Tag Archives: Muse guided meditation

Funding Global Consciousness and Mental Awareness

There have been thousands of research studies around the benefits of, consciousness, and, mindfulness.  That research is ongoing,  it's all about, mindfulness for stress reduction,  mindfulness for depression or anxiety.

My guest today is Charlie Hartwell, a Change Agent and Operating Partner at Bridge Builders Collaborative. Today we are going to be speaking on the topic “Funding the Global Movement towards, Consciousness, and Awareness”.

Listen to the Interview

Charlie is a Change Agent who shepherds ideas, resources and talent to drive global sustainable growth.  Passionate about transformation and innovation, he  is a leader who ignites teams to accomplish remarkable results.  Charlie is also a Harvard Business School graduate and has led various roles in 14 different industries over his career.

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Myrna – I know business school teaches you about business.  Why did you settle on the, consciousness, and mental awareness,  part of business?

Charlie – I have to say my wife got me into it.  You'll probably hear about my wife a lot on this interview. I describe her as the wisdom of our family.  My wife has been in the, consciousness, and, spirituality, space for 40 years, in various roles.  She was also involved with The Mind and Life Institute. The Mind and life Institute was founded by a Stanford MBA, a Chilean neuro scientist and the Dalai Lama and proves through science the benefits of contemplative practices like, mindfulness, consciousness, mental awareness, etc. The organization's started 40 years ago and my wife became involved about 14 or 15 years ago. She introduced me to the organization and the investors who started Bridge Builders Collaborative.  They wanted to understand the science behind, mindfulness, and mind training.  They needed someone to go out and find out whether there were investments for, consciousness, and, mental awareness, so they hired me to do that work for them; that was about nine years ago.

Myrna – Okay that's great! Okay so 40 years, that's a long time to be in the, consciousness, space.   Do you practice, mindfulness, yourself or are you just involved in the business aspect of it?

Charlie –  I would say yes, I practice, mindfulness.  I had my own experience, before starting this job.  I might even call it  my own awakening.  It caused a deepening of my own, consciousness, and  awareness.

There have been thousands of research studies around the benefits of, consciousness, and, mindfulness.  That research is ongoing,  it's all about, mindfulness for stress reduction,  mindfulness for depression or anxiety.  Mindfulness, has been studied around the world by leading institutions, and that is when it got to a point where we thought there was enough validation, that's really when entrepreneurs started to ask the question.  How can we take this, mindfulness, and conscious awareness and create a company out of it, and help bring it to more people in the world?

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Myrna –  Consciousness, and, mindfulness, are experiencing a Global Movement.  I was listening to, Sadhguru, on the School of Greatness Podcast and he was discussing his book Inner Engineering. So I went out and purchased, Sadhguru’s, book Inner Engineering and this morning on my morning walk, I started listening to this book. Just the first chapter of  Inner Engineering, blew me away. Sadhguru, talked about how he would go into a trance like state with his eyes open and sit there for hours. How he could feel his digestion! It was amazing.

Charlie why do you believe there's a global movement towards, consciousness, and, spirituality? We talked about the benefits of, mindfulness,  do you think that the East is coming to the West?

Charlie – First of all, I just want to say I love, Sadhguru. I owe him and I love the man very deeply.  Secondly my own perspective, I don't claim to be right on this; my own perspective is that there is such a level of stress and suffering in the world, that  Eastern practices like Buddhism are filling a need.  We have to reduce suffering, we have to reduce stress and anxiety, and, consciousness, and, mindfulness,  are tools that are coming to help people in the United States and around the world.  These, consciousness, tools help people to get more in touch with themselves.  To help them to connect more deeply to themselves and hopefully help them live happier, healthier  and more authentic lives.

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Myrna – That's was the first part of, Sadhguru’s,  book.  How to find joy. Sadhguru, made the comment that in the olden days, people were stressed because they were hungry and it was all about survival;  but once your belly is full, you should be happy because, that's usually the survival part of life. Sadhguru, went on to say that now that our bellies are full and we are the most privileged people in history, we are more unhappy and stressed than our ancestors!

Charlie – That’s where programs about stress reduction and, mindfulness, come into play.  It's a great endeavor to fund more of these companies, so that a lot more people can have access to these tools.  They won’t have to go to India, which is where the majority of these teachings originates, they can access these companies in the United States and that is where your company comes in.

Strategy for Funding

Myrna – So, let's talk about what your strategy is to invest in companies by helping them allow people to go deeper into, consciousness, and mental awareness. Tell us about your company and how you help investors.

Charlie – When we make an investment, we try to add value to those investments in several different ways,  The first way is through what I would call counsel.  My partners and business leaders, who have led in many different industries, have start-up experience or have invested in many companies; so they have the wisdom to provide the entrepreneur with help that entrepreneur be more successful.

