Tag Archives: quantum physics

Using the Law of Attraction to Have it All

Nothing in our world exists until we create it. We engage the, Law of Attraction, whenever we dream about something we want.

Everything is first created in the mind before you hold it in your hand. We engage the, laws of the Universe, when we hold desire in our hearts.

How to engage the, Law of Attraction

You can, have it all, anything you desire through visualization and meditation. The,  Laws of the Universe, including the, law of attraction, are working for you.  You only have to plant in the fertile field of your mind to ,have it all.

Your subconscious mind cannot hold any contradictory mandates. For example if you are using the, Law of Attraction, to manifest a red sports car, but you are thinking that you could never afford such a car, you are cancelling out, the Law of Attraction.

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If you have a belief that you will not be able to, have it all,  then your beliefs will block these things from your experience. You will not, have it all. Your belief must be changed first in order to, have it all.

Nothing in our world exists until we create it. We engage the, Law of Attraction, one of the, laws of the Universe, whenever we dream about something we want.

Everything is first created in the mind before you hold it in your hand.

We must first observe or experience it for it to become a reality. Quantum physics, tells us that everything exists in wave form or infinite possibility it is only when we observe it, it becomes form.  It does not become form until we observe it by giving it our conscious attention.  It is our act of observation that gives everything form.

Consciousness creates our reality. The, Law of Attraction, is a tool we could use to design our life, to have it all.

Mind affects matter.

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Transform your Mind Stitcher

The Law of Attraction needs sensory input

The first thing that the, Law of Attraction, does is change the self and the environment the self-encounters.

Everything we see, touch, smell, hear, feel, is sensory input.

The subconscious stores these sensory input along with events for later retrieval.

The subconscious mind makes up 92% of the total brain and the conscious mind the remaining 8%

The brain produces about 25 watts of power.

The subconscious mind uses this power for desires, impulses and energy.

Your desires activate the, Law of Attraction, one of the, laws of the Universe,

This energy is infinite.  The brain functions 24 hours until we die, so the, law of Attraction, is always working.  Both your conscious thoughts and subconscious thoughts activate, the Law of Attraction.

When the, conscious mind, and the, subconscious mind, are in conflict the subconscious mind always win. So most of the time we are activating the, law of attraction unconsciously.

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Finding your Life Purpose

Did you start your New Year’s resolutions yet? I bet there’s one missing that you should add right now: find a greater sense of purpose in your life. To do that effectively, you need to understand the eight key components of living with purpose.

The new book, The Meaning of Life: A guide to finding your life’s purpose by Nathanael Garrett Novosel, is a complete step-by-step walkthrough of how humans derive meaning from their existence. This book helps you to identify what really matters to you in life, define a clear plan of going after what you want, and grow toward fulfilling your true calling.

Best of all, this book does not tell you how to live your life or which goals you should have. Instead, it helps you figure it out for yourself. ..That’s what you really want—someone in your corner helping you make sense of your life, not someone with their own agenda telling you what to do.

This book is a life-changer, and I recommend you go out and get it now. The Meaning of Life: A guide to finding your life’s purpose by Nathanael Garrett Novosel. Available now on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and Apple Books. Order today!

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iHeart Radio


For example when an overweight person decides to go on a diet without changing subconscious programming they will continue to overeat and override conscious behaviors.

The conscious mind has a limited memory and most of it is short term.

The subconscious mind has infinite memory for all your experience for your entire life.

The subconscious mind can block out changes in your surroundings so you don't focus or see changes in your environment. Like driving down a street for months and not seeing a new complex or a new tree.

We have a shortage of attention and fail to notice what is going on around us including obvious changes in our surroundings.

Conscious attention is required to see requested changes from the, Law of Attraction.

Always use the, law of attraction, to focus on what is wanted and not what is unwanted. You can, have it all.

The mind focus on what we place our attention on whether negative or positive so the, law of attraction will bring you whatever you focus on.

All day every day we are placing our attention on something and engaging the, law of attraction.

Concentration on one thing and suppressing all others is the key to controlling your reality and using the, law of attraction, to, have it all.

Controlling your attention and focus is the way to control your reality.

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How to use the Law of Attraction to change your reality

  1. Reevaluate what seems negative by focusing on the good experiences. This trains the mind only to see the positive, it teaches the subconscious to only focus on the positive and thus more positive things will be attracted into your lives through the, law of attraction.
  2. Challenge yourself in your free time. When we go into low energy modes our brain reverts to old programming, so to prevent this schedule things to do that will move the needle to your required destination of, having it all.
  3. Appreciate all the goodness that you see. We can search for happiness in our present situation. Teach the mind what we want from life. The conscious mind is the master and the subconscious mind the gene. When we train the conscious mind to focus on what we want, we can make any changes we want in our lives. What you focus on comes to you by the, law of attraction.

You can, have it all. Is it possible to have: a passionate marriage; a thriving career; a healthy beautiful body; more money than you ever dreamed possible, and enough “down” time to enjoy it – without running yourself ragged? Use the, law of attraction to, have it all.

