Tag Archives: guided meditation

7 reasons Mindfulness Meditation Can Increase Business Revenue


Mindfulness Meditation, is not just for Buddhists and monks: mindfulness meditation unlocks the power you have within to take your business to the next level.

Mindfulness Meditation for your business

When you, meditate, you strengthen your intuition, spirituality, awareness, and most importantly, your own sense of self.  As many successful entrepreneurs know, reduced stress  is the foundation to creating the business and lifestyle you want.  If you are not removing your limiting beliefs and constantly working on your vision, you are limiting your own growth and the growth of your company. You are the lid!

As a leader or an Entrepreneur there is no better way to overcome obstacles, rise to the top or be creative with out first quieting the noise in your head. When you become still you tap into your creative power by connecting to your source. During, meditation, you experience that peace that surpasses all understanding that the bible talks about.

When you forget about all the things you have to do and just focus on the life inside you by witnessing your breathing, you move closer to becoming conscious and understand your purpose. Being quiet and still allows you to listen to instructions from the  higher power who guides you. It is said that it is easier to guide a horse in the direction it is running in; so when you fall into line with what God wants you to do for his Kingdom then your business and your life become less of a struggle.

Reasons Mindfulness Meditation works

The reasons we, meditate , are as varied as the many ways there are to meditate. In the West, most people are drawn to, meditation, to quiet the internal chatter of the brain and to reduce stress. Meditation, is indeed, a very effective stress reducer, but its benefits—sometimes mysteriously hidden—are far more bountiful. The actual act of, mindfulness meditation, can be as simple as sitting quietly and focusing on your breath while repeating silently a mantra—a word or phrase.

There are countless traditions and no singular “correct” way to practice, meditation. Find a practice that you like and stick with it for a while. Notice how you feel as you go about your days. If you find that you have more patience, feel grounded and better able to respond to stressful situations, and are more in touch with your intuition or “gut feelings,” you are enjoying the many benefits of meditation.

I, meditate, by finding a quiet place in the morning as I drink my coffee. I listen to a, guided meditation, tape on topics such as “activating consciousness”, visionary me meditation, “the law of attraction” etc. as I listen I clear my mind by mentally repeating a centering thought and witnessing my breathing.

At the end of my, mindfulness meditation, I am  relaxed,  totally open and creative. I usually write some deep insights after my, meditation, sessions and I get answers from God and the Universe to questions I ask. This is the perfect way to become a visionary and an innovative leader.



1: Mindfulness Meditation is good for our Physical Bodies

Scientists gathering data on, mindfulness meditation, have found that a consistent practice of meditation not only boosts the mind, but it also bolsters the body. Studies shows that, mindfulness meditation, can help reverse heart disease, reduce pain, and support the immune system, better enabling it to fight disease.

The mind-body connection between stress and disease is abundantly apparent as science is finding that meditation can lower production of the stress hormone cortisol. This means meditators are better able to adapt to stress in their lives.

2: Mindfulness Meditation is good for Our Relationships

Paradoxically, while, mindfulness meditation, helps us tune in and turn inward to our true essence, it also helps us detach from our own egos to connect with others in more meaningful ways. Couples counselors have found when they assign their clients meditation, the couples become less angry, more self-reflective, and more loving.

When we become aware of—and honor—our interconnection with other beings, we are able to recast our perspectives, see our worries in a different light, and embrace gratitude, which is the heart’s memory. The bible teaches that we can't change others only ourselves and when we, meditate, we tune into who we really are.

Our ancestral legacy is a brain that is primed to focus on negative experiences and has a tendency to get stuck in conditioned patterns of thinking, returning again and again to thoughts of anxiety, depression, and limitation. So in our relationships we tend to focus on what we do not have instead of what we do have.

As you, meditate, on a regular basis, you develop what is known as “witnessing awareness”—the ability to calmly and objectively observe a situation, notice when you are being triggered, and consciously choose how you want to respond. The ability to be present and aware is extremely valuable in every relationship.

benefits of meditation

3: Meditation helps prolong our lives

When you, meditate, you strengthen your intuition, awareness, and most importantly, your own sense of self.  Yogis and doctors both agree: meditating—even just a few minutes of deep breathing—relaxes the brain, reduces anxiety, and decreases depression. We say we can't afford the time to meditate, but the truth is we can't afford not to.

When we tell ourselves we don't have time to exercise, or meditate, then we will make time for sickness and depression. During most of our waking lives, our minds are engaged in a continuous internal dialogue in which the meaning and emotional associations of one thought triggers the next.

We hear a snippet of music and suddenly we’re thinking about the first time we heard that song with an old boyfriend or girlfriend and how that relationship ended. If we’re still holding emotional pain over that ending, those feelings may bubble up and then our mind may veer into criticism, self-pity, or worries about the future.

Meditation, is one of the best tools we have to counter the brain’s negativity bias, release accumulated stress, foster positive experiences and intentions, and enjoy the peace of present moment awareness. A large body of research has established that having a regular, meditation, practice produces tangible benefits for mental and physical health, including:

Benefits of Meditation

  • Decreased blood pressure and hypertension
  • Lowered cholesterol levels
  • Reduced production of “stress hormones,” including cortisol and adrenaline
  • More efficient oxygen use by the body
  • Increased production of the anti-aging hormone DHEA
  • Improved immune function
  • Decreased anxiety, and insomnia

4: Mindfulness Meditation Reduces Stress and Burnout

What role is more stressful than the role of a Leader? None, as a Leader you are responsible for the lives of your employees, families, and your commitment to your community? Chronic, unmanaged stress can make you sick and accelerate aging. As many scientific studies have found, prolonged stress can contribute to high blood pressure, heart disease, stomach ulcers, autoimmune diseases, anxiety, cancer, insomnia, chronic fatigue, obesity, depression, and accelerated aging.

In, mindfulness meditation, your body releases stress and reverses the effects of the flight-or-fight response—that ancient instinct we all have to either run from perceived danger or take it on in battle. Intended as a short-term protection mechanism, fight or flight causes our body to speed up our heart rate, increase our blood sugar, suppress our immune system, reduce insulin production, pump out stress hormones such as adrenaline and cortisol, and reduce the blood supply to our digestive organs.

All of these reactions happen so that our body can focus on either running away as fast as it can—or staying to fight. Although few people reading this face daily threats to their bodily existence, many live in a prolonged state of fight or flight, generating stress in response to bad traffic, criticism from a spouse, or a disagreement.

Regular, meditation, dissipates accumulated stress and cultivates a state of restful alertness. There are many compelling studies showing the power of meditation to relieve stress and promote inner calm. For example, a 2011 study published in the Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine Journal found that full-time workers who spent a few hours each week practicing mindfulness meditation reported a significant decrease in job stress, anxiety, and depressed mood.

The reason, meditation, is so popular amongst successful individuals is it helps release stress, lets go of excess thoughts and expand awareness. As you dive deeper into your, meditation, you see people, events and circumstances as they really are, not as they are perceived to be. It allows you to have an internal Locus of control.

That means that you don't react to external stimuli but are proactive with action plans and goals. It also means that as challenges arise in your, business, you will not get overwhelmed; but face those challenges calmly and efficiently.  As an Entrepreneur Leader, meditation, allows you to turn your failures into successes.




5: Meditation Enhances Your Concentration, Memory, and Ability to Learn

As researchers have found, meditation, can help you tap into your brain’s deepest potential to focus, learn, and adapt. While scientists used to believe that beyond a certain age, the brain couldn’t change or grow, we now know that the brain has a quality known as plasticity, enabling it to grow new neurons and transform throughout our lives.

Meditation, is a powerful tool for awakening new neural connections and even transforming regions of the brain.  A recent study led by Harvard University and Massachusetts General Hospital found that after only eight weeks of, meditation, participants experienced beneficial growth in the brain areas associated with memory, learning, empathy, self-awareness, and stress regulation.  In addition, the meditators reported decreased feelings of anxiety and greater feelings of calm. This study adds to the expanding body of research about the brain’s amazing plasticity and ability to change habitual stress patterns.

Many other studies provide evidence for the value of, meditation, in improving the ability to stay focused in world filled with increasing distractions and demands on our attention. For example, research conducted by the UCLA Mindful Awareness Center showed that teenagers and adults with ADHD who practiced various forms of meditation for just eight weeks improved their ability to concentrate on tasks, even when attempts were made to distract them. In the world of the Entrepreneur Leader, the ability to focus when you are pulled in so many different directions is extremely important to your success.


6: Meditation Improves Your Creativity and Problem-Solving Skills

We each have an estimated 60,000 to 80,000 thoughts a day—unfortunately, many of them are the same thoughts we had yesterday, last week, and last year. The mind tends to get stuck in repetitive thought loops that squeeze out the possibility for new ideas and inspiration.

Meditation, is a powerful practice for going beyond habitual, conditioned thought patterns into a state of expanded awareness. We connect to what is known as the field of infinite possibilities or pure potentiality, and we open to new insights, intuition, and ideas. And as we meditate and focus on our breathing, we stop this continuous cycle.


7: Meditation Decreases Anxiety, and Insomnia

The emotional effects of sitting quietly and going within are profound.  The deep state of rest produced by, meditation, triggers the brain to release neurotransmitters, including dopamine, serotonin, oxytocin, and endorphins. Each of these naturally occurring brain chemicals has been linked to different aspects of happiness:

Dopamine plays a key role in the brain’s ability to experience pleasure, feel rewarded, and maintain focus. Serotonin has a calming effect. It eases tension and helps us feel less stressed and more relaxed and focused. Low levels of this neurotransmitter have been linked to migraines, anxiety, bipolar disorder, apathy, feelings of worthlessness, fatigue, and insomnia.

Oxytocin (the same chemical whose levels rise during sexual arousal and breastfeeding), is a pleasure hormone. It creates feelings of calm, contentment, and security, while reducing fear and anxiety.  Endorphins are most commonly known as the chemicals that create the exhilaration commonly labeled “the runner’s high.” These neurotransmitters play many roles related to well being, including decreasing feelings of pain and reducing the side effects of stress.


