Tag Archives: massive action

How to Use the Law of Action for Success in Life

On Today's episode “5 Minutes with Coach Myrna”, I teach How to Use the Universal, Law of Action, to achieve Success in Life

In the first episode of 5 mins with coach Myrna, I shared the First Universal Law “The Law of Divine Oneness” If you missed that episode please download. I am teaching on the, 12 Universal Laws, because they are the blue print for a life by design. They are the rules of the game.

The 12 Universal Laws

Law of Divine Oneness,

Law of Vibration,

Law of Action,

Law of Correspondence,

Law of Cause and Effect,

Law of Attraction,

Law of Compensation,

Law of Perpetual Transmutation of Energy,

Law of Relativity,

Law of Polarity,

Law of Gender,

and the Law of Rhythm

Successful people and the Law of Action

Life is the only job that we don’t get a manual for and most of us leave this body as clueless as when we were born.

Today I want to teach on the:

The second Universal Law the, Law of Action,

Successful people are future oriented so if you are not taking action towards a vision or goal, you will remain stagnant.

Movement creates energy.

Newton First Law states – A body in motion stays in motion. If you, take action, towards your goals you will attain them. If you take, MASSIVE action, towards your goals you will attain them much much faster.

1. Because we are spiritual beings having a human experience, your higher self, which is your source, GOD, gives you guidance in the form of thought or dreams. When you act on that guidance it opens the communication for more guidance. Acting on the guidance you get from your higher self will propel you in the direction of your purpose.

One way to gauge if you are moving in the direction of your purpose is your emotions. If you feel excited and happy to do the action then you are aligned. If you don't feel good then it is not aligned to your goals or purpose and it is not from your spiritual guide. It is said that we have five voices in our head. You have to be able figure out who is speaking to you when you get direction.

The law of action: You have to do something

If you don't know what action to take.
Ask yourself, What does successful people do?
Ask yourself again, What do I have to become to do something I have not done before? Taking action usually means stretching yourself to do something you have not done before. The, Law of Action, means taking action in the direction of your goals.

Playing to your strengths will not stretch you.

You have to go beyond your comfort zone and stretch yourself like a rubber band!

Would you like to know what a Life Coach does? A Life Coach prepares you your main goal in life by getting you to your purpose and then holding you accountable to make it happen.

Strengths can be categorized in two columns. The first column are the ones you are born with and the other, the ones you cultivated.

For example Warren Buffet tells the story that he was deathly afraid of public speaking, but he was born with the ability to do math. At a very young age he had the ability to take apart financial statements and understand the true value of a company; but he had zero ability as a speaker. So that was the strength he cultivated. He took action, he joined Toastmasters. The, Law of Action, at work.

Tony Robbins teaches that not only should take action; but you should take, MASSIVE action.

Most coaches will tell their clients, if you have a goal take some action towards that goal. If you want a Mercedes Benz then order a brochure or go test drive it. If you want to enroll in higher education, then go visit the campus and get information; but, MASSIVE action, is totally different. MASSIVE action, is quitting your job and starting your own business. MASSIVE action is Ed Sheeran getting on a plane and coming to America looking for a record deal, with no money in his pocket and sleeping on the subway until he found work! The, Law of Action, worked again, Ed became the biggest male pop-star on the planet!


Conclusion, take action, take, massive action, let the, Law of Action, propel you towards your goals.

Contact me for a FREE Downloadable copy my new e-book “How to Shift Your Mindset to Achieve Your Goals”

Thank you for tuning into 5 mins with coach Myrna, the, Law of Action, In our next episode we will look at the third law of the Universe “The Law of Correspondence”

Please remember to share this episode with your friends and subscribe and post a review.
Until next time Namaste

Other Resources:

Unlocking the Power of Thoughts Words and Action

In the book “Conversations with God,” a profound concept is explored: the idea that our sponsoring, thoughts words and actions, are unconsciously shaping our reality. In this 5 min with coach Myrna coaching session, coach Myrna explores how we create, consciously and unconsciously. Our creation process as highlighted by God follows the sequence of, Thoughts Words and Action. But God suggested a fascinating twist – the reversal of this sequence, where Action, Words, and Thought are prioritized as a means of reprogramming our minds and creating a more conscious life.

