Tag Archives: prayer

Praying for God’s Blessing: The Power of Rain

Is there a drought in your life then you need to tap into the, power of rain. Are you, praying for rain? Rain represents food for the plants and the earth and it also represents blessings from above.

Praying for the blessing of rain is a powerful way to connect with God and ask for His help. The, power of rain, connects us to the power of God. We'll explore how Elijah prayed for rain and what happened as a result. By learning this story, we'll be able to apply the power of prayer to our own lives, and receive the blessing of rain!

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Elijah prays for rain

In this passage in the bible. Elijah climbed to the top of Mount Carmel and bowed low to the ground and prayed with his face between his knees and prayed to God to end the 3.5-year drought. He kept praying until God showed him in the spirit that the rain was. So he didn’t stop praying until Ahab told him he saw a small cloud because God showed him in his spirit that he was going to send the rain, so Elijah kept praying until he was able to birth what God showed him in the spirit.

He kept looking for the rain. He had his expectors on because he knew the rain was coming. Seven times he sent his servant Ahad to look for rain.

Finally, the seventh time, his servant told him, “I saw a little rain cloud about the size of a man’s hand rising from the sea.”

Then Elijah shouted, “Hurry to Ahab and tell him, ‘Climb into your chariot and go back home. If you don’t hurry, the rain will stop you!’”

This is what faith looks like. Faith is expecting to see in the flesh what God showed you in the spirit

A small cloud was all the confirmation Elijah needed. He started preparing for the rain. God empowered him to run so he could beat the rain, so Elijah started running.

Transform Your Mind Podcast Podvine
Transform Your Mind Podcast Podvine

Running in the rain

As a child one of my favorite things to do was run in the rain. I always loved the rain. I was born in the rain.

Rain is a blessing. Life on earth could not happen without the rain. When you see the rain don’t run from it, run in it. Walk in it.

How about when you see the rain coming. Welcome the rain. don’t complain that rain is coming.

The pandemic brought with it the drought of many things. What are you praying for today? What are you trying to birth? What did God show you in your dreams that you are expecting to show up in the flesh?

  • Is it the droughts of loneliness
  • Is it a financial drought
  • It is a drought of good health
RadioPublic Transform your mind
RadioPublic Transform your mind

God gives you strength to hold on until the rain comes

Elijah sounded the alarm that the rain was coming and soon the sky was black with clouds. A heavy wind brought a terrific rainstorm, and Ahab left quickly for Jezreel. Then the Lord gave special strength to Elijah. He tucked his cloak into his belt and ran ahead of Ahab’s chariot all the way to the entrance of Jezreel.

God will give you special strength to hold on until the rain comes.

Whatever you are lacking do not give up, do like Elijah put your head between your knees and pray until you see it manifest. Your drought will soon be over. The rain may not come today or tomorrow or even next year but keep looking and expecting it will come, it always does and one day you will run in the rain.

Additional Resources

Mind Power: The Amazing Power of Your Mind

Harnessing Vibrational Energy for Mental Health:

Dr. Christopher Macklin, health and wellness practitioner, discusses the mental health crisis and its impact on collective consciousness. He shares his insights as a, medical intuitive, and emphasizes the importance of raising one's vibration to combat mental health issues. Dr. Macklin also addresses the presence of negative entities and offers prayers for protection and transmutation. He encourages listeners to find their burning passion and focus on gratitude and positive thinking. This episode provides valuable tools and perspectives for navigating the challenges of mental health in today's world.

Dr. Christopher Macklin is a multifaceted individual who brings together holistic health and spirituality through his comprehensive background. With a Ph.D. earned from his thesis work, Dr. Macklin specializes in treating a spectrum of emotional disorders including addictions, chronic depression, schizophrenia, and bipolar disorders. As a medical intuitive with the capability to see and interact with angelic beings and energy frequencies, he has developed unique healing protocols that address viruses, Lyme disease, HIV/AIDS, and other challenging illnesses. Author of “Centering the Mind: Healing Chronic Stress, Anxiety, Depression, ADD, OCD, and PTSD in Children, Adolescents, and Adults,” Dr. Macklin is a compassionate practitioner dedicated to enhancing physical, mental, and emotional health through the coupling of divine power and personal intuition.

Download the podcast here:


The Interplay of Vibrational Energy and Mental Health

Dr. Macklin emphasizes that everything in our existence resonates with vibrational energy. This energy is at the core of our being and influences our mental and emotional health. He suggests that low vibrational states can allow for the attachment of negative energetic entities, which can result in feelings of anxiety, depression, or even contribute to more severe mental health conditions.

“When your vibration drops… there are things called entities. They attach to you… they're low vibrational beings, but they also have a very powerful mind. They can send you negative thoughts.”

The suggestion is to transcend these low vibrations by focusing on positive thoughts, gratitude, and connecting with higher, more benevolent energies. By maintaining a higher state of vibration, individuals can not only improve their own well-being but also contribute positively to the collective consciousness.