How To Make Money Using The Laws Of Attraction

How to make money, using the laws of attraction. As I did all these different, meditations, what happened to me was I was able to release out of my body and mind, all this inner turmoil and figure out, how to make money. I found my creativity, love and the wisdom that we all have within us. It was hugely successful to say the least that I found those, meditations.~Pragito Dove

Listen to the full interview here: 


  • Pragito Dove is an internationally recognized Author, Hypnotherapist, Coach and Speaker with over 20 years’ experience.  Pragito helps entrepreneurs, leaders, and CEO’s align their mindset on, how to make money, allow more peace, time and financial freedom. She shows you how to change your money blueprint, recondition your mind for automatic abundance, and use Spiritual Laws of Attraction to create real world success.

Pragito – It didn't start off so great. I could tell you I had a very challenging childhood. I had a cruel mother and my father didn’t protect me. I just adored my father; but he was not in his power. He didn't stand up for himself and didn't stand up for me, so basically I got trodden all over by my mother. I was actually terrified of her; so what I did to cope was to shut down my heart and live in my head.

I had a lot of fear, I had a lot of anger and pain in my heart. I realized even as a young child that I was just going to have to sort of stick it out so to speak until I got old enough to do something about it.

In my early 20s, I heard about this Zen master called Osho in India. He had a wide range of, meditation techniques, including expressive, meditation. I started doing these, meditations, because I really needed to learn, how to make money, and release all those turbulent emotions that I'd stuffed down.



Podbean Transform your Mind Podcast

There are several Meditation Techniques on How to Make Money

  • There was a laughter, meditation to activate the, law of attraction money
  • A fearless, meditation, for crying and releasing
  • There was a dancing, meditation, for joy
  • A gibberish, meditation, to just get out all the junk
  • Also a dynamic, meditation, great for dumping out anger and
  • A humming, meditation.

As I did all these different, meditations, what happened to me was I was able to release out of my body mind, all this inner turmoil and found inner peace. I found my creativity, love and the wisdom that we all have within us. It was hugely successful to say the least that I found those, meditations.

Myrna – How many years did that take you to release all the hurt?

Pragito – Well, it was a process.

It was just an unbelievable transformation that happened to me. I saw how it was possible for me, so I trained to teach all these, meditations, to others as well.  I realized I could create a business and help others use the, law of attraction money, and that’s become my mission.

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Ready, Set, Go to Grandma's

By Author Sophia Carter-Parker  is a feel good story for people of all ages. Whether in preschool, graduate school or lounging in a nursing home, this story will delightfully take you back to visits with your Grandma. Hop along for the ride with the narrator, as he goes down memory lane. Ready Set Go to Grandma’s is a book that will shares many happy experiences of love and fun with grandmothers. Smiles, laughter, hugs and sweet treats make this a story that forces the soul to smile.

Order your copy of Ready, Set, Go to Grandma’s on Amazon or wherever books are sold.


Hypnotherapy vs Meditation

Myrna – What exactly is, hypnotherapy, and how is it different from, meditation?

Pragito – Well, what I do with the, hypnotherapy, is I take people on a guided journey deep into their subconscious mind (because that is where the solutions to the problem lay).

Now, if we take, money, let's say someone is always broke or use his/her credit cards and pay off the credit card; but then goes back in the same cycle. That was me actually. I would pay off the credit card and then it'd be back on the credit cards again. Always getting to the same place like an inner ceiling and not being able to get past that.

What we can do in the, hypnotherapy, session  is go to the root of the problem and find out what is going on with their, law of attraction money, what they  learned about, money as a child.

Myrna – My last interview, we discussed, money blocks. I don't want to do too much into that because I had a whole episode on, money blocks; but would that be considered another, money block, or is there a different word for this particular blueprint like, law of attraction money?

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Sex appeal perfume Dream Love 1000 is a love evoking sexy perfume for women, proven to attract and boost their sex appeal to men.  It is infused with ingredients that have been proven to attract men by increasing and activating men’s sexual receptors from a distance of up to 2 meters!

Over  4.6 million bottles have been sold in the last 22 years in Asia and parts of Europe. Dream Love 1000 is now being sold in the Us and Canada.  So if you want to have the fellows chase you then head over to Dream Love 1000 and order a bottle today, use coupon code Myrna5 for 5% off

Dream Love 1000 perfume
Dream Love 1000 perfume

Using Hypnotherapy to remove Money Blocks

Pragito – The, money block, is what's blocking you from making money. The blueprint is your beliefs and what's guiding you. Like a blueprint for a construction project,   you're told this is the way life is and you believe it because that's what you're told.

I have to tell you something very interesting. I've been doing, hypnotherapy, for over 23 years. It's not about, making money, at all. It's about love. It's about deserving,  a lot of us believe I am not deserving, I am not worthy. Another way, ‘I'm not enough, I don't deserve wealth.

Myrna – I agree, Michelle Obama in her book – “Becoming”,  talked about not being enough  a lot. Even when she was first lady and even when she was a lawyer and successful; because she started off in the poor parts of Chicago,  she felt she wasn't enough and she felt that she didn't deserve it.

As a hypnotherapist, what kind of work do you do to remove that, money block, blueprint and activate the, law of attraction money?


Pragito – Your, money, blueprint is sometimes formed in the womb! The child can learn, how to make money, from their mother. The mother doesn't want it or maybe the father doesn't want it, because it's all energy. We're all transmitting energy all the time and then the child arrives.  So I take my clients into a more relaxed state; but not going out.  They're still present and I ask the wisdom of their body, the wisdom of their heart and their higher self to bring forward for us the, money block.

Pragito – The good thing about, hypnotherapy, is because you're working at the root, when we've healed everything, it never ever comes back.

How to Make Money using The Laws of Attraction 

Myrna – Why is it important for an entrepreneur to understand how the,  Law of Attraction money, works and to invest in themselves? Do they have to start by being in a, hypnotherapy, session for them to understand their, money,  blueprint?

Pragito – Well it's just that the, hypnotherapy, can help to make it all go quicker. That's what the, hypnotherapy, can help with; but the place to start is with the awareness. It's a three-step process.

  1. The first step is “Ask for what you want”. However, you have to be clear, you need clarity on what you want.
  2. Then you have to focus on what you want and activate the, law of attraction money. You have to focus on it and let people know you want it. Get pictures of what you want. One tip I give is, Do not ask for, money, because the universe doesn't really understand what you mean by, money. Do you want a bag of, money, to fall on your head one day? Is that what you want? It’s much more powerful to ask what you want the, money, to buy. For instance,  I want a Lexus car or I want to go on a cruise.
  3. Step 3 is “allowing” This is the most difficult step and it's a step where most people fall down. You have to allow what you want to come to you. This is where the, meditation, is helpful. One of the, meditation techniques I teach with, meditation, is learning to witness the mind. You learn to misidentify from the mind, because the thoughts of the mind actually are not real. They are like shadows, like when you walk down the street on a sunny day and you can see your shadow, that's what thoughts are. They're like shadows, they are not real and they're often not true. The mind says things like “you can never have a Lexus, you’re broke.”
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What you learn to do with the, meditation, work is to observe, witness or watch the mind.  Learning to misidentify from it so that you don't get caught up in believing what the mind is saying and you can just relax and say “thank you mind,” and  just let the thoughts pass-by.

Those are the five magic words for the mind. Let the mind pass-by, just let it pass-by.

Transform your Mind TuneIn Radio
TuneIn Radio

Myrna – That reminded me I used to work with automatic negative thoughts and when I would hear the mind telling me something, I would talk back to it, because it keeps repeating all the time and then you talk back to it – I would say you better stop.

Pragito – Yes that's good, that's right. You better cut that out.

Good Vibes activate the, Law of Attraction Money

If we look at the, Law of Attraction money, on a scale of one to ten, one being our most negative vibes and ten being our most positive vibe,  All the, law of attraction money, does is it matches. It's a one trick pony, that's all. It doesn't care who you are or what you want. If you're some famous Hollywood actor or a rickshaw driver in Calcutta, it doesn't care.

All it does is match your energy. We really need to pay attention to our emotional state which is in the subconscious. With 95% of our thoughts being in the subconscious, if we transmit anger, guess what we get back, anger. If we're transmitting fear, that’s what we get back. So we have to pay attention to our vibes. Our only job is to keep our vibes positive.

There are many ways to do that and one of my favorite ways is the laughter, meditation. Well I do that a lot. That’s good and fantastic, because laughter really helps to keep your high vibes and then you're in your positive energy which is the, law of attraction money, state. At this point, your possibility of attracting, money,  is very high.

Whereas when you're in a negative state, of course it becomes very low. The most important thing is to be aware of your emotional state. We want to be aware of the thoughts of the mind; but that's only about five percent of it. It's the emotional state that is the most powerful and so here's another tip if you really want something and you need, money, to buy.

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How to Ask for the Money you want

Let's say you've got this really dinged up old car to take your kids to school and you need a decent car. So you say to the universe “look I really need a good car and you say it with a lot of emotion and with a lot of energy.  “I really need a really good car”. Your chances of getting what you want go up astronomically when you put emotion behind it.

But if you just say “well I’d like to have a Lexus,  it's on  my list but I don’t care. There's no real emotion behind it, then you're not going to get a Lexus. You might still attract it, but you won't get it as quickly as someone who's very passionate about what they want and puts a lot of feeling into asking for it.

Meditation, for Peace, Prosperity and Passion

Myrna – Let's talk about your book now. Your book is called “Lunchtime Enlightenment: Expressive Meditations for Manifesting Peace, Prosperity and Passion.” Now, tell us about your book. Is it working under the same foundations that we're talking about? We started with, meditation, and, hypnotherapy, then talked about the, law of attraction money, and prosperity.

Pragito – The, meditations, are for manifesting peace, prosperity and passion. Meditation, is being in the present moment and, meditation techniques, are important. The, meditation techniques, are there to help us and remind us to be in the present moment. Why do we want to be in the present moment? Because first of all we're aware of our feeling state, the feelings are always in the present moment and when we have that present moment awareness, we have the power of choice.

We can choose.  If we find our vibes are down, then we could say, I need to watch a funny video or comedy’.  ‘I need to get my vibes up right now, etc. That awareness gives you that choice. Let's say for example we feel really angry towards somebody, so it's not a good idea to talk to somebody when you're angry or when you feel angry with them.

