Tag Archives: type A personality

A Sharp Mind is Like A Sharp Knife Handle It Carefully

Discover the profound metaphor of a, sharp mind, as compared to  sharp knife.  This week on the Transform Your Mind Podcast, Coach Myrna teaches you how to handle your mind properly to avoid self-destructive thoughts, anxiety, and stress. Myrna delves into strategies like mindfulness, positive thinking, and setting realistic goals to keep a, sharp mind.

Embrace techniques to foster emotional stability and creativity, ensuring your, sharp mind, becomes your greatest asset in life's challenges. Download the podcast for  tips on balancing rationality and emotion, and regularly engaging in mental exercises for continuous growth.

Download the podcast here: 


Key Takeaways:

  • Mastering your mind, like handling a sharp knife, requires skill and care to avoid self-inflicted harm.

  • Overthinking, negative self-talk, and perfectionism are common pitfalls of mishandling our minds.

  • Cultivating mindfulness, positive thinking, and setting realistic goals are essential strategies for maintaining a, sharp mind.

The Power of a Sharp Mind and Sharp Knife

As Coach Myrna eloquently stated, “Just as a sharp knife is invaluable in the kitchen… a, sharp mind, is a tool of immense power.” This metaphor sets the stage for understanding the profound capabilities of our minds and the potential dangers if misused.

Our minds allow us to solve problems, think critically, and create innovative solutions. A well-honed mind can significantly improve various aspects of life, from decision-making to emotional stability. Myrna lists several benefits of a, sharp mind:

  • Improved Decision Making: “With a clear and focused mind, decisions are made based on logic and reason rather than impulse or emotion.”

  • Enhanced Learning: “A sharp mind absorbs information quickly and retains knowledge efficiently.”

  • Creativity: “A mind that is sharp and clear can think outside of the box, leading to innovative ideas.”

  • Emotional Stability: “A sharp mind maintains a sense of balance and composure.”

These attributes highlight the instrumental role of a focused mind in navigating life effectively. Like a knife making the cooking process efficient and enjoyable, a well-honed mind brings clarity and purpose to our daily tasks.

podhero Transform Your Mind podcast
podhero Transform Your Mind

The Dangers of Mishandling Your Mind

The qualities that make a knife effective also make it dangerous if mishandled. This is equally true for the mind. Myrna warns us about the repercussions of not managing our minds properly:

  • Overthinking: “It can lead to stress, anxiety, and an inability to act decisively.”

  • Negative Self-Talk: “A sharp mind turned inward with negativity can cut deeply.”

  • Perfectionism: “Being overly critical… sets you up with unrealistic standards.”

These are the mental pitfalls equivalent to holding a sharp knife by its blade. Overthinking spins us into a relentless whirlpool of stress and indecision. Negative self-talk deepens our emotional wounds, leading to issues like low self-esteem and depression. Perfectionism, while seemingly noble, often results in chronic dissatisfaction as we set unattainable standards for ourselves.

Coach Myrna also emphasizes how “obsessive control” can exhaust and frustrate us, contributing to mental stress. By addressing these dangers, we recognize the importance of treating our minds with the same care and respect we would a sharp knife.

Strategies to Harness Mental Sharpness and a Sharp Mind

To wield our minds skillfully, similar to handling a sharp knife, specific strategies are essential. Coach Myrna suggests:

  • Mindfulness and Meditation: “These practices train your mind to focus on the present moment, reducing overthinking and fostering a sense of Peace.”

  • Positive Thinking: “Cultivate positive self-talk and challenge negative thoughts.”

  • Setting Realistic Goals: “Set achievable goals and recognize your progress.”

Transform Your Mind PodMust
Transform Your Mind PodMust

Mindfulness and Meditation

Training the mind through mindfulness and meditation involves focusing on the present moment. Myrna shares, “I do a meditation when they said your thoughts don’t control you… think of them [as] colorful balloons and let them float away.” By distancing from our thoughts, we prevent them from controlling us, reducing overthinking and anxiety.

