Tag Archives: 5 mins with coach Myrna

Saying Yes To Your Demons

Saying yes to your, demons, is how you get rid of them.  Demons, feed on, negative energy, and, conflict.  So just accept them and tell yourself if you ignore them they will go away.

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The monk who gathered demons

There is an ancient story of a, monk, who leaves his cave to gather firewood and when he comes back, he finds his cave filled with, demons. They had taken over the joint. His first thought is I got to get rid of these guys, so he tries pushing them out, fighting them, lunging at them but the, demons, were unphased.

The more he tried to get rid of them, the more they settled in.

His next approach was to teach them the, dharma, and make them leave on their own.

He teaches them about, impermanence, nonphysical and physical, compassion etc. but they just stared at him with wide eyes understanding nothing.

He realized that these, demons, could not be manipulated to leave so he resigned himself and decided to find out what they were there to teach him. As soon as he accepted these, demons, most of them bow and dissolve except one.

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RadioPublic Transform your mind

One demon always stick around

There is always one fierce, demon, that sticks around that is difficult to get rid of. So, he walks up to this, demon, and said “you win, just eat me” and he sticks his head in its mouth and that, demon, dissolves also. The moral of the story.

The, demons, leave when you stop fighting and say yes.

How many of you can relate to this story? You are, conflict, with your spouse, your boss or best friend. You are trying to convince them of your point of view but the more you try to debate the issue the more they settle in on their point of view.

So, finally you say to yourself I give up you win and the second head on your spouse vanishes!

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Transform Your Mind Podverse.fm

Teaching Dharma to the demons

The, monk, even tried to teach the, demons, the, Dharma, and about, impermanence, because they felt they were still alive.

Buddha, had three essential teachings called the, Dharma Seals. These three teachings of the, Buddha, are:

  • Impermanence,
  • no self and
  • nirvana.

For instance, our body is visibly impermanent and getting older every day, and yet this is something we don’t want to accept. Certain popular magazines that cater to youth and beauty exploit this attitude. In terms of view, meditation and action, their readers might have a view — thinking in terms of not aging or escaping the aging process somehow. They contemplate this view of permanence, and their consequent action is to go to fitness centers and undergo plastic surgery and all sorts of other hassles.

Enlightened beings would think that this is ridiculous and based on a wrong view. Regarding these different aspects of, impermanence, getting old and dying, the changing of the weather, etc., Buddhists, have a single statement, namely this first seal: phenomena are impermanent because they are compounded. Anything that is assembled will, sooner or later, come apart.

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Listen Notes Transform Your Mind

Nirvana, is a place of perfect peace and happiness, like heaven. In Hinduism and, Buddhism, nirvana is the highest state that someone can attain, a state of enlightenment, meaning a person’s individual desires and suffering go away.

Just as all-important legal documents have the mark or signature of a witness, all genuine practices of the, Buddha, bear the mark of these three teachings.

Teaching impermanence to demons

If we look into the first, Dharma Seal, impermanence, we see that it doesn’t just mean that everything changes. By looking into the nature of things, we can see that nothing remains the same for even two consecutive moments. Because nothing remains unchanged from moment to moment it therefore has no fixed identity or a permanent self.

So in the teaching of, impermanence, we always see the lack of an unchanging self. We call this “no self,” the second Dharma Seal. It is because things are always transforming and have, no self, that freedom is possible.

When you are fighting, demons, it is easy to say “I give up, eat me” because they feed on the energy of, conflict, fear, and, negative thoughts, just remember another ancient saying “this too shall pass” the, demons, only stay if you fight them.

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Podmust Transform Your Mind podcast

Demons are here to teach us something

What can our, demons, teach us? Every, conflict, is here to teach us something.

If you are in a relationship and someone is always pushing your buttons, then that is an opportunity for growth. This, demon, is here to teach you to have an, internal locus of control. When you have peace inside, no one can deliberately push your buttons. You will find that the, demon, dissipates when  you don’t react or respond. It is no fun trying to steal your peace if you don’t lose your peace. Practice not reacting to the, demon, just say yes and they will leave you alone.

Say This too shall pass, everything is impermanent.

Thanks for listening to this week’s episode of 5 min Fridays with coach Myrna

Additional Resources

Are You Trapped By Your Past?

What to Do If You Find Yourself In the Wilderness

Why are you in the, wilderness? The people of Israel wandered in the, wilderness, for 40 years and never got to see the, promised land, that God had given them.

They were in the, wilderness, because time and time again they showed contempt for God, never believing his word, even after witnessing time and time again his, miraculous signs.

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Here is a partial list of Gods miraculous signs

  • He sent plagues upon the Egyptians.
  • God protected their first born from death by telling them to smear blood on the door of their homes.
  • He brought them out of slavery.
  • God used Moses to part the Red Sea so they can escape Pharaoh’s army and then witnessed the Red Sea swallow the Egyptians up.
  • He sends, manna, from the heavens to feed them.
  • The Lord sent quail when they complained they wanted meat.
  • He gave them a land of milk and honey and they were too afraid to go get it.
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Google Podcast Transform Your Mind

You are in the, wilderness, because you let fear of the unknown predict your future.

The people of Israel refused to go into the, promised land, because they were afraid the giants in the land would kill them in battle and carry off their wife’s and children. They accepted defeat without even throwing a punch.

Don’t let fear of the unknown keep you in the wilderness

Why do you need to, transform your mind? Because that is the way out of the, wilderness. Caleb and his family got to possess the, promised land, because his mind was right. He had no fear.

He said “Let’s go at once and take the land, we can certainly conquer it”

The, wilderness, is a mindset!

The wilderness mindset

The, wilderness mindset, is like the, poverty mindset, it always want to return to the familiar.

The, wilderness mindset, is accustomed to, struggle, it can’t phantom victory and abundance it always returns to, lack and struggle.

When new opportunities are presented the, wilderness mindset, will always take you back to what it perceives as safety and that is staying right where you are in the, dry barren desert.

What is a poverty mindset?
What is, Poverty Mindset? Having a, poverty mindset is a fear that you will never have enough. It holds you back by convincing you that your circumstances will never change for the better. This way of thinking manifests in two ways: Always spending what you have because you may not have more later.
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Deezer Transform Your Mind Podcast

Your dry, barren place, is anywhere that is not feeding your soul. It could be an abusive relationship, it could be a job you hate, it could be living in an unsafe home. But you stay because it is familiar and your basic need are being met.

But you weren’t created just to survive, you were created to live in a land flowing with milk and honey, to live with joy, peace, happiness, abundance, harmony. You were created to live in paradise.

We were meant to thrive not just survive.

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Transform Your Mind Podcast Pandora

The difference between surviving in the wilderness and thriving in paradise

Surviving, is a grim struggle—you’re white-knuckling life, just barely getting by. Thriving, is living and thinking abundantly.

Surviving, is a drag, a daily slog to stay alive. Thriving, is joyful and infectious.

So what keeps us from, thriving?

  • Fear of the unknown,
  • Staying in your comfort zone
  • Not obeying God’s commandments
  • Not willing to do the work
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So, if you find yourself in the, wilderness, ask yourself why are you there and do the work to find and possess your, promised land.

That’s why the detail of the, Promised Land, overflowing with milk and honey was so important: God promised His people a land where everything was in top working order. This was a land abounding in fruitful pastures and efflorescent vegetation. This was a land functioning in its proper, God-designed rhythms. The result was natural abundance.

The description “overflowing with honey” offers a glimpse into what God desires and promises us all — an invitation for us to taste and see that the Lord is good.

