Category Archives: weight loss

The Role of Probiotics in Gut Health and Brain Health

Tina Anderson, Founder of Just Thrive stops by the show to talk about the role of probiotics in gut health and brain health. Probiotics is like the gardener, its job is to keep the good plants (good bacteria) and get rid of the weeds (bad bacteria). Just Thrive probiotics does this better than any other products on the market because our probiotics arrive alive in the intestine.

The difference with Just Thrive probiotics is that they have this endospore shell around them and that's why we call them spore-based probiotics. This gives them the ability to get through that stomach acid, that gastric system alive.  It is not until they hit the intestines, that the endospore shell comes off and that is when they go into their live vegetative cell state to promote gut and brain health.

Our product Just Calm  is helping communication between the gut and the brain and helping those external stressors that we're faced with by lowering our cortisol levels.

Download the podcast here:


Tina Anderson’s journey into the world of health had a unique start and some unusual turns. She began her career as a trial lawyer who specialized in settling cases by bringing both sides together, a personal passion of hers. Once her second child arrived, Tina left that high-stress job behind so she could focus on her family.

Luckily, she was still able to use her considerable legal skills to point her career in a new direction as the in-house counsel for a family pharmaceutical company. But what Tina saw there made her change direction again. Frustrated by the many abuses in the pharmaceutical industry,

Tina turned toward the field of natural health, and found her life’s work. She channeled her energy into learning all she could about disease prevention and good health maintenance. That led her to discover the importance of gut health and how connected and crucial it is for overall health and wellness. To share her discovery with the world, Tina along with her husband created a unique supplement that contains the superior probiotic strains of renowned researcher Dr. Simon Cutting. By promoting gut health and probiotics, Tina shares her passion for wellness, helping others live their best physical and emotional lives.

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How Just Thrive got started

Tina:  I had a very interesting journey. I was I started out in litigation but I wasn't fulfilled in my career. And so, I decided to leave that behind and go into a family pharmaceutical business and had a much better work life balance with my kids. I was able to walk them to school and have more time for prayer, meditation, all of those things. My husband started this company together, we were able to license, probiotic strains, from London University, Dr. Simon a cutting edge world renowned probiotic expert.

And we were able to go into a field that was so impactful, and it was actually impacting health and society and it was really exciting. We knew when you took care of your gut, that everything else starts to fall into place. There was so much research coming out of the Human Microbiome Project was launched by the National Institutes of Health told us more about the gut than we ever knew before, and really told us that the gut is responsible for virtually every aspect of our overall health.

It's hard to find any disease claim that's not associated with some imbalance in our gut health. Very few probiotics on the market, were doing what they needed to do, they were not making that journey to the intestines alive so, we decided to go ahead and launch this product to fill the gap in the market.

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Organifi green juice

What is the Gut Microbiome

Myrna: Can we step back a little bit and talk about the gut, microbiome, and the blood brain barrier. I know that there are certain things that pass through your gut and cause a whole bunch of disease.  What are, probiotics, and how do they help us in the gut?

Tina: It’s great to start with the fundamentals. Our, microbiome, is the totality of organisms that make up the gut. So, we've got, bacteria, viruses, fungi, you know, parasites, all these different things like make up our the totality of our microbiome. So, all of these microorganisms most of which are bacteria, we are 10 times more bacteria than we are human. We think bacteria is bad, but bacteria is so incredibly beneficial to us, so supportive of our health and our organs.

Less than 1% of bacteria is actually bad.  And so, when we just realized that we have to support our microbiome, in our gut and not kill it off. Constipation, diarrhea, gas and bloating, these are all signs that you have some imbalance going on in your, gut microbiome. But what people are just starting to understand is that it also dictates your, brain health.

  • It dictates your mood, how you're feeling,
  • your sleep,
  • it's dictating your hormone health,
  • it's dictating autoimmune issues, your immune system 80% of our immune system is found in our gut.
Transform Your Mind Amazon
Transform Your Mind Amazon

Gut bacteria and leaky gut

Our, gut bacteria, sends signals to our immune cells and tells them okay, there's something going on, you need to start fighting this infection.  So, it's really important that we understand that our immune system would cease to function if we don't have the, gut microbiome, sending signals to our, immune cells.  If you have an, autoimmune disease, it's pretty much guaranteed you have imbalance in your gut, you have a, leaky gut.

We have a double-blind human clinical trial on, leaky gut, that is so profound.  It's important for everybody to understand that it is our gut is dictating all aspects of our overall health. And there is something called the, vagus nerve, that is sends signals from the gut to the brain, and then sends signals from the brain back down to the gut. We all know that feeling you're excited about something and you have butterflies in your stomach, that's the gut brain connection.

We know when we get nervous, you have to go to the bathroom. Same thing the brain is sending signals down to the gut. But what we're also starting to understand is now the gut is sending signals to the brain. So, if you have a healthy balanced, microbiome, they send more calming signals to it. The opposite is also true, if you have an imbalanced gut, it sends signals to your brain that are not so healthy.

Transform Your Mind Luminary podcast
Transform Your Mind Luminary podcast

Brain health and gut health

Understand that it is foundational for our health to focus on our gut. It is where we start. People take multivitamins and they take vitamin C and vitamin D, and those are all important things to be taking. But we need to focus on our, gut health, before we do anything else. And unfortunately, this world we live in is so offensive to the bacteria, we are 10 times more bacterial cells, but we use hand sanitizers and antibacterial soaps to kill off our bacteria.

When you go into the doctor and they say, you have an, autoimmune disease, you need to figure out what it is that's causing this imbalance and this issue and getting to the root cause of it.  So, probiotics,  need to arrive alive in the intestines and make the garden better. So, if you kind of compare your intestinal tract to a garden, you get the weeds which are the bad bacteria and then you have the good plants that are the good bacteria in your gut.

So, the idea is to get those, probiotic strains, into the intestines. The problem with a lot of, probiotics, on the market the vast majority of, probiotics, that are out there have difficulty getting through your stomach acid. That stomach acid is meant to be the gastric barrier. It's meant to keep out things that we don't want in there. So as a result, most, probiotic strains, really have difficulty getting into the intestines and so they're dying by the time they get to the intestines.

And so that was a big problem that we identified and solved with our, Just Thrive probiotics.  So, that's the point of a, probiotic, to make the ecosystem in your gut better and to make it more balanced.  We don't necessarily want to get rid of all the bad bacteria. We just want a better balance in the gut of our good and bad bacteria.

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As I Grow Up podcast:  “Assuredly, I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God as a little child will by no means enter it.” It’s a powerful statement to remind us that we need to be like children in order to see the Kingdom of Heaven. But what makes a child so special that THEY are the example that WE need to follow in order to see that Kingdom? Well, simply, they learn. They learn from all the lessons that GOD has to teach them. Something that we all never get too old to do. So, now, I invite YOU to grab some coffee or tea and join me, Carla Silver, as we talk about the lessons I have learned, and am still learning, As I Grow Up. A Christian Podcast on Spotify and Apple podcasts

As I grow up podcast
As I grow up podcast

Just Thrive spore-based probiotics

The difference with, Just Thrive probiotics, is that they have this endospore shell around it and that's why we call them, spore-based probiotics, and they have the ability to get through that stomach acid that gastric system alive.  And it is not until they hit the intestines, that endospore shell comes off and that is when they go into their live vegetative cell state.

Myrna: I understand that because I am taking, Just Thrive probiotics, and I see the difference.  I'm taking the, Just Thrive probiotics, and, Just Calm.

Tina: It is helping get rid of the weeds in the garden. It's helping take those plants that have been stepped down and trampled on and help them thrive and flourish in your gut. And that's why people see such profound results whether it's, becoming more regular, whether it's less gas and bloating, whether it's better mood, better sleep or I'm able to manage my weight better because my gut bacteria is dictating all of those things.

Myrna: Well, yeah, I have noticed that I'm definitely more regular. What are your newest products? What is the difference between probiotics and prebiotics?  Tell us about the newest, Just Thrive, product, Just Calm.

Tina: Yeah, so this is exciting. You know, one of our big core competencies in our company is that we do not produce anything unless it is missing or needed in the market. So, we do not want supplements like vitamin C and vitamin D. Those are all really important nutrients. But there's lots of companies out there doing that great. We are only launching products that are truly missing and needed and researched in the market. So, we just discovered this, probiotic strain.

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Transform Your Mind Podcast Player FM

Phychobiotic the gut friendly probiotic

It is called, psychobiotic. Psychobiotic, is basically gut friendly probiotic that is supporting the gut brain access. So, it's further supporting that communication between the gut and the brain. And so, we know that the gut this is important. I think people are just starting to understand this 90% of our serotonin, which is our happy hormone is produced in our gut for all these years. I feel like psychiatrists have had their hands tied by you know, prescribing, you know, anti-anxiety meds.

90% of our serotonin is produced in our gut. Dopamine is produced in our gut, GABA, which is our calming hormone is produced in our gut. And yet, nobody is talking about that when it comes to, brain health. And so, probiotics, are supporting your serotonin production and your GABA and dopamine but the key with those, psycho biotic, that is found in our product, Just Calm, is that it's actually supporting that, gut brain access.

So, it is helping bring down cortisol levels. We know that cortisol is really disruptive to our gut, it's bringing up we're in that fight or flight response all the time. The problem isn't when you have a, leaky gut, that toxins from your gut seep into your bloodstream and they start to create this inflammatory response and you have this chronic low-grade inflammation, that sending signals up to your brain and so now you have inflammation in your brain. That is the one cause of problems with your, brain health.

Transform your Mind Podcast Index
Transform your Mind Podcast Index

Brain inflammation is caused by external stressors

The other cause of brain inflammation are external stressors. So, we get cut off by traffic, you’ve gotten into a fight with a loved one, whatever it might be that's causing this stress that also causes this inflammation. So, we want to stop both of those things as much as possible or halt as much as possible. We want to get rid of that, leaky gut, and that's what the probiotic is doing. And then those external stressors, we want to be able to manage them better. and by lowering our cortisol.  So, that's what the, Just Calm, product is doing.

It is helping communication between the gut and the brain and helping those external stressors that we're faced with. Intermittent fasting, is just another tool I have in my toolbox. We want to do meditation and deep breathing, whatever it is that calms you down. It's really important whether even if it's changing your lifestyle. There are studies that show that when you, intermittent fasting, it helps increase diversity in the microbiome.

So, the important thing in our gut is we want a diverse, microbiome. We just we don't want one kind of good bacteria. We want lots of different kinds of good bacteria and we were born with a lot of diversity. And we know that, intermittent fasting, helps support diversity.  By starving some of those bacteria it helps them proliferate, which seems counterintuitive, but it's been shown to actually help with supporting your, gut bacteria.

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Google Podcast Transform Your Mind

What are prebiotics

Prebiotics, is the fertilizer and the probiotic is like the gardener. The gardener is getting rid of the weeds and helping those plants come back to life. The, prebiotic, is the fertilizer for that garden, so it is feeding the good bacteria in your gut. To really to be defined as a, prebiotic, it needs to only target the beneficial bacteria. So, the good plants in the garden, but the problem is a lot of, prebiotics, it that the actually make a problem worse, by fertilizing the weeds as well as the good plants.

But if you look at our, prebiotic, it's called a precision prebiotic.  We didn't launch a prebiotic for a long time because we could not find prebiotic fibers that only targeted the beneficial bacteria. And so yeah, so our, prebiotic, is only fertilizing the good bacteria in the gut.

We have a product called gut fortified that is helping the mucosal barrier of our gut. We have a health coach on our team, that if anyone have any questions about which products to start with, especially if you have some severe gut dysbiosis and gut issues that you want to deal with, she can help you with a plan of what to do or which products to use.

But I always suggest that people start with a, probiotic, it is foundational for anything else you're doing.  You're eating all these really healthy foods, but if your gut is inflamed, it's not absorbing nutrients. You're taking all these other supplements but if your gut is inflamed, it's not absorbing those nutrients. So, I always suggest people start with the probiotic.  It's our number one selling product.  It's important to stay on it for a couple of months to actually start to notice the difference.


Myrna: How can readers get ahold of your products and also follow you on social media?

Tina: So the best place to find us would be at our website, which is www.just If you use the coupon code TRANSFORM podcast listeners will get 15% off. They can follow us on Instagram, @justthrivehealth. And then if you go to our website, you could email us, our one 800 numbers are there, you could contact make an appointment with our product Health coach and she can help you through anything as far as what products you want to start with.

Additional Resources

Break the Cycle of Emotional Eating To Lose Weight

Emotional eating, can be challenging to break, but here are 3 tips to help you break the cycle. In this blog, Dr Katrina Ubell, author of “How to Lose Weight For the Last Time” talks about how to escape the cycle of, emotional eating. Emotional eating, is a habit that can be hard to break, but with the right strategies, you can conquer it.

To break the cycle of, emotional eating, you first have to recognize when you're eating for emotional reasons. Once you've identified your triggers, you need to find strategies to stop yourself from eating. In this post, we're going to share with you three simple tips that can help you overcome, emotional eating, and start feeling healthier and happier!

