Category Archives: How to loose weight

The Crucial Role of an Active Lifestyle Against COVID-19

Wildly Alive coach Nichole Wurth shares how having an, active lifestyle, could help you fight, coronavirus COVID 19, and become BFF's with your body.

Journey to an Active lifestyle.

I was raised on Hamburger Helper and mac and cheese.  I didn’t know the basics of nourishing your body or a healthy lifestyle.  That  was not something that was taught to me, so I got out of high school and I gained some weight.  I did what most women do.  I started dieting. I wouldn't say that I had a big-time body image issues or self-esteem issues going into that whole experience; but after every diet  I started to realize it took out a chunk of my self-esteem.

So after years of dieting if you would have looked at my body you would have thought damn she's got it going on she's so fit she's so healthy. I want her body, I want her, active lifestyle.   But in all reality even though I looked like I was living a, healthy lifestyle,  I was an absolute mess inside.

I had disordered eating and disordered exercising and I was so lost in trying to have a, active lifestyle, I didn’t even see it I was I was obsessed with what I was going to eat and what I couldn't eat. I was strategizing with every bite.  It was strategy all the time.  I was still deeply unhappy because before living this, healthy lifestyle,  I blamed all my unhappiness and the reason why I don't have a boyfriend, the reason why I don't have a fulfilling job, or the reason why I don't have …fill in the blank, was because of my body.


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A Healthy Lifestyle begins with Diet

It's very common for women to blame everything on their body,  so now that I had lost the weight and I look fit and healthy and living a, healthy lifestyle, I no longer had anything to blame for my unhappiness.  So again even though you would look at me and you think wow she's an inspiration,  honestly I was lost from disordered eating and disordered exercising.  Most people they don't even see it, and they're broken.  That's how diet culture works.  Diet culture intentionally breaks you, breaks your trust with yourself, so then you need a diet all the time.

That's how I was for years.  I didn't trust myself without the guidelines, without the rules and other restrictions.  I went through that whole journey. I lost the weight and I was worse than I was before I started that journey.

I start moving into like exploring okay how can I find happiness and freedom and a, healthy lifestyle, at the same time because dieting does not get you happiness and freedom.  It feels very caged.  That's the philosophy of the wildly alive coaching program. I started coming up with this idea that your body is a living, breathing, feeling thing just like a plant.  So if I went into my office every day and looked at my plants and said to them, you're ugly and you're not good enough and you need to try harder.  I would have sent negative energy to them right they would rebel and not thrive.

The Ketogenic Diet is good for a healthy lifestyle

I think that's where most women are.  They look at their body as just this thing that's hanging on them, that's never right and will never be right, and they're constantly abusing it.  If you want to call it abuse or not, it really is, because you probably would never talk to your best friend that way or even your enemy.  That is when I started really looking into instead of creating change from a place of shame, which diet culture teaches, if you just hate your body enough then you can change it shifting that to respect base change.  learning how to respect our body as we are changing and reshaping it. The Ketogenic Diet is the new popular diet plan.

Food plays a very important part in our body image and women in particular, maybe even men. Men drink, women eat! I'm not sure, but a lot of times if you have emotional problems it shows up in what you eat.  And yeah when you go to the gym, and you have a really nice body, that's on the outside. You could still feel shame inside.

A lot of women could identify with, you’re overweight and you buckled down and lost the weight, they are now living a, healthy lifestyle, they go to the gym every day, they eat right and embrace,  healthy living,  so where is the reward. Where is the boyfriend or husband?

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What is an Active Lifestyle?

I gained all  kinds of weight at the end of high school because I was in the industry and I was eating a lot of jalapeno, mayonnaise and French fries. It was like my favorite combination with  Big Mac.  The whole the whole world globally, we're looking at the, coronavirus, and at, COVID-19, and everybody including all the health experts are now on talking about a, healthy lifestyle,  because what we're all now acutely aware that if you have a healthy immune system then you can probably get over this, coronavirus, illness. My, active  lifestyle, programs started  before people became conscious of, healthy living.   A, healthy lifestyle, is  being wildly alive!

 I wanted to create something like a like a bridge between the, covid-19, pandemic and, healthy living.  I'm telling my clients right now is first and foremost and this is the basis of wildly alive coaching,  is your mind is the most powerful muscle in your body and so just like with dieting.

And the constant feeling of stress, you have to change from the inside.


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When I was dieting, I was constantly stressed, I was afraid of butter.  I was afraid of red meat and so on and so on. Even though according to my little calorie counting notebook, I was eating

all of the right things; because I was so stressed over the food, that I was unhealthy. Stressing about everything you put into your mouth is not a, healthy lifestyle.

What is the Feminine approach to a Healthy Lifestyle

This is a respect based approach to, healthy living. If I can help show you how awesome your body is, and how it's doing so many things right now, in this moment, then what will start to happen is, you'll start to recognize that your body is always talking to you.  She's always speaking to you.  She can guide you on the best things to eat and the best ways to move and how to thrive in this whole self-care thing.  You don't need a plan, you don't need somebody telling you what to eat and how to exercise and what to do to feel happy, your body can tell you all of that.

We live in this Western society that just cuts you off at the head and makes you think that all your body is or something you manipulate, that's all it is it's just this mass, that has no voice or no wisdom.  So when you start opening up the lines of communication with your body, you start to listen to it. You start to feel really good.  It is just like when you get a cut you don't have to look at the cut and be like okay white blood cells come do your thing. No the white blood cells are on it. They start forming a scab around the cut and the processes of healing begins.

Our bodies are so smart that we can't even conceptualize and wrap our mind around all the brilliance of our body.  So if I can teach you some of that, and I can show you how awesome your body is and how she is here to guide you.  She's here to guide yourself care and, healthy lifestyle, and  she's also here to guide you on your life choices.


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The 28 day moon cycle

The feminine approach to an, active lifestyle, is really is a woman’s 28-day cycle if you're menstruating.  As women we have a 28-day cycle and that 28-day cycle mirrors the moon.  There's four phases within our 28-day cycle and also within the moon cycle.  Those four phases also mirror the four seasons of the planet. A, healthy lifestyle, includes following your cycle.

For example just to make this really simplified, when you're bleeding it is the New Moon phase.

When we're having our period we tend to be more hibernating, we're not as extroverted.  This is our introverted time.  This is the time when we reflect and restore.  This is our winter time so if you're ever confused you just look at the season the new moon. So when you're bleeding doing a high intense workout it's probably not the best thing for your body.  If you're on hormonal birth control or you're not having your period,  just start tracking the moon and your body will start syncing up with it.

Vice versa the full moon  is your ovulation or summer phase.  You are hyper energized.  There's lots of growth, there's lots of expansion, there's lots of extroverted energy and so this is a really good time for an, active lifestyle, in terms of movement. Now is the time for that high intensity workout or doing that new salsa high intensity class.

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Wildly Alive  self-care and, Healthy lifestyle, coaching program

Wildly alive is about Shame -based change is by telling yourself you can't have those things and you're a bad person if you eat those things, so just to flip this on the head a little bit and think about it from a respect based change.  I always tell my clients I would never tell them they can't eat things ever unless they have an allergy to something,  that's a whole different conversation. Telling yourself you can't eat bread because this study says that bread is bad for you.  I don't think that's enough to really shift into respect based change.  I'm a huge believer in moderation.  I think a little bit of everything is okay.  So have the bread or have the beer, really sit and enjoy it.  If your body starts to say to you, I feel bloated every time I drink a beer, then make some changes. Drink half a beer or try a different beer.

Here are the mechanics for a,  healthy active lifestyle, during covid-19

  • trying keeping the energy light in our house
  • limit media, limit the news because it is mostly negative
  • have a lot of sunlight.
  • getting outside and connecting with nature. Being in nature boosts your immune system. I also love to bring nature into my house. I have lots of my salt lamps.
  • An, active lifestyle, starts with some sort of movement on a regular basis. It could be going out for a walk, it could be yoga, it could be bike riding. Exercise calms your nerves.
  • drink a lot of water
  • increasing your vitamin C intake. I've been making this lemon ginger juice.
  • stay open to the lessons of the, covid-19, pandemic
  • be grateful for what you have and for your family
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iHeart Radio

I read somewhere that you were disappointed in Oprah. Please share why that is.

I would to preface this statement with I do love Oprah. I love her in so many different ways as a woman, as a woman of color.  She is breaking the mold and I love her for so many reasons; but a few weeks ago, I was watching an interview with her in Lady Gaga and she's on stage and they were talking about mental health and I loved it. I was like yes I love this conversation they're about mental health, this is such an important part of health right now. But then I started seeing  WW everywhere and I was like what is WW? It was  Weight Watchers and I was so devastated in that moment because Weight Watchers is diet culture.  It's the epitome of diet culture.  They were having this beautiful conversation about mental health and calorie counting. Weight Watchers has been proven to be mentally unhealthy. It was so sad.

I still love Oprah, I know she's human.  I know she's flawed.  I forgive her.

Do you have any special programs or coaching programs that promote a, Healthy Lifestyle

You can find all coaching programs at

I do have a new free challenge called the embrace and reach your body challenge, that will start in a few weeks.  You could go to flash challenge.

Additional Resources

Exploring CGM as a Tool To Optimize Metabolic Health

Carly Hayes discusses the importance of using a cgm to improve, metabolic health, and why, blood sugar, is connected to longevity and overall well-being. Metabolic health,  refers to how our metabolism processes energy and uses the food we eat to fuel our bodies.

Less than 7% of Americans are metabolically healthy, indicating a widespread issue with the efficiency of our metabolism. Monitoring, blood sugar, using a cgm, also called a, continuous glucose monitor, is a key aspect of, metabolic health, as it provides valuable information about how our bodies are processing food.

Continuous glucose monitoring (cgm) technology allows individuals to track their, blood sugar levels, in real-time and make informed decisions about their diet and lifestyle to, optimize metabolic health. Carly explains how cgm can be used to identify patterns and trends in, blood sugar response, to different foods and activities, and how this information can be used to make meaningful changes to, improve metabolic health.

Download the podcast here:

How is Metbolic Health Measured

Myrna: So right off the bat, because I had never actually heard of that term before, and I see that your company is labeled as a, metabolic health, company. So tell us, Carly, what exactly is, metabolic health, and what does this entail? I know one of the prongs of it is diabetes, but I think that it encompasses more things. So can you talk to us about what exactly is, metabolic health?

Carlee: Definitely one of my favorite topics to get into and shout out to Dr Peter Attia and The Outlive book. If you haven't read that, that's a really great place to get started on all things, metabolic health, and really level up that knowledge. But when we look at, metabolic health, that word sounds a lot like metabolism. So I like to simplify it a little bit and just think about what even is our metabolism and how can we use that information, because we know now that this is the key to longevity. This is the key to living a healthy lifespan and having a good health span. So when we think about, metabolic health, this is kind of this umbrella term that encompasses how our metabolism works.

And if we break that down just a little bit more, what that means is your metabolism is how you process energy. This is how your body takes the foods that you eat and all the factors that you put in to your body and uses that to fuel you throughout the day. So if we're looking at metabolism, some of the things that might tell us how our metabolism is doing are what we'd get in a normal lab draw at our doctor's office, right? So you get a glucose lab, you get your cholesterol, your lipids, also your weight, your waist circumference are kind of encompassed in that category.

But all of those different metrics just tell us that one thing. How is our metabolism doing? Are we taking the food that we eat and using it efficiently? And the scary statistic that's been thrown out a lot lately is that less than 7% of Americans are metabolically healthy. So, like 93% of our population has some sort of issue in the efficiency of their metabolism. So that's critical, right? That's really, really important for us to look at. And I think the thing that I always want people to know is that you have the power to change your, metabolic health, to optimize it and improve it for the future.

Try Nutrisence cgm for Yourself
Nutrisense cgm on my cruise
Nutrisense cgm on my cruise

Have you been trying to lose weight and can’t lose a pound even though you have tried everything!

Well so did I, so when I heard about Nutrisense Continuous glucose monitor I had to give it a try.

A cgm monitors which foods spike your glucose as this contributes to weight gain.

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A cgm monitors your blood sugar continuously

Because from its basic standpoint, this is the things that we're putting into our bodies and doing in our lifestyle every single day that influence that metabolic health. And what I do, what, Nutrisense cgm, does specifically, is we look at one part of that. We look at glucose or blood sugar, which I think everyone's kind of this is a buzzword, right? We're all thinking about, blood sugar, and how to, improve blood sugar levels, even if we don't have diabetes.

And that's because of a couple of reasons. But the first is it's really easy to monitor and it tells you a lot of information. So when we look at, blood sugar, this is basically a sign of how our body is taking that food and how it's processing it. And so what I always like to say is our body is really good at keeping glucose or blood sugar, which is the fuel that fuels our body and keeps us going from day to day in a really stable range, right?

But what happens when we have factors in our life and we all do that, push it outside of that range repeatedly, that's when we run into issues. So if we look at a normal metabolism, right, if we eat a meal, what's going to happen is that our, blood sugar, is going to go up, and that's normal. That's exactly what we want to happen. That's a normal impact of having a balanced meal. And what happens then is that we have this hormone, and we can dive into that a little bit more, called insulin, that comes in and helps move that blood sugar from our blood into our cells so that we can use it.

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How cgm helps with dysfunctional metabolism

And if we have a dysfunctional metabolism, which, again, is a lot more common than I think we realize today, what happens is we eat that same meal, our blood sugar goes up, but we don't have the same insulin or that same hormone response to bring it back down into range. So it stays up for longer. We run into all the issues that cascade as a result of that, which we can get into those in detail. But what's happening is we're unable to kind of bring that down and self regulate.

And what's cool about Nutrisense, what's cool about monitoring your blood sugar is you can see that, right? If you're monitoring how your blood sugar is doing, you can see how your body responds to every single meal or factor in your life, and then you can proactively address anything that's keeping it up in that range that we don't want to see to avoid those complications later on. So I think I always think of glucose as kind of the lowest hanging fruit, right? It tells us so much information about our metabolism in our body, and then it tells us where to put our energy and our focus to make meaningful changes long term.

Myrna: Yeah, well, I'm soaking in all this nutrition. I'm actually reading at night. I'm reading Stephen Gundry's book, The Keto code, it's called and basically there he talked specifically about what we're going to be talking about later in the show, which is, continuous glucose monitoring, because he's saying that you need to know how your body responds to different foods. And when we prick our finger in the morning or whenever you prick it, that's not giving you an idea of continuous.

How does cgm monitor glucose levels

For instance, you just said that, yeah, when you eat, you expect your blood sugar to spike, but if you continue monitoring it, you can see if it's going to come down or what is it doing and things like that. But the question I had for someone that's listening and want to understand, metabolic health, so is glucose monitoring the main issue in, metabolic health?

