Tag Archives: Transform your mind

Embracing Uncertainty: The Transformative Power of Maybe

Coach Myrna and guest Allison Carmen delve into the profound concept of embracing uncertainty through Allison's “maybe method.” Discover how reframing uncertainty can propel personal growth, encourage risk-taking, and foster resilience. Allison shares her personal journey from anxiety to thriving, emphasizing the power of possibilities even when life seems unpredictable. Tune in to understand why women, and everyone, can transform fear of the unknown into a tool for achieving a fulfilling and dynamic life.

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Key Takeaways:

  • Uncertainty as an Opportunity: Embracing the unknown can lead to new possibilities and a richer, more fulfilling life.

  • The Role of ‘Maybe': The concept of ‘maybe' helps mitigate anxiety and offers hope, allowing for a broader spectrum of potential outcomes.

  • Resilience During Adversity: Using ‘maybe' during crises can provide a mental framework that fosters resilience and the ability to adapt to changing circumstances.

As humans, we often yearn for certainty. However, the very essence of life is unpredictability.  Allison Carmen, author of “The Gift of Maybe.” discuss how embracing the concept of ‘maybe' can transform anxiety into hope and open doors to new opportunities.

Enbracing Uncertainty: The Power of ‘Maybe'

Allison Carmen introduces the concept of ‘maybe' as a powerful tool for handling life's uncertainties. She shares her personal journey through anxiety and how the idea of ‘maybe' provided a pathway out of her fear-driven mindset. Carmen explains:

“Maybe it's like the hope within the unknown. It challenges our need for certainty… If I don't know, that means other possibilities exist other than my greatest fear. And that became the maybe.”

The story of the farmer and his horse vividly illustrates this. Every event that seems disastrous is met with the farmer's response, “maybe.”

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Transform Your Mind spotify

Embrace Uncertainty: The Taoist Tale of the Farmer's Luck

The story is about this farmer, and he has a horse, and the horse runs away, and his neighbor comes by and says, you have the worst luck.

And the farmer says, maybe. But the next day, the horse comes back with five mares. And the neighbor comes by to the farmer and says, you have the best luck. And the farmer says, maybe. But the next day, the farmer's son is on the horse. He falls off and breaks his leg. And the neighbor comes by to the farmer and says, you have the worst luck. And the farmer says, maybe. But the next day the army comes to take the son to war, and they can't take him because his leg is broken.

So the neighbor comes by and says to the farmer, you have the best luck. And the farmer says, maybe. So in the taoist tradition, it means things are neither good or bad. But for me, all of a sudden, I felt a pop in my chest, because every time the horse ran away, anytime something bad happened, I never imagined the other possibilities, the other opportunities. I never saw uncertainties, anything other than bad.

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Uncertainty should not be feared

This opens up a conversation about endless possibilities rather than dwelling on immediate negatives. Carmen highlights that uncertainty should not be feared but rather embraced as a fertile ground for new opportunities.

This concept directly counters our instinctive preference for certainty and predictability. By entertaining the notion of ‘maybe,' we allow for expansive thinking, which can alleviate anxiety and open up a realm of new possibilities. This shift in perspective is particularly empowering, showing us that fear doesn't have to dictate our future.

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This episode is brought to you by BetterHelp.”

Do you have a tendency to compare yourself to others? Does social media play a part in that? What do you do when you get caught up wishing your life looked like someone else’s?

    • Comparison is the thief of joy, and it’s easy to envy other people’s lives.
    • It might look like they have it all together on their Instagram. But in reality, they probably don’t.

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Breaking the Chains of Certainty

Carmen discusses how the relentless pursuit of certainty can lead to a life of mediocrity and missed opportunities. Myrna Young points out that seeking security often constrains us from taking the necessary risks that could elevate our lives. This is especially true for women who might choose partners or job roles based on perceived security rather than genuine fulfilment.

“Certainty leads you down a road of maybe mediocrity because in order for you to elevate, you have to have some uncertainty. You have to take risks.”

Women are often socialized to pursue stability through marriage and family, which can limit their potential. Carmen’s experience highlights this dichotomy. After her marriage ended abruptly, she faced a pivotal moment where she had to choose between falling apart or embracing the unknown.

“All I did was I gave myself the possibility that I didn't know for sure I was going to die. I didn't know for sure I wasn't going to make it.”

By allowing for even the smallest possibility that she could thrive alone, Carmen transformed her life. She chose to see her situation as an opportunity rather than an end. This mindset enabled her to rebuild her life, find a fulfilling career, and raise her children successfully. The key takeaway here is that the real growth and liberation lie in our acceptance of uncertainty and the possibilities it entails.

book the gift of maybe
Book The Gift of Maybe

Maybe: A Tool for Resilience

Carmen's concept of ‘maybe' is not just theoretical; it is a practical toolkit for resilience in adverse situations. For example, during the 2008 financial crisis, many of Carmen’s clients faced business collapse and financial ruin. She introduced ‘maybe' to them as a way to envision new possibilities and navigate through the crisis.

“I started to tell the farmer story, and I started to teach people about maybe because I was desperate, I didn't know what else to do. It was maybe that helped them get through this crisis.”

The ‘maybe' tool allows individuals to see beyond their immediate hardships and consider potential positive outcomes. This shift in mindset is crucial, especially when facing seemingly insurmountable challenges. Instead of succumbing to despair, the concept of ‘maybe' encourages a broader perspective and fosters hope.

As Tony Robbins discusses in his work on human needs, certainty is a fundamental desire. However, Carmen argues that this need for certainty can be detrimental when it becomes a constraint. The genuine security we need often comes not from an unchanging external state but from an adaptable and resilient internal one. Embracing uncertainty and the potential it brings can lead to a far richer and more meaningful life.

Embracing ‘maybe' allows us to remain open to life's inherent unpredictability and the opportunities it brings. It fosters a mindset of resilience and adaptability, crucial for overcoming adversity and achieving personal growth.

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Uncertainty: A New Lens on Life’s Possibilities

The practice of embracing ‘maybe' is more than an anxiety-relief tool; it's a way to enhance the quality of our lives. Young and Carmen discuss how adopting this mindset can transform everyday experiences and attitudes towards unpredictability.

By reframing our approach to uncertainty, we not only mitigate our anxieties but also seize the opportunities that life’s unpredictability offers. Carmen emphasizes:

“If you're breathing, there's hope. So it's acceptance, gratitude, and maybe.”

This philosophy encourages us to engage in life more fully, appreciating each moment without being paralyzed by the fear of the unknown. It teaches us to enjoy the present, find gratitude in what we have, and remain hopeful for what might come.

As Myrna Young aptly mentions, transforming our lives begins with transforming our minds. Embracing ‘maybe' allows us to approach uncertainties with a positive and open mindset, ultimately leading to a richer and more rewarding life experience.

Embracing uncertainty is not about relinquishing all control but about finding peace in the unpredictability of life. It’s about understanding that while we cannot control every outcome, we can control our perspective and reaction to it. By welcoming the ‘maybe,' we open ourselves up to new horizons and endless possibilities.

Additional Resources

Stop, Drop, and Roll: Strategies for Mental Peace

A Sharp Mind is Like A Sharp Knife Handle It Carefully

Discover the profound metaphor of a, sharp mind, as compared to  sharp knife.  This week on the Transform Your Mind Podcast, Coach Myrna teaches you how to handle your mind properly to avoid self-destructive thoughts, anxiety, and stress. Myrna delves into strategies like mindfulness, positive thinking, and setting realistic goals to keep a, sharp mind.

Embrace techniques to foster emotional stability and creativity, ensuring your, sharp mind, becomes your greatest asset in life's challenges. Download the podcast for  tips on balancing rationality and emotion, and regularly engaging in mental exercises for continuous growth.

Download the podcast here: 


Key Takeaways:

  • Mastering your mind, like handling a sharp knife, requires skill and care to avoid self-inflicted harm.

  • Overthinking, negative self-talk, and perfectionism are common pitfalls of mishandling our minds.

  • Cultivating mindfulness, positive thinking, and setting realistic goals are essential strategies for maintaining a, sharp mind.

The Power of a Sharp Mind and Sharp Knife

As Coach Myrna eloquently stated, “Just as a sharp knife is invaluable in the kitchen… a, sharp mind, is a tool of immense power.” This metaphor sets the stage for understanding the profound capabilities of our minds and the potential dangers if misused.

Our minds allow us to solve problems, think critically, and create innovative solutions. A well-honed mind can significantly improve various aspects of life, from decision-making to emotional stability. Myrna lists several benefits of a, sharp mind:

  • Improved Decision Making: “With a clear and focused mind, decisions are made based on logic and reason rather than impulse or emotion.”

  • Enhanced Learning: “A sharp mind absorbs information quickly and retains knowledge efficiently.”

  • Creativity: “A mind that is sharp and clear can think outside of the box, leading to innovative ideas.”

  • Emotional Stability: “A sharp mind maintains a sense of balance and composure.”

These attributes highlight the instrumental role of a focused mind in navigating life effectively. Like a knife making the cooking process efficient and enjoyable, a well-honed mind brings clarity and purpose to our daily tasks.

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podhero Transform Your Mind

The Dangers of Mishandling Your Mind

The qualities that make a knife effective also make it dangerous if mishandled. This is equally true for the mind. Myrna warns us about the repercussions of not managing our minds properly:

  • Overthinking: “It can lead to stress, anxiety, and an inability to act decisively.”

  • Negative Self-Talk: “A sharp mind turned inward with negativity can cut deeply.”

  • Perfectionism: “Being overly critical… sets you up with unrealistic standards.”

These are the mental pitfalls equivalent to holding a sharp knife by its blade. Overthinking spins us into a relentless whirlpool of stress and indecision. Negative self-talk deepens our emotional wounds, leading to issues like low self-esteem and depression. Perfectionism, while seemingly noble, often results in chronic dissatisfaction as we set unattainable standards for ourselves.

Coach Myrna also emphasizes how “obsessive control” can exhaust and frustrate us, contributing to mental stress. By addressing these dangers, we recognize the importance of treating our minds with the same care and respect we would a sharp knife.

Strategies to Harness Mental Sharpness and a Sharp Mind

To wield our minds skillfully, similar to handling a sharp knife, specific strategies are essential. Coach Myrna suggests:

  • Mindfulness and Meditation: “These practices train your mind to focus on the present moment, reducing overthinking and fostering a sense of Peace.”

  • Positive Thinking: “Cultivate positive self-talk and challenge negative thoughts.”

  • Setting Realistic Goals: “Set achievable goals and recognize your progress.”

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Transform Your Mind PodMust

Mindfulness and Meditation

Training the mind through mindfulness and meditation involves focusing on the present moment. Myrna shares, “I do a meditation when they said your thoughts don’t control you… think of them [as] colorful balloons and let them float away.” By distancing from our thoughts, we prevent them from controlling us, reducing overthinking and anxiety.

Meditation encourages us to be mindful of simple bodily functions, such as the heartbeat or the blood flowing through our veins, which we often take for granted. This practice counters the common tendency to be consumed by worries and emotions, grounding us in a state of peace.

A Sharp Mind is a Positive Mind

Cultivating positivity in our self-talk is crucial but challenging. Coach Myrna advises using positive affirmations and challenging negative thoughts by asking, “Is it true? How do you know that it’s true?” This method, popularized by Byron Katie, helps break the cycle of negative thinking by confronting the validity of our assumptions.

Positive thinking isn’t about ignoring problems but approaching them with a solution-oriented mindset. This shift in perspective can profoundly impact our mental state, fostering resilience and optimism.

Setting Realistic Goals

Perfectionism often sets us up for failure with unrealistic expectations. Instead, Myrna suggests setting achievable goals and celebrating small victories. She emphasizes, “Happiness is working towards a goal… once you are working towards a goal, it’s the definition of what happiness is.”

This approach allows us to measure progress without falling into the trap of harsh self-criticism. Setting realistic goals instills a sense of accomplishment and keeps us motivated.

Mastering the art of mental precision requires diligent practice and conscious effort. Coach Myrna’s insights about treating our minds with the same care as a sharp knife provide a valuable framework for achieving mental well-being. By embracing mindfulness, fostering positive thinking, and setting realistic goals, we can harness the power of our minds effectively. This path not only prevents self-inflicted wounds but also unlocks our potential, transforming our minds to transform our lives.

Additional Resources

Unlocking Success: The Power of Manifestation and Mindset

American Grit: Transforming Victimhood into Heroism

John Suzuki, author of “American Grit,” joins coach Myrna to discuss the inspiring journey from victimhood to heroism in America’s concentration camps during World War II. Suzuki delves into powerful themes of racial identity, resilience, and the importance of choices in transforming lives. Highlighting stories of Japanese American men who volunteered for the US Army despite their imprisonment, Suzuki emphasizes the profound impact of mindset and empowerment. Gain insights into the enduring legacy of courage, love, and perseverance against adversity. Listen to uncover how mindset shifts can drive monumental change.

