Tag Archives: limiting beliefs

Transform Your Mind: You Are Capable

Have anyone ever told you, you are capable, of anything? Drawing inspiration from Dr. Jamal Bryant‘s personal story, coach Myrna  emphasizes that we are all capable of achieving greatness if we tap into our full potential.

Discover how to, transform your mindset, and unlock your full potential.  In this episode of Transform Your Mind with Coach Myrna. Learn the power of believing in your capabilities, embracing a growth mindset, challenging limiting beliefs, cultivating resilience, surrounding yourself with positivity, and practicing self-compassion. With these strategies, you can achieve greatness beyond your wildest dreams, believe that, you are capable.

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You are capable: Replace Self-Doubt with Self-Confidence

The human mind is a powerful tool capable of incredible feats when harnessed correctly. However, many of us underestimate our own abilities, allowing self-doubt and fear to hold us back. It's time to challenge those limited beliefs and transform your mindset. You can achieve more than you ever thought possible. Be confident because, you are capable.

As Coach Myrna shares, “The Bible says that the Lord has equipped us with everything we need to do what we're here to do on this Earth.” We are preloaded with the necessary energy, personality, and intelligence. We just need to tap into our capabilities and believe in ourselves. Replace self-doubt with self-confidence and watch how your mindset transforms.

You are capable: Do it until you achieve perfection

I was listening to an interview a few weeks back with John Lee Dumas the host of Entrepreneurs on Fire and he said that he decided to host a podcast for entrepreneurs every single day because he was a new entrepreneur and when he looked at podcasting there was none in that space.  He didn't know anything about podcasting, he didn't know anything about interviewing,  but he decided that he was going to get on the mic every single day and talk about entrepreneurship.

He said that it took him over 400 episodes until he started to do better interviews, but you know what at the 200 episode when he looked at it and said. I'm not terribly good.  Did he stop?  No because practice makes perfect.  YOu are capable of doing anything,  even if you don't do it well at first.  Statistics show that you need 10,000 hours of practice to become perfect in anything.  You need to do it until you achieve perfection, because practice makes perfect.

Embrace a Growth Mindset

Psychologist Carol Dweck popularized the concept of a growth mindset. It is the belief that abilities and intelligence can be developed through dedication and hard work. Instead of thinking that something is hard and you can't do it, be willing to learn as you go and do what is necessary to succeed.

Coach Myrna shares her personal journey of going from selling office supplies to becoming a life coach, author, and podcaster. She never doubted her capabilities. She believed she was preloaded with everything she needed and that everything else could be learned. Success is formed through practice and perseverance. Embrace a growth mindset and be open to learning and growing.

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Transform Your mind podlink

You are capable: Challenge Your Limited Beliefs

Our beliefs shape how we show up in the world. Sometimes, we need to rewrite the script and challenge our limiting beliefs. We all have beliefs about ourselves and our capabilities that may not serve us well. These limited beliefs often stem from past experiences, societal expectations, or negative self-talk.

Coach Myrna encourages us to identify these beliefs and challenge them. Are they based on facts or simply assumptions we've accepted over time? Replace them with empowering beliefs that align with your goals and aspirations.

As the scripture says, “I can do all things through God who strengthens me.”

Challenge your limited beliefs and unlock your full potential.

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curiocaster transform your mind podcast

Cultivate Resilience

Resilience is the ability to bounce back from setbacks and adapt to change. Building resilience requires facing challenges head-on, learning from failures, and maintaining a positive outlook. Setbacks are not failures but valuable lessons that can help you grow stronger and wiser.

Coach Myrna reminds us to cultivate resilience and view setbacks as opportunities for growth. By developing resilience, you can approach challenges with greater confidence and bounce back stronger than ever. Remember, practice makes perfect, and resilience is a key ingredient in achieving greatness.

You are capable: Surround Yourself with Positivity

The company you keep plays a significant role in shaping your mindset. Surround yourself with supportive, positive people who believe in your abilities and encourage you to pursue your dreams. Their optimism and encouragement can be a powerful source of motivation and inspiration.

Coach Myrna shares the story of Pastor Jamal Bryant, who was encouraged by a senior pastor who told him, “You are capable.” This simple statement transformed his mindset and gave him the motivation to continue his work. Surrounding yourself with positivity can have a profound impact on your mindset and belief in your capabilities.

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Practice Self-Compassion

Be kind to yourself and acknowledge your efforts and achievements, no matter how small. Forgive yourself for any mistakes or shortcomings. Remember, nobody is perfect except Jesus. Practicing self-compassion fosters a healthier mindset, boosts self-esteem, and enables you to approach challenges with greater confidence and resilience.

Coach Myrna emphasizes the importance of self-compassion. By being kind to yourself and acknowledging your efforts, you create a positive and nurturing environment for personal growth. Treat yourself with the same compassion and understanding you would offer to a friend. Practice self-compassion and watch how it transforms your mindset.


Transforming your mind begins with believing in your capabilities and embracing a growth mindset. Challenge your limited beliefs, set realistic goals, cultivate resilience, surround yourself with positivity, and practice self-compassion. By doing so, you unlock your full potential and achieve greatness beyond your wildest dreams.

Remember, you are capable, of amazing things. All you have to do is believe in yourself and tap into the preloaded capabilities within you. Transform your mind and watch how it transforms your life. As Coach Myrna says, “You are capable, and if you need some encouragement to fill up your tank, then that's basically what I want to do today.” Believe in yourself and embrace your limitless potential.

Additional Resources

Find Your Purpose: What's in Your Hand

4 Ways Your Brain is Hardwired for Negative Thinking

We have to change the, negative thinking. I work on not just on your, stinkin thinking, but also your behaviors, because they both work in sync together.  So for example, if your, stinkin thinking, is all men are liars and cheaters, you're coming in to a relationship waiting to be cheated on and lied to and that is what you manifest.

