Tag Archives: subconscious patterns

What is Life Coaching: Understanding Who You Are

What is Life Coaching? The stage of life coaching is understanding who your are. We can never become who we were meant to be unless we can first clarify who we are. In order to make permanent changes in your life, the first question you must ask is, who am I?  This question allows you to understand yourself and why you came into this body.

As a, Life coach, I want to share with you a , life coaching session, Life Coaching Part 1: Who am I,  from my 6-week Life coaching workshop.

We can never become who we were meant to be unless we can first recognize who we are by asking the question, who am I.

To know thyself is to grow thyself

So let’s dive right in.

First a little about, who I am.

I am a certified, Life coach, specializing in Mindset and consciousness. In 2012 I wrote my first book “Becoming conscious, my awakening” because I started to understand, who I am. In this episode I will take you through the process of discovering Who you are, be asking the question, who am I.

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Life coach Myrna Young, who am I
Life coach Myrna Young, who am I

Who am I, What are my deepest and truest values?

In our life coaching sessions, we will uncover your deepest beliefs and what your value. Your deepest values are the ones no one can move you off of. Your deepest values are the ones that if not met, hurt the most. Your truest values are the ones that make you cry.

Your deepest value could be that you would never hit your child. You were abused as a child and you vowed never to hit your child; but you get married and your spouse believes in spanking. He or she believes the bible that says spare the rod and spoil the child. So, your spouse spanks your child. It hurts you so much that you are forced to file for a divorce. Irreconcilable Differences!

Another example to find out, who am I, could be that you were brought up that nice girls do not have sex before marriage. It is a deal breaker in all your relationships. Your dates either leave you or they cheat on you; but you can't bring yourself to have premarital sex. It is one of your deepest and truest values. As a result, you are single and unmarried at 40 years old.

Your deepest values are found by asking the question, who am I. It could be about how you feel about charity. I never pass someone on the street begging. I feel it is a blessing to have a dollar to give. My husband on the other hand, feels that everybody can find a job, and only the worthless people stand at the corner and beg. That is his deepest value and this is mine.

Your deepest value could take the form of image and by asking, who am I. You may be willing to endure a passionless marriage if it gives you status in your community. There are lots of big houses with white picket fences that house very unhappy families.

One of my deepest values was on domestic abuse. My ex-husband slapped me and I divorced him. Simple as that! My value took the form that I would never become a battered woman. I didn't have to ask the question, who am I.  I knew that if he hit me once he would hit me again. My daughter was 5 years old at the time. Most women would have a value in giving their children a family with a mom and dad. But mine was more self-centered. Nobody should judge your deepest values. They are yours. You must know them and accept them. They make you who you are. A unique being!

Your truest value could be found by also asking, who am I. How do you love and receive love?
Do you believe that you could only love one person and there is only one true love for you? What happens if you get a divorce or your spouse dies? Does that mean that love is over for you?
How do you receive love?

I heard a story once about a woman who would ask her husband every day if he loved her. He would say of course I love you honey. Yet she did not believe him and would ask him again the next day. She felt love by how much attention she received from her husband. As her insecurities grew she required more and more attention. The marriage ended in divorce.

Your deepest value could be on why you feel you are on this earth, in this body. Do you take the time to consider your purpose and your legacy?

Life coaching session: What are my preferences and priorities?

In our life coaching sessions, we will also uncover your preferences in life. What kind of house would I like to live in.
What country would I like to live in if I had a choice. Do I prefer beach front, mountain view or lots of trees and greenery? Visualize yourself sitting on the porch of this house.

Who am I, how do I like my men? Do I like them tall, dark and handsome? or am I looking for the spiritual connection and don't care what form the package takes?

What kinds of music do I like? What kinds of music transports me to a good place?

What are my preferences during sex? Do I like it with the lights on or off?

What forms of entertainment do I prefer? Do I like the movies, going dancing or staying at home with a good book?

If I didn't have to work, what would I do?

Who are my priorities in Life? Do my children come first, my spouse or God?
Do I make healthy eating and exercise a priority or do I never have time to get to it?

Who am I, What genuinely makes me happy?

I love walking in the park and listening to podcasts and books about successful people in life.

I love listening to the rain and the sounds of the ocean.

Ask yourself , who am I, and put your list of preferences on paper.

Who am I, What are my subconscious patterns and ways of reacting?

How do I react when I feel rejected?

  • Do I seek revenge?
  • Do I get even or do I eat a pint of ice-cream?
    How do I look at the world?
  • Do I see abundance or do I see scarcity?
  • Do you feel jealous when your friends get a promotion or find love?
  • Are you glad for them or do you secretly hope they fail? No judgment just understanding.

Who am I, If you are happy for your friends, you are attracting abundance into your life. If you are jealous, you are saying that there is not enough to go around and you feel they have taken your share. So, you have a spirit of lack and that will not bring you abundance.

Who am I, What are your triggers?

Ask yourself? When do I pick up the phone and call my old lovers?
Is my trigger when I can’t get my lover on the phone and I think he or she is cheating on me?

I am one of those people who don't bear malice. That means that I get angry for a few days and then I forgive. Unless it is the third time. I have a 3-strike rule!

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iHeart Radio

Life coaching: what do they fear?  

This is an important workshop. Fears are bottom feeders. Fears keep you at the tail and not the head of the table. If you have fears, you must face them and replace them.
Fear can also keep you bound in a bad or abusive relationship.

