Tag Archives: intrusive thoughts

6 Ways Intrusive Thoughts Activate The Law of Attraction

What you think about you bring about, so intrusive, thoughts activate the Law of Attraction. To get into the, vortex, and activate, the law of attraction, for the things you want, reach for the best feeling, thoughts, in every moment.

If you want to heal the body you must first heal the mind `~ Plato

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You create your physical condition through your, intrusive thoughts activate the law of attraction.  That means you can think yourself sick or think yourself well. I have healed pain in my body many times by focusing on healing energy so in the reverse you can heal yourself by, intrusive good feeling thoughts.

Your natural state is wellbeing, not disease.

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The Magic Breathing 

Disease is the result of blocked energy and that is why the body scan chakra meditation is such a powerful healing tool.

Relax and breathe deeply is the first response to any illness.

Try this next time you feel pain in your body, use these, thoughts, to bring about healing:

Imagine a light like the sun or moon entering your body through your breath. Send that light directly to the pain area hold it there for a few seconds. Then breathe out and imagine you are collecting the pain and breathing it out.

The Magic of Commitment Focus, Thoughts

You are either doing something or you are waiting for something to happen. You are either committed to someone or something or you are not.

Obstacles become opportunities when you are committed.

With commitment, failure is not an option.

Get clear of what you want and why you want it.  These, thoughts, help you focus and stay committed

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In a few weeks, we have the most important election of our lifetime

coming up. The beauty of democracy is that you can express yourself.

This song is a great example.

Love it or hate it, it delivers a great opinion on what is going on in our country

and where we are heading.



Ask yourself the following Questions:

  • What specifically do I want to happen? include details
  • Why do I want this ?
  • How will I feel when I achieve this goal?
  • Am I willing to ask for support if I need it?
  • Will I refuse to give up?
  • Am I excited about making this promise to myself?
  • Will I enjoy the journey from where I am today to where I want to be tomorrow?


The Magic of Faith Thoughts become things: Activating the Law of Attraction

You have to believe and have faith that the current universal energy will carry you to all your desires that is why, intrusive thoughts activate the law of attraction, and faith.

Faith  is essential to manifesting your desires. It is the currency of the spiritual world.

Trust God and have faith that he will give you the desires of your heart

Hold the vision and trust the process

Go with the flow, try not to constantly swim upstream

Tune into guidance and intuition.  Let the universe take you where you want to go


The Magic of your Life Story Activate, the Law of Attraction 

Start telling your story the way you want it to be, not how it is or was.

You are the director and producer of your life story

Tell an empowering new story about your marriage, your kids,  your bank account, your success.

Write the story, direct and produce the movie and, the law of attraction, will do the rest.

Check out Helen Keller The Story of my Life 

The Story of My Life, first published in 1903, is Helen Keller's autobiography detailing her early life, especially her experiences with Anne Sullivan. Portions of it were adapted by William Gibson for a 1957 Playhouse 90 production, a 1959 Broadway play, a 1962 Hollywood feature film, and the Indian film “Black”, which was directed by Sanjay Leela Bhansali. The book is dedicated to inventor Alexander Graham Bell. The dedication reads, “To ALEXANDER GRAHAM BELL Who has taught the deaf to speak and enabled the listening ear to hear speech from the Atlantic to the Rockies, I dedicate this Story of My Life.”


The Magic of Asking: Your Intrusive Thoughts Activate the Law Of Attraction  

If you don't ask you don't get -Gandhi

Ask and you will receive – Jesus

“Keep on asking, and you will receive what you ask for. Keep on seeking, and you will find. Keep on knocking, and the door will be opened to you.”

When you ask you get!

  • Ask with confidence and certainty
  • Ask with determination and persistence
  • Ask clearly and precisely
  • Stay focused on your desire and getting to your yes
  • Ask for what you want
  • Ask for that discount,
  • Ask for a major guest, if you are a podcast host like me
  • ask for a loan,
  • ask for a date,
  • ask for affection,
  • ask to be of service,
  • ask for the listing if you are a realtor like me
  • ask for the sale

Ask Ask Ask

See yourself in possession of what you are asking.

Connect with source and Ask God in prayer.

Make a strong declaration this is what I want and I will not  settle for less

The Magic of the Vortex, The Law of Attraction 

Life inside the, vortex, is Devine – Abraham Hicks

The, vortex, is the place where everything you desire is held.

