Tag Archives: immune system

The Secret Link: Your Gut Brain Connection

In this podcast episode, I'm talking with Dr. Will Cole about the, gut brain connection, and how your gut feelings, can affect your brain. Dr. Cole is a world-renowned functional medicine practitioner and health advisor to Gwyneth Paltrow. He is an expert in the field of, cellular health, and inflammation, and he has some amazing insights to share with you about the connection between how you eat and how you feel. If you're curious about the, gut brain connection, and how your, gut feelings, can affect your overall health, then this podcast episode is for you! Dr. Cole discusses the relationship between your gut and brain in detail and explains how you can use this knowledge to improve your health and well-being.

Download the podcast here: 


The gut-brain connection explained

Dr Will Cole Health advisor to Gwyneth Paltrow top functional medicine practitioner in New York Times best-selling author has dedicated his career to teaching people to apply skepticism to National Trends and instead pay closer attention to their own intuition his new book “Gut Feelings Healing the Shame Fueled Relationship Between What you Eat and What you Feel” and how you feel sorry demystifies the gut brain connection and provides a framework to prepare the relationship between what you eat and how you feel .

Named one of the top 50 functional and integrated doctors in the nation Dr Will Cole provides a functional medicine approach for thyroid issues, autoimmune conditions, hormonal imbalances ,digestive disorders, and brain problems. He's the host of “Art of the Being Well” podcast and the author of ” Ketotarian the Information Spectrum” and the New York Times bestseller “Intuitive Fasting”

Myrna: I have followed you for years on Instagram and Facebook but a few months ago you know I'm always on YouTube I have a YouTube channel so I saw your Ad about, cellular health, and I thought it was so great that I wanted to sign up for the webinar on autoimmune conditions and cellular inflammation.  I signed up for your, health assessment, where they sent me a kit to check my inflammation levels.

Can you introduce yourself by telling our audience um you know how you became to be one of the top 50 functional medicine doctors the doctor of Gwyneth Paltrow and maybe you can introduce us to what you do with helping clients get rid of their, cellular inflammation.

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Functional medicine and Telehealth

Dr Cole: we've been in Telehealth for the 13 for 13 plus years like that's been our day job and my passion and my heart is to really be a part of people's Health journey and figure out why they're struggling with their health issues right so that's our main focus and from that the passion and that sacred responsibility that I hold for our Telehealth patients comes the books in the podcast like all of that Springs from that so thank you for I honor I'm honestly honored that you have to be a part of your health journey and I take that extremely seriously and as I mentioned like we've we started within the first functional medicine Telehealth centers 13 plus years ago

We have several ways that we serve Telehealth patients we have our one-on-one Telehealth concierge which is one-on-one private sessions, and then we have the, autoimmune Health reset, that we launched years ago like three years ago at this point to enhance or  level up the amount of people we can support.   The urine test reveals inflammation which  is the commonality between just about every health problem Under the Sun.

Inflammation and insulin resistance

I mean autoimmune problems are inflammatory metabolic issues like trouble losing weight, insulin resistance, type 2 diabetes, PCOS polycystic ovarian syndrome, which is driven by, insulin resistance, and other hormonal problems to digestive problems you mentioned musculoskeletal inflammation issues to even things like fatigue and anxiety and depression are all inflammatory there's a whole field of research called the cytokine model of cognitive function cytokines are pro-inflammatory cells.

Researchers exploring in the scientific literature how does inflammation impact how our brain works. How does inflammation impact mental health so what one of the ways we measure inflammation is that urine tests, but we also run blood tests like high sensitivity C-reactive protein homocysteine levels. These are just objective data points to show people their Baseline.   What's driving the inflammation in both physiological and psychological components is underlying, gut health.

75 percent of your, immune system, resides so there's a lot of gut-centric components to inflammation that could impact your joints, going to impact your mental health it could impact your hormones and impact your blood sugar that we need to calm down so what you embarked on through that group Telehealth model was us to calm down these root causes of inflammation so people can live the life they were created for.

Also natural medicines biohacking different tools mind-body practices trauma work to really deal with what's causing that dysregulation of their immune system which is what chronic inflammation is.  Inflammation is not inherently bad, it's a product of the immune system.

Gut brain connection and the vagus nerve

Myrna: I've always known about the, gut brain connection, and the, leaky gut, but I've been learning specifically about you know things getting through the lining and causing inflammation and and I see now where you know the gut is the main resource which is mitochondria and all these different things.  Can you talk about the, gut brain connection.

Dr Cole:  I mentioned that inflammation is a product of the immune system 75 % to about two-thirds of the immune system resides in the gut or originates in the gut so to understand inflammation you want to look at where the predominance of the immune system resides. But not just from an immune inflammatory standpoint, but also from a, brain health ,standpoint. The gut and brain are actually formed from the same fetal tissue so when babies are growing in their mother's womb the gut and brain are formed .

Serotonin a neurotransmitter is made in the gut and stored in the gut.  Fifty percent of dopamine, the pleasure neurotransmitter is made and stored in the gut.  The vagus nerve which is the largest cranial nerve in the body these neurotransmitters as we understand it today are made in the gut don't pass through the blood-brain barrier but what they do is crosstalk to the brain through the vagus nerve.

