Life’s Quakes and Breaks: Lessons on Finding Inner Strength

Coach Myrna explores the powerful metaphor of mountains rising from earthquakes, symbolizing finding inner strength through life's challenges.

She discusses how significant upheavals, like a relationship ending or a health crisis, create opportunities for rebuilding stronger. Myrna emphasizes embracing life's tremors, finding stability, reflecting on lessons, and setting intentional goals. She encourages listeners to tap into their, inner strength, and become resilient, just like mountains standing firm against the elements. Download the podcast  for an inspiring message on overcoming adversity and aiming for your highest peaks.

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Inner Strength Quotes

  • Embrace life’s earthquakes: Accept and learn from the upheavals that come your way, finding, inner strength, and rebuilding stronger.

  • Find stability amidst chaos: Reach for routines, supportive relationships, and self-care practices to ground yourself during turbulent times.

  • Rebuild with intention and resilience: Use life's challenges to set new goals and discover untapped, inner strength,  within you.

Life is full of unexpected quakes that can shake us to our core. These metaphorical earthquakes—whether they come as a result of personal failures, relationship breaks, or lost loved ones—leave us feeling shattered and unstable. But as the insightful saying goes, “mountains rise in the wake of earthquakes.” This powerful metaphor serves as a reminder that from immense pressure and upheaval comes, inner strength, elevation, and newfound majesty. In today’s article, we explore how we can find resilience and climb higher despite life's tremors.

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Embrace Life’s Earthquakes

Facing and Accepting Challenges

When the ground beneath us crumbles, it’s easy to fixate on the destruction. We see the shattered pieces of our plans and feel the cracks in our confidence. But just as mountains rise as a result of tectonic shifts, we too can find opportunities within our own upheavals.

Let's face it, we all encounter life-changing events that seem catastrophic at first glance. Whether it’s a severe medical diagnosis, the heartache of losing a loved one, or the unforeseen end of a valued relationship, these events can leave us feeling down in the dumps. However, these very moments also present an opportunity to rebuild our lives stronger and more resilient than before.

“Life is filled with unexpected Tremors that shake us to our core,” Coach Myrna relays. Recognizing and accepting these tremors is crucial because, like the Serenity Prayer teaches, we must have “the serenity to accept what cannot be changed, the courage to change what can be changed, and the wisdom to know the difference.”

Finding Inner strength from Reflection and Learning

Each life quake offers invaluable lessons. Reflect on what caused the disruption and uncover the deeper issues. By doing so, you lay a strong foundation for genuine healing and transformation.

Coach Myrna emphasizes, “Reflect on what happened, what our response was, so that when it presents itself again we'll be more able to handle it.” By learning from past struggles, you better equip yourself to tackle future challenges head-on.

Finding Stability And Inner Strength Amidst Chaos

Ground Yourself in Routine

In the immediate aftermath of a life quake, finding small ways to regain stability is key. Re-establish daily routines, lean on supportive relationships, and engage in self-care practices. These familiar and comforting activities can provide a sense of control amidst the chaos.

“When things are rocky, you also need to find some stable ground,” advises Coach Myrna. Stability can come in various forms, whether that's taking a daily walk, meditating, or spending time with loved ones. These routines and support systems serve as anchors, preventing us from being entirely swept away by the tremors.

Reframing and Moving Forward

Once you begin to regain your footing, it's essential to reevaluate and rebuild your life with intention and purpose. Set new goals and watch for new opportunities that align more closely with your values and aspirations. As Coach Myrna says, “This is an opportunity to create a life that is more aligned with your values and aspirations.”

Use this time of rebuilding to dream bigger and aim higher. Les Brown's inspiring words echo in this sentiment: “Aim for the stars and maybe you'll get to the moon.” By setting your sights on majestic peaks, you'll ensure you're not just surviving but thriving.

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Rebuild with Intention and Resilience

Tap Into Your, Inner Strength.

Every earthquake you survive adds to your, inner strength. Like mountains that are forged through pressure and upheaval, within you lies a reservoir of strength waiting to be tapped into.

“Mountains cannot form without pressure; diamonds are created with the pressure of the carbon atoms,” explains Coach Myrna.

Similarly, true success and resilience are born out of life's challenges.

Trust in your resilience and ability to rise above any challenge. Recognize that each quake, no matter its magnitude, makes you stronger and more capable than before. “Think of yourself as immovable as a mountain,” encourages Coach Myrna.

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Building Intentionally and Purposefully

When moving forward, it's crucial to proceed with intention. As you strive to rebuild your life, do so with clear purpose and deliberate actions. The reshaping of your life presents a chance to align closely with deeply held values and long-desired goals. “Set new goals, seek out new opportunities, and don't be afraid to dream bigger than before,” affirms Coach Myrna.

By intentionally aiming to construct a better, more resilient life, you are setting yourself up for remarkable success. Remember that life's earthquakes, even the less severe ones, are part of what shape us. They make us resilient, unshakeable like mountains, ready to withstand storms and emerge even stronger.

Possibilities Unlocked by Life’s Quakes

The mountains we climb are often those we build ourselves. Life's earthquakes may be unavoidable, but our response to them is within our control. By embracing the process, finding stability, reflecting on the lessons learned, rebuilding with intention, and tapping into our, inner strength, we can rise higher than we ever thought possible.

As Coach Myrna eloquently puts it, “The ground may fall away beneath us, but we can rise stronger and more magnificent just like the mountains forged in the wake of earthquakes.”

Each seismic event in our lives is not just a challenge but an opportunity to emerge resilient, powerful, and unmovable.

Remember, mountains withstand changes in the weather, the relentless forces of wind, hail, and snow, yet they remain immovable. Let this be the metaphor for your life journey—unshakeable, resilient, and ever-growing and stronger.

Additional Resources


Embracing Uncertainty: The Transformative Power of Maybe

Coach Myrna and guest Allison Carmen delve into the profound concept of embracing uncertainty through Allison's “maybe method.” Discover how reframing uncertainty can propel personal growth, encourage risk-taking, and foster resilience. Allison shares her personal journey from anxiety to thriving, emphasizing the power of possibilities even when life seems unpredictable. Tune in to understand why women, and everyone, can transform fear of the unknown into a tool for achieving a fulfilling and dynamic life.

Download the podcast here:

Key Takeaways:

  • Uncertainty as an Opportunity: Embracing the unknown can lead to new possibilities and a richer, more fulfilling life.

  • The Role of ‘Maybe': The concept of ‘maybe' helps mitigate anxiety and offers hope, allowing for a broader spectrum of potential outcomes.

  • Resilience During Adversity: Using ‘maybe' during crises can provide a mental framework that fosters resilience and the ability to adapt to changing circumstances.

As humans, we often yearn for certainty. However, the very essence of life is unpredictability.  Allison Carmen, author of “The Gift of Maybe.” discuss how embracing the concept of ‘maybe' can transform anxiety into hope and open doors to new opportunities.

Enbracing Uncertainty: The Power of ‘Maybe'

Allison Carmen introduces the concept of ‘maybe' as a powerful tool for handling life's uncertainties. She shares her personal journey through anxiety and how the idea of ‘maybe' provided a pathway out of her fear-driven mindset. Carmen explains:

“Maybe it's like the hope within the unknown. It challenges our need for certainty… If I don't know, that means other possibilities exist other than my greatest fear. And that became the maybe.”

The story of the farmer and his horse vividly illustrates this. Every event that seems disastrous is met with the farmer's response, “maybe.”

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Embrace Uncertainty: The Taoist Tale of the Farmer's Luck

The story is about this farmer, and he has a horse, and the horse runs away, and his neighbor comes by and says, you have the worst luck.

And the farmer says, maybe. But the next day, the horse comes back with five mares. And the neighbor comes by to the farmer and says, you have the best luck. And the farmer says, maybe. But the next day, the farmer's son is on the horse. He falls off and breaks his leg. And the neighbor comes by to the farmer and says, you have the worst luck. And the farmer says, maybe. But the next day the army comes to take the son to war, and they can't take him because his leg is broken.

So the neighbor comes by and says to the farmer, you have the best luck. And the farmer says, maybe. So in the taoist tradition, it means things are neither good or bad. But for me, all of a sudden, I felt a pop in my chest, because every time the horse ran away, anytime something bad happened, I never imagined the other possibilities, the other opportunities. I never saw uncertainties, anything other than bad.

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This episode is brought to you by BetterHelp.”

Do you have a tendency to compare yourself to others? Does social media play a part in that? What do you do when you get caught up wishing your life looked like someone else’s?

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Uncertainty should not be feared

This opens up a conversation about endless possibilities rather than dwelling on immediate negatives. Carmen highlights that uncertainty should not be feared but rather embraced as a fertile ground for new opportunities.

This concept directly counters our instinctive preference for certainty and predictability. By entertaining the notion of ‘maybe,' we allow for expansive thinking, which can alleviate anxiety and open up a realm of new possibilities. This shift in perspective is particularly empowering, showing us that fear doesn't have to dictate our future.

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This episode is brought to you by BetterHelp.”

Do you have a tendency to compare yourself to others? Does social media play a part in that? What do you do when you get caught up wishing your life looked like someone else’s?

    • Comparison is the thief of joy, and it’s easy to envy other people’s lives.
    • It might look like they have it all together on their Instagram. But in reality, they probably don’t.

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Breaking the Chains of Certainty

Carmen discusses how the relentless pursuit of certainty can lead to a life of mediocrity and missed opportunities. Myrna Young points out that seeking security often constrains us from taking the necessary risks that could elevate our lives. This is especially true for women who might choose partners or job roles based on perceived security rather than genuine fulfilment.

“Certainty leads you down a road of maybe mediocrity because in order for you to elevate, you have to have some uncertainty. You have to take risks.”

Women are often socialized to pursue stability through marriage and family, which can limit their potential. Carmen’s experience highlights this dichotomy. After her marriage ended abruptly, she faced a pivotal moment where she had to choose between falling apart or embracing the unknown.

“All I did was I gave myself the possibility that I didn't know for sure I was going to die. I didn't know for sure I wasn't going to make it.”

By allowing for even the smallest possibility that she could thrive alone, Carmen transformed her life. She chose to see her situation as an opportunity rather than an end. This mindset enabled her to rebuild her life, find a fulfilling career, and raise her children successfully. The key takeaway here is that the real growth and liberation lie in our acceptance of uncertainty and the possibilities it entails.

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Book The Gift of Maybe

Maybe: A Tool for Resilience

Carmen's concept of ‘maybe' is not just theoretical; it is a practical toolkit for resilience in adverse situations. For example, during the 2008 financial crisis, many of Carmen’s clients faced business collapse and financial ruin. She introduced ‘maybe' to them as a way to envision new possibilities and navigate through the crisis.