Myrna: So let's say that when I'm having this urge to eat sweets, my blood sugar is okay. So let's move now to the, continuous glucose monitoring. So let's say that let's talk about what diabetes is. So you've eaten, you've got this glucose in your blood. The insulin is there to get rid of the glucose in your blood and get it to your muscles or get it to your cells. But because you've got diabetes, it's still in the blood, right?

So when we have this, continuous glucose monitoring, one, it's telling us that the glucose is still in the blood, I'm assuming. And two, like me, let's say that I ate a meal and I have a spike in my blood sugar, but maybe then it dropped and then I crave sweets, take us through what this, Continuous Glucose Monitor, does with those type of issues.

Nutrisense CGM
Nutrisense cgm

Carlee:  So this is a cgm. So this is the actual thing that sticks in your arm. So, Continuous Glucose Monitor, and I don't have it opened, but if you've seen most people I think have seen this, but it's just a small little it looks like two quarters stacked on top of each other and you insert it into the back of your arm. It doesn't hurts, but it monitors your, blood sugar, continuously per the name for two weeks. And that's really cool because you can see it at all times a day, not just when you're fasting or on average, you see it overnight, you see it for every single meal.

And that information is delivered to your cell phone. So, for instance, we use our own app, but if you use any, cgm, they'll have their own app that you can use. And then in real time, as soon as you scan it or it goes to your phone, you'll see what your glucose is doing in that moment. I think there are a couple of things that it can do or the benefits of the cgm for that reason. The first is that in real time, you are able to see how your decisions impact your metabolism or your, blood sugar.

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A cgm give you information in real time

So I think if we look at all the different things that we do for our health, or say you have a health goal of losing weight, right, say you are following a specific diet plan or an exercise plan, how long does it take you to see those changes pay off?

You're doing all the hard work, you're putting in the time and the effort, but you might not see those changes for a month, two months, right? It depends. It's not that linear process. And I think sometimes that can be really frustrating for you or for anyone trying to make a goal because it feels like you're putting in the work and not seeing that payoff. I think the benefit of the cgm is as soon as you make that decision, you see it impact you either in a good way or in a not so good way.

And it's that real time data that helps you first learn. I always say the first couple of weeks of wearing a cgm is 90% learning. You're just learning about your body. You're curious, you're trying to see what different foods or activities do to your blood sugar and how that relates to how you feel. And then once you kind of feel good with your data, then it becomes a behavior change piece. It keeps you accountable. You see that change.

You know exactly what happened. And you can use that as kind of a reinforcement to stay on a good path and know that you're making the right decisions in the moment. Those are the big things that are really cool about the cgm.

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cgm's tells you Your homeostatic range

Myrna: Yeah, but I still don't get it. So I want to use real experiences so that me and someone's listening can understand. So when you eat, let's say you eat pasta, your blood sugar is going to spike. It spikes for everybody because that's pasta. So what is this cgm telling me? Telling me that when I eat my blood sugar spikes, are you saying that somebody might eat pasta and it doesn't affect their blood sugar?

Carlee: Break it down a little bit. No, I got you. It's a lot to take in. But, yeah, when you eat a meal, you said it perfectly, your blood sugar is going to raise and it's going to fall after that spike. And that's a normal, healthy metabolism. So within any single response to a meal, you're going to see a peak and you're going to see it come back down. But really what you're looking for in that cgm data is, what does that look like? And there's a lot of small nuances here that I'll try and paint a picture, but what we're looking for is we want that highest value after you eat, to be below a certain level.

And there's a lot of debate about what that level, that quote unquote level, should be. But for a normal, healthy person, from the research that we've seen and we've done, we want to keep that below a peak of 140. So essentially, that's telling you that's where that homeostatic range is. That's where your body's trying to keep it. And if it's going above that range, that's a sign that maybe that meal didn't work really well for your body. Right. If it peaked a little bit higher, that might be a sign that that pasta, hey, we need to adjust that a little bit. So I'll get into maybe some changes that we could make if we have that high spike. So that's first you're looking at the peak. How high are you going?

The other thing you're looking for is how big of a shift you had in your glucose. So we kind of talked about that blood sugar roller coaster, right? If you're having large shifts and then spiking down, that can be a sign that something's not going well or that meal didn't work well for you. Similarly, if you're starting at a really low stage in your blood sugar and then spiking really high, that's. A big shift.

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Metabolic health, Diabetes and cgm

So what that's telling me is, hey, my body responded really strongly to this. This is a big glucose shift, and we want to keep it in that stable range. So this might be something I want to pay attention to. How can I reduce the amount of that shift? And then the third and last thing is how quickly that blood sugar came back down to my pre meal values. So we've already looked at how big of that shift was, what that total peak was, and then how quickly did it come down. And this is essentially telling you, how well did my insulin get me back down to that homeostatic range, right? Was I able to recover from that meal or did I stay really high for really long?

And all of those pieces together tell you how your body tolerated that meal. And so, again, if you have diabetes, a little bit of that is out of your control, right, because your insulin isn't working or responding as well as it should be. But if you're seeing that, then there are definitely some changes you can make in your diet, in your lifestyle to help improve that response. And that's where we hear that term insulin sensitivity a lot.

And that's a good thing. That means if you are insulin sensitive, you are sensitive to the effects of insulin, and your body's able to bring that back down and kind of keep you in a really good range for whatever meal that you have. If you are insulin resistant, on the other hand, which is the defining characteristic of type two diabetes, that means that, hey, your body's trying, right? It's producing that insulin, but we're just not responding like we should.

And so either that blood sugar is spiking too high, or we're staying really high for really long, having big spikes from meals that maybe shouldn't have that big spike. So if we look at that pasta example and this is where I get really excited, because this is where we can make changes and we can try different things and experiment. So say I have that pasta meal and I spike really high. I go above that 140 range, and I know that maybe that was just a larger spike than I want to see.

There are definitely some lifestyle or diet changes we can make. And the first one, and you kind of alluded to this is like your carbohydrates. How can you improve either the type of carbohydrate you're having to help your body process that better, or can you adjust maybe the portion size of that carbohydrate so that it's the right amount for your body? And you did a great job of saying that when insulin comes in and tells our body to bring that blood sugar down, it's bringing it into our muscles.

And that's a huge sink for glucose. That's like our storage space for glucose. It's kind of our secret weapon for handling carbs. And so the other thing we can look at is, well, can we add movement or exercise around this meal so that we can use those muscles as a sink for that glucose and kind of help it soak up that from the blood so that it's not staying there for too long. So if we're seeing kind of some differences in the spike, the shift, or the return to baseline, those are some levers we can pull, and there are so many more we can get into, but those are some levers that we can have that control over and optimize how we responded to that meal.

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The Nutrisense cgm program

Myrna: Tell us about Nutrisense cgm

Carlee: Well, each sensor, the sensor that we use right now, and I think the technology is expanding, it's growing, which is awesome. The technology we use right now, which is the freestyle cgm, lasts for two weeks. That's just kind of the life of the device. But there's a lot of cgm companies. Ours includes two CGMs per a month. So you essentially get a whole month of data. You just have to switch your cgm in between that month so that you can continue monitoring. So for some people, one month might be perfect, right? If you just want to explore and learn, maybe that's perfect. But if you have a larger goal weight loss or prediabetes or you're trying to manage your own diabetes, then a longer monthly plan might work better.

So even if you don't wear a cgm forever, which most people don't, right? You might wear it for periods of time throughout your life just to see different seasons of your life and how your body's responding. But you'll have that data forever, and that's the power of it. So assess what you normally do one to two weeks. So maybe your first sensor, you're just getting a baseline. You're learning. And what I do, what our team of nutritionists do, and this is what I love what I do, I help people interpret that because, you know, just from this conversation, it's a lot, seeing that peak and the shift and how quickly it comes down.

So I think having an expert there to kind of help unwrap that and untangle it with you and kind of connect it to your goals is really helpful. And then after you've established that baseline, you know what your normal blood sugar is, then you can start experimenting and trying different things and making small Tweaks and observing how they improve your glucose so that you have kind of a set up plan to keep you on the right path lifelong.

Myrna: Well, you also did a great tip or great hack there. And I'm not sure if people noticed it, but I paid attention to it. You said that if you eat protein with your carbs, then it slows down your insulin spike. That's pretty good. When you were talking, I'm thinking, okay, so I don't eat spaghetti. Rarely that do I pasta. But there was a time when you would have spaghetti and meatballs or spaghetti and whatever when I had little kids around, because little kids seem to like that.


Myrna: So how can listeners get access to your cgm tool? Tell us about your website. Your social media handles awesome.

Carlee: Yes. So if you want to learn more about Nutrisense cgm, so, continuous Glucose Monitoring, for Proactive Health, preventative health, or just if you have prediabetes or diabetes, you can find more about us at Nutrisense IO. And that is our website. We have a lot of information about our team and kind of what we offer there. But if you want to just learn more, I think we always posting really fun stuff on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter.

We're also on LinkedIn, so you can follow us at Nutrisense IO on those as well. So I always tell people that, you know, I'm really passionate about CGMs. I'm sure you know that by now. But even if you don't want to measure your blood sugar, even if that doesn't interest you, you can still do some of the hacks that we talked about today. You can still do those things that optimize how your body's processing that fuel.

Myrna: That's beautiful. All right, guys. Thank you, Carly. Thank you guys for tuning in. And if you're listening to this on itunes, we'd love for you to rate and review and subscribe. If you're watching this on YouTube, we'd love for you to subscribe. I bring you quality guests like Carlee every week so that you can transform your mind, so you can transform your life. Until next time, namaste. Bye for now

Additional Resources


Break the Cycle of Emotional Eating To Lose Weight

Emotional eating, can be challenging to break, but here are 3 tips to help you break the cycle. In this blog, Dr Katrina Ubell, author of “How to Lose Weight For the Last Time” talks about how to escape the cycle of, emotional eating. Emotional eating, is a habit that can be hard to break, but with the right strategies, you can conquer it.

To break the cycle of, emotional eating, you first have to recognize when you're eating for emotional reasons. Once you've identified your triggers, you need to find strategies to stop yourself from eating. In this post, we're going to share with you three simple tips that can help you overcome, emotional eating, and start feeling healthier and happier!

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Stop emotional eating and lose weight one last time

Dr Katrina Ubell's book “How to Lose Weight for the Last Time” offers brain-based solutions for dropping pounds and keeping them off without suffering or sacrifice. As a pediatrician Dr Katrina Ubell MD always struggled with her weight she was either 40 pounds overweight or struggling to use lose that weight although she'd regularly counseled parents on the importance of keeping their kids healthy and fostering good eating habits.

Dr Ubell as a busy professional was never able to do the same for herself. Like everyone else she tried many different diets and programs, but would always regain that weight. In 2015 Dr Ubell cracked the code for making, weight loss permanent, and developed the program targeted at busy professionals like herself who often deprioritized their own wellness. As a, weight loss coach, Dr Ubell has signed and helped over a thousand busy Physicians and professionals find and stay at a healthy weight with her brain based program and she's now ready to bring this program to the general public like you.

Dr Ubell's program doesn't involve any unrealistic diets plans, special Foods supplements or even rigorous exercise protocols; instead she uses a deep understanding of the brain and behavior patterns to get results. Through her work she's been able to uncover and speak into Universal obstacles that stand in her way of losing and keeping the weight off.

Myrna: I know we're all aware of the yo-yo diet, you diet you lose the weight, you start eating again because you got to, then you put the weight back on.  Share how you lost 50 pounds?  Tell us about your, weight loss journey, and how you cracked the code to keep weight off because you look pretty good right now.

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What is emotional eating

I struggled with my weight for so long, when I was younger I can identify that I definitely did some, emotional eating, which I define as just eating food when you're not physically hungry. Your body is not asking for food, yet you're eating anyway. I mean I might have fluctuated a little bit, but I was relatively active as a kid.

But it was never really too big of a problem, it was when I went to medical school that things really started to become a problem for me.  There just was no time for anything but studying working in the hospital, and hospital food that's not particularly nutritious. I mean there was even a Wendy's fast food restaurant in our Hospital. So I started struggling  in medical school so I went to Weight Watchers for the first time.

I'm a high achiever you give me a list of rules and I'm like I can do this. I will suffer follow it. I will totally sit here starving. That's when I started drinking diet soda, because I think the bubbles and the carbonation filled me up. Some of the stuff that I would do all in the effort to get the weight off, but then what I found was that I got the weight off but I knew I couldn't keep it off.

I really didn't have any kind of meaningful plan for maintaining at all and so of course, I regained the weight back and then I repeated that cycle I mean literally at least 10 times over the course of my training in residency and then out in practice.

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Transform Your Mind

Is keeping the weight off even possible? Yes

Myrna:   I was about to turn 40 old when my battle with, weight loss, began. I you know a lot of people around those Milestone birthdays we start to just kind of reevaluate everything and one of the things I was was thinking about was my body my weight.

Dr Ubell:  I was just trying a bunch of different things and through a very circuitous path, I tried more things that didn't work, but through that path I was introduced to the concept of, emotional eating, before then people would talk a lot about, compulsive eating, and that term did not resonate with me. When I found out that, emotional eating, is eating for any reason other than fuel for your body, I was like oh yeah no sign me up.

I would overeat when I didn't know any of other way to deal with my emotions and you know have a busy life. I have three kids, I have a husband who is a surgeon, so he's got a busy as well. As a doctor there's a lot of ups and downs and I had no other tools, no other skills so of course I would use food to cope.  Some people use alcohol, but for me it was food.

Myrna:   That was a great intro on, emotionally eating. Right now I am doing intermittent fasting and I'm supposed to eat my dinner between six and seven and I'm not supposed to eat again for the night, and it's incredibly hard not to eat.  My brain is is telling me that I need to go eat something and I'm not hungry. I might get hungry 10 30 or 11 o'clock when I go to bed, but at 8 o'clock I'm not hungry,  but I want to eat.  How are you teaching in the book and your clients how to stop that desire to eat when they are not hungry?

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Podmust Transform Your Mind podcast

Emotional Eating when you are not hungry leads to weight gain

Dr Ubell: I am so glad you brought it up because so many people struggle with this.  Nighttime eating for people is so hard.  So the first thing we want to do though is,  we want to zoom out and look at the big picture a little bit and for everybody it's going to be a little bit different but there's often some common themes.

For a lot of us, this is just habit.  It's just what we do and so our brains are like hey it's eight o'clock  it's time for a snack.   Some eat for comfort in the evening.  A lot of people struggle with, nighttime eating, which is why, intermittent fasting, is blowing up.

Myrna:  You said that when you were in medical school you had no time to eat right and you found out that you were not alone, that all Doctors ate bad because they had to time to eat healthy. But a lot of women and mothers have a busy life, they get up in the morning they got kids, they go to work, they come home, they gotta do dinner, sometimes it is much earlier to stop and pick up fast foods.

