Category Archives: How to outsmart your brain

How to Navigate Social Cues with Aspergers Diagnosis

Daniel Mangena was diagnosed with, Aspergers, in his late 20's.  Asperger's syndrome, is a neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by significant difficulties in social interaction and nonverbal communication, along with restricted and repetitive patterns of behavior and interests.

Listen to full interview here:


I’m very familiar with, Aspergers, because I have a 21 year old son who has been diagnosed with, Asperger's syndrome, around 10 years of age.

So this interview with Daniel will be on the topic How to Navigate Social Cues with, Aspergers, Diagnosis

My son was so afraid of social interactions, he couldn't speak to strangers. He was so nervous speaking to people that he developed a stutter and the stutter made him almost unintelligible.  As he's grew older, he practiced talking to people. He would talk to everybody that he meets, everybody would come up to me and say your son is such a wonderful kid that's, because he practiced and now he doesn't have the stutter and not afraid of talking to people.

Introduction to Asperger's Syndrome

After receiving a late diagnosis of, Asperger, and experiencing what can only be described as life-shattering trauma at the age of just 20, Daniel spent the next seven years struggling to keep his revelations and events from spilling in to his everyday life as a result of his struggles.

Daniel built a simple four-step system called “Beyond Intentional Paradigm”. Initially, it was built as a lifeline while he was grappling with suicidal thoughts; but beyond intention has transformed Daniel's life from misery into celebration through his own struggles. Daniel found a path to lasting joy and purpose and he wants nothing more than to share the tools that saved his life.

Daniel is the host of a “Do It with Dan” podcast series, regular blogs published articles and worldwide workshops that have helped thousands across the globe. His prolific work recently earned him a spot in the Wall Street Journal as a master of success and a scene on Wall Street Journal, Market Watch, ABC, NBC, CBS and Fox.

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Late Diagnosis of Aspergers and lack of friendships

Myrna – You were diagnosed in your twenties with Asperger's. Did your family miss your lack of, social cues, or do you think you developed, Asperger, late?

Daniel – As a teenager, I’ve always been really blessed. For me, Asperger, has been a gift. It's been a gift because the way that my brain works has allowed me to achieve a lot and the social challenges and lack of, social cues, have effectively just been the cost of doing business. When you look at my brilliance, that came out academically including great achievements. I kind of just put up with me living with my foot in my mouth and being horribly awkward and unable to really relate, because there were other benefits that came with my diagnosis.

When things became clearer, siblings would tell stories and they're like, but we love you so because you were a loner. I don't really have friends. I never developed relationships and friendships  other than my two friends – Nathan and Jamie, who were my friends since I was 15. I don't have any friends from middle school. I don't have any friends from high school.  I’ve got one friend from college, because I didn't know how to form those bonds with people even when people wanted to form bonds with me. I didn't know how to hold and maintain those relationships.

I was missing out and studied much like your son practiced to learn, to understand what those shortfalls were and although it's a very conscious process, was able to then effectively operate socially.

Myrna – I understand the lack of friends because my son never developed friendships.  I had twin girls, their world was friends.  They didn't go to school to learn, they went to school to see their friends! My son’s friends were his teachers.

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Autism vs Aspergers

Myrna – Tell us what is,  Asperger's syndrome, and why is it that people with, Aspergers, can’t understand, social cues?

Daniel – Essentially, the difference between what is commonly recognized as, Autism vs. Aspergers, is that someone that's more formally viewed as, autistic, doesn't have the ability to communicate with the outside world. Whereas, Aspergers, have the same thought processes; but we can actually communicate it. Whereas with, autism, especially if someone's non-verbal, they have no way to communicate those thought processes.

I found in my own experience that everything works in ones and zeros. It's very systematic and when there's a disconnection in that systemization, it falls apart.  Social cues, are a very fluid, it's an art form. It's not there’s a science to it, but there's an art form to it which doesn't move in ones and zeros.

People that have brains like me don't know what to do with it and also because we're always things that you do unconsciously. For example, in this conversation I have to maintain concentration the entire time because I have to be aware that just because I’ve got something to say, doesn't mean that I have to say it now.

Myrna – My doctor compared my son to Sheldon on the Big Bang Theory.  Just like Sheldon has to work very hard on understanding, social cues, and he would say and what he shouldn't say. He's usually very rude because he doesn't think about the other person's feelings. He just says what he feels or thinks.

Daniel – What I found to be my happy place with relationships and with, social cues, is to forget what I am thinking.  I just walk away from it, I don't entertain it.


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Using Mindfulness to understand Social Cues

Myrna – I know that you're a podcast host and you interview people, so when you're interviewing like when you're doing this interview or when you're the host and you're talking, do you do the same thing? Do you have to get out of your head and operate from your heart space to understand, social cues, or is there other ways that you you're handling that situation?

Daniel – First and foremost, by using my tools of mindfulness and consciousness in order to engage in this space, I set very clear intensions about this time and set them aside. I’ve given my mind enough to let go by giving a box to play in. I have genuine conversations; I don't have to think about what I’m going to say, because I’m speaking from the heart. I’m thinking about how to engage with you, I’m holding that container; but in terms of the communication that's coming from the framework within my heart.