This is coach Myrna Young and you have been listening to 5 min Fridays with coach Myrna

Additional Resources

Why is Renewing Your Mind Important?

How God Uses Coincidence To Get You To Your Destiny

In this episode of 5 Min Fridays with Coach Myrna, we look at the,  Bible story, of, Joseph, to see how God uses, coincidence, to get us to our, purpose and destiny.  I show that there are, no coincidences in life, that every moment has been, preordained.
So, if you have been feeling unlucky because you had, coincidence, show up in your life that did not feel good, I want you to know that every event has a, purpose, and that is to take you to your, preordained destiny.

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Ephesians 2:10

For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.

Bible Story Of Joseph and destiny

I want to use the, bible story, of, Joseph, the son of Jacob to show how God uses, coincidence. Joseph, was born with a purpose, prearranged by God. It was determined in his mother’s womb or before.

Because he was born to his father in his old age, his father Jacob loved him more than his 10 other brothers. That created jealousy. His brothers hated him because he was his father’s favorite. When Jacob made, Joseph, a beautiful robe of many colors, his brothers became even more jealous of him.  Then Joseph, started dreaming about his brothers bowing down to him and he decided to share his, dreams.

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Bad move, never share your, dreams, of success with others even family members because they will secretly hate you and want you dead. They may not try to kill you as Joseph’s brothers wanted to do, but maybe they would wish evil on you.

The good news is whatever God ordains no man can change.

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Search for The Jordan Harbinger Show on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or wherever you listen to podcasts. You can also head over to jordanharbinger.com/start  to start listening.

Here are 2 episodes I loved and I think you would too.  Check out

Shawn Achor leveraging the happiness advantage and Dwayne Wade A life Bigger than basketball


And https://www.jordanharbinger.com/dwyane-wade-a-life-bigger-than-basketball/

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How God Used Coincidence to get Joseph to his purpose and destiny

It is amazing how God orchestrated getting, Joseph, to fulfill his, purpose.

  • First, he got Joseph’s father Jacob to love him more, thereby creating a fire starter.
  • Then he gave, Joseph, dreams, and inspired him to share them with his brothers, creating hatred.
  • Then he gave his brothers opportunity to sell him into slavery by inspiring his father Jacob to send, Joseph, alone to find his brothers.
  • The slave traders then sold, Joseph,  to the pharaoh’s captain of palace guard Potiphar.

How would, Joseph, get in position to fulfill his, purpose, if these apparent, coincidences, did not take place?

There are, no coincidences in life,  everything is, preordained, in God’s plan.

What you think is bad luck is actually God getting you in position for greatness.

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Joseph story of coincidences continues

Potiphar’s wife has the hots for, Joseph, but when he wouldn’t sleep with her, she seeks revenge by accusing him of trying to rape her and so Joseph is thrown into prison. The same prison that the Pharaoh sends prisoners from the palace.

Later Pharaoh throws his cup bearer and his baker in prison and who oversees them, Joseph!

Then God gives them both, dreams, and tells, Joseph, the interpretation of their, dreams. It so happens that in 3 days both, dreams, come through according to, Joseph’s interpretation.   The cup bearer is returned to his role in the palace and the baker was killed.

A full 2 years later the Pharaoh had 2, dreams, that he needed interpreting and that is when the cup bearer remembered, Joseph, the Hebrew slave who interpreted his, dreams, in prison.

Pharaoh sends for, Joseph, who interprets his, dreams. Joseph, tells Pharaoh that the, dreams, meant God is notifying him there will be 7 bountiful years followed by 7 Years of severe famine.

Pharaoh then makes, Joseph, administrative head of Egypt second only to himself. Everyone needed to bow down to him.

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Transform your Mind Stitcher

God’s purpose for Joseph realized

God’s, purpose, for, Joseph, was to be the instrument that would save the Egyptians from all dying in the famine that was, preordained, before, Joseph, was born. The famine would have also have wiped out all of Abraham’s defendants as well and that would have made God’s promise to Abraham, that his defendants would be as numerous as the stars in the sky to be void, and how many of you know that God is not man, he does not lie. He used, coincidence, to move, Joseph, in position to realize his preordained, destiny.

Coincidence is to get you to your destiny

I wanted to share this story with you today to illustrate that you were born with a, purpose, and there are no, coincidence, in life. Every moment is, preordained. Think of all the, coincidences,  God had to orchestrate for, Joseph, to fulfill his, purpose and destiny. Most of them not in, Joseph, favor.

My life has been the same.  There were several, coincidences, that got  me to my, purpose and destiny. If I was to pick up my story from the time I arrived in Canada from Guyana.

I met this girl working in a factory making zippers. She took me with her to look for a better job. That, coincidence, got me a job at Scotia Bank and she did not find work. While I was at Scotia Bank, I met my second husband who was 12 years older than me and schooled me in life and suggested I go back to college.

After college I started selling computers.  the, coincidence, of how I met Tony Robbins. Tony came to town and sent free tickets to my company for his “unleash the power within” conference.  Tony Robbins inspired me to unleash my power within and I became the top female limousine operator in Toronto Canada.

This, coincidence,  brought me to Miami Florida. Miami was my Egypt, it is where I needed to be to fulfil my, purpose.  I will stop here, but you get the picture. There are, no coincidences in life, every step in your journey is, preordained, and is God’s plan, even the steps you take backwards.

Conclusion coincidence

So, if you feel you have been lucky or if you feel that you are unlucky, I want you to know that every, coincidence, has a, purpose, and that is to take you to your, preordained destiny.

This is life coach Myrna Young and you have been listening to 5 mins with coach Myrna.  I want to invite you to join my private Facebook group called Lifecoach. Hope to see you next week.  Namaste

Additional Resources 

How to Awaken to Your Soul Purpose

When God Chooses You: You Can’t Mess Up Destiny

The bible story of Abraham and Sarah  illustrates that whatever, purpose,  God has for you, if you are, chosen, you can’t mess up your, destiny. God will fight for you.  

This is Life Coach Myrna Young and today I want to encourage you and give you hope that regardless of what is presenting in your life at the moment, you can’t mess up your, purpose and destiny. 

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Sarah’s Destiny

I Want to use the, bible story, of, Abraham, and his wife,  Sarah, as the foundation for this revelation that if God Choses you, you can’t mess up your, destiny. 

God said to, Abraham, “Regarding your wife Sarai, her name will no longer be Sarai from now on her name will be, Sarah, and I will bless her and give you a son from her! Yes, I will bless her richly, and she will become the mother of many nations. Kings of nations will be among her descendants.” 

Sarah, was chosen like Mary was chosen as the mother of Jesus.  

God then told, Abraham, to leave his father’s house and move to a foreign land, so Abraham moved around and lived as a foreigner in many places. While living in these places he introduced his wife, Sarah, as his sister because he did not want the men to kill him to get his wife.

Apparently, Sarah, at 90 years old was still beautiful and desirable. Don’t we all wish, men would be fighting for us when we are 90 years old! 

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Sarah taken to the King to be his wife

Abraham, was right because King Abimelech of Gerar sent for, Sarah, and had her brought to him in his palace with the intention of making her his wife. 

But God stepped in!  No one messes with God’s chosen vessel. God couldn’t have King Abimelech defile, Sarah, because then she would not be fit to be the mother of nations. 

He appeared to Abimelech in a dream and told him “You are a dead man, for that woman you have taken is already married” 

Abimelech responded that he was innocent, Abraham, told him she was his sister. 