Meditation encourages us to be mindful of simple bodily functions, such as the heartbeat or the blood flowing through our veins, which we often take for granted. This practice counters the common tendency to be consumed by worries and emotions, grounding us in a state of peace.

A Sharp Mind is a Positive Mind

Cultivating positivity in our self-talk is crucial but challenging. Coach Myrna advises using positive affirmations and challenging negative thoughts by asking, “Is it true? How do you know that it’s true?” This method, popularized by Byron Katie, helps break the cycle of negative thinking by confronting the validity of our assumptions.

Positive thinking isn’t about ignoring problems but approaching them with a solution-oriented mindset. This shift in perspective can profoundly impact our mental state, fostering resilience and optimism.

Setting Realistic Goals

Perfectionism often sets us up for failure with unrealistic expectations. Instead, Myrna suggests setting achievable goals and celebrating small victories. She emphasizes, “Happiness is working towards a goal… once you are working towards a goal, it’s the definition of what happiness is.”

This approach allows us to measure progress without falling into the trap of harsh self-criticism. Setting realistic goals instills a sense of accomplishment and keeps us motivated.

Mastering the art of mental precision requires diligent practice and conscious effort. Coach Myrna’s insights about treating our minds with the same care as a sharp knife provide a valuable framework for achieving mental well-being. By embracing mindfulness, fostering positive thinking, and setting realistic goals, we can harness the power of our minds effectively. This path not only prevents self-inflicted wounds but also unlocks our potential, transforming our minds to transform our lives.

Additional Resources

Unlocking Success: The Power of Manifestation and Mindset

How To Unlock Your Full Potential: Overcoming Inaction

David Nurse, an NBA Mindset coach and bestselling author, joins host Myrna Young to discuss the importance of a, growth mindset, to, unlock your full potential. We explore eight, archetypes of fear, that hinder action: including the burned, the blamer, and the perfectionist. David shares insights from his book “Do It: The Life-Changing Power of Taking Action” and offers practical tools for overcoming these, archetypes of fear. He emphasizes the need to embrace imperfection and take consistent action to achieve success.

Download the podcast here: 


Unlock your full potential with a growth mindset

Myrna: The common thread in all your books is mindset. Why do you think a, growth mindset, is so important to our success?

David: Having a, growth mindset, is so important because really, when you break down life, it is simple.  Life starts off simple. When you're a kid, you're just playing. You don't have worries, stresses, anxieties.

But as you get older, get into a job, into relationships, everything becomes so complicated. But if you peel back the layers of the onion of life, it actually is very simple. And it just comes down to perspective, how you view each situation. You can't take it all in once. It's just step by step. It's like taking a step forward with a flood lamp where you can only see a little bit in front of you. You can't see the whole picture.

Having a, growth mindset, is a crucial factor in determining our success. It shapes our perspective and how we approach challenges and opportunities.

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How athletes unlock their full potential with mindset growth

Myrna: So as a mindset coach for athletes, before we go into, growth mindset , off the court, let talk about, growth mindset, on the court.  Because we can transition everything in life, whether it's having a, growth mindset, on the court, or having a, growth mindset, in the boardroom. So let's stick with the sports analogy for a while because I never played professional sports. But let's say I'm thinking of a mindset like Michael Jordan.  I know, when he got into the league, he was benched.

Nobody thought he was good, or even Tom Brady, he was a scrawny kid. And actually, now that I started to talk, I'm thinking of all these guys. And I just finished watching the Netflix documentary on  Stephen Curry biography. And of course, that's a perfect one to look at. This scrawny little kid, and everybody is counting him out because he's tiny, he's small, and then he starts playing. And what he said to himself is, I'm just good at these guys. I just need to grow a little more.

So tell us about how that kind of, growth mindset, helps you go from everybody is counting you out to being the top of your game?

Transform Your Mind Amazon
Transform Your Mind Amazon

How Stephen Curry unlocked his full potential and changed the game

David: Yeah, absolutely. And it's so interesting to see these top athletes to ever play their sports. A lot of them were counted out or they were underestimated. And it's actually one of the archetypes in Do It: The Life Changing Power of Taking Action that I talk about, because we are either people who says, Why me? Others say, Why not me? Why can't I be the best at what I'm doing? Why don't I deserve a great life? That's the difference between a, growth mindset vs a fixed mindset. 