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Stop emotional eating and lose weight one last time

Dr Katrina Ubell's book “How to Lose Weight for the Last Time” offers brain-based solutions for dropping pounds and keeping them off without suffering or sacrifice. As a pediatrician Dr Katrina Ubell MD always struggled with her weight she was either 40 pounds overweight or struggling to use lose that weight although she'd regularly counseled parents on the importance of keeping their kids healthy and fostering good eating habits.

Dr Ubell as a busy professional was never able to do the same for herself. Like everyone else she tried many different diets and programs, but would always regain that weight. In 2015 Dr Ubell cracked the code for making, weight loss permanent, and developed the program targeted at busy professionals like herself who often deprioritized their own wellness. As a, weight loss coach, Dr Ubell has signed and helped over a thousand busy Physicians and professionals find and stay at a healthy weight with her brain based program and she's now ready to bring this program to the general public like you.

Dr Ubell's program doesn't involve any unrealistic diets plans, special Foods supplements or even rigorous exercise protocols; instead she uses a deep understanding of the brain and behavior patterns to get results. Through her work she's been able to uncover and speak into Universal obstacles that stand in her way of losing and keeping the weight off.

Myrna: I know we're all aware of the yo-yo diet, you diet you lose the weight, you start eating again because you got to, then you put the weight back on.  Share how you lost 50 pounds?  Tell us about your, weight loss journey, and how you cracked the code to keep weight off because you look pretty good right now.

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What is emotional eating

I struggled with my weight for so long, when I was younger I can identify that I definitely did some, emotional eating, which I define as just eating food when you're not physically hungry. Your body is not asking for food, yet you're eating anyway. I mean I might have fluctuated a little bit, but I was relatively active as a kid.

But it was never really too big of a problem, it was when I went to medical school that things really started to become a problem for me.  There just was no time for anything but studying working in the hospital, and hospital food that's not particularly nutritious. I mean there was even a Wendy's fast food restaurant in our Hospital. So I started struggling  in medical school so I went to Weight Watchers for the first time.

I'm a high achiever you give me a list of rules and I'm like I can do this. I will suffer follow it. I will totally sit here starving. That's when I started drinking diet soda, because I think the bubbles and the carbonation filled me up. Some of the stuff that I would do all in the effort to get the weight off, but then what I found was that I got the weight off but I knew I couldn't keep it off.

I really didn't have any kind of meaningful plan for maintaining at all and so of course, I regained the weight back and then I repeated that cycle I mean literally at least 10 times over the course of my training in residency and then out in practice.

Transform Your Mind
Transform Your Mind

Is keeping the weight off even possible? Yes

Myrna:   I was about to turn 40 old when my battle with, weight loss, began. I you know a lot of people around those Milestone birthdays we start to just kind of reevaluate everything and one of the things I was was thinking about was my body my weight.

Dr Ubell:  I was just trying a bunch of different things and through a very circuitous path, I tried more things that didn't work, but through that path I was introduced to the concept of, emotional eating, before then people would talk a lot about, compulsive eating, and that term did not resonate with me. When I found out that, emotional eating, is eating for any reason other than fuel for your body, I was like oh yeah no sign me up.

I would overeat when I didn't know any of other way to deal with my emotions and you know have a busy life. I have three kids, I have a husband who is a surgeon, so he's got a busy as well. As a doctor there's a lot of ups and downs and I had no other tools, no other skills so of course I would use food to cope.  Some people use alcohol, but for me it was food.

Myrna:   That was a great intro on, emotionally eating. Right now I am doing intermittent fasting and I'm supposed to eat my dinner between six and seven and I'm not supposed to eat again for the night, and it's incredibly hard not to eat.  My brain is is telling me that I need to go eat something and I'm not hungry. I might get hungry 10 30 or 11 o'clock when I go to bed, but at 8 o'clock I'm not hungry,  but I want to eat.  How are you teaching in the book and your clients how to stop that desire to eat when they are not hungry?

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Podmust Transform Your Mind podcast

Emotional Eating when you are not hungry leads to weight gain

Dr Ubell: I am so glad you brought it up because so many people struggle with this.  Nighttime eating for people is so hard.  So the first thing we want to do though is,  we want to zoom out and look at the big picture a little bit and for everybody it's going to be a little bit different but there's often some common themes.

For a lot of us, this is just habit.  It's just what we do and so our brains are like hey it's eight o'clock  it's time for a snack.   Some eat for comfort in the evening.  A lot of people struggle with, nighttime eating, which is why, intermittent fasting, is blowing up.

Myrna:  You said that when you were in medical school you had no time to eat right and you found out that you were not alone, that all Doctors ate bad because they had to time to eat healthy. But a lot of women and mothers have a busy life, they get up in the morning they got kids, they go to work, they come home, they gotta do dinner, sometimes it is much earlier to stop and pick up fast foods.

Dr Ubell:  I think the thing that we have to recognize is that a lot of busy women in particular think about things in the extreme swings of the pendulum.  Either they need to be cooking this home-cooked meal with all these fresh vegetables bowls that takes a long time and is pretty involved with lots of ingredients.  Nobody got time for that right, we're not doing that.  So then I guess we're just eating burgers at Wendy's.

Book How to lose weight for the last time
Book How to lose weight for the last time

How to Lose Weight For the last time

But the biggest thing that we have to recognize when we're very busy, our time is accounted for is simplifying what we expect of ourselves and what we eat those are amazing tools. You could order HelloFresh at a 50% discount. Much cheaper that delivery.  Or cook something simple.

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HelloFresh Transform 50

Myrna:  Tell us about your book “How To Lose Weight For the Last Time”  I understand the main message of the book is, emotional eating, and the conversation you have in your mind about the food, but what is the predominant message that you want to put out?

Dr UBell: The main message of the book is that if you've struggled with overeating/your weight and you're feeling like your relationship with food is not where you want it to be, there's a solution.   What I talk about is what I call Peace and Freedom around food. I described before which is you are just around all the foods it's Thanksgiving and all your favorite foods are there and you're gonna enjoy the heck out of them, but you're not gonna overeat them. You're not obsessed, you're not sitting there asking when's the time for pie, because I can't think of anything else.  I can't even hold this conversation because all I'm thinking about is pie!

What we're doing is we're using our brains to re-regulate that so that we listen to the call of hunger, answer to the satiety signals when we've had enough. We have an appropriate amount of desire for food, meaning when we start getting hungry we want to eat that makes sense, but not in the middle of the day all the time.  So that's really the message in the book is that you have way more control over this than you think.  You're not broken, it's not hopeless and you can't fix.

Myrna:  So where can they get a copy of your book?  Tell us about your website and social media handles.


Dr Ubell:  So the book is available anywhere books are sold.  It's also available on audible.  My website is and my podcast even though it's called “Weight Loss for Busy Physicians” I have a lot of non-physician listeners, people have gotten a lot of help out of it.  On my website there's several free resources that people can download and get started.  If you buy the book and then put in your order number on our special website which is  you'll get a whole Workshop that I did called guarantee your weight loss success.

This is a lot about getting yourself ready to start the process so that you can really follow through and make sure that you get the results that you want. So no matter how you buy it, you can go to that website and go get those free resources.  My social media handles are coachKatrinaUbellMD mostly on Facebook Instagram.

Additional Resources

How to Reprogram your Mind to Stop Binge Eating


How to Burn Fat With Food

Dr William Li, author of Eat To beat Your Diet, shares the fat burning foods we should add to our diet, to be able to burn away harmful, body fat. The fat that is wrapping around your blood vessels serves as fuel tanks for the energy that we eat in our food. You do not have to go on a restrictive elimination deprivation diet, all you have to do is to add certain foods to your diet, to be able to burn away harmful, body fat.

Brown fat, burns down, white fat, it fights bad fat. Eating food can help your good fat, fight bad fat. That's kind of a mind-blowing concept. You can eat foods to, burn fat.

Download the podcast here:


Dr. William Li is an internationally renowned physician, scientist, and author of the New York Times bestseller, Eat to Beat Disease: The New Science of How Your Body Can Heal Itself. His groundbreaking research has led to the development of more than 30 new medical treatments that impact care for more than 70 diseases, including diabetes, blindness, heart disease, and obesity.

His TED Talk, “Can We Eat to Starve Cancer?” has garnered more than 11 million views. Dr. Li has appeared on Good Morning America, CNN, CNBC, Rachel Rayand Live with Kelly & Ryanand he has been featured in USA Today, Time Magazine, The Atlantic, and O Magazine. He is the President and Medical Director of the Angiogenesis Foundation, which leads global initiatives on food as medicine. His newest book, Eat to Beat Your Diet: Burn Fat, Heal Your Metabolism, and Live Longer, was released on March 21, 2023.

Myrna: Dr Li, I heard that our digestive system is unique, like our fingerprints so is that why each person responds differently to food?

book: Eat to beat your diet
Book: Eat to Beat Your Diet

We all come out of the box with the same amount of fat cells

Dr Li: What a great question Myrna, so basically, here's what we know from the latest research. Our bodies are hardwired to work in a certain way, our heart beats in a certain way, our digestive systems work in a certain way, our brains, our eyes, our fingers and toes were all engineered to work in a specific way, it's largely the same for everyone. Our fat cells all function a certain way. And I'll give you an example of what I mean by largely the same.

If you and I went to our own respective computer stores to buy a laptop, the same laptop. All right, and we pulled it out of the box in our own homes, and we plugged it in booted it up. Okay the operating system of that laptop, if you've got the same model, should work exactly the same way as mine. But over time, I'm slaving away at my computer or you're slaving away at yours. The way that our laptop functions, how efficiently and the speed is going to change.

I download a lot of stuff. I have a lot of documents, so I'm sure my computer is going to be slower than yours. But my point is that we all come out of the box the same way. But then individually we develop our own thing. So, our, digestive system, is hardwired to digest the food we put into our mouth. Our brain senses the food, our pancreas, one of our endocrine organs releases insulin. Insulin helps us draw energy out of our food. The energy is packed into our cells, including our, fat cells, and then the food trickles down through our small intestines.

We absorb all the nutrients; it keeps on tumbling further down. And guess what, it feeds our healthy gut bacteria, in our gut. Healthy gut bacteria are very important for overall health. And then finally, you know, we eliminate everything else, we put the poop everything else out. And that's really how we're generally hardwired. So, any deviation from that general pathway winds up being largely the result of who we are, how we live, things we are exposed to. And that's the individualization. So, I'm telling you that we all actually are designed to work the same way, but we are all also individuals.

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Are tomatoes good for us

Myrna: In your book summary, you list probably about a dozen, fat burning foods, that we're supposed to eat to burn fat, Eat to beat our diet. And right at the top there you've got, tomatoes, but Dr. Stephen Gundry says that tomatoes is not a vegetable. It's a fruit and it is bad for us because it's a lectin.  So, tell us why did you put tomatoes at the top of your list?

Dr Li: Listen, I love tomatoes. First of all, my work is really focused on what are the foods that we should Add to our lifestyle to enhance our health. There's a lot of people out there who are very well intentioned and very smart, but they focus on things to cut out of your life. Tomatoes are not one of them. That is why I wrote the book “Eat to Beat Your Diet.”

There was a study called the Harvard health professional study that looked at 35,000 men over 25 years. And what they found when they measured tomatoes that people were eating, they found that men who he ate cooked tomatoes, two to three times a week, lowered the risk of, prostate cancer, by about 30%.  So, tomatoes are one of the, foods that prevent cancer.

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Tomatoes are foods that starve cancer

The reason is because tomatoes contain a natural chemical found in nature called, lycopene. Lycopene, naturally, is very beneficial because when we eat it, it goes into our body. And one of the things that lycopene does in our body is it prevents cancer cells from being able to get its own blood supply. So, it literally cuts off the blood flow that might be feeding a cancer. So, you'd starve the cancer by eating tomatoes.

Okay. Lots of plants have hundreds of, lectins. And it’s true, some that are extremely poisonous, but none of those poisonous ones are in, tomatoes.

Myrna: Wow, that is why tomatoes are at the top of your list.  It is one of the, foods that prevent cancer. I have sautéed tomatoes with onions and chickpeas in my fridge right now!

Dr Li: By the way, chickpeas, which are also incredibly nutritious, a good source of protein, good source of dietary fibers, that's a good polyphenol in it are another metabolism activating food that is really healthy. So, when you talk about you know putting tomatoes with chickpeas and onions, that is really healthy.  Onions have a natural substance in it called quercetin. Quercetin activates your metabolism it helps burn harmful body fat as well.

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Transform Your Mind Podcastland

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Should we fear fat?

Myrna; I absolutely love it.  I heard you talk about Fat. Should we fear fat?

Dr Li: So, all of us have stepped out of the shower in the morning, looked out of the corner of our eye in the mirror and you see a lump of fat or a bump that you don't want to be there, right. So, what do you do immediately? You're like, Oh, I gotta work out. I gotta eat better. I got to do it. The next thing you do you step on a scale. Right? And if that number isn't the exact number you're hoping for, it makes you mad. Now, it's not just in the shower, but in the grocery store at the meat counter. If you see a big thick rind of fat around a steak or something you go I am not going to eat that.

