Tag Archives: success

Breaking Free: Escaping the Snare of Comfort and Complacency

In this episode of “Transform Your Mind to Transform Your Life,” Coach Myrna discusses escaping the snare of comfort and complacency. Drawing from the scripture in

Psalm 69:22, David warns, “Let their bountiful table become a snare. A trap that makes them think all is well.”

She warns against becoming too comfortable and settling for mediocrity. She provides three ways to break free from the snare of comfort, including recognizing the deceptive nature of comfort, avoiding the trap of complacency, and seeking balance and remaining vigilant. By stretching ourselves and staying focused on our goals, we can find purpose and fulfillment beyond the comforts of life. Tune in for this insightful episode by downloading the podcast

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Key Takeaways:

  • Comfort and complacency can become traps that hinder personal growth and prevent us from reaching our full potential.

  • The deceptive nature of comfort can lead to stagnation and a false sense of security, while complacency can result in spiritual and moral compromise.

  • Seeking balance, remaining vigilant, and staying rooted in God's word are essential in navigating the complexities of life and avoiding the pitfalls of comfort and complacency.

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Out of the Snare: The Deceptive Nature of Comfort

In our pursuit of success, security, and happiness, it is easy to become ensnared by the comforts and pleasures that life offers. However, these comforts can be deceptive, leading us to settle for mediocrity and hindering our personal growth. As Coach Myrna explains, when we become too comfortable, we start neglecting our spiritual growth, moral integrity, and the needs of others. We become stagnant, trapped in a snare, sitting on the couch and indulging in mindless activities instead of actively pursuing our goals and aspirations.

Coach Myrna uses the analogy from Psalm 69:22 of a bountiful table to symbolize abundance, prosperity, and satisfaction. While these are not inherently bad, David's warning reminds us of the danger of becoming too comfortable and complacent. It is important to recognize that comfort should not be mistaken for contentment. True contentment comes from a sense of purpose and fulfillment, which can only be achieved when we stretch ourselves beyond our comfort zone.

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DreamLove 1000 the power of attracttion

The Snare of Complacency

Complacency is a snare that can lead to spiritual stagnation, moral compromise, and a false sense of security. When we become complacent, we lose sight of our true purpose and calling. The bountiful table that once seemed like a blessing can quickly become a snare, distracting us from our goals and preventing us from making a meaningful impact in the world.

Coach Myrna provides an example of how complacency can manifest in our careers. Let's say you have a job that allows you to pay your bills and have some leftover money. If you become complacent in this situation, you may no longer have the drive to pursue further education or seek opportunities for growth and advancement. This complacency not only limits your personal and professional development but also hinders your ability to make a positive impact on your family, community, and the causes you care about. This is an example of the snare of comfort and complacency.

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lady boss lean shake

Seeking Balance and Remaining Vigilant

To navigate the complexities of life without falling into the snare trap of complacency, it is crucial to seek balance and maintain a vigilant heart. Cultivating gratitude and humility is key to guarding against the pride and self-reliance that often accompany success and abundance. By acknowledging that all good things come from God, we can stay grounded and avoid becoming complacent.

Remaining rooted in God's word is another essential aspect of avoiding complacency. The scriptures serve as a guide, shaping our thoughts, desires, and actions. They illuminate the pitfalls of complacency and lead us towards a life of purpose and fulfillment. By continuously seeking wisdom and guidance from God's word, we can stay on track and avoid the snare of comfort and complacency.

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Avoid the snare of complacency: Strive for Purpose and Fulfillment

In conclusion, the words of David in Psalms 69:22 serve as a timeless reminder of the dangers of complacency and snare of comfort. The importance of vigilance in our journey towards purpose and destiny. Comfort and complacency can hinder our personal growth and prevent us from reaching our full potential. It is crucial to recognize the deceptive nature of comfort and to guard against complacency by seeking balance, remaining vigilant, and staying rooted in God's word.

True purpose and fulfillment can only be achieved when we stretch ourselves beyond our comfort zones. We must resist the allure of fleeting comforts and instead seek the eternal treasure of a relationship with our Creator. By continuously striving for growth, remaining hungry for knowledge and improvement, and keeping our hearts focused on our end goals, we can break free from the snare of comfort and complacency and live a life of purpose and fulfillment.

So, let us not be deceived by the comforts of this world, but instead, let us embrace the discomfort that comes with growth and strive for a life that leaves a lasting legacy.

Additional Resources

Using Breathwork Meditation As a Personal Growth Tool

Unlocking Fulfillment and Success: Debunking 4 Beliefs

In this post, Brandi Mechele debunks 4 commonly-held beliefs about fulfillment and success. Brandi shares that if we can loosen up our grip on these beliefs, we can begin to experience more fulfillment and success in our lives.

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Brandi is an intuitive and empowerment coach who spends her time guiding others and facilitating energy healing focusing on building the subconscious capacity. She has extensive experience working with high achieving female entrepreneurs, helping them align with financial success while staying through to their values and purpose.  Her clients might initially come to her to scale their business and make more money, but they leave with a deeper sense of fulfillment within their lives on a holistic level.

Myrna: Can you share your backstory, what led you to begin this work?  When did you notice a lack of fulfillment in your own life?

Brandi:  I was raised as many people are to be very goal oriented.  My parents were amazing in helping me to chart my course and set lots of goals, and I was very fortunate to be someone who excelled at many things; so, I had an impactful career in the corporate world. I escalated to being a VP covering the United States and Canada. I was a national caliber athlete in college and tried out for the Olympics and so I realized that I had checked all these boxes. I live in an amazing city, in a home of my dreams with a family. I had always had this idea that if you checked all the boxes, achieved all your goals that happiness would be kind of the outcome and unfortunately that's just not true.