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Vibrational Protection and Healing Strategies

The conversation introduces the idea that specific prayers and spiritual affirmations can create a protective shield around an individual. For instance, the “27 Esoteric Merkaba Field Prayer” which Dr. Macklin mentions, is designed to safeguard one from lower vibrations and attachments by encasing them in a vibrational field. Additionally, the practical act of policing one's thoughts—converting negative into positive—is proposed as a daily practice to maintain emotional equilibrium.

“So once you've removed [negative entities], a very important thing is the power of prayer… If you do that three times a day, it will keep them out.”

Transform Your Mind Podcast Pandora
Transform Your Mind Podcast Pandora

Reimagining Mental Health Disorders Through a Spiritual Lens

Dr. Macklin offers a striking reinterpretation of various, mental health, disorders by associating them with vibrational and spiritual disturbances. For example, schizophrenia, often viewed from a purely clinical lens, is posited as a form of spiritual communication—if misguided. Realigning such communications from lower-frequency entities to higher angelic beings could potentially transform the condition into a positive experience.

“These [schizophrenic] people are very gifted… once you've taught them how to navigate it, they get off the pills. They do some amazing things.”

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Gratitude as a Transformational Mental Health Tool

Dr. Macklin coins the importance of gratitude in altering one's life circumstances. He shares a narrative where acknowledging blessings, instead of focusing on a shortfall (a broken bed in this case), led to the unexpected manifestation of a new bed. It's a lesson in focusing on what one has, rather than what is lacking. The law of attraction, thus, becomes a vital cog in this perspective shift.

“I want you to thank God for the blessing of the food on table… She phoned the radio station four days late… ‘The charity came and they gave me a new bed out of the blue.'”

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The Fluctuating Nature of Collective Consciousness

The mental health crisis, emphasized by the global pandemic, had profound effects on the collective consciousness. As individuals grapple with increased awareness of systemic issues, their emotional turmoil compounds the collective energetic field, leading to widespread impacts on societal mental health. Dr. Macklin prescribes focused spiritual practices, such as meditation and energy clearing prayers, to individually and collectively shepherd consciousness towards a healthier state.

“What's happened is that it's coming to the forefront now… we have a prayer to remove it, because us individual human beings, it's really not our job to transmute that collective consciousness.”

Transform Your Mind Podlink
Transform Your Mind Podlink

The discussion culminates with a potent reminder that, mental health, challenges are intricately tied to our vibrational state and collective consciousness. Through self-awareness, spiritual practices, and a concerted effort to elevate one's vibrational frequency, an individual not only heals personally but also contributes to the healing of our collective existence. The steps outlined serve as guiding lights towards a transformed approach to well-being, where vibrational awareness becomes as fundamental as any traditional therapeutic method.

Book Centering The Mind
Book Centering The Mind

Connect With Dr Macklin on the web @ globalenlightmentproject.com

on Instagram  @ https://www.instagram.com/globalenlightenment/

Additional Resources

The Truth About Mental Health And Psychiatric Medications

How to Access God Through Worship

Worship, definitely brings access because, God loves, worship. He's our creator and He loves it when we make time for Him. He wants us to actually, worship, and praise Him. To enter His gate with thanksgiving and His courts with praise.

Worship,  is one of my favorite topics. I have a very special relationship with, praise and worship. Whenever I'm in, worship, I’m so moved the feeling intimacy with, God. 

My guest today is Tricie Graham. This post is how to take your, worship, to the next level. My pastor would say a church without, worship, is like absent fire; because you need to bring the fire in your worship.

Book A Higher Place of Worship
Book A Higher Place of Worship

Listen to the full interview


Introduction to Praise and Worship

Tricie Graham was born and raised in Detroit Michigan and now resides in Chicago Illinois. She grew up in a Pentecostal Church on the West side of Detroit as the daughter of an Assistant Pastor who later became a Pastor. As a dreamer and a seer, Tricie came to be acquainted with the prophetic at a very young age. Tricie now works alongside her husband Elliott Graham in Evangelism and outreach at Good Seed Ground Ministries.

Tricie is a prophetess, teacher, dream interpreter and intercessor trained in spiritual warfare. (That's some good skills) She believes in the supernatural, God, of the Bible and has experienced miraculous encounters with, God. Tricie is passionate about helping others to achieve intimacy with, God, through a relationship with His son, Jesus Christ. She’s also a freelance writer and author of the book “A Higher Place of Worship”.

Introduction to A Higher Place of Worship

Myrna – Why did you write this book?  Tell us how this book came about and what was your inspiration for writing it?

Tricie – My inspiration for writing “A Higher Place of Worship” began with my recovery from COVID 19. I was sick in March. I was diagnosed with COVID 19. I was sick for about three weeks, I was really ill. During this sickness and even before then I was asking, God, what my next step in my life would be. Where do I go from here?

So as soon as I recovered from COVID 19, the Lord told me to go and revisit some notes from a message I had taught back in December of 2018. The message was on, worship. As I did that, I heard the Lord say that He wanted me to write a book on, worship.

Myrna – Tell us more about your, worship, message and why, God, wanted you to talk on, worship specifically?

