Tag Archives: spirituality

Overcoming Alcohol Addiction: Lessons from Alcoholics Anonymous

Candice McCain joins life coach Myrna Young to share her journey through, alcohol addiction, and lessons learned from alcoholics anonymous (AA). Dealing with grief and battling cancer, as detailed in her book “Facing Fear, Finding Hope.” Through personal anecdotes and lessons learned from AA, Candice reveals how spirituality and resilience have guided her through life's challenges. This episode is a testament to facing adversity and finding light amidst darkness, with a focus on hope, healing, and the importance of having a support system. Candice's story offers inspiration and practical advice for anyone navigating their own difficult path.

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Key Takeaways

  • The power of spirituality and AA support: Embracing spirituality and seeking support through programs like AA can significantly aid in overcoming, alcohol addiction.

  • Transformative life lessons from adversity: Challenging experiences often foster resilience, self-awareness, and personal growth.

  • Handling grief and maintaining hope: Grief can be managed and hope sustained through faith, gratitude, and purposeful action.


In an insightful conversation between life coach Myrna Young and guest Candice McCain, several profound themes emerge surrounding alcoholism, loss, and finding hope amidst fear. Through recounting personal experiences, McCain reveals how overcoming life’s tribulations has shaped her into a beacon of hope for others. This article  explores pivotal themes from their discourse, on the Transform Your Mind podcast, shedding light on lessons learnt from AA that can help anyone navigating similar struggles.

The Power of Spirituality and AA Support for Alcohol Addiction

Alcoholism is a formidable challenge, but Candice McCain’s story illustrates the transformative power of spirituality and structured support systems. She recounts her descent into alcoholism and, alcohol addiction, stemming from an inability to cope with pain and stress. Feeling powerless, she found solace in drinking as a means to escape reality. However, a pivotal moment arrived when she reached out to an old friend who was unknowingly an alcoholic. This serendipitous connection led her to Alcoholics Anonymous (AA).

“By the grace of God, this person said, Candice, I'm picking you up and I'm taking you to AA.”

AA’s foundational approach of combining spirituality with community support played a critical role in McCain's recovery from, alcohol addiction.  She highlights the importance of admitting powerlessness over alcohol—a crucial step in AA’s program.

“Step one meant I am powerless over alcohol, and my life's become unmanageable.”

The transformation deepened as she embraced the spiritual elements of the program, which advocates for turning one's will and life over to a higher power. McCain’s shift from self-pity to spiritual faith brought light into her life, fostering a gradual but powerful journey towards sobriety.

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Overcoming Alcohol Addiction: Lessons from AA

Life’s adversities can often be a source of profound personal growth and transformation. McCain’s experiences underscore the lessons learned from AA in facing significant challenges head-on. Her relationship with her father, an influential figure in her life, shaped many of her values and fears. His advice ranged from the importance of hard work to the necessity of independence for women.

“He taught me to work hard and that hard work wouldn't kill me. He told me that life was to be enjoyed.”

However, the pressures to meet these expectations sometimes led McCain to struggle with her self-worth. The turning point came through AA’s principle of “maintaining one's side of the street,” which taught her to focus on her own actions and reactions rather than shouldering undue blame.

“When I started to face everything and recover, I noticed that you really have to go through things, and then you don't have to go through them again… It changed me.”

Furthermore, McCain’s bout with cancer taught her the importance of being proactive, staying informed, and finding joy even in trying times. Her journey reflects how facing fears and adversities cultivates resilience, helping individuals emerge stronger and more self-aware.

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Handling Grief and Maintaining Hope

Dealing with the loss of a loved one is one of the hardest aspects of life. McCain’s account of her father’s battle with pancreatic cancer and eventual passing reveals how to navigate grief while keeping hope alive. She illustrates how maintaining a connection to her higher power through prayer and spiritual practices provided comfort and direction.

“Every day I prayed. Every single morning, I lit candles and prayed, and I did my part and I helped him. And then I left the rest up to my higher power.”

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Gratitude also played a central role in handling her grief. By focusing on the positive moments and the chance to give back to her father during his final days, McCain found solace and strength. Her belief in miracles and spiritual experiences further invigorated her with hope amidst sorrow.

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Book: Facing Fear Finding Hope

“So that's really where my book came from, with. From those spiritual experiences, those miraculous experiences like my dad had in a miraculous remission that nobody could explain, no doctor could explain.”

Her story exemplifies the balance of action and faith—doing everything within one’s power and then trusting in a higher power to guide the rest.

McCain’s journey offers insightful lessons on overcoming life’s hurdles with grace and resilience. Her tacit endorsement of AA as a lifeline for those battling alcoholism, the embrace of personal growth through hardship, and the reliance on spiritual faith during times of grief collectively form a powerful testimonial. Such narratives reinforce the notion that even in the face of fear, hope can be found, and life’s greatest challenges can be overcome.

Additional Resources

How to Overcome Fear and Find Joy

Breaking Free: Escaping the Snare of Comfort and Complacency

In this episode of “Transform Your Mind to Transform Your Life,” Coach Myrna discusses escaping the snare of comfort and complacency. Drawing from the scripture in

Psalm 69:22, David warns, “Let their bountiful table become a snare. A trap that makes them think all is well.”

She warns against becoming too comfortable and settling for mediocrity. She provides three ways to break free from the snare of comfort, including recognizing the deceptive nature of comfort, avoiding the trap of complacency, and seeking balance and remaining vigilant. By stretching ourselves and staying focused on our goals, we can find purpose and fulfillment beyond the comforts of life. Tune in for this insightful episode by downloading the podcast

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Key Takeaways:

  • Comfort and complacency can become traps that hinder personal growth and prevent us from reaching our full potential.

  • The deceptive nature of comfort can lead to stagnation and a false sense of security, while complacency can result in spiritual and moral compromise.

  • Seeking balance, remaining vigilant, and staying rooted in God's word are essential in navigating the complexities of life and avoiding the pitfalls of comfort and complacency.

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Out of the Snare: The Deceptive Nature of Comfort

In our pursuit of success, security, and happiness, it is easy to become ensnared by the comforts and pleasures that life offers. However, these comforts can be deceptive, leading us to settle for mediocrity and hindering our personal growth. As Coach Myrna explains, when we become too comfortable, we start neglecting our spiritual growth, moral integrity, and the needs of others. We become stagnant, trapped in a snare, sitting on the couch and indulging in mindless activities instead of actively pursuing our goals and aspirations.

Coach Myrna uses the analogy from Psalm 69:22 of a bountiful table to symbolize abundance, prosperity, and satisfaction. While these are not inherently bad, David's warning reminds us of the danger of becoming too comfortable and complacent. It is important to recognize that comfort should not be mistaken for contentment. True contentment comes from a sense of purpose and fulfillment, which can only be achieved when we stretch ourselves beyond our comfort zone.

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The Snare of Complacency

Complacency is a snare that can lead to spiritual stagnation, moral compromise, and a false sense of security. When we become complacent, we lose sight of our true purpose and calling. The bountiful table that once seemed like a blessing can quickly become a snare, distracting us from our goals and preventing us from making a meaningful impact in the world.

Coach Myrna provides an example of how complacency can manifest in our careers. Let's say you have a job that allows you to pay your bills and have some leftover money. If you become complacent in this situation, you may no longer have the drive to pursue further education or seek opportunities for growth and advancement. This complacency not only limits your personal and professional development but also hinders your ability to make a positive impact on your family, community, and the causes you care about. This is an example of the snare of comfort and complacency.

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Seeking Balance and Remaining Vigilant

To navigate the complexities of life without falling into the snare trap of complacency, it is crucial to seek balance and maintain a vigilant heart. Cultivating gratitude and humility is key to guarding against the pride and self-reliance that often accompany success and abundance. By acknowledging that all good things come from God, we can stay grounded and avoid becoming complacent.

Remaining rooted in God's word is another essential aspect of avoiding complacency. The scriptures serve as a guide, shaping our thoughts, desires, and actions. They illuminate the pitfalls of complacency and lead us towards a life of purpose and fulfillment. By continuously seeking wisdom and guidance from God's word, we can stay on track and avoid the snare of comfort and complacency.

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Avoid the snare of complacency: Strive for Purpose and Fulfillment

In conclusion, the words of David in Psalms 69:22 serve as a timeless reminder of the dangers of complacency and snare of comfort. The importance of vigilance in our journey towards purpose and destiny. Comfort and complacency can hinder our personal growth and prevent us from reaching our full potential. It is crucial to recognize the deceptive nature of comfort and to guard against complacency by seeking balance, remaining vigilant, and staying rooted in God's word.

True purpose and fulfillment can only be achieved when we stretch ourselves beyond our comfort zones. We must resist the allure of fleeting comforts and instead seek the eternal treasure of a relationship with our Creator. By continuously striving for growth, remaining hungry for knowledge and improvement, and keeping our hearts focused on our end goals, we can break free from the snare of comfort and complacency and live a life of purpose and fulfillment.

So, let us not be deceived by the comforts of this world, but instead, let us embrace the discomfort that comes with growth and strive for a life that leaves a lasting legacy.

Additional Resources

Using Breathwork Meditation As a Personal Growth Tool

7 reasons Mindfulness Meditation Can Increase Business Revenue


Mindfulness Meditation, is not just for Buddhists and monks: mindfulness meditation unlocks the power you have within to take your business to the next level.

Mindfulness Meditation for your business

When you, meditate, you strengthen your intuition, spirituality, awareness, and most importantly, your own sense of self.  As many successful entrepreneurs know, reduced stress  is the foundation to creating the business and lifestyle you want.  If you are not removing your limiting beliefs and constantly working on your vision, you are limiting your own growth and the growth of your company. You are the lid!

As a leader or an Entrepreneur there is no better way to overcome obstacles, rise to the top or be creative with out first quieting the noise in your head. When you become still you tap into your creative power by connecting to your source. During, meditation, you experience that peace that surpasses all understanding that the bible talks about.

When you forget about all the things you have to do and just focus on the life inside you by witnessing your breathing, you move closer to becoming conscious and understand your purpose. Being quiet and still allows you to listen to instructions from the  higher power who guides you. It is said that it is easier to guide a horse in the direction it is running in; so when you fall into line with what God wants you to do for his Kingdom then your business and your life become less of a struggle.

Reasons Mindfulness Meditation works

The reasons we, meditate , are as varied as the many ways there are to meditate. In the West, most people are drawn to, meditation, to quiet the internal chatter of the brain and to reduce stress. Meditation, is indeed, a very effective stress reducer, but its benefits—sometimes mysteriously hidden—are far more bountiful. The actual act of, mindfulness meditation, can be as simple as sitting quietly and focusing on your breath while repeating silently a mantra—a word or phrase.

There are countless traditions and no singular “correct” way to practice, meditation. Find a practice that you like and stick with it for a while. Notice how you feel as you go about your days. If you find that you have more patience, feel grounded and better able to respond to stressful situations, and are more in touch with your intuition or “gut feelings,” you are enjoying the many benefits of meditation.

I, meditate, by finding a quiet place in the morning as I drink my coffee. I listen to a, guided meditation, tape on topics such as “activating consciousness”, visionary me meditation, “the law of attraction” etc. as I listen I clear my mind by mentally repeating a centering thought and witnessing my breathing.

At the end of my, mindfulness meditation, I am  relaxed,  totally open and creative. I usually write some deep insights after my, meditation, sessions and I get answers from God and the Universe to questions I ask. This is the perfect way to become a visionary and an innovative leader.



1: Mindfulness Meditation is good for our Physical Bodies

Scientists gathering data on, mindfulness meditation, have found that a consistent practice of meditation not only boosts the mind, but it also bolsters the body. Studies shows that, mindfulness meditation, can help reverse heart disease, reduce pain, and support the immune system, better enabling it to fight disease.

The mind-body connection between stress and disease is abundantly apparent as science is finding that meditation can lower production of the stress hormone cortisol. This means meditators are better able to adapt to stress in their lives.

2: Mindfulness Meditation is good for Our Relationships

Paradoxically, while, mindfulness meditation, helps us tune in and turn inward to our true essence, it also helps us detach from our own egos to connect with others in more meaningful ways. Couples counselors have found when they assign their clients meditation, the couples become less angry, more self-reflective, and more loving.

When we become aware of—and honor—our interconnection with other beings, we are able to recast our perspectives, see our worries in a different light, and embrace gratitude, which is the heart’s memory. The bible teaches that we can't change others only ourselves and when we, meditate, we tune into who we really are.

Our ancestral legacy is a brain that is primed to focus on negative experiences and has a tendency to get stuck in conditioned patterns of thinking, returning again and again to thoughts of anxiety, depression, and limitation. So in our relationships we tend to focus on what we do not have instead of what we do have.

As you, meditate, on a regular basis, you develop what is known as “witnessing awareness”—the ability to calmly and objectively observe a situation, notice when you are being triggered, and consciously choose how you want to respond. The ability to be present and aware is extremely valuable in every relationship.

benefits of meditation

3: Meditation helps prolong our lives

When you, meditate, you strengthen your intuition, awareness, and most importantly, your own sense of self.  Yogis and doctors both agree: meditating—even just a few minutes of deep breathing—relaxes the brain, reduces anxiety, and decreases depression. We say we can't afford the time to meditate, but the truth is we can't afford not to.

When we tell ourselves we don't have time to exercise, or meditate, then we will make time for sickness and depression. During most of our waking lives, our minds are engaged in a continuous internal dialogue in which the meaning and emotional associations of one thought triggers the next.

We hear a snippet of music and suddenly we’re thinking about the first time we heard that song with an old boyfriend or girlfriend and how that relationship ended. If we’re still holding emotional pain over that ending, those feelings may bubble up and then our mind may veer into criticism, self-pity, or worries about the future.

Meditation, is one of the best tools we have to counter the brain’s negativity bias, release accumulated stress, foster positive experiences and intentions, and enjoy the peace of present moment awareness. A large body of research has established that having a regular, meditation, practice produces tangible benefits for mental and physical health, including:

Benefits of Meditation

  • Decreased blood pressure and hypertension
  • Lowered cholesterol levels
  • Reduced production of “stress hormones,” including cortisol and adrenaline
  • More efficient oxygen use by the body
  • Increased production of the anti-aging hormone DHEA
  • Improved immune function
  • Decreased anxiety, and insomnia

4: Mindfulness Meditation Reduces Stress and Burnout

What role is more stressful than the role of a Leader? None, as a Leader you are responsible for the lives of your employees, families, and your commitment to your community? Chronic, unmanaged stress can make you sick and accelerate aging. As many scientific studies have found, prolonged stress can contribute to high blood pressure, heart disease, stomach ulcers, autoimmune diseases, anxiety, cancer, insomnia, chronic fatigue, obesity, depression, and accelerated aging.

In, mindfulness meditation, your body releases stress and reverses the effects of the flight-or-fight response—that ancient instinct we all have to either run from perceived danger or take it on in battle. Intended as a short-term protection mechanism, fight or flight causes our body to speed up our heart rate, increase our blood sugar, suppress our immune system, reduce insulin production, pump out stress hormones such as adrenaline and cortisol, and reduce the blood supply to our digestive organs.