God replied “that is why I kept you from sinning against me, and why I did not let you touch her.” 

Now return the woman to her husband

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Sarah’s Destiny fulfilled 

The lord also released a curse on all the women of Gerar causing them to be infertile, because Abimelech had taken his chosen vessel, Sarah, to be his wife. Don’t mess with God’s chosen vessel, he will fight for you.  

Abraham had to pray for them to be healed after, Sarah, was returned. 

One year later Sarah became pregnant and named her son Isaac. She fulfilled her, purpose and destiny, by becoming the mother of many nations and God kept his covenant promise he made to, Abraham. 

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Podmust Transform Your Mind podcast

You Can’t mess up your Destiny

This story illustrates that whatever, purpose,  God has for you, if you are, chosen, you can’t mess it up. God will fight for you.  

  • You could make boneheaded decisions, like go back to an, unhealthy relationship,  because better is not showing up. God will find a way to get you out, because he has a, purpose, for your life. 
  • You could give up on your child because they have gone down the wrong path, but God can reach them in a dream and  inspire them to fulfil the, purpose, he has for their life. 


If you are chosen you can’t mess it up 

So, if you have taken the wrong turn in life, if you came to a fork in the road and you chose the wrong exit, just know that God will get you back on the right path, because he promised: 

I know the plans I have for you, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future”

So be encouraged, you can’t mess this up. 

Thanks for tuning into 5 min Fridays with Coach Myrna.  Until next time Namaste . 

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Additional Resources

How to Transform your Career with Purpose

Understanding Your True Nature

What is your, nature?  The true crisis in the world is not social or pilots the true crises is lack of consciousness our inability for us to recognize our, true nature. 

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Story of True Nature

Two, monks, were sitting by the river and one of the, monks, noticed a scorpion drowning. He dipped his hand in the water and saved the scorpion by putting him on the shore but not before the scorpion stung him. 

A couple of minutes later the other, monk, said look that stupid scorpion is in the water again. The, monk, again put his hand in the water and saved the scorpion and once again the scorpion stung him. 

The other, monk, said to the, monk, why do you keep saving the scorpion when it keeps stinging you. 

The, monk, replied because it is my, nature, to save and his, nature, to sting.

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RadioPublic Transform your mind

What is your nature? 

Many people fail to distinguish between their, true nature, and their, personality traits, particularly their less desirable traits. The fact is you are not the worst characteristics of your personality.  The untrained mind want what it perceives as advantageous and to fear or hate what seems painful. Discovering how your heart and mind can work together to use these feelings allows you to move beyond them and start to experience the kind of freedom that comes from understanding your, true nature. 

  • Is it your, nature, to help your friends even though they never help you? 
  • Is it your, nature, to show kindness to strangers?
  • Is it your, nature, to save like the, monk, or is it your, nature, to critique and see the faults in others? 
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Transform Your Mind Podverse.fm

Finding your True nature

 When you discover your, true nature, it gives you the freedom to act against your own self-interest to “not think,” eg. The, monk, saving the scorpion even though he knows it is it’s nature to sting. 

You may feel overwhelmed by the circumstances of your present life or bound by past traumatic events. Again, this is a failure in perception. A spiritual practice can provide you with the knowledge and discipline to investigate and discover your, true nature. You have to discover this for yourself, for you will not ultimately believe what someone else tells you.

You can do this investigation within the parameters of your present life. The intensity of your desires and fears can be a source of energy that propels you to look more deeply for that which really matter. 

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Buddha and true nature

The, Buddha, taught that your, true nature, is obscured by the veils of wanting, fear, and delusion (or ignorance). He urged that you look at the nature of your mind systematically and observe how these three, mind states, condition what you think and value, and how you behave. He taught that it is the identification with these, mind states, that causes suffering; for instance, you mistakenly believe that just because you feel the emotion of wanting, your, true nature, is the same as that wanting.

true nature quotes
true nature quotes

If you are not your thoughts, then what is your, true nature, how do you find it, and how do you live so that it may flourish? These are the perennial questions for anyone who starts to develop an inner life. In Jesus’s teachings, love is at the center of all being – love that is forgiving, unconditional, and not self-serving.

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Jesus true nature

This was, Jesus true nature, what is your, true nature? Knowing your, true nature, will allow you to make decisions effortlessly. The, monk, did not sit and debate if he should save the scorpion because he knew that self interest was not in play. 

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Thanks for listening to 5 mins with coach Myrna I challenge you to get to know yourself that is how you grow yourself. I invite you to join my private Facebook group called Lifecoach. How to see you next week for another episode of, 5 mins with coach Myrna. 

Until next time Namaste 

Additional Resources

The Wolf That Wins Is The One You Feed

How To Develop Trust In Relationships

There are 4 types of, trust, that make, relationships, flourish. These are care, competence, consistency and character. In this episode of 5 mins with coach Myrna, I teach how to develop these areas of, trust, in your, relationships.

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Developing Trust with Care

Care – When we care about your partner, we put our emotions in their hands, they, care, about what’s best for you and not what’s best for them. They, care, about your wellbeing.  Examples of, care, are: going beyond the call of duty to help you move, accompany you to a doctor’s appointment etc.

Here are some ways to show you care:

  • Write them a powerful letter full of love and hope.

  • Take care of some of their responsibilities (for example, watch their kids, do their laundry, cook them dinner, or go shopping for them).

  • Call often to remind them how much you love them and how you are always thinking of them.

  • When you visit, bring a book to read aloud or a movie to watch together.

  • Bring them pictures of your times together and hang them where they can be viewed all the time.

  • Spend time reminiscing about the fun times that you’ve shared (as children, in high school or college, or on vacations). Remind him or her that there will be more good times in the future.

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Transform Your Mind Podcast Pandora

Developing trust through competence

Competence – The second type of, trust, is, competence.  You trust that your partner is competent to handle financial matters. If you are sick, competent, to handle your, care, and make decisions that are best for you and not best for them. You trust their opinions and recommendations.

Romantic competence entails a conscious awareness of both emotional needs and appropriate actions for meeting those needs within a well-functioning, relationship, And because their, relationships, are still fresh, their emotions toward them are likely quite high.

The definition of, competence, is your skill or ability in a specific field or subject, or being able to do something well or to being sane enough to stand trial in court. An example of, competence, is when you can, trust, your partner to make the financial arrangements of the household.

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Transform your Mind Podbean

Building Trust through Good Moral Character

Character – When we talk about, trust, we are usually talking about a high moral compass or the, character ,of our partner. We look to these people when we are not sure what is right and follow their lead. These people practice what they preach and are valuable in, interdependent relationships. They have good reputation, strong opinion, and down to earth advice. They are trustworthy.

What are examples of, good moral character?
Legal judgments of, good moral character, can include consideration of honesty, trustworthiness, diligence, reliability, respect for the law, integrity, candor, discretion, observance of fiduciary duty, respect for the rights of others, absence of hatred and racism, fiscal responsibility, mental and emotional stability

Trust develops when we are consistent

Consistency – Your partner shows, consistency, when they are reliable, and you know that they always have your back. They may not be the expert, but they are reliable present and available when you need them. They have been with you through highs and lows.

Someone who is, consistent, always behaves in the same way, has the same attitudes towards people or things, or achieves the same level of success in something. He was never the most, consistent, of players anyway.  If one fact or idea is, consistent, with another, they do not contradict each other.