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Jaime B. Haas is founder of the Jaime B. Haas Method, a guided process that draws from spirituality, positive psychology, mindfulness and life experiences. The Method helps individuals heal from intergenerational, societal and emotional trauma, freeing them to reconnect with their personal power, gain clarity on what they really want to achieve in life, and dismantle any deep-seated beliefs holding them back from moving forward. Her work is motivated by a painful past, at 40 she came to a place of complete surrender. Her approach is rooted in the belief that when you focus on finding the root of the pain and the related stories you’ve told yourself you will be able to change the way you see yourself and the world. Known to her clients as the Soul Surgeon, they say her Method has helped heal wounds that no other modality, including therapy, was able to help them achieve and find lasting love—starting with themselves

Myrna: Can you share your back story.  You mentioned that at 40 years old you came to a place of complete surrender. How was your childhood?

Jaime: Finding the, core programming, right? I'll try and give you the basics, but I was adopted having a younger sister.  My parents have isms. So, isms would be like, food addiction, spending addictions. My father left when I was 10 years old, for another woman that he was cheating with on my mother, and I went and moved in with her and her children. And so, that was the beginning of the end, because I worshiped my father. When my father walked out on my mother, she became completely emotionally unavailable. Her addiction started taking off and then I had very abusive step family that were very intent on hurting me and trying to divide my father and I.

Myrna: So sad. It sounds like it's still painful for you to talk about. But I wanted to get the connection between your childhood and your adult story.

Jamie: Thank you. Yeah, I mean, I feel sad for little me. You know what I mean?  I think I've done so much work around it.  I don't really talk about myself as much anymore, I talk to my clients. My mother wound up hating men and had a lot of negative stories about men that she used to pour into me, and also a lot of stuff around money and work. My father was like, you're just gonna get married to this rich Jewish man and be taken care of. Don't worry about you wanting to dance or you want to act. No, none of that's gonna happen. Those are just a few of the multitude of stories and programming that I got that created me at 40 in the bottom.

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Our Negative Thinking is downloaded from our parents

Myrna: Okay, let's talk about the positive things now. So, when you hit rock bottom, you spent two years figuring out why. What I'm understanding is that you started erasing all those, negative thoughts and, negative thinking, stinkin thinking, that was downloaded into you by your mom. Let's say somebody is in the same scenario or situation and they can't seem to make it happen. How can we start changing the, negating thinking? Yeah, what is the first thing you do?

Jaime: I just want to be clear; this is for men or women because I work with a lot of men, that maybe been divorced. We have to go back to the, root belief system. Most of my women clients are very angry at men and have very specific thoughts and, beliefs, about men and relationships. And my men clients are very angry at women and has very specific experiences, thoughts and beliefs around women. First, we have to get to what is the top, negative belief, or limiting fear-based thoughts that's going on in your head. So, I usually start with that and most people the first, negative thoughts, we must release are “men are liars and cheaters” and “women are all controlling”.

Myrna: Wow, you hit the nail on the head.  If we're going to characterize men, that's actually pretty good.

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Limiting negative beliefs drives our relationships

Jaime: Because that's a, negative thought, right? Or a, limiting belief, or a, fear-based thought, but it's the prevailing thought that's driving the ship. Because then you make all of your decisions based on how you're going to protect yourself, how you're going to react to something new.

Myrna: So, let's say that you were you think that all men are liars and cheaters, and that's because maybe your father cheated on your mom. Then you experienced it yourself. And maybe you have a sample of two or three, but then you say all men are liars and cheaters. How do you change this, stinkin thinking?

Jaime: So let me see if I can break it down in a different way for you because if you've had an experience and you are thinking that all men are cheaters. We have to change that, negative thinking. I work on not just on your, stinkin thinking, but also your behaviors, because they both work in sync together.  So it's like if your, stinkin thinking, is all men are liars and cheaters, you're coming in to a relationship waiting to be cheated on and lied to.

So this is where the pattern where it comes in.  So you come in and whatever the, coping mechanisms, you have set up for your, negative thinking, and specific behaviors you're doing, bring you back to the original pain. So you have all these behaviors to protect yourself, but in the end, you end up been lied to and cheated on. And you're like, I knew it. How did I end up here again?

Myrna: Yep, whatever you think about, you bring about.

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Negative thinking affects our behaviors

Jaime: That's correct. Well, and this is I'm trying to explain to you in a bigger way and I can then unpack it in a smaller way, but I need it because my, belief system, is based on that you are in a state of woundedness. You will continue to bring in people and situations to take you back to the wound to reaffirm the pain. So okay, that's manifesting 101.

But it's in direct relation to not just our, negative  thinking, but how we're behaving. So how are we going to change that? So on the top line, there's like, we can go on the top line or the deep stuff. So on the top layer, is that you're gonna have to tell yourself a different story about men. Like there are good men in the world. There's good, honest, loyal men in the world. And I am bringing them in. All my turnarounds are, affirmations.

Because all the negative stuff you've been telling yourself is actually a, negative affirmation. You've now created a way of being by affirming this belief. So now we have to unprogram and reprogram in a new way by telling yourself a new, affirmation, to imprint a new belief. The new, affirmation, is “there are good men in the world.” “There are good, honest, loyal men in the world and I am bringing them to me.” Are you with me so far?

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Stinkin Thinking: Men are liars and cheaters

My, belief system, all men are liars and cheaters was downloaded to me from my mom. She hated men after my father walked out on her.  Not only did she tell me that all men lie and cheat, but she added all they want to do is get in your pants. Once they do, they're gonna leave you. And so I really had a thing for men, I wanted to stick it to them. I have other clients that were afraid of men, but I wanted to go out and punish men. I wanted to punish them so they couldn't do it to me. I didn't get cheated on. I like hurt everybody.

So I had to do a lot of cleaning up my, stinkin thinking. But the most amazing part of my, stinkin thinking, was that I built a, belief system, on my mother's pain, not mine. He did that to her not to me.

Our, belief systems, follow us everywhere. We take our, beliefs, into work, into business, into friendships, into our relationships, everywhere. As deep seated core program, beliefs and stories, and it affects every area of our life. It's so powerful, we don't even know.

I'm gonna interject, I got to stick up for my men. All the men that I work with had really controlling, dominating, emotionally abusive mothers. And so they actually don't do any of the stuff we're talking about. They're actually afraid of women. They are people pleasers.  Which means they're totally dishonest because they're terrified of being punished.

