Tag Archives: real estate investment

How to Build Wealth with Turnkey Real Estate Investing

Building wealth with, turnkey real estate, is offering fully finished performing properties that have inspected, warranted, and professionally managed to, real estate investors.   The benefit of this service to a new investor or even an seasoned investor who already has a portfolio, is we just know that we can do it better than they can.

You want to invest in, turnkey real estate, near or in bigger cities, near big employers, and near downtown areas.

How to build a turnkey investment business

Jeff Schechter, CEO and co-founder of High Return Real Estate teaches, how to build wealth though, turnkey real estate investing.  Jeff has been helping his clients, build wealth, though, turnkey real estate investing, for close to 40 years.

As a Realtor, real estate investor, as well as Life coach.  I myself have been in the, real estate, business for some time 19 years. So, I can lend a lot to this conversation. In fact, if you google, Realtor Life coach, I am at the top of the list!

CEO & CO-FOUNDER Jeff Schechter, aka “Shecky” has had the entrepreneurial bug his entire life. He started his first business right out of college, and over the years been involved in numerous businesses ventures. His love for, real estate investing, began in the 1980’s, when he rehabbed 5 of his own residences, before the term, house hacking, even existed.

Since those early days of torn up kitchens and bathrooms, he’s bought and sold many properties, and is an active investor to this day. In addition to, real estate investing, he operates a private consulting practice. He thrives on helping people realize their full potential…not just in business and investing, but in all aspects of life.

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Google Podcast Transform Your Mind

How to get into turnkey real estate investing

I kind of sucked at school. I was not very focused. I came from an incredibly traditional background, where I just reversed a lot of expectations placed on me.  As a result, it was very difficult for me to follow through with stuff in college.  So, entrepreneurialism and starting my own businesses were really a form of necessity, because I didn't really have any terrific formal training. It was also a form of establishing my own, freedom Lifestyle.

Myrna: What made you choose, real estate, as your business?

I just always kind of have this entrepreneurial bend and would look for ways to increase my income.  Eventually I started seeing that high ticket items like homes, had lots more opportunity for profit. I figured out back in the 80’s, I could buy them in not as good a condition and be able to buy them for a whole lot cheaper than what the pretty ones were, and I could fix them up and add a whole lot of value to them, because people were willing to pay a premium for the really nice homes.

So what I would do is, I would just live in them for a year or two while I was fixing them up and then I would sell them and move on to the next one.  It was a way to make some really nice extra profits and live for free for many years.

That was kind of the initial seeds of my, real estate investing, career before I started, turnkey real estate investment,

That's also a good model as well, because you know the government helps you with the capital gains tax breaks. If you live in a house that’s your primary residence for two years and sell that home, then you can earn up to $250,000 in tax free income if single and $500,000 if married.

I actually didn't know that at the beginning, but learned it very early on.  I would figure out that I wanted to live in most places exactly two years and one day!

I was listening to the audio book “The Automatic Millionaire Homeowner” and the author was interviewing a lot of homeowners who started off with purchasing small homes, like buying a $30,000 home and then selling it to buy a bigger home and so on and so on. One homeowner couple who started off with like $3,000 or something like that to buy their first home ended up making $500,000 on a $750,000 property. All tax free!


How to start your turnkey real estate business

Myrna: What is your advice for someone who is starting out today, Real Estate Investing, in 2019?

Someone starting with a small house or a condo or something and trying to build wealth?

There is a bit of a downturn going on in the current Real Estate market, but you know, Real Estate, is cyclical and there's a natural cycle.  When we look back at what happened  in 2009, the banks were doing some really stupid stuff.  Anybody could get a loan, even if they didn't have a job.  It had to crash. Fast-forward to today,  there's been a lot of  laws and regulations that has been put into place to prevent that situation from happening again.