Download the podcast here: 


Key Takeaways

  • Empowerment through Choices: Understanding that life is shaped by the choices we make, transforming victimhood into a journey of self-empowerment.

  • Historical Lessons: Reflecting on the resilience and bravery of Japanese Americans in WWII concentration camps and the relevance of these lessons in today's society.

  • Mindset Transformations: Exploring the power of the human mind in overcoming adversity and the potential to make a significant impact through conscious decisions.

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Podchaser transform your mind podcast

The Power of Choice: From Victimhood to Empowerment

John Suzuki discusses his book “American Grit” and  dives deep into the pivotal concept of choice. At its core, he emphasizes how choices shape our lives:

“I am a big Advocate that our life that we the product of our of our life today is a product of the choices that we've made in our lives.”

Suzuki outlines an environment of extreme prejudice and hardship, detailing how Japanese Americans, forcibly placed in U.S. concentration camps during WWII, faced monumental challenges. Despite being unjustly imprisoned solely based on race, many chose not to succumb to victimhood. For instance, numerous Japanese American men volunteered to fight for the U.S. Army, demonstrating an extraordinary act of bravery:

“They went on to fight for the United States and Europe and they joined the 442nd regimental combat team…which became the most decorated War unit in the history of the United States for size and duration.”

This vibrant testament reflects the essence of transforming one's circumstances through deliberate and courageous choices. Individuals who reframed their narratives from powerless victims to empowered participants made significant historical and personal impacts, illustrating the profound strength of the human spirit when driven by choice.

Historical Reflections: Victimhood to Heroism

Understanding historical events, such as the internment of Japanese Americans during WWII, is more crucial than ever. John not only sheds light on these dark times but also presents a warning to contemporary society:

“I believe that it will happen again… this is another reason why I want to get this out.” It happened to the Muslims after 9/11

Highlighting the fear-driven decisions and racism that led to the internment camps, Suzuki draws a parallel to modern-day events, considering the post-9/11 period and the COVID-19 pandemic when similar xenophobic sentiments emerged:

“After 911, there were calls to round up Muslims and put them into camps…during covid people were talking about rounding up Chinese.”

Suzuki's insights imply that by learning from past mistakes, society can take proactive steps to prevent history from repeating itself. Such awareness encourages a collective effort to combat bigotry, fostering a more inclusive and empathetic society.

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podhero Transform Your Mind

Mindset as a Catalyst for Change

Suzuki repeatedly underscores the transformative power of mindset in overcoming adversity. He describes the resilience of individuals in the concentration camps, particularly through the story of Louise Kashino, who found ways to build a better life despite her circumstances:

“She made that decision that she was not going to be a victim and that she was going…and that choice opened up opportunities.”

This narrative highlights a fundamental principle: mindset shapes reality. Transforming adverse situations into opportunities for growth and success begins with changing one's mental outlook. For Suzuki and many others, this shift in perspective was not just an internal process but had real-world consequences, enabling them to make impactful contributions to their communities and the broader society.

Furthermore, the discussion brings a universal message about self-empowerment and the importance of proactive thinking:

“There is no such thing as failure…it's just a stepping stone to success.”

By embracing failure as a part of the journey, individuals can transcend limitations imposed by their environments or external conditions. This mindset not only fosters personal growth but also encourages others to pursue their passions and make positive changes in the world.

book american grit
book american grit

American Grit: Inspiring New Generations

John Suzuki’s exploration of resilience, victimhood  and heroism in “American Grit” serves as a vital reminder of the enduring strength of the human spirit. The narrative unravels how ordinary people faced extraordinary challenges and emerged as heroes through the power of choice, reflecting timeless lessons of courage, determination, and love.

“It's choices, and don't look at choices as a bad thing… think of choices as being the most empowering thing you can have in your life.”

These insights reinforce the idea that, regardless of circumstances, individuals possess the agency to change their lives and, by extension, the society around them. As Suzuki’s conversation with Myrna highlights, making conscious choices towards positivity and growth can lead to substantial, meaningful impacts, resonating across generations.

The lessons from WWII concentration camps and the transforming power of the human mind are significant not just historically but also in contemporary contexts. They highlight the need for vigilance against injustice and the continuous endeavor to foster a society built on empathy, resilience, and empowered choices.

Through understanding and embracing these lessons, we can all contribute to making the world a better place – one informed choice at a time.

Additional Resources


Altruism: Why We Should Embrace the Servant Mindset

Transform Your Mind: You Are Capable

Have anyone ever told you, you are capable, of anything? Drawing inspiration from Dr. Jamal Bryant‘s personal story, coach Myrna  emphasizes that we are all capable of achieving greatness if we tap into our full potential.

Discover how to, transform your mindset, and unlock your full potential.  In this episode of Transform Your Mind with Coach Myrna. Learn the power of believing in your capabilities, embracing a growth mindset, challenging limiting beliefs, cultivating resilience, surrounding yourself with positivity, and practicing self-compassion. With these strategies, you can achieve greatness beyond your wildest dreams, believe that, you are capable.

Download the podcast here:


You are capable: Replace Self-Doubt with Self-Confidence

The human mind is a powerful tool capable of incredible feats when harnessed correctly. However, many of us underestimate our own abilities, allowing self-doubt and fear to hold us back. It's time to challenge those limited beliefs and transform your mindset. You can achieve more than you ever thought possible. Be confident because, you are capable.

As Coach Myrna shares, “The Bible says that the Lord has equipped us with everything we need to do what we're here to do on this Earth.” We are preloaded with the necessary energy, personality, and intelligence. We just need to tap into our capabilities and believe in ourselves. Replace self-doubt with self-confidence and watch how your mindset transforms.

You are capable: Do it until you achieve perfection

I was listening to an interview a few weeks back with John Lee Dumas the host of Entrepreneurs on Fire and he said that he decided to host a podcast for entrepreneurs every single day because he was a new entrepreneur and when he looked at podcasting there was none in that space.  He didn't know anything about podcasting, he didn't know anything about interviewing,  but he decided that he was going to get on the mic every single day and talk about entrepreneurship.

He said that it took him over 400 episodes until he started to do better interviews, but you know what at the 200 episode when he looked at it and said. I'm not terribly good.  Did he stop?  No because practice makes perfect.  YOu are capable of doing anything,  even if you don't do it well at first.  Statistics show that you need 10,000 hours of practice to become perfect in anything.  You need to do it until you achieve perfection, because practice makes perfect.

Embrace a Growth Mindset

Psychologist Carol Dweck popularized the concept of a growth mindset. It is the belief that abilities and intelligence can be developed through dedication and hard work. Instead of thinking that something is hard and you can't do it, be willing to learn as you go and do what is necessary to succeed.

Coach Myrna shares her personal journey of going from selling office supplies to becoming a life coach, author, and podcaster. She never doubted her capabilities. She believed she was preloaded with everything she needed and that everything else could be learned. Success is formed through practice and perseverance. Embrace a growth mindset and be open to learning and growing.

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Transform Your mind podlink

You are capable: Challenge Your Limited Beliefs

Our beliefs shape how we show up in the world. Sometimes, we need to rewrite the script and challenge our limiting beliefs. We all have beliefs about ourselves and our capabilities that may not serve us well. These limited beliefs often stem from past experiences, societal expectations, or negative self-talk.

Coach Myrna encourages us to identify these beliefs and challenge them. Are they based on facts or simply assumptions we've accepted over time? Replace them with empowering beliefs that align with your goals and aspirations.

As the scripture says, “I can do all things through God who strengthens me.”

Challenge your limited beliefs and unlock your full potential.

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curiocaster transform your mind podcast

Cultivate Resilience

Resilience is the ability to bounce back from setbacks and adapt to change. Building resilience requires facing challenges head-on, learning from failures, and maintaining a positive outlook. Setbacks are not failures but valuable lessons that can help you grow stronger and wiser.

Coach Myrna reminds us to cultivate resilience and view setbacks as opportunities for growth. By developing resilience, you can approach challenges with greater confidence and bounce back stronger than ever. Remember, practice makes perfect, and resilience is a key ingredient in achieving greatness.

You are capable: Surround Yourself with Positivity

The company you keep plays a significant role in shaping your mindset. Surround yourself with supportive, positive people who believe in your abilities and encourage you to pursue your dreams. Their optimism and encouragement can be a powerful source of motivation and inspiration.

Coach Myrna shares the story of Pastor Jamal Bryant, who was encouraged by a senior pastor who told him, “You are capable.” This simple statement transformed his mindset and gave him the motivation to continue his work. Surrounding yourself with positivity can have a profound impact on your mindset and belief in your capabilities.

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Practice Self-Compassion

Be kind to yourself and acknowledge your efforts and achievements, no matter how small. Forgive yourself for any mistakes or shortcomings. Remember, nobody is perfect except Jesus. Practicing self-compassion fosters a healthier mindset, boosts self-esteem, and enables you to approach challenges with greater confidence and resilience.

Coach Myrna emphasizes the importance of self-compassion. By being kind to yourself and acknowledging your efforts, you create a positive and nurturing environment for personal growth. Treat yourself with the same compassion and understanding you would offer to a friend. Practice self-compassion and watch how it transforms your mindset.


Transforming your mind begins with believing in your capabilities and embracing a growth mindset. Challenge your limited beliefs, set realistic goals, cultivate resilience, surround yourself with positivity, and practice self-compassion. By doing so, you unlock your full potential and achieve greatness beyond your wildest dreams.

Remember, you are capable, of amazing things. All you have to do is believe in yourself and tap into the preloaded capabilities within you. Transform your mind and watch how it transforms your life. As Coach Myrna says, “You are capable, and if you need some encouragement to fill up your tank, then that's basically what I want to do today.” Believe in yourself and embrace your limitless potential.

Additional Resources

Find Your Purpose: What's in Your Hand

Embracing Mortality: How To Live Like You Will Die Tomorrow

How to live, like you will die tomorrow, is one way to embrace your mortality. Death anxiety,  often brings fear and apprehension, but what if acknowledging the inevitability of death could become a catalyst for living a more fulfilled, passionate life? In a candid conversation between life coach Myrna Young and spiritual teacher Kate Manser, inspiring insights are shared on, how to live life, to the fullest by embracing the possibility that tomorrow may never come.

Download the podcast here:


Key Takeaways:
  • Mortality Awareness as a Catalyst for Living: Recognizing the impermanence of life can be a powerful motivator to live more freely and joyously.
  • Personal Awakening Through Challenging Events: Experiencing loss or trauma can lead to profound self-discovery and a deeper appraisal of life.
  • Daily Practices for a Fuller Life: Implementing mindfulness habits and seeking joy in every day can transform ordinary experiences into extraordinary ones.

Awakening to Life Through the Lens of Mortality

Kate Mansor's personal journey of transformation underscores how facing mortality head-on can lead to an awakening. After the sudden loss of several friends, Kate grappled with deep, death anxiety, the fear that she could die at any moment. This fear initially paralyzed her, making her afraid to truly live. However, the untimely death of a colleague on Mount Everest became a pivotal turning point. She realized that regardless of how one chooses to live, the end is inevitable for everyone. This revelation shifted her perspective from fearing death to using the awareness of mortality as a motivating force for living passionately and authentically.

“… What was the scariest thing for me? The idea that I might die tomorrow. After that, it became the most motivating, inspiring, and clarity inducing mantra of my life.” — Kate Manser

Kate speaks to the transformative power of integrating mortality into one's life philosophy. When we internalize the transient nature of our existence, every moment becomes precious. This realization serves as a foundation to build a life that allows for greater clarity, urgency, and purpose.

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Mortality Awareness: Live Like You Will Die Tomorrow

Life inevitably throws challenges our way — divorce, loss, depression, and the like. Instead of allowing these moments to define us negatively, Kate advocates for embracing pain as part of the full spectrum of human experience. It's not just about loving life when it’s easy, but accepting and understanding that pain and challenges are equally integral to the human condition.

“…if I say I love life, but I only love the part of life that's fun and shiny…then I don't really love life. I love easy life…” — Kate Manser

Kate and Myrna discuss how through our trials, we find connections with others who have walked similar paths. This collective experience not only helps ease our personal suffering by knowing we are not alone but also facilitates empathy, understanding, and a potential to help others navigating similar circumstances. Embracing the complete human experience, with its highs and lows, shapes a more compassionate and genuine legacy.

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Podmust Transform Your Mind podcast

Integrating Mindfulness Practices for Daily Aliveness

The conversation takes a practical turn as Kate shares her experiences with walking meditation, a practice learned at Plum Village, the monastery of Thich Nhat Hanh. This type of meditation grounds you in the present, breathes life into routine chores, and helps connect with the natural world around you.

“…walking meditation, you just walk, and you feel your feet on the ground, and you look at the sky, and you feel the air on your skin, and you're just so deep in the present moment.” — Kate Manser

She also introduces the “deathbed gut check” — a decision-making tool that helps break through life's indecision by imagining choices from the perspective of your dying moments. This mental exercise peels away the superficial layers of daily worries, revealing what truly holds meaning in life.