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Google Podcast Transform Your Mind

Fulfillment does not come from success

I think many people come to realize that they've had the success that they've dreamed of and not been able to align any of with this inner fulfillment and inner purpose, and so I took a step back and said you know what's missing.  I concluded that happiness needs to be its own goal, it needs to be its own purpose in your life, and that when you focus on happiness as a goal versus an outcome, that's really when you align with your purpose and find and find true fulfillment.

That's when I took a pivot in my life and got to the place where I am here today with you.

Myrna:  I've heard this story so many times, in fact my very first coaching client when I became a coach was someone with a similar story to yours. She wasn't looking for happiness she was looking for this inner fulfillment and she quit her job and became a coach because most people get more fulfillment when they serve.

I want to circle back to when you said that happiness shouldn't be an outcome of a goal that happiness should your only goal.  I can't leave that alone so how do we how does someone listening set the course to have happiness be their goal?

Brandi: I believe fundamentally that when you have high Achievers that it's really easy to make happiness a goal because they're used to aligning to goals and really  knocking it out of the park. So through my own work with myself which took place over many years prior to becoming a coach,  developed a four-step process that I call B.A.S.E and I think it's foundational to everyone's life.

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What are your limiting beliefs

B – is about beliefs. What beliefs do you have? Especially the ones that are limiting in nature and how have you gotten to that place as it pertains to happiness.  The reason I use happiness versus fulfillment is because I think that  you have to be happy to be fulfilled.  If you're not happy, if you're fulfilled you'll always be happy and if you're unhappy you'll never be fulfilled.

So happiness is oftentimes easier for people to align to than fulfillment because fulfillment feels so big like what is my purpose, what am I meant to do. But if we think of life as these moments and every single moment we're seeking happiness and ultimately we'll live this really full life that has a sense of purpose, has the service that you mentioned.

So the B really is about like what are those beliefs that are precluding that from happening.

Are in alignment for happiness

A –  is alignment, vibrational alignment.  What does happiness look like to you like oftentimes you ask people that question and they just don't know, they're like I don't know what makes me happy.  They might think you know if I get married I'll be happy, if I have a big house I'll be happy, it's usually types of goals.

What does it take for you to be aligned? So we spend some time around that and then self-awareness really because ultimately we are co-creating our reality in every single moment.  I think oftentimes we talk about manifestation as this idea of like I'll manifest a husband, a house, weight loss.  I'll manifest all of these things, but when you take a step back from that and realize that  your entire life is a manifestation not just the good things and then you really take back your own power.

S – Self- awareness because we create situations that pulls us out of homeostasis.  We return to that same place over and over again and so that's really what the self-awareness allows us to do, because once we create awareness we can move out of searching to really having kind of this path to our our destiny.

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iHeart Radio

Emotional regulation is key to happiness

E  – is about, emotional regulation, and that really is the biggest of them all,  any moment of unhappiness is really correlated to this origin story that we have. Emotional regulation,  is a term generally used to describe a person's ability to effectively manage and respond to an emotional experience. There are times in our lives when we were probably really little where we were given these ideas about who we were.  Our identity and how we showed up in the world and oftentimes we're looping around those situations.  It can be Big T trauma it can be Little T trauma, but the goal is really to keep the memory of our experiences of our childhood.

So I believe that B.A.S.E is foundational to our lives and once we are able to harness kind of those four pillars we're really going to Skyrocket from there and live a life that's a good path

Myrna: I love it but as I'm listening to you I remember I've done lots of episodes on happiness including the happiness formula.  Everybody's end goal in life is to be happy and you're right  it's a little different from fulfillment.

Fulfillment vs happiness

Brandi: I was happy, I had the husband of my dreams, I had this beautiful child, I'd won many many awards in my corporate career, I always ran sales teams and I never finished below the top 15.  So I had this body of work that was everything I ever dreamed of, I was a little girl from Detroit so I didn't have this idea that my life could be so big and so vast.

I sat there in my happiness and I said but there's still something missing.

Myrna: That happens to so many successful people. You said in your bio that  people come looking for money because they believe it will bring them happiness but find fulfillment instead.

Brandi:  Success doesn't equal happiness.

Myrna:  I'm reading a book now by Eckhart Tolle called The Power of Now and Then in there he talks about goals. Goals in clock time and psychological goals. Clock goals is just saying by the time I'm 30 I'm going to be married.   That means that your happiness or fulfillment is tied to this goal.  A, psychological goal, is always moving.  The target is always moving so that's that's one way to put it, but  you hit the nail right on the head.  Happiness is fleeting.

Beliefs and self worth

Myrna: How do you teach your clients to find this happiness end goal?

Brandi: B.A.S.E  is the foundational practice around beliefs. Two of the beliefs you have to have is that you are worthy of having the life that you're seeking, and so say to people all the time that if you show me your life, I'll show you what you think you're worthy of having.  So self-worth is like really pretty straightforward.

Myrna: So let's circle back to a couple of things, you're correct self-worth and self-love they're two big things that we package them together here for Simplicity; but  self-worth and self-love  is what the what has been communicated to them and it's usually in childhood or early adulthood.  Somebody looked at you and and called you ugly and you carry around this beliefs that you are ugly all your life.

Those are great practices to build your happiness capacity as well as you know building your your self-worth and your self-love so so that's awesome all right so let's focus a little bit now on um some of the, limiting beliefs, that, black women, have that stops them from feeling fulfilled?

Brandi:  Specifically in communities where black or brown communities you'll find that you have three generations that are in the same Financial circumstances. Nobody breaks out and I believe one of the reasons to show us about mindset is because in order for you to break out you have to have a different mindset, you have to have a different set of beliefs.

Having the right mindset for success

You have to have the mindset of I want to be successful. It's all about mindset and when you get the mindset right then you start challenging the beliefs.  You're challenging beliefs that says women can never do this.

Myrna: I was born poor and I know what a, poverty mindset, is.  If you have a, poverty mindset, you really can never be wealthy because even if you have the money you'll still be rich with  a, poverty mindset.  My whole work, my whole philosophy is about changing your mindset because once you change your mindset, you can have your dreams become a reality.  The Bible teaches do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.