Here are some common fears:

  • Do you fear getting old?
  • Do you fear being alone?
  • Do you fear being homeless?
  • Do you fear getting fat?
  • Do you fear your spouse would leave you?
  • Do you fear losing your job?
  • Do you fear death?

Fear is an energy. Thoughts are the most powerful energy force in the universe.
Thoughts can be either positive or negative.
Heading up the rear of negative thoughts is fear.
It is the bottom feeder or all the emotions.
When you live in fear, you feel bad all the time.
If you allow fear to linger in your body and in your mind. It will not only attract the thing you fear the most into your experience; but it will also bring disease to your body.
All diseases can be traced back to negative thoughts and emotions.
Negative thoughts transform your body into an acidic state.
In fear mode your body is activated in the fight or flight mode.
Your body tenses, your breathing is shallow, your heart palpitates, your blood pressure is elevated, your hands and body sweat.
Not a good place to dwell.


Today I want to teach you how to use positive energy to clear the negative energies of fear. But first I want to touch on one of the spiritual laws of the universe. i.e The Law of Sowing and Reaping.
We all know of the physical laws like gravity.
Some laws are physical and some are spiritual and quantum.
Understanding the Law of Sowing and Reaping can change your world.
Understanding that whatever you create it in the spiritual world will manifest in the physical world.
Put another way means that whatever you plant in your mind you will manifest in your physical world.

Just like planting an apple tree.
In the spiritual world,
The soil is your mind.
The seeds are your thoughts.
The water are your actions.
And the sun is your feelings.

If you allow fear to dwell in your heart and mind every day you will manifest an apple orchard in your reality.

Energy flows where attention goes.

Whatever you focus on expands.
Everything is energy and all energy attracts similar energy.
You can't put out negative energy and expect positive results.
You can't plant apple trees and expect oranges.
Likewise, you can't focus on what you fear and produce a successful result.
If you are constantly thinking of the things you fear, you are planting a seed and based in the universal law of reaping and sowing it must germinate.
The mind or consciousness is connected to reality.
Think of something strong enough or long enough to and it will eventually manifest in your reality.

These are six words you must stamp on your mind.

“You become what you think about”

When you realize that your mind is a garden you will begin to plant only the things you desire.
So, write down something that is opposite of what you fear and start giving it the same attention you have been giving your fear.
Since light conquers darkness it will eventually have your fear for lunch!

This means whatever you fear you will attract. So, if you fear being alone that is what you will be, alone. If you fear your spouse will leave you, be prepared for that reality. It is very very important to replace your fears with your desires.

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TuneIn Radio

Conclusion Life coaching session, Who am I

As we wrap up this episode, let’s recap
Ask yourself these questions:
Who am I?
What are my deepest values. What do I care about the most?
What are my preferences and priorities?
Who and what is important to me?
What makes me happy. What images make me cry?
How do I react to things or people who hurt me?
What do I fear the most?

As a certified Mindset Coach, I have designed a 6 Part Coaching program that starts off by bringing clarity to Who You Are because that is how you show up in your personal interactions.

Additional Resources 



Conquer Victim Mentality through Cinesomatics

Are you feeling like a victim? Are you always feeling like you're not good enough? In this blog post, Andrew Daniel is going to show you how to use Cinesomatics to transform your life and overcome, victim mentality. Cinesomatics is a powerful tool that can help you change the way you think and feel about yourself. After listening to this podcast, you'll be able to overcome your, victim mentality, and live a life full of confidence and self-love.

Download the podcast here:



Andrew and I are going to be talking on the topic how to get out of, victim mentality, and awaken to your true self.  How many of you know that victims have no power, so you have to get out of, victim mentality, and we're gonna pair it with understanding your, true self.

In my book Out of the Snares, I talk about the, victim mentality, versus being a player.  Being a player means that you're controlling the game.

Andrew Daniel he is an award-winning and best-selling author and director at the center of cinematic development. His cinematics workshops led the field and video movement diagnosis and advanced intuition development integrating approaches from embodiment shadow work therapy and spirituality.  His book Awakened to your True Self is a gold Nautilus book awards recipient.  His first teaching work holistic sex at MindValley provided the world with a new paradigm that bridge The divide between sexuality, spirituality, and the sexes. ws bio so very first thing that I want to touch on Andrew

Myrna: is it you said you started your career teaching holistic sex at MindValley which is one of the top personal development companies and one of the companies that I follow.  tell us about that experience and what exactly was your course on, holistic sex, about.

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What is Holistic Sex

Andrew:  The whole premise of,  holistic sex,  is a paradigm of sexuality that wasn't about men versus women, it wasn't about choosing spirituality or pleasure and sex, it wasn't about going into perversions and cockiness and guilt and shame and all this stuff.  It also wasn't about only ascending the body and not having any pleasure and being acidic, it was how do we bridge this together.

How do we get men and women and our own masculine and feminine into relationship to heal this stuff and then also learn how to approach sexuality in a way where we're not ran by guilt and shame and fear and judgment and past trauma.

I suffered low self-esteem, lack of confidence, lack of social skills all of this stuff came from being bullied as a child.  I took it personally and I became a victim.  Later on I found out that was really the start of my, victim mentality, and so I just spent the next 10 to 15 years of my life really struggling. I was at certain points of contemplating suicide and revenge, it was a very dark time for me.

