Tag Archives: Health

Optimizing Health After 40: Longevity Health Plan

What is the, longevity health plan? The journey through life’s decades brings about numerous changes, and for many, crossing the threshold of 40 is both a milestone and a wake-up call to reassess their health regimen. On the “Transform Your Mind to Transform Your Life” radio podcast, host Myrna Young engages in a thought-provoking dialogue with Dr. Anthony Balduzzi, founder and CEO of the Fit Father Project and Fit Mother Project. This candid conversation unveils critical insights into tailoring health and fitness strategies for those over 40, focusing on longevity and the desire to remain active for families.

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The Role of Circadian Rhythms in Your Longevity health plan

Our bodies are intricately tuned to natural cycles, the most foundational of which is the circadian rhythm. Dr. Balduzzi explains the profound impact of sunlight in regulating essential hormones that dictate not only our sleep but our mood and physical health. Morning exposure to sunlight triggers serotonin release, enhancing mood and preparing the body for melatonin production at night, which aids sleep and cellular restoration.

As individuals over 40 face changes in sleep patterns, notably during menopause for women, understanding and respecting our hormonal cycles becomes even more critical. Exposure to bright screens in the evening can disrupt melatonin release, underscoring the need for practices such as limiting screen time and exploring supplemental aids like melatonin and magnesium for better sleep.

Additionally, embracing routines that sync with the sun's rise and set – getting morning light and dimming household lights in the evening – can help recalibrate our natural clock. For those without access to ample sunlight, alternative solutions like using seasonal light therapy lamps can provide similar benefits and a must in your, longevity health plan.

Nutrition and Exercise: Building Blocks for Longevity

The discussion shifts to nutrition and exercise, where Dr. Balduzzi breaks down a holistic approach to eating and working out for the 40-plus demographic. High-quality protein sources, healthy fats, and ample hydration are emphasized, with recommendations to veer away from high-carb diets and rather focus on life-giving “life foods”. For women, looking for a, longevity health plan, eating a high protein diets is especially crucial during menopause to maintain muscle mass and stabilize metabolic rates.

Strength training emerges as a non-negotiable component for both men and women in their, longevity health plan.  Echoing the sentiments found in Dr. Peter Attia's book “Outlive“, Dr. Balduzzi asserts that strength training not only conditions muscles but also activates, longevity genes, and improves metabolic and cognitive functions. Men, specifically, can benefit from strength training to help combat the natural decline of testosterone that bears significant influence on bone density, muscle mass, and overall vitality.

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Mind, Body, and Spirit: A Triangular Approach to Aging

Lastly, the conversation touches the soul of why nurturing the mind, body, and spirit nexus is the ultimate key to thriving past 40. Dr. Balduzzi underlines the necessity of deep reflection on personal values and motivations, constructing a mission statement that connects health to life's bigger picture.

Whether it's safeguarding time with family or adhering to a faith-informed conviction to honor one's body as a temple, establishing the ‘why' behind health choices ensures sustainability. Programs like the Fit Father and Fit Mother empower individuals to form a supportive community, precisely tapping into group strength in their, longevity health plan. Echoed by Myrna’s personal insights, this underscores the fact that we don't merely seek to extend years in life, but to infuse life into those years in the company of loved ones.

The aphorism “health is wealth” takes on a profound hue when cast against the backdrop of legacy, companionship, and the sanctity of our fleeting human experience.

By aligning lifestyle choices with natural laws, empowering ourselves with knowledge, and fortifying our internal fuel through community and spiritual practices, transcending the age of 40 can be a rich passage. It’s about redefining the parameters of health through a wise and heart-centric lens, advocating a preventive stance against the ailments of age that may separate us too soon from those we cherish most. 



Longevity Health Plan: Fit Fathers

How does your, longevity health plan, set itself apart from other health and wellness programs targeted at the 40 plus age group?

We have probably the largest track record of any program online in terms of success stories with over 60,000 successful people in over 100 countries.

And because of that, we've been able to develop a really robust system that works not just for shorter term results, but actually a sustainable lifestyle change. Which means we're not just addressing exercise and nutrition, we're also addressing mindset and habits and connections to your why and your mission. I can run you through our process because I think it's going to be very explanatory before we get even people on the nutrition and the healthy eating and improving the sleep, we actually have them go through a deep mindset program.

Mission statement in motivation work, where you really get clear on what your core values are in your life and how your health is connected to all of those you love. And you create a powerful written mission statement to guide your healthy behaviors, which includes your, longevity health plan.  Just connecting your health to your family, to your spirituality, to your ability to make money and experience abundance, helps you rewire your neuro associations. Because the reason we struggle with health is not strictly because we don't have the right plan.

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Key Takeaways Longevity Health Plan:

  • Aligning with natural rhythms and understanding the role of light can profoundly affect hormonal balance and overall health.

  • Building consistent routines involving sleep, hydration, nutrition, and exercise can vastly improve the quality of life after 40.

  • Understanding the specific needs and changes faced by both men and women during middle age is key to adopting effective health strategies.

  • Community and mindset are pivotal in sustaining motivation and fostering long-term health changes.Dr. Balduzzi's approach integrates body, mind, and spirit, emphasizing that tending to the body is both a physical and spiritual act.

  • Dr. Balduzzi's approach integrates body, mind, and spirit, emphasizing that tending to the body is both a physical and spiritual act.


Using Yoga and Mediation for Peak Performance

For peak performance, I teach all of my clients a bunch of tools. I always teach them, meditation, I always teach them, breath work, I teach them that they should stretch and strengthen. So that means doing something like, yoga, Qi Gong, and then weight training or something that's actually going to improve their muscles.  In addition to these tools, I teach them a morning routine and the evening routine.

