportive people, learning from mistakes, practicing gratitude, and seeking professional help when needed, we can enhance, low self-esteem, and live a more fulfilling life.

The implications of improving, low self-esteem, are far-reaching. It can positively impact our mental and emotional well-being, relationships, and overall quality of life. By prioritizing self-care and implementing these self-esteem-boosting strategies, we empower ourselves to navigate life's challenges with confidence and resilience.

As we continue on our journey of self-improvement, it is important to remember that building healthy self-esteem takes time. Patience and self-compassion are key as we navigate the ups and downs of this process. By embracing these self-care tips and committing to our personal growth, we can cultivate a strong sense of self-worth and embark on a future filled with self-confidence and fulfillment.

Additional Resources

Becoming Flawesome: The Journey to Self-Acceptance

Kristina Mand-Lakhiani, co founder of Mindvalley, shares how to become flawesome with radical self acceptance. If you’ve ever felt burdened by perfectionism, pressured to be someone you’re not, and driven to live up to other people’s expectations even if it means concealing your true self, then this podcast episode is for you.
In this episode, Kristina talks about the concepts of perfectionism, flawesome, and self-acceptance. She shares with you her journey of self-discovery and how these concepts have helped her to become flawesome!

In her book “Becoming Flawesome: The Key to Living an Imperfectly Authentic Life”  Kristina guides you through the beautiful process of radical self-acceptance, so you can embrace your flaws, quirks, and scars so find your way back to yourself.

Download the podcast here:

MindValley startup

Myrna: You are the co-founder of MindValley with Vishen Lakiani.  I love Vishen Lakiani I think that you guys do good work and I know the story because I've gone to several of his webinars and read  his books.   I know the story of how he came about  to start MindValley and his journey. So let's talk about you today, why did you begin this personal development company? What motivated and inspired you?

Kristina: I mean you know whether it's the same as Vishen's or not but what is what is the story behind Mindvalley? That question will require a little bit of a background, so  the founder of Mindvalley is Vishen Lakiani and by the family name Lakiani you might guess we are related.  We used to be married for 16 years, so when Vishen was starting MindValley it was back in 2003.

I had moved to New York, we got married in 2003. I had moved to New York from Europe and I was looking for a job and Vishen had a job and he had a side hustle which became MindValley. I usually say that I ended up in, personal growth, reluctantly and by accident and that's absolutely true. I had nothing better to do but to help Vishen with his side business because he had a full-time job and we depended on his income as a family.

We depended on it so I thought it was the right thing to do, but at that time I would also say, I thought I ended up in, personal growth, reluctantly and obstinately because I was still planning to make my own career somewhere else. I started in the government working in a very different field from, personal growth, so it took years before I accepted my fate.

MindValley is now a top personal growth company

Myrna: I know Vishen's story that his business that he had. I think it was doing websites. You said it was like a, side hustle,  that's amazing that the company for anybody that doesn't know about MindValley it's like a top 10 company in, personal growth, in the world.

Kristina: We have grown yes and we have changed since the beginning since 2003 so definitely it's been quite a journey and yeah we do consider ourselves one of the biggest education companies in personal growth and transformation.

Myrna: All right so then you started in your personal journey and according to your personal growth journey I should say and according to your bio you got to work with some of the greats. I'm in the space you know so I know all these different people I love Michael Beckwick. I love his work. I love Bob Proctor and I don't do a lot with Lisa Nichols because she basically teaches you how to be a professional speaker, but I know that you know she has done very well for herself.

So what is one of the greatest lessons you've learned from Michael Beckwith let's just pick one or if you want to use one of the other ones that's in your bio you know it's so hard to be picking uh like one of the greatest lessons from any of the people.

Lesson of self acceptance from Michael Beckwith

Kristina: I probably learned from Michael Beckwith the lesson that I have learned would be a little bit reversed from what you would expect. I'll give you a situation of course I've heard him speak and I've heard his teachings, but the lesson came in a different shape and form. So I started working in, personal growth, and transformation as an entrepreneur and a marketer initially so I got to know all these people as their partner in the sense because we were helping them to get their word out to to other people.

So I wasn't ever their colleague in the sense that I wasn't one of the authors. It happened much later at some point I re-invented myself and my life and it would be a completely different story, but some five six years ago I started going into becoming an author because I was ready. I had embraced, personal growth, and transformation and it was it was quite a few years ago.

I remember I was going on MindValley Stage and we have a very impressive stage and we had a huge audience probably one of my biggest at that time and I was following Michael Beckwith and a few other people and I remember being completely terrified because I felt, who am I to go on stage after all those people?  I do actually mention Michael Beckwith in that story because he is such an energetic and such a strong speaker that when you listen to him you're hooked. you're just there and I have a very different style, so I remember going on stage and having this huge impostor syndrome thinking how can I compare.

From impostor syndrome to self acceptance

I can never be as good as Michael Beckwith speaking. I can never be as good as another speaker who was there who had built a massive company. I could never be as good as another speaker there who had written a bestselling book and was super famous. I was comparing myself faster and faster to all those great people and feeling smaller and smaller and smaller until I remembered the words of a friend of mine who said we are so hooked on the idea that we have this one talent that we are forgetting that we are multi-talented.

That actually helped me to suddenly realize that it is not in this one thing where I have to be the best in the world, but in the unique combination of things that make me who I am. That's where probably the biggest value that I have for the world. Michael Beckwith was one person who taught me, self acceptance. There are people who are so much better, so much more accomplished than me in every single area, if I take them separately, but what gives me value is the combination of my works, of my unique features of the things that maybe I am ashamed of. That combination is what gives me my unique value and what gives me the right to be on stage with all those wonderful people.

Lisa Nichols helped me become Flawesome

Myrna: Lisa Nichols is a powerful speaker. I saw her quite recently, she's awesome, but what I just love what you just said is that we all have this inferiority complex because you know we think that someone is is better than us but I love what he says that our combination is what makes us unique.

Kristina: We often think that our lessons come in very clear messages and of course Michael doesn't teach that. He teaches, self acceptance, that is what I learned from that interaction and that's interesting. You know Lisa Nichols for example, she's wonderful in so many ways and she actually has taught me public speaking one-on-one including, self acceptance, of my accent and flaws.

She's such a wonderful human being but the one thing I learned from her is one this is one saying that she occasionally says in some of her speeches.

The world has no need for your perfection

Conscious uncoupling after divorce

Myrna: So let's talk about you, back to you now and some of the things that you bring to the table. One of the things you talk about is, hacking happiness, after, conscious uncoupling.  You were married to Vishen for 16 years that's a long time, in fact that's how long I've been married to my current husband 16 years. you're talking about, conscious uncoupling, hacking happiness.

Kristina: Well, conscious uncoupling, is actually a term coined by another of Mindvalley authors  Catherine Woodward Thomas

For me and Vishen it was just a journey we chose to take when we decided to separate. Vishen had known Catherine by then and he had known about this concept so we did follow her teachings to a degree, but I think any kind of relationship is a product of these two people. So you can learn from other person how to be a good parent, how to have a happy marriage.

I think that every couple that uncouples consciously and couples according to Catherine Woodward Thomas has their own story and the other examples that I've seen. I don't normally talk about relationships because it's not my forte. I do talk about, hacking happiness, although not connected to uncoupling per se.

Hacking happiness: conscious uncoupling

I talk about, hacking happiness, as a choice, as a trainable skill as maybe a habit which is very contrary to a lot of ideas. I like to talk about happiness especially to very skeptical people because they always make you see things in a new light in a way.   I do talk about happiness, but not in relation to uncoupling because I think in that aspect I'm still in the process. I mean we uncoupled four years ago and you might say that it's long enough time, but we are in each other's life's a lot we grow children together.

We still have business together, we are friends, we do a lot of things together, so I think as long as we have each other in each other's life it will be a constantly evolving relationship.