The other piece about, holistic sex,  is you can have this really ascended conscious beautiful thing, but then they abandoned and rejected multiple orgasms.  There was also a separation between actually knowing how to  pleasure and understanding these masculine and feminine polarities with healing.  So I realized all of it's connected, there's a tremendous amount of healing both men and women.

So I kind of wanted to bring it all together into one place and unify that rather than have these separate discorded ways of approaching it so that was, holistic sex.

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Coffee With Karina podcast
Coffee With Karina podcast

The intellectual types that struggle with victimhood

Myrna: You married sexuality and victimhood from the experiences you went through in childhood and you also married what you talk about in your book Awaken to your True Self from your experiences as a child and teenager being bullied and being you know the victim; but you also said something that's interesting that I had never heard before.   Intellect slows us down and that there's certain intellectual types that struggle with you know with Awakening to their true self and and victimhood.

I found that for many very successful people a lot of them were trapped in their intellect, they developed this really powerful computer in their head but they didn't know how to tap into their gut.  Some of these intellectual types that struggle because  there's some sort of trauma, there's some sort of emotional pain.  They were rejected, they were neglected, they were abandoned, they were hurt, they opened up to somebody and they were let down.

Myrna: Some become like a robot is because someone hurt them and which is basically the, victim mentality, that we're talking about.  The theme of our conversation is that, victim mentality,  makes us shut down and put on this armor.  Nothing would get in, but also what happens is because nothing is getting in, then they're not connected to the universe. They become closed off.

I was listening to a podcast this morning and a guy was talking about happiness, that you've got to believe that the universe is friendly,  if you don't believe that the universe is friendly, then you're never going to be happy.  If you've got the, victim mentality, then you're not feeling because you've shut that off.  If you're in this, victim mentality, life happens to you.

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curiocaster podcast

Using Cinesomatic to remove victim mentality

Myrna: So you're using cinesomatics to deal with the, victim mentality, and to help people awaken to their, true self.  So what is it and what makes it so powerful?

Andrew: So the, victim mentality, and  Awakening you to your truth, that's just one aspect of cinematics and the work that I do.  In my book that's just one chapter of 18.  If you're a victim you have no power.  It's the entire premise of victimhood as they feel powerless and so they try to gain power through a, victim strategy, which doesn't work.

The only thing that works is responsibility, which  is the antidote to the, victim mentality.  It's not blame, it's not self-blame, you're not blaming yourself, you're taking responsibility and ownership.  The more responsibility you take for your life and yourself and your actions and even the circumstances around you, the better your life works.   If you give your power away to other people they're going to run you.

The House Always Wins when you're a victim.  So back to cinematics,  let's just speak to the name cinesomatics. Cena comes from Cinema it's using video and then somatics is of the body and movement.  So what cinematics is  rather than a heady intellectual kind of coaching or therapy it's an embodied feeling based transformational approach, where we use video to record people's movements in their body.

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RadioPublic Transform your mind

Cinesomatics coaching therapy

Then we play that video back and I show them the subconscious patterns, hidden blocks, blind spots, archetypes, mythological patterns that define and run their life.  They get to see that for themselves on video, so I'm not just some Guru that they have to blindly believe.  This is not a belief-based process, it's right there in front of you.  You get to see all of your shadow, your blocks your manipulations, your light.  All your wonderful qualities and your rejection of them.

The fundamental principle that this work is based off, is how you do one thing is how you do anything, it's how you do everything.  So understanding that literally the way that you show up in your body shows, you show up in the world.  The way you move in your body is the way you move through your life.  So this video and feedback and movement feeling process really helps people break through when nothing else does.

Myrna: That sounds great, but I'm trying to figure out how do we does a video give you feedback?

Andrew: So we use very high-end Cinema equipment the kind that's used in Hollywood movies and then we just have people move. They can dance, they can shake their hands, we have all these different movement diagnostics.  So you literally just stand there and you do the movement whether by yourself or with a  partner.

Then I give feedback and then all of their stuff comes up and then we do the whole process when you see yourself on video and you're being told hey you're actually being narcissistic, you're manipulating, you think what you're doing is making you money but in fact you're dumping the money because you don't feel like you deserve making that much money.  All of that gets revealed through this process.

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Podmust Transform Your Mind podcast

Cinesomatics can reveal narcissisms

Myrna: Now one of the things that you talk about is that cinesomatics  helps reveal narcissism, so take us through a movement that would help reveal narcissistic behavior.

Andrew: A narcissist basically does not love himself or herself.  A narcissist is in love with their image.  So imagine the myth of narcissist in the seeing himself reflected in the pond that's not himself that's a reflection that's an image and so narcissists are focused on their what's called narcissistic image.  For us normal kind of people,  it's our mask, it's the persona, it's the going out and showing up in the world and putting on a face that we think the world wants us to have in order to be lovable, successful whatever.

So that's the one element of narcissism, where if you understand it's not actually loving themselves, it's in love with an image and then everyone around them gets objectified as supply to reinforce and build that image of themselves.

There's a whole chapter in my book to help people identify the narcissists in their life, but it's usually to identify the narcissistic patterns in ourselves, like how are we unknowingly unwittingly being narcissistic. Does it mean you have narcissists as a personality disorder?

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Transform Your Mind Podcast Player FM

Book: Awaken to Your True Self

Myrna: That's amazing all right so let's talk about your book,  we've talked about the, victim mentality, and we've talked about the narcissist.  Can tell us why you wrote it?

