Tag Archives: orgasm

Unveiling the Secrets of Sexual Health and The Orgasm Gap

Sexual Health expert, Eve Hall explains that the, orgasm gap, is due to a lack of emphasis on external clitoral stimulation and the misconception that penetration alone can lead to orgasm for women. She encourages open communication, education, and the use of toys to help close the, orgasm gap, and promote sexual health. Join the orgasm revolution and empower yourself to prioritize your pleasure.

Sexual health, and satisfaction are crucial aspects of overall well-being. Yet, there's a significant gap in the way men and women experience pleasure. This article excavates insights from a dynamic conversation between life coach Myrna Young and sexual health expert Eve Hall, host of the “Please Me” podcast. Together, they discuss the nuances of orgasm equity, the role of the pelvic floor in sexual health, and unveil strategies for bridging the pleasure gap.

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Key Takeaways:

  • Orgasm Equality: The importance of balancing the pleasure scale in heterosexual relationships where men generally have higher orgasmic frequency than women.

  • Pelvic Floor & Sexual Health: Understanding how a strong pelvic floor contributes significantly to both male and female sexual health and satisfaction.

  • Education & Communication: The role of information and open conversations in improving sexual experiences and fulfilling relationships.

Understanding the Orgasm Gap: Why It Matters

“Orgasm Gap” is a term that encapsulates the driving force behind a necessary movement to address discrepancies in sexual pleasure. As discussed in the interview, men typically reach climax at a significantly higher rate than women do in heterosexual encounters. This, orgasm gap,  is not just about pleasure, but about acknowledging a dimension of gender inequality that is often overlooked.

A startling statistic reveals that only three to five percent of women can achieve orgasm through penetrative sex alone. This stark reality brings to light the need for inclusive conversations on sexual practices that prioritize female pleasure—whether through additional stimulation, employing toys, or revisiting the foreplay playbook. As Eve rightly points out, the imbalance can affect overall happiness, mental health, and relationship dynamics. Igniting the revolution for, orgasm equality, as Eve suggests, perhaps begins with recognizing this, orgasm gap, followed by collective efforts to demystify and educate on women’s sexual health needs.

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The Powerhouse: Pelvic Floor Muscles and Sexual Satisfaction

The pelvic floor muscles slip into the limelight as unsung heroes of sexual tyranny. Eve, with over 20 years of experience as a physical therapist specializing in sexual health, illuminates the conversation around pelvic floor health. These muscles do more than aid in bladder control and support reproductive organs—they play a critical role in sexual function.

For women, a strong pelvic floor equates to heightened sensitivity and responsiveness during intercourse, which may mitigate the chances of conditions typically associated with aging, such as decreased vaginal sensitivity and dryness. For men, the same set of muscles are integral in erectile functions. Eve brings to the forefront an innovative solution, acoustic wave therapy, which she says can revitalize tissue and improve erectile dysfunction by increasing blood flow and breaking up blockages in blood vessels. This breakthrough discussion ties into the broader message of holistic sexual health that transcends quick fixes like medications, advocating for treatments that offer long-term benefits to men and women alike.

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The Orgasm Gap: Education and Communication in Sexual Well-being

Amidst all the insights from the discussion, one gem stands out—communication is key. The conversation makes it apparent that sexual education cannot be relegated to the shadows of taboos and stigmas. It needs to be an open dialogue that addresses all aspects of sexual pleasure, including the introduction of toys in the bedroom, exploration of individual kinks, or incorporating lingerie into the intimate space.

What stands out is the importance of education not only for women to understand how to achieve orgasm but also for men to grasp the significance of female pleasure. Eve’s mission to catalyze open conversations about sex, sexual health, and the, orgasm gap. What individuals need from their partners is a testament to the transformative power of transparent dialogue. There's undeniable credibility in acknowledging sexual needs, desires, and the ways they intricately translate to confidence and wellness in other arenas of life.

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Sexual health isn't an isolated domain reserved for whispered talks behind closed doors; it's an integral part of life that deserves attention and care, just like any other facet of health. As Eve and Myrna's conversation points out, whether solo or with a partner, sexual fulfillment is not just about the act itself but embracing the journey towards finding what truly satisfies.

This empowering conversation signals a broader impact where tuning into one's sexual health, advocating orgasm equality, and demystifying sexual pleasure are seen not only as individual pursuits but as collective steps toward a healthier and more equal society.