In the book, I give suggestions for what you can do when you feel angry. There are two techniques in particular where you can dump your anger out in the sacred context of a, meditation technique, in the first stage.  Then in the second stage, you sit in silence and you find it much easier to sit in silence when you've let the lid off the pressure cooker. So, to speak and get rid of a lot of emotional turmoil, it's very easy to drop down. You will find inner peace in calm, your inner wisdom, love, creativity and all these good things.

Meditation Techniques  to Calm Anger

From that place you can decide what to do about this irritating person that's annoyed you. Do you need to talk to them? If you do need to talk to them, then you talk to them from that place of peace and calm, because that will help them become calm and peaceful; because normally they would be reacting to your energy. Then, the whole thing is just a big mess; but when you take responsibility that you feel angry and that it's not going to help to either dump your anger on somebody else or stuff it down. You do the, meditation technique, you're nice, calm and very likely to come up with a creative way to handle the situation.

That is perfect for marriages because a lot of people in intimate relationships blow up and it doesn't ever go anywhere.

Myrna – Tell our listening audience how they can get a copy of your book. Also, tell them how they can reach you to do any of your, hypnotherapy, sessions coaching and things like that because I'm pretty sure you get results.

Pragito – The book is on Amazon. Actually this book was just released in August and it's already a number one bestseller.

Myrna – Good for you, congratulations.

Pragito – Thank you. To find me, you go to my website www.discovermeditation.com/contact you can sign up for my laughing Buddhist Network newsletter and you get two free Gifts.

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For more information about Kitty Lee and her wonderful books, visit Kitty Kitty Books on Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube.

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How to Make Money Using The Law of Attraction

How to make money, using the laws of attraction. As I did all these different, meditations, what happened to me was I was able to release out of my body and mind, all this inner turmoil and figure out, how to make money. I found my creativity, love and the wisdom that we all have within us. It was hugely successful to say the least that I found those, meditations.~Pragito Dove

Listen to the full interview here: 


  • Pragito Dove is an internationally recognized Author, Hypnotherapist, Coach and Speaker with over 20 years’ experience.  Pragito helps entrepreneurs, leaders, and CEO’s align their mindset on, how to make money, allow more peace, time and financial freedom. She shows you how to change your money blueprint, recondition your mind for automatic abundance, and use Spiritual Laws of Attraction to create real world success.

Pragito – It didn't start off so great. I could tell you I had a very challenging childhood. I had a cruel mother and my father didn’t protect me. I just adored my father; but he was not in his power. He didn't stand up for himself and didn't stand up for me, so basically I got trodden all over by my mother. I was actually terrified of her; so what I did to cope was to shut down my heart and live in my head.

I had a lot of fear, I had a lot of anger and pain in my heart. I realized even as a young child that I was just going to have to sort of stick it out so to speak until I got old enough to do something about it.

In my early 20s, I heard about this Zen master called Osho in India. He had a wide range of, meditation techniques, including expressive, meditation. I started doing these, meditations, because I really needed to learn, how to make money, and release all those turbulent emotions that I'd stuffed down.



Podbean Transform your Mind Podcast

There are several Meditation Techniques on How to Make Money

  • There was a laughter, meditation to activate the, law of attraction money
  • A fearless, meditation, for crying and releasing
  • There was a dancing, meditation, for joy
  • A gibberish, meditation, to just get out all the junk
  • Also a dynamic, meditation, great for dumping out anger and
  • A humming, meditation.

As I did all these different, meditations, what happened to me was I was able to release out of my body mind, all this inner turmoil and found inner peace. I found my creativity, love and the wisdom that we all have within us. It was hugely successful to say the least that I found those, meditations.

Myrna – How many years did that take you to release all the hurt?

Pragito – Well, it was a process.

It was just an unbelievable transformation that happened to me. I saw how it was possible for me, so I trained to teach all these, meditations, to others as well.  I realized I could create a business and help others use the, law of attraction money, and that’s become my mission.

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Ready, Set, Go to Grandma's

By Author Sophia Carter-Parker  is a feel good story for people of all ages. Whether in preschool, graduate school or lounging in a nursing home, this story will delightfully take you back to visits with your Grandma. Hop along for the ride with the narrator, as he goes down memory lane. Ready Set Go to Grandma’s is a book that will shares many happy experiences of love and fun with grandmothers. Smiles, laughter, hugs and sweet treats make this a story that forces the soul to smile.

Order your copy of Ready, Set, Go to Grandma’s on Amazon or wherever books are sold.


Hypnotherapy vs Meditation

Myrna – What exactly is, hypnotherapy, and how is it different from, meditation?

Pragito – Well, what I do with the, hypnotherapy, is I take people on a guided journey deep into their subconscious mind (because that is where the solutions to the problem lay).

Now, if we take, money, let's say someone is always broke or use his/her credit cards and pay off the credit card; but then goes back in the same cycle. That was me actually. I would pay off the credit card and then it'd be back on the credit cards again. Always getting to the same place like an inner ceiling and not being able to get past that.

What we can do in the, hypnotherapy, session  is go to the root of the problem and find out what is going on with their, law of attraction money, what they  learned about, money as a child.

Myrna – My last interview, we discussed, money blocks. I don't want to do too much into that because I had a whole episode on, money blocks; but would that be considered another, money block, or is there a different word for this particular blueprint like, law of attraction money?

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Sex appeal perfume Dream Love 1000 is a love evoking sexy perfume for women, proven to attract and boost their sex appeal to men.  It is infused with ingredients that have been proven to attract men by increasing and activating men’s sexual receptors from a distance of up to 2 meters!

Over  4.6 million bottles have been sold in the last 22 years in Asia and parts of Europe. Dream Love 1000 is now being sold in the Us and Canada.  So if you want to have the fellows chase you then head over to Dream Love 1000 and order a bottle today, use coupon code Myrna5 for 5% off

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Dream Love 1000 perfume

Using Hypnotherapy to remove Money Blocks

Pragito – The, money block, is what's blocking you from making money. The blueprint is your beliefs and what's guiding you. Like a blueprint for a construction project,   you're told this is the way life is and you believe it because that's what you're told.

I have to tell you something very interesting. I've been doing, hypnotherapy, for over 23 years. It's not about, making money, at all. It's about love. It's about deserving,  a lot of us believe I am not deserving, I am not worthy. Another way, ‘I'm not enough, I don't deserve wealth.

Myrna – I agree, Michelle Obama in her book – “Becoming”,  talked about not being enough  a lot. Even when she was first lady and even when she was a lawyer and successful; because she started off in the poor parts of Chicago,  she felt she wasn't enough and she felt that she didn't deserve it.

As a hypnotherapist, what kind of work do you do to remove that, money block, blueprint and activate the, law of attraction money?


Pragito – Your, money, blueprint is sometimes formed in the womb! The child can learn, how to make money, from their mother. The mother doesn't want it or maybe the father doesn't want it, because it's all energy. We're all transmitting energy all the time and then the child arrives.  So I take my clients into a more relaxed state; but not going out.  They're still present and I ask the wisdom of their body, the wisdom of their heart and their higher self to bring forward for us the, money block.

Pragito – The good thing about, hypnotherapy, is because you're working at the root, when we've healed everything, it never ever comes back.

How to Make Money using The Laws of Attraction 

Myrna – Why is it important for an entrepreneur to understand how the,  Law of Attraction money, works and to invest in themselves? Do they have to start by being in a, hypnotherapy, session for them to understand their, money,  blueprint?

Pragito – Well it's just that the, hypnotherapy, can help to make it all go quicker. That's what the, hypnotherapy, can help with; but the place to start is with the awareness. It's a three-step process.

  1. The first step is “Ask for what you want”. However, you have to be clear, you need clarity on what you want.
  2. Then you have to focus on what you want and activate the, law of attraction money. You have to focus on it and let people know you want it. Get pictures of what you want. One tip I give is, Do not ask for, money, because the universe doesn't really understand what you mean by, money. Do you want a bag of, money, to fall on your head one day? Is that what you want? It’s much more powerful to ask what you want the, money, to buy. For instance,  I want a Lexus car or I want to go on a cruise.
  3. Step 3 is “allowing” This is the most difficult step and it's a step where most people fall down. You have to allow what you want to come to you. This is where the, meditation, is helpful. One of the, meditation techniques I teach with, meditation, is learning to witness the mind. You learn to misidentify from the mind, because the thoughts of the mind actually are not real. They are like shadows, like when you walk down the street on a sunny day and you can see your shadow, that's what thoughts are. They're like shadows, they are not real and they're often not true. The mind says things like “you can never have a Lexus, you’re broke.”
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What you learn to do with the, meditation, work is to observe, witness or watch the mind.  Learning to misidentify from it so that you don't get caught up in believing what the mind is saying and you can just relax and say “thank you mind,” and  just let the thoughts pass-by.

Those are the five magic words for the mind. Let the mind pass-by, just let it pass-by.

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Myrna – That reminded me I used to work with automatic negative thoughts and when I would hear the mind telling me something, I would talk back to it, because it keeps repeating all the time and then you talk back to it – I would say you better stop.

Pragito – Yes that's good, that's right. You better cut that out.

Good Vibes activate the, Law of Attraction Money

If we look at the, Law of Attraction money, on a scale of one to ten, one being our most negative vibes and ten being our most positive vibe,  All the, law of attraction money, does is it matches. It's a one trick pony, that's all. It doesn't care who you are or what you want. If you're some famous Hollywood actor or a rickshaw driver in Calcutta, it doesn't care.

All it does is match your energy. We really need to pay attention to our emotional state which is in the subconscious. With 95% of our thoughts being in the subconscious, if we transmit anger, guess what we get back, anger. If we're transmitting fear, that’s what we get back. So we have to pay attention to our vibes. Our only job is to keep our vibes positive.

There are many ways to do that and one of my favorite ways is the laughter, meditation. Well I do that a lot. That’s good and fantastic, because laughter really helps to keep your high vibes and then you're in your positive energy which is the, law of attraction money, state. At this point, your possibility of attracting, money,  is very high.

Whereas when you're in a negative state, of course it becomes very low. The most important thing is to be aware of your emotional state. We want to be aware of the thoughts of the mind; but that's only about five percent of it. It's the emotional state that is the most powerful and so here's another tip if you really want something and you need, money, to buy.

