Tag Archives: self improvement

A Sharp Mind is Like A Sharp Knife Handle It Carefully

Discover the profound metaphor of a, sharp mind, as compared to  sharp knife.  This week on the Transform Your Mind Podcast, Coach Myrna teaches you how to handle your mind properly to avoid self-destructive thoughts, anxiety, and stress. Myrna delves into strategies like mindfulness, positive thinking, and setting realistic goals to keep a, sharp mind.

Embrace techniques to foster emotional stability and creativity, ensuring your, sharp mind, becomes your greatest asset in life's challenges. Download the podcast for  tips on balancing rationality and emotion, and regularly engaging in mental exercises for continuous growth.

Download the podcast here: 


Key Takeaways:

  • Mastering your mind, like handling a sharp knife, requires skill and care to avoid self-inflicted harm.

  • Overthinking, negative self-talk, and perfectionism are common pitfalls of mishandling our minds.

  • Cultivating mindfulness, positive thinking, and setting realistic goals are essential strategies for maintaining a, sharp mind.

The Power of a Sharp Mind and Sharp Knife

As Coach Myrna eloquently stated, “Just as a sharp knife is invaluable in the kitchen… a, sharp mind, is a tool of immense power.” This metaphor sets the stage for understanding the profound capabilities of our minds and the potential dangers if misused.

Our minds allow us to solve problems, think critically, and create innovative solutions. A well-honed mind can significantly improve various aspects of life, from decision-making to emotional stability. Myrna lists several benefits of a, sharp mind:

  • Improved Decision Making: “With a clear and focused mind, decisions are made based on logic and reason rather than impulse or emotion.”

  • Enhanced Learning: “A sharp mind absorbs information quickly and retains knowledge efficiently.”

  • Creativity: “A mind that is sharp and clear can think outside of the box, leading to innovative ideas.”

  • Emotional Stability: “A sharp mind maintains a sense of balance and composure.”

These attributes highlight the instrumental role of a focused mind in navigating life effectively. Like a knife making the cooking process efficient and enjoyable, a well-honed mind brings clarity and purpose to our daily tasks.

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podhero Transform Your Mind

The Dangers of Mishandling Your Mind

The qualities that make a knife effective also make it dangerous if mishandled. This is equally true for the mind. Myrna warns us about the repercussions of not managing our minds properly:

  • Overthinking: “It can lead to stress, anxiety, and an inability to act decisively.”

  • Negative Self-Talk: “A sharp mind turned inward with negativity can cut deeply.”

  • Perfectionism: “Being overly critical… sets you up with unrealistic standards.”

These are the mental pitfalls equivalent to holding a sharp knife by its blade. Overthinking spins us into a relentless whirlpool of stress and indecision. Negative self-talk deepens our emotional wounds, leading to issues like low self-esteem and depression. Perfectionism, while seemingly noble, often results in chronic dissatisfaction as we set unattainable standards for ourselves.

Coach Myrna also emphasizes how “obsessive control” can exhaust and frustrate us, contributing to mental stress. By addressing these dangers, we recognize the importance of treating our minds with the same care and respect we would a sharp knife.

Strategies to Harness Mental Sharpness and a Sharp Mind

To wield our minds skillfully, similar to handling a sharp knife, specific strategies are essential. Coach Myrna suggests:

  • Mindfulness and Meditation: “These practices train your mind to focus on the present moment, reducing overthinking and fostering a sense of Peace.”

  • Positive Thinking: “Cultivate positive self-talk and challenge negative thoughts.”

  • Setting Realistic Goals: “Set achievable goals and recognize your progress.”

Transform Your Mind PodMust
Transform Your Mind PodMust

Mindfulness and Meditation

Training the mind through mindfulness and meditation involves focusing on the present moment. Myrna shares, “I do a meditation when they said your thoughts don’t control you… think of them [as] colorful balloons and let them float away.” By distancing from our thoughts, we prevent them from controlling us, reducing overthinking and anxiety.

Meditation encourages us to be mindful of simple bodily functions, such as the heartbeat or the blood flowing through our veins, which we often take for granted. This practice counters the common tendency to be consumed by worries and emotions, grounding us in a state of peace.

A Sharp Mind is a Positive Mind

Cultivating positivity in our self-talk is crucial but challenging. Coach Myrna advises using positive affirmations and challenging negative thoughts by asking, “Is it true? How do you know that it’s true?” This method, popularized by Byron Katie, helps break the cycle of negative thinking by confronting the validity of our assumptions.

Positive thinking isn’t about ignoring problems but approaching them with a solution-oriented mindset. This shift in perspective can profoundly impact our mental state, fostering resilience and optimism.

Setting Realistic Goals

Perfectionism often sets us up for failure with unrealistic expectations. Instead, Myrna suggests setting achievable goals and celebrating small victories. She emphasizes, “Happiness is working towards a goal… once you are working towards a goal, it’s the definition of what happiness is.”

This approach allows us to measure progress without falling into the trap of harsh self-criticism. Setting realistic goals instills a sense of accomplishment and keeps us motivated.

Mastering the art of mental precision requires diligent practice and conscious effort. Coach Myrna’s insights about treating our minds with the same care as a sharp knife provide a valuable framework for achieving mental well-being. By embracing mindfulness, fostering positive thinking, and setting realistic goals, we can harness the power of our minds effectively. This path not only prevents self-inflicted wounds but also unlocks our potential, transforming our minds to transform our lives.

Additional Resources

Unlocking Success: The Power of Manifestation and Mindset

Eight Tips For Personal Growth Using CANI in 2024

In the pursuit of, personal growth, embracing the philosophy of CANI (Constant and Never-Ending Improvement) can be a transformative approach. CANI encourages a mindset of continuous learning and progress, fostering, personal development, in various aspects of life. Here's a guide on how to, personal growth, using CANI in 2024:

Download the podcast here:


Introduction to the Main Themes

Personal growth, is a lifelong journey that requires dedication, self-reflection, and a commitment to continuous improvement. In the year 2024, embracing the philosophy of CANI can provide a powerful framework for, personal development. CANI, which stands for, Constant and Never-Ending Improvement, encourages individuals to adopt a mindset of continuous learning and progress. By embracing CANI, we can unlock our full potential and achieve, personal growth, in various aspects of our lives.

In this article, we will explore eight key ways to grow personally using CANI in 2024. Each theme will be supported by verbatim quotes from a transcript that highlights the importance of these principles. By delving into these themes, we can gain a deeper understanding of how CANI can positively impact our, personal growth, journey.

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1. Embrace a Learning Mindset

“Cultivate a mindset that values continuous learning. Embrace challenges as opportunities to acquire new knowledge and skills. Attend workshops, read books, and stay curious about the world around you.”

A, growth mindset, is the foundation of, personal growth. By embracing a mindset that values continuous learning, we open ourselves up to new possibilities and opportunities for growth. Challenges become stepping stones for acquiring new knowledge and skills. Whether it's attending workshops, reading books, or staying curious about the world, a learning mindset allows us to expand our horizons and unlock our full potential.


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2. Set Incremental Goals

“Break down your long-term objectives into smaller, achievable goals. This not only makes the journey more manageable but also provides a sense of accomplishment along the way.”

Setting incremental goals is a powerful strategy for, personal growth. By breaking down long-term objectives into smaller, achievable goals, we make the journey more manageable and less overwhelming. Each small win along the way provides a sense of accomplishment, fueling our motivation to keep pushing forward. Whether it's running a marathon or pursuing a new career, setting incremental goals allows us to make progress and stay motivated.