But playing the appreciation game is dicey.  It's not the way that we invest anymore in our, turnkey real estate investment, model; appreciation is not our primary concern.   What I mean by that is the only thing that we know for sure is that people need basic things.  They need food and they need shelter, and so from a shelter standpoint, we know that owning a basic property whether you call it a house, duplex, apartment, whatever it is, always going to be something that's in demand, because people will always need a place to live.

You want to invest in, turnkey real estate investing,  near in or in  bigger cities, near big employers, and near downtown areas.  Rental properties are always going to be in demand in those areas. So what we look for from a standpoint of, turnkey real estate investment,  are properties  that we can buy inexpensively and sell as, turnkey real estate investing, that we don’t have to put a lot of money into rehab.  The price to rent ratio is everything to us. In other words, can want to  get a really good return on our money when we put that property out there into the rental pool.

So cash flow is more important to us than appreciation.  We start by getting that thing rented and cash flowing.  Even after we take out all kinds of money for taxes, insurance, property management, repairs all that other kind of stuff, can we still make a really attractive and in most cases, a double-digit return on our, turnkey real estate investing,.

If we can do that, we don't really give a crap about appreciation.  We don't even really care if we have a little bit of depreciation, because we always have the demand for the rental properties, and as such we will always have cash flow.  If we always have cash flow, we always have a great asset and the investors are happy.

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Is True Wealth Financial Freedom?

Turnkey real estate services

Myrna: What, turnkey real estate investment, services you offer?

We offer fully finished performing properties that we have inspected, warranted, and professionally managed.  The benefit of this service to a new or an investor or even an investor who already has a portfolio is we just know that we can do it better than they can.

We buy properties in bulk, so the properties are acquired for the right price, rehabbed correctly so that it's in great condition.  It doesn't need a lot of repairs moving forward and most importantly it has to be managed correctly for cash flow.

My business partner and myself are buying properties in the Midwest and Indianapolis and neither one of us lived in Indianapolis,  but we wanted to invest where it made sense.  In the last two and a half to three years, we've just really dialed everything back and built a better mouse trap.

We now have an amazing acquisition team, amazing rehab teams and a full property management division that really does everything.  We married the combination of this great city for investing where prices are low and price to rent ratios are really like the best in the country and we're also in a state that has incredibly friendly landlord laws.

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Additional Resources  for, turnkey real estate investment,





Using The Inner Game To Become The Richest Real Estate Agent

Ben Oosterveld became a, real estate agent, and a coach and said I would literally show the agents how to do sales using their, inner game.  I convinced 12, real estate agents, to coach with me, and I said, I'm gonna really kill this. I'm going to destroy it. It's not going to be hard. I know how to do it, but I'm going to do it alongside you.

And it was the weirdest coaching program ever. I said only one group of people are ever going to see this and I became Rookie of the Year.  My first year I did over 80 transactions. But I but I also hired an assistant within my first three weeks, because I was businessman.

Download the podcast here: 



Ben Oosterveld, didn’t have an easy start. He lived on the streets from the age of 14, survived a failed suicide attempt at age 15, and later spent 365 days in rehab. Ben's, inner game, needed work. He was a pure-bred, people pleaser, manipulative & controlling man who always compared himself to others to the point of constant self-sabotage.

Ben has since coached entrepreneurs and national companies. Previously, he built a real estate investment company that held 61 properties with investors in 4 different cities. After getting his real estate license, he built a multimillion-dollar real estate business with an award winning top national team in 3 years.

Today, Ben helps business owners and, real estate agents, get clear about who they really are and what they really want. He helps them make the right changes in their business and life with the new goal of building a life they love. His focus is on coaching, speaking, and running personal growth retreats. Ben loves business but his real obsession is helping people break free of the old patterns that hold them back in life. The, inner game, is everything to him and he is on a mission to find his tribe, one extraordinary person at a time.

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How Ben found his inner game

Myrna; : Can you share your backstory, why you were suicidal and bridge the gap for us and how you went from there to here?

