Tag Archives: being present

Can You Handle Success Like Chris Rock

Success is like a two-faced coin, one side is fame and fortune, the other side is no privacy and no peace. Chris Rock, knew about, success, and that he couldn't retaliate to Will Smith's  slap.

In my episode entitled “Will Smith had 10 seconds to choose a different reality”  we looked at the slap that was heard around the world from Will’s Smith’s perspective.

I agreed with Denzel Washington’s statement to, Will Smith, that when you are at the height of your success that is when the devil comes to destroy you.

The devil was able to grab Will Smiths peace and joy from him seconds before he reached the top of the mountain and the celebration began.

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How Chris Rock handled the moment

But today so want to talk about, Chris Rock. Most men even Pastor Jamal Bryant from Newbirth church in Atlanta, Ga said that if a man slapped him, he would not have turned the other cheek. They would not let anyone take their manhood and bitch slap them on National TV without retaliation.

The first thing my daughter said to me was that, Chris Rock, was so aware. He knew that the person walking onstage was Richard and not Will. He took the slap said “Dude it was just a GI Jane joke” and then completed this moment by saying “This is the Greatest night in television history.” He was present.

So why didn’t the, Devil, take out two black men at the same time? Why wasn’t he able to destroy, Chris Rock, who remained calm?

Why wasn’t, Will Smith, able to handle, success, and, Chris Rock, grabbed his moment. These are the questions I will attempt to answer in this episode.

Chris Rock, also had 10 seconds to make a decision to retaliate, he made a different choice and instead he continued on with the task at hand. He was there to present the, Oscar, for a documentary film.

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Chris Rock was prepared for success

Chris Rock, moment came and he was prepared for it. Apparently, he has been in therapy 7 hours per week for being bullied and abused in school. He was attempting to bury his demons.  Will Smith, also had a coach for 2 years, but his demons returned.

When your moment of, success, comes, if you take it, the universe rewards you. Chris Rock, is making bank. All his shows have been sold out and, Will Smith, will probably not get another movie role for a long time.

So, what does, success, look like to you?

Remember what you have now, you asked God for.

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How does success look like for me

Success, to me looks like a beach front house, a million dollars in the bank a couple of luxury cars.

But I am, successful, now. Everything I have now, I asked God for.

  • I have a successful podcast,
  • I have a TV show,
  • I live in a 5-bedroom house in Florida,
  • I am an American,
  • I have a wonderful husband and 2 beautiful kids.

Don’t tell yourself that you will be, successful, when something happens. Nothing wrong with having goals, but you have to enjoy your life now or you will never be able to enjoy it then.

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RadioPublic Transform your mind

Happiness does not come with success

I heard both, Will Smith, and Kanye West say

“I have all the money I need, I have the hot wife and kids, the big house, career success but I am not happy.”

How will you handle, success? Be careful what you wish for, you might just get it.

Will smith, decided that the day when he was about to receive his highest honor, he would let the, devil, ruin it.

Chris Rock, responded to being slapped in front of his peers and the world with no aggression; he told, the devil.

“Get behind me Satan.”

He could not have imagined this scene, but maybe as a comedian he was prepared for someone responding badly to his joke and charging the stage.

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Success is like a two faced coin

I was listening to the radio the other day and they were talking about a rapper who just retired because she didn’t like fame.  Most people want, success, but can’t handle it when it comes.  Success. is like a two-faced coin, one side is fame and fortune, the other side is no privacy and no peace.

Can you handle, success?

This is Life coach Myrna Young and you have been listening to 5 mins with coach Myrna.

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Mindfulness: Training Your Mind to Be Present

Mindfulness, is the practice of training our minds to be, present, moment by moment. When we are, mindful, we are, conscious, of what is happening around us, our environment, our emotions, our reactions, etc. When we are fully, present, or practice, mindfulness, we listen rather than just hear, we perceive rather than just see. Mindfulness, affects everything we do, and impacts every interaction we have with others.

