Category Archives: 5 mins with coach Myrna

The Shocking Truth About Finding Your Life Purpose: Coach Myrna

In this podcast, coach Myrna shares how she found her, life purpose. We're going to talk about the shocking truth about finding your, life purpose. There's a lot of pressure to find your, life purpose. You've probably heard the saying, “when God says go, just go.” But is that really the best advice?

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How to find your life purpose

In this conversation, we're going to explore the truth about finding your life purpose, and how to overcome any fears or doubts you may have. Back in 2000 God spoke to me and told me to Go that the USA is my, promised land, my land of milk and honey that I should leave my home in Toronto, Canada, my family, friends and Go.

He told me to go and he will show me the way when I get there. So, I packed my bags and moved to Florida and God did as he promised. He showed me the way. He ordered my footsteps. I just followed my intuition and looked for guidance. God said if you GO, I will make you a great nation, and I will make your name great. Today my podcast and my name Coach Myrna, is great, it is heard in 156 countries around the world. Don't wait any longer, listen to this podcast  and find out how to find your, life purpose.

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Podbay FM

Synchronicity and purpose

The first thing I did when I got to Florida was to look for an office for my limousine service business. I found an office for my business, but it did not come with parking for a stretch limousine. I couldn’t find a place to park my limousine, so I had the brilliant idea to park it in a church parking lot. My reasoning was that church is only on a Sunday! they are not there during the week.

I promptly received a call from the Senior Pastor who told me if I wanted to park my limousine in the church parking lot, I should write a proposal of what I intended to offer in exchange. When I went to the church to drop off my proposal, I met the pastor who invited me to church.  That started my relationship with Living Word Fellowship church, a relationship that was instrumental in the success of both me and my daughter, who was 11 years old at the time. That was God showing me the way, that was synchronicity.

I just kept moving forward only seeing the next step and never the entire staircase.

My life purpose was to become a Life coach and reach the world

Then God told me Go become a Life coach, I listened and that was also God ordering my steps because the month I graduated from Life coach school with my coaching certificate, was the same month I got fired from my corporate job. I became a self-employed Life coach and again God showed me the way. Someone invited me to be a guest on a radio show, and the radio station WDJY 99.1 FM Atlanta, offered me my own show. Then I heard about podcasting and stared a podcast then I received an email invitation for a TV show on PTWWNTV.

None of this was shown to me when I packed up and left Toronto. God said GO and I went.

Each step along the way God tested me by seeing if I was willing to do the work, he had to see what I was willing to sacrifice. I had to go through the wilderness. God said before I give you a lot, I have to see what you do with a little.

Goodpods podcast

Go: God will show you the way

I remember when I was so broke and had no money for food or gas. I had worked all week and didn’t make a sale, so I didn’t get paid. God said GO to the ATM. I didn’t think I had any money in the bank, but I went and found I had $40 in my account. Don’t even know where it came from. I was ecstatic.

My life continued to be filled with favor and synchronicity.

I shared my story to encourage you to Go: God will show you the way. Pick up a copy of my book Out of the Snares a story of hope and encouragement and see how God showed me the way.

I believe that I was born to bring light to others, that’s my Life purpose

What’s your purpose?

We see things not as they are but as we are.

You have to believe in the promise. God said I know the plans I have for you plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

If you don’t believe in the word or the spirit what God said about you, then you will Never receive the promise.

Have faith believe in the promise

For example, You have to believe in the word, the gesture and the spirit that God will turn every weapon formed against you for your good.

Everything God is going to do for you is already set aside, but sometimes he takes you the long way. The Israelites wandered in the wilderness for 40 years, that was not the direct route. Just keep asking yourself, what is my purpose.

Just Go,  and he will show you the way.

Additional Resources 

How to Transform your Career with Purpose


Praying for God’s Blessing: The Power of Rain

Is there a drought in your life then you need to tap into the, power of rain. Are you, praying for rain? Rain represents food for the plants and the earth and it also represents blessings from above.

Praying for the blessing of rain is a powerful way to connect with God and ask for His help. The, power of rain, connects us to the power of God. We'll explore how Elijah prayed for rain and what happened as a result. By learning this story, we'll be able to apply the power of prayer to our own lives, and receive the blessing of rain!

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Elijah prays for rain

In this passage in the bible. Elijah climbed to the top of Mount Carmel and bowed low to the ground and prayed with his face between his knees and prayed to God to end the 3.5-year drought. He kept praying until God showed him in the spirit that the rain was. So he didn’t stop praying until Ahab told him he saw a small cloud because God showed him in his spirit that he was going to send the rain, so Elijah kept praying until he was able to birth what God showed him in the spirit.

He kept looking for the rain. He had his expectors on because he knew the rain was coming. Seven times he sent his servant Ahad to look for rain.

Finally, the seventh time, his servant told him, “I saw a little rain cloud about the size of a man’s hand rising from the sea.”

Then Elijah shouted, “Hurry to Ahab and tell him, ‘Climb into your chariot and go back home. If you don’t hurry, the rain will stop you!’”

This is what faith looks like. Faith is expecting to see in the flesh what God showed you in the spirit

A small cloud was all the confirmation Elijah needed. He started preparing for the rain. God empowered him to run so he could beat the rain, so Elijah started running.

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Transform Your Mind Podcast Podvine

Running in the rain

As a child one of my favorite things to do was run in the rain. I always loved the rain. I was born in the rain.

Rain is a blessing. Life on earth could not happen without the rain. When you see the rain don’t run from it, run in it. Walk in it.

How about when you see the rain coming. Welcome the rain. don’t complain that rain is coming.

The pandemic brought with it the drought of many things. What are you praying for today? What are you trying to birth? What did God show you in your dreams that you are expecting to show up in the flesh?

  • Is it the droughts of loneliness
  • Is it a financial drought
  • It is a drought of good health
RadioPublic Transform your mind
RadioPublic Transform your mind

God gives you strength to hold on until the rain comes

Elijah sounded the alarm that the rain was coming and soon the sky was black with clouds. A heavy wind brought a terrific rainstorm, and Ahab left quickly for Jezreel. Then the Lord gave special strength to Elijah. He tucked his cloak into his belt and ran ahead of Ahab’s chariot all the way to the entrance of Jezreel.

God will give you special strength to hold on until the rain comes.

Whatever you are lacking do not give up, do like Elijah put your head between your knees and pray until you see it manifest. Your drought will soon be over. The rain may not come today or tomorrow or even next year but keep looking and expecting it will come, it always does and one day you will run in the rain.

Additional Resources

Mind Power: The Amazing Power of Your Mind

The Impact of Casual Sex on Marriage

My grandmother taught me if you give away the cow, then there is no reason to purchase the milk.  What that means if you practice casual sex, there is no reason for a man to marry you.

Casual sex is a term that describes sexual activity that occurs outside of a romantic relationship, and implies a lack of commitment, emotional attachment, or familiarity between partnersCasual sex, can include one-night stands, prostitution, swinging, and friends with benefits relationships. Other terms for, casual sex, include hookups, trysts, and booty calls.

I got inspiration for this episode from the Fresh and Fit podcast. My son introduced me to this podcast. They have the men market covered. So since this is #1 self-improvement podcast in the world for women, I thought I should get into the conversation and share my wisdom.  The first episode I watched on the Fresh and Fit podcast was about what a high value man looks for in a woman. Good information, I realized immediately that they were picking up where, Kevin Samuels, left off.

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High Value man and casual sex

I will have a future episode on what is a, high value man, and what they look for in a woman, because ladies you at least need to know what men are thinking. Thus, the book and movie Think Like a man.  But today I want to address the phenomena of casual sex. That is women sleeping with men who don’t even call you their girlfriend or woman, much less wife. On the Fresh and Fit podcast they interview women and ask them about their body count aka how many men they have slept with because ladies it matter to a man who wants to make you his woman or wife.

So how did we get here? How did we get from women being virgins on our wedding day to discussing our body count?

I believe that someone put out the false narrative that sex is the way to a man’s heart.

My grandmother always told me that food was the way to a man’s heart that is why women over 40 know how to cook a good meal not an air fryer meal. The new generation do not even know how to cook and today everybody should be able to cook. When I first got married, I used to call my mom and ask her how to cook stuff. My daughter has never called me and asked me how to cook stuff because all she has to do is go on Google or YouTube for a recipe.

The Transform Your Mind Podcast is the #1 Personal Development Podcast for women in the world.