Andrew:   I wrote this book for these reasons and specifically because I had spent 15 years of my life doing oh my God hours of EFT, NLP, hypnotherapy,  regular therapy, alternative medicine, holistic health.  I've done psychedelic plant medicines, I mean everything besides pharmaceutical drugs. I've pretty much done it, tried it.  I was willing to do whatever it took and some of it helped a lot,  but nothing really broke me through and so it was this embodiment piece this feeling piece, this video feedback piece that worked when nothing else did.

book Awaken to your true self
book Awaken to your true self

I wrote this book because there was nothing else like it out there. Here are some of the other chapters:

  • The first one is about our stories that bind us to the past the things we just keep telling ourselves about why things just don't work
  • The next one is about vulnerability and change people want to create change at Behavioral or attitude or mindset levels.  What I teach it's not about becoming something you're not, it's about subtracting all of the things that you're not, to get you closer to who you really are.
  • All of the beliefs we've picked up, all the traumas, all of the limiting beliefs, all of the stories about how we are and how people should treat us.
  • The next one's called an equation for suffering.  So this one's more like, it's like a math equation where I  go over how we actually stay suffering.
  • The next chapter is all about narcissism and our image
  • The next one's called the spiritual path is failing. Which is really interesting because it's a very spiritual book, but there's something about trying to ascend  our Humanity that doesn't work.  This is kind of a foundation of cinematics it's in our literal flesh.
  • The victim trap which talks about victimhood avoidance.  How we avoid the very things that would move us forward
  • The last one of part one is stop fixing and start living.



Pick up a copy of Andrew's book on Amazon or on his website andrewdaniel.org and Youtube channel

Thanks for tuning, if you're listening to this on iTunes we'd love for you to rate  and review if you're watching this on YouTube then I would love for you to subscribe. This helps the show grow and allows me to bring you quality guests every week like Andrew.   Until next time namaste

Additional Resources 

A Journey to Self-Love: Connecting with Self Care

Using Muse Guided Meditations to Reduce Stress

Guided Meditations, has been proven to make real changes in your brain, like in the  actual structure of your brain. Using Muse, guided meditations, helps you focus.

Today I am speaking to Ariel Garten, Psychotherapist and founder of Muse Headband for, guided meditations.

Muse Headband comes with, free guided meditations, and help to reduce stress and improve sleep.

This topic that's near and dear to my heart because I am a meditator.  So I am going to be learning as much from you as our audience on, guided meditations, and using, Muse Headband for meditation.

Ariel,  How did your work in psychotherapy and neuroscience lead you to becoming the founder of Muse?

How Muse guided meditations started

My story is a really varied one. I was always interested in everything and how the world worked and how we work; so I went to school for neuroscience, so that I could learn more about the brain.  Our brain creates our experiences of life.  The movements of chemicals across our sinapps  create the experience of being happy of feeling connected to one another.

I became trained as a psychotherapist and so in psychotherapy so that I could  work one-on-one with people to help them understand the narratives that play in their minds, these are the stories that are in their head and shapes their existence.  I help them shift those narratives and stories so that they could be more comfortable with the life that they're living.  I became really fascinated by brain waves.  Brain waves are the electrical energy that comes off your head. It's real information from your brain.

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Muse guided meditations use brain feedback loops

I began working with a professor at the University of Toronto and and we began to use an EEG system eg or sensors to detect brain waves to listen to people's brain activity and create feedback loops.  We could literally make sounds from the energy coming off of people heads. We were actually creating musical experiences as you shifted your brain state from focused to relaxed.

I stood back and started to recognize that we could actually create company around this technology and uses this for human good.   I got together with my co-founders Chris and Trevor, two friends of mine one who's an amazing electrical engineer the other amazing business person and the three of us set off to bring, Muse Headband for Meditation,  to the world.

In psychotherapy I would be teaching people to meditate as one of the tools to help them,  transform their mind,  but we all know that meditation is incredibly hard to do because most of us can’t quiet our minds. I sucked at meditation.  I teach it to my patients and they would go home and try to do it but their brains would bounce all over the place and they would be frustrated.

Muse Headband for meditation, gives you real-time feedback on your brain during, guided meditation.

Muse gives you audio feedback.  You're actually hearing your brain state and it's helping you guide yourself back into that state of focus when your mind wanders off.

When I meditate, there's certain times that I can sit there and just concentrate on my breathing, and then the next time I've got all these thoughts that are bouncing around.  When you recognize that you're no longer concentrating on your breathing you bring it back but that could be 30 mins later.

What is, Guided meditation?

Meditation is simply a practice or a training that leads to healthy and positive mind. It's an exercise that you do regularly that leads to improvements in your mind and your brain.  The most common form of meditation that most people do first is a focused attention meditation. You might hear different forms of meditation and they all have a lot of similarities with their basics and focused attention.

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How does Guided meditations work?

You focus your attention on your breath or part of your body.  Eventually your mind wanders away from the thing you're paying attention to or the voice on the, guided meditation, onto a thought or a distraction and it's your job to notice that your mind has wandered and come back to your breath.  It is incredibly simple.  You're putting your attention on your breath, your mind wanders you realize your mind is wandered and instead of following your wandering mind you choose to come back to your breath. Your guide from the, guided meditations, would remind you to follow your breathe.

How to Meditate?

