Category Archives: financial freedom

How to Build Wealth By Clearing Money Blocks

How to build wealth, by clearing your money blocks.  Money blocks are negative subconscious beliefs about, money, that limit you from achieving your conscious desires. Hilary Hendershott, wealth coach talks today on the Transform Your Mind Radio and Podcast on the topic  “How to build wealth, by remove your, money blocks.” Hilary was once $600,000 in depth and now has a seven figure net worth

Listen to the full interview here:

Hilary – I found myself in my late 20s with multiple credit cards and  tens of  thousands of credit card debt, plus I had a $420,000 in mortgage debt on a condo.  In 2008 that  condo in San Jose California went from $430,000 in appraised value to just $190,000.  I had massive uncollateralized debt, $72,000 in tuition debt and I was the kind of person who would spend money before it came in!  I was a massive over spender.

Back then I had never heard the term, Money Blocks. Today as a coach and operating from my own, money blocks, I understand that I was an over spender because I had, money blocks.  

The definition of, Money Blocks

The definition  money blocks: negative subconscious beliefs about, money, that limit you from achieving your conscious desires. Let's say you're trying to save, money, but, for whatever reason, you can't seem to do it. You spend, money, almost as soon as you get it, and you don't know why.

Hilary – I started gaining clarity on my, money blocks, the  day I pulled my leased BMW into the gas station and I put my credit card into the machine to get gas, and my credit card was declined. I tried another card, it was declined, I put the third card it was also declined. At that point, all my credit cards are maxed out and  no one would give me any more credit cards.

My bank accounts were empty and had already emptied out my 401k. I had spent all this good money chasing after bad  while trying to dig myself out of this hole; because as my income was declining in 2008, and my debt was increasing.  So I literally couldn't even put a tank of gas in my beautiful convertible BMW that day.

How I became an expert on clearing, money blocks

Hilary – I decided to become an expert on, money, psychology. I really made a decision that day and I said “I‘m not willing to live like this anymore”. I understood, how to build wealth, from the beginning. I understood that our, money blocks,  are as much a function of linguistics,  the words that we use to describe, money, than it is about our upbringing.  

So, when I said “there's never enough money” I was speaking it into the atmosphere. That became a self fulfilling  prophesy.  There's never enough money was my, money operating system. I trademarked this term, Money Operating System.  Just like your computer has an operating system, we all have a, money operating system.  That is sort of another way  of saying, money blocks. 

How money blocks are formed

As a child we hear adult say: 
  • money, doesn't grow on trees,
  • you have to work hard for, money
  • money, is the root of all evil
  • Money, is evil and rich people are greedy.
  • I wonder who she had to screw to get that job.
  • You see your parents fight about, money, all the time.

 Whatever it is, everyone will have a different set of, money blocks; because not everyone has the same, money operating system.  

As a financial planner, I learnt, how to build wealth, through real estate investments. I actually had a six figure income; but spent more than I earned. 

How to build wealth to a six figure income

There was one year  I earned $120,000 in income and I spent $150,000.   I attended a talk at a Financial Planner Conference and this woman, who is now a personal friend of mine,  talked about, money blocks, and,  money, psychology.  She used the term over spender”. I had never heard about, money blocks,  before that talk. Being an over-spender is one way to manifest, there is never enough money. 

Another way you can manifest, there's never enough money, is by being an, under earner. There are some of you listening to this podcast; you just can't seem to earn what you know you're worth in the marketplace. You are actually sabotaging yourself

  • You deliberately pick the jobs that are under earning.  
  • You under promote yourself,
  • You don't ask for raises,
  • You get contract gigs and spend six months unemployed.
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Hilary – To make a long story short, I put what I learned into practice I paid off all my debt and then  I got really honest and transparent about where I was financially.

I lived in my mother's guest room for a while to make it happen. I lost that condo and I paid off the debt. I started putting my money where my mouth was in terms of building my business.  I now run a registered investment advisory firm. We are all women, owned and operated.  

My business earns about a million dollars a year. My husband and I just share the numbers; because I want to normalize people talking about, money. My husband and I have a house in Silicon Valley that's worth two million dollars and if you put together all of our other investments, we're definitely what you would call financially independent. We have, financial freedom. 

How to Build Wealth: Have your, money work for you.

How to build wealth, from having no money. Now we have, money, work for us; but it's a skill set that I didn't always have. I have found out that my purpose on this planet is to coach people, especially entrepreneurs. For those people who run businesses, the sky is the limit for them to remove their, money blocks, wherever they may be. 

I figured it out. I sort of put myself in, money, boot camp. I didn't buy a cup of coffee in a coffee shop for two years. When I was in boot camp, I got very conscious about what I was saying about, money.  I now use linguistics as the foundation of my coaching.  Anyone I coach, the first thing we do is remove  I can't afford that.” from our vocabulary. 

Those words are not allowed to come out of your mouth. You either say “Oh great, let me see how I can work that out or  “I‘m going to put that in my spending plan.”

Myrna – That's awesome. Your language about, money,  is very powerful. Let's talk about, money mindset block.   My audience on the radio are mostly African American and  sometimes they are in the poverty space.  Our community  is predisposed  to over spending.  We want the nice things, we want the designer shoes and bags.

I was talking to a guy one day, he was wearing nice running shoes and he said they were Kanye West shoes and cost $400. I couldn't help thinking  what was his, money mindset, to spend $400 on Kanye West running shoes? 

What is a Money Mindset Block

Myrna – What exactly is a, money mindset block, and how does that show itself for somebody that's looking at their spouse and saying maybe they have a, money mindset block?

Hilary – First of all, the idea of the, money operating system, is the lead, money block. For me it was there's never enough money and so all my, money blocks, are going to harmonize with that particular lead, money block. For example, let me just say each individual is different and I don't mean to answer questions for someone who isn't even here;  but let's take the example of the person who spent $400 on Kanye West running shoes and maybe can't pay rent, so there's an imbalance there.

If you ask that person why he spent $400 on running shoes, he might say:

  •  I need to have this to be socially accepted,
  • I need these shoes so that people can think I‘m wealthy,
  • I need to have these shoes,  so that people can think I‘m powerful. 
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Then you would ask the question.

  • Well, do you have those things?
  • What do people think about you?
  • Have you achieved this goal?
  • Is that desire fulfilled for you?

And if you really look, it's probably not because we need another pair of shoes or another designer bag or any other another brand name to become socially acceptable.  It's an infallible hole that you can't fill with designer shoes. Instead, if you can reposition in your mind,  if you're really tired of your, money, going the way that it's going, if you're sort of fed up and a little bit disgusted with the fact that you know you're a smart capable educated, well-intentioned person and money isn't working for you in your life, this is, how to build wealth, you clear your, money mindset block. 

What are your 7 steps to  build wealth?

Myrna – You have 7 steps to, wealth, is that how you coach someone that maybe have an overspending problem or they have a, money mindset block, problem or their, money operating system, is not working properly? 

Step 1- Permission: All effective coaching starts with permission. The first step is to decide you have, money blocks,  to make the decision that you're ready for change.  There's no denying that you're giving up the Kanye West shoes and the brand name bags and other creature comforts. A lot of people who make financial transformation to, build wealth, find that they have to move.

They actually need a lower cost place to live; they need to give up the beautiful leased car so they can pay cash for a car and don't have monthly payments.  You are lowering your standard of living in the beginning and that takes courage. It takes willingness to sacrifice, so after you've made a decision then we catalog your vocabulary about money, this is really important.

Step 2–  Your money vocabulary –  no one ever wants to talk about, money.  You need to talk about money, to find out what your friend is doing; what's working, what's not working. You can provide advice or ask for advice if you want. What do you say to yourself about, money? Maybe some people think in pictures about, money, or maybe it's just an emotion.  You think about spending, money, and you get excited; you think about saving, money,  and you get sad.

I have my participants that I coach,  actually spend a month doing a, money, conversation log. What do you say to your partner about, money? How do you tell your customers about, money? For example, if you're a real estate agent and someone wants to pay you a four percent commission instead of a six percent commission, what do you say? What are the actual words that are coming out of your mouth?

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Building Wealth with Money Map

So, let's get specific about what you say about, money. We've got a, money map, we've actually got kind of your, money blocks, in black and white in front of us.

Now, we can really start the coaching. So, we have sort of highlighted and done the private detective work figuring out, what’s your actual, money blocks.

I‘ll give you an example, someone I coached found this counter intuitively. She felt rich when checks would get mailed to her, so she would put the checks in her desk and not send them to the bank. Isn't that strange? I can't even identify that block, that is like a serious, money, scarcity thing.

Myrna –  Did she not know the checks are only paper unless you get the, money?

Hilary – No. It was completely just something she was blind to, until we did the, money, conversation log and she saw it.

She saw it for what it was and she's like oh my God, this is crazy behavior; but no one's ever asked me about my, money, behavior, so I never thought about it.

Step 3 –  logistics of money I don't teach budgets, I think budgets are overwhelming and too detailed for most people. I think that people spend a lot of time designing a budget and then they never honor it or live by it, because it's too restrictive .

Step 4 – Earn money – You can't categorize every single expenditure you have, you're a busy person with lots of responsibilities.  So instead, I teach a system I call automation. It's sort of like the equivalent of irrigation in your garden little hoses bring, money, to the places where it needs to be.  People love it. 

  • you pay yourself first,
  • you pay your overhead
  • you save for your short-term goalsmaybe your next car 
  • you save for your financial independence first.
  • Then what's left over, You spend from one account and that way when that account gets to zero, you're not at zero, your money goals are already funded.

That's the plan and honestly most people get through the plan because it's very front-loaded. It is a lot of work in the beginning; but once you set it up, just like irrigation, it happens every time you turn the hose on. People pay a lot of, money, to coaches to figure out how to earn money and they can't figure out why their, money, still doesn't work for them and it's because they don't have these steps.

Step 5 – The ASK mindset –  Learning to ask is a  mindsetYou can ask for a million things :

  •  you can ask your credit cards companies for a lower interest rate,
  • you can ask your insurance for a lower premium,
  • you can ask your memberships for a discount.
  • You can ask  for a discount at Star BuckJust go askThe point is not whether you get the discount or not, it's having the mindset to ASK. We do a challenge inside my coaching program called “Get 100 No's  You win the game by getting a hundred no's and my assertion is, It will change your life. You're building strength your, money blocks, are going to be different. For someyou'll find that your, money blocks, are operationally systematized in your business processes.

Step 6 – Clearing the, money blocks.  in your business –  As an entrepreneur you're either under charging for your products or services or you're not spending enough effort getting prospects into your funnel. Whatever it is, there's some part of the process that's broken for youMy training is called “Eight Ways Business Owners can Transform Revenue into Personal Wealth, it is anon-demand training from October 8th to 15th.

So, you definitely want to go grab it.  This training is really for entrepreneurs who are sick and tired of working so hard for the, money, and having not much to show for it.

Step 7 – Protect – Once you clear your, money blocks, you can, build wealth, by protecting what you built.

I just want to show you how to climb out of that trap in this training and the great news is it's totally FREE

I want to encourage you, please subscribe to the Transform Your Mind’ YouTube podcast’s channelDefinitely trying to grow our audience. 

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How to Make Money Using The Law of Attraction

How to make money, using the laws of attraction. As I did all these different, meditations, what happened to me was I was able to release out of my body and mind, all this inner turmoil and figure out, how to make money. I found my creativity, love and the wisdom that we all have within us. It was hugely successful to say the least that I found those, meditations.~Pragito Dove

Listen to the full interview here: 


  • Pragito Dove is an internationally recognized Author, Hypnotherapist, Coach and Speaker with over 20 years’ experience.  Pragito helps entrepreneurs, leaders, and CEO’s align their mindset on, how to make money, allow more peace, time and financial freedom. She shows you how to change your money blueprint, recondition your mind for automatic abundance, and use Spiritual Laws of Attraction to create real world success.

Pragito – It didn't start off so great. I could tell you I had a very challenging childhood. I had a cruel mother and my father didn’t protect me. I just adored my father; but he was not in his power. He didn't stand up for himself and didn't stand up for me, so basically I got trodden all over by my mother. I was actually terrified of her; so what I did to cope was to shut down my heart and live in my head.

I had a lot of fear, I had a lot of anger and pain in my heart. I realized even as a young child that I was just going to have to sort of stick it out so to speak until I got old enough to do something about it.

In my early 20s, I heard about this Zen master called Osho in India. He had a wide range of, meditation techniques, including expressive, meditation. I started doing these, meditations, because I really needed to learn, how to make money, and release all those turbulent emotions that I'd stuffed down.


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There are several Meditation Techniques on How to Make Money

  • There was a laughter, meditation to activate the, law of attraction money
  • A fearless, meditation, for crying and releasing
  • There was a dancing, meditation, for joy
  • A gibberish, meditation, to just get out all the junk
  • Also a dynamic, meditation, great for dumping out anger and
  • A humming, meditation.

As I did all these different, meditations, what happened to me was I was able to release out of my body mind, all this inner turmoil and found inner peace. I found my creativity, love and the wisdom that we all have within us. It was hugely successful to say the least that I found those, meditations.

Myrna – How many years did that take you to release all the hurt?

Pragito – Well, it was a process.

It was just an unbelievable transformation that happened to me. I saw how it was possible for me, so I trained to teach all these, meditations, to others as well.  I realized I could create a business and help others use the, law of attraction money, and that’s become my mission.

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Hypnotherapy vs Meditation

Myrna – What exactly is, hypnotherapy, and how is it different from, meditation?

Pragito – Well, what I do with the, hypnotherapy, is I take people on a guided journey deep into their subconscious mind (because that is where the solutions to the problem lay).

Now, if we take, money, let's say someone is always broke or use his/her credit cards and pay off the credit card; but then goes back in the same cycle. That was me actually. I would pay off the credit card and then it'd be back on the credit cards again. Always getting to the same place like an inner ceiling and not being able to get past that.

What we can do in the, hypnotherapy, session  is go to the root of the problem and find out what is going on with their, law of attraction money, what they  learned about, money as a child.

Myrna – My last interview, we discussed, money blocks. I don't want to do too much into that because I had a whole episode on, money blocks; but would that be considered another, money block, or is there a different word for this particular blueprint like, law of attraction money?

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Using Hypnotherapy to remove Money Blocks

Pragito – The, money block, is what's blocking you from making money. The blueprint is your beliefs and what's guiding you. Like a blueprint for a construction project,   you're told this is the way life is and you believe it because that's what you're told.