Life Coach Myrna Young
Life Coach Myrna Young

What a High value man looks for in a woman

I talked to my brother, a high value man, and asked him if he cares how many men his woman slept with and he told me he wouldn’t want to know. My follow up question was let’s say she slept with 30 men he almost had a conniption. He said that is almost a roulette wheel. A roulette wheel has 32 numbers. Some women get to 30 men body count in a few years.

So back to the Fresh and Fit podcast. I was trying to find that episode on the high value man and I came across the episode that was a tribute to, Kevin Samuels

It was a call-in show and one guy told a story of how he met a girl in a restaurant and totally ignored her. When he left the restaurant, she walked up to him and asked him “You want my number” and he said no.

So, she Dm’d him on Instagram and they started talking. A few weeks later she asked him if he wanted to come over. He said Yes

So, he went to her apartment and a short time later she was giving him oral sex and then according to him he was smashing it.

Then he left and never called her again and she was blowing up his phone and he never called her back.

His conclusion, the more badly you treat a woman the more she wants you.

Transform your Mind Podbean
Transform your Mind Podbean

Casual sex and your value as a woman

Men actually believe this because women always seem to love the bad boys. You seen the Whitney Houston documentary?

So, let’s dissect all the things this girl did wrong

Firstly, ladies’ men are hunters, let them hunt. Do not throw yourself at a man. If has the same effect as him finding a dead dog at his door. That’s why women in the olden days played hard to get. This allowed the men to go fishing and enjoy reeling in their catch.

# 2 Why would you invite a man to your house for sex and he hasn’t even invited you out on a date? I am trying to get into her head. Did she think she had skills and that was the way to his heart?

Ladies, according to Andre Paradis, relationship coach, the moment you have sex with a man his emotional connection with you halts. I do not know about all that, I do know that if marriage is your end game no man marries a ho.

One of the topics on the Fresh and Fit podcast is about body count. No man wants to be where everyone else been, that is why they asked the question.

If you haven’t watched the movie, Think Like a Man you need to go watch it. Steve Harvey laid out some rules like the fundamentals, Have the man call you his girlfriend before you take the cooked out of the cookie jar. Let him wait 90 days before you engage in casual sex, in the meantime let him wine and dine you. Let him work for your cookie.

Deezer Transform Your Mind Podcast
Deezer Transform Your Mind Podcast

Conclusion: let the man court you before engaging in sex

Casual sex, or giving away your milk before they buy the cow, will make you end up old and alone. I hope this helps someone.

Thanks for tuning into the transform Your mind to transform your life the podcast.  I would love to hear your comments in chat.

Additional Resources

How to Get and How to Keep a Man


Look At The Heart Not Outward Appearance

The Lord said to Samuel “Don’t judge David by his appearance or height. People judge by outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.”

In this episode of 5 min Fridays with Coach Myrna, I teach on why we should not judge our partners by their outward appearances, but by what's in their heart.

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Background story of why we should look into the heart

A blind girl hated everything and everyone except her boyfriend because he was the only one who was always there for her. When he asked her to marry him, she refused saying she could only marry a man if she could see his, eyes.

Sometime later someone gave her a pair of, eyes, and when she could see, she saw that her boyfriend was blind and his, eyes, were closed. She told him she couldn’t marry him because she couldn’t look at his closed, eyes, for the rest of her life. Her boyfriend went away with tears in his eyes.

Sometime later she received a letter from her boyfriend asking her to be careful with her, eyes, because they were once his!

So today I want to teach on how to look at the, heart, and not the covering.

True love comes from the heart

Let’s first define, true love. Is, true love, goose bumps, sexual attraction, chemistry, or is, true love, the willingness to give your partner what they need to be complete eg. your, eyes, if they can’t see?

Humans are always influenced by what they see. It is the first level of, attraction. What we see is linked to our, heart. I was watching the Tarzan movie the other day and when Tarzan met Jane, he started to sniff her private parts. Humans can’t go around doing that so we depend on our, eyes, to influence our, heart. That is why we spend hours every day tweaking our, appearance, so that we look our best.

But what about our insides?  How much time do you spend tweaking our insides so that we are the best version of ourselves?

Don't judge the outward appearance: look at the heart

The Lord said to Samuel “Don’t judge, David, by his, appearance, or height. People judge by, outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the, heart.”

Personally, I have always liked my men tall, dark and slim built and when I met my husband, I almost rejected him because he is built like a linebacker and definitely not tall and slim, but I noticed his, heart, immediately and that is why I married him.

Ladies it is nice to have a picture in your mind of what you are looking for in a man, but don’t reject someone outside of your parameters without first looking into his, heart. His, open heart, is what will love you and be emotionally available to you. It will love your kids, provide and protect your family.

I remember Joel Osteen preaching on the subject years ago. He said that his sister had this image of the man she wanted to marry and it didn’t include a red-haired man, so when a red hair man came courting, she sent him away until she realized that this was the man God chose for her. She had to let go of her idea of what a  perfect man should look like and look at the, heart, of the man in front of her.

How a man treats others reveals his heart

They have now been married for over 20 years.  Ladies sometimes you get what you ordered, but most times you have to take what shows up. Look at how the man treats you, how he treats his mother, how he treats the waiter and his relationship with God and you will get a peek into his, soul.

And if you find one with a great, heart, but not the, outward appearance, that you prefer, please don’t throw him back in the pond, because some other woman will gladly fish him out!

How to Listen to your Heart

By choosing to follow or, listen your heart, you are gaining the strength that comes from all the love you’ve ever had. Once you feel it, that love can overcome your problems.

Understand that if you approach someone with an, open heart, he or she will feel it and will most likely return a similar energy to you. That’s how relationships are born, reaching out and touching another. It’s what we all want, and it is available to you by just being willing to, listen to your heart.


Thanks for tuning into 5 min Fridays with coach Myrna. I want to invite you to join my facebook group called Lifecoach to be inspired throughout the week.

Additional Resources

Jesus’ Surprising Message on Fasting Vs Feasting

In this podcast episode, I uncover Jesus' surprising message on fasting. This will blow your mind! In this episode of 5 min Fridays with Life coach Myrna Young, author and self-development coach, I share Jesus' surprising message on fasting. This message will change the way you think about fasting, and may even inspire you to take start enjoying life.

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What Jesus said about Fasting

My foundational scripture for this message today is Mark 2:19: When asked why he or his disciples did not fast like John the Baptist and the Pharisees Jesus replied:

Do wedding guests mourn while celebrating with the groom? Of course not. But someday the groom will be taken away from them, and then they will fast.

The other two parables, which are similar, make the same point. The first one says you don’t put a new patch on an old garment, and the second says you don’t put new wine into an old wineskin.

In the first parable, if you put a new patch on an old garment, when the new patch shrinks due to washing, it will tear away from the older garment, making the tear worse. Similarly, new wine needs a new wineskin because as the new wine expands during the fermentation process, it stretches the wineskin. An old wineskin will burst under the pressure of new wine.

Listen Notes Transform Your Mind
Listen Notes Transform Your Mind

Is Intermitting fasting the same as fasting?

I have been talking a lot on the podcast about, intermittent fasting, but Jesus is talking about fasting by denying yourself food for longer periods of time. Jesus is saying that fasting and mourning go together.

Intermittent fasting, is not traditional fasting. Jesus is saying that when you are celebrating, when all is well, when your groom is with you, when your marriage is doing great, there is no need to fast in fact that is the time to eat because we eat at weddings we eat, drink and be merry.

He is also saying the day will come when (notice the language) he did not say if he said when the groom will be taken away and that is the time for mourning and fasting. 

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Google Podcast Transform Your Mind

What are you feasting on when things are good?

Today I want to change the word fasting out and replace it with feasting. What are you feasting on while your groom is with you, when all is well with your soul? How many people do not live life and have fun when everything is going well in life.

You are in a loving relationship, your groom is still with you, your children are with you, your health is with you, yet you deny yourself the pleasures of life. You work and go home, then one day you will no longer have your groom, you will no longer have your family, you will no longer have your health and that is the time for fasting and mourning; not when you should be celebrating life, when you should be feasting on the fruits of life.

