Tag Archives: self doubt

Overcoming Challenges: Finding Success as a Female Entrepreneur

In this episode of Author's Corner, host Myrna  interviews Kathy Gardarian, author of “The Wisdom of Love in Business.” Kathy shares her experiences as a successful, female entrepreneur,  and discusses the importance of incorporating love and self-awareness into business practices. She emphasizes the power of, feminine energy, and the positive impact it can have on relationships and success. Kathy's book offers valuable insights and tools for achieving, entrepreneurial success, while staying true to oneself. Download the podcast to learn how to, transform your business, as a, female entrepreneur,  with love and authenticity.

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Key Takeaways:

  • Embracing love and, feminine energy, in business can lead to more rewarding, productive, and profitable outcomes.

  • Self-awareness is a powerful tool for transforming your business as a, female entrepreneur.

  • Success in entrepreneurship requires forgiveness, authenticity, and the ability to be the change you want to see.

Embracing Love and Feminine Energy as a Female Entrepreneur

In her book, “The Wisdom of Love in Business,” Kathy Gardarian explores the complex dance between business and self-awareness. She emphasizes the importance of embracing love and feminine energy in the business world. According to Gardarian, business is fundamentally about relationships, and when there is space for the human spirit in the equation, it leads to more rewarding, productive, and profitable outcomes.

Gardarian believes that, female entrepreneurs,  bring unique emotional characteristics to the business world, such as compassion and forgiveness. By embodying these qualities, women can create a more loving and calming energy in the room, which can have a profound impact on the success of their entrepreneurial endeavors. She shares her own experiences of working with men in male-dominated industries, such as Home Depot, where she was able to bring her feminine energy and achieve extraordinary success.

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The Power of Self-Awareness in Business Transformation

Self-awareness is a crucial tool for achieving entrepreneurial success. Gardarian shares her personal journey of self-discovery and the struggles she faced while staying true to herself in a male-dominated field. She emphasizes the importance of healing any past traumas and forgiving oneself and others. By doing so, individuals can tap into their inner greatness and bring their authentic selves to their business ventures.

Gardarian recounts a transformative encounter with the Dalai Lama, where he taught her a powerful lesson about creating her own reality. He advised her to never think about what she didn't want and instead focus her consciousness on the reality she wanted to see. This insight had a profound impact on Gardarian's approach to business and life. She encourages readers to adopt this mindset and use it as a tool for creating their own success.

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Empowering Female Entrepreneur in Business

Gardarian is passionate about empowering, female entrepreneurs, in business. She shares her own experiences of facing gender discrimination and stereotypes in the workplace. Despite the challenges, she was able to build a successful company that generated millions of dollars in revenue. Through her book, she aims to inspire and uplift women, reminding them that they are capable of achieving greatness in business.

Gardarian believes that success is an inside job. It requires, female entrepreneurs,  to heal any self-doubt, forgive themselves and others, and embrace their authentic selves. By doing so, they can bring their unique perspectives and qualities to the table, creating a more balanced and empowering environment for themselves and others.

book wisdom of love in business
book wisdom of love in business


“The Wisdom of Love in Business” offers valuable insights and practical tools for achieving entrepreneurial success. Gardarian's experiences and lessons serve as a guide for, female entrepreneurs,  and men alike, reminding them of the power of love, forgiveness, and authenticity in business. By embracing feminine energy and cultivating self-awareness, individuals can transform their personal and professional lives, creating a more fulfilling and prosperous future.

So, whether you're a seasoned, female entrepreneur, or just starting your journey, “The Wisdom of Love in Business” is a must-read. It provides a roadmap for achieving success while staying true to yourself and making a positive impact in the world. Embrace love, embrace feminine energy, and watch your entrepreneurial dreams come to life.

