Tag Archives: healing

Life’s Quakes and Breaks: Lessons on Finding Inner Strength

Coach Myrna explores the powerful metaphor of mountains rising from earthquakes, symbolizing finding inner strength through life's challenges.

She discusses how significant upheavals, like a relationship ending or a health crisis, create opportunities for rebuilding stronger. Myrna emphasizes embracing life's tremors, finding stability, reflecting on lessons, and setting intentional goals. She encourages listeners to tap into their, inner strength, and become resilient, just like mountains standing firm against the elements. Download the podcast  for an inspiring message on overcoming adversity and aiming for your highest peaks.

Download the podcast here:


Inner Strength Quotes

  • Embrace life’s earthquakes: Accept and learn from the upheavals that come your way, finding, inner strength, and rebuilding stronger.

  • Find stability amidst chaos: Reach for routines, supportive relationships, and self-care practices to ground yourself during turbulent times.

  • Rebuild with intention and resilience: Use life's challenges to set new goals and discover untapped, inner strength,  within you.

Life is full of unexpected quakes that can shake us to our core. These metaphorical earthquakes—whether they come as a result of personal failures, relationship breaks, or lost loved ones—leave us feeling shattered and unstable. But as the insightful saying goes, “mountains rise in the wake of earthquakes.” This powerful metaphor serves as a reminder that from immense pressure and upheaval comes, inner strength, elevation, and newfound majesty. In today’s article, we explore how we can find resilience and climb higher despite life's tremors.

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Embrace Life’s Earthquakes

Facing and Accepting Challenges

When the ground beneath us crumbles, it’s easy to fixate on the destruction. We see the shattered pieces of our plans and feel the cracks in our confidence. But just as mountains rise as a result of tectonic shifts, we too can find opportunities within our own upheavals.

Let's face it, we all encounter life-changing events that seem catastrophic at first glance. Whether it’s a severe medical diagnosis, the heartache of losing a loved one, or the unforeseen end of a valued relationship, these events can leave us feeling down in the dumps. However, these very moments also present an opportunity to rebuild our lives stronger and more resilient than before.

“Life is filled with unexpected Tremors that shake us to our core,” Coach Myrna relays. Recognizing and accepting these tremors is crucial because, like the Serenity Prayer teaches, we must have “the serenity to accept what cannot be changed, the courage to change what can be changed, and the wisdom to know the difference.”


Finding Inner strength from Reflection and Learning

Each life quake offers invaluable lessons. Reflect on what caused the disruption and uncover the deeper issues. By doing so, you lay a strong foundation for genuine healing and transformation.

Coach Myrna emphasizes, “Reflect on what happened, what our response was, so that when it presents itself again we'll be more able to handle it.” By learning from past struggles, you better equip yourself to tackle future challenges head-on.

Finding Stability And Inner Strength Amidst Chaos

Ground Yourself in Routine

In the immediate aftermath of a life quake, finding small ways to regain stability is key. Re-establish daily routines, lean on supportive relationships, and engage in self-care practices. These familiar and comforting activities can provide a sense of control amidst the chaos.

“When things are rocky, you also need to find some stable ground,” advises Coach Myrna. Stability can come in various forms, whether that's taking a daily walk, meditating, or spending time with loved ones. These routines and support systems serve as anchors, preventing us from being entirely swept away by the tremors.

Reframing and Moving Forward

Once you begin to regain your footing, it's essential to reevaluate and rebuild your life with intention and purpose. Set new goals and watch for new opportunities that align more closely with your values and aspirations. As Coach Myrna says, “This is an opportunity to create a life that is more aligned with your values and aspirations.”

Use this time of rebuilding to dream bigger and aim higher. Les Brown's inspiring words echo in this sentiment: “Aim for the stars and maybe you'll get to the moon.” By setting your sights on majestic peaks, you'll ensure you're not just surviving but thriving.

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transform your mind pandora

Rebuild with Intention and Resilience

Tap Into Your, Inner Strength.

Every earthquake you survive adds to your, inner strength. Like mountains that are forged through pressure and upheaval, within you lies a reservoir of strength waiting to be tapped into.

“Mountains cannot form without pressure; diamonds are created with the pressure of the carbon atoms,” explains Coach Myrna.

Similarly, true success and resilience are born out of life's challenges.

Trust in your resilience and ability to rise above any challenge. Recognize that each quake, no matter its magnitude, makes you stronger and more capable than before. “Think of yourself as immovable as a mountain,” encourages Coach Myrna.