In her book “The Art of Having It All,”  Author, Transformational Leader, and Celebrity Coach, Christy Whitman, share the precise steps she took to create radical turnarounds in the midst of potentially devastating real life situations – including freeing herself from nearly $90,000 of unwanted debt loosing 30 extra pounds,  navigating the turbulent waters of divorce, the grief of her sister’s suicide, and the life -threatening illness of her newborn son.

Book The art of having it all
Book The art of having it all
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Addition Resources: Law of Attraction

How to Use the Law of Action for Success in Life






How to Raise Your Consciousness And Create Miracles

You can't make, miracles, in your material self, they don't exist there. If you take the time to foster an energetic connection between your, higher self, and your consciousness  you will access the way of, miracles.

My guest today is Dr Mark Mincolla, PhD Nutritional Therapist and Quantum Energy Healer and author of the book The Way of Miracles: Accessing Your Superconsciousness

Download the podcast here: 



Mark Mincolla PhD is a Nutritional Therapist and Quantum Energy Healer who has transformed the lives of more than 60,000 patients over the last 35 years. Dr. Mincolla has authored 7 international best-selling books, and has appeared on Dr Oz, Better TV, WFXT FOX25 Boston, KCBS in Los Angeles, along with numerous national TV & radio show, and in regional and national magazines.

His latest book The Way of Miracles: Accessing Your Super consciousness is an adventure for the body, mind and spirit that begins with the premise that miracles don’t randomly happen—we create them!  In The Way of Miracles, Dr. Mincolla shares experiences, documented research, and exercises that he provides his patients and uses himself to raise consciousness in order to cultivate the ability to heal and create miracles that have a lasting effect.

Dr. Mark, my first question here is can you share your journey to understanding the, superconscious, and, miracles? I understand from your bio that you were able to cure yourself of a life-threatening illness?

Book The way of Miracles
Book The way of Miracles
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Transform Your Mind Podnews

Introduction to the Way of Miracles

Dr Mark: About five years ago, I made a connection with a wonderful producer from New York; a great film producer who actually produced a film called “The way of Miracles”.

Christina and I became very committed to the idea of trying to get together a terrific film – a game changing movie. We actually thought about a lot of the patients that I've worked with and some of the remarkable experiences that I've had with healing recoveries. I had one woman who had a brain tumor (the size of a tennis ball) and it was in her frontal lobe, they removed it surgically and grew back two months later.  She decided not to go for a second brain surgery.  I just can't go through brain surgery again, impossible.

So I decided to seek out some other alternative methods of healing her brain tumor. I worked with her, putting a very strict anti-inflammatory diet, including a strong concentration of natural supplements. We did a lot of positive mental work as well – a lot of, meditative prayer, and things like that. Over the course of five months the tumor vanished.

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Transform Your Mind Luminary podcast
Transform Your Mind Luminary podcast

The miracle cure for cancer

The good news is, now she's been cancer free for nine years. That's the kind of story that we've set out to create and produce. In the way of, miracles, we actually have a number of different end stage cancer patients, neurodegenerative, conditions like people with Parkinson’s and things like that. We had truly amazing, miracles, and turnarounds. No question about it, we just let the patients tell their stories.

We just let them essentially connect with the audience and to tell the audience what their personal experience was with, miracles.

In the middle of this process, I was bit by a lime tick and it infected me with, Neuroborreliosis, and the bacteria crippled me. I couldn't walk. I was unable to walk for two weeks. I was unable to move. I was paralyzed for two weeks.

Neuroborreliosis, is a disorder of the central nervous system. A neurological manifestation of, Lyme disease, neuroborreliosis, is caused by a systemic infection of spirochetes of the genus Borrelia.

In the hospital they told me they weren't sure I'd ever recover from that. They said, “we are not confident that you can beat this thing. It was a pretty nasty disease,  but the real day that will live with me for the rest of my life was the 2nd of July, 2018.

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Book: Love Letters for the romantically challenged

Sometimes finding the right words can turn the ordinary into the extraordinary! Introducing the new book by Rhonda R. Holmes “Love Letters for the Romantically Challenged!” If you, would you like to romance your lover with words of seduction and fantasy, save your relationship Or, just finding the words to move on. “Love Letters for the Romantically Challenged!” deals with real issues covering a variety of situations in eight categories capturing the essence of what goes on between two people.

If you're willing to go beyond the surface pick up your copy of “Love Letters for the Romantically Challenged! now available at amazon.com and barnesandnoble.com.

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Transform Your Mind Podcast Player FM

Paralysis the miracle of survival

I was not able to walk at that point, so when I fell on the bathroom floor and hit my head, I couldn't get up.  I was on the bathroom floor for 14 hours, paralyzed and unable to move. I basically had to wait 14 hours for someone to come in and just discover me. During that period of time, I went through deep spiritual work, not knowing that I'd ever walk again.

In fact, while I was on that bathroom floor, I couldn't move anything. I couldn't move my fingers, couldn't move my head, couldn't move anything. I knocked over a bunch of bathroom cleaners and I was inhaling and swallowing them because I couldn't even move my head out of the way. Couldn't move any muscles at all. I was paralyzed from the neck down.

