We are, spiritual, beings having a human experience. Spirituality, is being willing to lower the volume on your, skepticism, and connect to the source. Tracy Litt, author of the Worthy Human shares how we can embrace our, spirituality, and release our emotions to achieve, success.
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Tracy Litt is a sought-after success mentor for visionary women leaders that are navigating huge paradigm shifts and elevating into the next level of themselves, so they can seamlessly generate the next level of their impact, wealth, and holistic success. Tracy is a certified mindset coach, spiritual advisor, rapid transformational hypnotherapist, best-selling author, and TEDx speaker.
She is the Founder of The Litt Factor, and creator of Mind Magic ®, a proven methodology that marries metacognition and spirituality, neuroscience and quantum law to expand and elevate more quickly. Her work has served thousands of women across the globe and has been featured in Entrepreneur, Fast Company, Thrive Global, and Inc.com. Her book Worthy Human is a #1 best seller in Spiritual Growth and Mindset.
Myrna: Tell us about how you became a certified mindful mindset coach, or why you became a certified mindset coach.
Tracy: For me I went through a lot of triumph in life, right as all of us have. And I was consistently met with this calling that I’m here to do something deeper. I’m here to work with people on a more transformational level. I was born for impact and positive influence to make a beautiful dent in the progress of our world.
And in order to do that, it really comes down to each one of us doing the work of ourselves on ourselves, to make the ripple effect that actually creates change for the world. And energetic frequency for our generations, our children’s children, all of those beautiful things. So, it was a calling for me to step up into what my capacity was. Yet I wasn’t scratching the surface, because I was living beneath my worth. I’m not enough and I’m not smart enough which we all have in this world.
Myrna: Not being enough always shows up.
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Emotional Suppression comes from feeling not enough
Tracy: It is impossible to be a living, breathing adult and not have an enoughness wound somewhere. Unless you worked on it already, because the nature of the way our psyche works and how we know things happen in our upbringing. And the way we ingest things and make it mean something when we’re little, we always make it mean something about us, and then we carry that story in that belief structure. When we get older and something happens, usually catalytic, we’re hoping that we don’t get smacked over the head by a circumstance.
So, all of those things are really why I showed up to do what I do in the world. And you know, I was a single mother with an eight-month-old daughter. That was my first wake up call that called me to show up differently by letting go of the victim hood that I was living in powerlessness. I was subscribing into creating a whole new version of myself and a life for my daughter who is now 18 years old so that’s gives you some frame of reference.
And then I was called to climb the corporate ladder and landed as a Vice President of Human Resources and still was like, I’m not happy. I did all the things. Why am I not happy? Here I am like, I’ve got a six figure job, working from home. Isn’t that supposed to be joyful? And it wasn’t. So, I answered that deeper calling and went back to school an adult learner at 39 years old, and launched the Lift Factor and we’re in our fifth year. So yes, I’m about to be 45 this year.
Myrna: Wow! I’m sure you’ve heard it before. You look great.
Tracy: Teenage daughters, they keep me very young.
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Emotional suppression leads to unhappiness
Myrna: That’s great. You know, it’s interesting that is a story that we hear so often, that people are successful. They’ve got the house; they’ve got the job, they’ve got the cars, they’ve got the white picket fence, and yet they’re still seeking. They’re still seeking that happiness.
Tracy: So, here’s what’s going on with that Myrna. We were all raised in a conditional happiness model. Okay, which I’ll break down for us. We were all raised that the outside dictates the inside. belief structure, which then reports how we all show up. So it’s very much I’ll be happy when I have a million dollar business. I’ll be happy when I find love in my life. I’ll be happy when or I’ll be sexy when I lose 10 pounds, right?
So what part of the call to work on ourselves and really recognize that as our core purpose is to completely shift out of these paradigms that we’ve been subscribing to all of this time and realize, oh, wait a minute. The reason why I could chase the carrot, get the carrot and chase the next carrot. Get the next pair to chase the next carrot, get the next until you die and still might actually feel joy in your body and your soul because joy and happiness is an inside job.
It’s about recognizing where you are holding on to when I’ll feel happy. And do the reverse of that and start to cultivate and get your body familiar with that emotion of joy and happiness. Not because something cool just happened outside of you; but because that is the state of being that you choose.
