Tag Archives: conversations with God book

Neale Donald Walsch: How To Hear From God

Neale Donald Walsch, author of the “Conversations with God” series, discusses his new book “GodTalk” Neale shares his personal journey of hitting rock bottom and finding a direct connection with the divine. Walsch emphasizes that we are all vessels for God's message and that anyone can, talk to God and learn, how to  hear from God.

He also explores the concepts of worthiness, willingness, and wakefulness in order to hear from God. The book includes stories from others who have had their own experiences with the divine. Overall, Walsch encourages listeners to embrace the possibility of a direct connection with God and learn, how to hear from God.


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Welcome to the transformative world of Neale Donald Walsch, where conversations with God have the power to change lives. In this thought-provoking interview, Walsch shares his personal journey and insights into the nature of our connection with the divine. His bestselling “Conversations with God” series has touched the lives of millions, and his latest book, “GodTalk,” delves even deeper into humanity's relationship with a higher power.

Walsch emphasizes that we are all vessels of God's message, and it is our birthright to have a direct connection with the divine and to learn, how to talk to God. He challenges the notion that only a select few have the privilege of hearing God's voice, asserting that God speaks to everyone, but the question is, who is listening? Through his own experiences, Walsch discovered that God's messages are available to all of us, and it is our willingness and openness that allow us to receive them.

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The Journey Begins: From Anger to Awakening

Walsch's journey with, talking to God, began during a period of immense struggle in his life. He experienced the breakdown of his relationship, the loss of his job, and a life-altering car accident that left him with a broken neck. Feeling lost and angry, he sat down one morning and began writing an angry letter to God. Little did he know that this act of venting would lead to a profound, conversation with God, that would change the course of his life.

As Walsch poured out his frustrations on paper, he heard a voice in his mind, asking if he truly wanted answers to his questions or if he was just venting. This marked the beginning of his, conversations with God, where Walsch received answers to his questions and insights into the nature of life, love, and the divine. Through this process, he discovered that God is always speaking to us, but we must be open and willing to listen. We talk TO God all the time through prayer but do we, hear FROM God?

Transform Your Mind Podlink
Transform Your Mind Podlink

The Six Steps to Learn How To Hear From God

Walsch outlines a six-step process in learning, how to talk to God and, how to hear from God.  These steps are:

  1. Possibility: Acknowledge that it is possible for God to speak to you directly. Open your mind to the idea that divine communication is not limited to a select few. If you want to, talk with God and hear him, you have to have an open mind.
  2. Worthiness: Recognize your own worthiness to receive messages from God. Let go of the belief that only certain individuals are deserving of, divine communication.
  3. Willingness: Overcome the objections of societal and religious conditioning that may discourage you from seeking a direct connection with the divine. Be willing to challenge the status quo and embrace the possibility of a personal relationship with God. Yes, God is willing to talk to you!
  4. Wakefulness: Stay awake and aware of the signs and messages that God sends your way. Be open to receiving guidance through various channels, such as intuition, synchronicities, and even the lyrics of a song.
  5. Acceptance: Embrace the messages and experiences you receive as valid and meaningful. Avoid dismissing them as mere coincidences or products of your imagination. Trust that, God talks to us through our imagination, it is as  powerful a tool for communication as any other form of commuication. .
  6. Discernment: Develop the ability to discern between messages from the divine and messages from other sources. Cultivate a deep sense of inner knowing and intuition to differentiate between true, divine guidance, and mere distractions.

By following these steps, individuals can cultivate a deeper connection with the divine and engage in their own, conversations with God by learning, how to talk to God.

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RadioPublic Transform your mind

The Power of Love: Redefining God

One of the central themes in Walsch's work is the, power of love, and its transformative potential. He challenges traditional religious beliefs and asserts that God is pure love. This revolutionary idea challenges the notion that God demands obedience and punishes those who do not comply. Walsch emphasizes that God's love is unconditional and that there is no place of eternal damnation. Hell is righ here on earth.

He encourages readers to redefine their understanding of God as a force of pure love and to let go of fear-based beliefs that perpetuate separation and judgment. By embracing the concept of pure love, individuals can cultivate a deeper sense of compassion, acceptance, and unity with all beings.

Book Godtalk
Book Godtalk

Godtalk: A book in The Common Sentience Book Series

Walsch's latest book, “GodTalk,” is part of the, Common Sentience book series. This series explores the concept of, common sentience, the idea that there is a, field of consciousness that connects all living beings. Each book in the series delves into different aspects of this interconnectedness and offers insights into how we can tap into this, collective consciousness.

The Common Sentience book series aims to expand readers' awareness and understanding of the interconnected nature of life. It features stories from individuals who have experienced direct interventions from the divine and provides practical guidance on how to access and engage with this universal consciousness.

