Tag Archives: entrepreneurship

Overcoming Challenges: Finding Success as a Female Entrepreneur

In this episode of Author's Corner, host Myrna  interviews Kathy Gardarian, author of “The Wisdom of Love in Business.” Kathy shares her experiences as a successful, female entrepreneur,  and discusses the importance of incorporating love and self-awareness into business practices. She emphasizes the power of, feminine energy, and the positive impact it can have on relationships and success. Kathy's book offers valuable insights and tools for achieving, entrepreneurial success, while staying true to oneself. Download the podcast to learn how to, transform your business, as a, female entrepreneur,  with love and authenticity.

Download the Podcast Here: 


Key Takeaways:

  • Embracing love and, feminine energy, in business can lead to more rewarding, productive, and profitable outcomes.

  • Self-awareness is a powerful tool for transforming your business as a, female entrepreneur.

  • Success in entrepreneurship requires forgiveness, authenticity, and the ability to be the change you want to see.

Embracing Love and Feminine Energy as a Female Entrepreneur

In her book, “The Wisdom of Love in Business,” Kathy Gardarian explores the complex dance between business and self-awareness. She emphasizes the importance of embracing love and feminine energy in the business world. According to Gardarian, business is fundamentally about relationships, and when there is space for the human spirit in the equation, it leads to more rewarding, productive, and profitable outcomes.

Gardarian believes that, female entrepreneurs,  bring unique emotional characteristics to the business world, such as compassion and forgiveness. By embodying these qualities, women can create a more loving and calming energy in the room, which can have a profound impact on the success of their entrepreneurial endeavors. She shares her own experiences of working with men in male-dominated industries, such as Home Depot, where she was able to bring her feminine energy and achieve extraordinary success.

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The Power of Self-Awareness in Business Transformation

Self-awareness is a crucial tool for achieving entrepreneurial success. Gardarian shares her personal journey of self-discovery and the struggles she faced while staying true to herself in a male-dominated field. She emphasizes the importance of healing any past traumas and forgiving oneself and others. By doing so, individuals can tap into their inner greatness and bring their authentic selves to their business ventures.

Gardarian recounts a transformative encounter with the Dalai Lama, where he taught her a powerful lesson about creating her own reality. He advised her to never think about what she didn't want and instead focus her consciousness on the reality she wanted to see. This insight had a profound impact on Gardarian's approach to business and life. She encourages readers to adopt this mindset and use it as a tool for creating their own success.

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Transform your mind Podbean
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Empowering Female Entrepreneur in Business

Gardarian is passionate about empowering, female entrepreneurs, in business. She shares her own experiences of facing gender discrimination and stereotypes in the workplace. Despite the challenges, she was able to build a successful company that generated millions of dollars in revenue. Through her book, she aims to inspire and uplift women, reminding them that they are capable of achieving greatness in business.

Gardarian believes that success is an inside job. It requires, female entrepreneurs,  to heal any self-doubt, forgive themselves and others, and embrace their authentic selves. By doing so, they can bring their unique perspectives and qualities to the table, creating a more balanced and empowering environment for themselves and others.

book wisdom of love in business
book wisdom of love in business


“The Wisdom of Love in Business” offers valuable insights and practical tools for achieving entrepreneurial success. Gardarian's experiences and lessons serve as a guide for, female entrepreneurs,  and men alike, reminding them of the power of love, forgiveness, and authenticity in business. By embracing feminine energy and cultivating self-awareness, individuals can transform their personal and professional lives, creating a more fulfilling and prosperous future.

So, whether you're a seasoned, female entrepreneur, or just starting your journey, “The Wisdom of Love in Business” is a must-read. It provides a roadmap for achieving success while staying true to yourself and making a positive impact in the world. Embrace love, embrace feminine energy, and watch your entrepreneurial dreams come to life.

Additional Resources

How to Develop an Entrepreneur Mindset

Transform Your Mind: You Are Capable

Have anyone ever told you, you are capable, of anything? Drawing inspiration from Dr. Jamal Bryant‘s personal story, coach Myrna  emphasizes that we are all capable of achieving greatness if we tap into our full potential.

Discover how to, transform your mindset, and unlock your full potential.  In this episode of Transform Your Mind with Coach Myrna. Learn the power of believing in your capabilities, embracing a growth mindset, challenging limiting beliefs, cultivating resilience, surrounding yourself with positivity, and practicing self-compassion. With these strategies, you can achieve greatness beyond your wildest dreams, believe that, you are capable.

Download the podcast here:


You are capable: Replace Self-Doubt with Self-Confidence

The human mind is a powerful tool capable of incredible feats when harnessed correctly. However, many of us underestimate our own abilities, allowing self-doubt and fear to hold us back. It's time to challenge those limited beliefs and transform your mindset. You can achieve more than you ever thought possible. Be confident because, you are capable.

As Coach Myrna shares, “The Bible says that the Lord has equipped us with everything we need to do what we're here to do on this Earth.” We are preloaded with the necessary energy, personality, and intelligence. We just need to tap into our capabilities and believe in ourselves. Replace self-doubt with self-confidence and watch how your mindset transforms.

You are capable: Do it until you achieve perfection

I was listening to an interview a few weeks back with John Lee Dumas the host of Entrepreneurs on Fire and he said that he decided to host a podcast for entrepreneurs every single day because he was a new entrepreneur and when he looked at podcasting there was none in that space.  He didn't know anything about podcasting, he didn't know anything about interviewing,  but he decided that he was going to get on the mic every single day and talk about entrepreneurship.

He said that it took him over 400 episodes until he started to do better interviews, but you know what at the 200 episode when he looked at it and said. I'm not terribly good.  Did he stop?  No because practice makes perfect.  YOu are capable of doing anything,  even if you don't do it well at first.  Statistics show that you need 10,000 hours of practice to become perfect in anything.  You need to do it until you achieve perfection, because practice makes perfect.

Embrace a Growth Mindset

Psychologist Carol Dweck popularized the concept of a growth mindset. It is the belief that abilities and intelligence can be developed through dedication and hard work. Instead of thinking that something is hard and you can't do it, be willing to learn as you go and do what is necessary to succeed.

