A lot of times if you believe it and pray about it your, Hollywood movie, will turn out exactly the way that you want it to be. If we use our imagination, we can create our, Hollywood ending. Think of that bad job you are in and create your, Hollywood movie, with your own, Hollywood ending with you in your dream job, in your dream relationship and your dream family. First you must have the baseline of, self-awareness, then you use your imagination to write the script. Where do I want to get to, what’s my goal? You are the Director, Producer and star of your Life Movie.
My guest today is Linda Flanders, Author of “Hollywood Endings and How to Get One”
Years ago, my pastor preached a message that when we’re born there is a blank page. We have a beginning, and we have an ending and in the middle we are supposed to write our story. We are the director of our life movie, producer and the Star in our, Hollywood ending.
Listen to the full interview Here
Writing your Hollywood Ending
Yes, you can create what you want with imagination an intention. The movie themes the world loves are few and simple; they are the themes that have been portrayed over and over since Hollywood began to make movies. These classics have the most wonderful endings: love overcomes all; good defeats evil; the wayward child comes home. Anyone can be a hero, and everyone has a Guardian Angel.
Hollywood Endings – Using Imagination and Intention is about self-awareness, recovery and enlightenment. It’s for anyone who has ever wanted or dreamed of having a “Hollywood ending.” It is for those of us who never had a role model to show us how it’s done. It celebrates the wonder of the movies and urges us to see movies once to be entertained, and then return to see them again to learn from them. We all deserve a Hollywood ending. This book can show you how with life lessons from Dances With Wolves, National Velvet, Die Hard, and The Color Purple, to name a few.

Rewrite your own story and give it a Hollywood ending.
Linda has been a, FeldenKrais, practitioner for 30 years and an independent video producer. Flanders and her sister Dr Dorothy Halla-Poe created the, matrix model, an innovative way to work with children’s atypical behavior and, learning disabilities. They specialized in using the, filmmaking, process as a learning and teaching tool, focusing on projects that are educational and promote social and personal change.
Myrna – I love the idea of using the, Hollywood movie, and, filmmaking, process as a learning tool to help children with, learning disabilities. Can you share how that works.
Linda – I am a, Feldenkrais, practitioner and have been for 30 years and while that particular mode of learning has to do with learning, self-awareness, and learning through options. I started working with young children who needed physical therapy and occupational therapy; but their behavior was such that they were absolutely out of control and scared the, physical therapist, on the, occupational therapist.
I started working with children behavior focusing specifically on self-awareness and self-control. If we have those two things, we can pretty much guide our own, Hollywood ending. If we do not have them, then we are vulnerable to so many awful things that can happen in our life. If we cannot control ourselves and become the, Director, in our own, Hollywood movie, somebody else is going to control us.
I started using making, movies, as a fun activity with children and what I found was that even with multiple, psychiatric labels, attached to them and very bizarre behaviors, they all listened to the, director, if they played a part in a, movie.
When they had a camera in their face and the, director, said do this; they did it without hesitation. No attitude or behavioral issues. The children also loved watching themselves over and over in their, Hollywood movie. Science has shown that kids watching themselves act a certain way reinforces new neural pathways in their brain of new behavior.

The, Feldenkrais method, is an educational way of learning to teach self-awareness.
Myrna – I understand the behavioral piece in making a, Hollywood movie; but I don’t understand how making a, movie, helps children with, learning disabilities.
Linda – In making our, Hollywood movie, I had them freeze for the camera while I ran around with the camera to a different angle, because that’s how a, Hollywood movie, is made.
The children had to be in the, present moment, and they had to control themselves from the inside out. That is the huge piece of, self-control, and if they can gain, self-control, then they’ve got a better opportunity in school to be able to learn the different topics that they needed to learn.
In making a, Hollywood movie, they became much more aware of themselves and what they could do and what they couldn’t do. When they fell apart and got angry or sad or wanted to be the star of the, Hollywood movie, those issued had to be worked out during the filming of the, movie.
Myrna – That’s great and innovative. I hope teachers who are listening will take some cues from you because now we all can make, Hollywood movies, with our cell phones!
Hollywood Endings and How to Get One
Let’s transition into your book. You wrote the book “Hollywood Endings and How to Get One” Tell us what would you like the readers to walk away with after reading your book.
Linda – Absolutely, it is a, self-help book, or a, self-improvement book. It teaches, mindfulness, helps with raising, self-awareness, on topics like “are you happy” “are you content with your job” etc.
The book teaches the science of, mindfulness, of paying attention to the moment, so you are fully present. In the science world this is called, neuroplasticity. Change your brain, change your life.
If we use our imagination, we can create our, Hollywood ending. You think of that bad job you are in and create your, Hollywood movie, with your own, Hollywood ending. First you must have the baseline of, self-awareness, then you use your imagination to write the script. Where do I want to get to, what’s my goal?

