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Unlocking the Healing Power of Sex and Sexuality

Sexuality often remains a taboo topic, shrouded in mystery and replete with stereotypes. However, beneath the layers of cultural narratives lies an immense potential for healing, personal growth, and intimate connection. In this riveting podcast episode, Life Coach Myrna Young and Dr. Liz Letford unveil insights into how sex can transcend mere physical gratification, becoming a tool for profound emotional healing and restoration of the, nervous system. By delving into the intertwined worlds of relationships, body awareness, and emotional responsiveness, this exploration reveals how truly transformative the act of sex can be when approached with vulnerability and consciousness.

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Key Takeaways on Sex and Sexuality:

  • Sexual Healing and Emotional Freedom: Understanding the deeper emotional currents within sexual experiences can lead to significant healing of past traumas and emotional blockages and promote sexuality.
  • Dynamic Relationship Roles: Men and women can benefit from exploring both giving and receiving roles in sex, breaking away from traditional power dynamics and discovering personal empowerment.
  • Body Church Movement: Dr. Liz Letford's unique practice uses collective somatic experiences, such as movement and sound, to create coherence among diverse groups for systemic healing, unity and sexuality.

The Intersection of Sex and Emotional Well-being

A core theme that emerged from the discussion is the relationship between, sexual intimacy, and emotional well-being. Dr. Liz articulates a perspective where physical closeness serves as the doorway to not just pleasure, but also the space where one can confront and heal unresolved emotional conflicts. She describes how every sexual encounter acts as a stage, reflecting earlier life events that may have impacted one's psyche, a process especially potent when memories tied to these emotions elude conscious awareness.

The interaction of sexuality  with emotional well-being underscores the raw potential that lies in our physical interactions to act as a conduit for catharsis.

Dr. Liz notes, “Our sexual nature, our erotic nature, is exquisitely designed to heal our emotional, our physical, and our spiritual bodies.

The healing is not just an abstract idea but has tangible effects, from soothing hormonal imbalances to aiding in recovery from emotional scars. The implications are vast, suggesting that by redefining sex as a mutual, emotionally-attuned experience, individuals can work through deeply entrenched issues and foster more harmonious relationships.

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Reshaping Power Dynamics in Sexuality

The dialogue seamlessly shifts to contemplate the energy dynamics within sexual relationships. The traditional script writes men as givers and women as receivers, but Dr. Liz challenges these norms by advocating for a fluid exchange where individuals can alternate roles. The notion presented is not to obliterate gender roles but to empower individuals to explore their sexuality and embrace both dimensions of giving and receiving power.

Quotes from Dr. Liz encapsulate this shift: “ultimately power […] everyone deserves to taste what that tastes like.” By acquainting oneself with differing polarities of power, a person can unlock a more versatile form of expression and connection. Embracing one's full spectrum of capabilities creates room for a more fulfilling and equitable intimate interaction. Men learning to hold space for potent, feminine energy, and women discovering their own assertive power can reinvigorate the foundations of personal and partnership growth.

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Stepping into Sexual power as a Dominatrix

When your body feels safe, that's when your body opens up to its healing bliss. Its this bliss ecstatic state, which we've called orgasm. And so if you are receiving only because you've been told that, because you said society told you to do that because you're afraid.

If you've never expressed what it's like to give, to penetrate, to take, and all of the expressions of that penetrative energy, your system has the potential to be out of balance. And so I teach this, I have something called dragon school, where I teach women how to step into their power, their containment. What we've traditionally associated with the men is giving, penetrating, holding. And so I went to dominatrix school and trained as a dominatrix.

I don't necessarily need to use pain, or deep penetration, put pleasure where the pain is. So I don't really identify as a dominatrix, but it's the closest thing that people can associate with what I do. So I teach women how to step into their dragon archetype, their protector. They're badass. And it's really so healing. So just by embodying these other energies, we are able to express the thing that we've been told is not nice to be expressed, or, shame on you, or.

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Collective Healing Through the Body Church Movement

Dr. Liz introduces a communal aspect of healing rites through the, Body Church movement. Blending physical movement, sound, and storytelling within an intentionally diverse group setting offers a profoundly inclusive platform for societal healing. Moments in the conversation shed light on the idea that sharing and witnessing each other's emotional journeys can foster understanding and empathy across historical divides such as race, gender and sexuaity.

This practice pushes the boundaries of individual healing into the realm of collective catharsis. It suggests that to address the societal fractures, an embodied approach that taps into the resonance of human connection is key. As Dr. Liz remarks, “It's vibrating the body and entraining the body to a different frequency.” This notion of communal vibration shifts the focus from isolated experiences to shared human truths, potentially bridging gaps of misunderstanding and opening pathways to societal reconciliation.

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Transform Your Mind Podnews

Unveiling the Transformative Implications of Sex and Sexuality

Throughout the transformative dialogue between Myrna Young and Dr. Liz Letchford, it becomes abundantly clear that sex is more than an act; it is an interplay of energies, a canvas for emotional expression, and a pathway toward personal and communal fulfillment. The exploration transcends conventional understanding, positioning sex as a platform for healing past wounds, rebalancing power within relationships, and even serving as a community ritual for collective healing. This forward-thinking approach reimagines intimacy, encourages individuals to step into their full expressive potential, and fosters a more connected and empathetic society, stirring the vibrations of change through the shared rhythm of our bodies.

Additional Resources

Tantric Sex: How to Use Tantra Energy during Sex

The Pursuit of Happiness: Emotional Baggage

In, the pursuit of happiness, we need to first let go or or mental cows or, emotional baggage. In this podcast episode, coach Myrna explores the metaphorical cows that bind us, such as societal expectations, comparisons, grudges, and material pursuits. Learn how to identify and release these burdens, freeing yourself to find genuine joy and contentment and, the pursuit of happiness.

