Ginny Gane, Law of Attraction coach, empowers women to transform mediocre lives into experiences of true abundance, joy, and love through levering the principles of, the Law of Attraction.
Leveraging our vibrational power allows us to create more love, harmony, and freedom in our lives.
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Abraham Hicks started my Law of Attraction Journey
Ginny: I’ve always been in the self-improvement space. I’ve been reading all the books from Self-improvement masters like Wayne Dyer, Louise Hay, Deepak Chopra. I was traveling in Australia for a year on my own and the, Law of Attraction, part of this story is there was a day and I was feeling blah. I said to myself, oh, God, what’s going on? What am I doing?
I have no money, blah, blah. And I called my parents told them how I was feeling, and they suggested I get this book called “The Astonishing Power Of Your Emotions” by Abraham Hicks. And I’m like, yeah, yeah, whatever, guys, okay. And so, I hung up the phone, and I picked up my backpack and went to walk back to my hostel and as I was walking along past a bookstore, I saw that exact book on a table in front of the store.
I was like, that, oh, my goodness this cannot be a coincidence. And I looked it over and I’m like, it’s $35. I can eat for a year on that. So, I walked away but there was just something that won’t let me leave it alone. As soon as I read that book, it was the piece I was looking for. It’s what allowed me to feel empowered about my life and have some idea of control over it. I understood things can’t just happen to you. That is how I got started and I had never ever thought about it in a business. I just loved it.
I started using, Law of Attraction, in my life. And then a few years later a friend of mine said to me, Hey, you’re basically my, law of attraction coach, and I said, What’s that? What does that mean? I had no idea, and I was like that this could be a career path. I had always been passionate about doing something I loved. Whatever I was going to pick for work, I wanted to love it. And so, I was like well, I love this. I would always be reading or talking about, the law of attraction. I never get tired of it.
And so just and I was like, Okay, great. Then the rest is history. And my path here and teaching has just continued to evolve and become deeper and more transformational in, Law of Attraction coaching.

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Feeling good is the doorway for the Law of Attraction
Myrna: I absolutely love that. So, when you read the book, by Abraham Hicks, you were in Australia for a reason. Why were you backpacking in Australia?
Ginny: You know, the biggest thing that I started to practice was just paying attention to what I was thinking and how I was feeling, because that’s like such a foundation right to utilizing, the law of attraction. And basically, building this internal awareness of what was going on because when we do that, then we know what’s going on in our, vibration. I would just start to notice how things were matching and lining up.
So, when I woke up, and I felt really good, and I was walking along the beach and feeling happy, and I was like, Oh, you’re thinking about how good life is and then you feel happy. Okay, so there’s that connection. And then I would find $1 on the ground, or I would run into and have a really nice conversation with someone. I just started to pay attention and notice how, the law of attraction, was at play in my life. And that was I think the biggest shift I made before I really started to do anything else.
I’ve never really been like, trying to manifest things. I just feel like we’re here to live such a full life and a full experience.
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Myrna: Wayne Dyer talks about the power of intention, which is basically the same thing as, the law of attraction. But he also talks about feeling good. When you’re feeling good you know your, vibration, is good.

Change your thoughts change your life
Ginny: I have Wayne Dyer’s book called “Change Your Thoughts Change Your Life”. Yeah, feeling good changes your life. What about you? How did you get into introduced to , the law of attraction?
Myrna: Well, like I first learned about, the law of attraction, from to just be Deepak Chopra and then I read Robin Sharma’s book “The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari” Then I bumped on to Abraham Hicks and her work with the, vortex. I have stuff in my, vortex, that I needed to manifest. That was my introduction and I work with, the laws of attraction, daily.
Let’s transition into that. You talked about leveling your, vibrational power, and using, vibrational energy, for manifestation, you mentioned that you weren’t very big in manifestation. but, as a, Law of Attraction coach, to your clients, I’m pretty sure that they want to manifest stuff. So how do you help them?
Ginny: I find manifesting some of the bigger things in life requires finding that balance of wanting what you want, allowing that desire to flow through you and being happy, feeling good where you’re at. It’s this tricky because if we get too focused on our desires, what starts to happen is we notice that they’re not there. And so, we start activating more of the lack energy or the lack vibration and then attracting more of that.
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But I think one of the powerful parts of manifesting is just knowing we have this power. So, it’s not only, the law of attractions, happening, it’s happening now in every single human’s life. The Law of Attraction, is at play the same way as the, law of gravity. We’re using it no matter if we are aware of it or not. There’s nothing mysterious or magical we must do. The Law of Attraction, is here for us 24/7. And so, the more we pay attention to it, the more powerful it becomes for us. Our, vibration, is attracting things to us.