Dr Ubell:  I think the thing that we have to recognize is that a lot of busy women in particular think about things in the extreme swings of the pendulum.  Either they need to be cooking this home-cooked meal with all these fresh vegetables bowls that takes a long time and is pretty involved with lots of ingredients.  Nobody got time for that right, we're not doing that.  So then I guess we're just eating burgers at Wendy's.

Book How to lose weight for the last time
Book How to lose weight for the last time

How to Lose Weight For the last time

But the biggest thing that we have to recognize when we're very busy, our time is accounted for is simplifying what we expect of ourselves and what we eat those are amazing tools. You could order HelloFresh at a 50% discount. Much cheaper that delivery.  Or cook something simple.

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Myrna:  Tell us about your book “How To Lose Weight For the Last Time”  I understand the main message of the book is, emotional eating, and the conversation you have in your mind about the food, but what is the predominant message that you want to put out?

Dr UBell: The main message of the book is that if you've struggled with overeating/your weight and you're feeling like your relationship with food is not where you want it to be, there's a solution.   What I talk about is what I call Peace and Freedom around food. I described before which is you are just around all the foods it's Thanksgiving and all your favorite foods are there and you're gonna enjoy the heck out of them, but you're not gonna overeat them. You're not obsessed, you're not sitting there asking when's the time for pie, because I can't think of anything else.  I can't even hold this conversation because all I'm thinking about is pie!

What we're doing is we're using our brains to re-regulate that so that we listen to the call of hunger, answer to the satiety signals when we've had enough. We have an appropriate amount of desire for food, meaning when we start getting hungry we want to eat that makes sense, but not in the middle of the day all the time.  So that's really the message in the book is that you have way more control over this than you think.  You're not broken, it's not hopeless and you can't fix.

Myrna:  So where can they get a copy of your book?  Tell us about your website and social media handles.


Dr Ubell:  So the book is available anywhere books are sold.  It's also available on audible.  My website is and my podcast even though it's called “Weight Loss for Busy Physicians” I have a lot of non-physician listeners, people have gotten a lot of help out of it.  On my website there's several free resources that people can download and get started.  If you buy the book and then put in your order number on our special website which is  you'll get a whole Workshop that I did called guarantee your weight loss success.

This is a lot about getting yourself ready to start the process so that you can really follow through and make sure that you get the results that you want. So no matter how you buy it, you can go to that website and go get those free resources.  My social media handles are coachKatrinaUbellMD mostly on Facebook Instagram.

Additional Resources

How to Reprogram your Mind to Stop Binge Eating


How to Burn Fat With Food

Dr William Li, author of Eat To beat Your Diet, shares the fat burning foods we should add to our diet, to be able to burn away harmful, body fat. The fat that is wrapping around your blood vessels serves as fuel tanks for the energy that we eat in our food. You do not have to go on a restrictive elimination deprivation diet, all you have to do is to add certain foods to your diet, to be able to burn away harmful, body fat.

Brown fat, burns down, white fat, it fights bad fat. Eating food can help your good fat, fight bad fat. That's kind of a mind-blowing concept. You can eat foods to, burn fat.

Download the podcast here:


Dr. William Li is an internationally renowned physician, scientist, and author of the New York Times bestseller, Eat to Beat Disease: The New Science of How Your Body Can Heal Itself. His groundbreaking research has led to the development of more than 30 new medical treatments that impact care for more than 70 diseases, including diabetes, blindness, heart disease, and obesity.

His TED Talk, “Can We Eat to Starve Cancer?” has garnered more than 11 million views. Dr. Li has appeared on Good Morning America, CNN, CNBC, Rachel Rayand Live with Kelly & Ryanand he has been featured in USA Today, Time Magazine, The Atlantic, and O Magazine. He is the President and Medical Director of the Angiogenesis Foundation, which leads global initiatives on food as medicine. His newest book, Eat to Beat Your Diet: Burn Fat, Heal Your Metabolism, and Live Longer, was released on March 21, 2023.

Myrna: Dr Li, I heard that our digestive system is unique, like our fingerprints so is that why each person responds differently to food?

book: Eat to beat your diet
Book: Eat to Beat Your Diet

We all come out of the box with the same amount of fat cells

Dr Li: What a great question Myrna, so basically, here's what we know from the latest research. Our bodies are hardwired to work in a certain way, our heart beats in a certain way, our digestive systems work in a certain way, our brains, our eyes, our fingers and toes were all engineered to work in a specific way, it's largely the same for everyone. Our fat cells all function a certain way. And I'll give you an example of what I mean by largely the same.

If you and I went to our own respective computer stores to buy a laptop, the same laptop. All right, and we pulled it out of the box in our own homes, and we plugged it in booted it up. Okay the operating system of that laptop, if you've got the same model, should work exactly the same way as mine. But over time, I'm slaving away at my computer or you're slaving away at yours. The way that our laptop functions, how efficiently and the speed is going to change.

I download a lot of stuff. I have a lot of documents, so I'm sure my computer is going to be slower than yours. But my point is that we all come out of the box the same way. But then individually we develop our own thing. So, our, digestive system, is hardwired to digest the food we put into our mouth. Our brain senses the food, our pancreas, one of our endocrine organs releases insulin. Insulin helps us draw energy out of our food. The energy is packed into our cells, including our, fat cells, and then the food trickles down through our small intestines.

We absorb all the nutrients; it keeps on tumbling further down. And guess what, it feeds our healthy gut bacteria, in our gut. Healthy gut bacteria are very important for overall health. And then finally, you know, we eliminate everything else, we put the poop everything else out. And that's really how we're generally hardwired. So, any deviation from that general pathway winds up being largely the result of who we are, how we live, things we are exposed to. And that's the individualization. So, I'm telling you that we all actually are designed to work the same way, but we are all also individuals.

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Are tomatoes good for us

Myrna: In your book summary, you list probably about a dozen, fat burning foods, that we're supposed to eat to burn fat, Eat to beat our diet. And right at the top there you've got, tomatoes, but Dr. Stephen Gundry says that tomatoes is not a vegetable. It's a fruit and it is bad for us because it's a lectin.  So, tell us why did you put tomatoes at the top of your list?

Dr Li: Listen, I love tomatoes. First of all, my work is really focused on what are the foods that we should Add to our lifestyle to enhance our health. There's a lot of people out there who are very well intentioned and very smart, but they focus on things to cut out of your life. Tomatoes are not one of them. That is why I wrote the book “Eat to Beat Your Diet.”

There was a study called the Harvard health professional study that looked at 35,000 men over 25 years. And what they found when they measured tomatoes that people were eating, they found that men who he ate cooked tomatoes, two to three times a week, lowered the risk of, prostate cancer, by about 30%.  So, tomatoes are one of the, foods that prevent cancer.

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Tomatoes are foods that starve cancer

The reason is because tomatoes contain a natural chemical found in nature called, lycopene. Lycopene, naturally, is very beneficial because when we eat it, it goes into our body. And one of the things that lycopene does in our body is it prevents cancer cells from being able to get its own blood supply. So, it literally cuts off the blood flow that might be feeding a cancer. So, you'd starve the cancer by eating tomatoes.

Okay. Lots of plants have hundreds of, lectins. And it’s true, some that are extremely poisonous, but none of those poisonous ones are in, tomatoes.

Myrna: Wow, that is why tomatoes are at the top of your list.  It is one of the, foods that prevent cancer. I have sautéed tomatoes with onions and chickpeas in my fridge right now!

Dr Li: By the way, chickpeas, which are also incredibly nutritious, a good source of protein, good source of dietary fibers, that's a good polyphenol in it are another metabolism activating food that is really healthy. So, when you talk about you know putting tomatoes with chickpeas and onions, that is really healthy.  Onions have a natural substance in it called quercetin. Quercetin activates your metabolism it helps burn harmful body fat as well.

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Transform Your Mind Podcastland

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Should we fear fat?

Myrna; I absolutely love it.  I heard you talk about Fat. Should we fear fat?

Dr Li: So, all of us have stepped out of the shower in the morning, looked out of the corner of our eye in the mirror and you see a lump of fat or a bump that you don't want to be there, right. So, what do you do immediately? You're like, Oh, I gotta work out. I gotta eat better. I got to do it. The next thing you do you step on a scale. Right? And if that number isn't the exact number you're hoping for, it makes you mad. Now, it's not just in the shower, but in the grocery store at the meat counter. If you see a big thick rind of fat around a steak or something you go I am not going to eat that.

Myrna: So even if you buy it, you cut it out.

Dr Li: But here's the bottom line. This is our adult reaction effect, but you know there's another adult reaction effect. What happens when we see a baby we smile, we love seeing fat babies.

Myrna: That is exactly where I am right now. My daughter just had a preemie baby. And I would love for her to be fat!

Dr Li: Well, wait a minute, obviously fat cannot be all bad, maybe the adult reaction is just the wrong instinct. It turns out, our, body fat, was created when we were still in our mom's womb. One of the first tissues that form is our blood vessels, and that's what I studied blood vessels. Why? Because every organ and every cell in the body requires blood flow, needs nutrients. Okay, that makes a lot of sense the next tissue that forms is our nerves, and the reason is that every organ ultimately would need instructions and nerves. The next tissue is our, Fat cells, called, adipose tissue, or adipose cells.

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Fat cells serves as the fuel tank

Fat cells, that form in the womb resemble a piece of bubble wrap. Every little bubble in bubble wrap is a, fat cell, and this fat is around blood vessels. The fat is wrapping around because it serves as fuel tanks for the energy that we eat in our food. So, let's park the fuel tanks of fat right next to where the fuel is coming from and our blood.

Here's exactly how our body works. This is a simple way for everyone to understand, metabolism. Our metabolism is how our body that gets fuel from into our, fat cells. And the fuel that we have comes from food. We eat the food there's fuel our metabolism picks up fuel puts it into the fuel tank and when our fuel tank starts running on empty, we pull over to the dinner table.

We pull over to the refrigerator or to the restaurant or the pantry. Okay, and what we're doing like choosing the food that we eat, we're actually giving ourselves energy and filling up our tanks. Now two things. Know that you can actually fill your car your engine with better quality gas versus really poor-quality gas.

When you use high quality gas, you know that your car is going to run longer and better more efficiently over a long haul. That is basically the same analogy as food when we choose a good quality fuel food. It's good quality fuel for our body, our engine is going to run better, if you deliberately choose poor quality foods our body will not run as good. So again, the quality of the of the fuel of the food that we eat makes a big difference.

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Transform Your Mind Luminary podcast

Your metabolism is derived from the quality of your food

You’ve also got to make sure you don’t overeat. You're filling up your fuel tank and there is no clicker like at the gas station. When you overeat, inflammation sets in and now you've got inflamed fat that's on the fire and that inflammation leaks out and it's all over your body. Now your whole body's inflamed and that's what sets us up for chronic disease.

So, the good news, I kind of just giving you some bad news, fat burning foods, will help us burn down the extra fuel stored in our fuel tank. And that is really why I call my latest book “Eat to Beat your diet.” You do not have to go on a restrictive elimination deprivation diet to add to your diet to be able to, burn fat,  away harmful, Right? It's more joyful to know what are the foods that, burn fat, that you should add to your diet?

Myrna: How does, intermittent fasting, play into this fat burning system? I had two or three guests on the show, talk about, intermittent fasting. I am doing it myself right now. And I'm working with a 15-hour, intermittent fast.  My question is that I heard you say a 12 hour fast is almost as beneficial as a 15,16, 24 hours fast. Can you explain why that is?

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Transform Your Mind Podcast Pandora

Intermittent fasting is not a new thing

Dr Li: Well, look I mean the there's a new scientific metabolism that helps explain why, intermittent fasting, is beneficial.  Intermittent fasting, isn't just sort of this newfangled fad or trend that somebody came up with that lots of people are following now. It's the most natural thing and who we are as a people. If we fast for 16 hours and eat for 8 hours, we will lose weight, our body will reset, our metabolic markers will improve.  All of that, but since 16 hours without food is so hard for everyone to do, I say a 12 hour fast is more manageable and give you the same benefits.

Myrna: Tell us about your book “Eat to Beat your You Diet: Burn Fat, Heal Your Metabolism, and Live Longer. We talked about everything except living longer. But we know that when we put good fuel in our body, then we live longer. So why did you write the book? Tell us what you want readers to walk away with after reading, your website, your social media handles, etc.

Di Li: Thank you very much for that for allowing me talk about my book. So, we already talked a lot about the things that are in my book, but I'll explain. When you get my book, It’s in three parts. The first part tells you these amazing jaw dropping things, that caused my jaw to drop, and my eyes to open about our metabolism. So, here's just a couple of teasers for you. We are not born with different metabolisms; we're not born with a faster or slower metabolism. Turns out our metabolism doesn't automatically slow when we hit our 40s and 50s and 60s. Amazingly, our metabolism from the age of 20 to 60 is rock able.

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Transform Your Mind Podcast Player FM

Our metabolism does not slow down with age

That's how we're designed, our operating system is designed in our adult life to be completely stable. And so, what happens is that not that a slow metabolism causes us to gain weight. It's gaining weight and growing extra, body fat, slows down our metabolism. You're not cursed with this. You have a tendency to make a decision to use food, use fasting, use your lifestyle to, burn fat. When you burn away the extra fat, you lighten up your body. What happens is your natural operating system your metabolism naturally rises to the surface.

You are in charge of your metabolism because it's hardwired. It's like putting an anti-virus program into your computer so that your operating system can work again. That's powerful. That's very, empowering. And that's a section in my book and then talking about some really interesting parts of that.

Did you know that fat comes in different colors? Fat is brown or fat is white. Those are the two colors. White fat, is lumpy, bumpy, wiggly, jiggly. It's the stuff on your arms, under your chin. White fat is the muffin top. Okay, it's on your thighs. It's on your butt. That's the stuff that most people see. Because it's under the skin, subcutaneous tissue.

But the stuff you can't see, that's also, white fat, and some stuff that's packed into your body. This fat is called, visceral fat, visceral meaning gut, gut fat. And that's why when you actually gain weight, your waist size increases. That's a lot of, gut fat, but you can burn it off it with foods I talk about in my book.

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Google Podcast Transform Your Mind

Brown fat vs White fat

The other kind of fat, the good kind of fat is not lumpy, bumpy wiggly, generally. It's called, brown fat. And in this case, Brown fat, is the kind that you want because it is paper thin. And you're like, What? What are you talking about? Fat is thin?  Yes, It is like a piece of paper and it's not close to the skin. It is close to the bone. All right, and where is it located? It is plastered on the side of your neck. It's underneath your breastbone. It's around under your arms like a girdle and a little bit behind your back, and a little bit in your belly. And what, brown fat, does is ignites; it lights up fat like a space heater.