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Google Podcast Transform Your Mind

Myrna: There's always an exception to the rule. I do know a lot of very nice men that are very family oriented and love their families and love their wives. And wouldn't wouldn't even think to cheat. I think that happens when they fall in love and they have a family. I didn't know what happens when they're sowing your wild oats.

So let's talk about psychology for a minute. Before we get onto your, Jaime B. Hass method. You're saying that we are hardwired for, negative thinking, and  there's four ways that we're hardwired to have, stinkin thinking.  We become programmed by our childhood experiences and maybe early adult experiences that have left us wounded. So where does the, negative thinking, come from?

Jaime:  As a child what our parents say is very powerful. And the more they say it, the more it is programmed into us, the more we start telling the story, the more than the, negativity, comes in.

Myrna: I don't have any psychological understanding of why we are more prone to latch onto and stay focused on the, negativity. And it's really fascinating, right? Because there could be all this good, but it's like the minute there's something bad happens, that's all we think about.

Jaime: We actually are hardwired for, negative thinking. That is why I created the, Jaime B Hass method, that has helped women heal their wounds and achieve lasting love.

So not just women, though. I want to be clear, men and women. So, what I've come to find is that, negative thinking, is the root of the problem. It's a lack of self love and a disconnection from self and trying to get our well being from the outside. So the first part of the journey is learning how to love yourself. Right because once we love ourselves, truly love ourselves, we can allow in more negative feelings like loneliness.

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Self love is the way out of stinkin thinking

Until we practice, self love, we're fractured and so all the relationships we bring in are going to be fractured. I call it, emotionally unavailable. We're, emotionally unavailable, because we're not even there for ourselves, we don't love ourselves. So, you know, that is actually the beginning. of the journey. I don't tell you that right away because people be like, I don't want to get into coaching where I have to love myself like what is that about?  I just want to fix the problem and move on.

Myrna: I love that yeah, if you can't love yourself. You can't be in a love relationship because you can't give away what you don't have. It's very profound.

Jaime: Yes, that's correct. And so what I've also found is that there's not one thing that fixes the problem. It's actually a concoction of a multitude of things when done all together, to create the secret sauce. And so, you know, in the getting to the self love and starting to create a connection with the universe and yourself and then reprogramming and changing your thinking and your behaviors.

The more that magnet within you shifts and changes the more what you start to bring in shifts and changes and all of your relationships become more loving. The people and situations become more aligned with who you are inside. And then you're bringing in that person that perfectly aligns with you who you are now.  But we have to evolve and change first so that we can change in shape shift and change inside to match up and align with that which we are actually calling in and desiring.

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The Jaime B Haas method

That's the first layer. I have found that there are 10 actions to help us get to, self love, and connection.  What I do in the, Jaime method, is that we do the patterns with your parents. I go back to mom and dad, specifically three patterns for parent each parent, we do a letter of healing.  It's really the letter of acceptance and healing. So that when we do that, remember in the beginning I said you if you're in a state of woundedness you will bring in light so we heal the wound. We are no longer attracted to or attracting that.

So we do that last person we do is yourself and then we begin to manifest and it's just but we have to heal clear reprogram and change everything and love ourselves and get a connection with the universe so that we can really be this vessel, this huge magnet of magic, so to speak of love and healing. And then we start aligning with and bringing him you're not chasing going after figuring it out.

People in situations start coming to you a lot of attraction you know like thoughts, you know, when you are in a negative space, then you're attracting, negativity, to you because that is basically what's what's the alignment you know, like attracts like.

So when when we're in that place, we actually surround ourselves with people who are also in negative thinking, who are also talking that way who are reaffirming that even if we're not talking about it, they're talking about it right. So we carry it from our childhood into the present day. So it's like and then we're watching like the news and finding the negative things are we're watching certain things, or reading a lot of things or being around people and going into situations that where it's all this pervasive negative talk.


Myrna: What inspired the topic and how our listeners can get in contact with you.

Jaime: Okay, great. Thank you. So I'm working on a book right now. It's actually on, self love. Actually, because my method will come later. The reason being is that anyone can do this. And if you do it for 30 days, it changes your life immediately. So that I wanted to get the fastest way of healing out to everybody and anybody that you get it now. my website is www.jaimebhaas.com My Instagram is Jaime B Haas and  my Facebook is Jaime B Haas and also my YouTube is Jaime B Haas.

You can find the, self love, actions on my web site.

Additional Resources

Motivate Yourself with The Power of Positive Thinking



The Secret to Manifesting the Life of your Dreams

Every successful person first dreamed of success. But not everyone who, dreams, of success becomes successful. Success leaves clues.

In this episode I want to share with you the secrets of making your, dreams, a reality.

We are going to look at 6 well known celebrities and see if we can find the secrets to manifesting the, life of your dreams.

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How O.J Simpson manifested the life of his dreams

O.J Simpson, was a young boy who was born into poverty in a rundown section of San Francisco. This young boy became a fan of football legend, Jim Brown, then the running back for the Cleveland Browns.  Even though this young boy was crippled by Rickets from malnutrition, he dreamed of one day becoming a star running back like his hero, Jim Brown.

Since he had no money to pay to see his hero play, he would wait outside the stadium for the maintenance crew to open up the gate in the fourth quarter and he would hobble on his crocked legs into the stadium and watch the balance of the game.

At the age of 13, he walked into an ice cream parlor one day after a 49'rs game against the Browns and came face to face with his idol, Jim Brown.

He went up to him and said “Mr. Brown I am your biggest fan.  I know every record you've ever set, every touch down you've ever scored.  Mr. Brown one day I am going to break every one of your records.”

Jim Brown smiled and said “That great Kid. What's your name?”

The young boy smiled and said “Orenthal James Simpson my friends call me O.J”

O.J Simpson, did indeed go on to break all of Jim Brown's records proving that, whatever you water will grow, and that, energy goes where attention flows.

So, what was O. J’s secret to manifesting his, dreams, of breaking all of his hero’s records and becoming the best even though he had crocked legs? Focus and determination. Whatever you think about you bring about.