Myrna: Well at least you parted amicably.  What I know about relationships is it's very hard to, consciously uncouple, because it's either you did something that hurt me and I don't want anything to do with you.   It's very hard to say we are better separate than we are together and we're gonna, consciously uncouple, and put our kids first.  That term , consciously uncoupling, has become popular because you know the word that I heard before was, co-parenting.

Kristina:  I would strongly recommend studying Catherine Thomas because she has the experience, she's a psychotherapist who has been working with couples focusing on relationships.   We do need to re-imagine the end of relationships.  We have such a rigid approach to that relationship is only a success if it lasts, but that's not the case.  We have all witnessed relationships that maybe lasts a really long time but it's dead inside.

Catherine suggests and I really love this idea is why don't we judge the successful relationship not by the length of a relationship but by the extent that both people have maybe evolved or created things together.

Hacking Happiness: The Art of becoming Flawesome

Myrna: you also talk about how can we live by our own rules and walk in our fruit and um you know that's basically our topic today, hacking happiness, and the Art of becoming flawsome. Tell us what that word means because I'm putting my own interpretation to it.

Kristina: I'm very reluctant to give definition of the word flawesome even in my book. My editor insisted that I have to add it.   My book well it's called Becoming flawesome.  It is  a book about,  self acceptance, and finding your way back to you.  Our flaws is just this necessary condition because when you find your way back to you, you will discover that probably you're not that picture of perfection that you have been drawing in your head and aspiring for.

Become flawesome by accepting your flaws and practicing, self acceptance.  Becoming  flawesome is a personal experience and you are absolutely right it's about embracing your flaws and being okay with them. It's embracing your flaws, it's learning to not just accept, but love yourself with your flaws, and maybe not even with the flaws, but because of them.  Because every single facet of you makes you unique.

Even those things that you maybe are feeling ashamed about or don't want to show to the world they are a part of you that makes you uniquely you and if you have the courage to go further and deeper, it is about about finding strengths in the things that you might have considered your flaws choosing them to become your blessing rather than your curse.

Conclusion: Your self acceptance journey

Yes as you were talking you know a lot of women including me.

Myrna: Let's talk about your book, how did you come up with that title and what is it that you want the um readers to walk away?

Kristina:  I hope that this book is going to be a companion on the journey back to you for every single reader. However many readers I'm going to get, that's how many destinations this book will have. I don't teach people, I don't believe in teaching, I believe transformation happens when people are ready and who am I to teach anyone, but I am a companion, I have been through this journey. I ask a lot of questions. I hold the hand, so I do believe and hope that this book is everybody's individual unique journey back to,  self acceptance.

Myrna; How can our audience get a copy of your book and connect with you on social media.  Let us know your website and your Instagram or your social media handles.

Kristina: My name is a little complicated, but the rest is easy so my name is Kristina Mand-Lakiani my website is and then the book is slash book so it's super easy.  My handle for all all the social media Instagram Facebook is the same

Additional Resources

How To Be Happy: The Happiness Recipe

Life Mastery: 7 Habits to Create Success

We attain, life mastery, by our daily habits. The habits we need to be cultivating daily has to include something physical, something spiritual, and personal development to build your brain.

In this episode, Sherry Fernandez, NYT Bestselling author talks about, Life mastery, how to develop the habits needed for success.

Download the podcast here:


Sherry Fernandez is the author of the New York Times, bestselling book ‘Life Mastery: Personal Progression Toward an Infinite Potential’. The book has sold tens of thousands of copies globally and has been featured on several leading media outlets. She has been a student of personal development for 40+ years.  What makes her program unique is that she practiced and refined the life mastery principles taught for decades, before deciding to share them with others.

Sherry helps people who are already living well and looking for ways to reach new heights in their personal growth, personal finances, or personal health, to see what’s possible. She helps her clients improve in their close relationships, careers, spiritual growth or starting new businesses.

Myrna: What are some habits that propel us to, life mastery?

Sherry: When I work with people, it goes beyond the big vision of what we want, for example, like who we want to marry. I knew what I wanted. I never wanted to ever get married and have children, but then I had one and then I decided to keep that child. My parents did not give me my drive. They had nine marriages between them. So, I wanted something different. So I thought if I am going to do this, I'm gonna do the very best marriage possible. I don't think it's gonna be very fun. I thought it was gonna be horrible, but I loved the guy.

Transform Your Mind Podcast Pandora
Transform Your Mind Podcast Pandora

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Daily habits to master your marriage

So, I read every book I could find on, marriages. I had a vision of what I wanted my marriage to look like and so I started working on it.  I did the things that was the books said I should do and I even exceeded my vision of what a marriage should be. And we've been married for 45 years and still having the best sex. And so, all these things exceeded my vision. I put the principles to work early on and went to work on, life mastery.  It was a slow growth right but I just kept at it and kept at it until I developed the habits for, life mastery.  I was able to exceed my dreams. And I think that's how it works. You have this big dream or big goal and then you work on it, turns out even better than you thought it was going to be.

When we're moving forward, we're happy and you can prove that in a day. Do something move to move forward a little bit, some little thing and see how it makes you feel.  I've had people come to me and say I didn't have time to work out. And I would say. Commit to me to do something tomorrow. And then Tell me how it went and all they'll do what they always do. They do this yeah, I feel happier. It's one step. It's amazing day just one step forward and People are happier. You don't have to get there because you never get there anyway. It's just taking the steps forward that make you happy. And then they compound.

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Steps to building life mastery

Myrna: What are some of the steps that can get us to, life mastery?

Sherry: What you do every day is what's gonna make you successful your, daily habits. So, when I have a client come in, I don't ask them what they want to work on. We work on their goals but not the very first week.

  • First off, they need something physical,
  • We need to work on something spiritual. If they're religious people, they know that there's something there in their religion they need to be doing or maybe they need to pick up something spiritual. Practice meditation is something spiritual.
  • You need something for your brain. You need to be educating yourself and learning and growing all the time. Preferably something in your field and some things that are outside your field every day.

So those 3 habits will get a lot of people started on, life mastery. There's gonna be some habits that must be forever disrupted the same way. But education must be an ongoing forever habit. Physical Fitness has to be an ongoing, every day, forever habit. spiritual practices must be every day and you can't miss. You can’t say I will pray tomorrow; today’s prayer is for today. Tomorrow’s prayer is for tomorrow.

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EveryPlate meal

Daily habits build life mastery

You must work out every day. You cannot say, I will work out 5 mins today and 60 mins tomorrow to make up for today. I learned this the hard way. I had 6 kids, that means all the ballgames and all the dance lessons and all the laundry and all that stuff. And sometimes I think I'm too busy to do my personal self-care like physical fitness. But I had to do it no exception. If I didn’t spend any time on self-care, I felt less happy at the end of the day.

We're happy when we take care of our health, take care of ourselves and do personal development, then go out in the world and make a difference. If I didn't get the laundry done. I could live with that. I can do that tomorrow. But If I didn’t do my personal development practices, I couldn’t live with that.  And you don't save time by skipping it.

Myrna: Yeah, so you know your, life mastery habits, are  foundational. So, let's touch on, personal finances. You saying that if you want to make lots of money, it's a good driver for, Life Mastery. And I think, what you basically saying is that, goals, are a driver of, personal finances. If you have a goal of doing something then you will achieve it. So how do you teach your clients to want lots of money and then go ahead and make it happen?

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Seven steps to making lots of money

Sherry: There's are seven areas they need to work on to make lots of money:

  1. Spirituality,
  2. Relationships,
  3. fitness,
  4. education,
  5. money,
  6. vocation,
  7. character

And so, money it's only one piece of a piece pie, but it is important. So, they set their own goals. I work with a lot of entrepreneurs. So, we do a lot of entrepreneurial kinds of goals, for example doing more good in the world.