But so will foods like, chili peppers, tomatoes, pomegranate juice, avocados, beans, chickpeas, all these foods I talk about in my book. Brown fat, burns down, white fat, it fights bad fat. Eating food can help your good fat fight bad fat. That is that's kind of a mind-blowing concept. You can eat foods to fight fat. So, this is why I called my book “Eat to Beat Your Diet.

Now the middle of the book is actually me taking you grocery shopping. And the way that I wrote is, I imagined you the reader sitting in my grocery cart, the way you used to sit in your mom's grocery cart as a kid. In this case, I'm pushing you in my grocery cart and I'm whispering in your ear as we go around the grocery store. What's good for your metabolism, what, foods burn fat. We go through to the produce section. We pick up the avocados, and bell peppers we pick up the Bok choy, we pick up the onions etc. I write about 150 foods you can find in the grocery store at any budget.

The last section of my book,  the third part is really me coaching you how to adapt this to your everyday life. I give you kind of guidelines and some tips  on how to do it and the most important thing is to personalize it for yourself make it work for  you.

You can pick up a copy of my book in any book store or on my web site all my social media handles is @drwilliamli. If you head to my website, you can sign up for my free newsletter where I give you tips about food and recipes and any research that I'm doing.

Additional Resources

Intermittent Fasting: Does It Work For Women?

Intermittent Fasting: Does It Work For Women?

Men rock intermittent fasting,  but does it work for women? As women we have three hormones that we have to take into consideration when fasting.   Estrogen, progesterone and testosterone.  Estrogen loves when you keep glucose down. Progesterone, is completely the opposite way. In fact, I always say that progesterone and estrogen are like twin sisters. They look the same. We call them sex hormones, but they have massively different personalities.

In this episode Dr. Mindy Pelz teaches us from her Book “Fast Like a Girl” how to rock intermittent fasting as a woman.

Download the podcast here:


Commonly known as “The Reset Doc,” Dr. Mindy Pelz is a renowned holistic health expert who is on a mission to start a women’s health revolution!

Teaching her signature “5-Step Approach,” Dr. Mindy has empowered hundreds of thousands of people around the world to harness their body’s own healing abilities through fasting, diet variation, detoxing chemicals from the body, stress management, and lifestyle changes – as keys to achieving optimum health and slowing down the aging process. Her private coaching group, The Reset Academy, teaches women how to sync a fasting lifestyle with their hormones.

She is the author of several bestselling books including the newly-released Fast Like a Girl, The Menopause Reset, The Reset Factor, and The Reset Kitchen. Her members-only Facebook group, The Resetter Collaborative, includes over 30,000 active members. Dr. Mindy’s podcast, “The Resetter Podcast,” is ranked within Apple’s top 40 category of U.S. science podcasts.

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What is intermittent fasting?

Myrna: So to start off, Dr. Mindy you are a renowned holistic health expert. Can you share with our audience, what exactly is, intermittent fasting, and what our body does in, ketosis?

Dr. Mindy:  Yeah, it's such a good place to start the conversation. Thank you for asking that because, intermittent fasting, has become this buzzword that so many of us throw around, but I could put you in a room full of 100 people and everyone will have a different definition of what is, intermittent fasting.

And that is the whole premise of what I teach. So, here is the best way we can look at, fasting. We must remember that we have two energy systems. So, when you're trying to get energy to go about your day when you're trying to get mental energy, you want energy to heal.

A lot of the conversation in the health world has been around quality of food and what to eat and, and what foods are going to be the best for you. And so, there has been a lot of food conversation, but what we don't realize is that's only one of our energy systems, that when glucose goes high, yes, glucose in a balanced way can really help support Cellular Healing specially if you're eating the right foods, but it's only 50% of the conversation.

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The Ketogenic energy source

Because this other energy source is what we have come to know as the ketogenic energy source. Now, the ketogenic energy source, I like to lovingly call it the fat burning system, because the only way you can make ketones is by burning fat. So, hallelujah, because we can start to see that we can make ketones and lose weight at the same time.  Those ketones what they will do is they'll go up into the brain and they start to supercharge your brain, they repair neurons, they kill hunger, or they repair any mitochondria throughout your body.

So, it is this healing state that we put ourselves in. So, when you ask what is, intermittent fasting, it is you are tapping into the, ketogenic, fat burning healing energy system. That’s why so many people are crazy about it. Most of us until we try fasting we've never experienced the power that our body can have using this energy state as fuel.

Myrna: So if we eat bad food for 8 hours and fast for 16 hours does  that mean that we don’t get fat?

Dr Mindy: That's really a great question.  So, there are two things that will happen is one you what you're doing if you eat that meal, you're eating that fast food and you're eating it in a confined period. During that time when you are eating that fast food, your blood sugar is going up, your inflammatory markers  are going up, your cholesterol is going up.  Those things are still going to happen and I'm not advocating for that style of food. But so many people are addicted to that way of eating.

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Intermittent fasting allows your body to heal

But here's the catch. If you give yourself 16 hours to heal, after you've eaten that toxic food, all those markers come back down. Fasting insulin comes down, glucose comes down, CRP cholesterol, all of them comes back down because you gave your body a chance to recover from the toxicity of that food.  I've seen incredible changes to, autoimmunity. Do you know, 80% of autoimmune conditions happen to women. So that's why it is so important for women to understand how to use fasting for themselves.

We have seen fasting totally obliterates chronic pain. It'll go away. Mood Disorders, reboots the whole dopamine system it can help with it can upregulate GABA so your anxiety will change. I mean menopause symptoms, you name it.

Myrna: Yeah, that's amazing such good information. You teach us to check our blood sugar to see what foods are taking us out of ketosis.  I used to drink apple cider vinegar and honey every morning not knowing that the honey was taking me out of ketosis.  So, let's say that you were trying to fast for 16 hours. What are some of the foods we can eat and stay in ketosis.  I believe you call them, fat bombs.

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As I grow up podcast
As I grow up podcast

Intermittent fasting and fat bombs

Dr. Mindy: Okay, so the most common question we get because most people will fast in the morning is what about my coffee? And I would say that I'm going to give you sort of the general ideas of what works and then we'll give you a formula on how you can test it on yourself. But generally coffee works for most people. It is how many of us get through our fasting window. We get up in the morning, we have our coffee, and it keeps us going and there’s great science showing that coffee stimulates, autophagy, which is one of the mechanisms we are trying to trigger with fasting. So now what you put in that coffee really matters.

So, if you're putting coffee mate in it or a creamer that's very toxic or you're putting sugar in it, you're going to pull yourself out of a fasting state. So, what can you put in your coffee? A heavy cream typically works, some people use, MCT oil, which will actually kick up your ketones production and it will also turn off the hunger signals. So, I put a little scoop of, MCT oil, in my coffee. And you can do Ghee butter if you want.  Ghee butter was really popular for a while. Yeah, but like a fat bomb, that would be fine.

  • I wouldn't do nonfat milk, It's too high on the glycemic index. You need some fat to slow that spiking of the blood sugar down.
  • And I wouldn't do coffee mate,
  • I wouldn't do creamers.
  • I wouldn't do oatmeal or almond milk, they have tend to spike the blood sugar. really good. So does cow's milk.
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Does intermittent fasting work for women?

Myrna: So, does intermittent fasting work for women?  Talk to us about, intermittent fasting women. The last nutritionist that I had on the show, when I told her about my husband lost 40 lbs. doing, intermittent fasting, she said it usually works for men and doesn't work so much and women. What's the deal with, intermittent fasting weight loss?

Dr. Mindy: So, here's what we need to know about the difference between men and women. And when we look at our hormones, we are our hormones play out differently for us. So, let's start with men. A man's number one hormone is, testosterone. Most people know that. But what's interesting is testosterone goes up into the brain and converts into estrogen. So, you'll hear a lot of people say, men have estrogen. too.

They do, but it starts with testosterone and then it converts up into the brain. When a man is fasting, the research shows that he can improve his testosterone levels by 1300% in a 15 hour fast and he can he can improve his testosterone levels by 2,000% in a 24 hour fast so men rock fasting.  In fact, if you ever if you're married to a man, and you go into a fast together, I see this over and over again. The man's like I lost 30 pounds in like three weeks and the wife is like, I lost one pound! And that’s because of the difference of hormones.

Myrna: Wow.

Dr. Mindy: Yeah, literally, I've I feel like I could be a counselor for couples. So men, you rock fasting,  women we have three hormones that we have to take into consideration.  estrogen, progesterone and testosterone. So, an estrogen and progesterone play by vastly different rules. Estrogen loves when you keep glucose down. Estrogen is very tolerant of cortisol. So, if you want to go into a longer fast, or glucose goes down, insulin goes down and cortisol goes up, because cortisol will go up in a fast very much like exercise increases cortisol, and estrogen is going to love that. You want to clean up your estrogen system.

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Listen Notes Transform Your Mind

Intermittent fasting, estrogen and progesterone

Progesterone, is completely the opposite way. In fact, I always say that progesterone and estrogen are like twin sisters. They look the same. We call them sex hormones, but they have massively different personalities. And so, when we look at what progesterone wants, she wants you to bring glucose up. So, if you're fasting and you're keeping glucose down, you're going to make progesterone. Progesterone also wants you to keep cortisol low. So, it is the incomplete inverse of estrogen. That is why the book is called, fast like a girl.

I started to look at those hormones and go what is it that that needs? What are these behaviors and when you look at a woman who has a cycle, the front half of her cycle is when estrogen is in her glory. So fasting works great. The back half of her cycle is when progesterone is in her glory. So, no fasting is great. And so one of the things that I've that really propelled me to write this book was that the word got out into the world that women shouldn't fast. And it's like, yes, we should not fast when progesterone is coming in, which is the week before our period.

So, the diet that you ate at 35 that kept you slim and feeling great is not going to work for you at 45 because you've got to consider the loss of estrogen. I also believe women who have been all the way through menopause should actually go into longer fast, like three days fasting. It is a beautiful way to clean up that imbalance that estrogen, but you still have progesterone, she didn't go away, she's just a little less. And so with her you just are going to need to make sure that you step out of fasting and you step out of low carb or keto at least once a week, maybe a couple of times a week depending on how low your progesterone is.

So, in the book, I call it hormone feasting foods and these are the foods that you can feed progesterone to be able to give her the nutrients she needs.

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Google Podcast Transform Your Mind

Fasting like a girl

Myrna: So, why did you write the book Fast Like a Girl, why did you call it that? And what do you want people to walk away with after reading?

Dr. Mindy: It is a great question.  The catalyst for writing this book was because of what I was seeing in my clinic, what I was seeing on my YouTube channel where I teach fasting.  A million and a half people join the channel every month and they were leaving their comments.  I talk about a specific formula of fasting that took six different fasting types and two different food styles and mapped it to a woman's hormones.

And I was watching women hormonally come back into balance. I fixed my hormonal system using these six differently fasting tools and mapping them to my hormones or to my menstrual cycle in my mid-40s. So, I knew it worked for me. Then I taught my patients and I saw it work for them. And then I taught millions of other women across the world and I knew that I was on to something.  It's really interesting because right now we're getting so many incredible reviews on the book and everybody's like it works. It works.

So, that was sort of the meaning behind why we got this in print so that every woman has it. Now the title, I think there's a lot in the title that I want. I don't want women to lose because I've had a lot of women say to me, Well, I'm not a girl. Well, you know what, there's actually a feminist philosopher who wrote an essay back in the 1980s. About why the concept of running like a girl or throwing like a girl is actually an accurate statement. And the reason that it's accurate is because when you look at the Kinesiology or the mechanics of what it takes to throw a ball, our bodies are built differently than men.

So, we aren't going to throw a ball like a man because our hip ratio is different. Our arm length is different. Our muscle balance is different. Same thing with running like a girl so that's the idea behind the title Fast Like A Girl.  Women don't fast like your husband, don't do it like your brother, your father best friend. Do it like the girl design of you, of your feminine body.

Book: Fast Like a Girl
Book: Fast Like a Girl


Myrna: I Like that, right. Okay. And now you have your YouTube channel, you have a Facebook group, you have a podcast. Tell us about your social media handles and how we can follow you on social media. I've already started following you on Instagram. So, I see your videos on Instagram.

Dr.  Mindy: Yeah, thank you. Well, YouTube is my passion project. So, we I put out the science and the application of fasting all over YouTube. So, if you're interested in learning more, that's a great place to go. I am on Instagram @drmindypelz

My podcast is called The Resetter podcast and we have incredible discussions there with some brilliant minds. So, and you'll see if you listen to repetitive episodes, I always bring fasting into it and ask people about, intermittent fasting. So you can connect with me on YouTube, Instagram, Facebook, we have a closed Facebook group called that's free. And it's called The Resetter Collaborative, it's a fasting group has over 60,000 people in it. And there are some really amazing fasting minds in there.

So if you want more support, that's a great place. Yeah, we have an academy that is a membership group, where people who want assistance from me and my coaching my team of coaches and fasting warriors, we have a whole supportive group called the Reset Academy. And if you forget all of that, you could go to And it's all there.

Additional Resources

The Role of Probiotics in Gut Health and Brain Health

How to Reprogram your Mind to Stop Binge Eating

When you develop, Binge Eating Disorder, you aren't able to fight your desire for food. It's like an addiction. It IS an addiction. Binge eating, and overeating and how that negatively affects your health until you learn how to reprogram your mind.  


My guest today is Dr. Glenn Livingston, author of “Never Binge Again” and our topic is “How to Reprogram Your Mind to stop, binge eating,”

Glenn Livingston PhD,  is a veteran psychologist and was the long-time CEO of a multi-million-dollar consulting firm which serviced several fortune 500 clients in the food industry. 


Dr Glenn has sold over 30 million dollars of marketing consulting services over the course of his career.  You may have seen his previous work in major periodicals like the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, the Chicago sun-times, the Indiana Star Ledger, the New York Daily News, American demographics, or any of other major media outlets.

 What is Binge eating disorder

Dr. Glenn can you tell us what makes you uniquely qualified to comment on, binge eating disorder?

Well I'm not just a psychologist who wanted to work with people to help them lose weight;  I'm a guy who had a very serious, binge eating, problem myself.

I know what's happening in the addiction treatment field that we're being told that we're powerless over the, food addiction, that it's a disease. Binge eating, is 

An irresistible impulse that gets worse over time.


Transform your Mind Stitcher
Transform your Mind Stitcher

Here is Dr Glenn's story on how He conquered, Binge Eating, 

I discovered a weird thing when I was a youth.  I'm 6’4” I'm reasonably muscular and I figured out when I was about 17, that if I worked out for two or three hours a day, I could eat whatever I wanted. So my diet was boxes of muffins, boxes of donuts, boxes of pizza, boxes of chocolate bars. I was eating six, seven, eight thousand calories a day and it was no problem.


Well as you could figure out, I couldn’t continue, binge eating, like that as I got into my 20’s.