Download the podcast here: 


The Unconscious Path of Creation

1. Thoughts

Our thoughts are the seeds of creation. They initiate the process by setting the direction and tone for our lives. What we consistently think about, whether positive or negative, can manifest in our reality. As “Conversations with God” suggests, many of us unknowingly allow our unconscious thoughts to shape our experiences.

2. Words

Thoughts transform into words, and words hold immense power. What we speak aloud or even silently to ourselves can reinforce our thoughts, making them more real and influencing our emotions. Often, we express our beliefs and perceptions through our words, further cementing our reality. I have always written my goals out and spoken them into the atmosphere. That is why, life coaching, works so well. You come into the session with a thought, you speak to your coach and then your coach gives you actions to take. This is the creation process, this is how you make, smart goals

3. Action

The culmination of creation is in our actions. Our actions are a direct result of our thoughts and words. They manifest the tangible aspects of our lives and shape our experiences. The cycle of thought, words, and action perpetuates itself, often maintaining unconscious patterns. Tony Robbins teaches us that we shouldn’t just take action but we must take, massive action.

Reprogramming Your Mind Consciously: Thoughts words and Action

Action: Thoughts words then action

In the journey of, conscious creation, we begin with action. By taking deliberate and mindful actions aligned with our desired reality, we disrupt the autopilot mode of unconscious living. Action becomes the catalyst for change. So, for example. If you think you have lack, then you will always live in lack. Your thoughts create your reality but if you give away the little you have, that action of giving creates your abundance because it tells the mind you have more than enough. The first time I heard this was from my pastor. He needed money to close on a property and he said that God told him to give $10,000 away. He did and the universe gave him in return $50,000.

Words comes after thought

Conscious words come next. When we speak or affirm our intentions and aspirations, we reinforce our chosen path. These words serve as a powerful tool for reprogramming our minds from, thoughts words and action, to action words then thoughts. We are aligning them with our conscious goals. God made the point the useless affirmations would not do the trick, but giving thanks for something we are asking for works. For example, Lord I thank you for giving me this amazing husband. I love you.

Thought words and action

With action and words in place, the final element is thought. By giving conscious attention to our thoughts, we reinforce the new reality we wish to create. We become more aware of the thoughts that no longer serve us and replace them with thoughts that empower and uplift.
Let’s say that you are living in lack. You are in the famine. I heard once that if you have a piggy bank with change in it you are richer than 95% of the people in the world. There is so much you can be grateful for. Start giving away $1 to homeless people on the street that is the action, tell anyone who would listen that by this time next month you will be living in overflow, the thought is gratitude for life for breath for food in the fridge, for the basics, for love!


The book “Conversations with God” provides a valuable insight into the role of thought, words, and action in shaping our reality. By reversing this sequence, we can actively reprogram our minds and create our lives consciously. This shift empowers us to break free from unconscious patterns and take control of our destinies, ultimately leading to a more intentional and fulfilled life.

The Secret to Manifesting the Life of your Dreams

Every successful person first dreamed of success. But not everyone who, dreams, of success becomes successful. Success leaves clues.

In this episode I want to share with you the secrets of making your, dreams, a reality.

We are going to look at 6 well known celebrities and see if we can find the secrets to manifesting the, life of your dreams.

Download the podcast here


How O.J Simpson manifested the life of his dreams

O.J Simpson, was a young boy who was born into poverty in a rundown section of San Francisco. This young boy became a fan of football legend, Jim Brown, then the running back for the Cleveland Browns.  Even though this young boy was crippled by Rickets from malnutrition, he dreamed of one day becoming a star running back like his hero, Jim Brown.

Since he had no money to pay to see his hero play, he would wait outside the stadium for the maintenance crew to open up the gate in the fourth quarter and he would hobble on his crocked legs into the stadium and watch the balance of the game.

At the age of 13, he walked into an ice cream parlor one day after a 49'rs game against the Browns and came face to face with his idol, Jim Brown.

He went up to him and said “Mr. Brown I am your biggest fan.  I know every record you've ever set, every touch down you've ever scored.  Mr. Brown one day I am going to break every one of your records.”

