Tag Archives: quantum field

Unveiling the Power of Epigenetics in Overcoming Trauma

In an intriguing journey into the quantum realm, Doctor Katelyn Lehman shares her profound insights into how we can navigate trauma, using epigenetics as a framework for healing.  As we embrace, preventative care, that harmonizes our entire being. Her knowledge spotlights epigenetics, not merely as a biological factor but as a transformative tool capable of rewriting our health destiny.

The interplay between mind, body, spirit, and soul has long fascinated humanity, and the quest for holistic well-being continues to evolve.

Download the podcast here: 


Key Takeaways:

  • Trauma Healing Through Inner Environment: The understanding that our inner thoughts and emotions profoundly influence, gene expression, offering a new approach to healing past trauma.

  • Preventative Care Model: The integration of modalities like flotation therapy, biofeedback training, and frequency therapy that facilitate, autonomic nervous system healing, by promoting deep rest or reduced environmental stimulus therapy.

  • The Epigenetic Influence: Grasping the concept of epigenetics as a lens to view the dynamic interaction between our genes and environment, internal or external, making us proactive participants in our health and well-being.

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Exploring the Heart of Healing: Coherence and Epigenetics

The heart is often revered as the emotional center, yet Doctor Lehman elevates it as pivotal to our physiological and epigenetic healing. Coherence, a tranquil state birthed through mindfulness and meditation, converges energy to the heart, sparking beneficial shifts in the body's natural rhythms.

“… a state of coherence… facilitates a cascading effect of… 5,000 biomarkers in the body… It's the opposite physiological state from stress.”

Lehman explicates how stepping into coherence not only soothes the mind but also unfurls the DNA strands, allowing transformation at a genetic level. This aligns splendidly with the notion that nurturing a life-affirming emotion can dynamically alternate our genetic narrative.

“…what trauma does, what the experience of adversity, stress, trauma does to our body mind, is it we hold tension in the body.”

Lehman's clarity in discussing coherence not only paves a path to liberating tension but reshapes our understanding of how profound internal emotional states influence our biological existence.

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Preventative Care: More Than Floatation Therapy

Doctor Lehman delineates an advanced model of, preventative care, that transcends traditional medication or therapy. This holistic model doesn't just alleviate symptoms; it endeavors to rewiring the stress responses embedded within our nervous systems.

“… we're all so bombarded these days with messages… So there's a lot going on in modern culture… And the idea is that we give people a space, a space where they're kind of removed from some of that external sensory input.”

Here, the emphasis on creating a nurturing environment, conducive to easing the mind and body, lays the groundwork for long-term well-being rather than temporary relief.

The jewel of this model is the innovative blend of biofeedback and sound frequencies alongside, flotation therapy, facilitating a profound inner silence. By crafting experiences where one can “begin the process, the journey inward,” Lehman offers a rebirth into serenity and health.

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Epigenetics: Embracing the Quantum Mindset

At the heart of Doctor Lehman's philosophy is the, quantum mindset, – grasping the innate connection between us and an intelligent, infinitely unifying energy field. She invites us to dissolve the illusion of separation between mind, body, and the cosmos, revealing the broader impacts of such an integrated view on, personal transformation.

“Biology is the feedback mechanism through which the universe is learning about itself.”

This poetic view transcends science and spirituality, suggesting that our very existence is intertwined with the cosmos. As we learn to harmonize our frequencies with this, unified field, we not only unearth intra-psychic peace but participate in the symphony of the universe's expansive evolution.

In embracing this, quantum mindset, one that Lehman warmly shares, we're urged to not only heal trauma but also to expand our consciousness to effectuate change across the tapestry of life – a narrative that epigenetics magnificently unfolds.

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Transform Your Mind spotify
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Coherence and Epigenetics

The valorous leap into the quantum clinic environment is a beacon for those seeking to transform – not only to heal trauma but to enrich the very essence of their existence. Doctor Lehman's practice at Quantum Clinic serves as a nexus where science and spirituality converge, yielding a novel paradigm for health that resonates with the ancient wisdom now vindicated by contemporary research.

Her journey maps out a stellar template, encouraging each of us to trod the shimmering path of coherence, harness the heart's inherent wisdom, and ultimately, metamorphosize by syncing with the universe's heartbeat. It's not a mere meditational passage; it's an odyssey of self-realization, a potent blend of technology and transcendence that promises a brighter, balanced future.

The beauty of Doctor Lehman's insights lies not in a finite conclusion but in an open invitation. It's an invite to delve into the quantum field, reconceptualize your being, and awaken to the boundless potential that coherence and harmony with our universe offers to every willing spirit. Such is the vibrant and evocative narrative of healing and transformation that epigenetics and preventive care graciously extend to us all.

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Podchaser transform your mind podcast
Additional Resources

Addressing Past Life Trauma and Finding Redemption

How to Create Your Own Matrix In The Game Of Life

What “The Matrix” the movie was trying to show is that we're inside of a game, we're, consciousness, inside of the,  game of life. And so, our reality is a merging of the, game of life, outside the body.  When Noe realized he could control the game he says, why don't I change it? Why don’t I change the rules? Why don't I change the way I interact with it? Why don't I populate it? And that is where he's able to start to control his reality, and create his own matrix. We can all do the same thing.

Download the podcast here: 



Alana Aviel is a guide to Mastering the Creation of your Reality. Alana Aviel of AKIATA is an Oracle, Channel, Teacher, and Spiritual Guide/Activator working primarily in the Quantum Realm. Following a powerful near-death experience, Alana has humbly stepped fully into her service as a guide and teacher in the Akasha and assists in total obliteration of old paradigm patterns and limitations to being. Her work focuses on identifying the cues of one’s reality and activating our natural powers as the creator of our Reality to live an aware and empowered life.

Myrna: Tell us about your near-death experience?