All of these reactions happen so that our body can focus on either running away as fast as it can—or staying to fight. Although few people reading this face daily threats to their bodily existence, many live in a prolonged state of fight or flight, generating stress in response to bad traffic, criticism from a spouse, or a disagreement.

Regular, meditation, dissipates accumulated stress and cultivates a state of restful alertness. There are many compelling studies showing the power of meditation to relieve stress and promote inner calm. For example, a 2011 study published in the Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine Journal found that full-time workers who spent a few hours each week practicing mindfulness meditation reported a significant decrease in job stress, anxiety, and depressed mood.

The reason, meditation, is so popular amongst successful individuals is it helps release stress, lets go of excess thoughts and expand awareness. As you dive deeper into your, meditation, you see people, events and circumstances as they really are, not as they are perceived to be. It allows you to have an internal Locus of control.

That means that you don't react to external stimuli but are proactive with action plans and goals. It also means that as challenges arise in your, business, you will not get overwhelmed; but face those challenges calmly and efficiently.  As an Entrepreneur Leader, meditation, allows you to turn your failures into successes.




5: Meditation Enhances Your Concentration, Memory, and Ability to Learn

As researchers have found, meditation, can help you tap into your brain’s deepest potential to focus, learn, and adapt. While scientists used to believe that beyond a certain age, the brain couldn’t change or grow, we now know that the brain has a quality known as plasticity, enabling it to grow new neurons and transform throughout our lives.

Meditation, is a powerful tool for awakening new neural connections and even transforming regions of the brain.  A recent study led by Harvard University and Massachusetts General Hospital found that after only eight weeks of, meditation, participants experienced beneficial growth in the brain areas associated with memory, learning, empathy, self-awareness, and stress regulation.  In addition, the meditators reported decreased feelings of anxiety and greater feelings of calm. This study adds to the expanding body of research about the brain’s amazing plasticity and ability to change habitual stress patterns.

Many other studies provide evidence for the value of, meditation, in improving the ability to stay focused in world filled with increasing distractions and demands on our attention. For example, research conducted by the UCLA Mindful Awareness Center showed that teenagers and adults with ADHD who practiced various forms of meditation for just eight weeks improved their ability to concentrate on tasks, even when attempts were made to distract them. In the world of the Entrepreneur Leader, the ability to focus when you are pulled in so many different directions is extremely important to your success.


6: Meditation Improves Your Creativity and Problem-Solving Skills

We each have an estimated 60,000 to 80,000 thoughts a day—unfortunately, many of them are the same thoughts we had yesterday, last week, and last year. The mind tends to get stuck in repetitive thought loops that squeeze out the possibility for new ideas and inspiration.

Meditation, is a powerful practice for going beyond habitual, conditioned thought patterns into a state of expanded awareness. We connect to what is known as the field of infinite possibilities or pure potentiality, and we open to new insights, intuition, and ideas. And as we meditate and focus on our breathing, we stop this continuous cycle.


7: Meditation Decreases Anxiety, and Insomnia

The emotional effects of sitting quietly and going within are profound.  The deep state of rest produced by, meditation, triggers the brain to release neurotransmitters, including dopamine, serotonin, oxytocin, and endorphins. Each of these naturally occurring brain chemicals has been linked to different aspects of happiness:

Dopamine plays a key role in the brain’s ability to experience pleasure, feel rewarded, and maintain focus. Serotonin has a calming effect. It eases tension and helps us feel less stressed and more relaxed and focused. Low levels of this neurotransmitter have been linked to migraines, anxiety, bipolar disorder, apathy, feelings of worthlessness, fatigue, and insomnia.

Oxytocin (the same chemical whose levels rise during sexual arousal and breastfeeding), is a pleasure hormone. It creates feelings of calm, contentment, and security, while reducing fear and anxiety.  Endorphins are most commonly known as the chemicals that create the exhilaration commonly labeled “the runner’s high.” These neurotransmitters play many roles related to well being, including decreasing feelings of pain and reducing the side effects of stress.


What is Prayer: Does God Answer prayer?

What is prayer? Why do we pray? The most basic definition of prayer is “talking to God.” We prayer because we are either asking God for something or thanking God for something.

So, does God answer prayer? in his book “Conversations with God” Neale Donald Walsch says that we are good at prayer when we are talking to God, but we don't how to listen or hear from God. Prayer  is the communication of the human soul with the Lord who created the soul. Prayer is the primary way for the believer to communicate his emotions and desires with God and to fellowship with God.

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Faith is the language of God

The bible teaches that for God to answer, prayer, you must first believe and have faith that God is first able and willing to give you the desires of your heart; but there are ways to improve the chances that God will answer your, prayer. A, prayer is a special kind of intention. If you are praying for healing, you must beleive that God can heal you, you have to be able to pick up your mat and walk.

Therefore, the rules that apply to the, Power of intention, which are rules about consciousness, apply. Your prayer will be answered, or not, depending on events happening out of sight – but not out of mind. The mind furnishes the mechanics of making any intention come true. An intention or prayer request, sent to God needs faith to rocket it to the heavens. An intention to graduate at the top of your class or to marry the man of your dreams takes focus, diligence and action. The bible also teaches that when we pray we should recite, The Lord's prayer.

The Lord's Prayer

Our Father, which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy Name. Thy Kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, As it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, As we forgive them that trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, But deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, The power, and the glory, For ever and ever. Amen.


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Three vital elements are at work in prayer:

1. How deep into the mind is the intention coming from- how badly do you want it?

2. How steady is your focus- do you think about it every day?

3. How fluid is your intention – are you attached to the outcome?

When you perfect these three things, the power of intention becomes real and powerful.



Learn how to prayer the Serenity prayer

Serenity Prayer

God, grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change,
the courage to change the things I can,
and the wisdom to know the difference.
Living one day at a time,
enjoying one moment at a time;
accepting hardship as a pathway to peace;
taking, as Jesus did,
this sinful world as it is,
not as I would have it;
trusting that You will make all things right
if I surrender to Your will;
so that I may be reasonably happy in this life
and supremely happy with You forever in the next.


God is in the stillness

The stillness is present, for example, in the space between thoughts. When you are accustomed to experiencing your mind only through activity (i.e., sensations, images, feelings, and thoughts), the silent source of the mind has been missed. The whole point of Eastern meditation practices is to reacquaint a person with this source. The more often you dive into your silent mind, the deeper your intentions are coming from when you aren’t meditating. The bible also teaches that you can find God in the stillness. …

“Then a spirit passed by my face; The hair of my flesh bristled up. It stood still, but I could not discern its appearance; A form was before my eyes; There was silence, then I heard a voice: ‘Can mankind be just before God? Can a man be pure before his Maker?'…” Job 4:15 – 17

Some ways to access this quiet source are: your, prayer closet, meditation, calm, peaceful surroundings, minimal mental agitation, stress free living, self-acceptance and self-awareness.

Steady mental focus – Calling up an intention is natural to everyone’s mind. The key is that the intention be one-pointed, that is, your desire doesn’t conflict with other desires or get dissipated in mental restlessness. We’ve all experienced moments of knowing exactly what we want and never losing focus as long as our desire holds our attention.

Does God Answer Prayer?

Does God answer, prayer? Absolutely, once we are clear and specific about what we ask for, act purposefully, not lose sight of the goal, have confidence and, faith, and do the works diligently; then we attract our intentions into our experience. When we tap into the supernatural, all power of God and the Holy Spirit, then we make quantum leaps to achieving our desires and intentions.

What hurts Intentions? Multitasking, mental confusion, conflicted desires, lack of self-knowledge, fantasy and daydreaming, short attention span, a craving to escape the self with drugs or alcohol and finally a lack of belief in God and in yourself.

Fluid awareness – Do you have an open mind that can adapt to any response from the world? Do you have a mind that is committed to the destination but allows God to map out the route and the stops along the way to the destination? No better example exists than playing a video game, where the player is fiercely intent of scoring points but must be open to every surprising, unexpected event in order to reach a high score. In everyday life, a desire is focused at its inception; but you should let your attachment to it go, and await whatever response comes your way.

In these three elements, as you can see, lies a lifetime of potentiality unfolding into actuality. Every thought has the power of intention behind it.

Every, prayer, can be answered if you empower it with, faith, believe and action.  Prayer for strength, ask God for strength to face life's adversities. The bible tells us of the paralyzed man who had faith and belief that Jesus can heal him; but Jesus was in a crowded place and he could not get in through the door so he had his helpers knock a hole in the roof of the building and let him down in front of Jesus. Jesus told him immediately that his “sins were forgiven” and he was healed. When you, pray for healing, God answers your prayers.

nothing is too hard for god

“Some men came, bringing to him a paralyzed man, carried by four of them. 4 Since they could not get him to Jesus because of the crowd, they made an opening in the roof above Jesus by digging through it and then lowered the mat the man was lying on. 5 When Jesus saw their faith, he said to the paralyzed man, “Son, your sins are forgiven.” – Mark 2:3-5

God not only answers, prayers, but you can access the Universal power of intention and begin co-creating your future. The only issue is how far you are willing to go to cooperate with this ability, to unearth its possibilities, and improve the quality of your life.

Additional Resources

Decoding the Communication of the Universe: Signs and Symbols


How To Use Visualization to Enhance Yoga Practice

Visualization, allows you to use your mind to alter your reality. In yoga you can use visualization to enhance your mind body connection. My, Yoga teacher, used to say, visualize, you're cracking a walnut between your shoulder blades. Standing in, Mountain Pose, or, tree pose, you can use, visualization, to imagine you're rooted down through your feet into the ground and bringing that energy back up through your legs and spreading it throughout your body.  This is how you use, visualization, to enhance your, yoga practice.

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Back pain led me to yoga 

Myrna:  Were you attracted to, yoga, because of back pain?

Dianne: Yes,  In my younger years, I was a little bit resistant to, yoga. I've always liked to work out as part of my, stress relief. A big part of my, stress relief, and I felt like you know, I had to be doing something a lot more intense than, Yoga. I hadn't had as many experiences with, yoga, because there's so many different types of, yoga, and so many ways to do it as you were describing one of many, so I was a little bit resistant.

Then yes, two things happened about simultaneously and one was, I started having, back pain, after the birth of my second child, and so I was looking for ways to manage that pain. There were periods of time when it would become more intense. So all I could do was either do walking or do, yoga, and I was kind of worried that I would start to gain weight and that I wouldn't have that, stress relief, that I craved.

But I found out that you know that that wasn't the case. I was keeping the weight off. And the, stress relief. There's so many different kinds of, yoga, which I hadn't realized in the past that it was working for me. And around that same time, the fitness center where I went had a new, yoga teacher, and everybody kept saying, you have to try her. She's so good and everything and I probably still resisted for about six months, I would say I don't know exactly how long but I did really connect with her.

Just the way that she approached it and was able to it was a little bit more of a, flow yoga, but she also teaches the breath practice because I hadn't ever learned how to breathe even with all this exercising. I had never learned correct, breathing techniques, for exercise. Or for life for that matter. So those those two events actually really started me on, yoga, then as kind of my Friday treat.

Just feel good for the weekend, reward myself and then you know, have a good start to the weekend and then with having to manage the, back pain, and became you know, more of a maybe not a daily practice then but at least a few times a week.

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Yoga allows connection to mind body spirit

Myrna: Yoga, Obviously one of the beautiful things about, yoga, is the breathing you know, combining, mind and body, and with the breath.  I just started doing, morning yoga, last week, and we're starting with some simple exercises. You're right I mean, if it's almost like if you're an old person that's sitting in a chair because we're doing things with our hands. Right, regular stuff like raising up your shoulder and, you know, doing your neck, things like I would do at the beginning of a workout. The warm up exercise.

But guess what, everything that you do, you're doing with the breath.  I'm breathing with the, yoga, actions, it's actually doing something for me, right. So, you know,  Sadhguru would say, you know, there's the mental thing about, yoga, and he's talking about the geometry of your body when you go in certain poses that connects to different things and, and all that stuff. So what kind of, yoga, do you teach? I know we're going to talk about, visualization, in a little bit, but set up your basic, yoga, that you that you teach.

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This episode is brought to you by The Jordan Harbinger Show.

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The average podcast listener has 6 shows in rotation, so you’re most likely not only listening to The Transform Your Mind podcast — So, I’d love to share a podcast to add to your list:

The Jordan Harbinger Show, a top shelf podcast named best of Apple in 2018..Jordan dives into the minds of fascinating people — from athletes, authors and scientists to mobsters, spies and hostage negotiators. 

I really think there just isn’t a better podcast to listen to casually or seriously to expand your worldview. He’s also got a strangely relatable weekly segment called, “Feedback Friday,” where he covers advice on everything from relationships and networking to asking for a raise.

You can’t go wrong with adding The Jordan Harbinger Show to your rotation.  It’s incredibly interesting, there’s never a dull show.

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Dianne: So I'm not going to try to give it a name because probably a combination. There's so many kinds and for me, probably if I did a little exercise, we're matching the type of, yoga, with a definition I'm not sure how good I would do. But I my favorite, yoga, to teach and to do would be we call it 3030.

Where it's about 30 minutes of, yoga, where it's a little bit more active movement on the breath. A little bit more energetic and then 30 minutes of more relaxation and not necessarily the the 30 minutes first of the intense so you might do like, you know 10 or 15 minutes starting out with the stretches kind of like warm up like you were describing and then move into the flow or the physical aspects of it, and then wrap it up with you know, some more relaxation relaxing stretches.

That that that is just my personal preference. I have done all kinds of classes and there are some where you actually hold the poses for a long time and that's just to work, you know more deeply into the muscles and then there's, there's some types of yoga that are basically it's the same sequence each time and that's so that you can you're not thinking about the sequence but you're thinking about the other aspects of, yoga.

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Yoga allows you to experience deeper meditation

Myrna: Okay, something that I ran across that I thought was really interesting is way back when I don't want to say when, yoga, started, but they really started to do the poses so that people could sit in meditation longer. That was the whole purpose. It's like, you think of a child, a small child you burn off their energy so that they can sit for longer and that was the original intent. Behind, yoga, was was not the poses that was a vehicle to get into a deeper level of consciousness.

Well, that's the thing actually that you know, like I said, Sadhguru, was talking about, yoga, connects us with, higher consciousness. They connect with the, Yoga, and they're saying that, yoga at home, is not all of it dispatches that, yoga at home, is about, the breath and connection and what you just said, you're linking in the fact that maybe if you learn to hold your body in a certain way, then maybe you can sit and meditate for longer times.

Indians as you know, they incorporate, yoga, with, spirituality, and, higher consciousness, so that's awesome. And it all has to do with your right the, Mind Body Spirit connection, you know, the mind. Maybe with the, meditation, aspect, the body with the poses, and with, spirituality.