Coach Myrna shares her personal journey of going from selling office supplies to becoming a life coach, author, and podcaster. She never doubted her capabilities. She believed she was preloaded with everything she needed and that everything else could be learned. Success is formed through practice and perseverance. Embrace a growth mindset and be open to learning and growing.

Transform Your mind podlink
Transform Your mind podlink

You are capable: Challenge Your Limited Beliefs

Our beliefs shape how we show up in the world. Sometimes, we need to rewrite the script and challenge our limiting beliefs. We all have beliefs about ourselves and our capabilities that may not serve us well. These limited beliefs often stem from past experiences, societal expectations, or negative self-talk.

Coach Myrna encourages us to identify these beliefs and challenge them. Are they based on facts or simply assumptions we've accepted over time? Replace them with empowering beliefs that align with your goals and aspirations.

As the scripture says, “I can do all things through God who strengthens me.”

Challenge your limited beliefs and unlock your full potential.

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curiocaster transform your mind podcast

Cultivate Resilience

Resilience is the ability to bounce back from setbacks and adapt to change. Building resilience requires facing challenges head-on, learning from failures, and maintaining a positive outlook. Setbacks are not failures but valuable lessons that can help you grow stronger and wiser.

Coach Myrna reminds us to cultivate resilience and view setbacks as opportunities for growth. By developing resilience, you can approach challenges with greater confidence and bounce back stronger than ever. Remember, practice makes perfect, and resilience is a key ingredient in achieving greatness.

You are capable: Surround Yourself with Positivity

The company you keep plays a significant role in shaping your mindset. Surround yourself with supportive, positive people who believe in your abilities and encourage you to pursue your dreams. Their optimism and encouragement can be a powerful source of motivation and inspiration.

Coach Myrna shares the story of Pastor Jamal Bryant, who was encouraged by a senior pastor who told him, “You are capable.” This simple statement transformed his mindset and gave him the motivation to continue his work. Surrounding yourself with positivity can have a profound impact on your mindset and belief in your capabilities.

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Practice Self-Compassion

Be kind to yourself and acknowledge your efforts and achievements, no matter how small. Forgive yourself for any mistakes or shortcomings. Remember, nobody is perfect except Jesus. Practicing self-compassion fosters a healthier mindset, boosts self-esteem, and enables you to approach challenges with greater confidence and resilience.

Coach Myrna emphasizes the importance of self-compassion. By being kind to yourself and acknowledging your efforts, you create a positive and nurturing environment for personal growth. Treat yourself with the same compassion and understanding you would offer to a friend. Practice self-compassion and watch how it transforms your mindset.


Transforming your mind begins with believing in your capabilities and embracing a growth mindset. Challenge your limited beliefs, set realistic goals, cultivate resilience, surround yourself with positivity, and practice self-compassion. By doing so, you unlock your full potential and achieve greatness beyond your wildest dreams.

Remember, you are capable, of amazing things. All you have to do is believe in yourself and tap into the preloaded capabilities within you. Transform your mind and watch how it transforms your life. As Coach Myrna says, “You are capable, and if you need some encouragement to fill up your tank, then that's basically what I want to do today.” Believe in yourself and embrace your limitless potential.

Additional Resources

Find Your Purpose: What's in Your Hand

How to Become an Entrepreneur

How to become an entrepreneur. So, you are now an, entrepreneur, and working for yourself! You are the Boss, the President and CEO! What do you do next?



Entrepreneurship – What makes one throw in the employment towel? Why do, Entrepreneurs, give up the guaranteed paycheck every two weeks? Work 14 hour days, and sometimes not even pay themselves. Why? I think it is because we are passionate about what we do. When you are passionate about what you do, you would it for free!

“Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. And the only way to do great work is to love what you do.” –Steve Jobs, Co-Founder, Chairman and CEO, Apple was one of the best, entrepreneur leaders.

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The first step in learning, how to become an entrepreneur, is the  decision to be made is figuring out what Business structure works best for you.

How to become an entrepreneur: Setting up your company structure

Is Incorporation or Sole Proprietorship the right structure? Are you “Minding your own business”? This is a term made popular by Robert Kawasaki in the book “Rich Dad, Poor Dad” and refers to the concept having regular employment while operating your own business on the side.

Robert suggests that you have this dual employment status until your business on the side generates revenues equals your current pay check. This relieves the stress of supporting yourself and your family with revenues from a new business. Your Accountant can recommend the best structure for your company or you can refer to my self help start up guide “Minding your own business”

As a new, entrepreneur, you need to know your federal Tax responsibilities. In addition to knowing about federal taxes, you need to make some basic business decisions. ​​​

What is the Form or Structure of your new Business?

The most common forms of business are the sole proprietors, Corporations, Partnerships, LLC, and S Corporations.  When beginning a business, you must decide which form of business to use. Legal and tax considerations enter into this decision.

Sole Proprietorship: A sole proprietorship is an unincorporated business that is owned by one individual. It is the simplest form of business organization to start and maintain. The business has no existence apart from you, the owner. Its liabilities are your personal liabilities. You undertake the risks of the business for all assets owned, whether or not used in the business. You include the income and expenses of the business on your personal tax return.

Corporations: In forming a corporation, prospective shareholders exchange money, property, or both, for the corporation's capital stock. A corporation generally takes the same deductions as a sole proprietorship to figure its taxable income. A corporation can also take special deductions.  For federal income tax purposes, a C corporation is recognized as a separate taxpaying entity. A corporation conducts business, realizes net income or loss, pays taxes and distributes profits to shareholders. The profit of a corporation is taxed to the corporation when earned.

Limited liability Company: A limited liability company (LLC) is an entity formed under state law by filing articles of organization as an LLC. The members of an LLC are not personally liable for its debts. An LLC may be classified for federal income tax purposes as either a partnership, a corporation, or an entity disregarded as an entity separate from its owner by applying the rules in regulations.

S corporations: An eligible domestic corporation can avoid double taxation (once to the corporation and again to the shareholders) by electing to be treated as an S corporation. Generally, an S corporation is exempt from federal income tax other than tax on certain capital gains and passive income. On their tax returns, the S corporation's shareholders include their share of the corporation's separately stated items of income, deduction, loss, and credit, and their share of non separately stated income or loss.

