Category Archives: Love and Religion

The Power of the Seed….Are you Eating your Seed?

It is like the, seed, put in the soil – the more one sows, the greater the harvest. ~~~~Orison Swett Marden


The Law of the Harvest and Seed Planting is one of the Universal Laws.

We are all familiar with the Laws of Gravity. We know that if we jump off a building we will fall to the ground. We know that if an apple rolls off a table it will fall to the ground. Only in space we see things floating around. I was watching a movie recently where someone vomited in space and the vomit well ….you get the picture. It did not fall to the ground!

The, Law of the Harvest, can literally refer to the Power of the, seed. You can’t harvest without first planting a, seed.   See an excerpt below on planting and harvesting Lettuce: Lettuce can be started from, seed, or from plants. Some gardeners like to direct, seed, their lettuce but many prefer to start transplants and then move them into the garden after they get off to a good start.

Lettuce, seed, germinates best in moderate to cool temperatures with soil temperatures of 75 degrees being about ideal. The, seeds, are small and flat so some, seed, companies now offer palatalized, seed, for easier more accurate seeding and germination. Lettuce, seed, won't germinate well if buried too deep so cover them with about 1/4 inch of light sand or screened compost.

Press them lightly on the surface to firm soil or growing media against the seed and then mist them well to thoroughly moisten. One mistake many gardeners make when direct seeding lettuce out in the garden is to not prepare a fine textured, smooth, seed, bed.

Planting Seeds of lettuce

Scattered into chunky, crusty soil lettuce, seed, will seldom make a good stand. Keep the, seeds, moist until they sprout and get off to a good start. If a, seed, dries out at any time during the germination process it will die. If you start, seed, outdoors it helps a lot to place a row cover fabric over the seed row, suspended to prevent the row cover from getting pressed into the soil surface with watering or rains. The row cover helps to keep the, seeds, from drying out quickly in the sun and drying wind. imagesCAEPV9VE

Remove the cover to water the, seeds, once or twice a day to keep them moist. Use a mister nozzle on the water hose to prevent blasting the seeds away. Gardeners often tend to plant more lettuce than they need. Think about it. How many heads or plants of leaf lettuce do you eat a week?

Plant enough to last a couple of weeks and a few extras to allow for some that won't make it. Scatter the seeds one half to an inch apart. It is really easy to plant them too thick. Then when you try to thin the seeds it's difficult not to do significant damage to the remaining plants. Plant Care Lettuce performs best if you keep it growing well with adequate soil moisture and moderate fertilization. Water transplants in with a dilute solution of soluble fertilizer according to label instructions.

Repeat this application twice weekly for a couple of weeks to ensure the new plants are off to a good start. A light application of dry fertilizer when the plants have been in about two weeks should take them on through their harvest time. Sprinkle one half cup of a 3-1-2 or 4-1-2 ratio fertilizer per 10 foot of planting row. Then lightly scratch it into the surface and water it in well. Lettuce is shallow rooted so avoid deep cultivation.

Stay ahead of weeds so you don't disturb the lettuce plants later when removing large competing weeds. Light, shallow cultivation is best. You can mulch the best when plants are well on their way. This will also help prevent soil from splashing onto the leaves during rain or irrigation. Problems Lettuce used to be plagued by several diseases that could wipe out plantings.

Most modern varieties have some good resistance built in, but at times during wet periods some fungal rots and mildews may show up. I suggest that should such a problem arise just pull out affected plants and keep the new plantings coming rather than resort to sprays, especially since by the time some rot shows up it is too late to do that plant much good with a spray.

Lettuce is fairly cold hardy and will tolerate light frosts with little to no damage. Young seedlings are more prone to freeze damage. Harvest Head types are best harvested after they develop a firm head. Bibb lettuce is ready to harvest when the plants have reached about their full size and the leaves are just starting to cup inward slightly as if to form a loose head.

Leaf lettuce can be harvested at any time from when you are thinning young plants on. But is it best to either harvest older leaves, leaving the plants to grow for later harvests or cut entire plants out when they reach near full size for the variety. I generally make harvest decisions based on how much other lettuce is coming along for later harvest. If I have plenty on the way I'll pull more plants when they are younger. If not then I may just harvest outer leaves to get more later on from the older plants. IMG_0097

The laws of the harvest can be applied to all areas of life.

The Law’s most popular text reference is from the book of Galatians in the Bible which reads, “For whatever a man sows that and that only is what he will reap.” Most people are inclined to ask the “why” question when things happen to them. In most instances the answer is found in this law.   You are simply reaping the harvests of what you have previously sown.

Whenever you get results you do not desire, begin to interrogate what kind of, seeds, you have been planting. From the lettuce illustration above; if you plant lettuce, seeds, you will not reap or harvest cabbage. Thus the reference that you always, reap what you sow!

The reason why some probably do not have happiness is because they don’t sow happiness. When you sow strife you reap strife. This is why it is necessary to carefully analyze what seeds you plant in your relationships, be it with your friends, family, or business associates.

The quality of that relationship is solely premised on the, seeds, you plant with your actions and words. If you plant mistrust, you will reap mistrust. One of the best advice I have every received on seed planting in relationships was “treat your marriage and relationships like a bank account, you have to make more deposits than withdrawals or you become overdrawn”.

Every time you give of yourself or serve another, you are planting seeds that will grow into a harvest. I believe that even if you are planting into a relationship now that does not bear fruit, you will still harvest in another relationship or in your job or in your children! So keep planting.

Another, law of the harvest, is that you will reap according to the measure that you sow. The Law states that: “He who sows sparingly and grudgingly will also reap sparingly and grudgingly and he who sows generously will also reap generously and with blessings.”

Once you have identified the kind of harvest you desire, it is important to realize that again you determine the amount of harvest you receive with the amount of, seed, you plant. In the illustration above the farmer planted much more, seed, than was necessary for the harvest because he knew that some will die, either from decease, from thinning, or from rocky soil.

If the, seed, you are planting is for the, harvest, of a promotion then you have to work harder than the rest and stand out. If the, seed, you are planting is to harvest a spouse, then you have to plant trust, service, love, affection, stability, and much more, seeds, than the other suitors. IMG_0098

We Reap In Proportion to What We Sow

The promise and warning of Scripture is that we reap what we sow. This means that life’s choices are filled with consequences both good and bad — Reaping what we sow means we reap only what has been sown, we reap in kind as we sow, we reap in a different season than we sow, we reap more than we sow, but we also reap in proportion to what we sow.

We Reap More Than We Sow

No fact is more significant and sobering than this one. When we sow good, we bountifully receive from the hand of God who is debtor to no man; for the harvest is always greater than the seed planted. If this were not the case, no farmer would ever plant a thing; if he only got back what germinated in the ground.