“…remembering that I'll be dead soon is the best thing I have ever found to help me make the tough choices in life.” — Steve Jobs

Mindfulness Walking Meditation

These tools are not only meant for large life decisions but can also transform the mundane, instilling a sense of aliveness in every action.

Mindfulness, walking meditation, equip us to embrace mortality positively. By periodically reminding ourselves of our finite existence, we're more likely to appreciate the nuances of life, love more deeply, and live with intention.

The dialogue between Myrna and Kate Manser explores the depth and breadth of living with mortality in mind. It is evident that the, awareness of death, can be not only a philosophy but a practical, daily influence on how we choose to conduct our lives. By valuing our fleeting moments, embracing our trials, and cultivating mindfulness in our routine, we edge closer to living authentically and passionately — essentially, living as if we might die tomorrow.

The intertwining threads of mortality, awakening, pain, purpose, and mindfulness offer a tapestry of insights that encourage readers to reassess their approach to life. Rather than shying away from the thought of death, we lean into it, allowing it to highlight and prioritize the truly important aspects of our existence. This approach doesn't just change how we live; it transforms how we engage with the world and consequently, how we leave it when our time comes.

Book You May Die Tomorrow


For those interested in delving deeper, Kate's book “You Might Die Tomorrow” lays out a path toward living a life enriched with immediacy and meaning. Each page turns the concept of death from a distant, abstract fear into a present, vivifying force, compelling us to make the most of the time we have. To connect with Kate and explore more about living a life aware of its end, visit katemansor.com and follow her on social media under the handle @thealivekate.

Additional Resources

How To Face Your Fear of Death

Under Pressure: No Pressure No Diamonds

Are you under pressure? The timeless wisdom encapsulated in the phrase “No pressure, no diamonds” invites us to reframe adversity as an opportunity for growth, resilience, and the discovery of our true brilliance. It allows us to shine like a diamond.

In the tapestry of life, challenges and pressures are the crucible that forges our character and brings forth the radiant gems within. So if you find yourself, under pressure, embrace it as the pressure that forms your diamonds.

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Under pressure: Embrace your challenges

No pressure no diamonds, speaks to the idea that pressure, much like the intense heat required to create diamonds, is the force that refines and shapes us. Instead of fearing challenges, we are encouraged to embrace them as the transformative catalysts that bring out our inner strength and resilience.

if you're above ground then you're going to have challenges so make those challenges shape you, make those challenges make you shine like a diamond.  The Mantra or the phrase, no pressure no diamonds, speak speaks to the idea that pressure much like the intense heat required to create diamonds is the force that shapes and refines us.

So instead of fearing challenges we're encouraged to embrace them as the transformative catalysts that bring out our inner strength and Brilliance.  All right, so do not run from the challenges they are here to shape you and make you shine shine like a diamond.  How are diamonds made?  By pressure!  Diamonds are renowned for their Brilliance and similarly within each individual lies a unique Brilliance waiting to be uncovered.  The challenges we face serve as the polishing agents that reveal the inequalities, talent and capabilities that remain hidden in the absence of adversity.

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A Diamond start off as a Coal

You all know that diamonds start off as coal, and the pressure make this big lump of coal,  this horrible looking stuff, turn into one of the most valuable commodities on Earth.  So if you are coal right now, accept adversity, accept the pressure because that is what going to turn you into a diamond! Growth through adversity, this is a call to view adversity not as an obstacle but as an essential part of the journey towards self-discovery and personal evolution.

Just as a diamond emerges from the rough, our true potential is often realized through navigating and overcoming life's difficulties.  Resilience forms diamonds, resilience is the ability to buns back from challenges. Resilience is the jewel that glistens, under pressure.  The mantra, no pressure no diamonds, inspires us to cultivate resilience as a precious asset allowing us to navigate life's complexities with Grace and emerge stronger on the other side of adversity, transforming pressure into power.  Rather than succumbing to the weight of pressure, this mantra empowers us to harness it as a source of energy and motivation.

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Transform Your Mind Podverse.fm

No Pressure No Diamonds: Pressure reveals our Brilliance:

Diamonds are renowned for their brilliance, and similarly, within each individual lies a unique brilliance waiting to be uncovered. The pressures and challenges we face serve as the polishing agents that reveal the innate qualities, talents, and capabilities that may remain hidden in the absence of adversity.

A diamond's brilliance is the amount of white light it reflectsBrilliance is an optical property of diamonds that contributes to their value, beauty, and price. It's also the basis for a diamond's brightness and sparkle

Under pressure: Grow Through Adversity:

“No pressure, no diamonds” is a call to view adversity not as an obstacle, but as an essential part of the journey toward self-discovery and personal evolution. Just as a diamond emerges from, under pressure, our true potential is often realized through navigating and overcoming life's difficulties.

Growing through adversity means that adversity changes us. When things get difficult, we tend to drop our self-care and focus on sticking to what we know. That's how we burn out, not because we wear out from working too much — which is often how we deal with adversity — but because we're not integrating our emotions.

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Transform Your Mind Podnews

No Pressure No Diamonds: Resilience forms diamonds

Resilience, the ability to bounce back from challenges, is the jewel that glistens, under pressure. The mantra, inspires us to cultivate resilience as a precious asset, allowing us to navigate life's complexities with grace and emerge stronger on the other side of adversity.

It’s important to note that being resilient requires a skill set that you can work on and grow over time. Building resilience takes time, strength, and help from people around you; you’ll likely experience setbacks along the way. It depends on personal behaviors and skills (like self-esteem and communication skills), as well as external things (like social support and resources available to you).

Being resilient does not mean that people don’t experience stress, emotional upheaval, and suffering. Demonstrating resilience includes working through emotional pain and suffering.

Under Pressure: Transform it to Power:

Rather than succumbing to the weight of pressure, this mantra empowers us to harness it as a source of energy and motivation. When viewed through the lens of growth, it becomes the fuel that propels us forward, driving us to reach new heights and achieve our aspirations.

Pressure: Lessons from Nature:

Nature itself teaches us the profound truth embedded in this phrase. Diamonds are formed deep within the Earth under immense pressure. Similarly, our personal diamonds – our strengths, wisdom, and resilience – often emerge through the trials and tribulations of life.

No Pressure No Diamonds: Celebrate the Journey:

When we face challenges, it is a reminder to celebrate the entire journey, including the challenges along the way. Each obstacle is an opportunity for transformation, and every step taken under pressure is a facet that contributes to the multifaceted brilliance of our lives.


In the grand symphony of life, “no pressure no diamonds” echoes as a powerful refrain, urging us to embrace challenges, cultivate resilience, and recognize the brilliance that resides within. As we navigate the complexities of our journeys, may this mantra inspire us to shine brightly, transformed by the pressures that shape us into the unique and resilient individuals we are meant to become.

Additional Resources

How to Shine Like a Diamond with Clarity and Value

How to Use Reiki Energy To Heal Mind and Body

The healing power of Reiki energy allows you to cause an effect in your life instead of reacting to cause and effect!

Listen to the full interview here:


I was listening to a podcast episode with Dr Joe Dispenza  a few weeks back and he was talking about his events where people heal themselves from incurable diseases by changing their energy and accessing the, healing energy, of the quantum field.

He shared a story of a woman who had a stroke two years ago which according to the medical journals is one year and 10 months past the time for damaged brain cells to regenerate. This woman healed her brain and body through meditation. She tapped into, quantum energy,  and healed her body.

Dr Dispenza says this is the Time in history when it is not enough to know, it is a time in history to know how.

How to Use the, Healing Energy, of, Reiki

  • Information stimulates thought, and fosters new connections in our brain.
  • Said another way, Information creates awareness and awareness is consciousness.
  • You can't have consciousness without energy.
  • Nobody changes anything until they change their energy.

In this episode of the, Transform your Mind, to Transform your Life radio and podcast, Life Coach,  Myrna Young and Social Worker and Mental Health Counselor, Arifah Yusuf, want to expand your consciousness on changing your energy to Change your life using, Reiki, energy and just changing your thoughts.

Instead of living by cause and effect, we want to teach you how to Cause an Effect!

Here is a story on how one woman used, Reiki,  energy healing, to Transform her mind and body .

In 1985 Tori’s life started falling apart. Her baby was only 4 months old, in hospital suffering with lung problems, her  husband was fighting for our country and the icing on the cake she was involved in a serious car accident with her oldest son who was 4 years old and in the car with her at the time of the accident. He suffered serious head injuries and she was in a coma for 72 hours.

  • When she came out of the coma, she felt this overwhelming guilt that she could not be there with her child to comfort him in the hospital.
  • She says everything she believed in, came to a sudden end. Hope was lost. She endured months and months of rehabilitation for not only her oldest son but for herself as well.  Her 6 month old baby took was still suffering with lung problems so all these events took it's toll on her family.
  • One afternoon while paging through a magazine her eye fell on a story about, Reiki. Up until this time, she had never heard of alternative or, energy healing, and found the article most interesting and informative.
  • Both her children as well as herself were in great need of, energy healing.
  • She did some research and enrolled in, Reiki,  1 and then  followed that with, Reiki,  level 2.
  • She says, Reiki,  has been an absolute life saver for her and her children. With the support of, Reiki,  and , energy healing, on all levels – body, mind and spirit she is grateful for the complete recovery of both herself and her sons.

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Reiki, Energy Healing session from, Reiki Therapist

During this, energy healing,  session my, Reiki Therapist,  first cleaned the energy out of the room, then she funneled my, energy healing, up through my head.  My head got so hot it was dripping with sweat.  The sweat was not just on my face but under my hair.

Typically  the person receiving,  Reiki, energy healing,  will lie down on a massage table, fully clothed. The, Reiki  Therapist,  would then either place hands on the client or place their hands slightly above the client’s body, but still within their energy field. Client’s often express that they feel warm, tingling sensations during a session.

When I came out of that session, I felt so good and I had clarity in my life.

  • The, Reiki, stories I just shared require advanced knowledge. I wanted to share to illustrate what is possible. But I want to share with you today how you too can transform your life by transforming your, Reiki energy, by just changing your thoughts.
  • You may be waiting your whole entire life to get the good breaks, to get the love of your life, the career you dream about, the home you dream about and you tell yourself that when I get these things I will be happy.
  • Unfortunately, thoughts of lack create more lack.
  • The trick is to begin to condition your, energy healing, and feel like you already have all those things. This is hard to do and takes a lot of visualization exercise. And if you are auditory like me almost a hat trick! But this is the secret to getting all you desire.

How to Clear your Energy Space

Arifah, from the mental health space do you help your clients to condition their minds and improve their, Reiki energy, body? How do you get someone who is feeling angry, depressed, insignificant to get to joy and gratitude?

I created a wellness daily action plan that I share with clients to help them condition their minds and improve their energy. It includes, journaling food and water intake, as well writing down priorities, 3 things they are grateful for and quotes or music that make them feel motivated to get active. We also focus on things that have brought joy in the past, such as achievements/moments of gratitude.

During my sessions with clients I also teach a few different breathing exercises for the optimization of mind-body, energy healing,  and mindfulness exercises to help clear the mind and focus on the present. I also ask them to reflect and write down what they admire or love about themselves and a proud moment, it’s a great way to bring focus back to milestones and connect to what has worked in the past and what they need to do in the present to boost their, Reiki energy, and find their purpose.

Most the times, my clients are impacted by overthinking and challenges in their own lives, I try to remind them that we all go through this, but in those moments you have to focus on what you are willing to let go and what you want to change, making this decision alone will help increase your, Reiki  energy,  as you may feel a weight lifted, and a sense of freedom and new direction.

For example, recently my friend was told that her timing was coming and she needed to start preparing to leave this world.  She prepared her mind mentally using, Reiki, methods and began to get her affairs in order and say her farewells.  She planned her memorial to celebrate the life she lived, and thank everyone for being a part of her journey.  She also thanked her lungs, heart and other organs for helping her live until she was almost 40.

In her farewell letter, she mentioned to seize every opportunity, live life to the fullest, forgive, take risks if your heart is in it  and have gratitude.  I feel blessed to be reminded every time that we need to focus our, Reiki energy, to build ourselves up and others, if something is bringing you down, find a solution or let go.

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Meditating using, Reiki Energy

  • Getting outside can have an effect on mood and because you are exposed to the boundless, Reiki energy, that exist in nature. Feeling the sun on your face is just one way to draw in some of the vital, Reiki, energy that comes from your environment, as well bonding socially with people that are positive
  • I do a powerful meditation that helps me condition my, energy healing. It is not, Reiki, but it gives me clarity.
  • Remember You can't attract anything good if you don't feel good.
  • We have to Stop telling the story of our past and start telling the story of our future.  As humans we were given the gift of imagination and the beauty of imagination is that our creator added a bonus. He hard wired our brain to not be able to tell the difference between imagination and the real thing. So day dream copiously!