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Transform your Mind Spotify Podcast
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Tricie – I was lying in bed very scared. I had just come back from the hospital with this diagnosis and I was praying to God. I was asking Him – Lord, if you're in my corner, please show me.  I fell asleep. That night my whole body was aching; I have a headache, I have a fever and my chest was very congested. Though, I can still breathe, I'm having all these different symptoms. Scared thoughts were racing through my mind of what's going to happen next. Am I dying? 

God Had me in his Arms

With all the news all over the world that people are dying and losing their lives, I cried out to, God, with my whole being saying “Lord, if you're with me please show me.” I didn't know how the answer was going to come, so I go to sleep. That night, I dreamed of being on a balcony and as I'm on this balcony, I saw a man sitting in the corner.

As I held on to the banister, because I felt I was going to fall. I actually fell backwards onto the Balcony and this man caught me. So, when I woke up I knew that, God, heard my prayers and I knew that He had me in his arms.

Is Worship Prayer?

Myrna – But you weren't really worshiping right? You were just praying to God.

Tricie – I want to go into that. It's a higher place of, Worship. Most people when they think of the word, Worship, that is maybe lifting your hands or singing a song or maybe just having a moment with the Lord. But I want to challenge everybody to know that, worship, is spilled over into every part of your life. It includes everything we do from the time we wake up to the time we go to Sleep. That's where the idea for the name “A Higher Place of Worship” came from.

That’s the foundation message of my book. Our, worship,  should spill over into our prayer life. It should go over into maintaining a relationship with, God, outside of the church. During COVID-19, a lot of churches were closed, so how do we, worship? We have to find our place to, worship, wherever we are and that includes our homes.

Worship,  includes reading the Word of God, it includes fasting, and listening to hear the voice of God. Worship, includes so many different areas in life. God, requires us to always have a mindset of, worship, wherever we are.

How to Worship

I have a chapter called a “Permanent Place of Worship”. There's a section in there that talks about how to stay rooted and grounded in, God, no matter what's going on around you. This book could be for anybody. It could be for someone just starting out as a Christian believer, it could be for someone who’s been saved for a long time and has been in church for some years, and it's definitely for the skeptics. I want it to be for the skeptics that may not know if, God, is real so that they can experience the, God, of the Bible – the Supernatural, God, of the Bible.

I have a lot of supernatural  experiences and testimonies in the book, so that people can know that, God, is still a, Supernatural God.

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There are three sections in all.

  1. A particular section is called “Mindful Worship” – how, worship, can spill over into every area of our minds. We should, worship. the Lord with our minds because the scripture says that we should love the Lord our God with all our hearts, with all our souls and with all our minds.
  2. Changing the channel – Mindful of our thoughts and change the channel we're experiencing negative thoughts. Negative thought patterns can be changed by changing the channel. When we feed on the word of, God, we can actually change the channel.
  3. Renew our minds – God wants all of us to, worship. We're worshiping him by the renewing of our minds. We are giving Him total control because where the mind goes, the body follows. So the thought originates in your mind, then it becomes an action. God. wants our actions to line up with His word. That's why we should renew our minds with the word each day.

Renew Your Mind

Myrna – That’s one of the reasons I named this podcast ‘Transform Your Mind’ because you know the Bible says be renewed by the transformation of your mind. You can't do anything or achieve any kind of success whether it's in a business, in your relationship, even your marriage. I have found that even transforming my mind in my marriage has made my marriage a little better.

Tricie – Anything that you need to do whether it's worshiping God, using scriptures as your foundation, in your work or whatever, it all starts with your mindset. I want to challenge Christians and non-believers alike to take it a step further to kind of go out of the box to, worship, on a different level that you haven't. A lot of Christians aren't experiencing, God, on that level, because they're not taking the time to do what it is that the Bible says to do. If you read the word of God on a regular basis and you practice it, you can experience, God, on a new level that you haven't before, even if you've been in church for 30 years. 

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Kitty Lee a native of Virginia is the CEO of KittyKittyBooks LLC and a master storyteller who crafts fun, educational, and age-appropriate tales and activity books around the Coronavirus without making them too overwhelming for a child’s young mind.

Kitty’s most well-loved children’s books include a Wash your hands story book, a Wash your hands coloring book, and a Wash your hands word search puzzle book that center around the current coronavirus pandemic, complete with fun, exciting characters and hopeful, educational messages that nurture kids’ curiosity and creativity.

For more information about Kitty Lee and her wonderful books, visit Kitty Kitty Books on Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube.

Transform Your Mind iHeart Radio
iHeart Radio

Does Praise Give us Access to God?

Myrna – Why do you feel that when we, worship, it opens a path to access God?

Tricie – I believe, worship, gives us access to, God, because that's the way we communicate with Him. That's the way we interact with, God, that's the way to have a relationship with Him.

Anytime you want to be close to someone, you have to make time to talk to them, you have to make time to learn about them, you have to make time to maintain that relationship.

It's no different with God as it pertains to, worship. We're supposed to keep that relationship with Him and, worship, Him on the level that we can experience Him. Worship, definitely brings access because, God, loves, worship. He wants us to, worship, Him. He's our creator and He loves it when we make time for Him. He wants us to actually, worship, and praise Him. To enter His gate with thanksgiving and His courts with praise.

Is Faith different from Worship?

