Category Archives: life coaching blog

How to Release Childhood Trauma of Guilt Shame

Trauma, is a shock to the, nervous system. And when, childhood trauma, is stored instead of released, it can cause physical and, mental health, issues down the road. When, trauma, occurs,  in an effort of protection, your brain temporarily pauses your memory processing system, and the experience is not stored as traditional memories.

Today I am talking with Emily Francis. Emily  is the best selling author of “Healing Ourselves Whole”

Listen to the full interview here:


Healing Ourselves Whole will give you the tools you need to clean your emotional house from top to bottom, complete with journal prompts and access to audio meditations for you to listen along to as you read.

As a trained, body worker, Emily Francis offers a refreshing perspective into healing, trauma. She reveals unique knowledge of the body as a holder for memory. Emily will lead you on a path deep within yourself to rearrange the ways that, pain, and, trauma, have been holding you back from whole body, mind, spirit, and, energy healing. You will rearrange the dialogue within your body memory systems as well as learn a practice to re-birth by healing your, inner child, and adolescent selves, coming into the present to create the best adult self possible.

This groundbreaking interactive book contains a journal and access to audio meditations for you to listen to as you read. The meditations will help you dig deep into past, trauma, and discover when and how, trauma, took root. Learn to get in touch with various parts of the physical and, energy body, and how to use them to let go of stored, traumas, and rediscover the deeply held joys that have also been stored within the body. From this, you will learn to live from a new mindful and powerful space.

book: Healing Ourselves Whole from trauma
book: Healing Ourselves Whole

How to release trauma from the body

My Psychotherapist told me to do something called catch and release. Which means whenever you catch yourself being triggered by past, trauma. This happens whenever you begin to feel bad, and you are not sure why. Whenever you feel your body going into reaction mode,  breathe in and then release it.  This allows the feelings you have stuffed down to come out.

Myrna – Emily can you share with our readers how they can  to us start to release, traumatic experiences, from their body?

Emily – In my book, Healing Ourselves Whole, I help my readers put their own hands on their body. When I am helping my clients in person, I help them, release trauma,  in their body by putting my hands on their body to help them locate where the, trauma, had gone in, or the shame, or the guilt.

Why our bodies hold Trauma

Our muscles and tissues store the memory of, trauma.  They also store memories of Joy.  That's my work; but I couldn't write a book and teach you how to do Hands On Healing, so I wrote a book teaching you how to dialogue inside your body.  This book “Healing Ourselves Whole” has a chapter for every emotion we hold in our body. We go through a 15 to 20-minute meditation on releasing, body trauma.

The workbook included with the book allows you to journal and go through all the senses to find the, trauma, carrot or the shame carrot or the guilt or grief. I teach you through this book how to do the body work by yourself. I'm not a therapist, so some behaviors and thoughts still need to be treated by, hypnosis therapy, like EMDR.

I work on the part of the body that is holding the, pain, and blocking the healing, so you still need your, cognitive therapist.

Childhood trauma and body trauma are connected

I have some, childhood trauma, and I know that until I became conscious that I was stuffing things down instead of understanding my emotions, I never understood that my, childhood trauma, was influencing my present. My, childhood trauma, also affected my relationships earlier in life before I was able to start to release them.

This is a great topic on releasing, chronic pain, because some people go to their graves not understanding that their quality of life was hampered by, what happened to them. Sometimes the, wounds, were only from, childhood, but relationships earlier in their lives eg.  lovers, friends, teachers etc.

Emily, what made you become a wellness expert?

I graduated undergraduate with a science and, wellness, degree then I went on to become an aerobic yoga instructor. Then I started suffering from extreme panic attacks and agoraphobia, so I went from loving to be on the stage, to not wanting to leave my house.  I was a college cheerleader, I worked out every day, I was at the gym three to five hours a day teaching different classes and I was like rocking.

The more crowded the better.  I fed off the energy and then I turned twenty-five!  I stopped drinking and the mask dropped and the crazy came up. All the, pain, that I had stuff down came to a flying head and I had to stop myself from extreme anxiety and panic attacks.

It took seven years for me to understand that the reason for my anxiety and panic attacks were because of, childhood trauma, that I had stuffed down. I missed a lot of my hot years as a young adult because I couldn’t hang out with friends or go to bars without feeling like I was crazy.  I really stepped away from life and just sat out and watched life pass me by. My, mental health, was of grave concern to me.  I prayed a lot.  I did a lot of intensive work, meditative work.  I went to a million different, healers.  if I heard of something for, body trauma, I was there.  I went through 7 years of, holistic therapy, and nothing worked until I finally broke down and tried a child's dose of an antidepressant.

When I was able to heal myself, I want to share and that is why I wrote the book Healing Ourselves Whole

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Google Podcast Transform Your Mind

Can medications help with Childhood Trauma?

After 7 years of looking for a treatment, I came across a book by a psychotherapist named Tom Rutledge.  He suggested medications. I tried it and it worked for me. The antidepressant worked because it regulated my brain and here is the thing that I learnt from Tom.  I was reading his book and embracing fear and I decided to write this letter to him. I wrote that I was a big phony and a liar, and I've been writing all these years and it was  just crap.  I am crap and I wrote this long letter.  It was like reading my autobiography. I just wrote out all the things I had been telling myself all these years.

Tom Rutledge replied that I should consider medication. He said that we must first regulate the brain before we can start the healing process and suggested that we should try medication. I rejected medication, because it goes against everything, I believe in.  It goes against my holistic principal, it was a Band-Aid. I said no I'm not interested, and he wrote back. He said there's a part that I think you've missed, the brain and the mind are not the same thing.  The mind is where your thoughts and behaviors are, the brain is an organ in your body. It’s like your heart or your liver or kidneys.  You would not hesitate to take medication if your heart or liver or kidneys were malfunctioning.

But, mental illness, comes with a stigma. People hesitate to take medication because they feel it makes them crazy. Antidepressants are just something to regulate your brain. The brain is an organ and you're missing some chemicals in your brain and that is the reason for the anxiety and panic attacks.  Once you get that regulated all the work that you've done because you've done significant with healers will be able to come through.

Book: Hollywood endings How to get one
Book: Hollywood endings How to get one

Hollywood Endings and How to Get One

 Yes, you can create what you want with imagination an intention. The movie themes the world loves are few and simple; they are the themes that have been portrayed over and over since Hollywood began to make movies. These classics have the most wonderful endings: love overcomes all; good defeats evil; the wayward child comes home. Anyone can be a hero, and everyone has a Guardian Angel.

Hollywood Endings – Using Imagination and Intention is about self-awareness, recovery and enlightenment. It's for anyone who has ever wanted or dreamed of having a “Hollywood ending.” It is for those of us who never had a role model to show us how it's done. It celebrates the wonder of the movies and urges us to see movies once to be entertained, and then return to see them again to learn from them. We all deserve a Hollywood ending. This book can show you how with life lessons from Dances With Wolves, National Velvet, Die Hard, and The Color Purple, to name a few.

Rewrite your own story and give it a Hollywood ending.

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Transform your Mind Soundcloud podcast

Trauma gets stuck in the body

Trauma, gets attached to your tissues, because the experience of stress, particularly, childhood trauma, causes stress and can trigger active survival responses of fight, flight, or freeze. When your, body trauma, can't activate or complete these responses, those sensations become trapped in your nervous system.

Trauma, is a shock to the, nervous system. And when that, trauma, is stored instead of released, it can cause physical and, mental health, issues down the road. When, trauma, occurs,  in an effort of protection, your brain temporarily pauses your memory processing system, and the experience is not stored as traditional memories.

Instead of being stored as a complete memory, traumatic experiences are thought to be stored as fragments of pictures of, body sensations or, body trauma.  These fragments are unprocessed and thus don’t fit in the system as they should. Because they don’t fit, these fragments can surface unexpectedly as nightmares, flashbacks, or general angst and unease. Most of the time you don't know why you are feeling uneasy.

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iHeart Radio

How to Release Trauma Trapped in the Body

International Trauma-Healing Institute founder Gina Ross has developed a simple process called Emotion Aid. Here is a summary of those steps you can use to begin to,  release trauma, trapped in your body.

  1. First, assess where you are: rate your stress or upset from a low of 1 to a high of 7. If it is high, first practice the following Grounding Steps.
    1. Begin by Butterfly Hugging and Tapping– hug yourself and then alternately tap on your arms, from side to side, 25 times. Then take a deep breath. Repeat this until your stress level begins to drop noticeably.
    2. Next, Send Roots into the Ground. Notice your feet or, if your seated, your back, buttocks, and back of your legs in the chair.  Now notice your feet or lower body being firmly connected to the floor, then to the ground, like roots going deep into the earth. Take a deep breath. Then gaze about the room and notice objects or textures about the room, remaining connected to your “roots.”
    3. Finally, Notice Breathing: Put one hand on your chest and one hand your belly. Now just be with your breath, not trying to change it, but just noticing the rhythm of it. Then make a heart shape with your fingertips and bring awareness to your beating heart.

How to discharge body trauma

  1. Now begin to Discharge Sensations and Release Stress.
    1. First, notice your breath and Breathe Notice any sensations that come up naturally. As you release, trauma, and  stress hormones, they will present through sensations like shaking, heat, sweating, yawning, goosebumps, changed breath, and gurgling in the stomach. Be curious about the feelings and be with them, and they will naturally discharge. Do not judge or critique what you are feeling or sensing.
    2. Next, briefly review the, childhood trauma, or troubling thoughts that lead to the sensations. As you review, notice the Feelings that come up as you consider what happened. It’s important to go slow so that you’re only allowing the activation of one feeling at a time. Just be with it and give it plenty of time. Then notice the discharge that emerges as you follow the sensations. (Know that you can temporarily set aside sensations and emotions that you are not focusing on at the moment. For example, imagine putting them on a shelf for the moment.)
    3. Then work with the Thoughts. Again, as you notice one thought at a time, observe the sensations that show up with these thoughts. Let go of the judgment or criticism. Just be present and continue to observe what happens next and experience the sensations discharging and releasing from the body.
    4. Now notice and bring to awareness Resources. A resource is anything that feels strong and calm to you. These can be external (for example, the kind eyes of a good friend) or internal (perhaps the memory of a personal achievement). As you recall or hold these resources notice the sensations that show up in your body. Take a few minutes to feel the sense of calm and strength in your body.


Listen to Emily radio show All About Healing 

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If you would like daily inspiration on how to transform your life, I invite you to join my Facebook group Lifecoach

Additional Resources

Drug and Alcohol Treatments for Women with Trauma

How to Adapt to New Abnormal after Coronavirus Pandemic

The, coronavirus pandemic, has changed the world forever.  We would never return to the way we used to be, so we now have to adapt to the, new abnormal.

Is really important clearly, we're making some bad decisions around the, coronavirus pandemic, and how we'll recover from it. We are heading into a, new abnormal of, cognitive bias.  These are the  dangerous judgment errors that people are making around the, coronavirus,  pandemic, and their false assumptions of what's going to happen in the, new abnormal, because we'll never go back to before January 2020.

Dr Gleb Tsipursky, disaster avoidance expert, says that he has no crystal ball; but as a behavioral, economic, and, cognitive neuroscientist, his expertise is in recognizing the blind spots in our nature as well as, cognitive bias, that lead us to miss reality and make disastrous errors in our decision making. Find out how you can avoid disaster when the, coronavirus pandemic, is over.

Listen to the full interview Here:


Introduction to Cognitive Bias and the Coronavirus Pandemic

These, cognitive bias,  errors are costing lives and ruining livelihoods.  The information shared today will help you keep you safe and enable you to plan for the future in the, new abnormal, after the, coronavirus pandemic.

Myrna – Tell us what made you write the Book: Resilience Adapt and Plan for the New Abnormal of the COVID – 19 Coronavirus Pandemic.

Dr Gleb – I wrote the book after seeing lots of folks make some bad decisions around the, coronavirus pandemic, and their assumptions of what's going to happen after the, coronavirus pandemic.

When I was first investigating the, new abnormal, as a behavioral economist, and, cognitive neuroscientist, risk management expert; I've been various sorts of future forecasting future proofing.  That we address the threats and maximize the opportunities that come to us in the future.