Jim Rohn said make a million dollars for what it can do for others.

Make a lot of money, you are gonna touch a ton of lives, you're gonna get to spread that money around. You can do so much good both with the money and with the resources. Elon Musk went to the moon with his money. He wants to build a transportation system into space.  That is doing good with your money.

Learn, apply, live, learn how to support yourself, then learn how to been able to support some other people like your family. And then when your finances good, and you've learned a whole bunch of stuff. Then you can go find another way. You can choose how you serve.  I can choose how I serve because I have the financial resources to serve any how I want.

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As I Grow Up podcast:  “Assuredly, I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God as a little child will by no means enter it.” It’s a powerful statement to remind us that we need to be like children in order to see the Kingdom of Heaven. But what makes a child so special that THEY are the example that WE need to follow in order to see that Kingdom? Well, simply, they learn. They learn from all the lessons that GOD has to teach them. Something that we all never get too old to do. So, now, I invite YOU to grab some coffee or tea and join me, Carla Silver, as we talk about the lessons I have learned, and am still learning, As I Grow Up. A Christian Podcast on Spotify and Apple podcasts A Christian Podcast on Spotify and Apple podcasts

As I grow up podcast
As I grow up podcast

Life mastery habit: track your daily habits

Myrna: Tell us about your, life mastery, classes and how we can get in touch with you.

Sherry: I'm a big believer in simple systems.  So, I believe the simple steps that I teach, the first one is you got to track your, daily habits. You got to just track your daily habits, daily.

Peter Drucker said “What gets measured gets managed”

Your, daily tracker, will track your daily habits and that's how you develop, life mastery habits. So, on my website there is a daily tracking chart you can download for free.  It just lists the, daily habits, you want to do down the left hand column. It's like a calendar the days of the month across the top and you just you write down your activity like, meditation, workout, eat clean, floss my teeth, 20 minutes of devotion etc. These are the, daily habits, you want to track.

You have got to set the parameters. You must say what is the workout? Thinking very clear, what constitutes a workout? Is it 5 mins or 45 mins? Because if you don’t and you work out for 5 mins when you should be working out for 45 mins, workout doesn’t get crossed off the list on your, daily tracker. If your daily step count is 14,000 steps and you do 13,900, it doesn’t count. Then you didn't get it done.

Book: Life Mastery
Book: Life Mastery

Affirmations build life mastery

The, daily tracker, also works for, affirmations. One of my affirmations is that I have I laugh easily and often. So, what that means is so about eight to 10 of those every day on things that don't really matter so they can be they can reinforce another habit. Another affirmation could be, I get up early. You put it on the tracking sheet. I have an affirmation about being aware of my thoughts and working on mindfulness.

I have about five to about 13 affirmations. But I would suggest people you can go ahead and do about 10 affirmations for, life mastery.

Myrna: What’s your website? Also tell us about your Book “Life Mastery, Personal Progression Towards An infinite Potential.”

Sherry: My website is Life Mastery was taken. You can email me any time about anything and I will respond. My email is [email protected].  My mission now because I made enough money so I can get what I want is to make a difference.

Additional Resources

Mind Power: The Amazing Power of Your Mind


Using Yoga and Mediation for Peak Performance

For peak performance, I teach all of my clients a bunch of tools. I always teach them, meditation, I always teach them, breath work, I teach them that they should stretch and strengthen. So that means doing something like, yoga, Qi Gong, and then weight training or something that's actually going to improve their muscles.  In addition to these tools, I teach them a morning routine and the evening routine.

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Kerry is peak performance coach. Kerry was raising a family and working as an attorney when she began a daily yoga practice. She immediately noticed that yoga was the perfect antidote to her hectic lifestyle. Initially interested in yoga as a physical practice that made her feel good in her body, Kerry soon realized yoga was a lot more than that. She decided to take a teacher training and immediately began teaching. Kerry eventually left her law career and began to focus on teaching and coaching full time.

Kerry’s mission is to help others find a more balanced and fulfilled life. She believes in action and has created a system that is easy to implement so that people can create change quickly. She coaches corporate clients and elite athletes in mindset and peak performance techniques and creates tailored programs for private clients who are seeking mastery in all areas of their lives.

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iHeart Radio

Becoming a peak performance coach

Myrna: Tell us your back story? Your story sounds like Robin Sharma’s in the The Monk who Sold he Ferrari.

Kerry: Absolutely. And by the way, that's one of my favorite books, The Monk Who Sold his Ferrari. I read that book so many years ago and that was one of the books that changed my life. Even before I went into this wellness space, that's such a great book. And it really shows you that at any point in your life, you really can change and move into a different space if you want.

So, for me, I felt like my life was going great. I had a good career. I had my children; I had a nice house. Everything was great, but didn't feel great to be honest with you. And I had this experience where we were on a vacation hiking in the woods, and we came to this clearing in the woods.  It's like trees in a circle, pine needles on the ground and the sun was just coming in to the center of the circle. So, I walked into the center of the circle in the sun and when the hit me, I had this crazy moment.

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This podcast is sponsored by Journy: Plan Life & Self care App. Journy is a personal growth organizer/planner that lets you save goals, personalized notes on categories of learning and improvement, easily watch educational content across a spectrum of categories to bolster your knowledge on a deeper level.

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Journy: Plan Life & Self care App
Journy: Plan Life & Self care App

All my dreams came through but I wasn't fulfilled

I flashbacked to the Kerry I was when I was 20 and back then I used to spend a lot of time in nature.  The flashback I had was it me sitting with my journal it in all my hopes and dreams. When I was a 20 year old young woman, I wanted to have a career, I wanted to have a beautiful family, I wanted to have a husband that loved me and supported what I wanted to do and I could support him. I wanted a beautiful house; I wanted to travel and adventure. I realized that I had achieved all my dreams. But what happened in the next instant was I realized that even though I had everything I wanted, I really wasn't happy and I didn't feel fulfilled.

Myrna: And why was that?

Kerry: Because I think it was on autopilot, right? And I started to think like where did those dreams come from? And I started to understand that a lot of those dreams came from outside of me. My society, my parents, my teachers. I'm a people pleaser. I want to please people; I want to be impressive. So, I went back to my hotel room and I wrote another whole list of all my hopes and dreams and they were things like, start teaching. I had always studied, personal growth.

So, the book you mentioned, I had read that probably when I was 20 or 25 right around that same time. And I had been studying, personal transformation, philosophy for many, many years. So, I was like, you know I'd really like to teach people some of the things I learned. I'd like to be an author, and I'd like to be a speaker and I was writing all these things down. So that's all well and good. I get home from the vacation, lose the piece of paper or maybe it was my journal that I wrote it in, and I forgot all about it.

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This episode is sponsored by Living the Tao: Spiritual Podcast
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Living The Tao Spiritual Podcast

The creation of the morning routine

Then one day my alarm rang. I hit the snooze button, but instead of going back to sleep, which I usually did, and Myrna I would usually do that like a few times back-to-back, so I usually started my day racing around being a lunatic trying to get everything done on time.  Get the kids out the door, get myself out the door. But on this day, instead of going back to sleep, I just sat up in my bed and I meditated for 5 mins.  I was just observing the thoughts.

That night I was in my bed with my husband and I said, you know, I had such a great day. And he's like, did you do anything different today? I told him what I had done and had gotten up and meditated for five minutes. And he said, Oh, that's so cool. I'm gonna try it tomorrow. So, we tried it the next day. And sure enough, at the end of the day, he was like, that was amazing. I had such a great day. So, we both started doing a, morning routine and, eventually I started teaching this, morning routine meditation, to my students.

The first thing I noticed when I started teaching, yoga, was that yoga,  is a lifestyle and it really encompasses everything.