Parasympathetic response and the vagus nerve

So when you hear these conversations that are happening more and more around a dysregulated nervous system what we're actually talking about here is an overactive sympathetic state of that fight, flight or freeze stressed inflamed State and an under active parasympathetic that resting digesting hormone balance date both are important just like inflammation there's nothing inherently wrong with the sympathetic response it's meant to protect that us and it does protect us but it's meant to come up and overact and then calm down when the threat is removed.

Most people are in a state of nervous system dysregulation that it's just always on the sympathetic response is always on to varying degrees and that as you're an underactive resting digesting meaning calm anti-anxiety normal, gut health, normal digestive response. This has to do with what's called the nervous system it's the neuro-aminoendocrine axis so the intersection between our nervous system the endocrine system.

Myrna:  How does the gut influence your hormone production or depression? Can you bridge the gap on inflammation as the commonality between all these health problems?

Dr Cole: But the word there the key word is commonality meaning it's the common link but something's causing the inflammation so what's Upstream to the inflammation because if inflammation's not inherently bad we're just talking about dysregulated chronic inflammation, that forest fire that's burning perpetuity for people that's impacting their mental health and their physical health and their hormones and their digestion and their pain levels and their energy levels.

We look at what's causing the inflammation.  It's like the check engine light, so if the check engine light's on in your car you don't just keep under driving and cover up the check engine light and act like it's not on.  Let's do some Diagnostics to see why that check engine light is on, so that's what we do in functional medicine. So I talk about this in the book at both physiological and psychological drivers of inflammation, so both approaches have to be looked at.

Gut Feelings: The gut brain connection

So underlying gut problems nutrient deficiencies chronic infections like we deal with mold toxicity or chronic lyme disease or environmental toxins those physiological things will impact inflammation, impact our mood and all that stuff it can impact the anxiety depression automate everything on the psychological side.   The Chronic infections environmental toxins will can trigger that for some people that have genetic predispositions for autoimmunity, but on a psychological thing side of things.

That's why in part why I called the book, gut feelings, it's gut and feelings it's a physiological and the psychological the physical and the mental emotional spiritual.  Those things can trigger the, gut brain connection, things like unresolved trauma and chronic stress and something that I call in the book shame formation. Because our body is a cellular library and our thoughts and our words our emotions our experiences will impact the expression of our biochemistry.

Myrna:  I've had several um people on the show talk about childhood trauma results in autoimmune conditions so I'm getting the connection now so that's amazing.

Alcohol and the gut brain connection

Myrna: You say that alcohol affects our, gut brain connection.  Are you including red wine as alcohol?

Dr Cole: I'm including red wine in this bucket, so you could make the argument that there's some Redemptive qualities for wine right because it has it Resveratrol which is like antioxidant yeah so you know and it has like polyphenols like other antioxidants in it because it's from like the grapes that is true but actually this compelling amount of data that shows you need to drink an obscene amount of wine to get like to a great therapeutic dose.

Now you can make the other argument towards alcohol and say well couldn't it be alcohol is a hormetic effect in the body it's like a hormesis is a term that means like a good stressor on the body that makes the cells more resilient so fasting is a harmonic effect high intensity interval training is a hermetic effect cold therapy sauna these are all hormatic effects in the body.   Let's do some high intention interval training, that's healthier forms of hermesis than this alcohol .  Then supplement with Resveratrol or drink some eat some fruits and vegetables.

Myrna:  I've heard time and time again about the benefits of red wine my husband is an avid Red Wine Drinker and I just picked it up again like a couple weeks ago because because I heard about the benefits of red wine.

Dr Cole:  I need to talk to your husband .

Myrna:  So you have a 21 day gut feeling plan designed to help your clients heal can you talk to us about that what's in that plan.

Dr Cole:   I adapted the plan in the book based off of different tools that we Implement into our Telehealth patients  lives into their protocols so for this book every day of the 21 days there's a gut and a Feeling tool. So there's a physiological and a psychological gut day.  We could do a little bit of what you did during that autoimmune Health reset, we focus on soups and stews which is a great way to support that ,gut brain access, that microbiome mood axis to also lower inflammations, which is where two-thirds of the immune system resides.

So this is nothing new to our Landscapes humans right you look at any traditional Society they use soups and stews lots of times right I mean just every day let alone when somebody's sick or therapeutically you know that cliche of chicken noodle soup it's not the noodles that we're helping people it was the broths and the vegetables that were cooked down it was the proteins that were cooked and easy to digest so there's something healing about that on many levels for people.

So it's born as a protocol that we we modify for patients based on what's relevant to them we modify what's called a gaps protocol a it's an acronym gaps it stands for gut and psychology syndrome or gut and Physiology syndrome which is the gut brain Axis or the gut immune Axis or like chronic autoimmune problems so it's used clinically with different applications for different purposes. So I  give soup recipes and broth recipes in the book to support that, gut brain immune access, over the course of the 21 days.

On the feelings  side, my favorite science back tools that I've seen really work in patients lives also the research is so exciting so things like breath work and the history of breath work and breath work practices that helps to regulate the nervous system, strengthening the vagal tone. A lot of the plan is actually improving vagal tone, most people have a weak vagus nerve they're resting digesting the system is weak they have anxiety inflammation and poor digestion.