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Transform Your Mind Podverse.fm

Conclusion and Future Outlook

Neale Donald Walsch's work has had a profound impact on the lives of millions around the world. Through his, conversations with God, books he has challenged traditional beliefs and offered a new perspective on our relationship with the divine. His six-step process on learning, how to talk to God, and having, conversations with God, provides a practical framework for individuals to cultivate their own direct connection with the divine.

As we continue to explore the depths of our spiritual journey, it is essential to remain open and willing to receive messages from the divine. By embracing the power of love and redefining our understanding of God, we can create a more compassionate and inclusive world.

The Common Sentience book series serves as a platform for individuals to share their experiences and insights into the interconnected nature of life. It invites readers to explore the depths of their own consciousness and engage in conversations about the divine.

As we move forward, let us remember that there is only one of us in the room. We are all interconnected, and our actions and words have the power to shape the world around us. By embracing the messages of love and unity, we can transform our lives and create a more harmonious and compassionate world.

So, let us embark on this transformative journey, engaging in, conversations with God, and embracing the power of love to guide us on our path. As Neale Donald Walsch reminds us, there is only one of us in the room, and together, we can create a world filled with love, understanding, and unity.

Unlocking the Power of Thoughts Words and Action

In the book “Conversations with God,” a profound concept is explored: the idea that our sponsoring, thoughts words and actions, are unconsciously shaping our reality. In this 5 min with coach Myrna coaching session, coach Myrna explores how we create, consciously and unconsciously. Our creation process as highlighted by God follows the sequence of, Thoughts Words and Action. But God suggested a fascinating twist – the reversal of this sequence, where Action, Words, and Thought are prioritized as a means of reprogramming our minds and creating a more conscious life.

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The Unconscious Path of Creation

1. Thoughts

Our thoughts are the seeds of creation. They initiate the process by setting the direction and tone for our lives. What we consistently think about, whether positive or negative, can manifest in our reality. As “Conversations with God” suggests, many of us unknowingly allow our unconscious thoughts to shape our experiences.

2. Words

Thoughts transform into words, and words hold immense power. What we speak aloud or even silently to ourselves can reinforce our thoughts, making them more real and influencing our emotions. Often, we express our beliefs and perceptions through our words, further cementing our reality. I have always written my goals out and spoken them into the atmosphere. That is why, life coaching, works so well. You come into the session with a thought, you speak to your coach and then your coach gives you actions to take. This is the creation process, this is how you make, smart goals

3. Action

The culmination of creation is in our actions. Our actions are a direct result of our thoughts and words. They manifest the tangible aspects of our lives and shape our experiences. The cycle of thought, words, and action perpetuates itself, often maintaining unconscious patterns. Tony Robbins teaches us that we shouldn’t just take action but we must take, massive action.

Reprogramming Your Mind Consciously: Thoughts words and Action

Action: Thoughts words then action

In the journey of, conscious creation, we begin with action. By taking deliberate and mindful actions aligned with our desired reality, we disrupt the autopilot mode of unconscious living. Action becomes the catalyst for change. So, for example. If you think you have lack, then you will always live in lack. Your thoughts create your reality but if you give away the little you have, that action of giving creates your abundance because it tells the mind you have more than enough. The first time I heard this was from my pastor. He needed money to close on a property and he said that God told him to give $10,000 away. He did and the universe gave him in return $50,000.

Words comes after thought

Conscious words come next. When we speak or affirm our intentions and aspirations, we reinforce our chosen path. These words serve as a powerful tool for reprogramming our minds from, thoughts words and action, to action words then thoughts. We are aligning them with our conscious goals. God made the point the useless affirmations would not do the trick, but giving thanks for something we are asking for works. For example, Lord I thank you for giving me this amazing husband. I love you.

Thought words and action

With action and words in place, the final element is thought. By giving conscious attention to our thoughts, we reinforce the new reality we wish to create. We become more aware of the thoughts that no longer serve us and replace them with thoughts that empower and uplift.
Let’s say that you are living in lack. You are in the famine. I heard once that if you have a piggy bank with change in it you are richer than 95% of the people in the world. There is so much you can be grateful for. Start giving away $1 to homeless people on the street that is the action, tell anyone who would listen that by this time next month you will be living in overflow, the thought is gratitude for life for breath for food in the fridge, for the basics, for love!


The book “Conversations with God” provides a valuable insight into the role of thought, words, and action in shaping our reality. By reversing this sequence, we can actively reprogram our minds and create our lives consciously. This shift empowers us to break free from unconscious patterns and take control of our destinies, ultimately leading to a more intentional and fulfilled life.