Dianne: I did have back surgery that was moderately successful, so after that I used, yoga, to help me recover. I had to be under the care of a physical therapist, so after that, it became more about managing my, back pain. And now I'm at a very good place, but yes, there's specific poses to benefit your back and your core, obviously, the opposite of your back is your core. So it's important to have a strong core.

If you have a lot of, lower back pain. There are certain poses that you shouldn't do or that you should modify. And the old me the younger me, especially in public would never have done that, but it was, yoga, has taught me it's some acceptance that way. I know that that doesn't feel good. And I'm not going to try to push it beyond or even sometimes doing, yoga, in the morning as opposed to at the end of the day.

Some, yoga poses, are not as accessible and I've learned to to accept that so a lot of, lower back pain, have learned us from the high tight hamstrings or sciatic nerve. And so there are specific, yoga poses, even sequences that focus on those specific specific muscle groups.

Benefits of visualization with yoga

Myrna: Let's talk about the, visualization, piece now.  What are the, benefits of visualization? And why is it beneficial to integrate, visualization with yoga?

Dianne:  So, benefits of visualization. They are there's a lot of them. And going back to what you said earlier about the brain and how it changes the brain. The brain responds to visual stimuli. And when you use, visualization, you can trick your brain into having the same physiological response. That you would have like let's say, if you're standing by a nice relaxing Lake, if you visualize that relaxing Lake, your body and your breath starts to show some of the same reactions you would have if you were actually standing right there by the lake or the relaxing waterfall.

So just an example of this real quick would be imagine that you have a lemon and you cut it in in four pieces. And you take the lemon and put it in your mouth and take a nice big bite down on it. So what happened when you did that?

Myrna: Saliva started coming out of my mouth and my saliva glands started to prickle.

Dianne: Yep, a lot of people will even start to pucker or make that sour face. So that just goes to show that even with that simple example, how you had that physiological response, and that was just a simple exercise. So that's what builds those those kind of neural pathways and then as you do that, like if you do that, I don't want to say the lemon, but let's just go back to the relaxing lake or waterfall or something.

The more you do, visualization, you do build those neural pathways where it becomes like you can access that quicker and that therefore have the physiological response quicker and be able to take yourself there it also becomes more automatic.  Oh, yeah, even like take a breath and it's like oh, yeah, I have to slow might slow my breathing down or I'm getting too too ahead of myself here.

So it really does build those neural pathways and change your brain. It also just like exercise releases, serotonin, that feel good hormone. So it very much is like a form of exercise that way. What you mentioned about the memory, the more ways that you're you can the more senses you can bring into something, then the easier.  It is to remember that so, visualization, is an is another tool for that.

Benefits of yoga

Oh, there's so many. Right now with our technological society. Anytime that you can unplug from technology, you're actually allowing your brain to unclutter and to that which promotes creativity, and positive feelings. Just all of those, benefits of visualization, just just being away just having a quiet moment. That's one thing that I always try to incorporate or give to people and that's what my, yoga teacher, explained to me.

I just want them to have a moment, a moment of quiet so just again to oh one other thing that I learned was kind of new to me but increase your immunity. If you are less stressed, you sleep better, those are two big factors in boosting your immune system. So, visualization, can help you whether you do it  while you're falling asleep or whether you do it in your, yoga practice. It can help you actually boost your immunity which we all need that too.

Myrna: I love, visualization, and you know is actually good to mention that the brain doesn't know the difference which is why we advise action is so powerful. Whether want to call it visualization or you to it imagination. The brain doesn't know the difference between, visualization, and reality. So yeah, I mean, if you were, you know, laying in your bed and you were thinking that you're in a beach and you're listening to the waves, like you said, bringing in all the different elements, you know, feeling the breeze on your face, hearing the waves crashing, seeing the palm trees swaying in the wind, and you're bringing in all those things, right? The brain doesn't know whether you're there or not.

So that's the beautiful thing about, visualization. Right? But it can also work the opposite way like you're laying in bed, and you're visualizing that  somebody is coming through your door to kill.

Dianne: Exactly. I was thinking as you were talking, if you don't believe it, because some people are like, Oh, I don't believe that, but if you think of the opposite, or how many times have you been worried about somebody driving or something and you're like, Oh, they've been in a car accident. I just know it your mind makes up images, your heart starts to beat faster, I think we've all experienced that. So you can use it either way. Yes, exactly. And we talked about anxiety and that was part of the reason some of it that I started doing, yoga with visualization.

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Benefits of Yoga

Dianne: Well, as you can tell, because we talked at the beginning about some of the, benefits of yoga, and then we just talked about some of the, benefits of visualization, and that is they overlap a lot but you know, the serotonin that benefits to your body, mind and soul and soul or spirit however you want to refer to it. So they really complement each other nicely.  If you've done, yoga, you probably have done some, visualizations.

My, Yoga teacher, used to say, visualize, you're cracking a walnut between your shoulder blades and that helps to, visualize, the, yoga pose, if you can't get the right. Even standing in Mountain Pose or, tree pose, use, visualization, to imagine you're rooted down through your feet and you bring that energy up through your legs and you're spreading it throughout your body and your shoulders.

So, I would say that you've probably experienced it a little bit that way. Sometimes in  Chaturanga they'll say imagine you're pushing away from the floor or you're pushing the floor away from from you. So there are those kinds of cues that are used in many, yoga classes. Also, a lot of times, they'll start with you know what is your intention, they'll either maybe give you an intention, like concentrate on being here now or you want to concentrate on peace.

So that was really when I started teaching, yoga, that I looked for a resource like the book that I wrote, and I couldn't find one. I begged borrowed and stole little bits of pieces from, meditations.  I wanted a resource like the one I wrote and I couldn't find one.

Myrna: Okay. All right your book have  20, visualizations, to enhance a, yoga practice, right?

Dianne: Okay, so yes, in the book, there are five chapters. There's self acceptance, awareness or confidence, gratitude, letting go or relaxation and focus and engagement. I'm going to walk you through just using a little bit of from one the mountain, the majestic mountain, if you will, and each, visualization, has specific parts and the first part is the setting the stage.

Starting with the breath and then having them with visualization. So I'm just gonna read like a short little snippet from what I wrote and then I'll move on to the next section.

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Transform your Mind Stitcher

Visualization with Yoga: The mountain pose

So at the base of your mountain, I've already gotten them into, Mountain Pose, are the waves of the ocean. Feel the coolness of the water and hear the lapping sounds. At times the waves are gentle and relaxing, barely touching your base. On other occasions, they're more turbulent hitting against you with more force, yet you remain strong. Sometimes the waves rise ferociously to your shins, your waist, and even your chest, but they don't knock you over.

Eventually, the turbulent waters pass and the gentle waves again lap at your base. There may be changes to the mountain surfaces, but not to the core. It's similar with yourself. Turbulence might cause changes, but you're strong and steady.

If you purchase the book, you get a journal entries with it, if you download them and so part of one of those for this particular, mountain pose, visualization, you would journal what are those turbulent things.  What are the unchanging parts of you, because we all you know, have to change as we go through more experiences and, and challenges but you know, what's at your core that you're not, you're not going to let go of, so just get started that way.

The core of the, mountain pose, or the core of yourself and then exhale, things that get in the way of that. But then there's also like some specific poses, that I'll give some cueing for, just to give some examples of how the cueing or how it could go with a specific pose. And this one actually has warrior and tree pose.

If you're using, visualization, with the,  tree pose, there's water lapping at you and threatening to knock you over, but you're gonna remain focused, because that's a big aspect with three poses. You have to look somewhere in front of you and maintain your focus. You're not going to let those things distract you from your goals or get in the way of your goals.

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But you're going and like before you go into the relaxation and you come back to again, like the mountain so what's changed about yourself throughout this practice, like do you notice changes in your breath? What about your thought patterns? What about you know? How do How does your body feel?

And then the very last section is the affirmation which I call the booster and it just says, While I may be faced with turbulence, my core remains unwavering. So it's just something for them and sometimes I've printed them off and handed them to people as they walk out the door. Other times, it's just something you know, keep this in mind as you go forth through your day and kind of wraps it up that way. I do want to throw in that. If you if you didn't do, yoga, and you weren't interested in doing, yoga, you can still use the book as a, guided meditation.


Book pathway to peace: 20 visualizations to enhance you yoga practice
Book pathway to peace: 20 visualizations to enhance your yoga practice

20 visualizations to enhance your yoga practice

Myrna: Tell us about your book “Pathways to Peace: 20 Visualizations to Enhance Your Yoga Practice” What do you want the readers to walk away with after reading the book?

Dianne: Well, I want them to have a tool for self care. So, as we've talked about it, we're so busy, our lives are so cluttered and can be at times, very stressful. I think that is on the back cover on my book Life is stressful that not many people would argue that fat, but please, you know, take take a minute or however you don't take care of your body. Take care of your mind, take care of your spirit or your soul and you will be a better spouse, you'll be a better employee, you'll be a better parent, a better child. It everybody matters. And I want and it matters that you take care of yourself and I want this to be a tool for for helping you for helping you do that.

Visualization, is a tool for the,  mind body spirit connection. So that is what, yoga, promises,  and then when you incorporate the, visualization, into it,  it makes it a very powerful tool.

Myrna:  So, alright, so tell us how listeners can get a copy of your book. Tell us about your website, your social media handles and how people can connect with you. And I think you mentioned that you have an email address that you wanted anybody to, you know, contact you maybe regarding yoga and yoga practices or things like that. So go ahead and share that with us.

Dianne: Okay, so my book, Pathways to Peace is available on Amazon and it's a paperback or ebook.  In the book, there is a free gift and that would be some of the journal pages that I have referred to. And then I have a Facebook group called pathways to peace. If you have questions or comments email me @[email protected].

Additional Resources

Master Lama Rasaji: Harmonizing Mind Body Spirit

Is There Life After Death? A Mother’s Story

When Karen Johnson's 27 year old son died of a, heroin overdose, she started believing in, life after death, when her son showed up in his human form waving at her at the airport. In her book “Living Grieving” Karen shares how communicating with her son in the, afterlife,  helped her live with her, grief, and start her work as a, shaman, helping survivors and spirits deal with,  life after death.

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Karen V Johnson’s fast paced professional career as a Federal Judge came to an abrupt halt when she lost her 27-year-old son, Ben to a, heroin overdose. Rather than grieve in a way that made people around her comfortable, she did the unexpected. She quit her lifetime appointment career, sold her house with all her belongings, and went on a 2 ½ year journey around the world finding a spiritual and healing practice along the way.

Karen didn’t think she could ever find her way out of despair, but she found a process that works and shares her journey of transformation with others so they can heal too. Her work is structured around, shamanic, practices, mindfulness, and the journey of the Four winds Medicine Wheel.  Karen blends her personal story with meaningful experiences, offering exercises related to each of the four practices of becoming unstuck, becoming lighter, awakening, and creating a new life.

Ben's Life After Death

Myrna: Can you share with the listeners your, grief, journey and the death of your son from a, heroin overdose. It's a powerful story.

Karen: Ben, my son was 27 years old and he was struggling as many young men are trying to find himself trying to decide if he's going to try to start a business go back to school, many things. And so, I was going on a vacation to South Korea for a week and I thought to myself, when I get back, we're going to have the big conversation. I don't care how uncomfortable it is.  And so I went to South Korea, and one day in the afternoon, I just wasn't feeling well. and into the evening and then all of a sudden, I get this call, and they hang up.

I just had this feeling of dread. And so, I called the number and the detective answers and I say, you just called me I am Karen Johnson. He said, yes. where are you? And I said, I'm in South Korea. And he said, I have some bad news for you. I'm sorry, your son is dead from a, heroin overdose.  Ben had gone to a party with them some other young guys, and they got drunk and they decided, hey, we're going to try, heroin, in all their 27-year-old wisdom.  My son was 6′ 8, 260 pounds and they gave him too much.

And he died almost instantly. He and I were very close and it just rocked my world. They say that the death of a child and an unexpected death are two worst ones to survive. So, when you have an unexpected death of a child, you're in a bad place. But that's the bad part of it. The other side of it is you know, it's always the blessing and the curse. The Yin and the Yang. So, the other side of it was so the next morning, I couldn't even get out of South Korea.

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Life after death: Seeing Ben in his human form

Believing in, life after death, started for me at the airport trying to return to the States. It was nighttime when I got the call, so sitting in the airport in South Korea, the next morning I see my son Ben in front of me, just like he is in life. And he's smiling, his big old grin and then he fades away. So, I desperately frantically call my ex-husband, his father and say, you gotta check. I think he's alive. I think he's in that refrigerator and he's trying to get out. I think he's alive. You gotta go check. And so, they go check and call me back and very kindly say, no, I'm sorry he's gone. And so that for me was a doorway.

Death. is always a doorway, it was the doorway into believing in, life after death. And it's something that I did not believe in before. I didn't have much of a spiritual practice. I would have said something like alive is alive, dead is dead. And so, my son Benjamin, woke me up to life on the other side, or, life after death, and he continues to do so to this day.

Myrna: That is one of the reasons I wanted to speak to you. I am wearing a sweater right now, but I'm getting chills. You said that was the first time that Ben appeared to you in his human form. The other times you said he was flapping around so I assume he appeared as a bird. I follow Sadhguru and he talks a lot about, life after death. And he said, whenever you die suddenly, from like, suicide, or a bullet or maybe like a, heroin overdose, or something, then your, spirit, can't seem to find peace. So, do you think that is why Ben stuck around after his, death?

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This episode is brought to you by The Jordan Harbinger Show.

Want a new podcast to look forward to each week? One that’s entertaining, informative, and packed with actionable content? Of course, you do.

The average podcast listener has 6 shows in rotation, so you’re most likely not only listening to The Transform Your Mind podcast — So, I’d love to share a podcast to add to your list:

The Jordan Harbinger Show, a top shelf podcast named best of Apple in 2018..Jordan dives into the minds of fascinating people — from athletes, authors and scientists to mobsters, spies and hostage negotiators. 

I really think there just isn’t a better podcast to listen to casually or seriously to expand your worldview. He’s also got a strangely relatable weekly segment called, “Feedback Friday,” where he covers advice on everything from relationships and networking to asking for a raise.

You can’t go wrong with adding The Jordan Harbinger Show to your rotation.  It’s incredibly interesting, there’s never a dull show.

Search for The Jordan Harbinger Show on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or wherever you listen to podcasts

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Jordan Harbinger podcast

Grief is a painful experience

Karen: Yeah, after Ben passed, I was in a state. My, grief, was so profound, I was so distraught that my bedroom was upstairs, I couldn't get up the steps. So, I would be on the steps and I would be crying and screaming for Ben until I threw up. I was throwing up blood. I was truly a mess and I could feel him around me. I knew that he was around me just frantic. I couldn't hear what he was saying although I could sense him. I couldn't hear him so I did what my logical mind would never have done before I googled, mediums. To be exact, mediums, in Fairfax County, Virginia and this whole page popped up.