Cause an effect in your life instead of reacting to cause and effect!

  • Your thoughts produce an electrical charge and feelings produce a magnetic charge.
  • How you think and how you feel broadcasts, quantum energy, fields that influences every atom in your life.
  • Thoughts send the signal out and feelings draw it back.
  • So when you imagine you already have your dream house, your dream man, living in abundance you think and feel good, that engages the law of attraction and draws these things to you.
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  • Visualization of your story Past, Present, Future: Accessing, Reiki Energy

  • Tell the story of how You want your life to be and repeat it until you become it and your subconscious mind picks it up and manifests it.


  • Visualization exercise: 5 Ways to use Change your Life by Changing your Thoughts 

You are relaxing at the beach and notice two chairs in a distance. You decide to walk over to the chairs and investigate. As you get closer the person sitting in the chair begin to look familiar. You recognize your future self 5 years from now.

  • You have realizing all your goals and living a perfect life.
  • One chair is empty so you sit in this chair opposite and begin to interview your future self.
  • Question 1:
  • How did you overcome a challenge you face today?
  • What action steps did you take?
  • Question 2:
  • What beliefs did you let go of to have this perfect life?
  • Question 3:
  • What makes you feel proud?
  • Question 4:
  • What new habits did you acquire?
  • Question 5:
  • What part of your story excites you?
  • Arifah how does the mental health counselor teach visualization?

Most of the time, when I am working with clients I will play a visualization recording or read one out loud for clients to focus on.  For example, I love the exercise 54321 that focuses on connecting back to the present using your 4 senses.  I also, have an exercise I call memory play back, where I have clients visualize a time and place in their life they remember feeling joy, and have them share details about that day out loud while their eyes are closed.

There are many visualization and guided imagery exercises that are in self help books and credible sites online, that people can use to practice when feeling overwhelmed.   I always tell clients to ensure they practice visualization in a safe space, where they feel comfortable and can focus.

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Kidtasks  is an organizer for your children’s daily routines, but it is good for the entire family.

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Parents you can even rate each task in points.
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Parents, this AP will teach your children responsibility and reward them in the process.  To download this AP head over to Google Aps and search for Kidtasks.


 Additional Resources 







Altruism: Why We Should Embrace the Servant Mindset

Altruism is the selfless act of helping others without expecting anything in return. “It is often considered one of the defining characteristics of what it means to be human. Jesus introduces us to the, servant mindset. The servant mindset, is doing your duty and not expecting thanks or words of appreciation. This message hit home to me because I always say thanks and expect thanks.  But if we are truly serving our community, we do our duty just like the servant who worked all day in the fields, then he had to prepare his masters meal and then serve him while he ate.  And when his master has no more need for him then he fixes himself something to eat. He does all this without his coveting his master to say thanks.

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Introduction to Altruism

Welcome back to the Transform Your Mind to Transform Your Life, the  podcast. I'm your host, life coach Myrna Young, and today on Five Minute Fridays, I want to delve into the topic of embracing the, servant mindset. It's an interesting concept that I've been learning and growing in myself, as I've always been someone who expects thanks when I serve others. However, true Altruism is the service without expecting thanks or anything in return. Jesus teaches us that true service comes from a place of selflessness, where we serve without expecting anything in return.

In Luke 17:7-9, Jesus shares a parable about a servant who plows and tends to the sheep. When the servant comes in from the field, he doesn't expect to be invited to sit down and eat. Instead, he is instructed to prepare his master's supper, get himself ready, and wait on his master while he eats and drinks. Only after his master is satisfied does the servant have permission to eat and drink himself. And in this parable, Jesus emphasizes that the servant will not receive thanks for simply doing his job, because his duty is to be of service to  his master.

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I expect thanks for my acts of service

This parable resonates with me personally, as I often find myself expecting thanks and appreciation for the work I do. For example, as the host of this podcast, I promote my guests and go out of my way to support them. However, I've noticed that sometimes there is silence after the show airs, with no acknowledgement or reciprocation. But I've come to realize that my purpose is to serve in true Altruism fashion  and if I don't receive thanks, it doesn't diminish the value of my service.

My husband often reminds me not to expect others to pat me on the back, but to pat myself on the back instead. He shares his experience from playing football, where he would make a great play and not receive any recognition from the coach. Eventually, he learned to acknowledge his own achievements and find fulfillment in his own work, rather than relying on external validation. This is the essence of embracing a, servant mindset – finding joy and fulfillment in the act of serving through Altruism regardless of whether or not we receive thanks.

So, what does it mean to have a, servant mindset? Let's explore the key aspects of this mindset and how they can positively impact our lives.

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Selfless Service: Helping Others Without Expecting Recognition

True service is rooted in selflessness and Altruism. It's about helping others not for recognition, but because it's the right thing to do. As I serve you all through this podcast, my ministry is to help you transform your mind and, in turn, transform your life. I don't expect thanks or praise for my service, because my purpose is to make a positive impact and support your growth. Embracing a, servant mindset, means focusing on the act of service itself, rather than seeking external validation and reciprocation.

Humility and Obedience: Following Without Expecting Praise

To have a, servant mindset, we must practice humility and obedience. Just as the servant in the parable follows their master's commands without expecting praise, we too should approach our duties with humility and obedience. This means being willing to serve others and fulfill our responsibilities without seeking recognition or accolades. It's about recognizing that our role is to serve and support others, and finding fulfillment in fulfilling that role, regardless of whether or not we receive thanks.

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The Joy of Giving: Finding Fulfillment in Altruism

A, servant mindset, brings joy through giving and helping others, even if our actions are not acknowledged or appreciated. It's about finding fulfillment in the act of giving itself, rather than relying on external validation or gratitude. For example, I find joy in giving money to those in need, even if they don't express their gratitude. The act of giving is its own reward, and it allows us to make a positive impact in the lives of others.

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Cultivating Gratitude: Appreciating Those Who Serve Us

On the flip side of giving is gratitude. Embracing Altruism also means being grateful for those who serve us selflessly. Whether it's a spouse who supports us or someone who goes above and beyond in their service, we should acknowledge and appreciate their efforts. It's important to recognize that we are not the only ones with a, servant mindset, and to express our gratitude for those who serve us in various ways.

The Ripple Effect of Altruism: Inspiring Others to Serve

Embracing Altruism can inspire others to do the same. When we lead by example and cultivate a culture of kindness and generosity, it creates a ripple effect in our communities. Others see our selfless service and are inspired to follow suit. As Jesus said, someone is always watching, and our actions can inspire others to embrace a, servant mindset, and make the world a better place, one act of kindness at a time.

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Transform Your Mind Podcast Pandora


In conclusion, embracing a, servant mindset, as taught by Jesus in Luke 17, is a path to genuine selfless service. It reminds us that true Altruism comes from helping others without expecting accolades. By adopting this mindset, we can make a positive impact in the lives of others and create a ripple effect of kindness and generosity. So, let's continue to serve without expecting thanks, knowing that our true reward lies in the joy of giving and the knowledge that we are making a difference in the world.

Thank you for joining me on this episode of Five Minute Fridays. Until next time, remember to embrace the, servant mindset, and continue to transform your mind to transform your life. Namaste.

Additional Resources

The Stone the Builder Rejected, Now Cornerstone

How To Unlock Your Full Potential: Overcoming Inaction

David Nurse, an NBA Mindset coach and bestselling author, joins host Myrna Young to discuss the importance of a, growth mindset, to, unlock your full potential. We explore eight, archetypes of fear, that hinder action: including the burned, the blamer, and the perfectionist. David shares insights from his book “Do It: The Life-Changing Power of Taking Action” and offers practical tools for overcoming these, archetypes of fear. He emphasizes the need to embrace imperfection and take consistent action to achieve success.

Download the podcast here: 


Unlock your full potential with a growth mindset

Myrna: The common thread in all your books is mindset. Why do you think a, growth mindset, is so important to our success?

David: Having a, growth mindset, is so important because really, when you break down life, it is simple.  Life starts off simple. When you're a kid, you're just playing. You don't have worries, stresses, anxieties.

But as you get older, get into a job, into relationships, everything becomes so complicated. But if you peel back the layers of the onion of life, it actually is very simple. And it just comes down to perspective, how you view each situation. You can't take it all in once. It's just step by step. It's like taking a step forward with a flood lamp where you can only see a little bit in front of you. You can't see the whole picture.

Having a, growth mindset, is a crucial factor in determining our success. It shapes our perspective and how we approach challenges and opportunities.

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How athletes unlock their full potential with mindset growth

Myrna: So as a mindset coach for athletes, before we go into, growth mindset , off the court, let talk about, growth mindset, on the court.  Because we can transition everything in life, whether it's having a, growth mindset, on the court, or having a, growth mindset, in the boardroom. So let's stick with the sports analogy for a while because I never played professional sports. But let's say I'm thinking of a mindset like Michael Jordan.  I know, when he got into the league, he was benched.

Nobody thought he was good, or even Tom Brady, he was a scrawny kid. And actually, now that I started to talk, I'm thinking of all these guys. And I just finished watching the Netflix documentary on  Stephen Curry biography. And of course, that's a perfect one to look at. This scrawny little kid, and everybody is counting him out because he's tiny, he's small, and then he starts playing. And what he said to himself is, I'm just good at these guys. I just need to grow a little more.

So tell us about how that kind of, growth mindset, helps you go from everybody is counting you out to being the top of your game?

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How Stephen Curry unlocked his full potential and changed the game

David: Yeah, absolutely. And it's so interesting to see these top athletes to ever play their sports. A lot of them were counted out or they were underestimated. And it's actually one of the archetypes in Do It: The Life Changing Power of Taking Action that I talk about, because we are either people who says, Why me? Others say, Why not me? Why can't I be the best at what I'm doing? Why don't I deserve a great life? That's the difference between a, growth mindset vs a fixed mindset. 

So it's great that you brought up Curry, as I give this example in talks and I show this slide about when Steph Curry was coming out of college, his scouting report, and you could Google search this, you'll just start laughing. It said, undersized, not quick enough, probably will be a backup,  he'll be lucky to even play in the NBA. And Curry goes on to transcend the way an entire sport is played, which didn't shoot as many threes until Steph Curry came to the game. He literally took a sport that been going on for years and changed the way it was played. That is, how to overcome self-doubt and unlock your full potential.

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The archetypes of inaction

Myrna: So today we want to talk a bit about the enemy of inaction, which I think is so important. Your book Do It talks about the enemy of inaction. And you said that you've identified eight archetypes that are the enemy of inaction. These archetypes could also be called the, fear of failure. The first one is The Burned.

I'm assuming that you mean that someone burned me, so I'm not going to do anything. Which is the, enemy of progress. Another one is The Blamer, I know that one because even this morning, I was telling my son to stop going around blaming others, it's one of the worst things that you can do.  And then there is The perfectionist. The people with, type A personality. I understand, The Blamer, and, The Perfectionist. Not so much about, The Burned. So talk to us about these eight, archetypes of fear, that are the enemies of inaction.

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To overcome the enemy of inaction we must release fear

David: So the, enemy of inaction, is fear. Ultimately, it is, fear of uncertainty. It's fear of failure. We don't take action because we don't know what's on the other side of that action. If you were guaranteed results, you would do that. But it's uncertain. So there's actually eight, archetypes of fear, that I outlined, those are just the top three. I'll just go through the eight.

If you're struggling, if you're held back, if you're stuck, you can understand why and be able to break through that and take action. So the archetypes are the allodoxaphobia, which is just a cool way to say, fear of other people's opinions.

The following archetypes are the enemy of inaction. We need to recognize them to, unlock our full potential.

Book Do it
Book Do it
The archetypes of inaction
  1. The Burned archetype refers to individuals who have been hurt or disappointed in the past and are afraid to take action again. They may have experienced failure or rejection, and this has created a, fear of failure. If you are going to, unlock your full potential, you need to start  addressing this by separating the past from the present and adopting a reverse alter ego. By giving the past a silly name, we can distance ourselves from the negative experiences and move forward with a fresh perspective.

2. The Blamer archetype is characterized by individuals who constantly blame others for their current situation.  We can never, unlock our full potential, if we refuse to take responsibility for our actions and believe that external factors are the cause of their lack of progress. I emphasize the importance of personal accountability and encourages individuals to take ownership of their choices and outcomes.

3. The Perfectionist archetype is driven by the need for everything to be perfect.  Type A personalities, fall into to, the perfectionist archetype. These individuals set impossibly high standards for themselves and are often paralyzed by the, fear of failure.  You can never, unlock your full potential, if you have a, fear of failure. I advise my clients to embrace the, 90% theory, which allows for imperfection and acknowledges that nothing will ever be perfect. By focusing on giving 90% effort and accepting that mistakes are part of the learning process, individuals can overcome the, perfectionist mindset, and take action.