In this episode of 5 mins with Coach Myrna, I teach on the topic of, Mindfulness. Mindfulness,  is the art of, being present. It is not as easy as it may seem to become, mindful.  As humans we are controlled by automatic programming for over 95% of the time, so remembering to stay in the space of, mindfulness, is also saying to become more, conscious.

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Why Practice Mindfulness

Our minds are really good at shuffling between past, present  and future, driven by our fears and desires, memories and imagination. Our minds habitually go from reflecting on the past one moment, to worrying about the future at the next moment, with very little time spent on being fully, present. This behavior is so habitual that we don’t even realize that we are not, present.

For some people, mindfulness, is primarily a way to enhance health or performance. For others, mindfulness, is a tool for self-exploration.  And for yet others, mindfulness, is part of a spiritual path, a way to develop insight into the human condition and freedom from suffering.

Regardless of the motivation, scientists find that practicing, mindfulness, is associated with changes in the structure and function of the brain as well as changes in our physiological responses to stress, suggesting that this practice has important impacts on our physical and emotional health that are worth exploring.

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How to Do Mindfulness

Mindful, action is connecting the body with the mind. Yoga is one way we connect our bodies and mind through movement to release stored stress and trauma. Mindful Breathing, is regulating our breathing to shift the way we feel, so we can better regulate our emotions.

Mindful Centering, is being aware of what you are thinking about as you think it. Becoming conscious of your thoughts and then using the breath to keep your focus in the, present moment. This allows you to center back in the, present, and breathe when the mind moves into the past or the future.

Focused attention is another, mindfulness, technique. This technique uses the breath to anchor the mind and maintain awareness. Focus your attention on the breath — specifically the rise and fall of the chest — and return to the breath whenever you get distracted or notice your, mind, starting to wander.

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What is Mindfulness meditation

Mindfulness Meditation, is an ancient Buddhist tradition that focuses on clearing your, mind, and stillness. You can think of, mindfulness meditation, as training for your, mind, in the same way exercise trains your physical body. Just as there are different workouts you can engage in to get your body fit, there are different types of, meditation, you can practice to sharpen your, mind. One of these types is, mindfulness meditation.

Like its name suggests, mindfulness meditation, involves becoming more mindful of the breath and the sensations in your body as you focus on your breathing. When thoughts come to the forefront of the, mind, you let them float away like colored balloons being taken away by the wind. You do not analyze the thoughts or let them take you into the past or the future, you simply let them come and go without being judgmental about them or trying to figure out what they mean.

Your goal is to become, mindful, of the, present moment, and how your body responds to these thoughts. This allows you to ultimately become less reactive to or overwhelmed by what you’re feeling — particularly when it comes to things like stress and anxiety.

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Benefits of Mindfulness meditation

While, mindfulness meditation, may have once seemed like an esoteric practice that only monks or the highly spiritual did, it has now become mainstream. Everybody now knows of the measurable benefits of, meditation. Meditation, has undergone numerous clinical studies that are cluing scientists into the very real benefits this practice has. As it turns out, meditation, is officially great for your, mind and body.

When it comes to the science behind, meditation, different studies have investigated its relationship to a variety of different health conditions. While research remains ongoing, so far, there’s demonstrated evidence that, meditation, may promote an array of positive health effects, including:

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Listen Notes Transform Your Mind
  • A natural reduction in pain levels
  • Lower blood pressure in people who are at risk of developing high blood pressure
  • “Help with psychological distress, anxiety, depression, anger/hostility and coping ability,” according to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
  • Potential diminishing severity of irritable bowel syndrome symptoms after at least eight weeks of practice
  • Improved sleep for people with insomnia
  • Enhanced self-esteem
  • Possible reduction of widespread body inflammation
  • Better immune system functioning

On another practical level, mindfulness meditation, helps your body, including your nervous system relax.

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Google Podcast Transform Your Mind

How Mindfulness Meditation works

Mindfulness meditation, doesn’t only change our, mindset, and perspective, it actually can change the shape of our brains. Generalized neuroimaging, meditation, studies found that 8 weeks of, mindfulness meditation, also changes our brains, rewiring them towards more positive thoughts and emotions.