And so, one person's picture looked a little bit larger than the others. And I thought, well, I'll take that one. It turns out this is a way, spirit, has been guiding me now to buy a house and to do many things. Something looks different. And that's how, spirit, communicates because we don't always hear the words. We can't always translate what, spirits, are saying. And so, I went to a, medium, about three weeks after he passed and I said, look he came in right behind me. He's standing over there in the corner.

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We are VERY vulnerable – especially considering we are corporate professionals.

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Authenticity Atlas podcast

Seeking out  a Medium to communicate with spirit

Can you tell me what he's saying? I can't hear him. And so, we had a wonderful session. And she told me things that really resonated because it sounded like him. Something like Mom, it was a boneheaded move, and things like that. That just sounded like him. And so, after it was all finished, he said, you know, you might have some abilities yourself because most of my clients have no idea that their loved one is right there in the room with them and there is, life after death.   So that was sort of the intro for me to begin studying, life after death, and, spirituality.

Myrna: Yeah, I think you said that you were Clair-sentience. I like what the, medium, said, spirits, are around us all the time, but a lot of us can't feel them. I heard that one of the reasons that we can't communicate with, spirits, is because when you die, your energy is at a higher frequency, and, spirits, has to lower their frequency in order for us to sense them or communicate with them and most of them don’t know how to do that. Is that true?

Karen: That's my experience. It's sort of like when you go to a Buddhist temple or you go into the Catholic Church or any church, they're singing, there's smoke, there's prayer. It's all a way of changing the vibration and the energy.

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Life after death: spirits need to transition

I think Ben’s energy couldn't dissipate until he was able to reassure me, because my being frantic, that he was okay.  I think you stay stuck and in trauma, it prevents, spirits, from fully moving on and doing what they need to do on the other side. Yeah, because they are watching us, they're seeing how you are dealing with, grief, and people say well if they go to heaven or nirvana or wherever you think that place is, how can they come back. But it's not prison. So, they're allowed to come back and forth easily and sometimes they're a little stuck in between worlds, and they need help.

Myrna: Does Ben still come back and forth?

Karen: Oh, yeah. So, you know, I became a, shaman. I do, shamanic healing, part of, shamanic healing, is helping people to die and helping, spirits, to crossover in the other world. I help, spirits, transition to, life after death.  And so, I helped Ben to cross over and he comes back and forth. I'll call him if I have a young person who's committed, suicide, or sudden death or something.  Sometimes, suicides, get a little stuck because there's so much bad talk about, suicide, that they're going to hell and all this kind of stuff. And so, they're afraid to cross over and the, after life.

They don't know what to be, so I can call Ben and he'll say, hey, man, come with me. I'll show you the ropes. I'll show you it's beautiful on the other side, you have nothing to fear and then they're able to cross over to the, after life, peacefully. So, we would kind of work together.

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We had a lot of grief during the pandemic

Myrna: People have lost a lot of people over the, pandemic, and I've had some interviews on the show with wife’s losing spouses.  I've actually never had one with a mother losing a son. But the, grief, is profound. So, what kind of solace can we have? Should we be scared when we feel our loved one’s presence? What kind of advice you can give on that?

Karen: Yeah, so I think sometimes people say, I'd love to see my loved one but it I find it scary at the same time. I really don't want them appearing. So, if you have that kind of dynamic going on, I think they don't want to appear.  A lot of times we're scared of our loved ones after they die. I don't think before I saw Ben, that I would have said I wanted him to show up, but he just kind of showed up.  So, I think a lot of that goes on and it just depends how they show themselves to you.

Myrna: You went to the, medium, three weeks after Ben died. Did you find that your, grief, started to settle down after you could communicate with him? I know you're still grieving seven years after his death, but did the intensity subside?

Karen: The intensity of my, grief, somewhat subsided.

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Shamanism Helps survivors deal with grief

Myrna: You said that, shamanism, allowed you to move through your, grief, on your healing journey. So, tell us what, shamanism, is.

Karen: About nine months after Ben passed, I had been in the spiritual world and learning things and growing and I had gone to an evolutionary astrologer who said, hey, I had another woman who had a reading like yours that became a, shaman. I went to Mr. Google and searched for, shaman, and Mr. Google said, try the Four Winds. I contacted their office and three weeks later I'm on a plane to Joshua Tree California.

I got there and I just loved it. That was the beginning of the, south direction, of the, medicine wheel.  The, south direction, of the, medicine wheel, is where you learn to shed your past, the way that a serpent sheds its skin. So, we're looking at all our old wounds and things that are bothering us in trouble. These are ways of thinking and being all those things and we're learning how to work with that how to let it go. A process called elimination. So that's the first feeling medicine that we learned in the south direction.

Myrna: Okay, so they teach you how to shed your skin and how does, shamanism, do that? Do you do it by meditation? Do you do it by coaching?

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Shamanism works with luminous energy to help with grief

Karen: The, shaman, work is working with the, luminous energy field, and we have a, luminous energy field, because when someone's alive it’s vibrant, and when someone's gone, it's just not there. We have this field of energy around us. And so, what we do as, shamans, is learn to work with this, luminous energy field. And by the way, shamanism, is not a religious practice. We have, shamans, that are priests and rabbis, all sorts of people trained in using, energy medicine, to help people and so we do it by process called elimination.

Then we have what we call, medicine stones, and we use our, medicine stones, to help people heal the heart, we blow into our own wounds. And we work with them in different ways to energize these, medicine stones, and then other people can blow their wounds into the stones and then we use a process where we allow them to breathe in, breathe out. You know, the breath is a metaphor for, shamanic, work.  So, we're breathing in newness and freshness and breathing out staleness and old ways.

So, we're allowing them to breathe and release with a, medicine stone, on one of their, chakras. And then at the end of this process, we open to coaching. If you look at the pictures of the Christ and saints and the Buddha, all have this halo around them. So, we reach up into our Halo and open it up. And then we bring this divine light down into the person’s, chakra.

So, they've released heaviness, and we're replacing it with divine light. And it's profoundly healing so that's how, shamans, work with energy.

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Shamanic directions for healing grief

Myrna: Can you take us through the other three, shamanic, directions?

Karen: So, the,  south direction, and then we moved to the, west direction.  The West has to do with death and dying and, fear of death. Most of us are really afraid of, death, and dying, ours and people that we love. And so, we work with that and sometimes people have energies and entities that we learn to extract and take out in the west.

And then in the, north direction, we move to, hummingbird medicine. The West medicine is, Jaguar medicine, Jaguar who fearlessly calls whatever is dead and dying in the jungle and so we want to be like the Jaguar impeccable and calling whatever's dead and dying within us. Then we move to, hummingbird medicine, and hummingbird teach us stillness in motion. It's little wings are flapping and it's still.

Myrna: And it's always singing right?

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Shamanic practice and directions

Karen: Looking for food and looking for The Sweetest Nectar. Hummingbirds feast on nectar. They don't go to the dung heap. They don't go there. They go to the nectar of life. Right? So that's that metaphor for drinking only from the sweetest nectar of life. So, hummingbird medicine, and then we end up with, Eagle medicine Eagle.

Eagles fly high. So you know Eagles have been the standard for the United States somebody that that flies high. It's the only bird that flies over all the storms of life always looking for clearing and it has to do with destiny. So these direction in, Eagle medicine, has to do with finding your highest destiny, flying high being able to fly high over obstacles.

Myrna: That's beautiful. I love it. What are some, mindfulness, tips that can help us with, grief and loss?

Karen: When I talked about my book is the journey of the bereaved and the journey of, grief,  is through transition, resurrection and rebirth and that's the same process our loved ones go through. So their transition is from their physical form to the spiritual one. They resurrect on the other side. After a while they're either reborn or maybe recycled into a new life or reborn into their after life.

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Grief is a journey of transformation

And so the, grief, this is our special journey because we go through transformation from having this person to not having this person. And then after a while, if if we can move some of this energy we can have this opportunity to resurrect to look around and say, Okay, so now what next? And then finally to get to the rebirth part where we actually use the energy of, grief, to create a new life out of the ashes of the old one which seems like a really unbelievable thing.

But when you think about other big events in life, like parenthood, and marriage, we know they have transformative energy. We know that life is never the same, life is gonna end with, grief. In our culture we want to avoid, death, because we associate it with sadness and despair. And so people that are grieving are often told, it's time to move on. It's time to get over it. Let's not talk about that.

So oftentimes, people become even more stuck in their, grief, because they become isolated and alone and they know that will make people uncomfortable. What I'd like people to know is that, grief, is a journey. It's not a one time thing and it has no time frame and your journey is going to be different than anybody else's.

Never say to a grieving person, it's time to move on. It's time to just just let them be. Let them be, and allow them to go on this journey. So that they can use these practices.

Alchemizing the energy of grief

The, south direction, helps people shed their, grief. Each each direction has four practices associated what mindfulness things that people have heard in other contexts. So we talk about non judgement. So one of the practice non judgement who are you judging and who's judging you? And when I ask people to approach these practices in a very ceremonial way, because we want to get out of our every day, reptilian brains.

Indigenous, alchemy, means native or inherent desire for, transformation. And I think we as humans are really hardwired for, transformation, and change. And when we keep ourselves stuck in, grief, that energy stays stuck in our body and it can make us sick. Years later, we can come up with big illnesses because we have so much unresolved, grief.

So what I like to suggest for people is to really work with these practices, each one they're 16. And so if you really deeply do the work and take it to spirit there can be profound change that will enable you then to go to a party, have fun, maybe go on a date or whatever you choose, but we have to do a little spiritual work first.

Myrna: Tell us about your book “Living Grieving using energy medicine, alchemize grief and loss.”  Why did you write it? I know you wanted to share the story of your son.

Karen: So I wrote the book after I went on my spiritual journey and beginning shamanism. I ended up selling my home and all my possessions and I went on two and a half year trip around the world, trying to understand, grief and loss. It just seems so incomprehensible to me. It's like this big elephant and how do you deal with this?

Book Living Grieving
Book: Living Grieving

Living Grieving

And and so I really thought at the beginning, I would just be writing a blog. You can find the book “Living Grieving” on Amazon. I do, shamanic, work I help people with, death, and dying people that are in the process of dying or people that have passed on. I also help widows and other people who are the survivors, I call us the survivors. And the book is really written for the survivors.

Additional Resources 

Master Lama Rasaji: Harmonizing Mind Body Spirit

How God Uses Coincidence To Get You To Your Destiny

In this episode of 5 Min Fridays with Coach Myrna, we look at the,  Bible story, of, Joseph, to see how God uses, coincidence, to get us to our, purpose and destiny.  I show that there are, no coincidences in life, that every moment has been, preordained.
So, if you have been feeling unlucky because you had, coincidence, show up in your life that did not feel good, I want you to know that every event has a, purpose, and that is to take you to your, preordained destiny.

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Ephesians 2:10

For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.

Bible Story Of Joseph and destiny

I want to use the, bible story, of, Joseph, the son of Jacob to show how God uses, coincidence. Joseph, was born with a purpose, prearranged by God. It was determined in his mother’s womb or before.

Because he was born to his father in his old age, his father Jacob loved him more than his 10 other brothers. That created jealousy. His brothers hated him because he was his father’s favorite. When Jacob made, Joseph, a beautiful robe of many colors, his brothers became even more jealous of him.  Then Joseph, started dreaming about his brothers bowing down to him and he decided to share his, dreams.

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Bad move, never share your, dreams, of success with others even family members because they will secretly hate you and want you dead. They may not try to kill you as Joseph’s brothers wanted to do, but maybe they would wish evil on you.

The good news is whatever God ordains no man can change.

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How God Used Coincidence to get Joseph to his purpose and destiny

It is amazing how God orchestrated getting, Joseph, to fulfill his, purpose.

  • First, he got Joseph’s father Jacob to love him more, thereby creating a fire starter.
  • Then he gave, Joseph, dreams, and inspired him to share them with his brothers, creating hatred.
  • Then he gave his brothers opportunity to sell him into slavery by inspiring his father Jacob to send, Joseph, alone to find his brothers.
  • The slave traders then sold, Joseph,  to the pharaoh’s captain of palace guard Potiphar.

How would, Joseph, get in position to fulfill his, purpose, if these apparent, coincidences, did not take place?

There are, no coincidences in life,  everything is, preordained, in God’s plan.

What you think is bad luck is actually God getting you in position for greatness.

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Joseph story of coincidences continues

Potiphar’s wife has the hots for, Joseph, but when he wouldn’t sleep with her, she seeks revenge by accusing him of trying to rape her and so Joseph is thrown into prison. The same prison that the Pharaoh sends prisoners from the palace.

Later Pharaoh throws his cup bearer and his baker in prison and who oversees them, Joseph!

Then God gives them both, dreams, and tells, Joseph, the interpretation of their, dreams. It so happens that in 3 days both, dreams, come through according to, Joseph's interpretation.   The cup bearer is returned to his role in the palace and the baker was killed.

A full 2 years later the Pharaoh had 2, dreams, that he needed interpreting and that is when the cup bearer remembered, Joseph, the Hebrew slave who interpreted his, dreams, in prison.

Pharaoh sends for, Joseph, who interprets his, dreams. Joseph, tells Pharaoh that the, dreams, meant God is notifying him there will be 7 bountiful years followed by 7 Years of severe famine.

Pharaoh then makes, Joseph, administrative head of Egypt second only to himself. Everyone needed to bow down to him.

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God's purpose for Joseph realized

God’s, purpose, for, Joseph, was to be the instrument that would save the Egyptians from all dying in the famine that was, preordained, before, Joseph, was born. The famine would have also have wiped out all of Abraham’s defendants as well and that would have made God’s promise to Abraham, that his defendants would be as numerous as the stars in the sky to be void, and how many of you know that God is not man, he does not lie. He used, coincidence, to move, Joseph, in position to realize his preordained, destiny.

Coincidence is to get you to your destiny

I wanted to share this story with you today to illustrate that you were born with a, purpose, and there are no, coincidence, in life. Every moment is, preordained. Think of all the, coincidences,  God had to orchestrate for, Joseph, to fulfill his, purpose and destiny. Most of them not in, Joseph, favor.

My life has been the same.  There were several, coincidences, that got  me to my, purpose and destiny. If I was to pick up my story from the time I arrived in Canada from Guyana.

I met this girl working in a factory making zippers. She took me with her to look for a better job. That, coincidence, got me a job at Scotia Bank and she did not find work. While I was at Scotia Bank, I met my second husband who was 12 years older than me and schooled me in life and suggested I go back to college.

After college I started selling computers.  the, coincidence, of how I met Tony Robbins. Tony came to town and sent free tickets to my company for his “unleash the power within” conference.  Tony Robbins inspired me to unleash my power within and I became the top female limousine operator in Toronto Canada.

This, coincidence,  brought me to Miami Florida. Miami was my Egypt, it is where I needed to be to fulfil my, purpose.  I will stop here, but you get the picture. There are, no coincidences in life, every step in your journey is, preordained, and is God’s plan, even the steps you take backwards.