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How to Ask for the Money you want

Let's say you've got this really dinged up old car to take your kids to school and you need a decent car. So you say to the universe “look I really need a good car and you say it with a lot of emotion and with a lot of energy.  “I really need a really good car”. Your chances of getting what you want go up astronomically when you put emotion behind it.

But if you just say “well I’d like to have a Lexus,  it's on  my list but I don’t care. There's no real emotion behind it, then you're not going to get a Lexus. You might still attract it, but you won't get it as quickly as someone who's very passionate about what they want and puts a lot of feeling into asking for it.

Meditation, for Peace, Prosperity and Passion

Myrna – Let's talk about your book now. Your book is called “Lunchtime Enlightenment: Expressive Meditations for Manifesting Peace, Prosperity and Passion.” Now, tell us about your book. Is it working under the same foundations that we're talking about? We started with, meditation, and, hypnotherapy, then talked about the, law of attraction money, and prosperity.

Pragito – The, meditations, are for manifesting peace, prosperity and passion. Meditation, is being in the present moment and, meditation techniques, are important. The, meditation techniques, are there to help us and remind us to be in the present moment. Why do we want to be in the present moment? Because first of all we're aware of our feeling state, the feelings are always in the present moment and when we have that present moment awareness, we have the power of choice.

We can choose.  If we find our vibes are down, then we could say, I need to watch a funny video or comedy’.  ‘I need to get my vibes up right now, etc. That awareness gives you that choice. Let's say for example we feel really angry towards somebody, so it's not a good idea to talk to somebody when you're angry or when you feel angry with them.

In the book, I give suggestions for what you can do when you feel angry. There are two techniques in particular where you can dump your anger out in the sacred context of a, meditation technique, in the first stage.  Then in the second stage, you sit in silence and you find it much easier to sit in silence when you've let the lid off the pressure cooker. So, to speak and get rid of a lot of emotional turmoil, it's very easy to drop down. You will find inner peace in calm, your inner wisdom, love, creativity and all these good things.

Meditation Techniques  to Calm Anger

From that place you can decide what to do about this irritating person that's annoyed you. Do you need to talk to them? If you do need to talk to them, then you talk to them from that place of peace and calm, because that will help them become calm and peaceful; because normally they would be reacting to your energy. Then, the whole thing is just a big mess; but when you take responsibility that you feel angry and that it's not going to help to either dump your anger on somebody else or stuff it down. You do the, meditation technique, you're nice, calm and very likely to come up with a creative way to handle the situation.

That is perfect for marriages because a lot of people in intimate relationships blow up and it doesn't ever go anywhere.

Myrna – Tell our listening audience how they can get a copy of your book. Also, tell them how they can reach you to do any of your, hypnotherapy, sessions coaching and things like that because I'm pretty sure you get results.

Pragito – The book is on Amazon. Actually this book was just released in August and it's already a number one bestseller.

Myrna – Good for you, congratulations.

Pragito – Thank you. To find me, you go to my website www.discovermeditation.com/contact you can sign up for my laughing Buddhist Network newsletter and you get two free Gifts.

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Using Yoga and Mediation for Peak Performance

For peak performance, I teach all of my clients a bunch of tools. I always teach them, meditation, I always teach them, breath work, I teach them that they should stretch and strengthen. So that means doing something like, yoga, Qi Gong, and then weight training or something that's actually going to improve their muscles.  In addition to these tools, I teach them a morning routine and the evening routine.

Download the podcast here:



Kerry is peak performance coach. Kerry was raising a family and working as an attorney when she began a daily yoga practice. She immediately noticed that yoga was the perfect antidote to her hectic lifestyle. Initially interested in yoga as a physical practice that made her feel good in her body, Kerry soon realized yoga was a lot more than that. She decided to take a teacher training and immediately began teaching. Kerry eventually left her law career and began to focus on teaching and coaching full time.

Kerry’s mission is to help others find a more balanced and fulfilled life. She believes in action and has created a system that is easy to implement so that people can create change quickly. She coaches corporate clients and elite athletes in mindset and peak performance techniques and creates tailored programs for private clients who are seeking mastery in all areas of their lives.

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Becoming a peak performance coach

Myrna: Tell us your back story? Your story sounds like Robin Sharma’s in the The Monk who Sold he Ferrari.

Kerry: Absolutely. And by the way, that's one of my favorite books, The Monk Who Sold his Ferrari. I read that book so many years ago and that was one of the books that changed my life. Even before I went into this wellness space, that's such a great book. And it really shows you that at any point in your life, you really can change and move into a different space if you want.

So, for me, I felt like my life was going great. I had a good career. I had my children; I had a nice house. Everything was great, but didn't feel great to be honest with you. And I had this experience where we were on a vacation hiking in the woods, and we came to this clearing in the woods.  It's like trees in a circle, pine needles on the ground and the sun was just coming in to the center of the circle. So, I walked into the center of the circle in the sun and when the hit me, I had this crazy moment.

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Journy: Plan Life & Self care App

All my dreams came through but I wasn't fulfilled

I flashbacked to the Kerry I was when I was 20 and back then I used to spend a lot of time in nature.  The flashback I had was it me sitting with my journal it in all my hopes and dreams. When I was a 20 year old young woman, I wanted to have a career, I wanted to have a beautiful family, I wanted to have a husband that loved me and supported what I wanted to do and I could support him. I wanted a beautiful house; I wanted to travel and adventure. I realized that I had achieved all my dreams. But what happened in the next instant was I realized that even though I had everything I wanted, I really wasn't happy and I didn't feel fulfilled.

Myrna: And why was that?

Kerry: Because I think it was on autopilot, right? And I started to think like where did those dreams come from? And I started to understand that a lot of those dreams came from outside of me. My society, my parents, my teachers. I'm a people pleaser. I want to please people; I want to be impressive. So, I went back to my hotel room and I wrote another whole list of all my hopes and dreams and they were things like, start teaching. I had always studied, personal growth.

So, the book you mentioned, I had read that probably when I was 20 or 25 right around that same time. And I had been studying, personal transformation, philosophy for many, many years. So, I was like, you know I'd really like to teach people some of the things I learned. I'd like to be an author, and I'd like to be a speaker and I was writing all these things down. So that's all well and good. I get home from the vacation, lose the piece of paper or maybe it was my journal that I wrote it in, and I forgot all about it.

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Living The Tao Spiritual Podcast

The creation of the morning routine

Then one day my alarm rang. I hit the snooze button, but instead of going back to sleep, which I usually did, and Myrna I would usually do that like a few times back-to-back, so I usually started my day racing around being a lunatic trying to get everything done on time.  Get the kids out the door, get myself out the door. But on this day, instead of going back to sleep, I just sat up in my bed and I meditated for 5 mins.  I was just observing the thoughts.

That night I was in my bed with my husband and I said, you know, I had such a great day. And he's like, did you do anything different today? I told him what I had done and had gotten up and meditated for five minutes. And he said, Oh, that's so cool. I'm gonna try it tomorrow. So, we tried it the next day. And sure enough, at the end of the day, he was like, that was amazing. I had such a great day. So, we both started doing a, morning routine and, eventually I started teaching this, morning routine meditation, to my students.

The first thing I noticed when I started teaching, yoga, was that yoga,  is a lifestyle and it really encompasses everything.

  • The way you live in this world,
  • The way you're thinking,
  • The way you're eating
  • The way you function in general,
  • The way you treat other people,
  • The way you treat yourself.

The timeless principles of morning routine meditation.

So, I said I would love to teach, yoga, and, meditation, to lawyers, business people and doctors.’ People who wouldn't normally do it because honestly professional people, they are like, I don't know about, meditation, they get a little nervous when you start using any of the lingo. So, I started to study the mind. And what I realized was you take those Eastern practices like ,yoga, meditation, and, breath work, and then you marry them to the science, which is all about how the brain works. so, I didn't call it, meditation, but I just said this is a stress relief exercise.

I created this whole one hour, morning routine, and for me, I started to understand how important it was not only to create this, morning routine, but to tailor it to my lifestyle. So, for my husband, he started with half an hour, morning routine. I have an hour, but I always have as my base as my minimum five-minute, morning routine.

So, basically this whole, snooze button routine, that I came up with is for you to use as you need.  In my book, the snooze button sessions, I show you 12 different things you can do for, morning meditation, breathwork, exercises yoga or stretching, and journaling. There are so many different things, but then you choose which one of those things or what combination of those things you use. So sometimes I'll break it up. Robin Sharma actually suggests not to do it the way I do it, which is you know, hitting the snooze every time and then moving to a new routine.

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Transform your Mind Stitcher

Achieve peak performance with a 20/20/20 morning routine

For peak performance during the day, start your day with a 20/20/20 morning routine. 20 minutes of spiritual growth meditation,  20 minutes of learning like reading a book, and 20 mins of exercise. You can do whatever works for you, and that's what I advocate. I advocate for you learning the tools, figuring out what works for you, and even adding something you might like that I never even thought about. The reason this system works is because it's a thing called, habit stacking.

When people make their New Year's resolutions then do them for a few days, a few weeks, maybe even a couple of months then stop? It's because the goal is not linked to anything. That is why I love doing, habit stacking, and starting with this, morning routine.  I believe that not only learning tools that will relax you and keep you in, ease and flow, but improve your health as well. These little changes can have massive effects and that's really what I advocate.

Myrna: You're seeing that a, morning routine, helps your clients achieve, peak performance, as well as, ease and flow. What else is the science behind it?

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The function of the brain is to keep you alive

Kerry: Well, basically, the way your brain works is that your brain is designed to keep you alive. We are using all of our senses, our sight, our hearing our smell, or touch or taste. All of our senses are really designed just to take in information from the outside world. It goes to your brain, your brain processes it, the only thing your brain is really looking for is what is a danger?

Our brain actually filters out a ton of information that is actually right before our eyes, we don't even see it. So, our brain is just looking for those negative things. So, when we're talking about any of these practices, when we're talking about creating a, morning routine, when we're talking about meditating or doing anything that's outside of what we would normally do, we're actually rewiring our brain and we're teaching our brain to behave differently.

Let’s say someone is driving really slow in front of me. I'm late for work. I start to get angry and stressed. My brain immediately goes into flight or fight mode. It registers it the same as it would if there was a lion in front of you. Your brain will react to a minor inconvenience like that the same as it would react to a terrible danger. Our brain either is like danger or no danger. It's not like really degrees of it.