He would be on the losing end and spend his life in utter futility.   Reaping more than we sow is fundamental to the Laws of the Harvest and this is not just true for the agricultural world, it is true for nearly every aspect of life: for the physical and the spiritual, for believers and unbelievers alike.   This law works in reverse as well. When we sow evil, we will generally reap more evil than we sowed as well.

Just knowing these alone alone is not enough! Application of the Laws and conforming to them will always give the expected result.

Some people are in the habit of expecting way too much than what they give in. A salesperson who does not do the activity of calling on customers or engaging in the sales activity; but who hopes to get lucky by customers falling in his or her lap soon finds out that the, Law of the Harvest, is finite.

“You can't reap what you don't plant” Only miracles supersede and defy these laws. The effort you put in determines the outcome you receive. Always!   Another law is that the harvest follows planting and not vice versa. Some people are naïve to say the least. They expect to reap first then they harvest. That is absurd.

You first sow then you reap. How miraculous would it be that you find a field of lettuce and no one planted any, seeds, or seedlings? I would bet that you would not eat that lettuce because you would be suspicious of where it came from. So expecting the rewards before you do the work is ludicrous. You have to plant the seed, you have to water every day, you have to fertilize, you have to make sure the plants get sunlight, you have to protect from pests; only then you can taste the sweetness of the harvest.

Are you eating your seed?


Most average and poor people are guilty of this statement, “we don’t give because we don’t have.” The reality is the opposite however; you don’t have because you don’t give. Someone told me a great analogy once at a party. “If your hands are closed, then not only can you not give, but you also cannot receive” so make sure your hand is open to give and to receive.

Everyone has a seed which will take them to a next level of plenty (with regard to the seed sown). The problem is most people think they should have plenty in order to plant. That is why some people need thousands to start a business while some can start from just a few dollars. I read about a lady who borrowed $3000.00 from family and friends to start her own business as a pottery consultant. I don't remember the name of her company but she purchased pots and pans and taught people how to cook in those pots and pans. She had just sold her Company to Warren Buffet for 900 million! God can do a lot with very little!

The last Law of Harvests I will share states that, “There is always a time interval between planting and harvesting.”

You sow in a different season from the one you reap in. Most people cannot endure the season of waiting for the, harvest, which is why they do not plant at all. They seek instant gratification so they would rather eat the seed, rather than plant it and wait for the harvest. They do something today and expect results tomorrow.

There is nothing like that! You can't circumvent the, Law of the Harvest! You miss or eliminate a step and you get no lettuce or fruit. If you decide that to plant and not water, your seedlings will die. If you start watering and caring for the soil and there is no seed planted you reap nice dirt!

You have to plant, water, protect and wait for the, harvest. You plant your, seed, in the spring and harvest in the summer or fall. Remember that for everything you need in life, there is a seed that you can plant. Everything that you have ever wanted in your life can be planted and you will begin to enjoy the benefits of the laws of harvests.

If you plant nothing you reap nothing. Start planting the, seeds, that give you the results you require. Remember if you eat your, seed, there can be no, harvest. Everyone has something they can plant!

These laws can be applied to your Academics, Spiritual life, Finances, Relationships, Career, Business and anywhere else you desire to see results.

Myrna Morris Young is a Spiritual Life and Executive Leadership Coach And President and CEO of Myhelps Inc. You can reach her by Phone: 954-999-6125 by Skype at Myrna.Young.3 Or by Email:[email protected] Web: She is also the Author: “Becoming Conscious, My Awakening”

What Are You Patiently Waiting on Almighty God For?

Are you praying and, patiently waiting, on, God, to answer your prayers? Be aware of why you want this thing.  Sometimes we are not ready to receive that what which we ask for and that is why the, almighty God, does not answer our, prayers, when we ask.

Patiently waiting? Be careful what you wish for.

It is important to understand or become conscious of why you want the things or certain people to come into your life. If you are, patiently waiting, and asking, God, for a child, be conscious of why you want a child. Is it because you want someone to love you or you want something to love? A puppy can satisfy that need.

If you are, waiting patiently, on,  God, for a spouse, is it because you want to share your life and be important to someone, or is it because you need help with your bills? Awareness is the key to understanding your desires.

When what you want does not show up, what do you do?
Do you become depressed and lose faith in God?

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Law of Detachment and patiently waiting

In the first chapter of my book “Out Of The Snares”, I share with you my journey to adopting my twin girls. I write about where the desire originated from. I share how I responded to the resistance offered up by the Universe and people at the Department of Children's and Families. I share with you how the Laws of Detachment worked for me.

The, Law of Detachment, works with, faith. Faith, that God will grant you the desires of your heart, so you give this desire to, God, and you let him work out the details. Detachment, helps you to patiently wait for God.  You are not detaching from the outcome; but from the journey. You are saying to yourself, I am patiently waiting, on God.  I have , faith, that I will have the desires of my heart. I will become a mother.  If I don't birth a child, God, will send me an adopted child.  That is, detachment, from the journey.  You don't care about the path that, God, uses to grant you your desire, only that in the end, you have a child.

If a desire comes from your true self
It has within it the power to manifest.

For example: let's say that you are going on a road trip to Florida from California. Your GPS navigational system can take you, the fastest way, the longest scenic way, or the cheapest way to avoid tolls. Regardless, of the route you take, you will be confident that route will take you to Florida.
In a similar way, you have to be confident in, God, that all roads will lead you to your destination. So, be prepared to, wait patiently, on God and don't become frustrated and give up.

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The trick is to detach yourself from all the craziness and petty people trying to take from you what, God, has purposed for you to have. You must also remember that, God's time, usually does not coincide with your time, so learn to, wait patiently,  and get yourself ready.

Get Yourself ready while patiently waiting on God

If you are asking, God, for a promotion, learn the skills necessary for this new job.
If you are asking, God, for a child, learn how to be the best parent ever, read parenting books.
If you are asking, God, for a spouse, learn how to have effective relationships.
If you need to lose weight, work on it. Be the best that you can be and when, God, feels you are ready, he will give you the victory, because you serve an, Almighty God, who is able to do all things.

Two things about Patiently Waiting on God

#1: Waiting on, God’s, plans requires patience and, faith.

It’s in the, patiently waiting,  that our, faith, is forged in the fires of trials. In the waiting, we discover that, God’s, in charge and we’re nothing on our own.

#2: Waiting is hard, but the wait has a purpose

God is never accidental. Everything he does has a purpose.

Sometimes the wait is for, God, to align other pieces of the plan. Sometimes the wait is for, God, to align the pieces of our own heart.

“Out of the Snares” Now Available on Amazon in eBook format.
Download your copy today!
Print version available in September.