Jim Brown smiled and said “That great Kid. What's your name?”

The young boy smiled and said “Orenthal James Simpson my friends call me O.J”

O.J Simpson, did indeed go on to break all of Jim Brown's records proving that, whatever you water will grow, and that, energy goes where attention flows.

So, what was O. J’s secret to manifesting his, dreams, of breaking all of his hero’s records and becoming the best even though he had crocked legs? Focus and determination. Whatever you think about you bring about.

There are more, rags to riches, stories than rich kids born with trust funds. Today I want to look at 6 other famous people who manifested the life of their dreams.  We are looking for a common thread and that is the secret.

Some Names of, Rags to Riches, stories:

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Oprah Winfrey success story 

Oprah Winfrey, was born in the rural town of Kosciusko, Mississippi, on January 29, 1954. After a troubled adolescence in a small farming community, where she was sexually abused by a number of male relatives and friends of her mother, Vernita, Winfrey moved to Nashville to live with her father, Vernon, a barber and businessman.

Winfrey launched The Oprah Winfrey Show in 1986 as a nationally syndicated program that ran for 25 years, until 2011. With its placement on 120 channels and an audience of 10 million people, the show grossed $125 million by the end of its first year, of which Winfrey received $30 million. Winfrey went on to become the first Black woman Billionaire in the USA.

4 things that made Oprah manifest the life of her dreams 
  1. Oprah says the number one thing she relied on was her instinct. Women are born with instinct but we most times second guess our instincts and that is why we don’t succeed. We all have that inner voice that guides us. Oprah says “Every decision I’ve ever made that led me to the right space and place in my life, I got there because I relied on that inner voice.”

2.     What is your intention?

Oprah says she read the book called “The Seat of the Soul” by Gary Zukav. In it, Zukav explains that intention precedes every thought and action and determines outcomes.

The principal of intention changed her life. “I started to make my decisions on what I intended,” she says. “What do I really intend to happen from the outcome of this decision or this choice?” I personally credit intention to my success as well. I read the book “The power of Intention” by Dr Dwayne Dwyer and used the, energy of intention, to design my life.  Which is what I am teaching you guys to do.

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3.     What are you grateful for?

“I practice being grateful,” says Winfrey, and she knows what you’re thinking. “And a lot of people say, ‘Oh Oprah, that’s easy for you ‘cause you got everything!’”

No, says Winfrey: “I got everything because I practiced being grateful.”.

Winfrey, has been keeping, gratitude journals, for years. “Some days she says you only have, ‘I’m still breathing.’ Because life gets in the way.”

Gratitude is one of the most powerful energies in manifesting the life of your dreams. Most of you want the things you are dreaming about before you can feel gratitude.  The secret is to feel, gratitude, before you get it.  You have to use your imagination to feel like you already have the, life of your dreams, and feeling, gratitude. That is how you move the needle.

  1. Know your truth

You have to know yourself. You can pretend to others and fake it till you make it, but you should not fool yourself. 

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RadioPublic Transform your mind

How Tony Robbins manifested the life of his dreams 

Tony Robbins, was born Anthony J. Mahavoric in North Hollywood, California, on February 29, 1960. Robbins is the eldest of three children, and his parents divorced when he was seven. He is of Croatian heritage from both sides of his family. His mother then remarried several times, including a marriage with Jim Robbins, a former semi-professional baseball player who legally adopted Anthony when he was 12.

During high school, Robbins grew ten inches in a year, a growth spurt later attributed to a pituitary tumor. He has said his home life was “chaotic” and “abusive”. When he was 17 years old, he left home and never returned. Robbins later worked as a janitor and did not attend college.] One day he asked the landlord on site, who was a family friend, about how he became so successful. The landlord then told him that he started to turn his life around after going to a Jim Rohn seminar.

Tony Robbins, is now the #1 Life coach in the world speaking into the lives of millions, including Presidents, and top executives.

He is also instrumental in my story as I went to his seminar in 1992 and started my journey to manifesting the life of my, dreams, from that seminar.

Here are the 4 modalities that allowed, Tony Robbins, to manifest the life of his, dreams.