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What I saw was that people were just dismissing, COVID-19, as a disease in the middle of somewhere in Wuhan China.  I started investigating and found Wuhan is a huge city it's 11 million people. It produces over 22 billion dollars in revenue.  It's called the Chicago of China.  Wuhan is a transportation industrial hub with over 200 international flights per day.

It's very well-developed city modern city and the, medical infrastructure, completely collapsed because of the, coronavirus pandemic. When you look at what was happening in January and February 2020, I could forecast the dangers of the, coronavirus pandemic. We are seeing this happen now in India as their, medical unfractured, has completely collapsed.

The Normalcy Bias and the coronavirus pandemic

Is really important clearly, we're making some bad decisions around the, coronavirus pandemic, and how we'll recover from it. We are heading into a, new abnormal. Cognitive biases, the dangerous judgment errors that people are making around the, coronavirus pandemic, and their false assumptions of what's going to happen afterward because we'll never go back to January 2020.

One of the biggest, cognitive biases, that causes us to make bad decisions not simply around the, coronavirus pandemic; but any sort of situation that might result in a major disaster is called the, normalcy bias.   The, normalcy bias, refers to us perceiving that the future will be much like the past.

We're unable to really make good predictions and trend lines, for example, the fiscal crisis of 2008-2009. It was pretty clear that the rising housing prices was going to be unsustainable for houses.  It was it was clear; but people kept buying and then everything crashed.

Because I have this feeling this gut reaction this, normalcy bias, the natural implication or conclusion is that infrastructure without interventions will also be as badly affected as Wuhan and Northern Italy and, medical infrastructure, collapse.

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Book The seed of life
Book The seed of life

Myrna – so the, cognitive bias, is what you're saying that people look at the past and normalize the future.

What is Anchoring in the coronavirus pandemic

Dr Gleb – An example of a, cognitive bias, is called, anchoring. Anchoring, refers to looking at what we know about a topic and using that as a filter for all future subsequent information about a topic. The, coronavirus pandemic, started in China in November 2019 and nobody expected it to come this way because, Sars and all the other, coronaviruses, stayed isolated in the African countries.

They did not realize that this, coronavirus pandemic, would cause the collapse of a major modern medical infrastructure and none of these, coronaviruses, were not nearly as infectious as, COVID-19, coronavirus.

So, people were using their past information to judge all future events and this is a, cognitive bias.

Anchoring, causes us to make really bad decisions in a number of areas including the, coronavirus pandemic.  The, normalcy bias, and, anchoring, are all applying to the world after, COVID-19. We anchored we look at the past, coronaviruses, we look at the flu because a lot of people were comparing the, coronavirus pandemic, it to the flu and we made some bad decisions.

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What is the cognitive bias that we need to remove in the New Abnormal?

In order to move forward, we know now that we underestimated, COVID-19, and now there's another strain.  This is a very intelligent virus; it keeps changing a lot.

The first, cognitive bias, we need to remove in the, new abnormal, is called, hyperbolic discounting.  What we tend to do as human beings our intuition, our feelings causes us to be very oriented toward the short term. Toward what's going to happen in the next few moments and discount the importance of the long-term future.

This new strain has collapsed the medical infrastructure in South Africa, Brazil and the United Kingdom.  The latest information is they're more deadly than the current, coronavirus, strains.

The, coronavirus vaccine, are somewhat less effective on these new stains. The effectiveness of the Pfizer, coronavirus vaccine, goes from 90 percent to 70 percent effective. That means this new strain of, coronavirus, will become dominant in the USA sometime by March or April of 2021.


How to Prepare for the new dominant strain of coronavirus

  • Get into strict lockdown, because if you get sick with, COVID-19, you will be facing no prospect of getting into a hospital because the hospitals will be full.  Also don't do anything that might be considered dangerous.  Don't go skiing, don't travel, don't use power tools around the house etc.
  • You need to get supplies because there will be supply disruptions of various sorts. People will get into panic buying again. So you want to protect yourself now by securing supplies for yourself and your family.
  • You want to talk to your boss about working from home because this will be a bad time. If you cannot work from home, you should consider looking for another job.


Are we immune from the new strain of COVID-19 if we had the first strain?

If you caught the, COVID-19, then you are immune for at least three months.

But you can still catch this new strain of, COVID-19.  There are some cases where people do get re-infected and that depends on their physiology.

How do we adapt to the new normal of, working from home, social distancing, finding love on the internet because all the bars are closed?

What kind of, cognitive bias, do we have to remove?

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Cognitive Bias, the planning fallacy

Dr Gleb – One the, cognitive bias, that I think is really important is called the, planning fallacy.  The, planning fallacy, refers to making plans and expecting the world will go according to our plans.  You've probably heard the phrase failing to plan is planning to fail.

Unfortunately, the, planning fallacy, is the idea that our plans will often not go according to plan; but because of the, planning fallacy, we don't put in enough resources to adapt to a new situation or contingencies risks and problems. We don't pivot our plans nearly as quickly as we should.

So, you want to be aware that your plans for a life after, COVID-19, and getting back to January 2020 is very unlikely to come true because the, coronavirus pandemic, has already impacted our habits our values.  What we care about, and our norms.

We need to get ready for a world that after, COVID-19, will be a bit more virtual, crowds may be uncomfortable, meeting strangers at a bar will be uncomfortable. You will feel anxious around other people.


Business will do business different after COVID-19 pandemic

The world will stay virtual for example. Your meeting with your insurance agent will be virtual.

  • Real estate showings will remain virtual,
  • coaching will be virtual.
  • Many service professionals and sales people who are providing therapy or coaching services will remain virtual.

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Transform your Mind Soundcloud podcast

Tell us about your book Resilience: Adapt and Plan for the New Abnormal of the COVID-19, Coronavirus Pandemic.

My book talks about how businesses, and individuals can adapt to this new abnormal during the last stage of, COVID-19 pandemic. The post recovery, how do you effectively collaborate virtually, for example.

How many people have taken the time to do a course in professional development on how to have effective virtual communication? After, COVID-19, if you are a more effective virtual communicator than other folks you can compete more effectively.

In the book that I talk about how to effectively survive and thrive in the last stage of, COVID-19, and the post recovery in a more virtual world, in a world characterized by more anxiety around interactions, in a world with supply chains disruptions.

How are you going to make sure that your business supply chains are protected?  You need to make a strategic plan for yourself. My book goes for the specific steps on the ways that you go about making a strategic

Plan for yourself as an individual and if you are a business leader within a business or if you're a team leader with a team.

How do listeners get a copy of your book and connect to you?

My book is available in bookstores everywhere.  Readers or listeners can

get in touch with me from my blogs, videos podcasts, articles on my website You can go to disaster for a free eight video based course on making the wisest decisions and managing risks.

For those of you watching on YouTube would love you to subscribe to the channel.

If you're listening on iTunes please subscribe and rate and review the podcast so that we'll be able to reach a wider audience.

I would like to invite you all to join my Facebook group called Lifecoach

we have inspiration messages daily from numerous coaches.

Additional Resources

Coronavirus: How to Protect Yourself

How to Write Your Own Hollywood Ending

A lot of times if you believe it and pray about it your, Hollywood movie, will turn out exactly the way that you want it to be. If we use our imagination, we can create our, Hollywood ending. Think of that bad job you are in and create your, Hollywood movie, with your own, Hollywood ending with you in your dream job, in your dream relationship and your dream family.  First you must have the baseline of, self-awareness, then you use your imagination to write the script. Where do I want to get to, what’s my goal?  You are the Director, Producer and star of your Life Movie.

My guest today is Linda Flanders, Author of “Hollywood Endings and How to Get One”

Years ago, my pastor preached a message that when we're born there is a blank page.  We have a beginning, and we have an ending and in the middle we are supposed to write our story. We are the director of our life movie, producer and the Star in our, Hollywood ending.

Listen to the full interview Here 

Writing your Hollywood Ending

Yes, you can create what you want with imagination an intention. The movie themes the world loves are few and simple; they are the themes that have been portrayed over and over since Hollywood began to make movies. These classics have the most wonderful endings: love overcomes all; good defeats evil; the wayward child comes home. Anyone can be a hero, and everyone has a Guardian Angel.

Hollywood Endings – Using Imagination and Intention is about self-awareness, recovery and enlightenment. It's for anyone who has ever wanted or dreamed of having a “Hollywood ending.” It is for those of us who never had a role model to show us how it's done. It celebrates the wonder of the movies and urges us to see movies once to be entertained, and then return to see them again to learn from them. We all deserve a Hollywood ending. This book can show you how with life lessons from Dances With Wolves, National Velvet, Die Hard, and The Color Purple, to name a few.

Book: Hollywood endings How to get one
Book: Hollywood endings How to get one

Rewrite your own story and give it a Hollywood ending.

Linda has been a, FeldenKrais, practitioner for 30 years and an independent video producer. Flanders and her sister Dr Dorothy Halla-Poe created the, matrix model, an innovative way to work with children's atypical behavior and, learning disabilities.  They specialized in using the, filmmaking, process as a learning and teaching tool, focusing on projects that are educational and promote social and personal change.

Myrna – I love the idea of using the, Hollywood movie, and, filmmaking, process as a learning tool to help children with, learning disabilities.  Can you share how that works.

Linda – I am a, Feldenkrais, practitioner and have been for 30 years and while that particular mode of learning has to do with learning, self-awareness, and learning through options.  I started working with young children who needed physical therapy and occupational therapy; but their behavior was such that they were absolutely out of control and scared the, physical therapist, on the, occupational therapist.

I started working with children behavior focusing specifically on self-awareness and self-control. If we have those two things, we can pretty much guide our own, Hollywood ending. If we do not have them, then we are vulnerable to so many awful things that can happen in our life.  If we cannot control ourselves and become the, Director, in our own, Hollywood movie, somebody else is going to control us.


I started using making, movies, as a fun activity with children and what I found was that even with multiple, psychiatric labels, attached to them and very bizarre behaviors, they all listened to the, director, if they played a part in a, movie.


When they had a camera in their face and the, director, said do this; they did it without hesitation. No attitude or behavioral issues. The children also loved watching themselves over and over in their, Hollywood movie. Science has shown that kids watching themselves act a certain way reinforces new neural pathways in their brain of new behavior.

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Transform your Mind Soundcloud podcast

The, Feldenkrais method, is an educational way of learning to teach self-awareness.

Myrna – I understand the behavioral piece in making a, Hollywood movie; but I don’t understand how making a, movie, helps children with, learning disabilities.

Linda – In making our, Hollywood movie, I had them freeze for the camera while I ran around with the camera to a different angle, because that's how a, Hollywood movie,  is made.

The children had to be in the, present moment, and they had to control themselves from the inside out. That is the huge piece of, self-control, and if they can gain, self-control, then they've got a better opportunity in school to be able to learn the different topics that they needed to learn.

In making a, Hollywood movie, they became much more aware of themselves and what they could do and what they couldn't do. When they fell apart and got angry or sad or wanted to be the star of the, Hollywood movie, those issued had to be worked out during the filming of the, movie.

Myrna – That’s great and innovative. I hope teachers who are listening will take some cues from you because now we all can make, Hollywood movies, with our cell phones!

Hollywood Endings and How to Get One

Let’s transition into your book.  You wrote the book “Hollywood Endings and How to Get One” Tell us what would you like the readers to walk away with after reading your book.

Linda – Absolutely, it is a, self-help book, or a, self-improvement book. It teaches, mindfulness, helps with raising, self-awareness, on topics like “are you happy” “are you content with your job” etc.

The book teaches the science of, mindfulness, of paying attention to the moment, so you are fully present. In the science world this is called, neuroplasticity.  Change your brain, change your life.

If we use our imagination, we can create our, Hollywood ending. You think of that bad job you are in and create your, Hollywood movie, with your own, Hollywood ending. First you must have the baseline of, self-awareness, then you use your imagination to write the script. Where do I want to get to, what’s my goal?

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iHeart Radio

Your Hollywood Ending doesn't have to be romantic

The idea of the, Hollywood ending, is not necessarily a romantic one, it could be any goal you have. If you reach that goal that's a, Hollywood ending.

Myrna – When you were talking my mind went directly to the, Hollywood movie, Pretty Woman.

The movie started with the words, Hollywood, where dreams were made, anything is possible in, Hollywood! It ended with the same words.