I have to tell you something very interesting. I've been doing, hypnotherapy, for over 23 years. It's not about, making money, at all. It's about love. It's about deserving,  a lot of us believe I am not deserving, I am not worthy. Another way, ‘I'm not enough, I don't deserve wealth.

Myrna – I agree, Michelle Obama in her book – “Becoming”,  talked about not being enough  a lot. Even when she was first lady and even when she was a lawyer and successful; because she started off in the poor parts of Chicago,  she felt she wasn't enough and she felt that she didn't deserve it.

As a hypnotherapist, what kind of work do you do to remove that, money block, blueprint and activate the, law of attraction money?

Pragito – Your, money, blueprint is sometimes formed in the womb! The child can learn, how to make money, from their mother. The mother doesn't want it or maybe the father doesn't want it, because it's all energy. We're all transmitting energy all the time and then the child arrives.  So I take my clients into a more relaxed state; but not going out.  They're still present and I ask the wisdom of their body, the wisdom of their heart and their higher self to bring forward for us the, money block.

Pragito – The good thing about, hypnotherapy, is because you're working at the root, when we've healed everything, it never ever comes back.

How to Make Money using The Laws of Attraction 

Myrna – Why is it important for an entrepreneur to understand how the,  Law of Attraction money, works and to invest in themselves? Do they have to start by being in a, hypnotherapy, session for them to understand their, money,  blueprint?

Pragito – Well it's just that the, hypnotherapy, can help to make it all go quicker. That's what the, hypnotherapy, can help with; but the place to start is with the awareness. It's a three-step process.

  1. The first step is “Ask for what you want”. However, you have to be clear, you need clarity on what you want.
  2. Then you have to focus on what you want and activate the, law of attraction money. You have to focus on it and let people know you want it. Get pictures of what you want. One tip I give is, Do not ask for, money, because the universe doesn't really understand what you mean by, money. Do you want a bag of, money, to fall on your head one day? Is that what you want? It’s much more powerful to ask what you want the, money, to buy. For instance,  I want a Lexus car or I want to go on a cruise.
  3. Step 3 is “allowing” This is the most difficult step and it's a step where most people fall down. You have to allow what you want to come to you. This is where the, meditation, is helpful. One of the, meditation techniques I teach with, meditation, is learning to witness the mind. You learn to misidentify from the mind, because the thoughts of the mind actually are not real. They are like shadows, like when you walk down the street on a sunny day and you can see your shadow, that's what thoughts are. They're like shadows, they are not real and they're often not true. The mind says things like “you can never have a Lexus, you’re broke.”
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What you learn to do with the, meditation, work is to observe, witness or watch the mind.  Learning to misidentify from it so that you don't get caught up in believing what the mind is saying and you can just relax and say “thank you mind,” and  just let the thoughts pass-by.

Those are the five magic words for the mind. Let the mind pass-by, just let it pass-by.

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Myrna – That reminded me I used to work with automatic negative thoughts and when I would hear the mind telling me something, I would talk back to it, because it keeps repeating all the time and then you talk back to it – I would say you better stop.

Pragito – Yes that's good, that's right. You better cut that out.

Good Vibes activate the, Law of Attraction Money

If we look at the, Law of Attraction money, on a scale of one to ten, one being our most negative vibes and ten being our most positive vibe,  All the, law of attraction money, does is it matches. It's a one trick pony, that's all. It doesn't care who you are or what you want. If you're some famous Hollywood actor or a rickshaw driver in Calcutta, it doesn't care.

All it does is match your energy. We really need to pay attention to our emotional state which is in the subconscious. With 95% of our thoughts being in the subconscious, if we transmit anger, guess what we get back, anger. If we're transmitting fear, that’s what we get back. So we have to pay attention to our vibes. Our only job is to keep our vibes positive.

There are many ways to do that and one of my favorite ways is the laughter, meditation. Well I do that a lot. That’s good and fantastic, because laughter really helps to keep your high vibes and then you're in your positive energy which is the, law of attraction money, state. At this point, your possibility of attracting, money,  is very high.

Whereas when you're in a negative state, of course it becomes very low. The most important thing is to be aware of your emotional state. We want to be aware of the thoughts of the mind; but that's only about five percent of it. It's the emotional state that is the most powerful and so here's another tip if you really want something and you need, money, to buy.

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How to Ask for the Money you want

Let's say you've got this really dinged up old car to take your kids to school and you need a decent car. So you say to the universe “look I really need a good car and you say it with a lot of emotion and with a lot of energy.  “I really need a really good car”. Your chances of getting what you want go up astronomically when you put emotion behind it.

But if you just say “well I’d like to have a Lexus,  it's on  my list but I don’t care. There's no real emotion behind it, then you're not going to get a Lexus. You might still attract it, but you won't get it as quickly as someone who's very passionate about what they want and puts a lot of feeling into asking for it.

Meditation, for Peace, Prosperity and Passion

Myrna – Let's talk about your book now. Your book is called “Lunchtime Enlightenment: Expressive Meditations for Manifesting Peace, Prosperity and Passion.” Now, tell us about your book. Is it working under the same foundations that we're talking about? We started with, meditation, and, hypnotherapy, then talked about the, law of attraction money, and prosperity.

Pragito – The, meditations, are for manifesting peace, prosperity and passion. Meditation, is being in the present moment and, meditation techniques, are important. The, meditation techniques, are there to help us and remind us to be in the present moment. Why do we want to be in the present moment? Because first of all we're aware of our feeling state, the feelings are always in the present moment and when we have that present moment awareness, we have the power of choice.

We can choose.  If we find our vibes are down, then we could say, I need to watch a funny video or comedy’.  ‘I need to get my vibes up right now, etc. That awareness gives you that choice. Let's say for example we feel really angry towards somebody, so it's not a good idea to talk to somebody when you're angry or when you feel angry with them.

In the book, I give suggestions for what you can do when you feel angry. There are two techniques in particular where you can dump your anger out in the sacred context of a, meditation technique, in the first stage.  Then in the second stage, you sit in silence and you find it much easier to sit in silence when you've let the lid off the pressure cooker. So, to speak and get rid of a lot of emotional turmoil, it's very easy to drop down. You will find inner peace in calm, your inner wisdom, love, creativity and all these good things.

Meditation Techniques  to Calm Anger

From that place you can decide what to do about this irritating person that's annoyed you. Do you need to talk to them? If you do need to talk to them, then you talk to them from that place of peace and calm, because that will help them become calm and peaceful; because normally they would be reacting to your energy. Then, the whole thing is just a big mess; but when you take responsibility that you feel angry and that it's not going to help to either dump your anger on somebody else or stuff it down. You do the, meditation technique, you're nice, calm and very likely to come up with a creative way to handle the situation.

That is perfect for marriages because a lot of people in intimate relationships blow up and it doesn't ever go anywhere.

Myrna – Tell our listening audience how they can get a copy of your book. Also, tell them how they can reach you to do any of your, hypnotherapy, sessions coaching and things like that because I'm pretty sure you get results.

Pragito – The book is on Amazon. Actually this book was just released in August and it's already a number one bestseller.

Myrna – Good for you, congratulations.

Pragito – Thank you. To find me, you go to my website you can sign up for my laughing Buddhist Network newsletter and you get two free Gifts.

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Life Mastery: 7 Habits to Create Success

We attain, life mastery, by our daily habits. The habits we need to be cultivating daily has to include something physical, something spiritual, and personal development to build your brain.

In this episode, Sherry Fernandez, NYT Bestselling author talks about, Life mastery, how to develop the habits needed for success.

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Sherry Fernandez is the author of the New York Times, bestselling book ‘Life Mastery: Personal Progression Toward an Infinite Potential’. The book has sold tens of thousands of copies globally and has been featured on several leading media outlets. She has been a student of personal development for 40+ years.  What makes her program unique is that she practiced and refined the life mastery principles taught for decades, before deciding to share them with others.

Sherry helps people who are already living well and looking for ways to reach new heights in their personal growth, personal finances, or personal health, to see what’s possible. She helps her clients improve in their close relationships, careers, spiritual growth or starting new businesses.

Myrna: What are some habits that propel us to, life mastery?

Sherry: When I work with people, it goes beyond the big vision of what we want, for example, like who we want to marry. I knew what I wanted. I never wanted to ever get married and have children, but then I had one and then I decided to keep that child. My parents did not give me my drive. They had nine marriages between them. So, I wanted something different. So I thought if I am going to do this, I'm gonna do the very best marriage possible. I don't think it's gonna be very fun. I thought it was gonna be horrible, but I loved the guy.

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Transform Your Mind Podcast Pandora

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Daily habits to master your marriage

So, I read every book I could find on, marriages. I had a vision of what I wanted my marriage to look like and so I started working on it.  I did the things that was the books said I should do and I even exceeded my vision of what a marriage should be. And we've been married for 45 years and still having the best sex. And so, all these things exceeded my vision. I put the principles to work early on and went to work on, life mastery.  It was a slow growth right but I just kept at it and kept at it until I developed the habits for, life mastery.  I was able to exceed my dreams. And I think that's how it works. You have this big dream or big goal and then you work on it, turns out even better than you thought it was going to be.

When we're moving forward, we're happy and you can prove that in a day. Do something move to move forward a little bit, some little thing and see how it makes you feel.  I've had people come to me and say I didn't have time to work out. And I would say. Commit to me to do something tomorrow. And then Tell me how it went and all they'll do what they always do. They do this yeah, I feel happier. It's one step. It's amazing day just one step forward and People are happier. You don't have to get there because you never get there anyway. It's just taking the steps forward that make you happy. And then they compound.

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Steps to building life mastery

Myrna: What are some of the steps that can get us to, life mastery?

Sherry: What you do every day is what's gonna make you successful your, daily habits. So, when I have a client come in, I don't ask them what they want to work on. We work on their goals but not the very first week.

  • First off, they need something physical,
  • We need to work on something spiritual. If they're religious people, they know that there's something there in their religion they need to be doing or maybe they need to pick up something spiritual. Practice meditation is something spiritual.
  • You need something for your brain. You need to be educating yourself and learning and growing all the time. Preferably something in your field and some things that are outside your field every day.

So those 3 habits will get a lot of people started on, life mastery. There's gonna be some habits that must be forever disrupted the same way. But education must be an ongoing forever habit. Physical Fitness has to be an ongoing, every day, forever habit. spiritual practices must be every day and you can't miss. You can’t say I will pray tomorrow; today’s prayer is for today. Tomorrow’s prayer is for tomorrow.

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Daily habits build life mastery

You must work out every day. You cannot say, I will work out 5 mins today and 60 mins tomorrow to make up for today. I learned this the hard way. I had 6 kids, that means all the ballgames and all the dance lessons and all the laundry and all that stuff. And sometimes I think I'm too busy to do my personal self-care like physical fitness. But I had to do it no exception. If I didn’t spend any time on self-care, I felt less happy at the end of the day.

We're happy when we take care of our health, take care of ourselves and do personal development, then go out in the world and make a difference. If I didn't get the laundry done. I could live with that. I can do that tomorrow. But If I didn’t do my personal development practices, I couldn’t live with that.  And you don't save time by skipping it.

Myrna: Yeah, so you know your, life mastery habits, are  foundational. So, let's touch on, personal finances. You saying that if you want to make lots of money, it's a good driver for, Life Mastery. And I think, what you basically saying is that, goals, are a driver of, personal finances. If you have a goal of doing something then you will achieve it. So how do you teach your clients to want lots of money and then go ahead and make it happen?

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Seven steps to making lots of money

Sherry: There's are seven areas they need to work on to make lots of money:

  1. Spirituality,
  2. Relationships,
  3. fitness,
  4. education,
  5. money,
  6. vocation,
  7. character

And so, money it's only one piece of a piece pie, but it is important. So, they set their own goals. I work with a lot of entrepreneurs. So, we do a lot of entrepreneurial kinds of goals, for example doing more good in the world.

Jim Rohn said make a million dollars for what it can do for others.

Make a lot of money, you are gonna touch a ton of lives, you're gonna get to spread that money around. You can do so much good both with the money and with the resources. Elon Musk went to the moon with his money. He wants to build a transportation system into space.  That is doing good with your money.

Learn, apply, live, learn how to support yourself, then learn how to been able to support some other people like your family. And then when your finances good, and you've learned a whole bunch of stuff. Then you can go find another way. You can choose how you serve.  I can choose how I serve because I have the financial resources to serve any how I want.

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Life mastery habit: track your daily habits

Myrna: Tell us about your, life mastery, classes and how we can get in touch with you.

Sherry: I'm a big believer in simple systems.  So, I believe the simple steps that I teach, the first one is you got to track your, daily habits. You got to just track your daily habits, daily.

Peter Drucker said “What gets measured gets managed”

Your, daily tracker, will track your daily habits and that's how you develop, life mastery habits. So, on my website there is a daily tracking chart you can download for free.  It just lists the, daily habits, you want to do down the left hand column. It's like a calendar the days of the month across the top and you just you write down your activity like, meditation, workout, eat clean, floss my teeth, 20 minutes of devotion etc. These are the, daily habits, you want to track.

You have got to set the parameters. You must say what is the workout? Thinking very clear, what constitutes a workout? Is it 5 mins or 45 mins? Because if you don’t and you work out for 5 mins when you should be working out for 45 mins, workout doesn’t get crossed off the list on your, daily tracker. If your daily step count is 14,000 steps and you do 13,900, it doesn’t count. Then you didn't get it done.

Book: Life Mastery
Book: Life Mastery

Affirmations build life mastery

The, daily tracker, also works for, affirmations. One of my affirmations is that I have I laugh easily and often. So, what that means is so about eight to 10 of those every day on things that don't really matter so they can be they can reinforce another habit. Another affirmation could be, I get up early. You put it on the tracking sheet. I have an affirmation about being aware of my thoughts and working on mindfulness.

I have about five to about 13 affirmations. But I would suggest people you can go ahead and do about 10 affirmations for, life mastery.

Myrna: What’s your website? Also tell us about your Book “Life Mastery, Personal Progression Towards An infinite Potential.”

Sherry: My website is Life Mastery was taken. You can email me any time about anything and I will respond. My email is [email protected].  My mission now because I made enough money so I can get what I want is to make a difference.

Additional Resources

Mind Power: The Amazing Power of Your Mind


How to Create a Freedom Lifestyle with Investment Property

Mike Wolf has made millions from, investment property, and created, freedom lifestyles, for many of his investors. Mike has helped investors in the Atlanta area build wealth and passive income from, investment property, by offering them turnkey services.

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I wanted to spend some time on how to build wealth through the vehicle of, investment property,  As you know I am a Realtor, an Investor, Property Manager and a, Life Coach, so I have a very high-level overview of how to build wealth through home ownership or with, investment property.