Myrna: So even if you buy it, you cut it out.

Dr Li: But here's the bottom line. This is our adult reaction effect, but you know there's another adult reaction effect. What happens when we see a baby we smile, we love seeing fat babies.

Myrna: That is exactly where I am right now. My daughter just had a preemie baby. And I would love for her to be fat!

Dr Li: Well, wait a minute, obviously fat cannot be all bad, maybe the adult reaction is just the wrong instinct. It turns out, our, body fat, was created when we were still in our mom's womb. One of the first tissues that form is our blood vessels, and that's what I studied blood vessels. Why? Because every organ and every cell in the body requires blood flow, needs nutrients. Okay, that makes a lot of sense the next tissue that forms is our nerves, and the reason is that every organ ultimately would need instructions and nerves. The next tissue is our, Fat cells, called, adipose tissue, or adipose cells.

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Podfriend Transform Your Mind Podcast

Fat cells serves as the fuel tank

Fat cells, that form in the womb resemble a piece of bubble wrap. Every little bubble in bubble wrap is a, fat cell, and this fat is around blood vessels. The fat is wrapping around because it serves as fuel tanks for the energy that we eat in our food. So, let's park the fuel tanks of fat right next to where the fuel is coming from and our blood.

Here's exactly how our body works. This is a simple way for everyone to understand, metabolism. Our metabolism is how our body that gets fuel from into our, fat cells. And the fuel that we have comes from food. We eat the food there's fuel our metabolism picks up fuel puts it into the fuel tank and when our fuel tank starts running on empty, we pull over to the dinner table.

We pull over to the refrigerator or to the restaurant or the pantry. Okay, and what we're doing like choosing the food that we eat, we're actually giving ourselves energy and filling up our tanks. Now two things. Know that you can actually fill your car your engine with better quality gas versus really poor-quality gas.

When you use high quality gas, you know that your car is going to run longer and better more efficiently over a long haul. That is basically the same analogy as food when we choose a good quality fuel food. It's good quality fuel for our body, our engine is going to run better, if you deliberately choose poor quality foods our body will not run as good. So again, the quality of the of the fuel of the food that we eat makes a big difference.

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Transform Your Mind Luminary podcast

Your metabolism is derived from the quality of your food

You’ve also got to make sure you don’t overeat. You're filling up your fuel tank and there is no clicker like at the gas station. When you overeat, inflammation sets in and now you've got inflamed fat that's on the fire and that inflammation leaks out and it's all over your body. Now your whole body's inflamed and that's what sets us up for chronic disease.

So, the good news, I kind of just giving you some bad news, fat burning foods, will help us burn down the extra fuel stored in our fuel tank. And that is really why I call my latest book “Eat to Beat your diet.” You do not have to go on a restrictive elimination deprivation diet to add to your diet to be able to, burn fat,  away harmful, Right? It's more joyful to know what are the foods that, burn fat, that you should add to your diet?

Myrna: How does, intermittent fasting, play into this fat burning system? I had two or three guests on the show, talk about, intermittent fasting. I am doing it myself right now. And I'm working with a 15-hour, intermittent fast.  My question is that I heard you say a 12 hour fast is almost as beneficial as a 15,16, 24 hours fast. Can you explain why that is?

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Transform Your Mind Podcast Pandora

Intermittent fasting is not a new thing

Dr Li: Well, look I mean the there's a new scientific metabolism that helps explain why, intermittent fasting, is beneficial.  Intermittent fasting, isn't just sort of this newfangled fad or trend that somebody came up with that lots of people are following now. It's the most natural thing and who we are as a people. If we fast for 16 hours and eat for 8 hours, we will lose weight, our body will reset, our metabolic markers will improve.  All of that, but since 16 hours without food is so hard for everyone to do, I say a 12 hour fast is more manageable and give you the same benefits.

Myrna: Tell us about your book “Eat to Beat your You Diet: Burn Fat, Heal Your Metabolism, and Live Longer. We talked about everything except living longer. But we know that when we put good fuel in our body, then we live longer. So why did you write the book? Tell us what you want readers to walk away with after reading, your website, your social media handles, etc.

Di Li: Thank you very much for that for allowing me talk about my book. So, we already talked a lot about the things that are in my book, but I'll explain. When you get my book, It’s in three parts. The first part tells you these amazing jaw dropping things, that caused my jaw to drop, and my eyes to open about our metabolism. So, here's just a couple of teasers for you. We are not born with different metabolisms; we're not born with a faster or slower metabolism. Turns out our metabolism doesn't automatically slow when we hit our 40s and 50s and 60s. Amazingly, our metabolism from the age of 20 to 60 is rock able.

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Transform Your Mind Podcast Player FM

Our metabolism does not slow down with age

That's how we're designed, our operating system is designed in our adult life to be completely stable. And so, what happens is that not that a slow metabolism causes us to gain weight. It's gaining weight and growing extra, body fat, slows down our metabolism. You're not cursed with this. You have a tendency to make a decision to use food, use fasting, use your lifestyle to, burn fat. When you burn away the extra fat, you lighten up your body. What happens is your natural operating system your metabolism naturally rises to the surface.

You are in charge of your metabolism because it's hardwired. It's like putting an anti-virus program into your computer so that your operating system can work again. That's powerful. That's very, empowering. And that's a section in my book and then talking about some really interesting parts of that.

Did you know that fat comes in different colors? Fat is brown or fat is white. Those are the two colors. White fat, is lumpy, bumpy, wiggly, jiggly. It's the stuff on your arms, under your chin. White fat is the muffin top. Okay, it's on your thighs. It's on your butt. That's the stuff that most people see. Because it's under the skin, subcutaneous tissue.

But the stuff you can't see, that's also, white fat, and some stuff that's packed into your body. This fat is called, visceral fat, visceral meaning gut, gut fat. And that's why when you actually gain weight, your waist size increases. That's a lot of, gut fat, but you can burn it off it with foods I talk about in my book.

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Google Podcast Transform Your Mind

Brown fat vs White fat

The other kind of fat, the good kind of fat is not lumpy, bumpy wiggly, generally. It's called, brown fat. And in this case, Brown fat, is the kind that you want because it is paper thin. And you're like, What? What are you talking about? Fat is thin?  Yes, It is like a piece of paper and it's not close to the skin. It is close to the bone. All right, and where is it located? It is plastered on the side of your neck. It's underneath your breastbone. It's around under your arms like a girdle and a little bit behind your back, and a little bit in your belly. And what, brown fat, does is ignites; it lights up fat like a space heater.

But so will foods like, chili peppers, tomatoes, pomegranate juice, avocados, beans, chickpeas, all these foods I talk about in my book. Brown fat, burns down, white fat, it fights bad fat. Eating food can help your good fat fight bad fat. That is that's kind of a mind-blowing concept. You can eat foods to fight fat. So, this is why I called my book “Eat to Beat Your Diet.

Now the middle of the book is actually me taking you grocery shopping. And the way that I wrote is, I imagined you the reader sitting in my grocery cart, the way you used to sit in your mom's grocery cart as a kid. In this case, I'm pushing you in my grocery cart and I'm whispering in your ear as we go around the grocery store. What's good for your metabolism, what, foods burn fat. We go through to the produce section. We pick up the avocados, and bell peppers we pick up the Bok choy, we pick up the onions etc. I write about 150 foods you can find in the grocery store at any budget.

The last section of my book,  the third part is really me coaching you how to adapt this to your everyday life. I give you kind of guidelines and some tips  on how to do it and the most important thing is to personalize it for yourself make it work for  you.

You can pick up a copy of my book in any book store or on my web site all my social media handles is @drwilliamli. If you head to my website, you can sign up for my free newsletter where I give you tips about food and recipes and any research that I'm doing.

Additional Resources

Intermittent Fasting: Does It Work For Women?

Intermittent Fasting: Does It Work For Women?

Men rock intermittent fasting,  but does it work for women? As women we have three hormones that we have to take into consideration when fasting.   Estrogen, progesterone and testosterone.  Estrogen loves when you keep glucose down. Progesterone, is completely the opposite way. In fact, I always say that progesterone and estrogen are like twin sisters. They look the same. We call them sex hormones, but they have massively different personalities.

In this episode Dr. Mindy Pelz teaches us from her Book “Fast Like a Girl” how to rock intermittent fasting as a woman.

Download the podcast here:


Commonly known as “The Reset Doc,” Dr. Mindy Pelz is a renowned holistic health expert who is on a mission to start a women’s health revolution!

Teaching her signature “5-Step Approach,” Dr. Mindy has empowered hundreds of thousands of people around the world to harness their body’s own healing abilities through fasting, diet variation, detoxing chemicals from the body, stress management, and lifestyle changes – as keys to achieving optimum health and slowing down the aging process. Her private coaching group, The Reset Academy, teaches women how to sync a fasting lifestyle with their hormones.

She is the author of several bestselling books including the newly-released Fast Like a Girl, The Menopause Reset, The Reset Factor, and The Reset Kitchen. Her members-only Facebook group, The Resetter Collaborative, includes over 30,000 active members. Dr. Mindy’s podcast, “The Resetter Podcast,” is ranked within Apple’s top 40 category of U.S. science podcasts.

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What is intermittent fasting?

Myrna: So to start off, Dr. Mindy you are a renowned holistic health expert. Can you share with our audience, what exactly is, intermittent fasting, and what our body does in, ketosis?

Dr. Mindy:  Yeah, it's such a good place to start the conversation. Thank you for asking that because, intermittent fasting, has become this buzzword that so many of us throw around, but I could put you in a room full of 100 people and everyone will have a different definition of what is, intermittent fasting.

And that is the whole premise of what I teach. So, here is the best way we can look at, fasting. We must remember that we have two energy systems. So, when you're trying to get energy to go about your day when you're trying to get mental energy, you want energy to heal.

A lot of the conversation in the health world has been around quality of food and what to eat and, and what foods are going to be the best for you. And so, there has been a lot of food conversation, but what we don't realize is that's only one of our energy systems, that when glucose goes high, yes, glucose in a balanced way can really help support Cellular Healing specially if you're eating the right foods, but it's only 50% of the conversation.

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The Ketogenic energy source

Because this other energy source is what we have come to know as the ketogenic energy source. Now, the ketogenic energy source, I like to lovingly call it the fat burning system, because the only way you can make ketones is by burning fat. So, hallelujah, because we can start to see that we can make ketones and lose weight at the same time.  Those ketones what they will do is they'll go up into the brain and they start to supercharge your brain, they repair neurons, they kill hunger, or they repair any mitochondria throughout your body.

So, it is this healing state that we put ourselves in. So, when you ask what is, intermittent fasting, it is you are tapping into the, ketogenic, fat burning healing energy system. That’s why so many people are crazy about it. Most of us until we try fasting we've never experienced the power that our body can have using this energy state as fuel.

Myrna: So if we eat bad food for 8 hours and fast for 16 hours does  that mean that we don’t get fat?

Dr Mindy: That's really a great question.  So, there are two things that will happen is one you what you're doing if you eat that meal, you're eating that fast food and you're eating it in a confined period. During that time when you are eating that fast food, your blood sugar is going up, your inflammatory markers  are going up, your cholesterol is going up.  Those things are still going to happen and I'm not advocating for that style of food. But so many people are addicted to that way of eating.

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Intermittent fasting allows your body to heal

But here's the catch. If you give yourself 16 hours to heal, after you've eaten that toxic food, all those markers come back down. Fasting insulin comes down, glucose comes down, CRP cholesterol, all of them comes back down because you gave your body a chance to recover from the toxicity of that food.  I've seen incredible changes to, autoimmunity. Do you know, 80% of autoimmune conditions happen to women. So that's why it is so important for women to understand how to use fasting for themselves.

We have seen fasting totally obliterates chronic pain. It'll go away. Mood Disorders, reboots the whole dopamine system it can help with it can upregulate GABA so your anxiety will change. I mean menopause symptoms, you name it.

Myrna: Yeah, that's amazing such good information. You teach us to check our blood sugar to see what foods are taking us out of ketosis.  I used to drink apple cider vinegar and honey every morning not knowing that the honey was taking me out of ketosis.  So, let's say that you were trying to fast for 16 hours. What are some of the foods we can eat and stay in ketosis.  I believe you call them, fat bombs.

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As I grow up podcast

Intermittent fasting and fat bombs

Dr. Mindy: Okay, so the most common question we get because most people will fast in the morning is what about my coffee? And I would say that I'm going to give you sort of the general ideas of what works and then we'll give you a formula on how you can test it on yourself. But generally coffee works for most people. It is how many of us get through our fasting window. We get up in the morning, we have our coffee, and it keeps us going and there’s great science showing that coffee stimulates, autophagy, which is one of the mechanisms we are trying to trigger with fasting. So now what you put in that coffee really matters.