Consistency, in, relationships,  is a combination of behaviors that include dependability, and a true desire to have a companion and form a serious, relationship. People who are more, consistent, with their interactions with one another, such as having predictable behaviors and good communication, have longer and healthier, relationships.

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Why we have relationships

People come into your life for a reason a season or a lifetime.

Some people come into your life for a season bringing change and excitement, but the, relationship, ends like all seasons do.

Another person might come in for a reason to help you learn and grow or to support you through a difficult time. It feels like they have been sent to guide you through.

And they are lifetime people they stand beside you through thick and thin loving you even when you have nothing to give them.

Love is a gift without any strings attached.

Remember you are also a season, reason or lifetime partner to someone else and your role may not match theirs.

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Google Podcast Transform Your Mind

Trust is earned

  • Trust is earned.
  • It is central to every relationship.
  • Trust is about intention.

Contractual trust, is useful in business.

Mutual trust, comes from a place of goodness.

Pure trust, is when you know that another person has your back.

You develop, trust, by asking for what you want.

Tell them how you want to be loved.

Communicate the areas where there is dissatisfaction.

Build, trust, by telling your partner what would make you feel loved.

Thanks for tuning into, 5 mins with coach Myrna, I want to invite you to join my private Facebook group called Lifecoach so that you can be inspired all week long.

Until next time Namaste

Additional Resources

The Pursuit of Happiness: The Happiness Habit

Friends In Need Are Friends Indeed

A, friend in need is a friend indeed, because a lot of us have what they call fair weather, friends. They are only around when the sun is shining when money is flowing and they can feed off of you, but as soon as you fall on hard times or as soon as you have storm clouds and have nothing to give them, they disappear. You call them and they are suddenly too busy. But the, Bible story of Job, shows us what, friends, are supposed to look like. Why, a friend in need is a friend indeed.

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Job’s Friends

The Bible tells the story of a man called, Job, who is described as a good man who loves God. Satan challenges God, saying that, Job, is only good because he has a happy life. God allows Satan to put, Job’s faith, to the test by causing him to suffer. Job lost all his wealth, his kids, and his health.

Job’s friends, came when they heard he was sick and lost everything.

They sat with him for 7 days and 7 nights saying nothing because his suffering was too great for words. Sometimes, friends, offer you comfort by just being there for you.

But when, Job, continually berated himself his, friends, finally responded.

The first, friend, to respond to Job was Eliphaz and tried to minister to his spirit.

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Job’s Friend Eliphaz comforts him

He told, Job, that he had encouraged many people, that His words strengthened many people and prevented them from falling. He suggested that, Job, used those same words to strengthen himself.

As a Life coach I can relate.

Coaches and even pastors can help others, but find it difficult to help themselves mainly because when you are going through trouble you can’t look in.

Remember if you are the picture you can’t see the frame.

When Eliphaz words didn’t work in consoling Job, his, friend, tried something else to help him deal with his pain and suffering.

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Transform your Mind Podcast Index

Job friends use God’s reverence to help him

He asked Him, doesn’t your reverence for God give you confidence that God will turn everything around for your good that he is able give your back everything that the locusts had stolen?

“I will repay you for the years the locusts have eaten— the great locust and the young locust, the other locusts and the locust swarm — my great army that I sent among you. Joel 2:25

That’s what real, friends, do they comfort you when you are in pain.

Job, was in pain. He cursed the day he was born saying that his mother’s womb should have been shut and he should have been born dead so he would be spared all this trouble.

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Job friends tell him we all have trouble

Eliphaz Job’s, friend, continued to offer words of comfort to, Job, telling him that we are born for trouble as readily as sparks fly from a fire that though God wounds he also bandages. Though He strikes his hands also heal.

A friend in need is a friend indeed.

  • Friends, help you grieve for a broken marriage,
  • Friends, comfort you when your child is locked up,
  • Friends, open their homes when you don’t have anywhere to live
  • Friends, give you a shoulder to cry on when your world comes crashing down and you wish you were dead.

God asked, Job, to pray for his, friends, and when he did the Lord restored his fortunes and gave him back twice as much as he had before.

The final section of, Job, contains a storybook ending in which many of Job’s fortunes are restored. He receives twice the wealth he had before, plus a new brood of seven sons and three daughters .

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Friendships in the movies

The movies and TV is great at showing us a model of what, friends, look like. I have always wished I had 4, girlfriends, like the sitcoms, Friends, and the sitcom, Girlfriends, or even the movie Waiting to Exhale.

So Cultivate, friendships, because we all need, friends, and, a friend in need is a friend indeed.

If you have current, friends, who has bee there for you in your time of need, remember to pray for them.


This is Life coach Myrna Young and you are listening to, 5 mins with coach Myrna. I invite you to join my Facebook group called Lifecoach.

Join us next week for another episode until next time


Additional Resources 

How to be Happy with Less

Mindfulness: Training Your Mind to Be Present

Mindfulness, is the practice of training our minds to be, present, moment by moment. When we are, mindful, we are, conscious, of what is happening around us, our environment, our emotions, our reactions, etc. When we are fully, present, or practice, mindfulness, we listen rather than just hear, we perceive rather than just see. Mindfulness, affects everything we do, and impacts every interaction we have with others.

In this episode of 5 mins with Coach Myrna, I teach on the topic of, Mindfulness. Mindfulness,  is the art of, being present. It is not as easy as it may seem to become, mindful.  As humans we are controlled by automatic programming for over 95% of the time, so remembering to stay in the space of, mindfulness, is also saying to become more, conscious.

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Why Practice Mindfulness

Our minds are really good at shuffling between past, present  and future, driven by our fears and desires, memories and imagination. Our minds habitually go from reflecting on the past one moment, to worrying about the future at the next moment, with very little time spent on being fully, present. This behavior is so habitual that we don’t even realize that we are not, present.

For some people, mindfulness, is primarily a way to enhance health or performance. For others, mindfulness, is a tool for self-exploration.  And for yet others, mindfulness, is part of a spiritual path, a way to develop insight into the human condition and freedom from suffering.

Regardless of the motivation, scientists find that practicing, mindfulness, is associated with changes in the structure and function of the brain as well as changes in our physiological responses to stress, suggesting that this practice has important impacts on our physical and emotional health that are worth exploring.

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How to Do Mindfulness

Mindful, action is connecting the body with the mind. Yoga is one way we connect our bodies and mind through movement to release stored stress and trauma. Mindful Breathing, is regulating our breathing to shift the way we feel, so we can better regulate our emotions.

Mindful Centering, is being aware of what you are thinking about as you think it. Becoming conscious of your thoughts and then using the breath to keep your focus in the, present moment. This allows you to center back in the, present, and breathe when the mind moves into the past or the future.

Focused attention is another, mindfulness, technique. This technique uses the breath to anchor the mind and maintain awareness. Focus your attention on the breath — specifically the rise and fall of the chest — and return to the breath whenever you get distracted or notice your, mind, starting to wander.

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What is Mindfulness meditation

Mindfulness Meditation, is an ancient Buddhist tradition that focuses on clearing your, mind, and stillness. You can think of, mindfulness meditation, as training for your, mind, in the same way exercise trains your physical body. Just as there are different workouts you can engage in to get your body fit, there are different types of, meditation, you can practice to sharpen your, mind. One of these types is, mindfulness meditation.

Like its name suggests, mindfulness meditation, involves becoming more mindful of the breath and the sensations in your body as you focus on your breathing. When thoughts come to the forefront of the, mind, you let them float away like colored balloons being taken away by the wind. You do not analyze the thoughts or let them take you into the past or the future, you simply let them come and go without being judgmental about them or trying to figure out what they mean.