Vibrations and the law of attraction
Myrna: So true, we are manifesting whether we are aware of it or not. People don’t understand why they’re getting all these things in their life that they didn’t then ask for, but as a, Law of Attraction coach, you know that they are manifesting it from there, vibration. So, explain, what is vibration.
Ginny: We are, manifesting, in every moment of every day and so, the Law of Attraction, works by responding to the, vibration, you’re embodying or putting out into the world. So, the way I like to think about it is like we’re constantly emitting this energy. And the, Law of Attraction, is constantly responding by bringing conditions that match that, energy. Now we know what that, energy, is attracted by how we feel. So, we measure and interpret, vibration, through emotion.
Myrna: You’re going to attract conditions that is similar to whatever emotion you’re feeling. If you spend a lot of time in anger or frustration, you’re going to attract negative conditions that vibrates at the same frequency of anger or frustration. We never get out of the cycle, that is why we must pay attention to our, emotions, and, vibration.
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Ginny: Yes, and it is there’s that’s a real thing it’s like this momentum that builds up. So, we will attract frustrating conditions and then we will look at the condition and then feel bad and then we’ll look at what is next. It’s just the cycle. So, until we become aware of that cycle, we have no chance to stop it or to do something different. So the first thing we can do is just start to become aware of what you are getting back.

Vibration is energy
Myrna: You said something a minute ago that resonated with me, because I work a lot of my, energy. I work a lot of my, vibration. I do it every day several times a day, but mostly, I do it in the morning when I walk into the park because, we know that communing with nature builds of good, vibrations. I spend a lot of time in nature trying to clear up my, energy. But you said something a minute ago and it just reminded me that sometimes when you spend too much time on something, you build up resistance. So tell us where is the line, how long should we focus on something before we started building up resistance to, manifesting, it?
Ginny: Myrna this is the tricky part because this line moves, so depending on what’s going on in your life, or what side of the bed you wake up on, your focus will either be really easy and flowing or it will be more resistant. Only you know how it feels and this is my guidance on this, a lot of people get stuck on this is if you’re thinking about what you want and you’re thinking about it and thinking about it thinking about it and It’s not coming, then there’s resistance there, no doubt.
But you must pay attention to how you’re feeling when you’re thinking about the thing you want. How you’re feeling when you think about the thing you want, because it’s the thoughts that feels good about what you want that are bringing you closer to it, but if you’re having resistant thoughts, even the thoughts even thoughts like this is never going to happen.
Myrna: You’re saying okay, I want this. It’s not coming, maybe you’re saying maybe it’s never going to come or you know that kind of, negative thoughts. For example, you are thinking, I would like a red Mercedes and the minute you say you would like to red Mercedes, you immediately have the thought but I can never afford one. That is a resistant thought and cancels out the manifestation of that red Mercedes.

How to visualize to manifest your dreams
Ginny: Correct. But you can think about the red Mercedes, and you can end as long as you’re feeling open and allowing and joyful and you’re like, oh, that’s exciting. I love the way that feels, then that’s great. But the moment it switches, and this is that line, you were talking about. The moment it switches from like, Oh, I love the Mercedes and blah, blah But when will that happen? Then you’re like well, okay, time to stop thinking about the Mercedes.
So, if you’re wanting that red Mercedes, a little bit of resistance there, because you’re noticing it hasn’t come yet. It’s better for you to start thinking about something completely different, thinking about walking by the ocean. That gives you that same feeling and that opens the pathway for the red Mercedes to come in. This is one of the misconceptions is that we think we need to think about the details of everything we want in order to manifest it. We don’t need to need to obsess about thinking about the details. We do need to obsess about being in that, vibration, in that feeling place.
Myrna: Yes, I work on that. I try that okay. So how can we leverage, law of attraction, to manifest our dreams and desires? We talked a little bit about this, but are you talking here about the, vortex, or is the same? Feeling good?

3 steps for working with the Law of Attraction
Ginny: Yeah. The I kind of give three like simple steps in this. We can talk more about them. But the first thing is to ask yourself that question, I’m sure everyone’s familiar with it.
- What do I really want? You know, how so let’s say what do I really want? I really want that red Mercedes.
- Well, what does it feel like? This is number two. Why does that feel like when you’re driving in it? What does that feel like? And so you’re I what you’re doing is you’re identifying the, vibration, that you think that thing will get you.
- And so now step number three is feeling that way activating the feeling that you want. So we tend to think the car is going to bring us the feeling, but when we’re leveraging, the Law of Attraction, we have the power to activate the feeling and then, the law of attraction, can bring us the car. So how would you say that that it feels to be driving in that red Mercedes?
Myrna: I visualize it. I try to, visualize, my hand on the steering wheel.
- I, visualize, the smell.
- I visualize the sound that’s coming through the radio.
- I visualize driving down the road in a convertible and the wind is blowing my hair
Ginny: What’s the emotion there? What’s that emotion when you’re visualizing all that? What are you feeling? Is it like freedom? Joy, happiness, contentment, like what’s the what’s the emotion there?

