Tag Archives: destiny

The Akashic Record Guide to Your Soul’s Plan

Reverend Lisa Barnett joins the show to discuss the, Akashic record, and how they can help individuals understand and align with, your soul's plan. The, Akashic record, are the recording of a, soul's journey, through time and space, and they contain information about past lives, soul contracts, and life purposes. By accessing the, Akashic record, individuals can gain insight into their past lives, understand their soul's plan for this lifetime, and find greater fulfillment, happiness, abundance, and health.

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Today, we have a special guest with us, Reverend Lisa Barnett, the founder of the Akashic Knowing School of Wisdom. Reverend Lisa has devoted over 25 years to sharing, Akashic wisdom, with clients worldwide, helping them understand and align with their, soul's plan, for greater fulfillment, happiness, abundance, and health. She is also a bestselling author of several books, including “Your Soul Has a Plan: Awaken to Your Life Purpose Through the Akashic Records” and “The Infinite Wisdom of the Akashic Records.” Today, we will be diving into the topic of unveiling destiny and exploring the, Akashic records,  as a guide to, your soul's plan.

Book You Soul Has a Plan Akashic Record
Book You Soul Has a Plan Akashic Record

Understanding the Akashic Record

The, Akashic record, also known as the Akasha, are the recording of, your soul's journey, through all time and space. It is like a vast library filled with books that represent our past lives and experiences. Each of us has our own personal library, and within it, we have librarians who help us understand our soul's plan for this lifetime. The Akasha is a Sanskrit word that means ether or sky, symbolizing the infinite nature of our souls and the vastness of the information stored in the records.

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Akashic Record: The Journey of the Soul

Our souls have been on an infinite journey, traveling through different dimensions, realms, and even other worlds. We have lived hundreds, if not thousands, of lives on Earth and beyond. Each life and experience is recorded in the, Akashic record, contributing to our soul's growth and evolution. We also have soul contracts with other souls, including our parents, siblings, partners, and friends. These contracts are agreements we made before coming into this life to learn and grow together.

The Purpose of the Soul's Plan

Your soul's plan, for this lifetime is unique to each individual. It encompasses the lessons we need to learn, the gifts and talents we have honed in past lives, and the relationships and experiences we have chosen to have. Our soul's plan is not about punishment or victimhood; it is about growth and understanding. We are not victims of our circumstances; we are active participants in creating our reality. By embracing, your soul's plan, we can find greater meaning, purpose, and fulfillment in our lives.

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Akashic Record: Past Lives and Present Life

Our past lives have a significant impact on our present life. The experiences, lessons, and patterns we have accumulated in past lives shape who we are today. We may carry unresolved karma from past lives, which presents itself as challenges or patterns in our current life. However, karma is not about punishment; it is an opportunity for growth and healing. By understanding and completing, karmic patterns, we can break free from old cycles and create a more empowered and fulfilling life.

Karmic cycles, are repetitive patterns in your life that mirror past traumas or mistakes. Spiritually, a, karmic cycle, is meant to teach you a lesson and help you overcome traumatic events. To break a, karmic cycle, forgive yourself and others, be mindful, and let go of resentment.

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Embracing Our Soul's Purpose

Each of us has a unique purpose or multiple purposes in this lifetime. Our purpose may be to share the wisdom and knowledge we have gained from past lives, to support and uplift others, or to create positive change in the world. Our purpose may evolve and change as we grow and learn. By embracing, your soul's purpose, we can align with our true essence and make a meaningful contribution to the world.

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Listen Notes Transform Your Mind

Accessing Your Akashic Record

Accessing the, Akashic record, is a powerful tool for self-discovery and spiritual growth. It allows us to tap into the wisdom and guidance of our soul and the record keepers who assist us. Reverend Lisa Barnett teaches a five-step wisdom prayer system to open and read the, Akashic record. Through guided visualizations and energetic practices, we can connect with the records and receive insights, healing, and guidance.

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Transform Your Mind Amazon

The Importance of Spiritual Teachers and Guides

Having a spiritual teacher or guide can greatly support our journey of self-discovery and understanding. They can hold the energy field and provide guidance as we navigate the realms of the, Akashic records. Reverend Lisa Barnett has trained and certified, Akashic record, consultants and healers who can assist individuals in accessing their own records and understanding their soul's plan. These teachers provide a safe and supportive space for exploration and growth.