Long story short, 14 hours later, I was discovered and rescued. During that period of rescue, I went to the hospital for several days and went to rehab for several weeks. There was a great burning question within me that, “Would I ever be able to move again”?  Nobody knew the answer to that.  I had to decide would I be willing to live the rest of my life from a wheelchair?”

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Deciding to Live

I decided I was ready to live regardless of what kind of hand I was dealt. I was prepared to live paralyzed and to continue to write books. I could write books in a wheelchair and continue to do lectures. I could do lectures in a wheelchair and still continue to inspire people.

The long story short again, I went into some deep therapeutic protocols. I took a number of different, powerful herbs that I was familiar with. My diet was an absolutely perfect, anti-inflammatory diet, including a number of different nutritional supplements. I took a little silver and high concentration of herbs that were very powerful against, Lyme disease. Slowly and gradually over a period of time, I got better and now I'm basically fully functional again and back in the saddle.

Myrna: That is such a powerful story. A couple of things I want to circle back is when you fell into the bathroom floor, did the fall make you paralyzed or you fell paralyzed?

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Dr Mark: I had, neurological borrelia, that causes paralysis motion. The, Lyme disease,  caused that, but I think the shock of falling and hitting my head didn't help. The film was just released two weeks ago. People can actually view the film by going to wayofmiracles.com. I was ready to present, miracle stories, from patients, I didn't know  that I was going to be telling my own, miracle story.

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iHeart Radio

Accessing your superconscious for miracles

Myrna: Your book is “The way of Miracles: Accessing your Super Consciousness”. When you were healing yourself, I know you talked being a, nutritional therapist, and you talked about supplements. Can you tell us how the, superconscious, or accessing your, super consciousness, (which is also called your, soul,) and  saying that you're a, soul, and you want to connect to your, soul. Can you share that experience for our listeners who don't understand that?

Dr Mark: I think for starters in my fifth book. The fifth book I wrote is entitled “Whole Health”. There's a section that I wrote about identifying your “I”. We used the word “I” 500 times a day. It's a spiritual identity crisis because we tend to think that the “I” is a material self. It's a personality, it's an ego, it's a physical cellular tissue-based organ-based self, but we're so much more than that. I say that we've become victims of an identity crisis or spiritual identity crisis.

What I ask the readers to do in the book “The way of Miracles”, is to go to the nearest mirror look and look in the mirror, look in your own eyes in the center of your eyes, don't take your eyes off the center of your eyes for 10 straight full minutes. You'll start to find that you're getting in touch with the essence of your being.

Miracles come from the spirit

There's no personality there, there's no ego there, there's no material nature there, but you can feel the presence of your, energy, there – your, soul, your essence, your core, your, spirit,  etc. I think that the objective is to tap into and get used to feeling that beautiful essence of self pure, energy.

I think when you take the time to do that, you overcome the identity crisis that I talked about, because you become familiar with and connected to the eternal self – the eternal being within your being, within yourself that is limitless and it's a, miracle, maker. – The whole premise of the book is that there's two ‘selves’ – a material self and a, spiritual self.

You can't make, miracles, in your material self, they don't exist there. If you take the time to foster an energetic connection between your, higher self, and your core (which I say between your heart and your, soul) you will access the way of, miracles.

When you meditate, you enter into your, soul, but if you meditate with your heart, you give emotional connection to your spiritual nature. When you render emotional connection to your spiritual nature, you access, miracles.

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Podbean Transform your Mind Podcast

Emotion is highly charged (it's electrical, it's energy). When you take the time to combine the electrical charge of your emotional being with your, soul, that's when you reach the limitless nature of unconditional perfection; that's when you can actually create, miracles, make miracles, help people with, miracles, and revolutionize your life experience.

Connecting with your soul daily

Myrna: When you go and look in the mirror for 10 minutes and you feel your essence, you feel your, spirit, you feel your, non-physical entity, what do you do next?

Dr Mark: You do it routinely for one thing. You don't just do it once, you do it daily. It's like a, meditation, exercise.  It's like an exercise that brings you closer to your true self and gets you in touch with your true identity.

Myrna: I like the part about the, miracles. You said that we can create, miracles, when we access the, super consciousness. We're talking here about getting in touch with our, soul, but there must be another layer in order to create the, miracles.

Dr Mark: The objective is to get out of the part of you that's limited to step out, step beyond the part of you that is materially bound by its limitation. It's not about, miracles, it's about survival.

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Transform Your Mind PTWWN TV

Using the super conscious to become limitless

You move to occupy the core of your, limitless, self. That's the part that I think renders are capable of creating, miracles. Miracles, exist on that plane and your potential to make them happen exists in that plane. If you want to perform, miracles, or live a life of, miracles, you got to go to where the, miracles, are (you got to go to your, soul, your, higher self, and your higher being).

Myrna: Now, let's talk about your book. Your book is “The way of Miracles: Accessing your Super Consciousness”. What would you like readers to walk away with after reading your book?

Dr Mark: A lot of our pain and suffering comes from the fact that we're not whole.  People are always looking for wellness;  vitamins, nutritional stuff (that's exercise) but those are all good things, but you cannot be well unless you're whole.