Myrna – What is the difference between, faith, and, worship? One of the things that I’ve learned in my walk with the Lord is that even if you, praise and worship, but you don't have, faith, then nothing happens because, faith, is the communication language of God. So can you connect the dots for us between, faith and worship?

Tricie – Absolutely, there's a scripture in Hebrews 11:

says without, faith, it's impossible to please, God, and that He that comes to, God, must first believe that He is a Rewarder of them that diligently seek Him.

So, faith, is definitely a cornerstone of worshiping, God. If you don't have, faith, you won't be able to access any of the promises that He has for you. Faith, is definitely important. Probably I would say the number two thing.

Love is number one. The bible says that these three things,

Faith, Hope and Charity, but the greatest of these is charity.

So our love is definitely first; but, faith, is very important as well as number two.

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A Higher Place of Worship

Myrna – What do you want someone that reads your book; “A Higher Place of Worship” walk away with when they finished the chapters and close the book?

Tricie – I want the listeners or the readers of my book to walk away with

  • A profound sense of getting back to the original blueprint of worship – where it all began without all the lights and the smoke during, praise and worship.
  • Without all the eyes, without everybody watching you, without your pastor actually seeing you raising your hands and when nobody's there to see you pray when you have the microphone.
  • I want them to know that a real relationship with, Christ Jesus, is possible outside of church.
  • To walk away with knowing how to hear the voice of, God.
  • People to walk away knowing that when you access, God, through, worship, that your life won't be the same.
  • No matter how long they've been with, God, in a relationship that they can have a more profound sense of knowing, because God is all-knowing. When you walk with Him, there are things that He can show you. I believe each day of your life as you live, no matter how old you are living there's always room to grow in our relationship with, God.
  • Also, I want them to walk away knowing that they have access to God no matter who they are.
  • I want them to walk away knowing that, God, wants them to be stretched with, worship. They can actually get to a place that they never thought they could get. We are supposed to actually have a very intimate relationship with God. It's not just for pastors or for teachers; it's for all of us as believers.
  • We all can hear the voice of God. Yes, that's what I want everyone to walk away with.
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That's good and beautiful. The book is available on Amazon Kindle.  I can be reached on Facebook at the remnant page of my ministry page. Also they can reach me at “Tricie Graham” on Facebook as well or either [email protected].

I want to remind you to watch us on YouTube. To subscribe to the channel so that you can watch this program as well as listen to it. If you're listening on iTunes. I would love you to post a review and to subscribe. I would also like to invite you guys to join my private Facebook group which is called “Life Coach”.

Additional Resources 


How to Communicate with your Guardian Angel


What is Prayer: Does God Answer prayer?

What is prayer? Why do we pray? The most basic definition of prayer is “talking to God.” We prayer because we are either asking God for something or thanking God for something.

So, does God answer prayer? in his book “Conversations with God” Neale Donald Walsch says that we are good at prayer when we are talking to God, but we don't how to listen or hear from God. Prayer  is the communication of the human soul with the Lord who created the soul. Prayer is the primary way for the believer to communicate his emotions and desires with God and to fellowship with God.

Download the lastest podcast here: 


Faith is the language of God

The bible teaches that for God to answer, prayer, you must first believe and have faith that God is first able and willing to give you the desires of your heart; but there are ways to improve the chances that God will answer your, prayer. A, prayer is a special kind of intention. If you are praying for healing, you must beleive that God can heal you, you have to be able to pick up your mat and walk.

Therefore, the rules that apply to the, Power of intention, which are rules about consciousness, apply. Your prayer will be answered, or not, depending on events happening out of sight – but not out of mind. The mind furnishes the mechanics of making any intention come true. An intention or prayer request, sent to God needs faith to rocket it to the heavens. An intention to graduate at the top of your class or to marry the man of your dreams takes focus, diligence and action. The bible also teaches that when we pray we should recite, The Lord's prayer.

The Lord's Prayer

Our Father, which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy Name. Thy Kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, As it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, As we forgive them that trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, But deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, The power, and the glory, For ever and ever. Amen.


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Player FM Transform Your Mind

Three vital elements are at work in prayer:

1. How deep into the mind is the intention coming from- how badly do you want it?

2. How steady is your focus- do you think about it every day?

3. How fluid is your intention – are you attached to the outcome?

When you perfect these three things, the power of intention becomes real and powerful.



Learn how to prayer the Serenity prayer

Serenity Prayer

God, grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change,
the courage to change the things I can,
and the wisdom to know the difference.
Living one day at a time,
enjoying one moment at a time;
accepting hardship as a pathway to peace;
taking, as Jesus did,
this sinful world as it is,
not as I would have it;
trusting that You will make all things right
if I surrender to Your will;
so that I may be reasonably happy in this life
and supremely happy with You forever in the next.