So, this month I will be interviewing experts in the field of, real estate investments, investment property, as I help you to get into the space of building wealth.

Wealth is the vehicle that you need for any successful venture in your life, whether it's to give your kids a better life, whether it's to have financial freedom, whether it is to retire wealthy, whatever you need to do, you need money unfortunately to do it with.  So, building wealth through, real estate investments, investment property, is what we're going to be focusing on for the next three remaining episodes in our four-part series.

So what I will be doing is bringing you experts who have made millions through, real estate investments, investment property, and who will share the details and how they did it so you can do it too!  Be sure to subscribe to your iTunes, Google play, Stitcher, iHeart Radio, or TuneIn Radio,  so you're not missing any episodes.

 Mike made his wealth from offering turnkey, investment property, services to in the Atlanta area.  His system allows his investors to sit back and collect, passive income, while living a, freedom lifestyle,

Mike Wolfe has been a real estate investor for over 28 years.  Over the years he's gone from being a workaholic who would put in 15 hour days, seven days a week to someone who works smarter, not harder.  He regularly travels the globe doing humanitarian projects and seeking Sun and sand while living off the, passive income, that he's created through his, investment properties,. Mike's company sells, turn-key real estate, and, investment property,  in and around Atlanta to investors around the globe.  He helps his investors create truly, passive income, where they get all the benefits of owning a real estate, investment property.

Starting your investment property business

I started, investment property, in Calgary Canada. I was only investing in Canada back then at the beginning of my, passive income real estate, career but I had a friend of mine move to Las Vegas and when I went to Vegas to visit him, I got into this addiction.  It's not what most people have when they go to Vegas.  It was not gambling or drinking.  It was actually this addiction to go look at real estate.  I noticed that back in those days the prices of, investment property, kept going up and up.

I had no intention of investing in Las Vegas originally but I ended up doing it and it was kind of at that point I was forced to start building a team, because I couldn't be in two places at the same time.  I couldn't go collect my rent from my, investment property, in Calgary and my rent from my, investment property, in Las Vegas.  So, I reluctantly hired a property manager.

Three phases of investment property business cycle.

At first, I find most entrepreneur's do is we go through three phases if we survive long enough.

  1. The first phase is where we do everything ourselves, usually because we don't think anybody else can do what we do as well, and we don’t have the funds to hire help.  It’s kind of like for an entrepreneur our business is like a birthing a baby and you don't trust just anybody with your baby.
  2. The second page where I had no choice but to get somebody to help me, so I reluctantly hired a property manager; but phase two is what I call the micro manager phase. I needed to about know every little thing that was going on.  So I basically told my property manager to keep me in the loop with every repair, every issue with the tenants. I remember there was one week where my property manager called me twice with the same issue,  it was about a broken fridge.  Two of my properties had a fridge that wasn't working and in either case I tell the property manager.  I don't think the tenants need a new fridge, just fix it.  I realized I gave the exact same answer. Let's see what it cost to fix it and if it's over a certain amount then we'll replace it. I started thinking if I gave him the same answer both times maybe I can systematize this and instead of him having to call me, I can give him the freedom to follow our systems and procedures manual, which is to find out what is the  cost to fix and if it's more than X number dollars let's just replace it.
  3. Phase three was where I hired a team and put the right persons on our team. You trust them and they do a good job for you. I started to realize that I could build  a whole team like that, where I put the right people in the right position, give them a certain system so that they were following  my procedures then it made me feel comfortable to let them do their thing.  I would get my time back and so that was kind of the start of the transition to my, freedom lifestyle,.  That now has led to a typical work day for me these days is literally.  I wake up, I answer some emails and make a few phone calls when Myrna asked me to do a radio interview I do that and then I'm done for the day!

How to become efficient in, investment property, business:

After 28 years in the, investment property, business I still go to seminars.  I still open to seeing how other people run their businesses and how they make their money.  I'm always looking to be more efficient.  I also do a lot of personal development of work on myself.  Back in the early days I thought I was too good for all that;  but  the most successful people I know are all lifelong learners,  or at least they're always trying to strive to be better and get to that next level.

I'm making it sound like it was a very short transition like I just did some deals and I became rich and start traveling the world.  There were a lot of ups and downs along the way.

Let's say that you know someone is listening to this podcast right now and they want to quit their job and go into real estate full-time, because obviously they can make much more money in, investment property,  real estate then they can working for a pay check.

How would someone start an, investment property, Business?

If I  could go back 28 years and talk to myself, the first thing I would ask myself is,  Do I want to have my money work for me, or do I want to work for money?

Take advantage of the benefits of, investing in real estate, to create, passive income,

Investment property, is something you buy once and it generates income forever until you sell it.

You've got to be  ready for that kind of commitment.  You’ve got to treat, investment property, as a career.  You don't dabble in it.  If you dabble in it and try and mix it part-time and with your job, I don't see very many people being successful.

That's the number one thing. Figure out what type of investors you want to be.  You want to be creating, passive income, or you want to get out of your job and make this your career?

Make sure you have a passion for, investment property, don't get into it just because you see those shows on TV that make it look really easy,  flipping this property and that property. These shows make it looks like you can just every day wake up find a property, flip it, make a couple hundred grand and call it a day.  It doesn't work like that.

So number one thing is to figure out what kind of investor you want to be.   Then the second thing that I would do is figure out what  resources you have. Whichever side of that equation you're on. Whether you're the passive investor side or whether you're an active investor. Figure out what your resources are.  How much cash you have available?  How much time do you have?  How much education do you have?

When I first started I got really  lucky on that first deal, otherwise there would have never been a second deal. Then I had some humbling experiences that made me go get educated.  I got a mentor,  somebody to help me.  So I didn't  go winging it.

Joint ventures in, investment Property,

If you were to go do a joint venture with somebody.  You have to decide what are you bringing to the table.  Are you bringing money?  Are you bringing the ability to qualify for the mortgage?  Are you bringing education? Or are you're bringing access to good deals?  Figure out what you're adding and then figure out what you're lacking and then go find joint venture partners.  Find other people that have the pieces that you're lacking.  So if you have a lot of spare time and no money,  there's a lot of people out there with money who can't create more hours.

I want to be enjoying time with my grandson and my daughter doing a lot of volunteer work and humanitarian things.  I don't want to be door knocking, looking for good deals anymore.  So if I find somebody who's got some time, I have got the money.

If you start off on that track asking yourself those two questions, then you're going to have a pretty realistic chance of succeeding and going forward in your, investment property, business.   A lot of people have really big dreams because they go to some seminar where they make it sound really easy, because  they're trying to sell you some high-end expensive, investment property,  coaching program.  They fill your mind with all these things you can achieve and probably only about two percent of people who go to those seminars ever end up not even earning their money back that they spent on the seminars!

People come to me after they've invested a lot of money in their education and their education is pretty much worthless.  So make sure you do your homework and you know what the reputation is of these quote-unquote gurus that are selling stuff.  They are professional marketers.

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Biggest Myths in, real estate investment, investment property,

I think I think a lot of myths are perpetuated by the media.  We see all these shows about flipping this and flipping that.  I feel the biggest myth is that you know,  real estate investment, and, investment property, can create, passive income, but it can also become something that takes up a lot of your time.  You might be trading your eight-hour day job for a 20 hour a day job.  It can be fun it's exciting because you're out there and you're meeting new people but sometimes when you spend so many hours working on your business, you kind of forget about things such as your health, such as your family and other things start to fall apart.

A lot of people get into, real estate investments, investment property, because they think it's going to change their lifestyle to a, freedom lifestyle, and they actually end up with actually sometimes with a worse lifestyle with no freedom, because, investment property, is  something you take home with you every day.  You can't just say oh I'm going to work from 9:00 to 5:00 today on my, real estate investment, business. Because guess what at six o'clock when you're having dinner with your family, a tenant will call about a leak in the bathroom! And you have to take care of it.

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Additional Resources:

Money Mindset: Removing Your Financial Baggage

In this 21 Day, money mindset, Challenge we help people identify all of the, money beliefs, getting in their way and then shift them into different, beliefs, that are supportive of building wealth and abundance and joy with, money. And then beyond that, to building the structures that really lead towards financial success.

Download the podcast here:



A gang of armed men broke into Chana Mason's childhood home in Bogota, Colombia, And held her family hostage. Her family miraculously fled to Miami, but 5-years-old Chana’s sense of safety was decimated. Two decades later, Chana still dealt with PTSD, anxiety, and depression. To heal herself, she dove into a journey to rediscover her peace and joy. She’s learned from the world’s top experts on the human mind and uses her gift for turning complex ideas into easy-to-access tools for transformation.

Through her straight talk, open heart, and addictive joy, Chana helps thousands clarify their vision, shift beliefs getting in their way, and manifest their dreams. Chana lives with her family in the funky Nachlaot neighborhood of Jerusalem and works with individuals and communities around the world.

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Byron Katie's book The Work as the foundation for shifting mindset

I love Byron Katie's book, “The Work” I follow her work so, and I started doing some of those exercises or tools. So, I know what you're talking about in your book “Hold That Thought”. From your bio, you said that because you had, PTSD, so you started to, to train with a top world expert. So can you bridge the gap for us, how your, childhood trauma, turned into you becoming a coach and a teacher and how you used Byron Katie's book, “The Work” as the foundation of one of your tools.

Chana: I was constantly in search of things that would help me stop having, anxiety and depression, and one of the things that I experienced which I kind of thought I was the only person in the world who had this because we have a tendency to be very lonely in our suffering and not talk about it.

I would have the worst, anxiety images, I would picture the most horrific things happening all the time. In my mind, I tend to picture things rather than have words as much. And so, as I walk off a bus, I pictured myself tripping off the bus and getting run over or I trip on the sidewalk and I would imagine my head bashing the sidewalk and blood and guts everywhere.

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Our thoughts are malleable

Those types of images were flooding my mind all the time, in addition because of the kidnap threat when I was a kid, I was constantly being scared of people on the street thinking I was gonna get kidnapped or thinking I was gonna get raped. All of that stuff, didn't respond at all to therapy. So, for years, I tried going to different therapists.  Eventually I started learning about the concept that our thoughts are within our control and, thoughts, are malleable, but I didn't really have clear tools for how to shift those, thoughts, and I kept getting stuck.

Eventually, I found some really phenomenal coaches and healers; but there was something about Byron Katie's material that just really struck a chord.  I was introduced to “The Works” as a process for inquiry. So, The Works, and the option process and other tools for inquiry also.  Their goal is to help you ask questions. When you're facilitating someone else, you ask them questions that help the subconscious to bring up all of the answers and all of the beliefs and all of the rationale that we've been using to drive our behavior.  Sometimes just seeing it on the surface makes us look at it and be like wait, that doesn't make any sense.

You know, so for example, a lot of people think that the best way to lose weight is believing that they should lose weight. My experience is that the belief that I should lose weight makes people want to eat more and exercise less. And so as soon as they see how they react to that belief, they realize, wait, this belief isn't working for me, even though I thought it would help me get to where I want to go.

Eventually, I wanted to help people to this theory clearly a journal work. So just came out with a new book, which I didn't even get to tell you about because it just came out. It’s called “Inner Voices.

Also, in “Hold That Thought” people get a free taste of “Inner Voices” at the end of the book.

Transform Your Mind podcast curiocaster podcast
curiocaster podcast

Using the Works to change your beliefs

Myrna: When I was reading “The Works” I used the inquiry for my, beliefs, regarding my husband. Married people have conflict over certain different things so this was helpful for me. I loved the inquiry, is that true? How do you know that’s true? So, how did you use that book specifically to get rid of your, anxiety images?

Chana: So for me, the purpose of inquiry is to question our thinking. For some people thinking manifests as words. And for other people it manifests as pictures. But what's cool about a picture is that it's not just one belief. Usually a picture, is a container for lots and lots of, beliefs. So, if you're picturing yourself, God forbid, driving off the road, there's a lot of, beliefs, in there.

  • Not safe when I'm driving.
  • The world is not a safe place.
  • I can't trust myself on the road.
  • I can't trust other drivers on the road.
  • I'm going to die.
  • I'm going to die in a painful way.
  • I'm going to die right now.

Asking is it true to shift your mindset

Think about how many things come up. And so, if you can just sit and think about what are the, beliefs, that are embedded in these, anxiety images? I want for your audience to really understand what inquiry is so I can give you a simple example. There was one time that I was in Heathrow Airport, sort of transitioning via London to the United States from Israel. And Heathrow Airport is huge, it's like a mall, and there's a point when you walk through it, it's like walking through the perfume section of a mall. And I saw this huge poster image advertisement of a scantily clad model standing next to a bottle of perfume.

The only thing at the bottom of what brands it was the brand of the perfume, but there were no words on this marketing. This was a big poster. And yet when I looked at it, I noticed that my stomach started to turn. So, for me, the thing that drives me to question my thinking is my emotional state. And my emotional state is a combination of just straight up emotions like anger or sadness, and physiological experiences because we feel emotions inside of our bodies. So, for me, my stomach started to turn and I started to feel a little bit sad and worthless. And so immediately I knew there's something happening in me from this poster. This poster was telling a story, and that story wasn’t feeling good.

I immediately knew to ask myself the question, Is this true? And as soon as I answered this is not true, my stomach was no longer in knots. I was able to shift my, mindset.

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Transform Your Mind

Shifting your limiting beliefs

Myrna: So how do you help clients shift their, limiting beliefs,  and manifest their dreams?  We know that we can use the tools that we've been talking about to question how we're feeling, question our, belief system, and so on, but how could we use it for you to shift your, limiting beliefs, and manifest your dreams?

Chana: One of the things I do as a coach is I help people clarify a vision for what it is they want to do with their lives. You know, they may want to build a business, want to increase their sales in real estate.  I have a number of realtors that I work with. They may want to lose weight, it really just depends.

Everybody's a little bit different. But particularly for my business clients, actually, it's true even for somebody wanting to lose weight. What tends to happen is that they have a vision. There's something they want, they know it's a clear manifestation of their life's purpose, and would give them a tremendous amount of meaning.

Yet, they can't seem to get themselves to do it. They keep bumping into all sorts of obstacles along the way. And for that, I created a tool I called the, obstacle course. So, this is where I tend to use the tools of inquiry that I've gotten from others and create tools that help people. Let's say that you want to be 20 pounds lighter. So, I have a client who's in that situation right now. She wants to be 20 pounds lighter.

