Tag Archives: bible

Altruism: Why We Should Embrace the Servant Mindset

Altruism is the selfless act of helping others without expecting anything in return. “It is often considered one of the defining characteristics of what it means to be human. Jesus introduces us to the, servant mindset. The servant mindset, is doing your duty and not expecting thanks or words of appreciation. This message hit home to me because I always say thanks and expect thanks.  But if we are truly serving our community, we do our duty just like the servant who worked all day in the fields, then he had to prepare his masters meal and then serve him while he ate.  And when his master has no more need for him then he fixes himself something to eat. He does all this without his coveting his master to say thanks.

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Introduction to Altruism

Welcome back to the Transform Your Mind to Transform Your Life, the  podcast. I'm your host, life coach Myrna Young, and today on Five Minute Fridays, I want to delve into the topic of embracing the, servant mindset. It's an interesting concept that I've been learning and growing in myself, as I've always been someone who expects thanks when I serve others. However, true Altruism is the service without expecting thanks or anything in return. Jesus teaches us that true service comes from a place of selflessness, where we serve without expecting anything in return.

In Luke 17:7-9, Jesus shares a parable about a servant who plows and tends to the sheep. When the servant comes in from the field, he doesn't expect to be invited to sit down and eat. Instead, he is instructed to prepare his master's supper, get himself ready, and wait on his master while he eats and drinks. Only after his master is satisfied does the servant have permission to eat and drink himself. And in this parable, Jesus emphasizes that the servant will not receive thanks for simply doing his job, because his duty is to be of service to  his master.

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I expect thanks for my acts of service

This parable resonates with me personally, as I often find myself expecting thanks and appreciation for the work I do. For example, as the host of this podcast, I promote my guests and go out of my way to support them. However, I've noticed that sometimes there is silence after the show airs, with no acknowledgement or reciprocation. But I've come to realize that my purpose is to serve in true Altruism fashion  and if I don't receive thanks, it doesn't diminish the value of my service.

My husband often reminds me not to expect others to pat me on the back, but to pat myself on the back instead. He shares his experience from playing football, where he would make a great play and not receive any recognition from the coach. Eventually, he learned to acknowledge his own achievements and find fulfillment in his own work, rather than relying on external validation. This is the essence of embracing a, servant mindset – finding joy and fulfillment in the act of serving through Altruism regardless of whether or not we receive thanks.

So, what does it mean to have a, servant mindset? Let's explore the key aspects of this mindset and how they can positively impact our lives.

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Selfless Service: Helping Others Without Expecting Recognition

True service is rooted in selflessness and Altruism. It's about helping others not for recognition, but because it's the right thing to do. As I serve you all through this podcast, my ministry is to help you transform your mind and, in turn, transform your life. I don't expect thanks or praise for my service, because my purpose is to make a positive impact and support your growth. Embracing a, servant mindset, means focusing on the act of service itself, rather than seeking external validation and reciprocation.

Humility and Obedience: Following Without Expecting Praise

To have a, servant mindset, we must practice humility and obedience. Just as the servant in the parable follows their master's commands without expecting praise, we too should approach our duties with humility and obedience. This means being willing to serve others and fulfill our responsibilities without seeking recognition or accolades. It's about recognizing that our role is to serve and support others, and finding fulfillment in fulfilling that role, regardless of whether or not we receive thanks.

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The Joy of Giving: Finding Fulfillment in Altruism

A, servant mindset, brings joy through giving and helping others, even if our actions are not acknowledged or appreciated. It's about finding fulfillment in the act of giving itself, rather than relying on external validation or gratitude. For example, I find joy in giving money to those in need, even if they don't express their gratitude. The act of giving is its own reward, and it allows us to make a positive impact in the lives of others.

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Cultivating Gratitude: Appreciating Those Who Serve Us

On the flip side of giving is gratitude. Embracing Altruism also means being grateful for those who serve us selflessly. Whether it's a spouse who supports us or someone who goes above and beyond in their service, we should acknowledge and appreciate their efforts. It's important to recognize that we are not the only ones with a, servant mindset, and to express our gratitude for those who serve us in various ways.

The Ripple Effect of Altruism: Inspiring Others to Serve

Embracing Altruism can inspire others to do the same. When we lead by example and cultivate a culture of kindness and generosity, it creates a ripple effect in our communities. Others see our selfless service and are inspired to follow suit. As Jesus said, someone is always watching, and our actions can inspire others to embrace a, servant mindset, and make the world a better place, one act of kindness at a time.

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Transform Your Mind Podcast Pandora


In conclusion, embracing a, servant mindset, as taught by Jesus in Luke 17, is a path to genuine selfless service. It reminds us that true Altruism comes from helping others without expecting accolades. By adopting this mindset, we can make a positive impact in the lives of others and create a ripple effect of kindness and generosity. So, let's continue to serve without expecting thanks, knowing that our true reward lies in the joy of giving and the knowledge that we are making a difference in the world.

Thank you for joining me on this episode of Five Minute Fridays. Until next time, remember to embrace the, servant mindset, and continue to transform your mind to transform your life. Namaste.