So, if you're putting coffee mate in it or a creamer that's very toxic or you're putting sugar in it, you're going to pull yourself out of a fasting state. So, what can you put in your coffee? A heavy cream typically works, some people use, MCT oil, which will actually kick up your ketones production and it will also turn off the hunger signals. So, I put a little scoop of, MCT oil, in my coffee. And you can do Ghee butter if you want.  Ghee butter was really popular for a while. Yeah, but like a fat bomb, that would be fine.

  • I wouldn't do nonfat milk, It's too high on the glycemic index. You need some fat to slow that spiking of the blood sugar down.
  • And I wouldn't do coffee mate,
  • I wouldn't do creamers.
  • I wouldn't do oatmeal or almond milk, they have tend to spike the blood sugar. really good. So does cow's milk.
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Does intermittent fasting work for women?

Myrna: So, does intermittent fasting work for women?  Talk to us about, intermittent fasting women. The last nutritionist that I had on the show, when I told her about my husband lost 40 lbs. doing, intermittent fasting, she said it usually works for men and doesn't work so much and women. What's the deal with, intermittent fasting weight loss?

Dr. Mindy: So, here's what we need to know about the difference between men and women. And when we look at our hormones, we are our hormones play out differently for us. So, let's start with men. A man's number one hormone is, testosterone. Most people know that. But what's interesting is testosterone goes up into the brain and converts into estrogen. So, you'll hear a lot of people say, men have estrogen. too.

They do, but it starts with testosterone and then it converts up into the brain. When a man is fasting, the research shows that he can improve his testosterone levels by 1300% in a 15 hour fast and he can he can improve his testosterone levels by 2,000% in a 24 hour fast so men rock fasting.  In fact, if you ever if you're married to a man, and you go into a fast together, I see this over and over again. The man's like I lost 30 pounds in like three weeks and the wife is like, I lost one pound! And that’s because of the difference of hormones.

Myrna: Wow.

Dr. Mindy: Yeah, literally, I've I feel like I could be a counselor for couples. So men, you rock fasting,  women we have three hormones that we have to take into consideration.  estrogen, progesterone and testosterone. So, an estrogen and progesterone play by vastly different rules. Estrogen loves when you keep glucose down. Estrogen is very tolerant of cortisol. So, if you want to go into a longer fast, or glucose goes down, insulin goes down and cortisol goes up, because cortisol will go up in a fast very much like exercise increases cortisol, and estrogen is going to love that. You want to clean up your estrogen system.

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Listen Notes Transform Your Mind

Intermittent fasting, estrogen and progesterone

Progesterone, is completely the opposite way. In fact, I always say that progesterone and estrogen are like twin sisters. They look the same. We call them sex hormones, but they have massively different personalities. And so, when we look at what progesterone wants, she wants you to bring glucose up. So, if you're fasting and you're keeping glucose down, you're going to make progesterone. Progesterone also wants you to keep cortisol low. So, it is the incomplete inverse of estrogen. That is why the book is called, fast like a girl.

I started to look at those hormones and go what is it that that needs? What are these behaviors and when you look at a woman who has a cycle, the front half of her cycle is when estrogen is in her glory. So fasting works great. The back half of her cycle is when progesterone is in her glory. So, no fasting is great. And so one of the things that I've that really propelled me to write this book was that the word got out into the world that women shouldn't fast. And it's like, yes, we should not fast when progesterone is coming in, which is the week before our period.

So, the diet that you ate at 35 that kept you slim and feeling great is not going to work for you at 45 because you've got to consider the loss of estrogen. I also believe women who have been all the way through menopause should actually go into longer fast, like three days fasting. It is a beautiful way to clean up that imbalance that estrogen, but you still have progesterone, she didn't go away, she's just a little less. And so with her you just are going to need to make sure that you step out of fasting and you step out of low carb or keto at least once a week, maybe a couple of times a week depending on how low your progesterone is.

So, in the book, I call it hormone feasting foods and these are the foods that you can feed progesterone to be able to give her the nutrients she needs.

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Google Podcast Transform Your Mind

Fasting like a girl

Myrna: So, why did you write the book Fast Like a Girl, why did you call it that? And what do you want people to walk away with after reading?

Dr. Mindy: It is a great question.  The catalyst for writing this book was because of what I was seeing in my clinic, what I was seeing on my YouTube channel where I teach fasting.  A million and a half people join the channel every month and they were leaving their comments.  I talk about a specific formula of fasting that took six different fasting types and two different food styles and mapped it to a woman's hormones.

And I was watching women hormonally come back into balance. I fixed my hormonal system using these six differently fasting tools and mapping them to my hormones or to my menstrual cycle in my mid-40s. So, I knew it worked for me. Then I taught my patients and I saw it work for them. And then I taught millions of other women across the world and I knew that I was on to something.  It's really interesting because right now we're getting so many incredible reviews on the book and everybody's like it works. It works.

So, that was sort of the meaning behind why we got this in print so that every woman has it. Now the title, I think there's a lot in the title that I want. I don't want women to lose because I've had a lot of women say to me, Well, I'm not a girl. Well, you know what, there's actually a feminist philosopher who wrote an essay back in the 1980s. About why the concept of running like a girl or throwing like a girl is actually an accurate statement. And the reason that it's accurate is because when you look at the Kinesiology or the mechanics of what it takes to throw a ball, our bodies are built differently than men.

So, we aren't going to throw a ball like a man because our hip ratio is different. Our arm length is different. Our muscle balance is different. Same thing with running like a girl so that's the idea behind the title Fast Like A Girl.  Women don't fast like your husband, don't do it like your brother, your father best friend. Do it like the girl design of you, of your feminine body.

Book: Fast Like a Girl
Book: Fast Like a Girl


Myrna: I Like that, right. Okay. And now you have your YouTube channel, you have a Facebook group, you have a podcast. Tell us about your social media handles and how we can follow you on social media. I've already started following you on Instagram. So, I see your videos on Instagram.

Dr.  Mindy: Yeah, thank you. Well, YouTube is my passion project. So, we I put out the science and the application of fasting all over YouTube. So, if you're interested in learning more, that's a great place to go. I am on Instagram @drmindypelz

My podcast is called The Resetter podcast and we have incredible discussions there with some brilliant minds. So, and you'll see if you listen to repetitive episodes, I always bring fasting into it and ask people about, intermittent fasting. So you can connect with me on YouTube, Instagram, Facebook, we have a closed Facebook group called that's free. And it's called The Resetter Collaborative, it's a fasting group has over 60,000 people in it. And there are some really amazing fasting minds in there.

So if you want more support, that's a great place. Yeah, we have an academy that is a membership group, where people who want assistance from me and my coaching my team of coaches and fasting warriors, we have a whole supportive group called the Reset Academy. And if you forget all of that, you could go to And it's all there.

Additional Resources

The Role of Probiotics in Gut Health and Brain Health

Benefits and Drawbacks of Keto and Paleo Diets

Almost everybody should be eating a, Paleo diet, It's very safe and you could do it long term. It's how I eat and really it goes down to the Paleolithic times. With the, Paleo diet, you can have unlimited vegetables. And so, you're eating the philosophy of when we were created.

The, keto diet, stands for, ketogenic, and it's basically getting the body in the state of, ketosis. When we are in the state of, ketosis, it basically changes our fuel source from carbohydrates to fat.

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Risa Groux, CN is a Functional Nutritionist and Certified Autoimmune Coach and author of FOODFRAME: Diet is a Four-Letter Word .  She has always been passionate about nutrition and good health. Risa was so concerned about purity that she made her children’s baby food from scratch. Today she is passionate about cooking and creating healthy, nutritious food. She works with a wide array of clients from professional athletes, adults, and kids to the Biggest Loser from season four.

Risa works with issues like diabetes, autoimmune disease, cancer, digestion, thyroid, and hormone imbalances, to name a few. Risa firmly believes that the body can heal itself with whole foods we obtain from the earth and sees living proof of that in her office each day. She looks at root causes using functional nutrition guidelines, blood and stool tests, and knows that, weight loss, is a side effect of wellness.

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Diet and weight loss

We have to understand the root causes of, weight loss.  Why is it that we have headaches, right? It's not because we have a deficiency in Tylenol, right? Why do we have high cholesterol? Why do we have constipation? Why do we have depression, whatever it is anxiety, there's a root cause to that it's not because we have this deficiency and mitigation. We're born with that.

Myrna: Are you saying that, weight loss, can always be linked back to our, diet, and what we are eating?

Risa: Not necessarily always what you're eating, but what you're eating is definitely hindering or helping, okay? So, if there could be a pathogen in your gut, there could be blood sugar dysregulation, there could be, low thyroid, all of these things. Where food absolutely is contributing to the growth of it or to the reverse of it. I'm always looking at those root causes. That's why I do extensive blood tests and stool tests, because I want to know what's going on. I'm not really good at guessing. I don’t play darts with the lights off.

That's what we they do in conventional medicine, not, functional nutrition. So, we're looking at, in addition to root causes, we're looking for prevention, because in allopathic medicine, we look at our reference ranges, they get wider and wider and wider. I say to people all the time, you've got this raging fire in the basement, your doctor might give you a little squirt gun or you might be trying it with a squirt gun yourself, but I've had to bring in the hose and get that fire out because if we have a fire in the basement, we're gonna hold on to all of our resources.

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What we eat is either helping or hindering weight loss

The body is not going to give it up because it may need it in the future. Right? It's like I always say to people, you've got a raging fire in the basement, but somebody is on the second floor saying can you help me change the light bulb? Why I got this fire and you're happy to change the light bulb once again. That's another consideration is how much of a fire do you have? Right? What is making you not lose the, weight. So those are what we look at and, in my office.

I look at two foundational issues. One is, systemic inflammation. As I mentioned, that is the driver of disease we know that for sure with COVID people going into third stage, inflammation. The second is, gut health, and, gut health, is extraordinarily important.

In addition to some, inflammation, one is blood sugar dysregulation which we you know, I test for, insulin resistance, and most allopathic doctors do not test for that. So, I'm looking at a C peptide and a fasting insulin in addition to the C and glucose. So that's number one is if you have insulin resistance, it's very difficult for, weight loss. Number two thyroid dysregulation that is our metabolism. Our temperature gauge, it's how we burn up fat and tells me why you are not able to lose weight.

The third marker for, weight loss, is cortisol, that is the stress hormone, right. So, stress really does drive up, cortisol, we will not lose weight when we have high, cortisol, or really low, cortisol, for that matter, either. And then for you've just named it, sex hormone, imbalance. That's a huge reason why we can't, lose weight.

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Comedians for Climate Action Atlanta

Toxins prevent weight loss

The fifth we can’t, lose weight, is an overload of, toxins. So that's why I'm big on, detoxing. I do a detox all the time. I just had a detox shake just now. I'm always, detoxing, and it's really important because we are inundated with chemicals. The FDA in America. This is a brand-new number. I hate to report it. We have been approved for 86,000 chemicals.

Myrna: Well, let's spend a little time there. So how do you, detox, or how do you suggest that people, detox?

Risa: So, let me just give you some more stats there that 86,000, toxins.  Over 3000 of which are foods that we can eat right? And let me just tell you that Europe just came out with a list of 1600 chemicals that they banned just for their cosmetics. At the same time, the US banded 11, so we have, toxins, everywhere. They're in our makeup, they're in our clothes, they're in our paint. They're in our furniture, they're in our food. They're in our cosmetics, they're in our sunscreen in our shampoos or conditioners, our Perfume is, toxins.

But, detoxing, the right way is really important when, toxins, come into the system, the liver kind of deciphers.  If it is an enzyme, typically even if it's a, toxin, that goes to an enzyme, it goes out that's great, but if it isn't, it gets stored in fat tissues and fat cells. This is why we, lose weight, when we, detox. But, toxins, do a tremendous amount of damage. It stays in the intestinal lining, where they get reabsorbed all day over and over and over again. And one of the markers that we look for on blood tests is called the homocysteine and that tells us if you're able to, detoxify, your own heavy metals and your own, toxins, so really important to look at that marker as well.

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Detoxify your liver to aid weight loss

But I, detox, probably three times a year. I have a lot of people in my office who do it four times a year even if you just did it twice here, you'd be way better off than not doing it at all. But I have my own, detox products, which your listeners have 10% off the detox for three months after it drops. Use coupon code Transform10 at Functional Certified Nutritionist | Risa Groux Nutrition You're drinking collagen shakes filled with amino acids and antioxidants that help open up pathways one and two. And then you're eating real foods, you're eating animal protein, you're eating unlimited vegetables, sweet potatoes, yams, and some good fats, eggs, nuts, seeds, olives, avocados.

Myrna: Okay, so that's awesome. But yeah, you probably hit the nail on the head regarding my, weight loss, issues. I haven't detoxed in a long time.

Risa: So yeah, let me tell you the philosophy that drove me to write this book. I've been doing what I do for many years. And I started to do their blood labs. And I realized that everybody is different. If you have low blood sugar, you're going to eat very differently than somebody who has high blood sugar. If you have thyroid, you're going to eat very different than somebody who doesn't have your autoimmune same thing. So, what I started to gather is that we should all be eating according to our health status.