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Kerry is peak performance coach. Kerry was raising a family and working as an attorney when she began a daily yoga practice. She immediately noticed that yoga was the perfect antidote to her hectic lifestyle. Initially interested in yoga as a physical practice that made her feel good in her body, Kerry soon realized yoga was a lot more than that. She decided to take a teacher training and immediately began teaching. Kerry eventually left her law career and began to focus on teaching and coaching full time.

Kerry’s mission is to help others find a more balanced and fulfilled life. She believes in action and has created a system that is easy to implement so that people can create change quickly. She coaches corporate clients and elite athletes in mindset and peak performance techniques and creates tailored programs for private clients who are seeking mastery in all areas of their lives.

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Becoming a peak performance coach

Myrna: Tell us your back story? Your story sounds like Robin Sharma’s in the The Monk who Sold he Ferrari.

Kerry: Absolutely. And by the way, that's one of my favorite books, The Monk Who Sold his Ferrari. I read that book so many years ago and that was one of the books that changed my life. Even before I went into this wellness space, that's such a great book. And it really shows you that at any point in your life, you really can change and move into a different space if you want.

So, for me, I felt like my life was going great. I had a good career. I had my children; I had a nice house. Everything was great, but didn't feel great to be honest with you. And I had this experience where we were on a vacation hiking in the woods, and we came to this clearing in the woods.  It's like trees in a circle, pine needles on the ground and the sun was just coming in to the center of the circle. So, I walked into the center of the circle in the sun and when the hit me, I had this crazy moment.

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Journy: Plan Life & Self care App

All my dreams came through but I wasn't fulfilled

I flashbacked to the Kerry I was when I was 20 and back then I used to spend a lot of time in nature.  The flashback I had was it me sitting with my journal it in all my hopes and dreams. When I was a 20 year old young woman, I wanted to have a career, I wanted to have a beautiful family, I wanted to have a husband that loved me and supported what I wanted to do and I could support him. I wanted a beautiful house; I wanted to travel and adventure. I realized that I had achieved all my dreams. But what happened in the next instant was I realized that even though I had everything I wanted, I really wasn't happy and I didn't feel fulfilled.

Myrna: And why was that?

Kerry: Because I think it was on autopilot, right? And I started to think like where did those dreams come from? And I started to understand that a lot of those dreams came from outside of me. My society, my parents, my teachers. I'm a people pleaser. I want to please people; I want to be impressive. So, I went back to my hotel room and I wrote another whole list of all my hopes and dreams and they were things like, start teaching. I had always studied, personal growth.

So, the book you mentioned, I had read that probably when I was 20 or 25 right around that same time. And I had been studying, personal transformation, philosophy for many, many years. So, I was like, you know I'd really like to teach people some of the things I learned. I'd like to be an author, and I'd like to be a speaker and I was writing all these things down. So that's all well and good. I get home from the vacation, lose the piece of paper or maybe it was my journal that I wrote it in, and I forgot all about it.

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This episode is sponsored by Living the Tao: Spiritual Podcast
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Living The Tao Spiritual Podcast

The creation of the morning routine

Then one day my alarm rang. I hit the snooze button, but instead of going back to sleep, which I usually did, and Myrna I would usually do that like a few times back-to-back, so I usually started my day racing around being a lunatic trying to get everything done on time.  Get the kids out the door, get myself out the door. But on this day, instead of going back to sleep, I just sat up in my bed and I meditated for 5 mins.  I was just observing the thoughts.

That night I was in my bed with my husband and I said, you know, I had such a great day. And he's like, did you do anything different today? I told him what I had done and had gotten up and meditated for five minutes. And he said, Oh, that's so cool. I'm gonna try it tomorrow. So, we tried it the next day. And sure enough, at the end of the day, he was like, that was amazing. I had such a great day. So, we both started doing a, morning routine and, eventually I started teaching this, morning routine meditation, to my students.

The first thing I noticed when I started teaching, yoga, was that yoga,  is a lifestyle and it really encompasses everything.

  • The way you live in this world,
  • The way you're thinking,
  • The way you're eating
  • The way you function in general,
  • The way you treat other people,
  • The way you treat yourself.

The timeless principles of morning routine meditation.

So, I said I would love to teach, yoga, and, meditation, to lawyers, business people and doctors.’ People who wouldn't normally do it because honestly professional people, they are like, I don't know about, meditation, they get a little nervous when you start using any of the lingo. So, I started to study the mind. And what I realized was you take those Eastern practices like ,yoga, meditation, and, breath work, and then you marry them to the science, which is all about how the brain works. so, I didn't call it, meditation, but I just said this is a stress relief exercise.

I created this whole one hour, morning routine, and for me, I started to understand how important it was not only to create this, morning routine, but to tailor it to my lifestyle. So, for my husband, he started with half an hour, morning routine. I have an hour, but I always have as my base as my minimum five-minute, morning routine.

So, basically this whole, snooze button routine, that I came up with is for you to use as you need.  In my book, the snooze button sessions, I show you 12 different things you can do for, morning meditation, breathwork, exercises yoga or stretching, and journaling. There are so many different things, but then you choose which one of those things or what combination of those things you use. So sometimes I'll break it up. Robin Sharma actually suggests not to do it the way I do it, which is you know, hitting the snooze every time and then moving to a new routine.