It is un-manifested potential and how, the law of attraction, works

Everything you have asked for consciously or unconsciously already exists in vibrational reality called a, vortex.

All your desires have already been manifested and are waiting for you in your, vortex

Vibration reality always precedes physical reality because  whatever you hold in your hand, you first held in your head.

To get into the, vortex, and activate, the law of attraction, for the things you want, reach for the best feeling, thoughts, in every moment.

Think good feeling thoughts.

Stuff your, vortex, with positive energy and with good feeling, thoughts, and  actions:

  • like walking in nature
  • meditation,
  • singing your favorite song,
  • hugging your children,
  • kissing your spouse,
  • talking a hot bath,
  • getting a massage
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Direct your attention to positive, thoughts, and feelings.

Everything you desire will unfold at the perfect time, because you have activated, the law of attraction.


Thanks for spending this time with Coach Myrna today.  Remember to subscribe and turn on notification.

Until next time Namaste



Unlocking the Power of Thoughts Words and Action

In the book “Conversations with God,” a profound concept is explored: the idea that our sponsoring, thoughts words and actions, are unconsciously shaping our reality. In this 5 min with coach Myrna coaching session, coach Myrna explores how we create, consciously and unconsciously. Our creation process as highlighted by God follows the sequence of, Thoughts Words and Action. But God suggested a fascinating twist – the reversal of this sequence, where Action, Words, and Thought are prioritized as a means of reprogramming our minds and creating a more conscious life.

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The Unconscious Path of Creation

1. Thoughts

Our thoughts are the seeds of creation. They initiate the process by setting the direction and tone for our lives. What we consistently think about, whether positive or negative, can manifest in our reality. As “Conversations with God” suggests, many of us unknowingly allow our unconscious thoughts to shape our experiences.

2. Words

Thoughts transform into words, and words hold immense power. What we speak aloud or even silently to ourselves can reinforce our thoughts, making them more real and influencing our emotions. Often, we express our beliefs and perceptions through our words, further cementing our reality. I have always written my goals out and spoken them into the atmosphere. That is why, life coaching, works so well. You come into the session with a thought, you speak to your coach and then your coach gives you actions to take. This is the creation process, this is how you make, smart goals

3. Action

The culmination of creation is in our actions. Our actions are a direct result of our thoughts and words. They manifest the tangible aspects of our lives and shape our experiences. The cycle of thought, words, and action perpetuates itself, often maintaining unconscious patterns. Tony Robbins teaches us that we shouldn’t just take action but we must take, massive action.

Reprogramming Your Mind Consciously: Thoughts words and Action

Action: Thoughts words then action

In the journey of, conscious creation, we begin with action. By taking deliberate and mindful actions aligned with our desired reality, we disrupt the autopilot mode of unconscious living. Action becomes the catalyst for change. So, for example. If you think you have lack, then you will always live in lack. Your thoughts create your reality but if you give away the little you have, that action of giving creates your abundance because it tells the mind you have more than enough. The first time I heard this was from my pastor. He needed money to close on a property and he said that God told him to give $10,000 away. He did and the universe gave him in return $50,000.

Words comes after thought

Conscious words come next. When we speak or affirm our intentions and aspirations, we reinforce our chosen path. These words serve as a powerful tool for reprogramming our minds from, thoughts words and action, to action words then thoughts. We are aligning them with our conscious goals. God made the point the useless affirmations would not do the trick, but giving thanks for something we are asking for works. For example, Lord I thank you for giving me this amazing husband. I love you.

Thought words and action

With action and words in place, the final element is thought. By giving conscious attention to our thoughts, we reinforce the new reality we wish to create. We become more aware of the thoughts that no longer serve us and replace them with thoughts that empower and uplift.
Let’s say that you are living in lack. You are in the famine. I heard once that if you have a piggy bank with change in it you are richer than 95% of the people in the world. There is so much you can be grateful for. Start giving away $1 to homeless people on the street that is the action, tell anyone who would listen that by this time next month you will be living in overflow, the thought is gratitude for life for breath for food in the fridge, for the basics, for love!


The book “Conversations with God” provides a valuable insight into the role of thought, words, and action in shaping our reality. By reversing this sequence, we can actively reprogram our minds and create our lives consciously. This shift empowers us to break free from unconscious patterns and take control of our destinies, ultimately leading to a more intentional and fulfilled life.