The second thing we do is because we are so connected in the space, we're the only investors that are solely focused on the, consciousness, and, mindfulness, space; so we know many of the world's leading spiritual teachers.  We also know many of the world's scientists, we are also connected into the healthcare system.  We're connected to other entrepreneurs and investors, so we add connections that help make introductions that help the entrepreneurs in several different ways.

Thirdly,  we've developed a really good reputation for being investors that not only care about making money; but we care about making an impact in the world. So, if we invest in someone, it adds to their credibility.

Finally our purpose is to provide capital or cash that helps the entrepreneur to hire people, do marketing campaigns,  build platforms etc. but that's the least important to us.

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Myrna – Well that's great! So, coaching, counseling,  you introduce them to the leading scientists, spiritual leaders like, Sadhguru, and then you provide cash. Nice, so how does someone find you?  Or how do you go about selecting the companies that you want to invest in?

Charlie – People tend to find us because we're known in this space.  Our website is BB collaborative  and we tend to use as a funnel and  our screening process.

Nine Steps to Funding a Consciousness Business

  • When somebody comes to me with a business idea, it's normally because they've started their business.
  • They've got their first customers.
  • They've got revenue coming in the door and we provide the growth capital. That’s what I look for.
  • Then we ask the question if our investors were to invest in this company, what is the impact that we can make on a global scale?
  • Next what’s the science behind the product? We try to do an assessment, if the science is good or where are the holes in the science.
  • We also look at the entrepreneur.  do an assessment if the entrepreneur themselves is conscious, if the entrepreneur is vulnerable and is willing to do their own personal work, is willing to let go of ego.
  • Are they skilled at running a business and being able to grow that business.
  • Is the product differentiated?  Is there a need for it?
  • Lastly we look at if we invest in this product, How much potential money can we make from it? How can the company be sustainable?  Can it provide returns on our capital? How much of a return can shareholder expect?

Myrna – I like what you said about wanting to know the science behind a project. Can you give me an example of one of your investments that would maybe fit this model?

Companies using Science to promote Global, Consciousness

Charlie – I'll give you a few different examples. I'm on the board of Muse Guided Meditations. I am passionate about that company.  We've been investors for seven years.  A lot of people have heard of a company called Headspace.  We were one of the early investors in Headspace. The company has done a great job of rebranding meditation and making it accessible to the modern world actually.  Sadhguru, is on the platform.

It's a global community of 7,000 spiritual teachers, musicians, scientists that meet on a platform community of sixteen million.  About five hundred thousand people use it every day.  What I like about this platform is that it's all free.  It's free content.  There are forty five thousand meditations that are available for free. You could subscribe if you want special features; but you never have to pay for the service and you can connect with the world's leading spiritual teachers and find content that suits either your spiritual tradition or the specific teacher that you want. It’s a very diverse group of teachers, 44 teachers are teaching in 44 different language and it's global.

I'll just mention you know another company called ‘Happify' which is kind of a behavioral health platform for, mindfulness, positive psychology, and cognitive behavioral therapy.  It’s an app and they kind of gamified the experience.  They're actually going through the FDA process to become a digital therapeutic program;  so that it can be prescribed by doctors and reimbursed by insurance companies. They are hoping  to be able to treat actual conditions without taking as many drugs.

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Transform your Mind TuneIn Radio
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Myrna – So that's so that's beautiful! I'm definitely going to try Headspace.  I'm thinking that it's almost the same thing as Muse. No?

CharlieMuse is a hardware device where you could see your brainwaves.  It allows you to basically see whether you're in a calm or focused state.  It connects to your phone.  Headspace is more just like a meditation app,  it doesn't have a hardware component to it.

Myrna – As we wrap up the interview I'm curious to hear about how you started a non-profit in the slums or poverty-stricken areas of Nairobi Kenya that has served three to five million patients so far.  Can you tell us about that? Is that also part of the Global, consciousness, and, spirituality, movement?

Charlie – So, in 1986 I'd gotten out of college, I was traveling around the world. I was kind of working weird jobs and in remote places and the last place that I landed was in Nairobi, where I worked as a social worker for like three months.  I learned that I didn't like Social Work at all.  I wasn't good at it, and yet I became passionate about the continent of Africa. I wanted to do something to help create change, I knew it wasn't going to be through social work but, you know the best way I could think of to try to help people was to start a business.  I had a co-founder, a Kenyan who I co-founded the organization with and one other guy that I went to college with, and we started this organization called Provide international. It started as a child feeding program then we started a business loan program for women entrepreneurs, not necessarily in the, consciousness, or, mindfulness, space.

Then we discovered that what the community was asking for was a health care organization; so we started a health care organization.