Ben: Sure, I grew up in a tough childhood. I had good parents, but my dad was not in a place to be a parent. He has his own backstory that shaped him. And yeah, just I started running away from home when I was 12 and lived on the streets. I was a very industrious kid, but still and I would find places to sleep and just honestly just got into drugs. Alcohol found a place of acceptance. I never felt accepted.

I got really good at doing drugs as a young kid, every day just getting go.  I ended up trying to commit suicide and committed in a psychiatric ward. I broke out of the psychiatric ward as a kid and that was on the news. My parents told me the news it was a pretty crazy story. But there's lots of stories within all these stories, but I went to a place called Teen Challenge. I went to 365-day rehab center, my plan was I was gonna give this one last try. And I went and that helped me. It helped me a lot.

And then I went into the world. I got into sales. I got into selling. My dad was a salesman, so it's just ironic that I got into sales. I desperately wanted his approval and his love thinking that was the missing hole in my life, thinking that was the actual hole that I needed to fill was based around my father relationship. But it was a relationship with myself. I didn't realize that till later. And I figured, you know, we got to work on this relationship with my dad and, and he was really interested in to me when I was doing things that he was interested in.

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The performance mentality to crush real estate sales

I built the, performance mentality. You know, people pleasing, mentality where I felt loved when I worked hard, so became a workaholic. My dad was a salesman and a financial planner. I became a, salesman. But I'd be not just a, salesman, I became number one, salesman. I had this weird drive that but if I wasn't number one, I was nothing. I had this huge gap happiness was always based on my performance, and what other people would say about me.  I knew I could control what other people say if I just become number one.

I became a, real estate investor, and the first year or so I bought 41 properties and ended up building a, real estate investment, company. I ended up coaching, real estate agents. We changed the investment company when the crash happened. That was a pretty huge hit in my psychology, because I was always winning, and I didn't know what it was like to not win. I cried at my desk. I went through a lot then I hired a, life coach. And I hired someone I thought he was a, business coach.

His name was Mr. McKernan and I worked with him for eight years. And he was the first guy to challenge me. I was a very strong, strong person. I could tell myself stories and I could convince you and me of these stories. And a lot of times we just got to identify some self-awareness around these people that are going on with their stories.  I've really niched out in, real estate, to help the, real estate industry and, real estate agents.

Transform Your Mind Amazon
Transform Your Mind Amazon

Becoming an inner game coach

I actually became a, real estate agent, and a coach and I would literally show the agents how to do sales. So, I convinced 12, real estate agents, to coach with me, and I said, I'm gonna really kill this. I'm going to destroy it. It's not going to be hard. I know how to do it, but I'm going to do it alongside you. And it was the weirdest coaching program ever. I said only one group of people are ever going to see this and I became Rookie of the Year.  My first year I did over 80 transactions. But I but I also hired an assistant within my first three weeks, because I was businessman.

Why would you buy a restaurant and try to cook and serve all at the same time?  Real estate agents, all over the country are doing everything themselves. And I realize it's the thinking that's the problem. They think they can keep selling and selling, but they forget that you could build a, referral base, every single year bigger and bigger and eventually if you did 1000 deals in your lifetime and you have a 10% referral rate, you'd have 100 sales every single year without even spending $1 in marketing. So, no one's playing the long game. I coach now helping, real estate agents, put in the right systems in place, so they can buy back their time because a business is if you're a, salesman, you got to grind it out.

But if you're a business owner, what you're doing is designing your company to serve the life that you want. The question is what else do you want? And that's where I'm a blackbelt, because I can help people uncover what they want. Now we create that then we say how much does that cost? Cool. So, you only need 200 grand a year to have the life you want when you thought you needed a million.

Podfriend Transform Your Mind Podcast
Podfriend Transform Your Mind Podcast

People pleasing and the inner game

So, we do a lot of work regarding the, inner game, and figuring out what they want. Most people don't know. My journey has been this weird, obsessed with human behavior and psychology because I was broken and I hated myself. So, I just was I tried to fix myself along the way and then the, inner game, really changed me.