Conclusion and Future Outlook

The, Akashic record, offer a profound opportunity for self-discovery, healing, and growth. By understanding, your soul's plan, past lives, and purpose, we can navigate our current life with greater clarity and purpose. The shift in consciousness and the increasing interest in spirituality indicate that more and more individuals are awakening to their true nature as infinite souls. As we continue to explore the depths of the, Akashic record, and embrace, your soul's plan, we can create a more harmonious and enlightened world.

In conclusion, the, Akashic record, serve as a guide to, your soul's plan, offering insights, healing, and wisdom. By accessing these records, we can understand our past lives, karmic patterns, and, soul contracts. We can embrace our purpose and contribute to the world in a meaningful way. The journey of self-discovery and spiritual growth is ongoing, and with the support of spiritual teachers and guides, we can navigate the realms of the, Akashic record, with greater ease and understanding. As we continue to explore and embrace our soul's plan, we can create a more enlightened and harmonious world for ourselves and future generations.

Additional Resources

Neale Donald Walsch: How To Talk To God And Hear Him

How God Uses Coincidence To Get You To Your Destiny

In this episode of 5 Min Fridays with Coach Myrna, we look at the,  Bible story, of, Joseph, to see how God uses, coincidence, to get us to our, purpose and destiny.  I show that there are, no coincidences in life, that every moment has been, preordained.
So, if you have been feeling unlucky because you had, coincidence, show up in your life that did not feel good, I want you to know that every event has a, purpose, and that is to take you to your, preordained destiny.

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Ephesians 2:10

For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.

Bible Story Of Joseph and destiny

I want to use the, bible story, of, Joseph, the son of Jacob to show how God uses, coincidence. Joseph, was born with a purpose, prearranged by God. It was determined in his mother’s womb or before.

Because he was born to his father in his old age, his father Jacob loved him more than his 10 other brothers. That created jealousy. His brothers hated him because he was his father’s favorite. When Jacob made, Joseph, a beautiful robe of many colors, his brothers became even more jealous of him.  Then Joseph, started dreaming about his brothers bowing down to him and he decided to share his, dreams.

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Bad move, never share your, dreams, of success with others even family members because they will secretly hate you and want you dead. They may not try to kill you as Joseph’s brothers wanted to do, but maybe they would wish evil on you.

The good news is whatever God ordains no man can change.

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How God Used Coincidence to get Joseph to his purpose and destiny

It is amazing how God orchestrated getting, Joseph, to fulfill his, purpose.

  • First, he got Joseph’s father Jacob to love him more, thereby creating a fire starter.
  • Then he gave, Joseph, dreams, and inspired him to share them with his brothers, creating hatred.
  • Then he gave his brothers opportunity to sell him into slavery by inspiring his father Jacob to send, Joseph, alone to find his brothers.
  • The slave traders then sold, Joseph,  to the pharaoh’s captain of palace guard Potiphar.

How would, Joseph, get in position to fulfill his, purpose, if these apparent, coincidences, did not take place?

There are, no coincidences in life,  everything is, preordained, in God’s plan.

What you think is bad luck is actually God getting you in position for greatness.

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Joseph story of coincidences continues

Potiphar’s wife has the hots for, Joseph, but when he wouldn’t sleep with her, she seeks revenge by accusing him of trying to rape her and so Joseph is thrown into prison. The same prison that the Pharaoh sends prisoners from the palace.

Later Pharaoh throws his cup bearer and his baker in prison and who oversees them, Joseph!

Then God gives them both, dreams, and tells, Joseph, the interpretation of their, dreams. It so happens that in 3 days both, dreams, come through according to, Joseph's interpretation.   The cup bearer is returned to his role in the palace and the baker was killed.

A full 2 years later the Pharaoh had 2, dreams, that he needed interpreting and that is when the cup bearer remembered, Joseph, the Hebrew slave who interpreted his, dreams, in prison.

Pharaoh sends for, Joseph, who interprets his, dreams. Joseph, tells Pharaoh that the, dreams, meant God is notifying him there will be 7 bountiful years followed by 7 Years of severe famine.

Pharaoh then makes, Joseph, administrative head of Egypt second only to himself. Everyone needed to bow down to him.