Miracles from wholeness

So, wellness begins with wholeness and I think the idea of identifying with your whole self and getting in touch with the fact that you're capable of, miracles.  The book is about spiritual identity crisis and it encourages people. It gives people exercises at the end of each chapter like the mirror exercise.  It teaches the readers how to get in touch with their own core.

The mission of this book is to say, there are, miracles, happening every day In our world.  We see a lot of them, but that's largely because we're tuned into the fact that those, miracles, operate in a very deep place within ourselves. If we operate from that deeper place (and not operate from our shallow zones), you'll make more, miracles, than you can ever imagine. I think that you'd overcome the identity problem.

You need to accept and embrace the fact that you're a powerful being. You're a, soul, you're an eternal, soul. You're so much more than a personality with limitations, you’re a soul without limitation. That's what you are and you live forever.


Everybody has been telling us for the longest, while we're, limitless. That we are not limited to this body, but very few people are able to tap into that, super conscious. People can check out my work at markmincolla.com.

We are a non-physical, we're dual personalities (where we're non-physical as well as physical). The physical is limited, the physical is the personality.  Once we tap into our, super consciousness, our, soul, our, spirit, we become a, multi-sensory, person and not a personality. Once you do all these different things, then you can access the space of, miracles.

Myrna: I will definitely start doing that mirror exercise looking into my eyes which would be looking into my, soul, for 10 Minutes.

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Additional Resources

How to Access God Through Worship


Can Reality Transurfing Improve your Life

Renee Garcia teaches what is, reality transurfing, and how we can use it to improve our frequency, our thoughts and alternate reality.

Listen to the full interview here:

Renée is a lifelong entrepreneur, a Certified Reality Transurfing instructor, and an Alternatives Space adventurer – endorsed by Vadim Zeland the author and creator of, Reality Transurfing.

Having ventured deeply into the metaphysical world of Reality Creation she has transformed personal failure into success, poverty into abundance, sickness into healing, and a bleak worldview into one brimming with joy and magic. Renée has employed, Reality Transurfing, to discover fulfillment, true purpose in life and connect with the highest version of herself.

With a self-built practical methodology and magical wand in hand, she is now empowering others around the world to do so the same.

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Google Podcast Transform Your Mind
Google Podcast Transform Your Mind

What was your journey into the self development and reality transurfing space?

Renee – I don't want to say I had  an unfortunate childhood or an unfortunate background because I later used my background to help other people.  I now view all the parts of my life that I was ashamed of or I didn't like or I felt disadvantaged, as data to help my, transurfing, clients understand reality jumping. 

All of that stuff that happened in my childhood really helped me in gaining success for myself. I had achieved a good deal of success for myself given that I wasn't college educated. I didn’t even graduate from high school. 

I managed to start my own business and gained success. I had this outward-facing image that a lot of people perceived as successful; but I was very damaged inside.  reality transurfing, helped me to connect with and the void of these things and sort of broke me in what I call my pre-transurfing reality. 

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Deezer Transform Your Mind Podcast

Reality Transurfing allow you to choose your reality

Reality transurfing, started for me when I was about 35 years old.  I woke up one morning and realized that I was utterly miserable. So I decided to take some pretty bold steps. I disconnected from life as I knew it in the big city.  I gave up my business, moved out to the country and just went inward for about a year searching for answers. 

It was at this time that I found,  reality transurfing. This was about six years ago. I was not from a world of, self-development, or, self-help.  I had gone to conventional therapy for a number of years just to get over some of my childhood trauma and, poverty mentality. 

A lot from my mindset was holding me back; but when I found,  reality transurfing, it was completely new knowledge,  completely new information to me. I immediately saw what I had done to get myself into that place where life broke me. 

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Transform your Mind Stitcher

Where Reality Surfing originated

Reality transurfing, is very big in Russia where the knowledge originated about 15 years ago.  I saw massive transformation in my mindset, my worldview, my outlook on life, my success, everything. 

I  decided right then that I was going to help others change their mindset with, reality transurfing. 

It was at this time that I found,  reality transurfing. This was about six years ago. I was not from a world of, self-development, or, self-help.  I had gone to conventional therapy for a number of years just to get over some of my childhood trauma and, poverty mentality. 

A lot from my mindset was holding me back; but when I found,  reality transurfing, it was completely new knowledge,  completely new information to me. I immediately saw what I had done to get myself into that place where life broke me. 


Reality Transurfing Communities

Renee – That's all sort of developing now and it's really fascinating the types of people that come into the, reality transurfing, community.  There are a number of people I certified as, transurfing instructors.   There are psychologists in Mexico using, reality transurfing, as a tool. 

Lots of therapists and lots of psychologists, people that are involved in the more metaphysical side of of self-development are using, reality transurfing. It's kind of like quantum physics meets therapy so it's appealing. 

We like to say that it's, the law of attraction, for smart people.  It's a much more evolved version of the, law of attraction, with all the blank spots filled in. We obviously know that there's something to law of attraction; but why does, law of attraction, work? Reality transurfing,  fills in all those why's of why law of attraction works. 