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How does Infidelity Affect Intimacy In Marriages


What happens when there is, infidelity, in your marriage? Statistics show that as much of 70% of men and women cheat on their spouses and committed partners.

Today on WDJY 99.1 FM straight talk radio our topic is “How does, Infidelity, affect Intimacy and Desire for our Partner ” We all Desire to be in loving fulfilling, relationships, with our partners, our children, our friends and co-workers. We desire to have successful careers, some of us desire to procreate and have children, we desire to be emotionally and physically healthy, we desire to be wealthy, and today we are going to touch on our desire for our partners to be faithful to their commitment to us.

Introduction to Infidelity in Marriages

My co -host for this episode is my girl pal the fabulous Ms Margo Blake. Margo is a One Taste Intimacy Coach and, I am a Mindset Coach. Together we want to share our knowledge on this Topic “How does, Infidelity, affect Intimacy and Desire for our partner”

What is Desire – Desire can be called the feminine face of God! Desire is what God places in your spirit to lead you to your purpose. It is the key that unlocks what God placed you on this earth to do.

The dictionary calls Alchemy a seemingly magical process of transformation, creation, or combination.

I will tell you from personal experience that there is nothing that transforms an intimate relationship into something magical, like the surety that your partner will not break his vows or commitment to you, that he or she loves you unconditionally and would not look at another. But how do we, survive infidelity, when it happens?

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How to Survive Infidelity

Not too many of us can walk in that space, being able to swear that our partners would not cheat on us.

In a previous blog, we talked about how to manifest the desires of your heart. The first step is knowing what you want. The second step is adding emotions to it.

In our second blog on the topic of, infidelity,  we talked on how to use the energy of desire to create something magical.

In our 3 blog we Used the Power of Attention to light our desires afire after, infidelity.

If you missed those 3 episodes, please download on then on iTunes, Sticher or TuneIn podcast.

Today we want to turn up the heat another notch as we talk about the controversial subject of, infidelity, and how it changes Intimacy.

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Relationship Coaching

Margo is an, Intimacy coach, with One Taste. So let’s start off our discussion today by having her weigh in on the conversation.

Illustrations of an intense desire for intimacy

UK Artist Ben Newman brings a different kind of taste to satirical art. This is sultry and saucy at the same time.
His boldness in combining sexy female characters with robots present in the fantasy world is amazing with an intense desire for intimacy.

The solution to infidelity is not always divorce 

Myrna – Margo as an, intimacy coach, how has your clients dealt with, infidelity?

Believe it or not, most people decide to stay in their marriages after, infidelity. The important thing is to address the issues that might have lead to the, infidelity, and get the necessary help to recover.

Infidelity in marriages, Divorce isn't always the solution, particularly when the unfaithful spouse is remorseful and devoted to changing. Here are some things you need to know if you are dealing with the fallout of, infidelity, in your marriage.

  • Betrayal is in the eye of the beholder.
  • Infidelity is not a marital deal breaker
  • Most affairs end – a man rarely leaves his wife for the other woman
  • You are not alone
  • It helps to get help

How have you dealt with, infidelity?

I have dealt with, infidelity, several times in my life. I have dealt with, infidelity in marriage, and, infidelity, in, love relationships.

When I was younger and more emotional I would leave immediately. As I matured I seek to understand first and love unconditionally.

Some therapists believe that, infidelity, destroys the fabric of a, relationship, which cannot be repaired. These therapists declare, marriages, dead on arrival but, I believe it is up the the individuals.

What happens when Desire goes looking somewhere else?

History will show that men don’t need a reason to cheat on their partner. But for this discussion we will look at the Lack of Desire as the reason for the, infidelity.

What can we do when desire dries up and we no longer feel the spark for our partners?

Men like uncertainty, they like variety. Most men who cheat don’t want to leave home. They love their spouse and like the security of home but they seek adventure.

I was just reading the unauthorized biography of Angelina Jolie    and how his, infidelity, had consequences he did not anticipate. John Voight was tempted by great sex and cheated on her mother who promptly left him when Angelina was 6 months old. John Voight had no interest in leaving his wife and 2 kids; but the lure of exciting sex was something he could not pass up. That dalliance had far reaching consequences for his children and himself. He would be seeking a family for decades to come.

But men don't have to go outside the home for exciting sex. As women we could bring the excitement and adventure to our bedroom. We could bring the feeling of having an affair to our bedroom.

Whatever you are doing now, we could do something different. If you always make love with all your clothes on, in the bed with the lights out; then start making love on the couch, fully clothed, with all the lights on!

Become the mistress. Meet in a hotel, set up dates, role play and dress up, send sexually explicit text messages.

I remember a friend of mine who divorced her husband because she found a video his mistress sent to him. That is how the women are stealing our men, they excite them.

What happens when women go looking for love

Okay, enough of the men having unmet needs and looking for excitement in the bedroom. What about our unmet needs?
Women have unmet need as well and are catching up to men as they too are looking outside the home for fulfillment of their desires.

Myrna – Margo, how can women communicate their unmet desires to their partners?

Margo – Before women go looking for love in all the wrong places, they should learn to become the mistress and turn up the marital sex. They can do this by role playing and other sex games.

How do we as women deal with infidelity of spouse or partners?

There are several schools of thought about this topic.
If you want things to change, you have to change.
Maybe you are a nag, maybe you don’t like sex, maybe you take no pride in your appearance, maybe you have trust issues, maybe you are boring.
You have to know yourself to grow yourself.

Ask yourself what have I invested into this relationship? Are you a taker or do you contribute to the peace and happiness of your man?

I remember Jennifer Gardner saying after she experienced the, infidelity, from Ben Afflec . She determined that it was not Ben Afflec's role to make her happy. He cheated on her with the nanny. She was taking stock in what she brought to the table and understood it was not someone’s else role to make her happy. Happiness comes from our true self.
You can’t give away what you don’t have.

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How do You Define Success?

Defining Success

Question 1: How do you define success?
As successful musicians, would you define, success, by how far you have come in your career or do you feel that success has to do with how happy we are?

Joe: I define, success, as the simple act of making, goals, and working towards it.
I believe that we should make both short term, goals, and long term, goals, i.e make 6 month, goals, so we can check them off as we achieve them and longer term, goals, like 5 to 10 years.

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Definition of Success

William – I define, success, as “Not Quitting”
I believe that we have to persevere to accomplish our goals and success to me is being knocked down and getting back up.

Darrell – I define success as a legacy.
I believe that we have to leave legacy for our children and families.

Question 2: How have you used failure to fuel your success?
Can you tell the audience of some of your most profound failures and how it lead to your ultimate, success?