“I started to tell the farmer story, and I started to teach people about maybe because I was desperate, I didn't know what else to do. It was maybe that helped them get through this crisis.”

The ‘maybe' tool allows individuals to see beyond their immediate hardships and consider potential positive outcomes. This shift in mindset is crucial, especially when facing seemingly insurmountable challenges. Instead of succumbing to despair, the concept of ‘maybe' encourages a broader perspective and fosters hope.

As Tony Robbins discusses in his work on human needs, certainty is a fundamental desire. However, Carmen argues that this need for certainty can be detrimental when it becomes a constraint. The genuine security we need often comes not from an unchanging external state but from an adaptable and resilient internal one. Embracing uncertainty and the potential it brings can lead to a far richer and more meaningful life.

Embracing ‘maybe' allows us to remain open to life's inherent unpredictability and the opportunities it brings. It fosters a mindset of resilience and adaptability, crucial for overcoming adversity and achieving personal growth.

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Uncertainty: A New Lens on Life’s Possibilities

The practice of embracing ‘maybe' is more than an anxiety-relief tool; it's a way to enhance the quality of our lives. Young and Carmen discuss how adopting this mindset can transform everyday experiences and attitudes towards unpredictability.

By reframing our approach to uncertainty, we not only mitigate our anxieties but also seize the opportunities that life’s unpredictability offers. Carmen emphasizes:

“If you're breathing, there's hope. So it's acceptance, gratitude, and maybe.”

This philosophy encourages us to engage in life more fully, appreciating each moment without being paralyzed by the fear of the unknown. It teaches us to enjoy the present, find gratitude in what we have, and remain hopeful for what might come.

As Myrna Young aptly mentions, transforming our lives begins with transforming our minds. Embracing ‘maybe' allows us to approach uncertainties with a positive and open mindset, ultimately leading to a richer and more rewarding life experience.

Embracing uncertainty is not about relinquishing all control but about finding peace in the unpredictability of life. It’s about understanding that while we cannot control every outcome, we can control our perspective and reaction to it. By welcoming the ‘maybe,' we open ourselves up to new horizons and endless possibilities.

Additional Resources

Stop, Drop, and Roll: Strategies for Mental Peace

A Sharp Mind is Like A Sharp Knife Handle It Carefully

Discover the profound metaphor of a, sharp mind, as compared to  sharp knife.  This week on the Transform Your Mind Podcast, Coach Myrna teaches you how to handle your mind properly to avoid self-destructive thoughts, anxiety, and stress. Myrna delves into strategies like mindfulness, positive thinking, and setting realistic goals to keep a, sharp mind.

Embrace techniques to foster emotional stability and creativity, ensuring your, sharp mind, becomes your greatest asset in life's challenges. Download the podcast for  tips on balancing rationality and emotion, and regularly engaging in mental exercises for continuous growth.

Download the podcast here:

Key Takeaways:

  • Mastering your mind, like handling a sharp knife, requires skill and care to avoid self-inflicted harm.

  • Overthinking, negative self-talk, and perfectionism are common pitfalls of mishandling our minds.

  • Cultivating mindfulness, positive thinking, and setting realistic goals are essential strategies for maintaining a, sharp mind.

The Power of a Sharp Mind and Sharp Knife

As Coach Myrna eloquently stated, “Just as a sharp knife is invaluable in the kitchen… a, sharp mind, is a tool of immense power.” This metaphor sets the stage for understanding the profound capabilities of our minds and the potential dangers if misused.

Our minds allow us to solve problems, think critically, and create innovative solutions. A well-honed mind can significantly improve various aspects of life, from decision-making to emotional stability. Myrna lists several benefits of a, sharp mind:

  • Improved Decision Making: “With a clear and focused mind, decisions are made based on logic and reason rather than impulse or emotion.”

  • Enhanced Learning: “A sharp mind absorbs information quickly and retains knowledge efficiently.”

  • Creativity: “A mind that is sharp and clear can think outside of the box, leading to innovative ideas.”

  • Emotional Stability: “A sharp mind maintains a sense of balance and composure.”

These attributes highlight the instrumental role of a focused mind in navigating life effectively. Like a knife making the cooking process efficient and enjoyable, a well-honed mind brings clarity and purpose to our daily tasks.

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The Dangers of Mishandling Your Mind

The qualities that make a knife effective also make it dangerous if mishandled. This is equally true for the mind. Myrna warns us about the repercussions of not managing our minds properly:

  • Overthinking: “It can lead to stress, anxiety, and an inability to act decisively.”

  • Negative Self-Talk: “A sharp mind turned inward with negativity can cut deeply.”

  • Perfectionism: “Being overly critical… sets you up with unrealistic standards.”

These are the mental pitfalls equivalent to holding a sharp knife by its blade. Overthinking spins us into a relentless whirlpool of stress and indecision. Negative self-talk deepens our emotional wounds, leading to issues like low self-esteem and depression. Perfectionism, while seemingly noble, often results in chronic dissatisfaction as we set unattainable standards for ourselves.

Coach Myrna also emphasizes how “obsessive control” can exhaust and frustrate us, contributing to mental stress. By addressing these dangers, we recognize the importance of treating our minds with the same care and respect we would a sharp knife.

Strategies to Harness Mental Sharpness and a Sharp Mind

To wield our minds skillfully, similar to handling a sharp knife, specific strategies are essential. Coach Myrna suggests:

  • Mindfulness and Meditation: “These practices train your mind to focus on the present moment, reducing overthinking and fostering a sense of Peace.”

  • Positive Thinking: “Cultivate positive self-talk and challenge negative thoughts.”

  • Setting Realistic Goals: “Set achievable goals and recognize your progress.”

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Mindfulness and Meditation

Training the mind through mindfulness and meditation involves focusing on the present moment. Myrna shares, “I do a meditation when they said your thoughts don’t control you… think of them [as] colorful balloons and let them float away.” By distancing from our thoughts, we prevent them from controlling us, reducing overthinking and anxiety.

Meditation encourages us to be mindful of simple bodily functions, such as the heartbeat or the blood flowing through our veins, which we often take for granted. This practice counters the common tendency to be consumed by worries and emotions, grounding us in a state of peace.

A Sharp Mind is a Positive Mind

Cultivating positivity in our self-talk is crucial but challenging. Coach Myrna advises using positive affirmations and challenging negative thoughts by asking, “Is it true? How do you know that it’s true?” This method, popularized by Byron Katie, helps break the cycle of negative thinking by confronting the validity of our assumptions.

Positive thinking isn’t about ignoring problems but approaching them with a solution-oriented mindset. This shift in perspective can profoundly impact our mental state, fostering resilience and optimism.

Setting Realistic Goals

Perfectionism often sets us up for failure with unrealistic expectations. Instead, Myrna suggests setting achievable goals and celebrating small victories. She emphasizes, “Happiness is working towards a goal… once you are working towards a goal, it’s the definition of what happiness is.”

This approach allows us to measure progress without falling into the trap of harsh self-criticism. Setting realistic goals instills a sense of accomplishment and keeps us motivated.

Mastering the art of mental precision requires diligent practice and conscious effort. Coach Myrna’s insights about treating our minds with the same care as a sharp knife provide a valuable framework for achieving mental well-being. By embracing mindfulness, fostering positive thinking, and setting realistic goals, we can harness the power of our minds effectively. This path not only prevents self-inflicted wounds but also unlocks our potential, transforming our minds to transform our lives.

Additional Resources

Unlocking Success: The Power of Manifestation and Mindset

Overcoming Alcohol Addiction: Lessons from Alcoholics Anonymous

Candice McCain joins life coach Myrna Young to share her journey through, alcohol addiction, and lessons learned from alcoholics anonymous (AA). Dealing with grief and battling cancer, as detailed in her book “Facing Fear, Finding Hope.” Through personal anecdotes and lessons learned from AA, Candice reveals how spirituality and resilience have guided her through life's challenges. This episode is a testament to facing adversity and finding light amidst darkness, with a focus on hope, healing, and the importance of having a support system. Candice's story offers inspiration and practical advice for anyone navigating their own difficult path.

Download the podcast here:

Key Takeaways

  • The power of spirituality and AA support: Embracing spirituality and seeking support through programs like AA can significantly aid in overcoming, alcohol addiction.

  • Transformative life lessons from adversity: Challenging experiences often foster resilience, self-awareness, and personal growth.

  • Handling grief and maintaining hope: Grief can be managed and hope sustained through faith, gratitude, and purposeful action.


In an insightful conversation between life coach Myrna Young and guest Candice McCain, several profound themes emerge surrounding alcoholism, loss, and finding hope amidst fear. Through recounting personal experiences, McCain reveals how overcoming life’s tribulations has shaped her into a beacon of hope for others. This article  explores pivotal themes from their discourse, on the Transform Your Mind podcast, shedding light on lessons learnt from AA that can help anyone navigating similar struggles.

The Power of Spirituality and AA Support for Alcohol Addiction

Alcoholism is a formidable challenge, but Candice McCain’s story illustrates the transformative power of spirituality and structured support systems. She recounts her descent into alcoholism and, alcohol addiction, stemming from an inability to cope with pain and stress. Feeling powerless, she found solace in drinking as a means to escape reality. However, a pivotal moment arrived when she reached out to an old friend who was unknowingly an alcoholic. This serendipitous connection led her to Alcoholics Anonymous (AA).

“By the grace of God, this person said, Candice, I'm picking you up and I'm taking you to AA.”

AA’s foundational approach of combining spirituality with community support played a critical role in McCain's recovery from, alcohol addiction.  She highlights the importance of admitting powerlessness over alcohol—a crucial step in AA’s program.

“Step one meant I am powerless over alcohol, and my life's become unmanageable.”

The transformation deepened as she embraced the spiritual elements of the program, which advocates for turning one's will and life over to a higher power. McCain’s shift from self-pity to spiritual faith brought light into her life, fostering a gradual but powerful journey towards sobriety.

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This episode is brought to you by BetterHelp.”

Do you have a tendency to compare yourself to others? Does social media play a part in that? What do you do when you get caught up wishing your life looked like someone else’s?

    • Comparison is the thief of joy, and it’s easy to envy other people’s lives.
    • It might look like they have it all together on their Instagram. But in reality, they probably don’t.

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Overcoming Alcohol Addiction: Lessons from AA

Life’s adversities can often be a source of profound personal growth and transformation. McCain’s experiences underscore the lessons learned from AA in facing significant challenges head-on. Her relationship with her father, an influential figure in her life, shaped many of her values and fears. His advice ranged from the importance of hard work to the necessity of independence for women.

“He taught me to work hard and that hard work wouldn't kill me. He told me that life was to be enjoyed.”

However, the pressures to meet these expectations sometimes led McCain to struggle with her self-worth. The turning point came through AA’s principle of “maintaining one's side of the street,” which taught her to focus on her own actions and reactions rather than shouldering undue blame.