  • The way you live in this world,
  • The way you're thinking,
  • The way you're eating
  • The way you function in general,
  • The way you treat other people,
  • The way you treat yourself.

The timeless principles of morning routine meditation.

So, I said I would love to teach, yoga, and, meditation, to lawyers, business people and doctors.’ People who wouldn't normally do it because honestly professional people, they are like, I don't know about, meditation, they get a little nervous when you start using any of the lingo. So, I started to study the mind. And what I realized was you take those Eastern practices like ,yoga, meditation, and, breath work, and then you marry them to the science, which is all about how the brain works. so, I didn't call it, meditation, but I just said this is a stress relief exercise.

I created this whole one hour, morning routine, and for me, I started to understand how important it was not only to create this, morning routine, but to tailor it to my lifestyle. So, for my husband, he started with half an hour, morning routine. I have an hour, but I always have as my base as my minimum five-minute, morning routine.

So, basically this whole, snooze button routine, that I came up with is for you to use as you need.  In my book, the snooze button sessions, I show you 12 different things you can do for, morning meditation, breathwork, exercises yoga or stretching, and journaling. There are so many different things, but then you choose which one of those things or what combination of those things you use. So sometimes I'll break it up. Robin Sharma actually suggests not to do it the way I do it, which is you know, hitting the snooze every time and then moving to a new routine.

Transform your Mind Stitcher
Transform your Mind Stitcher

Achieve peak performance with a 20/20/20 morning routine

For peak performance during the day, start your day with a 20/20/20 morning routine. 20 minutes of spiritual growth meditation,  20 minutes of learning like reading a book, and 20 mins of exercise. You can do whatever works for you, and that's what I advocate. I advocate for you learning the tools, figuring out what works for you, and even adding something you might like that I never even thought about. The reason this system works is because it's a thing called, habit stacking.

When people make their New Year's resolutions then do them for a few days, a few weeks, maybe even a couple of months then stop? It's because the goal is not linked to anything. That is why I love doing, habit stacking, and starting with this, morning routine.  I believe that not only learning tools that will relax you and keep you in, ease and flow, but improve your health as well. These little changes can have massive effects and that's really what I advocate.

Myrna: You're seeing that a, morning routine, helps your clients achieve, peak performance, as well as, ease and flow. What else is the science behind it?

Podbean Transform your Mind Podcast

The function of the brain is to keep you alive

Kerry: Well, basically, the way your brain works is that your brain is designed to keep you alive. We are using all of our senses, our sight, our hearing our smell, or touch or taste. All of our senses are really designed just to take in information from the outside world. It goes to your brain, your brain processes it, the only thing your brain is really looking for is what is a danger?

Our brain actually filters out a ton of information that is actually right before our eyes, we don't even see it. So, our brain is just looking for those negative things. So, when we're talking about any of these practices, when we're talking about creating a, morning routine, when we're talking about meditating or doing anything that's outside of what we would normally do, we're actually rewiring our brain and we're teaching our brain to behave differently.

Let’s say someone is driving really slow in front of me. I'm late for work. I start to get angry and stressed. My brain immediately goes into flight or fight mode. It registers it the same as it would if there was a lion in front of you. Your brain will react to a minor inconvenience like that the same as it would react to a terrible danger. Our brain either is like danger or no danger. It's not like really degrees of it.

So, we really want to learn first of all that awareness piece. First you need to notice that you are getting angrier and angrier, I could start cursing out the person in front of me, or I could have some awareness and say, Oh, my body's reacting. All these chemicals are starting to flood my body, cortisol, a stress hormone and a lot of other things to get you ready to run.  Adrenaline is flowing. But then you have your tools. You can turn the radio on and listen to a song. You could say to yourself. I'm running late, that's fine.

Google Podcast Transform Your Mind
Google Podcast Transform Your Mind

Meditation and breath work reduces stress

You could even just do some, breath work, sitting in your car. You can call somebody and chat with someone and you know, say to them look, I'm feeling stressed.  You can listen to music or a book on tape or a podcast anything to signal to your brain, I'm not in danger. Now I'm going to take that time when I would have normally been angry or fuming even getting myself more and more worked up so that I arrive at work, not in a good place. And what happens then you get to work and now you're complaining to everyone and you're not the person you want to be.

Myrna: How do you help your clients solve this problem? Are your classes about, peak performance, or about a, morning routine?

Kerry: So, when I first start working with someone, I like to look at every area of their life so we go through everything, their social life, their love relationship, their parenting if they're a parent, their career and finances and really survey all of the areas of their life. And what I find is people are really excelling in one area and then in a lot of the other areas, they haven't even looked at it. So then once we know that, what area could improve, we start with that.

I personally believe that health should be a priority for you, focusing in on your health could really be a game changer for everybody. And again, I start small, five minutes, go take a walk after lunch, just do some jumping jacks, get up in the morning and do a very quick five-minute, morning routine stretch. Just start to bring more activity into your life and start to really care about your health, care about what you're eating.

Transform Your Mind Podcast Pandora
Transform Your Mind Podcast Pandora

Our health is the stop on the peak performance chart

We can't have, peak performance, without our health. It doesn't always have to be health, though every person kind of knows once we go through all the categories which area they really need to work on. Some people need to work on finances. So, when you survey your whole entire life, all the categories of your life, your intellectual life, your emotional life, we all have certain areas that we're like, that's the one I need to work on.

So, I basically teach all of my clients a bunch of tools I always teach them, meditation, I always teach them, breath work, I teach them that they should stretch and strengthen. So that means doing something like, yoga, Qi Gong, and then something like weight training or something that's actually going to improve your muscles. And you know, I have all these little things that I teach them the morning routine and the evening routine.

All of my clients have at least a five-minute, morning routine, and a five minute, evening routine, without your cell phone. Just something you're doing for yourself. And I always say to people if you can make it longer than five minutes, try 15 minutes morning and 15 minutes at night or even longer, depending on your life circumstances.  Setting yourself up for success and having the tools to fall back on when you fall down. It's something I think in the wellness world people don't talk about as much.

Myrna: Are you still teaching yoga just for the stretches? Tell us about that.

Transform Your Mind Luminary podcast
Transform Your Mind Luminary podcast

Yoga as a peak performance tool

Kerry: I had stopped teaching yoga during the pandemic because I did not like teaching it online. So, then I started teaching, breathwork workshops, and all these different workshops on, peak performance, in the yoga studios. I would do that as a weekend workshop.  I'm not teaching, yoga, although I started going to, yoga, again as a student, which is so nice to be back in a yoga studio. I really am not going to tell anyone I'm a, yoga teacher.

If you have back pain, how to relieve back pain? Yoga. I'll tell you I have this little routine I taught my husband on his hands and knees for his spine. He was having terrible back problems. So, every day for five minutes, he would just do this simple routine, and it completely healed his problem.  I always advocate to everybody move your spine in every direction every day. So forward and back, side to side, and then in a circle either direction because that's what's going to keep your spine limber and that's what helps you stay youthful.

Myrna: That is great. I do the same thing with the Sun Salutation movements. I learned about the sun salutation a long time ago. It’s in my memory and I can actually go through those poses without even thinking about it.

Kerry: The absolutely works. And the reason it works, by the way is because it's exactly what I said. It goes through all the motions. So, you're moving all of your joints, you know, in every direction. And I don't even think it would take five minutes to do three of them.

book Snooze button sessions
Book: Snooze Button Sessions


Myrna: How they connect with you?

Kerry: Thank you. You can find me at I am on Instagram@ IamKerryFisher. I handle my own Instagram and I love getting messages from people. You could find my books on Amazon. One is on that

Tools for Extraordinary Living: The Snooze Button Sessions

My second one is called Routines for Extraordinary Living in these two books you will find so many tools and tests that will help you. I have them right now both on Amazon for 99 cents for the eBook version. So I would love for you to check it out.

