Category Archives: business

Funding Global Consciousness and Mental Awareness

There have been thousands of research studies around the benefits of, consciousness, and, mindfulness.  That research is ongoing,  it's all about, mindfulness for stress reduction,  mindfulness for depression or anxiety.

My guest today is Charlie Hartwell, a Change Agent and Operating Partner at Bridge Builders Collaborative. Today we are going to be speaking on the topic “Funding the Global Movement towards, Consciousness, and Awareness”.

Listen to the Interview

Charlie is a Change Agent who shepherds ideas, resources and talent to drive global sustainable growth.  Passionate about transformation and innovation, he  is a leader who ignites teams to accomplish remarkable results.  Charlie is also a Harvard Business School graduate and has led various roles in 14 different industries over his career.

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Myrna – I know business school teaches you about business.  Why did you settle on the, consciousness, and mental awareness,  part of business?

Charlie – I have to say my wife got me into it.  You'll probably hear about my wife a lot on this interview. I describe her as the wisdom of our family.  My wife has been in the, consciousness, and, spirituality, space for 40 years, in various roles.  She was also involved with The Mind and Life Institute. The Mind and life Institute was founded by a Stanford MBA, a Chilean neuro scientist and the Dalai Lama and proves through science the benefits of contemplative practices like, mindfulness, consciousness, mental awareness, etc. The organization's started 40 years ago and my wife became involved about 14 or 15 years ago. She introduced me to the organization and the investors who started Bridge Builders Collaborative.  They wanted to understand the science behind, mindfulness, and mind training.  They needed someone to go out and find out whether there were investments for, consciousness, and, mental awareness, so they hired me to do that work for them; that was about nine years ago.

Myrna – Okay that's great! Okay so 40 years, that's a long time to be in the, consciousness, space.   Do you practice, mindfulness, yourself or are you just involved in the business aspect of it?

Charlie –  I would say yes, I practice, mindfulness.  I had my own experience, before starting this job.  I might even call it  my own awakening.  It caused a deepening of my own, consciousness, and  awareness.

There have been thousands of research studies around the benefits of, consciousness, and, mindfulness.  That research is ongoing,  it's all about, mindfulness for stress reduction,  mindfulness for depression or anxiety.  Mindfulness, has been studied around the world by leading institutions, and that is when it got to a point where we thought there was enough validation, that's really when entrepreneurs started to ask the question.  How can we take this, mindfulness, and conscious awareness and create a company out of it, and help bring it to more people in the world?

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Myrna –  Consciousness, and, mindfulness, are experiencing a Global Movement.  I was listening to, Sadhguru, on the School of Greatness Podcast and he was discussing his book Inner Engineering. So I went out and purchased, Sadhguru’s, book Inner Engineering and this morning on my morning walk, I started listening to this book. Just the first chapter of  Inner Engineering, blew me away. Sadhguru, talked about how he would go into a trance like state with his eyes open and sit there for hours. How he could feel his digestion! It was amazing.

Charlie why do you believe there's a global movement towards, consciousness, and, spirituality? We talked about the benefits of, mindfulness,  do you think that the East is coming to the West?

Charlie – First of all, I just want to say I love, Sadhguru. I owe him and I love the man very deeply.  Secondly my own perspective, I don't claim to be right on this; my own perspective is that there is such a level of stress and suffering in the world, that  Eastern practices like Buddhism are filling a need.  We have to reduce suffering, we have to reduce stress and anxiety, and, consciousness, and, mindfulness,  are tools that are coming to help people in the United States and around the world.  These, consciousness, tools help people to get more in touch with themselves.  To help them to connect more deeply to themselves and hopefully help them live happier, healthier  and more authentic lives.

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Myrna – That's was the first part of, Sadhguru’s,  book.  How to find joy. Sadhguru, made the comment that in the olden days, people were stressed because they were hungry and it was all about survival;  but once your belly is full, you should be happy because, that's usually the survival part of life. Sadhguru, went on to say that now that our bellies are full and we are the most privileged people in history, we are more unhappy and stressed than our ancestors!

Charlie – That’s where programs about stress reduction and, mindfulness, come into play.  It's a great endeavor to fund more of these companies, so that a lot more people can have access to these tools.  They won’t have to go to India, which is where the majority of these teachings originates, they can access these companies in the United States and that is where your company comes in.

Strategy for Funding

Myrna – So, let's talk about what your strategy is to invest in companies by helping them allow people to go deeper into, consciousness, and mental awareness. Tell us about your company and how you help investors.

Charlie – When we make an investment, we try to add value to those investments in several different ways,  The first way is through what I would call counsel.  My partners and business leaders, who have led in many different industries, have start-up experience or have invested in many companies; so they have the wisdom to provide the entrepreneur with help that entrepreneur be more successful.

The second thing we do is because we are so connected in the space, we're the only investors that are solely focused on the, consciousness, and, mindfulness, space; so we know many of the world's leading spiritual teachers.  We also know many of the world's scientists, we are also connected into the healthcare system.  We're connected to other entrepreneurs and investors, so we add connections that help make introductions that help the entrepreneurs in several different ways.

Thirdly,  we've developed a really good reputation for being investors that not only care about making money; but we care about making an impact in the world. So, if we invest in someone, it adds to their credibility.

Finally our purpose is to provide capital or cash that helps the entrepreneur to hire people, do marketing campaigns,  build platforms etc. but that's the least important to us.

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Myrna – Well that's great! So, coaching, counseling,  you introduce them to the leading scientists, spiritual leaders like, Sadhguru, and then you provide cash. Nice, so how does someone find you?  Or how do you go about selecting the companies that you want to invest in?

Charlie – People tend to find us because we're known in this space.  Our website is BB collaborative  and we tend to use as a funnel and  our screening process.

Nine Steps to Funding a Consciousness Business

  • When somebody comes to me with a business idea, it's normally because they've started their business.
  • They've got their first customers.
  • They've got revenue coming in the door and we provide the growth capital. That’s what I look for.
  • Then we ask the question if our investors were to invest in this company, what is the impact that we can make on a global scale?
  • Next what’s the science behind the product? We try to do an assessment, if the science is good or where are the holes in the science.
  • We also look at the entrepreneur.  do an assessment if the entrepreneur themselves is conscious, if the entrepreneur is vulnerable and is willing to do their own personal work, is willing to let go of ego.
  • Are they skilled at running a business and being able to grow that business.
  • Is the product differentiated?  Is there a need for it?
  • Lastly we look at if we invest in this product, How much potential money can we make from it? How can the company be sustainable?  Can it provide returns on our capital? How much of a return can shareholder expect?

Myrna – I like what you said about wanting to know the science behind a project. Can you give me an example of one of your investments that would maybe fit this model?

Companies using Science to promote Global, Consciousness

Charlie – I'll give you a few different examples. I'm on the board of Muse Guided Meditations. I am passionate about that company.  We've been investors for seven years.  A lot of people have heard of a company called Headspace.  We were one of the early investors in Headspace. The company has done a great job of rebranding meditation and making it accessible to the modern world actually.  Sadhguru, is on the platform.

It's a global community of 7,000 spiritual teachers, musicians, scientists that meet on a platform community of sixteen million.  About five hundred thousand people use it every day.  What I like about this platform is that it's all free.  It's free content.  There are forty five thousand meditations that are available for free. You could subscribe if you want special features; but you never have to pay for the service and you can connect with the world's leading spiritual teachers and find content that suits either your spiritual tradition or the specific teacher that you want. It’s a very diverse group of teachers, 44 teachers are teaching in 44 different language and it's global.

I'll just mention you know another company called ‘Happify' which is kind of a behavioral health platform for, mindfulness, positive psychology, and cognitive behavioral therapy.  It’s an app and they kind of gamified the experience.  They're actually going through the FDA process to become a digital therapeutic program;  so that it can be prescribed by doctors and reimbursed by insurance companies. They are hoping  to be able to treat actual conditions without taking as many drugs.

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Myrna – So that's so that's beautiful! I'm definitely going to try Headspace.  I'm thinking that it's almost the same thing as Muse. No?

CharlieMuse is a hardware device where you could see your brainwaves.  It allows you to basically see whether you're in a calm or focused state.  It connects to your phone.  Headspace is more just like a meditation app,  it doesn't have a hardware component to it.

Myrna – As we wrap up the interview I'm curious to hear about how you started a non-profit in the slums or poverty-stricken areas of Nairobi Kenya that has served three to five million patients so far.  Can you tell us about that? Is that also part of the Global, consciousness, and, spirituality, movement?

Charlie – So, in 1986 I'd gotten out of college, I was traveling around the world. I was kind of working weird jobs and in remote places and the last place that I landed was in Nairobi, where I worked as a social worker for like three months.  I learned that I didn't like Social Work at all.  I wasn't good at it, and yet I became passionate about the continent of Africa. I wanted to do something to help create change, I knew it wasn't going to be through social work but, you know the best way I could think of to try to help people was to start a business.  I had a co-founder, a Kenyan who I co-founded the organization with and one other guy that I went to college with, and we started this organization called Provide international. It started as a child feeding program then we started a business loan program for women entrepreneurs, not necessarily in the, consciousness, or, mindfulness, space.

Then we discovered that what the community was asking for was a health care organization; so we started a health care organization.

  • They had the first maternity wards in any poverty-stricken areas of Africa that I know about, we had the first ambulance.
  • We had one of only two ambulances in the entire country of Kenya.
  • They had the first eye doctors and dentists in those areas. After 9 years, I decided to turn it over to the Kenyan, so they could run it themselves not have Americans overseeing them.
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 I went back you 30 years later for the anniversary and they had seven centers, they treated millions of patients.  They'd been very successful at helping to bring health care into the communities. I was proud of what they had accomplished.

Myrna – How can people find you to request funding?

Charlie – People can find me at you know on LinkedIn at Charlie Hartwell. I have a medium blog and  I write articles on,  mindfulness, and,  consciousness.

Myrna – All right so, I don't have anything more. I just wanted to thank you for coming on the show and expanding our, consciousness, on how we can possibly build our inner engineering with, mindfulness, and have a global impact in the world.  We start by changing ourselves first so, once we change ourselves or we change internally, then we can contribute to the global movement towards spirituality.

I want to invite you guys all to join my private Facebook group called ‘Life Coach’ and to remember to subscribe to the Transform your Mind Radio and Podcast, on iTunes or wherever you get your podcasts. You can now also watch the interview live on the Transform Your Mind YouTube channel.  Would love for you to subscribe.

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How to Build Wealth By Clearing Money Blocks

How to build wealth, by clearing your money blocks.  Money blocks are negative subconscious beliefs about, money, that limit you from achieving your conscious desires. Hilary Hendershott, wealth coach talks today on the Transform Your Mind Radio and Podcast on the topic  “How to build wealth, by remove your, money blocks.” Hilary was once $600,000 in depth and now has a seven figure net worth

Listen to the full interview here:

Hilary – I found myself in my late 20s with multiple credit cards and  tens of  thousands of credit card debt, plus I had a $420,000 in mortgage debt on a condo.  In 2008 that  condo in San Jose California went from $430,000 in appraised value to just $190,000.  I had massive uncollateralized debt, $72,000 in tuition debt and I was the kind of person who would spend money before it came in!  I was a massive over spender.

Back then I had never heard the term, Money Blocks. Today as a coach and operating from my own, money blocks, I understand that I was an over spender because I had, money blocks.  

The definition of, Money Blocks

The definition  money blocks: negative subconscious beliefs about, money, that limit you from achieving your conscious desires. Let's say you're trying to save, money, but, for whatever reason, you can't seem to do it. You spend, money, almost as soon as you get it, and you don't know why.

Hilary – I started gaining clarity on my, money blocks, the  day I pulled my leased BMW into the gas station and I put my credit card into the machine to get gas, and my credit card was declined. I tried another card, it was declined, I put the third card it was also declined. At that point, all my credit cards are maxed out and  no one would give me any more credit cards.

My bank accounts were empty and had already emptied out my 401k. I had spent all this good money chasing after bad  while trying to dig myself out of this hole; because as my income was declining in 2008, and my debt was increasing.  So I literally couldn't even put a tank of gas in my beautiful convertible BMW that day.

How I became an expert on clearing, money blocks

Hilary – I decided to become an expert on, money, psychology. I really made a decision that day and I said “I‘m not willing to live like this anymore”. I understood, how to build wealth, from the beginning. I understood that our, money blocks,  are as much a function of linguistics,  the words that we use to describe, money, than it is about our upbringing.  

So, when I said “there's never enough money” I was speaking it into the atmosphere. That became a self fulfilling  prophesy.  There's never enough money was my, money operating system. I trademarked this term, Money Operating System.  Just like your computer has an operating system, we all have a, money operating system.  That is sort of another way  of saying, money blocks. 

