Tag Archives: comfort zone

Breaking Free: Escaping the Snare of Comfort and Complacency

In this episode of “Transform Your Mind to Transform Your Life,” Coach Myrna discusses escaping the snare of comfort and complacency. Drawing from the scripture in

Psalm 69:22, David warns, “Let their bountiful table become a snare. A trap that makes them think all is well.”

She warns against becoming too comfortable and settling for mediocrity. She provides three ways to break free from the snare of comfort, including recognizing the deceptive nature of comfort, avoiding the trap of complacency, and seeking balance and remaining vigilant. By stretching ourselves and staying focused on our goals, we can find purpose and fulfillment beyond the comforts of life. Tune in for this insightful episode by downloading the podcast

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Key Takeaways:

  • Comfort and complacency can become traps that hinder personal growth and prevent us from reaching our full potential.

  • The deceptive nature of comfort can lead to stagnation and a false sense of security, while complacency can result in spiritual and moral compromise.

  • Seeking balance, remaining vigilant, and staying rooted in God's word are essential in navigating the complexities of life and avoiding the pitfalls of comfort and complacency.

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Out of the Snare: The Deceptive Nature of Comfort

In our pursuit of success, security, and happiness, it is easy to become ensnared by the comforts and pleasures that life offers. However, these comforts can be deceptive, leading us to settle for mediocrity and hindering our personal growth. As Coach Myrna explains, when we become too comfortable, we start neglecting our spiritual growth, moral integrity, and the needs of others. We become stagnant, trapped in a snare, sitting on the couch and indulging in mindless activities instead of actively pursuing our goals and aspirations.

Coach Myrna uses the analogy from Psalm 69:22 of a bountiful table to symbolize abundance, prosperity, and satisfaction. While these are not inherently bad, David's warning reminds us of the danger of becoming too comfortable and complacent. It is important to recognize that comfort should not be mistaken for contentment. True contentment comes from a sense of purpose and fulfillment, which can only be achieved when we stretch ourselves beyond our comfort zone.

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DreamLove 1000 the power of attracttion

The Snare of Complacency

Complacency is a snare that can lead to spiritual stagnation, moral compromise, and a false sense of security. When we become complacent, we lose sight of our true purpose and calling. The bountiful table that once seemed like a blessing can quickly become a snare, distracting us from our goals and preventing us from making a meaningful impact in the world.

Coach Myrna provides an example of how complacency can manifest in our careers. Let's say you have a job that allows you to pay your bills and have some leftover money. If you become complacent in this situation, you may no longer have the drive to pursue further education or seek opportunities for growth and advancement. This complacency not only limits your personal and professional development but also hinders your ability to make a positive impact on your family, community, and the causes you care about. This is an example of the snare of comfort and complacency.

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lady boss lean shake

Seeking Balance and Remaining Vigilant

To navigate the complexities of life without falling into the snare trap of complacency, it is crucial to seek balance and maintain a vigilant heart. Cultivating gratitude and humility is key to guarding against the pride and self-reliance that often accompany success and abundance. By acknowledging that all good things come from God, we can stay grounded and avoid becoming complacent.

Remaining rooted in God's word is another essential aspect of avoiding complacency. The scriptures serve as a guide, shaping our thoughts, desires, and actions. They illuminate the pitfalls of complacency and lead us towards a life of purpose and fulfillment. By continuously seeking wisdom and guidance from God's word, we can stay on track and avoid the snare of comfort and complacency.

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Avoid the snare of complacency: Strive for Purpose and Fulfillment

In conclusion, the words of David in Psalms 69:22 serve as a timeless reminder of the dangers of complacency and snare of comfort. The importance of vigilance in our journey towards purpose and destiny. Comfort and complacency can hinder our personal growth and prevent us from reaching our full potential. It is crucial to recognize the deceptive nature of comfort and to guard against complacency by seeking balance, remaining vigilant, and staying rooted in God's word.

True purpose and fulfillment can only be achieved when we stretch ourselves beyond our comfort zones. We must resist the allure of fleeting comforts and instead seek the eternal treasure of a relationship with our Creator. By continuously striving for growth, remaining hungry for knowledge and improvement, and keeping our hearts focused on our end goals, we can break free from the snare of comfort and complacency and live a life of purpose and fulfillment.

So, let us not be deceived by the comforts of this world, but instead, let us embrace the discomfort that comes with growth and strive for a life that leaves a lasting legacy.