Here are a few Pleasures of life you should be feasting on

1. That first sip of coffee in the morning.

2. Taking a bath.

3. Hearing the right song at the right moment.

4. The sunset.

5. A peaceful place to sit.

6. The smell of an aromatic candle.

7. Clothes fresh out of the dryer.

8. A Hot Fudge Sundae (or equally decadent dessert of your choice).

9. Receiving an unexpected compliment.

10. A hot shower after a long day.

11. Receiving a letter – yes, a handwritten letter – that’s not a bill.

12. Sleeping in.

13. Driving with your windows down.

14. Dining by candlelight.

15. The smell of freshly cut grass.

16. Dancing.

17. Freshly baked cookies.

18. Climbing into a bed with fresh sheets.

19. That feeling after finishing a tough workout.

20. Flowers beginning to bloom on a spring day.

21. The pitter-patter of rain.

22. Enjoying a home-cooked meal with your family.

23. Reading a book that resonates with you.

24. A cool breeze on a hot day.

25. Having a good laugh.

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You can't put new wine in old wineskin

Jesus also responded that we don’t put new wine in old skins because when the new wine ferments it will burst the old skin.

He is also telling us that we need to change our ways change our mindset, renew your mind.

If you try to put new information in an old mindset you are going to have a problem. So, take a look at your fruit. If you don’t have the fruit that you want, then you need to start changing your wineskin, your mindset.

That new mindset could be I am going to live until I die. I am going to start feasting on the abundance this life has to offer, because the day is going come to an end, then I will experience loss and mourning and thus the need for fasting, but not today.

Thanks for tuning into this weeks episode of 5 min Fridays with coach Myrna

Additional resources

Jim Rohn on How to Improve Yourself


Did Alcohol Cause Wendy Williams Dementia?

The Netflix Documentary “Where is Wendy Williams?” opened the discussion if alcohol caused, Wendy Williams dementia. In this episode Coach Myrna explores the link between excessive alcohol consumption and dementia. Is Wendy Williams dementia, caused by her excessive alcohol consumption? Drawing inspiration from the Wendy Williams documentary, Myrna delves into the scientific evidence behind this connection and emphasizes the importance of moderation in alcohol intake. By adopting a mindful approach to drinking, individuals can not only preserve cognitive health but also promote overall well-being and longevity.

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So, since this subject is a hot topic, I decided to do some research and explore the connection between excessive alcohol intake and, Wendy Williams dementia. the risk of developing dementia. I want to shed some light on the scientific evidence and offer insights into how moderation when drinking alcohol can play a crucial role in preserving cognitive health and preventing dementia.

The Impact of Alcohol on Wendy Williams Dementia

Alcohol consumption has long been a topic of concern when it comes to our overall health. In recent years, the potential link between excessive alcohol consumption and dementia has garnered significant attention. This connection was recently highlighted in the, Wendy Williams dementia, where she revealed that she was suffering from alcohol-related dementia.

Excessive alcohol consumption can have detrimental effects on our health, both physically and mentally. When people drink excessively, it is often a way to numb emotional pain or cope with difficult situations. In, Wendy Williams dementia, the pain of her husband's infidelity and the resulting pregnancy of his mistress led her to turn to alcohol as a means of escape. However, this coping mechanism ultimately led to the deterioration of her health, the loss of her show, and the devastating effects of dementia.

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Transform Your Mind Podnews

Understanding Wendy Williams Dementia and its Link to Alcohol Consumption

Dementia is a collective term for a range of cognitive impairments that affect memory, thinking, and social abilities. Alzheimer's disease is the most common form of dementia, but there are other types such as vascular dementia and Lewy body dementia. Research has increasingly explored lifestyle factors that contribute to the development of dementia, and alcohol consumption has emerged as a potential player in this complex equation.

Numerous scientific studies have investigated the relationship between alcohol and dementia, revealing that excessive alcohol intake can lead to structural and functional changes in the brain. These changes include shrinkage of brain tissue and alterations in neurotransmitter function. When neurons are not firing together properly, cognitive decline occurs over time. Additionally, heavy drinking can lead to conditions such as liver disease and nutritional deficiencies, further increasing the risk of dementia.

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Transform Your Mind Podcast Player FM

The Importance of Moderation and Responsible Drinking

While the evidence suggests a connection between heavy alcohol consumption and an increased risk of dementia, it is important to note that moderation may be the key to preserving cognitive function. Moderate alcohol consumption has been associated with certain health benefits, such as the resveratrol found in red wine, which is believed to be good for the heart. However, it is crucial to differentiate between moderate drinking and excessive drinking.

Excessive alcohol consumption, as demonstrated by Wendy Williams' experience, can tip the scale towards detrimental effects on cognitive function. Drinking three bottles of wine in one night or consuming a bottle of vodka is excessive and can have long-term effects on brain health. The key is to strike a balance between enjoying the potential benefits of alcohol in moderation and minimizing the associated health risks.

Health organizations, including the World Health Organization and national health agencies, provide guidelines on alcohol consumption. These guidelines emphasize moderate and responsible drinking, with clear definitions of what constitutes a standard drink. Adhering to these recommendations can help individuals maintain a balance between enjoying the potential benefits of alcohol and minimizing the risk of developing dementia and other health issues.

Netflix Documentary Where is Wendy Williams

The Wendy Williams documentary shed light on the devastating effects of alcohol-related dementia. Each story and documentary serves as a reminder of what not to do and the importance of learning from others' mistakes. Excessive alcohol consumption can contribute to an increased risk of developing dementia, highlighting the importance of moderation and responsible drinking.

As we navigate the complexities of health and lifestyle choices, it becomes evident that excessive alcohol consumption can have long-term consequences on cognitive health. Adopting a mindful approach to alcohol intake not only promotes cognitive well-being but also contributes to overall health and longevity. While it may be tempting to indulge in excessive drinking for temporary relief or enjoyment, the potential long-term effects on brain health and the risk of developing dementia should serve as a sobering reminder to prioritize moderation and responsible drinking.

Excessive alcohol consumption has been linked to an increased risk of dementia. The scientific evidence highlights the structural and functional changes in the brain caused by alcohol, leading to cognitive decline over time. Moderation and responsible drinking are crucial in preserving cognitive health and preventing dementia. By adopting a mindful approach to alcohol intake, individuals can strike a balance between enjoying the potential benefits of alcohol and minimizing the associated health risks. Let us learn from Wendy Williams' experience and make choices that prioritize our long-term cognitive well-being.

What is Dementia:

Dementia is a collective term for a range of cognitive impairments that affect memory, thinking, and social abilities, significantly impacting daily life. Alzheimer's disease is the most common form of dementia, but other types include vascular dementia, and Lewy body dementia. Research has increasingly explored lifestyle factors contributing to the development of dementia, and alcohol consumption has emerged as a potential player in this complex equation.

The Science Behind alcohol related dementia:

Numerous studies have investigated the relationship between alcohol and dementia. Excessive alcohol intake has been linked to structural and functional changes in the brain, including shrinkage of brain tissues and alterations in neurotransmitter function. These changes may contribute to cognitive decline over time. Additionally, heavy drinking can lead to conditions such as liver disease and nutritional deficiencies, which can further exacerbate the risk of dementia.

Moderation Matters with alcohol

While the evidence suggests a connection between heavy alcohol consumption and an increased risk of dementia, it's important to note that moderation may be the key to cognitive function. Moderate alcohol consumption has been associated with certain health benefits, particularly for the heart. For example, 2 glasses of red wine because of the resveratrol from grapes, is good for the heart. However, exceeding recommended limits like drinking 3 bottles of wine in one night, can tip the scales towards detrimental effects on cognitive function.

Guidelines and Recommendations:

Health organizations, including the World Health Organization and national health agencies, provide guidelines on alcohol consumption. These guidelines typically emphasize moderate and responsible drinking, with clear definitions of what constitutes a standard drink. Adhering to these recommendations can help individuals strike a balance between enjoying the potential benefits of alcohol in moderation and minimizing the associated health risks.


The Wendy Williams documentary highlighted, Wendy Williams dementia. The reasons stories are told is not only for entertainment purposes but to allow us to learn from the mistakes of others. As we navigate the complexities of health and lifestyle choices, it becomes evident that excessive alcohol consumption may contribute to an increased risk of developing dementia. Acknowledging this potential link underscores the importance of moderation and responsible drinking. Ultimately, adopting a mindful approach to alcohol intake may not only promote cognitive well-being but also contribute to overall health and longevity.

Art of Fluidity: How to Flow Like Water

Water is a powerful force of nature that can teach us valuable lessons about life. Just like a river flowing through its banks, we too encounter obstacles and challenges along our journey. By mastering the art of fluidity, we can learn to navigate these obstacles with grace, ease, determination, and humility. In this article, we will explore the wisdom of water and discover six ways to flow like water in our own lives.