Conclusion coincidence

So, if you feel you have been lucky or if you feel that you are unlucky, I want you to know that every, coincidence, has a, purpose, and that is to take you to your, preordained destiny.

This is life coach Myrna Young and you have been listening to 5 mins with coach Myrna.  I want to invite you to join my private Facebook group called Lifecoach. Hope to see you next week.  Namaste

Additional Resources 

How to Awaken to Your Soul Purpose

Transform Your Mind With Alchemy

The definition of, alchemy, is turning lead into gold.  That's the meaning that we're told to understand, but there's so much deeper going on behind it. Turning lead into gold means turning something Heavy and impure into something precious.

Today we are talking on the topic using, alchemy, to transform your mind.


Vi Vi Thai, is a writer, truth seeker healer and fearlessly determined to live a free lifestyle, regardless of others opinions. In her book “Living Through Alchemy,” Vi seeks to dispel the myths beyond and behind, alchemy, shining and eliminated in light of this fascinating, esoteric practice; a compilation of a lifetime of soul searching.

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Book Living through Alchemy
Book Living through Alchemy

The book “Living Through Alchemy” blends the fields of art and science, painting a compelling picture of how, alchemy, manifests in your daily lives. Living her, life purpose, Vi helps others to find their path of freedom to live their authentic selves, because only then she feels that we can live a fulfilled life of happiness.

Today Vi is speaking to me from her camper with her dog and her, van life.   We are going to be embarking on a, journey of freedom, and, spirituality. Let's start out by telling you what exactly is, alchemy?

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My introduction to Alchemy

Vi: I came across, alchemy, probably about seven years ago after I read the book “ The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho”. That book inspired me to embark on my, nomadic life,  and, van life, because Paulo,  loved to travel, and he wanted to travel the world. During that time, I was in a very dark phase of my life. I was very unhappy about my job, and everything else in my life. I was questioning the, meaning of life. I was asking myself questions like:

  • Why do I exist?
  • What's my, life purpose? Because I was so unhappy.

Every day going to work, it felt like I was carrying a huge rock on my shoulder. I asked myself, am I supposed to live like this? Why did I go through 10 years of school, got a very high degree, got a very prestigious job in one of the best hospitals in the US and I am still depressed?


At this time, I came across this book; but I didn't understand anything about, alchemy, at that time. So, I thought it was a really cool story about traveling. I didn't know that there's so much, esoteric, meanings that were embedded in this book. Not until last year when I was writing a book about my, van life. When I decided to go deeper into my, nomadic life, and, van life, I realized that it had to do with my spiritual journey and, freedom.

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My Nomadic Life and Alchemy

I wanted to live in a van, because I didn't want to go back to the corporate life. I wanted to have more time for myself, to learn who I am and follow my passion.

That's the reason I changed my, lifestyle; I wanted to live simply in a very low-cost way, and mainly focus on what I love to do the most. I just followed that passion and where it led me.  That was the biggest thing I learned from the book, The Alchemist.  I learned from that book is just to follow your heart and so that's how it led me here. And during that the writing process of my book, I stumble upon a show about, alchemy.  Everything happened like, synchronicity.

Myrna: My last podcast was on the topic of, synchronicity, which states that there's no coincidences in life!

Vi Vi: I started seeing, synchronicity, happen all around me. So, when I was writing the book, I came upon this show called “Mystery Teachings” presented by Teresa fuller on Gaia Network.

Myrna: I am not picking up, what is  alchemy, can you give us a definition of it?

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What is Alchemy

Vi Vi: The definition of, alchemy, is turning lead into gold.  That's the meaning that we're told to understand, but there's so much deeper going on behind it. Turning lead into gold means turning something heavy and impure into something precious.

However, the goals of, alchemy, went far beyond simply creating some golden nuggets.

The history of alchemy, was rooted in a complex spiritual worldview in which everything around us contains a sort of universal spirit, and metals were believed not only to be alive, but also to grow inside the Earth. When a base, or common, metal such as lead was found, it was thought to simply be a spiritually and physically immature form of higher metals such as gold. To the, alchemists, metals were not the unique substances that populate the Periodic Table, but instead the same thing in different stages of development or refinement on their way to spiritual perfection.

Myrna: That's beautiful It's almost like turning coals into diamonds, same kind of thing.

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Stages of Alchemy

In order to understand, what is alchemy, you need to understand the, stages of alchemy, and how It transmuted. So, alchemy, refers to the stages of transmutation. It's sort of spacious and through that process you transform into a different form.  Similar to how the caterpillar transforms into the butterfly. Just like the caterpillar it has to go through the stages.

The 7 stages of Alchemy
  1. Calcination – This stage refers to the breaking of our attachments to the worldly.
  2. Dissolution – The chemical process of dissolution is to take the ashes from calcination and dissolve it in water.
  3. Separation – In this stage the, alchemist, separates and filters the products of dissolution.
  4. Conjunction – Here the, alchemist, is at peace with both the perceived “darker” aspects of the self, and the mask that they need to wear when interacting with the world.
  5. Fermentation – Fermentation is essentially, all about testing this newly integrated self. We test ourselves through trials and tribulations, through the natural swings that life provides us.
  6. Distillation – To prepare for the final stage, we need to purify the spirit to make sure that it is free from any destructive forms of ego
  7. Coagulation – Here, there is the meeting between matter and spirit, inner and outer, good and evil, the union of dualities. It is at this stage of, spiritual alchemy, where the spirit has become self aware – it perceives itself, and it sees and understands that the inner world and the outer world are not different, but reflections of each other.
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Alchemy and the Seven Chakras

The, stages of alchemy, also connect us to the, energy portals, in the body the, chakras.  All your, chakras, also connect you to the, seven laws of the universe, and once you go through the process and stages of, alchemy, you perceive the world without dualities and embrace consciousness.

Once you travel through an the, stages of alchemy, you open up your third eye chakra, and remove the blockage of the Pineal Gland.

Myrna: Everything you're saying I understand.  I do energy work with my, chakras, and I am reading  Deepak Chopra's book right now “The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success.”

Vi Vi: It's a very natural process.  It happens to everyone because The Universe wants you to transmute; change is the only constant.  So in, alchemy, everything has to transmute. The universe wants to protect itself and that’s why we all have to go through the process of transmutation.

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Transform your mind with Alchemy

The beauty of, alchemy, is that once you understand all of these stages, then you'll be able to have a different perspective about your life. When you have a different perspective, then you have different thoughts. You look at things differently.

Once you have different views, you have different actions so you do things differently. So with, alchemy, we are creating a different reality. Through this process of letting go and purifying, you start to, transform your mind, as well.

When you go through this process of purifying, you travel through the, seven chakras, and the, Kundalini energy, is activated. When you open up all your, chakras, the energy is lighter. So, once it is opened up, it gives the light the passage for the, Kundalini energy, to rise through the, chakras.

As the Kundalini energy rises to the, sixth chakra, your third eye, this allows you to see with intention and access to the spiritual realm. We have blockages in our, third eye charka; we all have blockages is in our, chakras. So, the end result is the healing of these blockages.

Kundalini Energy

Myrna: I'm familiar with, Kundalini energy, I do, Kundalini meditation.  This energy is like a snake that goes up your nervous system.  I practice thinking of the, Kundalini energy, moving from my, seventh chakra, and going all the way up to my, first chakra.

Vi Vi: I teach about the, 7 stages of alchemy, and people can find my book on Amazon, it will soon be available everywhere, but for now it is only on Amazon. The title of the book is “Living Through Alchemy, a transformational journey to freedom.” And they can also go to my website www.livingthroughalchemy.com , and that's where they learn more information about the book and I have my book trailer on there. They can also download a free copy as well of the first chapter.  In the first chapter I walk people through the, meaning of alchemy, and explain the, stages of alchemy. Follow Vi Vi on Instagram at @smileyvivi05

Check out Vi Vi YouTube channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC6_bnIuxOak50QN3QB_jUkg


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Additional Resources

Nothing is Impossible: How to Turn Life's Challenges Into Opportunity



Are you Afraid That God Will Not Answer Your prayer?

The bible teaches that for God to answer your, prayer, you must first believe and have, faith, that God is first able and willing to give you the desires of your heart.  But there are ways to improve the chances that God will answer your, prayer. A, prayer, is a special kind of intention. Therefore, the rules that apply to the Power of intentions, which are rules about consciousness, apply. Your, prayer, will be answered, or not, depending on events happening out of sight – but not out of mind.

The mind furnishes the mechanics of making any intention come true. An intention or, prayer request, sent to God needs, faith, to rocket it to the heavens. An intention to graduate at the top of your class or to marry the man of your dreams takes focus, diligence and action.

The bible also teaches, “Faith,  Without Works Is Dead”.

– “What does it profit, my brethren, if someone says he has, faith, but does not have works? Can, faith, save him?”

What makes any intention or, prayer, come true?

Three vital elements are at work in, Prayer :

1. How deep into the mind is the intention coming from- how badly do you want it?

2. How steady is your focus- do you think about it every day?

3. How fluid is your intention – are you attached to the outcome?

When you perfect these three things, the power of intention and your, prayer request, becomes real and powerful.


The Power of , Prayer

1: Depth of awareness – “Like a river that runs fast on the surface but much more slowly near the bottom, the mind is conceived of as both active and still.” For the power of, prayer, to be seen yo have to be still and connect to source, God.

The stillness is present, for example, in the space between thoughts. When you are accustomed to experiencing your mind only through activity (i.e., sensations, images, feelings, and thoughts), the silent source of the mind has been missed. The whole point of Eastern meditation practices is to reacquaint a person with this source. The more often you dive into your silent mind, the deeper your intentions are coming from when you aren’t meditating. The bible also teaches that you can find God in the stillness. …

“Then a spirit passed by my face; The hair of my flesh bristled up. It stood still, but I could not discern its appearance; A form was before my eyes; There was silence, then I heard a voice: ‘Can mankind be just before God? Can a man be pure before his Maker?'…” Job 4:15 – 17

Some ways to access source for God to Answer Prayer:

  • Your prayer closet,
  • meditation,
  • calm peaceful surroundings,
  • minimal mental agitation,
  • stress free living,
  • self-acceptance
  • and self-awareness.


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Steady mental focus – Calling up an intention is natural to everyone’s mind. The key is that the intention be one-pointed, that is, your desire doesn’t conflict with other desires or get dissipated in mental restlessness. We’ve all experienced moments of knowing exactly what we want and never losing focus as long as our desire holds our attention.

Does God, answer, prayer? Absolutely, once we are clear and specific about what we ask for, act purposefully, not lose sight of the goal, have confidence and, faith, and do the works diligently; then we attract our intentions into our experience. When we tap into the supernatural, all power of God and the Holy Spirit, then we make quantum leaps to achieving our desires and intentions.

What hurts Intentions? Multitasking, mental confusion, conflicted desires, lack of self-knowledge, fantasy and daydreaming, short attention span, a craving to escape the self with drugs or alcohol and finally a lack of belief in God and in yourself.

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Have an open mind when you prayer

Fluid awareness – Do you have an open mind that can adapt to any response from the world? Do you have a mind that is committed to the destination, but allows God to map out the route and the stops along the way to the destination? No better example exists than playing a video game, where the player is fiercely intent of scoring points but must be open to every surprising, unexpected event in order to reach a high score. In everyday life, a desire is focused at its inception; but you should let your attachment to it go, and await whatever response comes your way.

In these three elements, as you can see, lies a lifetime of potentiality unfolding into actuality. Every thought has the power of intention behind it.

Every, prayer, can be answered if you empower it with, faith, believe and action. The bible tells us of the paralyzed man who had, faith, and belief that Jesus can heal him; but Jesus was in a crowded place and he could not get in through the door so he had his helpers knock a hole in the roof of the building and let him down in front of Jesus. Jesus told him immediately that his “sins were forgiven” and he was healed.


“Some men came, bringing to him a paralyzed man, carried by four of them. 4 Since they could not get him to Jesus because of the crowd, they made an opening in the roof above Jesus by digging through it and then lowered the mat the man was lying on. 5 When Jesus saw their, faith, he said to the paralyzed man, “Son, your sins are forgiven.” – Mark 2:3-5

God not only, answers prayers, but you can access the Universal power of intention and begin co-creating your future. The only issue is how far you are willing to go to cooperate with this ability, to unearth its possibilities, and improve the quality of your life.

Additional Resources 

The Power of Intention – Seven ways to Access Energy



5 Ways to Radiate Happiness

The healing influence of, happiness, travels literally at the speed of light. Like a single inspiring thought that goes out on the internet and reaches millions of people in just a few hours; Happiness, multiplies exponentially, replacing chaos, confusion, and conflict with order, clarity, and peace.

persuit of happiness

Why do we all want happiness? Everybody wants to be happy.

Happiness, cannot be seen or touched,  it is Spiritual. There are two types of, happiness: The first kind of, happiness, comes from things turning out the way we’d like them to. This is known as, happiness, for a reason. We say, “I’m happy because I have a family and friends,” or “I’m happy because I am in a relationship,” or “I’m happy because I’m going on vacation,” and so on.

This kind of, happiness, is inherently fleeting because it depends on external reasons that can be taken away from us at any time. Although we tend to avoid thinking about it, we can lose our friends, our job, our savings, our health, and our loved ones at any time.

These are temporary, external sources of, happiness, that come and go like a passing breeze. But real, happiness, can only flow from the inside out. It cannot be achieved by depending on people, things, employment etc. In the movie “show me the money” Tom Cruise made popular the phrase “you complete me” I know it sounds good and we all would like to know that someone feels that way about us; but someone else cannot truly complete us. Only God is our source of true, happiness. He promises to “never leave you or forsake you.

How to radiate Happiness from the inside out

As a Spiritual Life Coach, I have researched the following ways:

  1. Laughter – Laughter, is a symptom of spirituality. Laughter, is the flow of love coursing through your body. Laughter, is the nectar of present moment awareness. Invite more, laughter, into your life and relish the magic in every moment.

I am a very happy person. I have massive amounts of energy, I laugh frequently and smile naturally all the time. Once in a while something or someone would knock me off my, happiness, perch; but I don't linger there. I immediately seek out  my Happy place. Remember the movie “Happy Gilmore“?  You can't be your best if you are not in your happy place.

My Happy places are: Taking a walk in nature, either on the beach or in the park. When I lived in Toronto, and it was cold outside, I would take a drive, or watch a funny movie and laugh till I cried, or read a love story. You have to know your happy place and go there often. When you play and laugh with abandon, you enter into the present moment, which is the only place where you can experience happiness.

Happiness is love

  1. Unconditional love – Love is a spiritual emotion. Physiology has a truly alarming statistic that states that if a mother gives up on a child he or she becomes truly lost. If the entire world gives up on him or her the child would still have hope; but if the mother is still supporting him, regardless of how many people write him/her off, that child can change and turn his or her life around.
  2. That is why God hard wired, unconditional love, into mothers. The Disney movie Maleficent does an awesome job with this theory with the love of a mother substitute! The message, the only true love is the love of a mother! I love Angelina Jolie, she is my hero. When you love unconditionally, you access your spiritual realm and radiate happiness from the inside out. The object of your love is able to feel that love and revel in it.