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Transform your Mind Stitcher

Achieve peak performance with a 20/20/20 morning routine

For peak performance during the day, start your day with a 20/20/20 morning routine. 20 minutes of spiritual growth meditation,  20 minutes of learning like reading a book, and 20 mins of exercise. You can do whatever works for you, and that's what I advocate. I advocate for you learning the tools, figuring out what works for you, and even adding something you might like that I never even thought about. The reason this system works is because it's a thing called, habit stacking.

When people make their New Year's resolutions then do them for a few days, a few weeks, maybe even a couple of months then stop? It's because the goal is not linked to anything. That is why I love doing, habit stacking, and starting with this, morning routine.  I believe that not only learning tools that will relax you and keep you in, ease and flow, but improve your health as well. These little changes can have massive effects and that's really what I advocate.

Myrna: You're seeing that a, morning routine, helps your clients achieve, peak performance, as well as, ease and flow. What else is the science behind it?

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The function of the brain is to keep you alive

Kerry: Well, basically, the way your brain works is that your brain is designed to keep you alive. We are using all of our senses, our sight, our hearing our smell, or touch or taste. All of our senses are really designed just to take in information from the outside world. It goes to your brain, your brain processes it, the only thing your brain is really looking for is what is a danger?

Our brain actually filters out a ton of information that is actually right before our eyes, we don't even see it. So, our brain is just looking for those negative things. So, when we're talking about any of these practices, when we're talking about creating a, morning routine, when we're talking about meditating or doing anything that's outside of what we would normally do, we're actually rewiring our brain and we're teaching our brain to behave differently.

Let’s say someone is driving really slow in front of me. I'm late for work. I start to get angry and stressed. My brain immediately goes into flight or fight mode. It registers it the same as it would if there was a lion in front of you. Your brain will react to a minor inconvenience like that the same as it would react to a terrible danger. Our brain either is like danger or no danger. It's not like really degrees of it.

So, we really want to learn first of all that awareness piece. First you need to notice that you are getting angrier and angrier, I could start cursing out the person in front of me, or I could have some awareness and say, Oh, my body's reacting. All these chemicals are starting to flood my body, cortisol, a stress hormone and a lot of other things to get you ready to run.  Adrenaline is flowing. But then you have your tools. You can turn the radio on and listen to a song. You could say to yourself. I'm running late, that's fine.

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Google Podcast Transform Your Mind

Meditation and breath work reduces stress

You could even just do some, breath work, sitting in your car. You can call somebody and chat with someone and you know, say to them look, I'm feeling stressed.  You can listen to music or a book on tape or a podcast anything to signal to your brain, I'm not in danger. Now I'm going to take that time when I would have normally been angry or fuming even getting myself more and more worked up so that I arrive at work, not in a good place. And what happens then you get to work and now you're complaining to everyone and you're not the person you want to be.

Myrna: How do you help your clients solve this problem? Are your classes about, peak performance, or about a, morning routine?

Kerry: So, when I first start working with someone, I like to look at every area of their life so we go through everything, their social life, their love relationship, their parenting if they're a parent, their career and finances and really survey all of the areas of their life. And what I find is people are really excelling in one area and then in a lot of the other areas, they haven't even looked at it. So then once we know that, what area could improve, we start with that.

I personally believe that health should be a priority for you, focusing in on your health could really be a game changer for everybody. And again, I start small, five minutes, go take a walk after lunch, just do some jumping jacks, get up in the morning and do a very quick five-minute, morning routine stretch. Just start to bring more activity into your life and start to really care about your health, care about what you're eating.

Transform Your Mind Podcast Pandora
Transform Your Mind Podcast Pandora

Our health is the stop on the peak performance chart

We can't have, peak performance, without our health. It doesn't always have to be health, though every person kind of knows once we go through all the categories which area they really need to work on. Some people need to work on finances. So, when you survey your whole entire life, all the categories of your life, your intellectual life, your emotional life, we all have certain areas that we're like, that's the one I need to work on.

So, I basically teach all of my clients a bunch of tools I always teach them, meditation, I always teach them, breath work, I teach them that they should stretch and strengthen. So that means doing something like, yoga, Qi Gong, and then something like weight training or something that's actually going to improve your muscles. And you know, I have all these little things that I teach them the morning routine and the evening routine.

All of my clients have at least a five-minute, morning routine, and a five minute, evening routine, without your cell phone. Just something you're doing for yourself. And I always say to people if you can make it longer than five minutes, try 15 minutes morning and 15 minutes at night or even longer, depending on your life circumstances.  Setting yourself up for success and having the tools to fall back on when you fall down. It's something I think in the wellness world people don't talk about as much.

Myrna: Are you still teaching yoga just for the stretches? Tell us about that.

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Transform Your Mind Luminary podcast

Yoga as a peak performance tool

Kerry: I had stopped teaching yoga during the pandemic because I did not like teaching it online. So, then I started teaching, breathwork workshops, and all these different workshops on, peak performance, in the yoga studios. I would do that as a weekend workshop.  I'm not teaching, yoga, although I started going to, yoga, again as a student, which is so nice to be back in a yoga studio. I really am not going to tell anyone I'm a, yoga teacher.

If you have back pain, how to relieve back pain? Yoga. I'll tell you I have this little routine I taught my husband on his hands and knees for his spine. He was having terrible back problems. So, every day for five minutes, he would just do this simple routine, and it completely healed his problem.  I always advocate to everybody move your spine in every direction every day. So forward and back, side to side, and then in a circle either direction because that's what's going to keep your spine limber and that's what helps you stay youthful.