Download the podcast Here:

Key Takeaways: Flow Like Water

  • Embrace change: Water does not resist obstacles; it finds a way around them. Similarly, embracing change is crucial for personal growth. Learn to adapt to new circumstances, challenges, and opportunities with a flexible and open mindset.
  • Cultivate resilience: Water does not break; it bends. Developing resilience is key to navigating life's ups and downs. Like water, bounce back from setbacks and view challenges as opportunities to strengthen your resilience.
  • Find your path: Water finds its path. Rivers don't flow in a straight line; they meander and adapt to the landscape. In life, discover your unique path and be open to exploration. Allow yourself the freedom to evolve and pursue your passions.

Embrace Change like Water

Water is a master at adapting to change. It does not resist obstacles; instead, it finds a way around them. Similarly, embracing change is crucial for personal growth. Life is full of unexpected twists and turns, and the ability to adapt to new circumstances, challenges, and opportunities is essential.

As Coach Myrna Young explains, “Embracing change is crucial for personal growth. Learn to adapt to new circumstances, challenges, and opportunities with a flexible and open mindset.” When we resist change, we limit our potential for growth and development. By embracing change, we open ourselves up to new possibilities and experiences.

Cultivate Resilience

Water does not break; it bends. It is a powerful force that can withstand tremendous pressure. Similarly, developing resilience is key to navigating life's ups and downs. Just like water, we can bounce back from setbacks and view challenges as opportunities to strengthen our resilience.

Coach Myrna Young emphasizes the importance of cultivating resilience, stating, “Developing resilience is key to navigating life's ups and downs. Like water, bounce back from setbacks and view challenges as opportunities to strengthen your resilience.” Resilience allows us to bounce back from adversity and continue moving forward. It enables us to face challenges head-on and overcome them with determination and perseverance.

Find Your Path

Water finds its path. Rivers don't flow in a straight line; they meander and adapt to the landscape. In life, it is essential to discover our unique path and be open to exploration. We must allow ourselves the freedom to evolve and pursue our passions.

Coach Myrna Young encourages us to find our path, stating, “In life, discover your unique path and be open to exploration. Allow yourself the freedom to evolve and pursue your passions.” Just like water, we must adapt to the circumstances and flow with the current. By finding our path and staying true to ourselves, we can navigate life's challenges with authenticity and purpose.

Stay Present

Water is fully present in the moment, whether it's flowing gently or crashing with force. It teaches us the importance of mindfulness and staying present in our own lives. By practicing mindfulness, we can respond thoughtfully to situations rather than react impulsively.

Coach Myrna Young highlights the significance of staying present, stating, “Practice mindfulness to stay present in your own life. This allows you to respond thoughtfully to situations rather than react impulsively.” When we are fully present, we can make conscious choices and act in alignment with our values and goals. It enables us to navigate life's currents with clarity and intention.

Water Goes with the Flow

Water effortlessly moves with the current, adapting its course accordingly. It teaches us the importance of letting go of rigid plans and going with the flow. Going with the flow doesn't mean being passive; it means being adaptable and responsive to the circumstances.

Coach Myrna Young shares a powerful visual, stating, “Imagine being in a rapid and paddling against the current. You're not going anywhere. But if you sit back and let the river take you where it wants to go, it's a much more pleasurable experience.” When we stop fighting against the current and go with the flow, we allow life to unfold naturally. We embrace the unknown and trust that everything is happening for our highest good.

Learn from Nature

Observing water in nature provides profound lessons. From the tranquility of a pond to the power of a waterfall, water exemplifies adaptability and fluidity. Spending time in nature allows us to draw inspiration and reflect on our own journey.

Coach Myrna Young encourages us to learn from nature, stating, “Observing water in nature provides some profound lessons. Spend time in nature to draw inspiration and reflect on your own journey.” Nature has a way of reminding us of our interconnectedness and the wisdom that can be found in the natural world. By immersing ourselves in nature, we can gain a deeper understanding of ourselves and our place in the universe.

In Conclusion

Mastering the art of, flowing like water, is an ongoing process. Embrace change, cultivate resilience, find your path, stay present, go with the flow, and learn from nature. These are the steps towards living a more adaptable and fluid life. As we navigate the currents of life, let us remember the wisdom of water and strive to be flexible, resilient, and graceful in our journey.

So, the next time you sit by a lake or watch a river flowing, take a moment to reflect on the lessons water can teach us. Embrace the fluidity of life and allow yourself to flow with grace and ease. Remember, just like water, you have the power to adapt, overcome, and find your unique path.

Transforming Mental Garbage into Beautiful Flowers

Just as, beautiful flowers, can emerge from compost, our minds have the power to transform negative emotions and thoughts into positivity. However, the first step towards this transformation is recognizing and acknowledging the, mental garbage, that exists within us. Depression, anger, jealousy, unforgiveness, and greed are all examples of this, mental garbage. When we hold onto these, negative emotions, they can strangle the vibrancy of our thoughts and hinder our, personal growth.

Coach Myrna emphasizes that we can recognize our, mental garbage, by how it makes us feel. Garbage is stinky and dirty, and when our minds are filled with negative thoughts and emotions, people respond to us in the same way they respond to garbage. Therefore, it is crucial to identify and acknowledge these, negative emotions, as the first step towards transformation.

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Cultivating the Soil: Creating a Fertile Ground for Beautiful Flowers

Just as a gardener tends to the soil to nurture plant growth, we can cultivate our minds through mindfulness and self-reflection. By embracing practices such as meditation, mindfulness exercises, and journaling, we create a fertile ground for, beautiful flowers, to take root. This mental composting lays the foundation for, personal growth, resilience, and emotional well-being.

Coach Myrna compares cultivating the soil of our minds to giving it sunshine, water, and nutrients. We need to replace, negative thoughts, with positive ones, just as we replace weeds with, beautiful flowers, in a garden. Depression cannot flourish in the presence of gratitude, so by transforming our, negative thoughts, with positive ones, we create a fertile ground for positivity to grow.

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The Alchemy of Forgiveness: Turning Weight into Flowers

Unforgiveness is a heavy burden that weighs us down and acts as dense material in the compost of our minds. However, through the alchemy of forgiveness, we can transform this weight into the flowers of compassion and liberation. Forgiving others and ourselves can be a catalyst for personal metamorphosis.

Coach Myrna uses the metaphor of alchemy, the transformation of lead into gold, to illustrate the power of forgiveness. Just as alchemy turns something undesirable into something valuable, forgiveness can turn the weight of unforgiveness into compassion and liberation. By letting go of grudges and resentments, we create space for, personal growth, and the blooming of our true selves.

Seeds of Gratitude: Nurturing the Garden of Positivity

Gratitude is like planting seeds in the fertile soil of our minds. By nurturing our minds with gratitude, we can create a garden flourishing with positivity. Cultivating an attitude of gratitude and appreciating the small joys of life can lead to a radiant landscape of resilience and joy.

Coach Myrna emphasizes the importance of being grateful for even the smallest things in life. From the breath we take, to the food we eat, there is always something to be grateful for. By planting seeds of gratitude, we overshadow the, mental garbage, and allow the, beautiful flowers,  of positivity to bloom. Gratitude becomes the water that nourishes our garden, allowing it to flourish with joy and resilience.

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Trimming Negativity: Creating Space for Self-Confidence and Contentment

Just as a skilled gardener prunes away unwanted branches and weeds, we can trim the negativity of jealousy, envy, and other negative thoughts. By consciously choosing to focus on our own growth rather than comparing ourselves to others, we make space for the, beautiful flowers, of self-confidence and contentment.

Coach Myrna encourages us to recognize these, negative emotions, and consciously choose to let them go. By pruning away these thoughts, we create space for self-confidence and contentment to flourish. Instead of being consumed by jealousy and envy, we can focus on our own, personal growth, and celebrate the successes of others.

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Blooming Minds: The Transformative Power Within

The dance between the discarded and the beautiful, the transformation of, mental garbage, into, beautiful flowers, is a testament to the resilience of the human spirit. By embracing the process of self-cultivation and tending to the garden within, we can witness the extraordinary growth that is possible. As we acknowledge and transform our, mental garbage, we create a landscape adorned with the colors of positivity, resilience, and enduring beauty.