Additional Resources

The Stone the Builder Rejected, Now Cornerstone

The Hidden Dangers of Hypocrisy: Insights from the Fig Tree

In this post, we're exploring the dangers of hypocrisy. We're looking at the story of the, fig tree, in the Bible, and how Jesus curses the tree for pretending to have fruit. This blog post is a look at the dangers of hypocrisy, and how it can lead to problems in our lives. By exploring the story of the, fig tree, we can learn about the dangers of hypocrisy and pretending to have what we don't have. We can also learn about the dangers of hypocrisy, and the importance of living our lives in truth.

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Jesus curses the fig tree

I want to expand our Consciousness on being hypocritical showing something that we are not. I want to use is my foundational scripture, Jesus curses the fig tree, for not producing fruit and this can be found in

Matthew 21st chapter verses 18 to 19.

So Jesus was returning to Jerusalem and he was hungry.  He noticed the, Fig Tree, beside the road he went to see if there were any figs, but there were only leaves, then he said to the, Fig Tree, may you never bear fruit again and immediately the, Fig Tree, withered up.

I speak a lot about purpose on this podcast and the purpose of the, Fig Tree, was to produce fruit, so when a lot of people talk about this scripture and this passage they're saying that, Jesus cursed the, Fig Tree, because it didn't have any fruit.  But today I want to look at a at a different version of this scripture and see the real meaning behind, why Jesus cursed the, fig tree.

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We are spiritual beings here for a purpose

So first let's look at the purpose part of why we are here.  Your soul chose your body because it wanted to have a certain experience on Earth. We Are Spiritual Beings having a human experience, that means to say it another way the universe wanted to experience itself through our personal, central nervous system.  We are all here to do something special which is why we're all unique and which is why we all have a purpose and we're all here to do something as unique as or fingerprints.

Unfortunately, unlike the, Fig Tree, we don't know what our purpose is. The Fig tree knew its purpose was to produce figs, that is why it is called a fig tree; but the name Myrna or Leon or Mark or John does not tell us what we are supposed to do.  In fact I heard that Jesus was one of the only people that came on at this Earth, came into his body knowing his purpose.  Knowing what he was here to do, but most of us don't, unless we have this direct connection to God where he speaks through our dreams or we're able to hear his voice.

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Transform Your Mind Luminary podcast

The Fig tree was pretending to have fruit

In this post, I want to concentrate on the, Fig Tree, not producing fruit and why Jesus cursed it saying may you never bear fruit again. Does  this curse translate the people not bearing fruit and not following their purpose?  We will never know.  Does God curse you if you are not following your purpose, if he says why are you not doing what I sent you here to do?

What Jesus was actually doing when he cursed the, Fig Tree, it was not because the, Fig Tree, had no fruit.  Jesus cursed the Fig Tree, because it was pretending to have fruit by having lots of leaves.  If you were to go and look into, Fig Trees, you will see that when they have leaves or when they're showing leaves it means that there's also fruit. If there's no leaves then we know that there's no fruit, but if you were going to be stomping around like a peacock showing off your feathers, showing off your leaves and then when someone goes to eat you got nothing to offer.

That is why, Jesus cursed the, Fig Tree, so it would not continue to deceive people, spreading his leaves as to say I have figs.  Jesus is telling us that we must bear fruit or we will be condemned to hell.  He cursed the, Fig Tree, as an object lesson to all of us not to be hypocritical,  pretending to be something that you are not.

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Do not be hypocritical by pretending to something you are not

A lot of people show a pretty picture, this is the world we're living in right now. Everybody's got fake stuff, they're showing a pretty picture, but they're dead inside.  It is like dressing up a corpse. Jesus cursed the fig tree, for being all dressed up with leaves, yet had no fruit.  In a word, it had nothing to offer.

I decided to teach on this today because I was reading my Bible like I do every morning and I'm reading this scripture and it just jumped out to me that I should stop and research what is actually happening here, because every time that I've heard the scripture preached in church we are all talking about you don't do your purpose that's why you're cursed right; but nobody ever taught me that it is about pretenders.

I didn't even notice that it was because the, Fig tree, was showing leaves and that's the reason Jesus walked over to it. He saw the leaves and he figured that there's fruit and when the, fig tree, had no fruit that's when he cursed it.  It's not because it was not producing figs.  I'm glad that I stopped and took a pause and put a pin, because God wanted me to share with you that pretending doesn't get you anywhere.

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Do not be a fake by pretending

If you got no fruit, you got no fruit you don't need to pretend, it's better to be real than a pretender.

My grandma would always say do not judge a book by its cover

We live in a society where people are spending a lot of time showing off their leaves, the package on the outside looks good, but when you take a closer look there's no substance, there's no fruit. So they can't feed you whatever it is that you're looking for.  It might not be necessary food, Jesus was hungry, he was looking for real food, but we are hungry for a lot of things.

  • We're  hungry for attention
  • we're hungry for affection
  • we're hungry for real relationships and not, fake love,
  • we're hungry for a lot of things

So ladies look out for those well-addressed Playboys who are showing you the side of him that he wants you to see.  Look at his fruit, what's beneath the show, ask him what does he have to offer you to eat.  Chances are he has nothing, it's just leaves.  It's just clothes, it is just the outer appearance and he cannot emotionally connect, he cannot be faithful, he cannot be your one and only.

Do not be hypocritical like the fig tree

I wanted to tell you look out for, hypocritical people, the Bible always says be aware of wolves in sheep clothing.  You yourselves should not be hypocritical, make sure that what you show is who you are. Do not put on this whole facade, do not put on this whole package.  When people peel off the outer layer, you should be as real as what you're pretending to be.