When I got to be about 22 or 23, married and in graduate school, I was commuting to school, I had all these responsibilities as a husband. I could barely work out two hours a week, much less two hours a day.  But I couldn't get rid of the cravings for, junk food. I had a, food addiction, and  I started getting fatter and fatter.  My triglycerides went through the roof, and I had doctors telling me that I was going to die in my 30's if I didn't find stop, binge eating .


 I eventually figured it wasn't what I was eating, it was what was eating me.  


I had been doing some reading in alternative, food  addiction, treatment by a guy named Jack Trimpey. He wrote a book called “Rational Recovery” and he made it clear to me for the first time that the seed of, food addiction, was really the, reptilian brain,.


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Transform your Mind Soundcloud podcast

Binge Eating, Definition 

Binge eating, is  looking at food from the reptilian brain doesn't know love.  We're all we're all busy trying to love ourselves out of these, food addictions; but the reptilian brain doesn't know love. The reptilian brain assesses something in the environment and says, do I eat it or do I kill it! There's no love there, there's no concern for tribe or family or friends or long-term aspirations or creativity or music or art. There's none of that.  It's just eat, mate or kill, and when you look at the animal studies you see that is what happens when you short circuit the pleasure system. 

 You can walk a block in most cities and find a McDonald's, a Burger King across the street.  There's a fast-food restaurant on every corner these days. So we don’t have physical electrodes in our brain; but there are chemical electrodes and concentrations of pleasure that we weren't prepared to meet by evolution.  


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binge eating disorder
binge eating disorder

Binge Eating, and what your choice of foods signifies:

  •  My research found was that people who struggled with, binge eating, chocolate was definitely lonely or brokenhearted.
  •  People who struggled with, binge eating, salty crunchy things, tended to be stressed at work people
  • People who struggled with, binge eating, soft chewy things like bread or bagels or pasta, tended to be stressed at home.

I found out from my mom, the reason I struggled, binge eating, chocolate.


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TuneIn Radio

Now on Podbean, Castbox, Deezer, Google Play,  Soundcloud, and Stitcher,

How to reprogram your mind to stop, binge eating.

 I tell people the best way to stop the, food addiction, and, binge eating, is to is to think of the single worst trigger food or eating behavior that's getting you in trouble.


Maybe it's eating in the car, maybe that's where you do all the damage. Maybe you could create one rule that says: I never eat in the car or maybe it's a particular food. e.g  I can only have salami on Sundays. Maybe it's about how you eat, maybe it's more like you need to pause and be more mindful.  e.g I'll always put my fork down between bites.


If there's something that you know is getting you into trouble,  binge eating, start with that one.

Binge Eating and the Reptilian Brain 

Don't worry if making this rule will help you loose weight or not.  Unless your doctor says that it's really urgent that you do, don't worry about your weight.  I just want you to get the hang of the way this mental game is played, because that rule allows you to separate your thoughts from your, reptilian brain.

  •  Come up with a name for your, reptilian brain, I called mine my “pig”
  • Some people call theirs their food monster or food demon or something like that.
  • Then you want to listen for those destructive thoughts.  
  • You want to listen for what your inner food demon says is the rationale that you should break the plan with, binge eating, you can do one of two things when you hear it.
  •    You can ignore it, because it doesn't matter how smart what is saying, it doesn't matter how logical it sounds, if you know that it's coming from your food demon, your pig, you now it's bad.  So you might as well ignore it even if it sounds like it's got a PhD from Harvard!
  • You could write out what the food demon is saying and you ask yourself where is the lie within it.  Where is the logical fallacy within it.  For example maybe the food demon says one bite won't hurt you, or  you can start again tomorrow, which is based upon the logical fallacy that you'll be in the exact same place tomorrow.

Food addiction leads to binge eating 

 If you reinforce the connection today between that craving and the actual eating of the food then, you're going to have a stronger craving tomorrow.  That means the, food addiction and, binge eating, will be a little worse tomorrow. 

 One of the ways to attack your craving and, binge eating, is to create a food plan.  The food plan would have some things that you always eat, some things you never eat, and some things you eat sometimes.  


  1.  I always eat five servings of fruit or vegetables.  
  2. I drink two whole glasses of water when I get up in the morning.
  3. I will only eat pretzels at major league baseball games.
  4.  I only eat bread when I am out at a restaurant.  
  5.  I never eat after 6 pm.
  6.  I never eat pizza.
  7. I never eat more than two squares of chocolate a day. 


While other addictions, such as alcohol and drug abuse, are more widely known and understood, food addiction, and, binge eating,  isn't. Hope this blog post and Dr. Glenn Livingston, author of “Never Binge Again” helps. 

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Download on iTunes

Additional Resources

Benefits and Drawbacks of Keto and Paleo Diets

Almost everybody should be eating a, Paleo diet, It's very safe and you could do it long term. It's how I eat and really it goes down to the Paleolithic times. With the, Paleo diet, you can have unlimited vegetables. And so, you're eating the philosophy of when we were created.

The, keto diet, stands for, ketogenic, and it's basically getting the body in the state of, ketosis. When we are in the state of, ketosis, it basically changes our fuel source from carbohydrates to fat.

Download the podcast here:


Risa Groux, CN is a Functional Nutritionist and Certified Autoimmune Coach and author of FOODFRAME: Diet is a Four-Letter Word .  She has always been passionate about nutrition and good health. Risa was so concerned about purity that she made her children’s baby food from scratch. Today she is passionate about cooking and creating healthy, nutritious food. She works with a wide array of clients from professional athletes, adults, and kids to the Biggest Loser from season four.

Risa works with issues like diabetes, autoimmune disease, cancer, digestion, thyroid, and hormone imbalances, to name a few. Risa firmly believes that the body can heal itself with whole foods we obtain from the earth and sees living proof of that in her office each day. She looks at root causes using functional nutrition guidelines, blood and stool tests, and knows that, weight loss, is a side effect of wellness.

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Diet and weight loss

We have to understand the root causes of, weight loss.  Why is it that we have headaches, right? It's not because we have a deficiency in Tylenol, right? Why do we have high cholesterol? Why do we have constipation? Why do we have depression, whatever it is anxiety, there's a root cause to that it's not because we have this deficiency and mitigation. We're born with that.

Myrna: Are you saying that, weight loss, can always be linked back to our, diet, and what we are eating?

Risa: Not necessarily always what you're eating, but what you're eating is definitely hindering or helping, okay? So, if there could be a pathogen in your gut, there could be blood sugar dysregulation, there could be, low thyroid, all of these things. Where food absolutely is contributing to the growth of it or to the reverse of it. I'm always looking at those root causes. That's why I do extensive blood tests and stool tests, because I want to know what's going on. I'm not really good at guessing. I don’t play darts with the lights off.

That's what we they do in conventional medicine, not, functional nutrition. So, we're looking at, in addition to root causes, we're looking for prevention, because in allopathic medicine, we look at our reference ranges, they get wider and wider and wider. I say to people all the time, you've got this raging fire in the basement, your doctor might give you a little squirt gun or you might be trying it with a squirt gun yourself, but I've had to bring in the hose and get that fire out because if we have a fire in the basement, we're gonna hold on to all of our resources.

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What we eat is either helping or hindering weight loss

The body is not going to give it up because it may need it in the future. Right? It's like I always say to people, you've got a raging fire in the basement, but somebody is on the second floor saying can you help me change the light bulb? Why I got this fire and you're happy to change the light bulb once again. That's another consideration is how much of a fire do you have? Right? What is making you not lose the, weight. So those are what we look at and, in my office.

I look at two foundational issues. One is, systemic inflammation. As I mentioned, that is the driver of disease we know that for sure with COVID people going into third stage, inflammation. The second is, gut health, and, gut health, is extraordinarily important.

In addition to some, inflammation, one is blood sugar dysregulation which we you know, I test for, insulin resistance, and most allopathic doctors do not test for that. So, I'm looking at a C peptide and a fasting insulin in addition to the C and glucose. So that's number one is if you have insulin resistance, it's very difficult for, weight loss. Number two thyroid dysregulation that is our metabolism. Our temperature gauge, it's how we burn up fat and tells me why you are not able to lose weight.

The third marker for, weight loss, is cortisol, that is the stress hormone, right. So, stress really does drive up, cortisol, we will not lose weight when we have high, cortisol, or really low, cortisol, for that matter, either. And then for you've just named it, sex hormone, imbalance. That's a huge reason why we can't, lose weight.

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Comedians for Climate Action Atlanta
Comedians for Climate Action Atlanta

Toxins prevent weight loss

The fifth we can’t, lose weight, is an overload of, toxins. So that's why I'm big on, detoxing. I do a detox all the time. I just had a detox shake just now. I'm always, detoxing, and it's really important because we are inundated with chemicals. The FDA in America. This is a brand-new number. I hate to report it. We have been approved for 86,000 chemicals.

Myrna: Well, let's spend a little time there. So how do you, detox, or how do you suggest that people, detox?

Risa: So, let me just give you some more stats there that 86,000, toxins.  Over 3000 of which are foods that we can eat right? And let me just tell you that Europe just came out with a list of 1600 chemicals that they banned just for their cosmetics. At the same time, the US banded 11, so we have, toxins, everywhere. They're in our makeup, they're in our clothes, they're in our paint. They're in our furniture, they're in our food. They're in our cosmetics, they're in our sunscreen in our shampoos or conditioners, our Perfume is, toxins.

But, detoxing, the right way is really important when, toxins, come into the system, the liver kind of deciphers.  If it is an enzyme, typically even if it's a, toxin, that goes to an enzyme, it goes out that's great, but if it isn't, it gets stored in fat tissues and fat cells. This is why we, lose weight, when we, detox. But, toxins, do a tremendous amount of damage. It stays in the intestinal lining, where they get reabsorbed all day over and over and over again. And one of the markers that we look for on blood tests is called the homocysteine and that tells us if you're able to, detoxify, your own heavy metals and your own, toxins, so really important to look at that marker as well.

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Detoxify your liver to aid weight loss

But I, detox, probably three times a year. I have a lot of people in my office who do it four times a year even if you just did it twice here, you'd be way better off than not doing it at all. But I have my own, detox products, which your listeners have 10% off the detox for three months after it drops. Use coupon code Transform10 at Functional Certified Nutritionist | Risa Groux Nutrition You're drinking collagen shakes filled with amino acids and antioxidants that help open up pathways one and two. And then you're eating real foods, you're eating animal protein, you're eating unlimited vegetables, sweet potatoes, yams, and some good fats, eggs, nuts, seeds, olives, avocados.

Myrna: Okay, so that's awesome. But yeah, you probably hit the nail on the head regarding my, weight loss, issues. I haven't detoxed in a long time.

Risa: So yeah, let me tell you the philosophy that drove me to write this book. I've been doing what I do for many years. And I started to do their blood labs. And I realized that everybody is different. If you have low blood sugar, you're going to eat very differently than somebody who has high blood sugar. If you have thyroid, you're going to eat very different than somebody who doesn't have your autoimmune same thing. So, what I started to gather is that we should all be eating according to our health status.

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Benefits and drawbacks of the Keto Diet

Lot of books come out and tells us this is what to eat, some say go on the, low lectin diet, it works for a lot of people, but it doesn't work for everybody. And same thing with, keto diet. Keto, is great for a lot of people, but not everybody. I personally couldn't get into the state of, ketosis. I kept trying and trying and I just couldn't get into, ketosis, without exogenous health. So, I didn't want to do that. People who don't have gallbladders should not be doing, keto. People who have a lot of adrenals cortisol production stress do not do well on, keto.

Women typically don't do well on, keto. So, I'll start with, keto. I broke this down and created my, Foodframe method. And that is why I wrote the book, because I think it's so important that not one size fits all. Keto, is not this new diet type that is going to be the miracle. It might be for some but not for everybody.

Myrna: Well, let me ask your question right there because, I wasn't aware that, nutritionists, take blood. So, you're testing your clients, and then you're deciding on a nutritional plan for them. Is that only with, functional nutritionists, or, nutritionists?

Risa: I don't know other conventional nutritionists or dietitians who take blood, but I do I order blood labs and stool tests because I don’t like guessing.

So, then I know right? I know if you have H Pylori, or if you have Giardia or you have Candida or you have parasites, how do we know that we've got a fire in the basement ongoing?  So, keto, stands for, ketogenic, and it's basically getting the body in the state of, ketosis. When we are in the state of, ketosis, it basically changes our fuel source. Everybody is born to have a fuel source from carbohydrates, sugar, carbs are turned into sugar and the pancreas to pumps that insulin.  It creates that insulin and that insulin converts that sugar or carbohydrate and puts it into converts into glycogen puts it in the cell and it's used for energy.

ATP is what we make from the, mitochondria, within the cell. This is difficult for people who have insulin resistance. I mean, it's good for people who have blood sugar issues, because it helps, but when you go into the state of, ketosis, you're changing that fuel source from a carbohydrate to fat. So, you have very, little carbohydrates and I mean less than 20 net carbs in a day, which is low, and maybe 5% of your diet is in carbohydrates. All foods have carbohydrates except for animal protein and fats like oils. Olives are really low. And so, what happens is your fuel source, you're starting to create, ketones, we would see, ketones, in your urine. That means you're burning fat for fuel, and it's great for that person. Most men do really well with, keto, not all women do well with, keto.

Myrna: My husband does, ketosis, with intermittent fasting. He has lost over 30 lbs on this, keto diet.

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Testing for the state of ketosis

Risa: Yeah, so that's a perfect person for the, keto diet. Women don't do as well.  But again, this is not something I would recommend if you don't have a gallbladder and don’t any fat malabsorption issues.  If you have a lot of stress, it may not work for you either, but I would recommend getting a, urine stick, so you can check it every morning to see if you're in the, state of ketosis.

Myrna: And let's stop there for a minute. So, you can get a, urine stick, and check for, ketosis?

Risa: Yep, at Walgreens or CVS? That's what I did is, I would pee on the, urine stick, every morning to see if I'm in the, state of ketosis.

Myrna: Yeah, that's beautiful. That's a great tip. Thank you.

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Benefits and drawbacks of the Paleo diet

Risa: So almost everybody should be doing, Paleo, rather and you can be doing it. It's very safe. You could do it long term. It's how I eat and really it goes down to the Paleolithic times. And so, you're eating the philosophy of when we were created. We ate animal protein as clean quality as possible because there's another source of, toxins. We have a lot of, growth hormones, and antibiotics in our meats. And then our chickens are just eating just grains and things that they're not supposed to be eating and they weren't born to eat, and our fish is farmed and filled with chemicals also.

So, it's really important to eat good quality. With the, Paleo diet, you can have unlimited vegetables. Any way you want them except for deep fried. We make a couple exceptions like no corns, peas or string beans really very often. We take out legumes, we take out grains, we take out dairy, we take out sugar and processed foods. So, you're having sweet potato, yams, good fats very similar to my, detox. My detox is very, Paleo.  It's really the easiest one to do. You can stay on it long term, and you're really removing the high carb foods and the inflammatory foods, bread, sugar, dairy, alcohol, you can have a little bit of alcohol on, Paleo diet, like tequila, gin, vodka, things like that. No beer.