When we don’t practice, unconditional love, we experience pain, doubt, and unhappiness. Love isn't a capricious emotion but is a state of being. It is an experience of unity with all creation. In spirit we are pure love. We don't have to search outside ourselves for love, because love is our essence.” David Simon

The peace from meditation contributes to happiness

3        Meditation– Allows us to tap into your own inexhaustible source of inner peace, fulfillment, spiritual development, personal development and self- awareness. The essence of, meditation, is experiencing our innate wholeness, the unity of our body, mind, and spirit. True, happiness, is an internal state of consciousness that allows us to be happy for no reason at all.

It is independent of the circumstances, events, people, and things in our lives. This, happiness, comes from the realization that our true self isn’t our body, thoughts, emotions, personality, possessions, accomplishments, relationships, or any other time-bound attribute.

Our essential nature is pure, unbounded consciousness, also known as the field of all possibilities. The attributes of this field include happiness, love, timelessness, compassion, creativity, wisdom, silence, and grace. This state of consciousness can only be accessed through the stillness of meditation.

4   Replace Fear with Love – One of the clouds that obscure our innate state of, happiness, and block our spiritual awakening is unnecessary fear and anxiety. This fear is a negative emotion that causes anxiety, inflammation and pain. The root cause of this fear, is because we are afraid of rejection, failure, intimacy, embarrassment, abandonment, loss, the unknown, being judged, being alone, losing control, expressing our true feelings, and so many other things.

Spiritual Life Coaching can help you release the grip that fear has on you by expanding your awareness to the pure potentiality of your true self and nature, which is infinite, whole, and unbounded.

5        Become Conscious – In my book “Becoming Conscious, My Awakening” I write about becoming conscious of my spirituality, becoming conscious of Synchro-destiny, a term this is used to label that every moment is as it should be, and that there are no coincidences in life. Everything is preordained.

When you accept this fact, then you will live more in the moment because you realize that in this moment is where miracles happen. The bible says “seek and you will find” if you look for the miracles of life, you will find them and then you will, radiate Happiness, from the inside out.

Just as a radiant sunrise can be hidden behind the clouds, our inner happiness can become obscured by constricted awareness, limiting thought patterns, and emotional turmoil. Yet no matter how long we have been lost in fear and limitation, we can learn to rise above the clouds of conditioning and awaken to the source of, happiness, within us.

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About Myrna Morris Young

Myrna Morris Young is a Certified Professional Spiritual, Life and Executive Coach and President and CEO of MyHELPS Inc. She resides in Fort Myers, FL.


 The mission of MyHelps Inc. is to help you identify and achieve the goals that are necessary in order to improve the quality of your professional and spiritual life. At the moment of conception our purpose and personalities are predetermined and set in place. Personal and business life coaching helps discover and unveil that purpose along with your passions and inner strengths.

Facebook https://www.facebook.com/Myrnayoungcoaching
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Phone: 954-999-6125

Email. [email protected]



Universal Law of the Harvest: Are you Eating Your Seed?

 The, Law of the Harvest,  is one of the, Universal Laws. We are all familiar with the, universal laws, like the, Laws of Gravity. We know that if we jump off a building, we will fall to the ground. We know that if an apple rolls off a table it will fall to the ground. Only in space we see things floating around. I was watching a movie recently where someone vomited in space and the vomit well ….you get the picture. It did not fall to the ground! The, Universal Laws, of the Harvest can literally be referred to as the Power of the seed. You can’t harvest without first planting a seed.   See an excerpt below on planting and harvesting Lettuce.

Universal Laws of the Harvest is the reaping and sowing Principle

The, Universal Law, of the Harvest, can be demonstrated with planting lettuce. Lettuce can be started from seed or from plants. Some gardeners like to direct seed their lettuce; but many prefer to start transplants and then move them into the garden after they get off to a good start. Lettuce seed germinates best in moderate to cool temperatures with soil temperatures of 75 degrees being about ideal. The seeds are small and flat so some seed companies now offer palatalized seed for easier more accurate seeding and germination.

Lettuce seed won't germinate well if buried too deep, so you must cover them with about 1/4 inch of light sand or screened compost. Press them lightly on the surface to firm soil or growing media against the seed and then mist them well to thoroughly moisten. One mistake many gardeners make when direct seeding lettuce out in the garden is to not prepare a fine textured, smooth seed bed. Scattered into chunky, crusty soil lettuce seed will seldom make a good stand.

Keep the seeds moist until they sprout and get off to a good start. If a seed dries out at any time during the germination process it will die. If you start seed outdoors it helps a lot to place a row cover fabric over the seed row, suspended to prevent the row cover from getting pressed into the soil surface with watering or rains. The row cover helps to keep the seeds from drying out quickly in the sun and drying wind. Remove the cover to water the seeds once or twice a day to keep them moist. Use a mister nozzle on the water hose to prevent blasting the seeds away. Gardeners often tend to plant more lettuce than they need.

Your harvest is a direct proportion to what you plant

Think about it. How many heads or plants of leaf lettuce do you eat a week? Plant enough to last a couple of weeks and a few extras to allow for some that won't make it. Scatter the seeds one half to an inch apart. It is really easy to plant them too thick. Then when you try to thin the seeds it's difficult not to do significant damage to the remaining plants. Plant Care Lettuce performs best if you keep it growing well with adequate soil moisture and moderate fertilization.

Water transplants in with a dilute solution of soluble fertilizer according to label instructions. Repeat this application twice weekly for a couple of weeks to ensure the new plants are off to a good start. A light application of dry fertilizer when the plants have been in about two weeks should take them on through their harvest time. Sprinkle one half cup of a 3-1-2 or 4-1-2 ratio fertilizer per 10 foot of planting row. Then lightly scratch it into the surface and water it in well. Lettuce is shallow rooted so avoid deep cultivation. Stay ahead of weeds so you don't disturb the lettuce plants later when removing large competing weeds.

Light, shallow cultivation is best. You can mulch the best when plants are well on their way. This will also help prevent soil from splashing onto the leaves during rain or irrigation. Problems Lettuce used to be plagued by several diseases that could wipe out plantings. Most modern varieties have some good resistance built in, but at times during wet periods some fungal rots and mildews may show up. I suggest that should such a problem arise just pull out affected plants and keep the new plantings coming rather than resort to sprays, especially since by the time some rot shows up it is too late to do that plant much good with a spray. Lettuce is fairly cold hardy and will tolerate light frosts with little to no damage.

Young seedlings are more prone to freeze damage. Harvest Head types are best harvested after they develop a firm head. Bibb lettuce is ready to harvest when the plants have reached about their full size and the leaves are just starting to cup inward slightly as if to form a loose head. Leaf lettuce can be harvested at any time from when you are thinning young plants on. But is it best to either harvest older leaves, leaving the plants to grow for later harvests or cut entire plants out when they reach near full size for the variety. I generally make harvest decisions based on how much other lettuce is coming along for later harvest. If I have plenty on the way I'll pull more plants when they are younger. If not then I may just harvest outer leaves to get more later on from the older plants. The, law of the harvest, is finite.  You have to plant the seed and let nature do the rest.  If you don't plant, you cannot get a harvest.

The, Universal law of the harvest, can be applied to all areas of life.

The, Universal Law, of the harvest, most popular text reference is from the book of Galatians in the Bible which reads,

“For whatever a man sows that and that only is what he will reap.

Most people are inclined to ask the “why” question when things happen to them. In most instances the answer is found in the, law of the harvest.   You are simply reaping the harvests of what you have previously sown. Whenever you get results you do not desire, begin to interrogate what kind of seeds you have been planting. From the lettuce illustration above; if you plant lettuce seeds, you will not reap or harvest cabbage. Thus the reference that you always reap what you sow!

The reason why some probably do not have happiness is because they don’t sow happiness. When you sow strife you reap strife. This is why it is necessary to carefully analyze what seeds you plant in your relationships, be it with your friends, family, or business associates.   The quality of that relationship is solely premised on the seeds you plant with your actions and words. If you plant mistrust, you will reap mistrust. One of the best advice I have every received on seed planting in relationships was

“treat your marriage and relationships like a bank account, you have to make more deposits than withdrawals or you become overdrawn”.

Every time you give of yourself or serve another, you are planting seeds that will grow into a harvest. I believe that even if you are planting into a relationship now that does not bear fruit, you will still harvest in another relationship or in your job or in your children! So keep planting the, law of the harvest, is truth.

Another, law of the harvest, is that you will reap according to the measure that you sow. The Law states that: “He who sows sparingly and grudgingly will also reap sparingly and grudgingly and he who sows generously will also reap generously and with blessings.”

Once you have identified the kind of harvest you desire, it is important to realize that again you determine the amount of harvest you receive with the amount of seed you plant. In the illustration above the farmer planted much more seed than was necessary for the harvest because he knew that some will die, either from decease, from thinning, or from rocky soil. If the seed you are planting is for the harvest of a promotion then you have to work harder than the rest and stand out. If the seed you are planting is to harvest a spouse, then you have to plant trust, service, love, affection, stability, and much more seeds than the other suitors.

It is like the seed put in the soil – the more one sows, the greater the harvest. ~~~~Orison Swett Marden

The, Law of the Harvest, says We Reap In Proportion to What We Sow

The promise and warning of Scripture about, sowing and reaping, is that we reap what we sow. This means that life’s choices are filled with consequences both good and bad — Reaping what we sow means we reap only what has been sown, we reap in kind as we sow, we reap in a different season than we sow, we reap more than we sow, but we also reap in proportion to what we sow.

We also can reap more than we sow. No fact is more significant and sobering than this one. When we sow good, we bountifully receive from the hand of God who is debtor to no man;

The, universal law, of the  harvest states that the, harvest, is always greater than the seed planted.

If this were not the case, no farmer would ever plant a thing; if he only got back what germinated in the ground. He would be on the losing end and spend his life in utter futility.   Reaping more than we sow is fundamental to the, Universal  Laws, of the Harvest and this is not just true for the agricultural world, it is true for nearly every aspect of life: for the physical and the spiritual, for believers and unbelievers alike.   The, Universal law,  of the harvest, works in reverse as well. When we sow evil, we will generally reap more evil than we sowed as well. This is one of the most important of the, universal laws.

Application of the 7  Universal Laws

There are, 7 Universal Laws. Some people are in the habit of expecting way too much than what they give in. A salesperson who does not do the activity of calling on customers or engaging in the sales activity; but who hopes to get lucky by customers falling in his or her lap soon finds out that the, universal Law,  of the Harvest is finite.

“You can't reap what you don't plant”

Only miracles supersede and defy these laws. The effort you put in determines the outcome you receive. Always!

Another, law of the harvest, is that the harvest follows planting and not vice versa.

Some people are naïve to say the least. They expect to reap first then they harvest. That is absurd. The Laws of, sowing and reaping, says you first sow then you reap. How miraculous would it be that you find a field of lettuce and no one planted any seeds or seedlings? I would bet that you would not eat that lettuce because you would be suspicious of where it came from. So expecting the rewards before you do the work is ludicrous.

  • You have to plant the seed,
  • you have to water every day,
  • you have to fertilize,
  • you have to make sure the plants get sunlight,
  • you have to protect from pests;
  • only then you can taste the sweetness of the, harvest.

You must have seed for your harvest. Are you eating your seed?

Most average and poor people are guilty of this statement, “we don’t give because we don’t have.” The reality is the opposite however; you don’t have because you don’t give. The, universal law, of the, harvest, says you have to give to get. Someone told me a great analogy once at a party.

“If your hands are closed, then not only can you not give, but you also cannot receive”

So make sure your hand is open to give and to receive. Everyone has a seed which will take them to a next level of plenty (with regard to the seed sown). The problem is most people think they should have plenty in order to plant. That is why some people need thousands to start a business while some can start from just a few dollars. I read about a lady who borrowed $3000.00 from family and friends to start her own business as a pottery consultant. I don't remember the name of her company, but she purchased pots and pans and taught people how to cook in those pots and pans.

She had just sold her Company to Warren Buffet for 900 million! God can do a lot with very little!

The last, Law of the Harvest, I will share states that,

“There is always a time interval between planting and harvesting.”

Sowing and reaping happens in different seasons

You sow in a different season from the one you reap in. Most people cannot endure the season of waiting for the, harvest, which is why they do not plant at all. They seek instant gratification so they would rather eat the seed, rather than plant it and wait for the, harvest. They do something today and expect results tomorrow. There is nothing like that! You can't circumvent the, Law of the Harvest! You miss or eliminate a step and you get no lettuce or fruit.

If you decide that to plant and not water, your seedlings will die. If you start watering and caring for the soil and there is no seed planted you reap nice dirt! You have to plant, water, protect and wait for the harvest. You plant your seed in the spring and, harvest, in the summer or fall. Remember that for everything you need in life, there is a seed that you can plant. Everything that you have ever wanted in your life can be planted and you will begin to enjoy the benefits of the, laws of the harvest.

If you plant nothing you reap nothing.

Start planting the seeds that give you the results you require. Remember if you eat your seed, there can be no, harvest. Everyone has something they can plant!

The, law of the harvest, can be applied to your Academics, Spiritual life, Finances, Relationships, Career, Business and anywhere else you desire to see results.

Additional Resources


How to Care For Your Inception Thought Seeds


The Power of the Seed….Are you Eating your Seed?

It is like the, seed, put in the soil – the more one sows, the greater the harvest. ~~~~Orison Swett Marden


The Law of the Harvest and Seed Planting is one of the Universal Laws.

We are all familiar with the Laws of Gravity. We know that if we jump off a building we will fall to the ground. We know that if an apple rolls off a table it will fall to the ground. Only in space we see things floating around. I was watching a movie recently where someone vomited in space and the vomit well ….you get the picture. It did not fall to the ground!

The, Law of the Harvest, can literally refer to the Power of the, seed. You can’t harvest without first planting a, seed.   See an excerpt below on planting and harvesting Lettuce: Lettuce can be started from, seed, or from plants. Some gardeners like to direct, seed, their lettuce but many prefer to start transplants and then move them into the garden after they get off to a good start.

Lettuce, seed, germinates best in moderate to cool temperatures with soil temperatures of 75 degrees being about ideal. The, seeds, are small and flat so some, seed, companies now offer palatalized, seed, for easier more accurate seeding and germination. Lettuce, seed, won't germinate well if buried too deep so cover them with about 1/4 inch of light sand or screened compost.

Press them lightly on the surface to firm soil or growing media against the seed and then mist them well to thoroughly moisten. One mistake many gardeners make when direct seeding lettuce out in the garden is to not prepare a fine textured, smooth, seed, bed.