We're actually helping to support and strengthen so food on the physiological side on the gut side of that, gut feeling, crosstalk will help to improve vagal tone because the more you lower inflammation the more you support gut from gut health from a nutrition standpoint will improve vagal tone but on a psychological side we need to implement things like breath work to strengthen the vagus nerve to regulate that nervous system.

Strengthening the vagus nerve

Myrna:  I do a lot of meditation on the vagus nerve because  everything happens when you relax and that is one way I help myself relax and I do you know breath work meditation,  I wasn't aware that you can strengthen the vagus nerve so this is new information for me.

Myrna: Your  book Gut Feelings: Healing the Shame-Fueled Relationship Between What You Eat and How You Feel is on Amazon so tell us how people can get in contact with you your website social media

Dr Cole:  Everything's at Drwillcole.com  all the links to everything we talked about in today's conversation are there, so are the links to the Telehealth Center.  We have new Telehealth patient options now open a the autoimmune Health reset is one of them but lab information people can run Labs. The links to the books are there Gut Feelings,  Intuitive fasting, The inflammation spectrum and Ketotarian the links to the podcast The Art of Being Well. I have a new episode every week. I'm on Instagram @Drwillcole same with Facebook Tic Tock.

Additional Resources

What is the Connection Between Childhood Trauma and Autoimmune Disease?


Understanding the Healing Powers of The Earth

We aren't in easy communication with, nature, like we used to be, and the reality is our vibration (that is our healthy and healed vibration), is the same as the earth's vibration. If you go outside and you touch a tree, it feels so good to be out in, nature, because, it's healing to us. So,  put your hands on a tree, sit down on a park bench, take your shoes and socks off and let your feet touch the earth.
It doesn't even take any time. It's literally seconds before your body drops into that healing frequency and starts shifting to a different vibration and matching. It's called, resonance.  Your body finds, resonance, with the other vibrations.

I'm very excited to bring to you an, earth, healing expert, her name is Amy Dempster. Today, we are going to be talking about “Understanding the Healing Powers of the Earth”. This is an interview that you have to listen to because I don't know all there is about, mother earth, but there's healing in the, earth.

Download the full interview here: 


Communicating with the earth

I try to attach to, earth, or communicate with it on a daily basis when I walk in the park, but I don't know what I'm doing. I just know it's good to be there. So, today, I'm hoping that Amy can share with me some of the things that would make my walk and my communication with the, earth something that can be more beneficial to me.


Amy Dempster helps in understanding, the healing power of the earth. What began as openly sharing her spiritual journey on her popular blog Following Hawks, has become a resource for others wanting to learn how to, communicate with nature, and share their own unique healing gifts with the, earth.

Together with the, Spirits of the Land, in the mountains of northwest Montana, she tends, seven portals on the land, where she lives, along with any grid keeping work she is assigned. She also leads the Earth Tenders Academy, an immersive online journey to help others reestablish their connection with their ancient ancestors, learn to communicate with the seen and unseen forces in their environment and respectfully offer their healing energy to places in need. Amy is also the host of the podcast The Earth Keepers.

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Understanding the healing powers of the earth

Myrna: Tell us your journey into understanding the, healing powers of the earth. Is this a gift that you were born with or is it something that you nurtured?

Amy: The journey certainly has developed over many years and at this point it wasn't something that I was super aware of. As a child, I did grow up on a farm and I spent a lot of time outside. I was with, nature, all the time, but I don't remember having like really clear, communication with nature, until I was an adult working and kind of being in a city atmosphere for a long time, and a lot of days and a lot of years.

What does Hawks has to do with it?

Back in 2008, I started having these kinds of unusual experiences with, hawks, (the birds). It wasn't like they weren't in my environment or hadn't seen them before, but they started coming really close to me repeatedly over and over. It happens once and that was kind of cool, but when it happens three, four, five and six times, you start saying – there's something going on here that someone trying to send me a message, like what's going on.

That really led me to start asking more questions. It's hard to remember now, as 2008 doesn't seem like that long ago to me anyway, but it feels like at that time there just wasn't as much information.

There weren't as many resources as there are now. I could find bits and pieces about kind of, animal communication, or that type of thing, but nothing quite seemed right. I really just kind of continued along and asked more questions. I was meditating on a regular basis, and after a number of years, I received a pretty strong message that it was time to move where there were pine trees and water.

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Starting communication with trees

It surprisingly happened fairly quickly over a period of just a few months before my husband and I moved to Montana. It was in that journey, and after moving and getting settled in, I would go out for walks on a daily basis. My neighborhood had these tall towering pine trees and I started realizing that these, trees, were sending me messages and that I was receiving this communication, which again seemed really kind of strange to me.

I didn't want to tell anybody, I didn't want anyone to know I was talking to the, trees. It was a bit weird for me at first, but it really sparked my interest and imagination. I started asking a lot more questions like – well, if I can receive these messages from, trees, then it seems like I could probably talk to them too, like they should be able to understand me.

So that was really when I started diving in a lot deeper into just kind of learning how this works, learning how to, communicate with nature, the wisdom that's all around us all and the time that we can tap into.