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Benefits and drawbacks of the Keto Diet

Lot of books come out and tells us this is what to eat, some say go on the, low lectin diet, it works for a lot of people, but it doesn't work for everybody. And same thing with, keto diet. Keto, is great for a lot of people, but not everybody. I personally couldn't get into the state of, ketosis. I kept trying and trying and I just couldn't get into, ketosis, without exogenous health. So, I didn't want to do that. People who don't have gallbladders should not be doing, keto. People who have a lot of adrenals cortisol production stress do not do well on, keto.

Women typically don't do well on, keto. So, I'll start with, keto. I broke this down and created my, Foodframe method. And that is why I wrote the book, because I think it's so important that not one size fits all. Keto, is not this new diet type that is going to be the miracle. It might be for some but not for everybody.

Myrna: Well, let me ask your question right there because, I wasn't aware that, nutritionists, take blood. So, you're testing your clients, and then you're deciding on a nutritional plan for them. Is that only with, functional nutritionists, or, nutritionists?

Risa: I don't know other conventional nutritionists or dietitians who take blood, but I do I order blood labs and stool tests because I don’t like guessing.

So, then I know right? I know if you have H Pylori, or if you have Giardia or you have Candida or you have parasites, how do we know that we've got a fire in the basement ongoing?  So, keto, stands for, ketogenic, and it's basically getting the body in the state of, ketosis. When we are in the state of, ketosis, it basically changes our fuel source. Everybody is born to have a fuel source from carbohydrates, sugar, carbs are turned into sugar and the pancreas to pumps that insulin.  It creates that insulin and that insulin converts that sugar or carbohydrate and puts it into converts into glycogen puts it in the cell and it's used for energy.

ATP is what we make from the, mitochondria, within the cell. This is difficult for people who have insulin resistance. I mean, it's good for people who have blood sugar issues, because it helps, but when you go into the state of, ketosis, you're changing that fuel source from a carbohydrate to fat. So, you have very, little carbohydrates and I mean less than 20 net carbs in a day, which is low, and maybe 5% of your diet is in carbohydrates. All foods have carbohydrates except for animal protein and fats like oils. Olives are really low. And so, what happens is your fuel source, you're starting to create, ketones, we would see, ketones, in your urine. That means you're burning fat for fuel, and it's great for that person. Most men do really well with, keto, not all women do well with, keto.

Myrna: My husband does, ketosis, with intermittent fasting. He has lost over 30 lbs on this, keto diet.

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Transform your Mind Stitcher

Testing for the state of ketosis

Risa: Yeah, so that's a perfect person for the, keto diet. Women don't do as well.  But again, this is not something I would recommend if you don't have a gallbladder and don’t any fat malabsorption issues.  If you have a lot of stress, it may not work for you either, but I would recommend getting a, urine stick, so you can check it every morning to see if you're in the, state of ketosis.

Myrna: And let's stop there for a minute. So, you can get a, urine stick, and check for, ketosis?

Risa: Yep, at Walgreens or CVS? That's what I did is, I would pee on the, urine stick, every morning to see if I'm in the, state of ketosis.

Myrna: Yeah, that's beautiful. That's a great tip. Thank you.

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Benefits and drawbacks of the Paleo diet

Risa: So almost everybody should be doing, Paleo, rather and you can be doing it. It's very safe. You could do it long term. It's how I eat and really it goes down to the Paleolithic times. And so, you're eating the philosophy of when we were created. We ate animal protein as clean quality as possible because there's another source of, toxins. We have a lot of, growth hormones, and antibiotics in our meats. And then our chickens are just eating just grains and things that they're not supposed to be eating and they weren't born to eat, and our fish is farmed and filled with chemicals also.

So, it's really important to eat good quality. With the, Paleo diet, you can have unlimited vegetables. Any way you want them except for deep fried. We make a couple exceptions like no corns, peas or string beans really very often. We take out legumes, we take out grains, we take out dairy, we take out sugar and processed foods. So, you're having sweet potato, yams, good fats very similar to my, detox. My detox is very, Paleo.  It's really the easiest one to do. You can stay on it long term, and you're really removing the high carb foods and the inflammatory foods, bread, sugar, dairy, alcohol, you can have a little bit of alcohol on, Paleo diet, like tequila, gin, vodka, things like that. No beer.

Myrna: One of my sponsors Greenchef set me up with, Paleo recipes. And I've been I've been cooking, Paleo, but I don't know much about the, Paleo diet.

Risa: Benefits of, Paleo diet, is to decrease that, systemic inflammation, and increase good, gut health. So, it has a lot of fiber, which is really good for the microbiome. For general good diversity and, gut health. We're removing the sugar are the dairy, the grains and the legumes. I'll get into that a little later. We talked about, lectins, but they're hard to digest.

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Google Podcast Transform Your Mind

Drawbacks of the Vegan diet

If you don't have enough digestive enzymes in the system, you're gonna have a hard time breaking down, and they're also filled with tons of carbohydrates. I am a former, vegan, myself and I lived on beans, specifically a little bit of grains but not much and my blood sugars I just watched it go through the roof. I was almost pre diabetic. And it was just because I was eating so many beans at every meal. Lentils and garbanzo beans and hummus and black beans.

Myrna: I gained 3 lbs in the last 2 weeks because I was eating beans and oats!

In my book, I go in great detail with this such different types of, vegetarians and the, vegan, diet.  Vegetarians, are eating Bread and Oreos, French fries, Cokes. You know, these are all vegetarian foods, but they are not good for us. They're processed foods, so you can fall into that trap of processed diet. And occasionally I do meet a real, vegetarian, who actually eats vegetables, but they have to have some protein soy.  So again, there's the beans and the grains, nuts and the seeds. So, vegan, is not something I recommend for everyone.  I really don't recommend eating vegetarian or, vegan, for most people. But I do recommend eating a lot of plants food no matter what, because we were born to eat plants.

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Deezer Transform Your Mind Podcast
Autoimmune Protocol Diet is Paleo without nightshade

The, autoimmune protocol diet, is fairly restrictive. It's an elimination diet. So, it's 30 to 90 days and I wouldn't recommend if you have one or two or more autoimmune, you go for 90 days as best you can. It's very restrictive. It's the, paleo diet, however we're removing, nightshade vegetables. So that's tomatoes, potatoes, opportunities except for sweet potato and yams, eggplant and peppers of any kind.

So, anything but black pepper, soy, paprika, red peppers, and you know jalapenos and then and goji berries and then we're moving on nuts, seeds, eggs, so it is very restrictive. They bring it a little bit of fruit, but very little berries a little bit of apple things like that. But it's pretty restrictive. And the whole point is to quell the, inflammation, that's driving these antibodies that are causing that cytokine storm.

Myrna: I'll circle back, so you're saying that the foods that you remove are foods that contribute to, inflammation?

Risa: if you have, autoimmune disease, nightshade vegetables, are foods that are high in, lectins, which we'll get to next. But, lectins, can cause inflammation. Yes.

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Nightshade vegetables can cause leaky gut

Myrna; Dr. Steven Gundry has been talking about, lectins, and how these things go through your intestinal lining of your stomach, and you shouldn't eat them? And I listen and I'm thinking why are tomatoes bad? But you're just saying exactly the same thing, I don't eat eggplant.  I'm allergic to it. What are some of the, nightshade vegetables, again, I know there's tomatoes what else?

Risa: Tomatoes, all kinds of potatoes except sweet potato and yams, different family eggplant, and peppers, any kind of pepper except for black pepper. So, Gundry he endorsed my book. He's on the cover of my book. I'm doing his podcast actually in a couple of weeks. But he is actually right and all the research he did about, lectins. Lectins, basically, you know we all as human living organisms, we all have a defense mechanism, right?

If we're being attacked, humans, we can kick bite, scream, flee, call 911 right plants don't have that ability. So, what they have is what I call a hard candy around them and it's around the germ or the seed. So, they say, I want to just survive and procreate, just like humans, right? Those are two main goals for the organisms. And so, they have this protective coating.

Now if you have a very acidic stomach, you have enough digestive enzymes in your gut, you're going to be able to break, lectins, down. But even if you break those down, those, lectins, can cause a lot of, inflammation, especially somebody with a, leaky gut. So, Dr Gundry talks about a lot about, leaky gut, and I'm trying to I always try to explain it to people because we only have one layer of epithelial cells in the intestinal lining, just one and we have some villi there protecting it. But once you damage that layer, we have poke holes called tight junctions. And Gluten is a great helper to open up those tight junctions causing, leaky gut, and then next thing we've got food intolerances and, inflammation.

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What is a leaky gut?

Myrna: Can you explain what's bad about a, leaky gut.

Risa: So, you don't want a, leaky gut, because things are going through stress, toxins, food particles, organ malfunctions, bread, sugar, dairy and alcohol are all going through and causing your body to go in the state of, inflammation, and cause food sensitivities not food allergies, but food sensitivities. And if you do that long enough, you'll create an, autoimmune disease, right? The antibodies are created so it's got a place to it's got to park itself, organ gland or tissue. So, for fibromyalgia, it's your muscles. If it's rheumatoid arthritis, it's your joints.

So, you don't want antibodies passing through your gut, you don't want, autoimmune diseases. So that's why you don't want a, leaky gut. Also, it just impairs everything, brain fog, I mean, it goes on and on digestive issues, things like that.

Your FODMAP is an acronym and it stands for fermentable, oligo, saccharides, disaccharide, disaccharides, monosaccharides and polyols. And in plain English, that means different types of carbohydrates that cause a lot of gas production. This is what happens if you have, IBS irritable bowel syndrome, which is basically a non-diagnosis for some, inflammation.  I find out on the stool tests how much you have, but if you have inflammation in the intestinal lining, you either have IBS or IBD irritable bowel disease, or SIBO, which I test people for which is small intestinal bacterial overgrowth and that is constant chronic bloating, and it's paired with either chronic diarrhea or chronic constipation.


The FODMAP diet

So we'll have either of those three, that is something that I recommend doing low, FODMAP, so these are carbohydrates that absorb water, and they tend to make you bloat and they create a in house, cellulite. It helps muscle it helps on hair, skin and nails. It helps joint pain. I have probably two servings of collagen every single day. It's really good. It's a great protein source and very low in carb, protein, fat and fiber. I started with coconut milk; I had coconut cream.  I used it today, I had my chocolate collagen plus, which has the amino acids and antioxidants to help open up those detox pathways. And then I put some fiber in so I put in today I put in hemp seeds and spinach. So usually, I do a seed and a green and it is very, very filling, takes through the distance, your body doesn't need anything else.

Myrna: Where can we pick up a copy of Foodframe: Diet is a Four-Letter Word? Your website, your Instagram handle and how people can get a hold of you for this amazing information that you're given.

Book FoodFrame diet is a four-letter word
Book: FoodFrame Diet is a Four-Letter Word


Risa: Thank you. I recommend everybody find out what their foodframe is and you can take the quizzes, only 12 questions on my website There you will find my book, there you will find my course, how to achieve optimal thyroid health, there you will find tons of articles and my product line, my detox, my collagen, and collagen plus that's more the detox collagen. After you're done with the, detox, you can stay on that for more liver detoxification. And then a plethora of other supplements. I have I have these amazing collagen bars that are delicious chocolate bars that are only eight net carbs and they're great. I have one almost every day.

My Instagram is @risagrouxnutrition. My tick tock and Facebook are the same. I work with people all over the world. We do advise on zoom. So, anybody's welcome to make an appointment. And we'll order labs. We'll send you a stool test at your home and then we'll have you go to your local lab for blood work and then we'll just watch you heal and, lose weight.

Additional Resources

How Ketogenic Diet Helps Reverse Diabetes


How to Get Rid of Your Fat Cells with Liposuction

With, liposuction, you're not losing fat alone. You don't lose fat alone. You're losing water weight and poop and inflammation and salt. You're losing pure fat cells and that's permanent.  Adults do not make back fat cells, so when you suck out your fat cells, they do not grow back. It is permanent.

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Myrna: Tell us how you became a plastic surgeon

Dr Bilge: My story starts when I was working in the emergency room; I had a problem getting a good night sleep, so my primary care doctor prescribed a sleep aide that wasn't addictive, but it was prescription strength. She prescribed me a medicine. What happened ultimately was when, in September of 2015, I was getting ready to work a shift the very next morning at 6am and I was had taken my medicine the night before. About an hour after I had I found myself face down in a dark in my dark living room, in a pool of blood. I didn't know it was blood because it was dark. I got up and I went to the bathroom and my entire face was crushed.

Myrna: I guess you blacked out blacked out I'm assuming.

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Life events leading to plastic surgery

Dr Bilge: Exactly right. I didn't know at the moment, but obviously, in hindsight, what we discovered was my heart had stopped from medicine. When your heart stops, it's not like a fainting spell where you're dizzy and then you fall and usually your hands block your fall. I had what they call a drop attack. So essentially, I went from upright to face down.  I must have been sleepwalking. I crushed my skull in four places. I had fractures in my forehead, my orbit my nose. I had lacerations, I was concussed, and I was essentially a vegetable for a period of time, especially in the beginning. I spent some time in the ICU, and then about a month later, I was right back in the ER.