How money blocks are formed

As a child we hear adult say: 
  • money, doesn't grow on trees,
  • you have to work hard for, money
  • money, is the root of all evil
  • Money, is evil and rich people are greedy.
  • I wonder who she had to screw to get that job.
  • You see your parents fight about, money, all the time.

 Whatever it is, everyone will have a different set of, money blocks; because not everyone has the same, money operating system.  

As a financial planner, I learnt, how to build wealth, through real estate investments. I actually had a six figure income; but spent more than I earned. 

How to build wealth to a six figure income

There was one year  I earned $120,000 in income and I spent $150,000.   I attended a talk at a Financial Planner Conference and this woman, who is now a personal friend of mine,  talked about, money blocks, and,  money, psychology.  She used the term over spender”. I had never heard about, money blocks,  before that talk. Being an over-spender is one way to manifest, there is never enough money. 

Another way you can manifest, there's never enough money, is by being an, under earner. There are some of you listening to this podcast; you just can't seem to earn what you know you're worth in the marketplace. You are actually sabotaging yourself

  • You deliberately pick the jobs that are under earning.  
  • You under promote yourself,
  • You don't ask for raises,
  • You get contract gigs and spend six months unemployed.
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Hilary – To make a long story short, I put what I learned into practice I paid off all my debt and then  I got really honest and transparent about where I was financially.

I lived in my mother's guest room for a while to make it happen. I lost that condo and I paid off the debt. I started putting my money where my mouth was in terms of building my business.  I now run a registered investment advisory firm. We are all women, owned and operated.  

My business earns about a million dollars a year. My husband and I just share the numbers; because I want to normalize people talking about, money. My husband and I have a house in Silicon Valley that's worth two million dollars and if you put together all of our other investments, we're definitely what you would call financially independent. We have, financial freedom. 

How to Build Wealth: Have your, money work for you.

How to build wealth, from having no money. Now we have, money, work for us; but it's a skill set that I didn't always have. I have found out that my purpose on this planet is to coach people, especially entrepreneurs. For those people who run businesses, the sky is the limit for them to remove their, money blocks, wherever they may be. 

I figured it out. I sort of put myself in, money, boot camp. I didn't buy a cup of coffee in a coffee shop for two years. When I was in boot camp, I got very conscious about what I was saying about, money.  I now use linguistics as the foundation of my coaching.  Anyone I coach, the first thing we do is remove  I can't afford that.” from our vocabulary. 

Those words are not allowed to come out of your mouth. You either say “Oh great, let me see how I can work that out or  “I‘m going to put that in my spending plan.”

Myrna – That's awesome. Your language about, money,  is very powerful. Let's talk about, money mindset block.   My audience on the radio are mostly African American and  sometimes they are in the poverty space.  Our community  is predisposed  to over spending.  We want the nice things, we want the designer shoes and bags.

I was talking to a guy one day, he was wearing nice running shoes and he said they were Kanye West shoes and cost $400. I couldn't help thinking  what was his, money mindset, to spend $400 on Kanye West running shoes? 

What is a Money Mindset Block

Myrna – What exactly is a, money mindset block, and how does that show itself for somebody that's looking at their spouse and saying maybe they have a, money mindset block?

Hilary – First of all, the idea of the, money operating system, is the lead, money block. For me it was there's never enough money and so all my, money blocks, are going to harmonize with that particular lead, money block. For example, let me just say each individual is different and I don't mean to answer questions for someone who isn't even here;  but let's take the example of the person who spent $400 on Kanye West running shoes and maybe can't pay rent, so there's an imbalance there.

If you ask that person why he spent $400 on running shoes, he might say:

  •  I need to have this to be socially accepted,
  • I need these shoes so that people can think I‘m wealthy,
  • I need to have these shoes,  so that people can think I‘m powerful. 
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Then you would ask the question.

  • Well, do you have those things?
  • What do people think about you?
  • Have you achieved this goal?
  • Is that desire fulfilled for you?

And if you really look, it's probably not because we need another pair of shoes or another designer bag or any other another brand name to become socially acceptable.  It's an infallible hole that you can't fill with designer shoes. Instead, if you can reposition in your mind,  if you're really tired of your, money, going the way that it's going, if you're sort of fed up and a little bit disgusted with the fact that you know you're a smart capable educated, well-intentioned person and money isn't working for you in your life, this is, how to build wealth, you clear your, money mindset block. 

What are your 7 steps to  build wealth?

Myrna – You have 7 steps to, wealth, is that how you coach someone that maybe have an overspending problem or they have a, money mindset block, problem or their, money operating system, is not working properly? 

Step 1- Permission: All effective coaching starts with permission. The first step is to decide you have, money blocks,  to make the decision that you're ready for change.  There's no denying that you're giving up the Kanye West shoes and the brand name bags and other creature comforts. A lot of people who make financial transformation to, build wealth, find that they have to move.

They actually need a lower cost place to live; they need to give up the beautiful leased car so they can pay cash for a car and don't have monthly payments.  You are lowering your standard of living in the beginning and that takes courage. It takes willingness to sacrifice, so after you've made a decision then we catalog your vocabulary about money, this is really important.

Step 2–  Your money vocabulary –  no one ever wants to talk about, money.  You need to talk about money, to find out what your friend is doing; what's working, what's not working. You can provide advice or ask for advice if you want. What do you say to yourself about, money? Maybe some people think in pictures about, money, or maybe it's just an emotion.  You think about spending, money, and you get excited; you think about saving, money,  and you get sad.

I have my participants that I coach,  actually spend a month doing a, money, conversation log. What do you say to your partner about, money? How do you tell your customers about, money? For example, if you're a real estate agent and someone wants to pay you a four percent commission instead of a six percent commission, what do you say? What are the actual words that are coming out of your mouth?

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Building Wealth with Money Map

So, let's get specific about what you say about, money. We've got a, money map, we've actually got kind of your, money blocks, in black and white in front of us.

Now, we can really start the coaching. So, we have sort of highlighted and done the private detective work figuring out, what’s your actual, money blocks.

I‘ll give you an example, someone I coached found this counter intuitively. She felt rich when checks would get mailed to her, so she would put the checks in her desk and not send them to the bank. Isn't that strange? I can't even identify that block, that is like a serious, money, scarcity thing.

Myrna –  Did she not know the checks are only paper unless you get the, money?

Hilary – No. It was completely just something she was blind to, until we did the, money, conversation log and she saw it.

She saw it for what it was and she's like oh my God, this is crazy behavior; but no one's ever asked me about my, money, behavior, so I never thought about it.

Step 3 –  logistics of money I don't teach budgets, I think budgets are overwhelming and too detailed for most people. I think that people spend a lot of time designing a budget and then they never honor it or live by it, because it's too restrictive .

Step 4 – Earn money – You can't categorize every single expenditure you have, you're a busy person with lots of responsibilities.  So instead, I teach a system I call automation. It's sort of like the equivalent of irrigation in your garden little hoses bring, money, to the places where it needs to be.  People love it. 

  • you pay yourself first,
  • you pay your overhead
  • you save for your short-term goalsmaybe your next car 
  • you save for your financial independence first.
  • Then what's left over, You spend from one account and that way when that account gets to zero, you're not at zero, your money goals are already funded.

That's the plan and honestly most people get through the plan because it's very front-loaded. It is a lot of work in the beginning; but once you set it up, just like irrigation, it happens every time you turn the hose on. People pay a lot of, money, to coaches to figure out how to earn money and they can't figure out why their, money, still doesn't work for them and it's because they don't have these steps.

Step 5 – The ASK mindset –  Learning to ask is a  mindsetYou can ask for a million things :

  •  you can ask your credit cards companies for a lower interest rate,
  • you can ask your insurance for a lower premium,
  • you can ask your memberships for a discount.
  • You can ask  for a discount at Star BuckJust go askThe point is not whether you get the discount or not, it's having the mindset to ASK. We do a challenge inside my coaching program called “Get 100 No's  You win the game by getting a hundred no's and my assertion is, It will change your life. You're building strength your, money blocks, are going to be different. For someyou'll find that your, money blocks, are operationally systematized in your business processes.

Step 6 – Clearing the, money blocks.  in your business –  As an entrepreneur you're either under charging for your products or services or you're not spending enough effort getting prospects into your funnel. Whatever it is, there's some part of the process that's broken for youMy training is called “Eight Ways Business Owners can Transform Revenue into Personal Wealth, it is anon-demand training from October 8th to 15th.

So, you definitely want to go grab it.  This training is really for entrepreneurs who are sick and tired of working so hard for the, money, and having not much to show for it.

Step 7 – Protect – Once you clear your, money blocks, you can, build wealth, by protecting what you built.

I just want to show you how to climb out of that trap in this training and the great news is it's totally FREE

I want to encourage you, please subscribe to the Transform Your Mind’ YouTube podcast’s channelDefinitely trying to grow our audience. 

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Additional Resources


How to Use Intuition in Business Transformation

You can use your, intuition, in the, transformation, of your, business, by paying attention to signs. There's signs like for example, you open a magazine and there's something that pops out at you or a song comes on the radio and it triggers something you were asking the universe for an answer.

Jenny Fenig  specializes in empowering creative women, entrepreneurs, to increase their confidence, impact, money and time-freedom by mixing modern and ancient practices. Jenny spent the first decade of her career in the corporate space as a public relations executive and event producer.  Jenny then shifted her focus to working with, self-employed women, helping them package their magic to exponentially grow their, business, income and joy. She’s proud to lead the most trailblazing online community for transformational coaches, consultants, creatives and wellness professionals working with the energy of their intuition, the moon, and the seasons.  Jenny is the author of “Get Gutsy” and also a podcast host. She was a Silver Stevie Award Winner for Coach of the Year.

Listen to the full interview here:


How Monpreneurs can use signs for  Business Transformation

A mompreneur is a mom who is an, entrepreneur, working her business from home while raising her kids. A great visual is kid in one hand and phone in the other!

I tell you it's actually one of the most beautiful things I know.

Myrna – You mentioned, intuition, and you mentioned vision and clairvoyance  in your bio, can you share how, intuition, can help, entrepreneurs, in the, transformation, of their, brand.

Jenny – You can use your, intuition, for, business transformation, by paying attention to signs. There's, signs, like you'll open a magazine and there's something that pops out to you or a song comes on the radio and it triggers something you were asking the universe for an answer.

Let's say you've been struggling with something or pondering a question, you can get your answer from daily living. These, signs, will continue to be around you all the time you just have to to open to the universe talking to you.  You'll be in a conversation and someone will drop a line and you would be like that’s exactly what I needed to hear that day, so I'm a big believer of using, intuition, and, signs, to get answers to the, transformation, of your brand.

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What is the transformation Mindset?

You don't need to be drinking from a fire hose,  we're living in a world with so much information, the news cycle never ends.  Social media never goes to sleep.

So let's connect the dots on, signs, and, intuition.  Your mindset has to be open for instruction and inspiration. You have to have a mindset for, transformation.

Myrna – I received a, sign, one day I was reading the newspaper.  I saw an article about a Life Coach. That was my, sign, and I used my, intuition, to know that becoming a, Life Coach, was my purpose.

How do entrepreneurs use intuition for transformation

This is where your own spiritual practice comes into play.  You can just say to God or the Universe “I'm open, I'm ready, show me the way. Show me a, sign, help me use my, intuition, to know where to go next in the, transformation, of my, business.  Then just open up just open up and trust and know that the answer may not come on your exact timetable, like within in the next hour; but it will come.

We are always being guided.  We all have angels and guides that show you these, signs, and inspirations.

As women we get up get up and put on those heels and go to work Monday through Friday from nine to whenever, because that's the game. That would be very much kind of the setup of the, sun. The, sun, is going to always rise in the East and set in the West. Women are not built to work with, sun, energy.

How women can use the feminine energy of the moon for transformation

On the other hand, when we look at the, moon, it is a more, feminine energy.

Women are very connected to energy of the, moon. The, moon, is in a different place in the sky every night.

It's just so fascinating to me that as women our energy changes during the lunar cycle, just like the, moon’s, energy changes during the lunar cycle. I was never taught this growing up, it was something I learned over time. I was forcing myself to show up every day and be the same time like the, sun.  I was doing this for decades.

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How to use the phases and energy of the, moon, as, entrepreneurs

There are four main phases of each lunar cycle:

  • There's 13 moons in a year and there's 12 months in a year.
  • We go through a full lunar cycle when we go from a, new moon, back into another, new moon. The, moon, is always changing.
  • The, moon, is  always changing and growing in terms of her light in the sky. When that light diminishes, we go through that entire lunar cycle and so at the beginning of a cycle we have what's called a, new moon. When you see the light on the right side of the, moon, that's when you know it's a, new moon, you're in a new phase.
  • This is when women can start their, transformation, journey because they can harness the lunar energy really tap into their vision.