Additional Resources

Using Breathwork Meditation As a Personal Growth Tool

Your Struggle is Part of Your Story

Your, struggle, started before you were born. Your mama acted that way because of her story, your father won’t have walked away if he didn’t also have a story. Your shift started the day you were born but it is not the day your, story, started.

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Marilyn Monroe's story of struggle

I just finished watching the Netflix film called Blondie the, Marilyn Monroe story. Marilyn’s, story, is the perfect, back story, for my message today. Her, story, started way before she was born.  Her parents met and had a baby.  Both of them were messed up.  Her father walked away, and her mother blamed, Norma Jean, for her father walking away.  The fact that the father walked away contributed to her mental health and what did she do, she abused, Norma Jean, because that is what adults do when they are hurting, they hurt the defenseless.

What was her father’s, story? Why did he walk away and abandon his child at conception and never looked back.  In the, story, there was a fire and the mother attempted to drive through the fire to get to the father’s house in Hollywood which tells me he was not without means. Yet he walked away from his daughter and never looked back.  What was his, story? It probable started with his parents.

The movie showed Norma Jean, Marilyn Monroe, looking for her father her entire life until her death. Parents do so much damage to kids. Norma Jean’s struggled in life even though she was the most successful movie star in history. They are still writing about her and talking about her 3 decades after her death.

She never knew her father and her mother was mentally ill and abused her, even tried to drown her. She struggled her entire life because of the shift she took over from messed up parents. She was the most beautiful woman, men all over the world wanted even Presidents, yet she had no value for herself.

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Podfriend Transform Your Mind Podcast

Lack of love in our childhood contribute to struggle

The fact that her father did not love her, she let men abuse her.  I am not a psychiatrist, but I would guess because she felt unlovable.  She had no self-worth. So, she made an impact on this world, but never found personal happiness in it. She lived her life to make men happy, make movie producers happy and everyone else.  When she started falling apart, they gave her drugs so she could continue making movies.

So, are you in a story of, struggle? Do you see yourself anywhere in Marilyn’s, story? I want to let you know that you were set in your situation by circumstances that happened before your birth, you are not to blame for your story.

Your birthday isn’t your start day it’s just the day when your shift started.

You have to fight someone else’s battle, that’s why generational curses are real. In my church whenever the pastor baptizes a baby, he cancels all generational curses.

Let’s say that your grandparents dabbled in witchcraft or even belonged to a Lodge, you inherited their sins and curses. It is up to you to repent for the sins of your forefathers and walk a straight and narrow path.  If you don’t repent for their sins the sins of the father and mother is passed on to the 3 and 4 generation.

You need to declare and decree that victory is going to happen on your shift. The buck stops here.

Transform Your Mind Luminary podcast
Transform Your Mind Luminary podcast

Samuel's struggle in a barren temple

In the bible story of, Samuel, the prophet, God took, Samuel, from the barrenness of his mother’s womb to the barrenness of a temple to prepare him to become a prophet. Sometimes your, struggle, is preparing you for your purpose and destiny. Sometimes you have to wander in the wilderness until you get to the promised land.

So, how do you, rewrite your story, of, struggle, to one of abundance and flow? You have to shake things up, get out of your routine. When you are comfortable just existing, you don’t get revelation. Nothing happens when you are in your comfort zone, if you want to move the needle from, struggle, to flow, you have to get out of your, comfort zone.

That is the only way you will hear the voice of God when he calls you. In the darkness of the night God speaks. God shows up in your barren places and calls you by name.

When God called, Samuel, in the middle of the night, Samuel, didn’t recognize it was God because he had never spoken to him before. Learn to hear God’s voice by being in constant communication with him.

Conclusion to struggle

In conclusion, if you are in, struggle, at the moment understanding that you are just continuing the, story, that started before you were born is the way out. You need to change the, story, because then your children and your children’s children will continue the, struggle.

Thanks for tuning into this week’s episode of 5 min Fridays with coach Myrna. Praying for flow and abundance for you. Until next time Namaste

Additional Resources

Your Pain Reveals Your Purpose

How To Be Happy: The Happiness Recipe

The, happiness recipe, is super simple. Do more of what matters to you, and less of the rest.

Simple, though obviously doesn't mean easy. There's a lot that goes into that very short phrase and into the execution of that very short phrase.   Becky Morrison is a mom, wife and lawyer turned, Happiness Coach has identified what she thinks are the three areas that stop us from executing on this, happiness recipe.

