Category Archives: Personal Development

The Crucial Role of an Active Lifestyle Against COVID-19

Wildly Alive coach Nichole Wurth shares how having an, active lifestyle, could help you fight, coronavirus COVID 19, and become BFF’s with your body.

Journey to an Active lifestyle.

I was raised on Hamburger Helper and mac and cheese.  I didn’t know the basics of nourishing your body or a healthy lifestyle.  That  was not something that was taught to me, so I got out of high school and I gained some weight.  I did what most women do.  I started dieting. I wouldn’t say that I had a big-time body image issues or self-esteem issues going into that whole experience; but after every diet  I started to realize it took out a chunk of my self-esteem.

So after years of dieting if you would have looked at my body you would have thought damn she’s got it going on she’s so fit she’s so healthy. I want her body, I want her, active lifestyle.   But in all reality even though I looked like I was living a, healthy lifestyle,  I was an absolute mess inside.

I had disordered eating and disordered exercising and I was so lost in trying to have a, active lifestyle, I didn’t even see it I was I was obsessed with what I was going to eat and what I couldn’t eat. I was strategizing with every bite.  It was strategy all the time.  I was still deeply unhappy because before living this, healthy lifestyle,  I blamed all my unhappiness and the reason why I don’t have a boyfriend, the reason why I don’t have a fulfilling job, or the reason why I don’t have …fill in the blank, was because of my body.


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A Healthy Lifestyle begins with Diet

It’s very common for women to blame everything on their body,  so now that I had lost the weight and I look fit and healthy and living a, healthy lifestyle, I no longer had anything to blame for my unhappiness.  So again even though you would look at me and you think wow she’s an inspiration,  honestly I was lost from disordered eating and disordered exercising.  Most people they don’t even see it, and they’re broken.  That’s how diet culture works.  Diet culture intentionally breaks you, breaks your trust with yourself, so then you need a diet all the time.

That’s how I was for years.  I didn’t trust myself without the guidelines, without the rules and other restrictions.  I went through that whole journey. I lost the weight and I was worse than I was before I started that journey.

I start moving into like exploring okay how can I find happiness and freedom and a, healthy lifestyle, at the same time because dieting does not get you happiness and freedom.  It feels very caged.  That’s the philosophy of the wildly alive coaching program. I started coming up with this idea that your body is a living, breathing, feeling thing just like a plant.  So if I went into my office every day and looked at my plants and said to them, you’re ugly and you’re not good enough and you need to try harder.  I would have sent negative energy to them right they would rebel and not thrive.

The Ketogenic Diet is good for a healthy lifestyle

I think that’s where most women are.  They look at their body as just this thing that’s hanging on them, that’s never right and will never be right, and they’re constantly abusing it.  If you want to call it abuse or not, it really is, because you probably would never talk to your best friend that way or even your enemy.  That is when I started really looking into instead of creating change from a place of shame, which diet culture teaches, if you just hate your body enough then you can change it shifting that to respect base change.  learning how to respect our body as we are changing and reshaping it. The Ketogenic Diet is the new popular diet plan.

Food plays a very important part in our body image and women in particular, maybe even men. Men drink, women eat! I’m not sure, but a lot of times if you have emotional problems it shows up in what you eat.  And yeah when you go to the gym, and you have a really nice body, that’s on the outside. You could still feel shame inside.

A lot of women could identify with, you’re overweight and you buckled down and lost the weight, they are now living a, healthy lifestyle, they go to the gym every day, they eat right and embrace,  healthy living,  so where is the reward. Where is the boyfriend or husband?

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What is an Active Lifestyle?

I gained all  kinds of weight at the end of high school because I was in the industry and I was eating a lot of jalapeno, mayonnaise and French fries. It was like my favorite combination with  Big Mac.  The whole the whole world globally, we’re looking at the, coronavirus, and at, COVID-19, and everybody including all the health experts are now on talking about a, healthy lifestyle,  because what we’re all now acutely aware that if you have a healthy immune system then you can probably get over this, coronavirus, illness. My, active  lifestyle, programs started  before people became conscious of, healthy living.   A, healthy lifestyle, is  being wildly alive!

 I wanted to create something like a like a bridge between the, covid-19, pandemic and, healthy living.  I’m telling my clients right now is first and foremost and this is the basis of wildly alive coaching,  is your mind is the most powerful muscle in your body and so just like with dieting.

And the constant feeling of stress, you have to change from the inside.


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When I was dieting, I was constantly stressed, I was afraid of butter.  I was afraid of red meat and so on and so on. Even though according to my little calorie counting notebook, I was eating

all of the right things; because I was so stressed over the food, that I was unhealthy. Stressing about everything you put into your mouth is not a, healthy lifestyle.

What is the Feminine approach to a Healthy Lifestyle

This is a respect based approach to, healthy living. If I can help show you how awesome your body is, and how it’s doing so many things right now, in this moment, then what will start to happen is, you’ll start to recognize that your body is always talking to you.  She’s always speaking to you.  She can guide you on the best things to eat and the best ways to move and how to thrive in this whole self-care thing.  You don’t need a plan, you don’t need somebody telling you what to eat and how to exercise and what to do to feel happy, your body can tell you all of that.

We live in this Western society that just cuts you off at the head and makes you think that all your body is or something you manipulate, that’s all it is it’s just this mass, that has no voice or no wisdom.  So when you start opening up the lines of communication with your body, you start to listen to it. You start to feel really good.  It is just like when you get a cut you don’t have to look at the cut and be like okay white blood cells come do your thing. No the white blood cells are on it. They start forming a scab around the cut and the processes of healing begins.

Our bodies are so smart that we can’t even conceptualize and wrap our mind around all the brilliance of our body.  So if I can teach you some of that, and I can show you how awesome your body is and how she is here to guide you.  She’s here to guide yourself care and, healthy lifestyle, and  she’s also here to guide you on your life choices.


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The 28 day moon cycle

The feminine approach to an, active lifestyle, is really is a woman’s 28-day cycle if you’re menstruating.  As women we have a 28-day cycle and that 28-day cycle mirrors the moon.  There’s four phases within our 28-day cycle and also within the moon cycle.  Those four phases also mirror the four seasons of the planet. A, healthy lifestyle, includes following your cycle.

For example just to make this really simplified, when you’re bleeding it is the New Moon phase.

When we’re having our period we tend to be more hibernating, we’re not as extroverted.  This is our introverted time.  This is the time when we reflect and restore.  This is our winter time so if you’re ever confused you just look at the season the new moon. So when you’re bleeding doing a high intense workout it’s probably not the best thing for your body.  If you’re on hormonal birth control or you’re not having your period,  just start tracking the moon and your body will start syncing up with it.

Vice versa the full moon  is your ovulation or summer phase.  You are hyper energized.  There’s lots of growth, there’s lots of expansion, there’s lots of extroverted energy and so this is a really good time for an, active lifestyle, in terms of movement. Now is the time for that high intensity workout or doing that new salsa high intensity class.

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Wildly Alive  self-care and, Healthy lifestyle, coaching program

Wildly alive is about Shame -based change is by telling yourself you can’t have those things and you’re a bad person if you eat those things, so just to flip this on the head a little bit and think about it from a respect based change.  I always tell my clients I would never tell them they can’t eat things ever unless they have an allergy to something,  that’s a whole different conversation. Telling yourself you can’t eat bread because this study says that bread is bad for you.  I don’t think that’s enough to really shift into respect based change.  I’m a huge believer in moderation.  I think a little bit of everything is okay.  So have the bread or have the beer, really sit and enjoy it.  If your body starts to say to you, I feel bloated every time I drink a beer, then make some changes. Drink half a beer or try a different beer.

Here are the mechanics for a,  healthy active lifestyle, during covid-19

  • trying keeping the energy light in our house
  • limit media, limit the news because it is mostly negative
  • have a lot of sunlight.
  • getting outside and connecting with nature. Being in nature boosts your immune system. I also love to bring nature into my house. I have lots of my salt lamps.
  • An, active lifestyle, starts with some sort of movement on a regular basis. It could be going out for a walk, it could be yoga, it could be bike riding. Exercise calms your nerves.
  • drink a lot of water
  • increasing your vitamin C intake. I’ve been making this lemon ginger juice.
  • stay open to the lessons of the, covid-19, pandemic
  • be grateful for what you have and for your family
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I read somewhere that you were disappointed in Oprah. Please share why that is.

I would to preface this statement with I do love Oprah. I love her in so many different ways as a woman, as a woman of color.  She is breaking the mold and I love her for so many reasons; but a few weeks ago, I was watching an interview with her in Lady Gaga and she’s on stage and they were talking about mental health and I loved it. I was like yes I love this conversation they’re about mental health, this is such an important part of health right now. But then I started seeing  WW everywhere and I was like what is WW? It was  Weight Watchers and I was so devastated in that moment because Weight Watchers is diet culture.  It’s the epitome of diet culture.  They were having this beautiful conversation about mental health and calorie counting. Weight Watchers has been proven to be mentally unhealthy. It was so sad.

I still love Oprah, I know she’s human.  I know she’s flawed.  I forgive her.

Do you have any special programs or coaching programs that promote a, Healthy Lifestyle

You can find all coaching programs at

I do have a new free challenge called the embrace and reach your body challenge, that will start in a few weeks.  You could go to flash challenge.

Additional Resources

6 Ways Intrusive Thoughts Activate The Law of Attraction

What you think about you bring about, so intrusive, thoughts activate the Law of Attraction. To get into the, vortex, and activate, the law of attraction, for the things you want, reach for the best feeling, thoughts, in every moment.

If you want to heal the body you must first heal the mind `~ Plato

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You create your physical condition through your, intrusive thoughts activate the law of attraction.  That means you can think yourself sick or think yourself well. I have healed pain in my body many times by focusing on healing energy so in the reverse you can heal yourself by, intrusive good feeling thoughts.

Your natural state is wellbeing, not disease.

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The Magic Breathing 

Disease is the result of blocked energy and that is why the body scan chakra meditation is such a powerful healing tool.

Relax and breathe deeply is the first response to any illness.

Try this next time you feel pain in your body, use these, thoughts, to bring about healing:

Imagine a light like the sun or moon entering your body through your breath. Send that light directly to the pain area hold it there for a few seconds. Then breathe out and imagine you are collecting the pain and breathing it out.

The Magic of Commitment Focus, Thoughts

You are either doing something or you are waiting for something to happen. You are either committed to someone or something or you are not.

Obstacles become opportunities when you are committed.

With commitment, failure is not an option.

Get clear of what you want and why you want it.  These, thoughts, help you focus and stay committed

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In a few weeks, we have the most important election of our lifetime

coming up. The beauty of democracy is that you can express yourself.

This song is a great example.

Love it or hate it, it delivers a great opinion on what is going on in our country

and where we are heading.


Ask yourself the following Questions:

  • What specifically do I want to happen? include details
  • Why do I want this ?
  • How will I feel when I achieve this goal?
  • Am I willing to ask for support if I need it?
  • Will I refuse to give up?
  • Am I excited about making this promise to myself?
  • Will I enjoy the journey from where I am today to where I want to be tomorrow?

The Magic of Faith Thoughts become things: Activating the Law of Attraction

You have to believe and have faith that the current universal energy will carry you to all your desires that is why, intrusive thoughts activate the law of attraction, and faith.

Faith  is essential to manifesting your desires. It is the currency of the spiritual world.

Trust God and have faith that he will give you the desires of your heart

Hold the vision and trust the process

Go with the flow, try not to constantly swim upstream

Tune into guidance and intuition.  Let the universe take you where you want to go

The Magic of your Life Story Activate, the Law of Attraction 

Start telling your story the way you want it to be, not how it is or was.

You are the director and producer of your life story

Tell an empowering new story about your marriage, your kids,  your bank account, your success.

Write the story, direct and produce the movie and, the law of attraction, will do the rest.

Check out Helen Keller The Story of my Life 

The Story of My Life, first published in 1903, is Helen Keller’s autobiography detailing her early life, especially her experiences with Anne Sullivan. Portions of it were adapted by William Gibson for a 1957 Playhouse 90 production, a 1959 Broadway play, a 1962 Hollywood feature film, and the Indian film “Black”, which was directed by Sanjay Leela Bhansali. The book is dedicated to inventor Alexander Graham Bell. The dedication reads, “To ALEXANDER GRAHAM BELL Who has taught the deaf to speak and enabled the listening ear to hear speech from the Atlantic to the Rockies, I dedicate this Story of My Life.”

The Magic of Asking: Your Intrusive Thoughts Activate the Law Of Attraction  

If you don’t ask you don’t get -Gandhi

Ask and you will receive – Jesus

“Keep on asking, and you will receive what you ask for. Keep on seeking, and you will find. Keep on knocking, and the door will be opened to you.”

When you ask you get!

  • Ask with confidence and certainty
  • Ask with determination and persistence
  • Ask clearly and precisely
  • Stay focused on your desire and getting to your yes
  • Ask for what you want
  • Ask for that discount,
  • Ask for a major guest, if you are a podcast host like me
  • ask for a loan,
  • ask for a date,
  • ask for affection,
  • ask to be of service,
  • ask for the listing if you are a realtor like me
  • ask for the sale

Ask Ask Ask

See yourself in possession of what you are asking.

Connect with source and Ask God in prayer.

Make a strong declaration this is what I want and I will not  settle for less

The Magic of the Vortex, The Law of Attraction 

Life inside the, vortex, is Devine – Abraham Hicks

The, vortex, is the place where everything you desire is held.

It is un-manifested potential and how, the law of attraction, works

Everything you have asked for consciously or unconsciously already exists in vibrational reality called a, vortex.