Sexual satisfaction goes far beyond the confines of the bedroom—it's a public affair with private benefits, urging us all towards a more educated, equitable, and ecstatic state of being.

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Podcast Index Transform Your Mind
Additional Resources

The Dominatrix: Reshaping Power Dynamics in Sexuality

Unlocking the Healing Power of Sex and Sexuality

Sexuality often remains a taboo topic, shrouded in mystery and replete with stereotypes. However, beneath the layers of cultural narratives lies an immense potential for healing, personal growth, and intimate connection. In this riveting podcast episode, Life Coach Myrna Young and Dr. Liz Letford unveil insights into how sex can transcend mere physical gratification, becoming a tool for profound emotional healing and restoration of the, nervous system. By delving into the intertwined worlds of relationships, body awareness, and emotional responsiveness, this exploration reveals how truly transformative the act of sex can be when approached with vulnerability and consciousness.

Download the podcast here: 


Key Takeaways on Sex and Sexuality:

  • Sexual Healing and Emotional Freedom: Understanding the deeper emotional currents within sexual experiences can lead to significant healing of past traumas and emotional blockages and promote sexuality.
  • Dynamic Relationship Roles: Men and women can benefit from exploring both giving and receiving roles in sex, breaking away from traditional power dynamics and discovering personal empowerment.
  • Body Church Movement: Dr. Liz Letford's unique practice uses collective somatic experiences, such as movement and sound, to create coherence among diverse groups for systemic healing, unity and sexuality.

The Intersection of Sex and Emotional Well-being

A core theme that emerged from the discussion is the relationship between, sexual intimacy, and emotional well-being. Dr. Liz articulates a perspective where physical closeness serves as the doorway to not just pleasure, but also the space where one can confront and heal unresolved emotional conflicts. She describes how every sexual encounter acts as a stage, reflecting earlier life events that may have impacted one's psyche, a process especially potent when memories tied to these emotions elude conscious awareness.

The interaction of sexuality  with emotional well-being underscores the raw potential that lies in our physical interactions to act as a conduit for catharsis.

Dr. Liz notes, “Our sexual nature, our erotic nature, is exquisitely designed to heal our emotional, our physical, and our spiritual bodies.

The healing is not just an abstract idea but has tangible effects, from soothing hormonal imbalances to aiding in recovery from emotional scars. The implications are vast, suggesting that by redefining sex as a mutual, emotionally-attuned experience, individuals can work through deeply entrenched issues and foster more harmonious relationships.

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Reshaping Power Dynamics in Sexuality

The dialogue seamlessly shifts to contemplate the energy dynamics within sexual relationships. The traditional script writes men as givers and women as receivers, but Dr. Liz challenges these norms by advocating for a fluid exchange where individuals can alternate roles. The notion presented is not to obliterate gender roles but to empower individuals to explore their sexuality and embrace both dimensions of giving and receiving power.

Quotes from Dr. Liz encapsulate this shift: “ultimately power […] everyone deserves to taste what that tastes like.” By acquainting oneself with differing polarities of power, a person can unlock a more versatile form of expression and connection. Embracing one's full spectrum of capabilities creates room for a more fulfilling and equitable intimate interaction. Men learning to hold space for potent, feminine energy, and women discovering their own assertive power can reinvigorate the foundations of personal and partnership growth.

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Stepping into Sexual power as a Dominatrix

When your body feels safe, that's when your body opens up to its healing bliss. Its this bliss ecstatic state, which we've called orgasm. And so if you are receiving only because you've been told that, because you said society told you to do that because you're afraid.

If you've never expressed what it's like to give, to penetrate, to take, and all of the expressions of that penetrative energy, your system has the potential to be out of balance. And so I teach this, I have something called dragon school, where I teach women how to step into their power, their containment. What we've traditionally associated with the men is giving, penetrating, holding. And so I went to dominatrix school and trained as a dominatrix.

I don't necessarily need to use pain, or deep penetration, put pleasure where the pain is. So I don't really identify as a dominatrix, but it's the closest thing that people can associate with what I do. So I teach women how to step into their dragon archetype, their protector. They're badass. And it's really so healing. So just by embodying these other energies, we are able to express the thing that we've been told is not nice to be expressed, or, shame on you, or.