3. Reflect Regularly

“Take time to reflect on your experiences, both successes, and challenges. Regular reflection allows you to gain insights into your strengths and areas for improvement. Consider journaling as a tool for self-reflection.”

Regular reflection is a vital practice for, personal growth. By taking the time to reflect on our experiences, both successes, and challenges, we gain valuable insights into our strengths and areas for improvement. Journaling can be a powerful tool for self-reflection, allowing us to delve deeper into our thoughts and emotions. Through reflection, we can identify patterns, learn from our experiences, and make informed decisions for our, personal growth, journey.

Transform Your Mind Podnews
Transform Your Mind Podnews

4. Personal growth: Seek Feedback

“Constructive feedback is a valuable source of information for personal growth. Actively seek feedback from mentors, peers, or friends. Use it as a guide to refine your skills and behaviors.”

Seeking feedback is essential for, personal growth. Constructive feedback from mentors, peers, or friends provides valuable insights into our strengths and areas for improvement. By actively seeking feedback, we can gain a deeper understanding of how others perceive us and use it as a guide to refine our skills and behaviors. Feedback serves as a catalyst for growth, helping us identify blind spots and make necessary adjustments to reach our full potential.

Kroger Feedback is a customer satisfaction survey designed to gather valuable feedback from customers regarding their experiences at Kroger and its family of 19 supermarket brands.

 By participating in the survey, you can contribute to helping the company improve its service while also having a chance to enter sweepstakes and win up to $5,000 worth of Kroger gift cards.

5. Emphasize Consistency in your Personal Growth Journey

“Consistency is key to CANI. Establish habits that align with your personal development goals. Whether it's dedicating time each day to learning or maintaining healthy habits, consistency builds momentum over time.”

Consistency is a fundamental principle of CANI. By establishing habits that align with our, personal development goals, which are also, SMART goals, we create a solid foundation for growth. Whether it's dedicating time each day to learning or maintaining healthy habits, consistency builds momentum over time. It is through consistent effort that we can make significant progress and achieve lasting, personal growth.

Transform Your Mind Amazon
Transform Your Mind Amazon

6. Embrace Failure as a Personal Grwoth Opportunity

“View failures as stepping stones to success. Learn from setbacks, adjust your approach, and keep moving forward. Failure is not a roadblock but rather a detour on the path to improvement.”

Failure is an inevitable part of the, personal growth, journey. Instead of viewing failure as a roadblock, we should embrace it as a learning opportunity. By learning from setbacks, adjusting our approach, and persevering, we can turn failure into a stepping stone towards success. Failure provides valuable lessons and insights that help us refine our strategies and improve our chances of achieving our goals.

7. Surround Yourself with Growth-Minded Individuals

“Engage with people who inspire and challenge you and have a, growth mindset.  Surrounding yourself with a supportive and growth-minded community can provide motivation, accountability, and fresh perspectives on, personal development.”

The people we surround ourselves with have a significant impact on our, personal growth. Engaging with individuals who inspire and challenge us can provide motivation, accountability, and fresh perspectives on, personal development. By surrounding ourselves with a supportive and growth-minded community, we create an environment that fosters, constant and never ending improvement. These individuals can serve as mentors, sounding boards, and sources of inspiration on our, personal growth, journey.

8. Stay Adaptable

“Life is dynamic, and, personal growth, requires adaptability. Be open to change, embrace new opportunities, and be willing to adjust your goals based on evolving circumstances.”

Adaptability is crucial for, personal growth, in an ever-changing world. Life is dynamic, and our goals and circumstances may evolve over time. To achieve, personal growth, we must be open to change, embrace new opportunities, and be willing to adjust our goals accordingly. By staying adaptable, we can navigate challenges, seize opportunities, and continue our journey of, constant and never-ending improvement.

Conclusion and Future Outlook

Embracing the philosophy of CANI in 2024 is not just a commitment to, personal development; it's a lifestyle that fosters a continuous journey of improvement. By incorporating the eight key ways to grow personally using CANI, we can unlock our full potential and achieve sustained growth and fulfillment. Embracing a learning mindset, setting incremental goals, reflecting regularly, seeking feedback, emphasizing consistency, embracing failure, surrounding ourselves with growth-minded individuals, and staying adaptable are all essential components of the CANI philosophy.

As we look to the future, the impact of embracing, CANI in personal growth cannot be underestimated. By adopting a mindset of continuous learning and progress, we can navigate the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead. The principles of CANI provide a roadmap for, personal growth, in an ever-changing world. By committing to constant and never-ending improvement, we can unlock our full potential and create a life of fulfillment and success.

Here's to a year of, constant and never-ending improvement, in 2024!

Additional Resources

Using Spiritual Psychology as A Personal Transformation Tool

Eight Tips For Personal Growth Mindset in 2024

In the pursuit of, personal growth, embracing the philosophy of CANI (Constant and Never-Ending Improvement) can be a transformative approach. CANI encourages a mindset of continuous learning and progress, fostering, personal development, in various aspects of life. Here's a guide on how to develop a, personal growth mindset, using CANI in 2024:

Download the podcast here:


Introduction to the Main Themes

Personal growth, is a lifelong journey that requires dedication, self-reflection, and a commitment to continuous improvement. In the year 2024, embracing the philosophy of CANI can provide a powerful framework for, personal development. CANI, which stands for, Constant and Never-Ending Improvement, encourages individuals to adopt a mindset of continuous learning and progress. By embracing CANI, we can unlock our full potential and achieve, personal growth, in various aspects of our lives.

In this article, we will explore eight key ways to develop a, personal growth mindset,  using CANI in 2024. Each theme will be supported by verbatim quotes from a transcript that highlights the importance of these principles. By delving into these themes, we can gain a deeper understanding of how CANI can positively impact our, personal growth, journey.

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1. Embrace a Personal Growth Mindset

“Cultivating a, personal growth mindset, that values continuous learning. Embrace challenges as opportunities to acquire new knowledge and skills. Attend workshops, read books, and stay curious about the world around you.”

A, personal growth mindset, is the foundation of, personal growth. By embracing a mindset that values continuous learning, we open ourselves up to new possibilities and opportunities for growth. Challenges become stepping stones for acquiring new knowledge and skills. Whether it's attending workshops, reading books, or staying curious about the world, a learning mindset allows us to expand our horizons and unlock our full potential.


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2. Set Incremental Goals

“Break down your long-term objectives into smaller, achievable goals. This not only makes the journey more manageable but also provides a sense of accomplishment along the way.”

Setting incremental goals is a powerful strategy for, personal growth. By breaking down long-term objectives into smaller, achievable goals, we make the journey more manageable and less overwhelming. Each small win along the way provides a sense of accomplishment, fueling our motivation to keep pushing forward. Whether it's running a marathon or pursuing a new career, setting incremental goals allows us to make progress and stay motivated.

3. Reflect Regularly

“Take time to reflect on your experiences, both successes, and challenges. Regular reflection allows you to gain insights into your strengths and areas for improvement. Consider journaling as a tool for self-reflection.”

Regular reflection is a vital practice for, personal growth. By taking the time to reflect on our experiences, both successes, and challenges, we gain valuable insights into our strengths and areas for improvement. Journaling can be a powerful tool for self-reflection, allowing us to delve deeper into our thoughts and emotions. Through reflection, we can identify patterns, learn from our experiences, and make informed decisions for our, personal growth, journey.