All your desires have already been manifested and are waiting for you in your, vortex

Vibration reality always precedes physical reality because  whatever you hold in your hand, you first held in your head.

To get into the, vortex, and activate, the law of attraction, for the things you want, reach for the best feeling, thoughts, in every moment.

Think good feeling thoughts.

Stuff your, vortex, with positive energy and with good feeling, thoughts, and  actions:

  • like walking in nature
  • meditation,
  • singing your favorite song,
  • hugging your children,
  • kissing your spouse,
  • talking a hot bath,
  • getting a massage
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Direct your attention to positive, thoughts, and feelings.

Everything you desire will unfold at the perfect time, because you have activated, the law of attraction.


Thanks for spending this time with Coach Myrna today.  Remember to subscribe and turn on notification.

Until next time Namaste



Strategies For Setting Smart Goals Like a Champion

Tom Brady, says, the key to success lies in setting, smart goals, and taking massive action towards the attainment of these goals. Tom says a hundred years of psychological research has taught us that, setting strong, smart goals, matter, if you want to improve your chances of succeeding.

As Millennials graduate from high school, graduate from college, or get engaged to be married, career goals, should be prominent their minds.

In each stage of life, we should have, short term goals, and, long-term goals. Short term goal, are goals you would like to achieve within the year and, long term goals, are goals you would like to achieve in let’s say 10 years.

So if we were to pick up goals at a Millennial graduation from College, we should teach her, how to set smart goals, both  short term goals and, long term goals. Career goals, would probably be  get a job and start supporting herself or enroll in higher education.

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Deezer Transform your mind podcast

How to Set Smart Goals like a Champion: Tom Brady

Tom Brady says, The key to success lies in, setting goals,  and taking massive action towards the attainment of these, goals.
A hundred years of psychological research has taught us, how to set goals.  If you want to improve your chances of succeeding.

A, goal,  is a map to your destination. It is like a seed!
Plant, smart goals, in your mind and it will be the most important decision you make in your life.
Then Care of your planted seed every day.

Tom Brady’s story.

By the mid-2000s Tom Brady was the undisputed king of the gridiron. In 2002 he became the youngest quarterback in the history of the National Football League (NFL) to lead his team to a Super Bowl victory. Two years later, in 2004, he proved the magic was still strong when he led the New England Patriots to their second Super Bowl title in three years.

In addition, Brady was named the Super Bowl’s Most Valuable Player (MVP) in 2002 and 2004. The dimpled, clean-cut quarterback had reached career heights that most veteran football players envied, and he had done it all before he was thirty years old; But HE ONCE HAD SIMPLE DREAMS

In the pride-swallowing days at the University of Michigan, when he was constantly trying to prove that he deserved to start, Brady used to sit up at night with his good friend Aaron Shea and talk about, goals, what they’d do when they made it big.

Shea, a tight end for the Wolverines, used to rattle off the typical 20-year-old dream purchases. He wanted a Hummer and a Ferrari. Then Shea would ask what Brady wanted.
“‘If I hit it real big,’” Shea recalls Brady telling him, “‘I want to be able to wake up, put a pair of socks on, and at the end of the day, I throw ’em away.’
“I’m like, ‘That’s all you want?’ And he goes, ‘Yeah, that’s what I want. I love new socks!’”
But somewhere along the line, he got big dreams. Dreams of being the best!

How to Set Championship Goals like Tom Brady

Brady was so intent on winning and becoming the very best in history to play his position, that after the Patriot’s lost to the Broncos in the AFC championship game in 2016, he had a countdown clock installed in his home gym. I am sure because he wanted to be the undisputed champion and Peyton Manning had won, this round! Competition bring out the best in us.

Throughout the year the countdown clock served as his constant reminder of his, goal. A countdown clock says to his subconscious mind. I will achieve this, goal, it is mine, it’s just a matter of time so I am counting down! That is, how to set a goal!

The world was the witness at Super Bowl 51 of Tom Brady manifesting of this goal. Down by 25 points at the half, Tom Brady and the New England Patriots came back to win the game in overtime making Brady the best ever at the game!

With his mother in attendance at the NRG Stadium in Houston and millions of fans watching, Brady did not disappoint. In a thrilling game, the first that went into overtime in NFL history, Brady led the Patriots to a 34-28 victory over the Atlanta Falcons. With this historic win, Brady became the first quarterback in NFL history to take home five Super Bowl rings.

He surpassed quarterbacks Joe Montana, one of his idols, and Terry Bradshaw, who both have four Super Bowl wins. He also was awarded his fourth Super Bowl MVP for leading a 25-point comeback and throwing a Super Bowl-record 466 passing yards. Super Bowl LI was Brady’s seventh championship, which is also an NFL record for the most Super Bowls played.

Brady failed in his bid to become the best and most decorated quarterback in history when he lost to the Eagles in Super bowl 52; but how many of you know that failure is not final. Brady will be back again and this time he will succeed because when you have a goal and you don’t give up on it, you always win that is why Coach Lombardi advise is “Never, Never give up, Never ever Quit because Quitters never win”

I am sure there will be another count down clock installed in Brady’s locker room for super bowl 53! I am routing for you Tom!

Goals they have a powerful supernatural energy attached to them!
They activate the subconscious to go to work for you.

In the book “As a man thinketh” by James Allen, Allen attaches the energy of thought to goals.

James Allen: Setting Goals As A Man Thinketh 

Those who have no central purpose or, goals, in their life fall an easy prey to petty worries, fears, troubles, and self-pityings, all of which are indications of weakness, which lead, just as surely as deliberately planned sins, to failure, unhappiness, and loss, for weakness cannot persist in a power evolving universe.
A man should conceive of a legitimate purpose or, goal, in his heart, and set out to accomplish it.

He should make this, goal, the centralizing point of his thoughts. It may take the form of a spiritual ideal, or it may be a worldly object, according to his nature at the time being; but whichever it is, he should steadily focus his thought-forces upon the object, which he has set before him. He should make this purpose his supreme duty, and should devote himself to its attainment, not allowing his thoughts to wander away into ephemeral fancies, longings, and imaginings.

This is the royal road to self-control and true concentration of thought. Even if he fails again and again to accomplish his goal, the strength of character gained will be the measure of his true success, and this will form a new starting-point for future power and triumph.
What this means is if your only goal as you are starting out in life is to get a job with no thought to what God has placed you on this earth to do, then you will become like a garden full of weeds and wild flowers.

Since no one is tending the garden of your mind then anything will grow. This leads to failure, unhappiness and loss.
On the other hand if you set goals either for spiritual attainment, personal accomplishment, or for contribution even when you fail and you will, you will be like Tom Brady and know that given time, success will be yours.

Having conceived of his purpose, a man should mentally mark out a straight pathway to its achievement, looking neither to the right nor the left. Doubts and fears should be rigorously excluded; they are disintegrating elements, which break up the straight line of effort, rendering it crooked, ineffectual, useless. Thoughts of doubt and fear never accomplished anything, and never can. They always lead to failure. Purpose, energy, power to do, and all strong thoughts cease when doubt and fear creep in.

Amy Purdy:  Setting Goals After NDE

My daughter sent me a text message last week and said mom you have to listen to this. This is important. So, I dropped everything and listened! I was blown away. Oprah was interviewing Amy Purdy.

This is her story:
After losing both her legs at age 19 as a result of bacterial meningitis, Amy Purdy survived to lead a life of extraordinary accomplishments. Amy not only survived losing her legs but at one time all her organs were failing, and she actually died. She tells that when she died, two spirits on the other side offered her a choice of staying dead or coming back to life and she shouted No, I don’t want to die!!

She chose life the same way she chose not to be a disabled person who lives an uninspiring life. She chose to set the goal of snowboarding again. She tells the story of how she visualized in detail her achieving this goal. Amy is a Paralympic bronze medalist in snowboarding, and a finalist on “Dancing with the Stars”. Pick up a copy of her book “On My Own Two Feet: From Losing My Legs to Learning the Dance of Life.” To read about her incredible story

So today, I would like to teach you, How to set smart goals. Smart Goals, that make you want to get up in the morning. Goals, that motivate and inspire you to action.

Do you have a goal to write a book? Is there a testimony that God has purposed you to share?

Goal Setting and Achievement Step # 1
Start with a road-map

He who doesn’t have a map gets lost.
If you don’t know where you are going, then it doesn’t matter where you end up.
Begin with the end in mind e.g.
• I want to have $500,000 in my bank account at the age of 65, so as not to be a burden to my kids.
• I want to leave a legacy and an inheritance for my children and my children’s children.
• I want to have 3 children, a husband, a good job and own my own home by the time I am 35 years old.
• Tom Brady goal is becoming the best at the sport
• Amy’s goal was to continue doing the things she did with legs and then inspire others along the way.

Knowing where you are going allows you to map the route to your destination.

The body is the servant of the mind. It obeys the operations of the mind, whether they be deliberately chosen or automatically expressed. At the bidding of unlawful thoughts, the body sinks rapidly into disease and decay; at the command of glad and beautiful thoughts it becomes clothed with youthfulness and beauty.

How To Set Smart Goals Step 2: Know Your Why?

What was Tom Brady’s Why?
What was Amy’s why?

He who has conquered doubt and fear has conquered failure. His every thought is allied with power, and all difficulties are bravely met and wisely overcome. His purposes are seasonably planted, and they bloom and bring forth fruit, which does not fall prematurely to the ground.

Why do you want to have $500,000 in your bank account at 65?
• Do you want to travel the world?
• Do you want to be sure you have enough income to last for 30 years after retirement? So as not to depend on your kids or the government to take care of you?

Knowing your why will get you through the tough times.

Characteristics of a Strong Goal: A goal must have 3 characteristics:
It must be specific – $500,000
It must have a date for completion – 65 years old
It must be realistic and achievable – A goal can be just a dream with a date on it

How to Set Smart Goals Step 3: Plan your route

So, you want to have $500,000 in the bank at 65 years old.
If you are 30 years old now and have $10,000 in the bank, what would your route to get you $490,000 in the bank in 35 years?
What kind of investment strategies can get you there?
If you plan to work and get a paycheck then that goal will not realistic or achievable.
There are investment strategies that can get you there.
Buying and selling real estate can get you there.
Speak with a financial planner to put together an investment strategy that will get you to your goal.

Do you want to write a book? If so check out my story in my book Out of the Snares, a story of hope and encouragement

Books: Hope and Encouragement

How to Set Smart Goals Step 4: Measure your progress

If you have a 35-year plan to make $490,000.
You should measure your progress on a yearly basis.
At the end of year one, you should be $14,000 richer by year two $28,000 richer than year one and so on and so on.
If by your 40th year, you have made no progress, then you should take a hard look at your financial situation and make some changes.
You have to make changes to the route.
Are you still working and trying to save? We know that is not going to work.
You may have to use Leverage.
Borrow to invest. Get your credit score in shape and borrow to invest in Real Estate. I was listening to the audio book “Self Made” last week and the author said don’t buy shoes, buy buildings! Great advice.

What you shouldn’t do is worry that you would be broke and penniless at 65 years old and have to be placed in a nursing home. I know where your mind goes when you think of yourself as a failure.

Disease and health, like circumstances, are rooted in thought. Sickly thoughts will express themselves through a sickly body. Thoughts of fear have been known to kill a man as speedily as a bullet, and they are continually killing thousands of people just as surely though less rapidly. The people who live in fear of disease are the people who get it. Anxiety quickly demoralizes the whole body, and lays it open to the entrance of disease; while impure thoughts, even if not physically indulged, will soon shatter the nervous system.

How to Set Smart Goals Step 5: Be prepared for the twists and turns in the road

What skills do you need to acquire to achieve this goal?
What contacts do you need?
What additional knowledge do you need?
What resources do you need to accomplish this goal?

Remember that just because you set a, goal, and a destination don’t expect the weather will cooperate and the sky will be sunny for the entire trip.
No. Expect that there will be circumstances beyond your control that will delay you so build in a buffer. Add a few years to your deadline.

In the 30 years to your goal, you will experience set backs. A job loss, a divorce, health issues etc. Don’t let the twists and turns in the road, derail you from your goals.

I heard a story of a mother of two who was laid off and without income. She decided to start selling the things in her home on eBay to pay the bills. She then started a meet up group for other eBay sellers to learn the business. She got information for sourcing discount items from wholesalers to sell on eBay. Obviously, her household items could only get her so far!
At one of these meetup meetings she met an executive from eBay who encouraged her to become a certified ambassador for eBay. That 10Xd her business. Today she has income of over one million dollars annually from eBay sales.

The lesson, setbacks can push you in the direction of your purpose; so change the way you look at failure.

Suffering is always the effect of wrong thought in some direction. It is an indication that the individual is out of harmony with himself, with the Law of his being. The sole and supreme use of suffering is to purify, to burn out all that is useless and impure. Suffering ceases for him who is pure. There could be no object in burning gold after the dross had been removed, and a perfectly pure and enlightened being could not suffer.

How to Set Smart Goals Step 6: Seeing your path

Use your imagination to visualize the things you want to accomplish
Visualize in color with all the details!

At 65 years old, what will you look like?
What color would be your hair, what are you wearing?
Where will you be living?
Who will be the partner by your side?
What will the house sound like when the grand children come to visit and run and play all over the house?
What countries will you travel to? How long will you stay?

See with your mind’s eye the entire life you want.
See it, touch it, taste it for 15 mins every day.
If you are a visual person you can use a picture to represent your dream and look at it every day.

Only by much searching and mining, are gold and diamonds obtained, and man can find every truth connected with his being, if he will dig deep into the mine of his soul; and that he is the maker of his character, the molder of his life, and the builder of his destiny.

