Tag Archives: old wineskin

Jesus’ Surprising Message on Fasting Vs Feasting

In this podcast episode, I uncover Jesus' surprising message on fasting. This will blow your mind! In this episode of 5 min Fridays with Life coach Myrna Young, author and self-development coach, I share Jesus' surprising message on fasting. This message will change the way you think about fasting, and may even inspire you to take start enjoying life.

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What Jesus said about Fasting

My foundational scripture for this message today is Mark 2:19: When asked why he or his disciples did not fast like John the Baptist and the Pharisees Jesus replied:

Do wedding guests mourn while celebrating with the groom? Of course not. But someday the groom will be taken away from them, and then they will fast.

The other two parables, which are similar, make the same point. The first one says you don’t put a new patch on an old garment, and the second says you don’t put new wine into an old wineskin.

In the first parable, if you put a new patch on an old garment, when the new patch shrinks due to washing, it will tear away from the older garment, making the tear worse. Similarly, new wine needs a new wineskin because as the new wine expands during the fermentation process, it stretches the wineskin. An old wineskin will burst under the pressure of new wine.

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Listen Notes Transform Your Mind

Is Intermitting fasting the same as fasting?

I have been talking a lot on the podcast about, intermittent fasting, but Jesus is talking about fasting by denying yourself food for longer periods of time. Jesus is saying that fasting and mourning go together.

Intermittent fasting, is not traditional fasting. Jesus is saying that when you are celebrating, when all is well, when your groom is with you, when your marriage is doing great, there is no need to fast in fact that is the time to eat because we eat at weddings we eat, drink and be merry.

He is also saying the day will come when (notice the language) he did not say if he said when the groom will be taken away and that is the time for mourning and fasting. 

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Google Podcast Transform Your Mind

What are you feasting on when things are good?

Today I want to change the word fasting out and replace it with feasting. What are you feasting on while your groom is with you, when all is well with your soul? How many people do not live life and have fun when everything is going well in life.

You are in a loving relationship, your groom is still with you, your children are with you, your health is with you, yet you deny yourself the pleasures of life. You work and go home, then one day you will no longer have your groom, you will no longer have your family, you will no longer have your health and that is the time for fasting and mourning; not when you should be celebrating life, when you should be feasting on the fruits of life.

Here are a few Pleasures of life you should be feasting on

1. That first sip of coffee in the morning.

2. Taking a bath.

3. Hearing the right song at the right moment.

4. The sunset.

5. A peaceful place to sit.

6. The smell of an aromatic candle.

7. Clothes fresh out of the dryer.

8. A Hot Fudge Sundae (or equally decadent dessert of your choice).

9. Receiving an unexpected compliment.

10. A hot shower after a long day.

11. Receiving a letter – yes, a handwritten letter – that’s not a bill.

12. Sleeping in.

13. Driving with your windows down.

14. Dining by candlelight.

15. The smell of freshly cut grass.

16. Dancing.

17. Freshly baked cookies.

18. Climbing into a bed with fresh sheets.

19. That feeling after finishing a tough workout.

20. Flowers beginning to bloom on a spring day.

21. The pitter-patter of rain.

22. Enjoying a home-cooked meal with your family.

23. Reading a book that resonates with you.

24. A cool breeze on a hot day.

25. Having a good laugh.

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You can't put new wine in old wineskin

Jesus also responded that we don’t put new wine in old skins because when the new wine ferments it will burst the old skin.

He is also telling us that we need to change our ways change our mindset, renew your mind.

If you try to put new information in an old mindset you are going to have a problem. So, take a look at your fruit. If you don’t have the fruit that you want, then you need to start changing your wineskin, your mindset.

That new mindset could be I am going to live until I die. I am going to start feasting on the abundance this life has to offer, because the day is going come to an end, then I will experience loss and mourning and thus the need for fasting, but not today.

Thanks for tuning into this weeks episode of 5 min Fridays with coach Myrna

Additional resources

Jim Rohn on How to Improve Yourself


Jesus Message on Fasting

What did Jesus say about fasting. In this episode of 5 min Fridays with Life coach Myrna Young, author and self-development coach, I share Jesus' surprising message on fasting. This message will change the way you think about fasting, and may even inspire you to take start enjoying life.