There are more, rags to riches, stories than rich kids born with trust funds. Today I want to look at 6 other famous people who manifested the life of their dreams.  We are looking for a common thread and that is the secret.

Some Names of, Rags to Riches, stories:

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Transform Your mind media kit

Oprah Winfrey success story 

Oprah Winfrey, was born in the rural town of Kosciusko, Mississippi, on January 29, 1954. After a troubled adolescence in a small farming community, where she was sexually abused by a number of male relatives and friends of her mother, Vernita, Winfrey moved to Nashville to live with her father, Vernon, a barber and businessman.

Winfrey launched The Oprah Winfrey Show in 1986 as a nationally syndicated program that ran for 25 years, until 2011. With its placement on 120 channels and an audience of 10 million people, the show grossed $125 million by the end of its first year, of which Winfrey received $30 million. Winfrey went on to become the first Black woman Billionaire in the USA.

4 things that made Oprah manifest the life of her dreams 
  1. Oprah says the number one thing she relied on was her instinct. Women are born with instinct but we most times second guess our instincts and that is why we don’t succeed. We all have that inner voice that guides us. Oprah says “Every decision I’ve ever made that led me to the right space and place in my life, I got there because I relied on that inner voice.”

2.     What is your intention?

Oprah says she read the book called “The Seat of the Soul” by Gary Zukav. In it, Zukav explains that intention precedes every thought and action and determines outcomes.

The principal of intention changed her life. “I started to make my decisions on what I intended,” she says. “What do I really intend to happen from the outcome of this decision or this choice?” I personally credit intention to my success as well. I read the book “The power of Intention” by Dr Dwayne Dwyer and used the, energy of intention, to design my life.  Which is what I am teaching you guys to do.

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3.     What are you grateful for?

“I practice being grateful,” says Winfrey, and she knows what you’re thinking. “And a lot of people say, ‘Oh Oprah, that’s easy for you ‘cause you got everything!’”

No, says Winfrey: “I got everything because I practiced being grateful.”.

Winfrey, has been keeping, gratitude journals, for years. “Some days she says you only have, ‘I’m still breathing.’ Because life gets in the way.”

Gratitude is one of the most powerful energies in manifesting the life of your dreams. Most of you want the things you are dreaming about before you can feel gratitude.  The secret is to feel, gratitude, before you get it.  You have to use your imagination to feel like you already have the, life of your dreams, and feeling, gratitude. That is how you move the needle.

  1. Know your truth

You have to know yourself. You can pretend to others and fake it till you make it, but you should not fool yourself. 

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RadioPublic Transform your mind

How Tony Robbins manifested the life of his dreams 

Tony Robbins, was born Anthony J. Mahavoric in North Hollywood, California, on February 29, 1960. Robbins is the eldest of three children, and his parents divorced when he was seven. He is of Croatian heritage from both sides of his family. His mother then remarried several times, including a marriage with Jim Robbins, a former semi-professional baseball player who legally adopted Anthony when he was 12.

During high school, Robbins grew ten inches in a year, a growth spurt later attributed to a pituitary tumor. He has said his home life was “chaotic” and “abusive”. When he was 17 years old, he left home and never returned. Robbins later worked as a janitor and did not attend college.] One day he asked the landlord on site, who was a family friend, about how he became so successful. The landlord then told him that he started to turn his life around after going to a Jim Rohn seminar.

Tony Robbins, is now the #1 Life coach in the world speaking into the lives of millions, including Presidents, and top executives.

He is also instrumental in my story as I went to his seminar in 1992 and started my journey to manifesting the life of my, dreams, from that seminar.

Here are the 4 modalities that allowed, Tony Robbins, to manifest the life of his, dreams.

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Transform Your Mind Podverse.fm

If you want to make your, dreams, a reality, it’s critical that you move past your, fear of failure. Fear can stop you from even thinking about taking the first steps toward the life you want. Fear of failure, makes you feel like you are treading water in one place.


Fear of failure is one of the most common, limiting beliefs, but it isn’t the only one. Would you be surprised to learn you can also have a, fear of success? Other common beliefs are that we’re not deserving of love and success, that we’ve “always been” a certain way or that we are inherently “not good at” something. All of these beliefs are false, and you must identify and replace them to make your, dreams, a reality.


Every human on earth is driven by one of the, Six Human Needs. If your top need is connection or significance, you may feel like you’re following someone else’s dreams in order to fit in or earn love. If you need certainty, you may need to break away from your comfort zone to make your dreams a reality. Discovering your top needs can change your entire perspective on life.

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Listen Notes Transform Your Mind


  1. Certainty: assurance you can avoid pain and gain pleasure
    2. Uncertainty/Variety: the need for the unknown, change, new stimuli
    3. Significance: feeling unique, important, special or needed
    4. Connection/Love: a strong feeling of closeness or union with someone or something
    5. Growth: an expansion of capacity, capability or understanding
    6. Contribution: a sense of service and focus on helping, giving to and supporting others

My top need is for contribution and service and that is why I try to speak into the lives of thousands on this show.


Taking action is what Tony built his coaching practice on.  In fact, he says to, take massive action. Tony says, “The path to success is to take massive, determined action.” Set goals and make a plan to get there. Hold yourself accountable every day. And never, ever give up.

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Podmust Transform Your Mind podcast

 Neal Donald Walsch secrets to dreams 

Neal Donald WalschTwenty years ago, Neale Donald Walsch, was in deep struggle. He had lost everything – his house, his marriage, his health and his job. He spent a year living on the street. His life turned around the day he asked in despair, “God, what will it take for my life to work?” He was invited to step into another version of himself – the version that would share his greatest gifts with the world and publish the best-selling Conversations with God book series.

Neal’s strategies for manifesting your, dreams, are:

  • Live in the knowledge that you are one of God’s offspring and there is nothing you are required to do to “get better” or to be seen as perfect and beautiful to God.
  • Activate and tap into the full power of God by believing you are the Universe and all powerful.
  • Turn your feelings of anger, pain, fear and doubt into love. Love is an energy that facilitates change.
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Transform Your Mind Podcastland

How Les Brown went from poverty to his dreams 

Les Brown (born 1945) is a motivational speaker. Born into poverty and abandoned as a child, Les Brown, has gone on to become one of America’s best-known and highest-paid motivational speakers. His company, Les Brown Unlimited Inc., has made millions of dollars from the sale of motivational materials to a variety of audiences, from Fortune 500 executives to special education students and prisoners.