There's a conscious process in terms of setting that space to this is back and forth I’m sticking clear with my intention to share this space with you, to add value to your community, to create something beautiful together; but then I’m not thinking about what to say. I’m allowing the truth to come from heart based communication.

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Book: reclaim your visibility, Black Fathers


What is Micro Shifting and how does it help with Aspergers Syndrome?

Myrna – In your Bio, you talked about, Micro Shifting. How can people with, Aspergers, use, micro shifting? Is there something specifically that you do because of the, Asperger, diagnosis or can anybody use this, micro shifting?

Daniel – Micro, Shifting, has actually shown and proven itself to be one of the most popular aspects of my work with people, because it just makes good sense and just gets good results.  Anybody can have a quantum leap.  Anyone can have a massive shift.  Anyone can have that; but everybody can make baby steps. Baby steps move past resistance and moves past fear because you're just taking one step.

I’m not taking on the whole thing.  Procrastination drops down and you can start to build a momentum towards success in an endeavor. Micro, shifting,  is a consistent series of baby steps in the direction of a consciously chosen outcome. That's how I define it. Creates a momentum, a rhythm that gets us to where we're going without the anxiety around the big goal, without the ‘I can't do it’, without the resistance, just one step at a time.

It's, shifting, your mind to let's say if you've got a big goal, for instance – you want to write a book. What you're saying is that you take one step and then you complete that step and then you take another step. I understand the micro baby steps and the, shifting, is what you're saying is once you've completed this one step then you go on to the next one.

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Micro Shifting to Millions

Myrna – You don't look at the big picture like macro? You just do micro, shifting. That's good.

Daniel – There's a couple of overlays, there not to cut but there's a couple of overlays. First and foremost, Micro, shifting, in its pure essence is very much a surrender based process because you're opening up to God or the universe to present what that next step is and once that step is presented, then you ask yourself what is the smallest minimum deliverable – something I know I can do to move towards this step that God or the universe has presented to me.

I take that step, I celebrate and then I’m open to what the next step is holding i.e. the intention of what the final goal is. I don't need to keep looking at the big goal. I know if I go one step at a time, God's got my back on this one step at a time and then trusting that that next step is going to be revealed. Regardless of what shows up even if it looks like it's going wrong trusting that everything's going right, because the universe is taking care of me.  God's got my back. The universe only gives me what I can handle and because I’ve been very conscious in choosing what I’m moving towards.

It is one of the cornerstones to teach. I don't do so much coaching. I’ve got a group program, my signature program is called “Micro to Millions” (principally around financial abundance). But people come for other things too because another cornerstone is that once you effect change somewhere it can be everywhere.

So, if I work on my challenges around abundance, I can use that as the doorway to work on my relationships to work on my health. We find that all the time people come because they want to make money. They find the love of their life, their health improves and they find their purpose and so on and so forth. Micro, shifting, is a cornerstone that's why it's called “Micro to Millions” because we are micro, shifting,  all the way up to whatever abundance we want to get to.


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TuneIn Radio

Aspergers Syndrome and Conscious Living 

Let's finish up with the, Asperger's Syndrome. How can someone with, Aspergers, live consciously?

Daniel – I would have thought that's a little difficult. I would actually say someone living with, Aspergers, is more properly set up to live consciously, because so much of our life is happening at a conscious level. It's not happening at an unconscious level because we're stepping through it as a process of thought, so we have the opportunity to interject along the way and introduce something different.

So, when I look at my social interactions for example, it's actually process wise more feasible that I can be more aware and be more present. When I'm having a conversation with you, because I'm doing it step by step anyway it's not just an auto play that's happening. I'm moving through it so I have more opportunity to step in and say am I having this conversation with you, with love and compassion. Am I intentional in what I want to gather from this conversation?

What I want to add to this conversation where I am? Where's my attention? Where's my awareness? There's actually more opportunity now. Opportunity doesn't mean there's going to be a probability of the outcome; but it does mean that there's an opportunity. Again that's one of the things I’m grateful for with my, Aspergers.

I have more opportunity to be presently aware, because I’ve got that step-by-step process happening in the background.

Myrna – If I were to break that down, I think what you're saying is the, Aspergers, mind. Because it's logical and it's doing the zero one thing that you're more conscious of what's going on because you were doing it logically. What you're saying, you're doing it. There's opportunity there to be conscious but we can be consciously unconscious.

Don't forget, we can be unconscious to our consciousness just because it's doesn't mean I’m giving up my attention. Go ahead and explain that one unconscious consciousness. The opportunity is there for me to be aware because it's a step-by-step process. It doesn't mean that I’m giving it my attention, I still have to give my attention to that step-by-step process. I get you see one coming and it's by giving it my attention now. There's a level of consciousness to it and now I can start to introduce intentionality in how I’m stepping through those communication.

Do it with Dan Podcast

Tell us about your podcast “Do it with Dan” is my website and that’s where everything is – my books are there, podcasts, any free trainings and master classes. There's normally something. My next sort of major free offering is on the 15th of November – doing completely free workshop to empower business owners to create more abundance not-speaking for 15 minutes and selling for the rest of the time.

I’m actually recording a workshop and then I’m going to be selling later. I’m delivering a workshop that's going to sell for a hundred dollars. We're delivering it for free on the 15th of November. I’m excited about that.  All details for that sort of thing are always going to be on the website. My podcast is me just having conversations with people. I want to inspire change, remove the excuses that we have around change that we say we can't have and to give people tools that they can employ to create more change again.