But in the movie specifically Julia Roberts had a dream. She had a dream of her own, Hollywood ending.   She actually told Richard Gere in the movie hey “all the time I was dreaming you about my Prince Charming, I would dream I would be locked up into this room in this castle and the prince would climb up and he would rescue me. Nowhere in my, Hollywood ending, did he say I’m going to put you up in a condo as my mistress.

It's really true, if you've got a goal and you've got a dream of your movie of life having a, Hollywood ending, it's very hard for someone to knock you off of it.  Which is why she didn't accept that offer which she said was a good offer for a girl like her.

She had gained, self-awareness, in that whole process of being a highly paid call girl for a week.

Linda – In the book I do explain the three systems of the brain.  I’m not a, neuroscientist;  but the information's out there,  I  simply simplified it.

The Brain Systems

  1. The producer brain, because without a producer you don't have a, Hollywood movie. The producer brain is the, reptilian brain, and that keeps us breathing. It keeps our heart beating. So, we don't have a lot of control over that one
  2. The, limbic system, is the home of the emotions and we can live there we can, but we can also get stuck there. You can become a drama queen always reacting to life instead of working in the direction we want to go.
  3. The cerebral cortex, the Director brain. That's where we plan, where we use our own judgment, where we use our common sense, our reasoning.

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There's another movie that Julia Roberts was in called “Sleeping with the Enemy” where she is in a very abusive domestic violence situation.  I talk about that movie in my book, because if you can't leave a situation, you can watch that movie and get ideas to leave your situation.

In the, Hollywood movie, she planned her escape. She learnt to swim, she selected her disguises so her husband could not find her, she picked a place that she would live. She imagined her, Hollywood ending. She set all the pieces in order first, then she made her escape and that's what I’m teaching in the book.  We could use, Hollywood movies, and our imagination to write our own, Hollywood ending.

Myrna – So you want readers to walk away with the vision that they can direct their lives. They can plan it out, they can be a director, the producer of their own lives, because their life is like a, Hollywood movie.

Linda – Yes, each chapter there is a list of a few things to do. The first one is go watch a, Hollywood movie, but I want you to watch this movie through this lens, so that you're watching the movie from a different perspective.  You're gaining awareness from watching that movie. For example in the, Hollywood movie, Die Hard, with Bruce Willis.

In that movie there are places where Bruce Willis is so emotionally distraught, that he's not thinking.  He throws some C4 down an elevator chute without recognizing that it's gonna explode and where's that explosion gonna come?  It's gonna come right back up the chute into his face. That's an example of us doing something without thinking of the consequences which blows up in our face.

Myrna – I don't know much about movies or directing, but I know as a, Life coach, I always teach that we're the director of our own lives, because we make the decisions and direct our choices.

What is the FeldenKrais Method

One of the things within, Feldenkrais model, is taught through movement.  We teach awareness, options and choice, but these lessons are taught through the avenue of movement.  One of the classic lessons in the, Feldenkrais, community is called a pelvic clock. It's the ability to get your pelvis moving in all the different directions of a clock.  It's better to be able to move a little bit in all these directions than a whole lot just one way, so it's definitely the opposite of one-way thinking.

In my work with children I teach them how to create a clock from clay. They have to make the clock and they have to make the one, two, three, four all the way to twelve.  Then they have to make a little person and put the person in the center of the clock.  The idea what if you altered your behavior just a little bit. Just a little bit to move to the next number on the clock.  Step by step by step. You don’t have to stop doing something just change it a little bit.

It could be drug use, overeating or alcohol in adults. The idea is its okay if you can't completely stop drinking but can you cut back a little bit with awareness. If you can’t make a small change, then you become aware that you have a real problem.

It's this intertwining of movement and thinking with our emotions that get tied up in this knot and through the Feldenkrais method of movement and awareness you can break those up and then make small changes.  Transformation comes faster because you've incorporated movement as well as thinking and emotions.

FeldenKrais Method uses movement to achieve change 

Myrna – Yes that is the mind and body connection as taught in Yoga.

Linda – If we want to become the director in our own, Hollywood movie, then this is simply a way that we can do it.  Shakespeare said that “the whole world is a stage and we're just actors on it”

Myrna – In this day and age everybody's got a camera, people are making big money just recording on their smart phones. You do not need the big fancy movie camera to record your own, Hollywood movie.


Free Feldenkrais Summit

From May 1st through May 10th there is a free online Feldenkrais summit that you want to invite our listeners and TV audience.

It's an international summit, so for those whole two weeks you have presentations that come from, Feldenkrais, practitioners around the world who have taken their work and specialized in it.  You can learn about using this method to help with trauma. There is trauma from anyone who is victimized and has been traumatized.

Some have taken, Feldenkrais, into working with world-class athletes and top performers.

Some have taken it literally into working with animals. Linda Tellington Jones can do amazing things with animals.

I took it into behavior, so it could be applied in a whole bunch of different ways.

So, the summit has all these different international speakers. It is literally 24 hours of

Feldonkrais, awareness through movement.

It's all free so it's an opportunity for people to experience the, Feldenkrais method, and break up those muscular patterns so you can feel better. Because when you move better, you can feel better.


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In closing a, Hollywood movie, I am going to suggest everybody go watch the, Hollywood movie, Baby Boom with Diane Keaton because in an instant she a New York executive and literally overnight she becomes a single parent of a toddler who had lost her parents.

She took the circumstances of her life and created her own, Hollywood ending.

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How to Find Success in Online Dating During COVID 19

Online dating, during COVID 19 is happening the same way as online purchases and e-commerce. During the last year we have been buying most of everything online. Dating and relationship coach, Anwar White says for his clients, dating apps, are the primary way that they are meeting future partners or just, dating, in general. That's going to be the case after, COVID 19, when things open back and we can date in person again.  I thing like e-commerce, 20% of people will remain on, dating apps.

I would like to welcome my newest audience which on the Preach the Word Worldwide Television Network.

Today we have an exciting topic for all you single ladies and single men out there.  We are going to be talking on the topic of How to Find Success Dating during COVID 19.

Listen to the full interview Here:


My guest today is dating and, relationship coach, Anwar White.  Anwar is going to share tips on, online dating, during these unprecedented times of, COVID 19, where everything is remote. Single women, can’t meet their date in person.

We want to include some information on, Christian dating.  The bible says in second Corinthians:

Do not be unequally yoked which means that Christians should look for partners in, marriage, where both of them share the same beliefs and practices such as praying, reading the bible and going to church.

Dating Tips on How to Get Your Guy

Myrna – Tell us your journey to becoming, dating coach, and podcast Host of the “How to Get Your Guy”. I guess the, dating, conversation is towards women.

Anwar – My name is Anwar White, and I have been helping the boys talk to the girls and the girls talked to the boys ever since elementary school.  I started doing this work as a, dating coach, when catching up with my female classmates and found out everything was going well in their life except for love.

It was so crazy to me because these women were the most amazing women. Well educated, beautiful and successful and yet they could not find a man.  So, I told them I'm taking over your love life! I slowly started working with a variety of my former classmates and we had lot of really great success. They were having boyfriends very quickly and they were getting married within two years.

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Helping Women of Color Date Effectively

I got certified as a, relationship coach, and started working with thousands of women and men all around the world.  I don't want your listeners to think I focus just on women.

I am very focused on how men are thinking about, dating, and, relationships, as well.  So  I've been doing my own thing as an entrepreneur and coaching women all around the world, specifically, women of color.  Smart, successful, women of color, on how to heal their heart, how to date effectively and then, How to Get Their Guy, on my podcast.

Myrna -It sounds like you were born with the aptitude for this work because when people start doing things earlier on in life, it is usually their purpose. We are experiencing huge growth on, dating apps, and the, online dating, world During, COVID 19, pandemic. Do you think the, dating, world will be forever changed after, COVID 19?

Is online Dating Here to Stay

Anwar – I think about, online dating, the same way I think about online purchases and e-commerce. During the last year we have been buying most of everything online. I know for the clients that I work with, dating apps, is the primary way that they are meeting future partners or just, dating, in general. That that's going to be the case after, COVID 19. When things open back and we can date in person again, I thing like e-commerce, 20% of people will remain on, dating apps.

It's crazy because it's similar in terms of, online dating.  Roughly 20% of, relationships, came from, online dating, right now that looks like a little bit more like 40 to 50%.

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How can one find success dating during COVID 19

Anwar- It depends on what their definition of success means. For some marriage is not their end goal, they just want to connect with someone. My clients have different wants and desires.  The other thing that I wanted to about success in, online dating, is specifically during this time is that we have the time to self-reflect and to have more self-awareness.

You have to bring your whole entire self to this, love game, or you're not going to be successful. If you're you not addressing the things that you have been avoiding or ignoring or ashamed of and you're hiding those parts of yourself, then people are not really getting to know you or able to love you fully.  So, take this time to address and heal some of those things so that when they are meeting their person, they can be ready to be the best partner that they can be.

Myrna – Do you think that people can do self-reflection themselves or they're hiring a, dating coach, like you for instance.

Hiring a Dating Coach Helps you become your best self

Anwar –  Some are hiring a, dating coach, I think the coaching industry has exploded. People have had the time and space to sit back, exhale and be like oh I’m not happy about these things.  Instead of working and doing that rat race.

Coaches can help you with those blind spots to accelerate that work and potentially that healing to get you to your goal faster.

Myrna – 95% of us are not living conscious lives which means that they can't sit down and self-evaluate or see their blind spots.

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What are the top, dating, mindset shifts that are critical to successful, Online dating?

Anwar – I think there are a couple of things when I think about kind of mindset shifts when it comes to, dating. First is a lot of people try to date their clone, someone who's just like them.  If I am from the Caribbean and I am a Christian and I work in IT, that is who they want to partner with.

I have a really great success rate in terms of getting my clients partnering with someone who is not their clone. I think it's important for us to realize that we have to be more open-minded when it comes to, dating, and realize that it's not about what their resume or what their paper looks like; it's really about how they're making me feel.

I work with smart and successful women.  My clients are Harvard educated and most of them has a list of the things they want in a man. We have to shift our mindset around, you had an amazing time with this person.

On the men's side it's about really how she looks and how seductive she is and her

curvature and all of that, so we have to think beyond that and really focus in on the things that are going to fulfill us from a long-term perspective, because chemistry is short lived.

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Is Compatibility more important than Chemistry in Dating?

Another mindset shift that I want us to be thinking about is, compatibility vs chemistry.  How we how we vibe, how we connect, how we mesh.  I always think of, compatibility, is. Can we make a thousand decisions in one day together?  Because that's really what being a really in a, relationship, is all about.  You must be able to be on the same page on a lot of different subjects.

The mindset shift is about prioritizing, compatibility, over, chemistry. I think a lot of people are focused on the, chemistry, when they're, dating, and not the, compatibility.  The, chemistry, is those butterflies in my stomach.  Chemistry, chemically fades within 18 months from our body and then all you are left with is, compatibility.

When you look at, divorce rates, those first two years are so crucial, because often times what happens is that, chemistry, starts to fade during that time.

Dating Advice on Finding the Right Guy

If you're a woman out there and you want a guy that is making six figures that's great; but that's only nine percent of the population.

  • If you want a guy who is six feet tall, that's good; but that's roughly eight percent of the population
  • If you want a man with a graduate degree that's six percent of people out there
  • If you want someone who owns their own home that’s 20% of the population.
  • Multiply all of that together you actually have a one percent chance of finding your guy and that's not even taking into account if that person likes you back.

You must know how this, love game, works. Nine out of the ten people that you meet are not going to be the one. Knowing the numbers ahead of time saves your heart and saves any of the mental chatter, you know of the stories that you tell yourself.  The ones that don't serve you, I am not good enough, I will never meet the right guy.

Additional Resources

How Single Women over 40 Find Love


Seven Levels of Spiritual Awakening


We are both the source and the recipients of the gifts of the Universe and God.

Spiritual awakening,  is a natural process similar to waking up in the morning and opening your eyes to the light. Your light is personal to you 
expressing your inner vision.
Visions come true by merging your inner and outer life.
We all have wishes and dreams to fulfill. For,  spiritual awakening,  to be valid, it must be useful in bringing fulfillment. 

There are seven levels of Spiritual Awakening. 

When you are fully connected to the light of being which is the light of the self, your light shines beyond all things on earth, beyond the highest heavens. This is the light that shines within you!