Myrna: One of my sponsors Greenchef set me up with, Paleo recipes. And I've been I've been cooking, Paleo, but I don't know much about the, Paleo diet.

Risa: Benefits of, Paleo diet, is to decrease that, systemic inflammation, and increase good, gut health. So, it has a lot of fiber, which is really good for the microbiome. For general good diversity and, gut health. We're removing the sugar are the dairy, the grains and the legumes. I'll get into that a little later. We talked about, lectins, but they're hard to digest.

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Drawbacks of the Vegan diet

If you don't have enough digestive enzymes in the system, you're gonna have a hard time breaking down, and they're also filled with tons of carbohydrates. I am a former, vegan, myself and I lived on beans, specifically a little bit of grains but not much and my blood sugars I just watched it go through the roof. I was almost pre diabetic. And it was just because I was eating so many beans at every meal. Lentils and garbanzo beans and hummus and black beans.

Myrna: I gained 3 lbs in the last 2 weeks because I was eating beans and oats!

In my book, I go in great detail with this such different types of, vegetarians and the, vegan, diet.  Vegetarians, are eating Bread and Oreos, French fries, Cokes. You know, these are all vegetarian foods, but they are not good for us. They're processed foods, so you can fall into that trap of processed diet. And occasionally I do meet a real, vegetarian, who actually eats vegetables, but they have to have some protein soy.  So again, there's the beans and the grains, nuts and the seeds. So, vegan, is not something I recommend for everyone.  I really don't recommend eating vegetarian or, vegan, for most people. But I do recommend eating a lot of plants food no matter what, because we were born to eat plants.

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Deezer Transform Your Mind Podcast

Autoimmune Protocol Diet is Paleo without nightshade

The, autoimmune protocol diet, is fairly restrictive. It's an elimination diet. So, it's 30 to 90 days and I wouldn't recommend if you have one or two or more autoimmune, you go for 90 days as best you can. It's very restrictive. It's the, paleo diet, however we're removing, nightshade vegetables. So that's tomatoes, potatoes, opportunities except for sweet potato and yams, eggplant and peppers of any kind.

So, anything but black pepper, soy, paprika, red peppers, and you know jalapenos and then and goji berries and then we're moving on nuts, seeds, eggs, so it is very restrictive. They bring it a little bit of fruit, but very little berries a little bit of apple things like that. But it's pretty restrictive. And the whole point is to quell the, inflammation, that's driving these antibodies that are causing that cytokine storm.

Myrna: I'll circle back, so you're saying that the foods that you remove are foods that contribute to, inflammation?

Risa: if you have, autoimmune disease, nightshade vegetables, are foods that are high in, lectins, which we'll get to next. But, lectins, can cause inflammation. Yes.

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Nightshade vegetables can cause leaky gut

Myrna; Dr. Steven Gundry has been talking about, lectins, and how these things go through your intestinal lining of your stomach, and you shouldn't eat them? And I listen and I'm thinking why are tomatoes bad? But you're just saying exactly the same thing, I don't eat eggplant.  I'm allergic to it. What are some of the, nightshade vegetables, again, I know there's tomatoes what else?

Risa: Tomatoes, all kinds of potatoes except sweet potato and yams, different family eggplant, and peppers, any kind of pepper except for black pepper. So, Gundry he endorsed my book. He's on the cover of my book. I'm doing his podcast actually in a couple of weeks. But he is actually right and all the research he did about, lectins. Lectins, basically, you know we all as human living organisms, we all have a defense mechanism, right?

If we're being attacked, humans, we can kick bite, scream, flee, call 911 right plants don't have that ability. So, what they have is what I call a hard candy around them and it's around the germ or the seed. So, they say, I want to just survive and procreate, just like humans, right? Those are two main goals for the organisms. And so, they have this protective coating.

Now if you have a very acidic stomach, you have enough digestive enzymes in your gut, you're going to be able to break, lectins, down. But even if you break those down, those, lectins, can cause a lot of, inflammation, especially somebody with a, leaky gut. So, Dr Gundry talks about a lot about, leaky gut, and I'm trying to I always try to explain it to people because we only have one layer of epithelial cells in the intestinal lining, just one and we have some villi there protecting it. But once you damage that layer, we have poke holes called tight junctions. And Gluten is a great helper to open up those tight junctions causing, leaky gut, and then next thing we've got food intolerances and, inflammation.

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What is a leaky gut?

Myrna: Can you explain what's bad about a, leaky gut.

Risa: So, you don't want a, leaky gut, because things are going through stress, toxins, food particles, organ malfunctions, bread, sugar, dairy and alcohol are all going through and causing your body to go in the state of, inflammation, and cause food sensitivities not food allergies, but food sensitivities. And if you do that long enough, you'll create an, autoimmune disease, right? The antibodies are created so it's got a place to it's got to park itself, organ gland or tissue. So, for fibromyalgia, it's your muscles. If it's rheumatoid arthritis, it's your joints.

So, you don't want antibodies passing through your gut, you don't want, autoimmune diseases. So that's why you don't want a, leaky gut. Also, it just impairs everything, brain fog, I mean, it goes on and on digestive issues, things like that.

Your FODMAP is an acronym and it stands for fermentable, oligo, saccharides, disaccharide, disaccharides, monosaccharides and polyols. And in plain English, that means different types of carbohydrates that cause a lot of gas production. This is what happens if you have, IBS irritable bowel syndrome, which is basically a non-diagnosis for some, inflammation.  I find out on the stool tests how much you have, but if you have inflammation in the intestinal lining, you either have IBS or IBD irritable bowel disease, or SIBO, which I test people for which is small intestinal bacterial overgrowth and that is constant chronic bloating, and it's paired with either chronic diarrhea or chronic constipation.


The FODMAP diet

So we'll have either of those three, that is something that I recommend doing low, FODMAP, so these are carbohydrates that absorb water, and they tend to make you bloat and they create a in house, cellulite. It helps muscle it helps on hair, skin and nails. It helps joint pain. I have probably two servings of collagen every single day. It's really good. It's a great protein source and very low in carb, protein, fat and fiber. I started with coconut milk; I had coconut cream.  I used it today, I had my chocolate collagen plus, which has the amino acids and antioxidants to help open up those detox pathways. And then I put some fiber in so I put in today I put in hemp seeds and spinach. So usually, I do a seed and a green and it is very, very filling, takes through the distance, your body doesn't need anything else.

Myrna: Where can we pick up a copy of Foodframe: Diet is a Four-Letter Word? Your website, your Instagram handle and how people can get a hold of you for this amazing information that you're given.

Book FoodFrame diet is a four-letter word
Book: FoodFrame Diet is a Four-Letter Word


Risa: Thank you. I recommend everybody find out what their foodframe is and you can take the quizzes, only 12 questions on my website There you will find my book, there you will find my course, how to achieve optimal thyroid health, there you will find tons of articles and my product line, my detox, my collagen, and collagen plus that's more the detox collagen. After you're done with the, detox, you can stay on that for more liver detoxification. And then a plethora of other supplements. I have I have these amazing collagen bars that are delicious chocolate bars that are only eight net carbs and they're great. I have one almost every day.

My Instagram is @risagrouxnutrition. My tick tock and Facebook are the same. I work with people all over the world. We do advise on zoom. So, anybody's welcome to make an appointment. And we'll order labs. We'll send you a stool test at your home and then we'll have you go to your local lab for blood work and then we'll just watch you heal and, lose weight.

Additional Resources

How Ketogenic Diet Helps Reverse Diabetes


How to Get Rid of Your Fat Cells with Liposuction

With, liposuction, you're not losing fat alone. You don't lose fat alone. You're losing water weight and poop and inflammation and salt. You're losing pure fat cells and that's permanent.  Adults do not make back fat cells, so when you suck out your fat cells, they do not grow back. It is permanent.

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Myrna: Tell us how you became a plastic surgeon

Dr Bilge: My story starts when I was working in the emergency room; I had a problem getting a good night sleep, so my primary care doctor prescribed a sleep aide that wasn't addictive, but it was prescription strength. She prescribed me a medicine. What happened ultimately was when, in September of 2015, I was getting ready to work a shift the very next morning at 6am and I was had taken my medicine the night before. About an hour after I had I found myself face down in a dark in my dark living room, in a pool of blood. I didn't know it was blood because it was dark. I got up and I went to the bathroom and my entire face was crushed.

Myrna: I guess you blacked out blacked out I'm assuming.

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Life events leading to plastic surgery

Dr Bilge: Exactly right. I didn't know at the moment, but obviously, in hindsight, what we discovered was my heart had stopped from medicine. When your heart stops, it's not like a fainting spell where you're dizzy and then you fall and usually your hands block your fall. I had what they call a drop attack. So essentially, I went from upright to face down.  I must have been sleepwalking. I crushed my skull in four places. I had fractures in my forehead, my orbit my nose. I had lacerations, I was concussed, and I was essentially a vegetable for a period of time, especially in the beginning. I spent some time in the ICU, and then about a month later, I was right back in the ER.

Myrna: Wow I really understand why you became a, plastic surgeon.

Dr Bilge: All right, so that was one big wake up call. And I can honestly say I was already starting to have these Inklings or intuitions about my career in life. Because the burnout was real, and I wasn't ready to accept that. I had been forewarned that that was a potential for many ER doctors, but I just thought I would be able to avoid that kind of consequence, but I wasn't able to obviously. So, the burnout got worse.

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Less than a year later, I was again working in the emergency department. I was actually at home when I first developed a pain in my neck. And it was within 24 hours while I was working my shift in the emergency department, the pain started to migrate down my arm to the point where I felt like I had a broken shoulder, and I was like what is this? And it went into my fingers. So, it wasn't a sudden rupture like my disk had literally popped out and compress my nerves in that timeframe. So, it was like a heart attack with my arm.

Myrna:  Wow because the symptoms of a heart attack is pain in your arm right

Dr Bilge: Yeah, but it wasn't my heart. It was my nerve. So ultimately, they did an MRI of my neck, and they found that my disc must have been weakened from the injury the year before and now was pinching my nerve.

The pain was so bad, they were literally trying to put me on unconscious to try to suppress the pain. When a nerve is in pinch, it's not like a heart attack, blood flow or nerve flow is impinged quickly. There's really no comparable pain on this planet to it. I ended up having emergency surgery to have part of my disc removed and pushed back in place. Thankfully nothing fused. So, I have good mobility, but I almost lost all function of my arm.

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Introduction to high-definition liposuction

Myrna: Did your nerve regenerate?

Dr Bilge: Yes, it did, but it took me months. Then I went through another life trauma and decided to find another career. A friend of mine learned how to do, high-definition liposuction. In the meantime, when he was out doing his thing, and he's like, I can teach you that and I'm thinking, are you serious? Is this a possibility? So, these are the life events that led to becoming a, plastic surgeon.

Myrna: I want to ask you a question. You said that you couldn't sleep. So, the doctor gave you something and that's what happened. So, is melatonin safe? Because they're saying that, melatonin, is actually very good for you and I take, melatonin. So, is that like the only safe sleeping aid?

Dr Bilge: I actually don't consider it a good sleep aid. Because it's naturally formed in our body and taking external, melatonin, you're actually suppressing your own body's ability to create it. So no, I don't consider that as a sleep option.

Myrna: Okay, is there any good options for someone that's reading this? Because, you know, they say that in America 70% of people can't sleep. And that came out when Michael Jackson had his problem because he couldn't sleep, and they said that 70% of Americans can't sleep. Now doctors prescribe, melatonin. But you're right. You're messing with your, circadian rhythm, but if your, circadian rhythm, is off and you can't sleep, what should people do?

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Plastic surgery liposuction

Dr Bilge: There's no simple answer for that. And I personally have the thought that other than specifically vitamins, I would always work on people's methods of sleep through, mind body techniques.

Myrna: What kind of, plastic surgery, do you do? I know that you said something about, liposuction. You talked about injectables and all that. So, are you a full body, Plastic Surgeon? Are you just working with the face? So. tell us what kind of, plastic surgery, you do.

Dr Bilge: As a, plastic surgeon, I don't perform, plastic surgery, techniques such as, tummy tucks, and, breast lifts or, breast augmentation. Those do require more training. What I specifically do, like my bread and butter is the, high-definition liposuction, with a technology called, Fun sculpting, which has a very interesting term. But the reason it's unique is it's the only type of, liposuction, that will not rip, cut, tear, or kill tissue.

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Transform your Mind Stitcher

I talk with my patients about the differences between, different types of, liposuction, and most people know the classic, liposuction, as what's offered in the United States, that's about over 90% of what's available. And it's unfortunate because it's really old technology, and it's exactly what you see on TV, that brutal arm movement of the doctor.

It's a vacuum on a stick, and it's really not ideal for a variety of body parts because it can destroy the tissue underneath, which is what I mean when I say rip, cut, tear when you're making those powerful arm movements with a cannula. You're literally pushing through the tissue in a forceful manner and causing destruction of those fibers that hold the skin to the muscle. I talk to my patients about myself. I'm a guinea pig. I've had, liposuction, myself twice.  The first time the old school way not knowing that the other ways existed.

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Difference between high-definition liposuction and traditional liposuction

To be clear and honest is not necessarily their bread and butter. They don't want to do the traditional, liposuction, because it's labor intensive. On it takes more time to get the job done. So, they're thinking, why not make the same amount of money doing the, tummy tuck, in two hours as opposed to, liposuction, that would take four hours.

The other cool selling point of this particular technology the, high-definition liposuction, is that I can do the, liposuction, in areas that most doctors say it's not a good place to do it, because the machine vibrates. It's like a sewing machine and it allows me for me to go in areas that otherwise would have required surgery. I can do great job with the fat on the arm. I can do a great job with bellies. In fact, I'm not really sure if you've ever heard of what a Panis is, but a panacea is when you have an abdomen that flaps over.

Myrna: So how does, high-definition liposuction, work? Does it suck out the fat or freeze the fat?

Dr Bilge: Oh, it does suck it out. It does suck it, but the technology is vibratory, so it let get me into tissue without pushing. So, I'm not destroying. If you were to look at me doing the surgery, I look like any other lipo surgeon except for my hands are not pushing really hard. That's the difference. I'm not ramming a vacuum I am gently pushing.

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What is CoolSculpting

I hate, CoolSculpting, I'm not that kind of person who beat around the bush with opinions.

Myrna: So, is CoolSculpting, cheaper?