Myrna: Wow I really understand why you became a, plastic surgeon.

Dr Bilge: All right, so that was one big wake up call. And I can honestly say I was already starting to have these Inklings or intuitions about my career in life. Because the burnout was real, and I wasn't ready to accept that. I had been forewarned that that was a potential for many ER doctors, but I just thought I would be able to avoid that kind of consequence, but I wasn't able to obviously. So, the burnout got worse.

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Less than a year later, I was again working in the emergency department. I was actually at home when I first developed a pain in my neck. And it was within 24 hours while I was working my shift in the emergency department, the pain started to migrate down my arm to the point where I felt like I had a broken shoulder, and I was like what is this? And it went into my fingers. So, it wasn't a sudden rupture like my disk had literally popped out and compress my nerves in that timeframe. So, it was like a heart attack with my arm.

Myrna:  Wow because the symptoms of a heart attack is pain in your arm right

Dr Bilge: Yeah, but it wasn't my heart. It was my nerve. So ultimately, they did an MRI of my neck, and they found that my disc must have been weakened from the injury the year before and now was pinching my nerve.

The pain was so bad, they were literally trying to put me on unconscious to try to suppress the pain. When a nerve is in pinch, it's not like a heart attack, blood flow or nerve flow is impinged quickly. There's really no comparable pain on this planet to it. I ended up having emergency surgery to have part of my disc removed and pushed back in place. Thankfully nothing fused. So, I have good mobility, but I almost lost all function of my arm.

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Introduction to high-definition liposuction

Myrna: Did your nerve regenerate?

Dr Bilge: Yes, it did, but it took me months. Then I went through another life trauma and decided to find another career. A friend of mine learned how to do, high-definition liposuction. In the meantime, when he was out doing his thing, and he's like, I can teach you that and I'm thinking, are you serious? Is this a possibility? So, these are the life events that led to becoming a, plastic surgeon.

Myrna: I want to ask you a question. You said that you couldn't sleep. So, the doctor gave you something and that's what happened. So, is melatonin safe? Because they're saying that, melatonin, is actually very good for you and I take, melatonin. So, is that like the only safe sleeping aid?

Dr Bilge: I actually don't consider it a good sleep aid. Because it's naturally formed in our body and taking external, melatonin, you're actually suppressing your own body's ability to create it. So no, I don't consider that as a sleep option.

Myrna: Okay, is there any good options for someone that's reading this? Because, you know, they say that in America 70% of people can't sleep. And that came out when Michael Jackson had his problem because he couldn't sleep, and they said that 70% of Americans can't sleep. Now doctors prescribe, melatonin. But you're right. You're messing with your, circadian rhythm, but if your, circadian rhythm, is off and you can't sleep, what should people do?

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Plastic surgery liposuction

Dr Bilge: There's no simple answer for that. And I personally have the thought that other than specifically vitamins, I would always work on people's methods of sleep through, mind body techniques.

Myrna: What kind of, plastic surgery, do you do? I know that you said something about, liposuction. You talked about injectables and all that. So, are you a full body, Plastic Surgeon? Are you just working with the face? So. tell us what kind of, plastic surgery, you do.

Dr Bilge: As a, plastic surgeon, I don't perform, plastic surgery, techniques such as, tummy tucks, and, breast lifts or, breast augmentation. Those do require more training. What I specifically do, like my bread and butter is the, high-definition liposuction, with a technology called, Fun sculpting, which has a very interesting term. But the reason it's unique is it's the only type of, liposuction, that will not rip, cut, tear, or kill tissue.

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Transform your Mind Stitcher

I talk with my patients about the differences between, different types of, liposuction, and most people know the classic, liposuction, as what's offered in the United States, that's about over 90% of what's available. And it's unfortunate because it's really old technology, and it's exactly what you see on TV, that brutal arm movement of the doctor.

It's a vacuum on a stick, and it's really not ideal for a variety of body parts because it can destroy the tissue underneath, which is what I mean when I say rip, cut, tear when you're making those powerful arm movements with a cannula. You're literally pushing through the tissue in a forceful manner and causing destruction of those fibers that hold the skin to the muscle. I talk to my patients about myself. I'm a guinea pig. I've had, liposuction, myself twice.  The first time the old school way not knowing that the other ways existed.

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Difference between high-definition liposuction and traditional liposuction

To be clear and honest is not necessarily their bread and butter. They don't want to do the traditional, liposuction, because it's labor intensive. On it takes more time to get the job done. So, they're thinking, why not make the same amount of money doing the, tummy tuck, in two hours as opposed to, liposuction, that would take four hours.

The other cool selling point of this particular technology the, high-definition liposuction, is that I can do the, liposuction, in areas that most doctors say it's not a good place to do it, because the machine vibrates. It's like a sewing machine and it allows me for me to go in areas that otherwise would have required surgery. I can do great job with the fat on the arm. I can do a great job with bellies. In fact, I'm not really sure if you've ever heard of what a Panis is, but a panacea is when you have an abdomen that flaps over.

Myrna: So how does, high-definition liposuction, work? Does it suck out the fat or freeze the fat?

Dr Bilge: Oh, it does suck it out. It does suck it, but the technology is vibratory, so it let get me into tissue without pushing. So, I'm not destroying. If you were to look at me doing the surgery, I look like any other lipo surgeon except for my hands are not pushing really hard. That's the difference. I'm not ramming a vacuum I am gently pushing.

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What is CoolSculpting

I hate, CoolSculpting, I'm not that kind of person who beat around the bush with opinions.

Myrna: So, is CoolSculpting, cheaper?

Dr Bilge: No, that's the problem. CoolSculpting, is a quote non-surgical way of killing fat, but there's no guarantee of the percentage of fat you're gonna lose. So, you sit there, and you pay something in the 1000s for a maybe.  There's no way I would ever tell somebody that's the way to go. You want to know that fat is falling away. I've had people come to me and tell me they've spent $10,000 plus dollars for, CoolSculpting, and got maybe 10 to 15% fat loss: that's not a valuable project.

With, liposuction, you're not losing fat along. You don't lose fat alone. When you're losing weight. You're losing water weight and poop and inflammation and salt. That's what when you're losing pure fat cells and that permanent.  Adults do not make back fat cells, so when you suck out your fat cells, they do not grow back. It is permanent.

Myrna: I heard that so thank you for confirming that.

Dr Bilge: That is why childhood obesity is a big issue, right? Because if you children are born with let's, say 5 million fat cells, and you overfeed a child, you will create 10 million fat cells and the child is going to fight that for the rest of their life. But as an adult it's different. So, this is what I tell my patients, you make your size, I make your shape.

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I was a perfect example. I show pictures of my body. I had gained almost 40 pounds. I was feeling that emotional stuff. That stuff I was telling you about. It was a few years after my injury, I was almost 150 pounds and these images I have, but you would never think that because I still had the hourglass figure, and I had no love handle.

Because again, my shape was the same. It was just a bigger version of me. So that's something that that's really helpful for people is, you know, let's say you have love handles that you can't stand or saddlebags. Once those get suctioned out, they're gone forever. You can still gain weight, but it's gonna go all over your body in all the other places in the same shape.

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Metaphysical life hacks for transformation

Myrna: So, you also have some, metaphysical life hacks, which is definitely what we want to talk about. What are those, tell us about that?

Dr Bilge: Oh, I'm basically through all of the experiences I've had over the last few years I've really started homing in on, personal development, and I've started steering away from a lot of the allopathic medicine. I used to feel like there was a pill for everything and now I'm like, there's no pill for nothing. Because I started doing more research in the scientific realm, from scientists who started understanding the, mind body connection, but also using their scientific background to show the science. So, two examples I can give you are, you are the Placebo by Dr. Joe Dispenza. And the Biology of Belief by Dr. Bruce Lipton.

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Google Podcast Transform Your Mind

I have a new understanding of, quantum physics, and the fact that things can change in a quantum nanosecond, and that matter really isn't matter. It's really just little vibrating tornadoes of energy, that you can shift matter in such a way that you can heal with the mind. So, I became a perfect example of that. One example would be peptic ulcer disease. I had peptic ulcer disease or acid reflux in my stomach from age 16. Up until about three years ago, literally, I'm cured of the disease. How not because I took pills for 25 years, which I did.

It was because I learned about my energy center in my stomach and what I was dealing with emotionally.  I was creating that and once I was cured out of it, I was starting to meditate myself into my own healing. In hindsight, when you're asking about metaphysical anatomy, I share this book with people it's called Metaphysical Anatomy. And you literally read a diagnosis such as peptic ulcer disease and the emotional disorders that are associated with that. And it was like I was reading my diary, like I have read like somebody had written my childhood and my early adulthood in that chapter. And it made so much sense in my mind, but because at that point, I was cured.  I shifted my thoughts and changed my life.

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AHA moments with coach KA podcast

Self-healing with meditation

Myrna: I agree, I got rid of my, sciatica nerve pain, by just breathing into it meditating and relaxing.

Dr Bilge: Your sciatic nerve is in your, root chakra, just so you know. So, the root chakra, is where the base of all things, so it's like your tribal history, your history of ancestors. It's about money. It's about power, and it's about sex. So, if any of those areas in your life are impacted, then those root chakra areas will be impacted. Mine was a, self-empowerment, thing. So, it was my solar plexus self-power.

Okay, so, that whole thing about what I told you being separated from my parents, it was during that time that I started on creating more self-power, because I realized I had grown up becoming a people pleaser. I was becoming a more authentic version of myself and swallowing those parts of me that weren't being received well and becoming a performer.

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Transform Your Mind Podcast Pandora

Myrna: Whatever you stuff down is still in there and shows up when triggered.

Dr Bilge: Exactly, So it's still right back up. So as soon as I started addressing the problem directly, like you said, then the system started improving. So that's what we do when patients come here for consultations, because really, this is not just about your body image. It's not just about having a few fat cells extra in your armpit or whatever. It's not about that. It's about the self-sabotage, right?

You look in the mirror and judging the constant thoughts in your head that are self-sabotaging. And what do you do with that you translate that energy out into the world. And so, you're literally thinking about how fat your tummy is. And that energy is constant. It's the butterfly effect. You're constantly putting that out. And I say to people, this isn't just about the, liposuction. This is about how you think about yourself.

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Clear the fear With Jenny Mannion

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Liposuction post care

Myrna: How is your, liposuction post care, different from other post operative treatments?

Dr Bilge: So, when it comes to, liposuction, there are a few countries in the world that are extremely well versed and experienced for example Colombia, Dominican Republic, Brazil, Mexico is pretty big. Their procedures are better because of the level of experience and it's just the thing that people do out there. In the US people smirk or scoff at cosmetic surgery because there's more of a stereotype associated with it, etc. Whereas in countries like that, it's just part of their journey. Like if you didn't have it, you're the weird one.

So, they go they have their, liposuction surgery, and then in the recovery house, they have nurses and postdoc care technicians doing, lymphatic drainage, they do needle aspiration of extra fluid. Once they're healed enough, they do wooden tool. They've got machines like radio frequency, ultrasound, carboxy therapy. All of those things take a bit to explain, but let's just say it's a whole complement of equipment, and treatment options for patients once they'd have, liposuction surgery.

I would equate it to having physical therapy after you have a knee replacement. You certainly wouldn't skip out on that. So, when you do procedure that's cosmetic, specifically, liposuction, is a real important one. There's a lot of swelling involved because you have to fill their tissue with fluid in order to extract the fat. The swelling can cause scar tissue and a hardening etc. That all has to be addressed Postoperatively so the surgery does most of the work, but you still need to get in there and optimize your results.

So, what I did was flew my staff out to the east coast and we were trained by Colombian nurses, how to take care of post op label patients in the way they do.

You can head over to to see our work.

I spend a lot of my time putting content out on Instagram. My handle is at Vital_connection_MD

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How to Use Your Words To Change Eating Habits

The, words, that I used all the time was “I shouldn't have eaten that”.  Then I always pray to God for help to stop me from, binge eating.  I didn't want to, eat, all of that food, so I became like almost obsessive about, dieting, and my, relationship with food.

My guest today is Isabel Chiara.

This post is about transforming self-destructive eating behaviors with self-compassionate dialogue.

Listen to the full interview here:


Introduction Eat Your Words

Isabel’s new book EAT YOUR WORDS is not the typical, self-help diet book, Instead, Isabel’s approach is a more narrative, semi-autobiographical exploration of the sensual-and-painful relationship to food so many of us can’t escape. The book expertly coaches from life lessons and experiences of the uber-relatable curvaceous girl entry into womanhood.  Her hearty Italian appetite make for a complex-carb tale about the depth of our relationship with self-nourishment.

Myrna: Isabel, can you share with our listeners your own journey through, body shaming,  and self-discovery?

Isabel: Of course. In my own journey, food, eating and, dieting, has always been a big point of contention my whole life. It was through this non-acceptable way that I eat and always focus on the food. I always guilty after eating,  like I shouldn't have eaten it.