Transform Your Mind Podnews
Transform Your Mind Podnews

4. Personal growth: Seek Feedback

“Constructive feedback is a valuable source of information for personal growth. Actively seek feedback from mentors, peers, or friends. Use it as a guide to refine your skills and behaviors.”

Seeking feedback is essential for, personal growth. Constructive feedback from mentors, peers, or friends provides valuable insights into our strengths and areas for improvement. By actively seeking feedback, we can gain a deeper understanding of how others perceive us and use it as a guide to refine our skills and behaviors. Feedback serves as a catalyst for growth, helping us identify blind spots and make necessary adjustments to reach our full potential.

Kroger Feedback is a customer satisfaction survey designed to gather valuable feedback from customers regarding their experiences at Kroger and its family of 19 supermarket brands.

 By participating in the survey, you can contribute to helping the company improve its service while also having a chance to enter sweepstakes and win up to $5,000 worth of Kroger gift cards.

5. Emphasize Consistency in your Personal Growth Journey

“Consistency is key to CANI. Establish habits that align with your personal development goals. Whether it's dedicating time each day to learning or maintaining healthy habits, consistency builds momentum over time.”

Consistency is a fundamental principle of CANI. By establishing habits that align with our, personal development goals, which are also, SMART goals, we create a solid foundation for growth. Whether it's dedicating time each day to learning or maintaining healthy habits, consistency builds momentum over time. It is through consistent effort that we can make significant progress and achieve a lasting, personal growth mindset.

Transform Your Mind Amazon
Transform Your Mind Amazon

6. Embrace Failure as a Personal Grwoth Opportunity

“View failures as stepping stones to success. Learn from setbacks, adjust your approach, and keep moving forward. Failure is not a roadblock but rather a detour on the path to improvement.”

Failure is an inevitable part of the, personal growth, journey. Instead of viewing failure as a roadblock, we should embrace it as a learning opportunity. By learning from setbacks, adjusting our approach, and persevering, we can turn failure into a stepping stone towards success. Failure provides valuable lessons and insights that help us refine our strategies and improve our chances of achieving our goals.

7. Surround Yourself with Growth-Minded Individuals

“Engage with people who inspire and challenge you and have a, personal growth mindset.  Surrounding yourself with a supportive and growth-minded community can provide motivation, accountability, and fresh perspectives on, personal development.”

The people we surround ourselves with have a significant impact on our, personal growth. Engaging with individuals who inspire and challenge us can provide motivation, accountability, and fresh perspectives on, personal development. By surrounding ourselves with a supportive and growth-minded community, we create an environment that fosters, constant and never ending improvement. These individuals can serve as mentors, sounding boards, and sources of inspiration on our, personal growth, journey.

8. Stay Adaptable

“Life is dynamic, and, personal growth, requires adaptability. Be open to change, embrace new opportunities, and be willing to adjust your goals based on evolving circumstances.”

Adaptability is crucial for, personal growth, in an ever-changing world. Life is dynamic, and our goals and circumstances may evolve over time. To achieve a, personal growth mindset, we must be open to change, embrace new opportunities, and be willing to adjust our goals accordingly. By staying adaptable, we can navigate challenges, seize opportunities, and continue our journey of, constant and never-ending improvement.

Conclusion and Future Outlook

Embracing the philosophy of CANI in 2024 is not just a commitment to, personal development; it's a lifestyle that fosters a continuous journey of improvement. By incorporating the eight key ways to grow personally using CANI, we can unlock our full potential and achieve sustained growth and fulfillment. Embracing a learning mindset, setting incremental goals, reflecting regularly, seeking feedback, emphasizing consistency, embracing failure, surrounding ourselves with growth-minded individuals, and staying adaptable are all essential components of the CANI philosophy.

As we look to the future, the impact of embracing, CANI in personal growth cannot be underestimated. By adopting a mindset of continuous learning and progress, we can navigate the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead. The principles of CANI provide a roadmap for, personal growth, in an ever-changing world. By committing to constant and never-ending improvement, we can unlock our full potential and create a life of fulfillment and success.

Here's to a year of, constant and never-ending improvement, in 2024!

Additional Resources

How to Develop Your Employees Potential with Feedback.

How to Identify the Seeds of Negative Energy

Daniel Mirfield discusses the importance of identifying and releasing, negative energy, in ourselves and others. He emphasizes the role of nature in healing and the need to connect with our intuition, stay grounded, and react from a place of peace and love. By recognizing and releasing negative energy, we can find, inner peace, and transform our lives.

Welcome back to the Transform Your Mind, Transform Your Life radio, podcast, and television show. I'm your host, Life coach Myrna Young. Today, we have a special guest, Daniel Mirfield, the author of “Seedling: The Journey to Inner Peace.” In this episode, we will be discussing how to identify the seeds of, negative energy, and release them. Negative energy, can have a profound impact on our lives, affecting our physical and, mental well-being. It is essential to learn how to recognize and release these negative energies to live a more peaceful and fulfilling life.

Download the podcast here: 


About the Guest

Daniel Mirfield is a renowned, energy healer, and mentor who channels the power of nature to help his clients heal and recover from stress. He is the author of “Seedling: The Journey to Inner Peace,” a book that combines ancient wisdom with modern times to help navigate and overcome challenging moments.

Understanding the source of negative energy

Daniel teaches that we can identify, negative energy, in ourselves and others and learn how to release it. He emphasizes the importance of understanding that the energies including, negative energy, we absorb are not just from our immediate surroundings but can also be inherited from past family members and traumatic experiences. By recognizing and addressing these, negative energies, we can break free from their control and live a life aligned with our true selves.

One of the key aspects of, releasing negative energy, is connecting with nature. Daniel channels the power of nature to help his clients heal and recover from stress. He believes that nature holds the answers to our healing and can help us navigate even the most challenging moments. By immersing ourselves in nature, we can ground ourselves, listen to our intuition, and find peace and love in the present moment.

Podmust Transform Your Mind podcast
Podmust Transform Your Mind podcast

How to release negative energy

To release, negative energy, Daniel suggests grounding ourselves and placing ourselves in a position of love. This can be done by walking barefoot, talking to trees, or simply being present in nature. By connecting with nature, we activate our feelings and senses, allowing us to release, negative energy, and embrace the healing power of the natural world.

In addition to connecting with nature, Daniel emphasizes the importance of meditation and self-reflection. He believes that meditation is a practice that can help us cultivate, inner peace, and connect with our, spiritual guides. By creating a space for self-reflection and meditation, we can clear our minds and open ourselves up to receive messages from our, spiritual guides. This practice allows us to tap into our, higher consciousness, and receive guidance and wisdom.

book seedling Journey to inner peace
book seedling Journey to inner peace

The journey to inner peace

Daniel's book, “Seedling: The Journey to Inner Peace,” is a practical guide to help readers identify and, release negative energy. It explores topics such as balancing energies, understanding triggers and addictions, and healing family DNA. The book is a channelled guide from Daniel's, spiritual guides, and offers insights and wisdom to help readers on their own journey to, inner peace.

Here are 3 ways to balance your energy 
  1. Change food intake. Either increasing or decreasing food intake changes how much energy a person is taking in.
  2. Change their amount of structured exercise. …
  3. Change their non-exercise activity.




In conclusion, identifying and releasing, negative energy, is essential for our overall well-being and happiness. By connecting with nature, practicing meditation, and embracing self-reflection, we can, release negative energy, and, cultivate inner peace. Daniel's book, “Seedling: The Journey to Inner Peace,” offers practical guidance and wisdom to help readers on their own path to healing and self-discovery. By embracing these practices and connecting with our true selves, we can live a life filled with love, harmony, and peace.