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Interpreting messages from Hawks

Myrna: That's amazing. That is absolutely a story  why, Hawks?

Amy: I think, hawks, are participating in humanity's awakening. We receive intuitive messages or messengers in this form. It's always unique for each person individually, but there are some kinds of general statements for different animals or different birds. Obviously, whenever you have an animal coming to you or a dream or something you can look it up and find out what the kind of main messages are.

Often times with, hawks, the messages is  (they have that higher vantage point view, they can see the big picture, they can see over a larger area and a lot of times that's the message)  clarity. Hawks,  are really connecting and really kind of being in this in between of the spirit realm and the earth realm. They're like floating above us and seeing that big picture.

Now, when I see, hawks, it really feels to me like the message is you're on the right path, you're on the right track, keep going, keep going in this direction and see the big picture right in front of you.

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Communicating with nature: trees, rocks and mountains

Myrna: I have always been intrigued about, communicating with trees, and rocks. I was interviewing a guest once and she told me she was climbing a mountain and the mountain was speaking to her.  That conversation has stayed with me for a long time. Let's expand on that because I'm very curious about that. You're walking in, nature, and the, trees, were speaking to you. What were they saying?

Amy: As humans, we have kind of created language that we believe to be the one way to communicate and the reality is within the, earth realms, everything else is still communicating without language. They are  communicating intuitively or telepathically. So, as humans, that's just not a skill that's cultivated in most of us from childhood learning how to receive those kinds of intuitive messages or information.

Intuitive communication with trees

Everybody receives them differently, and it's really easy for a lot of us to dismiss especially when it's something like a feeling or a sense.  We would notice that our stomach started hurting when we went into that house, but dismiss it as weird. That's, telepathic communication, sending you a message.

Communication with trees, is considered clairaudience.   This is when you are hearing voices, but no one is there.  That is how messages come in, it sounds like you're talking to yourself in your head. A lot of us just think – I just made that up. For me, it kind of felt like the, trees,  put thoughts in my head that I didn't put there.
They would say things like go down that embankment and pick up that trash!
Everything in our environment is animate and energy just like we are. Some are more willing and eager to talk to humans than others. I always suggest people start with house plants, because I think it's really easy to start communicating with your plants.  We feel comfortable talking to our house plants.
I know a lot of people who talk to their plants and they say that it makes them grow and stuff.
Myrna: Yes, people that have gardens do talk to their plants.

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Communication with your house plants

Amy: It's easier to start with things like, house plants, around your house that you might already have a relationship with and I always say the bigger and older it is, the slower and quieter the communication. A mountain for instance might take some more time to really tune into, so if you're just starting to practice, communication with nature,  you might not want to start with a mountain because you might feel like nothing's happening.
Start slowing down, tree communication, might only come in one word or one feeling instead.
We are physical and spiritual beings and there are lots of spiritual things we can't see. When we're,  communicating with nature, trees, rocks or mountains, is it actually the non-physical world that we're communicating with.
We are all both physical and non physical at the same time and that includes, trees, rocks, and mountains. When you hug a tree you are communicating with the spirit that surrounds the tree.
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Matching the vibrations of nature

We have our physical body that we tend to think of as the entirety of ourselves, but we do have our spiritual body which you might call your soul.  We communicate with our soul as part of our non physical body. We also have our energy body which is just outside of our physical body, (people call it an aura). You have that energy that's vibrating outside of your body and , trees, has the same energy.
You can communicate, you can feel the energy of, trees, you don't even have to put your hand all the way up to them, you can feel their energy body. Your energy body or spirit starts communication with its energy body even though you are not conscious of this.
That's why plants and, trees, are easier initially to make those connections with, because we can physically see them in our environment.  As opposed to the many other energies that are present on, earth. I call these energies, spirits of the land.
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Communicating with the spirits of the land

Myrna: You said you learned to speak with the, spirits of the land. So, not only can you have, communication with the trees, and rocks, but also the, spirits of the land, that we can't see, but we know they exist. How can we learn to communicate with the, spirits of the land?
Amy: The first things I always recommend to people in this kind of communication with the, spirits of the land, is to slow down.  We’re accustomed to walking through the, earth, at a certain pace, usually with our headphones on our ears. If you're going to go on a walk around your block or the walk in your park, go by yourself.  Leave your phone behind and be quiet and walk slowly.
Whatever pace you would normally walk at, cut it in half (which won't be slow enough). The point is to start noticing things in your environment like a flower or a tree that is different from the other, trees. When we're moving fast, it's hard to notice that there's a, tree, that's really vibrant and beautiful.

Establishing communication

Those are ways that the, spirits of the land, are saying, ‘Hey look at me over here, come over and talk to me,” but if you're walking or moving too fast and kind of skipping over or thinking all the, trees, look the same, you can’t establish communication.
They're very different and you want to initially just start noticing what catches your attention. Which, trees, are a different color green than all the others? When you see something like that, then you can approach that tree or that plant or that rock or whatever and just kind of say I would like to connect with you.
You can say it in your head if you are worried about looking like the weird lady talking to, trees, in the park and initially start that conversation. Just say is there anything you'd like to share with me? Or oh gosh! Your flowers are especially beautiful. I love that color of purple (those types of things). It's really would just be like meeting a new friend.
Establish communication before you go hug a tree and ask before you touch it, because  maybe the tree wants to be touched or maybe it doesn't.
Therefore, establishing that kind of boundary  make them know that you'd like to communicate.  You may or may not receive any immediate message back, but again we have to start getting used to using our whole body and whole energy body for that communication.