Alana: I was in a motorcycle accident where I was in a coma and have a severe brain injury. It was actually the conclusion of one, soul's journey, and the initiation of my soul's journey. So that was the start of my adventure. And it's what's called a, walk-in soul, experience. So where one soul kind of says, okay, I'm ready to conclude my journey here on Earth, and it creates an opportunity for another soul to kind of hop in and continue the journey.

Myrna: Take us on a chronological journey.

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Near Death experience and a walk in soul

Alana: Yeah, so most people are born you know, they're a baby they live a life they grow up they have school, they have childhood memories, maybe some trauma, all those experiences. And you know, when we understand the, near-death experience, somebody kind of hops out of the game for a minute and comes back right? What I'm saying is I'm actually a different soul continuing the journey of the person who created this body. So, I don't have childhood memories. I don't have a point of reference. That was a story of a soul that preceded me and I kind of came in midstream.

Myrna: Wow. In the, near-death experience, a new soul walks in.  I have never heard this before.

Alana: This is what some people call a, walk-in soul. But for me, the most powerful kind of contrast is, I don't come with the context of a life experience that most people have, most people have childhood memories. They have, you know, trauma that you can inquire or, you know, an impact about beliefs or an impression of, you know, things that they learned in school, because I kind of came in midstream, I have the benefit of some of the memories that Alana kind of left me.

Myrna: What was the experience that the original soul left that a new soul came in? You mentioned something about a motorcycle accident.

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The soul agreement and game of life

Alana: In 2007 the original Alana experienced severe head injury, in a motorcycle accident and was in a coma for a good amount of time. And I would say that was the time that we kind of changed places you could say during that coma, whatever her soul had chosen was saying okay, this is going to be the conclusion of my adventure here on this earth game. I'm sure that she and I created a, soul agreement, that I would pick up where she left off.  And so I woke from the coma, started to understand, oh, this is the new life experience. These are some of the rules. These are some of the ways that she lives. These are some of the things that she did, these are some of the people that she knew, and I kind of just picked up the roll from there and carried on.

Myrna: How does a, walk-in soul, take us to the, matrix?

Alana: Yeah, so, you know, we use this term, matrix, or we use this term like the, game of life. Basically, it's an experience inside of, consciousness. And the interesting thing is people identify the, matrix, or the ego as the limitations, the obstacles, the challenges, the lack or the struggle of trauma, those types of things, right. And sometimes people identify the matrix as this force outside of us, like the government or you know, all of these other limitations; but in reality, what you need to see is the limitations are how our subconscious designs our, game of life.

The matrix or, game of life, is to be played based on what our soul identifies as wanting to experience inside of, consciousness. And so, when I talk about limiting suffering, it can be as simple as changing the way one identifies inside of consciousness. Because the way that we identify inside of, consciousness, will define the experience that we have.

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What is consciousness

Myrna: Well, you know, that 99.9% of people don't even know, what is consciousness. We just show up play the, game of life. We're in the matrix and you know, it's tumbling us around and we're reacting to outside stimulus. But consciousness is a big word. And even though I'm in the space of, awareness and, consciousness, and, trying to create my own reality. I know that I'm not at the top of the game.  So, when you are saying that we're limited in our, consciousness. Explain for the layman what that means.

Alana: So there's four ways to experience reality. And as you said, 99% of people have that perspective that life happens to them that they're kind of a victim to circumstances. So, they are at the entry level of the, game of life. When people have an awakening, they start to experience a level of consciousness where they start to realize, I'm actually the observer in the game. I'm able to transcend these limitations and look at them with a different context, a more divine perspective.  All of a sudden they are able to take themselves outside of that victim-hood and say, wait, there's something else going on here.

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As I Grow Up podcast:  “Assuredly, I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God as a little child will by no means enter it.” It’s a powerful statement to remind us that we need to be like children in order to see the Kingdom of Heaven. But what makes a child so special that THEY are the example that WE need to follow in order to see that Kingdom? Well, simply, they learn. They learn from all the lessons that GOD has to teach them. Something that we all never get too old to do. So, now, I invite YOU to grab some coffee or tea and join me, Carla Silver, as we talk about the lessons I have learned, and am still learning, As I Grow Up. A Christian Podcast on Spotify and Apple podcasts A Christian Podcast on Spotify and Apple podcasts

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The matrix illustrates how to play the game of life

And that's what the movie “The Matrix Movie” kind of illustrates. He takes the red pill or the blue pill and all of a sudden, he realizes the game isn't what he thought it was. Similar thing happens when people have an awakening. So, the stage that comes after the observer, is we're starting to notice okay, I can see the way this works a little bit differently. It's not necessarily happening to me, but I'm participating in it in a way that I can't quite explain. Then we get to manifesting what we want in this, matrix.

I know a lot of people who are really getting on to the idea of manifesting using affirmations, using depth of beliefs to create inside their experience. So now you're not only just observing life, but you're playing as a creator. In my experience, I can create my prosperity through my belief, I can create my relationships in a different way through my belief, now I understand myself, and we really have kind of left the victim hood and started to be more of a creator. When you play the, game of life, as a creator, it’s like putting their heart, their skin, their dreams, and their imagination into action.

And then once you really get to a place where you are merging with, divine consciousness, which can be known to some people as enlightenment, you know, we've had a lot of ascended masters that have set this example Buddha, Jesus all the other ones, right. This is where reality can be perceived as being created in real time, exclusively from our mindset. And so, this is where everything in our experience is a manifestation of the mind.

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The matrix is the quantum field

Myrna: Sure, so from what I remember of the, matrix, you know, there was a body, sitting in a chair, and he took the pill and he was going to the Oracle and the Oracle said that he was the One.  But that reality of the matrix didn't actually affect the body. Right? Because there's one time he got shot in the matrix and he was sitting a chair still alive. So, help us play the game where we're in a matrix, which is the, quantum field, and then we're in our body. How does that work?