In conclusion, our minds have the power to, transform negative emotions, and thoughts into something beautiful, just like nature transforms compost into, beautiful flowers. By recognizing and acknowledging our, mental garbage, cultivating the soil of our minds through mindfulness and self-reflection, embracing the alchemy of forgiveness, nurturing gratitude, and trimming negativity, we can create a garden flourishing with positivity, resilience, and joy. So let us tend to the garden within and watch as the once overlooked weeds metamorphose into vibrant blossoms of personal evolution.

0:00 Introduction to the topic of transforming mental garbage into flowers
1:02 Recognizing the negative emotions as mental garbage
2:17 Cultivating the soil of the mind through mindfulness and self-reflection
3:45 The alchemy of forgiveness and its transformative power
5:12 Planting the seeds of gratitude to nurture positivity
6:30 Trimming the weeds of jealousy and envy to focus on personal growth
8:00 Conclusion and embracing the process of self-cultivation
9:20 Encouragement to subscribe, leave a review, and thanks for tuning in

Self Confidence: The Courage To Be You

In this episode of 5 min Fridays with Coach Myrna, I want to talk to you about self-confidence and the courage to be you. The kind that says I know who I am and I don’t need you to validate me. I accept and trust myself and my abilities. I know my strengths and weaknesses. I choose to work on my strengths and not my weaknesses because my strengths are what is going to propel me forward.

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A self confidence story

I heard this story and I want to share with you today to illustrate self confidence and how you see yourself.

Jim worked at a radio station all his life. He was a well-known and famous radio show host. All of his friends and colleges knew him by one feature: if he’s on-air, he is always wearing a suit and a tie. They laughed at him: ‘No one ever sees you, why do you dress like that?’, but he always turned that into a joke.

One day Jim was invited to appear on the TV. There was a show dedicated to the oldest radio employees. For the first time the people, who only knew him by his voice, would see him. Before the recording of the show, the director came to Jim and asked:

– Usually you arrive on time, but today you are 10 minutes late. It’s not horrible, but I’m still interested, why?

– You see, – Jim answered, – at the last moment when I was already dressed up, I noticed that I don’t have new socks. For the first time I was invited to the television, and I thought that simply wearing clean socks is not enough. It needs to be in new socks. So, I needed to go to the store for socks.

– But why do you need new socks? – The director was surprised. – You could have come without the socks, because we will be filming you only in close-up, over the waist.

– You see, to be spotless on-air, I need to feel myself spotless in everything, starting with the shirt and finishing with the pen in my pocket. And if my socks have holes in them, or my shoes are dirty, I’m not spotless anymore.

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Self confidence is an internal feeling

Nobody could tell that Jim’s socks had holes in them, but he could and that meant he no longer had confidence in himself.

Maybe his internal dialogue went something like this

You call yourself spotless that’s a joke you are no better than the bum on the street with holes in your socks.

Self-confidence comes from trusting your abilities: For example, I know that I will pass this test.

Confidence is also trusting how you look. Tell yourself “When I walk into a room people notice me because I am fine.”

Self-confidence does not come from flattery or meaningless compliments because when you don’t get them, you lose confidence in yourself and the negative voices in your head start running on repeat.

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How to be confident: Be yourself

How to be confident, the first step is having the courage to be you. This means that you understand that you are not good at everything and the things you are not good at, you get help with. For example, you are good at seeing the vision but you are not good with the details; so you hire an assistant to help you with the details.  You are still the captain of the ship, you are the master of your soul don’t let anyone else take the wheel because you lose confidence. Be confident that you are going in the right direction.

How to build confidence and self esteem: Self-esteem, self-confidence, and self-image all fall in the same bundle—about feeling good about yourself, feeling more like a winner than a loser. What gets in the way? Generally, a cause and a result: The cause is that you learned to be too self-critical, likely by having critical and unsupportive people around you. You never give yourself a break; even the smallest mistake—the burned biscuits—is another demerit and sign of your incompetence. Your expectations are impossibly high, and everything—even the biscuits—is what you’re overall competence is measured by.


How to be confident is always have the courage to be you. Embrace your strengths and accept your weaknesses. There is no one like you, so you better have the confidence to love yourself.

Additional Resources

How to Use Mantras to Build Self-Confidence (The Skill of Self Confidence)



Golden Buddha: Unveiling Your Inner Radiance

We are all like the, golden buddha, underneath, we cover up our, inner greatness, with the, mud, of, self-doubt, feelings of, not being good enough, insecurity and other, negative emotions.

In this episode of 5 mins with Coach Myrna, I want to teach on the subject 3 ways to let your, inner greatness, shine through. I want to use the story of the, Golden Buddha, as my foundational story.

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The Golden Buddha

Story of the Golden Buddha that was covered up in mud by the monks so that the gold couldn’t shine through.

In Bangkok there is a golden statue of the Buddha that stands 9’8” tall, weighs 5.5 tons and is worth approximately 250 million in gold.

The statue was thought to be built in 1,403 and was revered by Buddhist for many hundreds of years. In 1,757 the Burmese Army was invading Thailand. Facing complete annihilation, the Buddhist monks at the monastery hastily began covering their, Golden Buddha, with plaster, which was painted and inlaid with bits of colored glass, to make it look of little or no value to the invading army. During the invasion all the Buddhist monks were tragically murdered, but the, Golden Buddha, was left undiscovered.

In 1957 an entire Monastery in Thailand was being relocated by a group of monks. One day they were moving a giant clay Buddha when one of the monks noticed a large crack in the clay. On closer investigation he saw there was a golden light emanating from the crack. The monk used a hammer and a chisel to chip away at the clay exterior until he revealed that the statue was in fact made of solid gold.

Don't cover up your inner greatness with mud

This story illustrates the point that we can cover up our value by layering it with, mud, as well. So let me ask you.  What is your, mud?

What life experiences added layers of, mud, and covered up your value to the world?

We are all, golden buddhas, underneath, but we cover up our, inner greatness, with the, mud of self-doubt, feelings of not being good enough, insecurity and other, negative emotions.

Here are 3 ways to chip away at your mud let your inner greatness shine through:

  1. Identify your mud. Is it self-doubt? Lack of self-worth? Body image, not being good enough? You can’t change what you don’t identify and until you dig through the layers of mud you can’t shine and become what you were created to do.

Meaning, our delusionary self-creation process starts early in our childhood.

Often, we had to be unnaturally attuned to the demands of our parents, sensing we had to comply in order to be loved and tolerated; we had to be false before we had the chance to feel properly alive.

And this continues in our educational systems and careers.

Most of the time, we are putting on a mask, complying with our teachers, our bosses, our colleagues, our partners, our friends…

2. Speak to the mud on your Golden Buddha

if your, mud, is feelings of not being good enough for example then speak to those feelings and tell them that you are good enough, you were created for this purpose. If your, mud, is body image tell it that you are wonderfully made and beauty comes in all shapes and sizes and you are perfect just the way you are.

“Every problem is a gift – without problems we would not grow.” Believing that problems are opportunities to grow, rather than insurmountable obstacles, is called a, growth mindset, and it’s essential if you want to learn how to stop being insecure. Instead of feeling like a failure just because we have, insecurities, we gain the freedom to view those, insecurities, as a source of information for our personal and professional growth.

Instead of avoiding our, insecurities, we learn to speak to them. Most,  insecurities, are not based on facts, so you can speak to them and challenge them.  As you commit yourself to putting aside your fears and utilizing your insecurity as a source of valuable information, you eliminate the “what ifs” associated with avoidance and open the door to opportunity.

3. Take action to remove the mud:

  • Our daily behaviors reflect our deepest beliefs.
  • Clean up your language and speak life into your situation.
  • Take massive action to change your beliefs.
  • Train your mind with new beliefs and affirmations.

Realize that you were conditioned to believe that you can’t do something.  Think of the elephant that is controlled by a sodden stick in the ground.

Figure out, When did you decide to accept this limitation.

Resources in the mind are unlimited, use the fuel of your thoughts to find the resources to do something great and uncover your, Golden Buddha, your, inner greatness, and let your value shin through.


Thanks for tuning into this week’s episode of 5 min Fridays with Coach Myrna. I want to invite you to join my Facebook group called Lifecoach to be inspired throughout the week. Until next time Namaste

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Under Pressure: No Pressure No Diamonds

Are you under pressure? The timeless wisdom encapsulated in the phrase “No pressure, no diamonds” invites us to reframe adversity as an opportunity for growth, resilience, and the discovery of our true brilliance. It allows us to shine like a diamond.