Additional Resources

Fluid Mindset vs Fixed Mindset


Is the Mind in the Brain?

Neuroscientists think of the, mind, as an epiphenomenon of the, brain. In other words, it's a function of the, brain.  Just like urine is a function of the kidneys, or bile is a function of the gallbladder. I think that the, mind, is a function of the whole body because all of these cells work together. We have never been able to locate the mind or consciousness in the brain.

Download the podcast here:


Dr. Thomas R. Verny is a clinical psychiatrist and the author of eight books, including The Secret Life of the Unborn Child, which was published in 27 countries and 47 scientific papers. He has previously taught at Harvard University, the University of Toronto, York University (Toronto), and St. Mary’s University

His book “The Embodied Mind” is a profoundly important synthesis revealing how cells utilize consciousness to not only manifest their life functions but more importantly, to create a distributed nervous system that coordinates and supports life-sustaining behavior in multicellular communities, such as those comprising the human body.

Myrna: How did your work with the, embodied mind, start?

Dr Verny: I wrote a paper on everything that I knew about, prenatal life. And there was a huge conference in Rome, Italy, the Fifth World Congress and psychosomatic Obstetrics and Gynecology, and I submitted a paper and lo and behold, I mean luck sometimes is really important in life. My paper was accepted. I was like a totally unknown young psychiatrist from Toronto. It was put on the same morning as some of the biggest lights in psychosomatic obstetrics in the world we're presenting their papers.

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The Secret life of the unborn child

I was right up there with all the luminaries, and I got 20 minutes to speak. I noticed within 10 minutes into my talk, that there was tremendous interest in the audience about what my topic The Secret Life of the Unborn Child.” You could just feel electricity in the air. And so, I said at the end of my lecture, I said, well, if anybody here would like to continue the conversation, please come to my room at five o'clock.

And at five o'clock, huge numbers of people were lined up.  They thought that I was promoting some new ways of looking at, prenatal life. That's when I made up my mind to write the book, which then became two years later, The Secret Life of the Unborn Child. We were taught in school that's impossible to remember when you were in the womb, your nervous system is not mature enough to be working in the womb. I wrote the book, and it is based on very solid research that shows that from six months after, conception, the nervous system is mature enough to be able to lay down some, pretty simple, primitive memories, and there's lots of research to back that up.

I could prove this; the evidence was solid was scientific. That children from the age of six months after, conception, would be able to remember things that happened to them in the womb. I had this patient who was able to go back further in time, back to three months after, conception, and some people even carry information from their parents’ experiences. Big traumas, like drowning or being in a war or things like that. So, I asked myself, how is this possible?  How can I show this to be scientifically true? Because I was not interested in a lot of stories, I was interested in science.

The book The Secret Life of the unborn child was published in 1982, that's a long time ago. So, seven years ago, I came across information on the, embodied mind. It's ridiculous to think of the, brain, as kind of separate from the body and not being connected to the rest of the body. And so, what I've come to see is that the cells in the body, the tissues, the organs, like the heart, especially, but also the guts. They all act as kind of a backup system to the, brain. And so, when something goes wrong with the, brain. We still have our backup system just like the iCloud.

Transform Your Mind Podcast Pandora
Transform Your Mind Podcast Pandora

The gut is a backup system of the brain

Myrna: I think I'm getting where you're going with this now. Go ahead.

Dr Verny: So, when something goes wrong with the, brain, the backup system comes online, right. What neurologists say we're sort of your orthodox conservative. Biologist neuroscientists will say that other systems in the, brain, take up the slack. But there is no research to prove that at all. There's no evidence to show that.  In my book, The Embodied Mind, I bring up a lot of research evidence to show that the cells in the cells in the body are really not much different from neurons in the, brain. And so, they have, all the elements that the neurons in the, brain, have, except that they're connected a little bit differently.

We have stressed the importance of the, brain, over the importance of the rest of the body. It also goes with our culture, which is very patriarchal, and hierarchical. And as a result of that, the emphasis is always underneath the head honcho supervisor.

Myrna:  How did you get them to access that memory? Did you use, hypnosis?

Dr Verny: I have used, hypnosis, once in a while. Never really terribly successful. People did that all on their own without any help from me? In a sense, some kind of a memory would come up, something would trigger that memory. It would it was not instituted by me. Sometimes people you know, after the, Secret Life of the Unborn Child, was published, sometimes people would come to me and asked me to take them there. And I would do that, again, in a very sort of non-directive fashion. I would say things like, what is the first memory that you have in your life?

Google Podcast Transform Your Mind
Google Podcast Transform Your Mind

What your earliest memory can you go back to the womb?

Myrna: My earliest memory was at five years old. I don't go back any further than that. I don't think.

Dr Verny: You probably could. Some of your listeners can try asking 2.5- to 4-year-old kids if they remember being in the womb. Don’t ask any leading questions. Just what do you remember? What was it like?

Myrna: And that's amazing. My grandson is almost 2 years old.  I can’t wait to ask him.  What I think what I'm hearing you say it is that it's a backup for your main brain. So how does that work?

Dr Verny: The, gut, has been referred to as the second brain and there's good things good reason for that. The, gut, has got a tremendous number of neurons in it. And it creates some very important substances such as, serotonin, for example, which is very important in terms of in terms of how you feel. People with, depression, for example, are supposed to have less, serotonin. And one of the reasons that they are depressed is because they lack, serotonin. Most people don't realize that most of the, serotonin, in the body is actually produced in the dark.

Deezer Transform Your Mind Podcast
Deezer Transform Your Mind Podcast

The vagus nerve has 2-way communication to the brain

So, we have the, vagus nerve, which is that ends cranial nerves. Then we have 12 nerves coming out of our, brain. And number 10 the, vagus nerve, is the most important one because it goes to the heart and from the heart, it also goes to the, gut.

Myrna: I try to simulate the, vegas nerve, every day when I do my meditation.

Dr Verny: Think of the, vagus nerve, as sort of from the, embodied brain, to the heart from the heart to the, gut, but you hardly ever also the steps the other way, you know, traffic along the route from the duct to the heart to the to the, brain. So, but then again, you know, we have the bad circulation, and the blood is in contact with all the cells in our bodies. So, when we talk about the second brain, it's really inaccurate, because it's just another organ in the body that stimulates the, brain, and the rest of the body.

I like to I will give you a metaphor that perhaps best describes how I sort of picture the body working. I think it's a very large orchestra, like let's say, you know, the New York symphony. Let's say more than 120 musicians, one conductor. So, each musician plays an instrument and most of the instruments are different. But the person sitting in the audience does not hear 120 instruments. A person in the audience hears one sound one sound emanating from the symphony. That's how our memories are. That's how our, brain, works. But instead of having 120 instruments, we have 120 billion.

Myrna: Deepak Chopra and a few other scientists, says that the, mind, is not in the, brain. Let's talk about that for a minute, where is the mind?

Podbean Transform your Mind Podcast

Is the mind in the brain?

Dr Verny: Where's the mind? Yeah. Yes, again, conservative academic, neuroscientists think of the, mind, as an epiphenomenon of the, brain. In other words, it's a function of the, brain.  Just like urine is a function of the kidneys, or bile is a function of the gallbladder, right? Any normal person if they think about this analogy, they can see that it's a mistaken analogy, because the, mind, is not like urine. You know, you can't see it. You can’t measure it, quantify it, you can’t research on it. It's like beauty, or love. You cannot quantify it. It's a whole different phenomenon.

So, to say that the, mind, is a function of the brain doesn't make sense. I think that the, mind, is a function of the whole body because all of these cells work together. We have never been able to locate the mind or consciousness in the brain. There are some very interesting studies of Near-Death Experiences. Perhaps you have heard of those.

Myrna: Yeah, I read a few plus interviewed several on the show.