Les’s secretes for manifesting a, life of your dreams, are:

  • Have courage to go after your, dreams. “A lot of people do not muster the courage to live their, dreams, because they are afraid to die.
  • Give what you want to get. “Help others achieve their, dreams, and you will achieve yours.
  • You got to be hungry! “If you do not develop the hunger and courage to pursue your, dreams, you will lose your nerve and you will give up on your dream.

 So, what do all these people have in common. They focused their attention on what they wanted and not their current circumstances.

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Here are my secrets for Living the Life of Your Dreams

  1. Use your imagination to dream big. As humans we are the only species that has the ability to imagine or daydream. Utilize this faculty to engage the, laws of attraction, and bring to you the desires of your heart.
  2. Pay attention to how you feel. Dr Dwayne Dwyer says you got to feel good. When you feel good you attract good things into your life.
  3. Launch your creation of your abundant life by launching your desires into the universe. Utilize prayer, meditation or any communication with infinite intelligence.
  4. Be grateful for what you have right now.

Everyone has something they can be grateful for even if it is feeling the warmth of the sun on your skin or being able to walk in the rain. Do you know that people in prison would give anything to feel the sun or walk in the rain. Positive vibration attracts positive things and circumstances into your experience and your, dreams become reality.

Thanks for tuning into this week’s episode of, Transformation Fridays, with coach Myrna.

Additional Resources

Your Focus Determines Your Actions

Money Mindset: Removing Your Financial Baggage

In this 21 Day, money mindset, Challenge we help people identify all of the, money beliefs, getting in their way and then shift them into different, beliefs, that are supportive of building wealth and abundance and joy with, money. And then beyond that, to building the structures that really lead towards financial success.

Download the podcast here: 




A gang of armed men broke into Chana Mason's childhood home in Bogota, Colombia, And held her family hostage. Her family miraculously fled to Miami, but 5-years-old Chana’s sense of safety was decimated. Two decades later, Chana still dealt with PTSD, anxiety, and depression. To heal herself, she dove into a journey to rediscover her peace and joy. She’s learned from the world’s top experts on the human mind and uses her gift for turning complex ideas into easy-to-access tools for transformation.

Through her straight talk, open heart, and addictive joy, Chana helps thousands clarify their vision, shift beliefs getting in their way, and manifest their dreams. Chana lives with her family in the funky Nachlaot neighborhood of Jerusalem and works with individuals and communities around the world.

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Magic Mind Drink

Byron Katie's book The Work as the foundation for shifting mindset

I love Byron Katie's book, “The Work” I follow her work so, and I started doing some of those exercises or tools. So, I know what you're talking about in your book “Hold That Thought”. From your bio, you said that because you had, PTSD, so you started to, to train with a top world expert. So can you bridge the gap for us, how your, childhood trauma, turned into you becoming a coach and a teacher and how you used Byron Katie's book, “The Work” as the foundation of one of your tools.

Chana: I was constantly in search of things that would help me stop having, anxiety and depression, and one of the things that I experienced which I kind of thought I was the only person in the world who had this because we have a tendency to be very lonely in our suffering and not talk about it.

I would have the worst, anxiety images, I would picture the most horrific things happening all the time. In my mind, I tend to picture things rather than have words as much. And so, as I walk off a bus, I pictured myself tripping off the bus and getting run over or I trip on the sidewalk and I would imagine my head bashing the sidewalk and blood and guts everywhere.

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Our thoughts are malleable

Those types of images were flooding my mind all the time, in addition because of the kidnap threat when I was a kid, I was constantly being scared of people on the street thinking I was gonna get kidnapped or thinking I was gonna get raped. All of that stuff, didn't respond at all to therapy. So, for years, I tried going to different therapists.  Eventually I started learning about the concept that our thoughts are within our control and, thoughts, are malleable, but I didn't really have clear tools for how to shift those, thoughts, and I kept getting stuck.

Eventually, I found some really phenomenal coaches and healers; but there was something about Byron Katie's material that just really struck a chord.  I was introduced to “The Works” as a process for inquiry. So, The Works, and the option process and other tools for inquiry also.  Their goal is to help you ask questions. When you're facilitating someone else, you ask them questions that help the subconscious to bring up all of the answers and all of the beliefs and all of the rationale that we've been using to drive our behavior.  Sometimes just seeing it on the surface makes us look at it and be like wait, that doesn't make any sense.

You know, so for example, a lot of people think that the best way to lose weight is believing that they should lose weight. My experience is that the belief that I should lose weight makes people want to eat more and exercise less. And so as soon as they see how they react to that belief, they realize, wait, this belief isn't working for me, even though I thought it would help me get to where I want to go.

Eventually, I wanted to help people to this theory clearly a journal work. So just came out with a new book, which I didn't even get to tell you about because it just came out. It’s called “Inner Voices.

Also, in “Hold That Thought” people get a free taste of “Inner Voices” at the end of the book.

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curiocaster podcast

Using the Works to change your beliefs

Myrna: When I was reading “The Works” I used the inquiry for my, beliefs, regarding my husband. Married people have conflict over certain different things so this was helpful for me. I loved the inquiry, is that true? How do you know that’s true? So, how did you use that book specifically to get rid of your, anxiety images?

Chana: So for me, the purpose of inquiry is to question our thinking. For some people thinking manifests as words. And for other people it manifests as pictures. But what's cool about a picture is that it's not just one belief. Usually a picture, is a container for lots and lots of, beliefs. So, if you're picturing yourself, God forbid, driving off the road, there's a lot of, beliefs, in there.

  • Not safe when I'm driving.
  • The world is not a safe place.
  • I can't trust myself on the road.
  • I can't trust other drivers on the road.
  • I'm going to die.
  • I'm going to die in a painful way.
  • I'm going to die right now.