Myrna: Yeah, when we do visualization work, they tell you to feel the joy of having something that you want before you actually have it. But I’m sure that’s not what you’re talking about. We’re talking about finding ourselves, loving yourself and finding happiness right now. With your current body, with your current job, with your current circumstances.
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We are spiritual beings having a human experience
So that when you get the things that you want, you will know what joy looks like. I like what you said about chasing the carrot. We all know as coaches, that whenever you achieve one goal, you set the next goal. Yeah, we are always chasing that carrot. So all right. So that’s great now your expertise is in you know, spirituality.
So I want to start off by asking you a question that I talk about all the time because I’ve heard it from Deepak Chopra. And I’ve heard it from a lot of the luminaries and a lot of, spirituality, leaders. And it says that we are, spiritual beings, having a human experience. So how can we embrace this, spirituality? You know, a spirit having a human experience to create our success.
Tracy: Spirituality, is the foundation of all my work. Spirituality, first be willing to lower the volume on your, skepticism, because, skepticism, is really like a sabotage tactic that your ego uses. So you can just keep disconnected and still hustle and make it hard and kind of continue to affirm who you’ve been.
So when you demote the, skepticism, let’s say that you allow yourself to believe what I’m saying to you, that you are a spiritual energetic being having a human experience because scientifically, it’s not Tracy’s ideas on life, scientifically, we are all, energy.
Myrna: I’ve heard that so many times before, but let’s let’s do this. Just break it down.
Tracy: Right and that’s one of my superpowers, breaking down, spirituality, so it makes sense. So we are, energy, scientific fact, not a spiritual fact. So when we realize that we are spiritual energetic beings, but we’re existing in physical form as human beings, we get to leverage both parts of those truths and understand our, spirituality.
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Consciousness and spirituality
In our humanness we’re feeling fear and lack and scarcity and concern about inclusion and belonging and are we good enough etc. Problems from a, consciousness, perspective. Our, higher consciousness, in the dimensions of, consciousness, and, energy, is going higher.
Myrna: Yep. Okay. So that’s great. Yes, because one of the ways I normally go with that when we’re talking about, spirituality, is you’re connecting to the source and with source, everything is possible. You become limitless, right? Do you ever teach on that one?
Tracy: 100% Because ultimately, your, highest self, operates in the highest, consciousness, available right to their dimensions of, consciousness, your, Higher Self, exists in your fifth dimension of, consciousness. Consciousness, by the conscious awareness, quantum field, all of that space. So when you are in your, highest self, and you’re trusting, you are the most open, you are the most connected to source, you’re also in your highest residence.
You’re also in your most enjoyable states of emotion. You’re not yet when you’re in worry and guilt and not enoughness and resentment and anger. You’re in your humaneness, you’re in love and radiance and trust and bliss and detachment from, spirituality.
Myrna: So that’s true. I noticed from your bio, you also talk about, quantum law. When you’re connecting with your, spirituality, and your, higher self, you’re tapping into, quantum energy, in the, quantum field. Which means that things happen immediately.
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Connecting to the quantum field
Tracy: Essentially, quantum energy, quantum physics, quantum law, it all means the same thing. It is proven that everything is actually all connected all at the same time and completely available to us. When your energetic, resonance and frequency is lower, and you are in a lower level of emotional states like the ones I was saying before frustration, unworthiness, resentment, anger, overwhelm, you are not at your highest resonance, which is what allows you to connect to the, quantum field.
Myrna: So that’s just a very expanded explanation, we’re all spiritual beings having a human experience.
Tracy: Your emotional state becomes your energetic resonance. Emotional suppression, is when you consciously say Nope, I don’t want to feel that and just shut down. Emotional repression, is unconscious repression, which means you’ve been repressed, you don’t even know you’ve been repressed and that you’ve been denying yourself the opportunity to feel your emotions and feel your feelings.
What’s ultimately our biggest goal for everyone everywhere is to be the fullest expression of who you are, right? So being expressed not only means to express yourself verbally and in personality, but also to allow your emotions and your feelings to express themselves. Whether that is through beautiful crying or screaming or punching all these beautiful ways to release emotion from your body.