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Transform your Mind Stitcher

God's purpose for Joseph realized

God’s, purpose, for, Joseph, was to be the instrument that would save the Egyptians from all dying in the famine that was, preordained, before, Joseph, was born. The famine would have also have wiped out all of Abraham’s defendants as well and that would have made God’s promise to Abraham, that his defendants would be as numerous as the stars in the sky to be void, and how many of you know that God is not man, he does not lie. He used, coincidence, to move, Joseph, in position to realize his preordained, destiny.

Coincidence is to get you to your destiny

I wanted to share this story with you today to illustrate that you were born with a, purpose, and there are no, coincidence, in life. Every moment is, preordained. Think of all the, coincidences,  God had to orchestrate for, Joseph, to fulfill his, purpose and destiny. Most of them not in, Joseph, favor.

My life has been the same.  There were several, coincidences, that got  me to my, purpose and destiny. If I was to pick up my story from the time I arrived in Canada from Guyana.

I met this girl working in a factory making zippers. She took me with her to look for a better job. That, coincidence, got me a job at Scotia Bank and she did not find work. While I was at Scotia Bank, I met my second husband who was 12 years older than me and schooled me in life and suggested I go back to college.

After college I started selling computers.  the, coincidence, of how I met Tony Robbins. Tony came to town and sent free tickets to my company for his “unleash the power within” conference.  Tony Robbins inspired me to unleash my power within and I became the top female limousine operator in Toronto Canada.

This, coincidence,  brought me to Miami Florida. Miami was my Egypt, it is where I needed to be to fulfil my, purpose.  I will stop here, but you get the picture. There are, no coincidences in life, every step in your journey is, preordained, and is God’s plan, even the steps you take backwards.

Conclusion coincidence

So, if you feel you have been lucky or if you feel that you are unlucky, I want you to know that every, coincidence, has a, purpose, and that is to take you to your, preordained destiny.

This is life coach Myrna Young and you have been listening to 5 mins with coach Myrna.  I want to invite you to join my private Facebook group called Lifecoach. Hope to see you next week.  Namaste

Additional Resources 

How to Awaken to Your Soul Purpose

How to Unleash The Power Within

We are connected to, divine consciousness, and so we come pre-loaded with the power of the Universe, we need to learn how to unleash, the power within.

This week on Mindset Transformation radio and podcast with coach Myrna, I interview Dr Donavan Outten, Dr Outten is going to share “How to unleash your, inner greatness, also called, the power within, so you can tap into the person God intended you to be.

Author interview Transform Your Mind Podcast
Author interview Transform Your Mind Podcast

Tip of the week: Are you Desperate and Determined?

A few weeks ago, my pastor preached on the 3 D’s
Desperate, Determined and Dependent!
You see the 3 D’s require a mindset shift. 
In order to, unleash power within, we must become desperate, determined and dependent. We see numerous times in the bible when God promoted and elevated people who were either desperate, determined or dependent on him for victory.
We see that every miracle begins with a desperate problem.

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Transform your Mind Stitcher

Esther was born with the power within

The story begins with Ahasuerus, ruler of the Persian Empire, holding a lavish banquet, initially for his court and dignitaries and afterwards for all inhabitants of the capital city, Shushan.
On the seventh day, Ahasuerus orders the queen, Vashti, to come and display her beauty before the guests by wearing only her crown. She refuses. Furious, Ahasuerus has her removed from her position and makes arrangements to choose a new queen from a selection of beautiful young women from throughout the empire.
One of these is the Jewish orphan, Esther. After the death of her parents, she was fostered by her cousin, Mordecai. She finds favor in the King's eyes, and is crowned his new queen.
Ahasuerus appoints Haman as his viceroy. Mordecai, who sits at the palace gates, falls into Haman's disfavor, as he refuses to bow down to him. Having discovered that Mordecai is Jewish, Haman plans to kill not just Mordecai, but all the Jews in the empire.
As the story unfolds, Esther the Jewish orphan turned queen, used her place as queen to intercede with the King; her desperation made her, unleash power within, her and risk death, because it was against the law to present herself to the King unsummoned. This was punishable by death.
Her determination, desperation and dependence on God, saved the Jews of the Persian Empire, she, unleashed, the power within.


