Anahita Joon, Priestest and healer teaches us how to embrace our, female sexuality, and the, divine feminine by exploring our, sexual desires, and not being ashamed.
Anahita is the host of “God, Sex, and Everything in Between Podcast. We are going to be specifically talking on the topic – “How to Embrace, Female Sexuality, and the, Divine Feminine.
Listen to the Full interview Here:
Bio – Anahita as a, divine feminine, leadership mentor and a credentialed spiritual counselor. She activates, the divine feminine, and leadership of women who are ready to awaken and unleash the force of nature within. She mentors communities of women, doing the most cutting-edge work of full expression, pivoting and leveling up.
Born during the Islamic revolution of Iran, Anahita is a modern-day priestess, healer and medicine woman. Her work is the culmination of over 25 years of intensive study with mystic masters and Shamans, Social Research as well as over 10 years of our own teaching on, female sexuality, embodiment and the, divine feminine. She is committed to women living lives filled with love, beauty, pleasure and power while harnessing leadership and purpose and, the divine feminine.
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Introduction to the God, Sex, and Everything in Between
Tell us about your podcast” God, Sex, and Everything in between” What is your purpose on that podcast, what kind of topics you guys talk about?
Anahita – My whole mission in this life is to bridge the opposites that the experience that I’ve had in my journey as a seeker. My journey as a guide and, sexuality, coach has been really the beauty and good experience, basically those moments of illumination. They really are experienced when we bridge the opposites, when we merge the opposites and those could be anything that we hold in opposition in our thinking, that we hold binary in our thinking.
So a really relevant example of it that actually doesn’t have anything to do with the podcast, an example would be like what’s going on with the “Black Lives Matter” movement and the beauty that happens when there’s unification, when actually opposing energies come together and what that creates.
My journey was so impacted by the dogma of organized religion and the shame of, sexuality, through the vehicle of, God’s word. Then my journey became about actually being able to bow to all of it as sacred and to hold all of it in reverence. To hold, sex, and obviously hold, God, in reverence and then everything in between.
Everything that would be in the gray, everything that we would want to name maybe good enough, not good enough, or over here, like all of it. We hold it all in reverence with, God, and we hold it all like the primordial primal desire of, sex. We just hold it all as one and in that place is where we actually find freedom, that’s where we find freedom.
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The Divine Feminine vs the Divine Masculine
We talk a lot about, sex, we talk a lot about, female sexuality, we talk also a lot a good amount about, God, and I speak a lot about leadership and the, divine feminine. What it is like for women to lead from a place of the, divine feminine, and how to really balance the, divine masculine, and, the divine feminine, energies in leadership.
We talk about plant medicine working with psychedelics, really trying to go to the places that would otherwise be taboo; but probably our listeners are either curious about or experimenting with just not talking to other people about it.
What is the Divine Feminine
Myrna – I did some research on our topic, the Divine feminine, female sexuality, the, sexual desire, part of it; but I wasn’t quite sure about the, divine feminine. What I found out about it is emerging energies as you mentioned the, divine masculine, and, divine feminine, energies which of course we will get into. I have some questions about women exploring their, sexual desires, and I just love the fact that you picked that topic, because you want to really empower women to be their best and to use their, feminine energy, whether it’s for leadership, or whether it’s for their, sexual desire.
I didn’t ask you about your background, but now I think I need to circle back a bit on it. You were born in Islamic revolution of Iran. I don’t think women have a lot of power in that environment. How did you transfer into this leadership person and being able to be, sexually free, and talking about, female sexuality? How did you traverse that terrain?
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Anahita – Well, I’m going to tie it back to what you were saying earlier about leading from the, divine feminine, and then embracing my, sexual desires. I actually experienced and believed that we don’t lead from the, feminine, if we are disconnected from our, sexuality. They’re not actually separate; but it’s just like anybody’s story.
Our greatest oppression is usually the greatest opportunity for freedom and empowerment. So, that was my experience, because I was born who I am now – meaning I had a lot of wild, sexual energy. I had a lot of sort of raw, feminine, life force and I was living in this highly oppressive culture especially oppressive to the, feminine, and to women.
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Why men try to control, female sexuality with oppression
There was a significant amount of shame around any expression of the, feminine or, female sexuality; so it wasn’t just covering your hair. A lot of people don’t understand the extent of the oppression. It’s like sure, I could go out to the street at eight or nine years old and have a gun pointed in my head because my hair covering fell back.
That doesn’t just shame and oppress your femininity; but to this day it’s illegal for women to sing in Iran because their voices are considered so beautiful that they will seduce men into acts of, sex. There is plenty of absurdity happening now.