Thanks for tuning in to this week's podcast episode of five minute Fridays with Coach Myrna.  I hope you're inspired today if you're listening to this on  iTunes we'd love for you to subscribe rate and review.  If you're watching  on YouTube we'd love for you to subscribe and until next time namaste

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How to Nurture Your Seeds into a Tree

The Hidden Dangers of Relying on Your Feelings

In this blog post, I'm going to talk about the dangers of relying on your feelings. I think a lot of people rely on their feelings to guide them through life, but this isn't always the best way to go.

This is illustrated in the bible story of Jacob and Essau. In the bible story of Isaac Jacob and Essau. Isaac told Essau to go out and find something wild and cook it the way I like it, then I am going to bless you. But Rebecca, Esau’s mother cooked up a scheme to fool Isaac because he was blind and could not see.

She went into the back yard and killed something that was not wild and cooked it to make it taste like something wild and gave it to Jacob to take to his father. When Jacob told her that his brother was hairy and he had smooth skin. His mother glued animal skin to his arms so he would feel like his brother. This story shows the dangers of relying on your feelings.

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God expects you to do something before he blesses you

As a follow up thought, I want you to know that before God blesses you, you have to do something. He is not going to bless you if you sit on the couch and pray. He is going to tell you to go look for work, go fill out applications. If you are praying for a spouse he is going to tell you to go to the watering hole to find this man. Don’t expect to sit on the couch and this man will knock on your door. God also wants to bless you when you take risks and be wild. Isaac told Essau to go hunting for something wild, cook it the way I like and then I will bless you.

But Rebecca, Esau’s mother cooked up a scheme to fool Isaac because he was blind and could not see. She went into the back yard and killed something that was not wild and cooked it to make it taste like something wild and gave it to Jacob to take to his father. When Jacob told her that his brother was hairy and he had smooth skin.  His mother glued animal skin to his arms so he would feel like his brother.

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No Hard Feelings: Your feelings can lie to you

Which is the lesson for today. Sometimes your feelings lie, so don’t always trust your feelings. No hard feelings, do a deep dive into the situation. Gather all the facts.

Your feelings will convince you they are coming back even though they have clearly moved on.

  • Ignore your feelings and trust your spirit
  • Your spirit is stronger than your flesh
  • Be honest with yourself
  • Why are you still with that man? It is because of how he makes you feel.
  • You can’t be with somebody just because of how they make you feel
  • Jacob felt like his brother, but he didn’t sound like your brother.

When he spoke his father noticed the difference. He said you feel like Jacob but you don’t sound like him.

Don’t get caught up in how that man makes you feel, listen to what he says and how he says it. Because out of the mouth the heart speaks.

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Listen to what people are saying: Don't just trust your feelings

Is he talking about the future or is he talking about himself. You have to watch for the disconnect between the feelings and the voice.

Isaacs realized that the feelings did not match the voice.

Then he became suspicious and asked. How did you get it so quickly? That is how did you go hunting for something wild and cooked it so quickly.

Jacob lied and said I got it this quickly because of God.  God did it. If you do something wild, then that could be your true answer. God did it for me. They told me it was going to take 10 years before I could be a supervisor, but God did it in 3 years.

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God did it for me

They ask me, how did your podcast become #1 in the personal development space? How did you get it so quickly with no celebrity guests on your show?  How did you get it so quickly as an independent podcaster without a team.

My answer I got so quickly because of God and my mother.

My mother wasn’t the perfect mother, but she taught me how to trust God. She showed me how to work hard and to never give up.

I got it so quickly because I was born to do this. I was anointed by God for this job and the devil knows not to mess with me.

In your daily life, your feelings, thoughts, and attitudes are you order form. The currency you pay for your order to the universe is your belief. You have to establish the feelings the condition you want is already present.

Feelings can be deceiving

Jacob got his blessing by pretending to feel like his brother, but he had to run for his life after that because his brother wanted to kill him.

Isaac could not give Essau his blessing as the first born son because he had already given it to Jacob and he could not take it back. Similarly, when you give yourself to someone because of how they made you feel and then you find out that they tricked you, you can’t take back what you give them already. That is why, never trust your feelings alone, because your feeling can lie to you.

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God Knows The Desires Of Your Heart

God knows the, desires of your heart, even the ones you don’t think will ever come through. This is illustrated in the bible story of the prophet Elisha and the wealthy Shunem woman.

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Be Kind and generous

A wealthy Shunem woman invited the prophet, Elisha, to her home one day for a meal. So, whenever he passed her way again, he would stop in to have something to eat.

One day the woman said to her husband, I am sure the man who stop in from time to time is a holy man, let’s build a small room for him on the roof and furnish it, so he will have a place to stay when he comes by.

When, Elisha, and his assistant came by the next time, he went up to his new room to rest. Appreciative of the woman’s kindness, he wanted to give her something in return. He said to her “We appreciate the kind concern you have shown us. What can we do for you?” She responded I don’t need anything, my family takes good care of me.

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We all need something even the things we don't ask for

But, Elisha, figured there must be something she needs. So, he asked his servant what he thinks she needed. His servant said “She doesn’t have a son and her husband is an old man.”

Elisha, then told his servant to call the woman then he told her “Next year at this time you will be holding a son in your arms” She responded, please don’t get my hopes up.

Sure enough, the woman soon became pregnant and by that time the following year she had a son, just as, Elisha, had said.