Employer Identification Number (EIN) is used to identify the tax accounts of employers, certain sole proprietors, corporations, partnerships, estates, trusts, and other entities.

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How to become an Entrepreneur: Specialized knowledge

  • Who are your customers?
  • How do you market to this select base?
  • What are my skills? What skills do I need to complete my team?
  • What is my vision? What is my plan to get there?
Who are your customers?

With the current state of the economy, having a well-defined target market is more important than ever. No one can afford to target everyone. Small businesses, can effectively compete with large companies by targeting a niche market. Many businesses say they target “anyone interested in my services.”

Some may say they target small business owners, homeowners, or stay-at-home moms. All of these targets are too general. Targeting a specific market does not mean that you have to exclude people that do not fit your criteria from buying from you. Rather, target marketing allows you to focus your marketing dollars and brand message on a specific market that is more likely to buy from you than other markets.

This is a much more affordable, efficient, and effective way to reach potential clients and generate business. For example, if you are a Florist, your customers could be anyone with a birthday or anniversary but you could decide to target the wedding market and put your marketing dollars towards that Target market.  With a clearly defined target audience, it is much easier to determine where and how to market your company.

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How to be an entrepreneur: Define your target market:

  • Look at Your Current Customer Base

Who are your current customers, and why do they buy from you? Look for common characteristics and interests. Which ones bring in the most business? It is very likely that other people like them could also benefit from your product/service.

  • Check Out Your Competition

Who are your competitors targeting? Who are their current customers? Understand why they are targeting this demographic and then try to become innovative and offer something different. You may also find a niche market that they are overlooking.

  • Choose Specific Demographics to Target

Figure out not only who has a need for your product or service, but also who is most likely to buy it. Think about the following factors:

  1.  Age
  2. Location
  3. Gender
  4. Income level
  5. Education level
  6. Marital or family status
  7. Occupation
  8. Ethnic background
  9. Consider the Psychographics of Your Target Customer

Psychographics are personal characteristics of a person including:

  1.  Personality
  2. Attitudes
  3. Values
  4. Interests/hobbies
  5. Lifestyles
  6. Behavior
  7. Determine how your product or service will fit into your target's lifestyle.
  8. How and when will they use your product or service?
  9. What features are most appealing to them?
  10. What media do they turn to for information?
  11. Do they read the trade journals, search online, or attend particular events to choose suppliers?


How to be an entrepreneur: Understand How Your Customers Think.

  • Will my target really benefit from my product/service?
  • Will they see a need for it?
  • Do I understand what drives my target audience to make  decisions?
  • Can they afford my product/service?
  • Can I reach them with my message?
  • Are they easily accessible?

You may be asking, “How do I find out all this information?”

  • Try searching online for research others have done on your target.
  • Search for magazine articles and blogs that talk about your target market.
  • Search for blogs and forums where people in your target market communicate their opinions.
  • Look for survey results, or consider conducting a survey of your own.
  • Ask your current customers for feedback.

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Develop your entrepreneur mindset: What are your skills?

In the early days of, entrepreneurship, it's natural to try to do as much as possible yourself. It's the most cost-effective, comfortable, sensible way to do things in the beginning. But as your enterprise grows, you'll find yourself stretched thinner and thinner.

Eventually, you'll find you just can't continue to oversee operations and sales and accounting and fulfillment and marketing–and hope to continue to grow your business. When you reach this point, it's time to think about bringing other high-level managers or team members on board to help you out.

You need to build a senior team that's able to manage all the critical areas of your business to take it to the next level. Building your team demands matching jobs to people's strengths. That means giving people responsibilities according to skill level, not based on how close a friend they are, or how closely related they are to you, or whether you just like their sunny personality.

Become Conscious of your strengths and the areas you lack the necessary skills. Eg. Are you creative? Can you design your marketing or branding materials? Are you skilled in sales? If not you need a sales team.  When it comes time to hiring an executive team, you'll need to find people to fill the following roles:

Chief Executive Officer (CEO). The fact of the matter is, the CEO is the boss of everyone and is responsible for everything. They determine the company's strategy. They hire and build the senior team. They make the final call on how resources get divvied up, and they're the one whose face appears on the press releases!.  The CEO's skills must include strategic thinking, the ability to rise above the daily details and decide where the industry and business are headed. They must then be able to decide the company's best route for navigating the future market conditions. They have to be able to make good bets.

Some of the best are Steve Job; Apple; Bill Gates, Microsoft; Jack Welsh, GE.


How to be an entrepreneur: Your management team

The CEO's key skill, however, is in hiring and firing. The right management team can cover a CEO's shortcomings. A CEO may be able to set strategy, predict the future and control the budget, but if they don't hire the right team, they have to master it all themselves.

Chief Operating Officer (COO). A COO handles a company's complex operational details. Think about UPS moving three billion packages in the two weeks before Christmas: or think of a Florist delivering hundreds of flowers on Valentine day. The day after is too late! The company’s COO insures the business can deliver day after day. He figures out just what needs to be measured so he can tell if things are going well. Then his team creates the systems to track the measurements and takes action when the company isn't delivering.  As an, Entrepreneur, you are probably the President, CEO and COO. If you just take orders and do no planning and measuring then you will remain an Entrepreneur.

Your vision should be to grow up and become an Enterprise!

entrepreneur success

President. A president oversees staff functions–human resources, finance and strategy–while the COO oversees daily operations. the president can also be a synonym for COO, especially in smaller companies.

Chief Financial Officer (CFO). Plain and simple, your CFO handles the money. They create budgets and financing strategies. They figure out if it's better for your business to lease or buy. Then they build the control systems that monitor your company's financial health. The CFO is the “bad guy” who won't let you buy that really cool videoconferencing equipment and makes you pay down a commercial loan instead. While you mope about it in your office, the CFO will be busy figuring out which customers, business lines and products are profitable, so next year you can afford the really cool videoconferencing equipment.

