Tag Archives: letting go

When The Shift Hits The Fan

The journey of self-discovery is often prompted by pivotal life changes, the shift, that cause us to reassess our path and seek deeper meaning within ourselves. In an intriguing conversation with transformational life coach Valerie Gangas, themes of personal growth through adversity, the art of surrendering to life’s shifts, and embracing a meditative practice to navigate through, the shifts. in life’s tumultuous waves are explored. This discussion not only sheds light on individual experiences but also serves as a guide for those traversing similar terrains of transformation and seeking to reconnect with their true essence.

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Key Takeaways:

  • Personal loss can be a catalyst for profound spiritual awakening and inner transformation called, the shift.

  • Surrendering to life's uncertainties allows for a smoother transition into new shifts of existence.

  • Meditation, especially, transcendental meditation, can be a powerful tool for connecting with one's soul and higher consciousness.

The Shift: Embarking on a Journey of Transformation

Life has an undeniable way of propelling us into periods of deep introspection, especially following significant personal loss called, the shift.  Valerie's own narrative is a testament to the potential for radical transformation that can emerge from such depths of despair. Having battled depression and suicidal ideation after the passing of her mother, Valerie's turning point was a meditation session that introduced her to an internal haven of peace, drastically altering her, state of consciousness.

“I went so far, so deep into my soul, into my own being, I didn't even know that place existed,” Valerie reflects, describing her transcendental experience. Her story underpins the idea that within our darkest moments lie the seeds of our most profound growth. It is not merely about recovering from grief but about uncovering an extraordinary layer of our existence that is often untouched until we are stripped bare by life’s hardships and shifts.

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Amazon Music Transform Your Mind podcast 

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The Power of Surrender and Acceptance

Key to Valerie’s transformation, and a potent lesson resonant throughout the conversation, is the concept of surrender—to,  life's shifts,  unpredictability and to the divine flow. She acknowledges that, deep shifts, are tailor-made experiences that often involve aspects of life to which we are greatly attached, like finances, relationships, or health. These experiences break us open, compelling us to embrace change and surrender control.

Valerie posits, “…you understand the deep questions that people ask themselves. And it's kind of spontaneous. And… that helped me a lot come to terms with her death.” This profound understanding that one reaches after facing a, deep shift, is that it's an opportunity to reframe life from a place of acceptance. The shift,  is where we find  fulfillment and freedom from existential anxieties. By letting go of the illusion of control and embracing the greater, unseen divinity of life's course, we become ‘natural shifters' who can gracefully handle life's upheavals and shifts.

Deezer transform your mind podcast

Deezer Transform Your Mind podcast 

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Meditation as a Gateway to the Soul

The conversation circles back to meditation, especially, transcendental meditation, as a transformative practice for dealing with life's shifts and roughest currents. The message here is clear: Regardless of the specific modality, meditation stands as a beacon of hope for those seeking to navigate, the shift, of internal turmoil and connect with their essences.

Valerie asserts, “…the only way out is in,” encapsulating the philosophy that to transcend the tumultuous experiences and emerge reborn, one must delve deeply into oneself. Whether it’s through nature, guided practices, or transcendental revelations, meditation is lauded as a means to touch the divine, elevate one’s spiritual frequency, and in turn, unlock, higher realms of consciousness.

In putting the spotlight on In Deep Shift, her book, Valerie provides both her personal roadmap and a universal template for others to find their pathways to peace. It is not just about coping with change but thriving within it, and meditation serves as an indispensable tool in this ongoing journey.

Book in Deep Shift
Book in Deep Shift

The Shift: Riding the Waves with Insigh

Reflecting upon Valerie's insights and her extraordinary transformation journey, we can distill pivotal messages that resonate with anyone facing their own periods of, deep shift. Life's turbulent moments have the potential to connect us deeper with our true selves, but it requires relinquishing control and opening oneself to the transformative power of personal spirituality embracing, the shift.

The essence of Valerie’s experiences and practices draws a path of self-inquiry and spiritual connection that transcends individual beliefs and backgrounds. It reminds us that our innermost being harbors an ocean of peace, waiting to be explored through surrendering to life's perpetual ebb and flow. This is where we find liberation and where every person can embark on their unique journey to embrace life's, deep shifts, with grace and resiliency.

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The Shift Movie  What is The Shift?

The first shift that we all make takes us from nonbeing to being; from Spirit to form; from the invisible to our corporeal world of things.

The next shift is the phase I call Ambition where we take on an ego self that is the opposite of the place of Spirit from which we came. Ego in this context is our false self.

These first two shifts are mandatory in the human journey.

Unfortunately, for many people, Ambition is often the end of their life story, but there are two more shifts open to us!

We can all choose to make the leap past the second shift of ego-driven ambition. We arrive at the third shift when we realize that we have an option to make a U-turn away from the false self. We can do an about-face and head back to the place of Spirit in a third shift.

And then, in the fourth shift, we achieve a life of Meaning and purpose by rededicating our Ambition to the fulfillment of our authentic self. We discover that the laws of the material world do not necessarily apply in the presence of the Meaning that is encouraged by our shift to Source. Manifestations of miracles begin to populate the landscape of life.

Meaning is now what defines all the moments of our existence. We can fulfill our greatest calling when we consciously undertake the journey from Ambition to Meaning. We can transform our individual lives and influence the destiny of our sacred planet as well

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The Pursuit of Happiness: Emotional Baggage

In, the pursuit of happiness, we need to first let go or or mental cows or, emotional baggage. In this podcast episode, coach Myrna explores the metaphorical cows that bind us, such as societal expectations, comparisons, grudges, and material pursuits. Learn how to identify and release these burdens, freeing yourself to find genuine joy and contentment and, the pursuit of happiness.