Boost Low Self-Esteem with These 8 Self-Care Tips

Low Self-esteem, is a fundamental aspect of our well-being. It shapes our perception of ourselves and influences how we navigate through life. When our self-esteem is healthy, we feel positive about ourselves and are better equipped to handle life's challenges. However, low self-esteem, can have a detrimental impact on our mental and emotional state, making it difficult to face adversity. In this article, we will explore eight, self-care tips, that can help, improve self-esteem, and enhance our sense of self-worth.

Download the podcast here:


Understanding Low Self-Esteem

Self-esteem is the opinion we hold about ourselves. It is the lens through which we view ourselves and our lives. When we have, low self-esteem,  we tend to have a negative and critical perspective, making it harder to tackle life's ups and downs. The causes of, low self-esteem, can be rooted in childhood experiences, societal expectations, stress, difficult life events, and personal tendencies towards negative thinking or setting unrealistic standards.


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1. Practice Self-Compassion and Positive Self-Talk

“Self-compassion is the foundation of self-esteem. Treat yourself with the same kindness and understanding that you would offer a friend.”

Self-compassion is a crucial aspect of, building healthy self-esteem. It involves treating ourselves with kindness and understanding, especially during times of mistakes or setbacks. Instead of being overly critical, we should practice, self-forgiveness, and offer ourselves the same support we would give to a friend. By adopting, positive self-talk, and reframing negative thoughts, we can cultivate a more compassionate and nurturing relationship with ourselves.

2. Set Realistic Goals improve Low Self-esteem

“Setting achievable goals, can boost your self-worth by giving you a sense of accomplishment.”

Setting realistic goals, is essential for, building self-worth. When we set achievable goals, we create opportunities for success and a sense of accomplishment. Starting with small, manageable goals and gradually working our way up allows us to celebrate our achievements, no matter how minor they may seem. On the other hand, setting unrealistic goals, can lead to feelings of failure and ushers in, low self-esteem.

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3. Become Aware of Your Sponsoring Thoughts

“Pay attention to these self-destructive thoughts because they are creating your reality. Replace self-criticism with, positive affirmations, or scriptures.”

Our thoughts have a significant impact on our self-esteem. Sponsoring thoughts, such as “I am not good enough” or “He won't like me because I am too fat,” can shape our reality and perpetuate negative self-perception. It is crucial to become aware of these thoughts and challenge them. By replacing self-criticism with, positive affirmations, or scriptures, we can reframe our mindset and cultivate a more positive and self-affirming outlook.

4. Engage in Self-Care Activities

“Taking care of your physical and mental well-being is vital for self-esteem. Engage in activities that make you feel good, whether it's exercising, meditating, reading, or practicing a hobby.”

Self-care is an essential component of, improving self-esteem. Engaging in activities that promote physical and mental well-being can have a profound impact on our self-perception. Whether it's exercising, meditating, reading, or pursuing a hobby, these activities nourish our body and soul, fostering a sense of self-worth and fulfillment.


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5. Surround Yourself with Supportive People

“Positive relationships can significantly impact your self-esteem. Surround yourself with people who uplift and support you. Distance yourself from those who bring negativity into your life.”

The people we surround ourselves with can greatly influence our self-esteem. Positive relationships provide a supportive environment where we feel valued and uplifted. It is important to surround ourselves with individuals who believe in us and encourage our growth. Conversely, distancing ourselves from those who bring negativity into our lives can protect our self-esteem and create space for positive influences.

Transform Your Mind Podverse.fm
Transform Your Mind Podverse.fm

6. Learn from Mistakes

“Mistakes are an inevitable part of life. Instead of dwelling on them, view them as opportunities for growth. Embrace your mistakes as valuable lessons that can help you improve.” –

Mistakes are not a reflection of our worth but rather opportunities for growth. Instead of dwelling on our failures, we should embrace them as valuable lessons that contribute to our personal development. By reframing our perspective and focusing on the lessons learned, we can cultivate a growth mindset and boost, low self-esteem.

Transform your Mind Podbean
Transform your Mind Podbean

7. Practicing Gratitude boosts low self-esteem

“Focusing on the positive aspects of your life can help, improve your self-esteem. Keep a gratitude journal and regularly write down things you're thankful for. This can shift your perspective and boost your self-worth.”

Practicing gratitude is a powerful tool for, improving self-esteem. By focusing on the positive aspects of our lives and regularly expressing gratitude, we shift our perspective towards a more optimistic outlook. Keeping a, gratitude journal, and writing down things we are thankful for can reinforce positive thinking patterns and enhance our sense of self-worth.

Transform Your Mind iHeart Radio
iHeart Radio

8. Seek Professional Help

“If low self-esteem is affecting your daily life significantly, don't hesitate to seek professional support. Therapists, counselors, and even coaches can provide guidance and strategies to help you improve your self-esteem.”

Sometimes, low self-esteem, can significantly impact our daily lives, making it necessary to seek professional help. Therapists, counselors, and coaches are trained to provide guidance and strategies tailored to our specific needs. Seeking professional support can be instrumental in overcoming deep-rooted self-esteem issues and embarking on a journey of self-improvement.

Conclusion and Future Outlook

Building and maintaining healthy self-esteem is an ongoing journey that requires self-care and self-compassion. By practicing self-compassion, setting realistic goals, challenging negative thoughts, engaging in self-care activities, surrounding ourselves with supportive people, learning from mistakes, practicing gratitude, and seeking professional help when needed, we can enhance, low self-esteem, and live a more fulfilling life.

The implications of improving, low self-esteem, are far-reaching. It can positively impact our mental and emotional well-being, relationships, and overall quality of life. By prioritizing self-care and implementing these self-esteem-boosting strategies, we empower ourselves to navigate life's challenges with confidence and resilience.

As we continue on our journey of self-improvement, it is important to remember that building healthy self-esteem takes time. Patience and self-compassion are key as we navigate the ups and downs of this process. By embracing these self-care tips and committing to our personal growth, we can cultivate a strong sense of self-worth and embark on a future filled with self-confidence and fulfillment.

Additional Resources


Beyond Love: When Love Alone Isn’t Enough

Love is a powerful and beautiful emotion that has the ability to uplift, inspire, and bring immense joy to our lives. But what happens, when love alone isn't enough? Love forms the foundation of many relationships, providing strong bonds between partners, family members, and friends.

However, there are instances, when love alone isn't enough. In this video, coach Myrna looks at the, Bible story of Hanna, and why the love of her husband was not enough. Coach Myrna, shares 5 realities of, when love isn't enough, and how we can build resilience and understanding to overcome obstacles on the path to fulfilment.

Download the podcast here: 


When love alone isn't enough

Have you ever loved someone, but could not live with them so you broke up with them instead? That is an example of, when love alone isn't enough.

Today I want to look at the bible story of Hanna and why the love of her husband was not enough.

Let’s look at 1st Samuel 1:8

Then said Elkanah her husband to her, Hannah, why weepest thou? and why eatest thou not? and why is thy heart grieved? am not I better to thee than ten sons?

Hanna had all the love a woman could want from a man, but she was not happy because she could not have children. Her husband’s love was not enough to fill the hole in her heart.

For Hanna having a husband wasn’t enough, having a man who loved her, wasn’t enough.