So it's great that you brought up Curry, as I give this example in talks and I show this slide about when Steph Curry was coming out of college, his scouting report, and you could Google search this, you'll just start laughing. It said, undersized, not quick enough, probably will be a backup,  he'll be lucky to even play in the NBA. And Curry goes on to transcend the way an entire sport is played, which didn't shoot as many threes until Steph Curry came to the game. He literally took a sport that been going on for years and changed the way it was played. That is, how to overcome self-doubt and unlock your full potential.

Transform Your Mind Podcast Player FM
Transform Your Mind Podcast Player FM

The archetypes of inaction

Myrna: So today we want to talk a bit about the enemy of inaction, which I think is so important. Your book Do It talks about the enemy of inaction. And you said that you've identified eight archetypes that are the enemy of inaction. These archetypes could also be called the, fear of failure. The first one is The Burned.

I'm assuming that you mean that someone burned me, so I'm not going to do anything. Which is the, enemy of progress. Another one is The Blamer, I know that one because even this morning, I was telling my son to stop going around blaming others, it's one of the worst things that you can do.  And then there is The perfectionist. The people with, type A personality. I understand, The Blamer, and, The Perfectionist. Not so much about, The Burned. So talk to us about these eight, archetypes of fear, that are the enemies of inaction.

Transform Your Mind iHeart Radio
iHeart Radio

To overcome the enemy of inaction we must release fear

David: So the, enemy of inaction, is fear. Ultimately, it is, fear of uncertainty. It's fear of failure. We don't take action because we don't know what's on the other side of that action. If you were guaranteed results, you would do that. But it's uncertain. So there's actually eight, archetypes of fear, that I outlined, those are just the top three. I'll just go through the eight.

If you're struggling, if you're held back, if you're stuck, you can understand why and be able to break through that and take action. So the archetypes are the allodoxaphobia, which is just a cool way to say, fear of other people's opinions.

The following archetypes are the enemy of inaction. We need to recognize them to, unlock our full potential.

Book Do it
Book Do it
The archetypes of inaction
  1. The Burned archetype refers to individuals who have been hurt or disappointed in the past and are afraid to take action again. They may have experienced failure or rejection, and this has created a, fear of failure. If you are going to, unlock your full potential, you need to start  addressing this by separating the past from the present and adopting a reverse alter ego. By giving the past a silly name, we can distance ourselves from the negative experiences and move forward with a fresh perspective.

2. The Blamer archetype is characterized by individuals who constantly blame others for their current situation.  We can never, unlock our full potential, if we refuse to take responsibility for our actions and believe that external factors are the cause of their lack of progress. I emphasize the importance of personal accountability and encourages individuals to take ownership of their choices and outcomes.

3. The Perfectionist archetype is driven by the need for everything to be perfect.  Type A personalities, fall into to, the perfectionist archetype. These individuals set impossibly high standards for themselves and are often paralyzed by the, fear of failure.  You can never, unlock your full potential, if you have a, fear of failure. I advise my clients to embrace the, 90% theory, which allows for imperfection and acknowledges that nothing will ever be perfect. By focusing on giving 90% effort and accepting that mistakes are part of the learning process, individuals can overcome the, perfectionist mindset, and take action.

The other archetypes of inaction

4. The Believer archetype, organize their lives around their belief systems. When asked why they believe in a certain way, many Believers will simply reply, “Because it’s true.” They have their own way of coming to conclusions and these ways often defy reason and/or are difficult to convey because they are based on a feeling.is kind of interesting.  Check out, the Believer Archetype, on  Myers Briggs .

5. The Inopportune archetype , which means you think you're either too old or too young. Timing is just not right. Tjis becomes the reason for inaction.

6.  The introvert  believes he is introverted, so he can't go out and talk to people.  Introverted or extroverted has nothing to do with whether you talk to people or not? It's just how you recharge. Do you recharge by yourself or do you recharge with others?