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What is Reality Transurfing?

Renee – Reality transurfing,  essentially means surfing multiple realities.  What I'm talking about is, quantum jumping. So what does, quantum jumping, mean?   The best way for me to describe it and make it relatable and understandable for everyone is to use myself as an example. 

I told you that I had an unfortunate childhood.  There was trauma there, I didn't graduate from high school,  I didn't go to college. That is a version of reality that is available to me. 

But I'm sitting here talking to you on a podcast right where I'm an expert on, reality transurfing,  I'm an expert on a self-development book that was written in Russia and kind of exotic, I'm leading a movement of people and I'm considered a thought leader.  I'm on the cutting edge of a self-development technology and people want me to come on their podcasts and people want me to give seminars and people want to fly me around and have me speak on stage. 

So this is an alternate version of reality that I’ve accessed using the concepts in the, reality transurfing, book.  We use this analogy to explain the, transurfing, modality of turning a dial on a television or a radio, like changing the channel.  

Our power as creators to be able to choose which channel we turn to. 

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Imagine your Future and Your Reality

Myrna – This morning I was listening to Dr Joe Dispenza on a podcast and he was talking about something very similar to this.  He said to imagine the future you want and shift your reality to believe you already have it. 

If something is bugging you right now or you're angry or maybe you're looking at past trauma, one way to change the channel  is to think about what you're dreaming of in the future. 

Renee -Yes we can play victim that channel doesn't bring happiness,  that channel brings victimhood.  

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Core Concepts of Transurfing

There are 11 core concepts of, transurfing. If you were to adopt just one concept from the, reality transurfing, modality it will help you to see reality in a different way. 

Myrna – Awesome let's talk about the core concepts or core modalities of, reality transurfing. 

Renee – I'll describe the first five.  There's 11 core concepts and if you split them right down the middle, the first five concepts represent a donut hole. This hole signifies you're not living your best life.  You're irritated, you don't like the state of affairs in the world,  you don’t like USA politics etc.  You are depressed, maybe have anxiety and don't feel your life has meaning. 

The first five concepts of, reality transurfing, are going to help you get up out of that hole. The next five, transurfing, concepts are going to help you build a foundation and a new structure. 

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Transurfing Steps

  • The first step in, transurfing,  is to help you develop your connection with this alternative reality and realize that you can create from it. 
  • The second step is to get off entities that have adhered to you that are draining you energetically or spiritually.  The biggest one right now is politics and the media that has rendered people almost comatose.

That's where fear lives. Pendulums use fear as their number one hook. 

  • Step three is defeating pendulums or learning how to manage your pendulums.

When you do that and you are successful. You've got a good connection with the alternative space, you understand what pendulums create your reality for you and you take back your energy from those pendulums. 

  • The fourth step is what we refer to as the wave of success. 

The wave of success is a phenomenon in the, transurfing, modality where you accumulate positive thoughts, actions, and frequency from your environment to improve your thoughts about yourself. 

Life Tracks and Quantum Jumping

Life tracks are like different channels that you can turn to in the, quantum jumping, space.  The idea is that you use the law of physics with energy and your perception of reality to essentially move you to some of these higher life tracks or higher channels. More of what you want exists in abundance in this alternative reality. 

  • The fifth step is the opposite of the wave of success. Our intention is to climb higher on the life tracks or tune the dial to a higher channel.  We call this induced transition. Induced transition is when you buy into negative information or negative news.  This is when you buy into people's negative thoughts or views of you or what you're doing.

This is you tuning to a lower channel,  so the induced transition is sort of the concept that keeps a, transurfer, in check.  You become aware of energy and how it affects your mood health. 

Myrna – Just this morning I was listening to Dr Joe Dispenza's on a podcast and he was talking about using the wave of energy from your Heart and taking it up to your brain so you are living in a higher frequency. 

Then you will attract the things you want.  Exactly the same thing you're talking about here. 

How can Transurfing help us create our own reality?

Renee – People have heard about the, quantum field, but nobody understood it. So now we are filling in the blanks. People are not going to irritate you, you are going to get angry. But you can clean your layer of reality. 

If you've got negative energy you can't create, you have to be in that positive frame of mind to create. Joe dispenza was talking about that energy wave going from the heart to the mind.  We call this heart and mind coordination and this is a big part of, reality transurfing. 

It's the heart saying yes to something and then it's the mind agreeing.  This is what Vadim Zealand,  reality transurfing, author did to create this book.  

What is quantum jumping exactly

Renee –  Quantum jumping, is  pretty much switching the channels.  We use all sorts of analogies, like a river analogy. Quantum jumping,  you can get caught into different streams and navigate to different places. We say  quantum jumping, or changing the channel. 

There's a four-step process to, quantum jumping. 