What is the principle taught in this, bible story?  As you know the, Bible, is a blueprint for life.

First principle, is if you are blessed with wealth you should share with those who have less. You should, give to the poor, your church etc.

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God knows the desires of your heart

The second principle and the one I want to focus on today is that God knows what you want. He knows the, desires of your heart, even the ones you don’t think will ever come through. The, desires, of this woman’s heart was to have a child, but her husband was old and she was probably old as well, so she didn’t think it was possible. She put it out of her mind.

The bible says in Psalm 37:4  “Take delight in the Lord, and he will give you the, desires of your heart. Commit your way to the Lord; trust in him and he will do this:

When the man of God asked the Shunem woman what can I do for you she responded nothing. She had all the, money, she needed, but how many of you know that, money, does not fill the hole in your heart.

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What are the desires of your heart?

  • Do you want to get married?
  • Do you want a child?
  • Do you want to own a home?
  • Do you want to see your child go to college but he/she have a learning disability?

Whatever it is, if you live right, give to the poor, God will give you the, desires of your heart. You don’t even have to ask him.

Several years ago, the, desires of my heart, was to become an American citizen. I did ask God, but decided to take matters into my own hands and made a mess of it. Then one day I walked onto a train and there standing at the door was my future husband. He loved me, married me and sponsored me and my kids to become American Citizens. So don’t think the, desires of your heart, are impossible – with God all things are possible.

So, ask, seek, knock and you will receive.



Whatever it is you are wanting, whatever you are asking Him for, God hears you. If he does not seem to be answering, do not give up. Everything will happen in his timing. God knows what is best for you and He hears the, desires of your heart. He will give you the, desires of your heart, when the time is right. Have patience and trust in the Lord.

The Shunammite woman’s heartfelt hospitality to, Elisha, and simple, sincere faith led to an amazing series of events. Elisha, was certainly blessed. And God abundantly blessed the woman’s life during a difficult period in Israel. Still today, God often uses His people’s humble acts of service to bless both the giver and the receiver.

Thanks for tuning in to this week’s episode of 5 min Fridays with coach Myrna. Until next time Namaste

Additional Resources 

Look At The Heart Not Outward Appearance

You Must Give To Receive

In order to receive you must first, give. This principle is taught in the Bible story of Elijah the prophet and the widow woman.  When you, give, you will always have enough and when you, give, God will also bring your dead things back to life.

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It Happened: Elijah and the widow woman

The Lord told, Elijah, the prophet to tell King Ahab, who did what was evil in the Lord’s sight more than any of the kings before him.  “There will be no dew or rain during the next few years until I give the word.”

Then the Lord said to, Elijah, “Go hide by a brook and eat what the ravens bring you, for I have commanded them to bring you food”

So, Elijah, did as the Lord told him, but after some time the brook dried up because there was no rainfall. The Lord then told, Elijah “Go and live in the village of Zarephath, I have instructed a, widow, there to feed you.

Again, Elijah, did as he was told and when he arrived at the city he saw a, widow, woman gathering sticks and he asked her. Would you please bring me a little water in a cup. Then he added and a bite of bread too.

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I only have a little flour just enough to make my last meal

The, widow, responded “I swear by the Lord I don’t have a single piece of bread in the house. I only have a handful of flour left in a jar and a little cooking oil in the bottom of the jug. I am about to cook my last meal and die.”

Elijah, responded go ahead and make the meal, but make a little bread for me first, for this is what the Lord said. There will always be flour and olive oil left in your containers until the time comes when the Lord sends rain and the crops grow again.

Sometime later the, widow, woman son dies and, Elijah, brought the boy back to life.

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Give and God will multiply your seed

The secondary message I received from this story is God is great at multiplication, but you must have something for him to work with. The, widow, woman had a handful of flour and a little bit of oil left at the bottom of a jar and God used that to multiply so that she always had flour and oil. That means she always had something to eat.

Jesus used the 5 loafs and 2 fish to feed thousands. Again, God is great at multiplication.

The Feeding of the 5,000 is also known as the “miracle of the five loaves and two fish”; the Gospel of John reports that Jesus used five loaves and two fish supplied by a boy to feed a multitude.

What this tells me is that you must always have, seed. I recorded a message a couple of years back titled “Don’t eat your seed” if you eat your, seed, spend your, seed, God has nothing to work with.

If you want a harvest you must start with, seed.

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Transform Your Mind Luminary podcast

Principles of giving and tithing

There has been a lot of talk recently about the, tithe,

Creflow Dollar said that the, tithe, was Old Testament and under the old law and Jesus is new law and the, tithe, is wrong. Every pastor in the entire Kingdom responded to this statement. The Bible said that the, tithe, belongs to the lord and we must, tithe, first.

Elijah, told the, widow woman, to make something to eat with the little flour and oil she had and, give, him something to eat first. How many of you would do that for a stranger? Maybe you would do that if your child is starving. A lot of mothers stay hungry so that their child would eat. But in order for the, widow woman, to get the blessing she had to, give, first.

You have to, give to receive. It works for anything you want. If you want financial abundance or even just to have enough you have to, give, to your church, to hospitals, to the poor, to any company offering human services like Goodwill and the Salvation Army.

If you want love you have to, give love, if you want respect you have to, give respect, and so on and so on.