Your goal is to become, mindful, of the, present moment, and how your body responds to these thoughts. This allows you to ultimately become less reactive to or overwhelmed by what you’re feeling — particularly when it comes to things like stress and anxiety.

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Benefits of Mindfulness meditation

While, mindfulness meditation, may have once seemed like an esoteric practice that only monks or the highly spiritual did, it has now become mainstream. Everybody now knows of the measurable benefits of, meditation. Meditation, has undergone numerous clinical studies that are cluing scientists into the very real benefits this practice has. As it turns out, meditation, is officially great for your, mind and body.

When it comes to the science behind, meditation, different studies have investigated its relationship to a variety of different health conditions. While research remains ongoing, so far, there’s demonstrated evidence that, meditation, may promote an array of positive health effects, including:

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  • A natural reduction in pain levels
  • Lower blood pressure in people who are at risk of developing high blood pressure
  • “Help with psychological distress, anxiety, depression, anger/hostility and coping ability,” according to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
  • Potential diminishing severity of irritable bowel syndrome symptoms after at least eight weeks of practice
  • Improved sleep for people with insomnia
  • Enhanced self-esteem
  • Possible reduction of widespread body inflammation
  • Better immune system functioning

On another practical level, mindfulness meditation, helps your body, including your nervous system relax.

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How Mindfulness Meditation works

Mindfulness meditation, doesn’t only change our, mindset, and perspective, it actually can change the shape of our brains. Generalized neuroimaging, meditation, studies found that 8 weeks of, mindfulness meditation, also changes our brains, rewiring them towards more positive thoughts and emotions.

Your ability to relax has a profound effect on your bodily functions, and the relaxation, meditation, leads to can lower your blood pressure, improve circulation and lowers your heart rate. You could see less perspiration, less strain in your breathing and lower levels of stress hormones in your body.

One of the biggest benefits of, mindfulness meditation, is mental. Being, mindful, can reduce your stress levels and anxiety and make you feel more relaxed. Regular, mindfulness meditation, becomes a tool you can use throughout your life to boost your mental and physical wellness.

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Meditation as a spiritual practice

For many people, meditation is a, spiritual practice. It can allow you to feel closer to God and more connected to your faith. This transcendent state feels otherworldly.

Meditation, may also help kids learn to become more grounded and stable.  You should begin practicing, mindfulness meditation, with your kids. Children benefit from the act of relaxing and concentrating. Practicing, mindfulness, can help them with their emotions, stress, anxiety, and feelings, just as it can for adults. Life is full of new feelings for children, and you may see an improvement in your child’s wellbeing after introducing, meditation.

People, meditate, for different reasons. While some do it as a religious practice, others practice for, self-development, a better sense of clarity, or just being still and hearing God.  Many hope to feel more balanced and relaxed by lowering their stress levels. Whatever your reason, start by trying a few techniques to see which works best for you. Remember to give it time and have patience.

Many who start, mindfulness meditation, give up because they can’t quiet their minds, but like I said earlier a technique is to let the thoughts come and go, don’t fight them because the more you resist, the quicker they come back.  With practice, you will be meditating like the, Buddhist monks, in no time.


So start your practice of being, mindful. Pay attention to your environment, the sensations in your body and start seeing the benefits.

Thanks for tuning into this week’s episode of 5 mins with coach Myrna. I invite you all to join my Facebook group called Lifecoach for daily life coaching tips and strategies to live your best lives now.

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Additional Resources 

How to Reprogram your Unconscious Mind

You Were Born For This: Find Your Courage

A lot of times we become overwhelmed with the challenges we face in our lives.  We can do one of two things; we can fold up like a flower at night or we can stand up push out our chest find our, courage, and declare. I was, born for this!

This is exactly what happened to, Queen Esther, in the, bible story.

This is her story and why she was, born for this.

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Queen Esther’s Story

King Xeroxes threw a banquet and for 6 months he celebrated with wine and food. He invited all the nobles from 127 province that he ruled over to attend this banquet.

In his drunken state he sent for his wife and demanded she appear before him in her robe and crown. He wanted to parade her around and show off her beauty to his subjects. She refused. That sent the king in a rage, and he asked his advisors what to do about her. They suggested he banish her forever from his presence because women all over the Kingdom would follow her and start to disrespect their men.

The king agreed and banished the queen, but now he needed a queen. So, they searched the country for the most beautiful virgins and brought them to the palace to be in the Kings, harem.

I have to pause here because this intrigues me.

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How women were prepared before they could sleep with the King

These women were prepared for one year before they were allowed to sleep with the king. In this year their skins were rubbed with the oil of myrrh for 6 months and the next 6 months their body was perfumed. Then after a year they would be sent to the king’s bed and would not get a chance again unless he was pleased with their performance and requested them again by name!

So, in those days the women in the, king’s harem, had to be beautiful smell like a fragrant garden and also had skills!! Wow! This was, life in harem.

Anyway, moving on with the story, Esther, had what the King wanted because not only did she please him and he sent for her by name several times, but he decided to make her his queen.

Now, Esther, was a, Jew, and she never told anyone. Her family was part of the, Jews, who were displaced when King Nebuchadnezzar banished the, Jews, from their homeland.

So, when her uncle heard that Haman was planning to destroy all the, Jews, on March 7 the following year, he asked, Queen Esther, to go before the king and ask for mercy.

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Queen Esther Finds Her Courage

Now, the king had a rule that anyone who appears before him in his inner court without being invited is doomed to die, unless the King holds out his golden scepter. The king had not sent for, Esther, in 30 days. Her uncle told her if she did not go to the King and beg for mercy for her people, she would be dead anyway then he added “Maybe you were, born for this!”

So, Queen Esther, found her, courage, and risking her life and appeared before the King uninvited. But when a man loves a woman, she can do no wrong.  When, Queen Esther, appeared before the king in his inner court without being invited, the king welcomed her and held out his golden scepter then asked her

“What do you want Queen Ester? What is your request? I will give it to you, even if it is half my kingdom!

So it was that, Queen Esther, was responsible for saving her people the, Jews. Her, enemy, Haman was killed by the same trap he laid for Mordecai and all his sons and family was killed.

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You Were Born For This: Lessons from Queen Esther’s Story

The first lesson is that you were born with a, purpose, and you don’t know what it is until you know. You must find the, courage, to do it afraid because, you were born for this.

Whatever life events or circumstances that is trying to kill you, just remember, you were, born for this. Everything that you have done in your life have been training for this moment.

Esther, was born with great beauty, but, Queen Esther, was trained in how to please a man and how to ask for things from a man. She threw the King 2 banquets before she asked for her request and then she began with

“If I have found favor with the king and if it pleases the king to grant my request and do what I ask.”

Learn the, rules of engagement, Learn the, rules of negotiation, learn how to ask your husband for what you want.

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Queen Esther defeats her enemy and saves the Jews

The second lesson we can take from this story is that the, enemy, Satan and all his people go about seeking who to kill and destroy and you don’t have to do them anything for them to come after you. They can plot to destroy you because you refuse to bow down to them and placate their ego.

All you have to do to defeat your, enemies, is keep praying to God and he will take care of your, enemies, using the same weapons they formed against you to destroy them. Haman was killed on the same pole he planned to impale Mordecai on.

The, Jews, were victorious against their, enemy, and so will you because, you were born for this.

This is coach Myrna Young and this is, 5 min with coach Myrna, until next time God Bless.