New moon and Transformation

During the, new moon, phase,  you will be resting, and renewing. This is where, transformation, takes place.  You will be saying I want to put my energy and my focus for this upcoming lunar cycle on this project.

You can use a, moon, cycle magic tracker to help you use the phases of the, moon, for your, business, transformation. You could say, the date of the, new moon, is this, so I should be feeling this. My, intuition, should be this and my intention for this, new moon, should be this.

Setting a plan for your Transformation Art

  • My intention is, I'm going to be open
  • I'm going to be open to, signs
  • I'm going to be courageous
  • Get tactical on goals and vision.
  • Set a promotional plan for this, business transformation.
  • During this phase, I'm going to ramp up my health and fitness practice by ensuring that I sweat five times a week

The next phase of the, moon, cycle is the Half Moon. It is 7 days to a week after the, new moon. This is called a first quarter, moon.  This energy is is connected to personal growth, action and commitment. This is where you make a plan for personal growth to help with the, transformation, of your, business.  You take action on a next step, and you make a commitment to the, transformation, of your brand.

You're going to check back in and say I’m  going to go back and look at my intention that I set in the, new moon, phase and look back at my goals and see how am I am doing.  How far have I come in my, transformation? If your measure is not up to your goals, this may be a time to take action and double down.

Maybe you realize it's time to make a shift, because you realize you’re not  in alignment or the world has changed and you need to make some pivots.  You also don't want to be anchorless where you can get thrown off course when the winds of the storm come.  That would knock any of the progress you made in your, transformation, back to ground zero.


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Kitty Lee a native of Virginia is the CEO of KittyKittyBooks LLC and a master storyteller who crafts fun, educational, and age-appropriate tales and activity books around the Coronavirus without making them too overwhelming for a child’s young mind.

Kitty’s most well-loved children’s books include a Wash your hands story book, a Wash your hands coloring book, and a Wash your hands word search puzzle book that center around the current coronavirus pandemic, complete with fun, exciting characters and hopeful, educational messages that nurture kids’ curiosity and creativity.

For more information about Kitty Lee and her wonderful books, visit Kitty Kitty Books on Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube.

The Full Moon and, Transformation

A week after the half moon,  about seven days later, you're going to get to the, full moon. We all know what the full moon looks like,  it’s glorious. That's when we're in our fullest power.  The moon is in her fullest Power. My sign is Taurus so I love the, full moon in Taurus.

As women we all went through our bleeding years where we had a menstrual cycle.  The energy of a, full moon, is connected to the energy of ovulation. It’s the few days in our cycle where we could conceive a child.

That’s the energy that the, moon, is putting out and we can you can tap into it. We can tap into the, transformational energy, of the, full moon, and 10x the, transformation,  of our brand.

You are hot stuff during this phase of the, full moon, cycle. Everything you touch can turn to gold; but you got to go for it.

  • You got to send that email,
  • you got to place that phone call,
  • you got to go to the event
  • put your name in the hat
  • send the proposal

Whatever it is, you got to believe in yourself and be willing to make those bold moves and bold decisions for the, transformation, of your company and brand. That's the energy of the, full moon.


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Last quarter lunar cycle and transformation

The next lunar phase is the, last quarter moon .  The, last quarter moon, the energy of that phase of the cycle is let go to rise higher. If you invested time and energy into your health and wellness it is the time to see those results. Rise higher in your relationships, rise higher in your financial growth.

Let go of what didn't happen and focus on the next cycle of the, New moon, for those projects.

We have a coach certification program to help life coaches in the, transformation, of their coaching, business.  I call this co-creating and coaching with the cosmos.  We're really tuned into this framework called the magic makers method.

Myrna – I've been intimately connected with the, full moon, because the, full moon, affects the tides and our internal system which is made of 70% water; but I didn't pay any attention to the other phases of the moon like then, new moon, or the, last quarter moon.

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How Can women entrepreneurs build confidence by learning to distinguish between their inner voice, and their, inner critic?

Jenny – The, inner voice, it's really that ability to get still and to get quiet which is so important for women, entrepreneurs.  We've got eight million notifications coming in on our phone and it's buzzing on our computer and the noise is everywhere. So we need to clear out and have a regular practice where we get quiet and get still so we can hear our, inner voice.

Listen to that, inner voice, to know and feel what's pulling you forward and what's pulling you back. We have that connection with our bodies and when you start working with nature, working with the seasons, working with cosmic energy, you'll find that place inside of yourself again and you'll be able to distinguish between that inner knowing and the, inner critic.

The, inner critic, is that gremlin in your head that stops your, transformation

  • You'll never be good enough
  • You're making a mistake
  • You don't belong there
  • You're screwing it up
  • They're all laughing at you
  • I could never put my message out there, because there could be some mean person who wants to dump on me and I can’t handle it that. Your, business cannot get to a, transformation, cycle with the, inner critic, in your head.


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I love the book “Big Magic” by Elizabeth Gilbert  she lays it out there's, it's really about guidance.  Creative people we create through ideas right and we need ideas to come to us from our, inner voice, which is our source.

When we get ideas from our, inner voice, and we don’t act on it, we can’t get mad when someone else become successful from an idea we didn’t act on.

You can purchase Jenny’s book “Get Gutsy” and her coaching certification program called Magic Makers coach certification by visiting her website

The Magic Makers coaching method, we help Coaches understand and master the craft of intuitive coaching.  It's a specific type of coaching and then we teach you how to master the craft of a business.

Jenny's main website is

Conclusion Business Transformation

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Building trust in Relationships: Personal and Business

In the intricate tapestry of personal relationships, building trust in relationships, is the cornerstone upon which strong bonds are formed. This blog delves into the delicate art of, building trust in relationships, and nurturing trust with benevolence and integrity. Join us on this exploration of trust's transformative power, and uncover the keys to forging lasting connections that stand the test of time.

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Daryl stickle is one of the world's leading experts in trust with over 20 years experience his PhD building trust in hostile environments. Duke University established him as a global leader for governments and businesses.  His  unpractical approaches to, building trust, that has worked for McKinsey and Company  in their Toronto office as well as advise the Canadian military on, building trust, in Afghanistan. He has served as faculty for the Luxembourg School of Business and the Center for Effective organized organizations at the University of Southern California and recently completed his book Building Trust Exceptional Leadership in an Uncertain world.

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Myrna:  maybe we can lay some foundations of how that can happen for anybody that's listening, but I know that you help leaders and organizations.  I understand you have a  structured and systematic approach that helps leaders to build trust.

Building Trust in the Workplace

Darryl: I and I also do work with families trying to help them understand how, building trust in relationships, and also, building trust in the workplace. For me trust is a willingness to make ourselves vulnerable, when we can't completely predict how someone else is going to behave.

If I'm a leader, how do I know if people trust me?  I'll ask these questions.  One of the challenges we face is just a lack of awareness about who we trust and how much.  If I asked you, do you trust me?  You'd feel awkward right? It's awkward to say no, because that would be rude and it might trigger an inappropriate response.

Our head goes to this place where we either trust people or we don't, it's a dichotomous variable, like an old-time light switch.  The reality is we trust some people more than others and so when I ask people who do you trust, I get these close tight personal relationships.  Best friends, siblings, spouse parents.

When I flip the question and I say who trusts you?  I get this sort of long pause and then people say, how do I know if someone trusts me or not?   I'm a leader my subordinates can make themselves vulnerable by telling me what their real development needs are?  By taking risks, making mistakes by pushing back against things that they don't think are going to work and coming up with Innovative Creative Solutions.

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Transform Your Mind Amazon

Definition of trust

I believe that trust is a combination of uncertainty and vulnerability and in fact it's uncertainty times vulnerability. It gives us a level of perceived risk, we each have a threshold of risk that we're willing to tolerate. NFR perception of the risk goes beyond that threshold.  We don't trust if it's beneath it then we do and so, building trust in relationships, actually becomes a fairly simple matter of understanding where does uncertainty come from.  Where does vulnerability come from and how do I take steps to help people manage those.

Myrna:  How do I build trust,  or how do I trust someone?  I believe that trust is earned.  For instance, let's say we're starting off in a, business relationship, I am going to trust you until you burn me. I am going to trust you until I realize that you're stabbing me in the back. How does vulnerability comes into play?

Darryl:  We start off in the world with a high level of trust and in most situations our parents go out of their way to make sure that we don't experience levels of vulnerability that are too high.  They try to prevent us from being injured, they try to keep people from us  who they don't think are safe and they keep an eye on situations where we might get burned.

So we learn over time about how much risk we're willing to tolerate and part of that's cultural and part of that's historic.  The example you give of we we start with a new boss or a new team or a new set of co-workers yes there's a certain level of trust there and it's partly because we have these expectations that we're all sort of pulling in the same direction.  We're all kind of on the same side and we dip our toe,  we don't make ourselves incredibly vulnerable right away.

We accept a little bit of vulnerability as we come to understand them and  I'm going to frame this in terms of relationships. Early in relationships we have high levels of uncertainty, which means we can only tolerate a small range of vulnerability and still fit beneath that threshold we're comfortable with. As we gain more experience that uncertainty starts to go down which means the range of vulnerability we can tolerate starts to grow.

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Transform Your Mind Luminary podcast

Building trust in relationships with benevolence

There are three levers we can pull from the individual perspective, there's benevolence, integrity and ability.

  • Benevolence –  is the belief you have my best interest at heart and then she'll actually work in my best interest.
  • Integrity –  is do I follow through on my promises and do  my actions line up with my values and abilities. Do I have the confidence to do what I say I'm going to do?  So that boss has to have shown us at some point that their response is going to be supportive and helpful rather than angry and frustrated and that that they're going to tolerate mistakes.
  • Ability – As you learn and grow, I want to position you to succeed and I'm going to ask you to do something that's slightly outside your comfort zone and you come back to me and say, I may not get it perfect but I am goin to try.

Myrna: You also have a system that helps parents, build trust, with their children.  One of the things that I know as a parent is that your kids are always watching.  How do you teach parents to, build trust, with their children?

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How can parents build trust with their children

Darryl: I've actually written an article on this that's on my website at it's free if people want to go look for it it's in the blog section.  It's on trust and parenting, but again it goes back to those levers.  We explain the context so there are four levers within uncertainty. I believe that there are ten altogether that we can pull, and the four within uncertainty are benevolence, integrity, ability and context is the fourth lever.

So to the extent that our kids understand how we're constrained and what we can and can't do, and what the rules are for our family. Then they understand how we're going to behave, but we also need to be able to convince them that we have their best interests at heart.  I talk about benevolence quite a bit and when I'm working with families, I'll ask them, who here has their kids best interest at heart and all the hands go up.

When I flipped that question and say how many of your kids would say that you have their best interest at heart? it's about a third and it's somewhat hesitant and so how do we make it obvious, how do we make it land?  It doesn't mean always being nice.  Benevolence is truly about having their best interest at heart.

Myrna: I'm loving this.  We've talked about the office, we've talked about parents. Let's talk now about, building trust is personal relationships.

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Google Podcast Transform Your Mind

Building trust in personal relationships

Darryl: How does trust evolve in, personal  relationships?  From the start it's going throughout that blend of uncertainty and vulnerability.  In our relationships as uncertainty gets more and more compressed, as we become more and more convinced that we know the other person and how they're going to act, the range of vulnerability we can tolerate starts to really grow.  In our deepest relationships, we've got very small levels of uncertainty which means we can be incredibly vulnerable with one another.

There can be things that happen to cause the uncertainty to rise for us  which makes us uncomfortable.  When I work with people around, how to, build trust, I focus in on the 10 levers that I talk about.  Four of them are within uncertainty, two of them are within vulnerability, there's two within perceived outcomes because we interpret the world through stories.

I was working with a student in Luxembourg and I said, I want you to tell me a relationship that's really important to you and he said my girlfriend.  I said great when you go home tonight you're going to say to your girlfriend, I was talking with Daryl today and he said that benevolence is really important to, building Trust, and that means having someone else's best interest at heart.  He asked me about a relationship that really mattered to me and I said you.


Book Building Trust
Book Building Trust

Book: Building Trust Exceptional Leadership in an uncertain world

Myrna:  Tell us about your book it's called Building Trust Exceptional Leadership in an Uncertain world why did you write it?

Darryl: It especially a leadership book about, building trust in the workplace, and there's some personal stuff as well.  I find the model holds. I had to pick somewhere to start.  If I were to write another book, which I may, it would be around parenting and family.   I wrote the book I put everything in there, there's no hidden messages that I've kept secret. I've put the whole model on, building trust, in the book. I've also talked through all 10 levers.

I've talked about how to pull those levers effectively,  I've given examples and case studies of situations where those levers have been pulled and what we've done. So the intent of the book is to really scale things.  I've also got a master class, it's about three hours in length. It's five minute segments that really walks people through trust and uses role plays and exercises to help people actually apply the skills.