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The tithe belongs to the Lord

The, tithe, is just God’s way of giving structure to your, giving. If you don’t want to, give, 10% nobody can make you. You have free will, but don’t expect God to bless you when you are like the, widow woman, just waiting to die. If you live stingy all your life never, giving, never blessing others, expect that you will dry up like a prune and always live in struggle and have empty jars. Empty jars don’t just mean money. Life is more than money. You need love, you need health, you need connection. So, start, giving, from your heart and watch the windows of heaven open and abundance flow in.

In closing always remember the principle You have to, give to receive.  Someone told me a long time ago, if your hands are closed not only you can’t give, but you also can’t receive.


Thanks for tuning in to this week’s episode of 5 min Fridays with coach Myrna. I want to invite you to join my Facebook group called Lifecoach to receive inspiration throughout the week. I will meet you back her next week for another episode of 5 min Fridays with coach Myrna

Additional Resources 

Look At The Heart Not Outward Appearance

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Traits of a Virtuous Woman

There are several stories in the bible about the, virtuous woman.  Proverbs say A, virtuous woman, who can find? For her price is worth more than rubies. Proverbs 12:4 says A, virtuous woman, is a crown to her husband: but she that maketh ashamed is as rottenness in his bones.

In this episode of 5 min Fridays with coach Myrna, I look at traits of the, virtuous woman, and use as my foundational story the, bible story, of, Ruth and Naomi, and why, Boaz, called, Ruth, a, virtuous woman.

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Boaz and Ruth Bible Story

One of my favorite, Bible stories, is the story of, Ruth and Naomi.

The story is told that, Naomi, Ruth’s mother-in-law had huge losses. Her husband died as well as her two sons leaving her with no money. She said that the Lord made her life very bitter and caused her to suffer.

So, Naomi, decided to return home to Bethlehem in Judah because the Lord had blessed Judah with grain.

Naomi blessed her daughter in laws and sent them back home to their families but Ruth clung to her refusing to leave her

Naomi and Ruth, moved to Judah where Naomi told Ruth to go work in the fields of, Boaz, a very wealthy man. Boaz, noticed this strange woman working hard in the fields and enquired who she was. He was told that she was the young woman who came back with, Naomi.

Ruth the virtuous woman

Boaz, was impressed about what he heard about this, virtuous woman, and told his workers to treat her kindly and drop bundles of grain on purpose so she can pick up.

Ruth, worked throughout both the barley harvest and the wheat harvest then, Naomi, decided it was time for her to get a husband.

She gave, Ruth, instructions on what to do and, Ruth, did everything her mother-in-law told her to do. She bathed, put on her best dress applied perfume and lay at the feet of, Boaz. That was the submissive gesture. Boaz, woke up and accepted the offer blessing her for not going after a younger man.

The story ends with, Boaz, marrying, Ruth, and her son Obed was the grandfather of David.

Boaz, called Ruth a, virtuous woman

In this story Ruth was called a, virtuous woman, because:

  • She was loyal to her mother-in-law,
  • She was willing to work,
  • She was willing to leave her home and be a foreigner in another land and
  • She did everything her mother-in-law told her to do

What are the modern-day traits of a virtuous woman?

  • A, virtuous woman, cares for her family.
  • She is a hard worker.
  • While she toils faithfully in meeting the needs of her own family, she also doesn't forget to help the other needy people God brings across her path.
  • She also takes the time to look after her own health and be a good steward of her body.
What’s the benefit of being a virtuous woman?

Aristotle, says that the, keys to happiness, is the practice of, virtue, because, virtue, is in accord with human reason. Aristotle, stated that we can reach minor states of happiness through money, power, or fame, but ultimate happiness can only be reached though the practice of, virtue.

A, virtuous woman, has character traits such as honesty, chastity, courage, and generosity. Virtue, theorists believe that if we concentrate on being righteous people, the right actions will follow; in other words, the people with the right character tend to make the right decisions.

What is the meaning of Virtuous:
  1. Morally good; acting in conformity to the moral law; practicing the moral duties, and abstaining from vice; as a, virtuous man.
  2. Being in conformity to the moral or divine law; as a virtuous action; a virtuous life.
    The mere performance of, virtuous, actions does not denominate an agent virtuous.
  3. Chaste; applied to women.
  4. Efficacious by inherent qualities;


Thanks for tuning into this week’s episode of 5 min Fridays with coach Myrna. I hope to see you back here next week for another episode of 5 min Fridays until then Namaste

Additional Resources:

3 Ways To Let Your Inner Greatness Shine Through

How God Uses Coincidence To Get You To Your Destiny

In this episode of 5 Min Fridays with Coach Myrna, we look at the,  Bible story, of, Joseph, to see how God uses, coincidence, to get us to our, purpose and destiny.  I show that there are, no coincidences in life, that every moment has been, preordained.
So, if you have been feeling unlucky because you had, coincidence, show up in your life that did not feel good, I want you to know that every event has a, purpose, and that is to take you to your, preordained destiny.

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Ephesians 2:10

For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.

Bible Story Of Joseph and destiny

I want to use the, bible story, of, Joseph, the son of Jacob to show how God uses, coincidence. Joseph, was born with a purpose, prearranged by God. It was determined in his mother’s womb or before.

