Health is wealth, If you don’t have your health no amount of wealth can buy it. A healthy, weight, is an indication of health so today we are talking about, how to lose weight, without dieting.
Listen to full interview here:
Health is Wealth
Think about it. Most of us dream about becoming wealthy but would you trade your ability to walk for a million dollars? I know I wouldn’t.
The second way we could look at the phrase, health is wealth, is that you can be healthy but poor and still be happy. On the flip side, you can have copious amounts of wealth, but if you don’t have your, health, you would willingly trade all your money to feel good or be healthy again.
So the message in this, health is wealth, series is, You can’t just trash your body and then try to alleviate the evidence of disease.

Healthy Weight Loss
Health, is not the absence of disease, disease is the absence of, health.
What is, health? According to the dictionary, health, is fitness of body or mind, and freedom from disease or ailment. It can be body fitness, or mental fitness.
What is wealth? In the same dictionary the meaning of, wealth, is stated as “a great quantity of money, valuable possessions, property, or other riches.
So in the first episode of this series we and going to unpack how your, health is your wealth,. To start off this series, our topic today is “How to Lose Weight, without dieting”
How to Lose Weight when you Have an Eating Disorder
Myrna – Dr Nina. What led you to do this work?
At a very young age, I suddenly and randomly developed an obsession with my size. I thought that my thighs should be thinner and I thought if my thighs were smaller, I would be perfect. By the way, I was a perfectly normal weight. But I became convinced that thinner legs would somehow make me better. This obsession just got worse as I got older and by the time I was an adolescent, I had full blown, eating disorder. My last thought at night was what did I eat today. I would fall asleep counting the calories and fat grams of my food intake for the day and figuring how to, lose weight,
The scale was my most welcome friend and my biggest enemy, it ruled my life. So much so that when I went hiking with friends or did anything fun like dancing, I would focus on how many calories I was burning instead of how much fun I was having. I would be calculating how, to loose weight,
Getting Therapy to Help Losing Weight
I would restrict restrict myself of food and then eventually I would binge and then purge. So finally I went to therapy. I would open up with my therapist about every aspect of my life except one, I never ever told her what was going on with me and food. I went to my therapist once a week for three years and I never talked about what was going with my. eating disorders.
After some time in therapy, I became aware of my feelings. I learned to process my emotions rather than to deny them. I learned to use words to comfort myself instead of using words to criticize myself. By the time I left therapy, I had zero, eating disorder, or, anorexia, issues and No unhealthy relationship to food. The amazing thing about this is that not once did I ever talked about food to my therapist. When I fixed my emotional issues, I fixed my, anorexia. So the answer to the question How to, lose weight, without, dieting, is first learning how to process your emotions instead of stuffing them down with food.
People ask me all the time. How did you recover from three, eating disorders, that consumed your life without ever talking about it? How is that possible? The answer is that whatever was going on with food and my, eating disorders, was a symptom of the actual problem, not the problem. When I learned different ways of coping with what was going on with me, I cured my, eating disorders including, anorexia.
How to lose weight by understanding why you eat certain finds of foods
I developed this formula to help people figure out you know what is eating them out.
- If you like creamy foods like ice cream or frozen yogurt or pudding. It suggests a longing for comfort or nurturing. Limit your exposure to these foods to, lose weight,.
- If you like foods that like bread, pasta, cake, pizza those are correlated to loneliness since they are bulky and they symbolically filling an internal void. Fill your internal void by finding a hobby. Doing something you like instead of eating. It will help you to, lose weight,
- Finally, foods that are crunchy like chips or pretzels, anything with a crunch suggest you are angry. Dealing with your anger in a healthy way will help you to, lose weight.
The best way to deal with the triggers of emotional eating is try to understand where they’re coming from. It is the first step. The next step is to deal with those an underlying feelings of lack of self worth.
- How do you see yourself?
- How do you feel your loneliness?
- How do you express your anger?
- How do you deal with what you are feeling?
Weight Loss Tips
Nurture yourself with words instead of ice cream. If you use mean words to describe yourself and then you nurture yourself with food, it becomes a viscous cycle. You eat the ice cream and you call yourself nasty words for being so weak, then you eat again to comfort yourself.
When you feel good about yourself it’s easier to be good to yourself.
Self acceptance is the key.
The most practical thing that you can do, is to throw out your scale. It is a tyrant, it does not measure your value, it ruins your day. It has too much power over you, so getting it out of your life is a very powerful stance that you can take on your own behalf.
Download to listen to the rest of this powerful interview and learn five main reasons for diet sabotage.
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