Did you know that it typically takes most podcasters 10 to 15 hours to edit a one-hour show? And that does not include show nates and transcripts.

“One of the best things I ever did was start this podcast. It’s led to the many life-changing conversations and the amazing community of mindset fans that’s formed around it.

But it also took up a lot of my time in post-production, that is until I found the Alitu podcasting software.

If you head on over to blog.myhelps.us/alitu

you’ll find a great little web app designed to make processing, editing and publishing your podcast super-easy.

.Alitu lets you record, edit & host your podcast with one tool.

Alitu automatically generates episode transcripts for you, and you can publish and distribute your show across the web through its very own hosting feature, too.

Get started with Alitu on the monthly plan of $38. Start for free with a seven-day free trial.  So, why not give it a try.

Head on over to blog.myhelps.us/Alitu  to get started

Alitu the podcast maker
Alitu the podcast maker

7. The scarcity archetype, where you have a, scarcity mindset. There's only one slice of the pie that you feel like you just have to hold on to all you got and you can't share anything with anybody else, because if you do, it's all going to be gone.

8. The distracted archetype, and I don't even mean by distracted of like our phones or the notifications or all these things that we have of being constantly on in this world that we live in. But even more the distraction of not knowing what your vision, your mission, your purpose is. And that's your, enemy of inaction.  The enemy of, unlocking your potential.


In conclusion, unlocking our full potential, requires a shift in mindset. We must, overcome the enemy of inaction, which is often fueled by fear and negative thought patterns. By addressing the burned, blamer, and perfectionist archetypes, we can break free from these limiting beliefs and take action towards our goals. Remember, the mind is a powerful tool, and by harnessing its potential, we can transform our lives and achieve greatness.

Additional Resources



How To Unlock Your Full Potential: Overcoming the Fear of Failure

David Nurse, an NBA Mindset coach and bestselling author, joins host Myrna Young to discuss overcoming the, fear of failure, so you can, unlock your full potential. We explore eight, archetypes of fear, that hinder action: including the burned, the blamer, and the perfectionist. David shares insights from his book “Do It: The Life-Changing Power of Taking Action” and offers practical tools for overcoming these, archetypes of fear. He emphasizes the need to embrace imperfection and take consistent action to achieve success.


Unlock your full potential with a growth mindset

Myrna: The common thread in all your books is mindset. Why do you think a, growth mindset, is so important to our success?

David: Having a, growth mindset, is so important because really, when you break down life, it is simple.  Life starts off simple. When you're a kid, you're just playing. You don't have worries, stresses, anxieties.

But as you get older, get into a job, into relationships, everything becomes so complicated. But if you peel back the layers of the onion of life, it actually is very simple. And it just comes down to perspective, how you view each situation. You can't take it all in once. It's just step by step. It's like taking a step forward with a flood lamp where you can only see a little bit in front of you. You can't see the whole picture.

Having a, growth mindset, is a crucial factor in determining our success. It shapes our perspective and how we approach challenges and opportunities.

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Shopify puts you in control of every sales channel. So whether you are selling Superfood Smoothies or Offering Organic Omega-3s, Shopify’s all-in-one eCommerce platform, got you covered.

Sign up for a one-dollar-per-month trial period at SHOPIFY.COM/transform

to take your business to the next level today.

Shopify transform Your Mind


How athletes unlock their full potential with mindset growth

Myrna: So as a mindset coach for athletes, before we go into, growth mindset , off the court, let talk about, growth mindset, on the court.  Because we can transition everything in life, whether it's having a, growth mindset, on the court, or having a, growth mindset, in the boardroom. So let's stick with the sports analogy for a while because I never played professional sports. But let's say I'm thinking of a mindset like Michael Jordan.  I know, when he got into the league, he was benched.

Nobody thought he was good, or even Tom Brady, he was a scrawny kid. And actually, now that I started to talk, I'm thinking of all these guys. And I just finished watching the Netflix documentary on  Stephen Curry biography. And of course, that's a perfect one to look at. This scrawny little kid, and everybody is counting him out because he's tiny, he's small, and then he starts playing. And what he said to himself is, I'm just good at these guys. I just need to grow a little more.