Alana: Well, I mean, there's a lot of layers to it. The first thing that I find is most valuable for everybody is we're all the guy. We are all the One. So everybody is in their own unique matrix.  What “The Matrix” the movie was trying to show is that we're inside of a game, we're, consciousness, inside of a game. And so, our reality is a merging of the, game of life, outside the body.  When he realized he could control the game he says, why don't I change it? Why don’t I change the rules? Why don't I change the way I interact with it? Why don't I populate it? And that is where he's able to start to control his reality, which is what we're talking about.

And he's able to watch himself participating in real time, which is like what manifesting is, you know, you set your intention or what Dr Joe Dispenza talks about and “Becoming Supernatural” you can heal yourself, but only because you made yourself aware of your capacity to do so. So, my cheat code that the matrix illustrates so beautifully is that our mindset is everything. How we identify is everything. We identify ourselves as always running after our next paycheck. The paychecks are going to keep running away from us. If we identify ourselves as somebody where money is running to us, money will run to us.

Podfriend Transform Your Mind Podcast
Podfriend Transform Your Mind Podcast

The Game of Life leaves clues

The game of life, this movie The Matrix, that's a clue, the book The Secret, that's a clue. And there's so many clues that are kind of naturally built into the game. And one of my favorite ways to understand the clues is to look at the life of children. Because children know how to play the, game of life. They haven't picked up the muck that kind of makes us forget. And so, what do they do? Kids play dress up, they use their imagination. They pick up a block, it becomes a car, right? Kids know how to play the, game of life, and then we pick up beliefs and the baggage from society. And just increase our degrees of forgetting until we find it again.

Myrna: How we can get in touch with you if you're on social media. Tell us your handles.

Alana: Yeah, beautiful. My handle on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/akiataetheric/ and Tiktok is @akiatsetheric. If they follow me I share a lot of juicy mind bending ideas and concepts. But most importantly I have this experience called the mirror dimension. And if you go to mirror-dimension.com You'll find my membership there we meet weekly to learn how to read your reality. It's really easy, accessible, low-cost program for people to come in and start to learn about themselves to learn about the conscious experience playing a, game of life, learning all the cues.

I find it very important for us to include unpacking people's personal experiences as demonstrations of what does this clue mean? What did that challenge what was that challenge trying to say? So, we workshop in real time in the mirror dimension to learn how to be better creators in our reality.  It's a really incredible workshop style experience for people to come and learn and grow.

Additional Resources

How to Win at the Game of Life


How to Have It All

You can, have it all. Is it possible to have a passionate marriage, a thriving career, a healthy beautiful body, more money that you ever dreamed of, and enough downtime to enjoy it without running yourself ragged.


TuneIn Radio


Christy Whitman. is a Transformational Leader, Celebrity Coach and the New York Times Bestselling Author of “The Art of, Having It All” she has appeared on The Today Show and the Morning Show and her work has been featured in, People's Magazine, Seventeen, Women's Day, Hollywood Life, and Teen Vogue, among others Christy is also the CEO and founder of the, Quantum Success Learning Academy and Quantum Success Coaching Academy, a 12-month Law of Attraction program.

Christy has helped thousands of people worldwide to achieve their goals through her empowerment seminars, speeches and coaching sessions and products. Christy's life changing message reaches over 200,000 people per month and her work has been promoted by and featured with esteemed authors and luminaries such as Marianne Williamson, Dr. Wayne Dyer, Marci Shimoff, Brian Tracy, Neale Donald Walsch, Abraham-Hicks, and Louise Hay. She currently lives in Arizona with her husband, Frederic, and their two boys, Alexander and Maxim. You can meet her on the web at www.QuantumSuccessBook.com,

I read your bio and I'm thinking wow this woman is where I want to be. So we're going to start out by just asking you a kind of a background question you've accomplished quite a lot. Can you tell us your journey to this point in your career in life.

Searching for purpose

Well, I basically did everything that my parents told me, you know, Go get a degree, get a good job, put money in the Bank, have a nice fit body, find a guy! I had all that, and still I was just really really empty. I wasn't really happy. I was missing an essential part of myself. So I started going on a search for meaning.

I had this you know like when you're really thirsty for water that's how I felt spiritually. I felt like I just didn't know that there's wasn’t any real purpose or meaning in what I was doing. It seemed like the more money I made, it didn’t make me any happier. I went on this quest and really learned about meditation and learned about how our thoughts create our reality and learned about energy and how we are either attracting things to us or repelling things from us.

All these different philosophies started changing me, and I started changing my thoughts one by one and started shifting my energy and things literally just started shifting before my eyes. When I was searching at one point I was thirty pounds overweight, $60,000 in debt, I had just broken up with the latest bad guy, and I moved to California and I didn’t know anybody.

I Had quit my job also so I I had nothing going on in my life, when I found this information and it was amazing because within just a very few short weeks I got a great job, I was transferred to a different part of California, I found a really wonderful man, and I was in an eight-year relationship with, my body naturally went back to normal size.

Using the Law of attraction to have it all

Things were just flowing and easy, and what I was learning about was the universal laws that I now teach. I’ve shared my experiences of how I’ve created a great career, maintained my weight, and attracted an ideal partner. I've been coaching on, Law of Attraction, and, Universal Laws. Besides the, Law of Attraction, I just share my experiences and I share what I do, and what I learned and what I know not to do, and I just created an amazing business.

I'm serving people, and seeing people transform, and I feel passionate about it. Each and every day, back when I when I was in that space, I was making money, I was a pharmaceutical rep, but I didn't feel like I was on purpose. I didn't feel like what I was doing really had much meaning and so I started to really connect with the feeling of what would it feel like that if I did something and I was on purpose?

I didn't know what purpose looked like, but I started just allowing myself to feel that the essence of the purpose, of what it would just feel like. Even if I didn't know the how or the form or anything and then what happened with amazing. I had a book downloaded through me and that became my first book “Perfect Pictures.” I got it published and my family and friends all bought the book and it wasn't like they were the ones to read self-help books.