Tell us about your B.A.S.E coaching program and your framework. How can  listeners get in touch with you talk about your website your social media handles.

Brandi: I appreciate that Myrna, I publish a free journal on the first and 15th every month and you can find that on my website www.brandimechele.com I am just on the precipice of launching a group coaching program and you can also go to my website and sign up there to be informed about that group coaching. If you were interested in working with me one-on-one or with the membership coaching and then if you were interested in working with me one-on-one or in the group you can also find that on my website so and all my handles are @Brandi Mechele on Instagram as well as on Facebook so I'd love to connect with your listeners and hear from them.

Please sign up for Brandi's 4-week program & her container program here:”
Additional Resources

How to Create Positive Core Beliefs

Jim Rohn on How to Improve Yourself

In the episode of 5 Min Fridays with Coach Myrna, I share 4 secrets to improving yourself as taught by Jim Rohn. Every book you read, every podcast you listen to, every seminar you attend, starts changing your philosophy.  Now if you're excited, and you're ready to change your lifestyle and improve yourself, here are the steps to improve yourself.  Improving yourself will one day show up in your bank account and in your lifestyle.

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How to Improve Yourself by Jim Rohn

You don't have to change what's outside, all you got to change is what's inside.  To have more you simply have to become more.  Don't wish it was easier wish, you were better.  Don't wish for less problems, wish for more skills. Start working on improving yourself by making these personal changes and it'll all change for you.

Jim Rohn, says here's the secret, learn to work harder on yourself than you do on your job. Once I got that it turned my life around. He said if you work hard on your job, you'll make a living. If you work hard on yourself, you can make a fortune. He said If you would have known me at age 25 you would have said, Jim Rohn's, a hard worker you didn't know me you would have said that. I'm the guy that don’t mind coming in a little bit early, and staying a little bit late. But If you'll start working harder on yourself than you do on your job, work hard on yourself and develop the skills, work hard on yourself and develop the graces all of the stuff necessary to become more valuable to the marketplace. Your whole life can explode into change.

When you improve yourself Life is no problem

  • Promotions – no problem
  • Becoming more valuable to the company – no problem
  • Money – no problem
  • Economics – no problem
  • Future – no problem.

You just go to work on the right thing. Don't try to change the seed, don't change the soil, don't change the sunshine, don't change the rain, don't change the mix of seasons.

Let the miracle of everything that's available work for you and start working on the inside.

  • Work on your philosophy.
  • Work on your attitude.
  • Work on your personality,
  • Work on your language,
  • Work on the gift of communication,
  • Work on all of your abilities.

If you'll start making those personal changes, I'm telling you, everything will change for you.

Success is not something you pursue

Success, is something you attract by the person you become. Success, is not something you pursue. So, the whole key to unlock all the treasures, whether it's economic treasures or spiritual treasures, financial, social personal every way you can possibly think of is by your own, personal development.

Then he added one more which is so important, and it's probably worth its weight in gold. Here it is. What you become is much more valuable than who you are today.  You become by the books you read, you become by the thoughts you have. If you want the things on the higher shelf, you got to stand on the books you read. Every book you read; you get to stand a little higher, so you can get the things on the higher shelf.

Every book you read, every podcast you listen to, every seminar you attend, starts changing your philosophy.  Now if you're excited, and you're ready to change your lifestyle and, improve yourself.

Here's the steps to improve yourself:

  1. Find out how things work. The first key to doing better and improving yourself is find out how things work.
  2. Then you need, ideas. The books you read can give you, ideas. Become a good reader. All of the successful people I know, they're all good readers. Curiosity drives them to read. You need, ideas, on a new business, you need ideas to start something new. You may think you need, money; no the problem is lack of,  ideas on creating wealth. It isn't lack of, money. It's a, lack of ideas. So, if you get the idea so you can change anything. When you find out something that works, put the information in your journal. Don't use your head for a filing cabinet. Put it in your journal so that you can do the next best thing, Repetition, repetition, go over it. And if you repeat it, go over it. Sure enough, someday, some mysterious day. The idea takes root and shows up in your bank account and your lifestyle.
  3. Study success, it leaves clues. If you wish to be successful, study success. If you wish to be happy study happiness. If you wish to be wealthy study wealth, don't leave it to chance. Make it a study. Some people just go through the day with their fingers crossed. You've got to study the things that can change your economic, social, spiritual personal life.
  4. Finally, learn, study, grow, change. It's what, how to improve yourself, is all about. Human development, takes time, incredible amounts of time. It does take time for personal development, it does take time for, spiritual development, physical development and, mental development. So, it is important to keep feeding the mind, nourishing the mind.


Thanks for tuning into this week’s episode of, 5 min Fridays with coach Myrna. I hoped you were encouraged to keep improving yourself daily by reading and looking for new ideas because whenever you seek, you will find.

Until next time Namaste

Additional Resources 


Embracing Your Spirituality For Success

We are, spiritual, beings having a human experience. Spirituality, is being willing to lower the volume on your, skepticism, and connect to the source.  Tracy Litt, author of the Worthy Human shares how we can embrace our, spirituality, and release our emotions to achieve, success.  

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Tracy Litt is a sought-after success mentor for visionary women leaders that are navigating huge paradigm shifts and elevating into the next level of themselves, so they can seamlessly generate the next level of their impact, wealth, and holistic success. Tracy is a certified mindset coach, spiritual advisor, rapid transformational hypnotherapist, best-selling author, and TEDx speaker.

She is the Founder of The Litt Factor, and creator of Mind Magic ®, a proven methodology that marries metacognition and spirituality, neuroscience and quantum law to expand and elevate more quickly. Her work has served thousands of women across the globe and has been featured in Entrepreneur, Fast Company, Thrive Global, and Inc.com. Her book Worthy Human is a #1 best seller in Spiritual Growth and Mindset.

