Your Pain Reveals Your Purpose

Your, pain, reveals your, purpose. God has a, strategy, for your life and sometimes he makes the story painful, but the, strategy, is good.

How would you know, pleasure, if you never experience, pain? It is not the good times that prepares us;  it is the, pain.

Your painful mistakes do not affect your, miracles, they are a precursor to them.  Look at the Bible stories of Moses and David.

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Moses pain was God’s strategy

Moses, was a murderer and David was an adulterer and a murderer. They are the most talked about men in the Bible. Their mistakes did not affect their, miracles. Maybe it was God’s, strategy, to use their painful pasts to get them in the right, mindset, for him to use them for his glory.

Your background prepares you for your, miracle.

Whenever you survive, struggle, and God, made a way out of no way, you get stronger. When the next challenge comes your way, you say I have been through this before so I can handle this. Sometimes the, struggle, reveals your faith.

I have been cheated on before, if I made it through that, I can make it through this. You have to have the tenacity to say:

I been through the fire, but it didn’t burn me. I been through the, divorce, having no money in the bank, sickness but I am still standing. I went through the fire, but it did not consume me.

God prepares us before he propels us.

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Pain teaches you how to fight

Pain teaches you how to fight for your kids, for your marriage, for your finances.

Jesus said “No one takes my life; I lay it down.” Don’t give anyone the permission to keep you down, use that, pain, as your fuel and let it reveal your, purpose.

The book, The Alchemist, teaches that we all have beginners luck when we decide to pursue our, personal legend, but before we realize it we will be tested. God will send some, pain. It will feel like going through a hail storm with the universe throwing rocks at you to determine how badly you want to win. Most will fold up and say it is too hard, it is too dangerous, it is too scary etc. That is why they say the richest place on earth is the graveyard because most die with their gifts unused.

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Pain reveals Purpose

Have you heard Tyler Perry’s story? Tyler Perry put on plays for 2 years and nobody came. The seats were empty but he continued. He even started living in his car because he had no money for rent. He was spending all his money on renting the facilities to put on his plays. He used his pain to reveal his purpose.

One day someone called him. (Your blessings will always find you.) and wanted to partner with him. He agreed and they planned an event but it turned out to be the coldest night in Atlanta he thought the seats would be empty again. He was surprised to see the long lines of people waiting to get into the theatre.

Because he pushed through the, pain, he knew that he had found his, purpose. That was the start of his success. He never looked back. He is now in the self-made billionaire club

It was Gods, strategy, to teach, Tyler Perry, how to be successful. He passed the test, can you?


This is coach Myrna Young and you have been listening to 5 min Fridays with coach Myrna until next time Namaste.

Additional Resources

When God Chooses You: You Can’t Mess Up Destiny


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