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transform your mind podnews

Building Intentionally and Purposefully

When moving forward, it's crucial to proceed with intention. As you strive to rebuild your life, do so with clear purpose and deliberate actions. The reshaping of your life presents a chance to align closely with deeply held values and long-desired goals. “Set new goals, seek out new opportunities, and don't be afraid to dream bigger than before,” affirms Coach Myrna.

By intentionally aiming to construct a better, more resilient life, you are setting yourself up for remarkable success. Remember that life's earthquakes, even the less severe ones, are part of what shape us. They make us resilient, unshakeable like mountains, ready to withstand storms and emerge even stronger.

Possibilities Unlocked by Life’s Quakes

The mountains we climb are often those we build ourselves. Life's earthquakes may be unavoidable, but our response to them is within our control. By embracing the process, finding stability, reflecting on the lessons learned, rebuilding with intention, and tapping into our, inner strength, we can rise higher than we ever thought possible.

As Coach Myrna eloquently puts it, “The ground may fall away beneath us, but we can rise stronger and more magnificent just like the mountains forged in the wake of earthquakes.”

Each seismic event in our lives is not just a challenge but an opportunity to emerge resilient, powerful, and unmovable.

Remember, mountains withstand changes in the weather, the relentless forces of wind, hail, and snow, yet they remain immovable. Let this be the metaphor for your life journey—unshakeable, resilient, and ever-growing and stronger.

Additional Resources


How to Use Reiki Energy To Heal Mind and Body

The healing power of Reiki energy allows you to cause an effect in your life instead of reacting to cause and effect!

Listen to the full interview here:


I was listening to a podcast episode with Dr Joe Dispenza  a few weeks back and he was talking about his events where people heal themselves from incurable diseases by changing their energy and accessing the, healing energy, of the quantum field.

He shared a story of a woman who had a stroke two years ago which according to the medical journals is one year and 10 months past the time for damaged brain cells to regenerate. This woman healed her brain and body through meditation. She tapped into, quantum energy,  and healed her body.

Dr Dispenza says this is the Time in history when it is not enough to know, it is a time in history to know how.

How to Use the, Healing Energy, of, Reiki

  • Information stimulates thought, and fosters new connections in our brain.
  • Said another way, Information creates awareness and awareness is consciousness.
  • You can't have consciousness without energy.
  • Nobody changes anything until they change their energy.

In this episode of the, Transform your Mind, to Transform your Life radio and podcast, Life Coach,  Myrna Young and Social Worker and Mental Health Counselor, Arifah Yusuf, want to expand your consciousness on changing your energy to Change your life using, Reiki, energy and just changing your thoughts.

Instead of living by cause and effect, we want to teach you how to Cause an Effect!

Here is a story on how one woman used, Reiki,  energy healing, to Transform her mind and body .

In 1985 Tori’s life started falling apart. Her baby was only 4 months old, in hospital suffering with lung problems, her  husband was fighting for our country and the icing on the cake she was involved in a serious car accident with her oldest son who was 4 years old and in the car with her at the time of the accident. He suffered serious head injuries and she was in a coma for 72 hours.

  • When she came out of the coma, she felt this overwhelming guilt that she could not be there with her child to comfort him in the hospital.
  • She says everything she believed in, came to a sudden end. Hope was lost. She endured months and months of rehabilitation for not only her oldest son but for herself as well.  Her 6 month old baby took was still suffering with lung problems so all these events took it's toll on her family.
  • One afternoon while paging through a magazine her eye fell on a story about, Reiki. Up until this time, she had never heard of alternative or, energy healing, and found the article most interesting and informative.
  • Both her children as well as herself were in great need of, energy healing.
  • She did some research and enrolled in, Reiki,  1 and then  followed that with, Reiki,  level 2.
  • She says, Reiki,  has been an absolute life saver for her and her children. With the support of, Reiki,  and , energy healing, on all levels – body, mind and spirit she is grateful for the complete recovery of both herself and her sons.

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Reiki, Energy Healing session from, Reiki Therapist

During this, energy healing,  session my, Reiki Therapist,  first cleaned the energy out of the room, then she funneled my, energy healing, up through my head.  My head got so hot it was dripping with sweat.  The sweat was not just on my face but under my hair.

Typically  the person receiving,  Reiki, energy healing,  will lie down on a massage table, fully clothed. The, Reiki  Therapist,  would then either place hands on the client or place their hands slightly above the client’s body, but still within their energy field. Client’s often express that they feel warm, tingling sensations during a session.

When I came out of that session, I felt so good and I had clarity in my life.