Love can be a wonderful and important aspect of our lives, but it is not the sole determinant of our happiness. Happiness is a complex and multifaceted emotion that can be influenced by various factors. While love can contribute significantly to our well-being, there are other aspects to consider.

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Transform Your Mind Podcast Pandora

Here are 5 reasons when love isn't enough

  1. Self-fulfillment: True happiness often involves a sense of purpose and personal fulfillment. Pursuing your passions, setting and achieving goals, and engaging in activities that bring you joy and a sense of accomplishment can contribute to overall happiness. For Hanna and most women this includes being a mother.
  2. Emotional well-being: Happiness goes beyond love and encompasses emotional well-being. It's important to develop coping skills, self-care practices, and maintain healthy relationships beyond romantic love, such as with family and friends, to cultivate happiness.
  3. Personal growth: Continuous personal growth and self-improvement can lead to a sense of fulfillment and happiness. This can include learning new skills, expanding your knowledge, and challenging yourself to become the best version of yourself. You can have all the love in the world but if you are not growing, you will feel unfulfilled.
  4. Physical and mental health: Taking care of your physical and mental health is essential for overall happiness. Engaging in regular exercise, practicing self-care, managing stress, and seeking support when needed are all crucial aspects of well-being.
  5. Meaningful connections: While romantic love is significant, nurturing relationships with friends, family, and a supportive community can provide a sense of belonging and happiness. Building and maintaining meaningful connections with others can be a source of joy and support.
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Deezer Transform Your Mind Podcast

Motherhood a path to self fulfillment

I Just finished reading Paris Hilton memoir.  In her book Paris shares her infertility journey. Like Hanna love was not enough, being a Hilton and an heiress was not enough, having a brand was not enough, like Hanna she wanted a child.

Remember that happiness is subjective, and what brings happiness to one person, may differ from another. Sometimes love of your family or spouse is enough, but most of the times you must love yourself first. It's important to explore and cultivate various areas of your life beyond love to find fulfillment and happiness. Seeking a balance between different aspects of life, investing in personal growth, and fostering relationships can contribute to a more fulfilling and joyful existence.

Being in love or receiving love is not enough for self-actualization which include realizing your dreams, being true to yourself, and achieving inner peace.

Thanks for tuning into this week’s episode of 5 min Fridays with coach Myrna

Additional Resources

Becoming Flawesome: The Journey to Self-Acceptance


God Knows The Desires Of Your Heart

God knows the, desires of your heart, even the ones you don’t think will ever come through. This is illustrated in the bible story of the prophet Elisha and the wealthy Shunem woman.

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Be Kind and generous

A wealthy Shunem woman invited the prophet, Elisha, to her home one day for a meal. So, whenever he passed her way again, he would stop in to have something to eat.

One day the woman said to her husband, I am sure the man who stop in from time to time is a holy man, let’s build a small room for him on the roof and furnish it, so he will have a place to stay when he comes by.

When, Elisha, and his assistant came by the next time, he went up to his new room to rest. Appreciative of the woman’s kindness, he wanted to give her something in return. He said to her “We appreciate the kind concern you have shown us. What can we do for you?” She responded I don’t need anything, my family takes good care of me.

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Transform Your Mind Podverse.fm

We all need something even the things we don't ask for

But, Elisha, figured there must be something she needs. So, he asked his servant what he thinks she needed. His servant said “She doesn’t have a son and her husband is an old man.”

Elisha, then told his servant to call the woman then he told her “Next year at this time you will be holding a son in your arms” She responded, please don’t get my hopes up.

Sure enough, the woman soon became pregnant and by that time the following year she had a son, just as, Elisha, had said.

What is the principle taught in this, bible story?  As you know the, Bible, is a blueprint for life.

First principle, is if you are blessed with wealth you should share with those who have less. You should, give to the poor, your church etc.

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RadioPublic Transform your mind

God knows the desires of your heart

The second principle and the one I want to focus on today is that God knows what you want. He knows the, desires of your heart, even the ones you don’t think will ever come through. The, desires, of this woman’s heart was to have a child, but her husband was old and she was probably old as well, so she didn’t think it was possible. She put it out of her mind.

The bible says in Psalm 37:4  “Take delight in the Lord, and he will give you the, desires of your heart. Commit your way to the Lord; trust in him and he will do this:

When the man of God asked the Shunem woman what can I do for you she responded nothing. She had all the, money, she needed, but how many of you know that, money, does not fill the hole in your heart.

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Listen Notes Transform Your Mind

What are the desires of your heart?

  • Do you want to get married?
  • Do you want a child?
  • Do you want to own a home?
  • Do you want to see your child go to college but he/she have a learning disability?

Whatever it is, if you live right, give to the poor, God will give you the, desires of your heart. You don’t even have to ask him.

Several years ago, the, desires of my heart, was to become an American citizen. I did ask God, but decided to take matters into my own hands and made a mess of it. Then one day I walked onto a train and there standing at the door was my future husband. He loved me, married me and sponsored me and my kids to become American Citizens. So don’t think the, desires of your heart, are impossible – with God all things are possible.

So, ask, seek, knock and you will receive.



Whatever it is you are wanting, whatever you are asking Him for, God hears you. If he does not seem to be answering, do not give up. Everything will happen in his timing. God knows what is best for you and He hears the, desires of your heart. He will give you the, desires of your heart, when the time is right. Have patience and trust in the Lord.

The Shunammite woman’s heartfelt hospitality to, Elisha, and simple, sincere faith led to an amazing series of events. Elisha, was certainly blessed. And God abundantly blessed the woman’s life during a difficult period in Israel. Still today, God often uses His people’s humble acts of service to bless both the giver and the receiver.

Thanks for tuning in to this week’s episode of 5 min Fridays with coach Myrna. Until next time Namaste

Additional Resources 

Look At The Heart Not Outward Appearance

How to Replace Bad Habits With Success Habits

Will Moore is a serial entrepreneur and TEDx speaker. This blog is about replacing your, bad habits, with, success habits, thereby  transforming your life.

Habits, are very important. We always say that, it takes 21 days to form a, bad habit, but now some people are actually challenging that. They're saying it takes about three months or 90 days to form a, habit.

Whatever we do on a consistent basis, it forms a, habit,  regardless it is a, bad habit, or, success habit. So, today we're talking about transforming our lives through, success habits, and replacing the, bad habits. The, habit, that we're trying to develop is the, success habit, that leads to  happiness.

Success habits, generally increase your happiness.

Listen to the full interview here: 

Bio and Introduction Bad Habits

Will Moore is a serial entrepreneur, TedX speaker, life coach, and happiness expert. After exiting his delivery startup for $323 million in 2019, Will confirmed what he’d spent the past 25 years researching: True happiness isn’t about money, power, or fame;  it’s about figuring out what makes you happy and taking consistent action on those things every single day.

To do this, Will has thrown out the book on traditional, self-improvement, creating instead a unique system that reduces friction by combining the latest in science and technology with, success habits, and universal principles: gamifying the process and building momentum. Will's company, Moore Momentum, is addressing the “Social Dilemma.” and helping people hold themselves accountable by taking the necessary action to replace their, bad habits,  with, success habits.

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Transform Your Mind Amazon

5 core areas to build Success Habits

  • Mindset,
  • Career & Finances;
  • Relationships,
  • Physical Health,
  • Emotional Health
  • Giving Back.

Moore Momentum is committed to helping people fire on all cylinders on their way to becoming an unstoppable force, so they can then pay it forward to help the world do the same!