So, live your life on purpose. Set goals,  for achievement, for contribution for fun and play and then go do it!


Understanding Personalities: Which Archetype Drives You

Your Life Theme and, personalities,  shape what motivates and drives you throughout your life. Find out which of the four archetypes and the, 16 personalities types, that can compose your identity.


John Voris, author of the book “Discover the Power that Drives your, Personality, How four Virtues Define your World, started his career as a door to door salesman.  He failed miserably as a salesperson, even after taking sales training. He wondered why some people with the same training is better than others and discovered that, personalities, play an important role in skill.   That started his thinking that some, personalities, can do certain skills better than others. He also realized that, 16 personalities types, controls  our communication.


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TuneIn Radio

He learned that the human mind needs to express its authentic identity and, personality. One way it does that is by selecting the objects and environment that expresses who we are.  That means that the objects around you right now reflect your past decisions.  Decisions like, I know I like this or I don’t like that.

How to identify our 16 Personalities.

John: So when I figured out how to sell to, personalities, I became an excellent salesperson closing 12 out of 14 transactions. I would be able to walk into a room and tell the motivation of my clients by the objects they surrounded themselves with. For example If you came into my office today I have over 4000 books. You can deduct that I am curious. Then you look at the titles of the books and you would understand my desire for wisdom. That doesn’t mean I’ll buy; but if the salesperson tailor their language to my desire for wisdom and build rapport, they have a great chance of closing the sale.  That is how you read people.

Another example, if I were to go into a beauty salon, I can figure out the, personalities; everyone is having fun.  I want to appease the, personalities,  so when I  walk into the salon I talk about other people of interest. The people who just purchased my widgets like Janice two doors down.  I would talk about what is factual about Janice. The, personalities, in the salon would buy my widget because Janice bought it.

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How does Objects identity their  personalities?

Our, personality, as our way of expression.  Your identity does not follow. I think therefore I am; It’s the only way to find self-actualization or self-realization.  The objects, events and people around their, personality, identify the, personality type.

Myrna: I’m thinking of an object and that identifies, personalities, and identities. I’m thinking of maybe an expensive car, a big house, nice expensive clothes. These objects around me definitely define my, personality.

True,  but  I  look at what do you like to do for fun?  What is your hobby? In my 35 question, personality test, I ask the questions like “What event caused you the most pleasure? What event caused you the most pain?”  I ask you to describe both, you will find they are linked to the same answer because they are linked to your, personality, and who you are. I am able to identify one of your, 16 personalities types, from this test.

Discover Your Life Theme: The, Personality, Engine That Drives You

Your Life Theme offers the, personality,  framework that gives shape to what motivates and drives you throughout your life.

You are not a, personality, you are an identity. That identity is driven by one of four archetypes or  “Life Themes.”

These “ Life Themes” are Love, Justice, Wisdom and Power.

These represent four and the only four major motivating forces that can explain human behavior.

These four archetypes have many roles and functions that compose our identity. It is their adequacy of expression that is responsible for us living a life of happiness and success.

While each of us contains all four, there is one that takes precedent over the others.

They are responsible for our feelings and emotional reactions often causing anxiety, fear, anger, self-doubt, alienation, the lack of life meaning and purpose.

Once you know your, personality, that’s driving your Archetype, you will be able to understand its presence and better manage your life and your relationships.

The Myers-Briggs Personalities Type Indicator

An Overview of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator
  • Intuitive-Thinking. INTJ. INTP. ENTJ. ENTP.
  • Intuitive-Feeling. INFJ. INFP. ENFJ. ENFP.
  • Sensing-Judging. ISTJ. ISFJ. ESTJ. ESFJ.
  • Sensing-Perceiving. ISTP. ISFP. ESTP. ESFP.

According to, Myers-Briggs,  theory of, personality types,  people can be characterized by their preference of general attitude:

  • Extraverted (E) vs. Introverted (I), their preference of one of the two functions of perception:
  • Sensing (S) vs. Intuition (N), and their preference of one of the two functions of judging:
  • Thinking (T) vs. Feeling (F)

The three areas of preferences introduced by Jung are dichotomies (i.e. bipolar dimensions where each pole represents a different preference). Jung also proposed that in a person one of the four functions above is dominant – either a function of perception or a function of judging. Isabel Briggs Myers, a researcher and practitioner of Jung’s theory, proposed to see the judging-perceiving relationship as a fourth dichotomy influencing personality type [Briggs Myers, 1980]:

  • Judging (J) vs. Perceiving (P)

The 16 personalities types

The first criterion, Extraversion – Introversion, signifies the source and direction of a person’s energy expression. An extravert’s source and direction of energy expression is mainly in the external world, while an introvert has a source of energy mainly in their own internal world.

The second criterion, Sensing – Intuition, represents the method by which someone perceives information. Sensing means that a person mainly believes information he or she receives directly from the external world. Intuition means that a person believes mainly information he or she receives from the internal or imaginative world.

The third criterion, Thinking – Feeling, represents how a person processes information. Thinking means that a person makes a decision mainly through logic. Feeling means that, as a rule, he or she makes a decision based on emotion, i.e. based on what they feel they should do.

The fourth criterion, Judging – Perceiving, reflects how a person implements the information he or she has processed. Judging means that a person organizes all of his life events and, as a rule, sticks to his plans. Perceiving means that he or she is inclined to improvise and explore alternative options.

All possible permutations of preferences in the 4 dichotomies above yield 16 different combinations, or personality types, representing which of the two poles in each of the four dichotomies dominates in a person, thus defining 16 different personality types. Each personality type can be assigned a 4 letter acronym of the corresponding combination of preferences:

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The motivation of each of the four Life Themes or, personalities types:

  • The Love Theme- is motivated to better humanity by trying to correct that which causes pain, discomfort, suffering, and victimization. It is driven by love, compassion, and empathy.
  • The Justice Theme – seeks balance and harmony. Justice is expressed in several ways. It seeks to correct injustice and immorality in people, relationships and organizations. It also gets expressed by seeking balance and perfection using design through engineering, art, music, and literature.
  • The Wisdom Theme – is driven by a need to know in order to exercise sound judgment in problem solving and goal attainment. Wisdom finds its expression and purpose through teaching, learning, and working with data.
  • The Power Theme – needs to act upon thoughts and get into action. Empowerment finds its expression and purpose through Power as a natural leader and agent of change.
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Best of all, this book does not tell you how to live your life or which goals you should have. Instead, it helps you figure it out for yourself. That’s what you really want—someone in your corner helping you make sense of your life, not someone with their own agenda telling you what to do.

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iHeart Radio

As you can see, there is something deeper than our, personality, at work that is running the show. Our, personality, is merely the way we appear in social situations. It is not what drives us.

What drives us are ancient archetypal forces based on moral and ethical virtues. I like to see these virtues as gifts that we are born with and are compelled to express and give throughout our life.

All of us need all four of the universal motivation systems regardless of our upbringing, opportunities, and physical attributes:

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Additional Resources, Personalities.

Authentic Identity Assessment

What Are the 12 Archetypes and Which One Dominates Your Personality


ARETÉ: Mastering The Game Of Life with Strategic Excellence

Understanding the concept of ARETÉ — the Greek word for virtue and the pursuit of excellence in fulfilling one’s purpose. In the hustle of everyday life, it’s easy to become disconnected from our deepest aspirations and potentials. Brian Johnson, the founder and CEO of Heroic and author of ARETÉ, recently sat down with life coach Myrna Young to discuss tapping into our inner hero, overcoming fears, and living a more purposeful life. Drawing from a wealth of philosophical studies and personal experience, Johnson shares actionable steps toward self-improvement that promise to ignite our heroic fires.

Download the podcast here:

Key Takeaways:

  • Pursuit of Excellence: Understanding the concept of ARETÉ — the Greek word for virtue and the pursuit of excellence in fulfilling one’s purpose.
  • Overcoming Fear with Courage: The role of bravery in confronting life’s challenges and the necessity of courage for personal growth.
  • Daily Masterpieces: The importance of tackling self-improvement and excellence daily to create a cumulative impact on our broader life goals.

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Areté Activate Your Heroic Potential
Areté Activate Your Heroic Potential

Understanding ARETÉ: The Ultimate Game of Life

The ancient Greek concept of ARETÉ is a rich and potent term referring to the pursuit of excellence aligned with our purpose. Johnson has embodied this term, making it the north star of his life’s work. He discusses with Myrna the notion that the pursuit of excellence must begin with the recognition that ARETÉ is attainable and deeply rooted in ancient wisdom and affirmed by modern science.

“It’s the essence of my life’s work,” Brian states, as he explains the fundamental importance of reducing the gap between our potential and our actions. When we operate below our capabilities, feelings of regret and dissatisfaction creep in. In contrast, living with ARETÉ fills the void with fulfillment and passion.

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Podhero podcast

Johnson advises individuals to take some time away from distractions like Netflix and social media to reflect on who they aspire to be. He suggests visualizing our future selves and identifying moments in the past when we felt truly alive and fulfilled. Connecting these two points provides a clearer picture of what we can become.

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The Role of Courage: Embracing Fear as Fuel

One of the supervening messages from Johnson’s discussion is the critical role of courage. Courage is not the absence of fear, but the will to act despite it. Johnson reinforces this through a personal anecdote about his son’s reluctance to participate in a chess tournament due to fear of defeat.

“The win there was going,” Johnson notes, marking the importance of the act of trying over the outcome. This illustrates the significance of instilling bravery as a value—not just in ourselves but in our successors.

The act of overcoming our inner doubter, that voice in our heads that beseeches us to play it safe, is essential for growth. Breaking through the fear barrier is a cornerstone of ARETÉ that Johnson passionately upholds: stepping into our challenges is how we kindle our inner hero.

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Making Today a Masterpiece: The Cumulative Effect of Daily Excellence

One of the objectives Johnson outlines in ARETÉ is the principle of making today a masterpiece. The idea is to focus on being our best selves in present moments, which sequentially contribute to a more significant, fulfilling future.

“Make today a masterpiece. Not someday, today,” Brian advises. He emphasizes this by advocating for an incremental improvement approach—stretching ourselves by just a minuscule percentage, repeatedly, can lead to accomplishing seemingly impossible goals.

Listen Notes Transform Your Mind
Listen Notes Transform Your Mind

This philosophy aligns with Johnson’s comment about teaching his son to focus on continuous learning and improvement, rather than solely on winning. By prioritizing our growth and learning from every experience, we tread a path toward mastery in our personal and professional lives.

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ARETÉ: Harnessing the Power of Your Inner Hero

In retrospect, Brian Johnson’s conversation with Myrna Young is a vivid tapestry intertwining the ancient concept of ARETÉ with practical life lessons and philosophies. Readers are left with an empowering message of harnessing inner potential, facing fears with unyielding courage, and building a life of greatness through the accumulation of daily acts of excellence.

Johnson’s tale of his son’s chess tournaments serves as a microcosm of a broader narrative — that our greatest learnings and developments stem from our willingness to confront that which intimidates us. The acknowledgment that personal growth is a result of a steady, intentional, and courageous commitment to betterment is a takeaway that holds profound implications for anyone seeking meaning and vibrancy in their life.

By embodying the principles of ARETÉ such as wisdom, discipline, love, and courage, bolstered by gratitude, hope, curiosity, and zest, we don’t just approach life — we sculpt it, day by day, into a masterpiece. Brian Johnson’s insights serve as a reminder that the heroic resides not in the extraordinary but within the reach of our daily choices and courage to stretch just a little further into our greatness.

Additional Resources

Using Your Words and Internal Dialogue to Lose Weight

How to Use Your Words To Change Eating Habits

The, words, that I used all the time was “I shouldn’t have eaten that”.  Then I always pray to God for help to stop me from, binge eating.  I didn’t want to, eat, all of that food, so I became like almost obsessive about, dieting, and my, relationship with food and how to, lose weight.

My guest today is Isabel Chiara.

This post is about transforming self-destructive eating behaviors with self-compassionate dialogue allowing you to, lose weight.

Listen to the full interview here:


Introduction Eat Your Words

Isabel’s new book EAT YOUR WORDS is not the typical, self-help diet book, Instead, Isabel’s approach is a more narrative, semi-autobiographical exploration of the sensual-and-painful relationship to food so many of us can’t escape. The book expertly coaches from life lessons and experiences of the uber-relatable curvaceous girl entry into womanhood.  Her hearty Italian appetite make for a complex-carb tale about the depth of our relationship with self-nourishment.

Myrna: Isabel, can you share with our listeners your own journey through, body shaming,  and self-discovery?

Isabel: Of course. In my own journey, food, eating and, dieting, has always been a big point of contention my whole life. It was through this non-acceptable way that I eat and always focus on the food. I always guilty after eating,  like I shouldn’t have eaten it. My internal dialogue was always on how to, lose weight.


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Transform Your Mind Amazon

Your Words are important if you want to Lose weight

The, words, that I used all the time was “I shouldn’t have eaten that”.  Then I always pray to God for help to stop me from, binge eating.  I didn’t want to, eat, all of that food, so I became like almost obsessive about, dieting, and my, relationship with food and how to, lose weight.

I started using, words, like there’s a certain way to, eat, there’s a certain way to be with food, and, diet. Each day I try to do it, there was always a new, diet. That is what has been the journey of my life. It’s been a journey of the kind of needs to come to terms with on some level and I think the, body shaming, was me telling myself my body is this way because I ate all that food and that was no way to, lose weight.