Asking is it true to shift your mindset

Think about how many things come up. And so, if you can just sit and think about what are the, beliefs, that are embedded in these, anxiety images? I want for your audience to really understand what inquiry is so I can give you a simple example. There was one time that I was in Heathrow Airport, sort of transitioning via London to the United States from Israel. And Heathrow Airport is huge, it's like a mall, and there's a point when you walk through it, it's like walking through the perfume section of a mall. And I saw this huge poster image advertisement of a scantily clad model standing next to a bottle of perfume.

The only thing at the bottom of what brands it was the brand of the perfume, but there were no words on this marketing. This was a big poster. And yet when I looked at it, I noticed that my stomach started to turn. So, for me, the thing that drives me to question my thinking is my emotional state. And my emotional state is a combination of just straight up emotions like anger or sadness, and physiological experiences because we feel emotions inside of our bodies. So, for me, my stomach started to turn and I started to feel a little bit sad and worthless. And so immediately I knew there's something happening in me from this poster. This poster was telling a story, and that story wasn’t feeling good.

I immediately knew to ask myself the question, Is this true? And as soon as I answered this is not true, my stomach was no longer in knots. I was able to shift my, mindset.

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Transform Your Mind Podverse.fm

Shifting your limiting beliefs

Myrna: So how do you help clients shift their, limiting beliefs,  and manifest their dreams?  We know that we can use the tools that we've been talking about to question how we're feeling, question our, belief system, and so on, but how could we use it for you to shift your, limiting beliefs, and manifest your dreams?

Chana: One of the things I do as a coach is I help people clarify a vision for what it is they want to do with their lives. You know, they may want to build a business, want to increase their sales in real estate.  I have a number of realtors that I work with. They may want to lose weight, it really just depends.

Everybody's a little bit different. But particularly for my business clients, actually, it's true even for somebody wanting to lose weight. What tends to happen is that they have a vision. There's something they want, they know it's a clear manifestation of their life's purpose, and would give them a tremendous amount of meaning.

Yet, they can't seem to get themselves to do it. They keep bumping into all sorts of obstacles along the way. And for that, I created a tool I called the, obstacle course. So, this is where I tend to use the tools of inquiry that I've gotten from others and create tools that help people. Let's say that you want to be 20 pounds lighter. So, I have a client who's in that situation right now. She wants to be 20 pounds lighter.

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RadioPublic Transform your mind

Using the obstacle course to change mindset

Myrna: Well, in your book I thought it was interesting this guy, I think he was a Potter or something and he was saying that he could never be successful as a Potter and you used the, obstacle course, to help him shift his, mindset, and remove his, financial baggage.

Chana: So that's a perfect sample. He had this vision of living out in the country and not living in the city and being professionally a Potter and actually making a living as a Potter.  Being able to sustain a family that way. But it seemed so pie in the sky and impossible in his eyes. So, I asked him to do this, obstacle course. What are all the reasons why it's impossible? And for most of us who are visual, it really helps to actually see these, obstacles and remove our, financial baggage.

Everyone comes up with different things, I asked them to envision this dream they have as being someone in the distance in front of them like let's say it's right here. Then I asked them between here and the vision they have, what do they see? And one client said they see shards of glass and other person says they see clouds and other person says the image itself is a black and white, they don't see any color, all sorts of things like that, right?

So, for this guy, the obstacles between himself and the vision is the opportunity to speak. I said, okay, what are the shards of glass or what are the clouds have to say? And he said, It's impossible. I can't do it. I couldn't possibly make enough money to support a family, you know, all these different, beliefs. And he listed about 13 obstacles along with their, financial baggage.  Then we have to do the inquiry and ask him “Is this true” and then get him to do a, turnaround to shift his, mindset, and unload his, financial baggage.

Listen Notes Transform Your Mind
Listen Notes Transform Your Mind

Using turnarounds to shift your mindset

It's a lot. What's really cool is that for most of us the, beliefs, that are driving our lives and driving our behavior, are resting in the, subconscious mind. We're just not aware that they're there. And all we have to do is ask a question, like, what are those, obstacles, have to say or what am I believing right now? This making me feel this way? And it's just amazing. Our, subconscious mind, loves to follow orders. If we ask good questions, we get good answers.

So, if I ask, what am I believing right now the, subconscious mind, is like oh, you want to know your, beliefs. Here they are. They were all sitting under this consciousness, so we talked about money, for example, for most people, what keeps them from manifesting wealth and abundance? They have all of these, money beliefs, and for almost all of us our, money beliefs, are very deeply hidden in the, subconscious mind.

For two reasons. One is we got our, money beliefs, early from our family when we were kids. And the other is, money, is taboo. So, we have, money beliefs, but we don't know what they are. It's like for people for whom your body is taboo.

If God forbid, they ever get abused, well, if you don't know you have a penis. How do you tell someone that it got touched? So, in the same way, if you're not allowed to talk about, money, and, money, is this taboo thing? When things aren't going well with, money, you don't even have the language to talk about debt or stress or credit cards or building wealth or investments.

If you don't even have the language, you don't have the vocabulary for that. So, for this guy, once he was able to identify thoughts, then we could use all of the tools from inquiry from the auction process to, neuro linguistic programming, to The Works, to be able to address what he was doing.

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Podmust Transform Your Mind podcast

Your money mindset and your parents

Myrna: He must have thought that the only way that you can be successful is if maybe you're an accountant or professional or maybe his parents told him that a Potter is not a real job.  I know about the, money mindset, because we grew up poor. You have a, money mindset, when you hear your parents or grandparents, say things like “money don't grow on trees” or, “money is the root of all evil.”

So, you've got it on both ends. So that's basically your, belief system. That is a great segue into what we want to talk about today, removing your financial baggage. Tell us about your 21 day, money mindset, challenge.

Chana: Yeah, I actually really want to focus on this thing of money doesn't grow on trees, because we have this 21 Day Challenge that helps people identify all of the, money beliefs, getting in their way and then shift them into different, beliefs, that are supportive of building wealth and abundance and joy with, money. And then beyond that, to building the structures that really lead towards financial success.