  1. Sit or lie comfortably. You may even want to invest in a meditation chair or cushion.
  2. Close your eyes. …
  3. Make no effort to control the breath; simply breathe naturally.
  4. Focus your attention on the breath and on how the body moves with each inhalation and exhalation.
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What are the benefits of, guided meditation?

Focusing on your breath and returning to your breath is big deal.  When you do this really simple exercise, some pretty profound things happen to your mind and brain. Most of us just kind of go through the world on autopilot.  We just go through the world with a bunch of thoughts in our head and we assume we're supposed to be thinking them.  We're thinking about our brother who’s not feeling well or the groceries that we're supposed to get or with the thing in front of us that we don't really care about.

What happens is as soon as you engage in , guided meditations, and you put your attention breathwork, your mind wanders into one of those thoughts and you choose to say.  I don't want to follow this wandering thought, I want to control my mind and put it elsewhere, on my breathe.  All of a sudden you have changed the relationship to your thoughts and that is HUGE.  You're no longer just subject to the thoughts that are in your head, you can actually have control over them.  You can have dominion over your own mind. Every time you do this you get better and better at saying hey I don't want to follow that thought, I want to come back to this, guided meditation, and my breathe.

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A lot of the thoughts that we have are negative, frustrating and repetitive so instead of just following these negative, frustrating,  repetitive thoughts and assuming that's what happens, we can now observe them and say heck NO,  I don't like that thought.  I don't want to go there and choose to come back to focused attention and, guided meditations.

The benefits of guided meditations

There's literally over a thousand published studies demonstrating the benefits of, guided  meditation, and its impact on your mind your body:

  • Improves your GRE scores,
  • improves your working memory,
  • decrease your stress levels,
  • improves your attention and focus
  • improves your rest and relax response
  • takes you out of the flight or fight response

Deepak Chopra introduced me to, guided meditation,  maybe 10 – 15 years ago.  I have been a meditator for a while and there is a significant difference in everything about me because of meditation. One benefit is that I am able to relieve pain by breathing into the area.

There's a ton of studies that demonstrate, guided meditations,  potential to improve pain.

One study shows a novice meditator or a short-term learning meditation can reduce their pain by 50%, expert meditators have been shown to be able to reduce their pain levels by 90%.

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iHeart Radio

Muse Headband for meditation,  has agency G and heart rate sensors inside of it that track your brain during your meditation.  The same way that a heart rate monitor will track your heart while you're at the gym and let you know when you're in the fat-burning zone.

Muse Headband for meditation, tracks your brain during, guided meditation, to let you know when you're in focused attention. When your mind is wandering, it actually lets you hear the sound of your mind.  It lets you know when you're focused and it warns you when your mind has wandered off and then guides you back into that state of focused attention.  Muse Headband for meditation, use really beautiful audio cues that you hear through your phone, in the same way a Fitbit connects with your phone.

What happens to our brain during, Guided Meditation?

Meditation has been proven to make real changes in your brain, like in the  actual structure of your brain.  It's quite amazing.  There's an amazing study from Dr. Sarah Lazar she's a researcher at Harvard and she's shown that meditation that can increase the thickness of your prefrontal cortex. The prefrontal cortex is the area of your brain right under your forehead and it's the part of your brain that's responsible for planning, organization and higher-order thinking.

It's the thing that like separate us from other animals.  As Humans we have really developed prefrontal cortex.  As we age our prefrontal cortex actually becomes thinner;  but Dr Lazar was able to show that people with a long term, guided meditation, practices were able to maintain the thickness of their prefrontal cortex even as they aged.  So quite amazing, guided meditation, actually was able to reverse the aging process by maintaining our prefrontal cortex.

Through the, guided meditation, process it actually strengthens the ability of your prefrontal cortex to now regulate your amygdala.  It's like your prefrontal cortex is the parent and the amygdala is the little three-year-old having a temper tantrum.

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There's a hot new shoe line out. “Correl8ted”, a shoe brand that is a mixture of street and classy, urban and poetic. A diamond that will shine from all angles and keep your FIT and  lit from head to toe. The innovator, CJ Brandon, who is  a veteran in the Army National Guard, has always had a passion for fashion and a hack for the power of swag. Truly, a servant who is looking for different ways to serve his community through business.

His first design, The Limited Edition Correl8ted 1's are a Hi-top sneaker that is inspired by futuristic themes. Its sleek black, white, pink, and coal grey colorway churns top notch style and funk that will turn heads in any setting or environment. Be prepared to INSPIRE


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Transform your Mind TuneIn Radio
TuneIn Radio

Can our Set point for Happiness be changed by, guided meditations to reduce stress?

Our set point is our capacity for happiness,  and apparently it is set very early in life from our parents or our caretakers.  Deepak Chopra says that, guided meditation,  can move that set point so your capacity for happiness increases. I thought this statement was interesting enough for us to include it in our conversation today, so can you touch on the neuroscience behind this statement.

During, guided  meditations,  you begin to recognize that you can have control over your thoughts.  Typically the next thing that happens is you recognize that you are not your thoughts, and if you are not your thoughts you are also not all of the stories about yourself that your thoughts have been telling you about you. At some point with meditators there's this unbelievable shift where you realize that like you know the things that you learned about yourself in the grade 3 school yard when you were being picked on are not true. So you let go of that perspective in the same way you let go those negative thoughts and that is unbelievably liberating. So your capacity for happiness or set point shifts.