Download the podcast here: 


What Jesus said about Fasting

My foundational scripture for this message today is Mark 2:19: When asked why he or his disciples did not fast like John the Baptist and the Pharisees Jesus replied:

Do wedding guests mourn while celebrating with the groom? Of course not. But someday the groom will be taken away from them, and then they will fast.

The other two parables, which are similar, make the same point. The first one says you don’t put a new patch on an old garment, and the second says you don’t put new wine into an old wineskin.

In the first parable, if you put a new patch on an old garment, when the new patch shrinks due to washing, it will tear away from the older garment, making the tear worse. Similarly, new wine needs a new wineskin because as the new wine expands during the fermentation process, it stretches the wineskin. An old wineskin will burst under the pressure of new wine.

Listen Notes Transform Your Mind
Listen Notes Transform Your Mind

Is Intermitting fasting the same as fasting?

I have been talking a lot on the podcast about, intermittent fasting, but Jesus is talking about fasting by denying yourself food for longer periods of time. Jesus is saying that fasting and mourning go together.

Intermittent fasting, is not traditional fasting. Jesus is saying that when you are celebrating, when all is well, when your groom is with you, when your marriage is doing great, there is no need to fast in fact that is the time to eat because we eat at weddings we eat, drink and be merry.

He is also saying the day will come when (notice the language) he did not say if he said when the groom will be taken away and that is the time for mourning and fasting. 

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Google Podcast Transform Your Mind

What are you feasting on when things are good?

Today I want to change the word fasting out and replace it with feasting. What are you feasting on while your groom is with you, when all is well with your soul? How many people do not live life and have fun when everything is going well in life.

You are in a loving relationship, your groom is still with you, your children are with you, your health is with you, yet you deny yourself the pleasures of life. You work and go home, then one day you will no longer have your groom, you will no longer have your family, you will no longer have your health and that is the time for fasting and mourning; not when you should be celebrating life, when you should be feasting on the fruits of life.

Here are a few Pleasures of life you should be feasting on

1. That first sip of coffee in the morning.

2. Taking a bath.

3. Hearing the right song at the right moment.

4. The sunset.

5. A peaceful place to sit.

6. The smell of an aromatic candle.

7. Clothes fresh out of the dryer.

8. A Hot Fudge Sundae (or equally decadent dessert of your choice).

9. Receiving an unexpected compliment.

10. A hot shower after a long day.

11. Receiving a letter – yes, a handwritten letter – that’s not a bill.

12. Sleeping in.

13. Driving with your windows down.

14. Dining by candlelight.

15. The smell of freshly cut grass.

16. Dancing.

17. Freshly baked cookies.

18. Climbing into a bed with fresh sheets.

19. That feeling after finishing a tough workout.

20. Flowers beginning to bloom on a spring day.

21. The pitter-patter of rain.

22. Enjoying a home-cooked meal with your family.

23. Reading a book that resonates with you.

24. A cool breeze on a hot day.

25. Having a good laugh.

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You can't put new wine in old wineskin

Jesus also responded that we don’t put new wine in old skins because when the new wine ferments it will burst the old skin.

He is also telling us that we need to change our ways change our mindset, renew your mind.

If you try to put new information in an old mindset you are going to have a problem. So, take a look at your fruit. If you don’t have the fruit that you want, then you need to start changing your wineskin, your mindset.

That new mindset could be I am going to live until I die. I am going to start feasting on the abundance this life has to offer, because the day is going come to an end, then I will experience loss and mourning and thus the need for fasting, but not today.

Thanks for tuning into this weeks episode of 5 min Fridays with coach Myrna

Additional resources

Jim Rohn on How to Improve Yourself


A New Mindset: Get Rid Of Your Cup Mentality 

Do you have a, cup mentality, mindset? Are you asking God to fill up your cup instead of asking him to fill up as many containers you can find? In the, Bible story, Elisha the prophet told the widow woman to borrow containers and keep pouring oil until they were all filled. Find out how to get rid of your, cup mentality, and your, abundance blocks, and live an abundant life.

 Welcome to this week’s episode of, 5 mins with coach Myrna.  In this coaching session, I want to teach on, mindset, getting rid of your, cup mentality.

Download the podcast here


What is a cup mentality?

Here is a bible story to illustrate.

One day Peter and John were going up to the temple at the time of prayer—at three in the afternoon. Now a man who was lame from birth was being carried to the temple gate called Beautiful, where he was put every day to beg from those going into the temple courts. When he saw Peter and John about to enter, he asked them for money. Peter looked straight at him, as did John. Then Peter said, “Look at us!” So the man gave them his attention, expecting to get something from them.