Myrna:  tell us about your website tell us about your course your social media handles

Darryl: You can reach out to me at [email protected]  you can go to the website and there's a Blog section there with articles and some podcasts. There's a course, there the master class that's available and you can order the book anywhere online.  People can reach out to me on LinkedIn.

I've got a YouTube channel it's just in its very early stages it's trust unlimited podcasts

Additional Resources

How to Develop an Adaptable Mindset

When you have an, adaptable mindset, it means you're going to be, adaptable, to almost anything in life. So, what's the definition of an, adaptable mindset, and how can we develop it?

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Robert Overweg is the founder of the, Adaptable Mindset program. He and his team empower people to develop their own, adaptable Mindset, to develop mental flexibility. Learn how to create, mental space, and to find new possibilities. In our rapidly changing world, we keep feeling the impact of unpredictable events to which we have to adapt.

Robert teaches how, adaptability, is about empowerment and finding new perspectives. The Adaptable Mindset program has been applied at several Fortune 500 companies including Chanel, and Heineken, multiple SMEs and innovative schools. They have also supported over a thousand students and solopreneurs with their online program.

Myrna: What do you credit your, adaptable mindset, to even as a kid?

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Developing an adaptable mindset as a child

Robert: My parents gave me a lot of freedom to explore. The told me, hey, if you want to be an artist or professor, do what makes you happy. I was always photographing crawling around and founded my own photography company when I was like 17 years old.  I was very naïve and I thought, hey, I can do this. I was just always failing forward again and again.  I noticed that a lot of people haven't had that upbringing. But it's not necessarily to have such an upbringing to be able to flow through life.

You can also find it later on, but it takes work and that's why we found with the, Adaptable mindset program, and like all of our testimonials show that people can find their spark and find their drive can find these different perspectives again.  You can make the work fun and you can make the work playful so it's it doesn't feel like a work just creating, mental space.

Myrna: When I was growing up, everybody said that, you needed to be a lawyer or a doctor, to be considered successful and they were stuck in that.  If they didn't go to medical school or they didn't become a lawyer, they kind of felt that they were a failure of some sort, you know what I mean?

So, a, creative mindset, would definitely be an, adaptable mindset. Because in order to have, creativity, you've got to let energy flow through, you got to let source flow through. You got to be in touch with and feeling your environment. So that's probably why you gravitated towards, adaptability, and started your design company at 17. You had that, creativity, almost kind of built in.

So, like I started off by saying, we are, adaptable. As human beings we were born with the ability to be, adaptable. So why do we need that, adaptability?  Why do you think that God hardwired us to be, adaptable, people?

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We have to adapt to survive

Robert: God did it to everything. From nature to animals otherwise you aren't able to survive. It's just a very natural thing to do. Also, if we look at new theories, we also see that it's not just survival of the fittest and adaptation. It's also working together and that's maybe something that we forgot a little bit as humankind. Most of us have heard about survival of the fittest, but not about doing as a collaborative effort. And yeah, I think like everyone also has the ability to have an, adaptable mindset, we make so many silly rules, which narrow our frame of view, which limit our own, creativity.

And then we put upon our children and we teach that limitation in schools as well because we make life simpler than it is. we compartmentalize things at school. So, we deny people who understand the entirety, you are not trained in intuition you're not trained in in compassion. You're not trained in imagination. It's mainly different kinds of sports, more of the art skills and then you get grades. And then if you if you don't pass your grades, then you're a failure like entire system is set up to compartmentalize not really help you.

Adaptable mindset in business, is the same in organizations too much compartmentalization. You're not really valued for your, creativity.  And then we have media which is constantly distracting your social media which is railroads are thinking we're constantly being narrowed in a frame of view we're being boxed in. And that's not how we are meant to be meant to be.  You should be able to find your own path and do whatever the heck you want actually, as long as it contributes to the to the greater good.

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An Adaptable mindset is adaptable to change

Myrna: When I thing of an, adaptable mindset, I'm thinking along the lines of, adaptable to change. Alright, so let's take the pandemic. We had to do a lot of changes and we had to, adapt. In fact, they're saying that we will never go back to where we were before. So, let's say that, we're accustomed to the grind of getting up in the morning at six o'clock and taking the train or driving in rush hour traffic to get to work and then all of a sudden, you are stuck at home by yourself.

You don't have people to talk to, you don't you don't have that communication with people. A lot of people got really depressed, because they didn't have that outlet. So, talk about that kind of, adaptability. Why do we need, adaptability, for things like crisis?

Robert: A lot of people, of course, everyone went through this experience, and some fared better than others. Right? A lot of people indeed became depressed and weren't really connected anymore to what inspired them. The people who did flourish, often took care of themselves, or went out for walks, did their own exercising, took care of proper nutrition, maybe even getting in touch with the restoration.

So, everyone has to decide. It doesn't matter if he fails, then you pick up the next one and just keep on expanding the mind even putting new information in and just keep on repeating that. Also being conscious of how the world reacts to it and what the world needs. So okay, now I need to work from home. But what can I do? You can do that by finding different perspectives and assessing how you can get out of the situation or how you can get the most out of it while remaining calm.

The world is very demanding, you need to find that countermeasures to be able to get clarity again and to connect again to what you want to do instead of the outside world.

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Most people don't like change

Myrna: As you were talking, I remembered that a lot of times me personally and some people that don't like change, right? And anytime that you have opportunity to change, you kind of want to stay the same because you're comfortable there. But I found that anytime I resist change, and then I leap forward into it, It works out a whole lot better than what I was didn't want to change from. Who would have thought that people would like to work from home. But now they're finding reasons that it's a whole lot better.

You kind of, adapt, to whatever situation you're in and that's probably why God programmed us with, adaptability, because things change. Even our wealth and our health, sometimes you can go from, being very wealthy and then you're poor, and you got to, adapt. People don't really, adapt, but they at least try. Or you go from being healthy one day to being bed ridden the next day.

You got to find a way to make that work for you. You know what I mean? So, when I think of, adaptability, that's what I'm thinking of, any situation that has changed, and you got to fix it. One day you are married and you’ve got the second income and all of a sudden, you're divorced and you now you are a single mom struggling to pay your bills. We all have to develop an, adaptability mindset.

Who moved my cheese

We always resist change. I remember way back when I was in the corporate world, they, you know, one of my companies made us read this book, Who Moved My Cheese, and they made all employees read that book as part of the onboarding training because they know that people hate change, and everybody's gonna resist change. Corporations hire coaches to help people, adaptability mindset.

What are some of the pros the pros, of an, adaptable mindset?

Robert: If you have an, adaptable mindset, there’s room for growth? You ask yourself, what can I learn from it? If there's nothing that you can learn from it, just move on.

Myrna: Yeah, there's always something you can learn even if it's not what not to do.  So, if we find that our personalities are the type of person that we don't like change, we're stuck in the same mode. You know, that our parents told us to do, you know what I mean? We're not growing, we're not curious. We're just stuck. How can someone in that space, develop adaptability? Is there like some steps that they can do?

Robert: Yeah, I think it's very beneficial to start with what you're curious about. Because what you're curious about is about, adaptability.

Myrna: A lot of people that are not curious, let's assume they're not curious. They're just gonna do what they know.

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TuneIn Radio

Curiosity leads to adaptability

Robert: Well, there's always something that you can be curious about. It can even be a TV program or channel on discovery or whatever.  You do need to have a sense of, curiosity, still in you, otherwise, there needs to be a willingness from the individual. You know, that it starts there. It starts with you taking that step forward, and putting more of the stuff in your life, which inspires you.

And if you find something even if it slightly makes you curious, then keep on exploring and keep on pulling on that thread and through more of that into your life.  It could also be that you just feel that your mind is totally overflowing and you don't have any space, you don't have any time to be curious.

Myrna: With an, adaptable mindset, you can change because the mindset is your software, right? So, when you have an, adaptable mindset, that means you're going to be, adaptable, to almost anything in life. So, let's discuss what is an, adaptable mindset, your definition. How can we develop that mindset?

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Transform your Mind Stitcher

The adaptable mindset is about openness

Robert: That's what, mindset, is that you're always able to find a fresh perspective that you have openness, openness to new ideas is a very large aspect of that. Because openness allows you to see more things. It's also about expanding our frame of mind. You know, everyone has their own specific frame of mind through which they look through the world.

And sometimes we forget that everyone has their own specific frame of mind, that the frame is like a letterbox issue to the world. It narrows your frame of view whether you notice it or not. So, it's always a good idea to start chipping away at that frame to try and expand it and expose yourself to art, to movies, to music that it lights up your soul and do that often and maybe less of the Instagram scrolling. Did you know that Kim Kardashian has a new boyfriend? Not really expanding her frame of mind?

Myrna: Yes, a lot of time and other people's business take up space in our mind. Everyone is now watching Johnny Depp.

Robert: We need to create more brain space to also filter more content, but also work on creating more cognitive flexibility through movement through sports like yoga, meditation, cycling, strength training, all of these things are scientifically proven to create more cognitive flexibility. It makes you better able to deal with uncertainty and ambiguity like strength training, strong mind and body because a strong body equals a strong mind.

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Creating mental space

It's so extremely logical, but we are we've become such sedentary creatures and we're always sitting in a chair on our phone. And of course, you'll be more flexible because you've got such so much data of solutions and possibilities and your, subconscious mind, is able to make new connections. The other important thing is it's what you see with people who have great scientific discoveries Nobel Prize winners. All of these people, they also have, mental space.

And they had ways to sort of resynthesize what they experienced by playing violin, doing juggling unicycling going for long walks, going sailing, and doing that for hours. When do we still take time ever do nothing? Absolutely nothing. Or just react to something like violin or go for a walk. It's often that we have a second device for doing something else or thinking about something to think different and to speak different as well.

So, what we see is that most people change when they encounter change. They say, Ah, it's not possible. Oh, that will never happen here. And you know, all like these walls that they put up. And it's debatable if that is very helpful. But what might be more beneficial is to always think positive and how it could be possible.  And just always having that open view.

The Adaptable Mindset program

Myrna: Your, adaptable mindset program, you said that you have helped over 1000 students and a lot of entrepreneurs you know solo entrepreneurs. Tell us about your program.

Robert: So, we have an online program, which is curiosity based, it's very playful. You can choose your own boss through the program and you can start with our nature game’s philosophy, doesn't really matter. And just take all your inspiration and expand your mind. There is a masterclass in there as well on how to create, mental space. There is a segment on how to deal with a, fear of failure, like all things that you use during your development, and you can just choose what you need and what resonates with you.

You don't have to do everything or actually anything at all. I don't really mind like as long as it actually works for you. So, we've got the online program, and then we do workshops, and organizational transformation in these larger organizations as well. And then normally, the first week with Chief Technology Officer head of innovation, head of digital, someone in a leadership position, and then we talk about the ENA company. How other teams are structured, what people are lacking, how to stop being stressed out, these kinds of things and then make a custom program to support people in resolving these challenges. So, you get more creativity, more imagination, more mental space, because that is what most organizations need.

Myrna: That's awesome. What's your website?


Additional Resources

Rewiring Your Brain To Develop a Fitness Mindset


How to Go from Success to Significance in 100 Days

Inspirational coach, Marcus Bell, created a project called the “100 Dayz Challenge” a ‘Wealth and Impact’ boot camp to guide people to the way to success. This Challenge helps people achieve their goals in life.

Marcus Bellringer teaches us how to go from, Success to Significance, in, 100 days. His bootcamp 100, Dayz, Impact Challenge is growing in popularity.  We’re going to straddle the fence today. We talk about music and, life coaching, and  challenge you to make changes to your life in, 100 days.

How to Have Success in 100 Days
How to Have Success in 100 Days

Bio Marcus Bell

MARCUS BELL IS ONE OF THE TOP MUSIC PRODUCERS/COMPOSERS IN THE INDUSTRY. He has worked with some of the biggest artists such as Nicki Minaj, Katy Perry, Snoop Dogg and many more. He also produced and composed for some of the most famous films and TV shows. Apart from that, Bell is a successful entrepreneur who wants to help people achieve their goals in life. That’s why he created a project called the “100 Dayz Challenge” a ‘Wealth and Impact’ boot camp to guide people to the way to success.

This Challenge helps people achieve their goals in life.  Bell has also produced soundtracks for several television shows and films. Some of the new and upcoming releases that feature his work are the TV series P-Valley (Starz Network) with the singles ‘Boy Listen’ and ‘Own It’, and the Netflix series Ginny & Georgia with the song ‘Give Us Love’. Marcus Bell also published a #1 best-selling book on Amazon titled ‘Bellringer Branding Bible: The 5 Musician Branding Principles for Singers, Rappers

Listen to the Full Interview


Before we get into the details of our conversation today, tell us your journey from being a music producer to a, Life coach, wanting to help people achieve success in their life.