In the tapestry of life, challenges and pressures are the crucible that forges our character and brings forth the radiant gems within. So if you find yourself, under pressure, embrace it as the pressure that forms your diamonds.

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Under pressure: Embrace your challenges

No pressure no diamonds, speaks to the idea that pressure, much like the intense heat required to create diamonds, is the force that refines and shapes us. Instead of fearing challenges, we are encouraged to embrace them as the transformative catalysts that bring out our inner strength and resilience.

if you're above ground then you're going to have challenges so make those challenges shape you, make those challenges make you shine like a diamond.  The Mantra or the phrase, no pressure no diamonds, speak speaks to the idea that pressure much like the intense heat required to create diamonds is the force that shapes and refines us.

So instead of fearing challenges we're encouraged to embrace them as the transformative catalysts that bring out our inner strength and Brilliance.  All right, so do not run from the challenges they are here to shape you and make you shine shine like a diamond.  How are diamonds made?  By pressure!  Diamonds are renowned for their Brilliance and similarly within each individual lies a unique Brilliance waiting to be uncovered.  The challenges we face serve as the polishing agents that reveal the inequalities, talent and capabilities that remain hidden in the absence of adversity.

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A Diamond start off as a Coal

You all know that diamonds start off as coal, and the pressure make this big lump of coal,  this horrible looking stuff, turn into one of the most valuable commodities on Earth.  So if you are coal right now, accept adversity, accept the pressure because that is what going to turn you into a diamond! Growth through adversity, this is a call to view adversity not as an obstacle but as an essential part of the journey towards self-discovery and personal evolution.

Just as a diamond emerges from the rough, our true potential is often realized through navigating and overcoming life's difficulties.  Resilience forms diamonds, resilience is the ability to buns back from challenges. Resilience is the jewel that glistens, under pressure.  The mantra, no pressure no diamonds, inspires us to cultivate resilience as a precious asset allowing us to navigate life's complexities with Grace and emerge stronger on the other side of adversity, transforming pressure into power.  Rather than succumbing to the weight of pressure, this mantra empowers us to harness it as a source of energy and motivation.

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Transform Your Mind

No Pressure No Diamonds: Pressure reveals our Brilliance:

Diamonds are renowned for their brilliance, and similarly, within each individual lies a unique brilliance waiting to be uncovered. The pressures and challenges we face serve as the polishing agents that reveal the innate qualities, talents, and capabilities that may remain hidden in the absence of adversity.

A diamond's brilliance is the amount of white light it reflectsBrilliance is an optical property of diamonds that contributes to their value, beauty, and price. It's also the basis for a diamond's brightness and sparkle

Under pressure: Grow Through Adversity:

“No pressure, no diamonds” is a call to view adversity not as an obstacle, but as an essential part of the journey toward self-discovery and personal evolution. Just as a diamond emerges from, under pressure, our true potential is often realized through navigating and overcoming life's difficulties.

Growing through adversity means that adversity changes us. When things get difficult, we tend to drop our self-care and focus on sticking to what we know. That's how we burn out, not because we wear out from working too much — which is often how we deal with adversity — but because we're not integrating our emotions.

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No Pressure No Diamonds: Resilience forms diamonds

Resilience, the ability to bounce back from challenges, is the jewel that glistens, under pressure. The mantra, inspires us to cultivate resilience as a precious asset, allowing us to navigate life's complexities with grace and emerge stronger on the other side of adversity.

It’s important to note that being resilient requires a skill set that you can work on and grow over time. Building resilience takes time, strength, and help from people around you; you’ll likely experience setbacks along the way. It depends on personal behaviors and skills (like self-esteem and communication skills), as well as external things (like social support and resources available to you).

Being resilient does not mean that people don’t experience stress, emotional upheaval, and suffering. Demonstrating resilience includes working through emotional pain and suffering.

Under Pressure: Transform it to Power:

Rather than succumbing to the weight of pressure, this mantra empowers us to harness it as a source of energy and motivation. When viewed through the lens of growth, it becomes the fuel that propels us forward, driving us to reach new heights and achieve our aspirations.

Pressure: Lessons from Nature:

Nature itself teaches us the profound truth embedded in this phrase. Diamonds are formed deep within the Earth under immense pressure. Similarly, our personal diamonds – our strengths, wisdom, and resilience – often emerge through the trials and tribulations of life.

No Pressure No Diamonds: Celebrate the Journey:

When we face challenges, it is a reminder to celebrate the entire journey, including the challenges along the way. Each obstacle is an opportunity for transformation, and every step taken under pressure is a facet that contributes to the multifaceted brilliance of our lives.


In the grand symphony of life, “no pressure no diamonds” echoes as a powerful refrain, urging us to embrace challenges, cultivate resilience, and recognize the brilliance that resides within. As we navigate the complexities of our journeys, may this mantra inspire us to shine brightly, transformed by the pressures that shape us into the unique and resilient individuals we are meant to become.

Additional Resources

How to Shine Like a Diamond with Clarity and Value

212 Degrees: The Extra One Degree of Effort

At 211 degrees, water is hot. At 212 degrees it boils and turns to steam. That steam can power a train. The extra, one degree of effort is all it takes to go from water to steam.  Are you living your life on cruise control? If so, you will always be mediocre and always missing the podium. So, I want to share with you what happens between, 211 degrees, and just one extra degree at, 212 degrees.

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Water boils at 212 degrees

Below 32 degrees, water is solid.

Above 32, water is liquid.

At 211 degrees, water is hot.

At, 212 degrees, water boils, it turns to steam, and steam can power a train. One extra, degree, can change the state of water. One extra, degree of effort, can be the thing that takes you to the next level. One extra, degree of effort, in sports and life, can separate the good from the great. One extra, degree of effort, can change your life.

Here are some examples of that one degree of effort.
  • Olympic – Men’s Giant Slalom 0.17 seconds was the margin of victory that means that the winner gave that extra, degree of effort, to win by 0.17 seconds.
  • Olympic men’s 800-meter 0.05 seconds margin of victory. That means a push at the finish line. 0.05 seconds is a neck!

By giving that one extra, degree of effort, moved them from hot to steaming, these champions achieved results beyond their wildest expectations.

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Getting to 212 degrees daily

You can get to, 212 degrees, daily. The extra, degree of effort, is something we can all apply ..every day.

This is your life you are responsible for the results.

Those results that can take you beyond your wildest dreams.

So, if you want to win, then it is time to turn up the heat.

Nobody wants a Luke warm person.

Are you Lukewarm in your affections?

Lukewarm in your efforts?

If you are not feeling the heat, you are not pushing hard enough.

Have you ever tried to build muscle? How do you build muscle? You build muscle by giving that extra degree of effort to feel the burn.  When you feel the burn, we always want to stop, but you have to do one more repetition, you have to feel the pain that extra degree of effort to get to 212 degrees!!

Arnold Schwarzenegger said he used to work his arms until they hung limp at his sides shaking.

Do you think he was lukewarm in his training? No, the 6-time Mr. Olympia had steam coming from his nostrils!

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Here are 3 ways to turn up the heat to get you to 212 degrees:

Consider the ABC's of change:

Attitude: Everything starts with your attitude. When you turn up the heat, water starts the process of turning into steam. A small change in your, attitude, can have a positive impact on your behavior. When you have a positive, growth mindset, gritty attitude, your behavior improves. When you believe you can do something, you attack it with more force. Approach everything with the right attitude. You have to believe you can win. Water knows it can turn to steam.

Behavior: Growth and improvement happen in small, consistent acts over time. Show me your habits and show me how you are acting and behaving and I will show you how you will perform. Water changes when its temperature changes. We perform better when we make positive changes in our behavior and have better habits.

Consistency: You can't do something just once and expect to see change. When water gets to, 212 degrees, it starts to steam, but if you remove it from the heat then drops back down to, 211 degrees, it will return back to just water at 32 degrees. If you can't stay consistent, you will fall back to who you were, lukewarm.

Thanks for tuning into this week’s episode of 5 min Fridays with coach Myrna

Additional Resources

Motivate Yourself with The Power of Positive Thinking


From Knowledge to Action: If You Know Better Do Better

In a world brimming with information and opportunities for growth, the simple yet profound mantra “If you know better do better” serves as a guiding light on the path to personal development and positive change.

Key Takeaways:

  • Acknowledging that you “know better” requires self-awareness and reflection.
  • Understanding alone is not enough; action is the catalyst for transformation.
  • Embracing a growth mindset and overcoming the fear of failure are essential for progress.