1: Spiritual Awakening - The level of Pure Potential

Spiritual awakening, is our essential state, pure consciousness. Pure consciousness is pure potential. It is the field of all possibilities and infinite creativity. When you discover your essential nature and know who you really are, in that knowing
itself is the ability to fulfill any dream you have; because you are the eternal possibility, the immeasurable potentiality of all that was, is and will be! One way to access this field is through the daily practice of silence, meditation and Life Coaching.

2: Spiritual Awakening - Fulfillment from Giving

When we are, spiritual awakening, our body, mind and the Universe are in constant and dynamic change. Stopping the circulation of energy is like stopping the flow of blood. Whenever blood stops flowing, it begins to clot, to stagnate. That is why you must give and receive in order to keep wealth, affluence, love, respect ...or anything you 
want...Circulating in your life.

I practice not only giving to God, but giving something to everyone I meet. It could be a smile, a compliment or a prayer. The most powerful forms of giving are the non-material. The gifts of caring, attention, affection, appreciation and love are some of the most precious gifts you can give or receive.

3: Spiritual Awakening - Fulfillment from Sowing and Reaping

During, spiritual awakening, we are aware of our actions. Everyone has heard the expression "whatever you sow, you shall reap". It is obvious that if we want to create happiness in our lives, we must learn to sow the seeds that will grow Happiness. Therefore, we must life consciously, making good choices. Whether you like it or not, everything that is happening to you at 
this moment is a direct result of the choices you've made in the past. 

You cannot alter the past, but you can make the choice to design your future. Start now with the help of a Spiritual Life Coach. The more you bring your choices into the level of your conscious awareness, the more you will make those choices which are spontaneously correct for both you and those around you. This is, spiritual awakening. 

4: Spiritual Awakening - Fulfillment from Love

When you seek money and power for the sake of the ego, you spend energy chasing the illusion of happiness from material things, instead of enjoying the happiness of the moment. On the other hand, when your actions are motivated by love, your energy multiplies and accumulates and the surplus can be channeled to 
create anything you want; including unlimited wealth.

5: Fulfillment from The Desires of your Heart

The whole Universe, in its essential mature, is the movement of energy and information called, spiritual awakening.  You can consistently change the energy and information of your own Quantum mechanical body and therefore influence the energy and informational content of your extended body...your environment, your world... and cause things to happen. In other words "You become what you think about, most of the time". The quality of your intention on the object of your attention will orchestrate an infinity of space-time events to bring about the outcome intended. So, never, never give 
up on your dreams. 

6: Fulfillment from Detachment

Detachment, is a part of, spiritual awakening. Detachment, does not mean you give up the intention to create your desire. Instead, you give up your attachment to the result. The moment you relinquish your attachment to the result and just believe that it will be yours; you will have that which you desire. Detachment is based on the unquestioning belief in the power of God.

Detachment, is also synonymous with wealth consciousness, because with, detachment, there is freedom to create. True wealth consciousness is the ability to have anything you want, anytime you want and with little effort. Start creating your wealth. Call for a free consultation. 

7: Spiritual Awakening - Fulfillment from being on Purpose

We have taken manifestation in physical form to fulfill a purpose. There is something that you can do better than anyone else in this whole world. There are also unique needs. When these needs are matched with creative expression of talent, there is a spark that creates affluence. Expressing your talents to fulfill needs creates unlimited wealth and abundance.

It is said that "who you seek, is seeking you" my talent is to HELP you in discovering your purpose and fulfilling your destiny by creating awareness, discovering your essential nature, making conscious choices and co-creating for you and your loved ones. So let's connect and create wealth and abundance.
Call for a free consultation today.

Myrna Morris Young
Spiritual Life and Executive Coach
email: [email protected]


How to Rewrite Your Life Story and Achieve Organizational Wellness

When you rewrite your, life story, you can start living on purpose.  You can then transcend the negative stuff from your story all the things that makes you uncomfortable. When you do this as a leader, you can then show up in your organization as your best self and that contributes to, organizational wellness.

My guest today is Sam Morris, Managing Director and chief Culture Officer at Five to Flow LLC, a global collective that builds integrative, organizational wellness, solutions designed to achieve and sustain, peak performance.

Listen to the full interview Here:

Coach Myrna Life Story

I want to start off by sharing my, life story.

I decided to think about my, life story, I realized that as a youth I didn’t identify with my, life story.

My, life story, is that I was born in a very poor Third World Country, Guyana. My mother and father didn't have much. Both my grandmother and my mom were domestic servants. During that time, I was also, sexually abused.

I never identified with that, story, because somehow God put in my heart and spirit all of the things that I was good at an early age.  I was good in school, I had a great personality, teachers liked me etc. Now that I’m a, life coach, in the personal development space, trying to motivate and inspire others;  the, story, that I tell myself now is that I was born for greater things.

The, life story, of my birth to me is just basically like Jesus, we were both born in poverty and lack in order to transform you into a spiritual teacher.

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Helping Men Rewrite their Life Story

Myrna – Sam you mentioned that you help men overcome their, life stories, traumas, and blocks to be the men the world need them to be.  I'm assuming that you have a, life story, that somehow parallels this, because we have to go through something before you can help other people do the same.

What is your, life story?

Sam – My, life story, is that I was born with my umbilical cord wrapped around my neck, so I couldn't breathe. From birth to almost 30 years of my life, I was extremely sick.  I had severe food allergies, actually a long list of food allergies. People say that I was allergic to basically everything except water and air; but then a therapist affectionately pointed out to me that actually I was allergic to air, because I also had asthma!

There was a period in my mother's womb when she thought she had cancer, she didn't know she was pregnant.  So my energies and my soul and my spirit were immediately put into fighting to survive mode.

As a child and adult, self-love, was not a part of my vocabulary or thought process. I had this idea that I needed to fight for breath and also fight for love.

Overcoming Your Life Story

My, life story, became that in order to be loved, someone had to save me. People were constantly having to save me from my asthma attacks and choking, and this saving mentality got imprinted on my heart as this is what love looks like.

If I am in a relationship with a woman, friend, parents or family member, I believed that for anyone to show me that they loved me they have to somehow save me.

Later in life, I battled addiction from my early 20s into my late 30s.  Really hardcore destructive addiction.

So my, life story, of being needing to be saved was very detrimental and destructive to me and that is why I coach men on how to rewrite their, life story.

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Transform your Mind Soundcloud podcast

Your Life Story and Organizational Wellness

Myrna – How does rewriting your, life story, help with organizational, wellness, and, peak performance?

Sam – Your story, is important in, organizational culture. The, culture, is where I focus all my all my energies on.  Five to Flow focuses on the, organizational culture, because a culture of, inclusivity, allows an organization to thrive.  By, inclusivity, I mean the whole, diversity and inclusion, conversation. The, inclusion, I'm talking about here is the, culture, of feeling safe, allowing your employees to be creative, to be innovative, to show up for work as their best self!

When you rewrite your, life story, around I'm living my purpose, I'm transcending the negative stuff.  I'm transcending my negative story, I'm transcending that, lifestory, that keeps me uncomfortable. I am transcending the, lifestory, that's familiar, but not productive or growth oriented. I choose to transcend that, lifestory, and show up in my organization as my best self, that mindset contributes to organizational, wellness.

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Transform your Mind Stitcher

Rewrite your Lifestory by Going Back to Your Childhood Home

Myrna – I was listening an interview on Oprah Super Soul Conversations and the author talked about going back to your childhood home and looking through the window. What were your thoughts back then as a child when you looked through the window? Did you envy your friends because they had better clothes than you? Did you want to be white and have long straight hair? Looking through your childhood window allows you to understand your mindset and rewrite your, life story.

A lot of times you have to go back to the trauma and look at it from those eyes and maybe you will see something different. Looking back you could see something someone said to you that had traumatized you for years and now you see it was nothing.  The, story, that you been telling yourself for 30 or 40 years did not happen as you saw it.

How men can be vulnerable as Leaders

Vulnerability, for a guy is like being open to show your feelings even though you have told that real men don’t do this or that.  The things that society doesn't let you talk about because you'll look weak. Vulnerability, is like a beach ball in the ocean. Imagine you have a beach ball and it's fully inflated and you're trying to push it under water, it’s gonna to always pop back up. That's like your trauma popping back up and you keep trying to push it back down.

That leads to self-sabotage and repeated destructive patterns.  The beach ball represents, vulnerability. If you open the tab and let some of the air out of the beach ball you will be able to keep it under water.  As a leader you have to become vulnerable to prevent self-sabotage.

Myrna – I remember Tyler Perry talking about this particular subject.  He was taught that men don't cry and that he's gone to funerals and people have told him don't cry, you're a man. But in an office nobody’s crying, what’s an example of, vulnerability, in a leader that showcases organizational, wellness?

Sam – In organizational, wellness, it is the action that you take to avoid the insecurity of fear. One of those insecurities could be something about like the President implemented a strategy that proved ineffective and someone else presented a better policy.  The President could fear loosing his job and being replaced.


Organizational Wellness and Your Life Story

Myrna – Tell us about your organization Five to Flow, I understand your mandate is to help foster, organizational wellness.  You identified that, health and wellness, is important to organizational success.

Sam – What we do at Five to Flow is we look at five areas of, organizational wellness:

  • On our website we have a, wellness, wave which is a diagnostic tool that anybody take and it will spit you back a score. There's two versions, a short version and a long form version that any anybody in the organization can take. You get a score from one to five back on how all their employees answered questions in these five areas:
  • process,
  • people,
  • culture
  • analytics and
  • technology.

Each one of these areas has 25 questions for the long form and five questions for the short one about they’re employee or the leadership team or the CEO c-level, c-suite team about their experience of those five areas of the business.



I want to remind you guys if you're if you're listening on iTunes please subscribe.

You can also subscribe to the Transform your mind YouTube Channel.

Finally, I want to invite you guys to join my Facebook group called life coach for daily inspiration from Coaches and thought leaders from around the world.


Additional Resources

Are You Trapped By Your Past?

How to Find Beauty in Your Now!

Tragedy and Blessings Both Show up Suddenly

Tragedy, and, Blessings, both show up unexpectedly. We never know when it is the last time we will hug our loved ones, because tomorrow is not promised.  Your big break can happen today or your can break your leg today.

The scripture I want to reference today for my Preach the Word Worldwide Television Audience  is

Ecclesiastes 9:12 People can never predict when, hard times, might come. Like fish caught in a net or birds in a trap, people are caught by sudden, tragedy.

Listen to the full audio here:

Tragedy happen suddenly just like fish caught in a net

I want to share 2 stories with you today to illustrate this, life lesson.

Last month I took a trip back home to Toronto, Canada to see my new grandson.

My brother picked me up at the airport at 1 am. When we got to his house his wife and son were both up, so we stayed up and talked until 3 am before I went to bed. When I woke up in the morning everything had changed. Rose my brother’s wife received a call about 3.30 am that morning that her mom had a brain aneurysm. By 10.00 am that morning they knew that she was not going to recover. The blood vessel broke in her brain in a location that was inoperable. She died a few days later. That same night Rose had spoken to her mother at around 10 pm when she called and made arrangements to visit on the weekend. They ended the call with I love you. That was the last time they spoke.  Tragedy, never us a warning.

Like fish caught in a net people are caught by sudden, tragedy.

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The Polarity of the Universe

This is a Universe of polarity and the opposite of, tragedy, is, blessings. In my life fortunately I have had more, blessings, than, tragedy.

Let me share a personal story.

I live in an HOA community, Colony Trace HOA managed by Alliant Property Management Since I have 3 empty bedrooms in my home, I decided to rent one of them.

About 3 months after my tenant moved in, Alliant Property Management, sent me a notice telling me that I was in violation of the lease restriction.  No short-term rentals under 7 months are permitted in the community and asked me to provide a lease. I replied that a lease is not required for a roommate. I asked them if they were aware that I am living in my home. They responded by fining me $1000; but they did not stop there. I received an invoice along with a letter of intent to place a lien on my property from, Alliant Property Management, Attorney along with his bill for an extra $1000 in costs and charges.

Alliant Property Management is Corrupt

Alliant Property Management, has been terrorizing owners for a long time.  In 2014, I managed a property in the Promenade at the Forum in Fort Myers, Fl for an out of town owner.  Alliant Association Management, as they were called back then, before they changed their name to Alliant Property Management, took advantage of a Canadian Owner and sent fines for things like the garbage can being left outside, the garage door needed painting, the AC needed to be enclosed, pressure washing and everything they could think of.  They ignored the law requiring them to send 3 notices and allow owners a change to fix the problem before a fine is placed.