I started speaking at Spiritual Book Stores and Churches and while I was doing that, doing workshops on my book, I would take people through meditations and they started asking me to coach them. I had no idea back then, and we were talking you know 16 years ago, 17 years ago. I had no idea what Life Coaching was and most people didn't. I decided to just have people call me on the phone and started really appreciating their transformation. I'm grateful that my stuff it's universal and it helps every single person, no matter what circumstance or situation there going through. We can change all of it by knowing and applying these laws.

Tips for having it all

That's an awesome story I Absolutely love it. Dr Wayne Dyer says that that's how he's written all this books. He wakes up at 3.15 am in the morning and it's just downloaded. I just completed a series with the author of the Millennial’s Playbook to Adulting, Millennials do just that.

Whether it's their parents or a guidance counselor or somebody they find a job, they find the guy, and then they get married or something but it doesn't light them up it doesn't light them up because they’re going about it based on the jobs that's available or income or something along those lines.  It's a great thing to teach because whenever you are on purpose and whenever something lights you up and whenever you follow the, Laws of the Universe, which most people don't know what they are, you find happiness.

Most people don't understand the, Laws of Attraction, and how thoughts work. That's the only way that you can design your life. I'm glad that we're going to be diving into that subject in our next episode; but today we want to talk about your book “The Art of, Having it All,” I'm jumping ahead of myself. Before we get in to that. I want to bring attention to the word you used to introduce your coaching program “Quantum Success.

I love the word that you use to introduce your coaching program. I follow Deepak Chopra. He was my first mentor and when I wrote my first book which was called “Becoming Conscious, my Awakening” I talked about the Quantum and synchro destiny; but you're calling it, Quantum Success; so my follow-up question is “what do you feel is the blueprint to your coaching program and what is your definition of quantum success and, having it all, ?”

Using Quantum energy to have it all

I want to say I'm not a superwoman, I'm just an ordinary woman that has learned about universal laws and, having it all. Every single person listening have the power to create your life the way you want it. Quantum success, for me it was really about, I lived the first part of my life not, having it all, so far pushing, striving, setting goals, it was really when I found the knowledge, and the information on energy and that I understood, the energy that you hold while you're moving towards something is even more important than the inert action of the goal.

We're both physical and non-physical beings. If you're not doing that from a place of alignment then any momentum that you take is a waste of energy, it's a waste of time. You know a lot of times people are moving they're doing stuff and they're taking tons of action and it's eventually going to give them the success that they want; but they're going to hit a wall because if their thought process is different or their emotions on how they feel about themselves or even the way they think about themselves, the way they reflect on themselves, the way they judge and solve problems.

All of that stuff holds us back from really being able to allow the alignment and the flow of the, Quantum field, or what some call God, what some call Goddess. That consciousness that create whatever you want. When you start to bring in deliberately, having it all, the kind of energy that you want to experience, whether its success, or love, or abundance, or prosperity, or security.

Success is having it all

As long as you're doing it consistently, because everything is vibration. So when you do the action and take the action towards what you want to manifest and align your thoughts your emotions your perspective with succeeding, in that space of success. You imagine what would success look like? What does, having it all, look like? What would successful feel like?

If you had the career that you really wanted, that was firing on all cylinders what would that look like for you? I wrote in my last book “The Art of, Having It All,” It’s really about what does having it all look like to you. Is, Having it All, someone else’s definition? It's what lights you up that moves you forward. It's a life force that’s pulsating through you, that wants to become something more. It's up to us as, that non-physical part of that energy.

Cooperate with it instead of trying to cut it off and that's what most people do. Complaining and judging other people or they play like a victim. All those things are literally slicing up and siphoning off your life force energy, and it won't move you towards the desires that you want. We need to ask ourselves. How do I want to feel?

Then start to as much as you can, as often as you can, get in that feeling place. I mean the good thing is about the, Quantum field,  is that this is a holographic universe and so any emotion that has ever been felt can be easily felt by you. Circumstances and situations don't have to happen. We have the capacity as human beings to visualize and to feel our way into things, and to change a thought and you know these are all things that we can do because the thoughts that we have are not real, so we have to direct our thoughts towards what we want and why we want it, to, having it all, and how we want to feel.

Your vortex holds your un-manifested desires

That is awesome, we are so in sync on the things. My next question we're going to be talking a little bit about Abraham Hicks; she talks about the, vortex, when I do my meditation that's what I say. Everything in my vortex will be eventually be available to me, if not immediately but eventually. It’s all about vibration. I was listening to podcast last week and the guest was saying we have Three superpowers, and one of the superpowers was imagination. He reminded me that anything we can imagine, we can create. Whether you're imagining what you want or what you're imagining what you don't want it's real and it's going to manifest.

A lot of people think our, vortex, is outside of ourselves; but the, vortex, is within us. The, vortex, is inside us, so it's not something we have to wait for. It's like we just have to get into alignment with it because it's already there. It's the Creator that pulses pulsates through us. I'm going to get into a discussion of energy for a second. Most people think I'm going to manifest something or, Law of Attraction; but thoughts always create some kind of emotional reaction.

It's really the emotions, so we're viewing something we see something like a tree we look at the tree and we just kind of have the stimulus, we perceive it without eyes and we enjoy it. So energy is flowing in and it's flowing out, it's just kind of like a stimulus we see the ocean it comes in and it comes out. Well when someone says something rude to us or says something hurtful, or maybe you get in car accident, or you lose a loved one, or your bill comes and you can't pay it or whatever it is.

Those moments in life cause us to constrict our energy and we create blocks around it. Those blocks also create a vortex of energy because energy has to continue to move, it goes out, or it goes up, because that is constantly moving, it's never ending. So if energy come through and instead of feeling an emotion, like how that person hurt us or that person was rude or that person made us angry, we constrict the energy.