Many times in my book, my main character, I say she’s walking around with no head. This is to highlight that sometimes we are disconnected our head from our body.  It’s a very common feeling or a life existence that is happening on some level. It’s kind of introspection book on the whole journey of the, body shaming, and coming to terms with the body, mind and spirit on some level.


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Podfriend Transform Your Mind Podcast

Lose weight: Stop the negative self talk

Myrna: How did you transition from walking around kind of discombobulated – which is a word where you’re not connected and then you got to the point where you’re going to, eat your words, because you’re not going to be telling yourself these negative things about food. What was your transition? Did you go to a Therapist to start to, lose weight?

Isabel: There have been a million people involved in this process, because you’re always a person with focus and you’re always trying to come up with a resolution to stop, self destructive eating and how to, lose weight.   It’s almost like I became a researcher. It was really a journey of finding what was really in my own soul, what was I really like?

  • What’s up with me?
  • What’s bothering me?
  • What’s the pain about?
  • What am I trying to stuff down with food?
  • Why can’t I, lose weight?

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Transform Your Mind Podcast Player FM

The Mind Body Connection to Lose Weight

If your body and mind are disconnected, you can’t even figure out what your, words, are saying to you.  I saying to myself on a daily basis, a lot of negative, words, about myself and my body. I saying these, words, to myself before I, eat, and after I, eat.

What happens is when you take yourself to task on some level, when you start to really become conscious,  you notice your, words. First thing I became conscious was I knew I needed to be in my body.  Because when you are out of your body you eat unconsciously.  For different people, it’s different things. I started to work out because I needed to feel my body and I was out of it. You can’t, lose weight, if you are not in your body.

The other thing was, as long as you’re feeling your body, then you get to hear your, words, and what you’re saying to yourself. So, the, words, started to become more conscious. What I have realized lately is that to be out of your body, you have to be really busy with things. If you’re busy, then you also have those, words, that are saying – oh! I’m so busy, I didn’t, eat, all day long and I’m starving. Now, I have a permission to just, eat, whatever I want, wherever I want and it doesn’t matter. It doesn’t matter which  is what we say to ourselves. So you sabotage your efforts to, lose weight.


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Transform Your Mind Podcast Pandora
Transform Your Mind Podcast Pandora

Self destructive Eating

Myrna: Where did your, self destructive eating, habits come from? I know you mentioned that you’re Italian and, Italian food, has a lot of carbs and pastas and things like that. Is that where your, eating habits, came from?

Isabel:  Yes, except for Italians are for the most part are thin! I mean I’m in the restaurant business. I started my whole life in a family restaurant business, so my focus in life became food. At an early age, when we made food, we made huge meals. I never knew what a, portion size, was like. I never used the, words,  portion size, until I was in my 30s and 40s!

I would go to my friend’s homes and they would have like a bit of rice, or a bit of meat. I was like confused when I was younger, because that was never what happened at our house. I understand now the, portion size, mentality that really showed up in my whole scope of thought. My whole thought pattern shifted and I became conscious that large portion sizes defeats my ability to, lose weight.

I was no longer eating like I was at an you can eat buffet.   My, eating habits, as a child made me end up with this  buffet mentality.

Book Splinters of My Soul
Book Splinters of My Soul

In her book Splinters of My Soul Author Kimberly Morton Cuthrell  answers the question… How deep is the bond of siblings when one’s career, marriage, life and darkest secrets are on the line .

Splinters of my Soul tells of The heart-wrenching story of six little girls with horrifying injuries that leads to a gruesome murder in Cloverdale. Tiffany Brown-Carson’s world comes crashing down jeopardizing her medical career and revealing things better left unsaid.

Against the wishes of the local police, her brother, Tony Brown, begins a painstaking search for the truth. His relentless actions uncover a chilling secret forbidden by his sister and evidence of massive corruption from low-ranking officers to as high up as the Chief of Police.

Pick up your copy of Splinters of My Soul now available  on Amazon

Podbean Transform your Mind Podcast

Coping with Words and Body Shaming

Myrna:  At some point in time, you developed, body shame. You took me through your self-discovery, how did you use your, words, to stop, body shaming and accepting that you are a curvaceous girl?

Isabel:  Body shaming,  comes when you start a comparison with other people who are a certain size. You see people in a certain way and then you start looking at yourself as different. Each time you talk to people, you’re like wait, why don’t I look like you? But it doesn’t matter because we already internalized that there’s something wrong with us and that we need to, lose weight.

Whatever we look like, we want to be someone else. People start to say oh, for a little girly you’re eating a lot. Then you start to make a correlation with; I’m eating a lot, there’s weight here and there’s something wrong with what’s happening in me. I’m not okay and that’s how one starts to develop, body shame.

Book Spiritual Wickedness in High Places
Book Spiritual Wickedness in High Places

I’ve heard that there “ ain’t no mess like church mess!” Author Steph Byers captures the mess and a whole lot more in her new book Spiritual Wickedness In High Places. An intriguing story of a fall from grace, redemption and edge of your seat drama that will keep you engaged through the last page.  Follow the story of five powerful Black women in this suspense thriller as they fulfill their destiny.  An innocent baby saint, a doting pastor’s wife, a single mother of six, a sacrificial lamb and God’s redeemer strike to break chains and tear down strongholds.  This book has unexpected twists and turns. The author’s style is easy to read and transport you into each chapter.  A must read, Spiritual Wickedness In High Places is a story for us by us about the power, resiliency and strength of Black women.

This book has 4.9 stars on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Target and Walmart and is available in hardback, paperback and e-book.  The author is available to speak to book clubs and events. Autographed copies are available upon request. Customer reviews: Spiritual Wickedness in High Places

Transform your Mind Spotify Podcast
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Self destructive binge eating

Myrna: Why do you think we purposely distract ourselves when making food choices to the detriment of our health and, binge eating?

Isabel: I’m not a psychologist, I just know. I’ve been looking at this behavior for a long time. What I think is that we distract ourselves because we don’t want to feel the things that is going on in our life. I think a lot of times, when we do choose, binge eating, we are actually eating food as a distraction.

Maybe the right hand doesn’t know what the left hand is doing kind of thing. A lot of times, we start to, eat, because we start to feel something’s coming up. It doesn’t matter what it is, it could be happy, it could be sad, it could be like anger and/or even bored. I, eat, when I’m bored.


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Book Vignettes of the possibly dying
Book Vignettes of the possibly dying

Vignettes of the Possibly Dying is a collection of spiritual prose, poetry and meditations by Australian author KB Eliza.

KB Eliza started to write stories the year she tried to live in a treehouse. That year was an unusually wet one, with thunder that made her dog shake. As a young child, she loved to escape into the dimension of storytelling. Vignettes of the Possibly Dying are stories about faith, hope, and a strong notion that there may be more beyond our world than we can perceive. People are loving this book.  One review said: Must have book.

Raw emotional honesty that made me rethink about different perspectives on spirituality and other preconceived ideas I held. I have have ordered more for Christmas gifts. Another said: A must for those searching for peace and clarity. A collection of poems that reassure spark, thought and ignite change.

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Google Podcast Transform Your Mind
Google Podcast Transform Your Mind

Notice what going on in your body before you eat that food

When there’s nothing going on, there’s still something going on in your body. If there’s something going on your body, but you’re not present to it or you don’t want to know what it is or what for every reason, you’re not used to it.   I think a lot of times people don’t recognize their feelings or they judge their feelings.

I’m a night time eater. I could do all day long with no food (because every emotion from the day maybe was just piled up), but at night, I’m like a wreck for that. Not for nighttime or for that one time and it’s all starting to come up and then we’re like let’s just go for it and we start, binge eating.

Myrna: Yes, that has been my biggest struggle for a long period of time. I couldn’t stop eating at night. It’s a little under control now, but that was my biggest struggle for a while.


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Diet and Nutrition

Isabel: I decided to lose the word, diet. I decided to do something different for myself which eventually added more nourishment and nutrition to my day.  I first started with being in my body, and then I used my, words, to say let me give myself food instead of saying, I’m going to take away food and I’m not going to eat this.

I started giving myself different foods, I allowed myself to have more nutritious foods and I started creating a new mindset. This new mindset was alright. I was totally resistant to this, but I started finding a place that had green drinks. I could have green drinks which took the edge off of hunger and it made me feel in my body.  So,  instead of going into the business of my whole day, I’m going to add a green drink. Just one thing, I added nutrition instead of taking something away,  I was going to give myself things.

If someone once likes eating at night, instead of having the bad things we want to, eat, at night you and what would you give what did you give yourself to replace that because a green drink. Just starting to give yourself other more nutritional things maybe you want to give yourself more vegetables than that and rice.

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Book Social media 101

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Transform your Mind Podcast Index

Using Your Words to Change your Mindset

Myrna: How can those of us struggling with, weight gain, and a pure relationship to food face the issue head-on?

Isabel: The first thing I say is to, change your mindset.  Start creating an intention for yourself and start creating a, mindset, that you’re in the middle of the process. I always like to say we’re always in the middle of the process and that we are shifting. We’re always shifting and we’re always changing, even though it looks really bad – it always looks really bad before it gets really good. We’re going to start to use the right, words.

Myrna: Tell us about your book “Eat Your Words”, why you wrote it and what do you want someone that’s reading it to walk away with?


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Book: Eat your Words

Book Eat Your Words
Book Eat Your Words

Isabel: The book was a way to be conscious for myself like it really was. I wrote it for myself like a journal. I was really writing a book, but it was the stories of my life. So the goal was for me to get to some kind of resolution in my life. The stories are for people to really understand that they’re not struggling in this arena by themselves. This is really to bring the behaviors to consciousness and to show anybody that he/she is not the only one going through this. I mean most of the world is going through this on some level.

Now you become conscious of what the, words, are and how they affected our behaviors and through that, there is healing that can be done when you see something that somebody else is doing and you hear what their process is. I bring up a lot of processes.

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Myrna: Where does the, “Eat Your Words,” come from? I’m assuming it’s internal dialogue.

Isabel: “Eat Your Words,” is internal dialogue and it starts at the origins of the family.

Myrna: It’s all about inner dialogue? But the inner dialogue as you can imagine is kind of runs your life and it could be conscious or unconscious.

Isabel: It wasn’t so sometimes.

Myrna: It’s unconscious right?


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Transform Your Mind Podcast Addict

Isabel: It was the, words, that I would say, as my mantra was, oh I don’t care. The biggest, words, were “oh I don’t care”. However, once you start saying I don’t care, it doesn’t just apply to what you are eating.   It really becomes what you start to say to yourself, the, words, you use.

  • I don’t care,
  • Oh I don’t care about myself
  • So I don’t care what I put in my body.
  • Anyway I don’t care what becomes of my life.

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Myrna: How can readers connect with you and get a copy of your book?

Isabel: If anyone wants to get the first chapter of my book, just to see if they like it or if it works for them, they can go to, on that page, they could download the first chapter for free or they could just buy the book on Amazon.

We also have a membership site called Healing and Activation Process Integrations. Happy place is what I call it. It’s going to be a lot of processes that are going to help people to get inside of themselves. It can move things and look at things differently and channel them differently.




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Transform Your Mind PTWWN TV

How Does Emotional Intelligence Affect Your Success In Life

If you do not take control of your,  emotional intelligence, and thoughts, they will repeat in cycles. We have over 70,000 thoughts per day and 90% of these thoughts repeat over and over. That is why people get stuck in life, reliving the past like Groundhog day.

Emotional Intelligence (EI) is the ability to manage both your own emotions and understand the emotions of people around you. There are five key elements to EI: self-awareness, self-regulation, motivation, empathy, and social skills.

Jenny R. Craig, LCSW, BCD is a, transformation, specialist, utilizing her expertise in assisting leaders in creating authentic, profound, long-lasting impact in their organizations and personal lives.

Emotional intelligence, is important because, Strategic planning,  does not kick in until the mid-twenties.

Also any huge trauma changes the way the brain works.

As a, transformation, coach we give our clients tools and techniques that can move them through the darkness of being stuck in rewind, and into the light. The light is to find out your true purpose and discover who you really are.

Emotional Intelligence, allows you to do the mental work in living a purposeful life.

Here are four traits of Emotional Intelligence:

* Self Awareness: Knowing what we are feeling and why we are feeling this way.

Self awareness definition: They said that self-awareness is the ability to look inward, think deeply about your behavior, and consider how it aligns with your moral standards and values. When your behavior is out of alignment with your standards, you feel uncomfortable, unhappy and negative.

* Self Management: Handling distressing emotions so that they don’t cripple you. Self-management, which is also referred to as “self-control” or “self-regulation,” is the ability to regulate one’s emotions, thoughts, and behaviors effectively in different situations.

* Empathy: Knowing what someone else is feeling. Being capable of walking in another man’s shoes. Empathy is generally described as the ability to take on another’s perspective, to understand, feel and possibly share and respond to their experience. There are more definitions of empathy that include but is not limited to social, cognitive, and emotional processes primarily concerned with understanding others

* Skilled Relationships: There is not a better barometer of, emotional intelligence, than the quality of one’s relationships. When you put the top three skills together, you will have quality and healthy relationships.

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What is Emotional Intelligence

Emotional intelligence, refers, to the ability to identify and manage one’s own, emotions, as well as the, emotions, of others.

Emotional intelligence, is generally said to include at least three skills:

  • emotional awareness,
  • the ability to identify and name one’s own, emotions
  • the ability to harness those, emotions, and apply them to tasks like thinking and problem solving
  • the ability to manage, emotions, which includes both regulating one’s own, emotions, when necessary and helping others to do the same.

There is no validated, emotional intelligence test.

Test for, emotional intelligence, looks for the general intelligence factor—and many argue that, emotional intelligence, is therefore not an actual construct, but a way of describing interpersonal skills that go by other names.