You are invited to join my private Facebook Group called Lifecoach to be inspired by hundreds of Life Coaches every day

Additional Resources

Nothing is Impossible: How to Turn Life’s Challenges Into Opportunity

A New Mindset: Get Rid Of Your Cup Mentality 

Do you have a, cup mentality, mindset? Are you asking God to fill up your cup instead of asking him to fill up as many containers you can find? In the, Bible story, Elisha the prophet told the widow woman to borrow containers and keep pouring oil until they were all filled. Find out how to get rid of your, cup mentality, and your, abundance blocks, and live an abundant life.

 Welcome to this week’s episode of, 5 mins with coach Myrna.  In this coaching session, I want to teach on, mindset, getting rid of your, cup mentality.

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What is a cup mentality?

Here is a bible story to illustrate.

One day Peter and John were going up to the temple at the time of prayer—at three in the afternoon. Now a man who was lame from birth was being carried to the temple gate called Beautiful, where he was put every day to beg from those going into the temple courts. When he saw Peter and John about to enter, he asked them for money. Peter looked straight at him, as did John. Then Peter said, “Look at us!” So the man gave them his attention, expecting to get something from them.

Then Peter said, “Silver or gold I do not have, but what I do have I give you. In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, walk.” Taking him by the right hand, he helped him up, and instantly the man’s feet and ankles became strong. He jumped to his feet and began to walk. Then he went with them into the temple courts, walking and jumping, and praising God.

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 Cup mentality vs abundance mindset 

This story illustrates a, cup mentality, because too many of us are content with our lot in life and never aspire or dream of a better life. This crippled man was stuck in his old routine of getting someone to take him to the gate of the temple every day to beg for coins. He never dreamed of more, he never prayed to be healed even though he went to the temple every day.  He accepted that he was crippled and for the rest of his life he would beg for coins to survive. This is the definition of a, cup mentality. Your dreams can only fill up a cup.

 The crippled man could not understand when Peter told him to get up and walk.  He had never thought of walking. Peter was putting new information in this man’s, old wineskin.  Peter had to hold his hand and help him up.

A, cup mentality, is when we accept our circumstances and never dream of having more. You get stuck in a rut in your negative routines not expecting anything to change, but as long as you have a, cup mentality, you will never receive the abundance of God.

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Like mother like daughter

For example please use the phrase, like mother like daughter, or like, father like son. They are expecting you to be like your mother and because they spoke it over your life, you become like your mother.

I heard a story of a mother who left her baby with her parents, because she was a hitwoman and she believed that if she got arrested she would be sent away for life.  When the child was 3 years old, the mother was sent away for life. The grandparents raised the child and always told her don’t be like your mother. She grew up with that, cup mentality, that she could never expect anything great, because she would probably end up in prison.  At 16 years she stabbed someone and ended up in prison.

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Were you born the wrong color?

Some other examples of a, cup mentality.

  • Do you think you were born in the wrong country?
  • The wrong side of the tracks,
  • or the wrong color?
  • Are you content just surviving?

The Bible teaches that You can’t put, new wine, in, old wineskin, because the, new wine, will burst the, old wineskin. This means you can’t do new things like be the first one in your family to graduate college with the same old, mindset.

I was born poor in a third world country. I was listening to podcast a few weeks back regarding, abundance blocks. The author was saying that we manifest the same, abundance blocks, as our parents, so I decided to interview my mom to see if she passed on her, abundance blocks, to me. What I found is my mom has a, cup mentality.

She told me that we were poor when I was born, she didn’t have a job, but she was quite comfortable. My dad would give her money, people would bring her food from the market, and she had her mother to help her. She never asked for more, she never dreamed big. Luckily, I did not get her, cup mentality.  I have always dreamed of success even as a child as young as 10 years old!

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If doesn’t matter where your start out only where you end up

God took David from a low-income family and made him a King. It does not matter where you start out only where you end up.

A, limited mindset, will keep you from getting more from God.

God promises to pour out blessings you won’t have room enough to receive; he is not looking just to fill up your cup.

Don’t water down your dreams to match your environment.

Take the limits off of God and the limits off your life.

You are the lid!

The prophet Elisha told the Widow woman to borrow a few containers and to pour the little oil she had into these containers. She obeyed even though it was not logical. She started pouring and the oil continued to pour until she had filled up all the containers she borrowed and then it stopped. If she had more containers, the oil would have continued to pour, so she did not have a supply problem, but a capacity problem.

God wants to fill up your containers, he can’t fill up what you never bring to him. How do you bring your containers to God? You bring them to him by asking for what you want in prayer, by dreaming big and visualizing your dreams.

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 The cup mentality is your capacity

In a previous episode called Finding joy in your nothingness. I talked about the oil, that it represented the joy in your life. Today I am talking about your capacity to experience that joy. Are you looking for a cup full of joy like my mom or as many containers you can fill?

God said open your mouth wide and I will fill it.

Get rid of your, cup mentality, and give God as many containers as possible so he can fill them up.

This is coach Myrna Young and you have been listening to, 5 mins with coach Myrna.  I would like to invite you all to join my Life coach group on Facebook for daily inspiration from dozens of life coaches.

Thanks for listening, until next time Namaste

Additional Resources

How to Live in Infinite Possibility


The Wolf That Wins Is The One You Feed

Which, wolf, are you feeding? The one that wins is the one you feed.  The one you choose to feed will define who you are.  We all know we should feed the, good wolf, even if it’s harder. Feeding the, good wolf, is how we end up feeling a sense of accomplishment and success at the end of the day.

In this week’s episode of 5 mins with coach Myrna, I want to teach on the topic, Which Wolf are you feeding?

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Let me share with you an ancient story: Which Wolf Are You feeding?

An old Cherokee is teaching his grandson about life. “A fight is going on inside me,” he said to the boy. “It is a terrible fight, and it is between two wolves. One is evil – he is anger, envy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, false pride, superiority, and ego.”

He continued, “The other is good – he is joy, peace, love, hope, serenity, humility, kindness, benevolence, empathy, generosity, truth, compassion, and faith. The same fight is going on inside you – and inside every other person, too.”

The grandson thought about it for a minute and then asked his grandfather, “Which wolf will win?”

The old Cherokee simply replied, “The one you feed.” The one you feed.

This story depicts the battle for your mind.

There is a war going on in your mind

Every choice we make is a battle between the two wolves in our head.

These two wolves are competing for supremacy. The one who wins is the one you feed.

How do we feed these wolves?

  • We feed them by what we read,
  • What we focus our time and attention on
  • Who we spend time with.
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Feeding the patient wolf

Think of a dripping faucet. Most of us don’t have the patience to wait for the drips to fill our cup. We want to turn on the tap at full blast and have our cup full up in seconds, but our goals are like the dripping faucet, we make small steps towards them and we must have the staying power to watch the drips fill the cup.

This also builds mental toughness because of delayed gratification.

If you don’t conquer the mind, it becomes your enemy. If you feed the, evil wolf, then you make the mind your enemy.

The definition of an enemy is one who is opposed or hostile to something or a thing that weakens or harms you.

Feeding your anger, fear, greed ego, envy, insecurities and jealousy with negative thoughts and emotions harms and weakens you. The negative emotions  gets stronger while the positive qualities gets weaker and weaker.

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How to feed the good wolf

Start feeding the, good wolf, that represents love, compassion, humility, patience, peace and harmony. You conquer the mind by staying the course, by watching the faucet drip and having faith that the cup will eventually fill up.

Another way to conquer the mind  is by talking back to it out loud.