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The Power of Self Awareness

The first step towards personal growth and positive change is self-awareness. Acknowledging that you “know better” requires a heightened sense of awareness, where you recognize areas in your life that can be improved. This self-reflection can encompass personal habits, relationships, or even societal contributions.

Social contributions include social security contributions by employees, employers, and self-employed individuals, and other contributions whose source cannot be determined. They also include actual or imputed contributions to social insurance schemes operated by governments.

For example, smoking is a habit that many people know is detrimental to their health. The knowledge that smoking causes lung cancer is widely available, yet some individuals continue to smoke. This discrepancy between knowledge and action highlights the importance of self-awareness. By recognizing the negative impact of smoking and acknowledging that they “know better,” individuals can take the necessary steps to quit and improve their health.

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Do Better: Breaking the Chains of Inaction

While self awareness is crucial, understanding alone is not enough. Action is the catalyst for transformation. The mantra “If you know better, do better” challenges individuals to break free from the inertia of complacency and take intentional steps towards positive change.

In today's fast-paced world, it is easy to become overwhelmed by information and remain stagnant. However, true growth and progress require action. Merely knowing what needs to be done is not sufficient; one must actively engage in the process of change. As the saying goes, “knowledge is power, if you use it.” It is through action that knowledge is transformed into tangible results. My people perish for lack of knowledge, is no longer true.

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If you know better, do better: Embracing Growth Mindset

The mantra “If you know better, do better” embodies the essence of a growth mindset. A growth mindset is the belief that abilities and intelligence can be developed through dedication and hard work. It is a mindset that embraces challenges, persists in the face of obstacles, and sees failure as an opportunity for growth.

In a culture where information is readily available, there is no excuse for feigning ignorance. With the abundance of resources such as books, podcasts, and online courses, individuals have the means to acquire knowledge and learn new skills. By embracing a, growth mindset, and actively seeking out opportunities for growth, individuals can continuously improve themselves and their lives.

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Overcoming Fear of Failure

The, fear of failure, often hinders progress. Many individuals, know better, but do not, do better, because they are afraid of failing. However, the mantra “If you know better, do better” invites us to confront this fear and take action.

Failure is not something to be feared but rather embraced as a learning opportunity. Elon Musk once said, “Failure is a learning experience. The only way to learn is by making mistakes.” Each attempt, even if it falls short of the desired outcome, brings valuable lessons and insights. By reframing failure as a stepping stone towards success, individuals can overcome their fear and take the necessary risks to achieve their, personal development goals.

Accountability: If you know better do better 

Beyond personal growth, the mantra “If you know better, do better” emphasizes accountability. It challenges individuals to take responsibility for their actions and fosters a sense of accountability not only to oneself but also to the wider community and the world.

When individuals recognize that they have the knowledge and ability to make a positive impact, they become accountable for their actions. This accountability extends beyond personal spheres and contributes to the betterment of communities, societies, and the world at large. By taking ownership of their actions and striving to do better, individuals can create a positive legacy for future generations.

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Did you know that it typically takes most podcasters 10 to 15 hours to edit a one-hour show? And that does not include show nates and transcripts.

“One of the best things I ever did was start this podcast. It’s led to the many life-changing conversations and the amazing community of mindset fans that’s formed around it.

But it also took up a lot of my time in post-production, that is until I found the Alitu podcasting software.

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Get started with Alitu on the monthly plan of $38. Start for free with a seven-day free trial.  So, why not give it a try.

Head on over to  to get started.

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Alitu the podcast maker

Know Better Do better: Inspiring Others through affirmative action 

Living by the principle of “If you know better, do better” sets an inspiring example for those around you. Your actions become a beacon, encouraging others to embark on their journeys of positive change and continuous improvement.

When others witness the transformative power of, affirmative action, they are inspired to follow suit. By leading by example and demonstrating the positive outcomes that can be achieved through knowledge and action, individuals can inspire a ripple effect of betterment in their communities and beyond.

If you Know better do better: The Ripple Effect of Betterment

The cumulative effect of individuals striving to do better creates a ripple effect that extends beyond personal spheres. It contributes to the betterment of communities, societies, and the world at large, creating a positive legacy for future generations.

When individuals embrace the mantra “If you know better, do better,” they become agents of change. Their actions, no matter how small, have the potential to create a ripple effect that inspires others to take action. This collective effort towards positive change can lead to a brighter, more enlightened future for all.

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Habit Grows Out Of Environment — Out Of Doing The Same Thing In The Same Way Repeatedly — Out Of Thinking The Same Thoughts Over And Over — And When Once Formed It Resembles Cement Which Has Sent In The Molds And Is Hard To Break.”

In Conclusion

In the tapestry of personal growth, the mantra “If you know better, do better” weaves a thread of wisdom and action. It calls us to move beyond passive awareness and embrace the transformative power of intentional, positive change. As we navigate the complexities of life, may this mantra guide our decisions, inspire our actions, and lead us toward a brighter, more enlightened future.

Additional Resources 

Mind Power: The Amazing Power of Your Mind

The Pursuit of Happiness: Emotional Baggage

In, the pursuit of happiness, we need to first let go or or mental cows or, emotional baggage. In this podcast episode, coach Myrna explores the metaphorical cows that bind us, such as societal expectations, comparisons, grudges, and material pursuits. Learn how to identify and release these burdens, freeing yourself to find genuine joy and contentment and, the pursuit of happiness.

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Key Takeaways:

  • Emotional baggage can hinder our, pursuit of happiness, by binding us to routines, expectations, and unnecessary burdens.
  • Letting go of our mental cows, such as societal expectations, comparisons, grudges, and material pursuits, is essential for finding genuine joy.
  • By releasing these mental constraints, we create space for happiness to flourish and live life on our own terms.

Identifying Your Herd: Recognizing Your Mental Cows

Here is a story told by the Buddha to illustrate:

The Buddha told this story

A few monks were sitting on a bench when a farmer passed by. The farmer said honorable monks Did you see my cows pass by? I have 12 cows and they all ran away, also this year my farm got invaded by pests so I didn’t get a crop. I am so distressed; I want to kill myself.

The monk felt compassion for the man and said so sorry for your loss but we did not see your cows pass by.

Then he said to the other monks. Do you know why you are happy? It is because you don’t have any cows.

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Identify your metaphorical cows

In, the pursuit of happiness, we often find ourselves burdened by, emotional baggage. These metaphorical cows represent the things that bind us and make us slaves to routines, expectations, and unnecessary burdens. The Buddha's story about the farmer and his cows serves as a powerful reminder that our attachment to these things can prevent us from finding true happiness.

One of the first steps towards reclaiming our happiness is to identify our, mental cows. This requires introspection and self-awareness. We must ask ourselves what we believe we need to be happy. It could be a material possession, a certain lifestyle, or societal approval. For example, a client of mine believed that she needed to live in a condo on the water to be happy. However, this belief was preventing her from enjoying her current living situation. By acknowledging our, mental cows, we can begin to free ourselves from their grip in, the pursuit of happiness.

The Buddha said, “Do you know why you are happy? It is because you don't have any cows.” This statement reminds us that our attachment to these things is what causes our suffering. When we let go of our, emotional baggage, we free ourselves from the constant worry of losing or chasing after these things. Happiness becomes available to us when we are no longer bound by what life should look like.

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The Tether of Expectations: Breaking Free from Societal Pressures

Society often imposes expectations on us that can feel like a heavy yoke around our necks. These, societal norms, dictate how we should live, what we should achieve, and who we should be. However, blindly conforming to these expectations can prevent us from living authentically and finding true happiness.

It is essential to challenge and reevaluate these expectations. We must distinguish between, societal norms, and our authentic desires. By releasing the pressure to conform, we can liberate ourselves and experience a sense of freedom and well-being. For example, many women feel like they need to be married by a certain age to be considered successful. However, by questioning this expectation and embracing their own timeline, they can find happiness on their own terms.

The Buddha and Jesus serve as powerful examples of individuals who were free from societal expectations. They did not have houses or bank accounts, yet they were able to find true happiness. This does not mean that we should not have homes or bank accounts, but rather that we should not be slaves to these things. True happiness comes from living authentically and not being bound by societal pressures.

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Pursuit of happiness: Escaping the Comparison Trap

One of the, mental cows, that hinder our happiness is the habit of comparing ourselves to others. When we measure our worth against someone else's standards, we diminish our own joy. Each person's journey is unique, and true happiness comes from embracing our individuality.