Communication with trees is usually a feeling

The communication might be a warm feeling in your heart or a flutter in your stomach or a breeze that kicks up right after you ask; that's why we have to move so much slower and be quiet. This is to allow this information to flow in and for you to start getting accustomed to how you receive information.
Just take a few minutes even once a week. Your normal path is going to make a huge difference and you'll start noticing. I mean even the fact that you'd walk there for a while before you notice you're interacting, the more that kind of two-way conversation is happening, the more will be revealed to you, the more you'll see.
You will begin to say things like “I swear that wasn't there before”  that means  you're at the vibration. You're at the right frequency to be tuned in and dialed into it and see a lot more than just what's visible to your eyes.
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The healing powers of the earth

Myrna: I love it. I can't wait for that tree at the park to start talking to me.
I was listening to a podcast this morning and the doctor was talking about COVID-19 and some of the things that you can do to help with your, immune system, and to prevent your body from being seriously compromised with COVID-19. One of the things he talked about was walking in a park and just seeing the green. He said the green does something to our, immune system.
Amy: We aren't in easy communication with, nature, like we used to be, and the reality is our vibration (that is our healthy and healed vibration), is the same as the earth's vibration. If you go outside and you touch a tree, it feels so good to be out in, nature, because, it's healing to us. So,  put your hands on a tree, sit down on a park bench, take your shoes and socks off and let your feet touch the earth.
It doesn't even take any time. It's literally seconds before your body drops into that healing frequency and starts shifting to a different vibration and matching. It's called, resonance.  Your body finds, resonance, with the other vibrations.
Being in, nature, really does boost our, immune system. Even just looking at, nature, has been proven to lower our blood pressure and relax us and boost our, immune system.

The seven portals of the land

Myrna: Let's talk about the, seven portals of the land. What are these, seven portals, and how do you open them?
Amy: This is where we have to get more flexible with our brains and our thinking and our multi-dimensional nature.  A lot of people are familiar with what's called, energy lines (grid lines) in the, earth, but the, earth, has an electromagnetic frequency and it is concentrated in certain areas.
Oftentimes, that's where you'll find real big religious temples. The reason they were built there is that the belief that it was easier to commune with the divine in these locations.  There are places all over the world where kind of this energy is heightened.

The vortex of energy portals

What gets created there is an, energy portal, or a, vortex. It's just a swirling bowl of, energy, and what you have in that is the ability for energies to move through and use their, consciousness. We oftentimes think about time travel as like – you step in a box, you push a button and you go somewhere else. But, it's really we're just using our, consciousness, to shift into other dimensions and that's what's happening in, energy portals.
You can think of it as being, (even in these places where great religious importance) is that people were using their, consciousness, through prayer and reverence to be able to commune with the other side.
What happens in, energy portals, is that energies are able to come in whether those are angels or ascended masters or star beings or wherever else in the, multi-verse, there are energies they can move through and we can also use our, consciousness, to move through them and go into other realms.

Portals of the land

There are seven, portals, on the property where I live. I took a couple of years before I was able to communicate with this, energy.
I am certain it was the, energy, that I cultivated doing the work that I do over a number of years in that place, made it kind of a safe energetic spot for these, portals to be. It was my spirit guides which I have come to learn over time and other fragments of my soul that are coming in and telling this version of me – Hey you already know how to do this, so help us out here on the new plane.
Myrna: Anybody that's listening and want to hear more of this can connect with Amy on her podcast called “The Earth keeper”. Now, tell us about your podcast. Do you invite other, earth, keepers guests or it's just you?
Amy: It's just me. It is just me kind of talking on all of these different topics, kind of depending on what's coming through for me. I share a lot of my personal stories and kind of how I figure some of these things out and the interactions that I have with other energies and with the, earth. I talk about all of these kinds of multi-dimensional topics.

Communicating with rocks and mountains

Myrna: Can you communicate with the Mountains?
Amy: Absolutely yes, I think I might even have one podcast about this. It's calked communicating with Valencia. This is communicating with the mountains.
Myrna: That's awesome. How can our listeners connect with you? I'm sure your podcast is on all the podcast players, but tell us your website. How they can connect with you. What are your handles on social media and things like that?
Amy: My website is followinghawks.com . You can find the podcast there. You can find everything that I do there. My Instagram handle is @followinghawks. I have a free Facebook Group called “the following hawks earth keepers community”. There's also a spot on my home page where you can sign up for a free training with me – where I talk all about how to communicate with the, spirits of the land.
Thank you, guys for tuning in to the Transform Your Mind Podcast. If you're listening to this on iTunes, remember to rate and review because this is good stuff. Until next time, blessings.
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What is the Connection Between Childhood Trauma and Autoimmune Disease?