So tell us about how that kind of, growth mindset, helps you go from everybody is counting you out to being the top of your game?

Transform Your Mind Amazon
Transform Your Mind Amazon

How Stephen Curry unlocked his full potential and changed the game

David: Yeah, absolutely. And it's so interesting to see these top athletes to ever play their sports. A lot of them were counted out or they were underestimated. And it's actually one of the archetypes in Do It: The Life Changing Power of Taking Action that I talk about, because we are either people who says, Why me? Others say, Why not me? Why can't I be the best at what I'm doing? Why don't I deserve a great life? That's the difference between a, growth mindset vs a fixed mindset. 

So it's great that you brought up Curry, as I give this example in talks and I show this slide about when Steph Curry was coming out of college, his scouting report, and you could Google search this, you'll just start laughing. It said, undersized, not quick enough, probably will be a backup,  he'll be lucky to even play in the NBA. And Curry goes on to transcend the way an entire sport is played, which didn't shoot as many threes until Steph Curry came to the game. He literally took a sport that been going on for years and changed the way it was played. That is, how to overcome self-doubt and unlock your full potential.

Transform Your Mind Podcast Player FM
Transform Your Mind Podcast Player FM

The archetypes of fear

Myrna: So today we want to talk a bit about the, fear of failure, which I think is so important. Your book Do It talks about the, fear of failure, in, unlocking our full potential. And you said that you've identified eight archetypes that are the cause of inaction. These archetypes could also be called the, fear of failure. The first one is The Burned.

I'm assuming that you mean that someone burned me, so I'm not going to do anything. Which is the, enemy of progress. Another one is The Blamer, I know that one because even this morning, I was telling my son to stop going around blaming others, it's one of the worst things that you can do.  And then there is The perfectionist. The people with, type A personality. I understand, The Blamer, and, The Perfectionist. Not so much about, The Burned. So talk to us about these eight, archetypes of fear, that are the, enemies of inaction.

Transform Your Mind iHeart Radio
iHeart Radio

To overcome the enemy of inaction we must release fear

David: So the, enemy of inaction, is fear. Ultimately, it is, fear of uncertainty. It's, fear of failure. We don't take action because we don't know what's on the other side of that action. If you were guaranteed results, you would do that. But it's uncertain. So there's actually eight, archetypes of fear, that I outlined, those are just the top three. I'll just go through the eight.

If you're struggling, if you're held back, if you're stuck, you can understand why and be able to break through that and take action. So the archetypes are the allodoxaphobia, which is just a cool way to say, fear of other people's opinions.

The following archetypes are the, enemy of inaction. We need to recognize them to, unlock our full potential.

Book Do it
Book Do it
The archetypes of inaction
  1. The Burned archetype refers to individuals who have been hurt or disappointed in the past and are afraid to take action again. They may have experienced failure or rejection, and this has created a, fear of failure. If you are going to, unlock your full potential, you need to start  addressing this by separating the past from the present and adopting a reverse alter ego. By giving the past a silly name, we can distance ourselves from the negative experiences and move forward with a fresh perspective.

2. The Blamer archetype is characterized by individuals who constantly blame others for their current situation.  We can never, unlock our full potential, if we refuse to take responsibility for our actions and believe that external factors are the cause of their lack of progress. I emphasize the importance of personal accountability and encourages individuals to take ownership of their choices and outcomes.

3. The Perfectionist archetype is driven by the need for everything to be perfect.  Type A personalities, fall into to, the perfectionist archetype. These individuals set impossibly high standards for themselves and are often paralyzed by the, fear of failure.  You can never, unlock your full potential, if you have a, fear of failure. I advise my clients to embrace the, 90% theory, which allows for imperfection and acknowledges that nothing will ever be perfect. By focusing on giving 90% effort and accepting that mistakes are part of the learning process, individuals can overcome the, perfectionist mindset, and take action.

The other archetypes of inaction

4. The Believer archetype, organize their lives around their belief systems. When asked why they believe in a certain way, many Believers will simply reply, “Because it’s true.” They have their own way of coming to conclusions and these ways often defy reason and/or are difficult to convey because they are based on a feeling.is kind of interesting.  Check out, the Believer Archetype, on  Myers Briggs .