  • The, Reiki, stories I just shared require advanced knowledge. I wanted to share to illustrate what is possible. But I want to share with you today how you too can transform your life by transforming your, Reiki energy, by just changing your thoughts.
  • You may be waiting your whole entire life to get the good breaks, to get the love of your life, the career you dream about, the home you dream about and you tell yourself that when I get these things I will be happy.
  • Unfortunately, thoughts of lack create more lack.
  • The trick is to begin to condition your, energy healing, and feel like you already have all those things. This is hard to do and takes a lot of visualization exercise. And if you are auditory like me almost a hat trick! But this is the secret to getting all you desire.

How to Clear your Energy Space

Arifah, from the mental health space do you help your clients to condition their minds and improve their, Reiki energy, body? How do you get someone who is feeling angry, depressed, insignificant to get to joy and gratitude?

I created a wellness daily action plan that I share with clients to help them condition their minds and improve their energy. It includes, journaling food and water intake, as well writing down priorities, 3 things they are grateful for and quotes or music that make them feel motivated to get active. We also focus on things that have brought joy in the past, such as achievements/moments of gratitude.

During my sessions with clients I also teach a few different breathing exercises for the optimization of mind-body, energy healing,  and mindfulness exercises to help clear the mind and focus on the present. I also ask them to reflect and write down what they admire or love about themselves and a proud moment, it’s a great way to bring focus back to milestones and connect to what has worked in the past and what they need to do in the present to boost their, Reiki energy, and find their purpose.

Most the times, my clients are impacted by overthinking and challenges in their own lives, I try to remind them that we all go through this, but in those moments you have to focus on what you are willing to let go and what you want to change, making this decision alone will help increase your, Reiki  energy,  as you may feel a weight lifted, and a sense of freedom and new direction.

For example, recently my friend was told that her timing was coming and she needed to start preparing to leave this world.  She prepared her mind mentally using, Reiki, methods and began to get her affairs in order and say her farewells.  She planned her memorial to celebrate the life she lived, and thank everyone for being a part of her journey.  She also thanked her lungs, heart and other organs for helping her live until she was almost 40.

In her farewell letter, she mentioned to seize every opportunity, live life to the fullest, forgive, take risks if your heart is in it  and have gratitude.  I feel blessed to be reminded every time that we need to focus our, Reiki energy, to build ourselves up and others, if something is bringing you down, find a solution or let go.

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iHeart Radio

Meditating using, Reiki Energy

  • Getting outside can have an effect on mood and because you are exposed to the boundless, Reiki energy, that exist in nature. Feeling the sun on your face is just one way to draw in some of the vital, Reiki, energy that comes from your environment, as well bonding socially with people that are positive
  • I do a powerful meditation that helps me condition my, energy healing. It is not, Reiki, but it gives me clarity.
  • Remember You can't attract anything good if you don't feel good.
  • We have to Stop telling the story of our past and start telling the story of our future.  As humans we were given the gift of imagination and the beauty of imagination is that our creator added a bonus. He hard wired our brain to not be able to tell the difference between imagination and the real thing. So day dream copiously!

Cause an effect in your life instead of reacting to cause and effect!

  • Your thoughts produce an electrical charge and feelings produce a magnetic charge.
  • How you think and how you feel broadcasts, quantum energy, fields that influences every atom in your life.
  • Thoughts send the signal out and feelings draw it back.
  • So when you imagine you already have your dream house, your dream man, living in abundance you think and feel good, that engages the law of attraction and draws these things to you.
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  • Visualization of your story Past, Present, Future: Accessing, Reiki Energy

  • Tell the story of how You want your life to be and repeat it until you become it and your subconscious mind picks it up and manifests it.


  • Visualization exercise: 5 Ways to use Change your Life by Changing your Thoughts 

You are relaxing at the beach and notice two chairs in a distance. You decide to walk over to the chairs and investigate. As you get closer the person sitting in the chair begin to look familiar. You recognize your future self 5 years from now.

  • You have realizing all your goals and living a perfect life.
  • One chair is empty so you sit in this chair opposite and begin to interview your future self.
  • Question 1:
  • How did you overcome a challenge you face today?
  • What action steps did you take?
  • Question 2:
  • What beliefs did you let go of to have this perfect life?
  • Question 3:
  • What makes you feel proud?
  • Question 4:
  • What new habits did you acquire?
  • Question 5:
  • What part of your story excites you?
  • Arifah how does the mental health counselor teach visualization?