Dr. Donavan Outten is a powerful trainer, consultant, educator and administrator with over 20 years' experience. He is the Associate Vice President of Academic Affairs at Webster University.
Dr. Outten is a published author of 2 books, one of which is our topic today. Unleash your inner greatness: A guide to overcoming obstacles and Tapping into the person God meant you to be.
Dr Outten writes books to inspire and motivate individuals to achieve greatness in their lives.
His research focuses on developing young African American Students in higher education. He has also produced seminars, lectures, classes, assessments and workshops throughout the United States and Caribbean.
Dr. Outten earned his Doctorate degree in Educational Leadership from Nova.
Southeastern University, his Masters in Human Resource Development & Administration from Barry University and Bachelors in Psychology from Bethune Cookman University.

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Unleashing the power within 

Question 1. I know that unleashing our, inner greatness, our, the power within, is your space. Can you tell our audience what does it mean to, Unleash our, Inner Greatness,” and a little of why you chose this topic as the subject of your book.

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Question 2. So what are some of the obstacles to unleashing, the power within?

Most children today are taught not to question authority, so they go about their lives always looking for someone to direct them and never focusing on their inner strength or, power within.

Question 3. Where does the power within, come from?

We are connected to source energy. If you take a droplet of water from the ocean, it has the same properties as the entire body of the ocean. Similarly we came from God or source, so we have the same powers. We just need to, unleash, the power within.

Question 4. How does an individual muster up enough strength to have such strong determination to finish a task or overcome a devastating life situation?

• Where do they find the courage to stand up for what they believe in or battle back from a medical condition that almost took their life?

• How does one leave a secure job to start a business that they are passionate about?

• What is the secret to obtaining determination and maintaining it over a period of time?
• What kinds of people have it, and what is determination?

book Unleash your inner greatness
book Unleash your inner greatness

Determination unlocks your inner greatness

Dr Outten says, “In my heart, I truly believe that determination is having the will to move forward in spite of what obstacle, barrier, or difficulty you might be facing. It is looking adversity in the face and not backing down, but pushing forward with tenacity and unleash, the power within.

He feels that Self-determination starts on the inside. It is first a thought or a belief that you can or will succeed no matter the problem you have to face. You believe in yourself even when no one else does. That spells confidence, character, and courage.

Question 5. What are some other obstacles to unleashing our, inner greatness?

Resilience: The path toward nurturing a, resilient mindset, and lifestyle is a road
that should not be taken lightly. This path has many bumps, twists, turns, and potholes
and is never straightforward. The road often contains obstacles and detours
that interfere with reaching your destination.

Passion: Your passion does not usually appear overnight. It has been dwelling
inside you for a long time. As a child, what were you passionate about? As a
teenager, what were you passionate about? As a young adult, what were you
passionate about? Often times, you will identify a pattern in what you are
passionate about. It is up to you to identify what it is and go after it.
When turning your, passion into profit, you have to be careful and work smarter,
not harder. You will run into a lot of obstacles and need to face your fears, as
things probably won’t go as smoothly as you’d like them to go. It’s all a part of
the journey.

Destiny: Destiny can be referred to as a predetermined course of events. It may
be conceived as a predetermined future, whether in general or of an individual.
What you perceive your future to be will come to pass if you work for it, believe
in it, and live your life towards it.
What you have today does not reflect what you will obtain tomorrow. If you have
the capability of looking into your future and seeing what lies ahead, then all you
have to do is work towards your goal.
Walking towards your destiny is no easy task because you will have obstacles and
hurdles along the way. There will be road blocks that will make you think that
you are going down the wrong path, but you will need to have patience,
endurance, and faith. Your faith will play a big part in finding and fulfilling your
destiny; you will need to seek guidance from God and, unleash power within.

Question 6. I know that you work predominately with the African American youth. What advice would you give them on being determined and staying the course?
You have to better than good, you have to be great.
You have to work twice as hard for the same opportunity as your white counterparts.

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Additional Resources

The Secrets to Thriving Not Just Surviving




How to Find your Purpose and Destiny By Your Natural Abilities


One of the ways to  find your, purpose and destiny, is to to look inside at your natural ability. You were created with a, purpose. Find your, purpose and destiny, by looking at what you have in your hand.  There is something you can do better than anyone else on the planet. Seek and you will find it.

This week on #Mindset Transformation radio with coach Myrna, we give insights on 6 Ways to Find Your,  Purpose and Destiny. Coach Dan Willms and I  interview Keshia Marie Morris Desir, Political Activist, as she shares how she found her, purpose and destiny.