Your marketing team

Chief Marketing Officer (CMO). Recently, companies have been bringing in a marketing expert at the C-level rather than as just a vice president. The reason is simple: Many current business battles are battles of marketing, so corporate strategy often hinges on a marketing strategy. The CMO owns the marketing strategy–and that often includes the sales strategy–and oversees its implementation. The CMO will know (or learn) your industry inside out and helps you position your product, differentiate it from your competitors' products, enlist distributors, and make sure customers learn to crave your product. Think of Apple and the new IPhone 6!

All business Live or Die with marketing. I heard a story once about a new magazine start-up Company that hired a sales person to go door to door and sell subscriptions to the magazine as their marketing plan. The magazine was a very good magazine but the business failed because the sales person (their only form of marketing) did not sell a single subscription in 6 months! I am marketing to you the reader of this Blog right now! Marketing can take many forms; but it is the blood of a business. Without it, your business dies.

Chief Technology Officer (CTO). A CTO should keep up with technology trends, integrate those trends into the company's strategy, and make sure the company keeps current when it's necessary. You need a CTO if technology impacts your business or industry strategically.

The benefits of entrepreneurship

Entrepreneurship, is about going for the things that are much bigger than what you could do alone. Your job isn't to reach the goal; it's to build a team that will reach the goal. If you really want to reach your goals, you'll need to bring on others to help, and creating a good executive team means knowing what you need them to do, finding good candidates, and giving them what they need to do their jobs. If you choose well, they'll be successful and make you successful as well.

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Vision – The Universal Energy behind your dreams

“Some believe there is nothing one man or one woman can do against the enormous array of the world's ills — against misery, against ignorance, or injustice and violence. Yet many of the world's great movements, of thought and action, have flowed from the work of a single man.

A young monk began the Protestant reformation, a young general extended an empire from Macedonia to the borders of the earth, and a young woman reclaimed the territory of France. It was a young Italian explorer who discovered the New World, and 32 year old Thomas Jefferson who proclaimed that all men are created equal. ‘Give me a place to stand,’ said Archimedes, ‘and I will move the world.’ These men moved the world, and so can we all.”— Robert F. Kennedy

the big three

Pat Riley’s vision was to win a Championship for Miami. So he put together his team with his star players; Lebron James, Dwayne Wade and Chris Bosh. Then he needed supporting players, each with supporting skills. He also needed the right coaches! Vision, The right team and execution won him not One but Two Championships!!


How The Army Train The Mind To Achieve Purpose

Lusene Donzo started life in the US as a, refugee, from Liberia.  After arriving in America he enlisted in the, US Army, and began, training his mind, to live his, calling.  Listen to Lusene's story of how he overcame a grand mal seizure, living on, welfare, to find success in the, army, as well as an entrepreneur and speaker.

Download the Podcast Here: 



Lusene grew up in Monrovia, Liberia, and came to America as a refugee 17 years ago. October 20, 2016 his life changed forever where he ended up having a grand mal seizure and ended up in a coma. He quickly realized that tomorrow is not promised and as long as you have life you should chase after your dreams and things that matter.

He later graduated from Virginia State University as a computer science major, commissioned in the US Army in 2018. Today Lusene is an author, speaker, credit consultant and a United States Army Officer who loves empowering people and helping them build their credit. Lusene is the author of “The Power of Determination: Train Your Mind To Live Your Calling

Myrna: We are witnessing a war in, Ukraine, at this moment, I'm having chills now just thinking about it. We all know that the life of those, refugees, are not going to be easy. Right now, they don't know where they're going to be living or how they're going to eat. So, your journey is an interesting one to talk about in this climate.  Tell us, your story.

Lusene: So, originally, I grew up in Liberia, at the age of six, in 1990, Liberia had a civil war. I was born in 92. So I was born during the height of the Civil War. And I remember at the age of four or five years old that we would have rebels coming up coming the house and my mother at the time, she would hide me on the ceiling from the rebels, because they were looking for young men to fight the war. Children are the easiest individuals to take advantage of.

So my mom would always hide me, up in the ceiling, just to make sure they don't find out that she has a male child. She eventually gave me to my grandmother to go live in a village in a different country, Guinea. So I lived in Guinea for about two years. It was a lot of struggle there we used so to eat in the same bowl. We all used to play together. It was more family, but it was a lot of struggle because at the time I didn't know who my father was.

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This episode is brought to you by The Jordan Harbinger Show.

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I really think there just isn’t a better podcast to listen to casually or seriously to expand your worldview. Jordan’s also got a strangely relatable weekly segment, “Feedback Friday,” where he covers advice on everything from escaping a cult or psycho family situations to relationships and networking to asking for a raise.

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And https://www.jordanharbinger.com/dwyane-wade-a-life-bigger-than-basketball/

Transform Your Mind Podverse.fm
Transform Your Mind Podverse.fm

I didn't have my mother, I was just living with my grandmother and all my cousins and we were fighting to eat food. So it was it was one of those things that when I look back, at the position that I'm in right now, I am so humbled because especially I can resonate with what some of the individuals in, Ukraine, are going through because being a, refugee, is something that I wouldn't wish on anyone.

So once I left Guinea, I went to Ivory Coast, there was a civil war in the Ivory Coast and everyone that was not Liberian they were trying to kick them out the country. You needed this thing called les de Paseo, which is kind of like in America, a green card to stay in the country.  America had a resettlement program for, refugees, in Ivory Coast to bring them to the states so my family applied. Nine months later, we ended up coming to America as, refugees. Initially we were on, welfare, collecting checks, food stamps, and all that, but eventually my mother got off, welfare.

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Podmust Transform Your Mind podcast

Training the mind to get off welfare

Myrna: That is such a beautiful story. I came from Guyana, we weren't that poor, but it's still a third world country. I had the opportunity to go to Canada. That's what's got me out of my poverty. And then I ended up coming to United States. I support a charity that's called food for the poor. And one of the things that they show are the kids in Africa eating from one bowl of rice. Oh my God, it breaks my heart. So you went through all that and then you ended up with a grand mal seizure? How did that happen?

Lusene: So after I came here, I moved around a little bit, and I moved to Philadelphia, I was living with my uncle in Philadelphia, where I graduated high school. I was working while in college, I was working a lot. I was, training the mind, by working hard and being determined to get off, welfare.  I was working  about 18 hours, I had school, I had ROTC, I was the Army Reserve. I was just doing too much.