Marcus: The first thing I would say is to start with is I stand for dignity and compassion for myself and all humanity. That’s why everything that I've done and everything that I do is organized around uplifting humanity. When it comes to the music industry now, the thing that I love about the music industry which I've been a part of since I was two years old, is I was born into the entertainment industry.

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Transform your Mind Podcast Index

I started playing piano when I was two years old,  I was a child prodigy. I started my first company when I was 12 years old, a record label. So, I've been an entrepreneur my entire life, a musician, songwriter and recording artist. What I discovered in my journey was that the things that I was doing when I was younger, like recording myself and playing all the instruments and coming up with the lyrics of the songs and all of those pieces of a puzzle (that’s the actual role of someone that is able to do all of those things and mix the song and bring it to completion and deliver the emotions of the song), those are the roles of a music producer – so I discovered that I was a, music producer, before I was a teenager.

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Become the producer of your life in 100 Days

I learned everything from my mother, she was just amazing at bringing forth treasures in my life. When I was younger, I lived in an area in Virginia (I was born in Norfolk, Virginia). In that area there was a music producer who had produced Marvin Gaye. He was my first contact with someone that was hugely successful in the music industry, his name is Gordon. I was taken to the studio in his house and he was playing my music. Suddenly, he stopped the music and he looked at me, he said “kid don't you listen to the radio?”

What he was saying was “kid what's your style.”  I was playing around in a lot of different genres and did not have a sound.  Today I teach my clients to find their unique talent in, 100 days.  As a kid, I had a song that was hip-hop, I had a song that was jazz, I had a song that was gospel, I had a song that was reggae and a funk song. I was all over the place in terms of the type of music I was producing. But I discovered, I was a, producer.

I discovered in that session that this is what a, music producer, does. A, music producer, looks at the artist and can see what is needed in order to pull the greatness out of that artist. The, producer, then focuses that greatness in a direction that will make the artist successful.  In the, 100 days, challenge, I do the same thing for my clients.  I pull the greatness out of them and I try to do it in, 100 days.

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The Wealth and Impact Boot Camp: How to Build Wealth

My job as a, music producer, is to see greatness in my artists and help them discover that greatness for themselves, and capture it on a recording, so that the world can see that greatness.

As a, Life Coach, the Wealth and Impact Boot Camp, is a program that is designed around helping people access their greatness, articulate that value in the marketplace so that they can monetize it and help a massive amount of people.

Myrna: That's great. So, why did the, music producer, back then ask you if you listen to the radio? How does the radio help you as an artist?

Marcus: That's a fantastic question. There are processes to discovering your voice, and as far as I can tell, there are three stages:

  • There's imitation stage,
  • The emulation stage and
  • And the innovation stage.

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Goal Setting in the innovation stage

The, imitation, stage is like learning to play the saxophone. I would take out the saxophone put on Charlie Parker and John Coltrane, imitate what they did,  I would try to figure out the notes get the sheet music (this is what they were playing here) and try to sound like them. Basically, I was attempting to be Charlie Parker on the saxophone. This is the, imitation, stage.

For the, emulation, I'll use a different example. When I was in Boston doing something like 10 songs a day, people would come into the recording studio and say “Marcus can you do something that sounds like Timberland” Can you do something that sounds like Baby Face? Can you do something that sounds like Dr. Dre? But in, goal setting, we have to stop, imitation, and, emulation, and start the, innovation, process to create our unique sound or bring our our unique greatness.

I'm not playing exactly what Dr. Dre did, but I would do something that Dr. Dre would have done. It's a sound, it's a feel, it's an energy, it's a vibe.  I'm listening from a lot of different lenses. I am listening for  like the sounds that are selected, the type of setting that is placed, the way the notes are arranged (is it more minor, is it more major) like all these different factors and many different ways to examine something to get to an, emulation, place.  As the, producer, of your life, you can do the same thing with your mentor.

Find somebody who has been where you are trying to go and emulate them until you understand the rules of the game.

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Google Podcast Transform Your Mind
Google Podcast Transform Your Mind

Trying to find your sound or unique talent in 100 Days

I didn't know at the time that I was developing a valuable skill from, emulation, and, imitation. That skill allowed me to be featured in different television shows and movies. People still reach out to me and say “Hey Marcus we couldn't clear the Beyoncé song, oh we couldn't clear xyz song (like Lady Gaga’s song), do you have anything that sounds like it? They are using my skill of, imitation, and, emulation.

Innovation, is getting you to your authentic self. In the, 100 dayz challenge, and there's a bunch of different lenses that we can talk about. One lens is think about those conversations that you may have about, time and money.  For example. There's a narrative that gets emulated inside of society, particularly Western society that “time is money”. How many times have you heard that?

Myrna: Are you trying to challenge that concept?

Marcus: Absolutely, because time is much greater than money.

Marcus: I would assert and not only is time much greater than money, but what kind of time are we talking about?

  • Are we talking about space time,
  • What about talking about time as numbers,
  • And talking about time as activity?

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Learning How to build wealth in 100 Days

I've studied a lot about, time and money, time can be used in the context of money to multiply your money (like compound interest) and things like that, but I think when I use that is when someone is wasting my time.

Myrna: Are you talking about the 24-hour day where you are a, producer, a coach or somebody that's working with you that, time is money, because when you waste time you're wasting money?

Marcus: Yes, but you can transform that thinking and have, passive income, from,  compound interest, and all the other things where your time is not connected to, money. I mean, money, is not connected to your time. In the, 100 days, challenge, I spend a lot of time on how to make, money, work for you.   If I were to talk about how I produce revenue, you would agree that, time is not connected to, money.

In the, 100 Dayz challenge, I teach you, how to build wealth, with, passive income, in, 100 days. I have a friend of mine who I'm doing a course with, I'm collaborating with him on a LinkedIn, Wealth and Impact Boot Camp course. He gets paid up to $75,000 for 45 minutes.

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Building Wealth by becoming an Innovator

Marcus: Barack Obama is an, innovator, that is why he charges $200, 000 an hour to speak for an hour at events. A, Life Coach, can bring $200,000 worth of value into the lives of their clients and be paid $500. Part of being an, innovator, and, music producer, is looking at what are the elements that make someone unique. What's different about this artist, what is he doing that's different? What's different could be  how you value yourself in a marketplace and so forth. Time is money, is one of those things.

Myrna: I remembered probably the biggest example of that, is Mariah Carey. Mariah Carey has a song “All I want for Christmas is You.” That the song took her 30 minutes to write and it's made 60 million over the years. That is how you, build wealth, and we can say that is this case, time is not money.

Marcus: That’s a great example. Musicians aren't the only ones that have, passive income, from, innovation.  I would assert that every individual once they have connected to the intrinsic value that they have to offer the world, and they're able to hone in on what that value is and offer it to the world, can have, passive income, and not trade time for money.

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What the 100 Dayz Challenge is About

Myrna: Tell us about your, 100 Dayz Challenge, and how does it connect to finding the authentic self?

Marcus:  The 100, Dayz, Challenge is really designed around taking people from, success to significance. In a community event in 2020 around election time, I was talking about elections and I challenged my clients to elect themselves for office. When someone comes into office like when Biden they have an aggressive agenda in the the first, 100 days, in office. This originated from President Roosevelt. When the country was moving out of the great depression, Roosevelt brought forth the first, 100 days, (this is where we get that from in popular culture and then particularly in politics). When he got into office, his first, 100 days, is where he set the tone for his entire 4 year term by doing as much as possible in, 100 days.

The whole four years, but people ask what did you do in, 100 days? That's why people elected to office, try and get bills passed or reverse things from the past president, all of that activity in that first, 100 days, in office. Traditionally, the first, 100 days, has been the most impactful for the entire eight year term.

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iHeart Radio

100 Dayz boot camp

In my 100, dayz, challenge, I challenged them to create wealth in a the boot camp to take on, 100 days, for their most important aims. I created a structure around the first, 100 days, because most times when people take on challenges like New Year’s resolutions, by day 15:

  • people stop going to the gym,
  • they're eating cakes again,
  • they stop meditating,
  • Most stop praying or whatever.
  • Arguing with their husband or wife or girlfriend a boyfriend is back
  • Most people can't sustain it.

So, I created a structure for, sustainability. What makes the, 100 Dayz Challenge, unique is that, it is designed with, neuroscience, social psychology, and with psychology in mind; so that you can create sustainable change or elevation or adding something new.  If there is something that you wanted to do that you didn't necessarily have the courage to do, or you didn't have the time to do, you didn't have the resources to do it, whatever. All you have to do is take that thing and put it inside the, 100 Dayz Challenge, structure Program and achieve, success to significance.

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Book How Many Faces

Success to Significance in 100 Days

As a result of the success of the, 100 Dayz Challenge, and because we launched at the same time that Biden came into office. We started this, 100 days, challenge and we opened it up to the public. People can join at any time. We created several, 100 days, programs to suit different goals. As soon as you join it, your, 100 days, starts.

What's happened from the public launch of the program is we realized that this is not just a program:

  • it's not just a course inside (even though there ‘s a course in the 100, dayz, challenge)
  • it's not just a community (even though we are a community)
  • and it's not just a structure (even though there's a structure there),
  • this is actually a Movement.

It's all about self and others, because when you do something for yourself it impacts those around you.

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TuneIn Radio

The Neuroscience of sustainability

Myrna: That's true, but I want to ask you a question, because I know that what you're saying is very true as far as, sustainability, which is one of the reasons that the gyms are so packed after new year's or before summer, because people have a goal at these times but they can't sustain it. You talk about the, neuroscience, of the, 100 dayz challenge, so how does your program help with the neuroscience of quitting?

Marcus: There are things that we know for example, is response to, neuroscience.  There's always an exception to every rule. There's always the exception. For example, there's always the gym that has people packed and all the time, but  what we know in, neuroscience, (I'm not a neuroscientist, but I do a lot of study on, neuroscience.)  It's known that willpower doesn't really work, so you can't “WILL” yourself throughout the day to perform at a high level.

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Transform Your Mind PTWWN TV
Transform Your Mind PTWWN TV

Willpower and Goal Setting

Willpower,  over time diminishes, so you have less of it as the day progresses, which is why it's important if you're doing something that requires a lot of prefrontal cortex, to do it first thing in the morning. If there's a lot of cognitive load, you do that thing earlier in the day.  If you're going to do finances or accounting or read through contracts or whatever you might want to do that earlier in the day, than at the end of the day. When you're tired from the activities of the day and your, willpower, has diminished, your cognitive abilities also have diminished.

The way the, 100 Dayz challenge, is designed we take an account that people have different goals and different aims. Someone maybe , goal setting, with a  money aim, some will be, goal setting, and have a relationship aim, some may be, goal setting, and have a spiritual aim. The program allows each person to work with the strategies.

Myrna: Tell us about the, 100 Dayz challenge,  program. Is it customized? The example that you gave of a person who wanted to raise money, would it be that a totally different skill than would be set for someone wanted to lose weight or someone wanted to get wealth or maybe someone wanted to find out what is their unique talent. Tell us about your program, 100 Dayz.


Marcus:  The way that works is you as the individual customize it using the tools that we provided.

Myrna: Now, tell our audience how they can connect with this, 100 Dayz Challenge, or where they can connect with you.

Marcus: If someone is interested in joining the, 100 Dayz, Impact Challenge, they will go to and join. I will recommend that they join the inner circle because on those inner circle calls, every Monday I get on the phone with the people that are in the challenge and we have conversations.

Myrna: My intention is almost similar to what you're doing here. My intention is to let people know that all they have to do is transform their mind and they can, transform their life, so that's exactly what you're doing here. With the challenge, you are helping people to transform their mind, because the mind is what is can either build you up or bring you down. Once you change that mindset, you will, transform your life.

Thank you so much for helping us to do that today by transforming our mindset that yes, we can do anything we want to do or achieve any goal by just working at it.

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Additional Resources

Can you recognize your failure symptoms?


How to Build a Scalable Online Business

I made lot of mistakes in my first year and then with, business coaching, I started to understand how to build an, online coaching business, a scalable business, and a sustainable business. My, online business, took off to seven figures.

My guest today is Sigrun, business coach and mentor. Online businesses, are booming, the pandemic has forced everyone online; so even if you didn't have an, online business, before 2020, hopefully you have one now, because having an, online business, is the global trend.

I understand that 20% of the people who went online because of the, pandemic, will stay online because they just find shopping online more accommodating and useful.

Sigrun,  is going to give us some information on how to be successful in your, online business.

Listen to the full interview here 

Introduction to building a scalable online business

Sigrun Bio

Sigrun, started her, online business, and quickly built a multiple seven figure, online coaching business, with membership, coaching programs and masterminds. She has helped women from all over the world start and build their, online business, to six and seven figures.