Dr Verny: So, very often you will have people who will have died, even for all intensive purposes. I actually experienced that with a patient when I was working in a hospital and, his heart stopped beating. I put a vial of adrenaline directly into the heart. About two minutes later, he came back, so to speak, and then he described in great detail what had happened in the room.

Myrna: Apparently, you're supposed to have left your body and you're watching it all. Someplace up here, right.

Dr Verny: Exactly, there is no explanation except to say that the, mind, is definitely not dependent on the body, but independent of it. The mind may very well be one of those elements of the universe like gravity or electrical charges, which have always been here and kind of borrowed from it in some way. You know, we have a tiny bit of that, embodied mind, that exists out there. And it's so certainly, you know, is connected to the body, but it also in some ways is independent of the body.

Book: The Embodied Mind
Book: The Embodied Mind

The embodied mind

And so, that's the reason I called my book “The embodied Mind”, because it's not just the skull mind. Okay? It's not just in the, brain, not just in the head, it’s in the old total body, and who knows what happens after we die. It may persist and who knows?

Myrna: I'm reading your work and I see that you also kind of like equated the mind to the matrix. You're in this alternate universe where, things are happening in the matrix. So, let's say that, someone is listening to this conversation. So, we've got the brain and we've got the body. We've got a backup system. So how can they use this information to transform their lives?

Dr Verny: I think that's a very good question. There are many answers to that question. One of them is that the, mind, is incredibly powerful. And we just don't appreciate how important the, mind, is. Let me let me just give you a very simple example. There was a study done, it's mentioned in my book by a Harvard psychologist Ellen Langer. And it's a very simple study, and it's just so beautiful. She studied hotel maids in New York, and she divided them into two groups of 41. One group, she said that the work that they do, actually follows and lives up to the Surgeon General's recommendations for daily exercise. There work was like exercise, like some people go to the gym, but you work, it's the same thing.

The other group was told something quite different. At the end of at the end of 30 days, they measured all kinds of measurements on these maids. They found that the group that believed that they were exercising lost weight, they decreased waist to hip ratio, and they had a 10% drop in blood pressure. And they did nothing different from the other group. They only believed that they exercising. Now the same thing you know, happens in placebos.  You can tell someone that this pill is going to take your headaches away. And it does, you know, nine times out of 10.

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What you believe in your mind you create in your body

Myrna: Yeah, and as a psychiatrist, you also know the fact that belief is so important. Now someone coming in sitting on your couch and believes something, regardless of if it's true or not, that's how their body and their, mind, and their world is going to respond.

Dr Verny: Right, in terms of practical advice, it's very important for people to change their attitude towards their own bodies and towards themselves. You know, there are, unfortunately, a lot of people around with low self-esteem. There are a lot of people around who have been criticized as children. I just saw a patient yesterday. You know, and he was always very enthusiastic.

And sometimes he would if the teacher would ask a question, he would speak out without putting up his hand and we would be punished for that. Instead of a good teacher would say, Yeah, okay, that's very good. But perhaps next time you could put up your hands. Instead of that, you know, he was put down so now you know, even when he goes shopping, he's afraid that somebody might ask him a question. He might not be able to come up with the right answer. I mean, he's just full of anxieties.

Myrna: Wow, such a simple thing like that has a far-reaching consequences.

Dr Verny: My advice is, be honest. Look in the mirror and look at yourself. And if you find that there are certain things you don't like about yourself, well face that and make it better, improve it. Don't go around trying to cover up That's not the way to do it. Get it out of your system. Find out why you think that you are not beautiful or that you are not clever or whatever your negative beliefs are. Get rid of them. Talk to your friends, ask them why they like you. And, and you will be you will be astonished what they say.

Myrna: Yeah, because you never see your strengths yourself.

Dr Verny: So when you get that kind of a feedback, then perhaps you can start believing in it. And if you believe in it, well then you will become it.

Conclusion: The embodied mind

Myrna: Okay, this is a good point to talk about your book. It is called “The Embodied Mind: Understanding the Mysteries of Cellular Memory, Consciousness and our Bodies.” So, tell our listeners about your book, tell them where they can pick it up. Pick up a copy, talk about your website. And what do you want people to walk away with after reading your book.

Dr Verny: Will they can pick up my book on Amazon. My website is It's a very rich book because I read above 5000 books and journals in preparation for that book. And it has actually 500 references in the back of the book scientific references. So, it has a tremendous amount of information in there and at the end of each chapter, you have, practical sort of takeaways.

But I think the most important feature is just to develop a respect for your, mind, and how powerful it is and how it can influence every particle, every cell in your body, how you think about yourself, is very important. And also, you know, interacting with other people. touching other people is very important. You know, the hug a day keeps the doctor away, as far as I'm concerned.

So, I think those things are really important and, and to realize how important also the, gut bacteria, are because every day we are learning more and more about the importance of the, gut bacteria, for example, just one more thing. People take antidepressants when they're depressed. 1/3 of patients do not benefit from antidepressants. The reason they don't benefit is there's nothing wrong with the drugs. They're pretty good drugs, actually, but some people have bacteria in their gut which destroy those particular antidepressants, and so they don't work.

Additional Resources

4 Techniques to Outsmart Your Brain



How To Use Visualization to Enhance Yoga Practice

Visualization, allows you to use your mind to alter your reality. In yoga you can use visualization to enhance your mind body connection. My, Yoga teacher, used to say, visualize, you're cracking a walnut between your shoulder blades. Standing in, Mountain Pose, or, tree pose, you can use, visualization, to imagine you're rooted down through your feet into the ground and bringing that energy back up through your legs and spreading it throughout your body.  This is how you use, visualization, to enhance your, yoga practice.

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Back pain led me to yoga 

Myrna:  Were you attracted to, yoga, because of back pain?

Dianne: Yes,  In my younger years, I was a little bit resistant to, yoga. I've always liked to work out as part of my, stress relief. A big part of my, stress relief, and I felt like you know, I had to be doing something a lot more intense than, Yoga. I hadn't had as many experiences with, yoga, because there's so many different types of, yoga, and so many ways to do it as you were describing one of many, so I was a little bit resistant.

Then yes, two things happened about simultaneously and one was, I started having, back pain, after the birth of my second child, and so I was looking for ways to manage that pain. There were periods of time when it would become more intense. So all I could do was either do walking or do, yoga, and I was kind of worried that I would start to gain weight and that I wouldn't have that, stress relief, that I craved.

But I found out that you know that that wasn't the case. I was keeping the weight off. And the, stress relief. There's so many different kinds of, yoga, which I hadn't realized in the past that it was working for me. And around that same time, the fitness center where I went had a new, yoga teacher, and everybody kept saying, you have to try her. She's so good and everything and I probably still resisted for about six months, I would say I don't know exactly how long but I did really connect with her.

Just the way that she approached it and was able to it was a little bit more of a, flow yoga, but she also teaches the breath practice because I hadn't ever learned how to breathe even with all this exercising. I had never learned correct, breathing techniques, for exercise. Or for life for that matter. So those those two events actually really started me on, yoga, then as kind of my Friday treat.

Just feel good for the weekend, reward myself and then you know, have a good start to the weekend and then with having to manage the, back pain, and became you know, more of a maybe not a daily practice then but at least a few times a week.

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Yoga allows connection to mind body spirit

Myrna: Yoga, Obviously one of the beautiful things about, yoga, is the breathing you know, combining, mind and body, and with the breath.  I just started doing, morning yoga, last week, and we're starting with some simple exercises. You're right I mean, if it's almost like if you're an old person that's sitting in a chair because we're doing things with our hands. Right, regular stuff like raising up your shoulder and, you know, doing your neck, things like I would do at the beginning of a workout. The warm up exercise.