Additional Resources for, Guided Meditations



How to be Happy: The Happiness Formula




How to Disable your Autopilot Brain

Brain scans have revealed that when your mind wanders, it switches into “autopilot” mode, enabling you to carry on doing tasks quickly, accurately and without conscious thought. Our, autopilot, mode seems to be run by a set of brain structures called the default mode network or, autopilot brain.

Whenever you are on, autopilot, you are running, subconscious programs.

Have you ever gotten in your car and driven to your destination and you don’t recall how you got there.  That is your, autopilot brain,  driving you to your destination.

Your, Autopilot brain, is part of your, subconscious brain.

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  • Daily Habits That Can Help You Stop your, Autopilot Brain
  1. Wake Up Mindfully. Become conscious of your body, your breathe
  2. When you brush your teeth and take a shower, become aware of what you are doing.
  3. Take the Scenic Route. …When you stop at the traffic light, become aware of the other cars and notice your surroundings
  4. Connect with Others. …When you get to work, actually listen to other and don’t tune them out.
  5. Connect with Nature.. Take a walk and stop to smell the roses.

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Examples of, Autopilot Actions

  • Taking a shower, most people are not mindful in the shower
  • Driving your car
  • Eating a meal, are you conscious of chewing your food?
  • Scrolling on social media, your fingers have a mind of their own!

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How to take your brain off, Autopilot

Many contemporary psychologists have very different concepts of the, autopilot brain. Rather than see it as a seething cauldron of battling unseen forces, they conceptualize the, autopilot brain, or the, subconscious brain, as a set of cognitive processes for sifting through the welter of stimuli impinging upon our sense organs and preparing responses to them.  It is the, autopilot brain, that allows us to recognize in an instant a familiar face, to play a musical instrument without thinking about the position of our fingers, and to ride a bicycle without thinking about how to maintain our balance.  Many of our daily behaviors, involve, autopilot, processes that lie outside the range of ordinary awareness.

We operate on, autopilot, for 95% of our daily activities.  To take your brain off, autopilot, you have to become aware of your breathe and your body sensations.

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Getting past your, Autopilot programs

  1. Take risks to get past your, autopilot programs. Your, subconscious brain, always wants to play it safe.
  2. Ask questions like, What else is possible that I have not considered?
  3. Say things like, how cool is it that I have all this extra money.
  4. What am I going to do with all this extra cash?
  5. How can I make this a reality?
  6. What if I become a successful as a TV talk show host?
  7. What would that look like? See yourself in this role. This one is for me!!

This strategy is called auto inquisition.

Thomas Edison practiced auto inquisition. He would sit in a chair and ask his, subconscious brain, questions about an invention, you can do the same.

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Additional Resources Autopilot Brain








How to Reprogram your Unconscious Mind

Your, unconscious mind,  is carrying out behaviors that sabotage your, conscious mind, 24 hours per day. In fact studies show that our, subconscious,  mind,  is running our lives 95% of the time. If you don't,  reprogram your subconscious mind, you will continue to run the same, subconscious  programs, like a a tape recorder.  We have to erase the tape and rewrite the tape for it to play new programs.  Listen to the interview to learn how to, reprogram your unconscious mind.

Listen to the full interview here: 

Introduction, Unconscious mind

Whenever you are on autopilot, you are running, unconscious mind.  Have you ever gotten in your car and driven to your destination and you don’t recall how you got there.  That is your, unconscious mind, driving you to your destination.

Autopilot is just one of your, subconscious programs,  that has to do with your beliefs.

These, subconscious  programs, were downloaded to you before your 7th birthday are the programs your, unconscious mind,  play until you die; unless you, reprogram your subconscious mind.

Even if you become aware of your, subconscious programs, you still continue the behaviors because the, unconscious mind,  will keep playing the same, subconscious programs.  Think about your vinyl record.  Unless you scratch the record, it will play the same song forever!

When I was growing up my activity of choice  was reading Harlequin romances. I was brainwashed into believing that love looked and acted in a certain way. For example, all the leading men in my Harlequin romance novels, were rugged, tall, dark and good looking. All the leading ladies were independent and did not want a man's help; so the man and the woman ended up feuding and hating each other until they realized that all, this attention they are placing on each other fighting,  were actually the flip side of love!

These lovers, leading men and ladies were never a good match.  Chemistry and raw physical attraction lead the way.  Thirty years later, I was still playing that, subconscious program,  It wasn’t until I met my husband that I started looking on the inside of a man, and not what he presented on the outside that I was able to, reprogram my unconscious mind,

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Kidtasks – the application of good deeds now available on Google Aps.
Kidtasks  is an organizer for your children’s daily routines, but it is good for the entire family.

This is how it works.
1) Parents create a list of tasks. It could be as simple as  “feed your pet”, “brush your teeth”, “water the plants”, “do the dishes”, etc.

Parents you can even rate each task in points.
2) Family members do the tasks on the list and get points!
3) Parents set your own exchange rate. Eg  1 point may be equal to 1$. Having collected a certain amount of points, the children may ask their parents for their “salary” for their work!

Why this AP useful for PARENTS: Because it will help to give Kids a sense of responsibility and prepare them for the things they need to do when they become older.

Why this AP is useful for CHILDREN: Children will be rewarded when they help out with chores around the house! They will have the opportunity to get a “salary” or pocket money in exchange for working on their tasks.