In 2020 she founded a real estate company around two properties and started her first fund.  Her next brick project is an International conference in Iceland called the, self-made summit.

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Transform Your Mind Podcast Player FM

Helping Women succeed in their Online Business.

Myrna – is your coaching specifically for women or everybody?

Sigrun – I would say it's specifically for women, even though I have a few male clients. I don't turn men away; but my mission is to accelerate gender equality. I'm doing that through, female entrepreneurship.

Myrna – Very interesting story, it says that you started your, online coaching business, because you lost your job twice in two years and then you became sick for seven months which made you become an, entrepreneur.

A lot of people during this, pandemic, are suffering a similar fate, because they lost their jobs or they were sick with, COVID-19, or something like that. What happened to you in 2014 is happening to a lot of people right now.

Can you share your story and hopefully inspire someone who has lost their job.

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Sigrun – I got sick in 2010, so that's over 10 years ago.  I had been a CEO for a number of years and then I moved from Iceland to Switzerland. I got a job in a small company where I didn't have to do many meetings, I just sat on my desk for nine hours a day. I developed something called RSI which is repetitive strain injury.

After I got this injury under control, I started to ask myself. Do I really want to go back to work nine to six, nine to seven, you know work nine or ten hours at the desk?

I could be working from home and that's when I started to taste the freedom and flexibility of potentially an, online business. Many people will just not have a business idea, and I struggled with that piece. I spent several months trying to figure what my, online business, should be.

I ignored the obvious choice which was a, business coach, because I had been a CEO for 10 years with a master's degrees including an MBA from a business school and still the idea of being a, business coach, was somehow too horrible.

Don't think too much about your online business idea, just do it.

Overthinking and not moving forward is the most dangerous place you can be.

Myrna – A lot of people do that, people always think that they can only start something when the time is or they have the funds etc.

But it's a fear of failure that prevents them from moving forward.

It's better to take the first step even if it might be wrong step. It's better to take some step than no step.

Sigrun – Finally after 18 months of being inside my head and overthinking, I started my, online coaching business,  January 2014.

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Hire a Business Coach to Help you with your Online Business

The next challenge came when I thought I could figure this out on my own.  I had decided to be a, business coach, but I didn’t know how to coach myself.

Myrna – The problem with that scenario is a lot of times most,  entrepreneurs, do it all in the beginning, because they don't have the money to hire a, business coach.

Sigrun – How we get past that financial situation in the beginning is  there are lots of programs that cost nothing and still give you enough steps to move forward. As you grow your own funds, you can invest in more expensive programs.

My lowest price, coaching program, is $3000 and I know that it's possibly out of reach for some people, but at the same time I offer a lot of free content.

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Look for Free Programs to Help you With Your Online Business

I have a podcast where I offer, business coaching. I also have free trainings every three months or so that people can join. So you can get to a certain point with free stuff.

After nine months of thinking I could do it on my own in 2014, I pulled out my credit card and invested $5000 in a, business coach.

It was like what I call a rocket up my butt.

My, online business, took off. After nine months of what I call throwing spaghetti at the wall, the puzzle started to work out for me.

I made lot of mistakes in my first year and then with, business coaching, I started to understand how to build an, online coaching business, a scalable business, and a sustainable business.

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How to create a scalable online business

I went into business with the aim of making it, scalable, sustainable and profitable. I had run multiple businesses before and one thing that I didn't like was when revenue was tied to the number of employees.

That's the beauty of an, online business, of offering courses and, scalable, programs, memberships and masterminds, that is not so people dependent.

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How to Scale your online Coaching Business

It was about mid-second year that I started my first, group coaching, program and immediately sold out. I had two groups of six people. I started with six people, because I saw some other coaches do it.

Then I tried eight people and then ten people and twelve people and it took me a year to finally then offer a group of 18 people. My first 18 people group stayed with me for two more rounds.  Every, group coaching, program ran about 10 to 12 months.

Then I started to ask myself if 18 people was the limit?  I can run maybe five groups at the same time, but that is a limit again. How can I scale from there?

So in 2018, after doing 18 people, coaching groups, for a while and getting to the limit of how many groups I can run, I decided I was going to have a more, scalable, program. I get other coaches to come in with me and coach separate groups. This was a huge step for me.

Myrna – Tony Robbins is making millions doing that. He trains coaches to do his, coaching program.

Sigrun – Absolutely, now I have six coaches plus myself in this, coaching program, with 500 members, so totally doable to scale to that size.


How to start on online business

I can literally take an absolute beginner on a 10-week journey and they will:

  • Build an email list.
  • They will create their first or next, online course, that is four weeks.
  • They will sell another, coaching program, that they also come up with in the program.


So, after 10 weeks they have an email list with excited buyers, they have created an, online course, that is four weeks and they start the process of creating a second program that is longer than four weeks.

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The seven stages of a profitable online business

  • Stage one: one-on-one coaching. I do believe people benefit from doing,  one-on-one coaching, you start the seven stages with stage zero which is sometimes confusing. Stage zero you're not making any money, that's the research stage. That's where you can for instance, create a course that is for free.
  • Stage two- Offer your first online course for free. A free four-week, online course, so you create something with your clients and then you know that people will like it, and then you can more easily sell it. So, in the research stage, you're not earning money, but you are talking to your ideal client, you're figuring out what you like, what they like.
  • Stage three – you start with, group programs. In stage three you have your four-week, online course. I highly suggest that people have a four-week, online course, as the first, online course, they create. You circle to the free 4-week, online course, you gave away for free in stage one. Now you can add testimonials and charge.
  • Stage four – once you have created a small, online course, this gives you the confidence to create your signature, online course. A signature, online course, is typically 8, 10 or 12 weeks. This is where you can start to really scale your, online business. The year I created my signature, online course, was the year that my revenues increased from $340,000 to $1,000,000.
  • Stage five – You want to finish your ascension model. Your  ascension model is literally the journey you want to take your client on. It's 27 times more expensive to always get new clients, so you need to create a pathway for your clients to move up when they finish one, online course.
  • Stage six – Then there's another problem I needed to tackle. Now I’ve created my, online course, how do I sell it? How do I launch my, online business?
  • Stage seven – Then I have a final program at the top where I take clients to a million dollars in revenue. I only work with 10 or 12 women at this level.

Your Ascension Model

  • I have an, online course, called Momentum. This is where they stay with me for 12 months.  They learn how to launch their, online business, again and again.
  • Learn how to get new clients.
  • Learn how to do Facebook ads.
  • Hopefully reached $200,000 in revenue

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Transform Your Mind Pocket Casts

It is important to know the numbers. If you have 100 people interested in your, online business, typically only three will buy.

In an, online business, we don't talk to everyone, we do a webinar or we do a podcast.  We do different things, this is the marketing attraction model.

If you can envision a pyramid. At the bottom is the entry level program. In my case it's a $3000 program, but for a lot of businesses this could be something like a four week, online course, for $197 or $297.

That's the first taste of working with you and if people like it, they'll move to the next stage. In my case I have kickstart, online course. Then they just keep moving up the pyramid.

Conclusion Online Coaching Business

Tell us about your, self-made conference, coming up for a thousand, female entrepreneurs.

The, self-made summit, was supposed to happen in 2020 we all know what happened, now it's been moved to 2022. It is for, female entrepreneurs, so all the speakers are seven figure women who have built an, online business, in different industries.


These women built million dollar businesses and now they want to share their journey and their steps for others who want to follow or just be inspired to take action.

I'm all about action and implementation, so it will not just be inspiration, people will walk away with real action steps that they can take in their, online business.

I have one young speaker, Haley Thomas, she has worked with Michelle Obama.  She is a super inspiring young black woman who has built a non-profit helping children eat healthier.

How they our readers connect with you and buy tickets to the, self-made summit? is where people can find everything about me and the conference of course and it's summit


I want to thank you guys all for tuning in to the Transform your mind radio podcast and TV show. Hopefully your mind was transformed

today on possibility of a successful, online business.

I want to invite you guys to join my Facebook group called Life coach where you'll be inspired daily by dozens of coaches that we have on the platform including myself so thanks again.  Please subscribe to the podcast and leave us a review.

Additional Resources

15 Benefits of Hiring an Executive Coach


Ten Characteristics of a Great Leader

An Entrepreneurial, leader,  is defined as the owner manager of an organization or Business Enterprise with considerable initiative and risk. The risk and high volatility of the, entrepreneurial mindset, is the life blood of the capitalist society. Because of the high risk of failure of the, Entrepreneur, (statistics says 1 in every 10 businesses will succeed) it is of paramount importance to have an effective, Leader, at the helm.

Here are ten of the most important characteristics of the Entrepreneurial Leader:

  1. Passionate - You must care about people above profits. People encompass the, entrepreneur, customers,  employees  community.
  2. Driven - An Entrepreneurial, Leader , must be self motivating and have a burning desire to succeed
  3. Humility - An entrepreneurial, leader, must be humble. "I believe the first test of a truly great man is in his humility". -John Ruskin Visionary 
  4. Vision - A leader, must have vision. Without vision his business will perish.
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Transform your Mind Soundcloud podcast

"The most pathetic person is a person who has sight but no vision". -Helen Keller

Where do you see your company in 5 or 10 years? Are you able to recognize trends? Are you able to be innovative and re-inventive? If not, your company will become obsolete.

"Where there is no vision, everything will fail. Your business will fail, your marriage will fail, you will stumble in your spiritual life, your money will disappear, you will get fat and flabby and you will go no where in life!" - Peter Drucker.

The bible teaches "people without a vision, will perish". Not in the physical body but you will become spiritually dead. Vision is the blood that circulates in the, entrepreneur's, organization and keeps it alive. Pull your dreams gently out of the clouds, write them down, work with an Executive Coach to design action steps; only then it becomes a vision.

Loyalty – Loyalty to customers and employees is a must for the, leader.

"A person who deserves my loyalty receives it". - Joyce Maynard

A, leader, who has no followers is only out for a walk! 

5. Loyalty is the glue that keeps your employees and customers bound to you. Reciprocate it.

6. Charismatic - A Charismatic, leader, are essentially very skilled communicators. Entrepreneurial Leader,  should be verbally eloquent; but also able to communicate to followers on a deep, emotional level. They are able to articulate a compelling or captivating vision, and are able to arouse strong emotions in followers. Charisma is not a must have characteristic but a nice to have.

  • 7. Risk taker - Entrepreneurial leaders, are risk takers since the failure rate is high. With great risks come great rewards. Nothing ventured nothing gained. An, Entrepreneurial Leadership, must take risks to win!.


  • 8. Strength and Courage - Courage, confidence, self reliance, and persistence are the characters, leaders, needed to overcome obstacles and reach the goals in life that really matter to you and your company.

9. Spiritual strength - which includes mental and emotional strength are also important characteristics to add.

When you are able to surrender to God, and have confidence that you are on purpose; you tap into the organizing power of the Universe. The power that supports all living things, the power greater than yourself.

As goes the King goes, so does the Kingdom. Your business and your career rises and falls according to the strengths or weaknesses of its, Leader. You are the lid! A Spiritual Life and Executive Coach can help you push past limiting beliefs, and help you build that courage and confidence muscle.

  • 10. Maverick - Mavericks are talented and truthful to the point of bluntness. Mavericks break rules, not out of spite; but because the rules don't work. They are highly goal orientated, charismatic, and will question anything and everything! Mavericks are, Leaders, who eagerly make business decisions that fly in the face of business-as-usual. They deliberately turn traditions up-side-down or shut them out altogether, looking instead for new "disruptive" ideas and creative people, and in doing so find themselves on a joyous ride to success. Steve Jobs (Apple) and Richard Branson (Virgin) are often marked as 'mavericks'.


  • Passionately Serving - You have to be a servant to lead effectively.


“I don't know what your destiny will be, but one thing I know: the only ones among you who will be really happy are those who have sought and found how to serve.” ― Albert Schweitzer

What, communication skills, are important to Entrepreneurial Leader success

Let’s talk about, leadership, and then this broaden it to a straight talk between peers.  Talking straight is really a sign of respect to everyone in your life.  We’ve all met people who say they call it as they see it, that is actually quite selfish.  Talking straight is when you are able to base what you’re saying in fact.  When you talk straight with someone, you don’t postulate, you don’t pontificate,  you don’t technically tell the truth, but you kind of leave the wrong impression.  No you just you say straight up what is true.

As a life coach, I would use something called the, sandwich technique,  which means that you package that talk with something positive like a sandwich.

I would not advocate the, sandwich feedback method. I think it’s generally disingenuous. I think the better technique is to first declare your intent, because the moment there is suspicion about your intent, everything you do becomes tainted.  So be very clear on what your intent is. Say what is uncomfortable straight, no chaser without any bogus compliments and no hidden agenda.