But guess what, everything that you do, you're doing with the breath.  I'm breathing with the, yoga, actions, it's actually doing something for me, right. So, you know,  Sadhguru would say, you know, there's the mental thing about, yoga, and he's talking about the geometry of your body when you go in certain poses that connects to different things and, and all that stuff. So what kind of, yoga, do you teach? I know we're going to talk about, visualization, in a little bit, but set up your basic, yoga, that you that you teach.

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Dianne: So I'm not going to try to give it a name because probably a combination. There's so many kinds and for me, probably if I did a little exercise, we're matching the type of, yoga, with a definition I'm not sure how good I would do. But I my favorite, yoga, to teach and to do would be we call it 3030.

Where it's about 30 minutes of, yoga, where it's a little bit more active movement on the breath. A little bit more energetic and then 30 minutes of more relaxation and not necessarily the the 30 minutes first of the intense so you might do like, you know 10 or 15 minutes starting out with the stretches kind of like warm up like you were describing and then move into the flow or the physical aspects of it, and then wrap it up with you know, some more relaxation relaxing stretches.

That that that is just my personal preference. I have done all kinds of classes and there are some where you actually hold the poses for a long time and that's just to work, you know more deeply into the muscles and then there's, there's some types of yoga that are basically it's the same sequence each time and that's so that you can you're not thinking about the sequence but you're thinking about the other aspects of, yoga.

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Yoga allows you to experience deeper meditation

Myrna: Okay, something that I ran across that I thought was really interesting is way back when I don't want to say when, yoga, started, but they really started to do the poses so that people could sit in meditation longer. That was the whole purpose. It's like, you think of a child, a small child you burn off their energy so that they can sit for longer and that was the original intent. Behind, yoga, was was not the poses that was a vehicle to get into a deeper level of consciousness.

Well, that's the thing actually that you know, like I said, Sadhguru, was talking about, yoga, connects us with, higher consciousness. They connect with the, Yoga, and they're saying that, yoga at home, is not all of it dispatches that, yoga at home, is about, the breath and connection and what you just said, you're linking in the fact that maybe if you learn to hold your body in a certain way, then maybe you can sit and meditate for longer times.

Indians as you know, they incorporate, yoga, with, spirituality, and, higher consciousness, so that's awesome. And it all has to do with your right the, Mind Body Spirit connection, you know, the mind. Maybe with the, meditation, aspect, the body with the poses, and with, spirituality.

Dianne: I did have back surgery that was moderately successful, so after that I used, yoga, to help me recover. I had to be under the care of a physical therapist, so after that, it became more about managing my, back pain. And now I'm at a very good place, but yes, there's specific poses to benefit your back and your core, obviously, the opposite of your back is your core. So it's important to have a strong core.

If you have a lot of, lower back pain. There are certain poses that you shouldn't do or that you should modify. And the old me the younger me, especially in public would never have done that, but it was, yoga, has taught me it's some acceptance that way. I know that that doesn't feel good. And I'm not going to try to push it beyond or even sometimes doing, yoga, in the morning as opposed to at the end of the day.

Some, yoga poses, are not as accessible and I've learned to to accept that so a lot of, lower back pain, have learned us from the high tight hamstrings or sciatic nerve. And so there are specific, yoga poses, even sequences that focus on those specific specific muscle groups.

Benefits of visualization with yoga

Myrna: Let's talk about the, visualization, piece now.  What are the, benefits of visualization? And why is it beneficial to integrate, visualization with yoga?

Dianne:  So, benefits of visualization. They are there's a lot of them. And going back to what you said earlier about the brain and how it changes the brain. The brain responds to visual stimuli. And when you use, visualization, you can trick your brain into having the same physiological response. That you would have like let's say, if you're standing by a nice relaxing Lake, if you visualize that relaxing Lake, your body and your breath starts to show some of the same reactions you would have if you were actually standing right there by the lake or the relaxing waterfall.

So just an example of this real quick would be imagine that you have a lemon and you cut it in in four pieces. And you take the lemon and put it in your mouth and take a nice big bite down on it. So what happened when you did that?

Myrna: Saliva started coming out of my mouth and my saliva glands started to prickle.

Dianne: Yep, a lot of people will even start to pucker or make that sour face. So that just goes to show that even with that simple example, how you had that physiological response, and that was just a simple exercise. So that's what builds those those kind of neural pathways and then as you do that, like if you do that, I don't want to say the lemon, but let's just go back to the relaxing lake or waterfall or something.

The more you do, visualization, you do build those neural pathways where it becomes like you can access that quicker and that therefore have the physiological response quicker and be able to take yourself there it also becomes more automatic.  Oh, yeah, even like take a breath and it's like oh, yeah, I have to slow might slow my breathing down or I'm getting too too ahead of myself here.

So it really does build those neural pathways and change your brain. It also just like exercise releases, serotonin, that feel good hormone. So it very much is like a form of exercise that way. What you mentioned about the memory, the more ways that you're you can the more senses you can bring into something, then the easier.  It is to remember that so, visualization, is an is another tool for that.

Benefits of yoga

Oh, there's so many. Right now with our technological society. Anytime that you can unplug from technology, you're actually allowing your brain to unclutter and to that which promotes creativity, and positive feelings. Just all of those, benefits of visualization, just just being away just having a quiet moment. That's one thing that I always try to incorporate or give to people and that's what my, yoga teacher, explained to me.

I just want them to have a moment, a moment of quiet so just again to oh one other thing that I learned was kind of new to me but increase your immunity. If you are less stressed, you sleep better, those are two big factors in boosting your immune system. So, visualization, can help you whether you do it  while you're falling asleep or whether you do it in your, yoga practice. It can help you actually boost your immunity which we all need that too.

Myrna: I love, visualization, and you know is actually good to mention that the brain doesn't know the difference which is why we advise action is so powerful. Whether want to call it visualization or you to it imagination. The brain doesn't know the difference between, visualization, and reality. So yeah, I mean, if you were, you know, laying in your bed and you were thinking that you're in a beach and you're listening to the waves, like you said, bringing in all the different elements, you know, feeling the breeze on your face, hearing the waves crashing, seeing the palm trees swaying in the wind, and you're bringing in all those things, right? The brain doesn't know whether you're there or not.

So that's the beautiful thing about, visualization. Right? But it can also work the opposite way like you're laying in bed, and you're visualizing that  somebody is coming through your door to kill.

Dianne: Exactly. I was thinking as you were talking, if you don't believe it, because some people are like, Oh, I don't believe that, but if you think of the opposite, or how many times have you been worried about somebody driving or something and you're like, Oh, they've been in a car accident. I just know it your mind makes up images, your heart starts to beat faster, I think we've all experienced that. So you can use it either way. Yes, exactly. And we talked about anxiety and that was part of the reason some of it that I started doing, yoga with visualization.

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Benefits of Yoga

Dianne: Well, as you can tell, because we talked at the beginning about some of the, benefits of yoga, and then we just talked about some of the, benefits of visualization, and that is they overlap a lot but you know, the serotonin that benefits to your body, mind and soul and soul or spirit however you want to refer to it. So they really complement each other nicely.  If you've done, yoga, you probably have done some, visualizations.

My, Yoga teacher, used to say, visualize, you're cracking a walnut between your shoulder blades and that helps to, visualize, the, yoga pose, if you can't get the right. Even standing in Mountain Pose or, tree pose, use, visualization, to imagine you're rooted down through your feet and you bring that energy up through your legs and you're spreading it throughout your body and your shoulders.

So, I would say that you've probably experienced it a little bit that way. Sometimes in  Chaturanga they'll say imagine you're pushing away from the floor or you're pushing the floor away from from you. So there are those kinds of cues that are used in many, yoga classes. Also, a lot of times, they'll start with you know what is your intention, they'll either maybe give you an intention, like concentrate on being here now or you want to concentrate on peace.