Most of the time, when I am working with clients I will play a visualization recording or read one out loud for clients to focus on.  For example, I love the exercise 54321 that focuses on connecting back to the present using your 4 senses.  I also, have an exercise I call memory play back, where I have clients visualize a time and place in their life they remember feeling joy, and have them share details about that day out loud while their eyes are closed.

There are many visualization and guided imagery exercises that are in self help books and credible sites online, that people can use to practice when feeling overwhelmed.   I always tell clients to ensure they practice visualization in a safe space, where they feel comfortable and can focus.

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Kidtasks – the application of good deeds now available on Google Aps.
Kidtasks  is an organizer for your children’s daily routines, but it is good for the entire family.

This is how it works.
1) Parents create a list of tasks. It could be as simple as  “feed your pet”, “brush your teeth”, “water the plants”, “do the dishes”, etc.

Parents you can even rate each task in points.
2) Family members do the tasks on the list and get points!
3) Parents set your own exchange rate. Eg  1 point may be equal to 1$. Having collected a certain amount of points, the children may ask their parents for their “salary” for their work!

Why this AP useful for PARENTS: Because it will help to give Kids a sense of responsibility and prepare them for the things they need to do when they become older.

Why this AP is useful for CHILDREN: Children will be rewarded when they help out with chores around the house! They will have the opportunity to get a “salary” or pocket money in exchange for working on their tasks.

Parents, this AP will teach your children responsibility and reward them in the process.  To download this AP head over to Google Aps and search for Kidtasks.


 Additional Resources 







Negative Energy: The Journey to Inner Peace

Daniel Mirfield discusses the importance of identifying and releasing, negative energy, to find inner peace. He emphasizes the role of nature in healing and the need to connect with our intuition, stay grounded, and react from a place of peace and love. By recognizing and releasing negative energy, we can find, inner peace, and transform our lives.

Welcome back to the Transform Your Mind, Transform Your Life radio, podcast, and television show. I'm your host, Life coach Myrna Young. Today, we have a special guest, Daniel Mirfield, the author of “Seedling: The Journey to Inner Peace.” In this episode, we will be discussing how to identify the seeds of, negative energy, and release them. Negative energy, can have a profound impact on our lives, affecting our physical and, mental well-being. It is essential to learn how to recognize and release these negative energies to live a more peaceful and fulfilling life.

Download the podcast here: 


About the Guest

Daniel Mirfield is a renowned, energy healer, and mentor who channels the power of nature to help his clients heal and recover from stress. He is the author of “Seedling: The Journey to Inner Peace,” a book that combines ancient wisdom with modern times to help navigate and overcome challenging moments.

Understanding the source of negative energy

Daniel teaches that we can identify, negative energy, in ourselves and others and learn how to release it. He emphasizes the importance of understanding that the energies including, negative energy, we absorb are not just from our immediate surroundings but can also be inherited from past family members and traumatic experiences. By recognizing and addressing these, negative energies, we can break free from their control and live a life aligned with our true selves.

One of the key aspects of, releasing negative energy, is connecting with nature. Daniel channels the power of nature to help his clients heal and recover from stress. He believes that nature holds the answers to our healing and can help us navigate even the most challenging moments. By immersing ourselves in nature, we can ground ourselves, listen to our intuition, and find peace and love in the present moment.

Podmust Transform Your Mind podcast
Podmust Transform Your Mind podcast

How to release negative energy

To release, negative energy, Daniel suggests grounding ourselves and placing ourselves in a position of love. This can be done by walking barefoot, talking to trees, or simply being present in nature. By connecting with nature, we activate our feelings and senses, allowing us to release, negative energy, and embrace the healing power of the natural world.

In addition to connecting with nature, Daniel emphasizes the importance of meditation and self-reflection. He believes that meditation is a practice that can help us cultivate, inner peace, and connect with our, spiritual guides. By creating a space for self-reflection and meditation, we can clear our minds and open ourselves up to receive messages from our, spiritual guides. This practice allows us to tap into our, higher consciousness, and receive guidance and wisdom.

book seedling Journey to inner peace
book seedling Journey to inner peace

The journey to inner peace

Daniel's book, “Seedling: The Journey to Inner Peace,” is a practical guide to help readers identify and, release negative energy. It explores topics such as balancing energies, understanding triggers and addictions, and healing family DNA. The book is a channelled guide from Daniel's, spiritual guides, and offers insights and wisdom to help readers on their own journey to, inner peace.

Here are 3 ways to balance your energy 
  1. Change food intake. Either increasing or decreasing food intake changes how much energy a person is taking in.
  2. Change their amount of structured exercise. …
  3. Change their non-exercise activity.