Myrna: That is great. I do the same thing with the Sun Salutation movements. I learned about the sun salutation a long time ago. It’s in my memory and I can actually go through those poses without even thinking about it.

Kerry: The absolutely works. And the reason it works, by the way is because it's exactly what I said. It goes through all the motions. So, you're moving all of your joints, you know, in every direction. And I don't even think it would take five minutes to do three of them.

book Snooze button sessions
Book: Snooze Button Sessions


Myrna: How they connect with you?

Kerry: Thank you. You can find me at KerryFishercoaching.com. I am on Instagram@ IamKerryFisher. I handle my own Instagram and I love getting messages from people. You could find my books on Amazon. One is on that

Tools for Extraordinary Living: The Snooze Button Sessions

My second one is called Routines for Extraordinary Living in these two books you will find so many tools and tests that will help you. I have them right now both on Amazon for 99 cents for the eBook version. So I would love for you to check it out.

Additional Resources

Fluid Mindset vs Fixed Mindset


Nutrition: The Role Of A Dietitian

Nutrition, is the study of nutrients in food, how the body uses them, and the relationship between diet, health, and disease. A, Dietitian, play a really big role in people's overall health. It's not just about, weight loss, proper, nutrition, can reduce the burden of disease, prevent and reverse disease.

Today I interview Vanessa Rissetto, registered Dietician and co-founder of Culina Health.

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As the co-founder of Culina Health, Vanessa’s magic lies in her realistic and personalized approach to nutrition. With science as her first love, she is interested in helping clients to take an active role in their health journey with the help of her expertise: personalized lifestyle plans backed by evidenced-based, science-driven nutrition counseling, adult weight management, and building a better relationship with food. Vanessa received her MS in Marketing at NYU and completed her Dietetic Internship at Mount Sinai Hospital where she worked as a Senior Dietitian for five years.

Introduction to Nutrition

Myrna: You said science is your first love? Can you share your journey into becoming a registered, dietitian?

Vanessa:  Nutrition, is a discipline, in and of itself. And, nutrition, is a modality that elicits change. We know that anecdotally, and we are now starting to track data around that.  So a, dietitian, play a really big role in people's overall health. It's not just about, weight loss, I think that's the old narrative.  A, dietitian, is not somebody who is very elite and unattainable, and unaffordable.

So, if you can't afford, dietitian, and you're all relegated to being, unhealthy, and that's not the case, and we do much more than just manage some of the, weight.  Proper, nutrition, helps if you have, diabetes, if you have, kidney disease, cancer, or a nursing mother, and you want to help increase your milk supply.  All of these things, a, dietitian, can help you with. People don't realize this and we also take insurance.

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Using Your Insurance for better nutrition

My company Culina Health does take insurance. 91% of the patients that we see all exercise their insurance benefits. So, the services of a, dietician,  is basically a luxury service that you're not even really paying for. And using the help of a, dietitian, is going to help you with your, nutrition, will help extend your life. That's what a, dietitian, is there for.

The physician will save your life and the, dietitian, will keep you healthy.

Myrna: That's true, nutrition, is a big thing. I remember reading a book. I think it was Deepak Chopra's book, Perfect Health and he was saying that everybody should have a, nutrition book, everybody should have something or someone like a, dietician, who tells them about, nutrition. I like that your specialty, or your modality is you want to call it a, science based nutrition.

That's working with how their body processes and things, because one of the things I also learned is that the, digestive system, is just as unique as your fingerprint.

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Transform Your Mind Podnews

Your nutrition is linked to you digestive system

Myrna: Everybody has a different, digestive system. So I'm sure a, dietitian, is somebody that can help you with that. I went to a, dietitian, once because my cholesterol was high. I know, nutrition, plays a big role in fighting, cancer. What made you decide to go into the, dietitian, field?

Vanessa: I studied biology in college, but I just didn't become a doctor for whatever reason. I went to a, dietitian, myself, in college, I had gained 50 pounds, because I didn't know anything about food. My mother wasn't somebody who thought about calories. We didn't have a scale in our house. And so I ate the food that my mother cooked every single day. And that was it. And I never had a problem with my, weight, and I didn't overthink the food that I ate.

We know that soda has chemicals and copious amounts of sugar. And it can affect your, weight, in a negative way. And so I gained all this, weight, in college. For me vegetable carbohydrates worked with my, digestive system, so I lost all the weight, but I didn't really understand how. I knew that a, dietitian, would be the person to tell me, so I went and met with a, dietitian, her name is Keri Glassman, she's a good friend of mine to this day. And she explained, nutrition, to me in a very pragmatic way.

How food affects your body. If this is your goal, this is what and how you should eat. And so it gave me clarity on what I was doing. I went on to lose another 15 pounds, not even because I was trying, but because I started to piece together how she recommended eating. It wasn't a restrictive prescription. It was you need to have a protein, a fat and a carbohydrate, every single meal. And I thought, wow, I could offer this service for other people. That seems very exciting and interesting. I started taking classes again and going on this journey to become a, dietitian.

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Becoming a Dietician

Myrna: That's awesome. You know, a lot of people become life coaches, because they were, life coaching, clients. So you became a, dietitian, because you liked your, dietitian. But alright, let's dissect that a little bit. The advice from your, dietician, was to eat a balanced meal.  She told you that you should have carbohydrates, fat, and protein at every meal.

Would that be considered, intuitive eating, or, prescriptive eating? So what I want to understand that even though we're all different, our bodies are all different scientifically. How does one size fit all? When you talk about, prescriptive eating, which means that everybody was following the same pattern, they have carbohydrates, proteins and fats at every meal.  What does, prescriptive eating, look like?