Instead they would send one registered letter to the tenant who obviously did not pick up certified mail that was not there's.  They then placed a lien on the property and started foreclosure proceedings.  The owner paid over $15,000 in fines, legal fees to remove the foreclosure.

They then did the same thing again in 2018.  We had to sell the property at a loss in 2019 because we knew they would continue to rape us because they found a loophole in the system.  They never even sent out coupon booklets for dues.  It is like they couldn't afford the stamp to Ontario, Canada.


Transform your mind PTWWN TV

The Tragedy of Race discriminations By Colony Trace HOA

I became incensed. My gift is words and I pride myself in my letter writing ability. The voices in my head were constantly feeding me info on what I should say in response to this injustice. My mind could not let it go. I was going to bed at 12 midnight and waking up at 2 am with thoughts of my response to this situation. I would have to get up and write in my journal to download so I could sleep.

Now I am a, life coach and I try to live my life consciously. I know that this negative energy was not good. I know that when we feel bad, we attract, tragedy, into your experience.

So I tried to practice awareness. I prayed, I paid attention to my breathe, I paid attention to sensations in my body to bring me into awareness. Nothing worked for long.  It was like trying to push an inflated beachball under water. It would keep pushing back to the surface. This negative energy affected my work, I became bored, had no interest in my work.

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Awareness helps to let your sun and Blessings flow into your life

I kept trying to catch my thoughts; but it seemed like the more I tried the faster they came back because  whatever you resist persists.

I finally got some relief when I did a chakra meditation and cleansed the energy circulating in my 7th Chakra.  Your chakra system is your energy ports of your body.  My negative energy regarding this situation was stuck.

You must take control of your energy body and keep it positive for your, blessings to come through.  Your energy body is like a magnet and like attracts like.  So if you have negative energy, it attracts more of the same.  When you have a negative aura, you cannot be creative. It is like the clouds blocking the sun.

God can’t bless you when your negative energy is blocking out his blessings.

A few days after taking control of my mind and my energy, I went into my Gmail account, which is not my primary inbox and these words almost jumped off the page at me. PTWWNTV is looking for life coaches and radio sent me an email. They sent it twice!

My Blessings is a New TV Talk Show on the PTWWNTV

I dropped what I was doing immediately and investigated this. I am a life coach and a radio and podcast host!  I immediately updated my resume and applied for the job.

Two days later I have a TV program on The Preach the word worldwide network. My show premiered  March 21. My show airs every Sunday at 6 pm EST and locally on Comcast Channel 16.5 Atlanta.  The preach the word worldwide network is streamed into 50 million homes and can be found online at, on Apple TV and   Amazon Fire TV 

I have always dreamed of hosting my own television show. Every time I upload a YouTube video, I try to activate the Law of Attraction; but never in wildest dreams did I imagine that I would attract, blessings, to spread the word of God.

The Blessings of Hope and Encouragement

My message is to offer Hope and encouragement by the renewing of your mind. Life is going to beat you down. People are going to hate you because of the color of your skin, because of your religion or just because your spirit clashes with theirs; but if you let it consume you it will keep you in a negative spiral and block your, blessings, of what God wants to do for you.

So, remember when you feel bad, you are attracting more of the same to you.  Try meditation, prayer, take a walk in nature anything to get you back into the present moment and watch God suddenly shower you with, blessings, you don't have room to receive!

Conclusion Troubles and Blessings

Both Tragedy, hard times, and, trouble, show up suddenly. Life the Bible teaches like fish caught in a net, tragedy, shows up suddenly.

It could be you lost your job because of the pandemic and you have no money to eat or feed your kids.

I could by sudden illness like a stroke or heart attach and you have to live the rest of your life a  vegetable

Or it could be the, tragedy,  we most fear, the loss of a loved one.

The only thing we can do is to live every day like it's your last and tell your loved ones you love them every time you talk to them because you never know when it will be the last time, you speak to them in this life.

Blessings also show up suddenly.  A casting agent can pick you out of a crowd and turn you into a star.  You could get the promotion you never expected, You could get a, TV talk show,  like me.

For Sponsorship opportunities on the, Transform Your Mind, TV Talk Show, click the link below for our sponsorship packages.


How To Pray for a Job as a Job Seeker

If you are a, job seeker, spend time with God in, prayer; you will get direction on how to get that, dream job, because with God nothing is impossible.

Listen to the Full Interview here:


I want to welcome you to the Transform your Mind to Transform your Life,  Radio,  Podcast and now television show page. We are now live every Sunday 6:00 pm EST on Preach the Word World Wide Television Network and 24/7 on demand.

Introduction Prayers for the Job Seeker

My guest today is Sonia H Cameron. Sonia is the author of “God Help Me Find A Job: 21 Prayers For The Job Seeker

Book: Prayers for the Job Seeker
Book: Prayers for the Job Seeker

This is such an important message for today's climate where there are millions of people unemployed and are, job seekers. You may be praying “God to help me find a, job” and maybe not only help you find a job; but hopefully your, prayers, are also for increase. A better, job, or even a raise in pay.  Some states are considering raising the minimum wage.

I want to reference a scripture on, prayer, it is found in Psalms 141: 2

“Let my, prayer, stand before you like incense.  Let my uplifted hands be like the evening offering”.

I personally believe that the language of God is faith and, prayer.  You must have faith that anything you ask for in, prayer, that you've already received.

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How To Ask God to Help You Find a Job

We're going to take a deep dive into, prayers, for the, job seeker.

Myrna – Sonia what led you to believe in, prayer?

Sonia – First of all I want to introduce myself.  I am the blogger from

I was led to write the book in 2020 when I heard that there were 17 million people unemployed during the pandemic and my heart just went out to those people.

I was inspired to start pinning, prayers, and the book just flowed out of me. I got an editor and the book just came into place in about six weeks.

Christians need God's Help to Find a Job

In 2008 I was released from my, job, and I really did not know what to do or how to proceed.

I had been a, Christian, all my life; but I never thought about, God, being present in my career.  I never mixed, God, and career together.  I was in a situation where I went on an interview and they asked me, why I left my most recent position, and I didn't tell the truth. I was afraid to tell them I was fired so I lied and told them I was laid off.

Myrna – That’s a common fear among, job seekers, but as a, Christian, you probably felt badly because you told a lie.

Sonia – Correct. I was distraught because of this lie and I just started praying.

I said, God, you know I messed up.  I'm depending on you to help me, find a job.

I'm going to stand in my truth the next time someone asked me, why did you leave

your last job.  I'm going to tell them it just didn't work out.

God did help me, find a job, so I started writing and blogging about it, because I felt like it would help the, jobseeker.

I post tips on acing the, job search, and other useful information on my blog for the, job seeker,

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Transform your Mind Soundcloud podcast

Tips on How to Find a Job

Here are 2 tips on, how to find a job, or propel their career forward. Tip # 1 is:

  1. Rehearsing your wins because when you're in an interview you need to brag on yourself. A lot of times when a person gets released from a, job, they feel badly about themselves and they lose confidence.  But if you take the time to write your story and what you've accomplished in your last, job, eg.  You were promoted, you were responsible for saving the company lots of money on an initiative etc. These wins give you confidence.
  2. Number two is to take a baby steps every day towards your goal to, find a job. My suggestion is to do one thing a day. Whether is making phone calls or sending an email or taking an assessment. Take baby steps.

Myrna – This is good. My pastor preached a sermon on creating your “book of wars” you record all your victories and all your wins. This is powerful to help you when you feel low. The book of wars is mentioned in the bible.

In an interview they're going to ask you what are your strengths, so if you convert your wins to your strengths, it's an excellent way to brag on yourself.

Sonia – On my website I have a road map and a calendar of things that you can do daily to lead you to your next, job.

Why is Prayer important for the Job Seeker

Myrna – I want to get back to, prayer.  Why do you feel that, prayer, is an important component to the, jobseeker?  You share 21 prayers in your book; but before we get into specific, prayers, why do you think that the, jobseeker, should lead with, prayer?

Sonia – A lot of times people feel like it's impossible to get the next, job, or their, dream job; but Luke 1:37 says

“Nothing is impossible for God!”


So, if you spend time with, God, in, prayer, you will get direction on how to get that, dream job, and nothing will be impossible.  If you don't spend time reading the, scriptures, you won't have that confidence. You must spend time in, prayer.  Sit and listen to inspirational songs or gospel songs.  When you are still, you will get downloads of next steps from the Holy Spirit.

When Jesus went back to heaven, he left us a comforter and a friend, and that person is the holy spirit.  When you spend time in the presence of God, the holy spirit will minister to you and tell you what your next step should be.

Myrna – I definitely believe in that wholeheartedly.  I sit still and meditate on the word.  I meditate on the life that's flowing through my body and try to be aware of God's presence. I'm always listening for instructions from my spirit guide.

When you are looking for a, job, or have any other goal in life that you're believing and, praying, for, whether you are praying for a spouse, a job, your health, you should listen for next steps from God or the Holy Spirit.

Keto Diet plan
Keto Diet plan

Prayer for the Job seeker

Heavenly father you are the most powerful God, you are my rock and my salvation.

I must be honest; fear has taken over my thoughts lately.  I know this fear is not an emotion that comes from you and I know that faith in you is the remedy for fear.

Thank you for changing the atmosphere of my life because of your power inside of me I am no longer afraid.  I will not fear famine, I will not fear criticism, I will overcome the thoughts of not being smart enough.

I am not afraid of economic reports, because you control my personal economy.  I am not scared of being in the wrong demographic. I am determined to break past my fear of failure. I am full of faith that I will get your provision for a new, job.  I know you will exceed my expectations because you keep all of your promises.

I believe the scripture that says “for I am the lord your God who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, do not fear I will help you Isaiah 41.

In the name of Jesus, I pray Amen.

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 Prayer for connections for the job seeker

Heavenly father you are all knowing God. I need you to connect me with the people who will assist me with my, job search. You know me and everything about them, you know the skills I need to connect with the right people.

Thank you for making me an excellent communicator so that I can tell people how to help me.

Lord I believe I will recognize people who can solve a problem for me. I pray that as I spend more time with you, you will connect me to those who have influence and can give me favor with colleagues, human resource associates and industry leaders.

Thank you for the divine connections, that will help me reach my destiny.  I believe John 15:7

“if you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish and it will be done for you”.

In Jesus name I pray Amen


Myrna – Tell us a little bit more about your book “God Help Me Find A Job: 21 Prayers For The Job Seeker” and about your blog.

Sonia – My book is available on amazon. In fact, I have two books one just came out this year it's a companion journal to the, prayer, book.  The companion journal lets you journal about your job search journey and it asks key questions.  It allows you to write your own, prayers, because everybody's, job search, journey is unique.

In the back of the book I have a job search organizer. This, job search, organizer lets you record your search, records the employers that you have put applications in with who you talk to, what kind of salary they offer etc.

Both these books are available on amazon. I have a blog for, prayers, and a blog for advice on your career and the name of my website is You can follow me on Facebook fan page @bless the work of our hands.


Myrna – Thank you for being my first guest on the Preach the Word Worldwide Television Network.  It was an on-time message.

Additional Resources

How to Access God Through Worship


How Women Entrepreneurs can Succeed Using a Growth Mindset

Women entrepreneurs, who feels called to have more wealth and need a, growth mindset,  so that she can have more impact and influence and create generational wealth for her family. 

My guest today is Lola Tomorrow. faith-driven Chicago-based entrepreneur, philanthropist, and highly sought-after business mentor for high-performing women of faith who are striving for financial freedom.

Listen to the Full interview Here:

Introduction Business Mentoring

Highlights from her background include  ● National Advance Associate for former First Lady Michelle Obama. ● Successfully managed and curated more than 300 profitable events. ● Organizer and Creator of TEDxWillowCreek, ● Single-handedly raised more than $500,000 for numerous not-for-profit initiatives and star-studded community events. ● Founder and Executive Director of iGlow (Inspiring Girls to Lead Our World) Mentoring which serves 3,000+ girls in the Chicago metro area.