Myrna: Awesome bio. It sounds that you're very successful. It's everybody's dream to have an exit strategy that makes them several million dollars especially 323 million so that is a great foundation. So, what you are doing with More Momentum? Can you tell us how you got into this journey? Understanding that happiness does not come from fame or it does not come from money or it doesn't come from power as everybody seems to think.

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Understanding Where Happiness Lies

Will: My mom was an alcoholic. She was verbally and physically abusive. My parents divorced early, we moved around a lot. I just never really fit in and I just kind of got to a point where I was basically suicidal in college. Serendipitously one of my professors introduced me to a book, “How to Friends and Influence People” by Mr. Dale Carnegie. It sort of changed my mindset and started to shift me towards what I call a growth owner mindset.

Myrna: I read that book.  I found it very difficult to understand but it is a  classic.

Will: I've read it so many times. It was written back in the 40s some 70 years ago, and still  it still stands today which is to me is a testament of the universal principles. These Universal principles in life,  if you follow them, if you abide by them, if you lead your life by them and build your, habits, around them, you're going to succeed.

You're not going to be happy if you ignore them or try to cheat the system. You're going to struggle, so that sort of opened up my mind to the principle of friends.

It's not about you, give to other people if you want to have more friends than you can handle.

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How to Win Friends

I just took that to heart. I started to shift and I started taking all the poor me victim stuff self talk which was a , bad habit, and started asking people questions about themselves.  It was like my own human science experiment.  I started taking notes, seeing what worked and what didn't. I noticed people responded well when you took interest in them.

I started making, friends, and was becoming more popular.  People actually started liking me, compared to what was constantly being played in my head, “I'm a loser nobody likes me.”

That just started my, success habits,  journey, and I never stopped. I became an insatiable, self-help, beast. I was reading book after book on, self-improvement.”  All the books that I could get my hands on including “Think and Grow Rich”, “Seven Habits of Highly Effective People”, etc.

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Transform Your Mind Luminary podcast

My #1 Success Habits was reading Self Help Books

I started to live this more holistic type of lifestyle, I call it  ‘firing on all cylinders’. When you start to develop these, habits, you're building momentum and creating, success habits, in each of the 5 core areas.  People around you can feel your momentum and your energy. When we sold our solar business in 2019 for a combined 321 million, I had enough money where I could say, okay I don't technically have to work anymore I can concentrate on building my, success habits.

Myrna: I started my spiritual journey with Robin Sharma’s book “The Monk who Sold His Ferrari”. I understand what you're talking about.

How did you transition to understanding, bad habits, and, success habits? You started off with, “How to win friends and influence people”, How did you combine that into, habits?

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Transform Your Mind Podcast Player FM

Changing your Bad Habits into Success Habits

Will: Success habits, were not as integral and central as they are now for me, as I got deeper into, self improvement, I started identifying my, bad habits. I call them, failure habits, and replacing them with, success habits; but I wasn't doing it  consciously.

I didn't need to shine a spotlight on all my, bad habits, that was causing me, negative momentum, in each of my five core areas.  I just decided to replace my, bad habits, with, success habits.   The book that brought my, bad habits, home was  “Atomic Habits” by James Clear. I read several years ago.

It all comes down to your, habits. You are your, habits. We run on autopilot 90% of the time and we're just doing the things that we have done repeatedly, whether they're good or bad and here's the kicker, habits, don't care if they're helping or hurting you. We are all creatures of, habit.

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Transform Your Mind Podcast Pandora

Your Bad Habits are automatic

Myrna: I go on autopilot mode almost every time I drive so I know what you taking about. I'll be meaning to go someplace different, next thing I end up at the place where I wasn't supposed to go.

Will: That's a perfect example, where your brain is trying to conserve energy. A lot of people have no idea that our brain finds the safest route. To start replacing a, bad habit, find a replacement, success habit.

Myrna: You discovered the, success habits, and the, bad habits, and then you just made it integral to your More Momentum training. Now, let's get to the Seven the Habits of Successful People. You mentioned that you read the book it was written by Stephen R. Covey and it's called “The Seven Habits of Highly Successful People”.

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Google Podcast Transform Your Mind

Seven Habits of Highly Successful People

Will: One of the things that people do is they get caught up in thinking that certain, habits, are going to lead to the promised land.  These seven habits is the formula for being happy, because your belief system plus your repeated actions plus time equals who you will become.

  • Habit 1: Be Proactive
  • Habit 2: Begin With the End in Mind
  • Habit 3: Put First Things First
  • Habit 4: Think Win-Win
  • Habit 5: Seek First to Understand, Then to Be Understood
  • Habit 6: Synergize
  • Habit 7: Sharpen the Saw

The Book the Secret  had the answer to the universe, but they didn't  have the action part of it. It's like you can't just think about what you want. You got to actually take action, you have to build your, success habits.

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Action is the way to build your Success Habits

Myrna: I love it, you mean you can't just put a picture on your vision board and then 10 years later you manifest it?

Will: Right. That's right exactly. I had a, vision board. I  still do sitting right here.  You have to take consistent action to manifest your vision.

You have go to tell yourself, I got everything within me to kick ass. It's only a matter of time. Obstacles are temporary roadblocks and every step of the way, I'm going to fail forward and I'm going to become bigger, better, faster, stronger, smarter, on my way to becoming this unstoppable force. That's the attitude you got to have, and it doesn't come easily.

It doesn't come overnight and that's why the compounding part – your belief system plus your repeated actions or, habits, plus time equals who you become.  Those actions start becoming, habits, and they turn into things that are actually automatically building your, momentum, along the way versus hurting it. That's how you become the person that you want to be.

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The Mindset of Success Habits

Myrna: What are some, success habits, that we can start doing? Not necessarily talk about the failure or bad habits yet, give us a couple of success habits that you have discovered.

Will:  Your, mindset, is essentially the thoughts that are going through your head Some people have the, bad habit, of talking baldly to themselves about themselves. They say things like

  • You are not good enough
  • I will never be anybody
  • People don't like me
  • They have a victim mindset that says people are always out to get them.
  • Some tell themselves things like I was born this way, there is nothing I can do about it

We have to have the, mindset, that that says, you can't succeed without failing. If you've got a good, mindset, going everything else becomes incrementally easier.

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The Habit of Transforming your Mind

Myrna: I agree with that. That's why this show is called “transform your mind to transform your life” because your mind is the first place to start, human transformation.

Will: For your career and finances, I'd say very first thing you should do is figure out what your strengths and weaknesses are. Then start focusing on the things you’re good at and make that part of your daily routine. You're moving that stuff forward and then peripherally the other things that need to be done will get done.

 I'd say the top, habit, for that goes back to Mr. Dale Carnegie – “How to Win Friends and Influence People”, is just make other people feel special.

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iHeart Radio

The Habit of Making People Feel Special

Whether it's your significant other, your friends, your family, your colleagues at work, or acquaintances:

  • Remember names,
  • Remember details about people,
  • Be genuinely interested in what they're saying (you may have to fake it at first, because we're all selfish egotistical creatures by nature) but what happens is you actually start to see that they respond to you. They're interested in you, that becomes addictive and then you do become more genuinely interested in them.

It's this feedback success loop thing you get into and it's magical and it just propels your life because, you can't go through life on your own, you got to have other people.

For physical health, I'd say the top, success habits, are:

  • There's your sleep,
  • Watch your nutrition
  • Movement, there's your exercising.
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Success Habits for Emotional Health

The final tip I would give for the final core emotional health and giving back, I'll give two tips because they're kind of slightly different things. For the, emotional health, part the question is

  •  Are you living a life full of passion, purpose?
  • Do you actually enjoy the ride or are you just constantly like looking down scratching off to do's”, trying to just get through the day?”
  • The, habit, of enjoying life and  expressing your passion is important.