Additional Resources

How to Develop an Entrepreneur Mindset

Transform Your Mind: You Are Capable

Have anyone ever told you, you are capable, of anything? Drawing inspiration from Dr. Jamal Bryant‘s personal story, coach Myrna  emphasizes that we are all capable of achieving greatness if we tap into our full potential.

Discover how to, transform your mindset, and unlock your full potential.  In this episode of Transform Your Mind with Coach Myrna. Learn the power of believing in your capabilities, embracing a growth mindset, challenging limiting beliefs, cultivating resilience, surrounding yourself with positivity, and practicing self-compassion. With these strategies, you can achieve greatness beyond your wildest dreams, believe that, you are capable.

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You are capable: Replace Self-Doubt with Self-Confidence

The human mind is a powerful tool capable of incredible feats when harnessed correctly. However, many of us underestimate our own abilities, allowing self-doubt and fear to hold us back. It's time to challenge those limited beliefs and transform your mindset. You can achieve more than you ever thought possible. Be confident because, you are capable.

As Coach Myrna shares, “The Bible says that the Lord has equipped us with everything we need to do what we're here to do on this Earth.” We are preloaded with the necessary energy, personality, and intelligence. We just need to tap into our capabilities and believe in ourselves. Replace self-doubt with self-confidence and watch how your mindset transforms.

You are capable: Do it until you achieve perfection

I was listening to an interview a few weeks back with John Lee Dumas the host of Entrepreneurs on Fire and he said that he decided to host a podcast for entrepreneurs every single day because he was a new entrepreneur and when he looked at podcasting there was none in that space.  He didn't know anything about podcasting, he didn't know anything about interviewing,  but he decided that he was going to get on the mic every single day and talk about entrepreneurship.

He said that it took him over 400 episodes until he started to do better interviews, but you know what at the 200 episode when he looked at it and said. I'm not terribly good.  Did he stop?  No because practice makes perfect.  YOu are capable of doing anything,  even if you don't do it well at first.  Statistics show that you need 10,000 hours of practice to become perfect in anything.  You need to do it until you achieve perfection, because practice makes perfect.

Embrace a Growth Mindset

Psychologist Carol Dweck popularized the concept of a growth mindset. It is the belief that abilities and intelligence can be developed through dedication and hard work. Instead of thinking that something is hard and you can't do it, be willing to learn as you go and do what is necessary to succeed.

Coach Myrna shares her personal journey of going from selling office supplies to becoming a life coach, author, and podcaster. She never doubted her capabilities. She believed she was preloaded with everything she needed and that everything else could be learned. Success is formed through practice and perseverance. Embrace a growth mindset and be open to learning and growing.

Transform Your mind podlink
Transform Your mind podlink

You are capable: Challenge Your Limited Beliefs

Our beliefs shape how we show up in the world. Sometimes, we need to rewrite the script and challenge our limiting beliefs. We all have beliefs about ourselves and our capabilities that may not serve us well. These limited beliefs often stem from past experiences, societal expectations, or negative self-talk.

Coach Myrna encourages us to identify these beliefs and challenge them. Are they based on facts or simply assumptions we've accepted over time? Replace them with empowering beliefs that align with your goals and aspirations.

As the scripture says, “I can do all things through God who strengthens me.”

Challenge your limited beliefs and unlock your full potential.

curiocaster transform your mind podcast
curiocaster transform your mind podcast

Cultivate Resilience

Resilience is the ability to bounce back from setbacks and adapt to change. Building resilience requires facing challenges head-on, learning from failures, and maintaining a positive outlook. Setbacks are not failures but valuable lessons that can help you grow stronger and wiser.

Coach Myrna reminds us to cultivate resilience and view setbacks as opportunities for growth. By developing resilience, you can approach challenges with greater confidence and bounce back stronger than ever. Remember, practice makes perfect, and resilience is a key ingredient in achieving greatness.

You are capable: Surround Yourself with Positivity

The company you keep plays a significant role in shaping your mindset. Surround yourself with supportive, positive people who believe in your abilities and encourage you to pursue your dreams. Their optimism and encouragement can be a powerful source of motivation and inspiration.