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RadioPublic Transform your mind

Using the obstacle course to change mindset

Myrna: Well, in your book I thought it was interesting this guy, I think he was a Potter or something and he was saying that he could never be successful as a Potter and you used the, obstacle course, to help him shift his, mindset, and remove his, financial baggage.

Chana: So that's a perfect sample. He had this vision of living out in the country and not living in the city and being professionally a Potter and actually making a living as a Potter.  Being able to sustain a family that way. But it seemed so pie in the sky and impossible in his eyes. So, I asked him to do this, obstacle course. What are all the reasons why it's impossible? And for most of us who are visual, it really helps to actually see these, obstacles and remove our, financial baggage.

Everyone comes up with different things, I asked them to envision this dream they have as being someone in the distance in front of them like let's say it's right here. Then I asked them between here and the vision they have, what do they see? And one client said they see shards of glass and other person says they see clouds and other person says the image itself is a black and white, they don't see any color, all sorts of things like that, right?

So, for this guy, the obstacles between himself and the vision is the opportunity to speak. I said, okay, what are the shards of glass or what are the clouds have to say? And he said, It's impossible. I can't do it. I couldn't possibly make enough money to support a family, you know, all these different, beliefs. And he listed about 13 obstacles along with their, financial baggage.  Then we have to do the inquiry and ask him “Is this true” and then get him to do a, turnaround to shift his, mindset, and unload his, financial baggage.

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Listen Notes Transform Your Mind

Using turnarounds to shift your mindset

It's a lot. What's really cool is that for most of us the, beliefs, that are driving our lives and driving our behavior, are resting in the, subconscious mind. We're just not aware that they're there. And all we have to do is ask a question, like, what are those, obstacles, have to say or what am I believing right now? This making me feel this way? And it's just amazing. Our, subconscious mind, loves to follow orders. If we ask good questions, we get good answers.

So, if I ask, what am I believing right now the, subconscious mind, is like oh, you want to know your, beliefs. Here they are. They were all sitting under this consciousness, so we talked about money, for example, for most people, what keeps them from manifesting wealth and abundance? They have all of these, money beliefs, and for almost all of us our, money beliefs, are very deeply hidden in the, subconscious mind.

For two reasons. One is we got our, money beliefs, early from our family when we were kids. And the other is, money, is taboo. So, we have, money beliefs, but we don't know what they are. It's like for people for whom your body is taboo.

If God forbid, they ever get abused, well, if you don't know you have a penis. How do you tell someone that it got touched? So, in the same way, if you're not allowed to talk about, money, and, money, is this taboo thing? When things aren't going well with, money, you don't even have the language to talk about debt or stress or credit cards or building wealth or investments.

If you don't even have the language, you don't have the vocabulary for that. So, for this guy, once he was able to identify thoughts, then we could use all of the tools from inquiry from the auction process to, neuro linguistic programming, to The Works, to be able to address what he was doing.

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Your money mindset and your parents

Myrna: He must have thought that the only way that you can be successful is if maybe you're an accountant or professional or maybe his parents told him that a Potter is not a real job.  I know about the, money mindset, because we grew up poor. You have a, money mindset, when you hear your parents or grandparents, say things like “money don't grow on trees” or, “money is the root of all evil.”

So, you've got it on both ends. So that's basically your, belief system. That is a great segue into what we want to talk about today, removing your financial baggage. Tell us about your 21 day, money mindset, challenge.

Chana: Yeah, I actually really want to focus on this thing of money doesn't grow on trees, because we have this 21 Day Challenge that helps people identify all of the, money beliefs, getting in their way and then shift them into different, beliefs, that are supportive of building wealth and abundance and joy with, money. And then beyond that, to building the structures that really lead towards financial success.

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The money mindset 21 day challenge

And one of the things that my husband and I decided to do in the, money mindset,  challenge is that every single day, every single lesson has a story because we find that stories how we learn and particularly with, beliefs, stories are how we created our, beliefs. You know, your five-year-old Myrna is looking around and she's seeing how people are behaving right. She's living a story, and then she comes up with a whole collection of conclusions about what's true about the world. And some of those conclusions literally came out of people's mouths, but not always.

For example, two people could get divorced and a kid says, oh, my daddy doesn't love me. That's why he left. Even though Daddy never said that. There's no indication of that. Right? And it's probably the opposite of why it's true. Because Daddy loved the kid, he stayed longer than maybe he would have otherwise. There's just such a different collection of stories that kids can create. So, one of the stories that I use repeatedly with students to help them shift is to actually see that money does quite specifically grow on trees.

Myrna: I think ask you those questions. Is that true? What are the other questions? Do you go through in “The Works? Is that how you do them to shift their, mindset?

Chana: So, so there are a few questions that I ask. So, let's say you're believing.  I'm not talented enough to start my own business. Okay, so you and I deal with people who believe that all the time I'm not trying to start my own business. So, one stream of questions could be doing “The Work of Byron Katie”,

  • Is it true?
  • Can you absolutely know that it's true?
  • How do you react when you believe that thought? You see what that thought does to you emotionally, physiologically, behaviorally, you notice that if I believe I'm not talented enough to start my own business, my body shrinks. I get really tight.

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Transform Your Mind Podnews

Your beliefs determine your success

Personally, for me I want to crawl under the covers and hide. I'm much less social and under those circumstances, I literally can't start my own business. I can't do anything even remotely creative or audacious, well, unbelieving, that thought. So, the thought actually creates that reality. And isn't that convenient, right? One of the things that I can ask myself was also, is how do I benefit from believing that thought?

One benefit I get is that I can sit on the couch and drink beer and watch movies.  It's like, because I'm not talented enough, which is beyond my control, right? It's not like oh, I'm going to work on my talent.

So, me as an author, my husband is also an author. We read books about writing books, and we take courses from authors and these work on our craft. We didn't used to be talented enough to write great books, but we are now working really hard, and hopefully it will be a lot better a decade from now. But to say I'm not talented enough to start my own business is sort of saying like, it's like a flatline and it means I don't even have to try. It's much more convenient to sit on the couch and eat ice cream.

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Transform Your Mind Amazon

Using Turnarounds to shift your money mindset

The key part of Byron Katie's process is doing what she calls, turnarounds, where you take the original statement, and you say it's opposite. So, you say “I am talented enough to start my own business.”  I'm talented enough to learn. I'm talented enough to ask questions. I'm talented enough to seek mentors. I'm talented enough at the one thing I know how to do, and I could outsource other pieces that I don't know how to do, where I'm not particularly talented.

So those would be me giving reasons why this new perspective is true. And every time I give a reason why the new perspective is true. I'm literally rewiring my brain into a different perspective and detaching from the old perspective. And the more I do that, the more I train my mind to question everything.  And so, there's something really powerful about questioning absolutely every single thing you see.  So, so in our, money mindset, challenge, we teach a number of different tools to help people shift their, beliefs.

One of the tools we teach is “The Works.” We teach a bunch of other tools. Another one of them is simply choosing to disentangle two concepts that you've glued together. For example, often when we're working with someone in financial coaching I will ask, please complete the following sentence. Rich people are ……… And often people will say things like greedy, selfish, slimy, evil, you know, out to get us, etc.

Myrna: Yes, they hear their parents saying those things.

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Podfriend Transform Your Mind Podcast

Shifting your mindset on your beliefs

Chana: Right, they have all of these different, beliefs. And what's really cool is you have a few options of what you can do with let's say, rich people are evil. Okay. You can ask yourself, are there times that you've met rich people who are good or generous?

Then list examples of wealthy people you know, who are particularly generous, and every single time all of a sudden the person is like, oh, yeah, you know, there's this guy in my community, and he's always taking care of everyone. And whenever anybody is in need, they can just go to him and he'll get some cash very quietly, secretly under the table.

And oh, yeah. And you know, my church wouldn't stand if it wasn't for these two women who are really rocking entrepreneurs, and they just they support the entire church and they do it so quietly, and oh, yeah, you know that big philanthropist, he's just giving money away all the time.

If they say poor people are good, so you can ask them have you ever met a poor person who's evil and you're like, oh, yeah, you know, there's this guy and it's like, okay, well, let's look at the vast majority of people who get arrested for theft, are they are rich people are people?  The only thing you know for sure is that they're rich. And they are people, right?

Myrna; Right, Rich people are rich, no extra labels!

Why do you believe what you do?

Chana: Another really cool thing that comes from the auction process is a question I really like. It's why do you believe that?

Myrna: I'm sure a lot of people that can't answer that.

Chana: It's shocking how much the, subconscious mind, will give you an answer to these questions.  We teach you other tools on how to take those thoughts and turn them into thoughts that support you. And then and then in the third week, we teach you financial principles and, and understandings of how, money, works so that you can really start moving more towards a positive supportive, money mindset.

Myrna: How can listeners connected with you and learn more about your 21 day challenge and, plus get a copy of your book?

Chana: My personal website is you can access my books @ Most of the books, are available as free downloads. I wrote a book together with my husband called “The Cash Machine.” It's all about how to develop financial independence, but it's a novel. It's a love story. It's like a really fun page turner. And we have another book about how to manifest your dreams called “The Size of Your Dreams,” which is also a novel, but also, personal growth, tools. And “Hold That Thought” that you mentioned and “In Our Voices,” are my 2 newest books. So people can go to that page and access any of those books and our, money challenge, they can access on My Courses page on my website, or they can go to

Additional Resources

How to Create Positive Core Beliefs

How to Use the Law of Attraction for Couples

How can the, Law of Attraction for couples, help you to thrive at home and at work? NYT best selling author Christy Whitman talks about thriving in your relationships this week  on the Transform your Mind with Coach Myrna” podcast.

Christy is the author of “Quantum Success 7 essential laws, for a thriving joyful and prosperous relationship with your work and money”

Life coach Myrna Young interviews Christy on her, personal development, life coaching podcast.  I am speaking  to 2 Times New York Bestselling author Ms Christy Whitman. Christy is also the author of “The Art of having It All”, Perfect Pictures, and Taming your Alpha Bitch and she has a new book that's coming out in September that's called, “Quantum Success, 7 essential laws, for a thriving joyful and prosperous relationship with your work and money”

Law of Attraction Thriving Introduction

I am so excited to be talking again to Christy. This is our second in a series of 3. Our topic today is coming directly from Christie's new book.

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Christie Whitman is a Transformational Leader, Celebrity coach, New York Times bestselling author twice, one for “The Art of Having it All” and the second for “Taming your Alpha Bitch” I love that title! Christy has appeared on The Today Show, the Morning Show, and her works have been featured in People's magazine, Seventeen, Women's Day, Hollywood Life, and Teen Vogue among others.

Christie is the CEO and founder of the Quantum Success Learning Academy and Quantum Success Coaching Academy a 12-month, Law of Attraction, coaching certificate program. Christie has helped thousands of people through her empowerment seminars, speeches and coaching sessions, and products.

Christi's life-changing message reached over 200,000 people a month, and her work has been promoted by and featured with esteem authors and luminaries such as Marianne Williamson, Dr. Dwayne Dwyer, Marci Shimoff, Brian Tracy, Neil Donald Walsh, Abram Hicks, and Louise Hay. She currently lives in Arizona with her husband Frederic and there are two boys Alexander and Maxim.

Christy's Journey as a Law of Attraction for Couples Coach

Myrna – That’s was a very impressive Bio. I loved reading it. As a, life coaching podcast, I am always interested in my listeners learning life skills from my guests stories. You've done a lot, you're quite accomplished. Can you give us a little bit of your backstory? Tell us your journey to becoming a successful, Law of Attraction for couples, leader and, quantum success, coach .

Christy – Sure, I always had the drive to be successful, and worked with the, law of attraction, back in day about 20 years ago, before I found the other universal laws, I did what it took to take action. I had perseverance. I went after the things that I wanted. I was able to focus, using the, law of attraction for couples, but whenever I got there, I never felt satisfied.

Using the Law of Attraction for Couples to Bring you Happiness

I never felt happy, never felt like it was enough. So no matter what I accomplished, it just didn't good. When I actually accomplished something great, it actually would feel the opposite. I remember almost feeling let down, like okay well I was supposed to have this epiphany. I was supposed to have this, amazing feeling. I would never find that feeling of satisfaction.

When I learned more about, the law of attraction for couples, about 21 years ago, I really learned about how your thoughts create your reality. I had already been successful and I had a great career going. I was making money and yet, just wasn't satisfied. I just felt like all the things that I was told would make me happy it wasn't working and I was starting to think like what's wrong with me.

I thought if I had money, if I had the career, if I had a boyfriend, if I had this great body, look a certain way, then I would be happy, and none of the outer things were doing it for me. It was when I found a sense of myself, through meditation on the, law of attraction for couples, and through really returning to myself, stopped focusing outward on everything and everyone outside of me, a healthy selfish me.

I found I was coming back to myself. I started paying attention to the thoughts that I was thinking, that was activating, the law of attraction for couples, and how I was feeling and what I really came to understand, what my body of work really has been now, is that I have to be very mindful of that no matter what situation we're in, we can always find peace.

How to Have it All using the, Law of Attraction

How the Law of Polarity interacts with the Law of Attraction

The law of Polarity, there's a lot of things to appreciate and be grateful for. That's what my bodywork has been. My whole training for last 21 years has been really sensing within myself where I am. Thinking thoughts of lack and limitation, where I comparing myself to other people. I look at other people and go oh my GOD, there's so much more successful than me and then start feeling bad about myself and feeling like what I've accomplished is not enough.

Or do I compare myself to what other people are making? Or what impacts are my thought having? Those are times to check myself, look for what's right and good about my life and about my family and everything in my life versus what's wrong and bad.

These are a different training and a different mindset to come from a perspective of abundance instead of lack and limitation, and that's really where my internal work has been. Each time I shift up belief, a thought, a perspective from lack and limitation to one of abundance, my life just expands and explodes.

So those are the principles that I write about in my new book, Quantum Success, is that we're all searching for some type of success, and the accolades. You know what society says is this is accomplished, then you'll feel successful and a lot of people get there, and they feel empty, they feel like that it doesn't have much meaning in their lives or they're not feeling satisfied or fulfilled.

The truth is that as long as we're chasing things outside of ourselves we're always projecting our happiness or our fulfillment outside of ourselves. Fulfillment is never outside of ourselves, it's within ourselves and it's in the present moment. where all of our power exists.

How does The Law of Attraction for Couples Help in Relationships

Myrna – My first question is How does understanding your belief system help women and men who are functioning at high levels in their career or own their own business, but they're still struggling to find contentment or happiness? How does understanding the, law of attraction for couples, help? How does understanding, quantum success, principles help in relationships?