Download the podcast here: 


Key Takeaways:

  • Emotional baggage can hinder our, pursuit of happiness, by binding us to routines, expectations, and unnecessary burdens.
  • Letting go of our mental cows, such as societal expectations, comparisons, grudges, and material pursuits, is essential for finding genuine joy.
  • By releasing these mental constraints, we create space for happiness to flourish and live life on our own terms.

Identifying Your Herd: Recognizing Your Mental Cows

Here is a story told by the Buddha to illustrate:

The Buddha told this story

A few monks were sitting on a bench when a farmer passed by. The farmer said honorable monks Did you see my cows pass by? I have 12 cows and they all ran away, also this year my farm got invaded by pests so I didn’t get a crop. I am so distressed; I want to kill myself.

The monk felt compassion for the man and said so sorry for your loss but we did not see your cows pass by.

Then he said to the other monks. Do you know why you are happy? It is because you don’t have any cows.

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Transform Your Mind Podcast Pandora

Identify your metaphorical cows

In, the pursuit of happiness, we often find ourselves burdened by, emotional baggage. These metaphorical cows represent the things that bind us and make us slaves to routines, expectations, and unnecessary burdens. The Buddha's story about the farmer and his cows serves as a powerful reminder that our attachment to these things can prevent us from finding true happiness.

One of the first steps towards reclaiming our happiness is to identify our, mental cows. This requires introspection and self-awareness. We must ask ourselves what we believe we need to be happy. It could be a material possession, a certain lifestyle, or societal approval. For example, a client of mine believed that she needed to live in a condo on the water to be happy. However, this belief was preventing her from enjoying her current living situation. By acknowledging our, mental cows, we can begin to free ourselves from their grip in, the pursuit of happiness.

The Buddha said, “Do you know why you are happy? It is because you don't have any cows.” This statement reminds us that our attachment to these things is what causes our suffering. When we let go of our, emotional baggage, we free ourselves from the constant worry of losing or chasing after these things. Happiness becomes available to us when we are no longer bound by what life should look like.

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Transform Your Mind Podcast Player FM

The Tether of Expectations: Breaking Free from Societal Pressures

Society often imposes expectations on us that can feel like a heavy yoke around our necks. These, societal norms, dictate how we should live, what we should achieve, and who we should be. However, blindly conforming to these expectations can prevent us from living authentically and finding true happiness.

It is essential to challenge and reevaluate these expectations. We must distinguish between, societal norms, and our authentic desires. By releasing the pressure to conform, we can liberate ourselves and experience a sense of freedom and well-being. For example, many women feel like they need to be married by a certain age to be considered successful. However, by questioning this expectation and embracing their own timeline, they can find happiness on their own terms.

The Buddha and Jesus serve as powerful examples of individuals who were free from societal expectations. They did not have houses or bank accounts, yet they were able to find true happiness. This does not mean that we should not have homes or bank accounts, but rather that we should not be slaves to these things. True happiness comes from living authentically and not being bound by societal pressures.

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Pursuit of happiness: Escaping the Comparison Trap

One of the, mental cows, that hinder our happiness is the habit of comparing ourselves to others. When we measure our worth against someone else's standards, we diminish our own joy. Each person's journey is unique, and true happiness comes from embracing our individuality.

The Buddha said, “Holding onto grudges is like tethering yourself to a resentful past.” This statement reminds us that holding onto grudges is another mental cow that restricts our emotional freedom. By practicing forgiveness, not as a favor to others but as a gift to ourselves, we can release the weight of past grievances and create space for happiness to flourish.

Letting go of comparison requires a shift in mindset. We must recognize that our worth is not determined by external factors or the achievements of others. Instead, we should focus on our own personal growth and celebrate our unique qualities and accomplishments. By embracing our individuality, we can break free from the comparison trap in our, pursuit of happiness.

Materialism as a Ball and Chain: Redefining Success and Wealth

In our society, the pursuit of material wealth often becomes a relentless chase. Possessions and external markers of success can turn into mental cows that dictate our worth. However, in the, pursuit of happiness, we must realize that happiness cannot be found in material possessions alone.

It is essential to redefine our definition of success and wealth. Instead of placing emphasis solely on material possessions, we should prioritize experiences, relationships, and personal growth. By doing so, we liberate ourselves from the shackles of materialism and open ourselves up to a more fulfilling and meaningful life.

The Buddha and Jesus were both free from the attachment to material possessions. They found happiness in their spiritual journeys and their ability to connect with others on a deeper level. This does not mean that we should renounce all material possessions, but rather that we should not be slaves to them. True wealth comes from within and is not dependent on external factors.


In the, pursuit of happiness, it is crucial to let go of our, emotional baggage. These, metaphorical cows, such as, societal expectations, comparisons, grudges, and material pursuits, can hinder our ability to find genuine joy. By identifying and releasing these mental constraints, we create space for happiness to flourish and live life on our own terms.

The Buddha's story about the farmer and his cows serves as a powerful reminder that our attachment to these things is what causes our suffering. True happiness is only available to us when we are free from the bonds of what life should look like. By letting go of our emotional baggage, we can find a renewed sense of purpose and contentment, reveling in the authentic joy that arises when we live on our terms.

So, take a moment to reflect on your own, mental cows. What are the things that bind you and prevent you from finding true happiness? Is it societal expectations, comparisons, grudges, or material pursuits? By acknowledging and releasing these burdens, you can embark on a journey towards a more fulfilling and joyful life. Remember, happiness is found when we let go and live life on our own terms.

Additional Resources

Funding Global Consciousness and Mental Awareness