Coach Myrna shares the story of Pastor Jamal Bryant, who was encouraged by a senior pastor who told him, “You are capable.” This simple statement transformed his mindset and gave him the motivation to continue his work. Surrounding yourself with positivity can have a profound impact on your mindset and belief in your capabilities.

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Practice Self-Compassion

Be kind to yourself and acknowledge your efforts and achievements, no matter how small. Forgive yourself for any mistakes or shortcomings. Remember, nobody is perfect except Jesus. Practicing self-compassion fosters a healthier mindset, boosts self-esteem, and enables you to approach challenges with greater confidence and resilience.

Coach Myrna emphasizes the importance of self-compassion. By being kind to yourself and acknowledging your efforts, you create a positive and nurturing environment for personal growth. Treat yourself with the same compassion and understanding you would offer to a friend. Practice self-compassion and watch how it transforms your mindset.


Transforming your mind begins with believing in your capabilities and embracing a growth mindset. Challenge your limited beliefs, set realistic goals, cultivate resilience, surround yourself with positivity, and practice self-compassion. By doing so, you unlock your full potential and achieve greatness beyond your wildest dreams.

Remember, you are capable, of amazing things. All you have to do is believe in yourself and tap into the preloaded capabilities within you. Transform your mind and watch how it transforms your life. As Coach Myrna says, “You are capable, and if you need some encouragement to fill up your tank, then that's basically what I want to do today.” Believe in yourself and embrace your limitless potential.

Additional Resources

Find Your Purpose: What's in Your Hand

Golden Buddha: Unveiling Your Inner Radiance

We are all like the, golden buddha, underneath, we cover up our, inner greatness, with the, mud, of, self-doubt, feelings of, not being good enough, insecurity and other, negative emotions.

In this episode of 5 mins with Coach Myrna, I want to teach on the subject 3 ways to let your, inner greatness, shine through. I want to use the story of the, Golden Buddha, as my foundational story.

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The Golden Buddha

Story of the Golden Buddha that was covered up in mud by the monks so that the gold couldn’t shine through.

In Bangkok there is a golden statue of the Buddha that stands 9’8” tall, weighs 5.5 tons and is worth approximately 250 million in gold.

The statue was thought to be built in 1,403 and was revered by Buddhist for many hundreds of years. In 1,757 the Burmese Army was invading Thailand. Facing complete annihilation, the Buddhist monks at the monastery hastily began covering their, Golden Buddha, with plaster, which was painted and inlaid with bits of colored glass, to make it look of little or no value to the invading army. During the invasion all the Buddhist monks were tragically murdered, but the, Golden Buddha, was left undiscovered.

In 1957 an entire Monastery in Thailand was being relocated by a group of monks. One day they were moving a giant clay Buddha when one of the monks noticed a large crack in the clay. On closer investigation he saw there was a golden light emanating from the crack. The monk used a hammer and a chisel to chip away at the clay exterior until he revealed that the statue was in fact made of solid gold.

Don't cover up your inner greatness with mud

This story illustrates the point that we can cover up our value by layering it with, mud, as well. So let me ask you.  What is your, mud?

What life experiences added layers of, mud, and covered up your value to the world?

We are all, golden buddhas, underneath, but we cover up our, inner greatness, with the, mud of self-doubt, feelings of not being good enough, insecurity and other, negative emotions.

Here are 3 ways to chip away at your mud let your inner greatness shine through:

  1. Identify your mud. Is it self-doubt? Lack of self-worth? Body image, not being good enough? You can’t change what you don’t identify and until you dig through the layers of mud you can’t shine and become what you were created to do.

Meaning, our delusionary self-creation process starts early in our childhood.

Often, we had to be unnaturally attuned to the demands of our parents, sensing we had to comply in order to be loved and tolerated; we had to be false before we had the chance to feel properly alive.