  1.  Acknowledge and this is where your connection with the alternative space will come in. You have to acknowledge that this version of reality does in fact exist.
  2. You have to tune your thoughts.  Just as there are infinite versions of reality,  there are also infinite versions of self.  You must envision what the optimal version of yourself looks like. There's a version of myself that feels depressed and traumatized by childhood. Maybe I'm addicted to drugs.  But I choose to focus on the optimal version of myself as a thought leader and an expert on, reality transurfing. 
  3. Take action in that direction, so you're thinking like the optimal version of you. Practice until you are perfect. 
  4. The final step is to make sure that your frequency matches the frequency of that higher version of you.  Remove things that take away or are detrimental to your frequency like alcohol,  drugs, fast food, and media.  Things that can improve your frequency are exercise and meditation. 

Myrna – I love Abraham Hicks teachings on vibration and frequencies.  I didn't know anything about, transurfing, and, quantum jumping, but I do know about frequency and the law of attraction.  


Tell our listeners and readers how they can connect with you. 

We have a thriving community. We have knowledge for everyone so if you don't have even the money to buy the book,  you can watch the YouTube channel transurfing. You can also connect on our Facebook group  It is called the International Transurfing Institute.

www.transsurfing.us is the website if you would like to find out information on any aspect of, reality transurfing.  What it is, how to do it. 


We have a course on teachable called reality transurfing 2.0.  It is the only certified course by the author for the english language.  


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Additional Resources

How to Live in Infinite Possibility

How to Dream Big in the Quantum Matrix

The concept of, dream big, is to not let yourself become small. Not just react to what life's dishing out. We need to, dream bigger, because the universe gives you exactly what we ask for.  If you ask for 50 cents instead of $1 you will get 50 cents.


Introduction to, Dream Big

Ilona Selke, shares The concept of, dream big, is to not let yourself become small. Not just react to what life's dishing out. Today on the Transform Your Mind with Coach Myrna podcast.  I am so excited to be talking to international best-selling author Ilona Selke. Ilona who is currently  travelling the USA directly from Bali where she spends seven months of a year.

So envious, Ilona is promoting her new book, “Dream Big, the Universe is Listening”.  We're going to be talking about shifting your reality in the, quantum, matrix.  I meditate every morning and then I go walking and meditate some more while I listen to podcasts. This morning I was listening to the Hay House World Summit podcast and the guest was Dr. Bruce Lipton, he was teaching  us that, Quantum mechanics, or the, quantum, matrix is the foundation for all Sciences.

Chemistry and Biology sit on top of, Quantum mechanics. When I came back from my meditation, I put a note in my journal that I needed to read some more, quantum, matrix books. Then as I going over our show notes, I noticed that your book is about the, quantum mechanics,  and that we're going to be talking about, quantum mechanics.  I look forward  to fast tracking my learning!

Ilona – Yep, the Universe is indeed listening, Bruce Lipton's book title is “The Biology of Belief,” he talks about what he calls Epigenetics. I love the fact that he talked about the, Quantum Matrix. Someone was saying that we when we watched the movie The Matrix, that it looked like science fiction; but we could be in something similar to that in real life.

The subtitle of my book it's called, Dream Big, the Universe is listening, I know we have all these religions across the world and no matter who they believe the right version of God is, there is only one source. Let's just be honest, if there were multiple sources we'd have a war on our hands. Source multiplies itself and then humans interpret it differently.

Formulate your prayer if you want to pray or if you meditate your visualization in such a way that the universe can decode your message. The Universe has its own language and we don't need to learn a computer language. Luckily we are endowed with a language, but most of us do it incorrectly. I want to help everybody do it in a way that the Universe will start listening.

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Ilona is an International Best-selling Author, seminar leader, lecturer, musician CEO and co-founder of Living from Vision. Ilona has inspired thousands of people worldwide to discover the power of their consciousness and to create successful lives. Ilona has written four books, produced music and meditation CDs, co-authored two books one with Brian Tracy, and one with Jack Canfield, she also has been a regular guest on A&E, Bravo TV with Jack Canfield, and a producer and TV show host for Quantum Living show on women's broad broadcast TV.

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Why we should, Dream big

One of the things I set out to figure out was how to talk to the Universe.  I observed regularly is that whenever I said I don't want something,  that's what I got. Can you imagine, I was so delighted to figure out that I recognized one definite Law of the Universe, which was “I got what I didn't want.” I'm gonna ask you to not think of a pink elephant.

Can you do that? I don't think so. I want to know what is in your head right now? A pink elephant! I figured out the Universe. If I say I don't want a bicycle for my Christmas gift, guess what the Universe is going to give me for Christmas? When I said I don't want a bike, I visualized the bike and made me manifest it. I learned to, dream big.

I figured out the Universe has a law which is it gives me what I don't want. Maybe God or the Universe has a different plan. I could say I want to be in that big castle, I can see myself in it. I should say something I really want. I want millions of listeners to my podcast. Let's say millions of listeners, that's what I want. All these people who are sitting on this planet listening. They are ignited they are excited.

There are others who are also listening right now, millions of them, they are listening and we are one. We are all vibrating together. It's not just one here in the neighborhood, and one there, we are collectively globally. A large group of people and we are all building the new world. We are shifting the paradigm together and we are millions and we are listening and we are taking the lessons and making them real in our daily life to prove to ourselves and our family that this Universe is listening.