As we face this global economic shift, Lola feels called to equip women to retool their business strategies, reinvent themselves, and inspire them to lead the way in our ever-changing economy. TMRWLive! A Virtual Experience was born out of her desire to empower women to trailblaze their own path to success.

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Myrna – Can you give us a short intro into your journey into becoming a, business mentor. 

Lola – I became an, woman entrepreneur, by accident.  I never desired to work for myself, I was not really exposed to the world of the, entrepreneur. I just had a passion to do more than what I was doing in my nine to five job.  Little did I know that passion to do more would create additional streams of income that would surpass my 9 to 5 income. 

I started taking the role of a, business mentor, and having the ability to influence others seriously.   I'm generally the type of leader who is bold enough to have the conversations most people might be ashamed of.  I'm bold enough to tell you that I was bankrupt.  I'm bold enough to tell you that I was sleeping in the back seat of my car for months.  I am bold enough to give you the level of transparency, not just so you know my business; but so that you can take the wisdom from my mistakes and stand on my shoulder. What I've been able to accomplish by 35, you can accomplish double by 40. That's the power of a, business mentor.  The real power of, mentorship,  has the ability to cut your success time in half.  What took me five years to do, will take you two and a half years to do. 

Creating a business strategy for woman entrepreneurs

Myrna – One of the reasons that people come into the coaching conversation is because they're hoping that someone will speed up their journey. 

Tell us how you transitioned from not wanting to be an, entrepreneur, and starting the TMRWlive experience. 

Lola – What I am really on a mission to do is I want to begin to teach and show, women entrepreneurs,  that you can have a level of sacrifice, you can have determination; but you can do it while still prioritizing yourself. 

Still prioritizing your well-being for some, entrepreneurs, you need to be working your business while still working your full-time job.  It's not time for you to jump out completely and just work your business full-time. 

So I think there's a, business strategy,  as we begin to evolve and grow that we can really embrace, entrepreneurship; but we can embrace it with practical thinking and practical thinking.  

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Mentoring women entrepreneurs to have a growth mindset

One of the first things we work on with the, women entrepreneurs, who come into my, mentorship, program is having a, growth mindset.  A, growth Mindset, says that I will do what is necessary to grow my business. And if that means delegating tasks, then I am willing to do that.  I tell them, your business is not your baby. If I pull a group of moms in a room and I to ask a group of moms if your baby was in the middle of the street and a car coming 60 miles an hour, what are you going to do?  The organic response is I'm going to push my baby out and I'm going to be willing to die for my baby. 

That is the natural response. We have had this thought about our business, we're willing to give up our marriage for a business. We're willing to neglect ourselves, neglect our health, neglect our finances etc. We got to put a business in the place that it belongs. Your business is not your baby,  your business is your business you need a, growth mindset, to know the difference. 

Myrna –  I wrote a book that's called “Minding My Own Business” because I've always been of the, mindset, that you can't become wealthy working

for someone else. 

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Transform your Mind Soundcloud podcast

What is a Growth Mindset

Let's understand the, growth mindset. How you teach somebody that feels that their business is their baby to change their, mindset? 

Lola – I'm not a, mindset coach, so the first thing I do is to recognize my level of genius.  I  partner with a, growth mindset, coach. Her name is Sean Strickland and she works with my clients on their, growth mindset. He works with your, mindset, around money, your capacity for growth etc. 

You have to be committed to the journey. Your journey might look different from another person's journey; but if you stay committed to your journey you will achieve success. 

One of my, growth mindset, tools is prayer. I'm a woman of faith,  it's ingrained in everything I do and everything that I think.  Partnering with God has been the biggest superpower in my entire career. 


How to Pray as a Woman Entrepreneur

Myrna – You mentioned that you are a faith-based leader.  How should we pray as a, woman entrepreneur? You said that you teach women to shift the way they pray.  How should, women entrepreneurs, shift they way they pray for their businesses? 

Lola – A mentor of mine, her name is Dr Tiffany Jordan she is a, prayer strategist. Before meeting her I had never been exposed to this concept of a, prayer strategy. A, prayer strategy, is a way that you pray for different things you want in life. There is a way, woman entrepreneurs, should be praying as it pertains to their business. I had never been exposed to the concept of a, prayer strategy, before.  

I said the same prayers like, Lord bless me and bless my business and I thought that was good enough; but there is a way that you can activate the word of God as it pertains to your business. I had never been exposed a, prayer strategy, before I met Dr Tiffany Jordan. Check out her “book of prayers”. 

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Transform your Mind Stitcher

Resources for Women Entrepreneurs

  Myrna – What are some resources, women entrepreneurs, can use to scale their business and have a, growth mindset? 

  • The first one is partnering with God. 
  • The second thing is learning not to get validation from Instagram and other social media sites. I tell people don't get lost in the social media celebrity world.  
  • Third –  Find the, language for your purpose.  


Language for your purpose, means speaking life into your, purpose and destiny. 

I started going through levels of, inner healing.  I didn't even know I needed, inner healing.  These where things from your childhood like self-sabotage and rejection.  All these things that started coming up as I started to get to the next level in my business. 

I had, limiting beliefs,  about money and she helped me break through that.  I learned a, prayer strategy, to remove my, limiting beliefs, about money and other childhood trauma. 

The prophetic  word for women entrepreneurs

The final resource for, women entrepreneurs is the, prophetic word. Prophet Katara Ho literally changed my life and changed my entire business, because she has exposed me to the world of the, prophetic.  The, prophetic, energy can really propel you to your next level in business. 

Myrna – language for your purpose,  I love that phrase. It's a way of saying that you should speak it into the atmosphere!  You've gotta be be careful

that you're not saying that, it's not possible or you can't do it or it’s too hard etc. 

The, inner healing, part is also big because most, women entrepreneurs,  have some kind of hurt in the past that prevents us from reaching the top of our lids. 

Whether it's childhood trauma, whether it's betrayal by men,  whether it's where we were born on what side of the tracks. 

Specifically as, black women,  we've got some things that we've got to overcome So, the inner healing,  is so important. 

Business Strategy with Kris Jenner

Tell us about your collaboration with, Kris Jenner, and your two-day event TMRWlive virtual event.  

Lola – I put together this conference for, women entrepreneurs, of faith.  It was life-changing and it was amazing.  The first TMRWlive was a success and 

two weeks after that first conference, I was already thinking and planning for the next one. 

One day I woke up and, Kris Jenner, came to me.  I am not a Kardashian fan.  I don't  dislike them, I just don’t watch TV.  So it was not natural for me to to think of, Kris Jenner.  I could not shake the thought for weeks,  so talked to one of my spiritual mentors and and she gave me a, prophetic, word. She told me, you're going to work with her; but not now it's going to be later. 

It was clear that God wanted this woman to be the main speaker of the next TMRWlive experience. I needed to teach women of faith they could learn, business strategy, from, Kris Jenner.  I knew that, Kris Jenner, had the goods to teach and to get, women entrepreneurs, to the next level as it pertains to,  business strategy. 

Like her or not you can't deny what she's done for the Kardashians family.  Most of us can't create generational wealth to pay for a funeral when

somebody transitions without doing a GoFundMe. 


Faith based leadership for women entrepreneurs

Pastor Sarah Jakes Roberts is also one of the speakers. 

This conference is not for every woman, this is for the woman that literally feels called to have more wealth and need a, growth mindset,  so that she

can have more impact and influence.  This is not for the, woman entrepreneur, who just wants more money for nice cars and purses. 

This is the time when God is raising up kingdom-minded millionaires and billionaires, so that we can have more impact here on earth. 

This conference is not just something inspires you,  it's meant to give, women entrepreneurs,  the, business strategy, to do the work. We're going to pray and worship and love God; but after all of that you're going to wipe the tears away  and you're going to get in this workshop. You're going to create a, business plan,  you get  to create the, social media strategy and you've got to get your, business formations, in order. 


Conclusion the TMRWlive virtual event

Our event is March 24th and 25th and it is the online virtual conference. More information can be found Kris Jenner,  and, Pastor Sarah Jakes Roberts, are headlining the event; but we then have over 20 other amazing speakers that will be teaching on different topics of business and faith. 

Today we talked about, transforming your life,  as a, woman entrepreneur. 

If you were inspired by this podcast, please subscribe, rate and review. 

Thank you 

Additional Resources


What's your Startup IQ?

Why Confidence Directly Impacts Your Success or Failure

Confidence, impacted the AFC Championship, Quarterback Russell Wilson had the, confidence, not to fold and give up and it resulted in success.

Let's say you are down by 16 points with 3 mins to go in the 4 quarter. You have played the worst game of your life. You have thrown 4 interceptions. Not only that, but the world is looking on and judging you. What do you do? Do you fold up like a flower without sunshine or do you have the, confidence, to play one drive at time? Do you dig deep and remember the last time you were down 16 to nothing and you came away with the victory? Quarterback Russell Wilson did just that on Sunday to win the AFC Championship game against the Green Bay Packers.

With 3 mins to go in the 4 quarter, Wilson was having his worst game to date; he had thrown 4 interceptions. The commentators were saying they had never seen Wilson play this bad. I started to route for them. I was routing for the underdogs, the Packers, because the Seahawks were the Super Bowl champions; but I hate to see a team embarrassed in front of millions. I have heard of quarterbacks who were tagged as not being able to win the big games. But this is where, confidence, separates the true champions. Confidence, and the spirit of never giving up. Even though Wilson had already thrown 4 interceptions to Kearse, he had, confidence, in him to give him another chance and he caught that winning touchdown and held on to that ball like his life depended on it. If you allow the facts like you just threw 4 interceptions, and you let negative thoughts snap your positive energy; you will loose. But like Wilson tearfully declared after pulling off a stunning overtime victory, he had the, confidence, in himself and in his team that they could win.

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Sponsor The Transform Your Mind Podcast

How Confidence affects Sales Teams

I saw this same scenario play out on a, sales, team  that I was a part of. We were a team of about 40 outbound reps in a call center. The top, sales, persons on the team were selling about 40 units per day. Then a new girl was hired. She started banging out 40 units by noon!. Sales Management, thought she was cheating and started to check her sales to make sure she was not sandbagging leads. She calmly declared that she was not cheating; but that she had, confidence. She said when she picked up the phone, she had, confidence, that she was going to close the sale, and she usually did. I started paying attention to what she was doing, and I too started selling 40 units by lunchtime! My, confidence, grew.

Confidence, is usually the result of prior successes. As a sales manager, confidence, should be the first skill you coach to. If your, sales, team is not, confident, that they cannot win. You have to exhume past victories to give energy to present day activities. Why did Wilson feel that he could win?; because he won before. He knew that if there was time on the clock, his team had a chance.

Coaches need to build, confidence

“The road to athletic greatness is not marked by perfection, but the ability to constantly overcome adversity and failure.”

In, coaching, teams, you have a wide variety of players. You have your slow players, your fast players. You have the ones that are good at defense. You have the ones that are good at offense. You have the ones who would choose to drive and dish and you have the ones that would rather shoot the three. You have the people who set up the plays and you have the people who finish them. You are in charge of getting these types of players to work together and to build their, confidence.

Sure, a coach can put together a pretty set of plays. A, coach, can scream their head off in a game and try and get their players motivated. Coaching, can make you run for punishment, or they can make you run to get more in shape. The most important role of a coach, however, is to make the players on their team better with, confidence. To hopefully help them to reach their fullest potential. Players do make mistakes, but it is from those mistakes that you learn and grow.

Coaches sometimes destroy confidence by being too harsh. 

You wanted to win, and there was nothing wrong with that. I saw it in your eyes if I made a mistake, you were not too happy, which is normal for, coaching. Turnovers happen. Players miss shots.

Sometimes someone beats you in a race. Sometimes things happen. Players make mistakes. It is when you have players scared to move because of a lack of, confidence, that teams loose.

A player can be, confident,  in the way they play the game. Confident, but not cocky. It is up to the coach to build that, confidence, by highlighting the players strengths  and minimizing his weaknesses. That is what makes them improve overall, and become an asset who could become an  extremely great player and win Championships.

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Transform your Mind Stitcher

What happens when a player looses confidence

The fight to get my, confidence, back was a tough one. It was something I wish I never would've had to do. Instead of becoming the best player that I could've been, I now had to fight to become the player that I used to be. My, coach, took away my freedom of playing a game that I loved. He  took away my good memories in a basketball uniform, which is something I can never get back. You can be the greatest athlete in the world, but without, confidence, you won't go very far.