That creates a block and then that creates a vortex, that vortex is active, it's alive. That's the, vortex, that creates a thought and then the thoughts create a belief. It then creates some kind of physical manifestation of it and then we go, see it's true. You say No matter what I do, I can't seem to get ahead. Men are always cheating on me. We have to be careful and aware of where we're getting energetically charged and start to release those blocks, so that we can get back in that free flow again of feeling the love and the alignment.

The Art of having it all

I do the work, I want to be, having it all, I don't only coach; but I do a lot of mind work because I'm aware at that everything starts in the mind, which is why I call this podcast “The Transform your Mind” because everything starts there. But I loved about the, quantum field, as it relates to success. I actually never thought about it that way until you mentioned it; but you said if you want to move towards something because that's the, quantum field, that's energy that's moving and you have to be an alignment to that goal.

If you I want to red Mercedes but then immediately you say well I can never afford it, that's what you’re talking about, as far as you're not moving in alignment. I Actually absolutely love putting it all together. If you want success you've got to hold what you want in front of you so that you can be strategically moving towards it and also be aware of the energy that you're talking about. If you've got stuck energy, you've got blocked energy or you you're feeling bad then you're actually blocking your flow.

So, the next question I Want to ask you is about the luminaries and thought leaders that you mentioned in your bio. I love them all I didn't know much about Marianne Wilkinson, but I love Dr Wayne Dyer, I'm listening to two of his audio books right now. One is on Balance which is almost the same thing we're talking about today.

I have a Neale Donald Walsch book in my library “Conversations with God” It was one of the best books I have read. I studied that book. And Abraham Hicks, love her. There's was a point in time that I meditated with her every morning. I Picked those three because those are the ones that I know. So what are some of the lessons that you've learned from these luminaries as it you know as it relates to our topic today? Having it all, and, Quantum Success?

I heard of Wayne Dyer probably about 20 years ago. My therapist at the time she was a spiritual psychotherapists, she brought in the spiritual approach, she would hand me CDs, actually back then it was cassette tapes of Wayne Dyer and Marianne Williamson, and so they were my first two early teachers.

There are only 2 emotions love and fear

I really liked the perspective that Marianne talks about because she would talk about the Course In Miracles and how there's really only two emotions, either love or fear; so that really helped me start to connect with the energy and paying attention between, high vibration, or, low vibration, and then of course Wayne Dyer was huge for me in the whole getting in the perspective of my thoughts.

During that time that's when I was learning that your thoughts create your reality and so I was learning that not all thoughts are real and that we have places where as normal human beings we typically automatically think in these ways and for me it was like wow okay, so I'm normal right and yet I have to change these if I want to continue to change my life.

His work has always just been really touched my soul and in the time that I've been able to meet him and you know it just he really is one of those people that really was because he's passed on, but he really walks his talk. He truly was a lightworker and I could feel that it around him and it was there was an authenticity that and of what he taught and how he lived so that's what I learned about and appreciate him.

He was a very humble man and he never felt better than other people and he really had taught me a lot about ego and in keeping the ego in check and in that sort of thing. The Power of Intention, I mean that's an incredible book. I've been following Abraham Hicks Probably around the equal amount of time around 20 years and I was given a cassette from a little group that I was in in Redding California and I listened to them and you know listening test or channel Abraham and it was like whoa this is really strange and weird and yet I felt good listening to it, not only the words this used but the vibration that I felt.

As a pharmaceutical rep I had a big area in California, I would drive around with a cassette recorder on my passenger seat with all these different cassettes. I was really a tuning into a different perspective, I always write whether you know you buy someone's book and you read the book while you're just going to bed at night or you're driving around the car and you listen to a podcast that bless you or you know some kind of media where you're getting a different perspective than what most people think and how most people think because that's going to help you change your perspective. If you're inundated with the news and you know things like that and around a lot of people that are negative it's very hard to get out of that space unless you do something deliberately.

Saying yes to having it all

We're going to get in it to our topic today which is, “Having it All”, or “The, Art of, Having It All” so let me give you a little bit about you know the more a little tidbit that I picked up from you know reading the synopsis of the book. Christy in your book you ask “ ?” You ask the question like a lawyer asks the question a rhetorical question that we know the answer and your answer was a resounding “YES”

Absolutely exactly right. In the, Art of Having it all, you shared precise steps you took to create radical turn arounds in the midst of potentially devastating real-life situations. Freeing yourself of nearly $90,000 of unwanted debt, 30 extra pounds, navigating the turbulent waters of divorce, and this last two are really hard for most people, the grief of your sister's suicide, and the life-threatening illness of your newborn son.

As I read that I get goose bumps on it because you know that's a lot of stuff to have to deal with and I know we've touched on the energy and most of this beforehand as we talked in your bio, and some of the questions to answered already; but can you tag on to anything that you haven't talked about. What advice you'd give out listeners who are going through, as we call it the wilderness of the storm, in their lives right now.

Absolutely all of those things that you mentioned all of them, I got through and grew from them and had them turn out even better than I could have even imagined, because of the fact that I knew about the Universal Laws and that I knew about lack and energy and Lack in abundance and, I knew about emotions and all that. I knew that I needed to focus on my perspective on, having it all, my sons, my marriage, so just even in the case of my son Maxim, when he was 2 months of age he was rushed to the hospital and he had to have open-heart surgery as a tiny little baby.

Crazy, the miracles that were around that are just like the story is incredible. Typically babies that have a transposition of the arteries are usually found in the mother's womb, they see it in the ultrasound and then they do a heart surgery on them, probably one to two days of life, two days of the latest. If they don't catch it, it's usually within you know the first week and if it's not caught within the first week babies usually die in the crib if it's not detected. Wow!

Yeah, he was two months of age and the only thing that kept him alive is he had a little hole between both of his arteries and the valve that closes when a baby typically has their first few breaths, his didn't close so he was barely breathing which we didn't realize; but he if they did ever did this type of surgery on the baby this old so it was just the fact that he was just there and he was wanting to be there.

