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The Pursuit of Happiness: The Happiness Habit

We are all in the, pursuit of happiness. Ask anyone what they want most out of life and they will tell you I want to be happy.  But we have to choose to be happy. Our, happiness, cannot depend on external circumstances whether they be good or bad because everything is temporary.

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So, what is, happiness, or wellbeing? Is it having everything you want in life?

If you like chocolate cake the first bite is heaven, the second bite not so much and the third bite you feel discussed with yourself.

The same goes the external, happiness; It is fleeting and unsustainable.

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Podfriend Transform Your Mind Podcast

How to choose happiness 

Set the intention when you awake every day to be happy. Let your, mantra, be:

  • Lord thank you for this day. I pray that everything will work out for my good.
  • Thank you for this new and wonderful day, I know there will never be another day like this one.
  • Thank you for your guidance all day long and that whatever I do, will prosper. I will concentrate on that which is lovely and of good rapport.
  • I know that I am a spiritual and mental magnet and I attract all things which bless and prosper me.
  • I am going to be happy all day long. I choose, happiness.
Coach Myrna pursuit of happiness
Coach Myrna pursuit of happiness

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The habit of happiness 

Make a, habit, of doing the things that make you happy.

Oprah's bathtub is a thing of beauty. She makes a habit of taking a bath in her beautiful tub that has a waterfall because that makes her happy.

I make a, habit, of walking in the park and listening to stories of people’s lives that had meaning. That is my, happiness habit.

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When I am on vacation my, happiness habit, is to read a romance novel as I relax on the beach.

My husband, happiness habit, is to watch movies.

If you create the, habit, of doing things that make you happy, then you will be in, pursuit of happiness

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Google Podcast Transform Your Mind

Happiness from External sources

If You lose your home or your job, that event takes your, happiness, or, wellbeing, with them. You go into depression because the winds of the storm are making the waves of your seas rough; but do you know the ocean is 2 miles deep? There could be hurricane force winds on the top of the ocean, but there is no movement on the ocean floor. It remains calm and unaffected.

That is how we can, choose to be happy, regardless of the hurricane force winds, that is creating chaos in our lives, we can choose to be in the, pursuit of happiness.

You have to, transform your mind, from, jealousy, anger, and depression because we feel badly after we express those feelings.

On the flip side:

  • We feel good when we give to the poor.
  • We feel good when we help others who are less fortunate.
  • We feel good when we, choose to be happy, regardless of how we feel.
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Mindset transformation, is the only way to empower true, happiness. We are all in the, pursuit of happiness, I pray that you find it.

Thanks for tuning into, 5 mins with coach Myrna.  This is Coach Myrna Young until next time Blessings.

Additional Resources 

How to be Happy with Less


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