Introduction to Finding Your Purpose and Destiny

Purpose,  If you don't have one, you will will never feel that spiritual fulfillment.  The bible teaches that people without a, vision, shall, perish.

I feel that having, vision, lines up with your, purpose, because God places the desires into your heart of what you were born to do.
That is the same statement that God made to Adam and Eve in the garden of Eden. He told them that if they ate from the tree of knowledge, then they will surely die. And they did!
Not a physical death; but a spiritual death. In a similar way the bible teaches that people without a, vision, shall perish, again not a physical death, but in spirit
You see, having a, purpose, inspires you to live and not die!

I love this quote from the great Dr. Wayne Dyer


“Purpose, inspires you. When you are inspired by some great, purpose, some extraordinary project; all your thoughts break their bonds, your mind transcends limitations, your consciousness expands in every direction, and you find yourself in a new and wonderful world!” Dr. Wayne Dyer

That is what happened to my daughter Keshia Marie Morris. She became inspired after reading Nelson Mandela's book “A Long Walk to Freedom

My partner coach Dan Willms and I interviewed Keshia on our show “You Asked for it”

Here is a poem Keshia wrote and I published in my book “Out of the Snares, a story of hope and encouragement” in my chapter on, Purpose and Destiny.

Out of the Snares

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What is Purpose by Keshia Marie Morris Desir

Purpose, is continually evolving
When you emit God from your, purpose,
You close doors that God clearly opened
Know that God is behind your, purpose and destiny.
Take ownership of your, purpose and destiny, for it is not yours, but the Lords.

Purpose, requires you to be diligent
Rebuke laziness in the name of God
Have tunnel vision in regards to your, purpose
Focus on your, purpose and destiny.
Walk in your, purpose
Stand in your, purpose
Don’t forget your, purpose

Neglect those things that hinder your purpose and destiny
Don’t get caught up in daily living and,
Forget what God has purposed
You will never be perfect, only the God,
Who called you to your purpose is perfect!

Purpose, makes you leave what is comfortable
Purpose will help you endure what is uncomfortable
Just because you miss a short-term goal,
It does not take you away from your purpose

The end of your purpose is always bigger than you
Purpose, will always require some suffering!
Your, purpose and destiny, may have many fingers or parts
Beware of wolves in sheep’s clothing,
Who will try to pull you away from your purpose

When you are weak, call on the Lord
Who is with you at ALL Times!
Through him all things are possible!!!
~Keshia Marie Morris


6 Ways to Find Your Purpose

1. To, find your purpose, look inside at your natural ability. You were created with a purpose. There is something you can do better than anyone else on the planet. Seek and you will find it.
2. Find your purpose, by paying attention to the things you like doing. The thing you would do for free. Ask yourself what would I do today if money was not a problem?
3. Find your passion. Do you want to help starving children in Africa? Do you want to stop domestic violence? Do you want to take big money out of politics? What injustice makes you mad? Don’t just talk about it, do something about it.
4. Keep learning and growing. Grow consciously. Read books. Attend seminars, hire a coach or a mentor.
5. Pray. Keep an open connection to God, so you are able to hear him through the Holy Spirit. Ask him what he wants you to do, and he will answer.
6. Reflection. Do you know what you are good at? Are you aware of your strengths? Find a quiet place every day and meditate. It is the only way to connect to source and find out who you truly are.

Understanding Purpose and Destiny

In the principles of, purpose and destiny, bear in mind that, destiny, demands fulfillment, and, purpose, expression. Both are the two-witness principle, as life is not about, purpose, alone. Both are essential for the fulfillment of what you were created for. For, purpose, without, destiny, is like having no real life at all. It's like being on earth illegally. Therefore, we must define life from a sense of, destiny, by God's purpose and design for our life, fulfillment, and the completion of God's eternal purpose. We are to consider chiefly that God has a, purpose, in each of us to be fulfilled, for we are purposed and perfected with a, purpose, and destined and designed with, destiny.
We should take into consideration that our, destiny, comes from the true meaning of what the Father has eternally purposed us for? According to Ephesians 1:18, do we realize that our purpose is centered and ordained in the SON? Or are we so self-driven with our own ambition to fulfill our own expectation and desires?

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Additional Resources

Your Talent is Already in your Hand


How to Find Your Purpose in Life