Additional Resources 

Keep Your Vision in Front of You

15 Benefits of Hiring an Executive Coach



15 Benefits of Hiring an Executive Coach

“The goal of the, executive coach, is the goal of good management and that is  to make the most of an organization’s valuable human resources.” –  Harvard Business Review Organizations that embrace the culture that their employees and leaders are their most valuable resources, invest in the development of these resources.

Life Coach Myrna Young
Life Coach Myrna Young

Introduction to, Executive Coaching

There are four commonly used tools for improving human performance: 

  • Coaching,
  • Consulting,
  • Training, and
  • Therapy

There are important differences between them. Just as it is important to know when to hire a consultant, it is equally important to know the when and why for using an, executive  coach.

Why hire a, Executive coach?

  1. You would like to improve Personal transformation
  2. To develop the future leaders in your organization
  3. Lead change to create high performing, results driven organizations
  4. Help managers learn how to be, coaches, to their employees
  5. Create an organizational culture that value learning, and  continuous improvement.

When should you  Hire an, Executive Coach

  1. You want to fine-tuning your vision for your business;
  2. You want to empower and motivate your staff;
  3. You want to improve the communication and listening skills of your managers and help them become more confident. It is one of the secrets to success. 
  4. You want your leaders and managers to gain competence in the soft skills domain.


Benefits of, Executive Coaching

Executives identified fifteen significant benefits of, executive coaching, as a leadership development tool. They are:

  1. Continuous one-on-one attention that facilitates growth
  2. Expanded thinking through dialogue and powerful questioning from a, Life coach.
  3. Self-awareness – including bringing light to blind spots.
  4. Personal accountability for development – An, executive coach, can hold you accountable for work you promised to do between sessions.
  5. Just-in-time learning.
  6. Sustained interpersonal skills development.
  7. Consistent, long-term development that gets embedded and becomes part of your routine.
  8. Identify executive strengths and development needs
  9. Leverage existing strengths and improve performance
  10. An, executive coach, can create an Executive Strategy with an Action Plan and  accountability to help executives stay on track
  11. Adopt and/or reinforce executive leadership competencies crucial to the organization's culture.
  12. Positive and sustainable behavior changes
  13. Develop leadership skills and practices; learn coaching skills they can implement.
  14. Enhanced career planning and development with an action-oriented plan
  15. An, executive coach, can coach to  greater work/life balance.
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Transform your Mind Soundcloud podcast

Executives claimed expanded thinking through dialogue and powerful questioning from an, executive coach. Dialogue, fueled through powerful questions, is at the heart of the, executive coaching, process. In coaching conversations, executives think out loud, become more reflective and gain access to their own tacit knowledge and unexplored ideas. The, executive coach,  role is to act as a sounding board, confidant, partner, challenger and catalyst for change.

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Benefits of, Executive Coaching, – Case Study

Jack has excellent technical skills and has fast-tracked to a senior executive position. He was certain he was a good leader — that is, until his, executive coach, asked him questions about his team’s excitement and engagement levels. It became clear to the, executive coach, that Jack’s team was frustrated. Jack was furious and “insulted” and he vowed never to work with his, executive coach, again. Subsequently, Jack pondered his strong reaction. He realized his, executive coach, had hit a nerve. “That’s why I reacted like that, because it was true,” he says. Jack is still working with his, executive coach, and continues to learn and develop. He appreciates his, executive coach,  role in helping him gain self-awareness, which means understanding his strengths as well as his blind spots. “I don’t have these kinds of discussions with anybody else,” he says. “I am on such a straight path that I can’t see what’s going on. That’s where, executive coaching,  really helps me.” Jack now expects his, executive coach,  to hit a nerve from time to time. He sums it up this way: “The value to me is not for an, executive coach, to be really nice to me. I don’t need another friend. The value to me is having somebody to help me see what I can’t see.”

Executive Coaching,  acts as a mirror for Jack, providing him with honest feedback and revealing gaps so he can see himself more clearly, as well as help him to identify goals and promoting sustained action.


Executive Coaching and Personal Accountability for development

Some executives use sports metaphors to describe,  coaching.  Anne, a high Achiever, thinks of, coaching,  as a springboard for reaching her personal best at work. “Olympic medalists have, life coaches,” she says. “I want to be an Olympic medalist in business.” Anne regards her, coach, as her “personal trainer.” The common denominator in, executive coaching, and personal training is, accountability. You can learn proper techniques in a few training sessions at the gym, but it is easy to lose your way, by cutting corners, using improper techniques or missing workouts. Ongoing personal training creates momentum and accountability for development. The same is true for, executive coaching. As Anne says,

“Executive Coaching, provides an objective outside person to help you do assessments, set developmental plans and hold you accountable.”

Anne has invested heavily in her career, through education and hard work. She views, coaching, as another form of investment. She and her, coach, established developmental targets on day one. Now they have weekly meetings, either in person or on the telephone, to discuss her progress toward her targets and identify obstacles that are impeding her progress.  Through coaching, Anne holds herself accountable for her continued success. Her bottom line:

“Coaching gets me from where I am today to where I want to be”

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Transform your Mind Soundcloud podcast


Just-in-time learning

Executive coaching, facilitates what is called “just-in-time learning,” which is all about learning on the spot. Clients can practice and role play.  Jack told his, coach, that he wanted to “take a stand” in his next meeting, and that he wanted to come across as confident, self-assured and assertive. Coaching, provided Jack with a dress rehearsal. He used the session to develop a strategy for the meeting. He knew that thinking on his feet in front of a group of people was not one of his strengths, so he and his coach brainstormed potential questions. Jack prepared his answers and did some role playing. The next day Jack was outstanding. He called it “a powerful experience.” The, executive coaching session, had facilitated just-in-time learning.


How, Executive Coaching,  Helps the Organization:

  • Reduce turnover and retain top performing staff
  • Enhanced individual and organizational performance
  • Improved organizational strength
  • Perception of management as being committed to employees and their growth and success
  • Improved employee morale, more committed employees, thus greater productivity
  • Retention of high potential talent and talent magnet
  • Better client relationships
  • Positive work environment, thus greater productivity
  • Executives learn coaching techniques which they can implement with their teams for improved relationships and productivity, as well as enhanced employee development.
  • Enhanced organizational performance
  • Positively affect organizational culture
  • Succession planning and development of key executives
  • Reputation of investing in executives through development
  • Enhanced reputation within industry
  • Ability to recruit key talent
  • Positioned for continued growth and success
  • “Executive Coaching, is unlocking a person’s potential to maximize their own performance.”
  • “It is helping them to learn rather than teaching them. Clients say coaching brings out their best by helping them focus, break down tasks and clarify their values.” – Fortune Magazine
  • Improve the existing culture of the organization

Additional Resources

Ten Characteristics of a Great Leader

The Importance of Leadership to Organizational Success


Life Leadership & Success

Scott Miller, author and EVP at Franklin Covey, shares tips on, leadership,  relationships, efficiency, vs, effectiveness, and how to straight talk to your employees as well as family and friends.

Scott serves as the executive vice president of thought leadership at Franklin Covey, is the host of multiple podcasts including Franklin Covey's on leadership and, Great Life Great Career Podcast.  He's also Wall Street Journal's bestselling author of “Everyone Deserves a Great Manager, the Six Critical Practices for Leading a Team”

What has the book ” 7 Habits of Highly Effective People” taught you about, Leadership?

I have had the privilege of being in the Franklin Covey company which of course was co-founded by Dr. Stephen R. Covey who wrote the book “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People” that, leadership, book has sold 40 million copies.

I wrote “Management Mess to, Leadership, success” because quite frankly my life's been a mess. Not because you are an executive or an author or parent means you are a success automatically.   I wrote the book because I wanted to share with readers that owning your mess is really the first step to becoming a success.

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Sponsor The Transform Your Mind Podcast

Recognizing the difference between having an, effectiveness, mindset and an, efficient, mindset.  One of the biggest messes that I've had to conquer was recognizing when am I in an, effectiveness, mindset and when I should be in an efficient, mindset; because they're not the same factors.

I'm a very, efficient, person, I get up at 4:00 am in the morning, I write my column, I write a couple chapters on the books that I'm writing. On a Saturday morning I would get up at five o'clock, go to Home Depot and buy flowers and have them planted by six o'clock.  Be at the car wash by 7 am, be at tennis by nine.  I mean I live a very productive and, efficient, life. That's helped me in a lot of areas of my life; but it hasn't helped me in my relationships, because as Dr. Covey said

With people, slow is fast, and fast is slow.

We cannot be, efficient, in our relationships.

So one of the biggest areas of growth for me was with people. I had to learn to slow down. When someone comes into my office, I  take off my glasses, close my laptop and turn off my phone. I have to really understand when and where can I be, efficient, and when and where should I practice, effectiveness.  If you want to develop more trustworthy, long-lasting, mutually beneficial, relationships, be more cognizant of when you're being, efficient, and fast and when you're being, effective, and slow.

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I think it's good advice to, leaders, to be a little more, self-aware, and introspective.  Is your need to be, efficient, in some areas of your life negatively impacting other areas in your life?

Use Communication to become, Self-Aware.

It is all about, communication, because when you are being, efficient, you're probably not being, effective, because it all depends on your audience.

Self-awareness, I use this term a lot.  Everybody could benefit from being more, self-aware.

  • Ask yourself – what's it like to be your friend?
  • What's it like to be your husband?
  • What's it like to be your neighbor

I'd encourage all of your readers, if you really want to improve your relationships, if you want to improve your influence expand your credibility and become more trustworthy or likable, go ask the people in your life what's it like to be in a meeting with you.

  • What is it like to be on a carpool with you
  • What's it like to go on vacation with you
  • What's it like to be at dinner with you
  • What's it like to be married to you.

When someone gives you that feedback, don't refute it don't brush it away.

Don't blame anybody else, just listen.

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Transform Your Mind iHeart Radio
iHeart Radio

What, communication skills, are important to, leadership, success

Let's talk about, leadership, and then this broaden it to a straight talk between peers.  Talking straight is really a sign of respect to everyone in your life.  We've all met people who say they call it as they see it, that is actually quite selfish.  Talking straight is when you are able to base what you're saying in fact.  When you talk straight with someone, you don't postulate, you don't pontificate,  you don't technically tell the truth, but you kind of leave the wrong impression.  No you just you say straight up what is true.

As a life coach, I would use something called the, sandwich technique,  which means that you package that talk with something positive like a sandwich.

sandwich feedback method
sandwich feedback method

I would not advocate the, sandwich feedback method. I think it's generally disingenuous. I think the better technique is to first declare your intent, because the moment there is suspicion about your intent, everything you do becomes tainted.  So be very clear on what your intent is. Say what is uncomfortable straight, no chaser without any bogus compliments and no hidden agenda.

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Author Betty Tucker shares the story of her life in her memoir, Don't Worry About The Mule Going Blind. Betty Tucker came of age in Belle Glade, Florida, infamous for its poverty and violence. Her childhood was one of de-bili-ta-ting poverty, borne of racism, exploitive migrant labor, multiple rapes and other abuse, and chronic illness among her family and acquaintances … the list is long and bitter. Betty moved to California, earned her College  degree, and raised a family. Then, in 1997, she began a long and eventually successful search for the twin girls she had given up for adoption thirty years earlier. Don’t worry about the Mule going Blind is a book about Fear, insecurity, sexual abuse, and neglect: This memoir will look beyond the description of these difficulties in the author's life to examine how she acquired the tools she needed to take more control of her life, and what decisions impacted her choices.

Pick up your copy today! Don’t worry about the Mule going Blind now available on Amazon.

Transform your Mind TuneIn Radio
TuneIn Radio

How to become a, Leader,  people will follow

The first step to becoming a great, leader is to check their own paradigms, our own belief systems.  We all have deeply entrenched, deeply enculturated paradigms that were built into us by our grandparents, our parents, our aunties, our first grade teachers, our neighbors, our relatives and it is how we see the world. How we see ourselves and everyone should be emotionally nimble, or emotionally flexible enough to challenge your belief systems.

Women in Leadership
Women in Leadership

Here's a great example:

I am 51 years old, I'm Caucasian.  I live in Salt Lake City, but I lived in the 70s in Central Florida, Orlando Florida. I am  from an upper middle-class white family,  one of two children.  My mother was a full-time stay-at-home mom, my father had a fairly traditional corporate job.  It was a stable family in the seventies and I was raised to believe that, doctors, police officers, and Catholic priests were always right and always told the truth!

Can you imagine for a moment that had I been eight year-old young boy and an altar server and that a Catholic priest who was perhaps a pedophile told me to do some inappropriate  things?