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Becky Morrison is a mom, wife and lawyer turned, Happiness Coach. Her mission is to spread joy. She believes most people can live happier, easier lives if they get clear on what matters most to them and then develop a plan to do more of that and less of the rest. She wants to enable people to find clarity and happiness, so everyone wins.

Now she’s using her experience coupled with her own journey to help people supercharge their success and happiness by: finding clarity; taking the next steps in their career; overcoming overwhelm; going from idea to action; and, stepping into their authentic leadership presence.

Becky brings together all her learnings in her recently published book ‘The Happiness Recipe: A Powerful Guide to Living What Matters’.

Book The Happiness Recipe
Book The Happiness Recipe

From Lawyer to Happiness Coach

Myrna: Your story of coming from corporate lawyer to, happiness coach, reminds me of the first book I read in my quest for enlightenment and, personal growth. And that is the book called from Robin Sharma that's called “The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari.”

So, for those who didn't know Robin Sharma, the character in the book is a corporate lawyer who had a heart attack. And then he went to live with amongst the monks in the Himalayan mountains and he changed his life.  So, how did it happen for you?

Becky: Well, I mean, it was not quite that glamorous or fun for me, but it is a story of evolution and, transformation. And it starts with me doing what a lot of us do, which is doing all the things I thought I was supposed to do.

  • Going to the good school,
  • getting the good grades,
  • getting the job,
  • going back to graduate school to become an attorney,
  • then getting the job at the big law firm with the big paycheck to be on the partnership track.
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Transform Your Mind Podcast Player FM

Does checking the right boxes lead to happiness

Then one night 16 years later, I found myself sitting on the floor of the bathroom, with a toddler in the tub, and the cordless phone clip to the back of my pants, and the toilet seat cover down with a notebook on it and papers spread all around me. And I was doing two things at the same time. I was bathing my toddler daughter and trying to prepare an expert witness for their upcoming deposition.

I had two thoughts in super quick succession. The first thought was, who says you can't do it all? Look at me. I'm a mom, I'm a lawyer. I'm here. I'm killing it. This is amazing. That was quickly followed by and I'm exhausted. Is this unsustainable? And perhaps more importantly, and more scarily, I'm not sure this is making me happy.

And that kicked off my own quest for, transformation, and, personal growth.  I had to figure out, well, okay, what does it mean, if I've done all of the things that I was supposed to do? And I checked all the boxes? And I'm not happy?

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PTWWN TV – The Happiness Recipe

Where does happiness come from?

What the heck does, happiness, come from then? If it's not from success? If it's not from the results?

You talked about, happiness, is working towards a purpose or a goal.

  • What am I working towards here?
  • Why am I here In this season of my life?
  • What is my top priority?
  • What is the most important thing?

I panicked. And I started to think about what can I do? And the reality is, I can do a lot of things. I'm a lawyer, with a ton of management experience, a whole bunch of process experience. I've been a CEO, I mean, the list of jobs that I could apply for is pretty long. And thankfully, I had some voices in my life who said, timeout?

This is an opportunity, what do you want to do? Not what can you do, but what do you want to do? And that's how I landed in this business of helping other people chart their success and, happiness.

The Definition of happiness

Myrna: That's a good story. I love your evolution. One of the things I will add is when you're in a tub bathing your child and doing work, you're not giving her the attention she deserves.

Becky:  So true, I wasn't fully focused on one or the other. I had split focus and split focus is not efficient, effective or meaningful.

Myrna: So right. Yes, that's what mothers do. You know, they have one of the hips and they're doing it all.  So, that moment was the start of your, your evolution, your, transformation. You asked yourself the question Is this making me happy?  I'm working towards a goal. I'm working towards partnership, you're immediately disrupting my, definition of happiness.

My, definition of happiness, is working steadily towards a goal or purpose

I guess the other part of that is, fulfillment. And somehow your work wasn't hitting the, fulfillment, button inside.

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Google Podcast Transform Your Mind

How do we identify the essential sources of happiness?

Becky: How do we find our essential, sources of happiness? I have a little exercise that I like to do with people that might seem silly or small, but it's not. And it's about developing a menu of things that you can do, that are easy and accessible, that you know, are going to create a positive emotional experience for you.

We can use Oprah's, sources of happiness, sitting in the bathtub.  We need to do to get down to the essential, sources of our joy, or have those positive emotional experiences is to ask a few more questions. Get down to the simple things that you can do to add, happiness, into your daily life.

When I'm sitting with a client is ask them to brainstorm a list of five to seven things that are their, sources of happiness. I ask them not to judge because on my list, one of my, sources of happiness, is clean sheets!