Then Peter said, “Silver or gold I do not have, but what I do have I give you. In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, walk.” Taking him by the right hand, he helped him up, and instantly the man’s feet and ankles became strong. He jumped to his feet and began to walk. Then he went with them into the temple courts, walking and jumping, and praising God.

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Transform Your Mind Amazon

 Cup mentality vs abundance mindset 

This story illustrates a, cup mentality, because too many of us are content with our lot in life and never aspire or dream of a better life. This crippled man was stuck in his old routine of getting someone to take him to the gate of the temple every day to beg for coins. He never dreamed of more, he never prayed to be healed even though he went to the temple every day.  He accepted that he was crippled and for the rest of his life he would beg for coins to survive. This is the definition of a, cup mentality. Your dreams can only fill up a cup.

 The crippled man could not understand when Peter told him to get up and walk.  He had never thought of walking. Peter was putting new information in this man’s, old wineskin.  Peter had to hold his hand and help him up.

A, cup mentality, is when we accept our circumstances and never dream of having more. You get stuck in a rut in your negative routines not expecting anything to change, but as long as you have a, cup mentality, you will never receive the abundance of God.

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Podfriend Transform Your Mind Podcast

Like mother like daughter

For example please use the phrase, like mother like daughter, or like, father like son. They are expecting you to be like your mother and because they spoke it over your life, you become like your mother.

I heard a story of a mother who left her baby with her parents, because she was a hitwoman and she believed that if she got arrested she would be sent away for life.  When the child was 3 years old, the mother was sent away for life. The grandparents raised the child and always told her don’t be like your mother. She grew up with that, cup mentality, that she could never expect anything great, because she would probably end up in prison.  At 16 years she stabbed someone and ended up in prison.

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Transform your Mind Podcast Index

Were you born the wrong color?

Some other examples of a, cup mentality.

  • Do you think you were born in the wrong country?
  • The wrong side of the tracks,
  • or the wrong color?
  • Are you content just surviving?

The Bible teaches that You can’t put, new wine, in, old wineskin, because the, new wine, will burst the, old wineskin. This means you can’t do new things like be the first one in your family to graduate college with the same old, mindset.

I was born poor in a third world country. I was listening to podcast a few weeks back regarding, abundance blocks. The author was saying that we manifest the same, abundance blocks, as our parents, so I decided to interview my mom to see if she passed on her, abundance blocks, to me. What I found is my mom has a, cup mentality.

She told me that we were poor when I was born, she didn’t have a job, but she was quite comfortable. My dad would give her money, people would bring her food from the market, and she had her mother to help her. She never asked for more, she never dreamed big. Luckily, I did not get her, cup mentality.  I have always dreamed of success even as a child as young as 10 years old!

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Google Podcast Transform Your Mind

If doesn't matter where your start out only where you end up

God took David from a low-income family and made him a King. It does not matter where you start out only where you end up.

A, limited mindset, will keep you from getting more from God.

God promises to pour out blessings you won’t have room enough to receive; he is not looking just to fill up your cup.

Don’t water down your dreams to match your environment.

Take the limits off of God and the limits off your life.

You are the lid!

The prophet Elisha told the Widow woman to borrow a few containers and to pour the little oil she had into these containers. She obeyed even though it was not logical. She started pouring and the oil continued to pour until she had filled up all the containers she borrowed and then it stopped. If she had more containers, the oil would have continued to pour, so she did not have a supply problem, but a capacity problem.

God wants to fill up your containers, he can’t fill up what you never bring to him. How do you bring your containers to God? You bring them to him by asking for what you want in prayer, by dreaming big and visualizing your dreams.

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Transform your Mind Stitcher

 The cup mentality is your capacity

In a previous episode called Finding joy in your nothingness. I talked about the oil, that it represented the joy in your life. Today I am talking about your capacity to experience that joy. Are you looking for a cup full of joy like my mom or as many containers you can fill?

God said open your mouth wide and I will fill it.

Get rid of your, cup mentality, and give God as many containers as possible so he can fill them up.

This is coach Myrna Young and you have been listening to, 5 mins with coach Myrna.  I would like to invite you all to join my Life coach group on Facebook for daily inspiration from dozens of life coaches.

Thanks for listening, until next time Namaste

Additional Resources

How to Live in Infinite Possibility