So, we really want to learn first of all that awareness piece. First you need to notice that you are getting angrier and angrier, I could start cursing out the person in front of me, or I could have some awareness and say, Oh, my body's reacting. All these chemicals are starting to flood my body, cortisol, a stress hormone and a lot of other things to get you ready to run.  Adrenaline is flowing. But then you have your tools. You can turn the radio on and listen to a song. You could say to yourself. I'm running late, that's fine.

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Google Podcast Transform Your Mind

Meditation and breath work reduces stress

You could even just do some, breath work, sitting in your car. You can call somebody and chat with someone and you know, say to them look, I'm feeling stressed.  You can listen to music or a book on tape or a podcast anything to signal to your brain, I'm not in danger. Now I'm going to take that time when I would have normally been angry or fuming even getting myself more and more worked up so that I arrive at work, not in a good place. And what happens then you get to work and now you're complaining to everyone and you're not the person you want to be.

Myrna: How do you help your clients solve this problem? Are your classes about, peak performance, or about a, morning routine?

Kerry: So, when I first start working with someone, I like to look at every area of their life so we go through everything, their social life, their love relationship, their parenting if they're a parent, their career and finances and really survey all of the areas of their life. And what I find is people are really excelling in one area and then in a lot of the other areas, they haven't even looked at it. So then once we know that, what area could improve, we start with that.

I personally believe that health should be a priority for you, focusing in on your health could really be a game changer for everybody. And again, I start small, five minutes, go take a walk after lunch, just do some jumping jacks, get up in the morning and do a very quick five-minute, morning routine stretch. Just start to bring more activity into your life and start to really care about your health, care about what you're eating.

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Transform Your Mind Podcast Pandora

Our health is the stop on the peak performance chart

We can't have, peak performance, without our health. It doesn't always have to be health, though every person kind of knows once we go through all the categories which area they really need to work on. Some people need to work on finances. So, when you survey your whole entire life, all the categories of your life, your intellectual life, your emotional life, we all have certain areas that we're like, that's the one I need to work on.

So, I basically teach all of my clients a bunch of tools I always teach them, meditation, I always teach them, breath work, I teach them that they should stretch and strengthen. So that means doing something like, yoga, Qi Gong, and then something like weight training or something that's actually going to improve your muscles. And you know, I have all these little things that I teach them the morning routine and the evening routine.

All of my clients have at least a five-minute, morning routine, and a five minute, evening routine, without your cell phone. Just something you're doing for yourself. And I always say to people if you can make it longer than five minutes, try 15 minutes morning and 15 minutes at night or even longer, depending on your life circumstances.  Setting yourself up for success and having the tools to fall back on when you fall down. It's something I think in the wellness world people don't talk about as much.

Myrna: Are you still teaching yoga just for the stretches? Tell us about that.

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Transform Your Mind Luminary podcast

Yoga as a peak performance tool

Kerry: I had stopped teaching yoga during the pandemic because I did not like teaching it online. So, then I started teaching, breathwork workshops, and all these different workshops on, peak performance, in the yoga studios. I would do that as a weekend workshop.  I'm not teaching, yoga, although I started going to, yoga, again as a student, which is so nice to be back in a yoga studio. I really am not going to tell anyone I'm a, yoga teacher.

If you have back pain, how to relieve back pain? Yoga. I'll tell you I have this little routine I taught my husband on his hands and knees for his spine. He was having terrible back problems. So, every day for five minutes, he would just do this simple routine, and it completely healed his problem.  I always advocate to everybody move your spine in every direction every day. So forward and back, side to side, and then in a circle either direction because that's what's going to keep your spine limber and that's what helps you stay youthful.

Myrna: That is great. I do the same thing with the Sun Salutation movements. I learned about the sun salutation a long time ago. It’s in my memory and I can actually go through those poses without even thinking about it.

Kerry: The absolutely works. And the reason it works, by the way is because it's exactly what I said. It goes through all the motions. So, you're moving all of your joints, you know, in every direction. And I don't even think it would take five minutes to do three of them.

book Snooze button sessions
Book: Snooze Button Sessions


Myrna: How they connect with you?

Kerry: Thank you. You can find me at KerryFishercoaching.com. I am on Instagram@ IamKerryFisher. I handle my own Instagram and I love getting messages from people. You could find my books on Amazon. One is on that

Tools for Extraordinary Living: The Snooze Button Sessions

My second one is called Routines for Extraordinary Living in these two books you will find so many tools and tests that will help you. I have them right now both on Amazon for 99 cents for the eBook version. So I would love for you to check it out.

Additional Resources

Fluid Mindset vs Fixed Mindset


Master Lama Rasaji: Harmonizing Mind Body Spirit

Master Lama Rasaji, one of only 12 master Lamas in the world shares how we can harmonize, mind body and sprit, with, Tai Chi Gung, and meditation. He is the founder of Circle of Life and helps his students overcome challenges, live in abundance in all aspects of life including health, finances, and relationships.

In this podcast Master Lama Rasaji talks of the benefits of, Qigong, how to activate your own stem cells and how we can harmonize, mind body spirit.

Download podcast here:


The Energy of Tai Chi

Myrna: Tell us about tell us about, Tai Chi, and how that harmonizes the, mind, body and spirit, I don't know if you want to start off by saying how, Tai Chi, is different from other forms of movement.

Master Lama: Sure, yeah. Well, it's, again, the roots coming from ancient India. They had an old practice years ago that's been modified and kind of westernized over the last several 100 years. But it was called, qigong, and what they did you might remember, he would paint their forehead with three golden stripes. And then they would put a magenta dot right in the root of the nose.  Today, they pretty much just do the magenta. It stood for, mind body spirit.

So that's the roots of our teachings because they come from the city of practice. So, the idea is, is that we have an, energy body, that if we're healthy, is seven feet in all direction right from the sternum. A master this field can expand his, energy body, to as much as 10 to 12 feet around him. The physical body is actually housed inside a box. It's interesting to know that the Earth itself has the same kind of, energy body, around it and we have in our bodies.

Chakras harmonize our mind body spirit

In, yoga, they refer to the psychic components called, chakras, which means whales that spins right? These, chakras, have spokes and are referred to in Sanskrit as our, energy body.  There's 72,000 of those that we were born with. Around puberty about half of these folks are turned in and half of them returned out.  There's a chance now to start turning those spokes out and then they're supposed to spin like a nice wheel.

Well, the shockers are as big as it is a stairwell on a sailboat. Now the exercises were designed to open up the Nautilus and then harmoniously take the, seven chakras, and spin o harmonize our, mind body spirit,  and when they do we get a lot of spiritual, mental and also physical benefits. And it's just amazing, you know, people were to go to rasaji.com and see the testimony. The people that's been doing our 45 Day Challenge, where they're only doing about 20 to 40 minutes a day. And in the process, you'll start to hear people have a direct experience with the energy that we refer to as the, Chi.

Myrna: Yes, I've heard of that. Now I've been spending some time myself, trying to work with the, energy body, I'm conscious of it because I've been following you know, Sadhguru and I read his book ” Inner Engineering.” I'm now reading his book on “Karma” it's all part of, yoga, and he talks about this, energy body. So, when I walk, I am practicing extending my energy out and in the, energy field. And I do also do, chakra meditation to harmonize my, mind body spirit.  But yes, Tai Chi Gung, is, is awesome. And I see sometimes  people in the park doing the, Tai Chi Gung, movements.

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The seven chakras explained

So, what you're saying is that each, Tai Chi Gung, move is designed to open your, chakras, and manipulators of your energy that's beautiful.

Master Lama: It is and one of the reasons that you see it practice outside so much is because they are following through with the original master’s mindset and that means that they know that being outside the energy and the movement next to the intrinsic, chi, of nature, the four basic elements of earth, water, air and fire. Our body is a composite of those four basic elements.

When you examine the first four, chakras, in the body, the, Root Chakra is Earth. The second chakra is water. The solar plexus chakra would be fire, and then of course the air element around the heart center. Then the mind is kind of the fifth element. The throat chakra is the creative and power center. And then of course, we have the sixth chakra is that the root of the nose. And the crown chakra is the forehead.

You actually have five, chakras, but they're outside the physical body. And the only way to really get them activated is you have to harmonize the other, seven chakras. Now the neat thing about the, seven chakras, and this is one of the most powerful physical impacts the system has to people over a short period of time is they correspond with the endocrine gland system. So, the fifth chakra, we know we have our thyroid, right, and then the fourth chakra and of course we have our thymus gland.

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How the Kundalini energy harmonizes mind body spirit

So, when you go through for activation of the, Kundalini, as they refer to in India, Master Rabbi Jesus is how we refer to Jesus in the monastery. He referred to it as second birth. He said, you’re born of the water of a woman. But then again, you need to be born of the fire of the father.

And he said in order for us to really understand God's way and God's law we needed to get on the other side of this birth. Tai Chi Gung, was designed to help activate that and also keep it very balanced as a person goes through this transformation to, mind body spirit.. So, it's a real beautiful thing.

Myrna: Yes, you know, I love the, Kundalini, I practice that, meditation, because I like it. I practice it is like the, Kundalini, is like a snake coiled up at the bottom of your, root chakra. When you work the energy, you move it up your spine to harmonize, mind body spirit.

When you talk about your, energy body, is outside of us seven feet, and if it's healthy, you can propel it to 10 or 12 feet. When I'm walking, I'm aware of that as well because that's also your, soul, right?

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The soul explained

Master Lama: Well, your, soul, is housed deep down inside your body. The beautiful thing our explanation for the, soul, is as we know that when a mother is early pregnant, the, soul, actually enters the body of the expectant mother and the fetus during simultaneously when that baby moves that first time which is usually about halfway through pregnancy.

So, but the first meridian that said there we call the, fetus meridian, which an acupuncture physician, they say, going up the spine as the Governing Vessel coming down the front of the bodies, that conceptional vessel, and that's one of the keys that we use to balance the, Kundalini.

Because from time to time, people have opened sometimes prematurely the, Kundalini, and maybe they start to get side effects. Headaches are very common. For if the, Kundalini, is getting stuff, for example, the energy in the head. So, the idea of, Tai Chi Gong, is our movements, keep the, chakras, balanced and the, mind body spirit, harmonized so that the, Kundalini energy, moves through.  So, when the, soul, enters at the beginning of life it's like this.