Christy – Our beliefs are one of the ways that we create. I mean when you think about it, when we have a belief and there is such a conviction that this is so, that this is the way it is, we will create that's what we are expecting to receive. It's what we are expecting life to give us. We can't create outside of our beliefs. If we believe that something good is going to happen, we then create something good.

There's an underlying belief that what we are creating we the deserve. We're not deserving or whatever it is; but we are always creating attracting things from the beliefs that we hold and here's the good news. If we look at our lives and we're not satisfied, we need to shift what we're not satisfied about. Look at what the contrast is in our life, what we don't want and allow that to be the springboard for what we do want.

I always ask myself when I'm finding a situation or circumstance happening in my life, I always ask myself what would I have to believe in order to create this? How does understanding the, law of attraction, facilitate my knowledge?

How Journaling helps Relationships

It's an empowering question. I recommend even journaling about it because a lot of times if you sit there and if you haven't done this practice before, you will not come up with an answer. I would take 10 mins with paper and I would journal. In order to create this situation what would I have to believe? What would I have to think? What would I have to be feeling in order to attract this?

You become more self-aware. I mean it's really the process of self-awareness and when we can slow down enough to pay attention to ourselves, that is the richest thing that we can do. Not only are we connecting with ourselves, which most of us don't do these days we're so busy with so much going on our lives, we need to take the time to slow down and connect with our own self, to know ourselves, to know what you believe about this and that. Beliefs are not either right or wrong. This is a, life coaching podcast, so I will answer with life coaching tips.

I love when you said that most people are not conscious. As a Guyanese, I want this to also be a, Guyana podcast, Most people including Guyanese people, do not understand the, law of attraction, You use the word self-awareness which is another term for consciousness. I've spent a lot of time with that word in meditation and being aware. I live in higher consciousness, personal development, yet at my level right now, I will not be able to look at a situation and figure out how I created it.

I'm not there yet, but I'm in the less than 1% of the world that actually are working on self-awareness, consciousness and, personal development, As a, life coaching podcast, I teach my clients basically that whatever they want, they can create. It starts with their thoughts and starts with their belief system. You and I are both, personal development, coaches and one of the first things I do in my coaching sessions, the first couple of weeks is basically we talk about beliefs and we look back at past behaviors. You can actually figure out what you believe from how you have navigated situations in your past.

The Law of Attraction for Couples and the Universal Laws

What exactly is the, Law of Attraction, and why is it important to know the universal laws and, quantum success? The, Law of Attraction for couples, for me when I learned about it completely changed my life and the reason that they completely changed my life or that my life completely changed is because they're for me like knowing the rules of the game or knowing the recipe to a really good cake or you know the plans to build a house.

I always say how successful would you be if you were going to go play baseball and you never saw the game before? You never knew how it was played? You don't know what the rules are. Someone hands you a bat and says okay hit the ball. You can’t play the game if you don’t understand the rules of the game. What to do when you hit the ball? How can you get thrown out etc.

Life is similar, you have to learn the rules of the game, you have to learn the playbook. The first step is about learning these, essential universal laws and the, law of attraction, and applying them so that you become the deliberate creator of your life instead of being a victim of circumstances. There's always going to be some kind of circumstance or situation or event or person that shapes our experiences.

It's what we do with those experiences the perspectives that we hold, that will determine what we continue to attract in our lives. So the more you learn about these, essential laws of the universe and, the law of attraction. Knowing these universal laws is knowing the rules of the game.

The Seven Universal Laws

I try to make myself a million dollars by working with the, law of attraction, and the seven essential universal laws. We live in a vibratory universe, our universe is all about vibration. Modern science and quantum physics have now proven that everything from a human being to a rock is full of energy. Everything is energy, our thoughts our feelings, what we say, what we do, everything is coming out of us like an energy tower and we as an individual person are sending out energy signals all day every day.

The, Law of Attraction, is just matching those signals that we send out, and giving us more of the same. Now it's not a tit-for-tat kind of thing, it's not like oh I told someone they were a jerk and now someone's going to call me on a jerk. It's not like that literal, but if you're sending out negative vibes you could be in traffic and someone could cut you off and you're experiencing road rage, that negativity for example that wave of negativity will then cast out a returning wave of negativity to you.

So we have to be mindful about the energy that we are sending out. The thoughts that we think, the language we use. We don't feel good when we're sending bad vibes out, so using feelings helps makes for better choices.

For example, language like I choose not to put up with this marriage anymore. I choose not to be treated like that anymore. I choose not to waste my money or spend my money on this right now. Those are more empowering ways and languages that we can use that actually do make a difference in what we attract. The, Law of Attraction for couples, is really a mirror reflection. I like to think of it as a boomerang, it's like what you're sending out it's coming back to you.

The most important law from the seven essential laws of the universe, I believe is the, Law of Sufficiency and Abundance. This law states that everything in the universe is abundant. Most of us are experiencing abundance of lack or pain or suffering, but the universe is always going to give us an abundance.

If you look at nature and look at trees you can't say we can't possibly count the amount of leaves that are on a tree or how many waves crash up again against the shore in the ocean, or count the raindrops that are coming down from the sky. The universe has always functioned in abundance, and to get what you want from the law is called sufficiency and abundance, it's being in a satisfied place.

It's coming from sufficiency. You get there by appreciating and looking for the good. In your life right now, in any situation, I don't care what it is you can find the good things about it. The law of Polarity says that every subject is really two subjects, it's the halving of it, or the not having of it. It's the lack of it or the abundance of it, and when we can deliberately choose how we want to focus, what we want to believe, what we want to appreciate, or not.

How Gratitude engages the Law of Attraction for Couples

Were the ones in charge of which area, what side of the spectrum, we want to be on any given subject, but the doorway into abundance is sufficiency. You start by practicing gratitude. I first started doing gratitude meditation, I would literally walk around and think of a hundred things a day, listing all of the things that I was grateful for and that would raise my vibration, it would make me feel so good and things started, almost like magic, would start being attracted into my life.

Another thing you can do is think about one thing you're grateful for and think of 20 things or reasons why and it's not lip service, it's not like I'm grateful for my husband and I'm grateful my kids, there's no energy behind that, there's no pain, you have to feel the emotion. Doesn't work unless you feel. That's why affirmations work for some people, and they don't work for other people because people are like I'm abundant, but there's no energy.

The other Universal Laws

These are seven essential laws of The Universe:
• The Law of Attraction,
• The Law of Allowing,
• The Law of Pure Potentiality ,
The law of Oneness,
• The Law of Balance and Harmony,
• The Law of Sufficiency and Abundance,

These universal laws, when you apply them and learn how to work with them, they will absolutely change your life.

The Universe sends human beings countless signs and symbols over the course of their lives, and if you are able to comprehend them, you’ll be able to sense when you’re on your destined path in life—and when you’re not. Please read the list below to make sure you haven’t missed any vital info, and to ensure that you’re on the right journey.

Here are 13 signs The, Law of Attraction, is working for you
I love the Law of Sufficiency and Abundance. Deepak Chopra used to say we are just like a wave in the ocean, that the universe is abundant. We're not going to run out of water, we’re not going to run out of grass, sunlight. I've used this Law, let's say that you want a promotion and your friend gets it.

You're jealous and you're envious, that is a blockage because it means that you believe that is universe does not have enough for the both of you. if you say I'm happy for my friend, because this world is abundant and she's not taking my job, there's more available for me, and you're happy and you celebrate that person's success, what that’s saying is that you believe that the world is abundant.

You believe that whatever God can do for her, he is going to do for you, and that's where a lot of people don't get it. They're always envious and they're always catty and they're jealous and they can't celebrate your success. Abraham talks about this. She talks about contrast, she says go out there and look for contrast, look for things that you don't have and say that's what I want and be happy for that person. But most people don't live there. The do not understand the, the essential laws of attraction.

We’ve been talking about the, law of attraction, the playbook, personal development, quantum success, and making this a Guyana podcast, for my people.

Be aware of fear and desire. Awareness helps balance them ~ Deepak Chopra

To get a FREE copy of Christy’s book, Head over to iTunes snd leave a review for the Transform Your Mind with coach Myrna podcast, then head over to and Kristy will send you her new book when it comes out in September for free. All you do is pay for shipping. Kristy will be back for one more episode.

Our topic will be “How to reverse the negative momentum in your career.” So remember to subscribe and you will not miss any new episodes. If you are from Guyana, I hope you enjoyed this, Law of Attraction podcast, leave me a shout out in the comments.

Additional Resources

How to Build Multiple Passive Income Streams

Looking for, passive income streams, for retirement? Jack Gibson, President of High Return Real Estate, shares how to use real estate to build passive income.

Today’s episode in the 3rd in our series on building wealth with Real Estate investments.  My intention is to sow seeds into your subconscious that 2019 is the year to build your net worth. The power of intention is an invisible force of energy in the Universe. It is activated when we become inspired and will propel us towards our goals.

Looking for a Passive Income Coach? Check out my one hour coaching special on Shopify  

  • Guest Biography

Jack Gibson began his entrepreneurial journey at 19, and founded his first company at the ripe old age of 21. Operating a successful nutrition consulting and distribution company.  He had built a multi-million dollar venture before he was old enough to rent a car. Soon thereafter, he bought his first home as an investment. One home quickly became five, and then the bug hit. He became obsessed with learning everything about Real Estate Investing and soon had over 50 investment properties generating Massive amounts of passive income. Today, Jack spends his time mentoring other entrepreneurs, building his real estate investment portfolio, and helping other investors to build a brighter future through the power of turnkey real estate income.


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Show Notes

My very first business that I started at age 19 was  a multi-level marketing nutrition distribution business.  The whole goal of that business was to build up a sales team and create ongoing, passive streams of income, so  I got that concept right away. I built that business up over the years and we currently have annual revenues over ten million dollars.  The last couple years it's been a little bit more part-time or quite a bit more part-time as I pursued building my real estate company.

But I mean I still love it, I still love the people and I love the, passive streams of income,.  Two years into my network marketing company,  I read the book Rich Dad Poor Dad, that was the book that really transformed my mind to start thinking about utilizing real estate as a way to deploy the cash that I was making in my primary business and add additional, passive streams of income,.  I was still investing in stocks until about 4 years ago.  I was in stocks for most of the last 14 years, so about four years ago two events happened that were critical and really pushed me over into investing into real estate as another, passive streams of income,

There were two negative events,  but you know most negative events if we look back we can find the good in them.  One of them was I had some insider information, not anything illegal by any stretch,  I mean I knew that our company had a good earnings quarter.  I mean it wasn't that hard to figure out based on what I heard from all my colleagues, so that's kind of my insider information.

I bought into the stock about a week before the earnings report was to be released expecting things to be great.  Well the earnings report was phenomenal and typically, not always but typically stocks go up when the earnings report is great.  Well this  billionaire Hedge Fund investor was very well known as  an activist in terms of shorting stocks.  He gets on our company earnings call,  he asked  three or four pointed questions and then it appeared that he was shorting the stock;  the stock drops 30% overnight.

TuneIn Radio

Stocks as a, passive streams of income,

I realized then that I didn't have control over stocks. Not even a sure thing is guaranteed. I want to be in the driver's seat and put myself in a great position where I have as much control over the outcome as possible.  I took that as my sign that this is my time to learn a new asset class and another, passive streams of income, it was the final push.  I told myself, I'm going to draw the line in the sand.  So I studied real estate and listened to podcasts for a hundred straight days.

Jack you know that someone listening is going to pay devil's advocate and say the same thing happens in real estate.  What's your come back on that?

iHeart Radio

So here's what we have to consider when looking at real estate as another, passive streams of income,  we look at the past.  I mean could go back 100 even you know 200 years or whatever, the variance between real estate and the stock market is almost four times different.  If you look at historical data,  the swing in the stock market is around a variance of 16 or so from year to year.  Real estate has a variance of four.  That means from year to year on average that the swing in the market is going to be four percent, so you're not quite so volatile in real estate.

The other part in this, passive streams of income, scenario  is it that you're  investing in the real estate as  Robert T. Kiyosaki says, for the cash flow that it produces.  Not necessarily for it to go up in value.  You really don’t care if it appreciates or depreciates. As an investor and you're renting it out and you will always be able to rent it out for more than the mortgage payment.


At the same time  property values  will go up eventually, even if it dips for a little in the short term.  I was listening to the Automatic Millionaire Homeowner and the author was interviewing homeowners who lived in their homes for about 2 years and then sold and moved to bigger homes, and became millionaires because homes always go up in value.

We've discussed  real estate, we've talked about the stock market and we've also talked about multi-level marketing.  I understand why that's been your foundation for, passive streams of income, because you've been you've been taught well.  You stayed in the business  for 20 years so you must be really doing well, because everybody that joins the business under you feeds you, passive streams of income,.

Multi-Level Marketing a Tool for generating, passive streams of Income,

Yea, it is phenomenal. If I could describe the business to people without saying what it was they'd be like wow that sounds too good to be true. I have a multi-million dollar business that I work right here from my home office.  That I help people with their health and nutrition. I have no employees, I have no accounts receivable.  I have no inventory, I have no monthly overhead whatsoever.  I have a free cash flowing business that produces ten to twelve million dollars in sales revenue per year.  That's not obviously my income; but a percentage of that.

Skilled , passive streams of income: Writing a book, Music, software

That’s why, passive streams of income,  is so important.  On my website,  I talk about a some other forms of, passive streams of income,  like writing a book, or writing music.  Mariah Carey wrote the song “All I want for Christmas”  in 15 minutes. She's generated sixty million dollars in royalties off of that 15 minute work.  So her, passive streams of income, is phenomenal.

Explain what we mean by, passive streams of income,  which ones would you recommend it to a seasoned investor or someone just starting out?

Passive income is created from work you have done in the past, that is paying you today.

You have one or two scenarios.  You either have money at work or capital at work and you're drawing royalties. There's multiple ways to go about creating, passive streams of income,  it boils down to either unskilled or skilled forms of passive income. It’s like what you talked about in terms of creating music and selling music, or writing a book, or creating a piece of software that you then are able to license out and sell.  Those are very technical skills, very skilled types of, passive streams of income,.

Creating, passive streams of income, from a business  I won't say is unskilled in terms of work. It does it takes skills to put the right management team in place.  There's a way you can have any type of business that you set up  to become a, passive income stream, if you're not involved directly in day-to-day operations, then it's a, passive income stream, business.

To listen to the full interview, download on iTunes and please subscribe and leave a review.

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Check out Jack on the web  All of our properties are listed on the website. Nicole is the Head of Investor Relations and she will be happy to answer any questions.