Myrna: Tell us about how you became a certified mindful mindset coach, or why you became a certified mindset coach.

Tracy: For me I went through a lot of triumph in life, right as all of us have. And I was consistently met with this calling that I'm here to do something deeper. I'm here to work with people on a more transformational level.  I was born for impact and positive influence to make a beautiful dent in the progress of our world.

And in order to do that, it really comes down to each one of us doing the work of ourselves on ourselves, to make the ripple effect that actually creates change for the world. And energetic frequency for our generations, our children's children, all of those beautiful things. So, it was a calling for me to step up into what my capacity was. Yet I wasn't scratching the surface, because I was living beneath my worth.  I'm not enough and I'm not smart enough which we all have in this world.

Myrna: Not being enough always shows up.

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Emotional Suppression comes from feeling not enough

Tracy: It is impossible to be a living, breathing adult and not have an enoughness wound somewhere. Unless you worked on it already, because the nature of the way our psyche works and how we know things happen in our upbringing. And the way we ingest things and make it mean something when we're little, we always make it mean something about us, and then we carry that story in that belief structure.  When we get older and something happens, usually catalytic, we're hoping that we don't get smacked over the head by a circumstance.

 So, all of those things are really why I showed up to do what I do in the world. And you know, I was a single mother with an eight-month-old daughter. That was my first wake up call that called me to show up differently by letting go of the victim hood that I was living in powerlessness.  I was subscribing into creating a whole new version of myself and a life for my daughter who is now 18 years old so that's gives you some frame of reference.

And then I was called to climb the corporate ladder and landed as a Vice President of Human Resources and still was like, I'm not happy. I did all the things. Why am I not happy? Here I am like, I’ve got a six figure job, working from home. Isn't that supposed to be joyful? And it wasn't. So, I answered that deeper calling and went back to school an adult learner at 39 years old, and launched the Lift Factor and we're in our fifth year. So yes, I'm about to be 45 this year.

 Myrna: Wow! I'm sure you've heard it before. You look great.

Tracy: Teenage daughters, they keep me very young.

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Emotional suppression leads to unhappiness

Myrna: That's great. You know, it's interesting that is a story that we hear so often, that people are successful. They've got the house; they've got the job, they've got the cars, they've got the white picket fence, and yet they're still seeking. They're still seeking that happiness.

Tracy: So, here's what's going on with that Myrna.  We were all raised in a conditional happiness model. Okay, which I'll break down for us. We were all raised that the outside dictates the inside. belief structure, which then reports how we all show up. So it's very much I'll be happy when I have a million dollar business. I'll be happy when I find love in my life. I'll be happy when or I'll be sexy when I lose 10 pounds, right? 

So what part of the call to work on ourselves and really recognize that as our core purpose is to completely shift out of these paradigms that we've been subscribing to all of this time and realize, oh, wait a minute. The reason why I could chase the carrot, get the carrot and chase the next carrot. Get the next pair to chase the next carrot, get the next until you die and still might actually feel joy in your body and your soul because joy and happiness is an inside job.  

 It's about recognizing where you are holding on to when I'll feel happy. And do the reverse of that and start to cultivate and get your body familiar with that emotion of joy and happiness. Not because something cool just happened outside of you; but because that is the state of being that you choose.

 Myrna: Yeah, when we do visualization work, they tell you to feel the joy of having something that you want before you actually have it. But I'm sure that's not what you're talking about. We're talking about finding ourselves, loving yourself and finding happiness right now. With your current body, with your current job, with your current circumstances. 

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We are spiritual beings having a human experience

So that when you get the things that you want, you will know what joy looks like. I like what you said about chasing the carrot. We all know as coaches, that whenever you achieve one goal, you set the next goal. Yeah, we are always chasing that carrot. So all right. So that's great now your expertise is in you know, spirituality.

So I want to start off by asking you a question that I talk about all the time because I've heard it from Deepak Chopra. And I've heard it from a lot of the luminaries and a lot of, spirituality,  leaders. And it says that we are, spiritual beings, having a human experience. So how can we embrace this, spirituality? You know, a spirit having a human experience to create our success.

 Tracy: Spirituality, is the foundation of all my work. Spirituality, first be willing to lower the volume on your, skepticism, because, skepticism, is really like a sabotage tactic that your ego uses.  So you can just keep disconnected and still hustle and make it hard and kind of continue to affirm who you've been.

So when you demote the, skepticism, let's say that you allow yourself to believe what I'm saying to you, that you are a spiritual energetic being having a human experience because scientifically, it’s not Tracy's ideas on life,  scientifically, we are all, energy.

 Myrna: I've heard that so many times before, but let's let's do this. Just break it down.

 Tracy: Right and that's one of my superpowers, breaking down, spirituality, so it makes sense. So we are, energy, scientific fact, not a spiritual fact. So when we realize that we are spiritual energetic beings, but we're existing in physical form as human beings, we get to leverage both parts of those truths and understand our, spirituality. 

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Consciousness and spirituality

In our humanness we're feeling fear and lack and scarcity and concern about inclusion and belonging and are we good enough etc. Problems from a, consciousness, perspective.  Our, higher consciousness, in the dimensions of, consciousness, and, energy, is going higher. 

Myrna: Yep. Okay. So that's great. Yes, because one of the ways I normally go with that when we're talking about, spirituality, is you're connecting to the source and with source, everything is possible. You become limitless, right? Do you ever teach on that one?

 Tracy: 100% Because ultimately, your, highest self, operates in the highest, consciousness, available right to their dimensions of, consciousness, your, Higher Self, exists in your fifth dimension of, consciousness.  Consciousness, by the conscious awareness, quantum field, all of that space. So when you are in your, highest self, and you're trusting, you are the most open, you are the most connected to source, you're also in your highest residence. 

You're also in your most enjoyable states of emotion. You're not yet when you're in worry and guilt and not enoughness and resentment and anger. You're in your humaneness, you're in love and radiance and trust and bliss and detachment from, spirituality.