It's like, I knew that he was going to be fine and so I went I Told my husband I'm like okay listen we can't have anybody else's negative energy we can't have fear we can't have any of this around the situation. The only visual I'm going to hold taking Maxim home with his brother Alex, And the three of you wrestling and growing up and taking vacations and taking them to Disneyland and taking him camping and you know just like all these visions absolutely.

All these different watching and play baseball and so that was the only vision. Our family was freaking out and scared, of course we had to process our own emotions because it was an emotional roller coaster; whenever we were around him we didn't let in any fear energy. We would clear ourselves before we would walk in the hospital to see him and very selective of who we let around him and stuff and we did that because it's like we just wanted to keep in the positive space we wanted to keep in that energy flow of all good things and any possibility of negativity or fear or any lower-level emotions we wanted to keep it out of the creation; because it was it was imperative.

I'm happy to say that he's now seven-year-old boy, he's been cleared for years. He's got a perfect heart. I mean the surgery that they did was two months is like growing with him it's amazing yeah just the coolest kid and you know and just very grateful I mean just amazing and you know so it's that alone you know we would sit there and deliberately write down like okay what are the positive aspects about the situation nothing will go my God your child almost died is in the hospital ICU.

How could you even look for a positive in that situation? Well for me, we had to because we had to keep our vibration high, so I would write out, how I'm grateful how I was at the best Children's Hospital in all of North America, I was grateful that we were close to home and that we had family to take care of our son Alex during the day so we could be with Maxim. Grateful that all the nurses loved him and just all the positive aspects nothing but.

It's a universal law if you're in lack and limitation you cannot create abundance from that place and so you have to get into it's the law of sufficiency and abundance, you have to get into the place of being at peace, feeling that it's sufficient, it's good enough. You don't have to be over the moon excited about it, but at least coming from that place of appreciation and gratitude looking for what's right and good and stuff what's wrong and bad and when you do that your life will continue to change contrast will show up it shows up for every single person but it's how what you do with the contrast when it happens whether it's really extreme or it's minor you know some people get really reactive and how big emotional reactions over very small things and then when things come they're just like oh my God you know so we have to know how to manage our energy.

I'm Going to redress something, I experienced suicide in my family myself. My daughter was engaged to be married, she was planning her wedding and her fiancé, shot himself and committed suicide and like you I'm a very positive person, I wouldn't say that I know how to work energy like you are because you're an expert on that, but in my life I've had a lot of challenges and you know you say that you can look at your book of wars and in my book of wars told me that almost every challenge that I faced, had a positive outcome just like you can you can see now but your son when that incident happened; but for the life of me I couldn't find the positive in that, suicide.

Now I think I'd go back in and I and I think that the positive maybe, like my pastor talked yesterday that sometimes God breaks you so that he can fit you in for your purpose. I think that my daughter came out of that situation a stronger person but at the time I couldn't find the positive, so how did you find the positive energy in your sister’s suicide? There's a lot of suicides going on right now so maybe someone is listening that can benefit from some advice on how to deal with someone close to you committing, suicide?

Dealing with suicide

This is a great question. For me I remember just feeling that I have to make a decision for myself because she chose what she chose and we can't control what other people choose, it was her life it was her decision even Abraham Hicks says that every death is really a suicide. Anyways when someone takes their own life we make it mean so much and it is shocking and it is traumatic, it's not like someone gets a disease and they get degenerative because of that and then they pass, this is something that's horrible, taking that away either but when someone abruptly ends their life in such a dramatic way it is very traumatic on everybody around them.

I would look at my sister it's like okay she chose what she chose what do I get to choose from my life? Then I started asking myself those questions. What do I want for my life? Why do I want these things? How am I going to want to feel? Really start to feel that way; but during the process I will tell you I allowed myself to feel my feelings, when I felt angry at the situation at her and anything I've processed my anger. I didn't go and beat anybody up.

I mean there's a proprietary process, anger right it's not raging it's not hurting another person but I would feel my anger. I would yell into a pillow, there's things you can do that are constructive for you that and as long as you're feeling the energy of those emotions and you're not bottling move it and I what you're saying yes yeah If I needed to cry, I would cry. I gave myself permission to cry whenever I Felt like. I needed to cry, I would excuse myself and I will go cry.


Christy I Want to thank you so much for being an awesome guest. Our conversation today on, having it all, was very inspirational and like I said I learned a lot from you. Looking forward to our next talk, we are going to dive a little deeper into “How to use the 7 essential Laws of Attraction to create a thriving joyful and prosperous relationship with your work and money.” I Want to thank everyone for tuning in today to on the radio at www.wdjyfm.com in Metro Atlanta. This podcast is distributed to iTunes, TuneIn radio, Stitcher, Google play and now also on iHeart radio. I would love everyone who’s listening to subscribe so that the podcast can rank higher on iTunes and more people like you can listen to awesome messages like the one we have today. so Christy Until next time Namaste

Embracing Your Spirituality For Success

We are, spiritual, beings having a human experience. Spirituality, is being willing to lower the volume on your, skepticism, and connect to the source.  Tracy Litt, author of the Worthy Human shares how we can embrace our, spirituality, and release our emotions to achieve, success.  

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Tracy Litt is a sought-after success mentor for visionary women leaders that are navigating huge paradigm shifts and elevating into the next level of themselves, so they can seamlessly generate the next level of their impact, wealth, and holistic success. Tracy is a certified mindset coach, spiritual advisor, rapid transformational hypnotherapist, best-selling author, and TEDx speaker.

She is the Founder of The Litt Factor, and creator of Mind Magic ®, a proven methodology that marries metacognition and spirituality, neuroscience and quantum law to expand and elevate more quickly. Her work has served thousands of women across the globe and has been featured in Entrepreneur, Fast Company, Thrive Global, and Inc.com. Her book Worthy Human is a #1 best seller in Spiritual Growth and Mindset.

Myrna: Tell us about how you became a certified mindful mindset coach, or why you became a certified mindset coach.