  • They had the first maternity wards in any poverty-stricken areas of Africa that I know about, we had the first ambulance.
  • We had one of only two ambulances in the entire country of Kenya.
  • They had the first eye doctors and dentists in those areas. After 9 years, I decided to turn it over to the Kenyan, so they could run it themselves not have Americans overseeing them.
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 I went back you 30 years later for the anniversary and they had seven centers, they treated millions of patients.  They'd been very successful at helping to bring health care into the communities. I was proud of what they had accomplished.

Myrna – How can people find you to request funding?

Charlie – People can find me at you know on LinkedIn at Charlie Hartwell. I have a medium blog and  I write articles on,  mindfulness, and,  consciousness.

Myrna – All right so, I don't have anything more. I just wanted to thank you for coming on the show and expanding our, consciousness, on how we can possibly build our inner engineering with, mindfulness, and have a global impact in the world.  We start by changing ourselves first so, once we change ourselves or we change internally, then we can contribute to the global movement towards spirituality.

I want to invite you guys all to join my private Facebook group called ‘Life Coach’ and to remember to subscribe to the Transform your Mind Radio and Podcast, on iTunes or wherever you get your podcasts. You can now also watch the interview live on the Transform Your Mind YouTube channel.  Would love for you to subscribe.

Additional Resources




Using Muse Guided Meditations to Reduce Stress

Guided Meditations, has been proven to make real changes in your brain, like in the  actual structure of your brain. Using Muse, guided meditations, helps you focus.

Today I am speaking to Ariel Garten, Psychotherapist and founder of Muse Headband for, guided meditations.

Muse Headband comes with, free guided meditations, and help to reduce stress and improve sleep.

This topic that's near and dear to my heart because I am a meditator.  So I am going to be learning as much from you as our audience on, guided meditations, and using, Muse Headband for meditation.

Ariel,  How did your work in psychotherapy and neuroscience lead you to becoming the founder of Muse?

How Muse guided meditations started

My story is a really varied one. I was always interested in everything and how the world worked and how we work; so I went to school for neuroscience, so that I could learn more about the brain.  Our brain creates our experiences of life.  The movements of chemicals across our sinapps  create the experience of being happy of feeling connected to one another.

I became trained as a psychotherapist and so in psychotherapy so that I could  work one-on-one with people to help them understand the narratives that play in their minds, these are the stories that are in their head and shapes their existence.  I help them shift those narratives and stories so that they could be more comfortable with the life that they're living.  I became really fascinated by brain waves.  Brain waves are the electrical energy that comes off your head. It's real information from your brain.

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Muse guided meditations use brain feedback loops

I began working with a professor at the University of Toronto and and we began to use an EEG system eg or sensors to detect brain waves to listen to people's brain activity and create feedback loops.  We could literally make sounds from the energy coming off of people heads. We were actually creating musical experiences as you shifted your brain state from focused to relaxed.

I stood back and started to recognize that we could actually create company around this technology and uses this for human good.   I got together with my co-founders Chris and Trevor, two friends of mine one who's an amazing electrical engineer the other amazing business person and the three of us set off to bring, Muse Headband for Meditation,  to the world.

In psychotherapy I would be teaching people to meditate as one of the tools to help them,  transform their mind,  but we all know that meditation is incredibly hard to do because most of us can’t quiet our minds. I sucked at meditation.  I teach it to my patients and they would go home and try to do it but their brains would bounce all over the place and they would be frustrated.

Muse Headband for meditation, gives you real-time feedback on your brain during, guided meditation.

Muse gives you audio feedback.  You're actually hearing your brain state and it's helping you guide yourself back into that state of focus when your mind wanders off.

When I meditate, there's certain times that I can sit there and just concentrate on my breathing, and then the next time I've got all these thoughts that are bouncing around.  When you recognize that you're no longer concentrating on your breathing you bring it back but that could be 30 mins later.

What is, Guided meditation?

Meditation is simply a practice or a training that leads to healthy and positive mind. It's an exercise that you do regularly that leads to improvements in your mind and your brain.  The most common form of meditation that most people do first is a focused attention meditation. You might hear different forms of meditation and they all have a lot of similarities with their basics and focused attention.

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How does Guided meditations work?

You focus your attention on your breath or part of your body.  Eventually your mind wanders away from the thing you're paying attention to or the voice on the, guided meditation, onto a thought or a distraction and it's your job to notice that your mind has wandered and come back to your breath.  It is incredibly simple.  You're putting your attention on your breath, your mind wanders you realize your mind is wandered and instead of following your wandering mind you choose to come back to your breath. Your guide from the, guided meditations, would remind you to follow your breathe.

How to Meditate?