Your ability to relax has a profound effect on your bodily functions, and the relaxation, meditation, leads to can lower your blood pressure, improve circulation and lowers your heart rate. You could see less perspiration, less strain in your breathing and lower levels of stress hormones in your body.

One of the biggest benefits of, mindfulness meditation, is mental. Being, mindful, can reduce your stress levels and anxiety and make you feel more relaxed. Regular, mindfulness meditation, becomes a tool you can use throughout your life to boost your mental and physical wellness.

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Deezer Transform Your Mind Podcast

Meditation as a spiritual practice

For many people, meditation is a, spiritual practice. It can allow you to feel closer to God and more connected to your faith. This transcendent state feels otherworldly.

Meditation, may also help kids learn to become more grounded and stable.  You should begin practicing, mindfulness meditation, with your kids. Children benefit from the act of relaxing and concentrating. Practicing, mindfulness, can help them with their emotions, stress, anxiety, and feelings, just as it can for adults. Life is full of new feelings for children, and you may see an improvement in your child’s wellbeing after introducing, meditation.

People, meditate, for different reasons. While some do it as a religious practice, others practice for, self-development, a better sense of clarity, or just being still and hearing God.  Many hope to feel more balanced and relaxed by lowering their stress levels. Whatever your reason, start by trying a few techniques to see which works best for you. Remember to give it time and have patience.

Many who start, mindfulness meditation, give up because they can’t quiet their minds, but like I said earlier a technique is to let the thoughts come and go, don’t fight them because the more you resist, the quicker they come back.  With practice, you will be meditating like the, Buddhist monks, in no time.


So start your practice of being, mindful. Pay attention to your environment, the sensations in your body and start seeing the benefits.

Thanks for tuning into this week’s episode of 5 mins with coach Myrna. I invite you all to join my Facebook group called Lifecoach for daily life coaching tips and strategies to live your best lives now.

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Additional Resources 

How to Reprogram your Unconscious Mind

How to Find Beauty in Your Now!

Finding, beauty, in your Now is the point of all power that unlocks healing, growth, strength, peace, desires, success, and happiness.

This week I interview Aireka Harvell, aspiring motivational speaker who focuses on transforming the minds and lives of women with her blog “Be That Woman.” She is also the Founder of Nodat Place Advertising LLC. where she encourages and promotes female entrepreneurship and offers daily motivation and support through her social media platforms.

Introduction  “How to find Beauty in your Now”

Aireka has a powerful story of overhearing a mother telling her son that she was, ugly, and seeing her mom treat he brother better because he was handsome when  she was just 9 years old. That tag stayed with her throughout her life and gave birth to low self esteem, becoming a people pleaser and allowing her husband to mentally and physically abuse her. Aireka has lived in darkness of thinking she was, ugly, for most of her life, until one day she heard the voice of God telling her to Help other women “Be That Woman” he made them to be.

Today she has a huge following on Instagram and on her blog and offers Hope and Encouragement with her daily posts.

Listen to find out How to control your mind and bring it under subjection when thoughts of fear and hopelessness threaten to stomp out your joy.

Learn that there is opportunity to learn and grow from every situation.

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Transform your Mind Soundcloud podcast

What is Beauty in the eyes of God

The tip of the week from Coach Myrna is an except from the book The University of Success by Og Mandino

A Conversation with our manufacturer (God)
God: Tell me “what is your purpose down there on earth”

Man: Well you know “I want to work hard and not hurt anyone, and I want to get along with folks and stay out of trouble”
God: “But what about your talents”

Man: Well what talents I have and there are not much, I take good care of. I kind of pace myself, you know.
No, No,No God shouted, your answers are all wrong. Don't you remember the story of the talents?

Man: Yes I think so … You gave each of three men a different set of talents. To one man, you gave five talents. To another man, you gave two talents. And to the third, you gave but one talent.