Leaning towards this mission of more people living abundant joyful purpose-driven life, because if they're doing that, then we can reach that tipping point where we move from the 80 percent of negative to 80 of positive and that's what I’m really passionate about.


Myrna – Thank you for sharing with me as an Asperger parent. Maybe the listeners might have, Aspergers, because I think it's a big diagnosis now, right? They're saying that one in four boys has autism and the, Aspergers, is part of the, autism, spectrum.

A large amount of the population is working with some form of social anxiety.   I was reading something on Quora about, Aspergers, and one of the things the guy was saying is that you know he couldn't follow instructions and I will tell you that was my biggest pet peeve with my son. I would tell him to do one thing and he does something totally different and apparently that's part of the Asperger brain to you can't follow complex instructions.

We can be successful even with a diagnosis as, Aspergers. It doesn't have to give you a life that doesn't have any quality and I know again, in your bio you mentioned that when you first got the diagnosis it was a hard. It was hard for you and you had some struggles even thinking of ending your life – kind of suicidal thoughts but you've worked with it and now you're on the other end and you're teaching.

I want to encourage you to subscribe to my YouTube channel so that you can watch our interview instead of just listening to it. But if you prefer to listen to it and you're listening on iTunes, I would love for you to subscribe. The more subscriptions we get of course, we're able to take the message to a wider audience.

I also want to invite you guys to join my life coaching group on Facebook. The group is growing by leaps and bounds.

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Can Introverts be Successful Networkers?


Can You Turn Off Cancer With Your Mind?

In this post Danny Carroll talks about Dr Ryke Geerd Hamer work on terminal cancer. Dr Hamer research indicates that no real diseases exist; rather, what established medicine calls a “disease” is actually a “special meaningful program of nature” and  once we identify the cause of the tumor, then you can, turn off cancer, with your mind by telling your subconscious mind that the issue has been resolved.

Download the podcast here:

Abouth the guest

Danny Carroll spent the first half of his life in London, UK, and completed his education with a master’s degree from the London School of Economics.  He later moved to India where he now lives and works. Danny has spent the last 17 years studying alternative healing therapies in search of the Holy Grail of health and wellness.

Myrna:  Let’s start our conversation today by first looking at cancer, what is it, why it manifests and how we can, turn off cancer pain, with our minds.

Danny: Okay, can I suggest that we start on the fundamentals and we'll do big picture and then we'll go into the detail? Sure. Is that all right? Yes, conversation flows. Yeah, so let's start on your assumption that cancer is a killer, okay? And let's work around that topic and then we'll move into a specific type of cancers from there, okay? Cancer is not a killer.  People very rarely die of cancer. People die of, cancer treatments.

Okay, so let me let me let me put some meat around those bones, right? Today's medical system, and this is whether it's conventional medicine or alternative medicine, are systems of symptomatic treatment, okay? I'm a businessman, Myrna, and what I've done essentially is, in business, we have this concept that you can never solve a problem by addressing the symptom of the issue.

If one of my employees comes up to me and says, Danny, I've been trying to solve this problem. And they explain to me that they've only been addressing the symptoms. I'll slap them around the head, metaphorically speaking, of course, and say, you're only looking at symptoms of the problem. You can never solve a problem until you address the cause of the problem.

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You can't solve the problem of cancer without addressing the cause

Okay, so I apply those same standards of problem-solving that I use in business, I apply the same standard of problem-solving into health as well, okay? So if we look at the situation that Dr. Hamer was in, for example, the tumor on his testicle essentially is the symptom, it's the outcome of the, so let's play it through. What was the cause of the problem? The cause of the problem was his son getting shot and murdered.

That life crisis, basically, triggers the brain, goes to the part of the brain that manages the testicle, and the brain says, right, we have a crisis. Increase the size of the testicles in order to be able to increase sperm and testosterone production so that we can have a better chance of getting the wife pregnant. But the testicle is just a symptom of the problem.

Okay, the life crisis is the fact that his son was murdered in the same way with the woman whose child got hit by a car, then the cause of the problem is the son, the child getting hit by the car, it goes to the brain and the brain says to the woman's body, okay, we have a crisis, let's get lactation re-going again so that the mother can offer a breast to the child and nurse the child back to health again.

Okay, so the issue that we have in today's healing modalities, and this is both conventional and alternative, all of them, is they're all systems of symptomatic treatment. In conventional medicine, they treat the tumor. The tumor is the symptom, okay? You can never solve a problem by addressing the tumor. You can see that for yourself in conventional medicine. There's a concept called recurrent breast cancer, and that's basically where you have breast cancer again on a breast that's been removed.

Phantom cancer pain

Okay, the breast is no longer there and then you get cancer on a breast that no longer exists. Conventional medicine also has a concept of, phantom limb pain.  I have my leg amputated because I've got gangrene or I've got a problem where I've got an issue with my leg, okay? And I still feel pain in the leg after it's been amputated, okay? So the leg is no longer there and I still have pain. That's actually a common thing. It's a very common thing.  So, How can, the question you have to ask yourself Myrna, how is it possible to have pain in an organ that is no longer there?