The other archetypes of inaction

4. The Believer archetype, organize their lives around their belief systems. When asked why they believe in a certain way, many Believers will simply reply, “Because it’s true.” They have their own way of coming to conclusions and these ways often defy reason and/or are difficult to convey because they are based on a feeling.is kind of interesting.  Check out, the Believer Archetype, on  Myers Briggs .

5. The Inopportune archetype , which means you think you're either too old or too young. Timing is just not right. Tjis becomes the reason for inaction.

6.  The introvert  believes he is introverted, so he can't go out and talk to people.  Introverted or extroverted has nothing to do with whether you talk to people or not? It's just how you recharge. Do you recharge by yourself or do you recharge with others?


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Alitu automatically generates episode transcripts for you, and you can publish and distribute your show across the web through its very own hosting feature, too.

Get started with Alitu on the monthly plan of $38. Start for free with a seven-day free trial.  So, why not give it a try.

Head on over to blog.myhelps.us/Alitu  to get started

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Alitu the podcast maker

7. The scarcity archetype, where you have a, scarcity mindset. There's only one slice of the pie that you feel like you just have to hold on to all you got and you can't share anything with anybody else, because if you do, it's all going to be gone.

8. The distracted archetype, and I don't even mean by distracted of like our phones or the notifications or all these things that we have of being constantly on in this world that we live in. But even more the distraction of not knowing what your vision, your mission, your purpose is. And that's your, enemy of inaction.  The enemy of, unlocking your potential.


In conclusion, unlocking our full potential, requires a shift in mindset. We must, overcome the enemy of inaction, which is often fueled by fear and negative thought patterns. By addressing the burned, blamer, and perfectionist archetypes, we can break free from these limiting beliefs and take action towards our goals. Remember, the mind is a powerful tool, and by harnessing its potential, we can transform our lives and achieve greatness.

Additional Resources



How To Unlock Your Full Potential: Overcoming the Fear of Failure

David Nurse, an NBA Mindset coach and bestselling author, joins host Myrna Young to discuss overcoming the, fear of failure, so you can, unlock your full potential. We explore eight, archetypes of fear, that hinder action: including the burned, the blamer, and the perfectionist. David shares insights from his book “Do It: The Life-Changing Power of Taking Action” and offers practical tools for overcoming these, archetypes of fear. He emphasizes the need to embrace imperfection and take consistent action to achieve success.


Unlock your full potential with a growth mindset

Myrna: The common thread in all your books is mindset. Why do you think a, growth mindset, is so important to our success?

David: Having a, growth mindset, is so important because really, when you break down life, it is simple.  Life starts off simple. When you're a kid, you're just playing. You don't have worries, stresses, anxieties.

But as you get older, get into a job, into relationships, everything becomes so complicated. But if you peel back the layers of the onion of life, it actually is very simple. And it just comes down to perspective, how you view each situation. You can't take it all in once. It's just step by step. It's like taking a step forward with a flood lamp where you can only see a little bit in front of you. You can't see the whole picture.

Having a, growth mindset, is a crucial factor in determining our success. It shapes our perspective and how we approach challenges and opportunities.

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How athletes unlock their full potential with mindset growth

Myrna: So as a mindset coach for athletes, before we go into, growth mindset , off the court, let talk about, growth mindset, on the court.  Because we can transition everything in life, whether it's having a, growth mindset, on the court, or having a, growth mindset, in the boardroom. So let's stick with the sports analogy for a while because I never played professional sports. But let's say I'm thinking of a mindset like Michael Jordan.  I know, when he got into the league, he was benched.

Nobody thought he was good, or even Tom Brady, he was a scrawny kid. And actually, now that I started to talk, I'm thinking of all these guys. And I just finished watching the Netflix documentary on  Stephen Curry biography. And of course, that's a perfect one to look at. This scrawny little kid, and everybody is counting him out because he's tiny, he's small, and then he starts playing. And what he said to himself is, I'm just good at these guys. I just need to grow a little more.

So tell us about how that kind of, growth mindset, helps you go from everybody is counting you out to being the top of your game?

Transform Your Mind Amazon
Transform Your Mind Amazon

How Stephen Curry unlocked his full potential and changed the game

David: Yeah, absolutely. And it's so interesting to see these top athletes to ever play their sports. A lot of them were counted out or they were underestimated. And it's actually one of the archetypes in Do It: The Life Changing Power of Taking Action that I talk about, because we are either people who says, Why me? Others say, Why not me? Why can't I be the best at what I'm doing? Why don't I deserve a great life? That's the difference between a, growth mindset vs a fixed mindset. 

So it's great that you brought up Curry, as I give this example in talks and I show this slide about when Steph Curry was coming out of college, his scouting report, and you could Google search this, you'll just start laughing. It said, undersized, not quick enough, probably will be a backup,  he'll be lucky to even play in the NBA. And Curry goes on to transcend the way an entire sport is played, which didn't shoot as many threes until Steph Curry came to the game. He literally took a sport that been going on for years and changed the way it was played. That is, how to overcome self-doubt and unlock your full potential.

Transform Your Mind Podcast Player FM
Transform Your Mind Podcast Player FM

The archetypes of fear

Myrna: So today we want to talk a bit about the, fear of failure, which I think is so important. Your book Do It talks about the, fear of failure, in, unlocking our full potential. And you said that you've identified eight archetypes that are the cause of inaction. These archetypes could also be called the, fear of failure. The first one is The Burned.

I'm assuming that you mean that someone burned me, so I'm not going to do anything. Which is the, enemy of progress. Another one is The Blamer, I know that one because even this morning, I was telling my son to stop going around blaming others, it's one of the worst things that you can do.  And then there is The perfectionist. The people with, type A personality. I understand, The Blamer, and, The Perfectionist. Not so much about, The Burned. So talk to us about these eight, archetypes of fear, that are the, enemies of inaction.

Transform Your Mind iHeart Radio
iHeart Radio

To overcome the enemy of inaction we must release fear

David: So the, enemy of inaction, is fear. Ultimately, it is, fear of uncertainty. It's, fear of failure. We don't take action because we don't know what's on the other side of that action. If you were guaranteed results, you would do that. But it's uncertain. So there's actually eight, archetypes of fear, that I outlined, those are just the top three. I'll just go through the eight.

If you're struggling, if you're held back, if you're stuck, you can understand why and be able to break through that and take action. So the archetypes are the allodoxaphobia, which is just a cool way to say, fear of other people's opinions.

The following archetypes are the, enemy of inaction. We need to recognize them to, unlock our full potential.

Book Do it
Book Do it
The archetypes of inaction
  1. The Burned archetype refers to individuals who have been hurt or disappointed in the past and are afraid to take action again. They may have experienced failure or rejection, and this has created a, fear of failure. If you are going to, unlock your full potential, you need to start  addressing this by separating the past from the present and adopting a reverse alter ego. By giving the past a silly name, we can distance ourselves from the negative experiences and move forward with a fresh perspective.

2. The Blamer archetype is characterized by individuals who constantly blame others for their current situation.  We can never, unlock our full potential, if we refuse to take responsibility for our actions and believe that external factors are the cause of their lack of progress. I emphasize the importance of personal accountability and encourages individuals to take ownership of their choices and outcomes.

3. The Perfectionist archetype is driven by the need for everything to be perfect.  Type A personalities, fall into to, the perfectionist archetype. These individuals set impossibly high standards for themselves and are often paralyzed by the, fear of failure.  You can never, unlock your full potential, if you have a, fear of failure. I advise my clients to embrace the, 90% theory, which allows for imperfection and acknowledges that nothing will ever be perfect. By focusing on giving 90% effort and accepting that mistakes are part of the learning process, individuals can overcome the, perfectionist mindset, and take action.

The other archetypes of inaction

4. The Believer archetype, organize their lives around their belief systems. When asked why they believe in a certain way, many Believers will simply reply, “Because it’s true.” They have their own way of coming to conclusions and these ways often defy reason and/or are difficult to convey because they are based on a feeling.is kind of interesting.  Check out, the Believer Archetype, on  Myers Briggs .

5. The Inopportune archetype , which means you think you're either too old or too young. Timing is just not right. Tjis becomes the reason for inaction.

6.  The introvert  believes he is introverted, so he can't go out and talk to people.  Introverted or extroverted has nothing to do with whether you talk to people or not? It's just how you recharge. Do you recharge by yourself or do you recharge with others?


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7. The scarcity archetype, where you have a, scarcity mindset. There's only one slice of the pie that you feel like you just have to hold on to all you got and you can't share anything with anybody else, because if you do, it's all going to be gone.

8. The distracted archetype, and I don't even mean by distracted of like our phones or the notifications or all these things that we have of being constantly on in this world that we live in. But even more the distraction of not knowing what your vision, your mission, your purpose is. And that's your, enemy of inaction.  The enemy of, unlocking your potential.


In conclusion, unlocking our full potential, requires a shift in mindset. We must, overcome the enemy of inaction, which is often fueled by fear and negative thought patterns. By addressing the burned, blamer, and perfectionist archetypes, we can break free from these limiting beliefs and take action towards our goals. Remember, the mind is a powerful tool, and by harnessing its potential, we can transform our lives and achieve greatness.

Additional Resources



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Shop Amazon Holiday Deals

What Is A Sponsor Of A Podcast

What is a sponsor, of a podcast. Are you curious as to, who sponsor podcasts, and why? Brands that sponsor podcasts, do so because, podcast marketing, is the best branding tool in this digital age. What is a sponsor of a podcast? A sponsor pays the Host to promote their product, service, or business during the podcast
The Transform Your Mind podcast is an exellent podcast for, brands that sponsor podcasts, to invest in. The show is in the top 25 in the Alternative Health genre on Chartable, rated the #1 self improvement podcast for women in the world, and plays on WDJY 99.1 FM Atlanta and PTWWN.TV worldwide television network and YouTube. 
Download the podcast here: 

Why You Should Sponsor The Transform Your Mind Radio show and Podcast.

`The mission of the, Transform your mind, Radio, and, podcast is to positively empower women around the world to improve their lives by Transforming their minds. To Help women use faith and belief that they can make their dreams a reality.

Tune in every Wednesday at 5 pm on the afternoon Drive  www.wdjyfm.com 

Why Sponsor This Podcast?

I asked the question on Quora ‘Why was podcast marketing was on the rise”  

How much does it cost to sponsor a podcast? Rates are charges according to the download numbers.  See the chart below.

Apple podcast Ads and Spotify podcast Ads,

See this article about Apple podcast Ads on Quora


Simply put, because audience is large, consuming, podcasts, frequently, in variety, and much longer than other media. Best yet, this audience continues to grow year over year.

Podcast, creators in turn provide not only variety but also depth of conversations so advertisers can pick exactly the audience they want, and activate a very relevant message to that particular message.


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The facts and details:

  • Large audience: in the US alone, 40+ million people listen to podcasts on a weekly basis. Almost 70 million on a monthly basis!
  • Growing audience in all demographics: year over year growth of 20–25% in all demographics and ages
  • Variety of shows and episodes: for the people that watch, the average number of podcasts watched is 3+, and the average number of episodes is 5+ on a weekly basis
  • Long exposure: average duration of an episode being around 1 Hour, that means that Podcast listeners spend on average 5 hours listening to audio weekly. Compare that to the (continually plunging) number of hours spent on newspaper, magazine, radio, and TV… very competitive
  • Personable like never before: the Podcast experience is a very intimate one. People are either adding colors to the stories they are told, putting themselves into the topics, or having their questions answered. It’s a new level of connection to media
Podcast sponsor
Podcast sponsor

As a podcast sponsor your message will have a clearly defined audience

  • Podcasts have clearly defined audiences: with other media, specially broadcast, marketers were speaking to larger audiences, but also very diverse. Only mass-adoption products would make economical sense for advertising.
  • So we can tell ever more relevant stories and thus powerful messages: With, podcasts, interests are narrowly defined. This is a marketer’s heaven: tell an unique, crisp, interesting idea to an audience that is known. This message specificity will drive massive action: Product consideration and purchase, adherence to social communities, and increased loyalty and recommendation.

Here are the top 30 Brands that sponsor podcasts in 2023


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Promising Future For Brands That Sponsor Podcasts

I see a promising future for, podcasts, and, podcast sponsors, the opportunity to connect with people in a personable yet scalable way.

As a, podcast sponsor,  for the Transform Your Mind Radio Hour and podcast. Your message will be heard on the radio by more than  30,000 + weekly listeners, and more than 400,000 monthly listeners on all podcast players, including  iTunes podcast, Tunein, Stitcher, Google Play Spotify, Castbox, Soundcloud, iHeart Radio, and on my YouTube video Channel, Apple, Spotify, Google, Amazon,  Pandora, iHeart Radio, TuneIn + Alexa, Podcast Addict, Podchaser, Pocket Casts, Deezer, Listen Notes, Player FM  and  Blog.