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Prescriptive eating plans from a dietician

Vanessa: Prescriptive eating, is if I tell you how and what to eat. If I tell you how to put the pieces together, that's going to lead you down a path towards, prescriptive eating.

Intuitive Eating, on the other hand is just knowing what works for you and only eating those foods. That works for some people and it doesn't work for others. Some people need more guardrails like, prescriptive eating, and other people don't. Your first experience with food depends on what on your how you were raised.

  • Did you grow up food insecure?
  • Does your mother have an eating disorder?
  • Did your parents use food to bribe you?
  • Are you constantly made to feel ashamed because you are overweight or underweight?
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Transform Your Mind Amazon

The role insulin plays in nutrition

These are all the psychological factors and components that play and so, dietitians, have to understand The patient and every person is individualized. And that's why like we at Culina Health provide, personalized nutrition. So, for example, if you were a type two, diabetic, I would counsel you an entirely different way, than somebody who comes to me and says, all I do is think about food every single day and what I'm eating like every minute of every day, I'm thinking about what I'm eating. Well, that's, that's an eating disorder. And so we need to deal with that in a very different way.

But if you're a type two, diabetic, it's completely reasonable for me to say carbohydrates, affects your blood sugar, they raise your blood sugar, they tell your liver, store fat. When the blood sugar is raised, your pancreas mobilizes insulin. Insulin helps to bring the carbohydrate in the cells, that's a storage hormone. So that's also going to affect your weight.

So let's figure out how much carbohydrate you can have at every meal. How does carbohydrates affect you later on in the day. Some people have no problem eating carbohydrates at breakfast and lunch, but eating it at dinner is a problem. Some people, that's not how it works, they need to eat their carbohydrate earlier in the day. So it just depends on your, digestive system.

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Google Podcast Transform Your Mind
Google Podcast Transform Your Mind

How intuitive eating works with nutrition

So even though there's a prescription for eating, it's still intuitive to you and your life and your cycle. You know, what is going on with you. So, let's make that fit.

Myrna: To me, Intuitive Eating, is eating following your preferred diet and maybe tweaking it a little bit. Because either you're, diabetic, or you're not, or you want to build muscle, or lose weight etc. So, prescriptive eating, is what you would counsel someone to do, like a meal plan.

Vanessa: Whatever your goal is, maybe your goal is that you just want a better relationship with food. So okay. that's different than you have type two, diabetes, and we need to control your blood sugar. So I'd probably lean more prescriptive if I need to control your blood sugar.

Intuitive eating, is just following your normal diet. If you're from the Mediterranean or Caribbean Islands, intuitive Eating, is just honoring your body and, how you feel during the day nothing is off limits. We can eat whatever we want, we just have to understand how the food is affecting our body.

Transform your mind PTWWN TV
PTWWN TV – Nutrition- The Role of a Dietician 

Contemplating weight loss is not doing the work

Myrna: You say that understanding what we eat is influenced by many factors. social, emotional, and psychological. So, talk to me about that. How those modalities fit into someone's, diet plan, for, weight loss?

Vanessa: People go between contemplative and action, they vacillate between the two often, and so it's our job as, dietitian, to recognize that, and really meet people where they where they are.  Because if they think that they're in action mode, but really, they're in contemplative or pre contemplative mode, they will not be successful achieving their goals. It's our job to help them understand where there are in the process. If I give you, diet plans, and every week you have excuses why you didn't complete them you are in the contemplative state, so let's step back.

Because we don't want you to feel negatively about this experience, or that you're not able to achieve your, weight loss, goals you're just not ready. And that's okay. So those are like those psychological components. And psychological and behavior, they sort of go hand in hand. And that's a big piece of this. We need to really understand our patients, how they behave, why they behave in the way, and how we can support them, so that they can achieve success.

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TuneIn Radio

Your history with food

What is your relationship with food? How were you treated as a child? How do you feel around food? How were you first introduced to food? Do you know, what are your preconceived notions about food? Those things are also important.

Myrna: So you're talking about someone coming to see you, and they have a goal, either to be healthier, or they have an illness, like cancer, or even, something like Crohn's disease. So there's certain foods that they can't eat. So, when that person comes to you, you work with them on their social, I'm assuming that social means they go out a lot, eat fast food or not drinking water. Emotional, maybe their relationships. Some people eat when they are lonely or heartbroken etc. And I guess the psychological is are you ready to do the work to make a change?

I know someone who is overweight and his wife is always trying to get him to to pay attention to his weight and food, but he's not there yet. He doesn't have what it takes to to make that commitment to eat healthier.

Transform your Mind Stitcher
Transform your Mind Stitcher

Weight isn't a predictor of mortality

Vanessa: Yeah, he's not ready if people are constantly talking about his, weight, then that's the thing for him. So this happens to a lot of people, I'm just using him because I know. But I do know that I see a lot of people that are overweight, and you're thinking, Well, why aren't they doing something about it?

They'll say, oh, that's healthy, or unhealthy? And then you're going to get sick at some point in time? Well, I think people are not ready. I mean, we know that, weight, isn't necessarily a predictor of morbidity and mortality, and some people choose to live in a larger body. And they're happy with that. And so that's that.

So we just, we recognize that and we noticed that it's not a one size fits all. And sometimes you just have to say to people, Hey, let's not let's talk about the, weight. You came here because your, cholesterol, is elevated. But we have to do things to make the, cholesterol, go down. So, I want to change the way that you eat in these ways.