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Collective Healing Through the Body Church Movement

Dr. Liz introduces a communal aspect of healing rites through the, Body Church movement. Blending physical movement, sound, and storytelling within an intentionally diverse group setting offers a profoundly inclusive platform for societal healing. Moments in the conversation shed light on the idea that sharing and witnessing each other's emotional journeys can foster understanding and empathy across historical divides such as race, gender and sexuaity.

This practice pushes the boundaries of individual healing into the realm of collective catharsis. It suggests that to address the societal fractures, an embodied approach that taps into the resonance of human connection is key. As Dr. Liz remarks, “It's vibrating the body and entraining the body to a different frequency.” This notion of communal vibration shifts the focus from isolated experiences to shared human truths, potentially bridging gaps of misunderstanding and opening pathways to societal reconciliation.

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Transform Your Mind Podnews

Unveiling the Transformative Implications of Sex and Sexuality

Throughout the transformative dialogue between Myrna Young and Dr. Liz Letchford, it becomes abundantly clear that sex is more than an act; it is an interplay of energies, a canvas for emotional expression, and a pathway toward personal and communal fulfillment. The exploration transcends conventional understanding, positioning sex as a platform for healing past wounds, rebalancing power within relationships, and even serving as a community ritual for collective healing. This forward-thinking approach reimagines intimacy, encourages individuals to step into their full expressive potential, and fosters a more connected and empathetic society, stirring the vibrations of change through the shared rhythm of our bodies.

Additional Resources

Tantric Sex: How to Use Tantra Energy during Sex

Tantric Sex: How to Use Tantra Energy during Sex

Sexologist and, Tantra Facilitator, Ms Lorae Lauridge, teaches us the difference between, biological sex and, Tantric sex.  Lorae shares how to use, Tantra, energy to have multiple orgasms and full body orgasms.

Listen to the full interview 

Before we get into out topic, I want to share this story I came across while researching this topic.

Tree of Life, and the, tree of knowledge, as found in the book of Genesis is our first introduction to, sex.

When God placed Adam in the, Garden of Eden, he made him in his own image and that is both male and female because God is both the Alpha and the Omega.

God decided to separate the male and the female so that they could evolve separately, so he took the rib out of the man and he called her Woman; but he made it so that neither the man or the Woman can be complete without the union of the two Souls through, sex,  and spiritual energy,   So that's where this energy comes into play, the only way for two souls, a man and a woman to create is by coming together with the force of the universal sexual energy, sex.

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Sex and Sexual Energy

Let's go back to instructions God give Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden.  He told them that everything in the, Garden of Eden,  could be consumed except the, tree of knowledge also called  The tree of Life, is a symbol for the knowledge of, sex,  and spiritual energy,  So when Satan tempted Eve with the knowledge that she surely would not die if she partook with the, tree of knowledge, or from the, tree of life, he was telling the truth.

You see she wouldn't die physically; but she did die spiritually. We all did because by partaking of the tree of knowledge without the guidance of God, Eve brought pain and suffering into the world.  There's nothing more beautiful and creative than, sex, and spiritual energy, with your spouse, that is how God intended it.  This joining together is the most powerful energy and vibration in the universe and that's why it destroys.  It is often the tool that Satan uses to steal kill and destroy.

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What is, Tantric Sex?

Lorae is a sacred sexuality educator, she coaches men, women, and couples to be enlightened lovers.  Her method is to blend  ancient holistic practices like, Tantra, with the latest Western medical and scientific discoveries in psychology health and, sex. Lorae says mastering sexuality is like mastering a sport, you need to learn from experts and have a certain amount of passion and dedication and create an environment of fun.

Tantric Sex, teaches men and women how to relax and feel at ease with their bodies and how to communicate authentically and develop mastery over their own sexual responses.  In order to be able to map, enjoy and navigate the exotic and foreign landscape of their partner's bodies.

A popular form of tantric sex practice for women is called yoni massage which you can read about on SchoolofSquirt.com.

Sex, Spiritual Energy, and Sexual Transmutation

Sexual Transmutation is energy that is transmuted to create. Most of the CEOs who have achieved greatness in this world is because they transmuted the, sexual energy, either from their spouse or the other woman and they've learned to transmute that, sex, and, sexual energy, into creating something big.

Spiritual Energy Exchange: SEX

Spiritual Energy Exchange, is not the act of, sex, it's not the biology of the act, it's the force that is created when two people come together in the act of, sex, or procreation,  and it's one of the most powerful forces in the Universe. Actually it is the most powerful force in the Universe.