And this continues in our educational systems and careers.

Most of the time, we are putting on a mask, complying with our teachers, our bosses, our colleagues, our partners, our friends…

2. Speak to the mud on your Golden Buddha

if your, mud, is feelings of not being good enough for example then speak to those feelings and tell them that you are good enough, you were created for this purpose. If your, mud, is body image tell it that you are wonderfully made and beauty comes in all shapes and sizes and you are perfect just the way you are.

“Every problem is a gift – without problems we would not grow.” Believing that problems are opportunities to grow, rather than insurmountable obstacles, is called a, growth mindset, and it’s essential if you want to learn how to stop being insecure. Instead of feeling like a failure just because we have, insecurities, we gain the freedom to view those, insecurities, as a source of information for our personal and professional growth.

Instead of avoiding our, insecurities, we learn to speak to them. Most,  insecurities, are not based on facts, so you can speak to them and challenge them.  As you commit yourself to putting aside your fears and utilizing your insecurity as a source of valuable information, you eliminate the “what ifs” associated with avoidance and open the door to opportunity.

3. Take action to remove the mud:

  • Our daily behaviors reflect our deepest beliefs.
  • Clean up your language and speak life into your situation.
  • Take massive action to change your beliefs.
  • Train your mind with new beliefs and affirmations.

Realize that you were conditioned to believe that you can’t do something.  Think of the elephant that is controlled by a sodden stick in the ground.

Figure out, When did you decide to accept this limitation.

Resources in the mind are unlimited, use the fuel of your thoughts to find the resources to do something great and uncover your, Golden Buddha, your, inner greatness, and let your value shin through.


Thanks for tuning into this week’s episode of 5 min Fridays with Coach Myrna. I want to invite you to join my Facebook group called Lifecoach to be inspired throughout the week. Until next time Namaste

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Who is Tending your Mind Body?

All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The, mind body, is everything. What we think we become.” ~Buddha

The Mind Body

Imagine your, mind body, as a garden. Positive thoughts are the beautiful flowers that brighten your life. Negative thoughts are the ugly weeds that spread and suffocate your happiness, by cutting off sunlight. Just like plants we need sunlight to thrive.

Negative thoughts can take the form of fear, self-doubt, guilt, anger, blame, insecurity, prophesying or any thought that makes you feel bad! 

We need to kill the ANTS :(Automatic Negative Thoughts)

ants lots

Automatic negative thoughts kill the, mind body. Fear is a weed that kills our, peace of mind.

Fear  – defined as false events appearing real, is the number one reason that we don't achieve success in this life. Fear of the unknown, that feeling of uncertainty. Our, mind body connection, spin tales of past events when we failed or of someone we knew who failed.

One way to Kill the Fear  ANT is to imagine what is the worst that could happen. If you hate your job and are afraid to leave for fear that you would be able to find another job that pays as much or more than you are making now; talk back to this fear and say that you are skilled and you would so get another job.

If the worst that could happen is that you run out of money and can't eat or become homeless; then you plan ahead and either find another job before you quit or acquire the necessary skills to get the job you want. Doing nothing because you are afraid should never be an option. There is also a positive side to this ANT.

If you are afraid of losing something be it your spouse, your job, your home; it tells you that these things are important to you and that you should do the necessary due diligence to keep them. For example if you fear losing your spouse, then you should work on keeping the marriage fresh, you should keep yourself attractive and don’t let yourself get to 300 lbs and you should serve your spouse and make them feel special.

mind and negative thoughts

The Mind Body of self doubt

Self-doubt – or lack of confidence is a very powerful ANT that infects the, mind body, and our, peace of mind.  One of the most essential character traits to have is self-confidence. It is sexy and it allows you to command attention. When this ANT is telling you that you are not good enough, you will not get that promotion because you don't have a degree for example; talk back and tell it that you are the best person for this job and that it is their loss if they don't hire you. If you don’t, you will never move from where you are today. You will never be an over achiever or the top sales person on a team! You need self-confidence to achieve success.