It's been many, many lessons. We could talk for long. I'm sure we could share stories. The thing is, though, the biggest one. The biggest one happened the last, say three years for me. I've done well. I've done been doing this for years now. But the thing is, I got to a place where I would see something in my life and I want to fix it. I want to fix, people pleasing, manipulative, anger, whatever you can choose, anxiety, and I looked at it and I say I don't want that in me.

So now I'm going to use my skill of attacking and my builder skill, which is like, let's figure out how to get it down. I would study and try to attack these ailments that I had that I didn't like. But the more I fixed them, I find more, fix more and find more, that's when I realized I knew I know a lot of knowledge and I can help a lot of people. But I realized I was digging myself into a hole of unsatisfied anxiety, depression, hatred, through the, Personal Growth Movement. Because I just found that I was still broken.

Then I would go into judgment and say I should feel better. I'm doing all these, personal growth tools, and affirmations and all this stuff. But it was judgment because I didn't feel better. I felt like I could get through stuff, but I had five more things in me that needed to be fixed. So that fixer in the builder just led me to more fixing and builder and what I realized is self-acceptance is enlightenment.

Transform Your Mind Luminary podcast
Transform Your Mind Luminary podcast

Why hiring an assistant is setting realtors up for success

Myrna: Yeah, you got so many nuggets in there. I got to remember which ones I want to circle back to. Okay. All right. Let me take let me let me test my memory here. So, the first thing I want to circle back on was and you hired an assistant right away.  A lot of, real estate agents, wouldn't understand that because we know in, real estate, you don’t make enough money to hire and assistant when you just get started. I interviewed a guy a couple months ago on the on the show and he became a top, commercial Realtor, in in San Francisco. And he was talking that for the first two years he didn't get a paycheck because of course he was working on big deals.

We know as, Realtors, when you come in, you don't always get the 10 deals a month. You get a little bit of money. And you're not thinking of hiring someone. You said you went in and immediately hired someone because you understood sales.

Ben: I hired an assistant because I was planning to be successful. Are you planning to fail?

Myrna: Yeah, exactly. That's a good tagline. You know, don't plan to fail, you know, set your business up for success.

Ben: I'm dealing with hiring an assistant, it's my secret way to get to find out where you psychologically create emotional friction. So, watch this. Hey, why don't you hire an assistant? Well, I don't have money or time. I don't know what to do. Hold on. That's all emotional friction. Let me change your thinking for some of the people on the show right now that have a business or anything. I'll just do it really quickly.

Can you afford $20 a week? Of course, you can. So, what we need to do is not go to the black belt hire, I gotta get you to hire well white belt, because I need you to get a psychological win.  I want for you to become a CEO or a boss. The learning curve is way too high. But if I can get someone to manage your birthday system to make sure that you send a birthday card to every single client, I call that project hiring. You can practice being a boss and the cost is 20 bucks, one hour a week. It's the only mindset first, real estate coaching, in the world. It's called the Richest Real Estate Agent Facebook group.

Transform your Mind Podcast Index
Transform your Mind Podcast Index

Definition of the inner game

Myrna: Okay, I love that. I will definitely join that. But you know in my defense, I focus a lot on my time on my podcast.  Explain what you mean by the, inner game?

Ben: The, inner game, it's the relationship with yourself. When you wake up in the morning, how do you feel? It’s your, emotional intelligence. Let's talk about, people pleasers. If you're a, people pleaser, you are extremely selfish person. I can speak about it because I got the medal of honor. And so, here's the thing, let's play this game with the readers and even ourselves. If someone says something like this, “You let me down.” If you can really take a second, close your eyes and think about how that would make you feel with someone that mattered. People pleasers, only please the people that matter.

Myrna: I would feel pretty bad. I would feel that I let you down and since I'm a caring person, that would bother me.