Planting Seeds of lettuce

Scattered into chunky, crusty soil lettuce, seed, will seldom make a good stand. Keep the, seeds, moist until they sprout and get off to a good start. If a, seed, dries out at any time during the germination process it will die. If you start, seed, outdoors it helps a lot to place a row cover fabric over the seed row, suspended to prevent the row cover from getting pressed into the soil surface with watering or rains. The row cover helps to keep the, seeds, from drying out quickly in the sun and drying wind. imagesCAEPV9VE

Remove the cover to water the, seeds, once or twice a day to keep them moist. Use a mister nozzle on the water hose to prevent blasting the seeds away. Gardeners often tend to plant more lettuce than they need. Think about it. How many heads or plants of leaf lettuce do you eat a week?

Plant enough to last a couple of weeks and a few extras to allow for some that won't make it. Scatter the seeds one half to an inch apart. It is really easy to plant them too thick. Then when you try to thin the seeds it's difficult not to do significant damage to the remaining plants. Plant Care Lettuce performs best if you keep it growing well with adequate soil moisture and moderate fertilization. Water transplants in with a dilute solution of soluble fertilizer according to label instructions.

Repeat this application twice weekly for a couple of weeks to ensure the new plants are off to a good start. A light application of dry fertilizer when the plants have been in about two weeks should take them on through their harvest time. Sprinkle one half cup of a 3-1-2 or 4-1-2 ratio fertilizer per 10 foot of planting row. Then lightly scratch it into the surface and water it in well. Lettuce is shallow rooted so avoid deep cultivation.

Stay ahead of weeds so you don't disturb the lettuce plants later when removing large competing weeds. Light, shallow cultivation is best. You can mulch the best when plants are well on their way. This will also help prevent soil from splashing onto the leaves during rain or irrigation. Problems Lettuce used to be plagued by several diseases that could wipe out plantings.

Most modern varieties have some good resistance built in, but at times during wet periods some fungal rots and mildews may show up. I suggest that should such a problem arise just pull out affected plants and keep the new plantings coming rather than resort to sprays, especially since by the time some rot shows up it is too late to do that plant much good with a spray.

Lettuce is fairly cold hardy and will tolerate light frosts with little to no damage. Young seedlings are more prone to freeze damage. Harvest Head types are best harvested after they develop a firm head. Bibb lettuce is ready to harvest when the plants have reached about their full size and the leaves are just starting to cup inward slightly as if to form a loose head.

Leaf lettuce can be harvested at any time from when you are thinning young plants on. But is it best to either harvest older leaves, leaving the plants to grow for later harvests or cut entire plants out when they reach near full size for the variety. I generally make harvest decisions based on how much other lettuce is coming along for later harvest. If I have plenty on the way I'll pull more plants when they are younger. If not then I may just harvest outer leaves to get more later on from the older plants. IMG_0097

The laws of the harvest can be applied to all areas of life.

The Law’s most popular text reference is from the book of Galatians in the Bible which reads, “For whatever a man sows that and that only is what he will reap.” Most people are inclined to ask the “why” question when things happen to them. In most instances the answer is found in this law.   You are simply reaping the harvests of what you have previously sown.

Whenever you get results you do not desire, begin to interrogate what kind of, seeds, you have been planting. From the lettuce illustration above; if you plant lettuce, seeds, you will not reap or harvest cabbage. Thus the reference that you always, reap what you sow!

The reason why some probably do not have happiness is because they don’t sow happiness. When you sow strife you reap strife. This is why it is necessary to carefully analyze what seeds you plant in your relationships, be it with your friends, family, or business associates.

The quality of that relationship is solely premised on the, seeds, you plant with your actions and words. If you plant mistrust, you will reap mistrust. One of the best advice I have every received on seed planting in relationships was “treat your marriage and relationships like a bank account, you have to make more deposits than withdrawals or you become overdrawn”.

Every time you give of yourself or serve another, you are planting seeds that will grow into a harvest. I believe that even if you are planting into a relationship now that does not bear fruit, you will still harvest in another relationship or in your job or in your children! So keep planting.

Another, law of the harvest, is that you will reap according to the measure that you sow. The Law states that: “He who sows sparingly and grudgingly will also reap sparingly and grudgingly and he who sows generously will also reap generously and with blessings.”

Once you have identified the kind of harvest you desire, it is important to realize that again you determine the amount of harvest you receive with the amount of, seed, you plant. In the illustration above the farmer planted much more, seed, than was necessary for the harvest because he knew that some will die, either from decease, from thinning, or from rocky soil.

If the, seed, you are planting is for the, harvest, of a promotion then you have to work harder than the rest and stand out. If the, seed, you are planting is to harvest a spouse, then you have to plant trust, service, love, affection, stability, and much more, seeds, than the other suitors. IMG_0098

We Reap In Proportion to What We Sow

The promise and warning of Scripture is that we reap what we sow. This means that life’s choices are filled with consequences both good and bad — Reaping what we sow means we reap only what has been sown, we reap in kind as we sow, we reap in a different season than we sow, we reap more than we sow, but we also reap in proportion to what we sow.

We Reap More Than We Sow

No fact is more significant and sobering than this one. When we sow good, we bountifully receive from the hand of God who is debtor to no man; for the harvest is always greater than the seed planted. If this were not the case, no farmer would ever plant a thing; if he only got back what germinated in the ground.

He would be on the losing end and spend his life in utter futility.   Reaping more than we sow is fundamental to the Laws of the Harvest and this is not just true for the agricultural world, it is true for nearly every aspect of life: for the physical and the spiritual, for believers and unbelievers alike.   This law works in reverse as well. When we sow evil, we will generally reap more evil than we sowed as well.

Just knowing these alone alone is not enough! Application of the Laws and conforming to them will always give the expected result.

Some people are in the habit of expecting way too much than what they give in. A salesperson who does not do the activity of calling on customers or engaging in the sales activity; but who hopes to get lucky by customers falling in his or her lap soon finds out that the, Law of the Harvest, is finite.

“You can't reap what you don't plant” Only miracles supersede and defy these laws. The effort you put in determines the outcome you receive. Always!   Another law is that the harvest follows planting and not vice versa. Some people are naïve to say the least. They expect to reap first then they harvest. That is absurd.

You first sow then you reap. How miraculous would it be that you find a field of lettuce and no one planted any, seeds, or seedlings? I would bet that you would not eat that lettuce because you would be suspicious of where it came from. So expecting the rewards before you do the work is ludicrous. You have to plant the seed, you have to water every day, you have to fertilize, you have to make sure the plants get sunlight, you have to protect from pests; only then you can taste the sweetness of the harvest.

Are you eating your seed?


Most average and poor people are guilty of this statement, “we don’t give because we don’t have.” The reality is the opposite however; you don’t have because you don’t give. Someone told me a great analogy once at a party. “If your hands are closed, then not only can you not give, but you also cannot receive” so make sure your hand is open to give and to receive.

Everyone has a seed which will take them to a next level of plenty (with regard to the seed sown). The problem is most people think they should have plenty in order to plant. That is why some people need thousands to start a business while some can start from just a few dollars. I read about a lady who borrowed $3000.00 from family and friends to start her own business as a pottery consultant. I don't remember the name of her company but she purchased pots and pans and taught people how to cook in those pots and pans. She had just sold her Company to Warren Buffet for 900 million! God can do a lot with very little!

The last Law of Harvests I will share states that, “There is always a time interval between planting and harvesting.”

You sow in a different season from the one you reap in. Most people cannot endure the season of waiting for the, harvest, which is why they do not plant at all. They seek instant gratification so they would rather eat the seed, rather than plant it and wait for the harvest. They do something today and expect results tomorrow.

There is nothing like that! You can't circumvent the, Law of the Harvest! You miss or eliminate a step and you get no lettuce or fruit. If you decide that to plant and not water, your seedlings will die. If you start watering and caring for the soil and there is no seed planted you reap nice dirt!

You have to plant, water, protect and wait for the, harvest. You plant your, seed, in the spring and harvest in the summer or fall. Remember that for everything you need in life, there is a seed that you can plant. Everything that you have ever wanted in your life can be planted and you will begin to enjoy the benefits of the laws of harvests.

If you plant nothing you reap nothing. Start planting the, seeds, that give you the results you require. Remember if you eat your, seed, there can be no, harvest. Everyone has something they can plant!

These laws can be applied to your Academics, Spiritual life, Finances, Relationships, Career, Business and anywhere else you desire to see results.

Myrna Morris Young is a Spiritual Life and Executive Leadership Coach And President and CEO of Myhelps Inc. You can reach her by Phone: 954-999-6125 by Skype at Myrna.Young.3 Or by Email:[email protected] Web: https://myhelps.us She is also the Author: “Becoming Conscious, My Awakening”

5 Ways to Radiate on the Happiness Wheel

Happiness, cannot be seen or touched,  it is Spiritual. In the, pursuit of happiness, we all want to be on the, happiness wheel. Why do we all want to be Happy? Because everybody wants, happiness.

The healing influence of being on the,  happiness wheel, travels literally at the speed of light. Like a single inspiring thought that goes out on the internet and reaches millions of people in just a few hours; being on the, happiness wheel, multiplies exponentially … Replacing chaos, confusion, and conflict with order, clarity, and peace.

There are two types of, happiness:

  1. The first kind of, happiness, comes from things turning out the way we’d like them to. This is known as, happiness, for a reason. You are on the, happiness wheel, because life is good. We say, “I’m happy because I have a family and friends,” or “I’m happy because I am in a relationship,” or “I’m happy because I’m going on vacation,” and so on. This kind of, happiness, is inherently fleeting because it depends on external reasons that can be taken away from us at any time. Although we tend to avoid thinking about it, we can lose our friends, our job, our savings, our health, and our loved ones at any time.
  2. These are temporary, external sources of, happiness, that come and go like a passing breeze. But, a real, happiness wheel, can only flow from the inside out. It cannot be achieved by depending on people, things, employment etc.

Happiness Film

In the movie “show me the money” Tom Cruise made popular the phrase “you complete me” I know it sounds good and we all would like to know that someone feels that way about us; but someone else cannot truly complete us.

Only God is our source of true, happiness. He promises to “never leave you or forsake you.

Transform Your mind Podcast with coach Myrna
Transform Your mind Podcast

So how do you radiate on the, Happiness Wheel, from the inside out?

As a Spiritual Life Coach, I have researched the following ways:

  1. Laughter – Laughter is a symptom of spirituality. Laughter is the flow of love coursing through your body. Laughter is the nectar of present moment awareness. Invite more laughter into your life and relish the magic in every moment.
  2. I am a very happy person. I have massive amounts of energy, I laugh frequently and smile naturally all the time. Once in a while something or someone would knock me off my, happiness, perch; but I don't linger there. I immediately seek out  my Happy place. Remember the movie “Happy Gilmore”?

You can't be your best if you are not in your happy place.

Places to Find, Happiness

  • Taking a walk in nature, either on the beach or in the park. When I lived in Toronto, and it was cold outside, I would take a drive,
  • Watch a funny movie and laugh till I cried,
  • Read a love story.
  • You have to know your happy place and go there often.
  • When you play and laugh with abandon, you enter into the present moment, which is the only place where you can experience happiness.

Sources to Radiate Happiness on the, Happiness Wheel

Unconditional love – Love is a spiritual emotion. Physiology has a truly alarming statistic that states that if a mother gives up on a child he or she becomes truly lost. If the entire world gives up on him or her the child would still have hope; but if the mother is still supporting him, regardless of how many people write him/her off, that child can change and turn his or her life around.

That is why God hard wired unconditional love into mothers. The Disney movie Maleficent does an awesome job with this theory with the love of a mother substitute! The message, the only true love is the love of a mother! I love Angelina, she is my hero. When you love unconditionally, you access your spiritual realm and, radiate happiness, from the inside out. The object of your love is able to feel that love and revel in it.

Unconditional love on the, Happiness Wheel

When we don’t practice unconditional love, we experience pain, doubt, and unhappiness. We can't get on the, happiness wheel.  Love isn't a capricious emotion but is a state of being. It is an experience of unity with all creation. In spirit we are pure love.

We don't have to search outside ourselves for love, because love is our essence.” David Simon

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Transform your Mind Soundcloud podcast

Meditation– Allows us to tap into your own inexhaustible source of inner peace, fulfillment, spiritual development, personal development and self- awareness. The essence of meditation is experiencing our innate wholeness, the unity of our body, mind, and spirit. True, happiness, is an internal state of consciousness that allows us to be happy for no reason at all.

We score high on the, happiness wheel. It is independent of the circumstances, events, people, and things in our lives. This happiness comes from the realization that our true self isn’t our body, thoughts, emotions, personality, possessions, accomplishments, relationships, or any other time-bound attribute. Our essential nature is pure, unbounded consciousness, also known as the field of all possibilities.

The attributes of this, happiness wheel,

  • include happiness,
  • love, timelessness,
  • compassion,
  • creativity,
  • wisdom,
  • silence,
  • and grace.

Replace Fear with Love – One of the clouds that obscure our innate state of, happiness, and block our spiritual awakening is unnecessary fear and anxiety. This fear is a negative emotion that causes anxiety, inflammation and pain. The root cause of this fear.

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Fear causes us not to be on the, Happiness Wheel

Some of the symptoms of fear are:

  • afraid of rejection,
  • failure,
  • intimacy,
  • embarrassment,
  • abandonment,
  • loss,
  • the unknown,
  • being judged,
  • being alone,
  • losing control,
  • expressing our true feelings, and so many other things.

Spiritual Life Coaching can help you release the grip that fear has on you by expanding your awareness to the pure potentiality of your true self and nature, which is infinite, whole, and unbounded.

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Become Conscious – In my book “Becoming Conscious, My Awakening” I write about becoming conscious of my spirituality, becoming conscious of Synchro-destiny, a term this is used to label that every moment is as it should be, and that there are no coincidences in life.

Everything is preordained. When you accept this fact, then you will live more in the moment because you realize that in this moment is where miracles happen. The bible says “seek and you will find” if you look for the miracles of life, you will find them and then you will radiate on the, happiness wheel, from the inside out.

Just as a radiant sunrise can be hidden behind the clouds, our inner, happiness, can become obscured by constricted awareness, limiting thought patterns, and emotional turmoil. Yet no matter how long we have been lost in fear and limitation, we can learn to rise above the clouds of conditioning and awaken to the source of happiness within us.


Additional Resources 

How to be Happy: The Happiness Formula

3 Ways to Find Happiness After a Divorce


How to Find Hardcore Happiness and True Success

How to Detox the Body and Soul for Internal and External Success

No matter how diligent you are about your wellness routine, your body is still a repository for dangerous toxins from the environment and everyday products so it is important to, detox your body. We are most times tricked by misleading labels that use words like  “natural” or “healthy,” that are full of preservatives, nitrates, antibiotics, and hormones.