  1. Sit or lie comfortably. You may even want to invest in a meditation chair or cushion.
  2. Close your eyes. …
  3. Make no effort to control the breath; simply breathe naturally.
  4. Focus your attention on the breath and on how the body moves with each inhalation and exhalation.
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What are the benefits of, guided meditation?

Focusing on your breath and returning to your breath is big deal.  When you do this really simple exercise, some pretty profound things happen to your mind and brain. Most of us just kind of go through the world on autopilot.  We just go through the world with a bunch of thoughts in our head and we assume we're supposed to be thinking them.  We're thinking about our brother who’s not feeling well or the groceries that we're supposed to get or with the thing in front of us that we don't really care about.

What happens is as soon as you engage in , guided meditations, and you put your attention breathwork, your mind wanders into one of those thoughts and you choose to say.  I don't want to follow this wandering thought, I want to control my mind and put it elsewhere, on my breathe.  All of a sudden you have changed the relationship to your thoughts and that is HUGE.  You're no longer just subject to the thoughts that are in your head, you can actually have control over them.  You can have dominion over your own mind. Every time you do this you get better and better at saying hey I don't want to follow that thought, I want to come back to this, guided meditation, and my breathe.

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A lot of the thoughts that we have are negative, frustrating and repetitive so instead of just following these negative, frustrating,  repetitive thoughts and assuming that's what happens, we can now observe them and say heck NO,  I don't like that thought.  I don't want to go there and choose to come back to focused attention and, guided meditations.

The benefits of guided meditations

There's literally over a thousand published studies demonstrating the benefits of, guided  meditation, and its impact on your mind your body:

  • Improves your GRE scores,
  • improves your working memory,
  • decrease your stress levels,
  • improves your attention and focus
  • improves your rest and relax response
  • takes you out of the flight or fight response

Deepak Chopra introduced me to, guided meditation,  maybe 10 – 15 years ago.  I have been a meditator for a while and there is a significant difference in everything about me because of meditation. One benefit is that I am able to relieve pain by breathing into the area.

There's a ton of studies that demonstrate, guided meditations,  potential to improve pain.

One study shows a novice meditator or a short-term learning meditation can reduce their pain by 50%, expert meditators have been shown to be able to reduce their pain levels by 90%.

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Muse Headband for meditation,  has agency G and heart rate sensors inside of it that track your brain during your meditation.  The same way that a heart rate monitor will track your heart while you're at the gym and let you know when you're in the fat-burning zone.

Muse Headband for meditation, tracks your brain during, guided meditation, to let you know when you're in focused attention. When your mind is wandering, it actually lets you hear the sound of your mind.  It lets you know when you're focused and it warns you when your mind has wandered off and then guides you back into that state of focused attention.  Muse Headband for meditation, use really beautiful audio cues that you hear through your phone, in the same way a Fitbit connects with your phone.

What happens to our brain during, Guided Meditation?

Meditation has been proven to make real changes in your brain, like in the  actual structure of your brain.  It's quite amazing.  There's an amazing study from Dr. Sarah Lazar she's a researcher at Harvard and she's shown that meditation that can increase the thickness of your prefrontal cortex. The prefrontal cortex is the area of your brain right under your forehead and it's the part of your brain that's responsible for planning, organization and higher-order thinking.

It's the thing that like separate us from other animals.  As Humans we have really developed prefrontal cortex.  As we age our prefrontal cortex actually becomes thinner;  but Dr Lazar was able to show that people with a long term, guided meditation, practices were able to maintain the thickness of their prefrontal cortex even as they aged.  So quite amazing, guided meditation, actually was able to reverse the aging process by maintaining our prefrontal cortex.

Through the, guided meditation, process it actually strengthens the ability of your prefrontal cortex to now regulate your amygdala.  It's like your prefrontal cortex is the parent and the amygdala is the little three-year-old having a temper tantrum.

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Can our Set point for Happiness be changed by, guided meditations to reduce stress?

Our set point is our capacity for happiness,  and apparently it is set very early in life from our parents or our caretakers.  Deepak Chopra says that, guided meditation,  can move that set point so your capacity for happiness increases. I thought this statement was interesting enough for us to include it in our conversation today, so can you touch on the neuroscience behind this statement.

During, guided  meditations,  you begin to recognize that you can have control over your thoughts.  Typically the next thing that happens is you recognize that you are not your thoughts, and if you are not your thoughts you are also not all of the stories about yourself that your thoughts have been telling you about you. At some point with meditators there's this unbelievable shift where you realize that like you know the things that you learned about yourself in the grade 3 school yard when you were being picked on are not true. So you let go of that perspective in the same way you let go those negative thoughts and that is unbelievably liberating. So your capacity for happiness or set point shifts.

Additional Resources for, Guided Meditations



How to be Happy: The Happiness Formula