Dream Big
Dream Big

That this paradigm is really living. This is what I did when I was 10 years old. I just had to learn about changing that no factor, and then when I'm 14, I said okay I'm going to go teach the world to be creative, and so I always say when you do, make sure you always add that little sentence that says “for the highest good”

Here are three easy steps to,  dream Bigger:

  1. Describe it
  2. Imagine it,
  3. Feel it

Allow yourself five minutes, the luxury of being in your fulfillment. Five minutes, millions of people just see it. Five million listeners around the world. How would you feel right now if you had five million listeners?

Myrna – I would feel good. I would feel that I was given a mandate from God and I would protect that mandate by caring for my 5 million listener. I would make sure they are fed, inspiring messages every week and that my platform will contain good content. I have the intention that I want to reach the world before every recording.

I want to give you a little synopsis, Dream Big, the Universe is listening, and then we're going to dive in little deeper in her book. Ilona takes you into a journey into the greater mystery of the universe, she takes you step by step, as she mentioned earlier through fascinating stories and how to manifest your goals and, dream big.

At the same time you, dream big, you create a better life for yourself.  In the planet we're a living in a consciousness interactive universe. For you to become the master of your destiny, you need to dive into your subconscious mind and reach into your super consciousness. Ilona travels across the globe teaching other levels of consciousness.

She describes in easy-to-follow steps just how magical life really is when you learn to, dream bigger. After reading her book, you will come away inspired and equipped to make your dreams come true and create a better life for yourself on this planet. Check her out at  www.ilonaselke.com.

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What is the biggest lesson you think that readers can take from the concept of, dream big?

Ilona – The concept of, dream big, just itself, I've had people who just take the book and go oh my God I've let myself become small.  I've let myself just react to what life's dishing out. All the demands and I've forgotten to, dream big,. I've forgotten to listen to my own self.  So sometimes just holding the book in their hands without opening a page they've gone to the place of, dreaming bigger.

I want to remember to take time for myself and to, dream big, again because maybe we had dreams of who and what we wanted to do, and then some of them got either fulfilled or not. We have kids and get stuck at home, or as a woman, do the providing job thing, and feel like we're trapped in a rut. That's when we need to take time and to, dream big, to think about what we want.

To listen to our soul, to our heart, and to step back out of the house. Buzz out of our life and to step back and to do what's really meaningful to us. I said I'm going to give away a free app, that will guide people about God. Listeners can do this for 5 minutes every day, even if you just do that you start setting up a habit, where your soul and heart, your spirit will start saying thank you for listening to me.

It'll start giving you nudges, it'll start coordinating things for you. People will call you at the right time. I've had people who walk into a bookstore and my book literally fell into their lap. You put out the vibrational frequency, and anything that matches it, will come in.

I hate to admit it is that unfortunately the mass number of people are more interested in soap operas and dramas and disasters, rather than making their lives better by, dreaming big.

You don't have to follow any religion. You can just simply tune into the universe, which I call the source, and start your own conversation. Start talking to god by sitting down and saying what you need. Set up a conversation with this higher power, God and then if you have a desire and wish and needs, a dream or something you want to contribute to the world, just ask for it.

Let's say you need a certain amount of money every month, you may think hell, I need to be able to travel the world, I need to travel to other countries, I need to see other cultures to expand my horizon, that's what I really want. The universe says, ok. If we catch ourselves saying well I really want to travel the world; but then in your heart you feel these I have responsibilities, I don't want to leave, I'm afraid, maybe I get sick or whatever all your butts, they are the reasons why we stay where we are, stuck.

Because you're giving conflicting information. You're saying, yes I want it, but then you're saying well no, I don't want it because of that. Those little voices are usually not that loud, we feel them we try to ignore them, we try to say no, no I'm not really thinking that.

Dreaming Bigger in the Quantum Field

In my book, Dream Big, the Universe is Listening, I give techniques of how to deal with those little butts and snarling voices, or those tight feelings in the tummy, because they are at first blockages.  Later on that block becomes your stepping stone. I tell you I am teaching this technique to doctors, therapists, hypnotherapists, all over the world. A lot of them have taken it to substitute the other techniques they used to use, because this one really works.

Myrna – It definitely does. I like what you said about there's just so many people that are interested in reality TV shows and sports and the news and things like that and don't spend any time, dreaming big. I wrote my first book “Becoming Conscious, my Awakening, about four years ago and that's basically when I started to understand synchro destiny and, Quantum matrix, and envision and all the things that you talk about. I'd be on that path and that's one of the reasons my vision was to have this radio program and then podcast. I talked about transforming your mind because that's where it starts.

Ilona – There are four different interpretation. One of them actually allows for the idea that we live in the universe that has parallel dimensions and parallel realities all at coexisting simultaneously. I train teachers and coaches, we have the course in Chinese we have students in China and Czechoslovakia in Germany in England and Spanish English Spanish, French, German, Czech, Chinese, and my books are out also in Hindi, and in Czechoslovakia and Russian, so we try to go worldwide.

All humans alike they don't really well I mean they like to have an idea of how the universe works but the trick to creating a shift in the matrix of time-space is to slowly but surely build up your miracles, so that you really feel the universe is listening to you. Talk to it and you can transform your negative doubts and beliefs and pave the way for the beautiful expression of who you really are.