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Transform your Mind Soundcloud podcast

Additional Resources

Let the Universal Laws of Attraction Work For You

There is more to becoming a deliberate creator, than just letting the, universal laws, of attraction bring to you the desires of your heart. We all know it does not work like that. Some of you have been asking the, Universe, and praying to God for years, and you are still waiting to manifest your desires into your experience.

“Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.
Matthew 7:7

This is a big topic. There is a lot written on, the Laws of Attraction. In my book “Out of the Snares” I embrace these, universal laws, fully. I also expected and allowed what I was attracting to show up. I lived consciously believing that ..

“there are no coincidences in life, that everything moment is as it should be.” ~~Deepak Chopra

I tell the story in my book “Out of the Snares” of me coming to the USA under the USA Free trade agreement, which allows Canadians and Mexicans to open up branch offices of current businesses in the USA; but when I got to the United States, I decided I wanted the benefits of being an American. I told myself “It would be nice if I found a husband.” As soon as I concentrated on that possibility the, Universal laws,  started offering up to me suitors for me to choose from!

Become a deliberate creator using the universal laws

There is more to becoming a deliberate creator, than just asking and receiving for everything you want. We all know it does not work like that. Some of you have been asking the, Universe, and praying to God for years, and you are still waiting to manifest your desires into your experience.

Here are 5 ways to help with being a deliberate creator and invoking the Universal laws.

1. Offer no resistance:
You have to offer no resistance to the, universal laws, you are letting go and letting God. In the above example. If and when the thought, came to me to find a husband and I had a bad experience with a prior husband and I told myself that most men are no good, then essentially what I am doing is saying on one hand I would like a husband and on the other hand, I don't want a man because they are nothing but trouble. That sends mixed messages to the, universal laws, of attraction.

2. You have to allow it to come in.
Look at your list of things you want to attract in your life as people outside the walls of one of the ancient cities. This is, the secret. They can't come in unless someone opens the gates of the city. In a similar way, you have to quiet your mind and stop confusing the, Universe, with all the stuff in your head. Find time every day to meditate and allow the, Universe, and its, universal laws, to work for you.

3. You have to believe in the 7 universal laws

Faith, is the evidence of things unseen. The bible teaches that if you have the, faith, of a mustard seed, you can say to the mountain get up and go into the sea. Faith is one way to let the, universal laws, work in your life. Logically and in the physical world that is not possible but Jesus was teaching us that “If you believe you can do anything.” That is truth. I have seen amputees climb to the top of Mount Everest, I have seen people swim across lakes, I have seen human beings defy incredible odds to survive and achieve. It all starts in the mind, if you think you can.

4. You have to be conscious of your emotions.
Your emotions are a powerful indicator of if you are moving towards or away from your desires. If you feel elated and happy, you are moving in the direction of your desires; if you feel dread and nervousness then that is your heart telling you that it knows something you don't. Learn to pay attention. The trick is to not spend time thinking about the things that make you feel bad because you will attract more of them.

5. Become a deliberate creator or Sorcerer.
Sorcerer means from the source. Becoming a Sorcerer means that you are letting source energy and the, universal laws, work for you. It means that you meditate on what you want, pray and ask God to help you get it and then you move out of the way and let him do his work. The focus here is on the word “meditate”. You have to get still and hear God. When you do, you will get inspiration and instruction on how to move that mountain out of the way. You will get instructions on how to turn your business around, how to motivate your children, new book ideas etc.

In my book “Out of the Snares” I share with you, my readers, the principles of the Bible and the Universal Laws or Truths that I stood on to win. Order your copy today.

Additional Resources

How to Use The Law of Attraction to Create Wealth

The, Law of Attraction explained, dictates that you can create, wealth, with your thoughts.  Thoughts do become things, if you believe. The thoughts you believe inwardly and project outwardly will be the things that you attract into your life. If you want to attract something such as, money, therefore, it’s important to visualize it as if you already have it.

Listen to the full interview here:


The Law of Attraction Explained

Law of attraction explained:  The, Law of attraction explained, in its simplest terms its where your thoughts as a force pushes you physically to turn things into a reality.  So if our thoughts are our guide. Why are some people more successful than others. In the, law of attraction money, we look at why some people attract, wealth,  and others don't.

Both sets of people are thinking the same thing. I want to get rich. Why some get that, wealth, and others don't?  What are the difference between two. What one do and other don't?.

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Myrna – The Law of attraction, works with your, vortex. Your, vortex,  is all your un-manifested goals and desires.  The reason it does not work for all is that both sets of people are wanting to get rich for example; but one set is visualizing and believing that they will get rich.  They think with emotion and that activates. the law of attraction, so what they hold in their minds they will hold in their hands. ‘

The other set of people think of riches; but they don’t believe.  They feel the emotion of their circumstances. They are broke and in need, they can’t feel what it is like to be rich so they still activate the, law of attraction, but it brings them more of the same. They remain poor and in lack because of a poverty mindset.


Like attracts like is a mantra used frequently:

Using the Law of Attraction to attract people

However, it is known that People attract people who are similar in thoughts; What do I mean when I say that?  Have you ever looked at two people that looked totally different on the exterior; but they attract each other and you ask what attracted her to him or visa versa. In many cases its not the full physicality; but more their thoughts after communicating with each other and  that undeniable pull that brought them together

As an advocate for, Law of attraction. Do you think that people who go into unions because of society, family ties or even culture may sometimes experience fractures in that union which leads to challenges or even total separation? Do you believe that was imminent to fail because that person wanted to satisfy others expectations of them,  rather than fulfill their expectation of themselves?

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Deezer Transform Your Mind Podcast


Myrna – There are two different thoughts here.

The first one is that the, law of attraction, allows people to attract what they are releasing into the atmosphere. For example, you have heard or even experienced women who keep getting into abusive relationships.  Why is that? It is because the, law of attraction, is attracting these relationships.  Their thoughts are saying I don’t want to be in a relationship with this find of man; but unfortunately what you think about you bring about.  Thinking you don’t want this or that attracts it to you.

The trick is instead of concentrating on what you do not want, these women should instead put a picture in their minds of their perfect mate and only think about that kind of man and that is what they will attract.

As to your second question, do I think people go into unions because of society.  Yes of course. Society says that a good mate has certain qualities and both sides, men and women choose mates based on these qualities.  That has nothing to do with the, law of attraction, I don’t think.

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Removing Negative people from your life

Nature abhors a vacuum:  In life sometimes we have to make some tough decisions. The law of attraction, encourages removing negative things or people from your life and to fill it with positive things if you want to grow.

How do you go about a conversation to tell someone that you would like to separate from them because of their negative energy?

Myrna – Great question Nicole.

Yes, if you have decided that certain people in your inner circle are too negative and you have made a decision to only be around positive people, so that the, Law of Attraction, can bring you what you desire;  then you have to ask them to leave.  That is difficult and there is no way to do it without hurting their feelings; but you have to do it. Negative people are like a cancer, so if you have to remove them do so.

This is necessary because in order for the, law of attraction, to manifest what is in your, vortex, you have to saturate yourself with positive energy and good feeling thoughts.

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Using the Law of Attraction money to bring you self- fulfillment

When people believe that they do not deserve good things or even would reach to that level of self-content, self-satisfaction, self-fulfillment. You see some behave in ways to sabotage their chances in life. Do you think that this is because of self-acceptance and wanting to put in the work by changing their thought process?

What would be your best advice to someone who wants to raise their vibration in order to attract, wealth, using the, law of attraction money?

I do a lot of practice of act of kindness, self-forgiving talks and every message or word I intentionally use them to uplift another person. To me that helps to keep my vibration high.

Myrna – The, law of attraction, only works in the right direction if you are in the positive frequency else you are attracting all the things you do not want.

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vortex, and increase your positive vibration by thinking good thoughts and doing good feeling actions like walking in nature, meditation, singing your favorite songs, hugging your loved ones etc.


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Transform your Mind Soundcloud podcast


You can raise your frequency by doing a, gratitude meditation. I do a, gratitude meditation, before I get out of bed in the morning.  Louise Hay has a good one on YouTube. I will tell you, gratitude meditation, puts you in the highest frequency.  You feel good, you cannot be mad at your spouse if you are grateful you have a spouse!

Abraham from Ester Hicks teaching teaches you to get into the, vortex, and activate the, law of attraction, by reaching for your best feeling thoughts. Think good feeling thoughts. Stuff your, vortex, and increase your positive vibration by thinking good thoughts and doing good feeling actions like walking in nature, meditation, singing your favorite songs, hugging your loved ones etc.

The Greatest Secret and the Law of Attraction

Rhonda Byrne is the author of the book ” The Greatest Secret

In her book, she explained that she was deeply depressed, and she started to use her thoughts to enable the , law of attraction, which she knew is what shaped her life and was happy to share this with the world.

Do you believe Rhonda Byrne's  rhetoric of how she was able to get millions of people to read her book or people had that passion in them already and needed someone to explain what to do?

Myrna – I love Rhonda Byrne. I have not read the Greatest Secret; but I have listened to the Secret several times. Most recent a few weeks back.

I took a lot from the book especially when she talked about imaging that the bills she was receiving were checks. You can use your thoughts and the, law of attraction, to bring you anything you want. Whether it be, money, your perfect partner, happiness instead of depression. I do believe it can be done.  I have seen it work in my life.  I have a hard time seeing images in my mind; but if I think about something, I do attract it into my life.  We attracted each other.

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How the Law of Attraction Money have worked for me

What did you accomplished through using, Law if attraction money. If you want to share?

Myrna – I have a connection to the Universe. I am a meditator and I visualize or think about what I want, and I usually get it. It is uncanny.  I would think about something I want and I would receive an email in my inbox about the very thing the next day, so  I just wait.

As recent as this past December, I am a realtor, and I asked the Universe to attract to me a buyer or seller to close and get me income before the end of the year. I asked and I received.

Someone sent me this off-market real estate property in a text.  I received inspiration to send it to one of my, real estate investors, and he bought it. I received $5000 in commissions  for that transaction. The sale closed on December 12 and by December 20 the, money, was in my bank account, 11 days before the end of the year. The, law of attraction money, can be used to attract money from various sources to you.

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Book The seed of life
Book The seed of life


Planning my future using the Law of Attraction

What are your future plans for your podcast and website this year?

My radio show The Transform your Mind with Coach Myrna is heard on the radio wdjy 99.1 fm in Atlanta or you can listen online at  The Transform Your Mind Podcast can be heard on all podcast players including iTunes and Spotify.  My website is and of course the Transform your mind YouTube channel. My plans for this year  is to get my message out to as many people as possible and I would like to get it on the radio in Guyana, my birth country as well as in all the Caribbean islands. My message of transform your mind to transform your life need to be heard in the 3rd world countries where my sisters and brothers are living in lack.

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“I Have A Dream, Do U Have A Dream?” (Piano Version) | Divine Forces | Exclusive Recordings (

“I Have A Dream, Do U Have A Dream?” (Piano Version)
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Piano Intro:
I Have A Dream, Oh you Have A Dream,
Oh I Have A Dream, Do You Have A Dream,
for Freedom, Right's, Equality,
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I have a Dream
I have a Dream



Additional Resources

How Thoughts become Things: The Secret

What Are You Patiently Waiting on Almighty God For?

Are you praying and, patiently waiting, on, God, to answer your prayers? Be aware of why you want this thing.  Sometimes we are not ready to receive that what which we ask for and that is why the, almighty God, does not answer our, prayers, when we ask.

Patiently waiting? Be careful what you wish for.

It is important to understand or become conscious of why you want the things or certain people to come into your life. If you are, patiently waiting, and asking, God, for a child, be conscious of why you want a child. Is it because you want someone to love you or you want something to love? A puppy can satisfy that need.

If you are, waiting patiently, on,  God, for a spouse, is it because you want to share your life and be important to someone, or is it because you need help with your bills? Awareness is the key to understanding your desires.

When what you want does not show up, what do you do?
Do you become depressed and lose faith in God?

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Law of Detachment and patiently waiting

In the first chapter of my book “Out Of The Snares”, I share with you my journey to adopting my twin girls. I write about where the desire originated from. I share how I responded to the resistance offered up by the Universe and people at the Department of Children's and Families. I share with you how the Laws of Detachment worked for me.