Tracy: For me I went through a lot of triumph in life, right as all of us have. And I was consistently met with this calling that I'm here to do something deeper. I'm here to work with people on a more transformational level.  I was born for impact and positive influence to make a beautiful dent in the progress of our world.

And in order to do that, it really comes down to each one of us doing the work of ourselves on ourselves, to make the ripple effect that actually creates change for the world. And energetic frequency for our generations, our children's children, all of those beautiful things. So, it was a calling for me to step up into what my capacity was. Yet I wasn't scratching the surface, because I was living beneath my worth.  I'm not enough and I'm not smart enough which we all have in this world.

Myrna: Not being enough always shows up.

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Emotional Suppression comes from feeling not enough

Tracy: It is impossible to be a living, breathing adult and not have an enoughness wound somewhere. Unless you worked on it already, because the nature of the way our psyche works and how we know things happen in our upbringing. And the way we ingest things and make it mean something when we're little, we always make it mean something about us, and then we carry that story in that belief structure.  When we get older and something happens, usually catalytic, we're hoping that we don't get smacked over the head by a circumstance.

 So, all of those things are really why I showed up to do what I do in the world. And you know, I was a single mother with an eight-month-old daughter. That was my first wake up call that called me to show up differently by letting go of the victim hood that I was living in powerlessness.  I was subscribing into creating a whole new version of myself and a life for my daughter who is now 18 years old so that's gives you some frame of reference.

And then I was called to climb the corporate ladder and landed as a Vice President of Human Resources and still was like, I'm not happy. I did all the things. Why am I not happy? Here I am like, I’ve got a six figure job, working from home. Isn't that supposed to be joyful? And it wasn't. So, I answered that deeper calling and went back to school an adult learner at 39 years old, and launched the Lift Factor and we're in our fifth year. So yes, I'm about to be 45 this year.

 Myrna: Wow! I'm sure you've heard it before. You look great.

Tracy: Teenage daughters, they keep me very young.

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Emotional suppression leads to unhappiness

Myrna: That's great. You know, it's interesting that is a story that we hear so often, that people are successful. They've got the house; they've got the job, they've got the cars, they've got the white picket fence, and yet they're still seeking. They're still seeking that happiness.

Tracy: So, here's what's going on with that Myrna.  We were all raised in a conditional happiness model. Okay, which I'll break down for us. We were all raised that the outside dictates the inside. belief structure, which then reports how we all show up. So it's very much I'll be happy when I have a million dollar business. I'll be happy when I find love in my life. I'll be happy when or I'll be sexy when I lose 10 pounds, right? 

So what part of the call to work on ourselves and really recognize that as our core purpose is to completely shift out of these paradigms that we've been subscribing to all of this time and realize, oh, wait a minute. The reason why I could chase the carrot, get the carrot and chase the next carrot. Get the next pair to chase the next carrot, get the next until you die and still might actually feel joy in your body and your soul because joy and happiness is an inside job.  

 It's about recognizing where you are holding on to when I'll feel happy. And do the reverse of that and start to cultivate and get your body familiar with that emotion of joy and happiness. Not because something cool just happened outside of you; but because that is the state of being that you choose.

 Myrna: Yeah, when we do visualization work, they tell you to feel the joy of having something that you want before you actually have it. But I'm sure that's not what you're talking about. We're talking about finding ourselves, loving yourself and finding happiness right now. With your current body, with your current job, with your current circumstances. 

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We are spiritual beings having a human experience

So that when you get the things that you want, you will know what joy looks like. I like what you said about chasing the carrot. We all know as coaches, that whenever you achieve one goal, you set the next goal. Yeah, we are always chasing that carrot. So all right. So that's great now your expertise is in you know, spirituality.

So I want to start off by asking you a question that I talk about all the time because I've heard it from Deepak Chopra. And I've heard it from a lot of the luminaries and a lot of, spirituality,  leaders. And it says that we are, spiritual beings, having a human experience. So how can we embrace this, spirituality? You know, a spirit having a human experience to create our success.

 Tracy: Spirituality, is the foundation of all my work. Spirituality, first be willing to lower the volume on your, skepticism, because, skepticism, is really like a sabotage tactic that your ego uses.  So you can just keep disconnected and still hustle and make it hard and kind of continue to affirm who you've been.

So when you demote the, skepticism, let's say that you allow yourself to believe what I'm saying to you, that you are a spiritual energetic being having a human experience because scientifically, it’s not Tracy's ideas on life,  scientifically, we are all, energy.

 Myrna: I've heard that so many times before, but let's let's do this. Just break it down.

 Tracy: Right and that's one of my superpowers, breaking down, spirituality, so it makes sense. So we are, energy, scientific fact, not a spiritual fact. So when we realize that we are spiritual energetic beings, but we're existing in physical form as human beings, we get to leverage both parts of those truths and understand our, spirituality. 

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Consciousness and spirituality

In our humanness we're feeling fear and lack and scarcity and concern about inclusion and belonging and are we good enough etc. Problems from a, consciousness, perspective.  Our, higher consciousness, in the dimensions of, consciousness, and, energy, is going higher. 

Myrna: Yep. Okay. So that's great. Yes, because one of the ways I normally go with that when we're talking about, spirituality, is you're connecting to the source and with source, everything is possible. You become limitless, right? Do you ever teach on that one?

 Tracy: 100% Because ultimately, your, highest self, operates in the highest, consciousness, available right to their dimensions of, consciousness, your, Higher Self, exists in your fifth dimension of, consciousness.  Consciousness, by the conscious awareness, quantum field, all of that space. So when you are in your, highest self, and you're trusting, you are the most open, you are the most connected to source, you're also in your highest residence. 

You're also in your most enjoyable states of emotion. You're not yet when you're in worry and guilt and not enoughness and resentment and anger. You're in your humaneness, you're in love and radiance and trust and bliss and detachment from, spirituality.