Then taking one on that list and asking yourself, what about that makes me happy? So, take the Oprah example. What about being in the bathtub that brings you, happiness?

  • Is it the solitude?
  • Is it the warmth of my water?
  • Is it the time with my thoughts?
  • There's something more than just the bathtub that brings you, happiness.
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Invite your nervous system to become a partner in your happiness?

Becky: Happiness, makes you feel good or, or when you're doing the things that make you happy in that moment, right? You feel good, and it helps with your health, and it helps with resilience and all that. But your nervous system is a little different.

A lot of times more, happiness, for us lives on the other side of some sort of change. Whether it's change in behavior, change in circumstance, change in mindset. And at the most basic level, one of the important jobs that our nervous system plays is to keep us safe, literally, to keep us alive. That's where the, fight or flight, response, comes from.

Often when we're trying to make a change, it can feel uncomfortable and unpleasant, because it is our, nervous system, is saying, no, no, no, please don't. I know how to keep you safe; this new activity is not safe.  I have no data on it. So, often we mistake that discomfort as a sign that we shouldn't do it.

Myrna: That’s true that our brain’s function is to warn us about impending danger and to keep us safe. Which is why One of the first things I learned myself on my journey of self-improvement is you got to get out your, comfort zone, because whenever you sit In your comfort zone you're not moving, and you're not growing.

Feel the fear and do it anyway!

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iHeart Radio

The happiness recipe

What is the, happiness recipe?

Becky: Sometimes I worry that when I say the, happiness recipe, people are going to be like, That's it?  But here's the deal. And you've sort of set it in your definition. But the recipe for maximum, happiness, is super simple.

Do more of what matters to you, and less of the rest.

Simple, though, obviously, doesn't mean easy. There's a lot that goes into that very short phrase and into it's execution.  I've identified what I think are  the three areas of the, happiness recipe. Three areas where there can be gaps that stop us from executing on the, happiness recipe.

  1. And the first is what I call the, authenticity gap. Do we know what matters most to us? And are we willing to claim it publicly? Because to live it, you must be willing to speak it. You must be willing to share it.  Be willing to have other people see it.
  2. Then there's the middle gap of the, happiness recipe.  I call that the, emotional energy gap, or the, mindset gap, that's all the beliefs and feelings that get in the way of us executing on that knowledge of what makes us happy.

We know what matters most to us, we know the goal or purpose that we want to be working towards; but do we have the, mindset, and belief that will allow us to make that happen?

3. The third gap in the, happiness recipe, is the, physical energy gap, which is really the execution piece. Do you align your time energy and resources with what matters most to you?  I call it priority aligned living.

Transform your Mind Stitcher
Transform your Mind Stitcher

Book: The Happiness Recipe

You told us about your book the , happiness recipe, we all know we can pick up a copy on Amazon, but give us your website and maybe a couple of your social media handles or so that people can connect with you.

Becky: My website which is www.untanglehappiness.com. And on there you can find all the social media links to connect with me on social media. You can also find a link to my book The Happiness recipe and you can learn about the work that I do.

Myrna: It's been an incredible conversation. We talked about, happiness, the big takeaway from this conversation is our, sources of happiness. If you were to ask someone  Are they happy?  They're probably going to be talking about, is my life good? Is my husband good to me? Am I making enough money? Am I living my dream life?

They're going to think of the big things that cause, happiness.

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Transform your Mind Podbean

Sources of happiness

I found that, definition of happiness, is working towards a goal or purpose.  Happiness, comes from taking those steps towards it. That  is what makes you happy, when you're moving towards something.  When you feel stuck, or you think you're going backwards, is when you're unhappy. So, it's the same thing, finding moments to bring you joy, understand your, sources of happiness, can be as simple as clean sheets, or taking a bath, everybody can do that. Everybody can find, happiness, sitting inside a tub, you don't have to have waterfalls!

You can find, happiness, by taking a walk.  Happiness, for me is walking in a park, you can find a park with trees everywhere. Find your, source of happiness, if could be a good book, it could be clean sheets, it could be taking a bath, whatever is your, source of happiness, start there and then you pick a goal or a purpose and you take little baby steps towards it.

Once you are moving in the right direction, you are going to be happy. So, thank you, Becky, for that simple, happiness recipe. It is a very simple recipe. Head over to Becky's website, connect with her on social media and pick up a copy of her book.

‘The Happiness Recipe: A Powerful Guide to Living What Matters’.

Additional Resources

How to be Happy with Less