Dr Bilge: No, that's the problem. CoolSculpting, is a quote non-surgical way of killing fat, but there's no guarantee of the percentage of fat you're gonna lose. So, you sit there, and you pay something in the 1000s for a maybe.  There's no way I would ever tell somebody that's the way to go. You want to know that fat is falling away. I've had people come to me and tell me they've spent $10,000 plus dollars for, CoolSculpting, and got maybe 10 to 15% fat loss: that's not a valuable project.

With, liposuction, you're not losing fat along. You don't lose fat alone. When you're losing weight. You're losing water weight and poop and inflammation and salt. That's what when you're losing pure fat cells and that permanent.  Adults do not make back fat cells, so when you suck out your fat cells, they do not grow back. It is permanent.

Myrna: I heard that so thank you for confirming that.

Dr Bilge: That is why childhood obesity is a big issue, right? Because if you children are born with let's, say 5 million fat cells, and you overfeed a child, you will create 10 million fat cells and the child is going to fight that for the rest of their life. But as an adult it's different. So, this is what I tell my patients, you make your size, I make your shape.

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I was a perfect example. I show pictures of my body. I had gained almost 40 pounds. I was feeling that emotional stuff. That stuff I was telling you about. It was a few years after my injury, I was almost 150 pounds and these images I have, but you would never think that because I still had the hourglass figure, and I had no love handle.

Because again, my shape was the same. It was just a bigger version of me. So that's something that that's really helpful for people is, you know, let's say you have love handles that you can't stand or saddlebags. Once those get suctioned out, they're gone forever. You can still gain weight, but it's gonna go all over your body in all the other places in the same shape.

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Metaphysical life hacks for transformation

Myrna: So, you also have some, metaphysical life hacks, which is definitely what we want to talk about. What are those, tell us about that?

Dr Bilge: Oh, I'm basically through all of the experiences I've had over the last few years I've really started homing in on, personal development, and I've started steering away from a lot of the allopathic medicine. I used to feel like there was a pill for everything and now I'm like, there's no pill for nothing. Because I started doing more research in the scientific realm, from scientists who started understanding the, mind body connection, but also using their scientific background to show the science. So, two examples I can give you are, you are the Placebo by Dr. Joe Dispenza. And the Biology of Belief by Dr. Bruce Lipton.

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Google Podcast Transform Your Mind

I have a new understanding of, quantum physics, and the fact that things can change in a quantum nanosecond, and that matter really isn't matter. It's really just little vibrating tornadoes of energy, that you can shift matter in such a way that you can heal with the mind. So, I became a perfect example of that. One example would be peptic ulcer disease. I had peptic ulcer disease or acid reflux in my stomach from age 16. Up until about three years ago, literally, I'm cured of the disease. How not because I took pills for 25 years, which I did.

It was because I learned about my energy center in my stomach and what I was dealing with emotionally.  I was creating that and once I was cured out of it, I was starting to meditate myself into my own healing. In hindsight, when you're asking about metaphysical anatomy, I share this book with people it's called Metaphysical Anatomy. And you literally read a diagnosis such as peptic ulcer disease and the emotional disorders that are associated with that. And it was like I was reading my diary, like I have read like somebody had written my childhood and my early adulthood in that chapter. And it made so much sense in my mind, but because at that point, I was cured.  I shifted my thoughts and changed my life.

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AHA moments with coach KA podcast

Self-healing with meditation

Myrna: I agree, I got rid of my, sciatica nerve pain, by just breathing into it meditating and relaxing.

Dr Bilge: Your sciatic nerve is in your, root chakra, just so you know. So, the root chakra, is where the base of all things, so it's like your tribal history, your history of ancestors. It's about money. It's about power, and it's about sex. So, if any of those areas in your life are impacted, then those root chakra areas will be impacted. Mine was a, self-empowerment, thing. So, it was my solar plexus self-power.

Okay, so, that whole thing about what I told you being separated from my parents, it was during that time that I started on creating more self-power, because I realized I had grown up becoming a people pleaser. I was becoming a more authentic version of myself and swallowing those parts of me that weren't being received well and becoming a performer.

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Transform Your Mind Podcast Pandora

Myrna: Whatever you stuff down is still in there and shows up when triggered.

Dr Bilge: Exactly, So it's still right back up. So as soon as I started addressing the problem directly, like you said, then the system started improving. So that's what we do when patients come here for consultations, because really, this is not just about your body image. It's not just about having a few fat cells extra in your armpit or whatever. It's not about that. It's about the self-sabotage, right?

You look in the mirror and judging the constant thoughts in your head that are self-sabotaging. And what do you do with that you translate that energy out into the world. And so, you're literally thinking about how fat your tummy is. And that energy is constant. It's the butterfly effect. You're constantly putting that out. And I say to people, this isn't just about the, liposuction. This is about how you think about yourself.

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Clear the fear With Jenny Mannion

Here is the link for the class: or you may use: or

Liposuction post care

Myrna: How is your, liposuction post care, different from other post operative treatments?

Dr Bilge: So, when it comes to, liposuction, there are a few countries in the world that are extremely well versed and experienced for example Colombia, Dominican Republic, Brazil, Mexico is pretty big. Their procedures are better because of the level of experience and it's just the thing that people do out there. In the US people smirk or scoff at cosmetic surgery because there's more of a stereotype associated with it, etc. Whereas in countries like that, it's just part of their journey. Like if you didn't have it, you're the weird one.

So, they go they have their, liposuction surgery, and then in the recovery house, they have nurses and postdoc care technicians doing, lymphatic drainage, they do needle aspiration of extra fluid. Once they're healed enough, they do wooden tool. They've got machines like radio frequency, ultrasound, carboxy therapy. All of those things take a bit to explain, but let's just say it's a whole complement of equipment, and treatment options for patients once they'd have, liposuction surgery.

I would equate it to having physical therapy after you have a knee replacement. You certainly wouldn't skip out on that. So, when you do procedure that's cosmetic, specifically, liposuction, is a real important one. There's a lot of swelling involved because you have to fill their tissue with fluid in order to extract the fat. The swelling can cause scar tissue and a hardening etc. That all has to be addressed Postoperatively so the surgery does most of the work, but you still need to get in there and optimize your results.

So, what I did was flew my staff out to the east coast and we were trained by Colombian nurses, how to take care of post op label patients in the way they do.

You can head over to to see our work.

I spend a lot of my time putting content out on Instagram. My handle is at Vital_connection_MD

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How Ketogenic Diet Helps Reverse Diabetes

Thom King, Founder of the Steviva brands and author of the book “Guy Gone Keto” explains the, Ketogenic Diet, and how it helps reverse, diabetes, alleviates Alzheimer's and dementia.


Your body, the human body has the ability to burn two types of fuel.  Your body can burn glucose or your body can burn, ketones,.  So in the absence of glucose in your body, that's when the switch goes on and you start to burn, ketones.  


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I'm sure a lot of people are like what the heck are, ketones,?  Ketones, are actually metabolized fat. Your liver produces ketones by metabolizing fat; so basically if you are eating a high-fat diet, lots of butter, coconut oil, avocados etc.  your  liver is actually metabolizing those fats and turning them into, ketones,  that is a, ketogenic diet,


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TuneIn Radio

Your body operates very efficiently on, ketones, you have these little cells in your body called, mitochondria, that probably sounds very fancy; but think of, mitochondria, as the little batteries that powers your cells.  They're found in every living thing on the face of the planet and the more you feed your, mitochondria, the more energy you have.  If the, mitochondria, live on, ketones, then you want more, ketones, in your, diet. In the, ketogenic diet, you're able to produce more energy from your, mitochondria, and this elevates brain function.


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I would say that the biggest benefit of the, ketogenic diet, is elevated brain function and, cognitive function.


The, ketogenic diet, not only reverses the, Diabetes epidemic; but it also alleviates Alzheimer's and dementia. People on the, ketogenic diet, also says it helps them with, brain fog, as well.


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Soundcloud podcast

Coconut oil, is one of the fats recommended in the, ketogenic diet, people consider, coconut oil, sort of an exogenous, ketone, but that's not 100% true.  Exogenous means that you're taking it from the outside of your body and putting it into your body; but it's by consuming, coconut oil, that your body or your liver actually metabolizes that, coconut oil.  The liver then converts that over to, ketones, and so you'll feel an instant rush of energy.

 The, Ketogenic Diet, and Sweeteners.


 The main benefit of, ketones, and the, ketonic diet, is reducing our intake of sugar. We want to reduce glucose and carbohydrates in our blood.

 One of the ways to do this is to not use sugar, but use an alternative. Thom King is the founder of the Steviva Brands.

 The, ketogenic diet,  benefit from healthy sweeteners like Steviva because your body can’t turn it into glucose.

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RadioPublic Transform your mind

The, ketogenic diet, comprises of  70% fat, 20% protein and 10% carbohydrates.  The carbohydrates should come from cruciferous vegetables like broccoli, cauliflower, kale, brussels sprouts etc.; not sweeteners like sugar.

Anything that grows above the ground is essentially good to eat in the, ketogenic diet, if it grows under the ground, it is probably going to be too high on the glycemic index and you don’t want to eat it.


One the biggest principles in the, ketogenic diet,  is going to be avoiding sugar, because sugar will take your body out of ketosis. You want to deprive your body of sugar, so it forces your body to burn fat for energy, and that is where alternative sweeteners come in.  

Some of the sweeteners that we use would be Stevia, some of them are monk fruit which comes from a natural fruit from Southeast Asia.  We also use Organic Erythritol is a natural sweetener found in fruits and fermented foods, derived from fermented corn.  It's about 70 percent of sweeter than sugar; but doesn't have any calories to speak of and no impact on blood sugar.


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We work with a lot of different sweeteners but probably the one that I'm most excited about right now is called Keto Sweet Plus, it is a blend of Monk fruit and Stevia, and you can use this just like you would sugar.  So, if you're baking and you need something to rise, it will do that.  It also engages in fermentation.  It also participates in what's called my yard effect!  That is the interaction of proteins and fats which creates caramelization.  So, when you're barbecuing, and you slather on a bunch of barbecue sauce you'll notice that you get like the hard shell.  You know it gets crispier than is actually that is. That is a function of the artifact, and so this particular sweetener works well in baking and condiments, and it's been my go-to sweetener over the past couple years and works well with the, ketogenic diet,

If you head over to you will find hundreds of recipes, you adopt them as your own.  All of them are part of the, ketogenic diet, with low carb recipes.

Book Guy Gone Keto
Book Guy Gone Keto

Guy Gone Keto and the Ketogenic Diet,

 Guy Gone Keto I would say it's a guidebook. It is my journal from eating bad foods and being 40 lbs overweight to becoming healthy again.  I was carrying 40 pounds of extra weight, getting, brain fog, my blood pressure was 190 over 99 and at that point it's like I need to make a change.

So I just started journaling about it and a year later I had a book, and months after that I had a publisher.

 I do have some recipes and meal plans for the, ketogenic diet, but I would say that the premise of the book is more the steps or even the tools that you will need to make a lifestyle change.  

 I started reading your book and it reminded me of Mel Robbins book the “5 Sec Rule” In the beginning of her book she shares her story of what her life looked like before she found the “5 sec rule” your book Guy Gone Keto, you started off in the same way sharing your story.  It makes the readers connect with you more.

Keto Diet plan
Keto Diet plan


Download to listen to the full interview and hear more details of the, ketogenic diet, and how it helps reverse the Diabesity epidemic.

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How Nutritional Supplements Help you Achieve Optimum Health

Dr Stephen Lewis says everything begins in the gut.  We have to use, nutritional supplements,  because about 85% of all the minerals in the soil in America are depleted.

In this episode of the Health is Wealth series.  I interview Dr Stephen Lewis. Dr Lewis is the founder of Green Wisdom Health, a company that helps clients achieve optimum health by utilizing extensive, but low cost lab work.

Tell us your journey Dr Lewis to becoming the founder of  Green Wisdom Health.

Achieving optimum health 

My daddy died when he was 53 years old and I was 15 years old. It was devastating. I felt that it was something that now I could fix real well with, nutritional supplements, even though according to the FDA, nutritional supplements, does not cure anything!

But today I have been able to put off Dementia in my mother for 25-30 years through the use of, nutritional supplements, We prevented her bones from becoming brittle and easily fractured.  You couldn't make her fracture a bone at her age because she takes,  nutritional supplements,  My mother was almost 96 years old when she died because of, nutritional supplements,

As a Doctor, I was always more into nutrition than most common practice.  We started doing low-cost lab work and was able to determine a whole lot of what's was going on in the body.

For example. My daddy died at 53, nutritional supplements, might have allowed him to live longer.  He had ulcerative colitis or irritable bowel syndrome.  Nutritional supplements, do an incredible job at stopping the leaky gut.

Everything begins in the gut.  I tell people they have to use, nutritional supplements,  because about 85% of all the minerals in the soil in America are depleted.  There is even a Senate document that states that  our foods are devoid of almost all nutrients and that was in 1936! Imagine what it will be today.

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There's no nutrients in the soil.  People who spend a lot of money for organic is wasting their money. Organic is an improvement only.

How the Thyroid processes nutritional supplements

If the Thyroid is  not working correctly, nothing in the body is going to work like it should.

The Thyroid is incredibly important, it has a lot to do with whether you're stressed, have anxiety or depression. It has a lot to do with how your hormones are doing.  It has a lot to do with your digestion or lack of digestion.  How your heart beats etc.

So in my book “The Thyroid Sniper” I list a pretty well-rounded list of the different vitamins and the different minerals and amino acids that can be found in certain, nutritional supplements, that gives you optimum health.

How the proper nutritional supplements help us return to optimal health

The proper, nutritional supplements, help us return to optimum health because there is no way we can eat enough to get enough of the nutrients we need in our body, for example just  magnesium alone. There's no way to get enough magnesium out of your diet. Even our government says that we're about 94% deficient in magnesium.  But magnesium can help depression, because it facilitates over 300 different enzyme reactions and it also is good for the heart.  It helps many people with arrhythmia, it helps lower blood pressure. You can't get enough of it out of your diet.

You may also have a B12 deficiency and most, nutritional supplements,  out there will have B12 in it; but it will be the wrong kind so  your body cannot convert it.  Our bodies also don't make enough digestive enzymes.  I can tell you, if your proteins are low and if your alkaline phosphate is low,  and if your globulin is low or high,  then that points to gastro intestinal inflammation.  Keep in mind every disease has a root cause and the GI tract is always part of the equation.  If you fix your digestion with digestive enzymes and, nutritional supplements, then you can break your food down and not create, Leaky Gut.

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Transform your Mind Soundcloud podcast

Probiotics is a  nutritional supplement

Probiotics is the new big study.  We have about ten times more microorganisms than we have cells in our body, so taking probiotics as a, nutritional supplement is a must.  Generally people will start feeling better mentally, they will have more energy, they'll have more restful sleep, they'll say, I don't know why but my depression went away. That is the power of taking probiotics as a, nutritional supplement.