The Buddha said, “Holding onto grudges is like tethering yourself to a resentful past.” This statement reminds us that holding onto grudges is another mental cow that restricts our emotional freedom. By practicing forgiveness, not as a favor to others but as a gift to ourselves, we can release the weight of past grievances and create space for happiness to flourish.

Letting go of comparison requires a shift in mindset. We must recognize that our worth is not determined by external factors or the achievements of others. Instead, we should focus on our own personal growth and celebrate our unique qualities and accomplishments. By embracing our individuality, we can break free from the comparison trap in our, pursuit of happiness.

Materialism as a Ball and Chain: Redefining Success and Wealth

In our society, the pursuit of material wealth often becomes a relentless chase. Possessions and external markers of success can turn into mental cows that dictate our worth. However, in the, pursuit of happiness, we must realize that happiness cannot be found in material possessions alone.

It is essential to redefine our definition of success and wealth. Instead of placing emphasis solely on material possessions, we should prioritize experiences, relationships, and personal growth. By doing so, we liberate ourselves from the shackles of materialism and open ourselves up to a more fulfilling and meaningful life.

The Buddha and Jesus were both free from the attachment to material possessions. They found happiness in their spiritual journeys and their ability to connect with others on a deeper level. This does not mean that we should renounce all material possessions, but rather that we should not be slaves to them. True wealth comes from within and is not dependent on external factors.


In the, pursuit of happiness, it is crucial to let go of our, emotional baggage. These, metaphorical cows, such as, societal expectations, comparisons, grudges, and material pursuits, can hinder our ability to find genuine joy. By identifying and releasing these mental constraints, we create space for happiness to flourish and live life on our own terms.

The Buddha's story about the farmer and his cows serves as a powerful reminder that our attachment to these things is what causes our suffering. True happiness is only available to us when we are free from the bonds of what life should look like. By letting go of our emotional baggage, we can find a renewed sense of purpose and contentment, reveling in the authentic joy that arises when we live on our terms.

So, take a moment to reflect on your own, mental cows. What are the things that bind you and prevent you from finding true happiness? Is it societal expectations, comparisons, grudges, or material pursuits? By acknowledging and releasing these burdens, you can embark on a journey towards a more fulfilling and joyful life. Remember, happiness is found when we let go and live life on our own terms.

Additional Resources

Funding Global Consciousness and Mental Awareness

What is The Type Of Woman Men Fall For?

What is the, type of woman men fall for? Drawing from conversations with Relationship coach Andre Parades, Coach Myrna discusses the qualities that make a woman irresistible to men and how women can, become the, type of woman any man wants to marry.

Drawing inspiration from a conversation between Jesus and a, Samaritan woman, coach Myrna emphasizes the importance of intelligence, confidence, independence, communication, kindness, self-improvement, positivity, and a sense of humor in attracting a partner and building a meaningful relationship. By focusing on self-improvement and fostering genuine connections, women can create a solid foundation for love and marriage.

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In John chapter 4 Jesus has a great conversation with a, Samaritan woman. Because Jesus is Omniscience, which means all-knowing, he is aware of the past, present, and future. He told her she had 5 husbands and living with a man who she is not married to.

Society judges’ women who have a lot of husbands. It carries an element of shame to it. So today I want to flip that around and look at, why a man wants to marry a woman. 

First and foremost, what men want. Men are looking for, intelligent women. A woman who can talk on all topics and can have a stimulating conversation.

The Samaritan woman was such a woman. Jesus knew who she was before he sought her out to talk to her and on cue, she started the conversation by asking “So tell me, why is it that you Jews insist that Jerusalem is the only place of worship?

After that she started taking about the Messiah. Jesus said I am the Messiah.

So, ladies the message today is, Are you, the type of woman a man falls in love with? 

Here are some ways that you can prepare to shine when you are in the spotlight, when you too can tell your friends “I met a man”

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The Power of Becoming Irresistible to men

So what type of woman is an alpha male attracted to? In the intricate dance of love and relationships, there's no magic formula to make someone fall in love with you. However, there are certain qualities and behaviors that can enhance your attractiveness and create a solid foundation for a meaningful connection. Today, we will explore how you can become a woman any man wants to marry, the type of woman a man falls in love with,  by focusing on self-improvement and fostering a genuine connection.

Cultivate Confidence: Embrace Your Inner Strengths

To become, the type of woman a man falls in love with, you must have self-confidence.  Confidence is magnetic. Embrace your strengths, be comfortable with your flaws, by becoming flawesome and radiate self-assurance.  “Confidence not only makes you attractive, but it also creates an environment where others feel comfortable and inspired around you.” When you exude confidence, you become a beacon of positivity and allure and, the type of woman a man falls in love with. 

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The type of woman men fall for: The Independent Woman

While partnership is essential in a marriage, maintaining individuality is equally crucial. As the transcript states, “A woman with a strong sense of self is not only attractive but also brings added depth to a relationship.” By pursuing your passions, having your own goals, and demonstrating a sense of independence, you become a well-rounded and captivating partner.

Prioritize Communication: The Key to Connection

Effective communication is the cornerstone of any successful relationship. As the transcript suggests, “Being able to communicate honestly and respectfully fosters understanding and strengthens the emotional bond between you and your partner.” By learning to express your thoughts and feelings openly and actively listening, you create a safe space for vulnerability and intimacy to flourish.

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What men want: an Empathatic Woman

Kindness goes a long way in building lasting connections. Show empathy, be considerate, and prioritize compassion in your interactions.  “A woman who exudes kindness not only attracts a partner but also contributes to the overall well-being of the relationship.” By nurturing kindness and compassion, you create a nurturing and loving environment that fosters a deep emotional connection.

Invest in Self-Improvement: The Journey of Personal Growth

Continuously strive to grow and better yourself.  “Investing in yourself not only makes you more interesting but also demonstrates a commitment to personal growth that can be inspiring to others and make you attractive to men.” That is also the type of woman a player falls in love with. Whether it's through education, personal development, or acquiring new skills, investing in yourself showcases your dedication to self-improvement and adds depth to your character.

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The Power of Optimism: The type of woman a man falls in love with. 

Maintain a positive attitude and approach challenges with optimism. As the transcript states, “Positivity is infectious and can create a harmonious atmosphere in your relationship.” By embracing a positive outlook, you become a source of inspiration and support for your partner. A woman who can navigate life's ups and downs with grace is someone many men would aspire to have by their side and is, the type of woman a man falls in love with. 

Cultivate a Sense of Humor: The Joy of Laughter

Laughter is a powerful bonding tool. Cultivate a sense of humor, find joy in the little things, and share lighthearted moments with your partner. As the transcript suggests, “A woman who can bring joy and laughter into a relationship is sure to be cherished.” By embracing humor, you create a joyful and light-hearted atmosphere that strengthens the emotional connection between you and your partner.

Becoming the Type of Woman Men Fall for

Becoming a woman any man wants to marry, involves a combination of self-discovery, personal growth, and fostering positive qualities. While there is no one-size-fits-all approach to love, by embracing your authenticity and cultivating these traits, you can create a foundation for a fulfilling and lasting relationship. Remember, the journey to becoming irresistible is not about changing who you are, but rather about embracing your unique qualities and continuously striving to be the best version of yourself.

As you embark on this journey, keep in mind the words of Jesus in his conversation with the Samaritan woman. He saw her for who she truly was, and she engaged him in a stimulating conversation. By embodying intelligence, confidence, independence, effective communication, kindness, self-improvement, positivity, and a sense of humor, you can become the woman any man wants to marry.

So, ladies, prepare to shine when you are in the spotlight, and one day, you too can proudly tell your friends, “I met a man.” The power to unlock the qualities that make you irresistible lies within you. Embrace it, nurture it, and watch as love and happiness find their way into your life.

Conclusion and Future Outlook: Type of woman men fall for

The journey to, becoming the, type of woman men fall for, is not a destination but a continuous process of, personal growth and self-improvement. As you navigate the complexities of love and relationships, remember to stay true to yourself, embrace your uniqueness, and never stop learning and evolving. By embodying the qualities discussed in this guide, you will not only attract the right partner but also create a strong foundation for a lifelong connection filled with love, understanding, and mutual respect.

Unlock the qualities that make you irresistible, and embrace the journey of becoming, the woman any man wants to marry. Your future awaits, filled with endless possibilities for love and happiness.

Additional Resources

Help Me Makeover My Marriage: Communication