“When I started to face everything and recover, I noticed that you really have to go through things, and then you don't have to go through them again… It changed me.”

Furthermore, McCain’s bout with cancer taught her the importance of being proactive, staying informed, and finding joy even in trying times. Her journey reflects how facing fears and adversities cultivates resilience, helping individuals emerge stronger and more self-aware.

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Handling Grief and Maintaining Hope

Dealing with the loss of a loved one is one of the hardest aspects of life. McCain’s account of her father’s battle with pancreatic cancer and eventual passing reveals how to navigate grief while keeping hope alive. She illustrates how maintaining a connection to her higher power through prayer and spiritual practices provided comfort and direction.

“Every day I prayed. Every single morning, I lit candles and prayed, and I did my part and I helped him. And then I left the rest up to my higher power.”

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Gratitude also played a central role in handling her grief. By focusing on the positive moments and the chance to give back to her father during his final days, McCain found solace and strength. Her belief in miracles and spiritual experiences further invigorated her with hope amidst sorrow.

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Book: Facing Fear Finding Hope

“So that's really where my book came from, with. From those spiritual experiences, those miraculous experiences like my dad had in a miraculous remission that nobody could explain, no doctor could explain.”

Her story exemplifies the balance of action and faith—doing everything within one’s power and then trusting in a higher power to guide the rest.

McCain’s journey offers insightful lessons on overcoming life’s hurdles with grace and resilience. Her tacit endorsement of AA as a lifeline for those battling alcoholism, the embrace of personal growth through hardship, and the reliance on spiritual faith during times of grief collectively form a powerful testimonial. Such narratives reinforce the notion that even in the face of fear, hope can be found, and life’s greatest challenges can be overcome.

Additional Resources

How to Overcome Fear and Find Joy

American Grit: Transforming Victimhood into Heroism

John Suzuki, author of “American Grit,” joins coach Myrna to discuss the inspiring journey from victimhood to heroism in America’s concentration camps during World War II. Suzuki delves into powerful themes of racial identity, resilience, and the importance of choices in transforming lives. Highlighting stories of Japanese American men who volunteered for the US Army despite their imprisonment, Suzuki emphasizes the profound impact of mindset and empowerment. Gain insights into the enduring legacy of courage, love, and perseverance against adversity. Listen to uncover how mindset shifts can drive monumental change.

Download the podcast here:

Key Takeaways

  • Empowerment through Choices: Understanding that life is shaped by the choices we make, transforming victimhood into a journey of self-empowerment.

  • Historical Lessons: Reflecting on the resilience and bravery of Japanese Americans in WWII concentration camps and the relevance of these lessons in today's society.

  • Mindset Transformations: Exploring the power of the human mind in overcoming adversity and the potential to make a significant impact through conscious decisions.

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Podchaser transform your mind podcast

The Power of Choice: From Victimhood to Empowerment

John Suzuki discusses his book “American Grit” and  dives deep into the pivotal concept of choice. At its core, he emphasizes how choices shape our lives:

“I am a big Advocate that our life that we the product of our of our life today is a product of the choices that we've made in our lives.”

Suzuki outlines an environment of extreme prejudice and hardship, detailing how Japanese Americans, forcibly placed in U.S. concentration camps during WWII, faced monumental challenges. Despite being unjustly imprisoned solely based on race, many chose not to succumb to victimhood. For instance, numerous Japanese American men volunteered to fight for the U.S. Army, demonstrating an extraordinary act of bravery:

“They went on to fight for the United States and Europe and they joined the 442nd regimental combat team…which became the most decorated War unit in the history of the United States for size and duration.”

This vibrant testament reflects the essence of transforming one's circumstances through deliberate and courageous choices. Individuals who reframed their narratives from powerless victims to empowered participants made significant historical and personal impacts, illustrating the profound strength of the human spirit when driven by choice.

Historical Reflections: Victimhood to Heroism

Understanding historical events, such as the internment of Japanese Americans during WWII, is more crucial than ever. John not only sheds light on these dark times but also presents a warning to contemporary society:

“I believe that it will happen again… this is another reason why I want to get this out.” It happened to the Muslims after 9/11

Highlighting the fear-driven decisions and racism that led to the internment camps, Suzuki draws a parallel to modern-day events, considering the post-9/11 period and the COVID-19 pandemic when similar xenophobic sentiments emerged:

“After 911, there were calls to round up Muslims and put them into camps…during covid people were talking about rounding up Chinese.”

Suzuki's insights imply that by learning from past mistakes, society can take proactive steps to prevent history from repeating itself. Such awareness encourages a collective effort to combat bigotry, fostering a more inclusive and empathetic society.

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podhero Transform Your Mind

Mindset as a Catalyst for Change

Suzuki repeatedly underscores the transformative power of mindset in overcoming adversity. He describes the resilience of individuals in the concentration camps, particularly through the story of Louise Kashino, who found ways to build a better life despite her circumstances:

“She made that decision that she was not going to be a victim and that she was going…and that choice opened up opportunities.”

This narrative highlights a fundamental principle: mindset shapes reality. Transforming adverse situations into opportunities for growth and success begins with changing one's mental outlook. For Suzuki and many others, this shift in perspective was not just an internal process but had real-world consequences, enabling them to make impactful contributions to their communities and the broader society.

Furthermore, the discussion brings a universal message about self-empowerment and the importance of proactive thinking:

“There is no such thing as failure…it's just a stepping stone to success.”

By embracing failure as a part of the journey, individuals can transcend limitations imposed by their environments or external conditions. This mindset not only fosters personal growth but also encourages others to pursue their passions and make positive changes in the world.

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book american grit

American Grit: Inspiring New Generations

John Suzuki’s exploration of resilience, victimhood  and heroism in “American Grit” serves as a vital reminder of the enduring strength of the human spirit. The narrative unravels how ordinary people faced extraordinary challenges and emerged as heroes through the power of choice, reflecting timeless lessons of courage, determination, and love.

“It's choices, and don't look at choices as a bad thing… think of choices as being the most empowering thing you can have in your life.”

These insights reinforce the idea that, regardless of circumstances, individuals possess the agency to change their lives and, by extension, the society around them. As Suzuki’s conversation with Myrna highlights, making conscious choices towards positivity and growth can lead to substantial, meaningful impacts, resonating across generations.

The lessons from WWII concentration camps and the transforming power of the human mind are significant not just historically but also in contemporary contexts. They highlight the need for vigilance against injustice and the continuous endeavor to foster a society built on empathy, resilience, and empowered choices.

Through understanding and embracing these lessons, we can all contribute to making the world a better place – one informed choice at a time.

Additional Resources

Altruism: Why We Should Embrace the Servant Mindset

Abundance Mindset: The Keys To Professional Growth

An, abundance mindset, fosters a perspective where opportunities are limitless, and success isn't a zero-sum game. Jonathan  brush ties this mindset to the intrinsic creativity bestowed by God, asserting that creativity and value creation are boundless.

Jonathan Brush, author of “The Personal Triangle,” discusses essential skills and knowledge for thriving in life with host Myrna Young. Brush emphasizes the importance of relationships, resilience, and an abundance mindset over chasing wealth and fame. He also delves into skill-based learning and project-based education as practical strategies for young adults. By encouraging students to be extraordinary at ordinary tasks, Brush provides a refreshing perspective on success. His insights offer valuable guidance for parents and young adults navigating career choices and personal development. Tune in for a compelling conversation on redefining success and thriving in today's world.

Download the Podcast Here:

Transforming Lives: How To Thrive With An Abundance Mindset

Key Takeaways

  • Prioritize an abundance mindset and extraordinary effort in everyday tasks over immediate success.
  • Understanding one's inherent skills (connect, create, coordinate) is crucial to thriving in any career.
  • The paradigm shift from traditional education to project-based skill accumulation empowers students for the evolving job market.
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Rethinking Success: Pursuing Thriving Over Riches

In a world where success is commonly equated with wealth, fame, and power, our focus often misleads and pressures young minds. Myrna Young and Jonathan Brush unravel this modern dilemma in their discussion, advocating for a shift towards thriving—a holistic approach encompassing relationships, service, resilience, and value creation.

Jonathan highlights, “When we tell young people to be successful, defined by being rich, famous, or powerful, they often end up cynical, bitter, and in despair when those goals aren't quickly achieved.” Instead, he proposes thriving by “accepting full ownership of your life, focusing on relationships, serving others, and living resiliently.”

This concept aligns with a Christian worldview. Jonathan elaborates, “Every single person you meet is made in the image of God, no exceptions. You must treat everyone as a full immortal, which is more valuable than fleeting riches or fame.” This perspective shift can change the narrative from a success-obsessed culture to one where true joy and fulfillment are found.

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Skill-Based Learning Versus Traditional Education

Traditional academic paths, endorsed for decades as the ultimate career launching pad, are rapidly becoming obsolete in the face of technological advancements and shifting job market demands. Jonathan stresses the importance of skill-based learning vs  project-based education in this fluctuating landscape.

“When I applied to college, I used a typewriter. By the time I graduated, I was planning my honeymoon on the internet. The knowledge in my head became outdated almost instantly,” Jonathan recalls. “Today, it's more important to ask good questions than to know all the answers.”

In this context, skill-based learning allows students to not only acquire knowledge but apply it in real-world scenarios, creating a foundation of experience and adaptability. As Jonathan states, “Our academic program guarantees that if you complete three years with us, we promise full-time employment above the average pay, regardless of whether you earn a traditional degree.”

Traditional education doesn't always guarantee practical skills or job readiness. The alternative approach—learning through real projects—ensures that students remain relevant and competitive in the job market.

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Identifying and Leveraging Innate Skills

Understanding and leveraging inherent skills can significantly enhance personal and professional fulfillment. Jonathan categorizes these skills into three key areas—connect, create, and coordinate—each aligning with distinct personality traits and professional strengths.

“Most people tend to have a proclivity towards being a connect person, coordinate person, or create person. You don't have to know everything upfront,” Jonathan explains. “Focus on extraordinary efforts in ordinary things. Reflect on your experiences to identify patterns in your strengths.”

This approach demystifies career choices, helping individuals harness their natural abilities and pursue paths where they are likeliest to excel. Jonathan shares, “Learning to master ordinary tasks in front of you can lead to extraordinary outcomes. Be the best at what's in your control, and extraordinary things will become ordinary over time.”

By identifying whether one is naturally inclined to connect (relate to people), create (come up with new ideas), or coordinate (organize efficiently), individuals can tailor their career paths to their strengths rather than fit into predefined molds.

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Embracing an Abundance Mindset

An abundance mindset fosters a perspective where opportunities are limitless, and success isn't a zero-sum game. Jonathan ties this mindset to the intrinsic creativity bestowed by God, asserting that creativity and value creation are boundless.