Despite this criticism, the concept of, emotional intelligence, sometimes referred to as emotional quotient or EQ—has gained wide acceptance. In recent years, some employers have even incorporated, emotional intelligence tests, into their application and interview processes, on the theory that someone high in, emotional intelligence, would make a better leader or coworker.


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Surviving My Mothers Abandonment and Abuse

Author Traci Thomas offers, reflection on her abandonment by her mother in her book, Reflection 4 Rejection. Traci answers the question how does rejection by a natural mother affect the child’s self worth and self esteem for the rest of their life.

In her book  “Reflection 4 Rejection ” —Surviving A Mother’s Abandonment And Abuse.” Traci Thomas shares her story and how she got to the other side.

Here is Traci’s story:

On, reflection, I feel that, rejection, by your natural mother, it’s such a unique, unusual, weird, inhumane space to be.   It nonetheless served such a  great purpose in my life, and what I mean by that is the following.  It’s one of those preambles whereas once you have survived this type of, rejection, you pretty much can walk on water, and I mean that literally and figuratively.  It’s one of those scenarios and situations very few people ever experience or understand.  When you suffer from, abandonment, you’re in your own community and it’s isolating; but yet you’re so powerful at the same time.

With that being said once you overcome this, abandonment,  and it is a challenge, it’s a lot to muddle through.  However, once you get through it, and you’re on the other side, there’s nothing you can’t do.  So in my situation, it’s like a head of bipartisan.  I had two scenarios, two lives coexisting at one time.  I had a father who had full custody of me at three years old.  That’s when my natural, mother, and my dad were divorced back in 1968.  I was born in 1965, that was unheard of within the United States.  Very few fathers gained custody of their children or their child, so that in itself is a profound statement.  That also shows you how little fight my natural, mother, put up to keep me.

I do remember one particular time my, mother,  did quote, unquote kidnap me.  She did take me when I got off the school bus when I was in kindergarten, and she took me to Philadelphia and thank God my father and the FBI came and rescued me. But even when she’s so-called put forth some effort, to show that she wanted me, it was still a situation where I was locked up in a room, there were German Shepherds downstairs and the FBI had to come and get me.  She never really exemplified that she wanted me; but that’s okay and that’s what I explained in the book.  It’s perfectly okay, because I define what, abandonment, is.  It’s a supernatural definition.  I actually give you, hind sights, definitions, elaborations and explanations as to what’s going on.  What’s happening, why your natural, mother, abandoned, you.  It took me 50 years to figure it out, which is sad, but at least I figured it out.


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TuneIn Radio

What does Abandonment Issues Mean?

Wikipedia says that, abandonment issues, causes Abandoned child Syndrome.

  • Abandoned child syndrome is a proposed behavioral or psychological condition that results primarily from the loss of one or both parents or sexual abuse.
  • Abandonment issues, may stem from  physical (the parent is not present in the child’s life) or emotional (the parent withholds affection, nurturing, or stimulation). The abandoned child syndrome is not recognized as a mental illness.
  • Mothers, who leave their children, or when a parent is alienated from their children by the other parent (after a bitter divorce, DCHS, or foster care), can cause psychological damage to the child. This damage is reversible, but only with appropriate assistance.  Abandoned children may also often suffer physical damage from, rejection, malnutrition, starvation, and abuse.

I want to comment on something you said that’s a little different from my normal association with, abandonment, you said it took you about 50 years to get to the other side and it was very isolating; but once you got to the other side you felt like you could walk on water.  Which is a very positive spin on, abandonment, because if you were to take a survey of the, child abandonment, community you will find that most kids end up having a lot of self-esteem issues, they don’t think they’re good enough.

When you feel, abandoned, it’s not your imagination.  When you make every effort imaginable to connect or contact your natural mother and every single attempt, every single effort, every single expendable energy that you put forth, the end result is just this repellent. It’s this, rejection, of your natural, mother, not wanting you or your natural, mother, treating you as if you’re a bill collector. Your natural, mother, is literally tolerating you and can’t wait to get you off the phone.  When you’re in a scenario like that again and again, it’s so bizarre.

Podcast interview Questions: Reflection, 4, Rejection

What was your Objective in writing “Reflection 4 Rejection ” —Surviving A Mother’s , Abandonment, And Abuse.?

On, reflection, once you’ve been in a situation where you’ve made every effort and did somersaults, headstands, back-flips,  anything you can think of to connect with your natural mother, and every single attempt is unproductive and counterproductive.  It’s toxic, and it’s unhealthy, because of the way that you feel afterwards.  You literally feel as if you’ve been punched in the stomach with every single attempt to get the love of your, mother.

You’re in tears and you’re shaking, and you have anxiety, and then you go through life thinking that you’ve got to kiss every behind in the universe.  You have this feeling of inadequacy this feeling of I’m not good enough, there’s something wrong with me. That’s why I wrote the book, because I do not want another human being going through five decades of what I went through. That’s why I engineered and composed the book.

My objective in writing the book, is for someone to have an open mind and instead of going through life telling themselves, my own, mother, didn’t want me. Even though that is true, instead they can tell themselves that they have every right and privilege to not want her either.

Power is something you take, nobody gives you power.  You snatch power.

So what I wish to do with this work, with this writing,  is to allow an individual to look at being, abandoned,  in hindsight. Let’s  really look at it and put an autopsy and microscope on, abandonment, for a second.  If you really do this it’s not hard at all, you won’t have to go through all these dog and pony shows and tail spins.   Kissing this one’s tail, and doing back flips for this person, and making your, mother,  love you, trying to buy this person,  begging for love, please love me, please like me.  You don’t have to go through all of those mental gymnastics. It’s not necessary. I’m trying to save somebody 50 years.

Abandonment, from Relationships

Can this scenario be also transferred to people who are, rejected,  period?  I mean because, rejection, and being, abandoned,  are not only synonymous with, mothers, or parents.  Men can reject you, your friends can reject you,  jobs can fire you.  Is this information transferable?

I placed a laser focus on this particular relationship between a  child and a natural, mother.  This ironically is not, rejection,  and if you read the book you’ll totally comprehend what I’m speaking about.  The natural, mother, is not rejecting you, the natural, mother, is rejecting the reminder of neglecting you.  The natural, mother, doesn’t even know you.  How can somebody reject you when they don’t even know you?  That makes absolutely no sense.

I’ve seen that the trauma that it is caused in young  lives and almost every aspect of being , abandoned, or, rejection. So it’s kind of good to tell yourself that your natural, mother, didn’t reject you because she doesn’t know you.  If you actually do believe that I can understand that it is easier to get to the other side.  That’s good, I like that spin.

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What is the main message of your book Reflection for Rejection?

I wrote the book to give some insight to, child abandonment.

What message would you give to that listener of why they should go out and buy the book?

It would be in their best interest even if they don’t get the book, if they just listened to the podcast, because it summarizes the book.  It’s their prerogative if they wish to purchase it or not.  I mean that’s their choice; but with that being said.

Don’t ever allow another person, place or thing to define your self-worth.  Don’t do that. Don’t ever give someone that opportunity or luxury.

I know you talked about your natural mother not  really rejecting you because she didn’t know you; but did you touch on psychologically what was happening to her for her to have that unnatural response to her biological daughter?

My father, God bless his soul, was extremely intimidating.  He was a very wealthy, powerful, articulate, worldly man. He traveled a lot because he was a computer programmer, so he was extremely I guess very controlling.  So I give my, mother, an inkling of understanding, because he was pretty much a womanizer.

I’m not giving her a full 24-hour pass, but I am giving her an hour pass.  I can’t really give her a full 24-hour pass, because there are, mothers,  who have gone through the same episode and they didn’t react that way.

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Abuse and Abandonment

  • One of the things that I noticed talking with you Traci is that I see no evidence of PTSD from being, abandoned, by your, mother. Post traumatic stress disorder in teenage girls, usually develops for girls who have been sexually abused, neglected, or abandoned. You said that every time you tried it to communicate with your mom, or tried to make her love you, or tried to form a relationship; you felt like you got punched in the stomach.  At those times were you ever angry?

What’s so interesting is that I got angry at the end.  Like right in the last year. My book goes in chronological order. In the book, I actually highlight the events that have occurred during the last five decades, and what’s so flabbergasting to me is  that I didn’t get angry and livid until the very end.  I wasn’t angry at her, I was angry at me for participating.  I was so livid at myself for wasting so much time, that it took me decades to come down from the humiliation, the frustration,  the hurt, the pain, the disappointment,  the monotony, and the redundancy.

Getting to the other side, puts you in a disposition where you’re at total complete peace. I call it a, mother, transplant because once you realize why she acts the way she does, once that clicks in your brain, a light bulb goes off and you’re free.

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How did you handle Rejection and Reflection?

When you read the book  you’ll completely understand what’s going on and it has absolutely nothing to do with you.

Your, mother, didn’t reject you, she can’t reject you because she doesn’t know you.

Yes, I understand what you’re saying.  After you become immune to the, rejection, and you get on the other side of, abandonment, when you get to the other side,  you feel empowered like you can walk on water.  Nobody else has the capability of hurting you.

Childhood trauma and, abandonment, affects children  in many ways.

Childhood trauma, #1
1. Addictions – as a child, did your parents have any addiction?
Now we typically think of drugs and alcohol, but there’s also sex addiction.
If your parent was a cheater or watched porn, have an eating addiction, was a hoarder,
spending or gambling, workaholics etc. There’s 11 addictive behaviors.

Childhood trauma, #2

2. Verbal abuse – Did you witness your mom and dad screaming and
yelling at each other? The typical is yelling screaming but
this also includes no verbal alkaloids, no compliments, not hearing I love you
verbally humiliated, or put down, your opinion means nothing, or statements like
“you’ll never amount to anything.” Comments like that.

Childhood trauma, #3

3. Emotional abuse or Neglect – Your parents were not around, being gone for
long periods of time. Research also shows latch key kids let’s say they
came home from school at 3 o’clock and mom if they’re in a single household mom
had to work 9 to 5. That child is alone for two or so hours. There’s anxiety around that.
So that even falls under the neglect believe it or not. While we’re out trying to support our
kids there home alone.

Childhood trauma, #4

4. Physical Abuse, Rape or Molestation – The rape or Molestation could have happened
in or outside of the home. Physical abuse is being beat hit in any way other than
the typical spanking like a quick spank on the butt. Research shows that spanking does nothing to help teach your child anything, so I always say when I do parenting lectures in the schools
we’re supposed to teach our child another way. If you’re beating them or hitting them you’re teaching them to be violent back. We don’t want to do that.

Childhood trauma, #5

5. Abandonment – There’s two types, childhood trauma from, abandonment. Fault and No Fault, abandonment.
Here are three examples of no-fault, abandonment.
• a parent has to go off and serve at war
• a parent happens to die early
• early a parent travels away from the home a lot for work. 20:24

Here is an example of “Fault”, abandonment:
• Divorce and the mom or dad leaves the home
and is supposed to see the children every weekend and is either late or
cancels, does not pick up the child. The dad is spending more time with his new
girlfriend than he is paying attention to you the child.

Childhood trauma, #6

6. Adoption – if you were adopted, part of the foster care system, or you needed to
live with relatives because mom or dad couldn’t take care of you, that even
includes Grandma’s, aunts or uncles. I had a client who signed up with me she
asks “How about if we chose to live with another family because we didn’t
want to go home? I said yes that falls under this category because there was
always yelling and screaming in her household so she didn’t want to go home.

Childhood trauma, #7

7. Personal trauma – This comes from being bullied, feeling different not
fitting in, being a little overweight as a child or like me skinny and gawky.
Many people remember being bullying not part of the sports teams.

Childhood trauma, #8

8. Sibling trauma – Your sibling could have been born with a
medical issue where it demanded more of moms and dads time.
Or they could be bullying you, but most often this one applies to if you
perceive your sibling as being the golden child. They were more athletically beautiful
or handsome or intelligent getting better grades and mom or dad gushed over
them versus you. You were always trying to prove yourself and say see I’m
worthwhile too.

Childhood trauma, #9

9. Community trauma – If a parent was incarcerated, if you moved
a lot like military families. In the U.S.A military families move every two to four years.
Growing up in lack, growing up in dangerous neighborhoods, that’s all
family trauma and community trauma.
Today we have active volcanoes, massive fire, floods, hurricanes, mass

Childhood trauma, #10

10. Mental Health – Bipolar, Manic Depression, Hidden personalities.
We have Sociopaths and narcissism is part of community trauma.
Sociopathic means that they have no regard for your emotional feelings, they
act on what they want, when they want without thinking about their partner or
the repercussions.
Two examples of sociopaths are Steve Jobs and Tiger woods.

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Additional Resources 

Uninvolved parenting, sometimes referred to as neglectful parenting, is a style characterized by a lack of responsiveness to a child’s needs. Uninvolved parents make few to no demands of their children and they are often indifferent, dismissive, or even completely neglectful.

Child abuse happens when a parent or care giver of a minor child allows, inflicts or permits physical or sexual abuse or allows a situation where there is a risk of physical injury. Child neglect means a minor child lacks adequate care and is danger of physical or psychological harm.

What are the Symptoms of Adult ADHD?

We most often associate, ADHD, with children; but statistics show that 60% of childhood, ADHD, transforms to, adult ADHD.

We as have seen or been parents to the child who never stops or sits down.

In addition to never sitting down they are also:

Symptoms of Childhood, ADHD

  • Are impulsive
  • Have trouble focusing
  • Have trouble managing their emotions
  • Have difficulty remembering information
  • Don’t start tasks (or don’t finish them)

So how does it feel to be in a relationship with someone with, adult ADHD?