In conclusion, identifying and releasing, negative energy, is essential for our overall well-being and happiness. By connecting with nature, practicing meditation, and embracing self-reflection, we can, release negative energy, and, cultivate inner peace. Daniel's book, “Seedling: The Journey to Inner Peace,” offers practical guidance and wisdom to help readers on their own path to healing and self-discovery. By embracing these practices and connecting with our true selves, we can live a life filled with love, harmony, and peace.


How to Identify the Seeds of Negative Energy

Daniel Mirfield discusses the importance of identifying and releasing, negative energy, in ourselves and others. He emphasizes the role of nature in healing and the need to connect with our intuition, stay grounded, and react from a place of peace and love. By recognizing and releasing negative energy, we can find, inner peace, and transform our lives.

Welcome back to the Transform Your Mind, Transform Your Life radio, podcast, and television show. I'm your host, Life coach Myrna Young. Today, we have a special guest, Daniel Mirfield, the author of “Seedling: The Journey to Inner Peace.” In this episode, we will be discussing how to identify the seeds of, negative energy, and release them. Negative energy, can have a profound impact on our lives, affecting our physical and, mental well-being. It is essential to learn how to recognize and release these negative energies to live a more peaceful and fulfilling life.

Download the podcast here: 


About the Guest

Daniel Mirfield is a renowned, energy healer, and mentor who channels the power of nature to help his clients heal and recover from stress. He is the author of “Seedling: The Journey to Inner Peace,” a book that combines ancient wisdom with modern times to help navigate and overcome challenging moments.

Understanding the source of negative energy

Daniel teaches that we can identify, negative energy, in ourselves and others and learn how to release it. He emphasizes the importance of understanding that the energies including, negative energy, we absorb are not just from our immediate surroundings but can also be inherited from past family members and traumatic experiences. By recognizing and addressing these, negative energies, we can break free from their control and live a life aligned with our true selves.

One of the key aspects of, releasing negative energy, is connecting with nature. Daniel channels the power of nature to help his clients heal and recover from stress. He believes that nature holds the answers to our healing and can help us navigate even the most challenging moments. By immersing ourselves in nature, we can ground ourselves, listen to our intuition, and find peace and love in the present moment.

Podmust Transform Your Mind podcast
Podmust Transform Your Mind podcast

How to release negative energy

To release, negative energy, Daniel suggests grounding ourselves and placing ourselves in a position of love. This can be done by walking barefoot, talking to trees, or simply being present in nature. By connecting with nature, we activate our feelings and senses, allowing us to release, negative energy, and embrace the healing power of the natural world.

In addition to connecting with nature, Daniel emphasizes the importance of meditation and self-reflection. He believes that meditation is a practice that can help us cultivate, inner peace, and connect with our, spiritual guides. By creating a space for self-reflection and meditation, we can clear our minds and open ourselves up to receive messages from our, spiritual guides. This practice allows us to tap into our, higher consciousness, and receive guidance and wisdom.

book seedling Journey to inner peace
book seedling Journey to inner peace

The journey to inner peace

Daniel's book, “Seedling: The Journey to Inner Peace,” is a practical guide to help readers identify and, release negative energy. It explores topics such as balancing energies, understanding triggers and addictions, and healing family DNA. The book is a channelled guide from Daniel's, spiritual guides, and offers insights and wisdom to help readers on their own journey to, inner peace.

Here are 3 ways to balance your energy 
  1. Change food intake. Either increasing or decreasing food intake changes how much energy a person is taking in.
  2. Change their amount of structured exercise. …
  3. Change their non-exercise activity.




In conclusion, identifying and releasing, negative energy, is essential for our overall well-being and happiness. By connecting with nature, practicing meditation, and embracing self-reflection, we can, release negative energy, and, cultivate inner peace. Daniel's book, “Seedling: The Journey to Inner Peace,” offers practical guidance and wisdom to help readers on their own path to healing and self-discovery. By embracing these practices and connecting with our true selves, we can live a life filled with love, harmony, and peace.


Understanding the Healing Powers of The Earth

We aren't in easy communication with, nature, like we used to be, and the reality is our vibration (that is our healthy and healed vibration), is the same as the earth's vibration. If you go outside and you touch a tree, it feels so good to be out in, nature, because, it's healing to us. So,  put your hands on a tree, sit down on a park bench, take your shoes and socks off and let your feet touch the earth.
It doesn't even take any time. It's literally seconds before your body drops into that healing frequency and starts shifting to a different vibration and matching. It's called, resonance.  Your body finds, resonance, with the other vibrations.