“An abundance mindset means understanding that as creations reflecting God's image, we have an infinite capacity for creativity and value creation,” says Jonathan. “This perspective shift can significantly reduce stress and increase hope.”

An abundance mindset propels individuals to look beyond immediate gains and recognize potential in broader contexts. Whether in relationships or careers, it's about finding win-win solutions rather than hoarding resources or fearing competition.

Jonathan emphasizes, “You don't have to hoard what you have because that's all there is. There’s always a way to create more value, to find smarter solutions.” This shift in thinking refocuses individuals on collaboration and service, ultimately leading to more meaningful achievements.

Prioritizing thriving over mere success, blending project-based education with skill development, and embracing an, abundance mindset, are transformative principles that can prepare young individuals for a fulfilling future. As Jonathan Brush profoundly states, “By focusing on being extraordinary at the ordinary, by flourishing in relationships, and by striving to serve, individuals not only thrive but also attract true success in its richest, most fulfilling forms.”

Let these principles guide a new generation to envision a life where success is an enriching journey, not a solitary destination.

Additional Resources

The Secrets to Thriving Not Just Surviving

Mastering The Art of Self-Defense Against Your Enemies

Coach Myrna shares strategies for mastering self-defense against your enemies, drawing lessons from Paul's story in the Gospel of Acts. Learn how understanding your adversaries, maintaining composure, setting boundaries, and effective communication can help you navigate conflicts confidently. Discover the importance of knowing your rights, building a support network, and having unwavering faith. With practical insights and Paul's example, this episode offers valuable techniques to protect your well-being and integrity in challenging situations. Tune in for thought-provoking guidance on defending yourself assertively and gracefully.

Download the Podcast here:

Key Takeaways:

  • Understanding the nature and motives of your enemies is crucial.
  • Maintaining composure is essential in any confrontation.
  • Assertive communication and knowing the law amplify your defense.

In a world where conflicts and confrontations seem unavoidable, mastering the art of self-defense is more pertinent than ever. Whether personal or professional adversaries, having a robust and well-thought-out strategy enables you to navigate through these challenging situations effectively. This article meticulously explores the multifaceted strategies of self-defense, drawing upon timeless lessons from the Gospel of Acts and the Apostle Paul's defense tactics.


Self-Defense strategy #1: Understanding the Nature of Your Enemies

Understanding your enemies is the foundational step in self-defense. Knowing your adversaries' motives, strengths, and weaknesses allows you to anticipate their actions and strategize effectively.

“It is crucial to understand the nature of your enemies, identify their motives, their strengths, and their weaknesses.” – Coach Myrna

In Acts 23, Paul demonstrates a profound understanding of his enemies, the Sadducees and Pharisees. Both had conflicting beliefs, particularly concerning the afterlife. By acknowledging and addressing these differences during his defense, Paul managed to create discord among his accusers, causing them to focus on their disagreements rather than on him.

“Paul knew that one of his accusers believed in the afterlife, and the other one didn't… they started attacking each other. That's what you want; your enemies to attack each other instead of you.”

Recognizing the beliefs and inherent conflicts among your enemies can be a powerful tool in self-defense, potentially turning their aggression away from you and causing internal discord.

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Transform Your Mind spotify

Self-defense strategy # 2: Maintaining Your Composure

One of the most challenging aspects of defending oneself is maintaining composure, especially when falsely accused. Reacting impulsively or emotionally not only escalates the situation but also weakens your position.

“Avoid reacting impulsively or emotionally as this can escalate the situation and weaken your position.”

Paul's patience and composure are evident throughout his prolonged incarcerations and trials. Despite being held for years, he remained calm, understanding that a strategic defense takes time. He didn't get angry; he stayed focused on his objectives.

“Paul was kept in jail for years and he never became angry because he knew his defense was going to take time.”

Maintaining composure includes clearly setting boundaries. Paul's assertion of his Roman citizenship is a prime example. When the authorities tried to whip him, he declared his rights, setting clear boundaries they couldn't legally cross.

“They tried to whip him; he boldly told them that he was a Roman citizen and that it was illegal to whip him without a trial.”

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Assertive Communication and Knowing the Law

Effective communication and a solid understanding of the law are critical components of a robust self-defense. Utilizing assertive communication means expressing your thoughts and boundaries confidently without descending into aggression.

“Be assertive in expressing your thoughts, feelings, and boundaries… use ‘I' statements to convey your perspective without attacking or blaming them.”

Paul exemplified assertive communication, presenting his case compellingly and with great persuasion. This, combined with his profound knowledge of Jewish customs and Roman laws, fortified his defense. His strategic use of praise towards his judges also played a crucial role.

“Paul started off his defense with praise for the judge… ‘I know that you have been a great judge for several years.'”

Knowing the law and your rights cannot be overstated. Paul's deep understanding of both Jewish and Roman laws allowed him to navigate his legal challenges effectively.

“Paul knew the laws of the Jews and the laws of the Court; he also knew as a Roman citizen he must be offered a trial.”

Adding praise to your communication can also soften the opposition. Thoughtful and genuine praise may align decision-makers more favorably towards you.

Deeper Implications and Impact

Strategic self-defense transcends beyond personal encounters; it has broader implications in professional and societal contexts. Building a strong support network, staying vigilant, and having unwavering faith are crucial.

Paul's story highlights the importance of support systems. Surrounding oneself with supportive friends, family, and allies can bolster confidence and provide essential guidance.

“Surround yourself with a supportive network of friends, families, and allies who can offer guidance, encouragement, and protection.”

Faith also plays a significant role. Paul's unwavering faith in God gave him the strength to endure. Faced with dangers like a shipwreck and a snake bite, his belief that God would protect him kept him resilient.

“Your enemies may try to bite you… but just like the snake's poison did nothing to Paul, so your enemies can't hurt you.”

Reflection and Insights

The strategies Paul employed in ancient times are highly transferable to today's world. Understanding your enemies, maintaining composure, setting boundaries, effective communication, and knowing the law are timeless tactics. These strategies are not just about self-defense; they elevate your ability to maintain integrity and assert your rights while safeguarding your well-being.

Adopt these principles to navigate through life's conflicts gracefully, ensuring you emerge stronger and unshaken.

Additional Resources


Unlocking Success: The Power of Manifestation and Mindset

Manifestation is often viewed as a mystical art shrouded in ethereal terminology. But what if there were a logical, actionable way to harness this power? According to Dave Conway, a personal development and mindset coach who has transformed his financial life and mentored thousands worldwide, manifesting isn't just a pipe dream. It’s a bona fide power grounded in mental clarity, self-image, and universal laws.

Drawing from a recent interview with manifestation coach Dave Conway, this article explores the fundamental habits and mindset shifts that can propel anyone from a place of stagnation to extraordinary success.

Download the podcast here:

Key Takeaways

  • Visualization and Clear Mental Pictures: The power of building and maintaining a clear mental picture of your goals.

  • Identity and Self-Image: Understanding and transforming your self-image to align with your aspirations.

  • Repetition and Study: The importance of daily practices, such as aggressive auto-suggestion and consistent study, to recondition the mind.

The Power of Visualization and Clear Mental Pictures

Visualization is not merely a creative exercise; it is foundational for manifesting one's desires. Dave Conway underscores the importance of building clear mental images to lay the groundwork for real transformation.

“The first step would be to build a clear mental picture of really what you want, right? Some sort of image that would reflect that, that thing, circumstance, situation or income is already been achieved,” says Dave.

He shares a personal anecdote where he visualized owning a Jaguar XKR. His process was methodical and detail-rich, right down to feeling the car’s handle and seeing his reflection in the bank's glass doors. This exercise wasn't fleeting—it spanned 31 months, reinforcing the idea that sustained visualization is crucial.

The detailed focus on minute sensory details strengthens the clarity of the image, making it more believable to the subconscious mind. The underlying message is to harness every sensory perception to fortify the visualization process.

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Manifestation: Creating A New You

Manifesting isn’t about pushing harder in the external world; it’s about transforming your internal self-image. Dave points out that true manifestation is essentially about manifesting a new version of oneself.

“Who's the man, woman or person that has achieved that goal? How do they walk, talk, dress, act? How do they live? What's their attitude?” he advises.

In one transformative exercise, Dave narrates a point where he stripped away his entire self-identity, challenging his beliefs face-to-face in a mirror, asking himself, “Who the hell do you think you are?” This radical shift allowed him to recondition his mind and embrace new beliefs that aligned with his goals.

“There's a version of you that will naturally produce whatever you decide. But to understand that you can't outperform, you can't outperform your belief system,” Dave notes.

By consistently embodying the persona of the person who already has what you desire, you can start to transform your self-image. This isn’t a one-off activity but an ongoing exercise that requires daily dedication.

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Repetition and Study: Accelerating Transformation

Dave Conway’s approach underlines the importance of repetition and dedicated study. Reprogramming the mind involves a daily commitment to specific practices like visualization and aggressive auto-suggestion.

“Every human being has come over to this plane of the world already rich,” he states, advocating for consistent daily exercises to unlock this inherent potential.

He explains the importance of studying the same materials repetitively until they become an intrinsic part of one's consciousness. Comparing himself to historical figures in personal development, such as Earl Nightingale, Dave emphasizes:

“I would read it every day for the next 90 days. Well, it didn’t stop at 90 days. That went on for 18 months, reading it all every day, every single day like that, like a lunatic person.”

Dave also practices aggressive auto-suggestion, advocating for repetitions like shouting out affirmations three times a day for five minutes each. This vigorous approach is intended to saturate the subconscious mind, overriding existing paradigms and accelerating the transformation process.

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playerfm transform your mind podcast

Recap of Key Points

Understanding and applying the habits of ultimate manifestors is a journey deeply rooted in mindset, self-image, and repetitive positive reinforcement. Visualization is the bedrock, enabling individuals to construct clear, detailed mental pictures of their goals. The transformation of self-image aligns the internal belief system with those aspirations, while consistent study and aggressive auto-suggestion recondition the mind to maintain these new beliefs.

One must remember that each person has the inherent wisdom and power to manifest their desires. As Dave poignantly notes,

“There's a Myrna inside of you right now that will naturally produce the 50,000. Like, she's already there. Every potentiality, every self-image, every identity already exists in you right now because energy is neither created nor destroyed.”

Dave’s methodology is a roadmap to realizing this potential, focusing on the mental and emotional shifts necessary to bring one's desires from the realm of thought into tangible reality. It is this combination of spiritual grounding and actionable practices that transforms the abstract concept of manifestation into a pragmatic, achievable goal.

Unlocking your potential begins with understanding these key habits and dedicating yourself to daily, transformative practices. Whether it includes aggressive auto-suggestions, building clear mental pictures, or continually reconditioning your belief system through study, the path to ultimate manifestation is a lifelong commitment to aligning your inner world with your outer desires.