I would also say proactively making a list of the things that you love and then making sure that you're incorporating them into your life regularly is a great, success habit. Whether it's doing a sport or whether it's creativity if you're an artist, you like to paint, and you haven't painted in 10 years.   Use technology and sign up for class or get a buddy that you can paint with.

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TuneIn Radio

Erase Bad Habits with a regular routine

Get it into your regular routine because again it's a, habit, like anything else, and if you start doing it then all of a sudden you're doing it, you don't even have time for the, bad habits, to get an opening. With a regular routine thoughts like “Oh, I don't have time for this” or  “Oh, I have conflicting schedules”  A daily schedule starts to improve your life, because you're incorporating more of the things that you love and are passionate about.

The last, success habit,  is “giving back”. I have a mantra that I say to myself every morning. I've memorized it.  I focus on all the things that I want in life and then at the end of it, I talk about what I'm grateful for. So, I get this feeling of  “Oh, man I'm so lucky and it just boosts me up and rocket propels me into the day because I start happy and excited.

Myrna: I love that. That was a good idea to give a, success habit, from each of your five core areas of life. So as we wrap up, so tell our listeners more about your business – More Momentum. How they can get in contact with you and what exactly is your program.

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I’ve heard that there “ ain’t no mess like church mess!” Author Steph Byers captures the mess and a whole lot more in her new book Spiritual Wickedness In High Places. An intriguing story of a fall from grace, redemption and edge of your seat drama that will keep you engaged through the last page.  Follow the story of five powerful Black women in this suspense thriller as they fulfill their destiny.  An innocent baby saint, a doting pastor’s wife, a single mother of six, a sacrificial lamb and God’s redeemer strike to break chains and tear down strongholds.  This book has unexpected twists and turns. The author’s style is easy to read and transport you into each chapter.  A must read, Spiritual Wickedness In High Places is a story for us by us about the power, resiliency and strength of Black women.

This book has 4.9 stars on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Target and Walmart and is available in hardback, paperback and e-book.  The author is available to speak to book clubs and events. Autographed copies are available upon request.


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Transform Your Mind PTWWN TV

Moore Momentum Training

Will:   https://mooremomentum.com is the website. There's a “see the Momentum Movement” tab at the top and you can sign up. I’ve got a weekly blog and newsletter that I do at the top. There's also the social media buttons (Instagram, Facebook and Twitter)  My Instagram page is  @willmoremomentum. I post viral videos of stuff and I'm trying to make it fun by gamifying the experience. I'm helping people trick their brain into wanting to watch the stuff that's good for them.

I've got the App that's coming up so I super excited.  I think I mentioned briefly earlier, the App it's going to just take everything I've been doing over the last 25 years and culminate it into one device where you can stop your, bad habits, in these five core places and replace them with, success habits.

In the game, you're a rocket ship. You've got your five core cylinders of your engine in order to fly up to the moon and break earth's gravitational pull. You got to get enough momentum to get off the ground by stopping those, bad habits, and replacing them with, success habits, one step at a time. I make sure I take it through very slowly. Remember the law of compounding – if you rush into it, you try to change everything at once. It'll never work then all of a sudden you're flying off to different planets and universes and solar systems and you're meeting aliens along the way.

You're getting universal principles and tips flying through asteroid fields building up your armor and becoming an unstoppable force.

It's super exciting. You can sign up on my website for that as well. If you click on the App, it'll say “be notified when the App is Available.”


Myrna: I absolutely love it. Wow, so that's great not only for adults but for children teaching them that they can do anything. If they want to get to the moon or to get to the top of their goals. Whether it's a, success habit, or a, bad habit, you just keep doing it. It's actually pretty good to replace those, failure habits, and make them into, success habits, so you can do it.

If you found this blog and podcast inspirational, please subscribe, rate and review The Transform Your Mind Podcast on iTunes. Leave your comments below if you have, bad habits, that you need to change into, success habits.

Additional Resources




How to Write Your Own Hollywood Ending

A lot of times if you believe it and pray about it your, Hollywood movie, will turn out exactly the way that you want it to be. If we use our imagination, we can create our, Hollywood ending. Think of that bad job you are in and create your, Hollywood movie, with your own, Hollywood ending with you in your dream job, in your dream relationship and your dream family.  First you must have the baseline of, self-awareness, then you use your imagination to write the script. Where do I want to get to, what’s my goal?  You are the Director, Producer and star of your Life Movie.

My guest today is Linda Flanders, Author of “Hollywood Endings and How to Get One”

Years ago, my pastor preached a message that when we're born there is a blank page.  We have a beginning, and we have an ending and in the middle we are supposed to write our story. We are the director of our life movie, producer and the Star in our, Hollywood ending.

Listen to the full interview Here 

Writing your Hollywood Ending

Yes, you can create what you want with imagination an intention. The movie themes the world loves are few and simple; they are the themes that have been portrayed over and over since Hollywood began to make movies. These classics have the most wonderful endings: love overcomes all; good defeats evil; the wayward child comes home. Anyone can be a hero, and everyone has a Guardian Angel.

Hollywood Endings – Using Imagination and Intention is about self-awareness, recovery and enlightenment. It's for anyone who has ever wanted or dreamed of having a “Hollywood ending.” It is for those of us who never had a role model to show us how it's done. It celebrates the wonder of the movies and urges us to see movies once to be entertained, and then return to see them again to learn from them. We all deserve a Hollywood ending. This book can show you how with life lessons from Dances With Wolves, National Velvet, Die Hard, and The Color Purple, to name a few.

Book: Hollywood endings How to get one
Book: Hollywood endings How to get one

Rewrite your own story and give it a Hollywood ending.

Linda has been a, FeldenKrais, practitioner for 30 years and an independent video producer. Flanders and her sister Dr Dorothy Halla-Poe created the, matrix model, an innovative way to work with children's atypical behavior and, learning disabilities.  They specialized in using the, filmmaking, process as a learning and teaching tool, focusing on projects that are educational and promote social and personal change.

Myrna – I love the idea of using the, Hollywood movie, and, filmmaking, process as a learning tool to help children with, learning disabilities.  Can you share how that works.

Linda – I am a, Feldenkrais, practitioner and have been for 30 years and while that particular mode of learning has to do with learning, self-awareness, and learning through options.  I started working with young children who needed physical therapy and occupational therapy; but their behavior was such that they were absolutely out of control and scared the, physical therapist, on the, occupational therapist.

I started working with children behavior focusing specifically on self-awareness and self-control. If we have those two things, we can pretty much guide our own, Hollywood ending. If we do not have them, then we are vulnerable to so many awful things that can happen in our life.  If we cannot control ourselves and become the, Director, in our own, Hollywood movie, somebody else is going to control us.


I started using making, movies, as a fun activity with children and what I found was that even with multiple, psychiatric labels, attached to them and very bizarre behaviors, they all listened to the, director, if they played a part in a, movie.


When they had a camera in their face and the, director, said do this; they did it without hesitation. No attitude or behavioral issues. The children also loved watching themselves over and over in their, Hollywood movie. Science has shown that kids watching themselves act a certain way reinforces new neural pathways in their brain of new behavior.

Soundcloud Transform your mind podcast
Transform your Mind Soundcloud podcast

The, Feldenkrais method, is an educational way of learning to teach self-awareness.