Podbean Transform your Mind Podcast

Cholesterol reduction plan from your dietician

Your current diet is that you don't eat breakfast, and then at night you over eat cookies. Let's come up with something that you will eat that's really easy and accessible. Let's say it's an English muffin with peanut butter for breakfast. You eat that for breakfast that every single day for three months and you only eat two cookies at night. I promise you your, weight, will have gone down and your lab will have gone down.

You can also lower your, cholesterol, if you had chia seeds or some berries, with almond milk, that would actually keep you full. And that's upping the fiber content, because fiber helps to draw, cholesterol, away from the body.

Meal plan:
  • two tablespoons of chia seeds,
  • one quarter cup of oats,
  • half a cup of berries, you'd probably be somewhere in the vicinity of 15 grams of fiber. And that's only at breakfast.
  • add vegetables at lunch and dinner,
  • and another piece of fruit paired with a fat like nuts, you would get to about 30 grams of fiber. If we focus on 30 grams of fiber every single day, that's will lower your, cholesterol. You don't have to eat oats, but it's just a quick vehicle for the fiber.

Additional Resources

How to Maintain Sustainable Weight Loss

How to Rewrite Your Life Story and Achieve Organizational Wellness

When you rewrite your, life story, you can start living on purpose.  You can then transcend the negative stuff from your story all the things that makes you uncomfortable. When you do this as a leader, you can then show up in your organization as your best self and that contributes to, organizational wellness.

My guest today is Sam Morris, Managing Director and chief Culture Officer at Five to Flow LLC, a global collective that builds integrative, organizational wellness, solutions designed to achieve and sustain, peak performance.

Listen to the full interview Here:

Coach Myrna Life Story

I want to start off by sharing my, life story.

I decided to think about my, life story, I realized that as a youth I didn’t identify with my, life story.

My, life story, is that I was born in a very poor Third World Country, Guyana. My mother and father didn't have much. Both my grandmother and my mom were domestic servants. During that time, I was also, sexually abused.

I never identified with that, story, because somehow God put in my heart and spirit all of the things that I was good at an early age.  I was good in school, I had a great personality, teachers liked me etc. Now that I’m a, life coach, in the personal development space, trying to motivate and inspire others;  the, story, that I tell myself now is that I was born for greater things.

The, life story, of my birth to me is just basically like Jesus, we were both born in poverty and lack in order to transform you into a spiritual teacher.

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Helping Men Rewrite their Life Story

Myrna – Sam you mentioned that you help men overcome their, life stories, traumas, and blocks to be the men the world need them to be.  I'm assuming that you have a, life story, that somehow parallels this, because we have to go through something before you can help other people do the same.

What is your, life story?

Sam – My, life story, is that I was born with my umbilical cord wrapped around my neck, so I couldn't breathe. From birth to almost 30 years of my life, I was extremely sick.  I had severe food allergies, actually a long list of food allergies. People say that I was allergic to basically everything except water and air; but then a therapist affectionately pointed out to me that actually I was allergic to air, because I also had asthma!

There was a period in my mother's womb when she thought she had cancer, she didn't know she was pregnant.  So my energies and my soul and my spirit were immediately put into fighting to survive mode.

As a child and adult, self-love, was not a part of my vocabulary or thought process. I had this idea that I needed to fight for breath and also fight for love.

Overcoming Your Life Story

My, life story, became that in order to be loved, someone had to save me. People were constantly having to save me from my asthma attacks and choking, and this saving mentality got imprinted on my heart as this is what love looks like.

If I am in a relationship with a woman, friend, parents or family member, I believed that for anyone to show me that they loved me they have to somehow save me.

Later in life, I battled addiction from my early 20s into my late 30s.  Really hardcore destructive addiction.

So my, life story, of being needing to be saved was very detrimental and destructive to me and that is why I coach men on how to rewrite their, life story.

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Transform your Mind Soundcloud podcast

Your Life Story and Organizational Wellness

Myrna – How does rewriting your, life story, help with organizational, wellness, and, peak performance?

Sam – Your story, is important in, organizational culture. The, culture, is where I focus all my all my energies on.  Five to Flow focuses on the, organizational culture, because a culture of, inclusivity, allows an organization to thrive.  By, inclusivity, I mean the whole, diversity and inclusion, conversation. The, inclusion, I'm talking about here is the, culture, of feeling safe, allowing your employees to be creative, to be innovative, to show up for work as their best self!

When you rewrite your, life story, around I'm living my purpose, I'm transcending the negative stuff.  I'm transcending my negative story, I'm transcending that, lifestory, that keeps me uncomfortable. I am transcending the, lifestory, that's familiar, but not productive or growth oriented. I choose to transcend that, lifestory, and show up in my organization as my best self, that mindset contributes to organizational, wellness.

Transform your Mind Stitcher
Transform your Mind Stitcher

Rewrite your Lifestory by Going Back to Your Childhood Home

Myrna – I was listening an interview on Oprah Super Soul Conversations and the author talked about going back to your childhood home and looking through the window. What were your thoughts back then as a child when you looked through the window? Did you envy your friends because they had better clothes than you? Did you want to be white and have long straight hair? Looking through your childhood window allows you to understand your mindset and rewrite your, life story.

A lot of times you have to go back to the trauma and look at it from those eyes and maybe you will see something different. Looking back you could see something someone said to you that had traumatized you for years and now you see it was nothing.  The, story, that you been telling yourself for 30 or 40 years did not happen as you saw it.