5. The Inopportune archetype , which means you think you're either too old or too young. Timing is just not right. Tjis becomes the reason for inaction.

6.  The introvert  believes he is introverted, so he can't go out and talk to people.  Introverted or extroverted has nothing to do with whether you talk to people or not? It's just how you recharge. Do you recharge by yourself or do you recharge with others?


Did you know that it typically takes most podcasters 10 to 15 hours to edit a one-hour show? And that does not include show nates and transcripts.

“One of the best things I ever did was start this podcast. It’s led to the many life-changing conversations and the amazing community of mindset fans that’s formed around it.

But it also took up a lot of my time in post-production, that is until I found the Alitu podcasting software.

If you head on over to blog.myhelps.us/alitu

you’ll find a great little web app designed to make processing, editing and publishing your podcast super-easy.

.Alitu lets you record, edit & host your podcast with one tool.

Alitu automatically generates episode transcripts for you, and you can publish and distribute your show across the web through its very own hosting feature, too.

Get started with Alitu on the monthly plan of $38. Start for free with a seven-day free trial.  So, why not give it a try.

Head on over to blog.myhelps.us/Alitu  to get started

Alitu the podcast maker
Alitu the podcast maker

7. The scarcity archetype, where you have a, scarcity mindset. There's only one slice of the pie that you feel like you just have to hold on to all you got and you can't share anything with anybody else, because if you do, it's all going to be gone.

8. The distracted archetype, and I don't even mean by distracted of like our phones or the notifications or all these things that we have of being constantly on in this world that we live in. But even more the distraction of not knowing what your vision, your mission, your purpose is. And that's your, enemy of inaction.  The enemy of, unlocking your potential.


In conclusion, unlocking our full potential, requires a shift in mindset. We must, overcome the enemy of inaction, which is often fueled by fear and negative thought patterns. By addressing the burned, blamer, and perfectionist archetypes, we can break free from these limiting beliefs and take action towards our goals. Remember, the mind is a powerful tool, and by harnessing its potential, we can transform our lives and achieve greatness.

Additional Resources



Shop Amazon Holiday Deals
Shop Amazon Holiday Deals

A New Way Of Life After Oil and Soil Crises

In his book A new way of life, Author Samy Barnat talks about life after crises.  He discusses the, climate change crisis, water crisis, economics crisis, war crisis, pandemic crisis and , oil degradation crisis.

Download the podcast here: 



Samy Barnat is the author of A New Way of Life: Be the Solution to the Crises we Face: Increasing Deaths from Climate Change, Lack of Water and Food, Economic Crises, Fake Democracy, Risk of War, and Future Pandemics.

Samy Barnat is an independent multidisciplinary researcher in human sciences. His multi-disciplinary background (psychology, politics, economics, philosophy) gives him a rare global vision that many experts lack. His independent research incorporates outside the box thinking. Both precious elements for finding global solutions to the global crises we face.

The soil fertility crisis

Samy: If you have the best, mindset, but your environment is toxic, and we have a toxic society, that's kind of a big problem.

Is there a job for everybody?

It's a simple question, you can have the best, mindset, possible but if the economy is structured in a way that there is not a job for everybody and we have little money, you're going to be stressed. Or if you are constantly having anxiety of being fired. It's also the way the environment is being destroyed, the, crises, is we are destroying our environment. Very few people know that, soil fertility, is a growing problem. The, soil, is being destroyed by the way we do agriculture now.

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Transform Your Mind iHeart Radio
iHeart Radio

Sadhguru save soil initiative

Myrna: Yeah, I have just become aware of #savesoil, Sadhguru is traveling 30,000 KLM to promote, save soil. I interviewed a member of his team a couple weeks ago. Yeah, we're talking about food. We're going to talk about your book, A New Way of Life, later on. How is politics and Philosophy connected?

Samy: Everything is kind of connected. That's something I think we are all starting to realize that everything is kind of connected. Your mental health is connected to politics and economics, because if you don't have enough money, you're going to get stressed and if the environment is not fueling growth, you are going to be stressed.