Parents, this AP will teach your children responsibility and reward them in the process.  To download this AP head over to Google Aps and search for Kidtasks that’s K-I-D-T-A-S-K-S.


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I was listening to a sermon by, Joel Osteen, a few months back and he was telling the story of, subconscious programs, with his sister. Joel said his sister was praying and asking God for a husband and God sent her a wonderful man; but she rejected him because he had red hair. He did not fit her, subconscious programs, for a mate. It took her years to reprogram her mindset  and love this man.

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Did you grow up in a home where your dad worked and your mom stayed home and watched the kids? You never saw your dad because he was always working and your family just had enough? That is your model of a family and today you are probably still running this, subconscious programs,


What is your, Unconscious Mind,  that needs to be rewritten?

I was a foster mom for years.  I see the, unconscious mind, in foster and adopted kids all the time. Especially since most of them came into foster care system before their 7th birthday.  They developed programs on, abandonment, attachment disorders, survival, most of them hoard food because their, unconscious mind, and  lack and survival.

Here are 5,  subconscious programs, Teenagers are running today

  1. Make generalizations (no one loves me, I’m always going to be a failure, I’ll never get a job or pass this test)
  2. Make choices and judgment based on past experiences.

3. Settle in life, don’t apply for jobs or get involved in extra curricular activities.

4. Reviews information and draws conclusions.

If someone breaks their heart, they learn to not trust people – to avoid being hurt again. If living in poverty, feel like will never get enough money to make it out of poverty. If get in a fight, feel they always need to protect them self

    5.  Accepts information literally and personally (take a lot of things said to heart, but not as constructive criticism)

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How to control your, Unconscious Mind

  1. A mental picture is worth a thousand words. Your, unconscious mind, will bring to pass any picture held in the mind and backed by faith.

This is the space I am spending a lot of time in, at the moment.  I am working on visualizing my goals and desires and speaking, affirmations.   I am having a hard time of it, because I am not a visual person. But this is the first step in controlling the, unconscious mind,  Visualizing what you want.  Let the, unconscious mind, find the way, you only have to give it the destination.

For example if you want to be married by the age of 30 and have 3 kids.  That is the mental picture you give your, unconscious mind,  The universe will find the man and arrange the kids! Just say, affirmations, every day to reprogram your, unconscious mind.

Daily Affirmations, like:

  • I will get married to the man of my dreams by age 30
  • The Universe will deliver to me the man of my dreams by the time I am 30
  • I will get married by age 30 and have 3 kids by age 35

Remember to give your, unconscious mind, only instructions that would elevate and heal. It is the secret to your success. Your, unconscious mind, cannot take a joke. Don’t say things like with my luck the man that shows up would be bowed legged with buck teeth!   Because guess what, hold that image in your mind for any length of time and that is what you will get, a bow legged man with buck teeth. Trust me on this.

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Transform your Mind Stitcher
  1. Use, Autosuggestion, to improve any degradation.

About 10 years ago I read, Deepak Chopra’s,  book called Grow Younger, Live Longer In this book Deepak taught us to say, affirmations, every day.  It went like this.

Daily Affirmations for aging younger

  • Every day, in every way, I am getting younger and younger,
  • my biological clock is set at a healthy 30 years of age,
  • I look and feel a healthy 30 years of age.
  • Every day I am renewing my mind and body by eating healthy foods,
  • I take nutritional supplements wisely, etc.

I don’t remember all of it.  I was saying these, affirmations, around my 40th birthday.  So over 20 years ago.  I still remember those, affirmations, because I said them every day for several months.

This year on  my 60th birthday, I posted a picture on Facebook and this girl commented.  She said “It is like you stopped aging at 30 years old.  You just said F**K it!  I am not getting any older! I do look 20 years younger than my chronological age and that’s because I rewrote my, subconscious programs,!

How to Rewrite  Your Subconscious Mind

In my, conscious mind, I was always planning out my future and all things I wanted it to entail.  I told myself, you will never be broke, you’re a go getter and you will always meet your basic necessities because of that.  This mindset, relays into my life because it reminds me that failure is never an option and all things are possible because I know it is.

Many times, I feel that I have programmed my, unconscious mind, for the success.  I heal myself faster from injuries.  For example, one time my eye was swollen, and I had a workshop coming up in 2 days.  I said to my, subconscious mind, don’t sweat it, you are going to get a warm rag and sleep with it on your eye, then you will use antibiotics and by the day of your workshop it will be gone.

Sure enough, the eye was not swollen anymore and I was able to facilitate my workshop with two functional eyes.  Furthermore, despite all the adversity I have experienced in my life, I was always sure that I would finish University and get my degree.  I programmed my, unconscious mind, to  prepare for the test.

Remember the, unconscious mind, is carrying out behaviors that sabotage the, conscious mind.

Our, subconscious programs, doesn't stop at age 7; but continues for the rest of our lives.

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iHeart Radio

Getting Past our, Subconscious Programs

  1. Take risks to get past, subconscious programs,  Your, unconscious mind,  always wants to play it safe.
  2. Ask questions like, What else is possible that I have not considered?
  3. Say things like, how cool is it that I have all this extra money.

4. What am I going to do with all this extra cash?

5. How can I make this a reality?

6. What if I become a successful as a TV talk show host?  What would that look like? See yourself in this role. This one is for me!!