How men can be vulnerable as Leaders

Vulnerability, for a guy is like being open to show your feelings even though you have told that real men don’t do this or that.  The things that society doesn't let you talk about because you'll look weak. Vulnerability, is like a beach ball in the ocean. Imagine you have a beach ball and it's fully inflated and you're trying to push it under water, it’s gonna to always pop back up. That's like your trauma popping back up and you keep trying to push it back down.

That leads to self-sabotage and repeated destructive patterns.  The beach ball represents, vulnerability. If you open the tab and let some of the air out of the beach ball you will be able to keep it under water.  As a leader you have to become vulnerable to prevent self-sabotage.

Myrna – I remember Tyler Perry talking about this particular subject.  He was taught that men don't cry and that he's gone to funerals and people have told him don't cry, you're a man. But in an office nobody’s crying, what’s an example of, vulnerability, in a leader that showcases organizational, wellness?

Sam – In organizational, wellness, it is the action that you take to avoid the insecurity of fear. One of those insecurities could be something about like the President implemented a strategy that proved ineffective and someone else presented a better policy.  The President could fear loosing his job and being replaced.


Organizational Wellness and Your Life Story

Myrna – Tell us about your organization Five to Flow, I understand your mandate is to help foster, organizational wellness.  You identified that, health and wellness, is important to organizational success.

Sam – What we do at Five to Flow is we look at five areas of, organizational wellness:

  • On our website www.fivetoflow.com we have a, wellness, wave which is a diagnostic tool that anybody take and it will spit you back a score. There's two versions, a short version and a long form version that any anybody in the organization can take. You get a score from one to five back on how all their employees answered questions in these five areas:
  • process,
  • people,
  • culture
  • analytics and
  • technology.

Each one of these areas has 25 questions for the long form and five questions for the short one about they’re employee or the leadership team or the CEO c-level, c-suite team about their experience of those five areas of the business.



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Finally, I want to invite you guys to join my Facebook group called life coach for daily inspiration from Coaches and thought leaders from around the world.


Additional Resources

Are You Trapped By Your Past?

How to Find Beauty in Your Now!

Health is Wealth: How to lose weight without Dieting

Health is wealth, If you don’t have your, health, no amount of wealth can buy it. A healthy, weight, is an indication of health so today we are talking about, how to lose weight, without dieting.

Listen to full interview here:


Health is Wealth 

Think about it. Most of us dream about becoming wealthy but would you trade your ability to walk for a million dollars? I know I wouldn’t.

The second way we could look at the phrase, health is wealth, is that you can be healthy but poor and still be happy. On the flip side, you can have copious amounts of wealth,  but if you don’t have your, health, you  would willingly trade all your money to feel good or be healthy again.

So the message in this, health is wealth, series is, You can't just trash your body and then try to alleviate the evidence of disease.

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Healthy Weight Loss

Health, is not the absence of disease, disease is the absence of, health.

What is, health? According to the dictionary, health, is fitness of body or mind, and freedom from disease or ailment. It can be body fitness, or mental fitness.

What is wealth? In the same dictionary the meaning of, wealth, is stated as “a great quantity of money, valuable possessions, property, or other riches.

So in the first episode of this series we and going to unpack how your, health is your wealth,.  To start off this series, our  topic today is “How to Lose Weight, without dieting”

How to Lose Weight when you Have an Eating Disorder

Myrna – Dr Nina. What led you to do this work?

At a very young age, I suddenly and randomly developed an obsession with my size. I thought that my thighs should be thinner and I thought if my thighs were smaller, I would be perfect. By the way, I was a perfectly normal weight.  But I became convinced that thinner legs would somehow make me better.  This obsession just got worse as I got older and by the time I was an adolescent,  I had full blown, eating disorder.  My last thought at night was what did I eat today.  I would fall asleep counting the calories and fat grams of my food intake for the day and figuring how to, lose weight, 

The scale was my most welcome friend and my biggest enemy, it ruled my life.  So much so that when I went hiking with friends or did anything fun like dancing,  I would focus on how many calories I was burning instead of how much fun I was having.  I would be calculating how, to loose weight, 

Getting Therapy to Help Lose Weight 

I would restrict restrict myself of food and then eventually I would binge and then purge.   So finally I went to therapy.  I  would open up with my therapist about every aspect of my life except one, I never ever told her what was going on with me and food.  I went to my therapist once a week for three years and I never talked about what was going with my. eating disorders. 

 After some time in therapy, I became aware of my feelings.  I learned to process my emotions rather than to deny them.  I learned to use words to comfort myself instead of using words to criticize myself.  By the time I left therapy, I had zero, eating disorder, or, anorexia,  issues and No unhealthy relationship to food. The amazing thing about this is that not once did I ever talked about food to my therapist.  When I fixed my emotional issues, I fixed my, anorexia.  So the answer to the question How to, lose weight, without, dieting, is first learning how to process your emotions instead of stuffing them down with food. 

People ask me all the time. How did you recover from three, eating disorders, that consumed your life without ever talking about it?  How is that possible?  The answer is that whatever was going on with food and my, eating disorders, was a symptom of the actual problem, not the problem.  When I  learned different ways of coping with what was going on with me, I cured my, eating disorders including, anorexia.  

How to, lose weight, by understanding why you eat certain finds of foods 

 I developed this formula to help people figure out you know what is eating them out.  