Understanding that, SEX, is more than the biology of the act, but the energy, Spirited Energy Exchange, and it is the way to connect with the divine and get back into the Garden of Eden.

Sacred Sexuality, is different from biological, sex.  Regular, sex, is just functioning on one Level.  I'll explain this quickly.  Think of the Android commercial where you see this gentleman playing a piano and it's a big huge intense, you know concerto singing and he's using all the keys and it's very powerful; but he turns around and you see he's playing on the piano that has only one note. That is what biological, sex, is like.  You are only playing one note, or one dimension. Tantric Sex on the other hand is playing all the notes!

While, sex,  spiritual energy, and sacred sexuality has many nuances and variances and subtleties and you have choices as to its expression.  It can be physical, it can be emotional,  it can be the psychological, it can be spiritual or it can be a combination of all of these or any kind of blend of these pieces.

In this higher level of engaging with yourself you can do, self pleasuring, or can be used in relationships to deepen your connection with your partner on that mind-body-spirit level.

 Sex, Sexual Orgasm, multiple orgasms,  Full-body Orgasm,

Orgasm, is referred when the body has an orgasmic releases.  Sexual, orgasm, for most people is completed in a matter of seconds.

Tantric sex, and, orgasm, facilitates multiple orgasms.   Tantric Sex, is the ability to tap into the orgasmic energy and have it move through the physical body and link up to those other longer extended orgasmic states.  The standard sexual, orgasm, called biological, orgasm, which for some people is no longer than ten seconds.  Some women and men can have, multiple orgasms, which is this a buildup of neurologically through the genital genitalia moving through the nervous system.

The, full-body orgasm, is like a wave. It's not genitally focused. You feel pulsations and this explosion from head to toe!  Wow a lot of people haven't had either of those two, multiple orgasms, or full body orgasm.

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Download and listen to the full interview to learn how to have, multiple orgasms, and, full body orgasms,

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How to Find your Soulmate

How to, find your Soulmate,, we'll have tips today on, how we attract our soulmate, how to live with him or her, and have out of body physical love! Today I am continuing my talk with International renowned author Ilona Selkie. Our topic is, “How to, find your Soulmate,”


Ilona an International best-selling author, Seminar leader, Lecturer, Musician, CEO and co-founder of Living from Vision.
For over thirty years, Ilona has inspired thousands of people
worldwide to discover the power of their consciousness and to create successful lives. Ilona has written four books one of them we're going to touch on today because in that book she specifically she talks about how to, find your soulmate. That book is called “Dolphins Love and Destiny” Ilona’s newest book is called “Dream Big, the Universe is Listening”

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In my first interview with Ilona, On the Transform your mind with coach Myrna radio and podcast, we talked about the Quantum Field, and energy. Today we are using that energy and we're going to direct it specifically to, How to, find Your Soulmate,” In addition to authoring the four books, Ilona has produced music and meditation CDs, co-authored two books with Brian Tracy, and one with Jack
Canfield. She has also been a regular guest on A& E and Bravo TV with Jack
Canfield, and was a producer and TV host for the Quantum Living show on Women's broadcast TV.

I love talking about soulmates specifically, “How to ,find your Soulmate,” and we'll have tips and tidbits today on, how we attract our soulmate, how to live with him or her, once we found them and have union into old age!

Every single person needs to know this. I'm going to tell you how I met my husband and, “How I found my soulmate”, I think that he's my, soulmate and I want you to confirm that or deny it based on data I will share later in the program; but yes we'll get into all the details on, “How to, Find your Soulmate,” it it's going to be a very interesting conversation, and one of the things I love about this show is that I learn as much as my audience from interviewing my guests. I pick topics that are stimulating and tantalizing, and that I and everyone listening could find some commonality with it. So yes this is one of the topics that everyone will be interested in listening to your expertise on.

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Transform Your Mind with Coach Myrna Show notes:

My journey to finding my soulmate

Ilona, tell us your journey from your childhood to
becoming the CEO and co-founder of Living from Vision. Please share that
with us and why don't we tie it right into our topic today, “How to, find your Soulmate,”

From some magical moment when I was maybe 10 years old, I had a
flash of a person in front of my mind who I knew was going to be my husband.
Now he had a beard, he played guitar, he spoke English. Honestly those were my goals and my desires. That was on my bucket list as to what my husband had to be. I was German mind you. I'm in Germany, I'm going to school, but my husband needs to be able to speak English from England!
He would be speak English, have a beard, and play guitar so those were my
Requirements. Then I saw a flash again. I was walking through
downtown my little village, and it flashed into my mind, this future husband image again.