Think of rock going across the water or electrical surge in the body and what you notice about the expectant mother is you can see her one day before, soul, makes entry. And you will see a different continent on her face, and the light in her eyes is intensified because now you have the president of the second, soul,

Myrna: That's amazing. All right. Well, I was told from one of these books or whatever, that the, soul, goes in and out your body and it comes in front of you.

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Mind body spirit and the soul

Master Lama: It has the ability to do it. The tendency is that it's rooted normally, initially, right behind the sternum, in the body. That's why when things happen, people say they feel pressure there, you know, and stuff gets routed there and what happens as you go through the other side of the, Kundalini, transformation, or what Christ referred to as second birth, now, actually more of the, soul, than ever before can occupy the body. And what happens is it pushes its, energy body, out and those meridians that acupuncture physician, used to treat primarily inside the physical body also begin to now exceed beyond the physical body.

If I grab the Florida orange and peeled it back, I would see a membrane around the orange right? Well, that membrane now feels your, energy body, and so does those pressure points and meridians. So now you have the ability to connect and influence energy patterns, and harmonize the, mind body spirit, much further distance.

This is very powerful because if you're needing to send out healing energy to someone, you're projecting yourself, part of yourself a master can project all their self if need be. And this is when Jesus makes the reference. So is one born of the Spirit. He is talking about the, mind body and spirit. He says where the wind comes from and where it does what we know not. So is one born of the spiritual, and he makes reference to the, mind body spirit, which is the ancient India through the laming experience.

Myrna: Thank you for that explanation. I had a little bit of information but not the whole picture.

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Can the energy body activate our stem cells?

I want to touch on something before we move on to the, circle of life. You mentioned that we can activate our own, stem cells. So can you explain, I'm pretty sure it has to do something about this energy and the, chakras. Can someone do that with, Tai Chi Gong?

Master Lama: Yes as you go in to the, Kundalini, experience, and you go into trance formation, you're going to start to turn them on. And the analogy basically, that's going on inside us miRNAs if I'm in a residential house, I know the electricity grid runs like 110. But if I go into commercial grade, it's like 220. And so, the surge of electricity is totally different.

As we're going through the second birth, they're going from 110 as a human being into 220 wattages right. And we're getting our lights in our cells in our body turned on. There is a switch that has been thrown now. It's partially activated by the, chakras, and it's partially activated by the endocrine gland system itself.

So, one of the things that, Tai Chi Gong, does, as it is designed to strengthen the, energy body, first. Balance the, chakras, open those spokes connecting,  mind body spirit.  Now once that's in place, then the energy starts to go into the different systems of the body. Obviously, the respiratory and the, nervous system, which are closely linked to the, meridian system, is first activated, but as you examine, then all of a sudden, the circulatory system gets benefit.

What is meridian system in the body?
The simplest definition is that a meridian is an energetic highway in the human body. Meridians allow for the flow of energy, known as Qi (pronounced “chee”), to circulate throughout the body. Meridians exist in corresponding pairs and each meridian has multiple acupuncture points along the pathway.

Then the muscles start to get benefit eventually, it goes down into the bones, eventually all the way into the Mara of the bones itself.

When that happens, well, you know, when you think of a disease like leukemia, leukemia is the opposite of regenerating bone marrow is actually the depletion of that so imagine that you could practice it art, strengthen your, auto immune system, to the point to regenerate bone marrow, and then you'll understand how profound we're talking about.

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Podfriend Transform Your Mind Podcast

When the energy body becomes activated

What we've observed is the humans today came in and were introduced to a system like, Tai Chi Gung, early, what should be happening Myrna is when a child reaches the natural age of puberty he should be introduced to the, energy body; but instead, the child does a lot of things.  We do poor diet, do not exercise, negative thinking, not breathing correctly, very little oxygen, all the things that are the opposite of what I teach in my first book, called “The Circle of Life.

My, energy body, was not activated for until after I went through surgery. And then I got into martial arts and, yoga, leading up to me meeting my teacher in physical form and fortunately for me, got activated within a year or two after that. I found out later all the way into second birth as I developed more of my martial arts skills, it increased my speed and increased my stamina.

And really, it did amazing things for my mental focus. Just absolutely. I remember before then, when I was trying to pick up dance choreography. It would take me a while, but all of a sudden introduction to, Tai Chi Gong, and I remember I was picking up dance steps and choreography just like, that was amazing.

Harmonizing mind body spirit and money

Myrna: Okay, so that's amazing. Well, thank you for that. All right. So, tell us about your company, the circle of life. And how do you help your students’ overcome challenges.

Master Lama: So, money depending on how you look at, there are many different forms of, money. So, we have the dollar bill. And then we have the precious metals. And also, we have to first start to see, money, is energy itself. The moment we start to understand that products, goods and services are exchanged for something and then that transmutation or transformation, oftentimes, it's a different form of energy. As a matter of fact, that is today the world's like, okay, so what should I invest in?

When we were growing up, our parents would tell us, you know, own land because there's only so much out of it, right? When you think about it, that makes a lot of sense, but that also means the Earth has an intrinsic value that paper money doesn't have, so they vibrate the different frequency, right? Well, let's take precious metals, gold and silver. The things that have been trends of value, what it's telling me if I was to move forward with my life over the next 10 years, I would probably want to own some property.

I would probably want to own some silver and some gold and if I had, I had an affinity toward precious jewels, emeralds, diamond say these are all intrinsically value by the Divine because he only made so much. Also, there is so many we teach people you know, one of the things that begins to happen is the exercise start to really balance both hemispheres of the brain burner. So, your creative and your analytical side, all of a sudden start to come together.

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Transform Your Mind Luminary podcast

Circle of Life 45 day challenge

We teach people to get a little spiral notebook, go to the dollar store. And begin to put that by where they practice. And it's amazing the creative ideas that come up. We also have this document they can download. On the website rasaji.com is called the column exercise and the column exercise, a little exercise that you can use to help you determine, Okay, maybe I want to create a nurse what that business look like, and how would I connect to that business? Maybe I want to make an investment. Maybe I'm looking for my soulmate. How would I really strategically energetically go about finding that person? How do I harmonize, mind body spirit?

So, this column exercise that they download after they start our 45 Day Challenge, which is absolutely free. They can go to rasaji.com The Circle of Life and they can click on 45 Day Challenge. All they have to give us is an email address. That's it, then the videos that support the challenge all the documents come to them. And all they're required to do is commit to about 20 to 40 minutes a day. One other thing we asked them to do makes them experience more powerful and that is saying no to negative input over the next 45 days.

They can read the testimonies on the site Myrna of people that are anywhere from maybe 145 Day Challenge to as many as five or six of them already.

Additional Resources

Understanding How to Use Reiki Energy for Mind and Body


How to Overcome Fear and Find Joy

Fear, is an, energy, and thoughts are the most powerful, energy,  force in the universe.  Thoughts can be either positive or negative.
Heading up the rear of, negative thoughts, is, fear. It is the bottom feeder or all the emotions.
If you allow, fear, to linger in your body and in your mind, It will not only attract the thing you, fear, the most into your experience; but it will also bring disease to your body.
All diseases can be traced back to, negative thoughts, or, fear. Negative thoughts, transform your body into an acidic state.

Fear, is a, negative thought, magnified to the 1000th degree.

In, fear,  mode your body is activated in the fight or flight mode.
Your body tenses, your breathing is shallow, your heart palpitates, your blood pressure is elevated, your hands and body sweat.
Not a good place to dwell!
Unfortunately, your brain cannot detect the difference between your imagination and reality, so the person in the grip of fear cannot tell the difference. They cannot tell that, fear, it is “False Evidence Appearing Real.”

Using Positive Energy to banish Fear

Today I want to teach you how to use, positive energy, to clear the, negative energy, of, fear. But first I want to review one of the Spiritual Laws of the Universe.

The Law of Sowing and Reaping

We all know of the physical laws like, Gravity.
Some laws are physical and some are Spiritual and quantum.
Understanding the spiritual “Law of Sowing and reaping” can change your world.
Understanding that whatever you create it in the spiritual world of your thoughts will manifest in the physical world.

Put another way, that means whatever you plant in the fertile soil of your mind, will manifest in your physical world.
Just like planting an apple tree. Except that in the spiritual world;

The soil is your mind, The seeds are your thoughts,
The water are your actions,
And The sun is your feelings.

If you allow, fear, to dwell in your heart and mind every day you will manifest an apple orchard in your reality.

Energy flows where Attention Goes

Whatever you focus on expands.

Fear is Negative Energy

Everything is, energy, and all, energy, attracts similar energies.
You can't put out, negative energy, and expect positive results.
You can't plant apple trees and expect oranges.

Likewise, you can't focus on what you, fear, and produce a successful result.
If you are constantly thinking of the things you, fear, you are planting a seed and based in the universal Law of Reaping and Sowing, it must germinate.
The mind or consciousness is connected to reality.
Think of something strong enough or long enough to and it will eventually manifest in your reality.
These are six words you must stamp on your mind

“You become what you think about”

When you realize that your mind is a garden you will begin to plant only the things you desire.

How to overcome fear

Exercise: How to overcome fear, write down something that is opposite of what you, fear, and start giving it the same attention you have been giving your, fear.
Since light conquers darkness, it will eventually have your, fear, for lunch!

  • Imagine you having fun traveling the world in crystal clear clarity.
  • Say daily affirmations that compliments your desire.
  • Visualize your goal so much that sometimes you are not sure what is imagined and what is reality;
  • the same way that you let fear take you out of reality.
  • Don't get disappointed if it takes time to perfect this. Remember that positive things take time to manifest,
  • it is the negative ones that show up quickly.

Weeds will sprout up, negative thoughts, of failure will sprout up.
So, every morning find the weeds and dig them up.

Remember a successful gardener will always cultivate his land.

Cultivate your mind for success.
Life is energy, whatever you put out, is returned to you.
The mind does not care what seeds you plant; it will always return what you plant.
You can plant wealth or you can plant poverty.
You can plant fear or you can plant happiness.

