Why are you in the, wilderness? The people of Israel wandered in the, wilderness, for 40 years and never got to see the, promised land, that God had given them.
They were in the, wilderness, because time and time again they showed contempt for God, never believing his word, even after witnessing time and time again his, miraculous signs.
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Here is a partial list of Gods miraculous signs
- He sent plagues upon the Egyptians.
- God protected their first born from death by telling them to smear blood on the door of their homes.
- He brought them out of slavery.
- God used Moses to part the Red Sea so they can escape Pharaoh’s army and then witnessed the Red Sea swallow the Egyptians up.
- He sends, manna, from the heavens to feed them.
- The Lord sent quail when they complained they wanted meat.
- He gave them a land of milk and honey and they were too afraid to go get it.

You are in the, wilderness, because you let fear of the unknown predict your future.
The people of Israel refused to go into the, promised land, because they were afraid the giants in the land would kill them in battle and carry off their wife’s and children. They accepted defeat without even throwing a punch.
Don’t let fear of the unknown keep you in the wilderness
Why do you need to, transform your mind? Because that is the way out of the, wilderness. Caleb and his family got to possess the, promised land, because his mind was right. He had no fear.
He said “Let’s go at once and take the land, we can certainly conquer it”
The, wilderness, is a mindset!
The wilderness mindset
The, wilderness mindset, is like the, poverty mindset, it always want to return to the familiar.
The, wilderness mindset, is accustomed to, struggle, it can’t phantom victory and abundance it always returns to, lack and struggle.
When new opportunities are presented the, wilderness mindset, will always take you back to what it perceives as safety and that is staying right where you are in the, dry barren desert.
What is a poverty mindset?

Your dry, barren place, is anywhere that is not feeding your soul. It could be an abusive relationship, it could be a job you hate, it could be living in an unsafe home. But you stay because it is familiar and your basic need are being met.
But you weren’t created just to survive, you were created to live in a land flowing with milk and honey, to live with joy, peace, happiness, abundance, harmony. You were created to live in paradise.
We were meant to thrive not just survive.

The difference between surviving in the wilderness and thriving in paradise
Surviving, is a grim struggle—you’re white-knuckling life, just barely getting by. Thriving, is living and thinking abundantly.
Surviving, is a drag, a daily slog to stay alive. Thriving, is joyful and infectious.
So what keeps us from, thriving?
- Fear of the unknown,
- Staying in your comfort zone
- Not obeying God’s commandments
- Not willing to do the work

So, if you find yourself in the, wilderness, ask yourself why are you there and do the work to find and possess your, promised land.
That’s why the detail of the, Promised Land, overflowing with milk and honey was so important: God promised His people a land where everything was in top working order. This was a land abounding in fruitful pastures and efflorescent vegetation. This was a land functioning in its proper, God-designed rhythms. The result was natural abundance.
The description “overflowing with honey” offers a glimpse into what God desires and promises us all — an invitation for us to taste and see that the Lord is good.
This is coach Myrna Young and you have been listening to 5 min Fridays with coach Myrna