Because he was born to his father in his old age, his father Jacob loved him more than his 10 other brothers. That created jealousy. His brothers hated him because he was his father’s favorite. When Jacob made, Joseph, a beautiful robe of many colors, his brothers became even more jealous of him.  Then Joseph, started dreaming about his brothers bowing down to him and he decided to share his, dreams.

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Bad move, never share your, dreams, of success with others even family members because they will secretly hate you and want you dead. They may not try to kill you as Joseph’s brothers wanted to do, but maybe they would wish evil on you.

The good news is whatever God ordains no man can change.

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How God Used Coincidence to get Joseph to his purpose and destiny

It is amazing how God orchestrated getting, Joseph, to fulfill his, purpose.

  • First, he got Joseph’s father Jacob to love him more, thereby creating a fire starter.
  • Then he gave, Joseph, dreams, and inspired him to share them with his brothers, creating hatred.
  • Then he gave his brothers opportunity to sell him into slavery by inspiring his father Jacob to send, Joseph, alone to find his brothers.
  • The slave traders then sold, Joseph,  to the pharaoh’s captain of palace guard Potiphar.

How would, Joseph, get in position to fulfill his, purpose, if these apparent, coincidences, did not take place?

There are, no coincidences in life,  everything is, preordained, in God’s plan.

What you think is bad luck is actually God getting you in position for greatness.

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Joseph story of coincidences continues

Potiphar’s wife has the hots for, Joseph, but when he wouldn’t sleep with her, she seeks revenge by accusing him of trying to rape her and so Joseph is thrown into prison. The same prison that the Pharaoh sends prisoners from the palace.

Later Pharaoh throws his cup bearer and his baker in prison and who oversees them, Joseph!

Then God gives them both, dreams, and tells, Joseph, the interpretation of their, dreams. It so happens that in 3 days both, dreams, come through according to, Joseph's interpretation.   The cup bearer is returned to his role in the palace and the baker was killed.

A full 2 years later the Pharaoh had 2, dreams, that he needed interpreting and that is when the cup bearer remembered, Joseph, the Hebrew slave who interpreted his, dreams, in prison.

Pharaoh sends for, Joseph, who interprets his, dreams. Joseph, tells Pharaoh that the, dreams, meant God is notifying him there will be 7 bountiful years followed by 7 Years of severe famine.

Pharaoh then makes, Joseph, administrative head of Egypt second only to himself. Everyone needed to bow down to him.

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God's purpose for Joseph realized

God’s, purpose, for, Joseph, was to be the instrument that would save the Egyptians from all dying in the famine that was, preordained, before, Joseph, was born. The famine would have also have wiped out all of Abraham’s defendants as well and that would have made God’s promise to Abraham, that his defendants would be as numerous as the stars in the sky to be void, and how many of you know that God is not man, he does not lie. He used, coincidence, to move, Joseph, in position to realize his preordained, destiny.

Coincidence is to get you to your destiny

I wanted to share this story with you today to illustrate that you were born with a, purpose, and there are no, coincidence, in life. Every moment is, preordained. Think of all the, coincidences,  God had to orchestrate for, Joseph, to fulfill his, purpose and destiny. Most of them not in, Joseph, favor.

My life has been the same.  There were several, coincidences, that got  me to my, purpose and destiny. If I was to pick up my story from the time I arrived in Canada from Guyana.

I met this girl working in a factory making zippers. She took me with her to look for a better job. That, coincidence, got me a job at Scotia Bank and she did not find work. While I was at Scotia Bank, I met my second husband who was 12 years older than me and schooled me in life and suggested I go back to college.

After college I started selling computers.  the, coincidence, of how I met Tony Robbins. Tony came to town and sent free tickets to my company for his “unleash the power within” conference.  Tony Robbins inspired me to unleash my power within and I became the top female limousine operator in Toronto Canada.

This, coincidence,  brought me to Miami Florida. Miami was my Egypt, it is where I needed to be to fulfil my, purpose.  I will stop here, but you get the picture. There are, no coincidences in life, every step in your journey is, preordained, and is God’s plan, even the steps you take backwards.

Conclusion coincidence

So, if you feel you have been lucky or if you feel that you are unlucky, I want you to know that every, coincidence, has a, purpose, and that is to take you to your, preordained destiny.

This is life coach Myrna Young and you have been listening to 5 mins with coach Myrna.  I want to invite you to join my private Facebook group called Lifecoach. Hope to see you next week.  Namaste

Additional Resources 

How to Awaken to Your Soul Purpose

How to Get Out of The Lions Den

Most of us on finding ourselves in the, lions den, would only be concerned with the lions (the problem) we would not be thinking of any other, problem, but the lions that are about to eat us.  Daniel, turned his back upon his, problem, and instead looked towards the, light, that was God.

In this episode of 5 mins with coach Myrna, I share wisdom for the New Year.  How to deal with any problem that is trying to take your spiritual life, knock you down or eat you up.  When, Daniel, was thrown into the, lions Den, he turned his back on the problem!

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Bible Story: Daniel in the lions' den

Darius became the ruler over Babylon. He loved, Daniel, and wanted to make him leader over all the kingdom. Some of the king’s wise men were jealous.

The wise men knew, Daniel, prayed to God, so they tricked the king into making a new law. Anyone who prayed to God would be thrown into a, lions den.

Daniel, chose to pray to God anyway. The king’s wise men saw, Daniel, praying and told the king that, Daniel, was breaking the law. The king realized his wise men had tricked him. He tried to find a way to save, Daniel, but the king had to follow his own law.