Myrna; How is it possible? Because the brain still thinks it's there, just like how you have an imagination, I guess.

Danny: So let me explain, right? We have a life crisis, all of these programs are run in the brain, the brain is the CPU, the brain is the processing unit that manages this entire ecosystem and the brain sends down the message to the organ, right? The organ is the symptom. It's the output of the problem. You can never solve a problem by addressing the symptom.

You can never solve a problem by addressing the organ, okay? Because it doesn't matter if the organ is there or not, the biological program will still run in your brain. If you want to solve a problem by addressing at the organ level, the only option available to you is essentially to have your head cut off. And that is not a good thing to do. I'm not recommending that you do that.

Myrna: No, that will kill the host.

Danny: We can't run with our heads. We cannot have our heads chopped off, right? But when you look at phantom limb pain, when you look at things like, recurrent breast cancer, when you look at people who still experience colon pain with ulcerative colitis, even after they've had their colon removed, okay? So removing the organ makes zero difference, okay? Because the program still runs in your brain, okay?

Now, this is a problem not only in conventional medicine, but also in alternative medicine. if I go on a vegan diet, so say the child, the woman's walking on the street, the child gets hit by a car and ends up in ICU, okay, the woman's got breast cancer, she feels a lump in her breast, I'll go on a vegan diet or I'll do laetrile or I'll do vitamin C injections or I'll do ozone therapy or immunotherapy or whatever you want to do, right?

It doesn't make any difference because the biological program is designed to keep running until that child is better again. And when the child is better again, basically the purpose of that program has been fulfilled, regardless of whether you offered your breasts to the child to nurse them or not. Once the child is well again, then basically that biological program is no longer required and the subconscious mind will switch it off in the same way it switched it on. Now, the mistake people make is they correlate the treatments they had.

Chemotherapy survival rates

Now, if I put chemotherapy on this program, the effect it has essentially is nothing, okay? All it will do is essentially make me very, very sick and potentially kill me. I mean, of the many studies I've read on chemotherapy.  I quote a study carried out by oncologists in Australia in 2004 on, chemotherapy survival rates. This study gave the survival rate of people who take chemotherapy at barely above 2%, which means that chemotherapy kills essentially more than 97% of people who take it.

And it's not so surprising because chemotherapy essentially is mustard gas. Now, why are they using chemotherapy? They're using chemotherapy because they're trying to kill the cells, okay? Because they think the cells have gone wrong. They think the cells have gone wrong because they don't know what causes the problem and they don't know the purpose of that biological program.

So they think these abnormally fast growing cells basically have gone wrong and they're going to start going through your body and metastasize and kill you from within like some internal roaming army. It's nothing like that. The cells have not gone wrong. The cells have gone right. The only thing is we don't understand what causes the problem and we don't understand the purpose of the biological program.

Okay, so they are right in that the cells are abnormally fast growing, but they think that they are fast growing because the genes are broken or because nature is broken or they've gone wrong or it's been caused by pesticides or it's been caused by cell phone tower radiation and this and that and whatever, all of the things smoking and all of those things that they say that makes these cells go wrong. That is an incorrect conclusion. The cells are going right. Okay. Nature in our lifetime will never make a mistake, not a single mistake. The only problem is we don't understand it.

Myrna: Okay, so if I really understand what you're saying is that we can stop cancer and we can, turn off cancer pain, by understanding the cause of it.

Danny: understanding the cause, the cause is critical. You can, Myrna, you can only ever solve a problem by addressing the cause of the problem. You can never solve a problem by addressing the symptom. Never.

Dr Hamer work with cancer patients

Dr. Ryke Geerd Hamer, basically, essentially unraveled the biological code and he has identified the cause to every every cell in our body, whether it's cancer, whether it's multiple sclerosis, whether it's osteoporosis, arthritis, whether it's autism, whether it's down syndrome, whether it's bipolar schizophrenia, he has essentially unraveled the biological code and he has created something called the, Scientific Chart of Germanic New Medicine, which lays out the cause of every health problem that exists on earth today.

If you sign up to my website, you'll download a 400 page book that has the cause to every health problem on this earth, okay? So let me give you one more of my own examples, okay? I got in 2019, I got cancer in my jaw, okay? All of these teeth are false here, right? These are all false. So I had a problem. I had a fight with my wife over American politics, strangely. Anyway, this triggered a cancer in this part of my jaw.

How I turned off cancer by solving the cause of the tumor

This fight with my wife lasted for approximately five seconds. Five seconds. Okay. And because it was such a short fight, it was very difficult for me to identify the cause of this problem, okay? Anyway, by the time I found the cause of the problem, a big tumor had been added to my jaw. I found the cause of the problem after a lot of digging.  And then when this tumor is removed, it's removed with something called, TB microbacteria.

TB microbacteria essentially rots the tissue that's been added to remove it, okay? I had the pleasure for a four-month period of having the taste and smell of rotting flesh in my mouth and my sinuses, which wasn't very pleasant, but I understood what was going on, right? In that entire process, all my teeth fell out and it destroyed part of my jaw, right? So then I had to have a five-hour reconstructive surgery with a bone graft on my jaw where I had my my jaw reconstructed and the implants in order to put teeth in because I had no teeth there, right?