I ended up having a seizure because I wasn't getting adequate amount of sleep. I wasn't eating a lot of nutrients. So my brain went into a shock and I ended up having a coma. I had a seizure initially, where I broke my left shoulder while I was sleeping, I then had a grand mal seizure, at the hospital. The seizure was so bad that I ended up in a coma for about six to eight hours.

Myrna: How old were you then?

Lusene: 24 years old.

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BEING BLACK IS TRAUMATIC ENOUGH!!!, “Walk A Painful Mile In Our Agony Shoes” is an untraditional new style of poetry. The books’ theme is based on being black in a America. Each poem will put you in the shoes of blackness as we walk, march and run through this pernicious society. With over 40 poems and pictures depicting black love, black unity, black creativity, black self-hate, black struggle, discrimination and mental Illness and other more personal poems. This book was very emotional for the author to write because each poem is tied to the emotions felt before, during and after the Black Lives Matter protest.

Some examples of poems: “MAGNIFICENT YOU”, acknowledging and appreciating black women. “BLACK MAN, BLACK MAN”, is an acknowledgement of black men's worth, the need to unite and the need to stop killing one another.

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The Army trains you mentally and builds character

Myrna: Wow, so somebody told you about hard work, you came to America and you worked. It's one of the things that immigrants do. You know, we're not lazy. You're trying to make it in this world and overworked yourself. Alright, but again, all our experiences in life are guiding us through something and what that you said in your bio. What you realized after this happened to you is that tomorrow is not promised and you should chase your dreams. So why did you decide to go in the, army?

Lusene: One of the main reasons I decided to join the, military, was because I wanted to challenge myself as an individual. Prior to joining the, army, I realized that I wasn't challenging myself while I was living my life. And one of the things I realized that a lot of successful people have trials and tribulation, but they get through things that challenge them.

I joined the, army, because I looked at myself in the mirror and saw that I was not mentally where I needed to be. I wanted to develop my character to become better. So that's one of the main reasons why I joined the, army. I think the, army, has been a blessing to me because it has helped me to be very resilient in everything that I do.

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Transform Your Mind Amazon

Training the mind to become present

After I had the seizure, the doctors told me that I should give up on all my dreams because I was disabled and would stay on welfare since I would not be able to get a normal job. And that never resonated with me because I looked at myself in a mirror and, trained my mind, to become present. I said I did not come to this land of opportunity to be on, welfare.

So I challenged what the doctor told me. I started to, train the mind, with, meditation, until I was able to get off my seizure meditation.  I told the doctors  I did not want to stay on a seizure medication. I have a dream and I will return to the, army.

Another blessing was the fact that because I was in the, army, they paid for my medical bills which was over $350,000. I told my physical therapist, I can overcome this, I'm already, resilient. I've been through so much as a, refugee, so much, mental training, in the, army. I didn't come to America to collect a disability check.

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Podfriend Transform Your Mind Podcast

Training the mind to build character

Myrna: Your first goal was  that you recognized that you wanted to, train the mind, and you wanted to build your, character, and that's why you went into the, army. And I'm understanding why the doctor was thinking that you would always be on disability because normally the cause of a seizure is something mental. And maybe he diagnosed that you're always gonna have seizures.

Lusene: To, train the mind, to build, character, I asked myself:

  • How determined Are you?
  • How bad do you want to establish yourself?
  • How bad do you want to tell the world your story?
  • How bad do you want to write a book?
  • How bad do you want to set yourself up for success outside of the, army?

And that's where my, determination, came from because I kept on talking to myself.  I kept on repeating affirmations. I kept on turning down all the haters and naysayers that were saying I'm too young, I don't have any credibility. And one of the things I realized is how can you get, credibility, if you don't have a product? The best way to have, credibility, is what to get, credibility, so you have to start something.

Myrna: You were in the, army, and wanted to have a job outside the, military?

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Transform Your Mind Podcast Player FM

Finding a product to build credibility

Lusene: Yes, I've always had multiple jobs even while I was in college. So I was never used to having one source of income, but it was a little difficult, with senior leaders constantly discouraging you and telling you that you cannot do this because you don't have the, credibility, because in the, army,  your rank is low.

Myrna: So what is it that you wanted to go after? Is that your credit consulting business?

Lusene: One of my ultimate dreams is to become the number one speaker on the planet, but the credit counselling business came very easy to me. I wanted to chase my dream of, entrepreneurship, and at the time, I didn't have a product.  So, I actually enrolled in Eric Thomas program, and one of the things he said was the best way to get credibility, was to write a book.

I started researching things that came very easy to me and, how to build credit, was very easy because I took my credit score from about 585 to 840 in 18 months. I realize this was an amazing accomplishment, and I said to myself, I have a skill that can teach other people. I started teaching people, how to build credit, for free and when I had 20 clients, I started charging and then eventually I went ahead and got certified. Check out my credit counselling course @

Myrna: Okay that's awesome, I love that determination.

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How the army trains the mind

You book is about, training your mind, to achieve your calling. How did the, army, train your mind?

Lusene: So this is how the, army, train the mind. When you first get into the, army, you go through this thing called reception and immediately they tell you drop your bags, and you have sergeants yelling at you telling you what to do trying to break you. They tell you this is what you're gonna do, they strip out all the civilian out of you. They now tell you, you are no longer a civilian. You are in the,  US army, you're a, soldier.

Now you're going to be told what to do. Once you have acknowledged that, some people don't, some people do. But once you have acknowledged that now they tell you to call your parents let them know you're safe. You're now in basic training. They're now telling you when to wake up, when to go to bed, when to have personal hygiene and all those things.

Transform Your Mind PTWWN TV
Transform Your Mind PTWWN TV – Training Your Mind 

Why the army trains the mind

The reason why the, army, train the mind, is to condition you as a, soldier.  You're going to be told to execute missions from higher officers, so they start, training the mind, on accepting orders in basic training. The first thing that the, military teaches you, is you have an assigned weapon. When you have an assigned weapon, what that does is that teaches you how to take care of something that you're going to use to eventually kill someone.

So you're going to learn everything about that weapon, because at the end of the day, if you're deployed and your weapon jams, you have to know how to fix the malfunction. That could save your life.