Guilt –  guilt affects your, mind body soul, as a weed that needs to be pulled up. it is a result of your conscience telling you that you have violated your own core values. It is telling you that you did something that is moving you away from your predetermined goal. You can talk back to this killer of your, peace of mind,  by telling yourself that you recognize your mistake and that you have forgiven yourself. Don't let the guilt and shame arrest you and keep you in bondage.

The mind body of Anger, Blame and Prophesying

Anger – Anger is an emotion that affects the, mind body spirit. It keep telling you that someone had no right to do something. The more you think about it, the angrier you get. Psychologists say that anger is like an iceberg, what you see is just the tip but there is more ice for miles below the surface. If you are conscious you have an Anger Management problem, then you should understand (with the help of a Therapist) what is causing your anger.  You can talk back to this ANT and tell it that you cannot control what someone else does; the only person you can control is yourself.

Blame – this killer of your, peace of mind, ANT can be very destructive. When you blame others for the results you are having in your life, you assume the role of the victim. As the victim, you have no power to facilitate change. You talk back to this ANT by becoming a player. As a player you take back control. Regardless of what the dealer is showing, you can still win! You are not the product of your circumstances. Everybody has a story, it is how you handle adversity and challenges that define and grow you.

Prophesying – the prophesying ANT talks to you about what it knows about the future! It tells you things like “you are never going to close that sale”. “The customer is going to string you along and they will never buy” or “it is never going to work out”. You can talk back to this ANT by declaring that you cannot predict the future. You do not have a crystal ball!

My Automatic Negative Thoughts generally take the form of conversations. These ANTS usually starts crawling when I get a trigger. You know what happens when you step on an Ants nest? The Ants all run out at the same and start attacking, they bite! Tony Robbins teaches about anchors and how to replace the negative ones with positive ones.

If you have this problem you should check out his book “The Power Within”. The way I handle these ANTs is by shaking my head when I become conscious that they are crawling around. I physically shake my head like I am trying to shake them off me, then I bring my attention to my breathing for a few minutes. If they come back again and they usually do, I download them in my journal and that usually takes care of the problem for me.

I tend the Mind Garden by becoming Conscious of the thoughts that make me feel bad!

weeds tall

Positive thoughts, on the other hand are like flowers, they beautify your gardens and bring smiles to anyone who stops and pays attention to their beauty; in a similar way positive thoughts make you beautiful to anyone who you have interpersonal relations with. But the beauty of positive thoughts is that they make you feel good. It is not only sex that makes you feel good!

Tending to the, mind garden, is an ongoing process.

I’ve seen firsthand how dangerous it is to let the weeds of negative thinking take over your mind and just like in your natural garden the weeds thrive more than the flowers or plants. In a similar way when you allow the ANTS to run free in your head; they snuff all the joy out of your life. All you see is darkness, because they are blocking the sunlight from getting in! Let's look at a garden metaphor to bring an awareness of what happens when weeds take over a garden. Left alone the weeds flourish, creating a dark, tangled mess.

weed blooming

Don't let weeds thrive in your mind garden

A beautiful mind, is one free of weeds. This morning I stepped outside and noticed one of the largest weeds I have ever seen. I didn't notice it before because it looked like a tree. It had a trunk, and was taller than the other flowers. I thought to myself; how on earth could a weed grow so strong and big?  The answer is simple:  their purpose is to take the nutrients from the plants, so they get big when your plants become weak and die.

So it is too with your mind: An unattended, mind, can create havoc for you because your, mind, is amazingly receptive to whatever suggestions may be dropped into it. It has been said that the subconscious mind cannot take a joke. This simply means that whatever belief is introduced to it, it takes seriously as an instruction to grow that thought-seed into a full-blown plant–be it a rose or a weed, and it can’t tell the difference.