We’re more divided than we’ve ever been and this is basically what happened in Iran because it was a very oppressive culture. Tehran where I was born and raised is a part of Iran. I was born during the revolution, which used to be a very cosmopolitan city in the Middle East and it became something very different. It became much more divided and that’s the time that I was growing up. So, when you say how I got there, I mean it started with a desire to experience, sexual freedom, and then not having oppression when I got to the states. I was 14 years old.
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Myrna – Why do you think that women who are, sexually free, in the States different from the Middle East? I laughed when you talked about the singing voices of women sexually arousing men and because of that they can’t sing! I believe that the man can control himself.
What I mean is in the United States, women walk around half naked. Are you’re thinking that you’re going to stop her from dressing half naked because a man can’t control himself? Totally different ways of approaching a problem here in your country, they’re muzzling the woman in the Middle East; but they should be telling the men that they should look at controlling their, sexual desires.
How, Female Sexuality, is viewed in the Middle East
Anahita – Here’s the thing in the Middle East, if a woman gets raped, she’s the one who brought shame onto the family. But understand that consciousness about, female sexuality. The consciousness that creates kind of law or that kind of regime is not absent here in the States. It manifests differently; but it’s the same consciousness.
Myrna – Women are told that exploring their, sexual desires, is bad. When I was growing up, a woman was not allowed to explore her, sexuality. A woman was not allowed to proposition a man, they had to wait around for the man to do all the work and I still have that in my head. So why do you think that women hold back and exploring their, sexual desires? Is it because I said how we were brought up or is there something else from your studies?
Anahita – There’s nothing else. I mean the, divine feminine, is the greatest gift, sexuality. When I speak about, female sexuality and the, divine feminine, it’s not about, sexual energy. It is not the energy to seduce; but the inward facing, sexual energy. That is an inward facing, eroticism, and oneness with life. It’s the ability to just be able to taste life more, to be turned on physically by yourself.
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How do you control women? By controlling their, Sexuality
The greatest gift that we have is the, divine feminine, it is the power of women. How do you control women? You shame their, sexuality, because it is their greatest power. Female sexuality, is the thing that makes them givers of life. It is their greatest power. It’s the only place (really the primary place) where men actually feel helpless in the face of women.
Therefore, the business of religion says we’re going to control this because if we control it and put a big cloud of shame over it, they will be in shame and we know shame is a very low frequency emotion.
How to embrace the Divine Feminine and the, Feminine Face of God
Myrna – What is, the divine feminine? Because, I think that’s a big piece here and a lot of people or a lot of my listeners including me don’t understand what it is. Can you explain what, Divine Feminine, is? Then, we can move on “how do women embrace it?” I think you talked from what I learned about it. Will you touch on the opposing, sexual energies? Is that the whole part of the, divine feminine energy?
Anahita – I want to say I wouldn’t be so presumptuous to say that the, divine feminine, needs me to explain what she is. What I mean what is the best way to explain what the, divine feminine, is? The best way to embrace the, divine feminine, is to just close our eyes and drop into our heart and connect with the greatest love of the, divine feminine, that you’ve ever experienced. It is the place of absolute faith, absolute trust, absolute surrender; thy will be done.
That level of home with the, divine feminine, is a feeling that it is coming from a great mother. That it is a maternal feeling that it has that much love and permission and holding and allowing for you to be exactly as you are. So that it’s kind of like a way to taste her a little and that was my experience of her. It’s just that she, the divine feminine, had a lot more permission from me than the, divine masculine, male, God, that my religion had introduced to me and there was not quite as much permission. When I found the, feminine face of God, there was a lot more.
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The Divine feminine vs Mother Earth
Myrna – I love that. So is, the divine feminine, different from, mother earth, or is the same thing?
Anahita – Well that’s the thing. It’s the same energy expressing in different ways. Another way to really come face to face with it is during child birth. If you’ve ever had the honor of giving birth or being in a room when a human being is born that divine mother is present there.
Myrna – When you were talking, that’s where I went. Actually, I mean even though I knew what it’s like to be in the presence of the Holy Spirit and be in that space, when you talked about, the feminine face of God, and, mother earth, on top of it. I went into my memory of giving birth as a mom. You know how you feel about your children. I have two children, so it’s a divine mother.
I felt I understand that was a very good explanation. So why do you think when a woman embraces her, sexual desires, or embraces the, divine feminine, that it becomes a source of her power. Why does it become the source of our power?
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Divine Feminine conclusion
Anahita – My program “Beauty Unleashed” is a six month transformational program. It’s me putting together everything from 25-30 years of study, about 15 years of teaching and Facilitating Tantric sex and yoga and all of it. What I noticed was, as I was working with clients mostly privately, was that what the women who had the greatest success was becoming fully unapologetic. They were coming out of the magic closet and reclaiming their magical gifts, letting go of the fear of being ostracized or burned at the stake, all of those shame fears.
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