Myrna: So that's true. I noticed from your bio, you also talk about, quantum law. When you're connecting with your, spirituality,  and your, higher self, you're tapping into, quantum energy, in the, quantum field. Which means that things happen immediately.  

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Authenticity Atlas podcast

Connecting to the quantum field

Tracy: Essentially, quantum energy, quantum physics, quantum law, it all means the same thing. It is proven that everything is actually all connected all at the same time and completely available to us. When your energetic, resonance and frequency is lower, and you are in a lower level of emotional states like the ones I was saying before frustration, unworthiness, resentment, anger, overwhelm, you are not at your highest resonance, which is what allows you to connect to the, quantum field.  

Myrna: So that's just a very expanded explanation,  we're all spiritual beings having a human experience. 

Tracy: Your emotional state becomes your energetic resonance. Emotional suppression, is when you consciously say Nope, I don't want to feel that and just shut down.  Emotional repression, is unconscious repression, which means you've been repressed, you don't even know you've been repressed and that you've been denying yourself the opportunity to feel your emotions and feel your feelings. 

What's ultimately our biggest goal for everyone everywhere is to be the fullest expression of who you are, right? So being expressed not only means to express yourself verbally and in personality, but also to allow your emotions and your feelings to express themselves. Whether that is through beautiful crying or screaming or punching all these beautiful ways to release emotion from your body. 

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RadioPublic Transform your mind

Emotional suppression leaves you emotionally congested

When you're emotionally congested, you're also very reactive. Like the anger comes faster and the resentment comes. So you're a little like when my kids were little we used to call it being prickly. You're unable to feel much trust and bliss that we were just talking about and your higher levels of, consciousness. 

 Myrna: So the question I have here for you is what makes it so hard to change and to up level.  

Tracy: Well, because it's unfamiliar, that's the real answer. So the art of change and why does it feel so hard to change this because you actually have to become different. And when we're in the, human growth, potential space, it's not discussed enough that if you're really going to become different you're going to really have to get uncomfortable. And that is, it feels physical, an up level where you actually stretch out of your zone of familiarity into the next ring or two or three of what's available to you. 

It feels like a physical stretch. And to be able to successfully change and transform we have to have a profound understanding of our connection to our bodies and what it means to create safety in our system. Because change means different means unknown means uncertain, and your mind body goes Oh, hell no, I'm not allowing that human to do that. I'm going to keep her safe and the same done right. So to recognize what's happening in the mind, because that's what the mind does. It says this is unfamiliar, this is not safe.  

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Transform Your Mind Podverse.fm

Mind Magic drives your emotions

You must also understand that if you're not working with the body, you're not really working with the, mind. Also it seems counterproductive or counter intuitive to what we're taught, but it's the truth and even the mindset of the teacher.  But I don't do any, mindset, work without the body. Because you feel how you think, and you think how you feel.  Your feelings are in your body and your thoughts are in your, mind. 

 So the, mind, drives feelings because that's where our amygdala is.  Our fear response gets ignited there, but it's our body, our nervous system that keeps the score and tells all and does or doesn't allow you to change. So once you understand that you go okay, I can learn how to create safety in my body. Now, all of a sudden, you can move outside of the zone of familiarity, you can change, because you know that where you're going is amazing. 

Myrna: So why does the body tell you that it's unsafe?

Tracy: Because it's different from what you have known. Your, mind and body, even though it is consciously what you desire and say you want your, mind and body, are active 24/7,  365 days per year.  It’s trying to keep you the same, hell or high water at all costs. Mastering of the, mind and body, is part and parcel to your ability to, transform. 

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Listen Notes Transform Your Mind

The Business of human growth

Myrna: Tell us about your company the Litt Factor 

Tracy: The Litt Factor that's my company, very excited and proud of it. My dad gave me that last name so it's all him and it just happened to be a really cool last name. because we didn't live.  So the Litt Factor we are human growth and potential company and we specialize in working with visionary women leaders and entrepreneurs. To do the inner work necessary to become the next level versions of themselves, so that they can easily generate impact and wealth and holistic, success, and feel joy and presence along the way. 

That's what we do and, mind magic, is really our flagship framework. So it is a gorgeous container for visionary women leaders and entrepreneurs. You come in who you are, and you leave the next version of yourself in  the most incredible way. It marries neuroscience, quantum law, meta-cognition,  healing and, spirituality, in community. And that's the kicker, that's the key. You don't grow in isolation. 

You are really learning how to receive unconditional love, learning how to be rallied around,  learning how to accept. Being in a sphere and a vortex of other women who are letting go of the status quo, who are breaking free of old paradigms, who are being the fullest expression of themselves. It's like the wind beneath your wings. And it's extraordinary.

So that's what, mind magic, does. And it's been so profound. It's so proven we now have a 0% fail rate of anyone who comes to the program and does the work. We actually have a certification process as well. I certified other service providers, healers, coaches, financial experts, strategists on the, mind magic, framework, so that they can take it out in the world and affect change.



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Podmust Transform Your Mind podcast

Book The Worthy Human

 Myrna: Tell us your website, your social handles and also you can talk about your book. Yeah, tell us about your book. It's a beautiful title. Worthy Human.

 Tracy: Please go get the book. It is an incredible read. It is not just theory to the point of our conversation. It is both theory, story and work. So there are sections in the book called The work where you literally pause and do the work. I've had people simply invest in the book and transform with nothing else. So if you're willing to show up for yourself and do the work, it's a great place to start. And you can get that on Amazon. And if you're an audio book kind of person, I read the audio so it's like me loving you and yelling at you for six hours.

Book Worthy Human
Book Worthy Human

 Myrna: I am definitely an audio person. I'll get it myself.

 Tracy: If you go to www.littfactor.com it has absolutely everything, but if you go to  www.whatwouldshedo.net there is  a free gift that I have. It's a three part audio training course, all about connecting to the next level version of you and what it means to let her lead in every area of your life personally and professionally. 