“That's right says God: and some years later I checked up on each of these three men. I was pleased to find that the man with five talents had multiplied his talents by working hard, and applying each one. The man whom I gave two talents had also labored hard and multiplied them. But when I checked with the man I had only given one talent, I became very angry. For that man had buried his talent in the name of protecting it. To which I cursed him saying “thou wicked and slothful servant” how dare you not use the gifts and, beauty, I gave you. You Knew that I reap where I have not sown and gather where I scattered no seed.
Do you not get the point of this parable?

Man: Yes I think so. I am to use the talents and, beauty, you gave me and multiply them to help others.

God: Let me ask you another question
“Who is in charge of your life?”

Man: I am responsible for my life – but with a few exceptions. I mean sometimes you just don't get the breaks, you know. Sometimes things just don't go my way, but that is the way the ball bounces or the way the cookie crumbles”

God jumped to his feet “No, No, No, he shouted. You were created in my image of, beauty. “When will you learn, you are totally responsible for your life, no exceptions. You are totally responsible for the results you obtain. Not your mother, not your father, not your boss. It's not the breaks, that control your life, it's you. Don't ever say that is the way the ball bounces, that it is the way the cookie crumbles. You must bounce your own ball!

Man: Okay, okay I think I see. The fact is that I have been put on earth to succeed, I have an obligation, a responsibility, to use my abilities to the fullest. I must control my life, for I wasn't designed to be led. I prefer excellence to mediocrity. I won't prevent my own success, for all success requires is that I am here, and that I use my talents to the world and not wait for the world to come to me. And I will act now, no matter how convenient waiting may seem, no matter how imperfect might be the results I obtain.
Tears welled up in God's eyes, a smile creased his face.

God: “Thou wonderful and faithful servant, take all the love and energy and talent that you have and share it. Share it with all you meet, until it seems you have no more to give, there will always be more and more in reserve. Your potential extends beyond your wildest imaginings. The only limitations you will ever face will be those you place on yourself”

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How to find Beauty in everyday moments

Johanna Sevier Robb says in her blog post on “How to find the Beauty in Everyday Present Moments”:

There is so much, beauty, in the world—and because this crazy, gorgeous life is so fleeting, I want to focus on the, beauty.

No, I won’t turn my eyes away from the horrors of the world. But I also won’t become so consumed by these horrors that I no longer notice the wind dancing on the water. Or the tender grasp of my lover. Or the plant on the windowsill stretching toward the sunlight.

I’m not trying to downplay the crap. But just to understand the, beauty standards, of men. I don’t want to crumple into a small, powerless mess each and every time I read the news.

Negativity sells. Sensationalism sells. But this is not the reality of, beauty. So I ask, what is beauty?

Sure, man’s, beauty standards, is real. But generosity, kindness, humility and love is also real. And I still believe in humanity. Only a tiny bit of the present world can be summed up by violence and acts of terror. Only a tiny bit of human history can be summed up by wars and acts of cruelty.

How to Find your Beauty even if the world thinks you are ugly

Despite his physical appearance, the elephant man  and his mother were close.  His mother did not think he was, ugly. A former housemaid, she was also handicapped and had three additional children, two of whom died at a young age. She herself passed away in 1873 of pneumonia. Her death devastated young Joseph. Not only did he lose his closest friend, but his father, now working as a haberdasher, soon married the strict widow Emma Wood Antill who had two children of her own and demanded young Merrick, elephant man,  leave school and earn his living. Amazingly, despite his growing abnormalities, he found employment at a cigar shop, but his right hand soon became too large to manage the delicate work of rolling cigars. In order to earn his keep, his father got Joseph a hawker’s license to sell gloves door to door. But his, ugly,  appearance frightened prospective customers and his sales were dismal. Joseph Senior would often beat his son if he came home empty-handed and the stepmother would deny him full meals unless he had earned enough to pay for them. As a result, he ran away — or rather walked away — from home more than once.


How to Become a Life Coach

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Additional Resources

Life Coaching part 1: Who am I