Additional Resources

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When The Shift Hits The Fan

Are All Sociopaths Predators? The Jeffrey Epstein Story

Psychopaths have no ability whatsoever to feel shame, guilt, or remorse. One in twenty-five Americans, are secretly, sociopaths and so we have Jeffrey Epstein.

There are some subjects that fascinate me and one of them are, sociopaths.

This fascination began when I read the book the “Psychopath Next Door.”

This story was about a man who selected this woman because of her vulnerability.

Sociopaths, always chose their victims.

He actually knocked on her door one day and began a friendship with her, then he got her to move away from her friends and family to this remote house in England.

Sociopaths,  always want to get you away from your friends and family because friends and family strengthen us. Jeffrey Epstein, had his island in the Virgin Islands

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The definition of a Sociopath

This house in England was a beautiful large Victorian home. This man let’s call him Jim told this that  he inherited this property and had her suggest that they modernize the house with her money.

Later in the story after she had escaped with her life, she found out that the property was rented, it was a con to get her money.

Sociopaths, are liars.

Then Jim started abusing her, verbally and emotionally, then physically. He told her if she ever left him he would kill her. Every time she attempted to leave, he would find her and punish her. Finally in desperation she walked for miles in the freezing cold one night to someone's home and hid there.

Sociopaths, keep you in control with abuse. Remember the Robert R Kelly documentary? All the women said that he controlled them with physical abuse and punishment like starvation when they disobeyed his orders. Like going to the bathroom without getting permission

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Like I said, this story imprinted on my mind and since then I have been able to spot, sociopaths. Almost all of them are good looking and charming and they use this asset to reel in their victims.

Jeffrey Epstein, was also good looking and charming and was able to charm his way into getting jobs as a teacher and securities broker without having any of the necessary paperwork, because he dropped out of college.

Sociopaths vs Phychopaths

As a, sexual predator, they use this good looking charm to make women fall for them and after they get them emotionally tied, they switch from charming to becoming a monster.

Sociopaths, are also narcissistic. They can feel no emotions so they do unconscionable things without batting an eyelid.

Jeffrey Epstein, sexually abused hundreds of children for decades by luring them with $200. He knew that to a 14 year old $200 was a lot of money. If he ordered a call girl or prostitute the price for a massage and sex would be $2000 not $200; but then of course they wouldn't turn him on. Only young girls turned him on.

What is the difference between, sociopaths vs psychopaths? Sociopaths and psychopaths  are usually dishonest. In my story Jim swindled over a $100,000 from his victim to modernize a house that he didn't own.

Jeffrey Epstein, was also a thief. He stole $46 M from one of his employers and was fired from another for stealing.

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So to answer the question are all,  sociopaths, predators? I would say yes,  Sociopaths,  are always looking for their next victim. They may not be ALL in like, Jeffrey Epstein, and, Robert R Kelly; but they are, sexual  predators, who charm women, men and children out of whatever their prize is. There are, sociopaths, scamming old people out of their last dollar and have no remorse that these seniors have no funds left to live out their lives

The Sociopath next door

We are accustomed to think of, sociopaths, as violent criminals, but in The Sociopath Next Door, Harvard psychologist Martha Stout reveals that a shocking 4 percent of ordinary people—one in twenty-five—has an often undetected mental disorder, the chief symptom of which is that that person possesses no conscience. He or she has no ability whatsoever to feel shame, guilt, or remorse. One in twenty-five everyday Americans, therefore, is secretly a, sociopath. They could be your colleague, your neighbor, even family. And they can do literally anything at all and feel absolutely no guilt.

How do we recognize the remorseless? One of their chief characteristics is a kind of glow or charisma that makes, sociopaths, more charming or interesting than the other people around them. They’re more spontaneous, more intense, more complex, or even sexier than everyone else, making them tricky to identify and leaving us easily seduced. Fundamentally, sociopaths, are different because they cannot love. Sociopaths, learn early on to show sham emotion, but underneath they are indifferent to others’ suffering. They live to dominate and thrill to win.

The fact is, we all almost certainly know at least one or more, sociopaths already. Part of the urgency in reading The Sociopath Next Door is the moment when we suddenly recognize that someone we know—someone we worked for, or were involved with, or voted for—is a, sociopath. But what do we do with that knowledge? To arm us against the sociopath, Dr. Stout teaches us to question authority, suspect flattery, and beware the pity play. Above all, she writes, when a sociopath, is beckoning, do not join the game.

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What is the difference between a, Sociopath, and a Psychopath?

I don't use either term, you're speaking about an, antisocial personality disorder.   Several people in our lifetime like Jeffrey Dahmer's and other individuals like, Jeffrey Epstein,  can be diagnosed with, antisocial personality disorder.  The reason why I use that term,  a psychological perspective and diagnostic criteria is attached to that term.

There are seven diagnostic criteria that we would use in order to diagnose someone exhibiting, sociopath, behavior:

  • One there's a pervasive pattern as well as a disregard for and violation of the rights of others. This behavior starts occurring usually at the age of 15 years old.
  • Failure to conform to social norms with respect to lawful behaviors as indicated by repeatedly performing acts that are grounds for arrest, as we saw with both, Jeffrey Epstein, and Robert R Kelly.
  • Deceitfulness very much so. Very easy for, sociopaths, to be deceitful.  Jeffrey Epstein scammed  a gentleman that he worked for out of millions of dollars.  He taught in a  school without the proper credentials.  He said he  went to certain schools and never attended the schools.
  • Repeated lying, some of these men even use aliases.  They scam others for their own profit.  Their personal profit and pleasure.
  • Impulsivity or failure to plan ahead.
  • Irritability and aggressiveness as indicated by repeated fights or assaults
  • Reckless regard for safety of self and others. Consistent irresponsibility as indicated by repeated failure to sustain consistent work, behavior or honor financial obligations.
  • Lack of remorse, indicated by being indifferent and to or rationalizing having hurt mistreated or stolen from another individual.

Are Sociopaths Narcissists?

Sociopaths are narcissists because they have no conscience, the barometer to tell you when you are doing wrong. I can imagine it may be a struggle for some, sociopaths,  so that's when they become, sexual predators. The sexual part of it with the, sexual predators,  become hard to control. It becomes an addiction.

I was actually very surprised when, Jeffrey Epstein,  did go to prison the first time for 18 months and he got himself out on a work permit, that he was still continued bringing women in to his office to have sex. The same behavior he was in prison for, he continued doing!

Ted Bundy did the same thing.  They incarcerated him and he escaped twice and continued the same behavior.  He continued the same exact behavior with those women, killing and murdering and having sexual encounters with them.

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That's part of the impulsive label.  I personally think that the reason, Jeffrey Epstein, did not stop or had no remorse is because he was wealthy. He didn't care about these women, he just cared about himself and his sexual desires. They called him, sociopath narcissist, you can call it, antisocial personality disorder,  all these different labels; but he knew what he was doing was wrong and he thought that he could buy his way out, and he did for quiet some time.

I was quite impressed that the first time, Jeffrey Epstein, was on trial, he had eight lawyers,  a team of eight lawyers! I am sure that cost him millions; but Robert R Kelly was poor.  I mean he couldn't even afford a proper lawyer so he's still in prison.

How are sexual predators created?

What is the, test for a, sociopath? Well that's a good intro to the, sociopaths vs Psychopaths,  and your  definition of,  anti-social Personality disorder.  How does that lead them to become, sexual predators?

I'm not just talking about, sexual predators, but the , sociopath narcissistic, piece where they have no conscience don't care about their victims, just into your fulfilling of their desires.  You mentioned Jeffrey Dahmer and you talked about Ted Bundy.  I'm assuming that you put them in this in this conversation, because they've also been diagnosed with, antisocial personality disorder, commonly called, sociopath.

These are mental health issues probably passed on from parents and grandparents. Some, sociopaths, develop after being abused as children.  Robert R Kelly was raped as a child by his aunt.

How would the women look for, sociopaths, out to take advantage of them?

  • Firstly, they don't want to trust. You want to be more cognizant of who you're trusting.
  • We want to be aware of someone asking you about your life in terms of your financial abilities.
  • You want to be more cognizant to the fact of strange men visiting your home.  Limit the frequency that they visit or stay in your home.  Visit their dwelling to see where they live.
  • See what their lifestyle is.  Talk to their family members don't even allow them to come to your home for at least 90 days after you meet them.

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How a sexual predator chooses his victims.

The, sociopath,  or the person with, antisocial personality disorder, always chooses their victims.

The documentary said that, Jeffrey Epstein, had the ability to read his victims  and offer whatever they wanted.

I have worked with families who had children that have been sexually assaulted.  In my first intake, my first conversation with the parents, I say to the parents that their child has the 50% likelihood of being sexually assaulted again because pedophiles tend to know. They can read them. They can either pick up on the fear or the vulnerability.

They choose their victims, Robert R Kelly looked for the women with weak minds. Jeffrey Epstein, looked for girls with no parental influence, were poor or needy.

Young females have to be vigilant because people will try to manipulate them and do things to them to get them to perform sex acts.  Someone gave, Jeffrey Epstein, three twelve-year-old girls as a birthday present.  You saw some of the images of some noted men today some powerful men including Prince Andrew who hung out with, Jeffrey Epstein, they partook of these young girls.  Some of them had daughters of that same age. So mothers look out for your daughters.

I tell parents it's okay to be quote-unquote a helicopter parent.  It's okay to not let your kids spend the night over someone's house. It's okay to be a hands-on face-to-face with your kid till they are at least 18 going into college.

If you value your child's life and you do not want your child to be fractured into pieces as a result of this trauma from a, psychopath, be vigilant.  I work in the education field right now and there are people that will become educators or social workers on campuses or they'll work with the children because they know they have access to be with them alone with children.

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Dr  Tra Ahia you mentioned that you have some classes that speak to this topic for women.

You are all invited to join my Facebook group called Life Coach, and of course please subscribe, rate and review this podcast on iTunes. 

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10 Breakup Signs Your Relationship Is Failing

Coach Myrna explores the breakup signs that signal the end of a relationship.  In this episode of “Five Minute Fridays.” she delve into the importance of communication, recognizing emotional and physical distancing, and understanding how increased individualism and constant criticism can erode the bond between partners. Learn how feelings of relief in a partner's absence, breakdowns in trust, and changes in future planning serve as red flags. Gain insights on prioritizing self-worth and personal happiness while navigating relationship challenges.

Download the Podcast Here:

Key Takeaways

  • Relationship breakdowns and breakup signs often begin with a decline in communication, leading to misunderstandings and emotional distance.

  • Emotional and physical detachment, as well as an increase in individuality, can indicate that partners are drifting apart.