  • If you like creamy foods like ice cream or frozen yogurt or pudding. It suggests a longing for comfort or nurturing. Limit your exposure to these foods to, lose weight,. 
  • If you like foods that like bread, pasta, cake, pizza those are correlated to loneliness since they are  bulky and they symbolically filling an internal void.  Fill your internal void by finding a hobby. Doing something you like instead of eating. It will help you to, lose weight, 
  • Finally, foods  that are crunchy like chips or pretzels, anything with a crunch suggest you are angry. Dealing with your anger in a healthy way will help you to, lose weight. 

 The best way to deal with the triggers of emotional eating is try to understand where they're coming from.  It is the first step. The next step is to deal with those an underlying feelings of lack of self worth. 

  • How do you see yourself? 
  • How do you feel your loneliness? 
  • How do you express your anger?  
  • How do you deal with what you are feeling? 

Weight Loss Tips 

Nurture  yourself with words instead of ice cream.  If you use mean words to describe yourself and then you nurture yourself with food, it becomes a viscous cycle. You eat the ice cream and you call yourself nasty words for being so weak, then you eat again to comfort yourself.  

When you feel good about yourself it's easier to be good to yourself.  

Self acceptance is the key. 

The most practical thing that you can do, is to throw out your scale. It is a tyrant, it does not measure your value, it ruins your day. It has too much power over you,  so getting it out of your life is a very powerful stance that you can take on your own behalf. 

Download to listen to the rest of this powerful interview and learn five main reasons for diet sabotage.

Download and subscribe to hear all episodes in this series. 

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Additional Resources

How to Reprogram your Mind to Stop Binge Eating




How to Find Your Purpose in Life

You can, find your purpose, in life by paying attention to your passions. Your master, purpose in life, is to spread happiness. You will always see the optimism in life no matter how dark it may seem.

Are you lifted by your purpose? This week on Mindset Transformation Radio and Podcast, I interview Ms Arifah Yusuf who is not only lifted by her, purpose, but founded a company called Lifted By Purpose where she helps youths in Toronto, Canada to become lifted by their purpose.

As Arifah was working with the youth she noticed their tattoos and decided to have a spin off company called Tattoo Stories. She used the tattoos stories to help her clients share their stories through the images they permanently put on their bodies.

How to Find Your Purpose in Life

How we perceive images can help us, find your purpose.

How you react to an image can tell you a lot about you, including your, life’s purpose.
Art speaks to us because it’s about us. It’s about our collective and individual journeys in this wondrous, immeasurable universe.

As Chuck Klosterman said, “Art and love are the same thing: It’s the process of seeing yourself in things that are not you.”  Images stir up numerous emotions in the beholder: awe, shock, sorrow, rage, and even repulsion. You may feel an intense, nameable emotion within seconds of seeing an image, or it could take several minutes of staring at the image before you can decide what it means to you. And as art is as diverse as the people who create and perceive it, the responses to it naturally vary. Art can play a crucial role in self-discovery and an individual’s, purpose in life.

Image test to find your purpose

Click the link below to take your image, purpose, test and see what it shows is your, purpose.


I took this test and my test revealed that my purpose was to spread Happiness. So True.

“Your master, purpose in life, is to spread happiness. You will always see the optimism in life no matter how dark it may seem. You can distinguish the lightness from the darkness and this is what takes you to another level. With happiness, everything can be cured and your purpose is to spread this feeling in times most needed.”


Arifah Yusuf, is a registered social worker from Ryerson University. She has 12 years experience engaging and developing programs for youth, facilitating workshops and providing counseling services. Ms. Yusuf was nominated and awarded the Community Health Champion Award for her dedication working with youth. In 2015 she received the leadership award from Canadian Alliance of Black Educators and in 2016, the Ontario Leading Women in Community Award.

She is trained and certified by the National Organization for Victims Assistance, Traumatology institute, and is a Mental Health First Aid Instructor. In her role at Lifted By purpose, she is the Founder and Executive Director.


How did you find your purpose?

Can you tell us your journey as a social worker and how it transitioned into founding Lifted by Purpose?
I grew up a a rough neighborhood in Toronto. As a youth, I had a family member who died from Homicide and that affected me profoundly; but I did not have an outlet to grieve so I became very depressed. As I got older, I wanted to become a social worker so I can help other youths who experienced trauma to have a space to talk and get help. This is how I found my, purpose.

Today “Lifted by purpose” helps youths, find their purpose, and provides services to help the youth with coping skills and prepare for a purposeful future.

Using tattoo stories to find the meaning of life

You have an offspring from Lifted by purpose called Tattoo stories. Can you tell our audience what that is about and how tattoo helps youths find their, purpose.

During counselling I started asking my clients to tell me their stories about the permanent tattoos on their bodies. I found that these tattoos were connected to their, purpose in life. Most life events are marked with a tattoo.

Services offered to help find your purpose

What are some projects and services provided by Lifted by purpose.
At Lifted by Purpose we focus on the arts.
Some of our services are:

  • Music stress program 10 to 20 weeks
  • Playlist therapy that identifies tracks that speak to grief or loss
  • How to have healthy Relationships
  • How to identify triggers that move them into making bad choices
  • Identify coping skills
  • Tattoo stories and what they mean

I see from the information you provided me for the interview that your target audience is young people between the ages of 16 to 29 years who are at risk or already in the justice system. How does your program help these young people, find your purpose.

Our program helps our youth to harness their story

  • Understand how to utilize their stories to understand themselves.
  • Reflect on how their stories has influenced their choices in life
  • How to flip a negative story into something positive
  • Action steps. Are they ready to make a change
  • How does their story affect their purpose and lift them up.

How does Tattoo stories tie into meaning of life

Tattoo stories Helps the youth understand their, purpose and have a voice that can help others on their journey.


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Additional Resources