Your Hollywood Ending doesn’t have to be romantic
The idea of the, Hollywood ending, is not necessarily a romantic one, it could be any goal you have. If you reach that goal that’s a, Hollywood ending.
Myrna – When you were talking my mind went directly to the, Hollywood movie, Pretty Woman.
The movie started with the words, Hollywood, where dreams were made, anything is possible in, Hollywood! It ended with the same words.
But in the movie specifically Julia Roberts had a dream. She had a dream of her own, Hollywood ending. She actually told Richard Gere in the movie hey “all the time I was dreaming you about my Prince Charming, I would dream I would be locked up into this room in this castle and the prince would climb up and he would rescue me. Nowhere in my, Hollywood ending, did he say I’m going to put you up in a condo as my mistress.
It’s really true, if you’ve got a goal and you’ve got a dream of your movie of life having a, Hollywood ending, it’s very hard for someone to knock you off of it. Which is why she didn’t accept that offer which she said was a good offer for a girl like her.
She had gained, self-awareness, in that whole process of being a highly paid call girl for a week.
Linda – In the book I do explain the three systems of the brain. I’m not a, neuroscientist; but the information’s out there, I simply simplified it.
The Brain Systems
- The producer brain, because without a producer you don’t have a, Hollywood movie. The producer brain is the, reptilian brain, and that keeps us breathing. It keeps our heart beating. So, we don’t have a lot of control over that one
- The, limbic system, is the home of the emotions and we can live there we can, but we can also get stuck there. You can become a drama queen always reacting to life instead of working in the direction we want to go.
- The cerebral cortex, the Director brain. That’s where we plan, where we use our own judgment, where we use our common sense, our reasoning.
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There’s another movie that Julia Roberts was in called “Sleeping with the Enemy” where she is in a very abusive domestic violence situation. I talk about that movie in my book, because if you can’t leave a situation, you can watch that movie and get ideas to leave your situation.
In the, Hollywood movie, she planned her escape. She learnt to swim, she selected her disguises so her husband could not find her, she picked a place that she would live. She imagined her, Hollywood ending. She set all the pieces in order first, then she made her escape and that’s what I’m teaching in the book. We could use, Hollywood movies, and our imagination to write our own, Hollywood ending.
Myrna – So you want readers to walk away with the vision that they can direct their lives. They can plan it out, they can be a director, the producer of their own lives, because their life is like a, Hollywood movie.
Linda – Yes, each chapter there is a list of a few things to do. The first one is go watch a, Hollywood movie, but I want you to watch this movie through this lens, so that you’re watching the movie from a different perspective. You’re gaining awareness from watching that movie. For example in the, Hollywood movie, Die Hard, with Bruce Willis.
In that movie there are places where Bruce Willis is so emotionally distraught, that he’s not thinking. He throws some C4 down an elevator chute without recognizing that it’s gonna explode and where’s that explosion gonna come? It’s gonna come right back up the chute into his face. That’s an example of us doing something without thinking of the consequences which blows up in our face.
Myrna – I don’t know much about movies or directing, but I know as a, Life coach, I always teach that we’re the director of our own lives, because we make the decisions and direct our choices.
What is the FeldenKrais Method
One of the things within, Feldenkrais model, is taught through movement. We teach awareness, options and choice, but these lessons are taught through the avenue of movement. One of the classic lessons in the, Feldenkrais, community is called a pelvic clock. It’s the ability to get your pelvis moving in all the different directions of a clock. It’s better to be able to move a little bit in all these directions than a whole lot just one way, so it’s definitely the opposite of one-way thinking.
In my work with children I teach them how to create a clock from clay. They have to make the clock and they have to make the one, two, three, four all the way to twelve. Then they have to make a little person and put the person in the center of the clock. The idea what if you altered your behavior just a little bit. Just a little bit to move to the next number on the clock. Step by step by step. You don’t have to stop doing something just change it a little bit.
It could be drug use, overeating or alcohol in adults. The idea is its okay if you can’t completely stop drinking but can you cut back a little bit with awareness. If you can’t make a small change, then you become aware that you have a real problem.
It’s this intertwining of movement and thinking with our emotions that get tied up in this knot and through the Feldenkrais method of movement and awareness you can break those up and then make small changes. Transformation comes faster because you’ve incorporated movement as well as thinking and emotions.
FeldenKrais Method uses movement to achieve change
Myrna – Yes that is the mind and body connection as taught in Yoga.
Linda – If we want to become the director in our own, Hollywood movie, then this is simply a way that we can do it. Shakespeare said that “the whole world is a stage and we’re just actors on it”
Myrna – In this day and age everybody’s got a camera, people are making big money just recording on their smart phones. You do not need the big fancy movie camera to record your own, Hollywood movie.
Free Feldenkrais Summit
From May 1st through May 10th there is a free online Feldenkrais summit that you want to invite our listeners and TV audience.
It’s an international summit, so for those whole two weeks you have presentations that come from, Feldenkrais, practitioners around the world who have taken their work and specialized in it. You can learn about using this method to help with trauma. There is trauma from anyone who is victimized and has been traumatized.
Some have taken, Feldenkrais, into working with world-class athletes and top performers.
Some have taken it literally into working with animals. Linda Tellington Jones can do amazing things with animals.
I took it into behavior, so it could be applied in a whole bunch of different ways.
So, the summit has all these different international speakers. It is literally 24 hours of
Feldonkrais, awareness through movement.
It’s all free so it’s an opportunity for people to experience the, Feldenkrais method, and break up those muscular patterns so you can feel better. Because when you move better, you can feel better.
Register on www.feldenkraissummit.com
In closing a, Hollywood movie, I am going to suggest everybody go watch the, Hollywood movie, Baby Boom with Diane Keaton because in an instant she a New York executive and literally overnight she becomes a single parent of a toddler who had lost her parents.
She took the circumstances of her life and created her own, Hollywood ending.
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