  • Trust and honesty are the bedrocks of any relationship; their erosion can signify deeper issues that need immediate attention.

Breakup Signs # 1: Diminished Communication and Its Implications

Communication forms the foundation for mutual understanding and growth in any healthy relationship. Both parties need to feel comfortable expressing their feelings, thoughts, and needs openly. When open communication dwindles, misunderstandings arise, leading to feelings of disconnect and dissatisfaction and is the first breakup sign.

“Arguments may become more frequent, often over small issues that usually would be insignificant. This stage is often characterized by the feeling of walking on eggshells.”

This crystallizes the idea that when communication falters, even minor disagreements can snowball into larger, unresolved conflicts. Moreover, the balance between independence and interdependence is pivotal. Relationships thrive on a mix of both.

“A healthy relationship encourages both individual growth while maintaining a shared life. Overdependence or neglect of personal growth can lead to suffocation, whereas excessive independence might make the relationship feel non-existent.”

Emotional and Physical Distance

Breakup Signs # 2 The Widening Emotional Gap

Emotional connection serves as a keystone in sustaining a relationship. A weakening emotional bond can manifest in various ways:

“You may find yourself sharing less about your individual lives and conversations might seem superficial like how was your day, what's the weather like.”

This distance leads to feelings of isolation and neglect, signifying a growing detachment in the relationship and one of the breakup signs.

Breakup Sign # 3: Physical Intimacy: The Litmus Test

Physical touch and affection are often the most noticeable aspects when evaluating the health of a relationship. The lack of physical intimacy can be the biggest red flag:

I am always surprised when I hear about a husband asking his wife for a divorce and she is surprised and his response is. “I haven't touched you in years!”   That is a sign right there, the number one indication that your relationship is ending when there's no physical touch or affection.

When partners no longer seek each other out for physical comfort or intimacy, it signifies a significant rift.

Sign # 4: Preference for Solitude

A decline in quality time spent together can also heavily impact the relationship:

“If your partner increasingly prefers to spend time alone or with others instead of you, it signifies a widening gap in your relationship.”

The break from shared moments further amplifies isolation and neglect, contributing to an emotional and physical divide that becomes harder to bridge over time.

Trust, Honesty, and Increased Individuality

Sign # 5: The Erosion of Trust

Trust is the bedrock upon which any strong relationship is built. When trust is compromised, the relationship's foundation is jeopardized:

“Breakdown in trust and honesty is another big one. Trust forms the bedrock of any strong relationship. If you find that trust erodes in your relationship, it's a sign that things are not in the best shape.”

Trust issues could manifest as lying, hiding things, or becoming excessively suspicious.

Honesty as the Counterpart to Trust

A relationship where partners can't be honest with each other is likely heading towards a crisis:

“Honesty goes hand in hand with trust. A relationship where partners can't be honest with each other is likely heading towards a crisis.”

Frequent lying erodes the partnership, creating a toxic dynamic that is detrimental to both emotional well-being and the longevity of the relationship. It is one of the top breakup signs.

Sign # 6 Increasing Individuality

While personal growth is essential, an excessive focus on individuality over shared activities can be harmful:

“While maintaining individuality is crucial for a healthy relationship, an increased focus on personal activities and interests over shared ones could be a red flag.”

When partners continuously prioritize personal time over shared moments, it might signify a growing individualism that can further alienate partners, making the relationship feel more like a solitary commitment than a shared journey.

Breakup Sign #7 Constant Criticism

Constant criticism and lack of appreciation can create a hostile environment within a relationship.  When complaints and criticism outnumber compliments and appreciation it can build up negative feelings in resentments.  The relationship begin to feel more like a battleground than a Haven.  Feeling like you can't do anything right is another major sign of an impending breakup.  Constant criticism can result in diminish self-esteem and overall feeling of inadequacy this toxic dynamic harms not only your relationship but also your well-being.

Sign # 8 Absence does not make yoir heart grow fonder.

Feelings of relief in your partner's absence.  There's no bigger sign a relationship is ending, if you feel better when you're not around.   You know the saying “absence makes the heart grow fonder.” So if your partner's absence is making your heart feel lighter that's a sign that you need to be aware of.  Don't just let it slide by put it into your your mental Consciousness.  Feeling happier or more relaxed when your partner is not around can be a glaring sign that something is wrong. This indicates that the relationship has become more stressful than comforted and the partner's absence is perceived as a relief.

Breakup Sign # 9 Too much interdependence

The balance between Independence and interdependence is especially crucial. A healthy relationship encourage both individual growth while maintaining a shared life.  Overdependence or neglect of personal growth can lead to suffocation whereas excessive Independence might make the relationship feel non-existent.  I remember there's one time of a friend of mine told me about this married couple that always take vacations separately. They never go on vacations together, now that's too much interdependence.

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Transform Your Mind spotify

Breakup Sign # 10 Decrease in quality time together

A decrease in quality time spent together also points towards a growing distance.  He's home but he's in the basement or doing something on the computer and you guys never together spend any quality time together.   In the beginning of the relationship you would cuddle up and watch TV and and then all of a sudden now he doesn't want anything don't want any part of that.  If your partner increasingly prefers to spend time alone or with others instead of you it, it is a sign the relationship is ending.

Important Reflections

Navigating the complex emotions and practicalities of recognizing when a relationship is coming to an end is tough. The decline in communication, emotional and physical distance, and the erosion of trust each serve as significant indicators. To address these issues, open conversations are crucial. Seeking professional help like couples counseling can also offer effective pathways to either reconcile differences or prepare for an amicable separation.

Every relationship will face its unique challenges, and knowing these signs helps one to be better prepared. Understanding one's self-worth and prioritizing personal happiness should be the primary focus when navigating these deeply personal waters. Frequent check-ins and maintaining open communication can prevent many of these signs from escalating into irreversible issues.

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transform yoir mind podfriend


Relationships are intricate, involving layers of emotional, physical, and intellectual interdependence. Being aware of the signs that signal a relationship's end allows for a proactive approach in addressing issues. Communication remains key, ensuring trust and emotional connection remain intact. Prioritize understanding and openness to navigate the complexities of any emotional partnership.

Thank you for tuning in to this insightful episode of “Transform Your Mind to Transform Your Life” with Coach Myrna. Your journey towards a better understanding of your relationships can begin today. Namaste.


Unlocking True Intimacy: The Power of Tantra to Transform Your Relationships

Myrna Young hosts intimacy expert Magda Kay to discuss breaking taboos and genuinely connecting through tantra. Raised in Poland, where sex discussions were forbidden, Magda shares her journey from loss of intimacy to becoming a tantra teacher. They explore the importance of safety for women, the transformative power of heart chakra energy, and tips for men to enhance their partner’s sexual experience. Dive into how tantra transcends the bedroom to enrich everyday life and relationships. Their eye-opening conversation promises valuable insights for a more fulfilling love life.

Download the podcast here:

Key Takeaways:

  • Understanding Female Sexuality: It's not just about physical acts but about making women feel safe, empowered, and seen.

  • The Role of Tantra: Beyond the physical, Tantra involves deep emotional and energetic connections.

  • Balancing Closeness and Polarity: Effective relationships need a balance of intimacy and distance to keep the flame alive.

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In today's episode of Transform Your Mind to Transform Your Life, host Myrna Young and guest, Magda Kay, dive deep into a compelling conversation about using Tantra to forge deeper bonds in relationships. Magda, an intimacy expert, tantra teacher, and conscious relating coach, takes us on a journey from her personal transformation to broader lessons every couple can leverage to deepen their intimacy.

Understanding Female Sexuality with Tantra

One of the primary themes explored is understanding female sexuality. Magda opens up about her personal struggle with orgasms, attributing it to emotional and psychological blocks formed from childhood experiences. These weren't dramatic traumatic events but rather an accumulation of smaller incidents that left a lasting impact.

“Most women, even if they don’t have a story of big trauma, have experienced smaller things piling up, creating blocks in their sexuality. It’s how our nervous system reacts to these events.” – Magda

This candid revelation highlights that acknowledging and addressing these emotional blocks is crucial. Men, in particular, need to tune in to their partner’s needs more deeply. The primary element women need to feel during sex is safety. This safety can be fostered through open-ended questions, avoiding assumptions, and slowing down the physical act to prepare emotionally and physically for intimacy.

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This episode is brought to you by The Bossbabe Podcast, a show for entrepreneurs looking to start, grow, or scale a freedom-based business.

Hosted by Natalie Ellis, Founder + CEO of Bossbabe – who has spent the last decade building businesses and perfecting the exact roadmap to build a thriving, profitable business that creates true freedom of time + money. Every week, Natalie dives into the things every entrepreneur needs to know to be successful – from strategies to grow an audience on social media to building your sales engine in your business to leadership, mindset systems and more.

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The bossbabe podcast

The Role of Tantra: Beyond Physical Acts

Myrna and Magda clarify common misconceptions about Tantra, explaining it’s much more than a series of sexual techniques or prolonging orgasm. Tantra is about achieving a state of being that involves deep emotional and energetic connections. It’s not just about the mechanics of sex but the energy and emotional states involved.

“Think of it as an enhanced state of being, where true intimacy and vulnerability are fostered, leading to a heightened connection.” – Magda

Magda elaborates on how the practices in Tantra are geared towards opening up energetically and spiritually, allowing energy to flow freely through one’s body, which in turn enhances physical intimacy. Key practices include breathwork, opening the heart chakra, and allowing oneself to become vulnerable and transparent with their partner. This creates a deeper bond and better sexual experiences that extend far beyond the physical realm.

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Balancing Closeness and Polarity in Relationships

The conversation takes a fascinating turn as they discuss the importance of balancing intimacy and distance, or polarity, in relationships. Myrna brings up her own experiences, suggesting that having time apart from a partner can enhance the relationship. This theory is echoed by Magda, who shares that true desire requires a sense of distance.

“For a relationship to thrive, you need both closeness for love and distance for desire. It's a delicate balance.” – Magda

Practical ways to achieve this balance include living separately for periods, maintaining individual hobbies, and creating mental anticipation for physical encounters. These strategies help maintain both the connection and the mystery, crucial elements to keeping the relationship’s spark alive.

Book No More Faking It

In navigating the world of relationships and intimacy, the insights from this episode open a broader understanding of human connection. Whether it's addressing past emotional and psychological blocks, embracing the true essence of Tantra, or maintaining a necessary balance of closeness and distance, these elements can transform how partners relate to one another.

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Every woman needs to learn how to tune into her needs and communicate them effectively. By doing so, she's not only respecting her boundaries but also fostering a more profound connection with her partner. For men, it's crucial to create an environment of safety and understanding, recognizing that the act of intimacy starts long before the bedroom. As Magda beautifully puts it,

“Help us think about sex all day long. That’s where the journey begins, creating anticipation and emotional bonding that leads to true intimacy.”