For example.. If the voice  in your head is telling you that you always quit and that you will never get your degree reply out loud “just watch me. I will finish this class no Devil in hell is going to prevent me from getting my degree. Get behind me Satan.”

Do not feed the one  that presents fear and insecurity, remember that fear is false evidence appearing real.

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The courage wolf

The best way to feed the, good wolf, is to program the conscious mind. This builds the, courage wolf.

One of the ways to do this is start talking back to the negative self-talk with positive affirmations.

If the, inferiority wolf, tells you that you no man will love you because you are not educated, talk back to it with your voice and say “I will find happiness and love because I am love, I have a lot to offer a man, I don’t need an education, any man would be blessed to have me. The next man who comes my way will be exactly what I prayed for.  He will be kind and generous and love me like I deserve to be loved.”  That is how you feed to,  faith wolf!

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Feeding the evil wolf

One truth to remember is that it’s so much easier to feed the bad wolf.  The, evil wolf, is is easy to get angry,  complain, feel resentful, dismiss or ignore others, and feel superior.

There is almost no effort required to do those things, and you’re getting the reward with the sensation of relieving and instant gratification without much an action.

The, good wolf, is very different; it’s picky, it’s harder to feed. It’s challenging, tiring and time-consuming to do things like learning, teaching, inspiring, sharing or simply sticking to a new behavior. These things take so much energy, effort, momentum, and guts. And you don’t usually see immediate results from them.

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Thanks for tuning into this week’s episode of 5 mins with coach Myrna I hope you were encouraged today and that you stay in joy peace and harmony so the, evil wolf, would never get you.

Additional Resources

Finding Joy In Your Nothingness


How to Get Out of The Lions Den

Most of us on finding ourselves in the, lions den, would only be concerned with the lions (the problem) we would not be thinking of any other, problem, but the lions that are about to eat us.  Daniel, turned his back upon his, problem, and instead looked towards the, light, that was God.

In this episode of 5 mins with coach Myrna, I share wisdom for the New Year.  How to deal with any problem that is trying to take your spiritual life, knock you down or eat you up.  When, Daniel, was thrown into the, lions Den, he turned his back on the problem!

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Bible Story: Daniel in the lions’ den

Darius became the ruler over Babylon. He loved, Daniel, and wanted to make him leader over all the kingdom. Some of the king’s wise men were jealous.

The wise men knew, Daniel, prayed to God, so they tricked the king into making a new law. Anyone who prayed to God would be thrown into a, lions den.

Daniel, chose to pray to God anyway. The king’s wise men saw, Daniel, praying and told the king that, Daniel, was breaking the law. The king realized his wise men had tricked him. He tried to find a way to save, Daniel, but the king had to follow his own law.

Daniel, was thrown into the, lions den. The king stayed awake all night, fasting so that, Daniel, would be protected.

Early the next morning, the king rushed to the, lions’ den. He called to, Daniel, to see if he was still alive. Daniel, called back! He told the king that God sent an angel to shut the lions’ mouths. The lions did not hurt him.

The king was happy that, Daniel, was safe. He punished those wise men who tricked him, and he ended the law. He taught his kingdom about God’s power and goodness.

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Prayer works while in the Lions’ den

The story of, Daniel, is the story of every man. It is recorded that, Daniel, while locked in the, lions den, turned his back upon the hungry beasts; and turned towards the, light, coming from above while praying to God.

Daniels’s story was written to instruct you in the art of freeing yourself from your, problem,  or whatever is holding you captive.

Most of us on finding ourselves in the, lions den, would only be concerned with the lions (the problem) we would not be thinking of any other, problem, but the lions that are about to eat us.  Daniel, turned his back upon his, problem, and instead looked towards the, light, that was God.

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While in the Lions Den look towards the light

The message in this, scripture, is when we are threatened with any dire disasters such as poverty, sickness, divorce, we could remove our attention from these lions and look towards the, light, of God which is our solution.

For example, if you were imprisoned, no man would need to tell you that what you should desire is freedom. Freedom or the desire to be free would be automatic.

The same would be true if you found yourself sick or in debt or in any other predicament. Lions den, represent any situation that could swallow you up.

The solution is to, turn your back on the problem, and focus your attention on the promises of God.

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Move your faith into action

This is where your, faith, moves from something you read about to something you do.

What is the lion in your life right now that is trying to eat you up? We are in a pandemic a lot of us are dealing with debt and sickness.

I know that when you are in the, lions den, it is natural to focus on the lion that is trying to kill you, but you must find the strength to turn away. Look towards the, light, and speak the, scriptures, you should be standing on.

Scriptures like “I will live and not die”

“Everything works out for my good”

“I know the plans I have for you plans to prosper you”

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How to get out of the lions den

An amazing thing happens when you show no fear and engage, faith, the lions disappear!

People who were hopelessly in debt, become debt free.

People with incurable diseases become cured within a short time.

There is a saying that if you don’t stand for something, you will fall for anything!

Daniel, stood up for his relationship with God, and did not stop praying to his God.

He maintained a vibrant, faith, in God despite living and working in an ungodly culture surrounded by unbelievers.

What are you standing for in your life?


Thanks for turning in to 5 mins with coach Myrna keep looking towards the light.

Hope to see you next week for another episode of 5 mins with coach Myrna until next time Namaste

Additional Resources 

Finding Joy In Your Nothingness

Finding Joy In Your Nothingness

The,  bible stories, have meaning. In the story of the prophet, Elisha, and the, widow woman,  this,  Bible story, is teaching us that even in your, nothingness, you have something. The, widow woman, had 3 drops of oil. Oil, which represented, joy.

In this episode of, 5 mins with coach Myrna, Life coach, Myrna Young teaches on how to focus on what you do have and not your, nothingness.

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Prophet Elisha and the widow woman

Elisha, was a, prophet, who delivered the, prophetic word, from God to his people. In this, Bible story, he told this, prophetic word, to a, widow woman.

2nd Kings 4: 1-7

A certain woman of the wives of the sons of the prophets cried out to Elisha, saying, “Your servant my husband is dead, and you know that your servant feared the Lord. And the creditor is coming to take my two sons to be his slaves.”

So Elisha said to her, “What shall I do for you? Tell me, what do you have in the house?” And she said, “Your maidservant has nothing in the house but a jar of oil.”

Then he said, “Go, borrow vessels from everywhere, from all your neighbors—empty vessels; do not gather just a few. And when you have come in, you shall shut the door behind you and your sons; then pour it into all those vessels and set aside the full ones.”

So she went from him and shut the door behind her and her sons, who brought the vessels to her; and she poured it out. Now it came to pass, when the vessels were full, that she said to her son, “Bring me another vessel.”

And he said to her, “There is not another vessel.” So the oil ceased. Then she came and told the man of God. And he said, “Go, sell the oil and pay your debt; and you and your sons live on the rest.”

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Finding Joy in your Nothingness

The, widow woman, represents the, barren state, nothingness.

  • You are in a, barren state, if your marriage is unhealthy, and you can’t stand to go home.
  • You are in a, barren state, if you hate your job and can’t stand to go to work.
  • You are in a, barren state, if like the, widow woman, you have no money to pay your bills and the bank is coming to take your home.

What this,  Bible story, is teaching us in this scripture is that even in your, nothingness, you have something. The, widow woman, had 3 drops of oil. Oil, represented, joy.