So I went for a five-hour surgery. I took one painkiller at the time of the surgery and I took one more painkiller at night before I slept on the day of the surgery, okay? Then I woke up next morning and I thought to myself, I wonder if I can switch this, I hate taking painkillers, right? So I'm like, I do anything I can in order to avoid taking tablets, okay? So I thought, okay, I wonder if I can, switch this pain off. So then I sat there and I thought, right, okay, what is the purpose?

What is the biological purpose of pain? Okay, the biological purpose of pain is to stop you from using a part of the body so it has the time, space and energy to heal, okay? If you cut your finger, okay, If you, when it swells up and becomes painful, if you don't touch it, okay, then you'll have no pain. As soon as you start trying to do the dishes and you put it in hot water, then you go. He's telling you, stop using it. I'm trying to heal this. Let it be. I'll just put it aside for a while. Don't use it. Okay.

How I turned of cancer pain in my jaw

I had 35 stitches, I had no teeth here.  Because my, all the teeth fell out, right? But I can't chew on this side of my jaw, right? Cause I've got no teeth. Okay, so I said to myself, oh, okay, I don't have any teeth here, so I'm not gonna use it.  So I said to my subconscious mind, right, okay, subconscious mind, I understand that the purpose of pain is to give my body the time, space and energy to heal. I'm not gonna use, I don't have any teeth, I'm not gonna use this side of my jaw, switch off the pain. and bang gone. Pain gone.

Myrna: Oh, wow. That's amazing. Okay. Then what happens?

Danny: So then I slept for 20 hours for three weeks with no pain. But what happened is each time I got up and started eating, sometimes food could accidentally go around to this side of my mouth. Right. And then as soon as the food goes around this side, I'm like, ooh, that was a mistake. So then I said, okay, sorry, subconscious mind, that was actually an error. I'm not reneging on the deal, right, okay? I promise you, I'm not going to use this side of my mouth, because I've got no teeth, right? I'm not gonna use this side of my mouth. Please switch off the pain, bang, gone, pain gone, okay? So then I went through a five hour reconstructive surgery on my jaw.

Book Terminal Cancer is a Misdiagnosis
Book Terminal Cancer is a Misdiagnosis

Terminal Cancer is a Misdiagnosis

Myrna: All right. I think you told me that you can help my friend who has stage 4 Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma, So what do you offer? What is it that you offer? Do you offer a service? Your book talks about palliative care alternative medicine. Do you offer that?

Danny: So my book It's called Terminal Cancers is a Misdiagnosis. This is an introduction to the medical discoveries.  This is the first of a 500 plus book series. I've written five of these. The problem with these medical discoveries  it's taken me 10 years of applied mind in order to be able to understand these medical discoveries. And the vast majority of people are not going to do that.

So what I'm in the process of doing is writing one book on every disease so that when you have one specific problem, I have a breast cancer problem, or I have a ulcerative colitis, or an IBS problem, or I have a psoriasis and an eczema problem, that I'm writing one book on each disease so that you can read that book, and understand the cause of that problem, and then how to resolve that problem in your life.

Okay, so what I'm what I'm doing, what I'm doing is essentially making these medical discoveries accessible, so that anybody with no knowledge or no understanding of a subject can read, understand and absorb to understand the problem. When you understand the cause of a problem, you have a chance of being able to solve it and, trun off cancer pain.  Okay, If you cannot solve it on your own, and on my website, which is my name,,

I have resources of consultants who like me, been learning these modalities for many years, who you can reach out to, who will guide you on how to identify and resolve those issues in your life.


Okay, so this is the book. It's available on Amazon in audio format, in Kindle format, in paperback and in hardback, and it's available globally. This is essentially an introduction to this body of knowledge.  It's autobiographical. It's the journey I've been on over the last 17, 18 years of both studying many modalities, healing myself and healing others. So this is targeted, it's called Terminal Cancer is a Misdiagnosis.

I've targeted this specifically at, terminally ill cancer patients, very simply because in my experience, they're the only people that have the ears to hear this message.  So the only the only people traditionally who come to me is when doctors send them home to die. So this is targeted at terminal patients for that reason. However, all of the content in there applies to cancer at any stage, regardless.

It's just most people before the terminal cancer will never pick it up. So that's why it's targeted at terminal cancer patients. It's the first book in a 500 book series. I'm building a new media brand called the Healing Tribune. The tagline is the cause of disease made simple that is available on my website all of the 500 books will be available to read for free on my website.

I'm on all, all of my social media @thehealingtribune. So @thehealingtribune on YouTube, on Pinterest, and Facebook.

Additional Resources




4 Techniques to Outsmart Your Brain

Welcome to the Mindset Transformation radio show and Podcast. Today Dr. Marcia Reynolds is going to teach us “4 Techniques to, Outsmart your Brain” Relax, Detach, gain clarity and ask yourself, How do I want to feel?

But First in keeping with that theme I want to share with you one of the classic stories of how our Brain can Outsmart us.

Acres of Diamonds

There once lived not far from the River Indus an ancient Persian by the name of Al Hafed. Al Hafed owned a very large farm with orchards, grain fields and gardens. He was a contented and wealthy man—contented because he was wealthy, and wealthy because he was contented. One day there visited this old farmer one of those ancient Buddhist priests, and he sat down by Al Hafed's fire and told that old farmer how this world of ours was made.