Ben: Correct, you have this internal energy this chaos that says, I don't like this feeling that I get when someone lets me down.  By the way I can manipulate anybody with that right now. All I got to do is say you let me down and I can pull the strings on people, that's manipulation. So, if you just be very careful, miss everyone wants to be an independent man, independent woman. Great. So, if you're a, people pleaser, super easy to control. FYI. That's how you give your power away. Second thing is this, if you are people pleasing, you act as if it's about the other person. And it's such a lie, because all I want is that feeling to go away.

So, I got to make sure you're not upset with me. That has nothing to do with the, is all about making sure I don't feel those emotions. Because it makes me feel bad. So, who are you really pleasing?  Yourself.  How do you like when someone says I'm doing something for you, but they're not using you so really, as a, people pleaser, you use people. No wonder there's no real deep connection.

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Transform Your Mind Podcast Player FM

Language and personality types

Myrna: That's true. That's a different way of looking at it. That's a different spin. Tell us about the 16 Psychological languages.

Ben: we're born with 16 personality types and we all are the same human. There are 16 through the study of 100 years of psychology, there's 16 combinations of personality. So, when we say that's just my personality, you're all personalities you just haven't visited say the organizing person, you're more of a winged person or you're more of a detailed person, you're more of this, so forth. So, this is years and years of studying humans is understanding myself as being my obsession, and now I understand the people and I'll give you an example.

Let's just do a practical example on a language understanding human language. So, let's say that, you're a real estate agent, and you go into a house, let's say I'm brand-new, real estate agent. I sit down and the client askes me, so how long you've been in the business, I'm thinking who says that? What if I'm brand new, you know? I'm gonna feel terrible.

And so here's the thing. I look at a guy like that. And so, speaking his language, he has the balls to hit me with a bat. That is a test on my credibility. Okay, we have to understand that we can stop being so self-centered, and observe how people talk to us. Here's the trick. Here's some tactical training. The guy says, how long you been in the business? You have to hit him with a sarcastic hit and you got to be direct, or you'll lose the guy's credibility. That's understanding his language.

So, I would say, you know what? I've only been in the business under a year. And I might not be your, real estate agent. Then I'd say to him, I'd say, but I do know someone 40 years in the business, her name's Betty. She has a walker. If that's how you're going to choose, let me give you her your number right now. And then guess what he says, I like this guy. I want to hire him. Because  sarcasm  is the language of the logical, but then later, they become loyal.

Transform Your Mind Podcast Pandora
Transform Your Mind Podcast Pandora

Using language to build connection and rapport

Myrna: So you're really pretty confident to do that. That's pretty good.

Ben: In my course I teach the psychology of all the languages and when someone teaches sales training, I think it's manipulative. What I do is it's like, I look at human connection.

So there's building connection and rapport through tactics or authenticity, and then one is rich, but people pleasing one is real. Like if I really understand you, I'll probably find out what makes you tick. What's your nostalgic value? That’s what I think of when I meet a client. So, this isn't this isn't mirroring, its building rapport. This is truly at a psychological level, making a connection.

Myrna: Tell us about your podcast is called the, Inner Game.

Ben: I am no longer doing the, Inner Game, Podcast. We're all in on bringing mindset and personal growth and business mindset versus worker mindset to, real estate. And so, I'm focused 100% of that in my podcast is called “The, Richest Real Estate Agent. The other thing is I have a book coming out called the real “The richest real estate agent: how to build a seven-figure business without sacrificing your relationships.” It's the first mindset book for, real estate agents, with full tactical training. Never ever has this been combined. We're going to be going after the, inner game, for, real estate agents, and that's our focus.

Book The Richest Real Estate Agent
Book The Richest Real Estate Agent


And so that's the book, the podcast and our group on Facebook is all The, Richest Real Estate Agent.  I also run, personal growth, retreats that I do that once a year for people that want to bring up their teams or whatever, and I take them on a three-day kind of off grid or adventure retreats. And that's three days I can't even compare to the effectiveness of what three days away on one of my retreats does for the for the head and the heart. All these information can be found on my website www.benoosterveld.com

Additional Resources


Real Estate Investing: Are Rental Properties worth the Admiration?

