I’m very excited to bring to you an, earth, healing expert, her name is Amy Dempster. Today, we are going to be talking about “Understanding the Healing Powers of the Earth”. This is an interview that you have to listen to because I don’t know all there is about, mother earth, but there’s healing in the, earth.
Download the full interview here:
Communicating with the earth
I try to attach to, earth, or communicate with it on a daily basis when I walk in the park, but I don’t know what I’m doing. I just know it’s good to be there. So, today, I’m hoping that Amy can share with me some of the things that would make my walk and my communication with the, earth something that can be more beneficial to me.
Amy Dempster helps in understanding, the healing power of the earth. What began as openly sharing her spiritual journey on her popular blog Following Hawks, has become a resource for others wanting to learn how to, communicate with nature, and share their own unique healing gifts with the, earth.
Together with the, Spirits of the Land, in the mountains of northwest Montana, she tends, seven portals on the land, where she lives, along with any grid keeping work she is assigned. She also leads the Earth Tenders Academy, an immersive online journey to help others reestablish their connection with their ancient ancestors, learn to communicate with the seen and unseen forces in their environment and respectfully offer their healing energy to places in need. Amy is also the host of the podcast The Earth Keepers.
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Understanding the healing powers of the earth
Myrna: Tell us your journey into understanding the, healing powers of the earth. Is this a gift that you were born with or is it something that you nurtured?
Amy: The journey certainly has developed over many years and at this point it wasn’t something that I was super aware of. As a child, I did grow up on a farm and I spent a lot of time outside. I was with, nature, all the time, but I don’t remember having like really clear, communication with nature, until I was an adult working and kind of being in a city atmosphere for a long time, and a lot of days and a lot of years.
What does Hawks has to do with it?
Back in 2008, I started having these kinds of unusual experiences with, hawks, (the birds). It wasn’t like they weren’t in my environment or hadn’t seen them before, but they started coming really close to me repeatedly over and over. It happens once and that was kind of cool, but when it happens three, four, five and six times, you start saying – there’s something going on here that someone trying to send me a message, like what’s going on.
That really led me to start asking more questions. It’s hard to remember now, as 2008 doesn’t seem like that long ago to me anyway, but it feels like at that time there just wasn’t as much information.
There weren’t as many resources as there are now. I could find bits and pieces about kind of, animal communication, or that type of thing, but nothing quite seemed right. I really just kind of continued along and asked more questions. I was meditating on a regular basis, and after a number of years, I received a pretty strong message that it was time to move where there were pine trees and water.
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Starting communication with trees
It surprisingly happened fairly quickly over a period of just a few months before my husband and I moved to Montana. It was in that journey, and after moving and getting settled in, I would go out for walks on a daily basis. My neighborhood had these tall towering pine trees and I started realizing that these, trees, were sending me messages and that I was receiving this communication, which again seemed really kind of strange to me.
I didn’t want to tell anybody, I didn’t want anyone to know I was talking to the, trees. It was a bit weird for me at first, but it really sparked my interest and imagination. I started asking a lot more questions like – well, if I can receive these messages from, trees, then it seems like I could probably talk to them too, like they should be able to understand me.
So that was really when I started diving in a lot deeper into just kind of learning how this works, learning how to, communicate with nature, the wisdom that’s all around us all and the time that we can tap into.
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Interpreting messages from Hawks
Myrna: That’s amazing. That is absolutely a story why, Hawks?
Amy: I think, hawks, are participating in humanity’s awakening. We receive intuitive messages or messengers in this form. It’s always unique for each person individually, but there are some kinds of general statements for different animals or different birds. Obviously, whenever you have an animal coming to you or a dream or something you can look it up and find out what the kind of main messages are.
Often times with, hawks, the messages is (they have that higher vantage point view, they can see the big picture, they can see over a larger area and a lot of times that’s the message) clarity. Hawks, are really connecting and really kind of being in this in between of the spirit realm and the earth realm. They’re like floating above us and seeing that big picture.
Now, when I see, hawks, it really feels to me like the message is you’re on the right path, you’re on the right track, keep going, keep going in this direction and see the big picture right in front of you.
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Communicating with nature: trees, rocks and mountains
Myrna: I have always been intrigued about, communicating with trees, and rocks. I was interviewing a guest once and she told me she was climbing a mountain and the mountain was speaking to her. That conversation has stayed with me for a long time. Let’s expand on that because I’m very curious about that. You’re walking in, nature, and the, trees, were speaking to you. What were they saying?
Amy: As humans, we have kind of created language that we believe to be the one way to communicate and the reality is within the, earth realms, everything else is still communicating without language. They are communicating intuitively or telepathically. So, as humans, that’s just not a skill that’s cultivated in most of us from childhood learning how to receive those kinds of intuitive messages or information.
Intuitive communication with trees
Everybody receives them differently, and it’s really easy for a lot of us to dismiss especially when it’s something like a feeling or a sense. We would notice that our stomach started hurting when we went into that house, but dismiss it as weird. That’s, telepathic communication, sending you a message.
They would say things like go down that embankment and pick up that trash!
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Communication with your house plants
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Matching the vibrations of nature
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Communicating with the spirits of the land
Establishing communication
Communication with trees is usually a feeling
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The healing powers of the earth
The seven portals of the land
The vortex of energy portals
Portals of the land
Communicating with rocks and mountains