I made the connection in my mind between unresolved, childhood trauma, and these, autoimmune, problems.  What I mean by unresolved is that the, trauma, is continuing to loop.  The people are continuing to experience it as when the, trauma, was active, that creates, inflammation, in the body. The, inflammation, then compromises your, immune system, and your, neurotransmitters. If your, immune system, is compromised like it was with my daughter, the, inflammation, stays active. Inflammation, is basically a temporary pause in the system to protect the system against a threat.

Listen to the Full Interview Here 

Introduction to Childhood Trauma and Autoimmune Disease


  • Dr. Don Wood, PhD developed the TIPP method after spending years researching how atmospheric conditions™ affect our minds and impact our lives.  He went back to school later in life to get his PhD in clinical counseling and psychology, to learn how to heal his daughter’s Crohn’s disease and his wife’s autoimmune disease. Dr Wood says Both my wife and daughter experienced childhood trauma and I saw how it affected their life, including their health. They both had developed autoimmune disorders.” The TIPP program developed by Dr. Wood has benefited individuals all over the world. “ Dr. Wood is the author two books “You Must be out of your Mind” and “Emotional Concussions”, are focused on how we can all make the desired changes by allowing our mind to reset and reboot.
Dr Don Wood Childhood Trauma and Autoimmune Disease
Dr Don Wood Childhood Trauma and Autoimmune Disease

Myrna: I just finished reading the book “What Happened to You” by Dr Perry and Oprah Winfrey.   It is a profound book on, childhood trauma, which is where we're going to be spending some time on today. That book focused on the results of, childhood trauma, on, mental health, and relationships.  I don't think I've ever read a book that so clearly links what happened to us as children to how we live life as adults. I've had a lot of guests on the Transform Your Mind talk show, talk about, trauma, and it's link to substance abuse and drug use etc., but this is the first time I am hearing a connection of, childhood trauma, to, autoimmune disorders and, Crohn's disease.

So, I want to start off by putting a pin on something you said in your bio. You said that you went back to school later in life to get your PhD in Clinical Counseling and Psychology, to learn how to heal your daughter's, Crohn's disease, and your wife's, autoimmune disease. You also said that, childhood trauma, were the causes for both, inflammation. Can you share what you found is the connection between, childhood trauma, and, autoimmune disease?

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Childhood Trauma lead to Crohn's disease

Dr Wood: Absolutely! It was really because of my daughter. My wife, when I met her, I realized she was living in a very different household than I grew up in. She had a very traumatic childhood with a very disruptive father, and so she developed Hashimoto’s (which is a thyroid disorder). She was in a constant state of, fight or flight, and it wasn't until my daughter was diagnosed with, Crohn’s disease, at age 14 that we then started to look for answers for her.

She was just basically told to get rid of gluten and dairy and change her diet, they really had no answer. When she was 16, she disclosed to us some, childhood trauma, that she'd experienced between the ages of six and eight that we were unaware of. I usually sometimes don't talk about this, but she actually had a second, autoimmune disorder, called Idiopathic Pulmonary Hemosiderosis; which is just a long form. It's a long name. Basically, it's another, autoimmune disease, that affects the lungs and the iron in the lungs. It causes the lungs to bleed out and basically that could be a death sentence.  One out of 1.2 million people get it and a fair percentage of them die from it within five years.

That is really what started me looking for answers. I made the connection in my mind between unresolved, childhood trauma and these, autoimmune, problems.  What I mean by unresolved is that the, childhood trauma, is continuing to loop.  The people are continuing to experience it as when the, trauma, was active, that creates, inflammation, in the body. The, inflammation, then compromises your, immune system, and your, neurotransmitters. If your, immune system, is compromised like it was with my daughters, the, inflammation, stays active. Inflammation, is basically a temporary pause in the system to protect the system against a threat.

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If Childhood Trauma is not addressed it becomes inflammation

The problem for my daughter was that the threat continued because the memory of her, childhood trauma, was looping and continued to stay active. What I believe is the connection between these, autoimmune, issues is if you don't resolve that, trauma, it just continues.  The, inflammation,  for my daughter showed up in her intestinal area. There are a lot of people who have ended up with,  Crohn’s disease, colitis,  and, IBD, because of, inflammation, from, trauma.  The cells go into a cell danger response, so they basically become hardened, enlarged and inflamed to protect the system temporarily until the danger passes.  Then the, immune system, comes in, cleans up and takes over.

For my daughter, it didn't fix because she constantly was feeling the experiences from the result of her, childhood trauma. It stayed in this active cell danger response, but after we got the, trauma, resolved for my daughter, she hasn't had a, Crohn’s,  flare-up. There's no other explanation in my mind that why her, Crohn’s, would stop and her idiopathic pulmonary issues also stopped. There was where I made the connection between the two.

Myrna: The connection between the, Crohn’s disease, I understand, because a lot of times when we're in, fight or flight, or when we're nervous or anything, we feel it in our gut, so that's definitely understandable.

Dr Wood: Crohn’s disease, can be sometimes called Creatural Bowel Syndrome, you feel it in your gut.  I understand that part because you're always tense, and you’re always nervous.

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Autoimmune Disease and the Fight or Flight Response

Myrna: That's definitely a, fight or flight, response. Now, did you understand why your wife's, autoimmune disorder, showed up in her lungs which a a weird place to get it? What does the breath, the lungs and the iron in the lungs has to do with your, autoimmune? Tell us what's going on there again.