Myrna – I understand the behavioral piece in making a, Hollywood movie; but I don’t understand how making a, movie, helps children with, learning disabilities.

Linda – In making our, Hollywood movie, I had them freeze for the camera while I ran around with the camera to a different angle, because that's how a, Hollywood movie,  is made.

The children had to be in the, present moment, and they had to control themselves from the inside out. That is the huge piece of, self-control, and if they can gain, self-control, then they've got a better opportunity in school to be able to learn the different topics that they needed to learn.

In making a, Hollywood movie, they became much more aware of themselves and what they could do and what they couldn't do. When they fell apart and got angry or sad or wanted to be the star of the, Hollywood movie, those issued had to be worked out during the filming of the, movie.

Myrna – That’s great and innovative. I hope teachers who are listening will take some cues from you because now we all can make, Hollywood movies, with our cell phones!

Hollywood Endings and How to Get One

Let’s transition into your book.  You wrote the book “Hollywood Endings and How to Get One” Tell us what would you like the readers to walk away with after reading your book.

Linda – Absolutely, it is a, self-help book, or a, self-improvement book. It teaches, mindfulness, helps with raising, self-awareness, on topics like “are you happy” “are you content with your job” etc.

The book teaches the science of, mindfulness, of paying attention to the moment, so you are fully present. In the science world this is called, neuroplasticity.  Change your brain, change your life.

If we use our imagination, we can create our, Hollywood ending. You think of that bad job you are in and create your, Hollywood movie, with your own, Hollywood ending. First you must have the baseline of, self-awareness, then you use your imagination to write the script. Where do I want to get to, what’s my goal?

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iHeart Radio

Your Hollywood Ending doesn't have to be romantic

The idea of the, Hollywood ending, is not necessarily a romantic one, it could be any goal you have. If you reach that goal that's a, Hollywood ending.

Myrna – When you were talking my mind went directly to the, Hollywood movie, Pretty Woman.

The movie started with the words, Hollywood, where dreams were made, anything is possible in, Hollywood! It ended with the same words.

But in the movie specifically Julia Roberts had a dream. She had a dream of her own, Hollywood ending.   She actually told Richard Gere in the movie hey “all the time I was dreaming you about my Prince Charming, I would dream I would be locked up into this room in this castle and the prince would climb up and he would rescue me. Nowhere in my, Hollywood ending, did he say I’m going to put you up in a condo as my mistress.

It's really true, if you've got a goal and you've got a dream of your movie of life having a, Hollywood ending, it's very hard for someone to knock you off of it.  Which is why she didn't accept that offer which she said was a good offer for a girl like her.

She had gained, self-awareness, in that whole process of being a highly paid call girl for a week.

Linda – In the book I do explain the three systems of the brain.  I’m not a, neuroscientist;  but the information's out there,  I  simply simplified it.

The Brain Systems

  1. The producer brain, because without a producer you don't have a, Hollywood movie. The producer brain is the, reptilian brain, and that keeps us breathing. It keeps our heart beating. So, we don't have a lot of control over that one
  2. The, limbic system, is the home of the emotions and we can live there we can, but we can also get stuck there. You can become a drama queen always reacting to life instead of working in the direction we want to go.
  3. The cerebral cortex, the Director brain. That's where we plan, where we use our own judgment, where we use our common sense, our reasoning.

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There's another movie that Julia Roberts was in called “Sleeping with the Enemy” where she is in a very abusive domestic violence situation.  I talk about that movie in my book, because if you can't leave a situation, you can watch that movie and get ideas to leave your situation.

In the, Hollywood movie, she planned her escape. She learnt to swim, she selected her disguises so her husband could not find her, she picked a place that she would live. She imagined her, Hollywood ending. She set all the pieces in order first, then she made her escape and that's what I’m teaching in the book.  We could use, Hollywood movies, and our imagination to write our own, Hollywood ending.

Myrna – So you want readers to walk away with the vision that they can direct their lives. They can plan it out, they can be a director, the producer of their own lives, because their life is like a, Hollywood movie.

Linda – Yes, each chapter there is a list of a few things to do. The first one is go watch a, Hollywood movie, but I want you to watch this movie through this lens, so that you're watching the movie from a different perspective.  You're gaining awareness from watching that movie. For example in the, Hollywood movie, Die Hard, with Bruce Willis.

In that movie there are places where Bruce Willis is so emotionally distraught, that he's not thinking.  He throws some C4 down an elevator chute without recognizing that it's gonna explode and where's that explosion gonna come?  It's gonna come right back up the chute into his face. That's an example of us doing something without thinking of the consequences which blows up in our face.

Myrna – I don't know much about movies or directing, but I know as a, Life coach, I always teach that we're the director of our own lives, because we make the decisions and direct our choices.

What is the FeldenKrais Method

One of the things within, Feldenkrais model, is taught through movement.  We teach awareness, options and choice, but these lessons are taught through the avenue of movement.  One of the classic lessons in the, Feldenkrais, community is called a pelvic clock. It's the ability to get your pelvis moving in all the different directions of a clock.  It's better to be able to move a little bit in all these directions than a whole lot just one way, so it's definitely the opposite of one-way thinking.

In my work with children I teach them how to create a clock from clay. They have to make the clock and they have to make the one, two, three, four all the way to twelve.  Then they have to make a little person and put the person in the center of the clock.  The idea what if you altered your behavior just a little bit. Just a little bit to move to the next number on the clock.  Step by step by step. You don’t have to stop doing something just change it a little bit.

It could be drug use, overeating or alcohol in adults. The idea is its okay if you can't completely stop drinking but can you cut back a little bit with awareness. If you can’t make a small change, then you become aware that you have a real problem.

It's this intertwining of movement and thinking with our emotions that get tied up in this knot and through the Feldenkrais method of movement and awareness you can break those up and then make small changes.  Transformation comes faster because you've incorporated movement as well as thinking and emotions.

FeldenKrais Method uses movement to achieve change 

Myrna – Yes that is the mind and body connection as taught in Yoga.

Linda – If we want to become the director in our own, Hollywood movie, then this is simply a way that we can do it.  Shakespeare said that “the whole world is a stage and we're just actors on it”

Myrna – In this day and age everybody's got a camera, people are making big money just recording on their smart phones. You do not need the big fancy movie camera to record your own, Hollywood movie.


Free Feldenkrais Summit

From May 1st through May 10th there is a free online Feldenkrais summit that you want to invite our listeners and TV audience.

It's an international summit, so for those whole two weeks you have presentations that come from, Feldenkrais, practitioners around the world who have taken their work and specialized in it.  You can learn about using this method to help with trauma. There is trauma from anyone who is victimized and has been traumatized.

Some have taken, Feldenkrais, into working with world-class athletes and top performers.

Some have taken it literally into working with animals. Linda Tellington Jones can do amazing things with animals.

I took it into behavior, so it could be applied in a whole bunch of different ways.

So, the summit has all these different international speakers. It is literally 24 hours of

Feldonkrais, awareness through movement.

It's all free so it's an opportunity for people to experience the, Feldenkrais method, and break up those muscular patterns so you can feel better. Because when you move better, you can feel better.


Register on www.feldenkraissummit.com


In closing a, Hollywood movie, I am going to suggest everybody go watch the, Hollywood movie, Baby Boom with Diane Keaton because in an instant she a New York executive and literally overnight she becomes a single parent of a toddler who had lost her parents.

She took the circumstances of her life and created her own, Hollywood ending.

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