When you stop and consider how many thought seeds are purposefully planted in your mind on a daily basis, it may cause you to tend to your mental garden with a bit more regularity. This is in addition to all the seeds that were planted in your mind unconsciously. You have to have, mind control.

A beautiful mind is one without mind weeds

As you listen to the radio, watch TV or even sit in a restaurant where others are talking, your mind hears it ALL, irrespective of whether you are conscious of it or not. Given what’s going on in our world today with all of the talk that comes from fear and anger, this is a vital point to grasp. Even when you engage in gossip or negative conversation with or about others, your subconscious mind hears it all. Be careful of the seeds you let in.

A mind expanded with an implanted thought cannot be returned back to its original form.  Leonardo DiCaprio starred in this complicated movie called “inception”, the implantation of another person's idea into a target's subconscious.[Hollywood understands this concept. The only way to avoid this type of mind pollution is to be consciously focused on positive activities and limit news and gossip. Gossip is a weed that destroys the, mind body.

There are some companies that have a zero tolerance for gossip. They treat it like a cancer and remove the gossiper immediately.


The action you and I need to take is clear isn’t it? It has been proven that the human mind thinks thousands of thoughts a day. Instead of planting a mixed bag of thousands of various seeds, from fearful to simply confused and unfocused thought-seeds, which will require a full time gardener to pull up the weeds, why not specialize in planting one or two types of seed? Plant thought-seeds about yourself and others that are rooted in reverence and loving-kindness and get rid of the, mind weeds.


Plant seeds that focus on God’s Presence at the center and circumference of all you say think and do, at work, home, or play.

Be mindful…be skillful in the seeds you plant and how you nurture them. Your life is your garden; keep the weeds out because that is one way in which you can personally beautify our world. You owe that much to yourself and to those who receive the benefit of  the seeds you plant along the way.

How to Raise your Self-esteem by Erasing Self Doubt

Coach Myrna share some tools to help you build up your, self-confidence, and, self-esteem, while starving the negative self-talk. The negative self-talk that tells you, you are not good enough. You can never make it, you are not smart enough, pretty enough, thin enough.

Welcome to, Transformation Fridays, with Coach Myrna today I would like to teach on the topic how to, raise your self esteem, by erasing, self doubt.

First let me give you the definition of, self-confidence, self-confidence, is defined as a feeling of trust in one's abilities, qualities, and judgment.

Self-esteem, is confidence in one's own worth or abilities; self-respect. Pretty similar.

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A self esteem story

I was listening to a Ted talk video some time back and the speaker was telling his back story. He said for 10 years he smoked crack, when he woke up and before he went to bed every day.  Hoping to numb the pain of living. He was a disappointment to his mother, his wife and his children. He felt worthless! So, no, self-esteem.

On his second trip to prison, he spent a total of 8 years in prison, his adopted mother had a heart attack and died. He felt pretty low that this woman who adopted him and loved him as her own and who tried to give him a better life, was now in the hospital, and he was not there to offer her comfort. The prison did not even allow him to go to her funeral. This was the first spark of change in him. Maybe he should do something with his life other than being a mess up.

When he got out of prison this time he decided to go to college. He was now a middle-aged black man and he was in college with 20-year-old white students. Never the less he did good and now looked forward to the accolades his teachers gave him because he was performing better than expected. He said that praise was now his new drug. He lived for his teachers praises. One day one of his teachers put an application for a job on his desk. He couldn’t believe it. His teacher had, confidence, in him, his teacher had confidence in his ability to do the job.

The, self-confidence, seedling inside him got water and grew a little. As his self-confidence grew his life changed. No longer was he a non-contributing member of society, he was making a contribution. He now had a new family and 7 years after he was released from prison, he received his PHD in Physiology!

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Podfriend Transform Your Mind Podcast

Self confidence is needed for success

Self-confidence, doesn't always come naturally. Sometimes you have to practice and practice until you build it. Sometimes it comes from your teachers, your parents, your friends or your boss.