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About this Podcast and our audience

The Transform your Mind radio and, podcast, airs every week on the afternoon drive 5 pm to 6 pm on WDJY 99.1 FM, in the Metro Atlanta area and on the internet on internet radio at www.wdjyfm.com. The target audience are minority women between the ages of 25  to 55 years old who want to improve the quality of their lives through Life coaching and a Mindset shift.


Hype Media Global Stations cumulative Listeners

Listeners per episode

30,000+ weekly listeners WDJY 99.1 FM Atlanta, Georgia -The Transform Your Mind radio Hour

60,000 monthly podcast downloads from all players

Transform your Mind podcast Internet and Podcast Demographics

Stations cumulative

What is a sponsor of a podcast

Podcasting is one of the most talked-about forms of modern entertainment, because it combines the advantages of on-demand digital media and mobile in a format that is singularly intimate.

Why Brands that sponsor podcasts do so 

  • Brands that sponsor podcasts, do so for the following reasons:
  • Podcast listeners,  are educated. Have a Bachelor’s degree or higher and read a lot
  • 32% of them listen while they work out
  • 52% listen in the car
  • 37% listen while taking public transportation
  • 46% listen while travelling
  • 40% listen while walking, running or biking
  • Podcast listeners, are loyal, 88% listen to all episodes
  • Podcast listeners, are engaged, 61% of them buy something they heard about on a, podcast AD.
  • More women are listening to, podcasts
  • Sponsor this, podcast because African Americans are a growing, podcast, demographic.
  • Millennial's are the most desirable age demographic
  • Repetition is key.
  • One spot, one time, on one show simply won’t generate the results you’re after. Sponsor this, podcast for a series of shows and build brand awareness.
  • “Ideally, find a host/show which you feel is a good fit and commit for a year. Gather data on how your customers found you, and run the numbers at around month nine when you’re determining whether or not to renew.”

How much do podcast Ads cost

AdvertiserCast released the following average rates based on the reporting data for nearly 3,000 podcasts. For a 30-second ad, the cost per mile (or cost per 1,000 listeners) is about $18. For a 60-second ad, the cost per mile is about $25.

So, if you’re looking to reach 10,000 listeners and you need one spot for a 30-second ad, you’re looking at about $180. For the same reach, but a longer ad of 60 seconds, the estimated cost according to their industry average is $250.

Podchaser’s average rates for ad spots are more or less the same as AdvertiserCast’s data. For a 25-second pre-roll ad spot, they reveal that you’ll pay about $15 CPM. A mid-roll ad that can be as long as 60 seconds will cost you double that, while a 25-second post-roll ad will work out the cheapest at about $10 CPM on average.

On the other hand, The Atlantic suggests that podcast ad rates can be as much as $40 per 1,000 listeners, while other online sources suggest that it can be as high as $50.

Podchaser also lists average ad costs for podcasts that generate a lot of listeners. According to their data, you can expect to pay anything from $1,000 to $3,000 to purchase an ad on a podcast that generates 100,000 listens.



61% of, podcast listeners, say that they bought something after hearing an ad on our shows.


In a three month head-to-head test against radio, Sling Media found 2 – 3 times more engagement from their podcast ads.



Or contact Myrna Young  directly @ [email protected]

Why is Transformation Of Your Mind Important?

When we talk about the, transformation, of the mind, it is not simply about changing or adjusting how you think, but renewing your sense of, self-consciousness. Transformation, of your mind, impacts your conscience, which is your sense of what is right and wrong. It impacts your heart, which in Hebrew literature is the center of your being.

Transformation, of your mind, runs much deeper than simply making confessions and changing how you think upon a thing.  Apostle Paul teaches “And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind”

Pastor William L Glover speaks on the biblical principles of what God meant when He said “And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.”

Listen to the full interview here:


Pastor Glover just completed a powerful series on, renewing the mind, it was a four part series, you can watch the full series on the Mount Hermon Ministries YouTube Channel. But today we’re going to pick some of the important pieces of that, renewing your mind, series to share with you.

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Bio and Intro for Pastor William L Glover

Dr. William L. Glover is the Senior Pastor of Mount Hermon Ministries. He also oversees the Dew of Hermon Early Learning Center and is Campus Director of Life Christian University at Mount Hermon Ministries. He has a strong mandate for Education, Missions, Leadership Development, Justice Ministry and reaching the lost for Christ.

Having ministered in nine different countries on 29 international trips, Dr. Glover is an anointed teacher, preacher, and international speaker. He has assembled ministry and medical teams that have seen thousands of souls saved and thousands more received desperately needed medical care.  His passion is to reach the globe, but God has fashioned his heart in the shape of Africa.

Through Mount Hermon Ministries, he is very involved in reaching his community through educational empowerment.  He is a founding board member of L.I.F.E (Lee Interfaith for Empowerment), a Network of Congregations committed to finding solutions to systemic justice issues in Lee County; is an Executive Board Member of Healthy Lee, a group of faith, business and health professions committed to inspiring healthy life styles, and chairs the Religious Affairs Committee of the local branch of the NAACP. Dr. Glover is also Co-Founder (with Pastor Cheryl Glover) of Redeeming Influence Community Outreach, a non-profit that serves blighted communities.

Dr. Glover has earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in Bible and Theology from Southeastern University (formally Bible College), a Master of Arts degree in Religion from Florida State University, a Master of Education degree in counseling from Florida A & M University, and his Doctor of Ministry degree in Theology from Life Christian University.

Dr. Glover is also the author of the three books: Justice: God, Nations, and Systemswhich examines the role of faith in addressing systemic justice issues which plague the systems of men; 30 Days of Excellence, a daily devotional that focuses on cultivating a culture of excellence in Faith, in Speech and in Life; and Ready for the Harvest, a study on how to release the principle of seedtime and harvest into your life.

Book: Ready for the Harvest Transform Your Mind Podcast
Book: Ready for the Harvest Transform Your Mind Podcast

Dr. Glover is married to Pastor Cheryl Glover. Four wonderful adult children enhance their lives: Brittney, Jade, Jana and William II. Dr. Glover credits God for His demonstration of goodness and continues to trust in His faithfulness throughout his Pastoral Ministry.

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Transform Your Mind Luminary podcast
Transform Your Mind Luminary podcast

What Does God Mean By Renewing the Mind

Myrna – My first question to you Pastor Glover  is why did why do you think God wanted you to preach on, renewing your mind?

Pastor Glover – that’s an excellent question Myrna. I ended the 2020 year with a series of messages entitled, living in your redemption. The idea being that God had already paid the price for redemption and that he’s redeemed our lives from destruction.

Whatever destruction has occurred in our lives, be it:

  • personal,
  • financial,
  • relational
  • emotional
  • mental


God has already invested in the price to redeem and restore us from that destruction. That message was received so well that I began to contemplate well how do I get people to embrace that, mindset, and the, renewing your mind, messages were born. If a person can hear something, but if it’s not internalized and if it’s not received, then it’s not going to have an impact on their lives.

So that series of, transformation, of your mind, messages was born out of that realization of moving people from the point of where they are, to living in the redemption and, renewing their minds.

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Transform your Mind preach the word TV

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Google Podcast Transform Your Mind

Transformation of  the 3 parts of your mind

Myrna – you talked about the three different parts of the, mind, that God wants transformed.

Can you share with us the three different parts of the, mind?

Pastor Glover – Sure there are different aspects to each individual sermon, but the broad overview is the reason the, mind, is important is found in the wisdom literature. Scripture reveals that the, mind, is connected to and influences:

  • our psyche
  • our conscious
  • and our heart

When we talk about, renewing of the mind, it is not simply about changing or adjusting how you think, but it impacts your sense of, self-consciousness. It impacts your, conscience, which is your sense of what is right and wrong. It impacts your heart, which in Hebrew literature is the center of your being.

So, renewing your mind, runs much deeper than simply making confessions and changing how you think upon a thing.  Apostle Paul teaches “And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the, renewing of your mind”

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Deezer Transform Your Mind Podcast
Deezer Transform Your Mind Podcast

There are 3 action verbs in this sentence.

  • transformed
  • renewing of the mind
  • conformed

One is internal and one is external.  It impacts our, psyche, our consciousness, and our heart.  So it is the, transformation, of the total person, the total being.

What is the Flexible mind, the Fluid Mind and the Fixed Mind?

We need to have a conversation about what kind of, mindset, you are working with.

  • Is your, mindset, flexible?
  • Is your, mindset, fluid?
  • Or do you have a, fixed mindset? Which could be good or bad depending on what it’s fixed on.

When we talk about the, psyche, the, psyche, being your sense of, self-consciousness. Why do we need, renewing of your mind, in your sense of, self-consciousness? Because it’s our sense of awareness, our sense of, self-worth. It also is our mental and emotional health, so if your, mind, is not flexible, you need work in your sense of awareness.


Transform your mind PTWWN TV

The Flexible Mindset is best for Transformation

Some people who are not self-aware or there’s some people who suffer from, low self-esteem, or there’s some people who are damaged mentally and emotionally. If you don’t have a, flexible mindset, which means pliable then you will resist God doing the eternal work in your, psyche, to, transform your mind.  So, in order for, transformation, to occur you have to have a, flexible mindset.

There can be no, transformation, if you’re unwilling to change.

The Fluid Mindset

Conversely a, fluid mindset, means that you are evolving, you are open to change. If you don’t have a, fluid mindset, you internalize and have what some call “stinking thinking.” You have a toxic, mindset, about yourself or about people. For instance oftentimes when people experience hurt in a relationship, they’ll say I’ll never trust another man again or I’ll never trust another woman again.

So, if you don’t have a, fluid mindset, you’re not willing to let that, transformation, happen and embrace truth.

The Fixed Mindset

The third, mindset, you mentioned was a, fixed mindset. Just like when we lay concrete, we have to do the work before the concrete sets, because once it sets it’s fixed. So, we have to be careful what we let set in our minds. We have to do the work while the concrete is fluid and pliable.

A, fixed mindset, is like set concrete.

Transformation, of the mind, is like renovation of a house. You’ve got to rip out things, knock down walls or beliefs before you can put in the new things or new learnings.

When we’re inviting God to, transform your mind, then we have to understand our, psyche, our, self-consciousness, and our heart. That’s why the, mind, is so important because it is connected to all of these aspects of the human person and they’re all interrelated yet distinct.

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The Fixed Mindset is Like Concrete

Myrna – Someone with a, fixed mindset, like concrete why did you say that God can use this person?

In the, Life coaching, world, when we talk about a, fixed mindset, we’re saying that there’s no growth in this person. But if your, mind, is set like concrete, is it possible for it to be changed?

Pastor Glover – Well yes but again you must have awareness of your, fixed mindset. You can get at that concrete two different ways. Through, transformation, which speaks to internal work that has to be done. The word, transformation, comes from the Greek word metamorphosis and so that speaks of going through a, transformation, but it starts from the inside out.

The other word that’s used is, renewing, which literally has to do with renovating. When concrete sets, the only way to change it is to get a jackhammer and that’s very painful work. People oftentimes will not choose to do that work, because it is painful, noisy, and messy. But if you’re going to lay a new foundation in your life, you must do the, mental, emotional and spiritual work to jackhammer a, fixed mindset.

Myrna – How can God jackhammer to change that, fixed mindset?

Fixed mindset in  marital relationships

Pastor Glover – I think an example in the context of, relationships, particularly in the context of, marital relationships, a lot of work that has to be jackhammered in counseling sessions really has to do those, fixed mindsets, about marriage that have been set, but are toxic and are not healthy.

Couples have very different ideas about the foundation of a, marriage, and what it should be about. It is really about how men and women are socialized in our society. Young girls are socialized towards inter interdependent relationships. That’s means they play together, they share much more readily than men do.  They are invested in group success as they are reared and everybody kind of having a good time.

Boys are socialized totally different. They are taught to stand on your own two feet, be independent. Be a man, don’t share your emotions. So, men are much less equipped than women in, marital relationships, to handle a, fixed mindset, that’s why women are 10 times more verbal than men.

One of the fun exercises I like to do when I’m dealing with, communication, is I’ll ask the man and the woman to get a sheet of paper and have each one writes me all the feeling words they are aware of. The woman’s list is four times longer than the man,

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How can God Use a Fixed Mindset?

I’m curious though you also say in your message that God can use a, fixed mindset.

Pastor Glover – When you lay concrete, it’s properly set, it is suitable for what you want to build on it. So, let’s pull in this conversation, purpose and destiny. If you have great purpose or great destiny, you have to take the time to lay the foundation. If your foundation is fixed, God can build on it.

People do not take the time to factor in the type of foundation they need to lay to accommodate their dreams and visions of what they want. That can be applied to anything, in my book “30 Days of Excellence”  I teach that excellence is in the foundation that you lay for, purpose and destiny.

Be ye not conformed to the world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.

Why did God say that do not be transformed to the world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind?