If you are worried that your kids are not going to have a good future, because you can’t afford their education, you are going to be stressed. That is why politics and Philosophy are connected. It takes leaders like Sadhguru to increase awareness.

Myrna: I see what you mean, because the politicians are directing our future. Whether it's health care, getting rid of student loans or price of oil. I thought you were saying that politicians, use psychology to get us to vote for them.

Samy: Absolutely, you're totally right and in a very manipulative way.

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Transform your Mind TuneIn Radio
TuneIn Radio

The personal development crisis

Myrna: I like what you said about having a, healthy mindset, is very important for, personal development. Personal development, is a big topic. I'm in the, personal development, space and the, mindset, space. The mind dictates everything. What we believe dictates our level of development, because most people don't do the work to control their, mind. What is a healthy mindset? How does our, mindset, control anxiety and stress?

Samy: The idea is simple. It's just we have, positive emotions. And it's very important to understand this. I mean science it's only about principles. When you study science, you study principles, it's like the laws of nature and gravitation in physics. Our, emotions, have their own loads which were created by God.

You have, positive emotions, when your, desires, are realized. And you have, negative emotions, when your, desires, are not realized. So, for example, a baby cries because a, desire, of food is not realized. As an adult if you have an objective, to study and to pass an exam and you fail the exam, you have, negative emotions. You can find as many examples as you want; but the essence it's about, desire. So, as a result, we have to be extremely careful what we, desire, because if we have impossible, desires, we suffer from anxiety and stress.

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Desire and our emotions

So first of all, we have to be careful what we, desire. We need to make sure we have, realistic desires, all the time, so many people don't do that. It's better to reduce your objective. So at least you will be in peace emotionally. You know what I mean? Because you don't want to be suffering all the time. We should question everything in the light of this principle, ambition.

And deeper than that, it's our personality, and that I think so many people need to hear this. So basically, our, personality, or what so many of us call our, personality. It's kind of a, desire, which we were told.

So, for example, so many people, they have a, desire, to be the best and they think that's who I am. I want to be the best. I'm the best, they have this, internal dialogue. It's a program really, it's an, unconscious program. And it was taught by their parents as a kind of a, life strategy. If you try to be the best, at least you can get the best job, the best partner etc.

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Transform your Mind Stitcher

The type A personality crisis

They don't realize that a, type A personality, is  actually the cause of their pain. If your, desires, are not realized, you have, negative emotion. So, if you try to always be the best, it's just impossible. So, every time you're going to feel like you're not the best, you're going to feel sadness, stress, anxiety. It's kind of a, crises, of constant stress, and you don't understand why. You don't know where it comes from. It actually coming from what you call your, personality.

But it's not your, personality.  As a human being you are able to recreate yourself all the time, to adapt all the time. So, you should absolutely not cling on to an, unhealthy desire, which is to be the best. This is a, crises.

Myrna what you are doing is very helpful in the, personal development, space. It's about, NLP, neuro linguistic programming, which is simply, reprogramming our mind. It simply reprogramming with new words, new desires, a new personality, etc. Like saying no,  I'm not always the best, sometimes I'm weak, I’m not always clever, sometimes I am stupid.

Myrna: So basically, it's about, reprogramming our mind with, affirmations.

Book A new Way Of Life solutions to the crises we face
Book A new Way Of Life solutions to the crises we face

A New Way of Life A solution to the crises we face

Myrna: Tell us about your book, A New Way of Life Be The Solution to the, Crises. Tell me what made you write the book? We face many, Crises. You talk about,

  • climate change crisis
  • lack of water crisis
  • economics crisis
  • war crisis
  • pandemic crisis
  • Soil degradation crisis

We have a lot of crises So, tell us what solutions you offer in your book?

Samy: Okay, so yeah, so, basically, I'll start with what I think are the most urgent, crises, and then we can move on from there. So, the, soil degradation, crisis,  it's something we hear so little about in the media. It's so important because the way we do agriculture is actually destroying the, soil. So, in the world you have a lot of places where this desertification has started.