God is in the stillness

The stillness is present, for example, in the space between thoughts. When you are accustomed to experiencing your mind only through activity (i.e., sensations, images, feelings, and thoughts), the silent source of the mind has been missed. The whole point of Eastern meditation practices is to reacquaint a person with this source. The more often you dive into your silent mind, the deeper your intentions are coming from when you aren’t meditating. The bible also teaches that you can find God in the stillness. …

“Then a spirit passed by my face; The hair of my flesh bristled up. It stood still, but I could not discern its appearance; A form was before my eyes; There was silence, then I heard a voice: ‘Can mankind be just before God? Can a man be pure before his Maker?'…” Job 4:15 – 17

Some ways to access this quiet source are: your, prayer closet, meditation, calm, peaceful surroundings, minimal mental agitation, stress free living, self-acceptance and self-awareness.

Steady mental focus – Calling up an intention is natural to everyone’s mind. The key is that the intention be one-pointed, that is, your desire doesn’t conflict with other desires or get dissipated in mental restlessness. We’ve all experienced moments of knowing exactly what we want and never losing focus as long as our desire holds our attention.

Does God Answer Prayer?

Does God answer, prayer? Absolutely, once we are clear and specific about what we ask for, act purposefully, not lose sight of the goal, have confidence and, faith, and do the works diligently; then we attract our intentions into our experience. When we tap into the supernatural, all power of God and the Holy Spirit, then we make quantum leaps to achieving our desires and intentions.

What hurts Intentions? Multitasking, mental confusion, conflicted desires, lack of self-knowledge, fantasy and daydreaming, short attention span, a craving to escape the self with drugs or alcohol and finally a lack of belief in God and in yourself.

Fluid awareness – Do you have an open mind that can adapt to any response from the world? Do you have a mind that is committed to the destination but allows God to map out the route and the stops along the way to the destination? No better example exists than playing a video game, where the player is fiercely intent of scoring points but must be open to every surprising, unexpected event in order to reach a high score. In everyday life, a desire is focused at its inception; but you should let your attachment to it go, and await whatever response comes your way.

In these three elements, as you can see, lies a lifetime of potentiality unfolding into actuality. Every thought has the power of intention behind it.

Every, prayer, can be answered if you empower it with, faith, believe and action.  Prayer for strength, ask God for strength to face life's adversities. The bible tells us of the paralyzed man who had faith and belief that Jesus can heal him; but Jesus was in a crowded place and he could not get in through the door so he had his helpers knock a hole in the roof of the building and let him down in front of Jesus. Jesus told him immediately that his “sins were forgiven” and he was healed. When you, pray for healing, God answers your prayers.

nothing is too hard for god

“Some men came, bringing to him a paralyzed man, carried by four of them. 4 Since they could not get him to Jesus because of the crowd, they made an opening in the roof above Jesus by digging through it and then lowered the mat the man was lying on. 5 When Jesus saw their faith, he said to the paralyzed man, “Son, your sins are forgiven.” – Mark 2:3-5

God not only answers, prayers, but you can access the Universal power of intention and begin co-creating your future. The only issue is how far you are willing to go to cooperate with this ability, to unearth its possibilities, and improve the quality of your life.

Additional Resources

Decoding the Communication of the Universe: Signs and Symbols


How To Be Loving And Live From The Heart

I wanted to be useful and connected and, loving, no matter what's going on with me emotionally, no matter what's going on with the other person, no matter what's going on in the world. And that requires  a higher vibration.  Lots of mystics talk about love, being a state of consciousness.  What that means  is, love is not a feeling, love is higher vibration.

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Danielle LaPorte needs little introduction. Oprah Winfrey has said she “is uniquely connecting the world together with a spiritual energy that matters,” while Marianne Williamson has called her “a bright light in the modern priestess hood.’ As the founder of DanielleLaPorte.com, ranked by Forbes as one of the Top 100 Websites for Women and visited by millions of people each month, Danielle is one of the most critically acclaimed spiritual thought leaders of our time.

With her highly anticipated new book, How to Be Loving as Your Heart is Breaking Open and The World is Waking Up, releasing October 11 2022, Danielle has written the modern day manifesto on how to uncondition your mind from all kinds of social programming, tap into the intelligence of the heart, and elevate your life through the quality of your own thoughts.

Myrna: What is your journey from making love a priority in your life? How did that come about?

Danielle: For a long time, I was led by the question, how do I want to feel? And now the question is what do I want to embody? And the journey there was me realizing that even if I was having a bad day and wasn't in a state of happiness, wasn’t feeling like the way I wanted to feel. I still felt connected to something higher and more meaningful. But really, the light bulb was when I realized that, I could still be useful to my friends, even if I was in the dark night of my soul. And then it occurred to me maybe this whole happiness thing, the end game, it's important.

And I wanted to be useful and connected and loving, no matter what's going on with me emotionally, no matter what's going on with the other person, no matter what's going on in the world. And that requires like a higher vibration. And you know, lots of mystics talk about love, of course, being a state of consciousness, but what that brings us to is, love is not a feeling, love is higher vibration.

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Power of Love: Intelligence of the heart

Myrna: Well, it's very hard. They always say that that happiness is not an external thing. You know, it comes from inside and even if you have an, external locus of control, which is basically where your happiness depends on other people, circumstances or things. It's only going to be temporary, because those things can’t continue for too long. Which is why they say that your happiness has to come from inside. And that means that whatever is going on outside, it's not going to bother you. But it's extremely, hard to do. You almost have to be like an enlightened being. That's the, power of love and the intelligence of the heart.