Myrna: So that's true. I noticed from your bio, you also talk about, quantum law. When you're connecting with your, spirituality,  and your, higher self, you're tapping into, quantum energy, in the, quantum field. Which means that things happen immediately.  

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Connecting to the quantum field

Tracy: Essentially, quantum energy, quantum physics, quantum law, it all means the same thing. It is proven that everything is actually all connected all at the same time and completely available to us. When your energetic, resonance and frequency is lower, and you are in a lower level of emotional states like the ones I was saying before frustration, unworthiness, resentment, anger, overwhelm, you are not at your highest resonance, which is what allows you to connect to the, quantum field.  

Myrna: So that's just a very expanded explanation,  we're all spiritual beings having a human experience. 

Tracy: Your emotional state becomes your energetic resonance. Emotional suppression, is when you consciously say Nope, I don't want to feel that and just shut down.  Emotional repression, is unconscious repression, which means you've been repressed, you don't even know you've been repressed and that you've been denying yourself the opportunity to feel your emotions and feel your feelings. 

What's ultimately our biggest goal for everyone everywhere is to be the fullest expression of who you are, right? So being expressed not only means to express yourself verbally and in personality, but also to allow your emotions and your feelings to express themselves. Whether that is through beautiful crying or screaming or punching all these beautiful ways to release emotion from your body. 

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RadioPublic Transform your mind

Emotional suppression leaves you emotionally congested

When you're emotionally congested, you're also very reactive. Like the anger comes faster and the resentment comes. So you're a little like when my kids were little we used to call it being prickly. You're unable to feel much trust and bliss that we were just talking about and your higher levels of, consciousness. 

 Myrna: So the question I have here for you is what makes it so hard to change and to up level.  

Tracy: Well, because it's unfamiliar, that's the real answer. So the art of change and why does it feel so hard to change this because you actually have to become different. And when we're in the, human growth, potential space, it's not discussed enough that if you're really going to become different you're going to really have to get uncomfortable. And that is, it feels physical, an up level where you actually stretch out of your zone of familiarity into the next ring or two or three of what's available to you. 

It feels like a physical stretch. And to be able to successfully change and transform we have to have a profound understanding of our connection to our bodies and what it means to create safety in our system. Because change means different means unknown means uncertain, and your mind body goes Oh, hell no, I'm not allowing that human to do that. I'm going to keep her safe and the same done right. So to recognize what's happening in the mind, because that's what the mind does. It says this is unfamiliar, this is not safe.  

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Transform Your Mind Podverse.fm

Mind Magic drives your emotions

You must also understand that if you're not working with the body, you're not really working with the, mind. Also it seems counterproductive or counter intuitive to what we're taught, but it's the truth and even the mindset of the teacher.  But I don't do any, mindset, work without the body. Because you feel how you think, and you think how you feel.  Your feelings are in your body and your thoughts are in your, mind. 

 So the, mind, drives feelings because that's where our amygdala is.  Our fear response gets ignited there, but it's our body, our nervous system that keeps the score and tells all and does or doesn't allow you to change. So once you understand that you go okay, I can learn how to create safety in my body. Now, all of a sudden, you can move outside of the zone of familiarity, you can change, because you know that where you're going is amazing. 

Myrna: So why does the body tell you that it's unsafe?

Tracy: Because it's different from what you have known. Your, mind and body, even though it is consciously what you desire and say you want your, mind and body, are active 24/7,  365 days per year.  It’s trying to keep you the same, hell or high water at all costs. Mastering of the, mind and body, is part and parcel to your ability to, transform. 

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Listen Notes Transform Your Mind

The Business of human growth

Myrna: Tell us about your company the Litt Factor 

Tracy: The Litt Factor that's my company, very excited and proud of it. My dad gave me that last name so it's all him and it just happened to be a really cool last name. because we didn't live.  So the Litt Factor we are human growth and potential company and we specialize in working with visionary women leaders and entrepreneurs. To do the inner work necessary to become the next level versions of themselves, so that they can easily generate impact and wealth and holistic, success, and feel joy and presence along the way. 

That's what we do and, mind magic, is really our flagship framework. So it is a gorgeous container for visionary women leaders and entrepreneurs. You come in who you are, and you leave the next version of yourself in  the most incredible way. It marries neuroscience, quantum law, meta-cognition,  healing and, spirituality, in community. And that's the kicker, that's the key. You don't grow in isolation. 

You are really learning how to receive unconditional love, learning how to be rallied around,  learning how to accept. Being in a sphere and a vortex of other women who are letting go of the status quo, who are breaking free of old paradigms, who are being the fullest expression of themselves. It's like the wind beneath your wings. And it's extraordinary.

So that's what, mind magic, does. And it's been so profound. It's so proven we now have a 0% fail rate of anyone who comes to the program and does the work. We actually have a certification process as well. I certified other service providers, healers, coaches, financial experts, strategists on the, mind magic, framework, so that they can take it out in the world and affect change.



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Podmust Transform Your Mind podcast

Book The Worthy Human

 Myrna: Tell us your website, your social handles and also you can talk about your book. Yeah, tell us about your book. It's a beautiful title. Worthy Human.

 Tracy: Please go get the book. It is an incredible read. It is not just theory to the point of our conversation. It is both theory, story and work. So there are sections in the book called The work where you literally pause and do the work. I've had people simply invest in the book and transform with nothing else. So if you're willing to show up for yourself and do the work, it's a great place to start. And you can get that on Amazon. And if you're an audio book kind of person, I read the audio so it's like me loving you and yelling at you for six hours.

Book Worthy Human
Book Worthy Human

 Myrna: I am definitely an audio person. I'll get it myself.

 Tracy: If you go to www.littfactor.com it has absolutely everything, but if you go to  www.whatwouldshedo.net there is  a free gift that I have. It's a three part audio training course, all about connecting to the next level version of you and what it means to let her lead in every area of your life personally and professionally. 

Additional Resources

Master Lama Rasaji: Harmonizing Mind Body Spirit