After you learn how to take care of your weapon, you start training your legs. The, army, trains your mental toughness because they want you to be, resilient. They want you to be mentally fit, so when you're tired, you stay sharp. You're going through this training in the span of eight to nine weeks, where you're waking up at four in the morning, you're sleep deprived, and you haven't seen your family, you don't talk to your family, and you're constantly being challenged.

That is how the, army, train the mind. You're constantly waking up at 4 am in the morning, you're constantly going to bed exactly at 9 pm, you have to make up your bed. You have to make sure your bed is detailed. You have to make sure your laundry is done. You have to make sure your lockers are clean. Don't say these are small things. They're, train the mind, to be a, US soldier.

You can take those lessons and you can apply them in your personal life or whatever it is that you want to do in your career.

Myrna: I absolutely love it. I read a few books on the Navy Seals training, but they, train the mind, of every, soldier.

The Power of Determination: Training the mind to live your calling

Tell us about your book  why you wrote it and what you want the readers to walk away with.

Lusene: The book: The Power of Determination: Training the mind to live your calling  tells the story of what I went through as a, refugee, being abused by an uncle who was mentally and physically abusive, joining the, army, having a seizure while in the, army, and still ended up enrolling myself in a speaker program. I talk about my credit program and , how to build credit, and give steps to help you, repair your credit.

The power of Determination train the mind
The power of Determination: Train the mind to live your calling

The reason why you should get the book, it's a highlight my story of all the things that I went through, all the trials and tribulation, just to stay on course and stay, determined. I think one of the most important things in life is for you to literally, train the mind, to find your, calling. I wanted to, train the mind, to live my, calling, because I believe that every single one of us have a, purpose. We all have a, calling. And my, calling, is to inspire millions of people around the world by speaking. Check out Lusene on his website https://lusenedonzo.com/ and follow him on instagram @lusene2motivate

Additional Resources

Mindfulness: Training Your Mind to Be Present

How to Build a Scalable Online Business

I made lot of mistakes in my first year and then with, business coaching, I started to understand how to build an, online coaching business, a scalable business, and a sustainable business. My, online business, took off to seven figures.

My guest today is Sigrun, business coach and mentor. Online businesses, are booming, the pandemic has forced everyone online; so even if you didn't have an, online business, before 2020, hopefully you have one now, because having an, online business, is the global trend.

I understand that 20% of the people who went online because of the, pandemic, will stay online because they just find shopping online more accommodating and useful.

Sigrun,  is going to give us some information on how to be successful in your, online business.

Listen to the full interview here 

Introduction to building a scalable online business

Sigrun Bio

Sigrun, started her, online business, and quickly built a multiple seven figure, online coaching business, with membership, coaching programs and masterminds. She has helped women from all over the world start and build their, online business, to six and seven figures.

In 2020 she founded a real estate company around two properties and started her first fund.  Her next brick project is an International conference in Iceland called the, self-made summit.

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Transform Your Mind Podcast Player FM

Helping Women succeed in their Online Business.

Myrna – is your coaching specifically for women or everybody?

Sigrun – I would say it's specifically for women, even though I have a few male clients. I don't turn men away; but my mission is to accelerate gender equality. I'm doing that through, female entrepreneurship.

Myrna – Very interesting story, it says that you started your, online coaching business, because you lost your job twice in two years and then you became sick for seven months which made you become an, entrepreneur.

A lot of people during this, pandemic, are suffering a similar fate, because they lost their jobs or they were sick with, COVID-19, or something like that. What happened to you in 2014 is happening to a lot of people right now.

Can you share your story and hopefully inspire someone who has lost their job.

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Sigrun – I got sick in 2010, so that's over 10 years ago.  I had been a CEO for a number of years and then I moved from Iceland to Switzerland. I got a job in a small company where I didn't have to do many meetings, I just sat on my desk for nine hours a day. I developed something called RSI which is repetitive strain injury.

After I got this injury under control, I started to ask myself. Do I really want to go back to work nine to six, nine to seven, you know work nine or ten hours at the desk?

I could be working from home and that's when I started to taste the freedom and flexibility of potentially an, online business. Many people will just not have a business idea, and I struggled with that piece. I spent several months trying to figure what my, online business, should be.

I ignored the obvious choice which was a, business coach, because I had been a CEO for 10 years with a master's degrees including an MBA from a business school and still the idea of being a, business coach, was somehow too horrible.

Don't think too much about your online business idea, just do it.

Overthinking and not moving forward is the most dangerous place you can be.

Myrna – A lot of people do that, people always think that they can only start something when the time is or they have the funds etc.

But it's a fear of failure that prevents them from moving forward.

It's better to take the first step even if it might be wrong step. It's better to take some step than no step.

Sigrun – Finally after 18 months of being inside my head and overthinking, I started my, online coaching business,  January 2014.

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Transform your Mind Soundcloud podcast

Hire a Business Coach to Help you with your Online Business

The next challenge came when I thought I could figure this out on my own.  I had decided to be a, business coach, but I didn’t know how to coach myself.

Myrna – The problem with that scenario is a lot of times most,  entrepreneurs, do it all in the beginning, because they don't have the money to hire a, business coach.

Sigrun – How we get past that financial situation in the beginning is  there are lots of programs that cost nothing and still give you enough steps to move forward. As you grow your own funds, you can invest in more expensive programs.

My lowest price, coaching program, is $3000 and I know that it's possibly out of reach for some people, but at the same time I offer a lot of free content.

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Podbean Transform your Mind Podcast

Look for Free Programs to Help you With Your Online Business

I have a podcast where I offer, business coaching. I also have free trainings every three months or so that people can join. So you can get to a certain point with free stuff.

After nine months of thinking I could do it on my own in 2014, I pulled out my credit card and invested $5000 in a, business coach.

It was like what I call a rocket up my butt.

My, online business, took off. After nine months of what I call throwing spaghetti at the wall, the puzzle started to work out for me.

I made lot of mistakes in my first year and then with, business coaching, I started to understand how to build an, online coaching business, a scalable business, and a sustainable business.

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How to create a scalable online business

I went into business with the aim of making it, scalable, sustainable and profitable. I had run multiple businesses before and one thing that I didn't like was when revenue was tied to the number of employees.