Emotions and the law of attraction
Myrna: Well, my emotion is feelings of abundance and Success. I am feeling good.
Ginny: So, then that’s what you take into step three. You want the red Mercedes if makes you feel successful, abundant, and free. When we identify with the feelings and, emotions, now, we can go straight to it. Now we can start feeling that success on purpose. And we start directing our thoughts to make us feel successful. And then the car can come in because we’re in alignment with the feeling of success.
Myrna: I hear every coach talking about walking in it before you receive it. They’re not necessarily saying it’s, Law of Attraction.
Ginny: Another fun thing about, the Law of Attraction, is it is everywhere. In all the teachings everywhere. It’s in the Bible. It’s just not always called, the Law of Attraction.
Myrna: In the Bible is called faith.
Ginny: Exactly, yes. Faith is in prayer.
The Law of Attraction, doesn’t. play favorites. It doesn’t want what’s good for you. It just responds to your, vibration. it’s not pulling you one way saying, hey, this is your path come here. That’s not, the Law of Attraction. The Law of Attraction, only operates in this physical world and is just responding so it doesn’t care. If you feel happy about this or sad about this. It’s just going to respond to how you feel about something.
Everything is vibrating at a frequency
So, like we talked about earlier, vibration, is just energy. It’s just like electricity, it’s energy. And we interpret, vibrations, through our emotions. There’s an emotional scale. So, the same as there’s a frequency scale of energy, measured in Hertz from zero Hertz to 1000 hertz. Our, vibration, is very similar. It’s just a measure of that frequency.
And so there’s low frequencies and there’s high frequencies, and our, emotions, match up. Our lower frequency, emotions, are those like fear and guilt and sadness. Our higher frequency, emotions, are the happiness, the joy, the hopefulness, those kinds of, emotions. How we feel is our interpretation of the, vibration, we are emitting and what, Law of Attraction, is attracted to.
Myrna: All right. I was reading something new today and it made me aware that everything is vibrating at an, energy, the walls in your house, the bed that you sleep in, the trees in nature, the rocks all are vibrating at an energy frequency. When I go to the park, I sit on rocks because the rock is vibrating. I’m trying to blend with the, vibrational frequency, of the rock.
Ginny: That’s why we feel so good in nature, because nature is connected to source, what you are talking about is Alignment. Alignment is when your emotions are like in alignment with our God Self, or our Source self, that nonphysical part of us. And so, when there’s alignment between how we’re thinking and feeling, and that other part of us we feel good.
Nature, animals, they stay in this mostly connected place. That’s why we love to be around them. They’re just unconditional love pouring through. That’s why it feels so peaceful to be in nature is because we’re literally surrounded by these, vibrations, that are all in alignment.

A champion’s Mindset

Myrna: Tell us about your book “A Champion’s Mindset.” I know that your first book that you read from Abraham Hicks was regarding emotions, but she also talks about the, vortex, tell us about your book.
Ginny: Yeah, my book was exciting to write. I just want people to know that they have the power to create their reality. That’s available for everyone, no matter where you are, where you’re starting, your past anything. We all have this capacity. And so, my book goes over the basics of how to start leveraging this and applying it in your life.
So just like I said, those three steps are in there and there’s a process that that walks you through what’s going on how to start paying attention, and just gives you this understanding. I think one of the biggest things for me that allowed me to step into my power was just knowing how and why I was creating my reality. And so that’s what a champion mindset is about is like helping you understand so that you can be the champion of your own life.
Myrna: Yeah, a champion mindset, right. Of course. This show is all about, you know, transforming your mind.
Ginny: It is when you go from this place of being a victim and not in a bad way, but just feeling like life is happening to us, like we’re the victim. It even pops up for me now occasionally. When I forget, oh, yeah, you can change how you feel about this. Whether it’s the traffic or the weather, we have all these preconceived ideas about why this is happening to me, but we must remember we are the Co-creators of this life.
We get to work with life, that life isn’t just an accident. It’s not just happening to us. And so, we go from this place of victimhood to this place of empowerment. The freedom that comes from that is what is also on a global scale, we need empowered individuals in order for our world to become more peaceful.
You can pick up a copy of the Champion’s Mindset on Amazon or wherever you get your books.
I love to hang out on Instagram @ginnygane my website is
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