Daniel, was thrown into the, lions den. The king stayed awake all night, fasting so that, Daniel, would be protected.

Early the next morning, the king rushed to the, lions’ den. He called to, Daniel, to see if he was still alive. Daniel, called back! He told the king that God sent an angel to shut the lions’ mouths. The lions did not hurt him.

The king was happy that, Daniel, was safe. He punished those wise men who tricked him, and he ended the law. He taught his kingdom about God’s power and goodness.

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Prayer works while in the Lions' den

The story of, Daniel, is the story of every man. It is recorded that, Daniel, while locked in the, lions den, turned his back upon the hungry beasts; and turned towards the, light, coming from above while praying to God.

Daniels’s story was written to instruct you in the art of freeing yourself from your, problem,  or whatever is holding you captive.

Most of us on finding ourselves in the, lions den, would only be concerned with the lions (the problem) we would not be thinking of any other, problem, but the lions that are about to eat us.  Daniel, turned his back upon his, problem, and instead looked towards the, light, that was God.

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While in the Lions Den look towards the light

The message in this, scripture, is when we are threatened with any dire disasters such as poverty, sickness, divorce, we could remove our attention from these lions and look towards the, light, of God which is our solution.

For example, if you were imprisoned, no man would need to tell you that what you should desire is freedom. Freedom or the desire to be free would be automatic.

The same would be true if you found yourself sick or in debt or in any other predicament. Lions den, represent any situation that could swallow you up.

The solution is to, turn your back on the problem, and focus your attention on the promises of God.

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Move your faith into action

This is where your, faith, moves from something you read about to something you do.

What is the lion in your life right now that is trying to eat you up? We are in a pandemic a lot of us are dealing with debt and sickness.

I know that when you are in the, lions den, it is natural to focus on the lion that is trying to kill you, but you must find the strength to turn away. Look towards the, light, and speak the, scriptures, you should be standing on.

Scriptures like “I will live and not die”

“Everything works out for my good”

“I know the plans I have for you plans to prosper you”

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How to get out of the lions den

An amazing thing happens when you show no fear and engage, faith, the lions disappear!

People who were hopelessly in debt, become debt free.

People with incurable diseases become cured within a short time.

There is a saying that if you don't stand for something, you will fall for anything!

Daniel, stood up for his relationship with God, and did not stop praying to his God.

He maintained a vibrant, faith, in God despite living and working in an ungodly culture surrounded by unbelievers.

What are you standing for in your life?


Thanks for turning in to 5 mins with coach Myrna keep looking towards the light.

Hope to see you next week for another episode of 5 mins with coach Myrna until next time Namaste

Additional Resources 

Finding Joy In Your Nothingness

Finding Joy In Your Nothingness

The,  bible stories, have meaning. In the story of the prophet, Elisha, and the, widow woman,  this,  Bible story, is teaching us that even in your, nothingness, you have something. The, widow woman, had 3 drops of oil. Oil, which represented, joy.

In this episode of, 5 mins with coach Myrna, Life coach, Myrna Young teaches on how to focus on what you do have and not your, nothingness.

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Prophet Elisha and the widow woman

Elisha, was a, prophet, who delivered the, prophetic word, from God to his people. In this, Bible story, he told this, prophetic word, to a, widow woman.

2nd Kings 4: 1-7

A certain woman of the wives of the sons of the prophets cried out to Elisha, saying, “Your servant my husband is dead, and you know that your servant feared the Lord. And the creditor is coming to take my two sons to be his slaves.”

So Elisha said to her, “What shall I do for you? Tell me, what do you have in the house?” And she said, “Your maidservant has nothing in the house but a jar of oil.”

Then he said, “Go, borrow vessels from everywhere, from all your neighbors—empty vessels; do not gather just a few. And when you have come in, you shall shut the door behind you and your sons; then pour it into all those vessels and set aside the full ones.”

So she went from him and shut the door behind her and her sons, who brought the vessels to her; and she poured it out. Now it came to pass, when the vessels were full, that she said to her son, “Bring me another vessel.”

And he said to her, “There is not another vessel.” So the oil ceased. Then she came and told the man of God. And he said, “Go, sell the oil and pay your debt; and you and your sons live on the rest.”

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Finding Joy in your Nothingness

The, widow woman, represents the, barren state, nothingness.

  • You are in a, barren state, if your marriage is unhealthy, and you can’t stand to go home.
  • You are in a, barren state, if you hate your job and can’t stand to go to work.
  • You are in a, barren state, if like the, widow woman, you have no money to pay your bills and the bank is coming to take your home.

What this,  Bible story, is teaching us in this scripture is that even in your, nothingness, you have something. The, widow woman, had 3 drops of oil. Oil, represented, joy.

Shut out your senses to find your joy

The prophet, Elisha, commanded the, widow woman,  “Go within and shut the door” that meant shut the door on your senses that tell you your marriage is dead; shut the door on your senses that tell you that you hate your job. Shut the door on your fear that the creditors will come and take your home.

Instead go within and find your, joy. Find your 3 drops of, oil.

  • What is the, oil, in your marriage? Don't focus on your, nothingness. Is your husband a good father? Is he a good provider? Why do you stay? You stay because of the 3 drops of, oil, that you have.

What are the 3 drops of, oil, you have at your job? Your, nothingness, could be you hate your boss, but do you like helping people and providing good customer service? Is the pay helping you to feed your family?