I'm very excited to bring to you an, earth, healing expert, her name is Amy Dempster. Today, we are going to be talking about “Understanding the Healing Powers of the Earth”. This is an interview that you have to listen to because I don't know all there is about, mother earth, but there's healing in the, earth.

Download the full interview here: 


Communicating with the earth

I try to attach to, earth, or communicate with it on a daily basis when I walk in the park, but I don't know what I'm doing. I just know it's good to be there. So, today, I'm hoping that Amy can share with me some of the things that would make my walk and my communication with the, earth something that can be more beneficial to me.


Amy Dempster helps in understanding, the healing power of the earth. What began as openly sharing her spiritual journey on her popular blog Following Hawks, has become a resource for others wanting to learn how to, communicate with nature, and share their own unique healing gifts with the, earth.

Together with the, Spirits of the Land, in the mountains of northwest Montana, she tends, seven portals on the land, where she lives, along with any grid keeping work she is assigned. She also leads the Earth Tenders Academy, an immersive online journey to help others reestablish their connection with their ancient ancestors, learn to communicate with the seen and unseen forces in their environment and respectfully offer their healing energy to places in need. Amy is also the host of the podcast The Earth Keepers.

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Transform Your Mind Amazon

Understanding the healing powers of the earth

Myrna: Tell us your journey into understanding the, healing powers of the earth. Is this a gift that you were born with or is it something that you nurtured?

Amy: The journey certainly has developed over many years and at this point it wasn't something that I was super aware of. As a child, I did grow up on a farm and I spent a lot of time outside. I was with, nature, all the time, but I don't remember having like really clear, communication with nature, until I was an adult working and kind of being in a city atmosphere for a long time, and a lot of days and a lot of years.

What does Hawks has to do with it?

Back in 2008, I started having these kinds of unusual experiences with, hawks, (the birds). It wasn't like they weren't in my environment or hadn't seen them before, but they started coming really close to me repeatedly over and over. It happens once and that was kind of cool, but when it happens three, four, five and six times, you start saying – there's something going on here that someone trying to send me a message, like what's going on.

That really led me to start asking more questions. It's hard to remember now, as 2008 doesn't seem like that long ago to me anyway, but it feels like at that time there just wasn't as much information.

There weren't as many resources as there are now. I could find bits and pieces about kind of, animal communication, or that type of thing, but nothing quite seemed right. I really just kind of continued along and asked more questions. I was meditating on a regular basis, and after a number of years, I received a pretty strong message that it was time to move where there were pine trees and water.

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Starting communication with trees

It surprisingly happened fairly quickly over a period of just a few months before my husband and I moved to Montana. It was in that journey, and after moving and getting settled in, I would go out for walks on a daily basis. My neighborhood had these tall towering pine trees and I started realizing that these, trees, were sending me messages and that I was receiving this communication, which again seemed really kind of strange to me.

I didn't want to tell anybody, I didn't want anyone to know I was talking to the, trees. It was a bit weird for me at first, but it really sparked my interest and imagination. I started asking a lot more questions like – well, if I can receive these messages from, trees, then it seems like I could probably talk to them too, like they should be able to understand me.

So that was really when I started diving in a lot deeper into just kind of learning how this works, learning how to, communicate with nature, the wisdom that's all around us all and the time that we can tap into.

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Transform Your Mind Podcast Pandora

Interpreting messages from Hawks

Myrna: That's amazing. That is absolutely a story  why, Hawks?

Amy: I think, hawks, are participating in humanity's awakening. We receive intuitive messages or messengers in this form. It's always unique for each person individually, but there are some kinds of general statements for different animals or different birds. Obviously, whenever you have an animal coming to you or a dream or something you can look it up and find out what the kind of main messages are.

Often times with, hawks, the messages is  (they have that higher vantage point view, they can see the big picture, they can see over a larger area and a lot of times that's the message)  clarity. Hawks,  are really connecting and really kind of being in this in between of the spirit realm and the earth realm. They're like floating above us and seeing that big picture.

Now, when I see, hawks, it really feels to me like the message is you're on the right path, you're on the right track, keep going, keep going in this direction and see the big picture right in front of you.

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Communicating with nature: trees, rocks and mountains

Myrna: I have always been intrigued about, communicating with trees, and rocks. I was interviewing a guest once and she told me she was climbing a mountain and the mountain was speaking to her.  That conversation has stayed with me for a long time. Let's expand on that because I'm very curious about that. You're walking in, nature, and the, trees, were speaking to you. What were they saying?