On the nutrition side,  we have a brand new system, it's a nine week online body transformation Course that we're planning on scaling so that over 10,000 people can participate. Check out Jack's Body Transformation podcast 

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Additional Resources:

Top 20 Areas In Miami For Increasing Property Values

25 Best Passive Income Ideas to Make Money in 2019

How to Become Debt Free By Shifting Your Money Mindset

Toyin Crandell, author of the Money Mindset Shift and host of the Millionaire Money Podcast, talks about helping her clients ditch their limiting beliefs about, money, by shifting their, money mindset, design a simple, proven and customized, financial freedom, plan so they can, build wealth, become, debt free, and create a new legacy.

Download the podcast Here:


Toyin Crandell is the host of the Millionaire Money Podcast, a best-selling author, a financial mentor, an international speaker, and the founder of Money Mindset SHIFT.

She specializes in helping business owners and career professionals ditch their limiting beliefs about, money, design a simple, proven, and customized financial freedom plan so they can build wealth, get rest, and create a new legacy.

She has coached thousands of individuals and families, helping them increase their wealth by $10s of millions of dollars and pay off millions of dollars of debt while enjoying their lives in the process.

Using the principles she teaches, Toyin Crandell went from being stuck in tens of thousands of debts, having no food for her family to building eleven streams of income and running her own multi-million-dollar company.

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This episode is brought to you by The Jordan Harbinger Show.

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Transform Your Mind Podcastland

How Toyin Became a money mindset coach

Toyin: I was in full time ministry and I loved what I did. Me and my husband are both professional musicians. That's how we met. So,  I was like, God is good. Life is good. Who needs, money.  December 2016 we were living in a tiny basement apartment. The apartment was so small. I think our whole apartment fits into my current master bedroom now. It was so small; you had to go sideways and do a shuffle to get some clothes out of the closet. And we had a little six-month-old daughter, I really didn't care. I didn't even notice any of these things.

We had our daughter and I remember one evening my husband had brought me dinner in the bedroom. Because we didn’t have a dining space and I'm eating dinner, and I was just like, Baby, where are you? You know, he's not in the room like there's nobody else in the house but me and him. So, I said to him come eat over here. And he comes in the room and I'm just casually asking him, what are you having? I was eating some canned stuff. And he said, I am having chocolates and I was like, what do you mean chocolates? And he said Toyin we're out of food.

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Transform Your Mind Podnews

Dinner was canned food and chocolate

I found out that week he had been giving me the rest of our food because I was nursing our daughter. And even the chocolates that he was eating were not chocolates that we bought. It was because it was December it was Christmas season and people had given us a gift of a box of chocolates. So, he was living on that, so I could feed our baby and that was my very first, forceful wakeup call where in my mind I thought to myself, Oh, my gosh, this isn't working, money, matters.

I started having 1000 thoughts in one second, I’m thinking to myself, we need to be able to feed my daughter. It's one thing when you're single and you don't have food and you can eat rice from January to December. Nobody cares. But now have a daughter that I am responsible for, so I get this wakeup call, what do I do? Me and my husband very resourceful people, I tell him it's not working. I've been watching a ton of webinars. I've been listening to all these different things to try to learn from people. And I was not working, else we would have food in the fridge.

So, I get my first coach and this person was a, business strategist, and they helped me to like start thinking more like a business person as opposed to thinking like a Lottie, Dottie person. And I remember in February I had collected $7,000 in cash and I was like oh my goodness, this is the breakthrough we've been waiting for.

Myrna: What did you sell to make the $7000?

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Helping people to become debt free

Toyin: I was helping people to become, debt free. So, here's the funny thing. I had debt in the past and I thought that, debt freedom, was, financial freedom, because I didn't understand, money. So, I learned how to be, debt free. And I had started teaching it as a business casually, I didn't even plan it. I just became, debt free. My friends were like, Oh my gosh, you’re, debt free. How did you do it? I Started telling my friends, and they became, debt free. I'm spending all this time talking to people and they're all becoming, debt free. And I wasn't getting paid.

So, I was like, I should get paid for this. So that was what had started like me charging for teaching people how to become, debt free. What happened was in the same month where we're emailing about rent and bills, I get this favor to get into a room with these technical, millionaire mentors. And these are people who are running businesses that are in the hundreds of millions of dollars and

I'm in the room with them learning from them. I started noticing these guys they don't talk like me, I started noticing so many little things. And I realized that I had been in so many circles. We prided ourselves on our, struggle. I get in this room with these actual, millionaires. And one of the men had this chart and it started with:

  • struggle,
  • survival,
  • sustained success,
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Transform Your Mind Amazon

Shifting your money mindset from struggle

He asked us in the room, where are you on this ladder? And like earlier that year he met me in February have been like at least I mean, sustained success, but at this point, I am under, struggle, again. And I just remember thinking to myself, if I don't figure out what is holding me back financially, I will always be under, struggle.

I realized that the problem isn't to be, debt free, because I had become, debt free. I was, debt free. But the problem was my mind was so against having, money, that even though our expenses was the lowest you could imagine. We reduced our income to be lower than even those expenses, because we were so used to, struggle.

Myrna: I teach that all the time. Let’s label this, mindset. It's called a, poverty mindset.

Toyin: That's exactly right. That means no matter what actions you take, you produce, poverty. And in that month, I create this process. So now let me talk about how we got to 11 streams of income. I create this process where I just started asking myself questions. I got honest with myself on a level that I had never been honest with myself before. I asked myself:

  • What are the limiting beliefs I have about, money?
  • What is my actual relationship with, money?
  • What am I doing wrong?
  • What is my pattern with, money?
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Why shifting your money mindset works

So now I see the problem and I create this shift process. I didn't know anything about neuroscience back then. I didn't know anything about, mindset coaching.  I just knew I was sick and tired of, struggle. So, I use this process for myself. I never thought I would even tell anybody about it.

The next month, November, we had more income. And my husband pointed out to me, he's like, hey, you just had more, money, come in, in November this month, than all of last year combined. And he says to me, what are you doing? Do you have a new offer? Do you have a new business like what are you doing that I didn't hear about? Honestly, I was shocked. I hadn't looked at the numbers from that frame.

And I said to him the only thing I did was change my, mindset. I thought to ask myself, I wonder if this mind process would work for my clients because I haven't taught them anything about mindset. It was all strategy and our success rate because our success rate was around 50%. The industry average ranges between 3% to 50%.

In coaching, our success was 60. I used to be proud of that. But I used to be so frustrated about the remaining 40%.  Why were these 40% still in poverty? When I started teaching, money mindset, our success rate went to 95%, our people start scaling and becoming, millionaires.

In the process of up leveling my mind every single year, I'm honest about this. I am a human being I still have, money mindset, challenges, the difference is the level.

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Transform Your Mind Luminary podcast
Transform Your Mind Luminary podcast

Becoming a millionaire by shifting your money mindset

Myrna: You're no longer scratching the bottom.

Toyin: I remember it took us from $60,000 a year to 130,000 a year to 600,000 a year to over a million in a year, so we were growing every single year. I would literally sit my butt down with my process and say, Okay, what's the new level? What's the new identity that God is calling me to operate in. Because guys, money, is never just about the numbers.  When I set goals, when I push and when you want to push, you're not doing it just because of the, money;  money itself is neutral. It means nothing.

All it is a marker of the value that you are bringing to the world and you are allowing yourself to receive. And so, I realized the more people I can serve this, money, thing is just a way for me to see how many people am I helping? How many people am I making into, millionaires, or whatever the goal is.  I'm a finance person naturally, as soon as the, money mindset, got figured out, we were off. We now have 11 streams of income.  We've got real estate properties, you've got dividends, we've got stocks, we've got royalties, we do workshops, plus, passive income.

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Transform Your Mind PTWWN TV – Become a Master of Your Money 

Passive income streams

So, we have, passive income, streams and active income streams, but all of it came out of one thing one thing a, money mindset.   Start your income making machine, you need an income making machine that allows you to do all the other fun things that you want to do. What your income making machine will not produce unless you face your, money mindset.

So, unless you look at your, money mindset, and allow yourself to be able to get to a level you've never been you are not going to become a, millionaire.  We coach people who are, millionaires, and we coach people who have not worked a job in eight years and the conversation may be different, but we are training the subconscious.

Shifting our money mindset

Myrna: So how do we shift our, money mindset?

Toyin: Okay, the first thing that you want to do is you need to get honest with yourself about what's not working. If you cannot be honest with yourself about what's not working in your finances, you will never fix it. And this is actually the hardest part, being honest with yourself. Most people never want to do that because it sucks to look in the mirror.

And so, the first thing that you guys want to do is to get your, money, right.  You have to sit down with a pen and a paper and write down what are the patterns that I am seeing happening In my life that are giving me clues. The, money mindset shift, is simply follow the money.

So, for example, if you have a savings account, and your savings account, never crosses 5k, some of you guys you're doing very well your savings account may never cross 100K.  You get what I mean? Like everyone has those limits, where were the ones that never crossed 55 bucks.

Google Podcast Transform Your Mind
Google Podcast Transform Your Mind

What's your money pattern?

When there is a pattern, we often get lost in the story. The reason my account never got past $500 was because my fridge broke down. The reason was because I chose to go and shop this time.  The stories will always be different but I don't look at the story, I look at the pattern. What is the pattern, the pattern is when you hit $500 your money disappears.

So right now, what are the patterns that I am noticing in my, money?  I will save this specifically for those of you who earn a higher amount than people around you, you are in one of the most dangerous positions financially. Why? Because when we work with a lot of, millionaires, and we find that because you are doing better than most people, everyone around you is super impressed.

They're like, Oh my gosh, Look at your income. And a lot of these people don't notice whether or not, money, is staying. Yes, you're working hard. Yes, you're bringing in bank. Yes, you're making the dollars; But you're not building generational wealth. You're not keeping any of it. You're not keeping it. But once you shift your, mindset, you have to take action.

Book money mindset shift
Book: Money Mindset Shift

Toyin's book Money Mindset Shift

Myrna: I know you just started your podcast. Tell our readers how they could connect with you.

I'm the host of the Millionaire Money Podcast. It is so much fun. We just teach business owners and career professionals how to think like a, millionaire, make wealthy decisions and take strategic action so that you can actually create the, millionaire, bank account and lifestyle that you want. So, our goal in that podcast is literally helping you to get your first $100 million dollars.  We're going to be taking you to the next level. So that's the podcast.

And then the second thing is some of you guys may be saying, I'm ready to shift this brain of mine, I am ready to actually begin to live out the wealth that I'm looking for. For those of you guys you can go to and you're able to watch a free master class. Now we have two master classes. One of them is for everybody, and the other one is specifically for business owners who are currently at six to seven figures. So, if you're thinking seven figures is a masterclass for you. And if you're a career professional or business owner and looking to earn your first million then the second master class is for you.

Additional Resources

Is True Wealth Financial Freedom?


How to Recover Financially After Coronavirus Pandemic

We have been in a, pandemic, situation for over 15 months now. Many of you who are reading this blog, have experienced some, personal finance, problems. We know that Amazon, Walmart, Google and all those big brands actually made millions of dollars and were very profitable during this, pandemic.

But, it is a fact that ordinary people like you and me had some struggles. Financial planner, Michelle Arpin Begina is going to share with us how to change our, money mindset, by paying attention to your, money story.  Your, money story, shows up in good times and bad times. So, keep reading to understand how your, money mindset, affected whether you thrived in this, pandemic, or just survived.

Listen to the full interview:


Your Money Story

This is the time to really get curious and ask yourself, What is my, money story? Go back and trace the roots of your, money story, and experiences?

Similarly, ask yourself as an adult, What did I hear growing up about, money? What did I take away from the big financial moments of my life? What were some of the behaviors that I observed from other people or my parents, that influence my, personal finance, now?

  • Did you become a consumer or did you become a miser?
  • Did your parents tell you all the time ” Money does not grow on trees”
  • or ‘Money is the root of all evil”

Those messages are a part of my, money story.

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Deezer Transform Your Mind Podcast

Your Parents Money Story

Michelle: I remember growing up watching my parents and saying to myself two things:

  • If only they could get their, personal finance, act together, because they had all the ingredients to have everything they wanted. We all have it within us.
  • The second thing I said was: this is not going to be me. But, as it turned out. When I first got started out, I started following their footsteps.

Myrna: Oh! You became a, consumer, too?

Michelle: I did! I bought the new car when I was 19, while I was paying my own tuition and rent. So, I lived with that feeling of financial insecurity. I kept it going with, personal finance, problems well into my 30s and then I turned it around.

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How to Thrive after the Coronavirus Pandemic

Myrna: What is the, personal finance, lesson that you want to share with us, that can help the people who are barely surviving?

Michelle: I can say that it's not just about the, consumers,  and the savers, but there's probably more depth to thriving than that. We have to go into some biology.

Myrna: So, let's take a deep dive into biology of the, money mindset.

Michelle: Alright! We've got to cut slack for the, consumers, and the savers. Putting away money for a rainy day, could turn someone into a tight wad, where they are not enjoying their, money. There are so many different translations that can happen from what we take in as a child and that forms our, money story.

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Book: My Grandpa is a Truck Driver
Book: My Grandpa is a Truck Driver

Become friends with your future self. 

Let's talk about flourishing for a second. We are hardwired to live in the moment, because we are psychologically distant from Michelle 10.0.

We are not friends with our future self. Michelle 10.0 or Myrna 10.0, is not our relative. We don't feel this connection with her today, so we can't help it. This is who we are as people, this is our biology. It's very difficult to handle, money, outside of what our needs or wishes or even impulses are in the moment.

What we need to do is recognize this. When the 401K rep comes in, when you don't have two dimes to rub together and say if you put away the maximum amount in this account, you'll be a billionaire by the time you're 65. When you were 22, it's going to go in one ear and out the other. You tell the 401K rep, I can't even afford lunch! A 22 year old has no relationship with her 65 year old self.

Myrna: You hit the nail right in the head. I was just saying that people can't save because they have no extras to save.

Most of us have more month than, money!

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Vanessa R. Pittman, a Black New York native, wife and mother finally focused on her dream to become a writer. She is one of the co-authors of Testaments From Survivors, Women Healed and Whole, Volume III which chronicles the lives of various women from all walks of life and the obstacles endured that was meant to destroy them. Each author tells the story of how they chose not to let life drag them down and how generational curses were broken for the next generation. A very empowering book for women of all ages and should be the topic of your next book club. To pick up your copy visit Vanessa on the web at

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Transform your Mind Stitcher

Transform Your Money Story to protect your future

Michelle: What we can do to help ourselves and transform our, money story, is to literally create a relationship with your future self. The closer we feel to that person, as if they were really alive today and is our friend, the more that we're going to act in their best interests.