The World is Battling for your Mind

Pastor William L Glover – Because it is all a battle for the, mind. This simple principle is found in Proverbs.

“As a man thinketh so is he”

  • Your, mindset, determines the reflection of who you are and it determines who you will be.
  • We would never be greater than our thoughts about things.
  • We would never rise above our thoughts about things.
  • We will never allow ourselves to be pulled beneath our thoughts about things.
  • Our thoughts reflect where we are going.

It’s a battle for your, mind. The world we live in today, people don’t want to do the work, to think for themselves. There is professional, think tanks, and these, think tanks, think for people and feed them what to believe, what to say.

They all are vying for our, minds, we don’t tune in to learn anymore from the news,  we tune in to determine what we need to think. So, hence “do not be conformed to the world, but be transformed by the, renewing of your mind.

That, transformation,

  • happens through the word of God,
  • that, transformation, happens through your relationship with God
  • that, transformation, happens through a community of faith like-minded believers who are committed to growth.

Transformation is from the heart.

Your, heart, which is the center of your being, the seat of your soul and this is important because wisdom literature teaches us that we should guard your heart for from it flow the issues of life.

Everything that matters, that’s important to us impacts our, heart.  If the, heart, is injured, broken or unhealthy because the, heart, plumps the pumps the blood. The, heart, pumps the influence of that thing to your spirit and to your soul and to your body.

So, when we talk about the, transformation, then it’s holistic and God is always at work in our lives trying to move us to a place of wholeness in all three of these areas as it pertains to renewal and, transformation.

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As we wrap up how can listeners connect with Mt Hermon Ministries Fort Myers? Tell us about your books and how we can connect on social media.

You can connect with our ministry, we are currently streaming on YouTube and Facebook at MT Hermon Ministries. You can join us Sundays at 11 a.m. you can go to our website.

https://www.mthermonministries.org/ to get some information on our ministry.

I am the author of three books:


  • The justice book which is about your community of faith finding relative relevance as a change agent in your community
  • 30 Days of Excellence which is a 30-day devotion that cultivates habits of excellence in your life and
  • Ready for the Harvest which teaches us how to apply the principle of seed time and harvest in our lives and all these can be found on Amazon.

You can contact me personally at dr.wmglover0613@gmail.com

My Spiritual Father Helped in the Renewing of My Mind

I enjoyed the conversation, so thank you like we’ve known each other for 14 years let me also state how proud I am of you forging the way.  I remember when you began this journey and witnessing your evolution and growth.  Witnessing how God is enlarging your territory, makes me very proud.  I want to encourage you to continue that journey.

Myrna –  Thank you Pastor and I’ll share something publicly with you that when I wrote my book and you said that you’re proud of me, it brought tears to my eyes because it was the first

Time someone told me that. My father had never said he was proud of me.

As my spiritual father thank you so much for saying that I appreciate it. God sent me to you specifically I didn’t share our story of how I came to be under your guidance, but our connection has a purpose.

Thank you for tuning in to the Transform your Mind to Transform your Life radio podcast and television show.  If you are um listening on iTunes I would love for you to subscribe, rate and review.  I also want to invite you to join my Facebook group called Lifecoach.

Until next time sending you all Blessings


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How to Heal the Mother Wound From Your Childhood

We all know that children from zero to seven are all like little sponges, downloading everything. This is when the, mother wound, gets started. Mothers, are nurturers if the child is not getting nurtured, they fail to thrive.

I want to say that I personally have not had a, mother wound.  My, mother, and I are pretty close. I'm the eldest of four children and my, mother, she's actually my best friend. But I understand the pain from the, mother wound. I adopted three children from the, foster care, system who were heavily wounded by their, mothers.  They all had, abandonment, issues so,  I experienced firsthand how the, mother wound, affected every aspect of their lives.

The girls became promiscuous with men and boys, wanted friends and have people like them. Also because of the, mother wound, they were not being able to bond with me or my husband, because another bi-product of the, mother wound, is, attachment disorder, so the adoption was not successful in integrating our families.

My guest today is Keri Hummingbird, author of “Love is Fierce: Healing the Mother Wound. If you or anyone you know need healing from, mother wounds, this is the episode for you.

Listen to the full interview here:



Keri Hummingbird Sami is a soul guide, shamanic healer, award winning author and inspirational speaker. Kerri has over 20 years of experience in helping women rewrite the story of their lives through inner transformation, connection to essence, remembrance of purpose and realignment to authenticity and truth.

Myrna – Kerri what was your relationship with your mother like? Were you wounded by your, mother?

Kerri – Myrna even though your personal experience with your, mother, from your vantage point is very healed, which is a beautiful gift, there is like an ocean of not healed women on the planet. Having a, mother, as a life preserver who knows how to love is so beautiful and really pivotal because everything that happens in our early life, starting from the moment of conception is being recorded.

Starting from the moment of conception in the mother's womb, babies are being formed in the, consciousness, of the, mother, it can't be any other way. You're inside the, mother, you’re being formed by the, mother's, beliefs about herself, beliefs about the world, ancestral traumas that are unhealed; all of it goes inside of our ancestral DNA in our very human bodies.

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Your Communication with your mother starts in the womb

Just imagine that the voice that you speak to yourself with it starts forming when you're being formed inside your, mother's womb, so however your, mother, speaks to herself is how you start to learn to speak to yourself. If the, mother, is not confident or if she's had sexual traumas or if she does not believe in herself that's going to influence your development. If the, mother, believes in herself, if she's strong, if she's vibrant then you're getting that. You're getting that training inside as you're growing inside her body.

They've proven now that babies are able to perceive outside the womb, they're able to perceive not only what's going on inside the, mother, but also the outside environment. Babies can perceive things, they can hear voices, a vibration happens they can feel things, they sense things.

So, the beginning of education in earth school starts from the moment of conception. We all know that children from zero to seven are all like little sponges, downloading everything. This is when the, mother wound, gets started. Mothers, are nurturers if the child is not getting nurtured, they fail to thrive.


If a child is not being nurtured by the mother they develop a mother wound

If you experience a big loss like an, abandonment, early in that zero to seven age range, that's hugely impacting. Anywhere along your development from zero to twenty-one, anything that happens is going to be huge for you, because all of your various bodies are getting developed.

Your physical body is getting developed first, then your emotional body is getting developed then your mental body is getting developed, then your spiritual body gets developed until age 28, so all of these bodies are being formed. Everything that happens in your life experience is like creating the context of your life, the inner context.

Myrna – In this moment anyone who is a, mother, should take that role seriously. It's a big responsibility. Before I got into this consciousness space and this self-improvement space I would hear them talk about the men or women who are in prison and blame their parents. It all starts with their, mother wound.

I always thought it was a big old blame game, but now I know it's true the, mother wound, develops into so many unfortunate situations.

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Your Mother Wound affects your children

Kerri – I want to reassure every, mother, because when I started learning about the, mother wound, I started going to self-judgment. I look at oldest child especially how his life rolled out. He's really struggling with this and that and I was struggling with the same things while he was in me. I had a lot of, mental health, challenges that I’d been working on when I was pregnant with him at 30.

I had already been working on it for 15 years from the time I was 15 years old because I had early, childhood trauma, so I was trying to heal and I thought I had it all together and then he came into my womb.

This happens to a lot of, mothers, because you get pregnant and then your whole physiology changes. Any traumas from your childhood comes right up to the surface. You start having, postpartum depression, or other things and you're like why is this happening. I was really excited to have this baby. Why am I going through, postpartum depression?

Having a baby, it's like the big purge. One of the reasons for, postpartum depression, is not dealing with stuff from your past or not dealing with your, mother wounds. Psychology makes an effort in helping, mothers, to cope with this kind of thing. I even invested in psychotherapy.
I would sit there every week and like try to work on myself.

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How the mother wound affects your romantic relationships

Myrna – If you're abandoned by your mom or hurt by your mom, the, mother wound, it's very hard for you to love yourself, then you can't really be in romantic relationships.

You have to remove the subconscious programming that says you are not good enough and learn to love yourself.  If you can't release the, mother wound, and love yourself, you will continue to struggle in romantic relationships. You must gain control of your life as it deals with this issue of the, mother wound?

Kerri – I think that subconscious holds the keys to all of it because if you think about this concept of the iceberg submerged in the ocean. The part you see above the water is the conscious mind, but there's so much more underneath the surface.

There's so much to explore about your own consciousness to understand yourself better, so that you can show up even better.

You didn't choose to be molested , you didn't choose to be abandoned, you didn't choose to be hurt by your, mother, and have a, mother wound.

According to according to Dr Wayne Dyer‘s teaching he says we chose our parents, because we needed that experience in order to do what we have to do in this earth.

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Psychotherapy can help to heal the mother wound

My journey in psychotherapy helped my understanding of why I had a, mother wound. The home I grew up in from the time I was five years old, was very solid. My mom and my dad worked as a team. I didn't always like the things that they told me I had to do, but they were caring, they were loving and attentive.

We had three-way hugs in a supportive family environment. We went sailing on the weekends, we had a nice life. So I was like, why am I so screwed up? I had this feeling that something got broken inside of me from my early childhood, because I knew that there was trauma from zero to five years old.

It was a big trauma. My mom married a man who was probably not suited to be a dad. He had his own trauma story from his own childhood of being abused by his mother and left outside of hotel rooms while she slept with men and things like that. He was abandoned in hotels for days, so we had all these traumas he was working through.

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Unresolved Wounds from your childhood affects your ability to parent

My, mother, started noticing that there was a really good possibility that he was going to molest me. I want to give my mom huge props, because many, mothers, stay in a situation like that afraid to leave, but my, mother, was a warrior of love. So left and found the next best pathway and that was my first step father.

My first stepfather was a violent drunk, so it was very traumatic. So by the time I was five after four years with this violent step father, we moved and just by chance met my second stepfather who I call my dad. He is the man my, mother, has been with for 45 years until he passed away three years ago.

Spirituality is the path to healing the mother wound

I started my spiritual path and for me that was the opening because it taped into beyond the mind, it taped into the body where a lot of trauma is stored. Many people know trauma is stored in the body and it taps into the emotional body. When you're a child and you're seeing these scary things happening, you don't have words to talk. You don't have language.

As an adult, you have to go deeper into the body, the somatic experience. You have to go into inner child healing, and make friends with all these aspects of you and become their parents. It's really about re-mothering yourself and the re-mothering process takes some time because
of those early conditionings.

You have to stay in the conversation of love and kindness and gentleness long enough for it to start to sink in, and for these aspects to heal. Along that journey all kinds of modalities might happen for you. I found mine in a shaman. Somebody told me they got healed by a shaman and I was like sign me up.

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How can men heal the mother wound?

What are men's role in healing the, mother wound? A lot of times men add it to the damage that the, mother, started and then the men compound the, mother wound.

Kerri – Men can help by healing the mother wounds inside of them, because all men were boys and they came out of a, mother, so that's why the solution is the, mother, because we all live in a, mother, to begin life. So, in order to heal we all have to walk back to the, mother.

Your relationship with your, mother, and the programming of love that you received from your, mother, is also your trust in your connection with the divine and earth. It's a multi-dimensional conversation, because whatever lack of trust you have with your biological mother, that same lack of trust can show up in your connection with the divine, in your connection with the planet.

If you're disregarding your body, you're probably also disregarding your impact on the earth.


Why did you write the book “Love is Fierce: healing the mother wound”?

Kerri – My book uses my personal experience to illustrate various points that are very common across humanity so, there's a lot of themes in the book that talk about why it is that we are in the situation we're in right now. Why we have so much war and conflict, misunderstanding and divides between people. This is because of the breakdown of the matriarchy. The breakdown of the feminine and how a lot of the patterns we see are derived directly from breakdown of that primary relationship with the, mother.

I had to go through the deep inner work to write the book and to reveal the patterns, but honestly I've been working on this project my entire life.

Myrna – I understand, you had 20 years in psychotherapy. This project allowed you to heal your, mother wound, and also heal the, mother wounds, of your children.

Myrna – Where can our listeners connect with you get a copy of your book? How can they connect with you on social media and your website?

Kerri- They can connect with me on my website www.kerrihummingbird.com
On the website there is a link to sign up for 17 days of interviews on the return of mother wisdom, which I find to be really inspiring. I interviewed all these women and they have these beautiful things to say about where we're going with humanity on the earth.

You can purchase the book on amazon and then you can take your confirmation number over to www.motherwoundbook.com  (receive 17 days of interviews for the Return of Mother Wisdom Series)

I also have a podcast called the Soul Nectar Show, I hope you're going to come and be a guest on the show.

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Additional Resources


How to Find your Passion in Life

Have you found your, passion? Passion, is that burning desire that God placed in your belly at birth.  It is also called your burning bush.

In this episode I reference the Final chapter of my book “Out of the Snares, a story of Hope and Encouragement”

I call this chapter “God's consuming fire your , passion.