I'm going to tell you how to create Union that lasts despite aging and how you feel satisfied
whether you're still young or old, and how to merge your soul with your, soulmate, because that's what I have found with my, soulmate.

How I found my Soulmate

Myrna – I met my husband and, soulmate, as I walked into a train. He was the officer on the train collecting tickets. He was by the front door as I walked on the train. I noticed him. I said to myself, of a new officer. He was Black. I had not seen a black officer on the train before, so I noticed him. He told me later, that when he saw me walk onto the train, he had a warm feeling in his body. He's never felt that before. I took the train every day to and from work.

The next time he saw me sitting on the train, he built up the courage to come and talk to me. We talked for about half an hour until I got off of my stop and when I got off of my stop my heart and my whole body went into somersault. It was an amazing! I had this feeling of euphoria. I knew that he was going to be my next husband!
I'm not sure if I know he was going to be my next husband, but I knew he
was in my next relationship and that I had definitely, found my soulmate, I was still married at the time, but the relationship had run its course and we were on the way out. So, I knew he was going to be my next relationship. My heart didn't stop some somersaulting for the entire week! Every time I was on the train, I couldn't even read. I could not do anything, but keep an ear out for him coming to talk to me. I was just expecting him to show up and my heart just kept somersaulting! Yes, we had a connection right away.


An Overview to, Finding Your Soulmate

The first truth in how to, find your, soulmate, is to understand the nature of a, soulmate. It’s strange, but most people don’t sit down to figure out what a, soulmate is. As a result, people often force the wrong person into fitting the, soulmate mold. If you want to know how to, find your soulmate, then you need to actually “know,” rather than wing it in understanding what a soulmate is.

Ilona – that so awesome because I think the body doesn't lie. If we're attentive to our body signals and feel our heart and are open to it without numbing it with alcohol or numbing it with anger or numbing ourselves with other kind of
prescription drugs. If we stay clean, if we listen to our body, if we're open to
the knocks of the universe and the universe talking to us, I think we really
feel a lot through our body. I definitely love my body and you know
some people will tell you they get sweaty palms and they get weak knees.

Myrna – I know that but my heart just jumped up and down like a trampoline! I
tell you it was like sometimes, it wasn't a heart attack somersault, it was like so
like a kid jumping up and down on the bed. I wanted to
ask you, “How do you usually, find your soul mate,”

I've read about people, finding their soulmate, before they meet them in person.


Here are some examples of, Finding your soulmate, before your meet them in person:

• I just finished reading this book called “After the Dance” by Jan Gaye, she was Marvin Gaye's wife. Marvin Gaye was one of the top R&B;
singers of our generation. She was his wife. She wrote in her book that when she saw him at 8 years old, she had a crush on him. She fantasized about marrying him and she fantasized about being his woman. When she finally met him at 17 years old, He took one look at her and fell in love with her, even though she was 17 years his junior and still in high school. She became his second wife when she was 20 years old and the mother of his two kids.
• Then I heard about Megan Good. This is, how she, found her soulmate,
Megan Good is a very popular black actress. She said that there is this guy, Devon Franklin that she knew that she was going to marry. She knew that he was going to be your husband and she started telling everybody he was going to be her husband. This was before they met or he knew who she was. When he met her, I don't know what happened; but you he felt an immediate attraction to Megan and told himself he's a preacher and
she's a movie star. It was not going to work. But whatever energy that was guiding them, worked it out. The attraction was too powerful and they ended up getting married. That is how they both, found their soulmate,
• Angelina Jolie, I know you know her. He didn’t turn out to her, soulmate. She decided that she was going to marry Billy Bob Thornton even before she met Him! She tattooed his name on her inner thigh.

Does the universe pick our soulmate

So my question is. Is that , How we, find our soulmate,? Does the Universe picks our, soulmate, for us?

Ilona – I get the vision thing. Honestly that's
what I do write about in my book “Dolphins Love and Destiny” you can get my
books all on Amazon. If you just google my name alone Ilona Selke you will find my books. But let me tell you what happened after I found my, soul mate, and this ties into a bigger question Karma and destiny. Is it their free will? Is there a predestined life? Do we have a guide? Your subconscious mind is helping you because that's what they say that anything you dream about, your subconscious mind is going out there and working for you as you're dreaming about it.