Shut out your senses to find your joy

The prophet, Elisha, commanded the, widow woman,  “Go within and shut the door” that meant shut the door on your senses that tell you your marriage is dead; shut the door on your senses that tell you that you hate your job. Shut the door on your fear that the creditors will come and take your home.

Instead go within and find your, joy. Find your 3 drops of, oil.

  • What is the, oil, in your marriage? Don’t focus on your, nothingness. Is your husband a good father? Is he a good provider? Why do you stay? You stay because of the 3 drops of, oil, that you have.

What are the 3 drops of, oil, you have at your job? Your, nothingness, could be you hate your boss, but do you like helping people and providing good customer service? Is the pay helping you to feed your family?

What are your 3 drops of, oil, about having no money and not having enough to pay your bill? Your 3 drops of, oil, i.e your, joy, could be your children and the, joy, they bring you. The, bible, says

Weeping only lasts for a night but, joy, comes in the morning.

Even if you lose your home God will find you another home. Find the, joy, in your, nothingness.

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What is your barren state or wilderness experience

The prophet, Elisha,  commanded the, widow woman, i.e the woman in the, barren state,

“find vessels and begin to pour your 3 drops of, oil, until all the vessels are full”

When you take your attention away from the problems of life and begin to feel the, joy, of having received the things desired, you will have abundance running over. In this, bible story, the, widow, woman’s desire was to pay her debt, so that the creditors won’t take her son as slaves.  She received enough money to pay her debts and have money left over.

When you feel the joy of your marriage for whatever, oil, you have, you will be generously rewarded – for the world is a magnifying mirror, magnifying whatever you hold in your heart.

I am praying for everyone within the sound of my voice that you will find your 3 drops of, oil, and that your cup runneth over.


Thanks for tuning into 5 mins with coach Myrna go find your, oil, and feel the joy.

Until next time Namaste

Additional Resources

You Don’t Need A Team To Win


The Pursuit of Happiness: The Happiness Habit

We are all in the, pursuit of happiness. Ask anyone what they want most out of life and they will tell you I want to be happy.  But we have to choose to be happy. Our, happiness, cannot depend on external circumstances whether they be good or bad because everything is temporary.

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So, what is, happiness, or wellbeing? Is it having everything you want in life?

If you like chocolate cake the first bite is heaven, the second bite not so much and the third bite you feel discussed with yourself.

The same goes the external, happiness; It is fleeting and unsustainable.

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How to choose happiness 

Set the intention when you awake every day to be happy. Let your, mantra, be:

  • Lord thank you for this day. I pray that everything will work out for my good.
  • Thank you for this new and wonderful day, I know there will never be another day like this one.
  • Thank you for your guidance all day long and that whatever I do, will prosper. I will concentrate on that which is lovely and of good rapport.
  • I know that I am a spiritual and mental magnet and I attract all things which bless and prosper me.
  • I am going to be happy all day long. I choose, happiness.
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Coach Myrna pursuit of happiness

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The habit of happiness 

Make a, habit, of doing the things that make you happy.

Oprah’s bathtub is a thing of beauty. She makes a habit of taking a bath in her beautiful tub that has a waterfall because that makes her happy.

I make a, habit, of walking in the park and listening to stories of people’s lives that had meaning. That is my, happiness habit.

When I am on vacation my, happiness habit, is to read a romance novel as I relax on the beach.

My husband, happiness habit, is to watch movies.

If you create the, habit, of doing things that make you happy, then you will be in, pursuit of happiness

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Happiness from External sources

If You lose your home or your job, that event takes your, happiness, or, wellbeing, with them. You go into depression because the winds of the storm are making the waves of your seas rough; but do you know the ocean is 2 miles deep? There could be hurricane force winds on the top of the ocean, but there is no movement on the ocean floor. It remains calm and unaffected.

That is how we can, choose to be happy, regardless of the hurricane force winds, that is creating chaos in our lives, we can choose to be in the, pursuit of happiness.

You have to, transform your mind, from, jealousy, anger, and depression because we feel badly after we express those feelings.

On the flip side:

  • We feel good when we give to the poor.
  • We feel good when we help others who are less fortunate.
  • We feel good when we, choose to be happy, regardless of how we feel.
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Mindset transformation, is the only way to empower true, happiness. We are all in the, pursuit of happiness, I pray that you find it.

Thanks for tuning into, 5 mins with coach Myrna.  This is Coach Myrna Young until next time Blessings.

Additional Resources 

How to be Happy with Less


You Don’t Need A Team To Win

You can win without a, team. Whenever you get out of your comfort zone and go against the masses you will first be ostracized, but that is where personal growth occurs.

Welcome to, 5 mins with coach Myrna.  Today I want to coach on the topic “You Don’t need a, team, to win.”  I am sure you have heard the name, Colin Kaepernick.  He is an NFL quarterback turned, activist. He is bi-racial born to a Black father and White mother. His mother gave him up for adoption at birth and he was adopted by White parents.

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All his life, Colin Kaepernick,  had been discriminated against because he was black. People would see him with his white patents and ask them if he was bothering them. He was called names like Thug, because he braided his hair. He was discriminated in the NFL because he was black and there are only a handful of Black quarterbacks.

Because of this history, he was tired of Black men being brutalized by white officers and decided to take a stand.  His motto ,

“Believe in something. Even if it means sacrificing everything.”

Kaepernick, decided to do something about it. He took a knee to the National Anthem to protest police brutality and racial inequality in the United States while his teammates stood in reverence.

Everyone was in an uproar, President Trump called for him to be fired. When he became a free agent, he was blackballed and no team offered him a job.  But he became an inspiration to other Black men in the NFL and they started taking a knee to the National Anthem.

Kaepernick the Activist

Today, Kaepernick, has been rewarded the largest contract to date with Nike.  He was given the highest honor from Harvard University the W. E. B. Du Bois Medal and he got a chance to tell his story in a Netflix documentary “Black & White”  about,  Institutional racism.

Institutional racism, is “The collective failure of an organization to provide an appropriate and professional service to people because of their color, culture, or ethnic origin. It can be seen or detected in processes, attitudes and behavior that amount to discrimination through prejudice, ignorance, thoughtlessness, and racist stereotyping which disadvantage minority ethnic people.”

Kaepernick’s victory proves that, You don’t need a, team, to win.

Winning without a team or support

Whenever you get out of your comfort zone and go against the masses you will first be ostracized, but that is where personal growth occurs.

You can’t grow sitting in your comfort zone

Stand up for yourself and take a stand against wrongdoing at work, in your home or on your community. You don’t need a, team, to win you just need God to be on your side.

What I love about the Old Testament is that nobody did anything without consulting God. David, Saul, Samuel, Elijah they all consulted God before they went into battle. We as a collective have lost that communication with God, but if you are doing good then you know God is on your side and he is the only team member you need to win.

Winning requires Determinization

Finally, winning without a, team, requires, determination. Teams, need to have the, determination, the grit, and the heart to rise to the occasion and so do you. Nothing is ever going to be easy, the road to holding a trophy or being awarded a top prize is often filled with obstacles that will test every aspect of your character.

It doesn’t matter what the score is or what the final records will read, if you are in the game, you need to give everything you have. It doesn’t matter if you are blackballed like, Colin Kaepernick, you still need to stand up for what you believe is right. This is the mentality that will lead to, winning without a team. Champions recognize that losing and failure are both simply tools that they will use to build success.


Remember ” Winners never quit and quitters never win” Vince Lombardi

Thanks for tuning into 5 mins with coach Myrna. Tune in Next week for another episode of 5 mins with Coach Myrna. 

Additional Resources