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Transform Your Mind Podcastland

The money mindset 21 day challenge

And one of the things that my husband and I decided to do in the, money mindset,  challenge is that every single day, every single lesson has a story because we find that stories how we learn and particularly with, beliefs, stories are how we created our, beliefs. You know, your five-year-old Myrna is looking around and she's seeing how people are behaving right. She's living a story, and then she comes up with a whole collection of conclusions about what's true about the world. And some of those conclusions literally came out of people's mouths, but not always.

For example, two people could get divorced and a kid says, oh, my daddy doesn't love me. That's why he left. Even though Daddy never said that. There's no indication of that. Right? And it's probably the opposite of why it's true. Because Daddy loved the kid, he stayed longer than maybe he would have otherwise. There's just such a different collection of stories that kids can create. So, one of the stories that I use repeatedly with students to help them shift is to actually see that money does quite specifically grow on trees.

Myrna: I think ask you those questions. Is that true? What are the other questions? Do you go through in “The Works? Is that how you do them to shift their, mindset?

Chana: So, so there are a few questions that I ask. So, let's say you're believing.  I'm not talented enough to start my own business. Okay, so you and I deal with people who believe that all the time I'm not trying to start my own business. So, one stream of questions could be doing “The Work of Byron Katie”,

  • Is it true?
  • Can you absolutely know that it's true?
  • How do you react when you believe that thought? You see what that thought does to you emotionally, physiologically, behaviorally, you notice that if I believe I'm not talented enough to start my own business, my body shrinks. I get really tight.
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Transform Your Mind Podnews

Your beliefs determine your success

Personally, for me I want to crawl under the covers and hide. I'm much less social and under those circumstances, I literally can't start my own business. I can't do anything even remotely creative or audacious, well, unbelieving, that thought. So, the thought actually creates that reality. And isn't that convenient, right? One of the things that I can ask myself was also, is how do I benefit from believing that thought?

One benefit I get is that I can sit on the couch and drink beer and watch movies.  It's like, because I'm not talented enough, which is beyond my control, right? It's not like oh, I'm going to work on my talent.

So, me as an author, my husband is also an author. We read books about writing books, and we take courses from authors and these work on our craft. We didn't used to be talented enough to write great books, but we are now working really hard, and hopefully it will be a lot better a decade from now. But to say I'm not talented enough to start my own business is sort of saying like, it's like a flatline and it means I don't even have to try. It's much more convenient to sit on the couch and eat ice cream.

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Transform Your Mind Amazon

Using Turnarounds to shift your money mindset

The key part of Byron Katie's process is doing what she calls, turnarounds, where you take the original statement, and you say it's opposite. So, you say “I am talented enough to start my own business.”  I'm talented enough to learn. I'm talented enough to ask questions. I'm talented enough to seek mentors. I'm talented enough at the one thing I know how to do, and I could outsource other pieces that I don't know how to do, where I'm not particularly talented.

So those would be me giving reasons why this new perspective is true. And every time I give a reason why the new perspective is true. I'm literally rewiring my brain into a different perspective and detaching from the old perspective. And the more I do that, the more I train my mind to question everything.  And so, there's something really powerful about questioning absolutely every single thing you see.  So, so in our, money mindset, challenge, we teach a number of different tools to help people shift their, beliefs.

One of the tools we teach is “The Works.” We teach a bunch of other tools. Another one of them is simply choosing to disentangle two concepts that you've glued together. For example, often when we're working with someone in financial coaching I will ask, please complete the following sentence. Rich people are ……… And often people will say things like greedy, selfish, slimy, evil, you know, out to get us, etc.

Myrna: Yes, they hear their parents saying those things.

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Podfriend Transform Your Mind Podcast

Shifting your mindset on your beliefs

Chana: Right, they have all of these different, beliefs. And what's really cool is you have a few options of what you can do with let's say, rich people are evil. Okay. You can ask yourself, are there times that you've met rich people who are good or generous?

Then list examples of wealthy people you know, who are particularly generous, and every single time all of a sudden the person is like, oh, yeah, you know, there's this guy in my community, and he's always taking care of everyone. And whenever anybody is in need, they can just go to him and he'll get some cash very quietly, secretly under the table.

And oh, yeah. And you know, my church wouldn't stand if it wasn't for these two women who are really rocking entrepreneurs, and they just they support the entire church and they do it so quietly, and oh, yeah, you know that big philanthropist, he's just giving money away all the time.

If they say poor people are good, so you can ask them have you ever met a poor person who's evil and you're like, oh, yeah, you know, there's this guy and it's like, okay, well, let's look at the vast majority of people who get arrested for theft, are they are rich people are people?  The only thing you know for sure is that they're rich. And they are people, right?

Myrna; Right, Rich people are rich, no extra labels!

Why do you believe what you do?

Chana: Another really cool thing that comes from the auction process is a question I really like. It's why do you believe that?

Myrna: I'm sure a lot of people that can't answer that.

Chana: It's shocking how much the, subconscious mind, will give you an answer to these questions.  We teach you other tools on how to take those thoughts and turn them into thoughts that support you. And then and then in the third week, we teach you financial principles and, and understandings of how, money, works so that you can really start moving more towards a positive supportive, money mindset.

Myrna: How can listeners connected with you and learn more about your 21 day challenge and, plus get a copy of your book?

Chana: My personal website is www.chanamason.com you can access my books @ Chanamason.com/books. Most of the books, are available as free downloads. I wrote a book together with my husband called “The Cash Machine.” It's all about how to develop financial independence, but it's a novel. It's a love story. It's like a really fun page turner. And we have another book about how to manifest your dreams called “The Size of Your Dreams,” which is also a novel, but also, personal growth, tools. And “Hold That Thought” that you mentioned and “In Our Voices,” are my 2 newest books. So people can go to that page and access any of those books and our, money challenge, they can access on My Courses page on my website, or they can go to www.moneymindsetmadness.com

Additional Resources

How to Create Positive Core Beliefs

Six Holistic Ways to Find your Purpose

Are you on a quest to, find your purpose?  It is the only way to find fulfillment and the secret to happiness.  Dr. Ken Keis shares six holistic approaches or benchmarks in your quest for, purpose.

Intro to our topic:

Dr. Ken Keis, is a highly sought-after author, speaker, trainer, podcast host, and TV and media guest. His latest books include: Why Aren't You More Like Me?, Deliberate Leadership, and The Quest For Purpose.