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Your Words are important

The, words, that I used all the time was “I shouldn't have eaten that”.  Then I always pray to God for help to stop me from, binge eating.  I didn't want to, eat, all of that food, so I became like almost obsessive about, dieting, and my, relationship with food.

I started using, words, like there's a certain way to, eat, there's a certain way to be with food, and, diet. Each day I try to do it, there was always a new, diet. That is what has been the journey of my life. It's been a journey of the kind of needs to come to terms with on some level and I think the, body shaming, was me telling myself my body is this way because I ate all that food.

Many times in my book, my main character, I say she's walking around with no head. This is to highlight that sometimes we are disconnected our head from our body.  It’s a very common feeling or a life existence that is happening on some level. It’s kind of introspection book on the whole journey of the, body shaming, and coming to terms with the body, mind and spirit on some level.

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Eat Your Words: Stop the negative self talk

Myrna: How did you transition from walking around kind of discombobulated – which is a word where you're not connected and then you got to the point where you're going to, eat your words, because you're not going to be telling yourself these negative things about food. What was your transition? Did you go to a Therapist?

Isabel: There have been a million people involved in this process, because you're always a person with focus and you're always trying to come up with a resolution to stop, self destructive eating.  It's almost like I became a researcher. It was really a journey of finding what was really in my own soul, what was I really like?

  • What's up with me?
  • What's bothering me?
  • What's the pain about?
  • What am I trying to stuff down with food?
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The Mind Body Connection to Dieting

If your body and mind are disconnected, you can't even figure out what your, words, are saying to you.  I saying to myself on a daily basis, a lot of negative, words, about myself and my body. I saying these, words, to myself before I, eat, and after I, eat.

What happens is when you take yourself to task on some level, when you start to really become conscious,  you notice your, words. First thing I became conscious was I knew I needed to be in my body.  Because when you are out of your body you eat unconsciously.  For different people, it's different things. I started to work out because I needed to feel my body and I was out of it.

The other thing was, as long as you're feeling your body, then you get to hear your, words, and what you're saying to yourself. So, the, words, started to become more conscious. What I have realized lately is that to be out of your body, you have to be really busy with things. If you're busy, then you also have those, words, that are saying – oh! I'm so busy, I didn't, eat, all day long and I'm starving. Now, I have a permission to just, eat, whatever I want, wherever I want and it doesn't matter. It doesn't matter which  is what we say to ourselves.

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Transform Your Mind Podcast Pandora
Transform Your Mind Podcast Pandora

Self destructive Eating

Myrna: Where did your, self destructive eating, habits come from? I know you mentioned that you're Italian and, Italian food, has a lot of carbs and pastas and things like that. Is that where your, eating habits, came from?

Isabel:  Yes, except for Italians are for the most part are thin! I mean I'm in the restaurant business. I started my whole life in a family restaurant business, so my focus in life became food. At an early age, when we made food, we made huge meals. I never knew what a, portion size, was like. I never used the, words,  portion size, until I was in my 30s and 40s!

I would go to my friend's homes and they would have like a bit of rice, or a bit of meat. I was like confused when I was younger, because that was never what happened at our house. I understand now the, portion size, mentality that really showed up in my whole scope of thought. My whole thought pattern shifted.

I was no longer eating like I was at an you can eat buffet.   My, eating habits, as a child made me end up with this  buffet mentality.

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Coping with Words and Body Shaming

Myrna:  At some point in time, you developed, body shame. You took me through your self-discovery, how did you use your, words, to stop, body shaming and accepting that you are a curvaceous girl?

Isabel:  Body shaming,  comes when you start a comparison with other people who are a certain size. You see people in a certain way and then you start looking at yourself as different. Each time you talk to people, you're like wait, why don't I look like you? But it doesn't matter because we already internalized that there's something wrong with us.

Whatever we look like, we want to be someone else. People start to say oh, for a little girly you're eating a lot. Then you start to make a correlation with; I'm eating a lot, there's weight here and there's something wrong with what's happening in me. I'm not okay and that’s how one starts to develop, body shame.

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Book Spiritual Wickedness in High Places
Book Spiritual Wickedness in High Places

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Self destructive binge eating

Myrna: Why do you think we purposely distract ourselves when making food choices to the detriment of our health and, binge eating?

Isabel: I'm not a psychologist, I just know. I've been looking at this behavior for a long time. What I think is that we distract ourselves because we don't want to feel the things that is going on in our life. I think a lot of times, when we do choose, binge eating, we are actually eating food as a distraction.

Maybe the right hand doesn't know what the left hand is doing kind of thing. A lot of times, we start to, eat, because we start to feel something's coming up. It doesn't matter what it is, it could be happy, it could be sad, it could be like anger and/or even bored. I, eat, when I'm bored.

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Book Vignettes of the possibly dying
Book Vignettes of the possibly dying

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Google Podcast Transform Your Mind

Notice what going on in your body before you eat that food

When there's nothing going on, there's still something going on in your body. If there's something going on your body, but you're not present to it or you don't want to know what it is or what for every reason, you're not used to it.   I think a lot of times people don't recognize their feelings or they judge their feelings.

I'm a night time eater. I could do all day long with no food (because every emotion from the day maybe was just piled up), but at night, I'm like a wreck for that. Not for nighttime or for that one time and it's all starting to come up and then we're like let's just go for it and we start, binge eating.

Myrna: Yes, that has been my biggest struggle for a long period of time. I couldn't stop eating at night. It's a little under control now, but that was my biggest struggle for a while.

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Diet and Nutrition

Isabel: I decided to lose the word, diet. I decided to do something different for myself which eventually added more nourishment and nutrition to my day.  I first started with being in my body, and then I used my, words, to say let me give myself food instead of saying, I'm going to take away food and I'm not going to eat this.

I started giving myself different foods, I allowed myself to have more nutritious foods and I started creating a new mindset. This new mindset was alright. I was totally resistant to this, but I started finding a place that had green drinks. I could have green drinks which took the edge off of hunger and it made me feel in my body.  So,  instead of going into the business of my whole day, I'm going to add a green drink. Just one thing, I added nutrition instead of taking something away,  I was going to give myself things.

If someone once likes eating at night, instead of having the bad things we want to, eat, at night you and what would you give what did you give yourself to replace that because a green drink. Just starting to give yourself other more nutritional things maybe you want to give yourself more vegetables than that and rice.

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Transform your Mind Podcast Index
Transform your Mind Podcast Index

Using Your Words to Change your Mindset

Myrna: How can those of us struggling with, weight gain, and a pure relationship to food face the issue head-on?

Isabel: The first thing I say is to, change your mindset.  Start creating an intention for yourself and start creating a, mindset, that you're in the middle of the process. I always like to say we're always in the middle of the process and that we are shifting. We're always shifting and we're always changing, even though it looks really bad – it always looks really bad before it gets really good. We're going to start to use the right, words.

Myrna: Tell us about your book “Eat Your Words”, why you wrote it and what do you want someone that's reading it to walk away with?

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Transform Your Mind Luminary podcast

Book: Eat your Words

Book Eat Your Words
Book Eat Your Words

Isabel: The book was a way to be conscious for myself like it really was. I wrote it for myself like a journal. I was really writing a book, but it was the stories of my life. So the goal was for me to get to some kind of resolution in my life. The stories are for people to really understand that they're not struggling in this arena by themselves. This is really to bring the behaviors to consciousness and to show anybody that he/she is not the only one going through this. I mean most of the world is going through this on some level.

Now you become conscious of what the, words, are and how they affected our behaviors and through that, there is healing that can be done when you see something that somebody else is doing and you hear what their process is. I bring up a lot of processes.

Myrna: Where does the, “Eat Your Words,” come from? I'm assuming it's internal dialogue.

Isabel: “Eat Your Words,” is internal dialogue and it starts at the origins of the family.

Myrna: It's all about inner dialogue? But the inner dialogue as you can imagine is kind of runs your life and it could be conscious or unconscious.

Isabel: It wasn't so sometimes.

Myrna: It's unconscious right?

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Transform Your Mind Podcast Addict

Isabel: It was the, words, that I would say, as my mantra was, oh I don't care. The biggest, words, were “oh I don't care”. However, once you start saying I don't care, it doesn't just apply to what you are eating.   It really becomes what you start to say to yourself, the, words, you use.

  • I don't care,
  • Oh I don't care about myself
  • So I don't care what I put in my body.
  • Anyway I don't care what becomes of my life.
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A Leadership Development Podcast Told Through the Lens of Star Trek.

Star Trek is full of great examples of leadership. Jeff Akin, a leader with over 20 years of executive management experience in both the public and private sectors, breaks down each episode of Star Trek, from The Original Series to Discovery, and beyond; pointing out examples of great leadership, management, lean/six-sigma, communication and more. If you enjoy Star Trek, or are even a little Trek-curious, and have an appetite for leadership development, this is the podcast for you.

These are the voyages of the Starfleet Leadership Academy. It’s ongoing mission to develop leaders through Star Trek,
To boldly go where no podcast has gone before.

Subscribe today; the Starfleet Leadership Academy.


Myrna: How can readers connect with you and get a copy of your book?

Isabel: If anyone wants to get the first chapter of my book, just to see if they like it or if it works for them, they can go to, on that page, they could download the first chapter for free or they could just buy the book on Amazon.

We also have a membership site called Healing and Activation Process Integrations. Happy place is what I call it. It's going to be a lot of processes that are going to help people to get inside of themselves. It can move things and look at things differently and channel them differently.

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Additional Resources

How Ketogenic Diet Helps Reverse Diabetes


How to Maintain Sustainable Weight Loss

Weight loss, and related challenges is not about, nutrition, but are projections of deeper rooted emotional and psychological challenges.

PAUL SALTER is a Registered Dietitian, Coach, Author, and, Sustainable Weight Loss, Expert, believes that, weight loss, and it's related challenges, aren’t related to lack of nutrition or knowledge; but are actually projections of deeper rooted emotional and psychological challenges.  We won’t be able to confidently maintain, weight loss, until those challenges are acknowledged and overcome. His passion is helping men and women just like you re-frame their thoughts and reshape their behaviors so that they can transform their relationship with food and dieting, and finally, lose weight,  once and for all.

Download the full interview here:

Introduction to Sustainable Weight Loss

In this audio and blog, we're going to be discussing how to guarantee a successful, weight loss, how to lose weight, and keep it off.

Since 2013, Paul's worked one-on-one with over 1,437 men and women just like you who have collectively lost more than 10,000 pounds, thousands of inches, and maintained their results.

Myrna: What’s your story? You look pretty lean and fit. Did you have a problem with, weight loss, at one point and how did you become a, sustainable weight  loss, expert?

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Transform Your Mind Luminary podcast

Paul: Yes, I appreciate the kind of words. I have quite an interesting and diverse journey. For me, it started off with a late growth spurt. What I mean by that is at 16 years old, as a multi-sport athlete, I was about 5 foot 1 and 110 pounds.

Paul's Story: Becoming a Weight Loss Expert

As you can imagine it was quite challenging to keep up with all of my peers who were bigger, stronger and faster than me. It finally clicked one day, and I don't know why.  I like to give my mother all the credit for what I was eating and putting into my body.  This, nutrition, enabled me to perform better during sport practices and competition. I was able to keep up with everyone despite the size disadvantage that they had. I took that nugget of knowledge with me and carried it into College, where I shared my new found love for exercise, weight lifting, and, nutrition, with friends.

Quickly I realized that my peer group was turning to me more often than not for advice related to, nutrition, and, weight lifting. It finally dawned on me that maybe I could get paid to just talk about, nutrition, and, weight lifting, all day. That was how I began to study for my, personal training, certification. I still remember to this day exactly where I was reading and I believe it was chapter 23 of the big exam book, it was called, sports nutrition.

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I’ve heard that there “ ain’t no mess like church mess!” Author Steph Byers captures the mess and a whole lot more in her new book Spiritual Wickedness In High Places. An intriguing story of a fall from grace, redemption and edge of your seat drama that will keep you engaged through the last page.  Follow the story of five powerful Black women in this suspense thriller as they fulfill their destiny.  An innocent baby saint, a doting pastor’s wife, a single mother of six, a sacrificial lamb and God’s redeemer strike to break chains and tear down strongholds.  This book has unexpected twists and turns. The author’s style is easy to read and transport you into each chapter.  A must read, Spiritual Wickedness In High Places is a story for us by us about the power, resiliency and strength of Black women.

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Transform your Mind Podcast Index

Using Sports Nutrition for Weight Loss

That was my light bulb or the moment that I finally realized there are actually people out there who are helping others or helping even athletes pay attention to what they're eating and when they're eating, so that they can feel look and perform at their very best.

The very next week, I went into my supervisor (counselor's office) declared my major in, dietetics, and then went down the path of studying, nutrition. I really wanted to get into, sports nutrition. At the time there were only seven, sports dietitians, in the whole nation. Crazy to think about right? So, it was definitely a very new area of focus, but I was fortunate enough to be proactive and a bit aggressive.