William – We should use failures to help us grow and to learn from our mistakes.
Also I have developed the personal mantra that says that

No means Not Now!

So I have become successful by just getting the No's out of the way to get to the Yes
I also believe that the acronym POOR means Pass Over Opportunity so I always look for opportunities in my failures.

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Failure makes us Stronger

Darrell – Failure makes us stronger.
For me failure is never an option.
My acronym is JOB Just Over Broke
Because if you have a job and working for the man, you will always be Just Over Broke!

BIM – When you fall you get back up, you never stay down.

Joe – I won't lie, failure makes you want to quit!
When your kids are hungry and they are looking at you with eyes that say we are hungry
It does make you want to quit but you always have to remember your WHY.
If you don't know your WHY, then you will fail because you will not have the strength to persevere and stay the course.

Define the Success Mindset

Question 3: As you know, success, is a mindset.

What are some of your beliefs that allowed you to succeed?

Joe – My belief is what you get out what you put in!
And Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.

BIM – Pray! I am always on my knees praying

Darrell – I believe in a higher power

William – I believe Why Not Me?
Why can't I be a successful Entrepreneur?
I believe that God put us on this earth to live more abundantly and not just to survive.

How to be Successful

What advise would you give to our listeners including our female listeners on, how to be successful.

There has been a lot of attention lately on women having to endure male advances and harassment to succeed. How can women be successful without giving up their values to men? How do you feel this can be prevented?

William – Women have to believe to believe in their, success. They are smarter than men because they have natural intuition. They are and as such they should not have to give up their morals to get ahead.
They have to believe that they have equal rights as much as men to the positions they aspire to be in.

How do you define your success?

  • Success, is the achievement of something that you have been trying to do.
  • Success, is the achievement of a high position in a particular field, for example in business or politics.
  • Someone or something that is a, success, achieves a high position, makes a lot of money, or is admired a great deal.

As we enter into the New Year, what are your, goals, for, success?
Where did you miss the mark in the year that passed?

Do a year in review.
Did you let circumstances get the way of your perseverance?
Or did you achieve all your goals?

If you did not, maybe this would be the time to invest in yourself and hire a Life Coach.

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Nothing is Impossible: How to Turn Life's Challenges Into Opportunity

Is Love the Same in Christianity, Hinduism and Buddhism?

Love,  in, Christianity, is reflected in God's love for us, he sent his only begotten son, Jesus Christ, to die for our sins. The bible, teaches us to Love one another as we love ourselves.
The Bible, “For I am sure that neither death nor life, nor angels nor rulers, nor things present nor things to come, nor powers, nor height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in, Christ Jesus, our Lord.”

Love, in, Christianity 

Jesus Christ, is my teacher and the Son Of God.  Loving yourself is more than providing the necessities of life for oneself. It is more than finding good employment, providing for one' s family, a nice house and some money in the bank. It is deeper than that.
Love, is spirit. It can be felt by strangers. It is a force of good and a power that connects us all. When you, love in Christianity, you take time to know and acquaint yourself with this force.  We are dually physical and non-physical beings, it is the secret to access the quantum universe.
Unfortunately, most of us only concentrate on the physical because that is what we see. We think we, love, ourselves because we take care of our bodies.
  • We exercise (some of us).
  • We eat nutritious foods that nourish our bodies (some of us)
  • and we protect ourselves from the sun and get the recommended amount of sleep (again some of us).

But how often can a stranger feels your, love, because you gave them a welcoming smile? How often do you find a quiet spot and pay attention to your breathing, your source and the center of your spirit? How often do you feel the, love, from a flower or from the stillness of a tree? God shows his love in, the bible, verses about, love, and by the beauty he created in nature. When we show our appreciation for nature we find God in beauty.

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Have you ever felt love from an inanimate object like a painting or a building? I visited the Taj Mahal earlier this month. It is one of the seven wonders of the world because of it's beauty. When you visit the Taj Mahal you feel the love for which it was intended. The building was constructed to immortalize Emperor Shah Jahan's, love, for his wife.  So, love in Christianity, means to appreciate your neighbor, as you appreciate yourself, extend that feeling past the boundaries of your family and trauma and make the world a better place to live.

Love in, Hinduism

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Hinduism, The eternal affection of Radha and Krishna has been the subject of great, religion, and philosophical imagery and is one of the foundational ethos of Hindu dharma.
The, love, of Radha and Krishna is not rooted in physicality. On the contrary it is allegorical. Jesus Christ, says “the mind that constantly remembers me, comes to dissolve and revel in me”.
Radha is the personification of this deeply devoted mind. The pain of Radha's separation from Krishna is the pain of the estranged soul searching for the embrace of the universal spirit. Radha is the individual and Krishna is the essence and objective of life.
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Radha is always the chosen one, but when Radha realizes the pride of having the Supreme Lord all to herself was coloring her mind, he disappears from her heart. Krishna then multiplies himself to be present between every two Gopis. The Gopis are believed to represent thought waves. The presence of Krishna between every two  Gopis, symbolizes that the eternal truth exists everywhere, and it can be perceived by the true seeker even between two thought waves.
Radha represents the purest and most beautiful amongst these divine thoughts and Krishna represents the supreme bliss that can be attained by dedicating one's mind to the divine.
Excerpt from Shyam Banerji “Hindu Gods and Temples”

Love, in, Buddhism

Basic Buddhism  – Buddhism, is both simple and profound. On a daily basis it advocates watching the mind so that all thoughts, actions and words manifest a kind and compassionate attitude towards all others. It is the loving heart that places others above self. Herein lies the ultimate wisdom of existence.
When you understand that the existence of all things, all beings, and all concepts is empty except in relation to other things, beings, and concepts, then you will be close to becoming awakened, crossing into a state of permanent happiness.
When you succeed in eliminating ignorance and replacing it with real wisdom, suffering comes to an end; because in understanding the true nature of existence you are no longer bound by the illusions of Samsara. It is Karma – the law of cause and effect- that gives life it's moral code. The Buddha thus advised doing everything to create good karma, for this has the power to propel you into a rebirth in circumstances that are conducive to practicing Dharma.
Thereby having the chance to attain enlightenment. Practicing Dharma means showing generosity, having a good heart, love, purifying negative karma, and creating good karma. It also means embarking on a spiritual path that leads to enlightenment.

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The Alchemy of Desire: The Power of Attention

Attention, is the magical process of that facilitates the transformation of your desire, to reality. This Alchemy of, desire, allows this transformation to happen faster if we empower it with, attention.

In this episode we are going to teach you how to use the, Power of Attention, to manifest all your dreams and desires.

What is, desire, – desire, can be called the feminine face of God! I love this sentence! desire, is what God places in your spirit to lead you to your purpose. It is the key that unlocks what God placed you on this earth to do.