Here is one woman’s story af adult adhd

I dated 4 men with, adult ADHD, or ADD.  One was predominantly hyperactive; two inattentive, one likely mixed. I fall under the vagueness of “mixed” myself, which means I show characteristics of hyperactivity — the impulsiveness, the occasional non-stop talk, the rash decisions — and inattention: the fuzziness, the daydreaming, the drifting off mid-conversation.

I learned the, ADHD, tricks early on like, touching him when I needed his attention and he was working. I learned to move my fingers from his face to mine — the universal signal for eye contact — when he began to drift off.

The two inattentive men,  naturally tended toward household chaos, an inability to finish projects, and a desperate need for legal stimulants.

Understanding is the key to calming the chaos in the relationship.


Podbean Transform your Mind Podcast


Adult ADHD symptoms

I’m curious about, Adult ADHD symptoms. Does kids with, ADHD,  become adults with, adult ADHD?

For clarity let’s make sure people understand the acronym for, ADHD, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Individuals can have, attention deficit disorder, without the hyperactivity and that disorder is ADD.  Things to keep in mind about, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, or, Adult ADHD,  is that, yes you can have, ADHD, in  childhood and about 60% of kids grow up still having the same symptoms and become, adult ADHD. One of the interesting pieces about this is that it’s important for folks not to misconstrued information about what they’re seeing the adult exhibit.  Certain characteristics of, Adult ADHD, can mimic other disorders like for example Thyroid disease.

Does the 40% of kids who don’t have, adult ADHD, become cured?

Not necessarily , they could have developed coping skills to manage the, ADHD, behavior so the symptoms were minimized. They could have also learned strategies on how to behave or how to compensate for the symptoms.

What are the different types of, Adult ADHD?

When you look at the diagnostic and statistical manual that psychologists use.  It gives you  clarity on how, Adult ADHD, is diagnosed.  There are different types 3 types of symptoms that we see in, ADHD.

  1. Inattention
  2. Impulse Control
  3. Hyperactivity

We have to go through the process and can’t have people diagnosing themselves or their children or anyone else with the disorder. Sometimes you have symptoms because people don’t have appropriate amounts of minerals in their body or they might be subject to low levels of magnesium.  Things like that or people might have other diseases that might mimic, ADHD symptoms, so get these things ruled out with blood work.

ADHD in adults could mean you have an, ADHD, partner.

Here is what happening in their brain. What exactly is happening in the brain to cause someone to develop symptoms of Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder?


The Adult ADHD brain has impaired activity in four functional regions of the brain.

  • Frontal Cortex. This region controls high-level functions: …
  • Limbic System. This region is located deeper in the brain. …
  • Basal Ganglia. …
  • Reticular Activating System.

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Are you a high-achieving woman of color who struggles with imposter syndrome, procrastination, and self-sabotage?

Are you tired of going to bed each night hoping that tomorrow will be a better day, only for it to be more of the same?

Are you sick of empty affirmations that make you feel good but don’t actually lead to change?

Are over being shamed and yelled at to “do the work!” with no insight as to HOW to get it done?

If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, then friends, check out the Productive on Purpose podcast. this podcast is for you! Search “Productive on Purpose” on your favorite podcast player to listen today!

Oh, and if you struggle with procrastination, go to to download your free “Planning for Procrastinators” guide. It’s time to start walking in our purpose, y’all.

Transform Your Mind iHeart Radio
iHeart Radio

Adult ADHD test

To test for, adult ADHD, one has to look at the functions of the brain. The neurotransmitter in the brain is affected in ADHD. The prefrontal cortex is responsible for how we organize our cognitive flexibility and being able to control ourselves and things that come into our frame of reference.

The Basal Ganglia helps to regulate communication within the brain, sending signals from one neuron to the other and is responsible for our motor control movement.  The Basal Ganglia is also responsible for regulating emotional volatility and the Reticular Activating System is our major relay system.  It controls the many pathways that enter and leave the brain and is responsible for arousal and consciousness.

Dr Gray who is the author of Men Are from Mars Women Are from Venus wrote an article in which he claims that men with, Adult ADHD, have problems committing to women because of the disorder. Do you agree with that statement?

No, not at all.  I think there are other reasons that men can’t commit to women. Dr Gray is trying to give these men a pass.  I would love to see his research.

Does, ADHD, medications cure the disorder?

Medications for, ADHD, are non-stimulant and stimulant meds depending on what the individual the parents would choose. I always think of other Alternatives besides the use of pharmaceuticals.  I would rather use in a non-medication treatment or neuro feedback to help with symptoms of, ADHD. Bio feedback can cure the disorder, medication just masks or controls but never cures.

if you give anyone who clearly has, ADHD, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, medication for 6 months and the other Bio Feedback for 6 months, you will see the difference in the treatment results.

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Did you start your New Year’s resolutions yet? I bet there’s one missing that you should add right now: find a greater sense of purpose in your life. To do that effectively, you need to understand the eight key components of living with purpose.

The new book, The Meaning of Life: A guide to finding your life’s purpose by Nathanael Garrett Novosel, is a complete step-by-step walkthrough of how humans derive meaning from their existence. This book helps you to identify what really matters to you in life, define a clear plan of going after what you want, and grow toward fulfilling your true calling.

Best of all, this book does not tell you how to live your life or which goals you should have. Instead, it helps you figure it out for yourself. ..That’s what you really want—someone in your corner helping you make sense of your life, not someone with their own agenda telling you what to do.

This book is a life-changer, and I recommend you go out and get it now. The Meaning of Life: A guide to finding your life’s purpose by Nathanael Garrett Novosel. Available now on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and Apple Books. Order today!

Transform your Mind TuneIn Radio
TuneIn Radio

Does internet pornography rewire men’s brain to have, Adult ADHD?

I came across an article from Dr Gray and he was specifically talking about men who develop, Adult ADHD, because of pornography. He said pornography is re wiring men’s brain and causing them to develop, ADHD.  He said pornography also blocks love and connection with their partner.


Shocking Facts About ADHD

  • One out of ten American children have been diagnosed with ADHD,
  • One out of seven American women over 55 will develop dementia,
  • Statistics reveal a greater risk of ADHD in children of divorced parents, particularly when boys are missing the regular influence of their fathers or their mothers are unable to find happiness


Additional Resources Adult ADHD

How to Disable your Autopilot Brain

Dealing with Anxiety Disorder after Addiction,completing%20tasks%20and%20social%20interaction.


Akashic Records: A Guide to Your Soul’s Plan

Reverend Lisa Barnett joins the show to discuss the, Akashic records, and how they can help individuals understand and align with, your soul’s plan. The, Akashic records, are the recording of a, soul’s journey, through time and space, and they contain information about past lives, soul contracts, and life purposes. By accessing the, Akashic records, individuals can gain insight into their past lives, understand their, soul’s plan, for this lifetime, and find greater fulfillment, happiness, abundance, and health.

Download the podcast here:


Today, we have a special guest with us, Reverend Lisa Barnett, the founder of the Akashic Knowing School of Wisdom. Reverend Lisa has devoted over 25 years to sharing, Akashic wisdom, with clients worldwide, helping them understand and align with their, soul’s plan, for greater fulfillment, happiness, abundance, and health. She is also a bestselling author of several books, including “Your Soul Has a Plan: Awaken to Your Life Purpose Through the Akashic Records” and “The Infinite Wisdom of the Akashic Records.” Today, we will be diving into the topic of unveiling destiny and exploring the, Akashic records,  as a guide to, your soul’s plan.

Book You Soul Has a Plan Akashic Record
Book You Soul Has a Plan Akashic Record

Understanding the Akashic Records

The, Akashic records, also known as the Akasha, are the recording of, your soul’s journey, through all time and space. It is like a vast library filled with books that represent our past lives and experiences. Each of us has our own personal library, and within it, we have librarians who help us understand our soul’s plan for this lifetime. The Akasha is a Sanskrit word that means ether or sky, symbolizing the infinite nature of our souls and the vastness of the information stored in the records.

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The Journey of the Soul and the Akashic Records

Our souls have been on an infinite journey, traveling through different dimensions, realms, and even other worlds. We have lived hundreds, if not thousands, of lives on Earth and beyond. Each life and experience is recorded in the, Akashic records, contributing to our soul’s growth and evolution. We also have soul contracts with other souls, including our parents, siblings, partners, and friends. These contracts are agreements we made before coming into this life to learn and grow together.

The Purpose of the Soul’s Plan

Your soul’s plan, for this lifetime is unique to each individual. It encompasses the lessons we need to learn, the gifts and talents we have honed in past lives, and the relationships and experiences we have chosen to have. Your soul’s plan, is not about punishment or victimhood; it is about growth and understanding. We are not victims of our circumstances; we are active participants in creating our reality. By embracing, your soul’s plan, we can find greater meaning, purpose, and fulfillment in our lives.

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Akashic Records: Past Lives and Present Life

Our past lives have a significant impact on our present life. The experiences, lessons, and patterns we have accumulated in past lives shape who we are today. We may carry unresolved karma from past lives, which presents itself as challenges or patterns in our current life. However, karma is not about punishment; it is an opportunity for growth and healing. By understanding and completing, karmic patterns, we can break free from old cycles and create a more empowered and fulfilling life.

Karmic cycles, are repetitive patterns in your life that mirror past traumas or mistakes. Spiritually, a, karmic cycle, is meant to teach you a lesson and help you overcome traumatic events. To break a, karmic cycle, forgive yourself and others, be mindful, and let go of resentment.

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Embracing Your Soul’s Purpose

Each of us has a unique purpose or multiple purposes in this lifetime. Our purpose may be to share the wisdom and knowledge we have gained from past lives, to support and uplift others, or to create positive change in the world. Our purpose may evolve and change as we grow and learn. By embracing, your soul’s purpose, we can align with our true essence and make a meaningful contribution to the world.

Listen Notes Transform Your Mind
Listen Notes Transform Your Mind

Accessing the Akashic Records

Accessing the, Akashic records, is a powerful tool for self-discovery and spiritual growth. It allows us to tap into the wisdom and guidance of our soul and the record keepers who assist us. Reverend Lisa Barnett teaches a five-step wisdom prayer system to open and read the, Akashic records. Through guided visualizations and energetic practices, we can connect with the records and receive insights, healing, and guidance.

Transform Your Mind Amazon
Transform Your Mind Amazon

The Importance of Spiritual Teachers and Guides to learn the Akashic Records

Having a spiritual teacher or guide can greatly support our journey of self-discovery and understanding. They can hold the energy field and provide guidance as we navigate the realms of the, Akashic records. Reverend Lisa Barnett has trained and certified, Akashic record, consultants and healers who can assist individuals in accessing their own records and understanding their soul’s plan. These teachers provide a safe and supportive space for exploration and growth.

Conclusion and Future Outlook

The, Akashic records, offer a profound opportunity for self-discovery, healing, and growth. By understanding, your soul’s plan, past lives, and purpose, we can navigate our current life with greater clarity and purpose. The shift in consciousness and the increasing interest in spirituality indicate that more and more individuals are awakening to their true nature as infinite souls. As we continue to explore the depths of the, Akashic record, and embrace, your soul’s plan, we can create a more harmonious and enlightened world.

In conclusion, the, Akashic records, serve as a guide to, your soul’s plan, offering insights, healing, and wisdom. By accessing these records, we can understand our past lives, karmic patterns, and, soul contracts. We can embrace our purpose and contribute to the world in a meaningful way. The journey of self-discovery and spiritual growth is ongoing, and with the support of spiritual teachers and guides, we can navigate the realms of the, Akashic records, with greater ease and understanding. As we continue to explore and embrace our soul’s plan, we can create a more enlightened and harmonious world for ourselves and future generations.

Additional Resources

Neale Donald Walsch: How To Talk To God And Hear Him

Eight Tips For Personal Growth Using CANI in 2024

In the pursuit of, personal growth, embracing the philosophy of CANI (Constant and Never-Ending Improvement) can be a transformative approach. CANI encourages a mindset of continuous learning and progress, fostering, personal development, in various aspects of life. Here’s a guide on how to, personal growth, using CANI in 2024:

Download the podcast here:

Introduction to the Main Themes

Personal growth, is a lifelong journey that requires dedication, self-reflection, and a commitment to continuous improvement. In the year 2024, embracing the philosophy of CANI can provide a powerful framework for, personal development. CANI, which stands for, Constant and Never-Ending Improvement, encourages individuals to adopt a mindset of continuous learning and progress. By embracing CANI, we can unlock our full potential and achieve, personal growth, in various aspects of our lives.

In this article, we will explore eight key ways to grow personally using CANI in 2024. Each theme will be supported by verbatim quotes from a transcript that highlights the importance of these principles. By delving into these themes, we can gain a deeper understanding of how CANI can positively impact our, personal growth, journey.

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1. Embrace a Learning Mindset

“Cultivate a mindset that values continuous learning. Embrace challenges as opportunities to acquire new knowledge and skills. Attend workshops, read books, and stay curious about the world around you.”

A, growth mindset, is the foundation of, personal growth. By embracing a mindset that values continuous learning, we open ourselves up to new possibilities and opportunities for growth. Challenges become stepping stones for acquiring new knowledge and skills. Whether it’s attending workshops, reading books, or staying curious about the world, a learning mindset allows us to expand our horizons and unlock our full potential.

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2. Set Incremental Goals

“Break down your long-term objectives into smaller, achievable goals. This not only makes the journey more manageable but also provides a sense of accomplishment along the way.”