Here is an excerpt from the book: The Wise Heart: A Guide to the Universal Teachings of Buddhist Psychology:
The Buddha faced plenty of his own fear and terror of imminent death. This is a passage from the Buddha’s early writings that Jack Kornfield, a teacher who helped introduce Buddhist mindfulness practice to the West, quotes in his book.

How would it be if in the dark of the month, with no moon, I were to enter the most strange and frightening places, near tombs and in the thick of the forest, that I might come to understand fear and terror. And doing so, a wild animal would approach or the wind rustle the leaves and I would think, “Perhaps the fear and terror now comes.” And being resolved to dispel the hold of that fear and terror, I remained in whatever posture it arose, sitting or standing, walking or lying down. I did not change until I had faced that fear and terror in that very posture, until I was free of its hold upon me … And having this thought, I did so. By facing the, fear, and terror I became free.

Do not Fear: Definition of fear

Fear – False objects appearing real, as per the about passage, can be released by standing your ground. Our instinctive reaction to, fear, is to turn and run because as humans we are hard wired to run from pain and towards pleasure. But, as the Buddha teaches in the passage above if you stand and have the courage to not move, you become free you, let go of fear, and realize that your imagination is always worse than the reality.

Let me share a personal story on how I overcame, fear and, remove negative energy from home. 

When I first came to the United States of America, I came as a business owner. I did not have any of the benefits of a permanent resident. As my business was building, I decided to earn money as a sales person selling vacations. I was not authorized to work in the US, so I became very fearful of being found out and being deported. Every night I would dream that the immigration officials would come to my house and take me away in handcuffs. Sometimes I would dream that they would throw me in the back of the trunk.

One day, my pastor preached a sermon on, the fear factor. He said that God promises to carry your burdens, so give them to God. He said when you give your, fears, and heavy loads to God, you can't worry or take them back because that would mean that you don't have faith in God's promise to carry them. He asked the congregation to write our, fears, and heavy burdens on a piece of paper and ceremoniously throw them at the alter giving them to God. I wrote my, fear, of being deported on a piece of paper and threw in on the alter. In doing so, I, let go of fear, and became free because I gave it away to someone else, God. The good news is that I no longer was afraid of anything. Every time something came up that would potentially me fearful, I would face it and know that it will work out for my good. I stood on the scripture “I know the plans I have for you, plans to prosper you.”

Meditation to Let go of Fear

Sit quietly in a chair, be comfortable.
Place feet flat on the floor, hands clasped in your lap. Close your eyes. Be present. Focus on your breathing, feel your belly rise and fall under your clasped hands.
Breathe in for a count of 4 and breathe out for account of 6. Thus, slowing down your rhythmic cycles. Be mindful of the air as it passes through your nostrils down your esophagus and into your abdomen. If your mind wanders off bring it back gently to your breathe. Your mind can only concentrate on one thing at a time. Concentrating on your breathe bypasses your mind. Once you slow your cycles and quiet your mind, you are now in the receptive mode to change your programming.

Think briefly about something you, fear. Today we will use as our example the, fear of flying. Today we are going to use our imagination to replicate the experience of flying while you are sitting comfortably and safely in your chair.

Let's begin. visualize you are at the airport with your loved ones, your husband and 2 children. You are on your way to Venice, Italy. You chose Venice because you wanted a romantic vacation with your husband. You can't wait to ride on the Gondolas and be serenaded with live music, going to the opera and have the experience of taking a water taxi everywhere. You are excited. This energy is positive. You let this feeling of euphoria wash over you, you feel your body tingle with this positive energy. You feel good!
Now you are boarding the plane, you are starting to feel a little anxious. You board the plane and find your seat, you buckle yourself in. The pilot announces that your flight time is 6 hours and that he will be flying at a cruising altitude of 35,000 feet. He advises you to give your attention the flight attendant and pay attention to the safety information. You mentally note your exits. You listen to what to do in the event of a water landing! Your mind is going nuts with fear. Your heart starts to palpitate rapidly, you start to sweat.

Now the airplane is taxing down the runway at full speed, then lifts off the ground.
You squeeze your husband's hand, you are hardly breathing, your whole body is tight. The plane is climbing it shakes a little. You are so scared the sweat starts dripping from your forehead. The plane reaches cruising altitude, the pilot turns off the fasten seat belt sign and people start moving about the plane. You calm down a little, but still aware of every movement of the plane. The flight attendants come around and offer beverages. You ask for a glass of wine. You drink it down in one gulp! You start to feel calmer. The flight is uneventful. After what seems like an eternity the pilot announces that in 30 minutes he will be starting his descent into Venice. Your fear returns, the plane shakes a little as it descends and you are once again in the grip of fear. The plane touches down and speeds down the runway braking speed. Your body is tight, your breathing shallow. Then it is all over. You faced your fear and came out on the other side! You exit the plane and you are in Venice!

I want you now to realize that you have taken your first flight in your mind.
I want you to realize that fear is false evidence appearing real.
I want you to realize that once you face your fear, like a bully, it backs down.
I want you to realize that the energy of fear is keeping you stuck.
I want you to realize that whatever your fear, just like we took a ride on an airplane and came out alive on the other side that is how all fear works. It has no real power over you. The only thing that is holding you back from doing the things you want to do is all in your mind. So, the only way the clear it is to start with the mind. Do a dress rehearsal in the mind and then do it in the physical.

The first step in How to overcome fear is to face the fear.

The second step is to clear it from the place it is planted in your mind. Take a moment now to ask your higher self where the fear of flying came from. When was the fear planted? When you get the answer, you may think to yourself, boy that was silly or you may have a legitimate reason to be afraid of flying. Someone you know could have died in a plane crash or you yourself could have been in a plane emergency landing. The thing to remember is that you know that every time you drive on the highway you could die and you are aware of thousands of people who have died in car accidents; yet few people have a fear of driving in a car.
So, consciousness is the second step.

The third step is to clear that energy by replacing it with, positive energy. We are going to use the, positive energy, of gratitude. Sit comfortably again. Imagine a bright light entering the crown of your head moving down through your check, down your throat to your chest, down your abdomen through your feet.
Feel this light fill all your energy centers as you become fully relaxed. Now expand this energy out from your chest past the room, past your city, past your country, past the clouds, past the sun, past the planet into the stratosphere. You are now floating in cyberspace. If you can bring your fear to mind in this space, do so now.

Then replace that feeling of fear with the feeling of gratitude. Gratitude that you are alive, gratitude that you are in your sound mind, gratitude that you have a place to sleep and food to eat. Gratitude that you are wealthier than 95% of the people in the world and you have the resources to travel to exotic destinations. Gratitude that you will not let fear rob you of your joy.
Now set the intention to fly to the first place on your bucket list within the year.

If you found this post helpful, I would love to hear your comments on what your fears are, and if you achieved a successful result transferring it with these exercises. Please share this podcast and blog post with friends and family and remember to subscribe and post a review.
Transform your Mind podcast is giving away a Free Checklist you can do every morning to replace your fears with positive affirmations.
To receive please subscribe, rate and review this podcast then send me an email to [email protected] with the subject line iTunes review.
Until next time Namaste

Additional Resources

No Fear : How to Live with Courage

How to Use The Law of Attraction to Create Wealth

The, Law of Attraction explained, dictates that you can create, wealth, with your thoughts.  Thoughts do become things, if you believe. The thoughts you believe inwardly and project outwardly will be the things that you attract into your life. If you want to attract something such as, money, therefore, it’s important to visualize it as if you already have it.

Listen to the full interview here:


The Law of Attraction Explained

Law of attraction explained:  The, Law of attraction explained, in its simplest terms its where your thoughts as a force pushes you physically to turn things into a reality.  So if our thoughts are our guide. Why are some people more successful than others. In the, law of attraction money, we look at why some people attract, wealth,  and others don't.

Both sets of people are thinking the same thing. I want to get rich. Why some get that, wealth, and others don't?  What are the difference between two. What one do and other don't?.

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Myrna – The Law of attraction, works with your, vortex. Your, vortex,  is all your un-manifested goals and desires.  The reason it does not work for all is that both sets of people are wanting to get rich for example; but one set is visualizing and believing that they will get rich.  They think with emotion and that activates. the law of attraction, so what they hold in their minds they will hold in their hands. ‘

The other set of people think of riches; but they don’t believe.  They feel the emotion of their circumstances. They are broke and in need, they can’t feel what it is like to be rich so they still activate the, law of attraction, but it brings them more of the same. They remain poor and in lack because of a poverty mindset.


Like attracts like is a mantra used frequently:

Using the Law of Attraction to attract people

However, it is known that People attract people who are similar in thoughts; What do I mean when I say that?  Have you ever looked at two people that looked totally different on the exterior; but they attract each other and you ask what attracted her to him or visa versa. In many cases its not the full physicality; but more their thoughts after communicating with each other and  that undeniable pull that brought them together

As an advocate for, Law of attraction. Do you think that people who go into unions because of society, family ties or even culture may sometimes experience fractures in that union which leads to challenges or even total separation? Do you believe that was imminent to fail because that person wanted to satisfy others expectations of them,  rather than fulfill their expectation of themselves?

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Deezer Transform Your Mind Podcast


Myrna – There are two different thoughts here.

The first one is that the, law of attraction, allows people to attract what they are releasing into the atmosphere. For example, you have heard or even experienced women who keep getting into abusive relationships.  Why is that? It is because the, law of attraction, is attracting these relationships.  Their thoughts are saying I don’t want to be in a relationship with this find of man; but unfortunately what you think about you bring about.  Thinking you don’t want this or that attracts it to you.

The trick is instead of concentrating on what you do not want, these women should instead put a picture in their minds of their perfect mate and only think about that kind of man and that is what they will attract.

As to your second question, do I think people go into unions because of society.  Yes of course. Society says that a good mate has certain qualities and both sides, men and women choose mates based on these qualities.  That has nothing to do with the, law of attraction, I don’t think.

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Removing Negative people from your life

Nature abhors a vacuum:  In life sometimes we have to make some tough decisions. The law of attraction, encourages removing negative things or people from your life and to fill it with positive things if you want to grow.

How do you go about a conversation to tell someone that you would like to separate from them because of their negative energy?

Myrna – Great question Nicole.