He said that this world was once a mere bank of fog and the Almighty thrust his finger into the bank of fog and then began slowly to move his finger around and gradually to increase the speed of his finger until at last he whirled that bank of fog into a solid ball of fire, and it went rolling through the universe, burning its way through other cosmic banks of fog, until it condensed the moisture without, and fell in floods of rain upon the heated surface and cooled the outward crust.

Then the internal flames burst through the cooling crust and threw up the mountains and made the hills and the valleys of this wonderful world of ours. If this internal melted mass burst out and cooled very quickly it became granite; that which cooled less quickly became silver; and less quickly, gold; and after gold, diamonds were made. Said the old priest, “A, diamond, is a congealed drop of sunlight.”

Finding your diamonds in your back yard

This is a scientific truth also. You all know that a diamond is pure carbon, actually deposited sunlight. The old priest told Al Hafed that if he had a handful of diamonds he could purchase a whole country, and with a mine of diamonds he could place his children upon thrones through the influence of their great wealth.

Al Hafed heard all about, diamonds, and how much they were worth, and went to his bed that night a poor man—not that he had lost anything, but poor because he was discontented and discontented because he thought he was poor. He said: “I want a mine of, diamonds!” So he lay awake all night, and early in the morning sought out the priest.

Reminds me of the story I tell my children about the dog and his shadow. If you are not familiar, a dog is walking over a bridge and sees another dog with a bone. He decides he wants that bone as well and jumps in and loses the bone he has in his mouth because what he saw was not another dog but his own shadow. It is a story of discontent and greed!

Getting back to our story. Al Hafed woke the priest out of his dreams and said to him, “Will you tell me where I can find, diamonds?” The priest said, “Diamonds? What do you want with diamonds?” “I want to be immensely rich,” said Al Hafed, “but I don't know where to go.” “Well,” said the priest, “if you will find a river that runs over white sand between high mountains, in those sands you will always see, diamonds.”

“Do you really believe that there is such a river asked al Hafed?” The priest replied “Plenty of them, plenty of them; all you have to do is just go and find them, then you have them.” Al Hafed said, “I will go.” So he sold his farm, collected his money at interest, left his family in charge of a neighbor, and away he went in search of diamonds.

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Searching for what you already have

He began at the Mountains of the Moon. Afterwards he went around into Palestine, then wandered on into Europe, and at last, when his money was all spent, and he was in rags, wretchedness and poverty, he stood on the shore of that bay in Barcelona, Spain, when a tidal wave came rolling in through the Pillars of Hercules and the poor, afflicted, suffering man could not resist the awful temptation to cast himself into that incoming tide, and he sank beneath its foaming crest, never to rise in this life again.

Now, Al Hafed's successor one day led his camel out into the garden to drink, and as that camel put its nose down into the clear water of the garden brook Al Hafed's successor noticed a curious flash of light from the sands of the shallow stream, and reaching in he pulled out a black stone having an eye of light that reflected all the colors of the rainbow, and he took that curious pebble into the house and left it on the mantel, then went on his way and forgot all about it.

A few days after that, this same old priest who told Al Hafed how diamonds were made, came in to visit his successor, when he saw that flash of light from the mantel. He rushed up and said, “Here is a, diamond,—here is a diamond! Has Al Hafed returned?” “No, no; Al Hafed has not returned and that is not a diamond; that is nothing but a stone; we found it right out here in our garden.” “But I know a, diamond, when I see it,” the priest said; “this is a diamond!”

Then together they rushed to the garden and stirred up the white sands with their fingers and found others more beautiful, more valuable, diamonds, than the first, and thus were discovered the diamond mines of Golconda, the most magnificent diamond mines in all the history of mankind, exceeding the Kimberley in its value. The great Kohinoor diamond in England's crown jewels and the largest crown diamond on earth in Russia's crown jewels came from that mine.

The moral to the story is had Al Hafed remained at home and dug in his own cellar or in his own garden he would have had, acres of diamonds. 

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We are are all diamonds

We are all, Acres of Diamonds,  Each and every one of us is unique with acres of talent and gifts. If we dig we will find them. Don’t be like Al Hafed and go looking for riches elsewhere. You are all, diamonds, in the rough.

Now let me tell you a little more of our guest today.

Dr. Marcia Reynolds is fascinated by the, brain, especially how to, outsmart your brain, what sparks feelings of connection, commitment, and possibility. She is able to draw on her research to help leaders have more meaningful conversations that inspire change. She has delivered workshops in 35 countries and has presented at the Harvard Kennedy School, Cornell University, and the Edwards School of Management in Canada.

Marcia is a true pioneer in the coaching profession. She was the 5th global president of the International Coach Federation and is the training director for the Healthcare Coaching Institute at Virginia Tech. She also teaches for coaching schools in Russia and China.

Interviews and excerpts from her books, Outsmart Your Brain, Wander Woman, and her latest, The Discomfort Zone: How Leaders Turn Difficult Conversations into Breakthroughs have appeared in many places including Fast Company,, Psychology Today, and The Wall Street Journal and she has appeared on ABC World News.

Marcia’s doctoral degree is in organizational psychology with an emphasis on the needs of strong, smart women in today’s corporations. She also holds two master’s degrees in education and communications.