Scientists don't even believe in God, but the quantum physicists say well there is something weird going on which implies that there is a greater intelligence at work. All of them right now are trying to develop a new worldview and quantum physics has lent itself the closest to different understanding. It's a modern way of saying there is a God and there is the observer affect. The observer who is looking at the experiment is changing the outcome!

I actually published in the book with Jack Canfield, he's the co-author of Chicken soup of the Soul, and the chapter about it is really about a Mind Bender, I described how I close my eyes and talk this mind-bending story through to God and I see the techniques are the same. You become clear on what you want you imagine what it would look like.

If it had already happened and you feel as if it had already happened, so in my body and bones I was sitting there not only visualizing being arriving on time and being in the end result. I'm not only applying myself, but I'm also feeling in my bones. It takes a lot of practice. I tell people is start small. I started creating parking lots and then build your way up build your confidence up.

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Transform your Mind Soundcloud podcast

Is the Quantum Matrix real?


I definitely need some help. I've been working and working on this thing for a while and I'm a very I'm a deterring person. It's hard for me to visualize. I can get the emotion and I can talk myself through it, but I want to see it in my mind.

I've got a trick for you. Here let's do this, because a lot of people are in your shoes, they go I can't visualize for anything. Some people are more kinesthetic types, maybe are one of them. I'm going to do a test for you and you're probably going to come out with flying colors like everybody who's listening.

How to Visualize and Dream Big

I would like you to visualize a tree as best as you can. Just a tree, an ordinary tree and move to one side of the tree, you're going to put a red dog and on the other side of the tree is a blue dog. Now I want you to take your index finger that you like the best and point it to the red dog just point. Which side did you point? Right side, okay well honestly some people have the red dog on the right some people have it on the left. Now tell me when you say you can't visualize, how come you knew that the red dog was on the right side of the tree?

I'm not seeing the dog. I can see the tree because I walk and see trees every day so I think I can visualize a tree, but I'm not seeing the red dog. I'm just imagining.

That works just as well because the most important aspect is the feeling. Imagine you're sitting down and having lemonade, as a matter of fact somebody serves you the lemonade and a good lemon cut open to a quarter and really fresh. You decide to bite into that lemon. You take that wedge of lemon and you're going to imagine you take it and you bite into it.

I'm tasting that sour, I'm not actually seeing it but I am like you can imagine thinking exactly. I imagine it in my mind. I'm a reader and I cry at movies and I cry when I see stuff. I cry when I read books, so I get myself in the picture. I want to see with my third eye and it's not happening.
Let me ask you one question. Did you start salivating more when I asked you to bite into that lemon?

Yes I did.

Ilona – I've lived with a lot of imaginary stuff. I visualized and, dreamed big, every day. I work on it, in fact I did this course called the “wealth magnet” and every morning I sit down I imagine different success things like what my what my Rolls-Royce is going to feel like when I drive it and what my big house, over looking the mountains is going to feel like!

There are two things when we say visualizing, one means representing to yourself something that is not currently physically in front of you; but you can put yourself into. Two, if you can create and feel the feeling of already doing it. Now when you say I'm visualizing myself driving in a Rolls Royce you giggled I can tell you that is the part of you that says I don't have it. I shouldn't be thinking that or it's funny.

You heard me talk about I want to have millions of listeners in order to do, I have to, dream big,.

Author interview Transform Your Mind Podcast
Author interview Transform Your Mind Podcast


Myrna – I would love for you all to review the podcast on iTunes. This encourages my guests and encourages other people to be able to listen to this life changing program. Ilona, so go ahead and tell them what the FREE GIFT is today for posting a review on iTunes.

Visit my website www.ilonaselke.com download the FREE app if you want to start your day with positive focus and be supported, I'll do that for you for free. I'll do that every morning with you. With my more meditative voice and with much more singsong in my voice. Also if you want to end your day on a good note come with me on this journey called “living from vision.” it's called the “Living from Vision” light App. It's available both on Google and Android. If you purchase my book, “Dream Big, the Universe is Listening” it will also give you the directions of how to get the App.

Dream Big, the Universe is Listening. This has been a very inspirational high-energy interview, we came out of the gate running like some racehorses. I loved it, we're out of time right now but Ilona is going to be back next week and we are going to talk about “How to find it your Soulmate” so be sure to tune in for that because you don't want to miss it.

Ilona – I'm going to share with you “How to have sex out-of-body” Wow, yes the men are going to come knocking now, women too! Well Ilona it has been an absolute pleasure. I definitely will go and not only get the free app but I'm also going to download your book, Dream Big, the universe is listening.

Thank you so much for spending the time with me today. For more information on Myrna Young, Life Coach visit me on the web at www.myrnayounghelps.com. I thank you listeners for tuning into www.wdjyfm.com, the Transform Your Mind with coach Myrna podcast, available on iTunes, Google Play, stitcher, and now on I Heart Radio, you can listen to it yet anywhere.
Until next time Namaste.

Additional resources:


How to Have It All