Danielle: Everybody's a little enlightened, the Zen Buddhist philosophy is everybody's enlightened, we just have forgotten.

Myrna: Yes, we don't operate in it because we forgotten.  So, that was your journey into becoming, loving. You wanted to feel good all the time. You wanted to embody you. You learned, how to live from the heart, gratitude and, vibration. You talk about, vibration. Wayne Dyer talks about, vibration. Abraham Hicks talks about, vibration.  What kind of work did you do to make sure your, vibration, is good?

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Loving yourself through the heartbreak

Danielle: It's not so much that I want to feel good all the time. Who wants to suffer, I don't want to suffer. Right? But it's a place of even if you are suffering and you're not feeling good, you're in a state of acceptance with it. It's like, okay, this is what's happening. I'm gonna love myself through this. I created this. I'm not going to push it away. I'm going to bring it into my, heart. I'm going to have space for it. I'm going to be more gentle with it. I'm going to speak to myself more lovingly. But more specifically to your question about how to get there.

Well, I think it's a lifelong journey, but certainly, big challenges questioning if, am I in the right career? Is this the faith that I should be holding?  Suffering that leads us to meaningfulness and purpose. There are those challenging circumstances and then there's just dedication. Like I want to know truth. I want to be love. No matter what, I'm committed.

My commitment, doesn't mean it's always easy, but I do the things that I know makes me more compassionate and more forgiving. And those things are ancient tools that have been around a long, long time. Contemplation, it's a prayer practice. It's, sifting through all the different practices and types of, meditation, until I found the kind of, meditation practice, that I actually wanted to do, that made me feel like energized and lit up.

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How to tap into heart intelligence

Myrna: I know that acceptance is very important. And it's very important to accept your loved ones. Because a lot of times we get into relationships, and we want to change people and we don't accept them. But yeah, talking about accepting suffering. That is deep.

How do we tap into, heart intelligence? One of the most powerful books that I've read is “The Alchemist.” The entire book is about listening to your, heart, and, how to live from the heart. I thought that we were supposed to listen to your gut. Your gut is what tells you when something is wrong, but listening to your, heart. This is a great because we are tapping to the, intelligence of the heart. It's amazing.

Danielle: It’s important to make that distinction between the gut and, heart because gut is more instinct. The gut is gonna say run from danger. This is basic survival stuff. But we don't want to be in that survival mode every day. We want to be in a state. So just like move it up. The, chakra system, moving on up your body move into the, heart.  Everybody knows on a cellular, psychological level, what love is and what it feels like to be connected to soul, to be connected to others, to be giving and receiving loving kindness.

We just have to be still and we have to connect to the, heart, space, heart chakra, and higher consciousness. There's no fear just presence. Don't worry about tomorrow, don't worry about the rent not right this moment. And you move into that gentleness that calms down your nervous system, both your, parasympathetic, and your, central nervous system. When your nervous system is calm you think more clearly. You're not all panicked, or jacked up with anxiety and then you make more, loving choices.  Loving choices, which all comes from quality of thought. You reference Dr. Wayne Dyer. Dr Dyer had a lot to say about the thoughts we think.

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Song: Plethora by artist Bria


Ergo, Bria (also known as Bria McCollum) is a singer/songwriter, multi-instrumentalist, session musician, and producer from Atlanta, Georgia. She is now currently based in Nashville, Tennessee where she recently graduated from Belmont University with a Degree in Songwriting.

Bria strives to break the typical barriers of an artist because of her unique voice and style choices. With her passion for genre-bending, she uses her background as a classical pianist, violist, and violinist to create a completely different arena of music. Much of her work contains deep, yet very literal lyrics about, mental health, heartbreak, love, and society. Bria has started gaining traction since her release in 2020, with “Comfort Zone”.

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iHeart Radio

Can everyone be loving?

Myrna: Right, that's amazing. Now, I want to circle back to something you said that everybody knows what it's like to give and receive love. Do you think that everybody knows that? Because there's a lot of people that don't love themselves and I believe that if you don't love yourself you actually can't give and receive love.

Danielle: Okay, there's two things in there. I think in our depths, we do know love. And I think to get to the depths of love, we have to plumb those depths. You got to be still, you've got to get yourself in nature. You've got to ask those questions. It's in there. The truth is in there. Is it buried? Absolutely. Do we doubt it? Yes, we have lots of so called evidence from how we're raised in society that is not a loving place to be? Totally, but it's the truth is eternal? It's in there, you're gonna find it.

You just got to look for what was that? Oh, loving other people and loving yourself? Yeah, I've thought about this very specifically for a while. Because you know, in this in our self-help space, there's that theory of like, don't fall in love with someone who doesn't love themselves because they're not gonna love you properly. I think it's half-truth because we're all one. We all come from the same source, and we're all connected.

Then does it really matter if I'm loving myself first, but if I'm loving you first, and I've witnessed people who clearly had on a surface level, self-esteem issues, broken, not loving themselves, and I have seen them be, loving. Learn to love someone in their community. Learn to love the person who abandoned them. And it changed their whole way of living, obviously, with a lot of work, digging in and plumbing it out.