Show Notes:

• What do mean by, Outsmart your brain.
The primary purpose of the, brain, is to protect you and to keep you safe.
Anytime you say something to someone that is critical they get defensive and they get defensive without thought.  To, outsmart your brain, is really about making good choices. Stopping and asking what is my, brain, perceiving here and what is really true. You have to know how to stop, breathe and make good choices.
You have to shift your emotions. Take 10 sec to remember to care, take 10 sec to realize that this person is not trying to hurt me.
You have to change your emotion to change your thought to, outsmart your brain.

Here are the 4 Techniques to change your emotions and outsmart your brain. 

1. Relax your body, release the tension. Take a breath let it out
2. Clear your mind. Quickly drop your mind to the center of your body
3. Center your mind on your Chi or 2nd Chakra
4. Choose how you want to feel.
• What prompts your brain to do things that sabotage your best intentions
The brain perceives a threat to something so it protects you.
If you are afraid it sees danger and sabotages your efforts.

Is there something we can do to stop reacting?
You have to understand your emotions triggers.
They are there to protect you.
Like respect in the workplace.
The, brain, reacts because it may think that someone is trying to take control over you

How can we use our heart and brain to control our emotions?

Quiet your mind and ask your mind or gut. What should I do?
Take a breath and go into your heart and then you usually say something better
When your heart and your gut is open then you have access to all three of your brains
Your brain, your heart and your gut.

Are the brains of men and women wired differently?
We are born with the same wiring but whatever is rewarded as we aged that is what we become. Women were more head and gut based and men were more head based but that is changing.
Men are becoming more heart based because they are being raised by women.

Go to discomfort zone resources for outsmarting your brain.
Contact Dr Marcia at [email protected]

Author: “Out of the Snares”
MyHelps Youtube channel

How to Reprogram your Unconscious Mind

Your, unconscious mind,  is carrying out behaviors that sabotage your, conscious mind, 24 hours per day. In fact studies show that our, subconscious,  mind,  is running our lives 95% of the time. If you don't,  reprogram your subconscious mind, you will continue to run the same, subconscious  programs, like a a tape recorder.  We have to erase the tape and rewrite the tape for it to play new programs.  Listen to the interview to learn how to, reprogram your unconscious mind.

Listen to the full interview here: 

Introduction, Unconscious mind

Whenever you are on autopilot, you are running, unconscious mind.  Have you ever gotten in your car and driven to your destination and you don’t recall how you got there.  That is your, unconscious mind, driving you to your destination.

Autopilot is just one of your, subconscious programs,  that has to do with your beliefs.

These, subconscious  programs, were downloaded to you before your 7th birthday are the programs your, unconscious mind,  play until you die; unless you, reprogram your subconscious mind.

Even if you become aware of your, subconscious programs, you still continue the behaviors because the, unconscious mind,  will keep playing the same, subconscious programs.  Think about your vinyl record.  Unless you scratch the record, it will play the same song forever!

When I was growing up my activity of choice  was reading Harlequin romances. I was brainwashed into believing that love looked and acted in a certain way. For example, all the leading men in my Harlequin romance novels, were rugged, tall, dark and good looking. All the leading ladies were independent and did not want a man's help; so the man and the woman ended up feuding and hating each other until they realized that all, this attention they are placing on each other fighting,  were actually the flip side of love!

These lovers, leading men and ladies were never a good match.  Chemistry and raw physical attraction lead the way.  Thirty years later, I was still playing that, subconscious program,  It wasn’t until I met my husband that I started looking on the inside of a man, and not what he presented on the outside that I was able to, reprogram my unconscious mind,

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Kidtasks – the application of good deeds now available on Google Aps.
Kidtasks  is an organizer for your children’s daily routines, but it is good for the entire family.

This is how it works.
1) Parents create a list of tasks. It could be as simple as  “feed your pet”, “brush your teeth”, “water the plants”, “do the dishes”, etc.

Parents you can even rate each task in points.
2) Family members do the tasks on the list and get points!
3) Parents set your own exchange rate. Eg  1 point may be equal to 1$. Having collected a certain amount of points, the children may ask their parents for their “salary” for their work!

Why this AP useful for PARENTS: Because it will help to give Kids a sense of responsibility and prepare them for the things they need to do when they become older.

Why this AP is useful for CHILDREN: Children will be rewarded when they help out with chores around the house! They will have the opportunity to get a “salary” or pocket money in exchange for working on their tasks.

Parents, this AP will teach your children responsibility and reward them in the process.  To download this AP head over to Google Aps and search for Kidtasks that’s K-I-D-T-A-S-K-S.

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I was listening to a sermon by, Joel Osteen, a few months back and he was telling the story of, subconscious programs, with his sister. Joel said his sister was praying and asking God for a husband and God sent her a wonderful man; but she rejected him because he had red hair. He did not fit her, subconscious programs, for a mate. It took her years to reprogram her mindset  and love this man.

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Did you grow up in a home where your dad worked and your mom stayed home and watched the kids? You never saw your dad because he was always working and your family just had enough? That is your model of a family and today you are probably still running this, subconscious programs,


What is your, Unconscious Mind,  that needs to be rewritten?

I was a foster mom for years.  I see the, unconscious mind, in foster and adopted kids all the time. Especially since most of them came into foster care system before their 7th birthday.  They developed programs on, abandonment, attachment disorders, survival, most of them hoard food because their, unconscious mind, and  lack and survival.