The, Law of Detachment, works with, faith. Faith, that God will grant you the desires of your heart, so you give this desire to, God, and you let him work out the details. Detachment, helps you to patiently wait for God.  You are not detaching from the outcome; but from the journey. You are saying to yourself, I am patiently waiting, on God.  I have , faith, that I will have the desires of my heart. I will become a mother.  If I don't birth a child, God, will send me an adopted child.  That is, detachment, from the journey.  You don't care about the path that, God, uses to grant you your desire, only that in the end, you have a child.

If a desire comes from your true self
It has within it the power to manifest.

For example: let's say that you are going on a road trip to Florida from California. Your GPS navigational system can take you, the fastest way, the longest scenic way, or the cheapest way to avoid tolls. Regardless, of the route you take, you will be confident that route will take you to Florida.
In a similar way, you have to be confident in, God, that all roads will lead you to your destination. So, be prepared to, wait patiently, on God and don't become frustrated and give up.

Transform your Mind Stitcher
Transform your Mind Stitcher

The trick is to detach yourself from all the craziness and petty people trying to take from you what, God, has purposed for you to have. You must also remember that, God's time, usually does not coincide with your time, so learn to, wait patiently,  and get yourself ready.

Get Yourself ready while patiently waiting on God

If you are asking, God, for a promotion, learn the skills necessary for this new job.
If you are asking, God, for a child, learn how to be the best parent ever, read parenting books.
If you are asking, God, for a spouse, learn how to have effective relationships.
If you need to lose weight, work on it. Be the best that you can be and when, God, feels you are ready, he will give you the victory, because you serve an, Almighty God, who is able to do all things.

Two things about Patiently Waiting on God

#1: Waiting on, God’s, plans requires patience and, faith.

It’s in the, patiently waiting,  that our, faith, is forged in the fires of trials. In the waiting, we discover that, God’s, in charge and we’re nothing on our own.

#2: Waiting is hard, but the wait has a purpose

God is never accidental. Everything he does has a purpose.

Sometimes the wait is for, God, to align other pieces of the plan. Sometimes the wait is for, God, to align the pieces of our own heart.

“Out of the Snares” Now Available on Amazon in eBook format.
Download your copy today!
Print version available in September.

Additional Resources


Have a Positive Mindset: Get Rid of Automatic Negative Thoughts


Take control of your thoughts and attitudes with a, positive mindset.  Get rid of ANTS, Automatic Negative Thoughts.

All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think we become.” ~Buddha

Imagine your mind as a garden. Positive thoughts and a, positive mindset, are the beautiful flowers that brighten your life. Negative thoughts, are the ugly weeds that spread and suffocate your happiness, by cutting off sunlight. Just like plants we need sunlight to thrive.

Negative thoughts, can take the form of:

  • fear,
  • self-doubt,
  • guilt,
  • anger,
  • blame,
  • insecurity,
  • prophesying or any thought that makes you feel bad!

You need to kill the ANTS, Automatic Negative Thoughts


Automatic Negative thoughts of  Fear

Fear, is defined as False Events Appearing Real, is the number one reason that we don’t achieve success in this life. Fear, of the unknown, that feeling of uncertainty. Fear, is the bottom feeder of all the, negative emotions. When you are living in, fear, you feel very bad and you attract more bad things into your experience.

One way to Kill these, automatic negative thoughts,  is to develop a, positive mindset. Imagine what is the worst that could happen and develop, positive thinking, about the outcome. Face the, fear, in your mind and say death where is your sting!   Take it to your subconscious and dream about it. Once you face, fear, it loses its hold on you. Talk back to this, fear. Move up the emotional scale with anyone of the, negative emotions. Eg. You can become angry that your spouse is treating you a certain way, instead of being afraid of being alone if you left the relationship. See yourself alone and loving it.

There is also a positive side to this ANT.

If you are afraid of losing something be it your spouse, your job, your home; it tells you that these things are important to you and that you should do everything in your power to keep them. For example: if you fear losing your spouse, then you should work on keeping the marriage fresh, you should keep yourself attractive and don’t let yourself get to 300 lbs, serve your spouse and make him/her feel special.

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TuneIn Radio

Automatic Negative thoughts of Self-doubt

Lack of self-confidence is a very powerful, ANT. One of the most essential character traits to have is self-confidence. It is sexy and it allows you to command attention. When these, automatic negative thoughts,  are telling you that you are not good enough; you will not get that promotion because you don’t have a degree, for example.  Talk back to it and tell it that you are the best person for the job and that it is their loss if they don’t hire you. If you don’t, you will never move from where you are today. You will never be an over achiever or the top sales person on a team! You need self-confidence to achieve success.

Have a Positive mindset and get rid of Guilt

Guilt, is a result of your conscience telling you that you have violated your own core value. It is telling you that you did something that is moving you away from your predetermined goal. You can talk back to these, automatic negative thoughts, by telling it that you have recognized your mistake and that you have forgiven yourself. Don’t let the, guilt, and shame arrest you and keep you in bondage. A lot of people wash away this guilt with drugs and alcohol.

Automatic Negative Thoughts of Anger

Anger, ANTS, keep telling you that someone had no right to do something. The more you think about it, the angrier you get. Psychologists say that anger is like an iceberg. What you see is just the tip, that there is more ice for miles below the surface. If you are conscious that you have an, Anger problem, then you should understand (with the help of a Therapist) what is causing your anger. You can talk back to this, ANT, and tell it that you cannot control what someone else does; the only person you can control is yourself.

Automatic Negative Thoughts of Blame

The blame, ANT,  can be very destructive. When you blame others for the results you are having in your life, you assume the role of the victim. As the victim, you have no power to facilitate change. You talk back to this, ANT, by becoming a Player. As a Player you take back control. Regardless of what the dealer is showing, you can still win! You are not the product of your circumstances. Everyone has a story. It is how you handle adversity and challenges that define and grow you. In my book “Out of the Snares” I never blamed my childhood abuser. I instead chose to look at the positives I learned from that experience. Life is full of good and evil. Every evil person has a good side and every good person has an evil side.

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Transform your Mind Stitcher


Have a Positive Mindset and stop Prophesying

The prophesying, automatic negative thoughts, talks to you about what it knows about the future! It tells you things like “you are never going to close that sale”. “The customer is going to string you along and they will never buy” or “it is never going to work out”. You can talk back to this, ANT, by declaring that IT cannot predict the future. It does not have a crystal ball!

Once you learn to recognize these, automatic negative thoughts, and learn to deal with them by sending them packing, then you can replace them with, Positive Thoughts. Positive thoughts, are like flowers, they beautify your garden and bring smiles to anyone who stops and pays attention to their beauty.  In a similar way, positive mindset, make you beautiful to anyone who you have interpersonal relations with. But the beauty of a, positive mindset,  is that they make you feel good. Like attracts like and before you know it, you have an abundance of good things becoming part of your experience.

I’ve seen firsthand how dangerous it is to let the weeds of, negative thinking,  take over your mind. Just like in a natural garden, it you left the weeds unattended, they thrive more than the flowers or plants. In a similar way when you allow the, ANTS, to run free in your head; they snuff out all the joy from your life. All you then see is darkness, because they are blocking the sunlight from getting in!

In my book “Out of the Snares” I share with you, my readers, the principles of the Bible and the Universal Laws or Truths that I stood on to keep a, positive mindset. Order your copy today.

Additional Resources


How to Detox the Body and Soul for Internal and External Success

No matter how diligent you are about your wellness routine, your body is still a repository for dangerous toxins from the environment and everyday products so it is important to, detox your body. We are most times tricked by misleading labels that use words like  “natural” or “healthy,” that are full of preservatives, nitrates, antibiotics, and hormones.

Today on the Mindset Transformation radio show and podcast with Coach Myrna, I interview Life Coach Kim McDaniel.
Kim is going to teach us, How to Detox the Body, and, Soul, for Internal and External Success. Kim is the author of the book “Come out with your hands Up – The Joy of Surrendering on God's terms”

Why detoxing is important:

Detoxing your body, is important because your body is your asset. Building sky scrapers on weak foundations can be detrimental. In the same manner, piling on outer successes without addressing the internal structure, can look great from the outside, but cracks in the foundation will have one of two outcomes – explosion or implosion. Regularly, detox your body, to help to ensure the integrity of the structure – our structure – and it must be intentional.


The function of the Soul 

Detox your body, and your, soul. The function of the, soul, is to indicate it's desire.
The function of the mind is to choose from it's alternatives.
The function of the body is to act out that choice.
The, soul, speaks to you in feelings. Feelings are the language of the, soul.
There comes a time in the evolution of every, soul, when the chief concern is no longer the survival of the physical body, but the growth of the spirit. No longer the attainment of worldly success, but the realization of self.
Upon death, the body and mind are not dropped. The body changes form, leaving it's most dense part behind, but retaining it's outer shell, joining with the spirit as one energy mass of  three dimensions.

How to Detox your body Naturally

Choose to, detox your body, naturally instead of using chemicals. The rewards are many. You won’t just be healthier when you, detox your body,  you’ll have more energy, boost your immune system, and improve your cognitive abilities. With that in mind, here are 3 ways to, detox your body, that is to cleanse your body of harmful chemicals and other toxins.

  • Drink green tea. It’s not a myth that green tea has powerful antioxidant effects to, detox your body. Antioxidants help the body counteract “free radicals,” dangerous compounds that result from toxic influences in the body.
  • Drink more water. Drinking plenty of water is one of the best ways to, detox your body. Water helps eliminate chemicals from your intestines and kidneys, which makes it an ideal for, detoxing.
  • Take a steam bath. This should be the capstone of every successful body, detoxing, process. Steam therapy helps provide cellular-deep elimination of stubborn toxins that accumulate in your body.
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How frequently should one do a detox for the body?

This is a really good question because if you, detox your body, for too long or too often you can loss valuable nutrients along with the toxins and leave your body depleted.

For this reason I wouldn’t recommend doing a ‘full on’ cleanse were you restrict your diet for more than 2 to 4 times a year.

Diabetics also need to be careful of, detoxing, because they require a steady supply of energy. If you are ill, it is advisable to seek medical supervision for any, detoxification process.

If you practice vegetarianism or veganism you don't consume as many toxins as meat and diary eaters so you need to, detox your body, less often.


Detoxing the “soul” – what exactly does that refer to?

Detoxing your body,  is vitally important, but when will we take the same consideration for our, souls?

When you, detox your body, you put yourself  on a special diet and carefully monitor three basic things:

  1. Healthy, clean, detoxifying food and drink
  2. Anything harmful, like chemicals and toxins, caffeine and harmful medicine  
  3. Things that promote your health and help purge toxins

There are many more toxins attacking your, soul, than your body, and just like your body, it’s not good! The toxins—sinful habits, lack of prayer, inappropriate hobbies—in your, soul, are so bad for you that they can damage your body, too. If only we could test the state of our, soul, at the doctor’s office we would become conscious of these toxins.

Transform your Mind Stitcher
Transform your Mind Stitcher

Is there really a science to detoxing the brain?

You’ve probably heard of  how to, detox your body,  intended to cleanse your body and jumpstart better health and weight loss. But what about a, brain detox? Your brain is the most metabolically active organ in your body. As such, it can be damaged from environmental toxins. It is also vulnerable to toxic relationships, toxic habits, and toxic thinking patterns. In fact, it’s your brain that carries the heaviest toxic load in your entire body. And for many of us, that load has never been greater. With the pandemic, rampant anxiety, and other stressors, now is the best time ever to do a brain detox.

No science to, detoxing, the brain. If your brain has been assaulted by toxic substances, toxic people, or toxic thinking, it puts you at risk for cognitive and mental health problems. Functional brain imaging with SPECT can help you see the health of your brain and understand areas that need optimization. A troubled brain can’t wait. During these uncertain times, your emotional and cognitive well-being is more important than ever and waiting until life gets back to “normal” is likely to make your symptoms worsen over time.

What is the relevance of building fences – I thought success looks like building bridges.

Tell me a little about your Get in S.H.A.P.E. program to Detox Your Body
S – Stress and Sleep
H – Hydration
A – Alkaline
P- Purpose
E – Energy and Exercise


There is another way to, Detox the body, and the, Soul!
Take that much needed break from your hectic city life and explore the soul-cleansing North-East.

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