Additional Resources

Master Lama Rasaji: Harmonizing Mind Body Spirit

What’s your Startup IQ?

Are you an, Entrepreneur, or thinking of becoming an, Entrepreneur? Can you guess your,  startup IQ? Would you like to know if you are naturally gifted with Entrepreneurship Intelligence or you will have to work harder than most? Silicon Valley have the answer for you. They have a test to find out your, startup IQ.

Owning your own business gives you a sense of freedom and empowerment. You can build things and watch them grow.

Entrepreneurs, make decisions for themselves, realize their creative visions, and develop lasting relationships with other entrepreneurs, customers, and vendors.

It’s a great way to live. But your need an entrepreneur's, IQ, to be good at starting and running a successful business.

Here are a few natural traits that predict Startup IQ.

Openness – A high openness score means you are open minded. You listen to the ideas of others and are willing to learn from them. Sam Walton built the Walmart Empire by learning from his competitors. This is your first, IQ test.

• Conscientiousness – Doing what is right. Integrity and honesty fit into this natural ability and, IQ, as well. Conscientious Entrepreneurs, run their companies diligently, solving their customers problems. This is your second, IQ, test.

• Extroversion – We have heard a lot about extroversion as it relates to successful CEO’s and startup, IQ. True in order to sell, you must like people and be comfortable around them; but as an, Entrepreneur, you shouldn't go it alone. You should create a team. If you are not a natural extrovert, hire a front line sales person. Bill Gates is an introvert so you could be wildly successful even if you don't have this natural ability.

• Agreeableness – Are you compassionate, warm and considerate? This is a necessary, IQ test. People do business with people they like. Agreeableness does not mean you must be nice all the time. As a business owner you must be able to also be straightforward with customers and employees and to replace the ones who do not conform to your mission.

• Neuroticism – A good indication of Entrepreneurial, startup IQ, success is to score low on the neuroticism test. Neuroticism is defined as the tendency of an individual to experience negative emotions such as anxiety, hostility, depression, impulsiveness and vulnerability. Entrepreneurs, Managers and Leaders must be emotionally stable, self-confident, calm in the presence of chaos, even tempered and relaxed.

• Fluid Intelligence – This refers to the ability to rapidly learn and apply a rule. Entrepreneurs, deal with different issues all day. As a start-up, entrepreneur,  they wear many different hats. The ability to switch from one issue to another is very important and is a skill that cannot be learned. Fluid Intelligence, is considered the most revealing test for, success. If you get stuck and can’t switch roles, you cannot lead and become an Enterprise.

The startup IQ test

As an, Entrepreneur, I agree with this predictive startup, IQ test.

As your Success and Entrepreneurial Coach, the foundation of my coaching practice is creating self-awareness and, business consciousness. I have seen passion override natural ability; so go for it.

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Sponsor The Transform Your Mind Podcast

Read case studies to build your Startup IQ

As an, entrepreneur, you’ll be inundated with your, business, needing to take care of it all the time. So when you  have some leisure time, you might be tempted to read fiction or books for entertainment.

Instead, I encourage you to read case studies. Read biographies of successful, entrepreneurs, who had a high startup, IQ. Read everything you can get your hands on about those who have already been successful.

There’s always something to learn from those who have already done it.

I especially think it’s important to learn from the mistakes of others. If you learn from their mistakes, you won’t have to make those mistakes yourself.

And if you do make mistakes yourself, definitely learn from those.

Transform your Mind Stitcher
Transform your Mind Stitcher

Take Baby steps to test your startup, IQ. 

Building a successful entrepreneurial business can seem daunting, and that’s OK. Building a business from the ground up is a massive undertaking.

Here is a foolproof tactic: Break it down.

Any problem that seems insurmountable, break it down into baby steps.

Once you’ve broken it down into baby steps, take them one at a time. Before you know it, just by placing one foot in front of the other, you’ll be halfway up the mountain.

With grit and perseverance, baby steps will get you far toward becoming a successful, entrepreneur.

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Transform your Mind Soundcloud podcast

Focus build your startup IQ

The life of a successful, entrepreneur, can feel scattered and disjointed, but it’s important to limit your time spent multitasking.

Research has shown time and time again that multitasking doesn’t work. Humans aren’t capable of it.

And yes, multitasking includes being distracted by your phone and email tabs. Close them and put them away.

Learn to focus and take time to do just one task. Giving one task your full attention will mean that you’re more likely to get it done and do it well.

It’s also important to know that too many tasks on your to-do list can make you ineffective and distracted.

Learn to focus your to-do list on the tasks that you’re capable of finishing in the amount of time you’ve allotted for them.

For example, each night, set the three tasks that you’ll complete the following day. And each month, set the overarching goal for your company that you want to achieve in the next 30 days.

These techniques can help you to learn how to focus and more effectively manage your business, building your, business IQ.

Additional Resources


Can you recognize your failure symptoms?


How to Recover Financially After Coronavirus Pandemic

We have been in a, pandemic, situation for over 15 months now. Many of you who are reading this blog, have experienced some, personal finance, problems. We know that Amazon, Walmart, Google and all those big brands actually made millions of dollars and were very profitable during this, pandemic.

But, it is a fact that ordinary people like you and me had some struggles. Financial planner, Michelle Arpin Begina is going to share with us how to change our, money mindset, by paying attention to your, money story.  Your, money story, shows up in good times and bad times. So, keep reading to understand how your, money mindset, affected whether you thrived in this, pandemic, or just survived.

Listen to the full interview:


Your Money Story

This is the time to really get curious and ask yourself, What is my, money story? Go back and trace the roots of your, money story, and experiences?

Similarly, ask yourself as an adult, What did I hear growing up about, money? What did I take away from the big financial moments of my life? What were some of the behaviors that I observed from other people or my parents, that influence my, personal finance, now?