Setting incremental goals is a powerful strategy for, personal growth. By breaking down long-term objectives into smaller, achievable goals, we make the journey more manageable and less overwhelming. Each small win along the way provides a sense of accomplishment, fueling our motivation to keep pushing forward. Whether it’s running a marathon or pursuing a new career, setting incremental goals allows us to make progress and stay motivated.

3. Reflect Regularly

“Take time to reflect on your experiences, both successes, and challenges. Regular reflection allows you to gain insights into your strengths and areas for improvement. Consider journaling as a tool for self-reflection.”

Regular reflection is a vital practice for, personal growth. By taking the time to reflect on our experiences, both successes, and challenges, we gain valuable insights into our strengths and areas for improvement. Journaling can be a powerful tool for self-reflection, allowing us to delve deeper into our thoughts and emotions. Through reflection, we can identify patterns, learn from our experiences, and make informed decisions for our, personal growth, journey.

Transform Your Mind Podnews
Transform Your Mind Podnews

4. Personal growth: Seek Feedback

“Constructive feedback is a valuable source of information for personal growth. Actively seek feedback from mentors, peers, or friends. Use it as a guide to refine your skills and behaviors.”

Seeking feedback is essential for, personal growth. Constructive feedback from mentors, peers, or friends provides valuable insights into our strengths and areas for improvement. By actively seeking feedback, we can gain a deeper understanding of how others perceive us and use it as a guide to refine our skills and behaviors. Feedback serves as a catalyst for growth, helping us identify blind spots and make necessary adjustments to reach our full potential.

Kroger Feedback is a customer satisfaction survey designed to gather valuable feedback from customers regarding their experiences at Kroger and its family of 19 supermarket brands.

 By participating in the survey, you can contribute to helping the company improve its service while also having a chance to enter sweepstakes and win up to $5,000 worth of Kroger gift cards.

5. Emphasize Consistency in your Personal Growth Journey

“Consistency is key to CANI. Establish habits that align with your personal development goals. Whether it’s dedicating time each day to learning or maintaining healthy habits, consistency builds momentum over time.”

Consistency is a fundamental principle of CANI. By establishing habits that align with our, personal development goals, which are also, SMART goals, we create a solid foundation for growth. Whether it’s dedicating time each day to learning or maintaining healthy habits, consistency builds momentum over time. It is through consistent effort that we can make significant progress and achieve lasting, personal growth.

Transform Your Mind Amazon
Transform Your Mind Amazon

6. Embrace Failure as a Personal Grwoth Opportunity

“View failures as stepping stones to success. Learn from setbacks, adjust your approach, and keep moving forward. Failure is not a roadblock but rather a detour on the path to improvement.”

Failure is an inevitable part of the, personal growth, journey. Instead of viewing failure as a roadblock, we should embrace it as a learning opportunity. By learning from setbacks, adjusting our approach, and persevering, we can turn failure into a stepping stone towards success. Failure provides valuable lessons and insights that help us refine our strategies and improve our chances of achieving our goals.

7. Surround Yourself with Growth-Minded Individuals

“Engage with people who inspire and challenge you and have a, growth mindset.  Surrounding yourself with a supportive and growth-minded community can provide motivation, accountability, and fresh perspectives on, personal development.”

The people we surround ourselves with have a significant impact on our, personal growth. Engaging with individuals who inspire and challenge us can provide motivation, accountability, and fresh perspectives on, personal development. By surrounding ourselves with a supportive and growth-minded community, we create an environment that fosters, constant and never ending improvement. These individuals can serve as mentors, sounding boards, and sources of inspiration on our, personal growth, journey.

8. Stay Adaptable

“Life is dynamic, and, personal growth, requires adaptability. Be open to change, embrace new opportunities, and be willing to adjust your goals based on evolving circumstances.”

Adaptability is crucial for, personal growth, in an ever-changing world. Life is dynamic, and our goals and circumstances may evolve over time. To achieve, personal growth, we must be open to change, embrace new opportunities, and be willing to adjust our goals accordingly. By staying adaptable, we can navigate challenges, seize opportunities, and continue our journey of, constant and never-ending improvement.

Conclusion and Future Outlook

Embracing the philosophy of CANI in 2024 is not just a commitment to, personal development; it’s a lifestyle that fosters a continuous journey of improvement. By incorporating the eight key ways to grow personally using CANI, we can unlock our full potential and achieve sustained growth and fulfillment. Embracing a learning mindset, setting incremental goals, reflecting regularly, seeking feedback, emphasizing consistency, embracing failure, surrounding ourselves with growth-minded individuals, and staying adaptable are all essential components of the CANI philosophy.

As we look to the future, the impact of embracing, CANI in personal growth cannot be underestimated. By adopting a mindset of continuous learning and progress, we can navigate the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead. The principles of CANI provide a roadmap for, personal growth, in an ever-changing world. By committing to constant and never-ending improvement, we can unlock our full potential and create a life of fulfillment and success.

Here’s to a year of, constant and never-ending improvement, in 2024!

Additional Resources

Using Spiritual Psychology as A Personal Transformation Tool

Eight Tips For Personal Growth Mindset in 2024

In the pursuit of, personal growth, embracing the philosophy of CANI (Constant and Never-Ending Improvement) can be a transformative approach. CANI encourages a mindset of continuous learning and progress, fostering, personal development, in various aspects of life. Here’s a guide on how to develop a, personal growth mindset, using CANI in 2024:

Download the podcast here:

Introduction to the Main Themes

Personal growth, is a lifelong journey that requires dedication, self-reflection, and a commitment to continuous improvement. In the year 2024, embracing the philosophy of CANI can provide a powerful framework for, personal development. CANI, which stands for, Constant and Never-Ending Improvement, encourages individuals to adopt a mindset of continuous learning and progress. By embracing CANI, we can unlock our full potential and achieve, personal growth, in various aspects of our lives.

In this article, we will explore eight key ways to develop a, personal growth mindset,  using CANI in 2024. Each theme will be supported by verbatim quotes from a transcript that highlights the importance of these principles. By delving into these themes, we can gain a deeper understanding of how CANI can positively impact our, personal growth, journey.

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1. Embrace a Personal Growth Mindset

“Cultivating a, personal growth mindset, that values continuous learning. Embrace challenges as opportunities to acquire new knowledge and skills. Attend workshops, read books, and stay curious about the world around you.”

A, personal growth mindset, is the foundation of, personal growth. By embracing a mindset that values continuous learning, we open ourselves up to new possibilities and opportunities for growth. Challenges become stepping stones for acquiring new knowledge and skills. Whether it’s attending workshops, reading books, or staying curious about the world, a learning mindset allows us to expand our horizons and unlock our full potential.

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2. Set Incremental Goals

“Break down your long-term objectives into smaller, achievable goals. This not only makes the journey more manageable but also provides a sense of accomplishment along the way.”

Setting incremental goals is a powerful strategy for, personal growth. By breaking down long-term objectives into smaller, achievable goals, we make the journey more manageable and less overwhelming. Each small win along the way provides a sense of accomplishment, fueling our motivation to keep pushing forward. Whether it’s running a marathon or pursuing a new career, setting incremental goals allows us to make progress and stay motivated.

3. Reflect Regularly

“Take time to reflect on your experiences, both successes, and challenges. Regular reflection allows you to gain insights into your strengths and areas for improvement. Consider journaling as a tool for self-reflection.”

Regular reflection is a vital practice for, personal growth. By taking the time to reflect on our experiences, both successes, and challenges, we gain valuable insights into our strengths and areas for improvement. Journaling can be a powerful tool for self-reflection, allowing us to delve deeper into our thoughts and emotions. Through reflection, we can identify patterns, learn from our experiences, and make informed decisions for our, personal growth, journey.

Transform Your Mind Podnews
Transform Your Mind Podnews

4. Personal growth: Seek Feedback

“Constructive feedback is a valuable source of information for personal growth. Actively seek feedback from mentors, peers, or friends. Use it as a guide to refine your skills and behaviors.”

Seeking feedback is essential for, personal growth. Constructive feedback from mentors, peers, or friends provides valuable insights into our strengths and areas for improvement. By actively seeking feedback, we can gain a deeper understanding of how others perceive us and use it as a guide to refine our skills and behaviors. Feedback serves as a catalyst for growth, helping us identify blind spots and make necessary adjustments to reach our full potential.

Kroger Feedback is a customer satisfaction survey designed to gather valuable feedback from customers regarding their experiences at Kroger and its family of 19 supermarket brands.

 By participating in the survey, you can contribute to helping the company improve its service while also having a chance to enter sweepstakes and win up to $5,000 worth of Kroger gift cards.

5. Emphasize Consistency in your Personal Growth Journey

“Consistency is key to CANI. Establish habits that align with your personal development goals. Whether it’s dedicating time each day to learning or maintaining healthy habits, consistency builds momentum over time.”

Consistency is a fundamental principle of CANI. By establishing habits that align with our, personal development goals, which are also, SMART goals, we create a solid foundation for growth. Whether it’s dedicating time each day to learning or maintaining healthy habits, consistency builds momentum over time. It is through consistent effort that we can make significant progress and achieve a lasting, personal growth mindset.

Transform Your Mind Amazon
Transform Your Mind Amazon

6. Embrace Failure as a Personal Grwoth Opportunity

“View failures as stepping stones to success. Learn from setbacks, adjust your approach, and keep moving forward. Failure is not a roadblock but rather a detour on the path to improvement.”

Failure is an inevitable part of the, personal growth, journey. Instead of viewing failure as a roadblock, we should embrace it as a learning opportunity. By learning from setbacks, adjusting our approach, and persevering, we can turn failure into a stepping stone towards success. Failure provides valuable lessons and insights that help us refine our strategies and improve our chances of achieving our goals.

7. Surround Yourself with Growth-Minded Individuals

“Engage with people who inspire and challenge you and have a, personal growth mindset.  Surrounding yourself with a supportive and growth-minded community can provide motivation, accountability, and fresh perspectives on, personal development.”

The people we surround ourselves with have a significant impact on our, personal growth. Engaging with individuals who inspire and challenge us can provide motivation, accountability, and fresh perspectives on, personal development. By surrounding ourselves with a supportive and growth-minded community, we create an environment that fosters, constant and never ending improvement. These individuals can serve as mentors, sounding boards, and sources of inspiration on our, personal growth, journey.

8. Stay Adaptable

“Life is dynamic, and, personal growth, requires adaptability. Be open to change, embrace new opportunities, and be willing to adjust your goals based on evolving circumstances.”

Adaptability is crucial for, personal growth, in an ever-changing world. Life is dynamic, and our goals and circumstances may evolve over time. To achieve a, personal growth mindset, we must be open to change, embrace new opportunities, and be willing to adjust our goals accordingly. By staying adaptable, we can navigate challenges, seize opportunities, and continue our journey of, constant and never-ending improvement.

Conclusion and Future Outlook

Embracing the philosophy of CANI in 2024 is not just a commitment to, personal development; it’s a lifestyle that fosters a continuous journey of improvement. By incorporating the eight key ways to grow personally using CANI, we can unlock our full potential and achieve sustained growth and fulfillment. Embracing a learning mindset, setting incremental goals, reflecting regularly, seeking feedback, emphasizing consistency, embracing failure, surrounding ourselves with growth-minded individuals, and staying adaptable are all essential components of the CANI philosophy.

As we look to the future, the impact of embracing, CANI in personal growth cannot be underestimated. By adopting a mindset of continuous learning and progress, we can navigate the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead. The principles of CANI provide a roadmap for, personal growth, in an ever-changing world. By committing to constant and never-ending improvement, we can unlock our full potential and create a life of fulfillment and success.

Here’s to a year of, constant and never-ending improvement, in 2024!

Additional Resources

How to Develop Your Employees Potential with Feedback.

Neale Donald Walsch: How To Hear From God

Neale Donald Walsch, author of the “Conversations with God” series, discusses his new book “GodTalk” Neale shares his personal journey of hitting rock bottom and finding a direct connection with the divine. Walsch emphasizes that we are all vessels for God’s message and that anyone can, talk to God and learn, how to  hear from God.

He also explores the concepts of worthiness, willingness, and wakefulness in order to hear from God. The book includes stories from others who have had their own experiences with the divine. Overall, Walsch encourages listeners to embrace the possibility of a direct connection with God and learn, how to hear from God.


Download the podcast here:


Welcome to the transformative world of Neale Donald Walsch, where conversations with God have the power to change lives. In this thought-provoking interview, Walsch shares his personal journey and insights into the nature of our connection with the divine. His bestselling “Conversations with God” series has touched the lives of millions, and his latest book, “GodTalk,” delves even deeper into humanity’s relationship with a higher power.

Walsch emphasizes that we are all vessels of God’s message, and it is our birthright to have a direct connection with the divine and to learn, how to talk to God. He challenges the notion that only a select few have the privilege of hearing God’s voice, asserting that God speaks to everyone, but the question is, who is listening? Through his own experiences, Walsch discovered that God’s messages are available to all of us, and it is our willingness and openness that allow us to receive them.

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The Journey Begins: From Anger to Awakening

Walsch’s journey with, talking to God, began during a period of immense struggle in his life. He experienced the breakdown of his relationship, the loss of his job, and a life-altering car accident that left him with a broken neck. Feeling lost and angry, he sat down one morning and began writing an angry letter to God. Little did he know that this act of venting would lead to a profound, conversation with God, that would change the course of his life.

As Walsch poured out his frustrations on paper, he heard a voice in his mind, asking if he truly wanted answers to his questions or if he was just venting. This marked the beginning of his, conversations with God, where Walsch received answers to his questions and insights into the nature of life, love, and the divine. Through this process, he discovered that God is always speaking to us, but we must be open and willing to listen. We talk TO God all the time through prayer but do we, hear FROM God?