Amy: As humans, we have kind of created language that we believe to be the one way to communicate and the reality is within the, earth realms, everything else is still communicating without language. They are  communicating intuitively or telepathically. So, as humans, that's just not a skill that's cultivated in most of us from childhood learning how to receive those kinds of intuitive messages or information.

Intuitive communication with trees

Everybody receives them differently, and it's really easy for a lot of us to dismiss especially when it's something like a feeling or a sense.  We would notice that our stomach started hurting when we went into that house, but dismiss it as weird. That's, telepathic communication, sending you a message.

Communication with trees, is considered clairaudience.   This is when you are hearing voices, but no one is there.  That is how messages come in, it sounds like you're talking to yourself in your head. A lot of us just think – I just made that up. For me, it kind of felt like the, trees,  put thoughts in my head that I didn't put there.
They would say things like go down that embankment and pick up that trash!
Everything in our environment is animate and energy just like we are. Some are more willing and eager to talk to humans than others. I always suggest people start with house plants, because I think it's really easy to start communicating with your plants.  We feel comfortable talking to our house plants.
I know a lot of people who talk to their plants and they say that it makes them grow and stuff.
Myrna: Yes, people that have gardens do talk to their plants.

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Communication with your house plants

Amy: It's easier to start with things like, house plants, around your house that you might already have a relationship with and I always say the bigger and older it is, the slower and quieter the communication. A mountain for instance might take some more time to really tune into, so if you're just starting to practice, communication with nature,  you might not want to start with a mountain because you might feel like nothing's happening.
Start slowing down, tree communication, might only come in one word or one feeling instead.
We are physical and spiritual beings and there are lots of spiritual things we can't see. When we're,  communicating with nature, trees, rocks or mountains, is it actually the non-physical world that we're communicating with.
We are all both physical and non physical at the same time and that includes, trees, rocks, and mountains. When you hug a tree you are communicating with the spirit that surrounds the tree.
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Matching the vibrations of nature

We have our physical body that we tend to think of as the entirety of ourselves, but we do have our spiritual body which you might call your soul.  We communicate with our soul as part of our non physical body. We also have our energy body which is just outside of our physical body, (people call it an aura). You have that energy that's vibrating outside of your body and , trees, has the same energy.
You can communicate, you can feel the energy of, trees, you don't even have to put your hand all the way up to them, you can feel their energy body. Your energy body or spirit starts communication with its energy body even though you are not conscious of this.
That's why plants and, trees, are easier initially to make those connections with, because we can physically see them in our environment.  As opposed to the many other energies that are present on, earth. I call these energies, spirits of the land.
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Communicating with the spirits of the land

Myrna: You said you learned to speak with the, spirits of the land. So, not only can you have, communication with the trees, and rocks, but also the, spirits of the land, that we can't see, but we know they exist. How can we learn to communicate with the, spirits of the land?
Amy: The first things I always recommend to people in this kind of communication with the, spirits of the land, is to slow down.  We’re accustomed to walking through the, earth, at a certain pace, usually with our headphones on our ears. If you're going to go on a walk around your block or the walk in your park, go by yourself.  Leave your phone behind and be quiet and walk slowly.
Whatever pace you would normally walk at, cut it in half (which won't be slow enough). The point is to start noticing things in your environment like a flower or a tree that is different from the other, trees. When we're moving fast, it's hard to notice that there's a, tree, that's really vibrant and beautiful.

Establishing communication

Those are ways that the, spirits of the land, are saying, ‘Hey look at me over here, come over and talk to me,” but if you're walking or moving too fast and kind of skipping over or thinking all the, trees, look the same, you can’t establish communication.
They're very different and you want to initially just start noticing what catches your attention. Which, trees, are a different color green than all the others? When you see something like that, then you can approach that tree or that plant or that rock or whatever and just kind of say I would like to connect with you.
You can say it in your head if you are worried about looking like the weird lady talking to, trees, in the park and initially start that conversation. Just say is there anything you'd like to share with me? Or oh gosh! Your flowers are especially beautiful. I love that color of purple (those types of things). It's really would just be like meeting a new friend.
Establish communication before you go hug a tree and ask before you touch it, because  maybe the tree wants to be touched or maybe it doesn't.
Therefore, establishing that kind of boundary  make them know that you'd like to communicate.  You may or may not receive any immediate message back, but again we have to start getting used to using our whole body and whole energy body for that communication.