I think the first step in becoming a, leader, of your own self, your own life is to challenge your own paradigms.  You don't see every situation, every argument, every interaction, every meeting, every conflict, every win, every lost accurately;  you always have a little bit of a judgment on it.

We don't see the world as it is, we see the world as we are.

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Transform your Mind Stitcher
Transform your Mind Stitcher

How does “carrying your own weather” help  with, Leadership, Success.

Proactive, leaders, carry their own weather, reactive people give over there weather. They metaphorically give their power to other people.  Proactive people choose their response to any situation, any crisis, any reaction based on values,  not based on other people.

Here's a great example of, carrying your own weather.

My son and I were in Miami and we came upon this intersection in a downtown shopping district where there had just been an accident.  There was no injuries, very small accident.  There was this young woman, I'm gonna say in her 20s who was having this outrageous, hysterical, verbal meltdown. I mean she was out of control.  This person was not, carrying her own weather, she was giving up control of her emotions to that situation. Being out of control was serving her no benefit.  The point of that story was people who are proactive, they're calm, they're rational, they don't let other things influence their own responses.

Leaders who “carry their own weather” move from mess to success.  They put space between stimulus and response. When someone says something to them that pisses them off,  they don't immediately lash out to them.

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Welcome to Cotton For The Soul™ podcast, ( an up close and personal raw & unfiltered perspective on life experience of eating a plant-base diet. Spreading Good vibrations while living a minimalist lifestyle outside the matrix. Whether you have taken the pill of knowledge or the pill of blissful ignorance, thank you for tuning in from down the rabbit hole. Now, buckle your seat-belt because it's about to get real! We upload a new episode every Thursday

Soundcloud Transform your mind podcast
Transform your Mind Soundcloud podcast

What sets your book apart from other, leadership,  and management books

I wrote this book was with very clear intention,  I've been privileged to have my entire career dedicated in the, leadership, development industry. I worked  for years with the Disney Company and now almost 25 years with the Franklin Covey company and learned a few things; but I have always struggled with a lot of these management and, leadership, practices.  Like you I host a podcast and interview guests every week, I read close to 70 books a year and I wanted to write a different kind of, leadership, book because most, leadership, books are written by fortune 500 CEOs or academic professors and they're kind of hard to relate to.  I wanted to write a really real raw and relatable book where regardless of what role I was in, anybody in their career and their personal life could relate to a lot of my own struggles.

So the book is kind of uproariously funny, it's very raw and blush.  I shared a lot of my own messes in the book not because I was trying to be funny gratuitously, I just wanted to validate everybody that, leadership, is hard whether you are a formal or informal leader.  It didn't come naturally to me and so the challenge is based on Franklin Covey’s research, that if you can get your arms around these 30 principles, you will transform your influence in your relationships and your career.  It's kind of aligned with a month, 30 practices in 30 days.  You can take one every day get your groove on.

I was privileged to co-author a second book called “Everyone Deserves a Great Manager, the Six Critical practices for leading a team,” that's also on Amazon.

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economic survival
economic survival

Connect with Scott Miller at Franklin Covey on LinkedIn, Facebook and Instagram.

I want invite you guys to join my private Facebook group called, life coach, there you can get daily tips and strategies to live in your best life now not only from me but from all the members of the group. Also please subscribe to the podcast and leave an iTunes review.

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Understanding Personalities: Which Archetype Drives You




How to Survive an Economic Collapse

To survive the, economic collapse, first thing I would say you need to do is you're going to have to acknowledge where you are financially. The beauty of an, economic, downturn is that  there are more successful people created during a period of, economic collapse, than any other times. The, economic collapse 2020, is no different.

My guest today is Solomon Ali author of “The Empowered Wealth Bible” and “Economic Survival” and we're going to be talking today on “How to survive an, economic, collapse because I think we're heading to an, economic, collapse.

Introduction to How to Survive an Economic Collapse

Solomon, I'm very curious to hear your backstory, how did you become an expert on, economic, conditions?

Immediately after high school, I went into the military.  I went to a predominantly white high school and my guidance counselor said I had good GPA; but they never directed me to go to college or university,  so I went straight into the military.  I made it to the rank of sergeant and learned how to manage people and how to build a team.

When I got out of the military and went home, I couldn't find a job, common story.  So I started helping my parents clean up their rental properties.  I ended up organizing the cleaning crews. We became a mobile company, cleaning up apartments, painting them, doing minor repairs so that the apartments could be ready for the next tenant to move in.  I had a team of people structured like an assembly line.  We had people come and do the masking of everything.  We would mask off four or five apartments at one time. The next group would come in and they would clean the tubs and the toilets, and the next guy would come in and paint it. Then someone would come back and take all the masking tape off, vacuum and shampoo the carpets and we were done.

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Author Betty Tucker shares the story of her life in her memoir, Don't Worry About The Mule Going Blind.

Betty Tucker came of age in Belle Glade, Florida, infamous for its poverty and violence. Her childhood was one of de-bili-ta-ting poverty, borne of racism, exploitive migrant labor, multiple rapes and other abuse, and chronic illness among her family and acquaintances … the list is long and bitter.

Betty moved to California, earned her College  degree, and raised a family. Then, in 1997, she began a long and eventually successful search for the twin girls she had given up for adoption thirty years earlier.

Don’t worry about the Mule going Blind is a book about Fear, insecurity, sexual abuse, and neglect: This memoir will look beyond the description of these difficulties in the author's life to examine how she acquired the tools she needed to take more control of her life, and what decisions impacted her choices.

Pick up your copy today! Don’t worry about the Mule going Blind now available on Amazon.

Now that is, economic, survival. Surviving the rental income business.  That sounds like the best structured management cleaning that I have ever heard, and I do property management as a Realtor!

We had over 70 people on our team. We went from zero revenues, to a little over 6 million in 12 months! But I was not able to collect all my money.  I had all these accounts receivables and I had payroll that was coming up.  So I got on my knees and prayed one night and I was talking to God, and the next day I'm looking in the LA Times and I see a company advertising for accounts receivables loans.  I called the guy and left a message on Sunday he calls me promptly on Monday morning and he went over everything. I made the trip to San Bernardino, California and got a check for $380,000. He bought all my $500,000 accounts receivable accounts.

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Sponsor The Transform Your Mind Podcast

That was my first lesson on, economic, survival in the form of risk management.  You do not want to have a huge concentration of your business coming just from one or two customers, you want to make sure that your company it's more diversified.

That is what I do today. I consult companies on how to survive, economic collapse, or downturns because they come about every 10 years. I teach them how to scale, how to grow, and how to access the finance world.  In other words how to arrange capital, so they can do their roll-ups for this , economic collapse 2020.

We check out the competition and then we begin to set up what I call mirroring.  We design a program that fits my client so that they can grow and scale their business and we're able to access capital for them.  I may have private equity companies that I have arrangements with and I get very passionate about helping others fulfill their dreams.

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Transform your Mind Spotify Podcast
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What does your book “The Empowered Wealth Bible” teach us about, Economic Collapse 2020?

That book speaks in reference to the different tricks of the trade, how you survive, economically, and raise the capital for your business. It teaches you how to use personal credit and credit cards.

It is extremely helpful to the new entrepreneur trying to fund his business as well to the mother wanting the best for her family.

There is one chapter in the book where we talk about how we could take your credit card money's right from your credit cards and apply it to your mortgage and rotate that around cutting the interest rate on your mortgage and shortening the time period.  The book also shows you how to start a business with very little to no money and still be okay in an, economic collapse. Things like that, it is all about, economic, survival.

I started my private equity company back in 2009, I started with two hundred and fifty dollars and by the end of a year or so I was making millions of dollars.

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Think of your body as the most complex communication network that exists. Every second of every day your cells are passing tremendous amounts of information, from cell to cell and throughout every system of your body.  Any breakdown in this vital communication and you cannot achieve your full health or healing potential. Your body would be like a house on fire and you can’t call the fire department because you have no cell signal. So you watch your home go up in flames!

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Transform Your Mind iHeart Radio
iHeart Radio

In Les Brown's new book “You got to be hungry” you must be hungry for success. You must be hungry  to achieve your set goals and work your strategies to achieve, economic, survival.

We are now smack in the, coronavirus, pandemic and the, economic collapse 2020.   Companies are closed, millions of people have lost their jobs and everybody is scared about their future.  It's really interesting that you had the premonition to write the book, Economic Survival, before we faced an, economic, collapse.

I understand we are heading into a recession even a depression.

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Transform your Mind TuneIn Radio
TuneIn Radio


How would we survive economically if the US, economy, was to go into, economic collapse 2020?

Firstly,  I'm going to say we're already in a recession. Our, economy, is already seeing an, economic collapse 2020. We haven't saw seen all the manifestations of what's going to happen, but anytime you shut down businesses state by state, you're losing your, economic, base within those states.  So all of these businesses shutting down resulted in I think as of today there's over 37 million people filing for unemployment.

Let's put that in perspective, that's not counting the people who are self-employed, who are not able to file for unemployment.  So you have to add millions or more to that number, that's not also counting the people who are just giving up and not looking for work. That’s millions more.

I predict that the US unemployed will be closer to about 60 or 70 million by the 3rd quarter. I predict we will see an, economic collapse.

I'm going to Segway  over to the African American businesses.  On average there's approximately five million businesses existing in the United States with ten or more employees.

African American companies there are only about one hundred thousand or so with ten or more employees.  That's a big and significant difference between five million to a hundred thousand.  That tells us that the majority of us, African-Americans,  are working for other people and those jobs are no longer going to be there in the future.

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Transform your Mind Stitcher
Transform your Mind Stitcher

Small businesses create the majority of the jobs, however your larger companies employ more people.  So when you place all this in perspective African Americans are not going to have anywhere to go and will suffer more from an, economic collapse.

Here are some strategies on surviving an, Economic Collapse:

  • To survive the, economic collapse, first thing I would say you need to do is you're going to have to acknowledge where you are financially. The beauty of an, economic, downturn is that  there are more successful people created during a period of, economic collapse, than any other times. You have to solve someone else's problem, you have to be of service to someone,  so that now you have people looking for you because you become in demand.

New businesses will be created like, AirBnb, created in the 2009 financial crisis.

We are losing millions of businesses but new businesses are created during an, economic collapse.

  1. After you solve someone's problem is you have to educate yourself. You have to remove the fear, because fear will paralyze you.  Once you remove the fear you will be able to go out and help someone else.
  2. A lot of people that have the employee mindset will have to switch because they are not going to do well. Unfortunately our, economy,  and, economic survival, depends on developing an entrepreneurial mindset.  We're going to be living in the, economy,  where a job no longer exists.  You're going to be a subcontractor, you're going to be an independent .
  3. You have to look at where are you today financially and reset your priorities. Instead of loosing your home in the, economic, downturn because you lost your job, maybe your parents have a room you could live in and you could rent your house. You're going to have to be willing to do what is necessary for, economic survival.
  4. Immediately begin to renegotiate your debt so that you can have more cash flow.
  5. Diversify – you may have to do some joint ventures with other companies or other people.

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Author interview Transform Your Mind Podcast
Author interview Transform Your Mind Podcast


How do you think the Real Estate Market will fare in this, economic collapse 2020?

I think we're about to see by the last quarter of this year a lot of foreclosures will begin to take place.  I believe a lot of people will begin to lose their homes.

For those investors who have the cash flow and the ability to buy, they will be able to pick up properties at a significant discount, because the banks are going to have to give rid of those assets off of their books.  Credit lines will be cut by the end of the third quarter.  I'm pretty sure maybe even at the beginning of the third quarter the credit lines will begin to get cut, which will have a trickle effect on the, economy.

What we do know is that our, economy,  is not coming back anytime soon.  We may have as many as 60 million people unemployed.  People don't have any reserves and if you don't have any reserves at the beginning of the, economic collapse, then what is going to happen after you have been unemployed for a year.  Robert Kawasaki, of Rich Dad Poor Dad,  was saying that what you do is you find out your runway for your business or personal life. How much money you have in the bank to take care of the essentials, housing, food and transportation?

Robert is  absolutely right.  We were all taught to have six months of reserves,  but if the last, economic collapse, in 2009 taught us anything, is that it took people 18 months on average to get a job so we were wrong saying to have six months of reserves,  you need to literally have two years of reserves. Most don’t even have one month.

How does Private Equity Investing help with, economic survival?

I love private equity, I love loaning out money and helping people to fulfill their dreams.

I have a passion right now for minority businesses. There's approximately 13,000 publicly traded companies all together but, there's only 13 black publicly traded companies currently.  I sat on the board of directors of three and I was Officer of three all at the same time, where I was responsible to help them raise the capital they needed to, survive economically. The companies that I helped, they were not only successful they became in the top 5 companies.

To purchase any of Solomon Rc Ali books or for consulting services visit his website follow him on twitter and Instagram and Facebook @supportsolomon.

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