I saw this as the big question. Do you make up life or does it make you up? To
what degree do you we have input in, How to, find our soulmate,?
So, let's fast forward about another 6 years, not a couple years but six years.
I have a dream and in my dream
God speaks and says there's another man you're supposed to
Marry. Wow I say God, I am so happy we're living like two love birds. Living, loving working everything together. Everything we do is the same, we love everything, we we're just a match made in heaven. I think I got that dream wrong!

Whatever you hold in your head, you can hold in your hand!

It could be money, it can be people, it could be anything that you
Want. Once you think about it, there are some things
that you can do in order to make that happen.

So, Ilona what can normal mortals do to manifest their vision and, find their soulmate?
I know you are operating at a higher frequency, but 90 % of my
listeners are not going to be at your level. So what can we do every day?
Let's give a picture here. Let's say that you're in your 40ths and you know you're not married and you want to be married. You're looking for your, soulmate, you know men have come and gone, but nobody is your, soulmate. How do you lay the ground rule or answer that question, how do I, find your soulmate,?

Can't kind your soulmate?

I'm going to tell the story. I had a coaching client who came to me for help in her career but she was going through a bad relationship so inevitably we would talk about her relationship. She had three failed relationships in which she felt used because she had money stolen from her. But she couldn’t handle being alone so she became a pleaser in her relationships.
She was miserable in her current relationship and this guy was once again using her and taking advantage of her. I said to her, you have to
stop being afraid and picture the perfect guy that you want. You’ve got to picture what you guys are going to be doing together, picture the house you're going to living in, etc.

We started working on that and a couple months later, one of her
ex-boyfriends from her high school contacted her on Facebook and
within a couple of months this girl had moved half the way across the country from Florida to California and was in this absolutely wonderful relationship, the same one she imagined when we did our mind work together.
A year later they got married to her, soulmate, and she is now incredibly happy. She found her, soulmate.

Ilona – Here is a trick, if you want to fall in love with someone or have them fall in love with you, gaze into their eyes for five minutes straight.
What happens when you look into another person's eyes? They say the eyes are the door to the soul. Now imagine you're looking but you're not just looking at the pretty color of their eyes or whatever else you might see. Look at the feeling that you get. Almost like you could look through their pupils into another universe. Imagine you could dive into that big universe and find the star that shines through their eyes. That is how you connect with someone. That is how you get them to fall in love with you!

In my book The Wisdom of the Dolphins Love and Destiny, I described it often in my book Dream Big the Universe is listening. This is how we can connect soul to soul and when we take time.
When I wake up I go into my inner world and I say hello beloved, and I see my beloved Don as a star within the heavens. I imagine it as the source, God you know that we meet as a pinnacle does of two points, two lines meeting in the singular apex and at that point where you can merge two into one. When you can manage to surrender to your own identity into
that feeling of actually touching in to the other one and merging and becoming
one flame. Imagine two candles making one flame. When you get into that state, you
can practice and get there. I teach people, how to, find your soulmate, this way. They can all do it. That moment is love. You asked me to define love and here's my definition.

Love is where two or more unite in one.

I mean we can do it as a group, we can do it as a family, we can have an apex you know like a pyramid, you know mother, father, children. You can have the apex of the unity of the family as an energy center.
I do it with Don my husband, and I go into that apex into that singular
flame and I ask that flame, I say guide our relationship to the highest possible
good for all concerned and to be of service. Because there is an intelligence
within that union that starts happening because no two physical things can be in the same place right? We bump into each other, but our souls can merge into
singularity. I found my, soulmate

Myrna – That's awesome, that is that is very true. In our last segment, we talked about, how to, find your soulmate, and manifesting your, soulmate, we talked about merging two souls. You know looking into you know your partner's eyes and seeing not the physical body but seeing their energy. I was just actually learning that from a book that I'm listening to right now from Dr Dwayne Dyer. Basically that's what he suggests that you know don't see the physical, just see the soul of the person, you can look at them through the eyes of love. That's exactly what Ilona was talking about. So now we want to pull on her so that we can take the conversation to the next
level. I know that the word tantric sex is something to do energy, so Miss India you know about the Kama Sutra. Give us some little tidbits in how to merge our souls into fabulous sex!