There are so many new little things that we have to accomplish in the day-to-day details to get us to that overarching goal. So, when we're in the moment of the impulses or just choosing between two different things, and we want to maintain, self-control. What actually helps is to create distance in the moment. When we talk to ourselves in the third person, it actually helps us to control our behavior in the moment.

Myrna: I get it like saying

Myrna would never do that, Myrna is going to do is make the choice that is going to really help her in the future.”

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What the Pandemic taught us about our money story

Myrna: Let's get back to the, pandemic. What has the, global pandemic, taught us about, money?

Maybe you're going to be a little different because, money, is your work, and you study it. Did you learn anything new about yourself and your, money beliefs, during the, pandemic, what do you think the global lesson was for us?

Michelle: I‘m a little afraid to answer this question.

Myrna: Let's talk. It's just your opinion.

Michelle: What I‘ve learned during this, pandemic, is a little embarrassing to say out loud is I learned a whole lot more about our systems and just how differently everybody is impacted, was the biggest thing that I witnessed.

Heartbreaking really in many ways and I‘ve discovered is that our systems were not designed to take care of people. Our systems were designed for the efficient management of accounts to obey the laws, rules and regulations. Many people had no, money, in the Bank because they didn't see the need to save or to put something away for the rainy day. This, pandemic, exposed that flaw. 

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The Pandemic changed our money story

Myrna: Do you think that our values have changed, now that the, pandemic, highlighted our, money mindset?

Michelle: That's basically what I was trying to get to as far as, money mindset, and the fallout from our, money story. Maybe their, money mindset, was thatyou get it”, you spend it that kind of thinking. I like to think – I mean it's hard to know on a such a broad level whether it has or hasn't, but I think for someone who was probably scared to their core, there will be a change to their, money mindset.

  • If they lost jobs or clients,
  • Were not able to continue to work or couldn't pay their rent or mortgage. Their, money mindset, will shift to saving for a rainy day.

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Transform Your Mind Podcast Addict

We've heard so many different things happened. The income that I was relying on to make my month is evaporated or it's down etc., but to me, it really is that, fight or flight, or life or death kind of an experience. On the other hand, we may want to totally push that out of our mind because it was such  an awful experience.  

I think for a lot of people who maybe saw, for the first time, at their own hand, how perilous their situation could become. I think those people have probably changed their, money mindset.

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What's your success formula to change money mindset

Myrna: Great!!! You're a financial planner. Do you want to share your, success formula, or how you help your clients to develop a relationship with their future self and change their, money mindset?

Michelle: What a, financial planner, does is to help you with, personal finance such as:

  • Plan for the rainy day,
  • Put away for retirement,
  • Save to buy a house,
  • You plan for vacations.

Myrna: That's what you guys do, right? I understand you have a, success formula, can you share that? Like thinking about what resources did you bring to the table not just with, personal finance, but who did you know, what did you know etc..

Michelle: The, success formula, can be called your superpowers. We use the word superpower so much, but what part of you is special and unique? What do you bring to the table in every single one of your successes? We use that information to develop hope, optimism and resiliency.

What superpowers did you use to pull those things in when times when facing difficulty or you faced a challenge. How did you react when there was an upside surprise?

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All of those traits that I just described, in whatever way someone uses them, it's so cool. I mean we've all got a special factor that's so different from one another. If you just look at your own and you start picking it apart, you can see how I can pull on this thread when it comes to my money.

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Transform Your Mind Podcast Pandora

Your money superpowers is your success formula

It's about figuring out what's effective so that's like the part of the expanded version of, personal finance. Financial Literacy, is what I would call it which is really kind of recognizing that we have a psychology and biology around in our brains and body around our, money. It's not just understanding markets or investing or good sound, financial planning, or, risk management, or all of those things which are important, but it's about your strengths.

Looking at the big picture and understanding someone's background, who they are and are not with their, money, what their wishes are, what their values are, of course what the, money, is and then really digging into some of their, money mindset, about what makes them.

Myrna: So, that's the, success formula.

Michelle: Yes, we use what makes you successful in other areas of your life and use the common thread to help you to be successful with your, money.

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Transform Your Mind Pocket Casts

The success formula challenge

Myrna: I understand that you have a website or a challenge to help the readers and those watching on TV. That would help them develop their, success formula. You want to talk about that?

Michelle: The best place for people to find me is my website, which is Right on the home page is my, success formula, guide which anyone can download. Other channels that people can as well reach me or connect with me are on LinkedIn,

You can watch the full interview on the Transform Your Mind Podcast YouTube channel.

Also you can tune in at six o'clock Est every Sunday for our Preach the Word Network Television broadcast and of course you can listen in the radio WDJY 99.1 FM Wednesdays at 5p.m.

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Transform Your Mind PTWWN TV

Myrna: Thanks again Michelle. Thanks everyone for tuning in and until next time, blessings.

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Additional Resources

Understanding the Rules of Economics and Money

Is True Wealth Financial Freedom?


Real Estate Investing with No Money

Real estate investor, Trainer Trevor Evans, teaches, how to invest in real estate with No Money. Trevor teaches, how to get funding for your deals, fix and flip,  your, investment properties, and, how to flip a house.

Watch the YouTube video to learn how to Invest in Real Estate from a, Rich Dad, real estate investor.

What you will learn about Real Estate Investing in this motivational video:

1. What are some strategies to purchase property for your,  real estate investing, business with little or no cash?

There are several way to do this. You can max out your credit cards, you can set up a lease to own deal, you can get seller financing.

2. What does, Hard money lenders, look for in a good deal?

They look for the ROI or return on investment

3. How do you make your deal attractive to a, Hard money lender?

Show that the resale value is at least 40% higher that the investment.

Strategies using other people's money to fund your, real estate investments:

1. Using your credit cards to fund your deals. The more credit you have the better off you are!

2. Hard money Lenders,  Hard money lenders,  look at the asset and not at your credit score.

3. Borrow money from friends and family. You convert them into, Hard Money lenders, and pay them a good interest rate to start your, house flipping, business.

4. Borrow from your Whole Life Insurance policy.

2. Take a loan from your 401K.

3. Take out an Equity line of credit on your personal house.


The commonly used strategy in, real estate investing,  is the use of a, Hard Money Lender.

You need a, Hard money lender, for your, real estate investing, business. A money lender does not look at your credit, what does he look for?

1. Your expertise. Most, Hard money lenders, want you to have three investments under your name. This does not include your personal residence.

2. The ARV or after repair value. The property must have equity before the deal is made.

3. How did the property come on the market. Eg is it a Foreclosure, short sale or probate.

4. What is your, exit strategy? Is your, exit strategy, to, buy and hold, or, fix and flip?

5. How long you need to complete rehab work.

6. How much is the estimated cost of repairs.


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Hard Money Lender do not offer 100% Financing

Make no mistake, hard money lenders, need borrowers to deploy their capital and get a return on investment for their capital partners. They often enjoy repeat business, real estate investing, aren’t typically one-time borrowers, so asset-based lenders like, hard money lenders, or, private money lenders, value the business relationships they develop with quality borrowers.

Real estate investing, with no money down or little or no cash is to borrow from, Hard money lenders, who charge high interest for short term loans. When, hard money lenders, provide a loan, they want to be confident that the, borrower, is able to repay the loan on time. If the, borrower, isn’t able to pay back the loan, this creates a great deal of extra work, stress and potential financial loss for the lender. A strong, borrower, with a significant down payment (or equity in the property) and cash reserves has the best chance of obtaining a, hard money loan, and succeeding with their, real estate, project.

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Myrna Young South Florida Realtor

Are you looking to invest in the south Florida or Fort Myers market? The time is ripe for investors. As a realtor, I have access to, off market discount properties, and, wholesale properties, for either your, buy and hold, or, fix and flip, investment strategies. Call  954-999-6125 for all your Sales, Rentals or Property Management services. We are licensed in, real estate, and, property management, and will sell or lease your house. Don’t delay, Call today 954-999-6125 or contact us @

Looking for a, Hard Money Lender? Here is an article from Connected Investors on how to get bids on your project.

Transform Your Mind iHeart Radio
iHeart Radio

Connected Investors, the world’s largest, real estate investing, network and marketplace, today announced the launch of the first centralized real estate investment funding portal, The technology allows real estate investors to quickly and easily submit their deals to a network of asset-based lenders, ensuring the best terms for loans on their, investment properties.

Subscribe to the Transform you Mind podcast with Coach Myrna to get notification of all shows, Life coaching tips as well as Real Estate Investment tips and strategies.

Additional Resources

How to Build Wealth with Turnkey Real Estate Investing

Real Estate Investing: Are Rental Properties worth the Admiration?

Real Estate Investing, in Rental properties gets a lot of admiration because of, passive income.  Usually there is positive cash flow in, rental properties.

Joke of the day Rental properties 

A young woman, pursuing a graduate degree in art history, was going to Italy to study the country's greatest works of art.
Since there was no one to look after her grandmother while she was away, she took the old lady with her.
At the Sistine Chapel in the Vatican, she pointed to the painting on the ceiling. ‘Grandma, it took Michelangelo a full four years to get that ceiling painted.'
‘Oh my, ‘the grandmother says.
‘He and I must have the same landlord!'

A few weeks ago I interviewed my co host Trevor Evans on the topic “The path to Financial Freedom” We received such an overwhelming response to that topic that I decided to have a spin off on, Real Estate Investing. This is episode #2 in the series: Real estate investing, “Funding, Fixing and Flipping. Is Owning, rental properties, worth the headache?

As a realtor for over 17 years, investing in, rental properties, has been my space up to this point. I own several rental properties and I also manage several rental properties.

My co-host for this podcast is Trevor Evans: Speaker/Trainer for Legacy Education Alliance and Rich Dad Education. Trevor is also an Entrepreneur, Real Estate Investor. Banker and Founder of Personal Awakening Brand “Being Normal Sucks.”

I met Trevor earlier in the year when I attended a Get Motivated Seminar and signed up for a 3 day, real estate investing, seminar. I met my co host Trevor Evans at this program and let’s say his vast knowledge on the subject of, real estate investing,  and, real estate, opened my mind to new opportunities.

I didn’t know what I didn’t know!

His knowledge base was extensive. I immediately enrolled in the Legacy Education Alliance, investing in real estate, training program.

Real Estate tip of the week

What is your best choice as a, real estate investment? From the book Your money and how to keep it by Brian Costello

Real Estate, will be a natural choice for many as an, real estate investment, vehicle. Generally, real estate, can be counted on to rise in value over a period of time. If you want short term investments, you can use short term investment vehicles like treasury bills. Other options are gold, commodities and the options market. Small investors are now also switching to Mutual funds because they offer a great deal of flexibility, and they can be cashed in at any time.
So, the best investment choice depends on your country laws as it relates to Capital Gains tax vs interest tax. In the USA and Canada, interest is taxable while you can make a lot of money tax free with capital gains.

Todays episode of Fund, Fix and Flip is sponsored by, Myrna Young Realtor 

Are you looking to invest in the south Florida market? The time is ripe for investors. Call Myrna Young  at Century 21 Selling Paradise 239-542-5777 for all your Wholesale or Rehab purchases, Buy and Hold, rental properties, or Property Management services. We are licensed in real estate and property management services and can also buy or lease your home. Don’t delay, Call today 239-542-5777

“Is Owning Rental properties worth the headache?” Show notes:

What are investors doing that is causing the headache?

  1. Not properly screening the tenant.
    Most investors are stressed to put a tenant into, rental  properties, because it costs to have a vacant property.
    That is the underlying reason that they short the screening process or decide to take a risk with a tenant. But it costs more to have the tenant removed and evicted, so the pain of a bad tenant lingers for a long time.
  2. Not understanding the renters mindset
    A renter does not have an owners mindset to take care of a property.
    The environment the rental is living in determines the mindset of the tenant. If you have a tenant in a single family home that is costing over $1500 per month.  That tenant has an owner's mindset and would usually take care of the, rental property, as his own because he or she is probably an executive and is not renting because they can't afford to buy.
  3. Know your tenant
    That allows you to skip inappropriate steps.
  4. Understanding the positive cash flow cycle
  5. Buy only properties that need remodeling instead of renovations
  6. Setting up warranty or replacement work directly with local scratch and dent shops
  7. Paying a flat fee to a Property Management company

Additional resources

Some resources for Real Estate Investors:
BiggerPockets: The Real Estate Investing Social Network. There are many free articles and forum threads all for free on how to get started in real estate investing. Use analytics to find lucrative traditional or Airbnb properties in a matter of minutes. – list of off market properties at discounted prices in Fort Myers, Fl and West Palm beach, Florida

Is True Wealth Financial Freedom?

The path to, financial freedom, comes from the quality of our lives. This is, true wealth.
True wealth, does not depend on how much we accumulate, save, or spend our money.

True wealth, comes from who we are on the inside, and not by what we do, or what we have.

We cannot measure our self-worth by our net worth!

The first step to, financial freedom, is to make the mental shift, that your world in here, will be reflective of your world out there.

This week on Mindset Transformation radio, I interview Trevor Evans, teacher/trainer in real estate investments.

Here is a tip of the week Financial Freedom:

There are 2 types of people in regards to, wealth, one who is magnetized and full of confidence and know his potential, and the other is demagnetized and full of fear and doubt, and he tells himself I will fail, I could lose my money, people will talk about me behind my back etc. So, he does nothing. He takes no risks!

As you have probably figured out, the demagnetized man will never get very far.
I love the parable Jesus told about the man who was going on a long trip. He called his servants and entrusted his money to them while he was gone.
He gave 5 bags of silver to one, two bags of silver to another, and one bag of silver to the last.
The servant who received the five bags of silver began to invest the money and earned five more. The servant with two bags of silver also invested and earned two more; but the servant who received one bag, dug a hole in the ground and hid the master’s money.
When the master returned, he was full of praise for the two servants who invested his money and increased it; but the servant who gave him his money back with no increase he called “wicked and lazy.”
The moral of the story is the path to, financial freedom, is investing what you have to earn more.  Let your money work for you. Also it show those who use well what they are given, even more will be given to them; but those who take no risks and do nothing, even what little they have will be taken away.

There are 3 honest ways to financial freedom.

  1. The first is to work for it. The common consensus is that with a few exceptions you can never become, wealthy, working for someone else.
  2. The second way is to inherit it. For most of us, inheritance is not a sure bet.
  3. The third way to, financial freedom, and the most powerful way, is to invest it. Let your money work for you. Compound interest, is one of the most powerful tools in the accumulation of, wealth. Let it work for you. Do you know if you put $2000 in your 401k at 21 years old and let it grow with an annual compound interest of 10%; at age 65 it would have grown to over $1,000,000?