  • Did you become a consumer or did you become a miser?
  • Did your parents tell you all the time ” Money does not grow on trees”
  • or ‘Money is the root of all evil”

Those messages are a part of my, money story.

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Deezer Transform Your Mind Podcast

Your Parents Money Story

Michelle: I remember growing up watching my parents and saying to myself two things:

  • If only they could get their, personal finance, act together, because they had all the ingredients to have everything they wanted. We all have it within us.
  • The second thing I said was: this is not going to be me. But, as it turned out. When I first got started out, I started following their footsteps.

Myrna: Oh! You became a, consumer, too?

Michelle: I did! I bought the new car when I was 19, while I was paying my own tuition and rent. So, I lived with that feeling of financial insecurity. I kept it going with, personal finance, problems well into my 30s and then I turned it around.

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How to Thrive after the Coronavirus Pandemic

Myrna: What is the, personal finance, lesson that you want to share with us, that can help the people who are barely surviving?

Michelle: I can say that it's not just about the, consumers,  and the savers, but there's probably more depth to thriving than that. We have to go into some biology.

Myrna: So, let's take a deep dive into biology of the, money mindset.

Michelle: Alright! We've got to cut slack for the, consumers, and the savers. Putting away money for a rainy day, could turn someone into a tight wad, where they are not enjoying their, money. There are so many different translations that can happen from what we take in as a child and that forms our, money story.

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Book: My Grandpa is a Truck Driver
Book: My Grandpa is a Truck Driver

Become friends with your future self. 

Let's talk about flourishing for a second. We are hardwired to live in the moment, because we are psychologically distant from Michelle 10.0.

We are not friends with our future self. Michelle 10.0 or Myrna 10.0, is not our relative. We don't feel this connection with her today, so we can't help it. This is who we are as people, this is our biology. It's very difficult to handle, money, outside of what our needs or wishes or even impulses are in the moment.

What we need to do is recognize this. When the 401K rep comes in, when you don't have two dimes to rub together and say if you put away the maximum amount in this account, you'll be a billionaire by the time you're 65. When you were 22, it's going to go in one ear and out the other. You tell the 401K rep, I can't even afford lunch! A 22 year old has no relationship with her 65 year old self.

Myrna: You hit the nail right in the head. I was just saying that people can't save because they have no extras to save.

Most of us have more month than, money!

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Transform your Mind Stitcher

Transform Your Money Story to protect your future

Michelle: What we can do to help ourselves and transform our, money story, is to literally create a relationship with your future self. The closer we feel to that person, as if they were really alive today and is our friend, the more that we're going to act in their best interests.

There are so many new little things that we have to accomplish in the day-to-day details to get us to that overarching goal. So, when we're in the moment of the impulses or just choosing between two different things, and we want to maintain, self-control. What actually helps is to create distance in the moment. When we talk to ourselves in the third person, it actually helps us to control our behavior in the moment.

Myrna: I get it like saying

Myrna would never do that, Myrna is going to do is make the choice that is going to really help her in the future.”

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Transform your Mind TuneIn Radio
TuneIn Radio

What the Pandemic taught us about our money story

Myrna: Let's get back to the, pandemic. What has the, global pandemic, taught us about, money?

Maybe you're going to be a little different because, money, is your work, and you study it. Did you learn anything new about yourself and your, money beliefs, during the, pandemic, what do you think the global lesson was for us?

Michelle: I‘m a little afraid to answer this question.

Myrna: Let's talk. It's just your opinion.

Michelle: What I‘ve learned during this, pandemic, is a little embarrassing to say out loud is I learned a whole lot more about our systems and just how differently everybody is impacted, was the biggest thing that I witnessed.

Heartbreaking really in many ways and I‘ve discovered is that our systems were not designed to take care of people. Our systems were designed for the efficient management of accounts to obey the laws, rules and regulations. Many people had no, money, in the Bank because they didn't see the need to save or to put something away for the rainy day. This, pandemic, exposed that flaw. 

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iHeart Radio

The Pandemic changed our money story

Myrna: Do you think that our values have changed, now that the, pandemic, highlighted our, money mindset?

Michelle: That's basically what I was trying to get to as far as, money mindset, and the fallout from our, money story. Maybe their, money mindset, was thatyou get it”, you spend it that kind of thinking. I like to think – I mean it's hard to know on a such a broad level whether it has or hasn't, but I think for someone who was probably scared to their core, there will be a change to their, money mindset.

  • If they lost jobs or clients,
  • Were not able to continue to work or couldn't pay their rent or mortgage. Their, money mindset, will shift to saving for a rainy day.

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Transform Your Mind Podcast Addict

We've heard so many different things happened. The income that I was relying on to make my month is evaporated or it's down etc., but to me, it really is that, fight or flight, or life or death kind of an experience. On the other hand, we may want to totally push that out of our mind because it was such  an awful experience.  

I think for a lot of people who maybe saw, for the first time, at their own hand, how perilous their situation could become. I think those people have probably changed their, money mindset.

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Podbean Transform your Mind Podcast

What's your success formula to change money mindset

Myrna: Great!!! You're a financial planner. Do you want to share your, success formula, or how you help your clients to develop a relationship with their future self and change their, money mindset?

Michelle: What a, financial planner, does is to help you with, personal finance such as:

  • Plan for the rainy day,
  • Put away for retirement,
  • Save to buy a house,
  • You plan for vacations.

Myrna: That's what you guys do, right? I understand you have a, success formula, can you share that? Like thinking about what resources did you bring to the table not just with, personal finance, but who did you know, what did you know etc..

Michelle: The, success formula, can be called your superpowers. We use the word superpower so much, but what part of you is special and unique? What do you bring to the table in every single one of your successes? We use that information to develop hope, optimism and resiliency.

What superpowers did you use to pull those things in when times when facing difficulty or you faced a challenge. How did you react when there was an upside surprise?