So today I want to share some tools to help you build up your, self-confidence, and, self-esteem, while starving the negative self-talk. The negative self-talk that tells you, you are not good enough. You can never make it, you are not smart enough, pretty enough, thin enough.

But before we can get to the solution of anything or before we can get to anywhere on the map, we have to know how we got to where we are right now and pinpoint where we are.

For example. If you are at the mall and you are wanting to go to Macy's department store you look at the map and it shows “You are here” if you want to get to Macy's than you know you have to walk right or left. It is the same way in life.

Statics show that we can shed a lot of light on how we got here on the map by looking at our childhood. You see parenting does not come with a manual and some parents get it right; but most get it wrong.

Transform your Mind Podcast Index
Transform your Mind Podcast Index

We get our self esteem from our caregivers

Understanding your, inner child, is very important to unlocking the door of where you are on the map today. You see when you came into the world you were totally dependent on someone else to care for you. Not just to feed you, bathe you, and to keep you warm, but to love you, protect you and nurture you.

If whenever you cried your mother or caregiver came and picked you up and smiled at you and comforted you, then you transformed that into the feeling that you are important.

If, however when you cried you were ignored, then you formed the feeling that you were unwanted. Even though you have no memory of being a baby, your heart and your internal computers have a record of everything. A hypnotist can go back and pull it out. That is the root of, low self-esteem, and, self-doubt, that has now grown into an oak tree!

If you are listening to me and you are experiencing, low self-esteem, and, self-doubt, or you don't understand why you are not getting the results you want. Why you are here on the map and you can never get over there. I challenge you to do the work find out why.

I was watching Oprah Super Soul Sunday a few months ago and she had a guest who talked about going back to your childhood home in your mind and looking out the window. What do you see?

Transform Your Mind Podcast Pandora
Transform Your Mind Podcast Pandora

Looking out your childhood window

I grew up poor in Guyana but with a lot of love. When I looked through the window of the room, we lived in. I saw that even though I was poor, I had hope, I had love, I had friends, and I was happy. I saw that I had, self-confidence, because I did well in school and I had many boyfriends. I had, self-confidence, because I believed I was intelligent like my dad who was a professor.

What do you see when you look through the window of your childhood home? Can you find the root of your, lack of self-confidence, and, self-doubt?

Here are a few reasons we develop low self-esteem
  1. We were inadequately nurtured as children.
  2. We could have absorbed negative messages about ourselves and it still resides in the core of our beings.
  3. Parents or teachers extremely critical.
  4. Poor academic performance in school.
  5. Did not fit in either because of looks or clothing or religion.

TraumaPhysical, sexual, and emotional abuse can all significantly affect our feelings of self-worth. If you find yourself replaying memories of abuse or otherwise feeling tormented by or ashamed of your experiences, please consider seeking treatment from a licensed clinician.

Parenting style. The way we were treated in our family of origin can affect us long after childhood. For instance, if you had a parent who constantly belittled you, compared you to others, or told you that you would never amount to anything, you likely carry those messages with you today. A parent’s struggles with, mental health, and substance abuse can also change your relationship with the world.

Bullying, harassment, and humiliation. Childhood bullying can leave a mark on your confidence when it comes to looks, intellectual and athletic abilities, and other areas of your life. Humiliating experiences in adulthood, including workplace harassment or a peer group that disrespects or demeans you, can also make you less willing to speak up for yourself or pursue ambitious goals.

Gender, race, and sexual orientation. Scores of studies show women are socialized to worry more about how they’re perceived and, therefore, to take fewer risks. Racial and cultural background and sexual orientation can make a difference, too. If you’ve been on the receiving end of discrimination, you may have internalized some negative, untrue messages about your potential and whether you “belong.”

When we grow our, self-esteem, we expand our capacity for happiness.