Real Estate Investing, in Rental properties gets a lot of admiration because of, passive income.  Usually there is positive cash flow in, rental properties.

Joke of the day Rental properties 

A young woman, pursuing a graduate degree in art history, was going to Italy to study the country's greatest works of art.
Since there was no one to look after her grandmother while she was away, she took the old lady with her.
At the Sistine Chapel in the Vatican, she pointed to the painting on the ceiling. ‘Grandma, it took Michelangelo a full four years to get that ceiling painted.'
‘Oh my, ‘the grandmother says.
‘He and I must have the same landlord!'

A few weeks ago I interviewed my co host Trevor Evans on the topic “The path to Financial Freedom” We received such an overwhelming response to that topic that I decided to have a spin off on, Real Estate Investing. This is episode #2 in the series: Real estate investing, “Funding, Fixing and Flipping. Is Owning, rental properties, worth the headache?

As a realtor for over 17 years, investing in, rental properties, has been my space up to this point. I own several rental properties and I also manage several rental properties.

My co-host for this podcast is Trevor Evans: Speaker/Trainer for Legacy Education Alliance and Rich Dad Education. Trevor is also an Entrepreneur, Real Estate Investor. Banker and Founder of Personal Awakening Brand “Being Normal Sucks.”

I met Trevor earlier in the year when I attended a Get Motivated Seminar and signed up for a 3 day, real estate investing, seminar. I met my co host Trevor Evans at this program and let’s say his vast knowledge on the subject of, real estate investing,  and, real estate, opened my mind to new opportunities.

I didn’t know what I didn’t know!

His knowledge base was extensive. I immediately enrolled in the Legacy Education Alliance, investing in real estate, training program.

Real Estate tip of the week

What is your best choice as a, real estate investment? From the book Your money and how to keep it by Brian Costello

Real Estate, will be a natural choice for many as an, real estate investment, vehicle. Generally, real estate, can be counted on to rise in value over a period of time. If you want short term investments, you can use short term investment vehicles like treasury bills. Other options are gold, commodities and the options market. Small investors are now also switching to Mutual funds because they offer a great deal of flexibility, and they can be cashed in at any time.
So, the best investment choice depends on your country laws as it relates to Capital Gains tax vs interest tax. In the USA and Canada, interest is taxable while you can make a lot of money tax free with capital gains.

Todays episode of Fund, Fix and Flip is sponsored by, Myrna Young Realtor 

Are you looking to invest in the south Florida market? The time is ripe for investors. Call Myrna Young  at Century 21 Selling Paradise 239-542-5777 for all your Wholesale or Rehab purchases, Buy and Hold, rental properties, or Property Management services. We are licensed in real estate and property management services and can also buy or lease your home. Don’t delay, Call today 239-542-5777

“Is Owning Rental properties worth the headache?” Show notes:

What are investors doing that is causing the headache?

  1. Not properly screening the tenant.
    Most investors are stressed to put a tenant into, rental  properties, because it costs to have a vacant property.
    That is the underlying reason that they short the screening process or decide to take a risk with a tenant. But it costs more to have the tenant removed and evicted, so the pain of a bad tenant lingers for a long time.
  2. Not understanding the renters mindset
    A renter does not have an owners mindset to take care of a property.
    The environment the rental is living in determines the mindset of the tenant. If you have a tenant in a single family home that is costing over $1500 per month.  That tenant has an owner's mindset and would usually take care of the, rental property, as his own because he or she is probably an executive and is not renting because they can't afford to buy.
  3. Know your tenant
    That allows you to skip inappropriate steps.
  4. Understanding the positive cash flow cycle
  5. Buy only properties that need remodeling instead of renovations
  6. Setting up warranty or replacement work directly with local scratch and dent shops
  7. Paying a flat fee to a Property Management company

Additional resources

Some resources for Real Estate Investors:
BiggerPockets: The Real Estate Investing Social Network. There are many free articles and forum threads all for free on how to get started in real estate investing.

https://www.mashvisor.com Use analytics to find lucrative traditional or Airbnb properties in a matter of minutes.

https://myhelpsrealestateinvestments.com/ – list of off market properties at discounted prices in Fort Myers, Fl and West Palm beach, Florida

Is True Wealth Financial Freedom?