The Alchemy of Desire

We, desire, our partners physically and spiritually,

  • we, desire, our careers,
  • we, desire, to procreate and have children,
  • we, desire, to be emotionally and physically healthy,
  • we, desire, to be wealthy
  • but most of all we, desire, to fulfill our purpose on this earth and leave it a better place then we found it.

We talked about how to manifest the, desires,  of your Heart. The first step is knowing what you want. The second step is adding, attention, to it.

We talked on how to use the, Energy of Desire, to create something magical. If you missed those 2 episodes, please listen to then my iTunes podcast

Power of Attention

Today I want to talk about the “Power of Attention”
• Now that we know what we want.
• We know how to use the energy of, attention, to engage the laws of attraction.
• Now we want to light our, desire, afire with, Attention.”

You remember as a kid you would hold a magnet over a piece of paper and have the, attention, of the sun light the paper afire?  That is what the, Power of Attention, can do to your, desires.

So, lets dive right in.

Using the power of attention to attract your soulmate

Tune in to Sticher to listen to my guest tell her personal story of using, The Power of Attention, after her divorce to attract her soulmate.

The word, desire, does not only belong with, sexual desires. As a, Mindset Coach, today I want to show you how the energy of, Power of Attention, to transform your, desires, into something magical.

Activating The power of Attention

Attention,  is your power source. Rarely does a quality life just show up by chance. What you give your, attention, to expands.
If you want your dream to come through, you have to do more than dream. You must focus your, attention, and activate, the power of Attention.

The power source for having an Intention that comes through is, Attention. What you pay, Attention, to will grow.

If your intention comes from the level of your true self, it can attract anything. Attention, activates the, energy of Attraction.

Every wish or, desire, is like a tiny seed that contains the blueprint for the tree that manifests from the seed. The seed of, desire, which is also the seed of any Intention needs nourishment to grow.

How to Manifest your Desire

If you want your, desire, to manifest here are some important ways to put the right, attention, on it:

1. Have a clear intention or goal; don't muddy it with doubt and fear regarding why it won't come true.

2. Have positive emotions around your, desire. Feel how good it will be to fulfill it and hold it in your hands.

3. Believe that what you want is beneficial to you without any negative consequences to those around you.

4. Be prepared for any response the Universe brings and be flexible to where you go from there.

5. Feel confident that hidden sources will come to your aide once your, desires, are released to the universe.

6. Find time to meditate on your, desires. At the level of the soul, the energy of attraction, is most powerful.


Using the Power of Attention for Love

Margo, how can someone use the, Power of Attention, to change someone’s feelings about them?

I have known lot of men who are able to woo women by paying them, attention. I have been on the receiving end of, attention, that changed my feelings for a partner a few times in my life. My Pastor once said that women are responders, I agree.

In our last blog post we talked about 4 of the ways renowned sexologist Jaiya believes that we are wired. We discussed the:

  • Energetic,
  • the Sensual,
  • the Sexual and
  • the Kinky sexual types.


  • Jaiya is the author of Red Hot Touch? Today I though we could look at the Shape Shifter who can be all those energies.

Here are the 5 Sexual or Erotic Blueprints.

6. Energetic: Turned on by space, tease and anticipation.
7. Sensual: Turned on by comfort, relaxation and all the senses ignited.
8. Sexual: Turned on by nudity and flat out sexual intercourse.
9. Kinky: Turned on by the taboo and power play.
10. Shapeshifter: Turned on by all of the above.

Margo, since today we are looking at ,The Power of Attention, how can a woman who is the, Shape Shifter, to create something magical in the bedroom?

This episode of the Mindset Transformation radio show and podcast is being brought to you by Hypnosis Everywhere and M-I-X- A-M-O-R-E.

Today we talked about, The Power of Attention, and to use this energy to create transformation in your lives.

I want to leave you with this thought. When all three legs of the tripod are in place –

  • Focused Attention,
  • Flexible consciousness
  • and pure awareness; the path is open.


You become the conscious master, the Energy of Attraction, is activated.

There are certain things that hinder the manifestation of, desire. Severe obstacles such as depression, anxiety, low self-esteem, substance abuse and toxic relationships block the manifestation of your desires. It gets tangled up in personal problems.
So be sure to meditate on your, desires, and rid yourself of toxicity either from substance abuse or toxic relationships.

If you found this episode inspirational or you learned anything, Please subscribe to my Itunes podcast and rate and review this Episode, so we can be encouraged to bring you more episodes every week.

Additional Resources

How to Heal your Body With Holistic Living

A, holistic, approach means that all parts of you are connected to, holistic living. It  is much easier than most people think. A, holistic, view of life comes down to healthy choices, for your body and mind, and taking the time to focus on your health. A, holistic life, is a lifestyle and way of thinking.

My guest always wanted to help people and when her son was diagnosed with Asthma, she decided she wanted to learn how to heal him by, living holistically,  instead of using prescription drugs. With her, holistic approach, her son is now cured of asthma.

In today's episode of the Transform your Mind with coach Myrna, I interview Ms Taeneka Brooks, founder of Hands of Sage Inc
Taeneka will teach us How to Heal your body with, holistic health,  with the use of special blends of teas.

Her company Hands of Sage manufactures,  holistic health, products and teas. Their most popular product is called the Sage Moon Box:
The Sage moon Box is the, holistic, approach to healing women both mentally and physically on their monthly,  menstrual cycle.

What is a Holistic approach to life

One way of, holistic health, is with self care.  Hands of Sage offers a moon box.

The Sage Moon Box includes:

  • Organic natural bath salts
  • Sage Moon Tea to boosted fertility
  • Tampons/pads
  • Wipes
  • Tea Infuser

Her teas also help with bloating or cramps during the, menstrual cycle.

Her detox teas help cleanse the full body, increase metabolism and burn fat.
Hands of Sage teas cleanse all the way down to the cellular level.

Taeneka also educates her clients on, living  Holistically
Check out Taeneka on her web site

This approach can also be used for any of the other women problems.
Here is an article on how someone used this method to help with uterine fibroids

My 7-Step Holistic Regimen

1. Drastically limit your consumption of simple carbohydrates, refined sugar, and processed foods.
2. Incorporate organic foods as much as possible. Food packed with hormones, specifically meat, feed the fibroid.
3. Juice beets, spinach, kale, ginger, and turmeric daily to detox the liver.
Also add fresh turmeric to your juice and tea.
Likewise, you can take 3 or more turmeric capsule 3x daily.
This will decrease inflammation and stop excessive bleeding and pain. I add raw turmeric to my dandelion root tea every day.
4. Take an active dose of systemic enzymes 3x daily. My dosage consists of 12 pills daily (6 in the morning and 6 at night). This has aided tremendously in dissolving my fibroids.
5. Exercise a minimum of 30 mins daily four to five times a week.
6. Avoid consuming anything packaged in plastic. Bottled water is the major culprit of estrogen imbalance.