Conclusion reprogram your unconscious mind

This strategy is called, auto inquisition.  Thomas Edison practiced, auto inquisition. He would sit in a chair and ask his, unconscious mind, questions about an invention.  You can do the same.

    1. Give yourself permission to be successful, believe that you deserve good things to happen
    2. Don’t allow other peoples fears to make you doubt yourself.
    3. Surround yourself with positive reinforcement and allies.
    4. Speak your success as present fact not a future plan.  Instead of saying I am figuring out how to do that now, say I am strategist.  What do I need to make that happen right now.
    5. Start asking for what you want and keep track of all the things that have happened (gratitude journal)
    6. Create a vision space, so you can imagine what it is you want to happen in your life.

Additional Resources Unconscious mind

“Keeping a healthy mind is important to have a balanced life. Mental health training can help you enhance self-awareness providing tips and knowledge about this topic”.

How to Live in Infinite Possibility








How to Program Your Subconscious Mind for Permanent Change

The, subconscious mind, is a data-bank for everything, which is not in your, conscious mind,. It stores your beliefs, your previous experience, your memories, your skills. Everything that you have seen, done or thought is also there. It is also your guidance system. The, subconscious mind, can also be described as a tape recorder and it just plays back what it records unless you make the conscious effort at, subconscious mind reprogramming, and  erase the tape and record new messages.  That is the only way to affect permanent change, erase and re record.

Today on the, Transform your Mind, to Transform your Life Radio show and podcast, Coach Myrna Young interviews Neuro Linguistic Programming, NLP, Coach Van Henry. Van tells our audience why he became an, NLP, coach. He was on assignment as an engineer in South Africa during the Apartheid regime, when he had a conversation with a Black man who told him that he was told at a young age that he was unteachable, because he had a smaller brain than the white man.

Van of course told him that was a lie, that he himself was an educated black man with an engineering degree. He convinced this man that his brain was the same size as the White man, the Chinese man and all other races because God created us all equal! That was indeed, subconscious mind, programming.

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Sponsor The Transform Your Mind Podcast

This Black man was convinced, because he was looking at the evidence, Van Henry himself. He then changed his, subconscious mind, programming by rewriting the tape and re recording new information to believe that he could be educated and that he had as big a brain as the White man. This Black man went on to have a college degree and become a supervisor, leading a fulfilling life.

So as a Transformations Coach, I would like to do the same for you. The lie that you tell yourself can be anything. It does not have to be that you are not as smart enough, pretty enough, thin enough etc. ; you could believe that you are limited by any other belief that is holding you in bondage.

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Transform your Mind Soundcloud podcast

How the, subconscious mind, works

Your, subconscious mind, is an unquestioning servant that works day and night to make your behavior fits a pattern consistent with your emotionalized thoughts, hopes, and desires. Your, subconscious mind, grows either flowers or weeds in the garden of your life, whichever you plant by the mental equivalents you create.

Your, subconscious mind, has what is called a homeostatic impulse. It keeps your body temperature at 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit, just as it keeps you breathing regularly and keeps your heart beating at a certain rate. Through your autonomic nervous system, it maintains a balance among the hundreds of chemicals in your billions of cells so that your entire physical machine functions in complete harmony most of the time.

Your, subconscious mind, also practices homeostasis in your mental realm, by keeping you thinking and acting in a manner consistent with what you have done and said in the past.

Neuro Linguistic Programming, is the art of training the, subconscious mind, to achieve a goal.

  1. The first thing you have to do to, subconscious mind reprogramming, is to Master Self. Master your self talk, master your beliefs.
  2. Then you have to write your goals down and give them form.
  3. Once you give them form, you have to tell someone who can hold you accountable.
    This does two things. Firstly, once you speak your goals into the atmosphere you activate the, Laws of Attraction, and secondly it motivates you to not look like a failure to the person holding you accountable.
  4. The forth thing is to access your values to be sure there is no conflict with your beliefs. This is where awareness comes in. You have to know who you are.

You have to know Yourself, to Grow Yourself

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Transform your Mind iTunes 

For you to grow, to get out of your comfort zone, you have to be willing to feel awkward and uncomfortable doing new things the first few times. If it’s worth doing well, it’s worth doing poorly until you get a feel for it, until you develop a new comfort zone at a new, higher level of competence.

Subconscious Mind Reprogramming

For those looking to expand their realm of comfort zones, I highly recommend considering the habits of successful people as they are the patterns commonly adopted by the minds of great leaders and thinkers. Unlocking the power of these behaviors will put you one step closer to being able to make the same things happen in your life.

Learning techniques for, subconscious mind reprogramming, will help you believe in yourself because your confidence will no longer be challenged by fear of the unknown. But more importantly, doing so will train your brain to be in line with your true desires, dreams, and life goals and a mission driven life. 

The more in tune with your, subconscious mind, you become, the closer you will be to breaking through to success. For example, you might have an idea for a book that has been on your back burner for years. With the right level of confidence, you’ll take the next step in learning how to write a book, rather than clinging to the dream, but never acting.

Listen to this YouTube video and hear directly from, NLP, coach Van Henry on How to Program your, subconscious mind, for permanent change. Once you believe, then you can achieve!.

You become a master builder, as your coach I will give you the tools to help you build.

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If you are a coach or an author and you would like to be a guest on the “Mindset Transformation Talk Radio Show” email me at [email protected]

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Additional Resources