I love this article from

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Financial freedom in America

Nassim Taleb said, “The three most harmful addictions are heroine, carbohydrates, and a monthly salary.” But salaries, fed through cubicle farms, are worse than addiction: salaries are slavery. While starting a company may emancipate you from salary slavery, most founders are enslaved to their startups — trading family time, personal health, and happiness for late nights, long commutes, and stress. So where's this, financial freedom, in the Land of the Free?

This week on Mindset Transformation radio w/ coach Myrna and podcast, I interview Trevor Evans, Speaker/Trainer. Trevor is going to talk about the mindset of an investor, what you need to do to think like an investor and not an employee as well as some foundational tools of real estate investing.

Our sponsors for this episode are A&C Limousine service and Young Real Estate Investment services.
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Are you looking to invest in the south Florida market? The time is ripe for investors. Call Young Real Estate Investment Services at 954-999-6125 for all your Sales, Rentals or Property Management services. We are licensed in real estate and property management and will buy or lease your house. Don’t delay, Call today 954-999-6125

Show notes Financial Freedom:

• Topic: What is, True Wealth: The Path to, Financial Freedom
1. Question 1: Tell us of your path to becoming a Speaker/Trainer for Legacy Education Alliance and Rich Dad Education.
2. Question 2: Before you become an investor, what mindset shifts must you overcome?
3. What I love about the Legacy training is that it focuses on understanding the market and how to use money and not just on the brick and mortar of Real Estate investing. It covers using credit card as an asset instead of a liability. So that is the first mindset shift I think we should discuss.
4. What is the second mindset shift you think is important to acquiring, wealth?
5. If someone listening to this show wants to start investing in, real estate, what advice would you give them and where should they start.
6. When I took your class, you spent the first 2 hours totally letting us wait for the information you know we all wanted to hear but you spent time teaching about Abraham Hicks vortex and frequency. Why was that important?

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Additional Resources

How to Get Started with Wholesaling


Wholesaling, is often marketed as a low-to-no cost way of getting into real estate investing and this can be true. A new, wholesaler, can certainly profit with a much lower initial cash outlay than a, real estate investor, who has to buy a property and rehab it.

In, wholesaling real estate, a real estate, wholesaler, contracts with a home seller, markets the home to his potential buyers, and assigns the contract to the buyer. The, wholesaler, makes a profit, which is the difference between the contracted price with the seller and the amount paid by the buyer.

What Exactly is Wholesaling Real Estate?

Wholesaling, is often marketed as a low-to-no cost way of getting into, real estate investing.  However, the successful, wholesaler, has to have a firm grasp of what makes for an attractive deal – once you understand this process of , wholesaling, it becomes much easier and can be broken down into a serious of repeatable steps.

Word from our sponsors:

Are you looking to invest in the south Florida market? The time is ripe for investors. Call MyHelps Real Estate Investment Services Services LLC at 954-999-6125 for all your Sales, Rentals or Property Management services. We are licensed in real estate and property management and will buy or lease your property. Don’t delay, Call today 954-999-6125

How to Build Wealth with Turnkey Real Estate Investing

My co-host today on this podcast is Trevor Evans.
Trevor is a Professional Speaker, Real Estate Investor, Retail Store Owner.
Speaker/Trainer for Rich Dad Education and Founder of Personal Awakening brand “Being Normal Sucks.” Trevor has also been married for 19 years and have 2 beautiful daughters ages 22 and 18.

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Are you on a journey to find happiness through the doorway of wealth?
Living in financial abundance is one way to find happiness but not fulfillment.

You deserve happiness, and you CAN attain it.

The Transform Your Mind with Coach Myrna podcast has entered into collaboration with with Swami’s Brahmananda to offer my listeners guidance and the power of an entire community of happiness seekers, so you too can wake up happy.

For more information please clink the link below and start your Happiness journey

Show Notes:

How to get started with real estate wholesaling

Investors ready to learn how to start, wholesaling houses, will be happy to know the process is not complicated. Here are a few simple steps to get started, real estate wholesaling:

  1. Research your local market before getting started.
  2. Find a realtor with off market discounted properties.
  3. Secure a financing source that works best for you. This is usually a Hard Money Lender.
  4. Begin searching for potential, wholesaling, properties by driving for dollars.
  5. Decide whether to sell the contract or assign the contract.

Transform your Mind TuneIn Radio
TuneIn Radio

What is a step by step plan to becoming a Real Estate Wholesaler?

Step 1: Create a Database of buyers:

Contact local Rehabbers and Contractors and ask them what kind of properties they are looking for to rehab.
You can find them at your local Chamber of Commerce or your local REIA

Ask them these questions.
1. What kind of properties are they currently rehabbing?
2. Type of properties they like to work with Eg. Single family or multi family?
3. What are they certified to work on? Eg. Are they certified to work on burn down or water damaged properties?

Step 2: Put an AD on Craigslist
Ask the following questions when you get responses to your AD
1. Is the property listed with a Realtor?
2. Are you speaking with the owner of the property?
3. Is the property in, Foreclosure, probate, bank owned, or free and clear
4. Does the property need rehab? If so what is the estimated cost of repair.

Step 3: Put together your power team which includes your Title and Escrow Agent.
If you structure your deals properly, you could use one escrow deposit for 10 properties!

In our first episode you talk about process. You said that setting up a process prevents failure.
What is the process for the real estate Wholesaler?

Wholesaler Website: do you need one

My friends at Connected Investors wrote this article on Getting started with, real estate Wholesaling.

Wholesaling, is often touted as the easiest entry point into the world of, investing in real estate. And financially speaking the barriers to entry are generally a lot lower, especially when compared to fix and flipping or buy and hold investing. Many experienced, professional investors have door-knocked and bandit-signed their way up the REI ladder without having more than a cell phone, gas money, and the will to WIN. read more …

• If you found this blog post inspiring, please Subscribe, Rate and Review this Podcast, then send me an email to [email protected] with the subject line “podcast review” and I send you a free gift.

Free eBook: Wholesale Plan of Action Cheat Sheet

This cheat sheet was created by Connected Investors and goes into further detail on the Wholesaling steps.

Additional Resources

How to Build Multiple Passive Income Streams

How to Survive an Economic Collapse

To survive the, economic collapse, first thing I would say you need to do is you're going to have to acknowledge where you are financially. The beauty of an, economic, downturn is that  there are more successful people created during a period of, economic collapse, than any other times. The, economic collapse 2020, is no different.

My guest today is Solomon Ali author of “The Empowered Wealth Bible” and “Economic Survival” and we're going to be talking today on “How to survive an, economic, collapse because I think we're heading to an, economic, collapse.

Introduction to How to Survive an Economic Collapse

Solomon, I'm very curious to hear your backstory, how did you become an expert on, economic, conditions?

Immediately after high school, I went into the military.  I went to a predominantly white high school and my guidance counselor said I had good GPA; but they never directed me to go to college or university,  so I went straight into the military.  I made it to the rank of sergeant and learned how to manage people and how to build a team.

When I got out of the military and went home, I couldn't find a job, common story.  So I started helping my parents clean up their rental properties.  I ended up organizing the cleaning crews. We became a mobile company, cleaning up apartments, painting them, doing minor repairs so that the apartments could be ready for the next tenant to move in.  I had a team of people structured like an assembly line.  We had people come and do the masking of everything.  We would mask off four or five apartments at one time. The next group would come in and they would clean the tubs and the toilets, and the next guy would come in and paint it. Then someone would come back and take all the masking tape off, vacuum and shampoo the carpets and we were done.

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Now that is, economic, survival. Surviving the rental income business.  That sounds like the best structured management cleaning that I have ever heard, and I do property management as a Realtor!

We had over 70 people on our team. We went from zero revenues, to a little over 6 million in 12 months! But I was not able to collect all my money.  I had all these accounts receivables and I had payroll that was coming up.  So I got on my knees and prayed one night and I was talking to God, and the next day I'm looking in the LA Times and I see a company advertising for accounts receivables loans.  I called the guy and left a message on Sunday he calls me promptly on Monday morning and he went over everything. I made the trip to San Bernardino, California and got a check for $380,000. He bought all my $500,000 accounts receivable accounts.

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Sponsor The Transform Your Mind Podcast

That was my first lesson on, economic, survival in the form of risk management.  You do not want to have a huge concentration of your business coming just from one or two customers, you want to make sure that your company it's more diversified.

That is what I do today. I consult companies on how to survive, economic collapse, or downturns because they come about every 10 years. I teach them how to scale, how to grow, and how to access the finance world.  In other words how to arrange capital, so they can do their roll-ups for this , economic collapse 2020.

We check out the competition and then we begin to set up what I call mirroring.  We design a program that fits my client so that they can grow and scale their business and we're able to access capital for them.  I may have private equity companies that I have arrangements with and I get very passionate about helping others fulfill their dreams.

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What does your book “The Empowered Wealth Bible” teach us about, Economic Collapse 2020?

That book speaks in reference to the different tricks of the trade, how you survive, economically, and raise the capital for your business. It teaches you how to use personal credit and credit cards.

It is extremely helpful to the new entrepreneur trying to fund his business as well to the mother wanting the best for her family.

There is one chapter in the book where we talk about how we could take your credit card money's right from your credit cards and apply it to your mortgage and rotate that around cutting the interest rate on your mortgage and shortening the time period.  The book also shows you how to start a business with very little to no money and still be okay in an, economic collapse. Things like that, it is all about, economic, survival.

I started my private equity company back in 2009, I started with two hundred and fifty dollars and by the end of a year or so I was making millions of dollars.

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Transform Your Mind iHeart Radio
iHeart Radio

In Les Brown's new book “You got to be hungry” you must be hungry for success. You must be hungry  to achieve your set goals and work your strategies to achieve, economic, survival.

We are now smack in the, coronavirus, pandemic and the, economic collapse 2020.   Companies are closed, millions of people have lost their jobs and everybody is scared about their future.  It's really interesting that you had the premonition to write the book, Economic Survival, before we faced an, economic, collapse.

I understand we are heading into a recession even a depression.

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Transform your Mind TuneIn Radio
TuneIn Radio


How would we survive economically if the US, economy, was to go into, economic collapse 2020?

Firstly,  I'm going to say we're already in a recession. Our, economy, is already seeing an, economic collapse 2020. We haven't saw seen all the manifestations of what's going to happen, but anytime you shut down businesses state by state, you're losing your, economic, base within those states.  So all of these businesses shutting down resulted in I think as of today there's over 37 million people filing for unemployment.

Let's put that in perspective, that's not counting the people who are self-employed, who are not able to file for unemployment.  So you have to add millions or more to that number, that's not also counting the people who are just giving up and not looking for work. That’s millions more.

I predict that the US unemployed will be closer to about 60 or 70 million by the 3rd quarter. I predict we will see an, economic collapse.

I'm going to Segway  over to the African American businesses.  On average there's approximately five million businesses existing in the United States with ten or more employees.

African American companies there are only about one hundred thousand or so with ten or more employees.  That's a big and significant difference between five million to a hundred thousand.  That tells us that the majority of us, African-Americans,  are working for other people and those jobs are no longer going to be there in the future.

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Small businesses create the majority of the jobs, however your larger companies employ more people.  So when you place all this in perspective African Americans are not going to have anywhere to go and will suffer more from an, economic collapse.

Here are some strategies on surviving an, Economic Collapse:

  • To survive the, economic collapse, first thing I would say you need to do is you're going to have to acknowledge where you are financially. The beauty of an, economic, downturn is that  there are more successful people created during a period of, economic collapse, than any other times. You have to solve someone else's problem, you have to be of service to someone,  so that now you have people looking for you because you become in demand.

New businesses will be created like, AirBnb, created in the 2009 financial crisis.

We are losing millions of businesses but new businesses are created during an, economic collapse.

  1. After you solve someone's problem is you have to educate yourself. You have to remove the fear, because fear will paralyze you.  Once you remove the fear you will be able to go out and help someone else.
  2. A lot of people that have the employee mindset will have to switch because they are not going to do well. Unfortunately our, economy,  and, economic survival, depends on developing an entrepreneurial mindset.  We're going to be living in the, economy,  where a job no longer exists.  You're going to be a subcontractor, you're going to be an independent .
  3. You have to look at where are you today financially and reset your priorities. Instead of loosing your home in the, economic, downturn because you lost your job, maybe your parents have a room you could live in and you could rent your house. You're going to have to be willing to do what is necessary for, economic survival.
  4. Immediately begin to renegotiate your debt so that you can have more cash flow.
  5. Diversify – you may have to do some joint ventures with other companies or other people.

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Author interview Transform Your Mind Podcast
Author interview Transform Your Mind Podcast


How do you think the Real Estate Market will fare in this, economic collapse 2020?

I think we're about to see by the last quarter of this year a lot of foreclosures will begin to take place.  I believe a lot of people will begin to lose their homes.

For those investors who have the cash flow and the ability to buy, they will be able to pick up properties at a significant discount, because the banks are going to have to give rid of those assets off of their books.  Credit lines will be cut by the end of the third quarter.  I'm pretty sure maybe even at the beginning of the third quarter the credit lines will begin to get cut, which will have a trickle effect on the, economy.

What we do know is that our, economy,  is not coming back anytime soon.  We may have as many as 60 million people unemployed.  People don't have any reserves and if you don't have any reserves at the beginning of the, economic collapse, then what is going to happen after you have been unemployed for a year.  Robert Kawasaki, of Rich Dad Poor Dad,  was saying that what you do is you find out your runway for your business or personal life. How much money you have in the bank to take care of the essentials, housing, food and transportation?

Robert is  absolutely right.  We were all taught to have six months of reserves,  but if the last, economic collapse, in 2009 taught us anything, is that it took people 18 months on average to get a job so we were wrong saying to have six months of reserves,  you need to literally have two years of reserves. Most don’t even have one month.

How does Private Equity Investing help with, economic survival?

I love private equity, I love loaning out money and helping people to fulfill their dreams.

I have a passion right now for minority businesses. There's approximately 13,000 publicly traded companies all together but, there's only 13 black publicly traded companies currently.  I sat on the board of directors of three and I was Officer of three all at the same time, where I was responsible to help them raise the capital they needed to, survive economically. The companies that I helped, they were not only successful they became in the top 5 companies.

To purchase any of Solomon Rc Ali books or for consulting services visit his website follow him on twitter and Instagram and Facebook @supportsolomon.

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