Dr Wood: I just believe it's coming down to, inflammation, so it shows up genetically different in different people. For my daughter, it ended up in her lower intestinal area. She also ended up with, inflammation, in her lungs as well. My wife ended up with a, thyroid disorder. I think it just shows up depending on where your weakest link is in your system. That's why it shows up in different places for different people.

Myrna: Now, you mentioned specifically that your daughter's, childhood trauma, happened between the ages of six and eight. Did you adopt her or something?

Dr Wood: No, she is our biological child. There was another young girl in the neighborhood that was a little older that had been abusing her.  We were unaware. We thought she was just like a big sister and so she had been abusing her and we didn't know about it, and then we moved. The abuse stopped obviously because we moved, and then when she was 16, my daughter disclosed it to us and then by now she's got,  Crohn’s disease. Again, we hadn't quite made that connection yet, because we were told by the doctors that, she's just have to learn to live with, Crohn’s disease. She'd eventually have to have four surgeries done where they had to literally go in and cut out pieces.

She really suffered and they said eventually she'll just end up with a colostomy bag. That's why my wife did all kinds of research and everything that she was learning was teaching people to live, manage and cope with, Crohn's, but not fix it, because they say there's no cure for, Crohn’s.

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What does Regulate Mean?

Myrna: If you're having, autoimmune disorders, then you might want to look at the fact that you might have unresolved, childhood trauma.  There is a host of people that has unresolved, childhood trauma.

Dr Wood: My wife didn't have a safe place and there was no safe landing place. So, she constantly stayed in this state of fear so she couldn't, regulate.

Myrna: Regulate,  that's Dr. Perry's favorite word. Regulate, is new word for me.

Dr Wood: Yes, we all need to, regulate.  We need to find a way to cope either by listening to music or something else.

Myrna: Yes. I mean, I didn't understand what that meant, but now it's one of my new words in my vocabulary. I understand what, regulate, means, but maybe you might want to explain it to our listeners and readers.

Dr Wood: Sure. I know you had mentioned the, Vagus nerve. The, Vagus nerve, is either going to activate your, sympathetic nervous system, or, parasympathetic nervous system. Your, sympathetic nervous system, is your, fight or flight, and your, parasympathetic nervous system, is your rest and digest. The idea behind it is, if there's a constant threat going on your mind (like feeling unsafe), your, sympathetic nervous system, is going to be constantly activated.  Eighty percent of the messaging from the, Vagus nerve, comes from the stomach, where all that, inflammation, starts coming in.  They say your, gut, is your second brain and is sending information to the brain that there's something wrong and we're in stress all day long. Then the, inflammation, comes in and the rest and digest goes out the door. The, parasympathetic nervous system, is now turned off and is responding from the, sympathetic nervous system.

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The Parasympathetic Nervous System and Childhood Trauma

The idea behind it is when you're in, regulation, that, sympathetic, responds to a threat that is current and, parasympathetic,  is what you're supposed to be in most of the time. The problem coming is that, childhood trauma, continues to activate that, Vagus nerve, sympathetic nervous system, because the mind glitches. Actually, I call it an error message. Your mind thinks the memory is still real, because it sees it in real time and so it's activating that system to try to protect you even though there's nothing happening. It's just information about something that happened in your past.

Myrna: That's why we develop, autoimmune disorder, because we are constantly in, fight or flight, mode.

Dr Wood: One of the things that was difficult for my wife, I couldn't understand why. Even though, she was living in my world now, we were doing well, we had a beautiful home with three beautiful children; yet she wasn't enjoying it. She couldn't relax and enjoy it, she was constantly preparing for the trouble to come.  As a child her father would always cause her pain.

She learned that good times end and they end really quickly. She never wanted to get into that position of getting her hopes up that things were going to be okay, because her experiences which I call her ‘atmospheric conditions’ had been very dark and stormy. So, she's expecting the storm and don't want to start feeling safe. It was the loops our program can fix. We don't need to live and manage with it, we can actually fix it.

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Childhood Trauma is like Rust

Myrna: You said that people that experience symptoms from unresolved, childhood  trauma, such as, addiction, PTSD, anxiety, achieving peak performance of the sport, business center, relationships.  You say to think of those unresolved, childhood trauma, as rust and you said that most programs and therapies solution is to paint a cover over the rust whereas your program; the, TIPP program, removes the rust altogether. Now, this is your opportunity to tell us. What does, Tipp, stand for and what does it do?

Dr Wood: Tipp, stands for The, Inspired Performance Program. The reason we called it performance and not ‘trauma therapy’ was because I start off with the premise that there's nothing wrong with anybody. There's nothing wrong with anybody's mind. Your mind is filtering through your unique set of experiences to respond to your current present situation and so when you talked about the rust, what I say is, if you just paint over the rust, the rust will bubble up through the paint.

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Transform Your Mind Pocket Casts

What is the TIPP Program to cure Childhood Trauma

Eventually, the key is to sit it down, prime it and then paint it and then the rust is gone. That's what we do. What we do with, TIPP.  I take you through a process. It's a four hour process that we basically reboot and refresh that old traumatic memory. The best way to explain it to you and people who are listening to this is that you can do this along with this, is I'll say can you remember what you ate for dinner last night? So, I ask you Myrna, can you remember what you ate for dinner last night?