That's the beauty of an, online business, of offering courses and, scalable, programs, memberships and masterminds, that is not so people dependent.

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How to Scale your online Coaching Business

It was about mid-second year that I started my first, group coaching, program and immediately sold out. I had two groups of six people. I started with six people, because I saw some other coaches do it.

Then I tried eight people and then ten people and twelve people and it took me a year to finally then offer a group of 18 people. My first 18 people group stayed with me for two more rounds.  Every, group coaching, program ran about 10 to 12 months.

Then I started to ask myself if 18 people was the limit?  I can run maybe five groups at the same time, but that is a limit again. How can I scale from there?

So in 2018, after doing 18 people, coaching groups, for a while and getting to the limit of how many groups I can run, I decided I was going to have a more, scalable, program. I get other coaches to come in with me and coach separate groups. This was a huge step for me.

Myrna – Tony Robbins is making millions doing that. He trains coaches to do his, coaching program.

Sigrun – Absolutely, now I have six coaches plus myself in this, coaching program, with 500 members, so totally doable to scale to that size.


How to start on online business

I can literally take an absolute beginner on a 10-week journey and they will:

  • Build an email list.
  • They will create their first or next, online course, that is four weeks.
  • They will sell another, coaching program, that they also come up with in the program.


So, after 10 weeks they have an email list with excited buyers, they have created an, online course, that is four weeks and they start the process of creating a second program that is longer than four weeks.

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The seven stages of a profitable online business

  • Stage one: one-on-one coaching. I do believe people benefit from doing,  one-on-one coaching, you start the seven stages with stage zero which is sometimes confusing. Stage zero you're not making any money, that's the research stage. That's where you can for instance, create a course that is for free.
  • Stage two- Offer your first online course for free. A free four-week, online course, so you create something with your clients and then you know that people will like it, and then you can more easily sell it. So, in the research stage, you're not earning money, but you are talking to your ideal client, you're figuring out what you like, what they like.
  • Stage three – you start with, group programs. In stage three you have your four-week, online course. I highly suggest that people have a four-week, online course, as the first, online course, they create. You circle to the free 4-week, online course, you gave away for free in stage one. Now you can add testimonials and charge.
  • Stage four – once you have created a small, online course, this gives you the confidence to create your signature, online course. A signature, online course, is typically 8, 10 or 12 weeks. This is where you can start to really scale your, online business. The year I created my signature, online course, was the year that my revenues increased from $340,000 to $1,000,000.
  • Stage five – You want to finish your ascension model. Your  ascension model is literally the journey you want to take your client on. It's 27 times more expensive to always get new clients, so you need to create a pathway for your clients to move up when they finish one, online course.
  • Stage six – Then there's another problem I needed to tackle. Now I’ve created my, online course, how do I sell it? How do I launch my, online business?
  • Stage seven – Then I have a final program at the top where I take clients to a million dollars in revenue. I only work with 10 or 12 women at this level.

Your Ascension Model

  • I have an, online course, called Momentum. This is where they stay with me for 12 months.  They learn how to launch their, online business, again and again.
  • Learn how to get new clients.
  • Learn how to do Facebook ads.
  • Hopefully reached $200,000 in revenue

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Transform Your Mind Pocket Casts
Transform Your Mind Pocket Casts

It is important to know the numbers. If you have 100 people interested in your, online business, typically only three will buy.

In an, online business, we don't talk to everyone, we do a webinar or we do a podcast.  We do different things, this is the marketing attraction model.

If you can envision a pyramid. At the bottom is the entry level program. In my case it's a $3000 program, but for a lot of businesses this could be something like a four week, online course, for $197 or $297.

That's the first taste of working with you and if people like it, they'll move to the next stage. In my case I have kickstart, online course. Then they just keep moving up the pyramid.

Conclusion Online Coaching Business

Tell us about your, self-made conference, coming up for a thousand, female entrepreneurs.

The, self-made summit, was supposed to happen in 2020 we all know what happened, now it's been moved to 2022. It is for, female entrepreneurs, so all the speakers are seven figure women who have built an, online business, in different industries.


These women built million dollar businesses and now they want to share their journey and their steps for others who want to follow or just be inspired to take action.

I'm all about action and implementation, so it will not just be inspiration, people will walk away with real action steps that they can take in their, online business.

I have one young speaker, Haley Thomas, she has worked with Michelle Obama.  She is a super inspiring young black woman who has built a non-profit helping children eat healthier.

How they our readers connect with you and buy tickets to the, self-made summit?

sigrum.com is where people can find everything about me and the conference of course and it's sigrum.com/selfmade summit


I want to thank you guys all for tuning in to the Transform your mind radio podcast and TV show. Hopefully your mind was transformed

today on possibility of a successful, online business.

I want to invite you guys to join my Facebook group called Life coach where you'll be inspired daily by dozens of coaches that we have on the platform including myself so thanks again.  Please subscribe to the podcast and leave us a review.

Additional Resources


15 Benefits of Hiring an Executive Coach


How Women Entrepreneurs can Succeed Using a Growth Mindset

Women entrepreneurs, who feels called to have more wealth and need a, growth mindset,  so that she can have more impact and influence and create generational wealth for her family. 

My guest today is Lola Tomorrow. faith-driven Chicago-based entrepreneur, philanthropist, and highly sought-after business mentor for high-performing women of faith who are striving for financial freedom.

Listen to the Full interview Here:

Introduction Business Mentoring

Highlights from her background include  ● National Advance Associate for former First Lady Michelle Obama. ● Successfully managed and curated more than 300 profitable events. ● Organizer and Creator of TEDxWillowCreek, ● Single-handedly raised more than $500,000 for numerous not-for-profit initiatives and star-studded community events. ● Founder and Executive Director of iGlow (Inspiring Girls to Lead Our World) Mentoring which serves 3,000+ girls in the Chicago metro area.

As we face this global economic shift, Lola feels called to equip women to retool their business strategies, reinvent themselves, and inspire them to lead the way in our ever-changing economy. TMRWLive! A Virtual Experience was born out of her desire to empower women to trailblaze their own path to success.

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Myrna – Can you give us a short intro into your journey into becoming a, business mentor. 