Communication with trees is usually a feeling

The communication might be a warm feeling in your heart or a flutter in your stomach or a breeze that kicks up right after you ask; that's why we have to move so much slower and be quiet. This is to allow this information to flow in and for you to start getting accustomed to how you receive information.
Just take a few minutes even once a week. Your normal path is going to make a huge difference and you'll start noticing. I mean even the fact that you'd walk there for a while before you notice you're interacting, the more that kind of two-way conversation is happening, the more will be revealed to you, the more you'll see.
You will begin to say things like “I swear that wasn't there before”  that means  you're at the vibration. You're at the right frequency to be tuned in and dialed into it and see a lot more than just what's visible to your eyes.
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The healing powers of the earth

Myrna: I love it. I can't wait for that tree at the park to start talking to me.
I was listening to a podcast this morning and the doctor was talking about COVID-19 and some of the things that you can do to help with your, immune system, and to prevent your body from being seriously compromised with COVID-19. One of the things he talked about was walking in a park and just seeing the green. He said the green does something to our, immune system.
Amy: We aren't in easy communication with, nature, like we used to be, and the reality is our vibration (that is our healthy and healed vibration), is the same as the earth's vibration. If you go outside and you touch a tree, it feels so good to be out in, nature, because, it's healing to us. So,  put your hands on a tree, sit down on a park bench, take your shoes and socks off and let your feet touch the earth.
It doesn't even take any time. It's literally seconds before your body drops into that healing frequency and starts shifting to a different vibration and matching. It's called, resonance.  Your body finds, resonance, with the other vibrations.
Being in, nature, really does boost our, immune system. Even just looking at, nature, has been proven to lower our blood pressure and relax us and boost our, immune system.

The seven portals of the land

Myrna: Let's talk about the, seven portals of the land. What are these, seven portals, and how do you open them?
Amy: This is where we have to get more flexible with our brains and our thinking and our multi-dimensional nature.  A lot of people are familiar with what's called, energy lines (grid lines) in the, earth, but the, earth, has an electromagnetic frequency and it is concentrated in certain areas.
Oftentimes, that's where you'll find real big religious temples. The reason they were built there is that the belief that it was easier to commune with the divine in these locations.  There are places all over the world where kind of this energy is heightened.

The vortex of energy portals

What gets created there is an, energy portal, or a, vortex. It's just a swirling bowl of, energy, and what you have in that is the ability for energies to move through and use their, consciousness. We oftentimes think about time travel as like – you step in a box, you push a button and you go somewhere else. But, it's really we're just using our, consciousness, to shift into other dimensions and that's what's happening in, energy portals.
You can think of it as being, (even in these places where great religious importance) is that people were using their, consciousness, through prayer and reverence to be able to commune with the other side.
What happens in, energy portals, is that energies are able to come in whether those are angels or ascended masters or star beings or wherever else in the, multi-verse, there are energies they can move through and we can also use our, consciousness, to move through them and go into other realms.

Portals of the land

There are seven, portals, on the property where I live. I took a couple of years before I was able to communicate with this, energy.
I am certain it was the, energy, that I cultivated doing the work that I do over a number of years in that place, made it kind of a safe energetic spot for these, portals to be. It was my spirit guides which I have come to learn over time and other fragments of my soul that are coming in and telling this version of me – Hey you already know how to do this, so help us out here on the new plane.
Myrna: Anybody that's listening and want to hear more of this can connect with Amy on her podcast called “The Earth keeper”. Now, tell us about your podcast. Do you invite other, earth, keepers guests or it's just you?
Amy: It's just me. It is just me kind of talking on all of these different topics, kind of depending on what's coming through for me. I share a lot of my personal stories and kind of how I figure some of these things out and the interactions that I have with other energies and with the, earth. I talk about all of these kinds of multi-dimensional topics.

Communicating with rocks and mountains

Myrna: Can you communicate with the Mountains?
Amy: Absolutely yes, I think I might even have one podcast about this. It's calked communicating with Valencia. This is communicating with the mountains.
Myrna: That's awesome. How can our listeners connect with you? I'm sure your podcast is on all the podcast players, but tell us your website. How they can connect with you. What are your handles on social media and things like that?
Amy: My website is followinghawks.com . You can find the podcast there. You can find everything that I do there. My Instagram handle is @followinghawks. I have a free Facebook Group called “the following hawks earth keepers community”. There's also a spot on my home page where you can sign up for a free training with me – where I talk all about how to communicate with the, spirits of the land.
Thank you, guys for tuning in to the Transform Your Mind Podcast. If you're listening to this on iTunes, remember to rate and review because this is good stuff. Until next time, blessings.
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