This conversation serves as a valuable resource, reshaping the understanding of sexuality and relationships. It's about moving beyond the act and into a space where emotional, energetic, and physical harmony creates a richer, more fulfilling connection. Embrace the power of Tantra, and explore how these practices can lead to a transformative journey for any couple willing to delve deeper.

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Additional Resources

Tantric Sex: How to Use Tantra Energy during Sex

Breaking the Silence: Ensuring Health Equity for Black Seniors

Dr Mauvareen Beverly discusses her book “Nine Simple Solutions to Achieve Health Equity.” Diving into the struggles of, African American seniors, and patients with, sickle cell disease.  Dr. Beverly highlights, systemic biases, in healthcare and shares actionable strategies for ensuring equitable treatment. She emphasizes the importance of human value, cultural sensitivity, and patient engagement in transforming health outcomes.

Download the podcast here:

Key Takeaways:

  • Elderly black patients often face dismissive attitudes from healthcare providers, significantly impacting their health outcomes.

  • Cultural competence and sensitivity are critical in addressing health disparities within the black community, especially concerning chronic diseases like sickle cell.

  • Non-compliance labels in medical records perpetuate negative outcomes, necessitating a shift towards asking “why” and understanding patient perspectives.

Understanding Health Equity and the Dismissive Attitude Towards Elderly Black Patients

Elderly black patients have experienced a lifetime of societal and systemic biases, which continue to affect their healthcare interactions. Dr. Beverly notes that elderly black individuals often feel undervalued by their healthcare providers. “Doctors tend to be dismissive,” says Dr. Beverly, explaining that this stems from a long history of racial prejudice and unconscious bias in the healthcare system.

This dismissiveness has severe implications. African American seniors,  have the worst health outcomes across all disease categories. Dr. Beverly's work emphasizes that recognizing and countering this dismissal is crucial. For instance, the issue is not solely about access to healthcare but involves valuing the patient’s human dignity.

“If you don't value me, my health is going to go south,” she asserts.

Healthcare providers must adopt a non-judgmental, empathetic approach and listen to patients' stories. Dr. Beverly recounts a poignant interaction with a patient who said, “My parents were a step away from slavery, and my grandparents were slaves.” These stories highlight the historical trauma contributing to mistrust and poor health outcomes. A team effort focused on cultural sensitivity and patient engagement reduced readmission rates dramatically from 30% to 18.7%, showcasing the power of empathy and understanding in healthcare.

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The Crucial Role of Cultural Competence and Sensitivity

Cultural Competence Defined

Cultural competence and sensitivity are not just buzzwords but essential components of effective healthcare, particularly for black Americans. Dr. Beverly emphasizes the need for healthcare providers to understand the cultural context of their patients. It's not just about language barriers; it's about a profound understanding of the patient's background and how it influences their health and behavior.

For example, sickle cell disease, predominantly affects the African American community in the United States. Patients with this condition often face stigmatization and are dismissed as drug seekers. “The notion that because I have, Sickle cell disease, you will refer to me as a drug seeker is unconscionable,” Dr. Beverly states. She points out that these patients are often undertreated, leading to repeated visits to the emergency room.

Dr. Beverly's solution was to start a sickle cell support group. Engaging directly with patients revealed deep-seated issues. “You doctors don't teach me about sickle cell; sickle cell teaches me,” one patient said. These insights underscore the importance of incorporating cultural competence into medical training and practice. Empathy, respect, and an understanding of the patient's lived experience can transform healthcare outcomes.

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Transform Your Mind Pandora

Addressing Non-Compliance Labels for Better Health Equity

The Impact of Language in Medical Records

One of the most pressing issues Dr. Beverly highlights is the use of the term “non-compliant” in medical records. This term often disproportionately affects black patients and has significant negative health outcomes. “If you in the hospital or with your doctor, and they didn't ask you if you followed directions or took the medication, wait a couple of seconds and ask, ‘Do you want to know why I didn't take the medication?',” advises Dr. Beverly.

The word “non-compliant” creates a stigma that can lead to patients being neglected or receiving substandard care. Dr. Beverly stresses the importance of asking “why.” Understanding the reasons behind a patient not following medical advice can lead to better care plans and improved health outcomes.

In her advocacy, Dr. Beverly educates both patients and healthcare providers about the detrimental effects of this language. She suggests that patients assertively request that the term “non-compliant” not be used in their medical records without understanding the context. This proactive approach could shift the dynamics in healthcare, making it more inclusive and effective.

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Recapping the Essential Themes for Health Equity

The journey to achieving, health equity for black Americans, particularly the elderly and those with chronic conditions like sickle cell, involves several key strategies. Firstly, addressing the dismissiveness in healthcare by valuing patients and listening to their stories can dramatically improve health outcomes. As Dr. Beverly's work demonstrates, empathy and patient engagement lead to tangible improvements, such as reduced readmission rates.

Secondly, cultural competence and sensitivity must be integrated into healthcare practices. Understanding the patient's cultural background and the systemic issues they face can alter the course of treatment for the better. Dr. Beverly's sickle cell support group initiative is a testament to the power of cultural competence in healthcare.

Finally, rethinking the language used in medical records, especially terms like “non-compliant,” is crucial. Asking “why” and understanding the patient's perspective can lead to more effective and compassionate care. Dr. Beverly's advice for patients to advocate for themselves and question stigmatizing labels is a powerful step towards health equity.

Book How To Achieve Health Equity
Book How To Achieve Health Equity


In summary, achieving, health equity for black Americans, requires a multifaceted approach that includes empathy, cultural competence, and a critical examination of systemic practices within healthcare. By focusing on these areas, we can move towards a more equitable health system where every patient is valued and heard.

Unlocking the Superpower of Generosity

Discover the transformative power of generosity with host Myrna Young and guest Dr. Nicole F. Roberts, author of “Generosity Wins”. They delve into how acts of kindness impact mental and physical health, business success, and personal fulfillment. Dr. Roberts shares insights from her work with global leaders and her nonprofit, Feed A Billion, emphasizing generosity's role in uplifting communities. Download the podcast to explore the science and spirit behind giving, and learn practical ways to incorporate generosity into your daily life for greater happiness and well-being.

Download the podcast here:

Key Takeaways

  • Generosity activates powerful reward centers in the brain, contributing to long-term happiness and well-being.

  • Corporate philanthropy and individual acts of kindness can significantly impact businesses and personal lives.

  • Providing support in times of crisis involves more than just financial donations; time and empathy are equally valuable.

The Science Behind Generosity

Generosity isn't just a moral virtue; it's deeply embedded in our DNA as humans. Dr. Nicole F. Roberts elaborated on how acts of generosity activate significant reward centers in our brains, such as the ventral striatum and the prefrontal cortex.

“Studies have shown that practicing kindness activates all kinds of reward centers in your brain, like the ventral striatum, the prefrontal cortex,” Dr. Roberts explained, emphasizing the tangible impact of what she called the “helper's high.”

The concept of neuroplasticity also plays a vital role. Through consistent acts of kindness, new neural pathways are developed, making us more empathetic and altruistic over time. This shift doesn't just benefit others; it contributes to our own emotional regulation, happiness, and longevity.

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Broader Implications Acts of Kindness:

Understanding the scientific underpinnings of generosity can shape how we approach both personal relationships and organizational cultures. Leaders who prioritize doing good often find themselves at the helm of more cohesive, motivated teams.

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How Generosity Impacts Business Success

Businesses aren't immune to the benefits of generosity.  Dr Nicole discussed how corporate generosity can lift an organization. The example of Monty Wood, Dr. Roberts’ co-author, illustrated this brilliantly. By genuinely caring for his team, he didn't just create a positive work environment; he saw tangible business growth.

“When he gave of himself, his time, his energy, he cared for his team, they always worked harder, they gave back,” Dr. Roberts noted.

However, this principle extends beyond interpersonal generosity. Companies that actively engage in philanthropic efforts often see an increase in brand loyalty. Consumers today, especially younger generations, align their purchase decisions with brands that reflect their values.

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This episode is sponsored by GoFundMe.  A few years back my Goddaughter needed surgery in Guyana and lacked the funds for the surgery. My family started a GoFundMe fundraiser to help her get the surgery. She received the surgery and it saved her life. Research shows that people love to help others in need – so if you ever need to raise funds for surgery, funeral expenses, travel expenses so that your kid can go to the Olympics or even fund your book or movie project, GoFundMe is the most-trusted place to raise funds.  It’s a lot easier than you think, and only takes a few minutes to set up your fundraiser.

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Broader Implications:

Corporate philanthropy is not merely a game but a strategic approach that brings measurable returns. Investing in social causes aligns the company’s mission with community values, creating a synergistic impact that goes beyond mere profit.

Book: Generosity Wins
Book: Generosity Wins

Generosity in Crisis: Beyond Financial Aid

In times of crisis—whether natural disasters, wars, or extreme poverty—generosity takes on a heightened importance. While financial contributions are often the immediate ask, there are numerous other ways to offer support.

“When you take time, even over a virtual space, like, to just time, you'll never get back. You can make a dollar. You can never get this minute back,” Dr. Roberts remarked.

This statement underscores the immense value of donating time, skills, and resources apart from money. For example, professionals like therapists can offer their services pro bono in crisis situations, parents can provide temporary shelter for displaced families, and community networks can mobilize to provide necessities like food and clothing.

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Broader Implications:

Understanding that generosity isn't confined to financial aid can reshape how we respond to emergencies. By leveraging various forms of support, from time to skilled services, communities can offer holistic aid that addresses both immediate and long-term needs.

Unlocking the benefits of generosity isn't limited to personal fulfillment. Dr. Nicole F. Roberts' work shows how acts of kindness reverberate through interpersonal relationships and scale to corporate and societal levels. While the methods of giving may vary—from financial contributions to donating your time and skills—the core remains the same: generosity is a superpower that has the potential to transform lives, organizations, and communities.

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Apply Generosity Today:

Next time you consider how to make a difference, whether you're a business leader, community member, or an individual looking to enrich your own life, remember the multifaceted power of generosity. Lead by example, practice small acts of kindness, and watch as the ripple effects create a happier, healthier world for everyone.

Additional Resources


Healing Codependency and Addiction in Relationships

Dr. Sarah Michaud joins the Author's Corner to discuss her book, “Co-Crazy,” and offers insights on overcoming codependency relationships  and addiction. Michaud shares her personal journey and provides practical advice on setting boundaries, addressing denial, and focusing on self-care to aid recovery from addictive relationships. Highlighting the importance of confronting one's own needs and fears, she emphasizes how to regain control and achieve personal freedom. Tune in for an enlightening conversation on navigating relationships with addicts and reclaiming your mental health. For more, visit Dr. Michaud's YouTube channel “Leaving Crazy Town” and her articles on The Sober Curator.