THE MOST EFFECTIVE TREATMENT: Do castor oil packs every other day. I use Jamaican black castor oil by Island Tropic. Click here for more information on what castor oil can do for your fibroids.


Holistic healing is often defined as a form of healing that looks at the whole person: body, mind, and spirit. This kind of healing often involves multiple complimentary medicines and alternative healthcare practices that can overlap with modern-day western medicine but will go beyond the singular treatment of symptoms to support more than just the body.

Some alternative healthcare practices that often are found within the realm of, holistic health, are:

  • chiropractic
  • herbalism
  • massage
  • energy work (reiki)
  • therapy
  • yoga/meditation
  • acupuncture
  • physical therapy
  • general western medicine
  • nutrition
  • personal training

When all of these complimentary therapies come together for, holistic healing, a person is much more likely to experience wellness on a deeper level that allows for a more joyful and truly healthy way of living.

Benefits to Holistic Living

The main benefits of this type of, living holistically, include:

  • Balanced emotional and physical well-being
  • Better interpersonal relationships
  • Reduced stress
  • Improved productivity
  • Relief of chronic ailments
  • Enhanced environment understanding
  • Personal growth
  • Spiritual development

The ways to achieve these ends are meditation, spiritual healing, green living, yoga, veganism, and organic medication and food.

When you properly practice, holistic living, exercises, you can:

  • Alleviate illness and pain
  • Improve your energy and physical strength
  • Feel a sense of comfort, calm, rejuvenation, and balance
  • Increase your longevity and good health overall

These are some benefits of, holistic living, that can really balance out your life. There are many other benefits to it.

The important thing to know is that anyone can benefit from, holistic living, and it appeals to many people who are looking to enrich their lives regardless of their age, ability, life circumstances or belief system. You can practice this type of living to heal your body, reconnect with your spirit, calm your mind and maintain good health.

Additional Resources


Understanding the Rules of Economics and Money

If your goal is to increase your earning power or investment power, you need to start with a basic understanding of, economics.

In today's episode of the Transform Your Mind Podcast, I want to coach on, money, specifically The 90/10 rule.

Basic Economics and the 90/10 rule

The rules of, money,  and the 90/10 rule explained. The 90/10 rule states that 10% of the population makes 90% of the wealth. The reason that 10% of the population earn 90% of the wealth in this country, is because the rich understand the, economics, of, money.  They understand, how to make money.

Money, is used in the exchange of goods and services.
Hence the rise of, bitcoin, as, money, used in the exchange of goods and services.

Economics Explained.

Money,  circulates in the economy through the Federal Government.
The Federal government’s main customer is the U.S Treasury.
The Federal government collects tax payments and deposits into the US treasury.

The US treasury then pays the government’s bills e.g social security checks, interest payments on treasury bills and bonds and oversees the operations of the nation’s commercial banks and, economics.

But the main job of the Federal government is to establish U.S, economics, policy.
When the country is trending towards high inflation, the Federal government slows down the, economy, by selling securities, Bonds and Treasury notes. This removes cash from the market that would otherwise be available for lending.

In this way the Federal government slows borrowing, forcing interest rates up and cools the overheating, economy.

How Money is Circulated

On the flip side, if there isn't enough, money, in circulation or there is low inflation i.e. nobody is spending, money; the Feds stimulate the, economy, by buying securities and printing more, money. Thus, allowing more, money, to be available for lending.

Another tool the Fed has at its disposal is interest rates.
When the Feds increases the discount rates to the banks, the banks borrow less and thus have less cash to lend their customers.

The government borrows by selling securities. The more the government borrows, the higher the interest rates.

Understanding Inflation

Whenever prices rise because of the increased costs associated with production but production itself stays the same; inflation, occurs.

Sometimes, inflation, can help create wealth, especially when investments increase in value faster than, inflation rate, as can happen, in real estate.
One of the reasons for the real estate bust or meltdown of 2008 was because interest rates were rising, and everybody was trying to purchase homes before the interest rates go higher, driving up demand and prices!

When demand exceeds supply, prices rise; but when supply exceeds demand, prices fall.

Now that I have reviewed some fundamentals of, economics, let's get into our topic for today.

The 90/10 principle of wealth accumulation

Millennials, starting out in life you should make the determination not to be in the 90% bucket. The 90% bucket is the people who choose comfort and security instead of being rich!

You must choose to be rich!

As a coach I would like to teach you how to be a part of the 10% bucket.
But, like any skill, it takes practice to get the desired results. It takes reading, learning and coaching.

The starting point is always the mind.
Have the intention to make more than enough.
Have the intention to be more than enough.

Decide today that you are going to have a quality life that allows you the freedom to travel, to eat at great restaurants, to purchase a luxury home in a great neighborhood, that your kids will go to great schools and get a quality education.

Thanks to the electronic revolution, it is now possible for more and more people to gain access to the world of wealth. To be in the 10% bracket you must become wealth conscious.

How to Make Money

How to make money, from stocks and other investments.

  • Wealth can take the form of investing in stocks,
  • investing in real estate either your primary residence or investment property;
  • entrepreneurship through building products,
  • network marketing,
  • selling consumer goods,
  • Selling information products
  • publishing or on-line marketing.

Mindset shifts from the Industrial Age to the Information Age

1. In the Industrial Age, your grandparents believed that you should study hard, get a degree and get a good paying, secure job.

2. In the Industrial Age your grandparents were told to save money in the bank for retirement or for a rainy day.
In the Information Age, to get in the 10% bucket you must create assets of your own.

In the Information Age, statistics show that most jobs today will be obsolete in 10 years so in addition to studying hard and getting a degree, you must also become financially literate. You must learn, how to make money, from passive income streams.
Unless a man enters upon the vocation intended for him by nature, and best suited to his peculiar genius, he cannot succeed.

The foundations for success does not change with times. Like the word of God, it is good yesterday, today and forever.

Basic Economics for success that transcends the Industrial age and the Information age:

Good Health:

The foundation of success in life is good health: that is the substratum fortune; it is also the basis of happiness. A person cannot accumulate a fortune very well when he is sick. He has no ambition; no incentive; no force. Of course, there are those who have bad health and cannot help it: you cannot expect that such persons can accumulate wealth, but there are a great many in poor health who need not be so.