How to Merge your souls into fabulous Sex

Ilona – right yes physical as well as soul union. Let's take a deep breath here. I want to start out with a quote from Erich Fromm from his book “The Art of Loving” and he says
build walls between people now it might be a small lie, it may be an omission of
something you feel embarrassed about. Well I tell you the greatest sex starts
with the feeling, well not everybody will agree with me, but I tell you the
greatest love fulfilled sex starts with being willing to be seen. You know with
warts and all. I mean if you're willing to be seen for who you are and that
includes all your emotional baggage, maybe your incongruencies, maybe the fact that you had a bad thought or whatever it is you don't want to download this whole thing the first date. No you wait until both of you bit-by-bit reveal to each other your deepest internal selves. You don't have to start out with the darkest secrets first no make it gentle and slow, but come clean to your lover to your beloved, let them see you for who you are. Because that's the only time you will feel loved is when you are no longer acting to be somebody that you think they might love. So let you learn, let yourself be seen for who you are
and start loving yourself.

I remember the day when I laid in bed and said ok God I've tried to get over jealousy. I guess I'm failing. This is it me warts and all. I am still a jealous woman and I am not sure how to help myself so could you accept me like this? and I was just swept up into the heavens and God said OK. You are who you are and by just offering myself up and being willing to be seen in my eyes to God.

I made this up in my head, but I still imagined that I just surrendered who I was and I said this is me and I'm trying my best! Well I was blessed, honest to God. Later on I had angels help me walk through situations where they came in and they uplifted my energy field, and I didn't feel jealousy I felt loved!

I felt spaciousness and that's another thing, when you are entering into let's
say a sexual relationship with a person if you can call in support of energies
whether you imagine them to be angels, or your inner fear guides or just plain out God or even your ancestors or your subconscious it doesn't matter what you frame. Just say please help me discover this ability to be to merge into union and bring the right person who is capable of doing that with me, because it's no use being the quiet Queen when your counterpart isn't
capable. So ask for help, how to, find your soulmate,.

Slow down, breathe breathe as much as you can don't be a rabbit, I mean that's the number one thing we need to slow down to perceive the heart, the feeling and the way you do it is you say let's stop for a moment and just breathe and feel each other. Let me tell you, he will have more pleasure in the end I guarantee it to you. If you delay, I learned this from a French lover when I was young delay, delay attend trick is all about delay.

So here comes the next part you can do breathing exercises, you can look into each other's eyes, but what really matters is learning to sense maybe in little baby steps at first where do you feel that the other person really is present with you and now I'm going to give you an image. Imagine that pyramid right
so you can meet at the base of the pyramid or you can go Midway King's
Chamber or you can go to the apex, and you can go even beyond into the stars
and if you can, and are breathing through this with your partner, I mean it takes
two people to tango, but you can then start merging or feeling or pretend
that you're merging with the other person's soul.

Doing this during, orgasm,  allows you to pretend in your own way, not to just give away to the feeling of pleasure like rise up in your breath and pull it up and out through the top of your head into this imaginary apex in the universe with the other meets that beings soul.
Whether you know whether he or she is there or not just pretend you can do it,
touch them go for them and offer this ecstasy to the divine.
If you can believe in the divine you are really well off if not just turned over to the core big bang, the source give it to that source. In the moment of doing that. Now it takes a lot of discipline to do that you pull up
your breath you say here God I give you my orgasm ah, you're imagining that
you're meeting the other being soul you're going inside kaboom. It's
fireworks, you feel them at the other place at other time space, your body
will know what to do, believe me your body will go through whatever it goes
through even for women or particularly you know who might take a little bit
longer or some who don't orgasm, at a just the feeling of union will satisfy that sense when they go while the guy while let's say typical women are a little bit behind the curve not all but and I don't know about ethnicity but a lot of women I know they're a little bit slower on the draw and you know it takes them longer and if the guy isn't that feels like falling yeah it's just biology you know it's like anyway it takes the guy we go and journey with that other person's soul now if you're the guy listening right now do it with your woman. If you're same-sex, do it with whoever you're with and merge up into an imaginary apex of a particular spiritual.
Make it special, yeah that's real and here is my promise.

Here's my promise if you do this while you’re orgasmic, your orgasm will last longer.
Longer and be more satisfying you come out of the whole experience like ahhh oh my God what have I been missing?

They're saying that one of the reasons that men go to have
affairs and then end up falling in love kind of thing, because they
think that they can just you know have sex and run, but then they're connected.
If you knew that to become even more connected, you transcend the body and you get into the spiritual.