Download the Podcast Here:

Key Takeaways:

  • Codependency not only affects those in relationships with addicts but extends to many interpersonal dynamics where self-worth is determined by others.

  • Focusing on oneself rather than trying to control or change the addict or partner often leads to better outcomes.

  • The first tool to combat codependency is understanding and addressing one's own needs and self-care.

Understanding Codependency: Beyond Addiction

“Most especially women can be codependent, which is really putting other people before you basically—you're deciding who you are by how the world responds to you.”

Dr. Michaud highlights a vital clarification about codependency—a term initially coined within the context of relationships involving substance abuse. The term ‘codependency' has evolved, and it now encompasses a broader range of behaviors where one's self-worth and decisions hinge on external validation.

  • Broader Implications: The dependency often transcends beyond addiction. Dr. Michaud specifies, “Whether they have a substance abuse problem or not, partners want to change each other.” It's a ubiquitous issue where individuals lose their identity trying to mold others.

  • Personal Accounts and Expertise: Drawing from her experience and countless sessions with patients, Dr. Michaud illustrates that many individuals—primarily women—navigate life with a peripheral focus, sidelining their desires and needs. This dynamic is pervasive, affecting not just romantic relationships but also parent-child relationships.

The fundamental takeaway here is the poignant realization: codependency isn't merely about substance abuse. It’s about relinquishing control over one's life, thoughts, and emotions to others’ reactions and behaviors.

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The Counterintuitive Path to Recovery From Codependency : Focus on Yourself

“People aren't going to like my advice… The more you focus on the addict, the worse it's going to get. What needs to happen is you need to change the focus to yourself.”

This groundbreaking advice may clash with conventional wisdom. Dr. Michaud asserts that redirecting attention from the addict to oneself is crucial for both personal recovery and influencing the addict's behavior.

  • Set Boundaries and Limits: By establishing firm boundaries and focusing on one's well-being, one inadvertently influences the addict's journey toward recovery. Dr. Michaud gives a potent example: “If I say, ‘Honey, I love you, but I can't continue to live with this addiction unless you go to treatment,' that’s about me, and it’s setting a boundary.”

  • Avoiding Resentment: This approach also minimizes resentment. Instead of blaming or trying to control, which often backfires, expressing personal feelings and needs garners more respect and understanding: “It's about owning my stuff and the other person can really hear it,” Michaud emphasizes.

This profound shift from external to internal focus not only empowers the individual but also paves the way for healthier interpersonal dynamics.

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The Role of Self-Care: Rebuilding from Within

“The first tool in the book is to look at yourself and to try to take care of yourself a little bit and step away.”

Dr. Sarah Michaud's book, “CoCrazy,” underscores the indispensable role of self-care in breaking free from the chains of codependency. Achieving mental and emotional stability often requires redirecting the energy spent on others back to oneself.

  • Identifying Personal Needs: Michaud explains, “If you do that enough over a long enough period of time, you're going to lose yourself.” Re-engaging with personal needs and desires is monumental in reclaiming one's identity.

  • Practical Steps: The book provides concrete strategies for those in the throes of codependency—ranging from professional guidance to everyday self-care routines. This includes setting personal goals, seeking therapeutic support, and fostering hobbies and interests that nurture self-worth.

This approach not only alleviates the mental anguish tied to codependent behaviors but also fosters a more balanced and fulfilling life.

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Summarizing the Narrative: The Journey to Freedom

Interweaving personal anecdotes, professional expertise, and actionable steps, this dialogue with Dr. Sarah Michaud serves as a critical guidepost for anyone ensnared in the web of codependency. The core message resonates with authenticity and practical wisdom—realigning focus from external tumult to internal harmony is the linchpin for liberation.

To encapsulate:

  • Redefining Codependency: Understanding the term's evolution and its wide-reaching impact beyond substance abuse.

  • Transformative Recovery Approach: Emphasizing self-focus over attempting to control others as a more effective recovery strategy.

  • Self-Care as a Pillar: Implementing self-care and setting boundaries as foundational steps to reclaiming one's life from codependency.

Book Cocrazy

These insights, rooted in Dr. Michaud’s deep expertise and lived experience, provide a roadmap to not only navigate but also transcend the challenges posed by codependency and addiction. By steering the journey towards self-awareness and self-care, individuals can reclaim their autonomy and carve out a path of personal and relational fulfillment.


Exploring Chakra Alignment for Enhanced Relationships and Wealth

Myrna Young welcomes Cheri Petroni to discuss how, chakra alignment, enhances our relationships and wealth. By aligning physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual bodies for holistic wellness. Cheri shares insights on the interplay between chakras and their influence on relationships, money, and overall vitality. They explore practical applications, from everyday life to financial well-being, and how an abundant mindset is crucial for personal growth. Cheri also introduces her Oasis to Zen Transformation Spa in Las Vegas and its various services. Download the podcast to learn transformative techniques for balanced living.

Download the podcast here:

Key Takeaways:

  • Emotional Liberation: Understanding how, chakra alignment, significantly impacts emotional wellness and relationships.

  • Financial Abundance: The connection between chakras and financial well-being demonstrates the profound impact of, chakra alignment, and monetary success.

  • Energy Bodies Integration: Comprehensive insight into integrating physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual bodies for overall health and vitality.

Introduction Chakra Alignment 

Welcome to an enlightening journey of understanding how aligning your, energy bodies, can revolutionize your health, relationships, and financial well-being. Life Coach Myrna Young and holistic wellness expert Cheri Petroni, discuss the importance of, chakra alignment, in leading a balanced, prosperous, and vibrant life is meticulously explored. This thought leadership piece delves deep into the realms of physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual wellness, elucidating the profound effects of, chakra alignment, on our everyday experiences.

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Energy Bodies and Their Impact on Relationships

Understanding Chakra Centers

“Everything in the world, if we remember from high school physics, is energy, including our bodies,” Cheri Petroni introduces the concept of chakras. The chakra centers, scientifically acknowledged frequencies, are pivotal in maintaining our neurological and lymphatic systems. When these centers are in harmony, they optimize our overall performance. However, misalignment can cascade issues through our physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual bodies.

Chakras Affecting Personal and Professional Relationships

Highlighting the intricate connection between chakras and relationships, Cheri explains, “If those energy centers are not in alignment, everything's really out of whack.” For instance, an overactive second chakra impacts emotions and boundaries, leading to over-giving and difficulties in setting personal limits. This mismatch extends beyond personal relationships, affecting professional interactions and workplace harmony.

A compelling analogy depicts how unresolved childhood experiences—like frequent relocations affecting the root chakra—can perpetuate throughout life, impacting relationship-building and stability. Additionally, blockages in the throat chakra hinder effective communication, resulting in people-pleasing tendencies and suppressed self-expression.

In essence, chakra alignment,  plays a foundational role in our ability to engage in healthy, balanced relationships, both personally and professionally.

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Chakra Alignment for Financial Abundance

The Symbiotic Relationship between Energy and Wealth

Cheri eloquently connects, chakra alignment, to financial well-being, emphasizing, “When our four energy bodies are in alignment, they work together for maximum and optimum performance.” Misalignment, especially in the throat chakra, can lead to under-communication and missed opportunities in the workplace, stunting financial growth and career advancement.

By reevaluating internal beliefs about self-worth and competence—which are rooted in early life experiences—individuals can overcome subconscious blockages. When Cheri describes her personal journey, she recounts how restoring balance to her energy bodies helped her escape detrimental professional patterns and negative financial impacts.

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Achieving Financial Freedom Through Energetic Healing

Prosperity isn't merely about accumulating wealth but achieving a state where one's energies facilitate financial stability and growth without compromising emotional and relational health. Effective energy balancing involves identifying and correcting patterns of overcommitment and self-neglect, often leading to burnout and financial strain.

Cheri underscores the transformative potential of energetic realignment by illustrating how embracing meditation, reiki, and other energy practices can foster an abundant mindset—a state where possibilities seem boundless, thereby inviting financial success and stability. “You'll notice when you're thinking something that's a little bit out of alignment,” adding that these subtle recognitions are pivotal for maintaining abundance.

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Holistic Wellness: Physical, Emotional, Mental, and Spiritual Integration

The Role of Chakra Balancing in Holistic Health

Chakra alignment, extends beyond surface-level wellness, deeply influencing our holistic health. Cheri shares the analogy of a symphony orchestra, where each chakra functions as an instrument: “When they are in harmony, complete and total synchrony,” it mirrors our peak physical and emotional health. Conversely, any imbalance disrupts this harmony, leading to emotional distress and physical ailments.

Incorporating daily practices that nurture all chakras—through nature walks, meditation, and integrative therapies—ensures a balanced energy flow, enhancing resilience against life's chaotic demands.

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Practical Applications for Everyday Balance

For those seeking to implement these insights, Cheri offers practical,  chakra alignment, exercises designed to integrate seamlessly into daily routines. Establishing a mindfulness practice, engaging in regular physical activities, and maintaining an emotional check-in routine create a rhythmic balance, promoting sustained wellness.

In her tailored sessions at Oasis to Zen Transformation Spa, Cheri uses diverse methods, including acupressure, crystal healing, and personalized chakra realignment, to address individual imbalances. This holistic approach not only alleviates present issues but fosters a preventive wellness mindset, ensuring long-term health and vitality.

Sustainable Practices for Enhanced Well-Being

The conversation with heri extends into actionable strategies for maintaining energy balance, emphasizing the necessity of continually replenishing oneself. “When you release energy and you clear it, make sure you bring in that higher vibration energy,” Cheri advises. This replenishment is crucial for sustaining positive changes and preventing the resurgence of negative patterns.

By integrating holistic practices like reiki, vibrational healing, and conscious lifestyle adjustments, individuals can experience profound transformations in their physical, emotional, and financial health. Cheri's underlying message is clear—holistic wellness is within reach through dedicated energy alignment and mindful living.

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Cheri Petroni’s insights affirm that aligning our, energy bodies, is not a one-time event but a perpetual journey. Through conscious effort in balancing physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual energies, we invite abundance, improve relationships, and enhance our overall vitality. Each person's path to holistic wellness is unique, requiring personalized attention and sustained practices. Cheri encourages us to embark on this transformative journey, where the synchronization of our inner energies leads to a harmonious, prosperous, and fulfilling life.


For those inspired to explore further, Sheri’s Oasis to Zen Transformation Spa offers a sanctuary for healing, where holistic practices meet modern wellness. Whether through in-person visits or virtual consultations, Cheri’s expertise provides a guiding light towards achieving a balanced, abundant life.

Additional Resources

How to Heal your Body With Holistic Living

Transform your Mind Podcast