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Soil desertification has started

So, the soil is becoming sand. It’s not very productive in terms of food, and that's a big deal. A, crisis, will start to emerge in a more dramatic way. We are all going to be affected by that. We cannot just rely on our politicians to take care of these big issues.

We've seen it with, climate change, for example. They knew about, climate change, for 30 years, and they have done very little because of the lobbyists who put pressure on politicians and big corporations like Exxon.  They don’t want to do anything about, climate change, because it was going to make them lose money.

The other, crisis, we need to worry about is the end of the end of, oil. Our life is based on, oil. Food is produced with, oil, agricultural machines need, oil. Everywhere in the world, more than 60% of the population were working as farmers. So that gives you an idea of society before, oil.

Oil, is everywhere, all the products, almost the job of everybody is completely relying on, oil. All the products are imported with, oil, for trucks, and boats from the other side of the world. And that includes food or whatever you sell, whatever your company's selling, it's relying on, oil, so when we go towards the end, it means it basically means the collapse of the economy.

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The oil crisis

Myrna: I understand about the, soil, because they are depleting the nutrients of the, soil. And the soil is becoming sand. I don't understand an, oil crisis, because, oil, is supposed to be limitless. Why are you saying that we're going to run out of it?

Samy: So, you know, all resources are limited. I mean, half our planet is finite. It's limited.

Myrna: Oil, is all over the place. All you got to do is dig. They just found, oil in Guyana. Apparently, you can go dig in your backyard and might find, oil.

Samy: Okay, so you can see the graph showing discoveries. The peak of discoveries was quite a long time ago. So, it means since that time, we discover every year less and less, oil. We still discover some, but the question is, is it going to be enough for the global economy? It's a question of quantity.

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Deezer Transform Your Mind Podcast

Will oil be depleted in 30 years?

Myrna: Politicians are looking at ways to not use, oil. They're looking at energy efficient ways. So that's what they're starting because maybe they know that maybe in 30 years or something, the, oil, will be depleted. But I personally think that we live in an abundant world, that everything that we need is right here, and it's not limited.

Samy: Yeah, so the, oil crises, I'm speaking about, the data came from people working in BP, and Shell Exxon. They give me numbers about when we will reach the end of, oil. You can you can check this on internet because those reports are for free. But it gives us a rough estimation, the end of, oil, would be around 30 years around 2050. But what we should worry about is the end of, cheap oil, because even if we still have, oil, if it becomes too expensive then that it is the end and society collapses.

For example, we've seen now in Spain, it gives us a glimpse of the future. Because of the, war with Russia, the supply of oil in Europe is limited. Okay, so in Spain, what happened is that truck drivers, the oil increased so much that they could they couldn't earn a living. They basically had more charges, compared to earnings, so they stopped working.

Myrna: it was happening in the US too. A lot of truck drivers protested at the Canadian border for same reason, gas prices too high.  The diesel fuel is twice that of regular gas.

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Solutions to the oil crisis

Samy: This gives us a glimpse into the future, the end of, cheap oil, will affect our lives. Oil, is the basis of modern society.

Myrna: Okay, all right. So that's a good reason for people to get your book.  So, do you offer solutions in your book? What was the reason you wrote the book, and what do you want people to walk away with after reading your book?

Samy: So basically, it's about preparing your family. I'm saying the first thing you should worry about is your family. In France, there’s much more awareness on this topic and many people they have started to buy land. You need land because when society collapses it is going to be violent. When you don't have food, people fight.

The second solution would be to have your local community prepare for the, oil crisis.  So, it's kind of the solution I'm giving in the book. So basically, what I'm saying is we need a new way of doing politics.


Myrna; All right, tell people where they can get your book so they can get your solutions to all these, crises.

Samy: So basically, if you go on https://samybarnat.com/ you will find links to all social media and the book, so you can you can just get there.

Myrna: Okay, all right. Okay. All right. So yes, and of course, the book is available on Amazon. So yeah, it's me. It's been we had a really good conversation and we covered a multitude of topics. I specifically love your take on why people are happy or unhappy. Thank you.

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