So that was really when I started teaching, yoga, that I looked for a resource like the book that I wrote, and I couldn't find one. I begged borrowed and stole little bits of pieces from, meditations.  I wanted a resource like the one I wrote and I couldn't find one.

Myrna: Okay. All right your book have  20, visualizations, to enhance a, yoga practice, right?

Dianne: Okay, so yes, in the book, there are five chapters. There's self acceptance, awareness or confidence, gratitude, letting go or relaxation and focus and engagement. I'm going to walk you through just using a little bit of from one the mountain, the majestic mountain, if you will, and each, visualization, has specific parts and the first part is the setting the stage.

Starting with the breath and then having them with visualization. So I'm just gonna read like a short little snippet from what I wrote and then I'll move on to the next section.

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Transform your Mind Stitcher

Visualization with Yoga: The mountain pose

So at the base of your mountain, I've already gotten them into, Mountain Pose, are the waves of the ocean. Feel the coolness of the water and hear the lapping sounds. At times the waves are gentle and relaxing, barely touching your base. On other occasions, they're more turbulent hitting against you with more force, yet you remain strong. Sometimes the waves rise ferociously to your shins, your waist, and even your chest, but they don't knock you over.

Eventually, the turbulent waters pass and the gentle waves again lap at your base. There may be changes to the mountain surfaces, but not to the core. It's similar with yourself. Turbulence might cause changes, but you're strong and steady.

If you purchase the book, you get a journal entries with it, if you download them and so part of one of those for this particular, mountain pose, visualization, you would journal what are those turbulent things.  What are the unchanging parts of you, because we all you know, have to change as we go through more experiences and, and challenges but you know, what's at your core that you're not, you're not going to let go of, so just get started that way.

The core of the, mountain pose, or the core of yourself and then exhale, things that get in the way of that. But then there's also like some specific poses, that I'll give some cueing for, just to give some examples of how the cueing or how it could go with a specific pose. And this one actually has warrior and tree pose.

If you're using, visualization, with the,  tree pose, there's water lapping at you and threatening to knock you over, but you're gonna remain focused, because that's a big aspect with three poses. You have to look somewhere in front of you and maintain your focus. You're not going to let those things distract you from your goals or get in the way of your goals.

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But you're going and like before you go into the relaxation and you come back to again, like the mountain so what's changed about yourself throughout this practice, like do you notice changes in your breath? What about your thought patterns? What about you know? How do How does your body feel?

And then the very last section is the affirmation which I call the booster and it just says, While I may be faced with turbulence, my core remains unwavering. So it's just something for them and sometimes I've printed them off and handed them to people as they walk out the door. Other times, it's just something you know, keep this in mind as you go forth through your day and kind of wraps it up that way. I do want to throw in that. If you if you didn't do, yoga, and you weren't interested in doing, yoga, you can still use the book as a, guided meditation.


Book pathway to peace: 20 visualizations to enhance you yoga practice
Book pathway to peace: 20 visualizations to enhance your yoga practice

20 visualizations to enhance your yoga practice

Myrna: Tell us about your book “Pathways to Peace: 20 Visualizations to Enhance Your Yoga Practice” What do you want the readers to walk away with after reading the book?

Dianne: Well, I want them to have a tool for self care. So, as we've talked about it, we're so busy, our lives are so cluttered and can be at times, very stressful. I think that is on the back cover on my book Life is stressful that not many people would argue that fat, but please, you know, take take a minute or however you don't take care of your body. Take care of your mind, take care of your spirit or your soul and you will be a better spouse, you'll be a better employee, you'll be a better parent, a better child. It everybody matters. And I want and it matters that you take care of yourself and I want this to be a tool for for helping you for helping you do that.

Visualization, is a tool for the,  mind body spirit connection. So that is what, yoga, promises,  and then when you incorporate the, visualization, into it,  it makes it a very powerful tool.

Myrna:  So, alright, so tell us how listeners can get a copy of your book. Tell us about your website, your social media handles and how people can connect with you. And I think you mentioned that you have an email address that you wanted anybody to, you know, contact you maybe regarding yoga and yoga practices or things like that. So go ahead and share that with us.

Dianne: Okay, so my book, Pathways to Peace is available on Amazon and it's a paperback or ebook.  In the book, there is a free gift and that would be some of the journal pages that I have referred to. And then I have a Facebook group called pathways to peace. If you have questions or comments email me @[email protected].

Additional Resources

Master Lama Rasaji: Harmonizing Mind Body Spirit

God Knows The Desires Of Your Heart

God knows the, desires of your heart, even the ones you don’t think will ever come through. This is illustrated in the bible story of the prophet Elisha and the wealthy Shunem woman.

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Be Kind and generous

A wealthy Shunem woman invited the prophet, Elisha, to her home one day for a meal. So, whenever he passed her way again, he would stop in to have something to eat.

One day the woman said to her husband, I am sure the man who stop in from time to time is a holy man, let’s build a small room for him on the roof and furnish it, so he will have a place to stay when he comes by.

When, Elisha, and his assistant came by the next time, he went up to his new room to rest. Appreciative of the woman’s kindness, he wanted to give her something in return. He said to her “We appreciate the kind concern you have shown us. What can we do for you?” She responded I don’t need anything, my family takes good care of me.

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Transform Your Mind

We all need something even the things we don't ask for

But, Elisha, figured there must be something she needs. So, he asked his servant what he thinks she needed. His servant said “She doesn’t have a son and her husband is an old man.”

Elisha, then told his servant to call the woman then he told her “Next year at this time you will be holding a son in your arms” She responded, please don’t get my hopes up.

Sure enough, the woman soon became pregnant and by that time the following year she had a son, just as, Elisha, had said.

What is the principle taught in this, bible story?  As you know the, Bible, is a blueprint for life.

First principle, is if you are blessed with wealth you should share with those who have less. You should, give to the poor, your church etc.

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RadioPublic Transform your mind

God knows the desires of your heart

The second principle and the one I want to focus on today is that God knows what you want. He knows the, desires of your heart, even the ones you don’t think will ever come through. The, desires, of this woman’s heart was to have a child, but her husband was old and she was probably old as well, so she didn’t think it was possible. She put it out of her mind.

The bible says in Psalm 37:4  “Take delight in the Lord, and he will give you the, desires of your heart. Commit your way to the Lord; trust in him and he will do this:

When the man of God asked the Shunem woman what can I do for you she responded nothing. She had all the, money, she needed, but how many of you know that, money, does not fill the hole in your heart.

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Listen Notes Transform Your Mind

What are the desires of your heart?

  • Do you want to get married?
  • Do you want a child?
  • Do you want to own a home?
  • Do you want to see your child go to college but he/she have a learning disability?

Whatever it is, if you live right, give to the poor, God will give you the, desires of your heart. You don’t even have to ask him.

Several years ago, the, desires of my heart, was to become an American citizen. I did ask God, but decided to take matters into my own hands and made a mess of it. Then one day I walked onto a train and there standing at the door was my future husband. He loved me, married me and sponsored me and my kids to become American Citizens. So don’t think the, desires of your heart, are impossible – with God all things are possible.

So, ask, seek, knock and you will receive.


Whatever it is you are wanting, whatever you are asking Him for, God hears you. If he does not seem to be answering, do not give up. Everything will happen in his timing. God knows what is best for you and He hears the, desires of your heart. He will give you the, desires of your heart, when the time is right. Have patience and trust in the Lord.

The Shunammite woman’s heartfelt hospitality to, Elisha, and simple, sincere faith led to an amazing series of events. Elisha, was certainly blessed. And God abundantly blessed the woman’s life during a difficult period in Israel. Still today, God often uses His people’s humble acts of service to bless both the giver and the receiver.

Thanks for tuning in to this week’s episode of 5 min Fridays with coach Myrna. Until next time Namaste

Additional Resources 

Look At The Heart Not Outward Appearance