Download the podcast here: 


Key Takeaways:

  • Emotional baggage can hinder our, pursuit of happiness, by binding us to routines, expectations, and unnecessary burdens.
  • Letting go of our mental cows, such as societal expectations, comparisons, grudges, and material pursuits, is essential for finding genuine joy.
  • By releasing these mental constraints, we create space for happiness to flourish and live life on our own terms.

Identifying Your Herd: Recognizing Your Mental Cows

Here is a story told by the Buddha to illustrate:

The Buddha told this story

A few monks were sitting on a bench when a farmer passed by. The farmer said honorable monks Did you see my cows pass by? I have 12 cows and they all ran away, also this year my farm got invaded by pests so I didn’t get a crop. I am so distressed; I want to kill myself.

The monk felt compassion for the man and said so sorry for your loss but we did not see your cows pass by.

Then he said to the other monks. Do you know why you are happy? It is because you don’t have any cows.

Transform Your Mind Podcast Pandora
Transform Your Mind Podcast Pandora

Identify your metaphorical cows

In, the pursuit of happiness, we often find ourselves burdened by, emotional baggage. These metaphorical cows represent the things that bind us and make us slaves to routines, expectations, and unnecessary burdens. The Buddha's story about the farmer and his cows serves as a powerful reminder that our attachment to these things can prevent us from finding true happiness.

One of the first steps towards reclaiming our happiness is to identify our, mental cows. This requires introspection and self-awareness. We must ask ourselves what we believe we need to be happy. It could be a material possession, a certain lifestyle, or societal approval. For example, a client of mine believed that she needed to live in a condo on the water to be happy. However, this belief was preventing her from enjoying her current living situation. By acknowledging our, mental cows, we can begin to free ourselves from their grip in, the pursuit of happiness.

The Buddha said, “Do you know why you are happy? It is because you don't have any cows.” This statement reminds us that our attachment to these things is what causes our suffering. When we let go of our, emotional baggage, we free ourselves from the constant worry of losing or chasing after these things. Happiness becomes available to us when we are no longer bound by what life should look like.

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Transform Your Mind Podcast Player FM

The Tether of Expectations: Breaking Free from Societal Pressures

Society often imposes expectations on us that can feel like a heavy yoke around our necks. These, societal norms, dictate how we should live, what we should achieve, and who we should be. However, blindly conforming to these expectations can prevent us from living authentically and finding true happiness.

It is essential to challenge and reevaluate these expectations. We must distinguish between, societal norms, and our authentic desires. By releasing the pressure to conform, we can liberate ourselves and experience a sense of freedom and well-being. For example, many women feel like they need to be married by a certain age to be considered successful. However, by questioning this expectation and embracing their own timeline, they can find happiness on their own terms.

The Buddha and Jesus serve as powerful examples of individuals who were free from societal expectations. They did not have houses or bank accounts, yet they were able to find true happiness. This does not mean that we should not have homes or bank accounts, but rather that we should not be slaves to these things. True happiness comes from living authentically and not being bound by societal pressures.

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Pursuit of happiness: Escaping the Comparison Trap

One of the, mental cows, that hinder our happiness is the habit of comparing ourselves to others. When we measure our worth against someone else's standards, we diminish our own joy. Each person's journey is unique, and true happiness comes from embracing our individuality.

The Buddha said, “Holding onto grudges is like tethering yourself to a resentful past.” This statement reminds us that holding onto grudges is another mental cow that restricts our emotional freedom. By practicing forgiveness, not as a favor to others but as a gift to ourselves, we can release the weight of past grievances and create space for happiness to flourish.

Letting go of comparison requires a shift in mindset. We must recognize that our worth is not determined by external factors or the achievements of others. Instead, we should focus on our own personal growth and celebrate our unique qualities and accomplishments. By embracing our individuality, we can break free from the comparison trap in our, pursuit of happiness.

Materialism as a Ball and Chain: Redefining Success and Wealth

In our society, the pursuit of material wealth often becomes a relentless chase. Possessions and external markers of success can turn into mental cows that dictate our worth. However, in the, pursuit of happiness, we must realize that happiness cannot be found in material possessions alone.

It is essential to redefine our definition of success and wealth. Instead of placing emphasis solely on material possessions, we should prioritize experiences, relationships, and personal growth. By doing so, we liberate ourselves from the shackles of materialism and open ourselves up to a more fulfilling and meaningful life.

The Buddha and Jesus were both free from the attachment to material possessions. They found happiness in their spiritual journeys and their ability to connect with others on a deeper level. This does not mean that we should renounce all material possessions, but rather that we should not be slaves to them. True wealth comes from within and is not dependent on external factors.


In the, pursuit of happiness, it is crucial to let go of our, emotional baggage. These, metaphorical cows, such as, societal expectations, comparisons, grudges, and material pursuits, can hinder our ability to find genuine joy. By identifying and releasing these mental constraints, we create space for happiness to flourish and live life on our own terms.

The Buddha's story about the farmer and his cows serves as a powerful reminder that our attachment to these things is what causes our suffering. True happiness is only available to us when we are free from the bonds of what life should look like. By letting go of our emotional baggage, we can find a renewed sense of purpose and contentment, reveling in the authentic joy that arises when we live on our terms.

So, take a moment to reflect on your own, mental cows. What are the things that bind you and prevent you from finding true happiness? Is it societal expectations, comparisons, grudges, or material pursuits? By acknowledging and releasing these burdens, you can embark on a journey towards a more fulfilling and joyful life. Remember, happiness is found when we let go and live life on our own terms.

Additional Resources

Funding Global Consciousness and Mental Awareness