The path to, financial freedom, comes from the quality of our lives. This is, true wealth.
True wealth, does not depend on how much we accumulate, save, or spend our money.

True wealth, comes from who we are on the inside, and not by what we do, or what we have.

We cannot measure our self-worth by our net worth!

The first step to, financial freedom, is to make the mental shift, that your world in here, will be reflective of your world out there.

This week on Mindset Transformation radio, I interview Trevor Evans, teacher/trainer in real estate investments.

Here is a tip of the week Financial Freedom:

There are 2 types of people in regards to, wealth, one who is magnetized and full of confidence and know his potential, and the other is demagnetized and full of fear and doubt, and he tells himself I will fail, I could lose my money, people will talk about me behind my back etc. So, he does nothing. He takes no risks!

As you have probably figured out, the demagnetized man will never get very far.
I love the parable Jesus told about the man who was going on a long trip. He called his servants and entrusted his money to them while he was gone.
He gave 5 bags of silver to one, two bags of silver to another, and one bag of silver to the last.
The servant who received the five bags of silver began to invest the money and earned five more. The servant with two bags of silver also invested and earned two more; but the servant who received one bag, dug a hole in the ground and hid the master’s money.
When the master returned, he was full of praise for the two servants who invested his money and increased it; but the servant who gave him his money back with no increase he called “wicked and lazy.”
The moral of the story is the path to, financial freedom, is investing what you have to earn more.  Let your money work for you. Also it show those who use well what they are given, even more will be given to them; but those who take no risks and do nothing, even what little they have will be taken away.

There are 3 honest ways to financial freedom.

  1. The first is to work for it. The common consensus is that with a few exceptions you can never become, wealthy, working for someone else.
  2. The second way is to inherit it. For most of us, inheritance is not a sure bet.
  3. The third way to, financial freedom, and the most powerful way, is to invest it. Let your money work for you. Compound interest, is one of the most powerful tools in the accumulation of, wealth. Let it work for you. Do you know if you put $2000 in your 401k at 21 years old and let it grow with an annual compound interest of 10%; at age 65 it would have grown to over $1,000,000?

I love this article from Inc.com

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Financial freedom in America

Nassim Taleb said, “The three most harmful addictions are heroine, carbohydrates, and a monthly salary.” But salaries, fed through cubicle farms, are worse than addiction: salaries are slavery. While starting a company may emancipate you from salary slavery, most founders are enslaved to their startups — trading family time, personal health, and happiness for late nights, long commutes, and stress. So where's this, financial freedom, in the Land of the Free?

This week on Mindset Transformation radio w/ coach Myrna and podcast, I interview Trevor Evans, Speaker/Trainer. Trevor is going to talk about the mindset of an investor, what you need to do to think like an investor and not an employee as well as some foundational tools of real estate investing.

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Show notes Financial Freedom:

• Topic: What is, True Wealth: The Path to, Financial Freedom
1. Question 1: Tell us of your path to becoming a Speaker/Trainer for Legacy Education Alliance and Rich Dad Education.
2. Question 2: Before you become an investor, what mindset shifts must you overcome?
3. What I love about the Legacy training is that it focuses on understanding the market and how to use money and not just on the brick and mortar of Real Estate investing. It covers using credit card as an asset instead of a liability. So that is the first mindset shift I think we should discuss.
4. What is the second mindset shift you think is important to acquiring, wealth?
5. If someone listening to this show wants to start investing in, real estate, what advice would you give them and where should they start.
6. When I took your class, you spent the first 2 hours totally letting us wait for the information you know we all wanted to hear but you spent time teaching about Abraham Hicks vortex and frequency. Why was that important?

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