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The Six Steps to Learn How To Hear From God

Walsch outlines a six-step process in learning, how to talk to God and, how to hear from God.  These steps are:

  1. Possibility: Acknowledge that it is possible for God to speak to you directly. Open your mind to the idea that divine communication is not limited to a select few. If you want to, talk with God and hear him, you have to have an open mind.
  2. Worthiness: Recognize your own worthiness to receive messages from God. Let go of the belief that only certain individuals are deserving of, divine communication.
  3. Willingness: Overcome the objections of societal and religious conditioning that may discourage you from seeking a direct connection with the divine. Be willing to challenge the status quo and embrace the possibility of a personal relationship with God. Yes, God is willing to talk to you!
  4. Wakefulness: Stay awake and aware of the signs and messages that God sends your way. Be open to receiving guidance through various channels, such as intuition, synchronicities, and even the lyrics of a song.
  5. Acceptance: Embrace the messages and experiences you receive as valid and meaningful. Avoid dismissing them as mere coincidences or products of your imagination. Trust that, God talks to us through our imagination, it is as  powerful a tool for communication as any other form of commuication. .
  6. Discernment: Develop the ability to discern between messages from the divine and messages from other sources. Cultivate a deep sense of inner knowing and intuition to differentiate between true, divine guidance, and mere distractions.

By following these steps, individuals can cultivate a deeper connection with the divine and engage in their own, conversations with God by learning, how to talk to God.

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The Power of Love: Redefining God

One of the central themes in Walsch’s work is the, power of love, and its transformative potential. He challenges traditional religious beliefs and asserts that God is pure love. This revolutionary idea challenges the notion that God demands obedience and punishes those who do not comply. Walsch emphasizes that God’s love is unconditional and that there is no place of eternal damnation. Hell is righ here on earth.

He encourages readers to redefine their understanding of God as a force of pure love and to let go of fear-based beliefs that perpetuate separation and judgment. By embracing the concept of pure love, individuals can cultivate a deeper sense of compassion, acceptance, and unity with all beings.

Book Godtalk
Book Godtalk

Godtalk: A book in The Common Sentience Book Series

Walsch’s latest book, “GodTalk,” is part of the, Common Sentience book series. This series explores the concept of, common sentience, the idea that there is a, field of consciousness that connects all living beings. Each book in the series delves into different aspects of this interconnectedness and offers insights into how we can tap into this, collective consciousness.

The Common Sentience book series aims to expand readers’ awareness and understanding of the interconnected nature of life. It features stories from individuals who have experienced direct interventions from the divine and provides practical guidance on how to access and engage with this universal consciousness.

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Conclusion and Future Outlook

Neale Donald Walsch’s work has had a profound impact on the lives of millions around the world. Through his, conversations with God, books he has challenged traditional beliefs and offered a new perspective on our relationship with the divine. His six-step process on learning, how to talk to God, and having, conversations with God, provides a practical framework for individuals to cultivate their own direct connection with the divine.

As we continue to explore the depths of our spiritual journey, it is essential to remain open and willing to receive messages from the divine. By embracing the power of love and redefining our understanding of God, we can create a more compassionate and inclusive world.

The Common Sentience book series serves as a platform for individuals to share their experiences and insights into the interconnected nature of life. It invites readers to explore the depths of their own consciousness and engage in conversations about the divine.

As we move forward, let us remember that there is only one of us in the room. We are all interconnected, and our actions and words have the power to shape the world around us. By embracing the messages of love and unity, we can transform our lives and create a more harmonious and compassionate world.

So, let us embark on this transformative journey, engaging in, conversations with God, and embracing the power of love to guide us on our path. As Neale Donald Walsch reminds us, there is only one of us in the room, and together, we can create a world filled with love, understanding, and unity.

Unveiling the Subconscious Workings of the Brain

Dr. Virginia “Ginger” Campbell, a physician, author, and science communicator, discusses the subconscious workings of the brain.  In this episode she explains that up to 95% of the brain is subconscious, meaning that most of our brain processes are not accessible to our conscious awareness. Dr. Campbell emphasizes the importance of understanding the brain’s subconscious origins of certainty and how memory is unreliable. She also highlights the role of the body in creating our experiences and how this knowledge can make us more tolerant. Dr. Campbell’s goal is to make neuroscience accessible to all.

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Welcome back to the Transform Your Mind to Transform Your Life radio podcast and television show. I’m your host, Life Coach Myrna Young, and today we have a special guest in the studio, Dr. Virginia Campbell, also known as Ginger. Dr. Campbell is an author, physician, and science communicator, specializing in neuroscience. We will be diving into the fascinating topic of the subconscious and intricate workings of the brain. Welcome, Dr. Campbell!

Dr. Campbell: Thank you, Myrna. I’m excited to be here.

Myrna: We are going to have a great conversation on neuroscience and the brain, a topic that I absolutely love. The brain controls everything in our body, and understanding how it works is crucial. Dr. Campbell, could you start by explaining what you mean when you say that 95% of the brain is unconscious?

Dr. Campbell: Certainly, Myrna. When I say that 95% of the brain is unconscious, I’m referring to the fact that most of the processes of the brain are not accessible to our conscious awareness. For example, we are not aware of how our brain processes vision. Even when we know that an illusion is not real, we still see it because the processing is happening at an subconscious level. This subconscious processing is essential for many of the sophisticated processes we associate with being human.

Myrna: That’s fascinating. So, why does this matter in our everyday lives?

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95% of the brain process is subconscious

Dr. Campbell: Well, let’s take reading as an example. The first stage of learning how to read is decoding, which happens automatically and subconsciously. If we couldn’t learn to decode automatically, reading would be a much more challenging task. The subconscious processing of the brain allows us to perform complex tasks without having to consciously think about every step. It’s what makes us efficient and capable beings.

Myrna: That makes sense. So, it’s like our brain is constantly working behind the scenes, allowing us to navigate the world without having to consciously process every little detail.

Dr. Campbell: Exactly. Our brain is constantly processing information and making decisions without us even realizing it. It’s like having a personal assistant who takes care of all the background work, allowing us to focus on the things that require our conscious attention.

Myrna: That’s incredible. Now, let’s talk about memory. In your work, you mention that everyone’s memory is unreliable. Can you explain what you mean by that?

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Your memory is unreliable

Dr. Campbell: Certainly. Memory is not like a video camera that records and stores every detail of our experiences. Every time we recall a memory, our brain recreates it, and during this process, it can introduce new information or distort the original memory. This means that our memories are not always accurate representations of what actually happened. It’s important to understand that memory is not a perfect record of our past, but rather a reconstruction influenced by various factors.

Myrna: That’s mind-boggling. So, even though we remember something vividly, it doesn’t necessarily mean that it happened exactly as we remember it?

Dr. Campbell: That’s correct. Our memories can be influenced by our emotions, beliefs, and even external suggestions. It’s not uncommon for two people to remember the same event differently. This is why it’s crucial to approach memory with caution and not rely solely on our recollections when making judgments or accusations.

Myrna: That’s a powerful insight. It reminds me of the saying, “There are three sides to every story: yours, mine, and the truth.” Our memories are subjective and can be influenced by various factors.

Dr. Campbell: Absolutely. It’s essential to approach memory with humility and recognize that our recollections may not always be accurate. This understanding can lead to more tolerance and open-mindedness in our interactions with others.

Understanding the subconscious brain makes us more tolerant

Myrna: That brings me to my next question. You mentioned that understanding the brain makes us more tolerant. How does that connection work?

Dr. Campbell: The connection between understanding the brain and tolerance lies in the realization that certainty has subconscious origins. Our brain creates a feeling of certainty, even when we may be wrong. This feeling of certainty can lead to rigid beliefs and a lack of openness to other perspectives. However, when we understand that our certainty is not always based on objective truth, we can become more tolerant of differing opinions and be open to considering alternative viewpoints.

Myrna: That’s a powerful insight. So, by recognizing that our certainty is not infallible, we can cultivate a sense of humility and empathy towards others who may hold different beliefs or perspectives.

Dr. Campbell: Exactly. It’s about recognizing the limitations of our own certainty and being open to the possibility that we may be wrong. This can lead to more constructive conversations and a greater appreciation for the diversity of human experiences.

Book Are You Sure
Book Are You Sure Unconscious Origins of Certainty

Are you sure?

Myrna: That’s a valuable lesson for all of us. Now, let’s talk about your book, “Are You Sure: The Unconscious Origins of Certainty.” What inspired you to write this book?

Dr. Campbell: My inspiration for writing this book came from the work of Robert Burton, whose research on certainty and the subconscious mind deeply resonated with me. I wanted to share these ideas with a broader audience and make neuroscience accessible to people from all backgrounds. The book explores the subconscious origins of certainty and delves into the fascinating world of the brain and how it shapes our experiences.

Myrna: That sounds fascinating. What do you hope readers will take away from your book?

Dr. Campbell: My ultimate goal is to expand people’s understanding of the brain and its influence on our lives. I want readers to recognize the fallibility of memory, the power of unconscious processes, and the importance of tolerance and open-mindedness. By gaining a deeper understanding of the brain, we can navigate the complexities of life with more compassion and empathy.

Myrna: That’s a powerful message. Thank you, Dr. Campbell, for sharing your insights and expertise with us today. It has been a pleasure having you on the show.

Dr. Campbell: Thank you, Myrna. It was my pleasure to be here.


In conclusion, our conversation with Dr. Virginia Campbell has shed light on the unconscious and intricate workings of the brain. We have learned that the majority of our brain’s processes are subconscious, allowing us to perform complex tasks effortlessly. Memory, too, is not a perfect record of our past, but a reconstruction influenced by various factors. Understanding the fallibility of memory can lead to more tolerance and open-mindedness in our interactions with others.

Dr. Campbell’s book, “Are You Sure: The Unconscious Origins of Certainty,” delves deeper into these topics, providing readers with a greater understanding of the brain and its impact on our lives. By embracing the complexities of the brain, we can cultivate empathy, compassion, and a deeper appreciation for the diversity of human experiences. The journey of understanding our brain is ongoing, and it holds the potential to transform our lives and the world around us.

Negative Energy: The Journey to Inner Peace

Daniel Mirfield discusses the importance of identifying and releasing, negative energy, to find inner peace. He emphasizes the role of nature in healing and the need to connect with our intuition, stay grounded, and react from a place of peace and love. By recognizing and releasing negative energy, we can find, inner peace, and transform our lives.

Welcome back to the Transform Your Mind, Transform Your Life radio, podcast, and television show. I’m your host, Life coach Myrna Young. Today, we have a special guest, Daniel Mirfield, the author of “Seedling: The Journey to Inner Peace.” In this episode, we will be discussing how to identify the seeds of, negative energy, and release them. Negative energy, can have a profound impact on our lives, affecting our physical and, mental well-being. It is essential to learn how to recognize and release these negative energies to live a more peaceful and fulfilling life.

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About the Guest

Daniel Mirfield is a renowned, energy healer, and mentor who channels the power of nature to help his clients heal and recover from stress. He is the author of “Seedling: The Journey to Inner Peace,” a book that combines ancient wisdom with modern times to help navigate and overcome challenging moments.

Understanding the source of negative energy

Daniel teaches that we can identify, negative energy, in ourselves and others and learn how to release it. He emphasizes the importance of understanding that the energies including, negative energy, we absorb are not just from our immediate surroundings but can also be inherited from past family members and traumatic experiences. By recognizing and addressing these, negative energies, we can break free from their control and live a life aligned with our true selves.

One of the key aspects of, releasing negative energy, is connecting with nature. Daniel channels the power of nature to help his clients heal and recover from stress. He believes that nature holds the answers to our healing and can help us navigate even the most challenging moments. By immersing ourselves in nature, we can ground ourselves, listen to our intuition, and find peace and love in the present moment.

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Podmust Transform Your Mind podcast

How to release negative energy

To release, negative energy, Daniel suggests grounding ourselves and placing ourselves in a position of love. This can be done by walking barefoot, talking to trees, or simply being present in nature. By connecting with nature, we activate our feelings and senses, allowing us to release, negative energy, and embrace the healing power of the natural world.

In addition to connecting with nature, Daniel emphasizes the importance of meditation and self-reflection. He believes that meditation is a practice that can help us cultivate, inner peace, and connect with our, spiritual guides. By creating a space for self-reflection and meditation, we can clear our minds and open ourselves up to receive messages from our, spiritual guides. This practice allows us to tap into our, higher consciousness, and receive guidance and wisdom.

book seedling Journey to inner peace
book seedling Journey to inner peace

The journey to inner peace

Daniel’s book, “Seedling: The Journey to Inner Peace,” is a practical guide to help readers identify and, release negative energy. It explores topics such as balancing energies, understanding triggers and addictions, and healing family DNA. The book is a channelled guide from Daniel’s, spiritual guides, and offers insights and wisdom to help readers on their own journey to, inner peace.

Here are 3 ways to balance your energy 
  1. Change food intake. Either increasing or decreasing food intake changes how much energy a person is taking in.
  2. Change their amount of structured exercise. …
  3. Change their non-exercise activity.



In conclusion, identifying and releasing, negative energy, is essential for our overall well-being and happiness. By connecting with nature, practicing meditation, and embracing self-reflection, we can, release negative energy, and, cultivate inner peace. Daniel’s book, “Seedling: The Journey to Inner Peace,” offers practical guidance and wisdom to help readers on their own path to healing and self-discovery. By embracing these practices and connecting with our true selves, we can live a life filled with love, harmony, and peace.