Today on the Mindset Transformation radio show and podcast with Coach Myrna, I interview Life Coach Kim McDaniel.
Kim is going to teach us, How to Detox the Body, and, Soul, for Internal and External Success. Kim is the author of the book “Come out with your hands Up – The Joy of Surrendering on God's terms”

Why detoxing is important:

Detoxing your body, is important because your body is your asset. Building sky scrapers on weak foundations can be detrimental. In the same manner, piling on outer successes without addressing the internal structure, can look great from the outside, but cracks in the foundation will have one of two outcomes – explosion or implosion. Regularly, detox your body, to help to ensure the integrity of the structure – our structure – and it must be intentional.


The function of the Soul 

Detox your body, and your, soul. The function of the, soul, is to indicate it's desire.
The function of the mind is to choose from it's alternatives.
The function of the body is to act out that choice.
The, soul, speaks to you in feelings. Feelings are the language of the, soul.
There comes a time in the evolution of every, soul, when the chief concern is no longer the survival of the physical body, but the growth of the spirit. No longer the attainment of worldly success, but the realization of self.
Upon death, the body and mind are not dropped. The body changes form, leaving it's most dense part behind, but retaining it's outer shell, joining with the spirit as one energy mass of  three dimensions.

How to Detox your body Naturally

Choose to, detox your body, naturally instead of using chemicals. The rewards are many. You won’t just be healthier when you, detox your body,  you’ll have more energy, boost your immune system, and improve your cognitive abilities. With that in mind, here are 3 ways to, detox your body, that is to cleanse your body of harmful chemicals and other toxins.

  • Drink green tea. It’s not a myth that green tea has powerful antioxidant effects to, detox your body. Antioxidants help the body counteract “free radicals,” dangerous compounds that result from toxic influences in the body.
  • Drink more water. Drinking plenty of water is one of the best ways to, detox your body. Water helps eliminate chemicals from your intestines and kidneys, which makes it an ideal for, detoxing.
  • Take a steam bath. This should be the capstone of every successful body, detoxing, process. Steam therapy helps provide cellular-deep elimination of stubborn toxins that accumulate in your body.
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How frequently should one do a detox for the body?

This is a really good question because if you, detox your body, for too long or too often you can loss valuable nutrients along with the toxins and leave your body depleted.

For this reason I wouldn’t recommend doing a ‘full on’ cleanse were you restrict your diet for more than 2 to 4 times a year.

Diabetics also need to be careful of, detoxing, because they require a steady supply of energy. If you are ill, it is advisable to seek medical supervision for any, detoxification process.

If you practice vegetarianism or veganism you don't consume as many toxins as meat and diary eaters so you need to, detox your body, less often.


Detoxing the “soul” – what exactly does that refer to?

Detoxing your body,  is vitally important, but when will we take the same consideration for our, souls?

When you, detox your body, you put yourself  on a special diet and carefully monitor three basic things:

  1. Healthy, clean, detoxifying food and drink
  2. Anything harmful, like chemicals and toxins, caffeine and harmful medicine  
  3. Things that promote your health and help purge toxins

There are many more toxins attacking your, soul, than your body, and just like your body, it’s not good! The toxins—sinful habits, lack of prayer, inappropriate hobbies—in your, soul, are so bad for you that they can damage your body, too. If only we could test the state of our, soul, at the doctor’s office we would become conscious of these toxins.

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Transform your Mind Stitcher

Is there really a science to detoxing the brain?

You’ve probably heard of  how to, detox your body,  intended to cleanse your body and jumpstart better health and weight loss. But what about a, brain detox? Your brain is the most metabolically active organ in your body. As such, it can be damaged from environmental toxins. It is also vulnerable to toxic relationships, toxic habits, and toxic thinking patterns. In fact, it’s your brain that carries the heaviest toxic load in your entire body. And for many of us, that load has never been greater. With the pandemic, rampant anxiety, and other stressors, now is the best time ever to do a brain detox.

No science to, detoxing, the brain. If your brain has been assaulted by toxic substances, toxic people, or toxic thinking, it puts you at risk for cognitive and mental health problems. Functional brain imaging with SPECT can help you see the health of your brain and understand areas that need optimization. A troubled brain can’t wait. During these uncertain times, your emotional and cognitive well-being is more important than ever and waiting until life gets back to “normal” is likely to make your symptoms worsen over time.

What is the relevance of building fences – I thought success looks like building bridges.

Tell me a little about your Get in S.H.A.P.E. program to Detox Your Body
S – Stress and Sleep
H – Hydration
A – Alkaline
P- Purpose
E – Energy and Exercise


There is another way to, Detox the body, and the, Soul!
Take that much needed break from your hectic city life and explore the soul-cleansing North-East.

Follow Coach Myrna
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Twitter @ https://twitter.com/myrna_morris
web: www.myrnayounghelps.com

If you are interested in becoming a guest on the Mindset Transformation radio show and podcast email Coach Myrna Young @[email protected]

Additional Resources




7 reasons Mindfulness Meditation can Grow your Business

Mindfulness Meditation,  is not just for Buddhists and monks.  Meditation, unlocks the power you have within to take your business to the top.

When you, meditate, you strengthen your intuition, spirituality, awareness, and most importantly, your own sense of self.  As many successful entrepreneurs know, reduced stress  is the foundation to creating the business and lifestyle you want.  If you are not removing your limiting beliefs and constantly working on your vision, you are limiting your own growth and the growth of your company. You are the lid!

Introduction to Mindfulness Meditation

As a leader or an Entrepreneur there is no better way to overcome obstacles, rise to the top or be creative with out first quieting the noise in your head. When you become still you tap into your creative power by connecting to your source. During, mindfulness meditation, you experience that peace that surpasses all understanding that the bible talks about.  When you forget about all the things you have to do and just focus on the life inside you by witnessing your breathing, you move closer to becoming conscious and understand your purpose. Being quiet and still allows you to listen to instructions from the  higher power who guides you. It is said that it is easier to guide a horse in the direction it is running in; so when you fall into line with what God wants you to do for his Kingdom then your business and your life become less of a struggle.

The reasons we practice, mindfulness meditation, are as varied as the many ways there are to, meditate. In the West, most people are drawn to, mindfulness meditation, to quiet the internal chatter of the brain and to reduce stress. Mindfulness meditation, is indeed a very effective stress reducer, but its benefits—sometimes mysteriously hidden—are far more bountiful. The actual act of, mindfulness meditation, can be as simple as sitting quietly and focusing on your breath while repeating silently a, mantra, a word or phrase. for example the, om mantra, or the Gayatri mantra. There are countless traditions and no singular “correct” way to practice, mindfulness meditation.

Find a practice that you like and stick with it for a while. Notice how you feel as you go about your days. If you find that you have more patience, feel grounded and better able to respond to stressful situations, and are more in touch with your intuition or “gut feelings,” you are enjoying the many benefits of, mindfulness meditation.

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I practice, mindfulness meditation, by finding a quiet place in the morning as I drink my coffee. I listen to a, guided mindfulness meditation, tape on topics such as “activating consciousness“, visionary me meditation, “the law of attraction” etc. as I listen I clear my mind by mentally repeating a centering thought and witnessing my breathing.  At the end of my meditation I am  relaxed,  totally open and creative. I usually write some deep insights after my meditation sessions and I get answers from God and the Universe to questions I ask. This is the perfect way to become a visionary and an innovate leader.

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TuneIn Radio

Mindfulness Meditation, is good for our Physical Bodies

Scientists gathering data on, mindfulness meditation, have found that a consistent practice of, mantra meditation, not only boosts the mind, but it also bolsters the body. Studies shows that, meditation, can help reverse heart disease, reduce pain, and support the immune system, better enabling it to fight disease.

The mind-body connection between stress and disease is abundantly apparent as science is finding that, mindfulness meditation, can lower production of the stress hormone cortisol. This means, mediators, are better able to adapt to stress in their lives.

2: Mindfulness Meditation, is good for Our Relationships

Paradoxically, while, meditation, helps us tune in and turn inward to our true essence, it also helps us detach from our own egos to connect with others in more meaningful ways. Couples counselors have found when they assign their clients,  mindfulness meditation, the couples become less angry, more self-reflective, and more loving. When we become aware of—and honor—our interconnection with other beings, we are able to recast our perspectives, see our worries in a different light, and embrace gratitude, which is the heart’s memory.

The bible teaches that we can't change others only ourselves and when we, meditate, we tune into who we really are. Our ancestral legacy is a brain that is primed to focus on negative experiences and has a tendency to get stuck in conditioned patterns of thinking, returning again and again to thoughts of anxiety, depression, and limitation. So in our relationships we tend to focus on what we do not have instead of what we do have.  As you meditate on a regular basis, you develop what is known as “witnessing awareness”—the ability to calmly and objectively observe a situation, notice when you are being triggered, and consciously choose how you want to respond. The ability to be present and aware is extremely valuable in every relationship.

3: Mindfulness Meditation, helps prolong our lives

When you, meditate, you strengthen your intuition, awareness, and most importantly, your own sense of self.  Yogis and doctors both agree, mindfulness meditation, even just a few minutes of deep breathing—relaxes the brain, reduces anxiety, and decreases depression. We say we can't afford the time to, meditate, but the truth is we can't afford not to. When we tell ourselves we don't have time to exercise, or meditate, then we will make time for sickness and depression. During most of our waking lives, our minds are engaged in a continuous internal dialogue in which the meaning and emotional associations of one thought triggers the next.

We hear a snippet of music and suddenly we’re thinking about the first time we heard that song with an old boyfriend or girlfriend and how that relationship ended. If we’re still holding emotional pain over that ending, those feelings may bubble up and then our mind may veer into criticism, self-pity, or worries about the future. Mindfulness Meditation, is one of the best tools we have to counter the brain’s negativity bias, release accumulated stress, foster positive experiences and intentions, and enjoy the peace of present moment awareness. A large body of research has established that having a regular meditation practice produces tangible benefits for mental and physical health, including:

  • Decreased blood pressure and hypertension
  • Lowered cholesterol levels
  • Reduced production of “stress hormones,” including cortisol and adrenaline
  • More efficient oxygen use by the body
  • Increased production of the anti-aging hormone DHEA
  • Improved immune function
  • Decreased anxiety, and insomnia

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4: Mindfulness Meditation, Reduces Stress and Burnout

What role is more stressful than the role of a Leader? None, as a Leader you are responsible for the lives of your employees, families, and your commitment to your community? Chronic, unmanaged stress can make you sick and accelerate aging. As many scientific studies have found, prolonged stress can contribute to:

  • high blood pressure,
  • heart disease,
  • stomach ulcers,
  • autoimmune diseases,
  • anxiety,
  • cancer,
  • insomnia,
  • chronic fatigue,
  • obesity,
  • depression,
  • and accelerated aging.

During, mindfulness meditation, your body releases stress and reverses the effects of the flight-or-fight response—that ancient instinct we all have to either run from perceived danger or take it on in battle. Intended as a short-term protection mechanism, fight or flight causes our body to speed up our heart rate, increase our blood sugar, suppress our immune system, reduce insulin production, pump out stress hormones such as adrenaline and cortisol, and reduce the blood supply to our digestive organs. All of these reactions happen so that our body can focus on either running away as fast as it can—or staying to fight. Although few people reading this face daily threats to their bodily existence, many live in a prolonged state of fight or flight, generating stress in response to bad traffic, criticism from a spouse, or a disagreement.

Regular, meditation, dissipates accumulated stress and cultivates a state of restful alertness. There are many compelling studies showing the power of, mindfulness meditation, to relieve stress and promote inner calm. For example, a 2011 study published in the Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine Journal found that full-time workers who spent a few hours each week practicing, mindfulness meditation, reported a significant decrease in job stress, anxiety, and depressed mood.  The reason, meditation, is so popular among successful individuals is it helps release stress, lets go of excess thoughts and expand awareness. As you dive deeper into your, mindfulness meditation, practice you see people events and circumstances as they really are, not as they are perceived to be. It allows you to have an internal Locus of control. That means that you don't react to external stimuli but are proactive with action plans and goals. It also means that as challenges arise in your business, you will not get overwhelmed; but face those challenges calmly and efficiently.  As an Entrepreneur Leader, meditation allows you to turn your failures into successes.

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5: Mindfulness Meditation, Enhances Your Concentration, Memory, and Ability to Learn

As researchers have found, mindfulness meditation, can help you tap into your brain’s deepest potential to focus, learn, and adapt. While scientists used to believe that beyond a certain age, the brain couldn’t change or grow, we now know that the brain has a quality known as plasticity, enabling it to grow new neurons and transform throughout our lives.  Meditation is a powerful tool for awakening new neural connections and even transforming regions of the brain.  A recent study led by Harvard University and Massachusetts General Hospital found that after only eight weeks of meditation, participants experienced beneficial growth in the brain areas associated with memory, learning, empathy, self-awareness, and stress regulation.  In addition, the meditators reported decreased feelings of anxiety and greater feelings of calm. This study adds to the expanding body of research about the brain’s amazing plasticity and ability to change habitual stress patterns.

Many other studies provide evidence for the value of, mindfulness meditation, in improving the ability to stay focused in world filled with increasing distractions, and demands on our attention. For example, research conducted by the UCLA Mindful Awareness Center showed that teenagers and adults with ADHD who practiced various forms of, meditation for just eight weeks improved their ability to concentrate on tasks, even when attempts were made to distract them. In the world of the Entrepreneur Leader, the ability to focus when you are pulled in so many different directions is extremely important to your success.

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6: Mindfulness Meditation, Improves Your Creativity and Problem-Solving Skills in your Business

We each have an estimated 60,000 to 80,000 thoughts a day—unfortunately, many of them are the same thoughts we had yesterday, last week, and last year. The mind tends to get stuck in repetitive thought loops that squeeze out the possibility for new ideas and inspiration. Mindfulness meditation, is a powerful practice for going beyond habitual, conditioned thought patterns into a state of expanded awareness. We connect to what is known as the field of infinite possibilities or pure potentiality, and we open to new insights, intuition, and ideas. And as we meditate and focus on our breathing, we stop this continuous cycle.


7: Mindfulness Meditation, Decreases Anxiety, and Insomnia

The emotional effects of sitting quietly and going within are profound.  The deep state of rest produced by, mindfulness meditation, triggers the brain to release neurotransmitters, including dopamine, serotonin, oxytocin, and endorphins. Each of these naturally occurring brain chemicals has been linked to different aspects of happiness:

Dopamine plays a key role in the brain’s ability to experience pleasure, feel rewarded, and maintain focus. Serotonin has a calming effect. It eases tension and helps us feel less stressed and more relaxed and focused. Low levels of this neurotransmitter have been linked to migraines, anxiety, bipolar disorder, apathy, feelings of worthlessness, fatigue, and insomnia. Oxytocin (the same chemical whose levels rise during sexual arousal and breastfeeding), is a pleasure hormone. It creates feelings of calm, contentment, and security, while reducing fear and anxiety.  Endorphins are most commonly known as the chemicals that create the exhilaration commonly labeled “the runner’s high.” These neurotransmitters play many roles related to well being, including decreasing feelings of pain and reducing the side effects of stress.

Additional Resources 