Here are 5,  subconscious programs, Teenagers are running today

  1. Make generalizations (no one loves me, I’m always going to be a failure, I’ll never get a job or pass this test)
  2. Make choices and judgment based on past experiences.

3. Settle in life, don’t apply for jobs or get involved in extra curricular activities.

4. Reviews information and draws conclusions.

If someone breaks their heart, they learn to not trust people – to avoid being hurt again. If living in poverty, feel like will never get enough money to make it out of poverty. If get in a fight, feel they always need to protect them self

    5.  Accepts information literally and personally (take a lot of things said to heart, but not as constructive criticism)

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How to control your, Unconscious Mind

  1. A mental picture is worth a thousand words. Your, unconscious mind, will bring to pass any picture held in the mind and backed by faith.

This is the space I am spending a lot of time in, at the moment.  I am working on visualizing my goals and desires and speaking, affirmations.   I am having a hard time of it, because I am not a visual person. But this is the first step in controlling the, unconscious mind,  Visualizing what you want.  Let the, unconscious mind, find the way, you only have to give it the destination.

For example if you want to be married by the age of 30 and have 3 kids.  That is the mental picture you give your, unconscious mind,  The universe will find the man and arrange the kids! Just say, affirmations, every day to reprogram your, unconscious mind.

Daily Affirmations, like:

  • I will get married to the man of my dreams by age 30
  • The Universe will deliver to me the man of my dreams by the time I am 30
  • I will get married by age 30 and have 3 kids by age 35

Remember to give your, unconscious mind, only instructions that would elevate and heal. It is the secret to your success. Your, unconscious mind, cannot take a joke. Don’t say things like with my luck the man that shows up would be bowed legged with buck teeth!   Because guess what, hold that image in your mind for any length of time and that is what you will get, a bow legged man with buck teeth. Trust me on this.

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Transform your Mind Stitcher
  1. Use, Autosuggestion, to improve any degradation.

About 10 years ago I read, Deepak Chopra’s,  book called Grow Younger, Live Longer In this book Deepak taught us to say, affirmations, every day.  It went like this.

Daily Affirmations for aging younger

  • Every day, in every way, I am getting younger and younger,
  • my biological clock is set at a healthy 30 years of age,
  • I look and feel a healthy 30 years of age.
  • Every day I am renewing my mind and body by eating healthy foods,
  • I take nutritional supplements wisely, etc.

I don’t remember all of it.  I was saying these, affirmations, around my 40th birthday.  So over 20 years ago.  I still remember those, affirmations, because I said them every day for several months.

This year on  my 60th birthday, I posted a picture on Facebook and this girl commented.  She said “It is like you stopped aging at 30 years old.  You just said F**K it!  I am not getting any older! I do look 20 years younger than my chronological age and that’s because I rewrote my, subconscious programs,!

How to Rewrite  Your Subconscious Mind

In my, conscious mind, I was always planning out my future and all things I wanted it to entail.  I told myself, you will never be broke, you’re a go getter and you will always meet your basic necessities because of that.  This mindset, relays into my life because it reminds me that failure is never an option and all things are possible because I know it is.

Many times, I feel that I have programmed my, unconscious mind, for the success.  I heal myself faster from injuries.  For example, one time my eye was swollen, and I had a workshop coming up in 2 days.  I said to my, subconscious mind, don’t sweat it, you are going to get a warm rag and sleep with it on your eye, then you will use antibiotics and by the day of your workshop it will be gone.

Sure enough, the eye was not swollen anymore and I was able to facilitate my workshop with two functional eyes.  Furthermore, despite all the adversity I have experienced in my life, I was always sure that I would finish University and get my degree.  I programmed my, unconscious mind, to  prepare for the test.

Remember the, unconscious mind, is carrying out behaviors that sabotage the, conscious mind.

Our, subconscious programs, doesn't stop at age 7; but continues for the rest of our lives.

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Getting Past our, Subconscious Programs

  1. Take risks to get past, subconscious programs,  Your, unconscious mind,  always wants to play it safe.
  2. Ask questions like, What else is possible that I have not considered?
  3. Say things like, how cool is it that I have all this extra money.

4. What am I going to do with all this extra cash?

5. How can I make this a reality?

6. What if I become a successful as a TV talk show host?  What would that look like? See yourself in this role. This one is for me!!

Conclusion reprogram your unconscious mind

This strategy is called, auto inquisition.  Thomas Edison practiced, auto inquisition. He would sit in a chair and ask his, unconscious mind, questions about an invention.  You can do the same.

    1. Give yourself permission to be successful, believe that you deserve good things to happen
    2. Don’t allow other peoples fears to make you doubt yourself.
    3. Surround yourself with positive reinforcement and allies.
    4. Speak your success as present fact not a future plan.  Instead of saying I am figuring out how to do that now, say I am strategist.  What do I need to make that happen right now.
    5. Start asking for what you want and keep track of all the things that have happened (gratitude journal)
    6. Create a vision space, so you can imagine what it is you want to happen in your life.

Additional Resources Unconscious mind

“Keeping a healthy mind is important to have a balanced life. Mental health training can help you enhance self-awareness providing tips and knowledge about this topic”.

How to Live in Infinite Possibility