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Do you have heart intelligence?

Myrna: So how do we tap into the, intelligence of the heart? Is it through meditation or how do we do it?

Danielle: Yeah, It's the practices. First you gotta want it. Want to sleep through the night? Do you want to be peaceful? Do you want to have more intimate conversations?  Want to know your real power? Awesome, great. There are some things you can do.  Find a, meditation, practice that works for you. Not one where you sit down on the, meditation cushion, and you hate being there and it's grueling and you don't feel lit up or expanded. That's just like New Age punishment. Find a, prayer practice, that works for you.

Guided meditation heart center, is heart centering, prayer, and time for stillness.  Our society is obsessed with being productive and it pulls us away from our wisdom. You need to be still to hear your, higher guidance. If you are always moving, you are going to get confusing information. So, stillness could be as simple as 15 minutes in the morning before anybody else in your house wakes up. Or it's for those of us who have done, yoga, the last pose. It doesn't matter how sweaty and bendy your, yoga, class was, the last pose is always, corpse pose. You just lie there in stillness. And people think, oh, this is my break. But actually that, corpse pose, the great, yoga, teachers tell you everything is moving towards that stillness.

So that you get to integrate all the work you did with your body and your mind. So, the end of the day, you ask yourself, what do you learn today? Who do you love? How did you get a little more time? What are you grateful for? That's integrating lessons of the day. And then you don't need to repeat the same lessons. Ideally, tomorrow you start fresh. Yeah. So, practices.

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Happy Again

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Loving yourself through your meditation practice

Myrna: Well, my, meditation practice, is sitting and concentrating on the breath. Sometimes I do a, walking meditation, because I walk in the park and there's a wooded area that I walk through. And when I'm in there, I'm talking to God and I am visualizing some of the things I want to manifest.  What do you think about a, walking meditation?

Danielle: I have a very similar practice. It's more of a working meditation. There's lots of, prayer, in my life. There's definitely, breathwork, for sure. I pray and meditate and it's all mostly focused on being of service and healing. And I know that as I'm doing that, doing the work, getting closer to God and being more aware, I'm getting healed as well.

I use the light of the sun in, meditation, as well. The sun is very powerful. My belief this is, through some research into mysticism, because the soul is really the source. The sun is really the symbol, if not the embodiment, of the collective soul. And then in all the, meditations, that I've designed, I work with an energy healer that I've been with for many years, we co create all of these, meditation experiences, which is part of my offering. Almost every, meditation, begins with seeing this golden light, the sun. That is the symbol, the visual of your soul's vastness. Your only job really, is to just bask in that light, you don't have to reach for that light. You don't even have to amplify that light.

The God source is always trying to find you, wants to get into every thought and every crevice, just bow down at your intention. I'm going to be aligned today. I'm going for this walk. And you step into it and you just receive the guidance.

Myrna; Beautiful, I'm in the self-improvement space and I know that, meditation, works for me, because one of the one of the byproducts of, meditation, is that you don't get upset very often and you're always in a calm space.

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What is heart centered manifesting?

Danielle: Heart centered manifesting, you come up with a visual. You think it through every day. You see it, feel it, taste it, you really bring it to life. And you just keep watering it, anybody can manifest anything, there is a basic science of, manifesting. You don't have to be enlightened. You don't have to be a good person. You don't have to have great intentions. If you want the car and you think about it enough. You will manifest the car.

I'm interested in is what I would call, heart centered manifesting, because I think ego centered manifesting has really gotten a lot of us into a lot of trouble. And it's not very fulfilling ultimately. So, it's like heart centered vision. comes from a place of knowing that your happiness matters to me that we all come from the same source. So, if I get the car, how is that going to be a benefit or harmful to others?  So, what's your vision got to do with everybody else? That's a really basic great question to ask. How does your fulfillment lead to the fulfillment of others or does it take from others? My belief is that we have a, heart centered vision, and you can still want all the same things.

You can still want the car and the relationship and the money, whatever it is. When it's on behalf of being of service, I think the soul is going to help lead you to more fulfillment. So, when you get the car, let's just keep using that example. Maybe you're doing some meals on wheels or maybe it's just that you're happier, more relaxed, and you're better in your community. Maybe that car actually helps you be a more chill, loving mother, whatever it is, somehow your happiness is kind of spilling over.

Whereas if that was an ego goal to just get the car, going to get the car and you're gonna want to the next thing, no lasting fulfillment. Soon you’re gonna want a better car. You're gonna need the car and you're gonna need the handbag. Then you need the likes on Instagram on and on. Heart centered manifesting, relax and it comes.

book How to be loving
book How to be loving

Book: How To Be Loving as your Heart is Breaking Open and the World is Waking up 

Myrna: Well, that's actually pretty good. Tell us about your book “How to be Loving as your heart is breaking open and the World is Waking Up” Why did you write it? What do you want readers to walk away with after reading? And how can you know listeners pick up a copy of it?

Danielle: This is what I want to have happen. I want to get gazillion emails for years of people telling me things like, I read you book how to be loving and forgive my mother or I speak more gently to myself, or I got over this heartbreak or I finally started asking my neighbor what they need. I just want to I want to hear those stories of how my book helped others become, loving.