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Google Podcast Transform Your Mind

Here are 3 benefits of high self esteem

  1. The higher your, self-esteem, the more equipped you are to handle life's adversities.
  2. The higher your, self-esteem, the more ambitious you are not necessary in a career; but in forming healthy relationships and not repeating destructive patterns.
  3. The higher your, self-esteem, the more likely you are to form nourishing bonds with others.
  4. Higher, self esteem, enables you to love yourself.
 How do you know if you love yourself?

Ask yourself these questions?
• Do I take care of myself?
• Do I make being healthy a priority?
• Am I stretching and challenging myself to be better than I am today?
• Am I living life with passion or am I just passing through?

If you answered No to any of these questions then you need to make some changes in your life before you get to 80 years old and realize that you never lived.

Deezer Transform Your Mind Podcast
Deezer Transform Your Mind Podcast

How to erase self-doubt

By Thinking it, speaking it and doing it!

The weeds that take over the garden of your mind can only flourish if you are a bad gardener!

You have to protect your dreams by plucking up the weeds before they grow. They will come. Self-doubt, always comes; but you have to pluck them out by speaking of your goals and doing something to get you moving towards the place on the map you want to go.

That is why you have to know where you are so you won't move in the opposite direction.

First Think it. There is nothing good or bad but thinking makes it so. William Shakespeare.

Rhonda Bryne of the secret says “What you think about you bring about”

Your thoughts affect your attitude your, self-confidence, your mood, and there is a direct relationship to your thoughts and your experiences in life.

Remember when you were a kid and your parents would tell not to hang around Johnny or Jane? They did not know why; but they knew that if you kept company with Johnny or Jane, no good would come of you.
In the same way if you keep replaying negative emotions in your head such as fear, discontent, anger, jealousy, insecurities, blame etc. then no good will come of you because you will keep attracting more negative energy to your experience.

Podbean Transform your Mind Podcast

Erase negative thoughts to erase self doubt

But let’s say you are wanting that promotion and you see yourself in this new role and you are confident that you will get this promotion then you will. You might not get it at your first try but if you keep trying and never give up it will be yours eventually; conversely, if you want this promotion; but you place road blocks in your path such as any and all negative thoughts, then chances are you will never attract this reality into your experience.

When we think, our thoughts become like magnets and attract, and then attach to like thoughts. That is why what you think about you bring about.

Nothing shows up in our life unless we attract it.

We have all seen the power of the Law of attraction in motion when if we have something bad happen to us at the beginning of the day, bad things keep on happening for the rest of the day.

So, it is very important to watch what you think.

Now let's take a look at Speak it.

The spoken word is a powerful tool and by leveraging your voice you expand your dreams from internal thoughts to external possibilities, laying the ground work for divine purpose to manifest. Deepak Chopra

When you take your thoughts, which are formless and speak them into the atmosphere you give them form. This empowers them.

RadioPublic Transform your mind
RadioPublic Transform your mind

Think it, speak it, do it

“Talk happiness; talk faith; talk health. Say you are well, and all will be well with you. God shall hear your words and make them true.” Ella Wheeler Wilcox

So, remember to speak it. Tell a friend or your coach of your intentions.

And lastly “just do it.” Nike made this phrase popular but it applies to more than athletics. Just do it. There will never be a better time than the present.

“He who waits to do a great deal of good at once will never do anything.”
― Samuel Johnson

So “just do it.” Think about something you have been thinking of doing for some time. Tell someone about it and then take the first step. It does not have to be a giant step. It could be as simple as doing research or taking that nice red Mercedes out for a test drive; but it will be a step in the right direction.
I hope my presentation was thought provoking. These are the principles I live by and I attract all that I want into my experience; so give it a try.
If you lacked self-confidence or self-esteem I hope this episode gave you a starting point to change your thinking because when you transform your mind you will transform your life.

Additional Resources

What Is The Foundation Of Happiness