A story on how to find your purpose

So many people listening have been trapped down a pathway that was really sort of conditioned from their background. I woke one morning and asked myself if this was what I wanted to be doing in 20 years from now, and the answer was no. So, I immediately took action. I decided to quit farming and hired a coach to help me figure out what I wanted to do in life. My, quest to, find my purpose,  began. What was my purpose in life? The answer, to help others to live, lead and work on purpose. This is the question to, find your purpose.

My coach passed away from cancer many years ago now, and I just took his process and then added and enhanced it. Basically it was a self-discovery narrative and an interactive sort of process to, find your purpose.

What are the six Holistic approaches to, find your purpose?

A lot of times what happens people don't realize their, purpose, because the question is too big. It's overwhelming and what we're trying to do here is get people to fine tune all the components of their life to go to the next level.

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Benchmarks to Finding your Purpose

So let's go through these benchmarks to, find your purpose.

1. First Benchmark is, Personal Style, CRG is an assessment company. In our quest to, find your purpose, one of our assessments is called “the personal style indicator.” We believe that we are all born with a certain Personal style. Not right not wrong and we develop and we change and we mature in life but our personal style never changes. Myrna is the same Myrna from 10 years ago. In other words Myrna can wake up in the morning and still count on Myrna being Myrna.

2. Biophysical Influences, like Health concerns, physical and mental disabilities. The statistics of North American health is that 75 to 80 percent of people are unwell at some level and another 50 percent are diabetic or pre-diabetic. So there's no way if I am thinking of, finding my purpose,  if I'm sick. I don't have energy, I have chronic fatigue syndrome, I have immunity disorder or whatever is going on. 90 to 95 percent of all illness is lifestyle related. In my quest to, find my purpose, I need to take my body and treat it well. If I have a racehorse and I don't take care of that racehorse and then try to have it win the Kentucky Derby, it’s not going to happen.

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Transform your Mind Soundcloud podcast

3. Self-worth – What you think of yourself. We have another assessment called “the self-worth inventory” to, find your purpose,  our confidence levels highly influence the decisions we make or not make. So maybe you actually have an idea of your, purpose, but you don't have the courage to step into it.

4. Environmental systems – Schools , workplace, culture. We are a product of our environment. If I grew up in Florida versus LA or New York, Toronto or Vancouver versus Afghanistan, I'm going to have a different perspective on life and possibly a different path to, find my purpose.

5. Social Teachers – Parents, teachers, pastors As a kid you you very curious. You watched how your parents interacted, they're teaching you how to treat others. The songs you listened to there's now linkage towards violence and video games. In your quest to, find your purpose, be aware of what you’re letting in, who you’re working with, who are nurturing your personal relationships.

6. Emotional Anchors or triggers – Divorce, physical and verbal abuse, death of a loved one are all triggers. Any kind of event in life that causes either positive or negative associations becomes a trigger. Every single person listening or reading has triggers. You had an event in life that creates an emotional response. This goes back to a trigger that has been anchored, in many cases these triggers are subconscious. In your quest to, find your purpose, you don't realize your, purpose, because you’re angry. You can also have unforgiveness. You have not really released yourself of this traumatic event. I had my girlfriend when I was 21 years old murdered by a friend of mine. If I didn’t let go of that event from 1982, it would affect me forever.

7. Spirituality, – This is a bonus because it covers everything. We are spiritual beings have a human experience. All of these seven benchmarks, come together to develop the whole person. They are essential in our quest to, find your purpose. That's why developing all these areas is critic to finding your, life purpose.

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Because we are spiritual beings having a human experience, our thoughts are so powerful. What you believe is the environment in which you live. Dr Bruce Lipton talks about the fact and the fact that our perceptions affects our reality.

Spirituality, is also consciously spending time developing yourself. It is a fact that you create your world. Most of us believe that we are product of circumstances; but if you believe that you actually can design and create your world, that's what you will create. So yes, spirituality, the spiritual part of you is very important to, finding your purpose.

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Points of You® is a leading company in the field of training for personal and business development.
Points of You use games to explore significant life themes in a fun, unique and powerful way.

Games are designed for use by professionals, organizations or individuals.
The games are designed to help you look deep inside yourselves and the environment around you.
It is a stimulating exploration that sharpens our senses and opens up new possibilities.
Who can use Points of You Games?
• Anyone wishing to reconnect and enhance communication with themselves and others.
• Anyone in search of fresh perspectives on dilemmas, relationships and decision making.
• Those seeking inner change and the opportunity to build new bridges.

Points of You is a collection of various games.
1. The Coaching Game features 65 associative cards that explore significant everyday life themes.
2. Punctum fosters associative connections between photos, themes and questions. These flexible combinations make it a fascinating tool, highly effective in dynamic therapy, coaching and counseling.
3. Faces is a powerful way to get to know ourselves through the observation of others.
For more information or to purchase one or more games. Would make a prefect Christmas gift for someone you love.

Transform your Mind Stitcher
Transform your Mind Stitcher


Very powerful conversation with Dr. Ken Keis. Dr Keis is the author of “The Quest for Purpose” A self-discovery process to find it and live it!
To listen to the full episode, download on iTunes, Google play, Sticher, TuneIn radio, iHeart radio.

To quickly summarize, Dr. Keis gave us seven personality development models called benchmarks, that can help you in your quest to, find your purpose, we talked about personality style, we talked about wellness and stress and how it affects how you show up in life, we talked about, self-worth and self-confidence. How that affects what you go after. We talked about the, environmental systems, where you were born and what your parents expect you to become. We talked about, social teachers, the news and our, emotional triggers. If something bad happened to you a lot of times, people can't get over it. This event hijacks them and it controls most of their thinking.

We talked about, spirituality, which is all-encompassing because we are spiritual beings and what we believe, has one of the most predominant effects in your quest to, find your purpose.

Download a FREE eBook version of Dr Ken Keis book “The Quest for Purpose”

Remember to subscribe to the podcast on iTunes, iHeart radio, and please leave a review if you find this podcast Helps you Live Your Best Lives Now!

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