Myrna – I had a guest on my show you know very earlier on and she talked about the Tantric Sex, she gave me a little exercise that I do. She said that you when you if you breathe with
your partner similar to what you're saying but if you if let's say you're
lying in bed and you hug them and you decide to breathe and sync with
their breath it's almost like that spiritual hug kind of thing.

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How to use Sexual Energy to Transform Your Life

In every story of a successful man there has always been a woman he loved that helped him transmute his, sexual energy, to  achieve greatness.
That is because these men were able to transmute the, sexual energy, to create wealth and abundance.

Today's guest on the Mindset Transformation radio show and podcast is Ms Lorae Lauritch.
Lorae is a Sexological Body Worker and, Tantra, Facilitator and she is going to teach us how to use the energy of, sex.  We can use, sexual energy,  to create in your business and personal life.

But before we hear from Lorae I would like to share with you this bible story about, sex.

Tree of Life and Sex

In the, Garden of Eden, God made man in his own image, that is both male and female.
God is both the Alpha and the Omega
Then God decided to separate the man and the woman so he took a rib out of Adam and made the woman
He then told the man and the woman that they can partake of everything in the garden of Eden, except from the tree of knowledge.
The tree of knowledge represented the knowledge of, sex.
We know that Satan tempted the woman and told her that she surely would not die if she ate from the tree of knowledge.
And she didn't die physically; but Eve brought sin and pain to the earth by partaking of the tree of knowledge without the guidance of God.

God intended for the, sexual energy, of the couple to usher them into his presence. This, sexual energy, is the creative force in the Universe.
Masters and Saints have learnt how to transmute, sexual energy, to co-create abundance in their lives.

Sexual energy and God

Lorae Lauritch is going to teach how to use, sexual energy, to get into the presence of God and build also emotional ties with your partner.

Lorae is a sacred-sexuality educator who coaches men, women and couples to be “enlightened lovers.” Her method is to blend ancient holistic practices like, Tantra, and Taoism with the latest western medical and scientific discoveries in psychology, health, and, sex.  She does it in a way that’s practical, fun, and extraordinarily easy.

Lorae believes that when a couple comes together there is a reawakening of their, sexual energy, and their  connection with God.
But some of us are only conscious of the biology of, sex.
Some of us are using, sex, only  as a means to procreate or as control in  rape

In the Eastern Hemisphere monks practice celibacy so that they can transmute that, sexual energy, to get into the presence of God.
Masters who practices celibacy also learn to transmute  their, sexual energy.

In every story of a successful man there has always been a woman he loved that helped him transmute his, sexual energy, to  achieve greatness.
That is because these men were able to transmute the, sexual energy, to create wealth and abundance.

Napoleon Hill taught us how to do this in his best selling classic
“Think and Grow Rich”

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Tantra Sex and self pleasure

Lorae says that when she learned to self pleasure she became comfortable with talking about, sex.
She discovered that only about 70% of women can achieve orgasm through penetration; So she decided to study and become an expert on, sexuality.
Teaching women how to learn about their bodies and to get pleasure from sexual intercourse.

Sex, is more than biology it is how we come into contact with the Divine!

Lorae's teaches that sacred sexuality is playing on all the dimensions.
It is the spiritual, it is the physiological, it is the physical, it is the emotional.
Sacred sexuality, is coming into contact with your higher self.
If is used to deepen the relationship with your partner.
It is also called, Tantric sex.

Do you love Abraham Hicks? I do.
Abraham Hicks – Sexual energy, like all physical energy is an extension of Source energy

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How important is sexual energy in marital relationship?

  • It creates better health and longevity.
  • It relieves stress.
  • Sacred sex clears the energy.
  • It builds this energy called chi or Prana.
  • Our bodies gets drained during the day and sacred, sexual energy, is one way to rejuvenate the body's life source.
  • It is a healing energy.

What is Tantra ?

The, tantra, orgasm is the ability to tap into the body's energy and have it link up to longer orgasmic states.
It is a build up of, sexual energy, and comes in waves throughout the body. It is an explosion from head to toe. It is not concentrated on the genitalia.
Once there is saturation of, sexual energy, in the physical state it can be shared with your partner as you tap into their energy field to become one energy field.

One way to achieve this state is to take a charging breath.
Breathe in like you are taking in a drink through a straw.
Breathe out with sound.

Breathing exercise
Tantra,  breathing is an indirect way to turn on your partner through sound and, sexual energy, exchange.

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