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TuneIn Radio

I've been taking, nutritional supplements, for a very long time and yeah I've got a pharmacy! but I've heard people say things like, nutritional supplements, are a waste of time because you are just going to pee them out.  All you are doing is having very expensive urine!

Your body takes what it needs and excretes the rest, that is why I do very inexpensive lab work for my clients to find out what their body is missing and then I will give them the, nutritional supplements, their body needs so as not to have expensive urine.

Most nutritional experts will agree on five, nutritional supplements, that everybody needs:

  • You need a good multivitamin,
  • a good probiotic,
  • you need a digestive enzyme,
  • you need fish oil
  • and you need fiber.

I don't really agree with the fiber, if you eat enough really good vegetables you don't need fiber as a, nutritional supplement, but I think vitamin D should be thrown in there.  It's incredibly important and you cannot convert enough sunlight to make enough vitamin D.

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Do you ever think that you have too much stuff?  Maybe two or three of the same item but don’t have the one thing you need or want?  Or maybe you spend hours getting ready to host a garage sale only to have most of the things taken to charity anyway.  Perhaps you have a service you’d like to offer in exchange for another service that you need or maybe just looking for one specific hard-to-find item like sports memorabilia or auto parts.  Well can help you solve all of these problems.  Whether you have unwanted items, looking for specific items or simply willing to trade services, is for you.  The process is easy come to our website sign up for a monthly account which will cost you $2 dollars a month billed once a month or sign up for an annual account, which will cost you $1 dollar a month Billed once a year.  So visit our website today, no money no problem, only trades.

Dr. Stephen Lewis company is Green Wisdom Health, head over to his website  fill out a health survey, it's a brief survey and it will suggest the suggested lab work. When I get the health survey back, either myself or Janet, my partner  will call you  and send you a link where you schedule a Free 30-minute consultation with me. At which point I'll email you a functional nutritional report with a list of recommended, nutritional supplements,

So check out Green Wisdom Health and start using the proper, nutritional supplements,

To listen to the complete audio interview download on any of these podcast players:

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How to Reprogram your Mind to Stop Binge Eating

Rewiring Your Brain To Develop a Fitness Mindset

Marathons, can be everything from 25 miles to 200 miles potentially. What I love so much about them is the, fitness mindset, you have to develop to complete them.  Everyone on a, weight loss, journey has the same issues, it's like – Oh, I want the ice cream in the fridge, the voice in your head is telling you to eat that ice cream, you have to learn to override that voice and don't eat the ice cream.  It's the exact same voice that tells you that you can't do this, weight loss, thing.

I'm talking to Brian Keane. He's a personal trainer, nutritionist, best-selling author and ultra athlete. Today, we're going to be talking on the topic; “Rewiring Your Mindset for Fitness.”  In order for you to keep going even when your body tells you to stop, you've got to have a, fitness mindset.

Listen to the full interview


BRIAN KEANE: Over the past seven years, Brian has gone from working full time as a schoolteacher to one of Ireland and the UK’s leading thought leaders on all things health, fitness and nutrition. Brian is the author of two best sellers “The Fitness Mindset” and “Rewire Your Mindset.

On top of his ever-growing social media platforms, with over half a million followers, he also hosts one of the world’s top health podcasts which is #1 on the iTunes Health Charts. He has spoken at major wellness events around the world such as Wellfest Ireland, Mefit Dubai and was a Keynote speaker at Google HQ in Dublin for their 2018 wellness event.

Among his many fitness and athletic achievements, Brian has transitioned from a professional fitness expert to an, ultra-endurance athlete, running, through the Sahara, the Arctic, and completing a 100-mile ultra-marathon.

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How Brian's journey to a Fitness Mindset Started

Myrna: Can you share your  journey from school teacher to an, ultra endurance athlete?

Brian: I started to work as a, personal trainer, for two years. I worked as elementary school teacher during the day and worked as a, personal trainer, at a gym at nighttime. Basically, I tried to get that business up and, running, and eventually, I got to the point where every time I got paid from a, personal training, client. I was like, I can't believe I'm getting paid for this!

Myrna: We're going to talk about a,  fitness mindset but, how did you get to  the, entrepreneur mindset?

Brian: I found the success clues.  It didn't really matter whether it was leaving a teaching job to overcome that fear or somebody that's trying to lose 100 pounds of weight. We all have these stories that hold us back. We all have these fears and insecurities. When I was starting to develop that, fitness mindset, it became my whole philosophy.  When it comes to, fitness, you need to have a little education on how to get in shape and it looks different for everybody.

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Nutrition and the fitness mindset

My nutritional philosophy is doing what you can stick to.  What's your goal?  What foods do you enjoy and how do you find a diet that you can stick to over the long term?’ It doesn't need to feel like a diet.  That's my whole nutritional philosophy to have a, fitness mindset. It's the same for weightlifting.

Not everyone does, ultra marathons. Most of the people I work with do a daily step count, they hate exercise. So we go cool, you've got 10,000 steps today, that's a start. I want you to do some exercise every day, so 10,000 steps that's okay.

It's just about what can you do in the long term or what can you stick to? I think that the, fitness mindset, is all about – here's the basic education on how to lose weight or how to build muscle or how to get a bit stronger and here's the, mindset, to keep it because that's the really important thing. You talk about, mindset, on your podcast all the time; the, mindset, is what allows you to keep it and developing is what's going to reap the most dividends over time.

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Staying the course: weight loss tips

Myrna: It's sustainable change when you change your, mindset. It’s actually sustainable.  If you change your diet or you change something external, it's not your, mindset, then it's easy for you to revert back to your old habits.

What are the biggest mistakes that people make when it comes to their diet? Can you share some, weight loss tips?

What are some, weight loss tips, if you want to lose 20 pounds?

Weight loss vs fat loss

Brian: I’ll surely give you some, weight loss tips, because when it comes to understanding, weight loss, or, fat loss, first thing is not confusing those two things because they're two different things.

Weight loss, is lowering the numbers on a scale. Fat loss is reducing the amount of fat in your body.

A lot of people use those terms interchangeably, but they're actually two different things. It is very easy to manipulate, weight loss, a lot of them fad diets – bad diets, juice diets etc. They manipulate, weight loss, because they massively restrict calories, reduce carbohydrate and as a result you will weigh less when you step on a scale, but doesn't mean your fat levels have come down.

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Weight loss from Fat reduction

Whereas, fat reduction, on the other hand, is that you've got what's called a calorie deficit that your body has to take some of that stored fat and burn it for fuel. When it comes to, weight loss, there's only one thing you really need to understand –  it's how calories basically work.  If you consume too many calories, more energy is added to your body. Your body takes that extra energy and stores it as fat, the same thing works in reversing a calorie deficit.

If you consume fewer calories, your body doesn't have enough from food. It has to go into storage body fat and use that for food. So, when people know that it's really about finding what dietary system works for and what you like to do:

  • People will do a, keto diet,
  • Some will go,  plant-based diet,
  • Others will go for clean eating,
  • Some people will count their calories,
  • and a few people will find other plans that works for them.
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Jumping In:  Planning Your weight loss

I'm all about the basic science of, nutrition, when it comes to calories and then finding a nutritional plan that you can stick to over the long term. When it comes to, weight loss tips, it's about sustainability and finding what you can do over the long term.  If you want to go a bit stricter with this, you don't have to count every calorie, you don't have to do any of these things, you just have to make a little more of a conscious food choice.

What am trying to say here is understand that, weight loss, and, fat loss, are two different things, just figure out what you're tracking. However, I recommend that anyone who's obese or overweight should track, weight loss, because it's easier. You don't have to track fat, you're better to just step on a scale and see, but if you're somebody that just wants to feel a bit better and drop a dress size or two or just have your clothes getting a bit looser, you need to track body fat.

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Transform Your Mind Podnews

Building mental toughness and a fitness mindset

Myrna: One of the things that you have done is not only you've gone from school teacher to, personal trainer, but you've developed,  mental toughness, because you're now an, ultra endurance athlete. How does somebody build mental toughness, and a, fitness mindset, to achieve some of their, weight loss, or, fat loss, goals?

Brian: When it comes to, mental toughness, I think breaking down the misconceptions around it is probably the most important thing before you go into the tips.   One of the, mental toughness, issues I had was realizing some people were born mentally tougher and some people were just mentally tougher as opposed to realizing that it's something that you develop over time.

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Mental toughness and fitness

It's like a muscle-like, what I call your, mental toughness,  muscle, the more you exercise it, the more you develop it, the stronger it gets.  When it comes to, mental toughness, they're kind of two sides of the same coin with self discipline (i.e. when you exercise that muscle and get stronger) over time. When it comes to developing, mental toughness, what I normally ask  people is “Can you anchor your day in two or three things that will support you moving forward?”

Successful people do what they have to do regardless of how they feel or think.

You can develop that, mindset, anybody can develop that, mindset, over time. It's one of my brain tattoos. Another way to put that is you're not always motivated for fitness, right? But do it unmotivated until you feel motivated.  What I mean is you do it until when becomes natural.

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Running for fitness

I don't really enjoy, running, that much, but I run a little every day just to keep that, mental toughness, muscle ticking. I'm sitting here thinking of the, mental toughness, of running a marathon over 100 miles, and maybe after 25th miles you're broken down. You can't seem to go anymore, but you put in a one foot in front of the next and your foot feels like rubber yet you keep going.

Myrna: I don't know if you have read the book “Can't Hurt Me” by David Goggins or the book  “Finding Ultra.”  Finding Ultra was about a 40 year old guy who was having problems walking up the stairs and then he transitioned to become a plant-based,  ultra endurance athlete.  It was so fantastic reading about his journey to becoming an, iron man, and, ultra endurance athlete. Of course, David Goggins talked about the, fitness mindset, in his book “Can't hurt me”  he kept going on his marathon runs sometimes, running, on broken legs – developing the, mental toughness, to keep going at all costs.

This is the exciting part of this interview, you don't like, running, yet you run 100 miles ultra-marathons. Tell us about that.

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Marathons are the metaphors for life

Brian: Marathons, can be everything from 25 miles to 200 miles potentially. What I love so much about them is the, fitness mindset, you have to develop to complete them.  When you're running an earth, marathon, like it's the biggest metaphor for life of all time.

Even a normal, marathon, is difficult  for the average person.  You get tired;  you don't want to continue. The pain is unbearable,  the voice in your head is telling you to stop, but you just have to learn to override that voice and put one foot in front of the other and keep moving forward.

Everyone on a, weight loss, journey has the same issues, it's like – Oh, I want the ice cream in the fridge, the voice in your head is telling you to eat that ice cream, you have to learn to override that voice and don't eat the ice cream.  It's the exact same voice that tells you that you can't do this, weight loss, thing.

When you let the negative voice in your head win

You have to learn to master and control that voice in your head and you get better at that over time as you consistently move forward on whatever journey you're doing. For me, it was so. What happened to me (probably the best story), I can give here was in 2019. I ran through the arctic circle in a, marathon, of about 230 kilometers. The tip is north of Sweden, it was minus 40 degrees the coldest I've ever experienced.

There was one point where (I have a photo up on my Instagram), where my eyelids froze over because obviously you've got water in your eyelids and it was so cold. My eyelids froze that I couldn't blink properly and it kind of gives you an idea on the conditions. But, 86 kilometers from the end of that race, my Achilles tore so that the tendon at the top of your ankle just above your ankle and now the likes of David Goggins, and hearing these people helped me massively, because they've been through these conditions.

We talked about the race where he was pooping himself and had to strap up his foot with stress fractures. I would read a lot of those books, listen to a lot of those podcasts in the lead up to these events. When my Achilles tore 86 kilometers from the end in the arctic, it was a case of well – “I'm not coming back to finish this and do this again”. I'll be like if I don't do it now, I'm not coming back and for me, I had a little of self-awareness, that I think everyone needs to bring to their own mindset. For me, I'm not able to give myself a, plan B.

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Never Have a Plan B when developing a fitness mindset

I can't give myself an out because from experience to somebody that's quit races and backed out of things and pulled out of things, if I give myself an out, I generally take it when times get tough. When I went to the arctic, I had no, plan B, my goal was I either finish this or get to the Arctic Circle line which is 230 kilometers from where I started or I get shipped out on a helicopter. I was like, it sound crazy now, but I had to make that commitment to myself before I go now.

Not everybody has to do that, but having some version of no, plan B (like somebody else's no, plan B), is you don't buy your favorite foods while you're starting on a, weight loss, journey until you get to a certain point where you can reintroduce them.  it's all relative in terms of how somebody would apply that into their own life. For me, developing that, fitness mindset,  was just putting one step in front of the other and keep moving forward.

Anyone can develop that, fitness mindset, over time, that no, plan B, mindset. Just keep putting one foot in front of the other, whatever that is, you've lost 100 pounds and you're trying to lose 150, but you've gone up 10 pounds. What do you need to do now that's going to help you get back on track? It might be taking a break, and it might be going forward. It’s relatively based on the goal and you use that. You develop that going forward and you use the failures feedback. It's never just a success.

Book: The Fitness Mindset
Book: The Fitness Mindset

The Fitness Mindset: Book

Myrna: Tell us about your books “The Fitness Mindset” and “Rewire Your Mindset”

Brian: Rewire Your Mindset, is an extension of the, Fitness Mindset. The Fitness Mindset, is the book that I could give to people that would help them with their, fitness, journey. This is how you get in shape and how you stay in shape. It's a short book for people who don't really read books.

Rewire your Mindset, on the other hand was the book that I didn't feel like I could go to the grave inside me. That was the book I needed to put out on paper.  If something ever happened to me,  I wanted my daughter to be able to read it. I wanted to get this book out of me,  it was my legacy book. They were written in two completely different frames of mind.

The, fitness mindset, gets them up and running with their, fitness;  rewire your mindset, cements it. They're like –  Oh! my God I am in the right place now, I'm a believer.


Rewire Your Mindset,  it's very much all the misconceptions and beliefs that you have so you can take ownership back in the decisions you make. I split it up into, health, wealth and, fulfillment. Like the four quadrants, these are the areas of your life that need the most work.  Rewiring your mindset, so that you can get out of your own way effectively”. I love the quote, it's normally attributed to the Buddha, but I don't know who it's from.

Your biggest enemy live between your two ears. Buddha

The whole book is about rewiring the way you see things so that the enemies in between your two ears can go after the body.  You can go after the dream job you want, you can go after the family relationship you want, you can go after the things that make you feel fulfilled. In my case, it's ultra endurance events and spending time with my loved ones and my family. Other things that make me feel fulfilled and light me up inside is conversations like this one!

Myrna: As we wrap up Brian, it's been an incredible conversation with you. I love your energy and physique. Congratulations on your podcast. What's the name of your podcast?

Brian: Brian Keane podcast.

Additional Resources

How to Maintain Sustainable Weight Loss

Why is Renewing Your Mind Important?