Emotional suppression leaves you emotionally congested
When you’re emotionally congested, you’re also very reactive. Like the anger comes faster and the resentment comes. So you’re a little like when my kids were little we used to call it being prickly. You’re unable to feel much trust and bliss that we were just talking about and your higher levels of, consciousness.
Myrna: So the question I have here for you is what makes it so hard to change and to up level.
Tracy: Well, because it’s unfamiliar, that’s the real answer. So the art of change and why does it feel so hard to change this because you actually have to become different. And when we’re in the, human growth, potential space, it’s not discussed enough that if you’re really going to become different you’re going to really have to get uncomfortable. And that is, it feels physical, an up level where you actually stretch out of your zone of familiarity into the next ring or two or three of what’s available to you.
It feels like a physical stretch. And to be able to successfully change and transform we have to have a profound understanding of our connection to our bodies and what it means to create safety in our system. Because change means different means unknown means uncertain, and your mind body goes Oh, hell no, I’m not allowing that human to do that. I’m going to keep her safe and the same done right. So to recognize what’s happening in the mind, because that’s what the mind does. It says this is unfamiliar, this is not safe.

Mind Magic drives your emotions
You must also understand that if you’re not working with the body, you’re not really working with the, mind. Also it seems counterproductive or counter intuitive to what we’re taught, but it’s the truth and even the mindset of the teacher. But I don’t do any, mindset, work without the body. Because you feel how you think, and you think how you feel. Your feelings are in your body and your thoughts are in your, mind.
So the, mind, drives feelings because that’s where our amygdala is. Our fear response gets ignited there, but it’s our body, our nervous system that keeps the score and tells all and does or doesn’t allow you to change. So once you understand that you go okay, I can learn how to create safety in my body. Now, all of a sudden, you can move outside of the zone of familiarity, you can change, because you know that where you’re going is amazing.
Myrna: So why does the body tell you that it’s unsafe?
Tracy: Because it’s different from what you have known. Your, mind and body, even though it is consciously what you desire and say you want your, mind and body, are active 24/7, 365 days per year. It’s trying to keep you the same, hell or high water at all costs. Mastering of the, mind and body, is part and parcel to your ability to, transform.

The Business of human growth
Myrna: Tell us about your company the Litt Factor
Tracy: The Litt Factor that’s my company, very excited and proud of it. My dad gave me that last name so it’s all him and it just happened to be a really cool last name. because we didn’t live. So the Litt Factor we are human growth and potential company and we specialize in working with visionary women leaders and entrepreneurs. To do the inner work necessary to become the next level versions of themselves, so that they can easily generate impact and wealth and holistic, success, and feel joy and presence along the way.
That’s what we do and, mind magic, is really our flagship framework. So it is a gorgeous container for visionary women leaders and entrepreneurs. You come in who you are, and you leave the next version of yourself in the most incredible way. It marries neuroscience, quantum law, meta-cognition, healing and, spirituality, in community. And that’s the kicker, that’s the key. You don’t grow in isolation.
You are really learning how to receive unconditional love, learning how to be rallied around, learning how to accept. Being in a sphere and a vortex of other women who are letting go of the status quo, who are breaking free of old paradigms, who are being the fullest expression of themselves. It’s like the wind beneath your wings. And it’s extraordinary.
So that’s what, mind magic, does. And it’s been so profound. It’s so proven we now have a 0% fail rate of anyone who comes to the program and does the work. We actually have a certification process as well. I certified other service providers, healers, coaches, financial experts, strategists on the, mind magic, framework, so that they can take it out in the world and affect change.

Book The Worthy Human
Myrna: Tell us your website, your social handles and also you can talk about your book. Yeah, tell us about your book. It’s a beautiful title. Worthy Human.
Tracy: Please go get the book. It is an incredible read. It is not just theory to the point of our conversation. It is both theory, story and work. So there are sections in the book called The work where you literally pause and do the work. I’ve had people simply invest in the book and transform with nothing else. So if you’re willing to show up for yourself and do the work, it’s a great place to start. And you can get that on Amazon. And if you’re an audio book kind of person, I read the audio so it’s like me loving you and yelling at you for six hours.

Myrna: I am definitely an audio person. I’ll get it myself.
Tracy: If you go to www.littfactor.com it has absolutely everything, but if you go to www.whatwouldshedo.net there is a free gift that I have. It’s a three part audio training course, all about connecting to the next level version of you and what it means to let her lead in every area of your life personally and professionally.