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If you want to make your, dreams, a reality, it’s critical that you move past your, fear of failure. Fear can stop you from even thinking about taking the first steps toward the life you want. Fear of failure, makes you feel like you are treading water in one place.


Fear of failure is one of the most common, limiting beliefs, but it isn’t the only one. Would you be surprised to learn you can also have a, fear of success? Other common beliefs are that we’re not deserving of love and success, that we’ve “always been” a certain way or that we are inherently “not good at” something. All of these beliefs are false, and you must identify and replace them to make your, dreams, a reality.


Every human on earth is driven by one of the, Six Human Needs. If your top need is connection or significance, you may feel like you’re following someone else’s dreams in order to fit in or earn love. If you need certainty, you may need to break away from your comfort zone to make your dreams a reality. Discovering your top needs can change your entire perspective on life.

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Listen Notes Transform Your Mind


  1. Certainty: assurance you can avoid pain and gain pleasure
    2. Uncertainty/Variety: the need for the unknown, change, new stimuli
    3. Significance: feeling unique, important, special or needed
    4. Connection/Love: a strong feeling of closeness or union with someone or something
    5. Growth: an expansion of capacity, capability or understanding
    6. Contribution: a sense of service and focus on helping, giving to and supporting others

My top need is for contribution and service and that is why I try to speak into the lives of thousands on this show.


Taking action is what Tony built his coaching practice on.  In fact, he says to, take massive action. Tony says, “The path to success is to take massive, determined action.” Set goals and make a plan to get there. Hold yourself accountable every day. And never, ever give up.

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Podmust Transform Your Mind podcast

 Neal Donald Walsch secrets to dreams 

Neal Donald WalschTwenty years ago, Neale Donald Walsch, was in deep struggle. He had lost everything – his house, his marriage, his health and his job. He spent a year living on the street. His life turned around the day he asked in despair, “God, what will it take for my life to work?” He was invited to step into another version of himself – the version that would share his greatest gifts with the world and publish the best-selling Conversations with God book series.

Neal’s strategies for manifesting your, dreams, are:

  • Live in the knowledge that you are one of God’s offspring and there is nothing you are required to do to “get better” or to be seen as perfect and beautiful to God.
  • Activate and tap into the full power of God by believing you are the Universe and all powerful.
  • Turn your feelings of anger, pain, fear and doubt into love. Love is an energy that facilitates change.
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How Les Brown went from poverty to his dreams 

Les Brown (born 1945) is a motivational speaker. Born into poverty and abandoned as a child, Les Brown, has gone on to become one of America’s best-known and highest-paid motivational speakers. His company, Les Brown Unlimited Inc., has made millions of dollars from the sale of motivational materials to a variety of audiences, from Fortune 500 executives to special education students and prisoners.

Les’s secretes for manifesting a, life of your dreams, are:

  • Have courage to go after your, dreams. “A lot of people do not muster the courage to live their, dreams, because they are afraid to die.
  • Give what you want to get. “Help others achieve their, dreams, and you will achieve yours.
  • You got to be hungry! “If you do not develop the hunger and courage to pursue your, dreams, you will lose your nerve and you will give up on your dream.

 So, what do all these people have in common. They focused their attention on what they wanted and not their current circumstances.

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Here are my secrets for Living the Life of Your Dreams

  1. Use your imagination to dream big. As humans we are the only species that has the ability to imagine or daydream. Utilize this faculty to engage the, laws of attraction, and bring to you the desires of your heart.
  2. Pay attention to how you feel. Dr Dwayne Dwyer says you got to feel good. When you feel good you attract good things into your life.
  3. Launch your creation of your abundant life by launching your desires into the universe. Utilize prayer, meditation or any communication with infinite intelligence.
  4. Be grateful for what you have right now.

Everyone has something they can be grateful for even if it is feeling the warmth of the sun on your skin or being able to walk in the rain. Do you know that people in prison would give anything to feel the sun or walk in the rain. Positive vibration attracts positive things and circumstances into your experience and your, dreams become reality.

Thanks for tuning into this week’s episode of, Transformation Fridays, with coach Myrna.

Additional Resources

Your Focus Determines Your Actions