In this chapter of my book  “Out of the Snares, a story of hope and encouragement” I tell the stories of Walt Disney, Sylvester Stallone, and J.K Rowling. These are 3 examples of ordinary people who accomplished extraordinary things because they were able to convert their passion, the fire in their belly, into its monetary equivalent. Their passion was like a “burning bush” deep within their souls and they were driven to consummate this burning desire.

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Out of the Snares

“The most powerful weapon on earth is the human soul on fire.”

— Field Marshal Ferdinand Foch

What is Passion

Passion it is that thing that you were created to do. The thing that makes you feel good when you are doing it, like you transcended your body and entered the heavens. The thing that you would do all day for free.

What was Kobe Bryant burning bush? His Passion

Kobe Bryant was born with a purpose, he got the genes and the physical attributes to be a basketball player but;  he had to engage his, passion. 

Purpose  is what you were placed on the earth to do, it is  your contribution to mankind. The first way to uncover your, passion, is to find out what holds your interest and what you love doing.  God gave you your gift of purpose, and you're not always passionate about your purpose; but if you can marry it to your, passion, it’s like pouring gasoline on the fire. You have to feed your, passion. That’s what  Kobe Bryant did and that is why he is a Legend. No one out worked him, he wanted to be the best and win championships. 

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One of the self-evaluation questions I ask my new coaching clients is “If you were the Power-ball winner of $500,000,000. What would you do with your time?” You see, when you take away the need to earn money, then your head becomes clear as to what your passion really is.

In my book “Out of the Snares, a story of hope and encouragement” I tell the stories of Walt Disney, Sylvester Stallone, and J.K Rowling. These are 3 examples of ordinary people who accomplished extraordinary things because they were able to convert their passion, the fire in their belly, into its monetary equivalent. Their passion was like a “burning bush” deep within their souls and they were driven to consummate this burning desire.

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For Walt Disney it was drawing and Art. Walt started drawing as an ambulance driver in the army. Then he became a commercial artist.  After being let go from his company, he decided to start his own graphics company. His company failed from bad management. Walt had a string of failures that included bankruptcy before he found success.  He married Art with imagination and created the happiest place on earth. His passion for drawing birth an empire that has gross revenues today in the billions of dollars.

Walt Disney World is now visited by over 5 million families every year, Annual cash flow from Disney’s consortium of products and films are in excess of 21 billion dollars.  It includes 535 Disney stores, a cable television station, amusement parks in Orlando, California, Paris and more. All because he would not let the fire in his belly die.

So what would you do for free?

How did Sylvester Stallone Find his, Passion?

Sylvester Stallone was born disabled. He suffered injury at birth that left one side of his mouth deformed and caused him to speak funny. Sylvester's passion was born from being hungry. Like Les Brown would say “You got to be Hungry” Sylvester was broke and hungry. He was walking the street one day, cold and hungry and he decided to go into a library to stay warm. Laying on the table was a book about a fighter who overcame odds to win.

That inspired Sylvester Stallone to go write the Rocky story. He wrote that story in one sitting. He did not stop for 20 hours. That inspiration was the gasoline that lit the fire that God put inside him. Again he married passion with imagination and wrote a story that resonated with each and every one of us. The story of Rocky. It made him a millionaire many times over.

“When you set yourself on fire, people love to come and see you burn.”

— John Wesley

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Back in the day, Stallone was a struggling actor in every definition. At some point, he got so broke that he stole his wife’s jewelry and sold it. Things got so bad that he even ended up homeless. Yes, he slept at the New York bus station for 3 days. Unable to pay rent or afford food. His lowest point came when he tried to sell his dog at the liquor store to a stranger. He didn’t have money to feed the dog anymore. He sold his dog for $25. He says he walked away crying.

Two weeks later, he saw a boxing match between Mohammed Ali and Chuck Wepner and that match gave him the inspiration to write the script for the famous movie, ROCKY. He wrote the script in 20 hours! He tried to sell it and got an offer for $125,000 for the script. But he had just ONE REQUEST. He wanted to STAR in the movie. He wanted to be the MAIN ACTOR, Rocky himself. But the studio said NO. They wanted a REAL STAR.

They said he “Looked funny and talked funny”. He left with his script. A few weeks later, the studio offered him $250,000 for the script. He refused. They even offered $350,000. He still refused. They wanted his movie, but NOT him. He said NO. He was not selling out, if they did not cast him, they couldn’t buy his script. It worked.  They wanted the script so badly, that they cast his as Rocky and history was made.

What is exactly the, Meaning of, Passion 

Passion,  is that which deeply stirs us or a developmental perspective, so it's like the essence of our commitment.  Passion is the thing that drives us. You might hear older individuals say they “lost their will to live,” that means they lost their passion, their fuel.   Just like a child requires love to grow, we require passion to continue to grow inside. 

When we selectively share our, passion,  we engage the universe to manifest our, passion. 

It’s like putting gasoline on your fire when you engaged your, passion.

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Transform your Mind Stitcher

How did J.K Rowling Find Her, Passion?

J.K Rowling was a single parent, a divorcee and out of work. On a train ride from Manchester to London she got the inspiration to create the Harry Potter story. But she was already a published author. Writing her first book at 6 years old and another at 11 years old. She became an English teacher because her passion was writing. Ms Rowling says

Failure stirs the fire in your belly to do something about your passion.

In 2015  J.K. Rowling's 2008 Harvard commencement speech was published under the title ‘Very Good Lives: The Fringe Benefits of Failure and the Importance of Imagination'

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My, passion, is learning, building and imparting. As a Life coach, author and motivational speaker, I am constantly learning, building and imparting into the lives of others.   I could do it all day and I do it for free.

Find your, passion!

“There is no greater thing you can do with your life and your work than follow your passions – in a way that serves the world and you.” Richard Branson

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How to find your Passion in life

What I encourage people to do is to focus on the positive at all times.  If they remove the negative, those emotional vampires, they will let the light in. Once you move away or walk away or even run away from negativity, you can begin to find your,  passion in life. Be passionate about whatever you desire, it doesn't matter what it is, be passionate about it by surrounding yourself with those people who are similar in Life or those people who have already done it. 

I remember people talking about Diana Ross, one of my favorite people. They were so upset with her for continually surrounding herself around for White people, and she told them she surrounds herself with anyone regardless of color who is going in the same direction as she or where she wants to go. 

The common complaint among a lot of people is that they need to, ‘find their passion.’

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Did you start your New Year’s resolutions yet? I bet there’s one missing that you should add right now: find a greater sense of purpose in your life. To do that effectively, you need to understand the eight key components of living with purpose.

The new book, The Meaning of Life: A guide to finding your life’s purpose by Nathanael Garrett Novosel, is a complete step-by-step walkthrough of how humans derive meaning from their existence. This book helps you to identify what really matters to you in life, define a clear plan of going after what you want, and grow toward fulfilling your true calling.

Best of all, this book does not tell you how to live your life or which goals you should have. Instead, it helps you figure it out for yourself. ..That’s what you really want—someone in your corner helping you make sense of your life, not someone with their own agenda telling you what to do.

This book is a life-changer, and I recommend you go out and get it now. The Meaning of Life: A guide to finding your life’s purpose by Nathanael Garrett Novosel. Available now on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and Apple Books. Order today!

Additional Resources How to Find Your Passion





5 Differences Between Finding Your Passion and Finding Your Purpose

How to Stop Self Sabotaging Behaviors

Self sabotaging behaviors, move us in the opposite direction from our goals. When we understand the patterns that underlie, self sabotage, we begin to free ourselves.

We then begin to allow ourselves to interact with ourselves and the world with greater success, joy, and fulfillment. The process of breaking through denial, facing your fear, anger, and other difficult emotions, and making peace with your pain, leads to an ending of the internal war with yourself.

You can step fully into the greatest expression of yourself. Finding the wisdom inside the wounds you've endured is one of the most important conversations you'll ever have with yourself about, self sabotage, because on the other side of it is the emotional freedom and depth of joy that you were born to have.

Introduction to, Self Sabotaging Behaviors

In this interview Sabrina Johnson, inspirational Speaker and Author,  talks on how she overcame different aspects of, self sabotaging behaviors, because of her lack of self confidence and negative self talk. Overcoming, Self Sabotage, and taking Inventory of your failures is one way to stop, self defeating behavior.

Whatever form it takes – whether, self sabotaging behaviors, or limiting thought patterns; self sabotage,  always diminishes the passion and energy we need to fulfill our dreams. At the heart of the matter, it is possible to create as much love, fulfillment, success and joy as we feel worthy of having. By identifying how your inner saboteur is, self sabotaging,  your life, you can make radical progress toward that which you want.

Podbean Transform your Mind Podcast


Overcoming, Self Defeating,  behavior by changing your Mindset

Mindsets are beliefs – beliefs about yourself and your most basic qualities.

Think about your intelligence, your talents, your personality. Are these qualities simply fixed traits, carved in stone or can you cultivate and grow these traits?

Your intelligence is not a fixed quantity which cannot be increased. With practice, training, and above all method, we can increase our attention, our memory, our judgment and become more intelligent than we were before.

In a, Fixed Mindset, people believe their basic qualities, like their intelligence or talent, are simply fixed traits thus the, self defeating, behavior

In a Growth Mindset, people believe that their most basic abilities can be developed through dedication and hard work.

The, Fixed Mindset, is a, Defeated Mindset

The, fixed mindset, creates an internal dialogue that is focused on judging. e.g

  • “I am a loser”
  • “I am the giver in this relationship and I get nothing in return”
  • “I am a no good husband”
  • “My partner is selfish only thinks about himself”

People with a, growth mindset,  are sensitive to positive and negative information; but they're attuned to its implications for learning and growing. They ask themselves “What can I learn from this” How can I improve “How can I help my partner do better.

Self sabotage
Self sabotage

How to Overcome, Self Sabotage, at Work

I have always been someone who spent years trying to move my life forward I always say that I am a dreamer;  but the problem was I made decisions and choices in my life that counteracted that data.  I told myself I wanted to move forward; but everything that I did was, self sabotage, my behavior caused me to move backwards.

If I stopped and did an honest self-assessment and really seek God for direction on what am I needed to do. I would figure out  why  I was  seemingly repeating the same, self sabotaging, cycles in my life.  It was at that point that I began to really recognize certain, defeated mindsets, or negative truth about myself that I held  about myself subconsciously that was preventing me from moving forward and continuing these, self defeating behaviors.

For instance I'll give you an example. I am very career-driven, so I desire to move up the career ladder.  I have a master's degree in marketing;  but whenever I went to apply for a director level or VP level positions, I get intimidated and, self sabotage, by talking myself out of applying for that position. I would apply and start working at a lower position and then the next couple of months I'm miserable.

Inevitably my employer would see in me what I couldn't see in myself and they would give me more responsibility. Then I would complain about being overworked and underpaid.  My, defeated mindset, would make me, self sabotage, and take a lower position than I was qualified for.  Then I would leave these jobs because it wasn't what I wanted and then the cycle would begin all over again at another company.

I had to say OK God I need your help.  Give me the courage to jump in even though I felt fear.

Transform your Mind TuneIn Radio
TuneIn Radio

What is a, Defeated Mindset

Myrna: Let me not skip over this huge opportunity to ask you Sabrina. Since you've done whole bunch of self-assessments,  why did you have a, defeated mindset, and, self sabotage,  yourself all those years?  Why did you not have confidence in your abilities?

Sabrina: That is a great question Myrna,  and that was something I had to really pinpoint.  I was listening to a speaker and he said when you lack self-confidence, somewhere along the line in your life someone fed into your mind that you were not good enough. That you were not worthy enough.  I started looking back on past unhealthy relationships and past hurts and start to really connect the guys who rejected me.  Hurts from past relationships.

I had to rely on my faith and ask God for guidance. Outside of that I read a lot of self-help books and articles on how to overcome a, defeated mindset,  how to build your confidence and how to speak with confidence;  but a lot of it, the core of it really has to go back to the words that I was speaking to myself.  So when I started to get intimidated by the Job description, I would remind myself that I have done this job in the past.  You're not going to take a different role in the company then do this job and not get paid for it. I started being my own cheerleader.

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Transform your Mind Stitcher
Transform your Mind Stitcher

Here are 4 steps to Overcome, Self Sabotage 

  1. Become aware of your emotions. Your emotions are the language of your body.
  2. Change your emotions by thinking of want you want. Eg. You have applied for a promotion 2 times now and you keep being passed over. A, defeated mindset, says I am never going to get this job I had better get used to this and begin to, self sabotage, Instead imagine yourself in this new position. Feel in your body how it would feel to sit at that desk with your name on the door.
  3. Your emotions will change and so will your body. It believes it is living in the future now.
  4. That’s the way to get over, self sabotaging behavior. Change your brain to change your life.
Transform Your Mind iHeart Radio
iHeart Radio

 Additional Resources on Overcoming, Self Sabotage, 



A Guide to Changing Self-Destructive Behaviors