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All of those traits that I just described, in whatever way someone uses them, it's so cool. I mean we've all got a special factor that's so different from one another. If you just look at your own and you start picking it apart, you can see how I can pull on this thread when it comes to my money.

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Transform Your Mind Podcast Pandora
Transform Your Mind Podcast Pandora

Your money superpowers is your success formula

It's about figuring out what's effective so that's like the part of the expanded version of, personal finance. Financial Literacy, is what I would call it which is really kind of recognizing that we have a psychology and biology around in our brains and body around our, money. It's not just understanding markets or investing or good sound, financial planning, or, risk management, or all of those things which are important, but it's about your strengths.

Looking at the big picture and understanding someone's background, who they are and are not with their, money, what their wishes are, what their values are, of course what the, money, is and then really digging into some of their, money mindset, about what makes them.

Myrna: So, that's the, success formula.

Michelle: Yes, we use what makes you successful in other areas of your life and use the common thread to help you to be successful with your, money.

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Transform Your Mind Pocket Casts

The success formula challenge

Myrna: I understand that you have a website or a challenge to help the readers and those watching on TV. That would help them develop their, success formula. You want to talk about that?

Michelle: The best place for people to find me is my website, which is www.michelleab.com. Right on the home page is my, success formula, guide which anyone can download. Other channels that people can as well reach me or connect with me are on LinkedIn,

You can watch the full interview on the Transform Your Mind Podcast YouTube channel.

Also you can tune in at six o'clock Est every Sunday for our Preach the Word Network Television broadcast and of course you can listen in the radio WDJY 99.1 FM Wednesdays at 5p.m.

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Transform Your Mind PTWWN TV

Myrna: Thanks again Michelle. Thanks everyone for tuning in and until next time, blessings.

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Additional Resources

Understanding the Rules of Economics and Money

Is True Wealth Financial Freedom?


How to Find Your Purpose in Life

You can, find your purpose, in life by paying attention to your passions. Your master, purpose in life, is to spread happiness. You will always see the optimism in life no matter how dark it may seem.

Are you lifted by your purpose? This week on Mindset Transformation Radio and Podcast, I interview Ms Arifah Yusuf who is not only lifted by her, purpose, but founded a company called Lifted By Purpose where she helps youths in Toronto, Canada to become lifted by their purpose.

As Arifah was working with the youth she noticed their tattoos and decided to have a spin off company called Tattoo Stories. She used the tattoos stories to help her clients share their stories through the images they permanently put on their bodies.

How to Find Your Purpose in Life

How we perceive images can help us, find your purpose.

How you react to an image can tell you a lot about you, including your, life’s purpose.
Art speaks to us because it’s about us. It’s about our collective and individual journeys in this wondrous, immeasurable universe.

As Chuck Klosterman said, “Art and love are the same thing: It’s the process of seeing yourself in things that are not you.”  Images stir up numerous emotions in the beholder: awe, shock, sorrow, rage, and even repulsion. You may feel an intense, nameable emotion within seconds of seeing an image, or it could take several minutes of staring at the image before you can decide what it means to you. And as art is as diverse as the people who create and perceive it, the responses to it naturally vary. Art can play a crucial role in self-discovery and an individual’s, purpose in life.

Image test to find your purpose

Click the link below to take your image, purpose, test and see what it shows is your, purpose.


I took this test and my test revealed that my purpose was to spread Happiness. So True.

“Your master, purpose in life, is to spread happiness. You will always see the optimism in life no matter how dark it may seem. You can distinguish the lightness from the darkness and this is what takes you to another level. With happiness, everything can be cured and your purpose is to spread this feeling in times most needed.”


Arifah Yusuf, is a registered social worker from Ryerson University. She has 12 years experience engaging and developing programs for youth, facilitating workshops and providing counseling services. Ms. Yusuf was nominated and awarded the Community Health Champion Award for her dedication working with youth. In 2015 she received the leadership award from Canadian Alliance of Black Educators and in 2016, the Ontario Leading Women in Community Award.

She is trained and certified by the National Organization for Victims Assistance, Traumatology institute, and is a Mental Health First Aid Instructor. In her role at Lifted By purpose, she is the Founder and Executive Director.


How did you find your purpose?

Can you tell us your journey as a social worker and how it transitioned into founding Lifted by Purpose?
I grew up a a rough neighborhood in Toronto. As a youth, I had a family member who died from Homicide and that affected me profoundly; but I did not have an outlet to grieve so I became very depressed. As I got older, I wanted to become a social worker so I can help other youths who experienced trauma to have a space to talk and get help. This is how I found my, purpose.

Today “Lifted by purpose” helps youths, find their purpose, and provides services to help the youth with coping skills and prepare for a purposeful future.

Using tattoo stories to find the meaning of life

You have an offspring from Lifted by purpose called Tattoo stories. Can you tell our audience what that is about and how tattoo helps youths find their, purpose.

During counselling I started asking my clients to tell me their stories about the permanent tattoos on their bodies. I found that these tattoos were connected to their, purpose in life. Most life events are marked with a tattoo.

Services offered to help find your purpose

What are some projects and services provided by Lifted by purpose.
At Lifted by Purpose we focus on the arts.
Some of our services are:

  • Music stress program 10 to 20 weeks
  • Playlist therapy that identifies tracks that speak to grief or loss
  • How to have healthy Relationships
  • How to identify triggers that move them into making bad choices
  • Identify coping skills
  • Tattoo stories and what they mean

I see from the information you provided me for the interview that your target audience is young people between the ages of 16 to 29 years who are at risk or already in the justice system. How does your program help these young people, find your purpose.

Our program helps our youth to harness their story

  • Understand how to utilize their stories to understand themselves.
  • Reflect on how their stories has influenced their choices in life
  • How to flip a negative story into something positive
  • Action steps. Are they ready to make a change
  • How does their story affect their purpose and lift them up.

How does Tattoo stories tie into meaning of life

Tattoo stories Helps the youth understand their, purpose and have a voice that can help others on their journey.


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