Clear Mind

To, make money, requires a clear brain. A man has got to see that two and two make four; he must lay all his plans with reflection and forethought, and closely examine all the details and the ins and outs of business. As no man can succeed in business unless he has a brain to enable him to lay his plans, and reason to guide him in their execution, so, no matter how bountifully a man may be blessed with intelligence, if the brain is muddled, and his judgment warped by intoxicating drinks, it is impossible for him to carry on business successfully.

Choose the right Vocation

Unless a man enters upon the vocation intended for him by nature, and best suited to his peculiar genius, he cannot succeed. I believe that the majority of persons do not find their right vocation. They enter into a vocation determined by an annual salary or other factors and not passion and purpose.

How to Make Money by Selection the Right Location for a Business

After securing the right vocation, to, make money, you must select the proper location. You may have been cut out for a job in silicone valley, they say you are a genius, but you work in Detroit” You might be able to run a hotel like Ivana Trump; but you live and work a city with 2000 people. Your location would be your ruin. It is equally important that you do not commence business where there are already enough to meet all demands in the same occupation.


You can't, make money, with consumer debt. Young men/women starting out in life should avoid running into bad debt. There is scarcely anything that drags a person down like bad debt. Credit card for clothes and shoes and designer purses. if he/she succeeds in paying off the credit cards and gets more credit again, he/she is adopting a habit which will keep him in poverty through life. Working 12 hours days to pay for bad debt, he has nothing to show for his money. This is properly termed “working for a dead horse.


When a man is in the right path, he must persevere. I speak of this because there are some persons who are “born tired;” naturally lazy and possessing no self-reliance and no perseverance.
So many have almost reached the goal of their ambition or dreams, but, losing faith in themselves because of disappointment and failure, have given up and the golden prize has been lost forever.

If you hesitate, some bolder hand will stretch out before you and get the prize.
Perseverance is sometimes but another word for self-reliance. I have heard stories of men who have met with major losses and rejection, and have bridged them over by simple perseverance, aided by a firm belief that they have favor with God, and that Providence would “overcome evil with good.” You will see this illustrated in any sphere of life.


Work at it, if necessary, early and late, in season and out of season, not leaving a stone unturned, and never deferring for a single hour that which can be done just as well now. The old proverb is full of truth and meaning, To, make money, “Whatever is worth doing at all, is worth doing well.” Many acquires a fortune by doing his business in excellence, while his neighbor remains poor for life, because he only half does a half ass job.
Ambition, energy, industry, perseverance, are indispensable pre-requisites for success in business.


How many times have I heard this “I will tell you confidentially; I have a wealthy old aunt, and she will die pretty soon; but if she does not, I expect to find some rich old man who will lend me a few thousands to give me a start. If I only get the, money, to start with I will do well.”

There is no greater mistake than when a young man believes he will only succeed with borrowed, money. Money, is good for nothing unless you know the value of it by experience. Give a boy twenty thousand dollars to start a business, and the chances are that he will lose every dollar of it before he is a year older.

Like buying a ticket in the lottery; and drawing a prize, it is “easy come, easy go.” He does not know the value of it; nothing is worth anything, unless it costs effort. Without self-denial and, economy; patience and perseverance, money, has no value to you. Nine out of ten of the rich men of our country to-day, started out in life as poor boys, with determined wills, industry, perseverance, economy and good habits.


Engage in one kind of business only, and stick to it faithfully until you succeed, or until your experience shows that you should abandon it. A constant hammering on one nail will generally drive it home at last, so that it can be clinched. When a man's undivided attention is centered on one object, his mind will constantly be suggesting improvements of value, which would escape him if his brain was occupied by a dozen different subjects at once.

Many a fortune has slipped through a man's fingers because he was engaged in too many occupations at a time. There is good sense in the old caution against having too many irons in the fire at once.


Men should be systematic in their business. i.e create a duplicate system. By introducing a system into all your transactions, doing one thing at a time, always meeting appointments with punctuality, you find leisure for pastime and recreation; whereas the man who only half does one thing, and then turns to something else, and half does that, will have his business at loose ends, and will never know when his day's work is done, for it never will be done.

Of course, there is a limit to all these rules. We must try to preserve the happy medium, for there is such a thing as being too systematic. There are men and women, for instance, who put away things so carefully that they can never find them again.

The 90/10 rule can be applied to all areas of life.

The Simple Principle of 90/10 that Affects Your Whole Life

Additional Resources

Is True Wealth Financial Freedom?

Self love is the secret Out of the Snares of Child Abuse


In her book ” Out of the Snares, Author Bernadette Trotman shares how, self love, can bring you out of the snares  of, poverty, addiction, child abuse and any other snare of the trapper.

The 9th Principle taught in my book “Out of the Snares, a story of hope and encouragement” is Love.
Love. This 4 letter word is so powerful! and, self love, is this love turned inside.
Love including, self love is  the most powerful force in the universe!
It can break the bonds of years, sometimes generations of, addictions, and, generational curses.

God's Love for Humanity

God's love, for humanity caused him to send his only begotten son Jesus to die for our sins so that we can have everlasting life.

A mother's love, for her child gives her superhuman strength, to save her child from death or injury.

The love we have for our wife and husband keeps off stress and diseases when that love is active and healthy.
You see when we are in the throes of our love experiences, we look at the world through rose colored glasses.
Everything is sunny. We stop to smell the roses.
Our hearts beat faster when our loved ones are near.

We ride the energy waves of this spiritual connection and in turn we feel energized, we smile and laugh more and we don't sweat the small stuff!

Research shows that this positive energy force cleanses our ethereal bodies and removes patches of stuck energies that can cause disease.

Get out of the Snares with Self Love

In my book “Out of the Snares” A story of hope and encouragement,
I share my encounters with love. These encounters have shaped my current world and allowed me to embrace love because I know from personal experiences how good it feels!

The energy of love combined with, sexual energy, is even more powerful!
When you transmute, sexual energy, for the person you love, you can create or imagine life changing books, companies and inventions that propel humanity forward!

But, it all starts with self-love.
Justin Bieber – Love Yourself (PURPOSE : The Movement)

You can't give away what you don't have.

In order for you to give love to another you must first have, self love, inside of you.
You have to love yourself, you have to love your world or the space you work and play in your world.

You have to love God, your creator.

When you have, self love, you gain, self confidence

Self-confidence is necessary for you to be successful in your career and in your business
Click the link below to hear a powerful story of how lack of self-confidence can ruin your world.

Love doesn't have to be the Notebook kind with grand gestures and sacrifice.
We love to watch movies like the Notebook about true love that never dies.
We are inspired by stories about Edward, Prince of Wales and Wallace Simpson and how he chose love over the throne; but most of us would settle for the simple acts of love.