Myrna: Yes. I had rice and beans with something that we call tripe.

Dr Wood: Okay. When you're looking at this, you'll notice that you looked up and when you looked up you saw pictures of what you ate, right? That's how you stored the information about dinner last night. No other animal does that, only humans store that kind of explicit detail about events and experiences. Now your survival brain is operating about 95 of everything for you. Your survival brain is fully present and in the moment now, when we have a traumatic event all your senses are heightened, sight, smell and hearing.

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PTSD and Childhood Trauma

How's it going to record that very bright and very intense with a tremendous amount of data brought in? Can you see where this glitch is going to come in now? If for some reason your mind accesses that memory that was traumatic and it sees all that intensity and high definition to it, what does it think it's happening? Right now. If you're in a threatening situation, doesn't it make sense that all of a sudden your, sympathetic nervous system, would engage your heart, your heart would start racing and you would go into that kind of a response. Even though there's no threat, it's just information about a threat that's, post traumatic stress. The person is constantly reliving through that memory and experiencing, PTSD.

What we do in our program is we're going to take that high definition traumatic memory and get your mind to reprocess that into the same format as to what you ate for dinner last night and takes a lot of that intensity out of it. Now, when you recall it, your mind doesn't call for the action, because when you have an emotion, the purpose of an emotion is a call for an action. The purpose of fear is to escape a threat and the purpose of anger is to attack a threat.

Myrna: Your, Tipp program, also helps people by rebooting, panic attacks, and anxiety.

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The Vegas Nerve and Panic Attacks

Dr Wood: It works the same way. If I can think, it will be the panic attack and anxiety, is the, fight-or-flight, response to this memory, right? So, panic attacks, are actually a combination of the emotional and physical. The mind is feeling threatened for some reason, but it can't find the danger and then what happens is it starts to activate your nervous system.

Now, your brain starts getting messages from the, Vagus nerve, from the system saying we're running low on oxygen, the brain is like there's going to be a lion around here, but I can't see the lion. Then the body starts sending messages like our Co2 has changed, our oxygen level has changed and so all of those signals come into the brain when the brain is already feeling a stress response; it then goes into a, panic attack.

So, I wrote a patent for a band that you can wear on your wrist to detect a, panic attack, coming up to an hour before the, panic attack, start. The mind is doing this constant search looking for a problem that it can't find, starts to activate the nervous system which then starts sending messages to the brain and it's happening up to an hour before the, panic attack, happens.

But, people think the, panic attack, can come on suddenly, but it is starting an hour before. The idea behind this band is that, the band will detect when the mind is starting to do that thing and then what I teach you in our, TIPP program, is how to shut it down.

Myrna: I love our conversation. I now see why you're a podcast favorite, because this is good Stuff.

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What are Emotional Concussions?

Dr Wood: The second book I wrote was called “Emotional Concussions”. Exactly those kinds of things that are not the big “T” traumas.

  • They're like that coach that told you you're never going to be good enough.
  • The teacher that told you you're not smart enough,
  • the parent that said you'll never make it give that whole plan up, you're not going to make it.
  • Those are, emotional concussions, that can keep looping for 40 years.

Myrna: Your new book is called “You must be out of your mind, we all need a Reboot”, so tell us about your book. Why you wrote the book and what's basically the message that you're sending out?

Dr Wood: The first book was written really about the, Tipp program, and how it was developed. I talked about how my daughter and my wife were living this life. The only solution had been medical, give them prescriptions and medications and that led me on the search to try to find what I discovered – that this, childhood trauma, is what was continually activating their nervous system which was then creating their issues. So, that's why I said we all need to reboot, we got to get you out of that mind, we've got to reboot that mind and reset it to its original manufacture settings.

Everybody can benefit from this reboot, because like I said, the highest performing people when we have this unresolved, trauma, not only does it affect the mind, it affects the body and it actually affects our energy.

Myrna: Tell our listeners how they can connect with you and pick up copies your books.

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Conclusion to Childhood Trauma and Autoimmune Disease

Dr Wood: They can either do it two different ways: go to get the,  Tipp program, at gettipp.com . You'll get the information on the program. You can either do it digitally online or in person. I take you through the whole four hour program online or you can come and personally see me for a one-on-one experience.

Head over to https://www.gettipp.com/transform for a discount.

Myrna: Everybody has been talking about mindfulness and meditation and I'm not sure how that relates to, trauma.

I know that's how I find my peace, but whatever, trauma, I had, if I had any it's been long removed, but I do practice my self-care meditation. I, regulate, myself, I didn't even know that's what I was doing, but I, regulate, myself by walking 5k every day. You know what I mean, that's all part of, regulation, so absolutely yes a lot of those things that you can do to sort of help as well.

Thank you guys for tuning in to the Transform Your Mind to Transform Real Life Radio podcast and television show. If you have not done so and you're listening to this on iTunes, please subscribe and leave a review. I bring you great quality guests like Dr. Wood every week as we try to transform your mind so that you can transform your life.

Until next time, blessings.

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