What are your 3 drops of, oil, about having no money and not having enough to pay your bill? Your 3 drops of, oil, i.e your, joy, could be your children and the, joy, they bring you. The, bible, says

Weeping only lasts for a night but, joy, comes in the morning.

Even if you lose your home God will find you another home. Find the, joy, in your, nothingness.

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What is your barren state or wilderness experience

The prophet, Elisha,  commanded the, widow woman, i.e the woman in the, barren state,

“find vessels and begin to pour your 3 drops of, oil, until all the vessels are full”

When you take your attention away from the problems of life and begin to feel the, joy, of having received the things desired, you will have abundance running over. In this, bible story, the, widow, woman’s desire was to pay her debt, so that the creditors won’t take her son as slaves.  She received enough money to pay her debts and have money left over.

When you feel the joy of your marriage for whatever, oil, you have, you will be generously rewarded – for the world is a magnifying mirror, magnifying whatever you hold in your heart.

I am praying for everyone within the sound of my voice that you will find your 3 drops of, oil, and that your cup runneth over.


Thanks for tuning into 5 mins with coach Myrna go find your, oil, and feel the joy.

Until next time Namaste

Additional Resources

You Don't Need A Team To Win


Is Love the Same in Christianity, Hinduism and Buddhism?

Love,  in, Christianity, is reflected in God's love for us, he sent his only begotten son, Jesus Christ, to die for our sins. The bible, teaches us to Love one another as we love ourselves.
The Bible, “For I am sure that neither death nor life, nor angels nor rulers, nor things present nor things to come, nor powers, nor height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in, Christ Jesus, our Lord.”

Love, in, Christianity 

Jesus Christ, is my teacher and the Son Of God.  Loving yourself is more than providing the necessities of life for oneself. It is more than finding good employment, providing for one' s family, a nice house and some money in the bank. It is deeper than that.
Love, is spirit. It can be felt by strangers. It is a force of good and a power that connects us all. When you, love in Christianity, you take time to know and acquaint yourself with this force.  We are dually physical and non-physical beings, it is the secret to access the quantum universe.
Unfortunately, most of us only concentrate on the physical because that is what we see. We think we, love, ourselves because we take care of our bodies.
  • We exercise (some of us).
  • We eat nutritious foods that nourish our bodies (some of us)
  • and we protect ourselves from the sun and get the recommended amount of sleep (again some of us).

But how often can a stranger feels your, love, because you gave them a welcoming smile? How often do you find a quiet spot and pay attention to your breathing, your source and the center of your spirit? How often do you feel the, love, from a flower or from the stillness of a tree? God shows his love in, the bible, verses about, love, and by the beauty he created in nature. When we show our appreciation for nature we find God in beauty.

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Have you ever felt love from an inanimate object like a painting or a building? I visited the Taj Mahal earlier this month. It is one of the seven wonders of the world because of it's beauty. When you visit the Taj Mahal you feel the love for which it was intended. The building was constructed to immortalize Emperor Shah Jahan's, love, for his wife.  So, love in Christianity, means to appreciate your neighbor, as you appreciate yourself, extend that feeling past the boundaries of your family and trauma and make the world a better place to live.

Love in, Hinduism

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Hinduism, The eternal affection of Radha and Krishna has been the subject of great, religion, and philosophical imagery and is one of the foundational ethos of Hindu dharma.
The, love, of Radha and Krishna is not rooted in physicality. On the contrary it is allegorical. Jesus Christ, says “the mind that constantly remembers me, comes to dissolve and revel in me”.
Radha is the personification of this deeply devoted mind. The pain of Radha's separation from Krishna is the pain of the estranged soul searching for the embrace of the universal spirit. Radha is the individual and Krishna is the essence and objective of life.

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Radha is always the chosen one, but when Radha realizes the pride of having the Supreme Lord all to herself was coloring her mind, he disappears from her heart. Krishna then multiplies himself to be present between every two Gopis. The Gopis are believed to represent thought waves. The presence of Krishna between every two  Gopis, symbolizes that the eternal truth exists everywhere, and it can be perceived by the true seeker even between two thought waves.
Radha represents the purest and most beautiful amongst these divine thoughts and Krishna represents the supreme bliss that can be attained by dedicating one's mind to the divine.
Excerpt from Shyam Banerji “Hindu Gods and Temples”

Love, in, Buddhism

Basic Buddhism  – Buddhism, is both simple and profound. On a daily basis it advocates watching the mind so that all thoughts, actions and words manifest a kind and compassionate attitude towards all others. It is the loving heart that places others above self. Herein lies the ultimate wisdom of existence.
When you understand that the existence of all things, all beings, and all concepts is empty except in relation to other things, beings, and concepts, then you will be close to becoming awakened, crossing into a state of permanent happiness.
When you succeed in eliminating ignorance and replacing it with real wisdom, suffering comes to an end; because in understanding the true nature of existence you are no longer bound by the illusions of Samsara. It is Karma – the law of cause and effect- that gives life it's moral code. The Buddha thus advised doing everything to create good karma, for this has the power to propel you into a rebirth in circumstances that are conducive to practicing Dharma.
Thereby having the chance to attain enlightenment. Practicing Dharma means showing generosity, having a good heart, love, purifying negative karma, and creating good karma. It also means embarking on a spiritual path that leads to enlightenment.

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