This artist depicts these acts in her paintings so wonderfully and every couple should aspire to connect on this level.
• Who wouldn't love their spouse coming up and giving them a hug while they are cooking in the kitchen?
• Who wouldn't love their spouse watching chick flicks with them and enjoying it as much as they do?
• Who wouldn't love going out for ice cream and licking each other ice cream cones and stealing a kiss?
• Who wouldn't love just being in a room and just enjoying each other, laying on your husbands lap while you read a book?
• Who wouldn't like coming home and seeing your husband with a apron on in the kitchen cooking dinner?

Who wouldn't have, self love, after all this.

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Sponsor The Transform Your Mind Podcast

Love shouldn't be only for your spouse, children, family and friends. Love should be for all relationships in and out of the workplace, with customers, suppliers, everyone!

Giving love and compassion to the people you work with yields immense, self love.

In his book “How to win Business and Influence Friends” by Tim Sanders, Chief solutions Officer at Yahoo calls this BizLove from, self love.

This book shows how to be a LoveCat at work.

Here are 5 ways to be a LoveCat at work with, self love:

1. Greet everyone who walks into your office or room with eye contact and a smile.
2. Hug your close associates or people you have a personal relationship at work.
3. Replace the word Hate with the word, self love, whenever you can and watch it transform the energy.
4. Read lots of books and offer the knowledge gained from these books to your co-workers to help them with projects, initiatives or difficult personal situations.
5. Start a book club at work and have everybody share cliff notes from the books read.

All in all, self love, is like a boomerang, it always comes back so give it freely.

It is like seeds that blow in the wind. It does not always come back from the people we choose to love; but it always comes back

Check out my chapter on Love in my book “Out of the Snares” A story of hope and encouragement.

If you are an author and would like to be featured in this Blog, radio and podcast

Click this link to order your interview

Author Interview, Transform your mind podcast
Author Interview


“Small Business, How to Mind your own business while working your day job”
Love yourself enough to start building your personal Brand.

Click here for more information

Small Business:How to Mind Your Own Business while Working your Day Job

Small Business: How to Mind your Own Business while working your day job
Small Business: How to Mind your Own Business while working your day job

Additional Resources


How to love yourself

Your Talent is Already in your Hand

Use, what's in your hand, God pre-loaded you with the, talent, you need to be successful in life.  You were created with a purpose; God gave you the skills and, talent, you need to complete your task. Stop waiting for the right time.

What's in your Hand?

Moses was just like most of us. We don't believe that we have, talent, or that we were born with anything God can use to build his kingdom. But God interrupted this lie. Moses was hitting 80 years old, he was ready to retire. You know, settle down with the grand kids and rock on his front porch.

But there’s a bush that is burning and Moses’ life was about to get flipped upside down. God called to Moses from the burning bush and asked Moses to go to the Pharaoh and tell him to let my people go.

Moses answered, “What if they do not believe me or listen to me and say, ‘The Lord did not appear to you’?” Then the Lord said to him, “What's in your hand,?” “A staff,” he replied. The Lord said, “Throw it on the ground.” Moses threw it on the ground and it became a snake, and he ran from it.” [Ex. 4:1-3]

In Exodus chapter 3 , Moses had many doubts and many fears. He came up with tons of excuses. But God asked Moses, what's in his hand.

We know Moses had a shepherd’s staff in his hand, a dead thing. But then he laid it down and it became a snake. A dead thing became a living thing, and a dangerous thing at that. So dangerous in fact that Moses actually runs from it! God says to pick it again and it becomes a dead thing again.

Before we discover what God has created us for, we must be willing to lay down our income, lay down our status, lay down our perfection, lay down our finances, Don't eat your seed; lay down our children, lay down our relationships, lay down our self-pursuits to discover our God given, talent. 

Just like God told Moses, I believe God is telling people today to lay it down. Will you not lay down your identity? Many of us are defined by our job, our education, our financial status, or marital status. But Galatians 2:19 reminds us that, “I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me.” Yes, it’s no longer about me, but rather Christ who lives in me. God is saying, Let me be the one to give you identity and a meaningful life.

Stop asking when you are going to get your gifts or, talent, or calling and see, what’s in your hand.

But there’s a bush that is burning and Moses’ life is about to get flipped upside down.

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Sponsor The Transform Your Mind Podcast

Before we find our passion and calling, we must be willing to lay down our influence and recognition.

The recognition of man pales in comparison to what God has called us to. God is asking if you’re willing to lay down our dead things so he can make them come to life. Many people are living lives that are dead; it feels comfortable and safe and controllable.

But when God gives us a vision for our life like He did with Moses, we’re able to see the power God has for us, the purpose he promises us, and the plan he wants for us. It might scare us. Some might even want to run away from because it’s terrifying and they won’t know how to handle the amazing things God has for them.

Transform your Mind Spotify Podcast
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What’s In Your Hand: Using Your God-given, Talent

Perhaps you’ve said “I want God to use me!” I know many believers who feel that way. Perhaps your daily life now seems quite monotonous and unimportant, and you wish that light-bulb moment would happen when you know you’re making a significant and lasting difference for His kingdom. You see others in the spotlight who God seems to be using in a big way, and you try hard to not allow envy to grow in your heart. Will you ever be able to use your God-given, talent, to their full potential?

Whenever a lasting desire shows up in the human heart I believe it’s evidence of the way in which God made us. Those desires often become distorted or are directed in unhealthy directions, but the desire is from God. Your desire to make a difference is proof that God made you for a reason, both for this life and for eternity. You and I will never feel completely satisfied until we fulfill the purpose for which He created us.

Transform Your Mind iHeart Radio
iHeart Radio

But we’re not born with everything we need to fill the role for which God made us. The seeds are there, but in order to fill a role that’s big enough to qualify as God-sized, you and I need to grow up in all kinds of ways. And the way to get there is to begin using what’s in our hands right now.

In the Bible, Moses had spent forty years being educated in Pharaoh’s court, and another forty years on the back-side of the desert herding sheep. When God appeared to Him in the burning bush Moses felt ignored, beaten down, old, and anything but ready for some significant role in God’s plan. But God would hear none of His excuses.

When Moses complained that the leaders of Israel would not believe his incredible story of hearing directly from God, God asked him, “What’s in your hand,?” All Moses had was a shepherd’s staff, and God immediately demonstrated His miraculous power using that staff. (Exodus 4:1-5) It was with that very staff that God through Moses would later part the Red Sea, bring water out of a rock, and bring the Israelites victory over their foes in battle.

You have something in your hand right now as well. It may seem no more impressive than a shepherd’s staff, but it may be just the, talent, God needs to use in accomplishing His purpose.

Additional Resources

No Fear : How to Live with Courage

Burning Bush, God appears to Moses