I wrote it because it's my first book in five years. I know lots of people are saying, Wow, this is so timely, did you know, the world was gonna fall apart? I did not know the world was gonna be in the state that it was in. It is on time, right?

Myrna: Yes. So, yeah. Now, part of the title is when your heart is breaking open, so and you said something a minute ago about, your heart is breaking but you're still loving yourself. Is that part of it? Is it for people with a broken heart to love themselves?

Danielle: I think that's in reference to we think we're falling apart when we're heartbroken, whether it's the state of our community or an ending relationship or we get canned from a job; you're not actually breaking, you're expanding. All that heartbreak is showing you what you're made of. It's showing you where all the love, the real love is in your life, how capable you are. It's a spiritual emergence.

My website is www.Daniellelaporte.com. I'm Danielle Laporte on Instagram. I'm there all the time. I have a membership, beautiful membership program called heart centered membership.

It's like a spiritual support system. And we also have a program called the heart centered leadership program where we've got this really gorgeous curriculum of workshops, conversation starters, for coaches and HR directors and Unitarian, so it's being used at really high levels of business. It's being used in yoga studios.

Additional Resources

How to Love Yourself and Heal The Body

How to Get Out of The Lions Den

Most of us on finding ourselves in the, lions den, would only be concerned with the lions (the problem) we would not be thinking of any other, problem, but the lions that are about to eat us.  Daniel, turned his back upon his, problem, and instead looked towards the, light, that was God.

In this episode of 5 mins with coach Myrna, I share wisdom for the New Year.  How to deal with any problem that is trying to take your spiritual life, knock you down or eat you up.  When, Daniel, was thrown into the, lions Den, he turned his back on the problem!

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Bible Story: Daniel in the lions' den

Darius became the ruler over Babylon. He loved, Daniel, and wanted to make him leader over all the kingdom. Some of the king’s wise men were jealous.

The wise men knew, Daniel, prayed to God, so they tricked the king into making a new law. Anyone who prayed to God would be thrown into a, lions den.

Daniel, chose to pray to God anyway. The king’s wise men saw, Daniel, praying and told the king that, Daniel, was breaking the law. The king realized his wise men had tricked him. He tried to find a way to save, Daniel, but the king had to follow his own law.

Daniel, was thrown into the, lions den. The king stayed awake all night, fasting so that, Daniel, would be protected.

Early the next morning, the king rushed to the, lions’ den. He called to, Daniel, to see if he was still alive. Daniel, called back! He told the king that God sent an angel to shut the lions’ mouths. The lions did not hurt him.

The king was happy that, Daniel, was safe. He punished those wise men who tricked him, and he ended the law. He taught his kingdom about God’s power and goodness.

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Transform Your Mind Podcastland

Prayer works while in the Lions' den

The story of, Daniel, is the story of every man. It is recorded that, Daniel, while locked in the, lions den, turned his back upon the hungry beasts; and turned towards the, light, coming from above while praying to God.

Daniels’s story was written to instruct you in the art of freeing yourself from your, problem,  or whatever is holding you captive.

Most of us on finding ourselves in the, lions den, would only be concerned with the lions (the problem) we would not be thinking of any other, problem, but the lions that are about to eat us.  Daniel, turned his back upon his, problem, and instead looked towards the, light, that was God.

Transform Your Mind Podnews
Transform Your Mind Podnews

While in the Lions Den look towards the light

The message in this, scripture, is when we are threatened with any dire disasters such as poverty, sickness, divorce, we could remove our attention from these lions and look towards the, light, of God which is our solution.

For example, if you were imprisoned, no man would need to tell you that what you should desire is freedom. Freedom or the desire to be free would be automatic.

The same would be true if you found yourself sick or in debt or in any other predicament. Lions den, represent any situation that could swallow you up.

The solution is to, turn your back on the problem, and focus your attention on the promises of God.

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Transform Your Mind Amazon

Move your faith into action

This is where your, faith, moves from something you read about to something you do.

What is the lion in your life right now that is trying to eat you up? We are in a pandemic a lot of us are dealing with debt and sickness.

I know that when you are in the, lions den, it is natural to focus on the lion that is trying to kill you, but you must find the strength to turn away. Look towards the, light, and speak the, scriptures, you should be standing on.

Scriptures like “I will live and not die”

“Everything works out for my good”

“I know the plans I have for you plans to prosper you”

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How to get out of the lions den

An amazing thing happens when you show no fear and engage, faith, the lions disappear!

People who were hopelessly in debt, become debt free.

People with incurable diseases become cured within a short time.

There is a saying that if you don't stand for something, you will fall for anything!

Daniel, stood up for his relationship with God, and did not stop praying to his God.

He maintained a vibrant, faith, in God despite living and working in an ungodly culture surrounded by unbelievers.

What are you standing for in your life?


Thanks for turning in to 5 mins with coach Myrna keep looking towards the light.

Hope to see you next week for another episode of 5 mins with coach Myrna until next time Namaste

Additional Resources 

Finding Joy In Your Nothingness