If you will put my resume everywhere to meet the right people to lead me through a path as a, sports nutrition, expert.  I spent time in a hospital as a, dietician,  I knew that wasn't for me, but that was part of a, dietitian,  training so I had to do it. I also spent a lot of time doing competitive body building as I went through this journey of self-discovery.

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Transform Your Mind Podcast Player FM

This is where I started to really understand the holistic, specifically the emotional and psychological impact that, dieting, has on people. When we finish a, diet, trying to return, I guess to a sense of normalcy is a lot easier said than done.  This revelation birthed if you will a passion for helping people, maintain weight loss .

How to Lose Weight: The Definition of Diet

Myrna: Alright, so let's transition to our topic for today.  As I said, we're going to be focusing a lot on, diet, and, nutrition.

What is the, definition of diet?  I know it fluctuates How does the, definition of diet,  affect us, maintain weight loss?

I ask the question because, diet, is the number one influencing factor that people can't maintain, weight loss.  They go on a, diet,  and six months later, they're back to the same weight or even sometimes they gain more. What's that about?

Paul: I think there's two major driving forces behind this occurrence. The first one fits right into the, definition of diet. It's a perfect opportunity to talk about this because there are actually two definitions to the word, “diet”.

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Diet – Eating fewer calories to Lose Weight

There's one that we are all so familiar with – which is intentionally eating fewer calories to, lose weight. That's the one that the, weight loss, industry promotes very heavily and tries, for lack of better words to brainwash us with.

The second definition is simply “a habitual way of eating, “and the best example I like to describe to illustrate that definition difference is a vegetarian or someone who follows a, plant-based diet,  doesn't necessarily mean that said person is eating to try to, lose weight.

What that, diet, encompasses is a lifestyle, a foundation of healthy behaviors in a healthy relationship related to our food choices. Where we all go wrong as a whole population, is we focus on the former definition only (i.e. intentionally eating to, lose weight)

What happens as a result of focusing on the wrong definition, is we develop a very short-term focus.  Where things go wrong is we commit ourselves to:

  • 30-day cleanse,
  • 90-day transformation
  • a 12-week this and that.
  • We never have a plan for day 31, day 92 etc. It's kind of like, oh crap what do I do now? I just made all these massive changes for the short term because I was really committed, motivated and exciting.
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The Blended in America podcast is about growing up in a non-traditional family, being bi-racial, being adopted, and the struggles of “blending in”. It's a bold look at how we view ourselves vs. how we are viewed by others, why that’s important, and what you can do to overcome the stereotypes of society and get on with the business of just being yourself.

Download Blended in America podcast on Audible or wherever you get your podcasts.

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Transform Your Mind Amazon

Dieting to Lose Weight is a Major Stressor on the Body

After you complete your 30 day cleanse or your 90 day transformation,  motivation has now waned, excitement has now waned and now you realize you do not have a foundation of healthy eating habits to fall back upon. So you fall back on your past lifestyle and then the weight comes back.

Myrna: Okay, you're saying that the, weight, comes back because they eat and fall back on their bad food choices, but I've been told or read that a lot of times, people gain the weight back because they changed their metabolism. The lowered their, metabolic rate, from, dieting. Can you talk on that?

Paul: One of the biggest things that we have to remember is that, dieting, is a major psychological and emotional stressor.  Your body wants nothing more than to bring you out of that, diet. What happens when we begin eating fewer calories to initiate, weight loss, our body starts to enter this protective mode. It begins to hoard food and anytime we get excess calories it holds onto them for dear life, and store them to protect itself from future stress of starvation.

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How Dieting affects your Metabolic Rate

What happens is when we begin, dieting, our body wants to conserve energy and the way this manifests is simply our, metabolic rate, or the number of calories we burn per day begins to slowly decline. What also happens is there are hormonal changes that actually make you hungrier and less likely to want to stay on track with your plan. Our cravings increase. Our body is almost like a professional kick boxer, it's going to punch and kick from any angle to fight, to get you out of that calorie deficit and you have to be prepared to handle the punches.

The kicks maybe head butts. The occasional elbow who knows what? That's basically why you gain back the, weight loss, faster because you're changing your cylinder structure.

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Vignettes of the Possibly Dying is a collection of spiritual prose, poetry and meditations by Australian author KB Eliza.

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The #1 Reason Diets fail

Myrna: Would you say that's the number one mistake that people make that leads to regaining the, weight loss?

Paul: The #1 reason, why diets fail, is this.  I think it's important to note, diet, to really initiate, weight loss, you have to be in a calorie deficit or there has to be some form of calorie restriction.  . It's literally an essential step, but what happens is, the harsher your, calorie restriction, or the longer your restriction, your body is so dynamic and adapts quickly.

Let me give a numerical example to help. Let's say somebody's eating 2000 calories per day, they decide they want to lose weight and they slowly drop their calories to 1600 or 1200, maybe even a 1000. People get too excited and make such harsh changes in their, calorie restriction, that their body adapts so quickly and then when they get to day 91 for example, and they just return to their old eating habits now, they've been accustomed to eating a thousand calories per day.

They go right up to 2000 calories or even more. Like I mentioned earlier, their body just wants to hold on to all of those excess calories to protect them and there comes the, weight gain. That's the number one reason, why diets fail,   harshly restricting calories.

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The proper way to Lose Weight

Myrna: Do you have another suggestion on the proper way to, lose weight?

Paul: Absolutely. The two points to keep in mind, the first is you want to try to, lose weight, eating as many calories as possible. Let me explain, I know that sounds a little funny.

Myrna: That's what you call a paradox or something.

Paul: Yes like an oxymoron.

Myrna: Okay I got it. What's the difference between a, pre maintenance diet, and, post diet maintenance? You just talked about the, post diet maintenance, phase which is where you gradually bring your calorie level back up so that your body can get accustomed to all this. What you're doing to it? What should we do as a, pre diet maintenance?

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A Leadership Development Podcast Told Through the Lens of Star Trek.

Star Trek is full of great examples of leadership. Jeff Akin, a leader with over 20 years of executive management experience in both the public and private sectors, breaks down each episode of Star Trek, from The Original Series to Discovery, and beyond; pointing out examples of great leadership, management, lean/six-sigma, communication and more. If you enjoy Star Trek, or are even a little Trek-curious, and have an appetite for leadership development, this is the podcast for you.

These are the voyages of the Starfleet Leadership Academy. It’s ongoing mission to develop leaders through Star Trek,
To boldly go where no podcast has gone before.

Subscribe today; the Starfleet Leadership Academy.

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Transform Your Mind Podcast Pandora

What is the Pre diet maintenance Phase

Paul: Fantastic question. The way I like to talk about a, pre-diet maintenance, phase is when somebody comes to me and it's about 99% of those I work with, they say hey I want to lose X amount of weight and I want to lose it yesterday.

It's typical we want all of our results yesterday. When I go through their questionnaire and have these initial conversations with them, I get a really good picture of their current foundation of eating habits and relationship with food.  More often than not,  people who want to start a diet don't really have any foundation in place.

Maybe they're dining out seven times a week or they're skipping meals here and there, and then they're binging later etc. So, this, pre-diet maintenance, phase is a point or an opportunity rather to start building a unique, sustainable weight loss, structure for that individual and because changing habits can be a stressful process on its own.

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Google Podcast Transform Your Mind

Pre Diet Maintenance reduces stress

We don't want to add additional layers of stress from, calorie deficit, like as we just mentioned that's a psychological emotional and physiological stressor on its own, so it's during the, pre diet maintenance, phase we're not trying to, lose weight, whatsoever. We're simply working on rebuilding a foundation of healthy eating habits, one that is unique and sustainable and also reframing or rebuilding our relationship with foods.

Myrna: Is this a diet?

Paul: Yes.

Myrna: Explain that so that someone's reading can understand what that means.

Paul: Absolutely. In the 10 plus years of doing this, working with 1400 plus people those who have had the most success, it all boils down to three common principles and that's related to the foundation of their food and eating habits. Those principles are:

  •  simplicity,
  • individualization and
  • sustainability.
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Weight Loss Mindset

If you and I for example, we're working together from day one I'm really going to ask you a lot of questions, challenge you to think differently about what an ideal day of eating, nourishing your mind and body, your soul looks like. I am looking to see you, weight loss mindset.

For example, maybe you only want to eat three times per day, maybe your best friend eats five times per day and you want to do the same.  So, we focus on you, we really build a structure that is unique to you. If you want to eat three times per day, great.  I'm going to have collected information about what your eating looks like.

I'm going to be able to identify what I like to call areas of focus or areas for growth. And then we're going to start with the one I feel is the most important and that's going to give you the quickest win right away.  We're going to take that and we're going to build positive momentum before we move to the next one.

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Protein is important in your Weight Loss plan

One of the most common ones I get is a person coming to me under eating protein.  So, I look for ways to add in protein throughout the day. I even like to say sneak protein in so you can reap the many benefits protein has to offer without making some completely upheaval change to your current approach to, nutrition, and eating.

Myrna: Alright, I got it. You're just getting them maybe in touch with what they're eating and getting them into starting the, diet, phase and maybe even seeing if they can follow it to be quite honest.

Paul: If you are going to, diet, and then maintain your ,weight loss, successfully, you should probably only spend about one percent of the rest of your life ever, dieting. Think about that for a minute, if you do one good diet and you learn how to, maintain weight loss, you never have to, diet, again which is fantastic.

Myrna: That's where you're talking about lifestyle right?

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Post Diet Maintenance

Paul: Yes. During the, post diet maintenance, phase, we want to pay attention to the gradual increases in your calories. Your portions to get you back to a level that supports everything you want to do and to live life to the fullest. But during this time too, we need to really put a lot of attention and time into redefining what normal or balance or moderation looks like for you as an individual.

We view each of those through the lens of sustainability, so that, weight loss, maintenance continues to happen as you operate on this new version of autopilot with your eating, exercise, and self-care habits.

Myrna: In your program do you include exercise or just a, nutrition, plan?

Paul: We focus a lot on, nutrition, but we actually focus a lot more on the emotion, behavioral and mindset aspects.

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Sustainable weight loss without exercise

Myrna: This whole, sustainable weight loss, equation entails so not much on exercise right?

Paul: Yes, the brain and the mindset.

Myrna: Someone coming into your program:

  • You help them with the, pre diet maintenance,
  • Put them on a, diet, to reduce calories
  • They lose  20 pounds
  • The,  post diet maintenance, phase kicks in where it's a lifestyle shift.  If they do those three things, the million dollar question. Is, weight loss, sustainable?

Paul: Here's the one thing I'll include before someone enters our community and program. Before they receive instructions and the individual one-on-one care to build out their, pre-diet maintenance phase, they actually spend the first couple of months not even focusing on, nutrition.

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Understanding your relationship with food

We spend a lot of time up here and I'm pointing to my head and my heart.  I  am really looking to understand their past. How for example their childhood traumas, relationships with parents, guardians, friends and their environment shaped their current relationship with food.

We use this time as an opportunity to shine a big bright spotlight of awareness on some of the ways our past experience is affecting self-talk, limiting beliefs, thought counterproductive habits. We spend a lot of time there first before even getting to the, nutrition, because, if we can start making changes, they're going to accumulate and compound over time.

Myrna: Tell our readers about your program, how you can help them maintain their, weight loss, goals and how they can contact you.

How the 5 Community Help you with your weight loss goals

Paul: Absolutely. My core focus where I eat, sleep, breathe and live these days is called the, 5 Community. This is where we work with high achieving women specifically mothers, to help them reclaim their confidence, their inner peace and calm through learning how to rebuild not only their relationship with food and dieting; but most importantly, the relationship with themselves, so they can, lose weight, reclaim their energy and truly feel, look and be their best.

The ways we do this is our central focus of the course. There is plenty of coaching such as:

  • one-on-one time,
  • online continuing therapeutic and
  • transformational curriculum that is with them every step of the way, but truly the magic comes within our community. When you surround yourself with a like-minded in a group of like-minded individuals truly is an opportunity to time collapse your results.

One of the worst things that I've observed happening specifically with the mothers I've worked with over the years, is they develop this sense that they are alone.  

But when you surround yourself with like-minded individuals, you can actually restore hope, restore feelings that change is possible and it's through the collaborative accountable and supportive efforts amongst our community. We've really seen some fantastic sustainable changes and of course on the scale, and  in the mirror; but more importantly in mindset, relationship and emotions related to food eating and just simply being the best version of us.

The best place to connect and engage with me is on Instagram @paulsaltercoaching. The best website is going to be

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Paul: Remember to trust yourself.  The difference between an appropriate portion size and maybe a not so appropriate portion size is that you already know what to do. Before you spend your money and time energy and effort, trying to outsource to fad, diet,  A B or C,  focus on making one tiny positive change that is geared towards helping you feel a little better.

When you make that change successfully, then insert another one and you're going to start to build, positive momentum, because when you begin feeling better, your energy comes up. Your confidence comes up, you're just exuding this different level of energy that has a nice positive ripple effect on other areas of your life. Now, we're talking about creating a win-win-win situation

Additional Resources

Health is Wealth: How to lose weight without Dieting