Yes, if you have decided that certain people in your inner circle are too negative and you have made a decision to only be around positive people, so that the, Law of Attraction, can bring you what you desire;  then you have to ask them to leave.  That is difficult and there is no way to do it without hurting their feelings; but you have to do it. Negative people are like a cancer, so if you have to remove them do so.

This is necessary because in order for the, law of attraction, to manifest what is in your, vortex, you have to saturate yourself with positive energy and good feeling thoughts.

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Using the Law of Attraction money to bring you self- fulfillment

When people believe that they do not deserve good things or even would reach to that level of self-content, self-satisfaction, self-fulfillment. You see some behave in ways to sabotage their chances in life. Do you think that this is because of self-acceptance and wanting to put in the work by changing their thought process?

What would be your best advice to someone who wants to raise their vibration in order to attract, wealth, using the, law of attraction money?

I do a lot of practice of act of kindness, self-forgiving talks and every message or word I intentionally use them to uplift another person. To me that helps to keep my vibration high.

Myrna – The, law of attraction, only works in the right direction if you are in the positive frequency else you are attracting all the things you do not want.

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vortex, and increase your positive vibration by thinking good thoughts and doing good feeling actions like walking in nature, meditation, singing your favorite songs, hugging your loved ones etc.


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Transform your Mind Soundcloud podcast


You can raise your frequency by doing a, gratitude meditation. I do a, gratitude meditation, before I get out of bed in the morning.  Louise Hay has a good one on YouTube. I will tell you, gratitude meditation, puts you in the highest frequency.  You feel good, you cannot be mad at your spouse if you are grateful you have a spouse!

Abraham from Ester Hicks teaching teaches you to get into the, vortex, and activate the, law of attraction, by reaching for your best feeling thoughts. Think good feeling thoughts. Stuff your, vortex, and increase your positive vibration by thinking good thoughts and doing good feeling actions like walking in nature, meditation, singing your favorite songs, hugging your loved ones etc.

The Greatest Secret and the Law of Attraction

Rhonda Byrne is the author of the book ” The Greatest Secret

In her book, she explained that she was deeply depressed, and she started to use her thoughts to enable the , law of attraction, which she knew is what shaped her life and was happy to share this with the world.

Do you believe Rhonda Byrne's  rhetoric of how she was able to get millions of people to read her book or people had that passion in them already and needed someone to explain what to do?

Myrna – I love Rhonda Byrne. I have not read the Greatest Secret; but I have listened to the Secret several times. Most recent a few weeks back.

I took a lot from the book especially when she talked about imaging that the bills she was receiving were checks. You can use your thoughts and the, law of attraction, to bring you anything you want. Whether it be, money, your perfect partner, happiness instead of depression. I do believe it can be done.  I have seen it work in my life.  I have a hard time seeing images in my mind; but if I think about something, I do attract it into my life.  We attracted each other.

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How the Law of Attraction Money have worked for me

What did you accomplished through using, Law if attraction money. If you want to share?

Myrna – I have a connection to the Universe. I am a meditator and I visualize or think about what I want, and I usually get it. It is uncanny.  I would think about something I want and I would receive an email in my inbox about the very thing the next day, so  I just wait.

As recent as this past December, I am a realtor, and I asked the Universe to attract to me a buyer or seller to close and get me income before the end of the year. I asked and I received.

Someone sent me this off-market real estate property in a text.  I received inspiration to send it to one of my, real estate investors, and he bought it. I received $5000 in commissions  for that transaction. The sale closed on December 12 and by December 20 the, money, was in my bank account, 11 days before the end of the year. The, law of attraction money, can be used to attract money from various sources to you.

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Planning my future using the Law of Attraction

What are your future plans for your podcast and website this year?

My radio show The Transform your Mind with Coach Myrna is heard on the radio wdjy 99.1 fm in Atlanta or you can listen online at wdjyfm.com.  The Transform Your Mind Podcast can be heard on all podcast players including iTunes and Spotify.  My website is blog.myhelps.us and of course the Transform your mind YouTube channel. My plans for this year  is to get my message out to as many people as possible and I would like to get it on the radio in Guyana, my birth country as well as in all the Caribbean islands. My message of transform your mind to transform your life need to be heard in the 3rd world countries where my sisters and brothers are living in lack.

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Additional Resources


How Thoughts become Things: The Secret

How to Find Hardcore Happiness and True Success

Research shows that, hardcore happiness, leads to a wide range of benefits for our performance, health, relationships and more. So, rather than success being the key to, hardcore happiness, research shows that, happiness, could in fact be the key to success. Indeed, hardcore happiness, also brings substantial benefits for society as a whole. For example, a review of more than 160 studies found “clear and compelling evidence” that happier people have better overall health and live longer than their less happy peers.

Welcome to the Mindset Transformation blog and podcast with Coach Myrna Young. Today my guest is Swami Brahmananda Saraswati. Swami G as he is affectionately called, has a mission to help over one million people find, Hardcore Happiness, and true success. He has designed a master class on How to find hardcore happiness and true success.

  • At the end of the, hardcore happiness,  training you will have learned:
    How to find your purpose,
  • How to live your life to the fullest and achieve happiness here and now,
  • without having to wait/delay or postpone feeling vibrantly alive every day!

In keeping with the theme of my podcast and blog, I always like to leave you with a tip of the week from Coach Myrna.

Finding Hardcore Happiness from Fulfillment

This week my tip of the week comes from the book by Deepak Chopra, The 7 Levels of Fulfillment.

Happiness comes from fulfillment, Deepak Chopra’s book the 7 Levels of Fulfillment, references 7 ways to find happiness from fulfillment.

In order for us to find fulfillment we must be Open and Activate or awaken our inner sources of calm, love, and truth,
Spiritual awakening is natural. The process is like waking up in the morning and opening your eyes to the light.
There are, seven levels of Fulfillment, When you are fully connected to the light of being which is the light of the self.
There is a light that shines beyond all things on earth, beyond the highest heavens,
This is the light that shines within you.

1: The First level of fulfillment is pure potentiality
2: The 2nd level is Fulfillment from Giving
3: The 3rd level is Fulfillment from Sowing and Reaping
4: The 4th level is Fulfillment from Love
5: The 5th level is Fulfillment from The Desires of your Heart
6: The 6th level is Fulfillment from Detachment
7: the 7th level Fulfillment from being on purpose

Soundcloud Transform your mind podcast
Transform your Mind Soundcloud podcast

Introduction to Using Meditation to find Happiness

• Swami Brahmananda Saraswati was raised in India and at age 4 began studying with ascended masters in an ashram in the Himalayas. By age 12 he was teaching, yoga, and, meditation,  at the ashram's yoga school. In 2009 Swami left India to study pre-medicine at a university in Iowa: Maharishi University of Management. He has taught 1000s of people yoga, meditation, and Ayurveda. Now he wants to bring happiness to an even larger audience. Swami is warm and gentle teacher full of light and enthusiasm.

He was taught powerful practices that have been independently validated by science to be beneficial to human health including stress reduction, enhanced well-being, creativity and productivity. His compassionate and knowledgeable approach to teaching allows full spectrum learning. He says often we have 100% freedom and 100% responsibility, and this world is dominated by action. Through his teachings and exercises many people have transformed their lives by improving their health and helping them become more deeply connected to themselves.

In this podcast Swami G answers the following questions:

• What is happiness?/ How do I know if I’m happy?

Happiness, is an emotional state characterized by feelings of joy, satisfaction, contentment, and, fulfillment. While happiness has many different definitions, it is often described as involving positive emotions and life satisfaction.

Because, hardcore happiness, tends to be such a broadly defined term, psychologists and other social scientists typically use the term ‘subjective well-being' when they talk about this emotional state. Just as it sounds, subjective well-being tends to focus on an individual's overall personal feelings about their life in the present.

Transform your Mind TuneIn Radio
TuneIn Radio

• Why does happiness matter?

Research shows that, hardcore happiness, leads to a wide range of benefits for our performance, health, relationships and more. So, rather than success being the key to, hardcore happiness, research shows that, happiness, could in fact be the key to success. Indeed, hardcore happiness, also brings substantial benefits for society as a whole. For example, a review of more than 160 studies found “clear and compelling evidence” that happier people have better overall health and live longer than their less happy peers.

The sad truth is that in recent decades we have become substantially richer but no happier. We have reached the point where mental health is one of our greatest social challenges – causing more of the suffering in our society than either unemployment or poverty. This is why increasing numbers of policymakers and leaders are now calling for measures of progress to be based on human wellbeing and happiness, not just economic factors such as growth in GDP.

• Does the Happiness Formula work for everyone

The, happiness formula, does work for everyone. Here is the formula. Seligman soon came up with a formula for happiness, H=S+C+V, where happiness (H) is the sum of a person's genetic capacity for happiness (S), their circumstances (C), and factors under their voluntary control (V)

So Let me ask you this question. Are you Happy?

If you are struggling with Anxiety, depression, career issues, relationship issues, work/life balance, performance & productivity enhancement?
Then this training is for you .

Are you longing to feel happy in life?
Are you tired of living an uninspired, unenergized and luke-warm life?

If you are ready to live the life of your dreams, and find, hardcore happiness, feel in control, fulfilled and driven with purpose then head over to nakedmoment.com where Swami Brahmananda will help you to find the missing pieces and become the person you were born to be.

You deserve, happiness, and you CAN attain it. With Swami’s guidance and the power of an entire community of, happiness seekers,  you too can wake up happy.

Don’t know what your perfect life looks like?
Can’t seem to get out of your own way?
Always feel down, filled with fear or guilt?
Do you feel like your environment isn’t supporting you?

Stop feeling like there is no way out. There’s one clear step to take to find, hardcore happiness, and right now if you head over to nakedmoment.com/transform there will be some amazing free bonuses for you to get a head start on your happiness journey. Don’t wait. Join a growing community and get happy.

Transform your Mind Spotify Podcast
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Bonus Gift!
For all my listeners who sign up for the Happiness training, send me an email to [email protected] and I will send you a bonus gift of my “Mindset Shift Focus Wheel workbook” You need a mindset shift in order to be happy in the present moment regardless of your circumstance.

If you found this blog post and podcast inspiring, please subscribe, rate and review and also share with your friends.

Additional Resources

How to be Happy: The Happiness Formula

3 Ways to Find Happiness After a Divorce


How to Find Happiness After a Tough Year