Lola – I became an, woman entrepreneur, by accident.  I never desired to work for myself, I was not really exposed to the world of the, entrepreneur. I just had a passion to do more than what I was doing in my nine to five job.  Little did I know that passion to do more would create additional streams of income that would surpass my 9 to 5 income. 

I started taking the role of a, business mentor, and having the ability to influence others seriously.   I'm generally the type of leader who is bold enough to have the conversations most people might be ashamed of.  I'm bold enough to tell you that I was bankrupt.  I'm bold enough to tell you that I was sleeping in the back seat of my car for months.  I am bold enough to give you the level of transparency, not just so you know my business; but so that you can take the wisdom from my mistakes and stand on my shoulder. What I've been able to accomplish by 35, you can accomplish double by 40. That's the power of a, business mentor.  The real power of, mentorship,  has the ability to cut your success time in half.  What took me five years to do, will take you two and a half years to do. 

Creating a business strategy for woman entrepreneurs

Myrna – One of the reasons that people come into the coaching conversation is because they're hoping that someone will speed up their journey. 

Tell us how you transitioned from not wanting to be an, entrepreneur, and starting the TMRWlive experience. 

Lola – What I am really on a mission to do is I want to begin to teach and show, women entrepreneurs,  that you can have a level of sacrifice, you can have determination; but you can do it while still prioritizing yourself. 

Still prioritizing your well-being for some, entrepreneurs, you need to be working your business while still working your full-time job.  It's not time for you to jump out completely and just work your business full-time. 

So I think there's a, business strategy,  as we begin to evolve and grow that we can really embrace, entrepreneurship; but we can embrace it with practical thinking and practical thinking.  

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Mentoring women entrepreneurs to have a growth mindset

One of the first things we work on with the, women entrepreneurs, who come into my, mentorship, program is having a, growth mindset.  A, growth Mindset, says that I will do what is necessary to grow my business. And if that means delegating tasks, then I am willing to do that.  I tell them, your business is not your baby. If I pull a group of moms in a room and I to ask a group of moms if your baby was in the middle of the street and a car coming 60 miles an hour, what are you going to do?  The organic response is I'm going to push my baby out and I'm going to be willing to die for my baby. 

That is the natural response. We have had this thought about our business, we're willing to give up our marriage for a business. We're willing to neglect ourselves, neglect our health, neglect our finances etc. We got to put a business in the place that it belongs. Your business is not your baby,  your business is your business you need a, growth mindset, to know the difference. 

Myrna –  I wrote a book that's called “Minding My Own Business” because I've always been of the, mindset, that you can't become wealthy working

for someone else. 

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Transform your Mind Soundcloud podcast

What is a Growth Mindset

Let's understand the, growth mindset. How you teach somebody that feels that their business is their baby to change their, mindset? 

Lola – I'm not a, mindset coach, so the first thing I do is to recognize my level of genius.  I  partner with a, growth mindset, coach. Her name is Sean Strickland and she works with my clients on their, growth mindset. He works with your, mindset, around money, your capacity for growth etc. 

You have to be committed to the journey. Your journey might look different from another person's journey; but if you stay committed to your journey you will achieve success. 

One of my, growth mindset, tools is prayer. I'm a woman of faith,  it's ingrained in everything I do and everything that I think.  Partnering with God has been the biggest superpower in my entire career. 


How to Pray as a Woman Entrepreneur

Myrna – You mentioned that you are a faith-based leader.  How should we pray as a, woman entrepreneur? You said that you teach women to shift the way they pray.  How should, women entrepreneurs, shift they way they pray for their businesses? 

Lola – A mentor of mine, her name is Dr Tiffany Jordan she is a, prayer strategist. Before meeting her I had never been exposed to this concept of a, prayer strategy. A, prayer strategy, is a way that you pray for different things you want in life. There is a way, woman entrepreneurs, should be praying as it pertains to their business. I had never been exposed to the concept of a, prayer strategy, before.  

I said the same prayers like, Lord bless me and bless my business and I thought that was good enough; but there is a way that you can activate the word of God as it pertains to your business. I had never been exposed a, prayer strategy, before I met Dr Tiffany Jordan. Check out her “book of prayers”. 

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Resources for Women Entrepreneurs

  Myrna – What are some resources, women entrepreneurs, can use to scale their business and have a, growth mindset? 

  • The first one is partnering with God. 
  • The second thing is learning not to get validation from Instagram and other social media sites. I tell people don't get lost in the social media celebrity world.  
  • Third –  Find the, language for your purpose.  


Language for your purpose, means speaking life into your, purpose and destiny. 

I started going through levels of, inner healing.  I didn't even know I needed, inner healing.  These where things from your childhood like self-sabotage and rejection.  All these things that started coming up as I started to get to the next level in my business. 

I had, limiting beliefs,  about money and she helped me break through that.  I learned a, prayer strategy, to remove my, limiting beliefs, about money and other childhood trauma. 

The prophetic  word for women entrepreneurs

The final resource for, women entrepreneurs is the, prophetic word. Prophet Katara Ho literally changed my life and changed my entire business, because she has exposed me to the world of the, prophetic.  The, prophetic, energy can really propel you to your next level in business. 

Myrna – language for your purpose,  I love that phrase. It's a way of saying that you should speak it into the atmosphere!  You've gotta be be careful

that you're not saying that, it's not possible or you can't do it or it’s too hard etc. 

The, inner healing, part is also big because most, women entrepreneurs,  have some kind of hurt in the past that prevents us from reaching the top of our lids. 

Whether it's childhood trauma, whether it's betrayal by men,  whether it's where we were born on what side of the tracks. 

Specifically as, black women,  we've got some things that we've got to overcome So, the inner healing,  is so important. 

Business Strategy with Kris Jenner

Tell us about your collaboration with, Kris Jenner, and your two-day event TMRWlive virtual event.  

Lola – I put together this conference for, women entrepreneurs, of faith.  It was life-changing and it was amazing.  The first TMRWlive was a success and 

two weeks after that first conference, I was already thinking and planning for the next one. 

One day I woke up and, Kris Jenner, came to me.  I am not a Kardashian fan.  I don't  dislike them, I just don’t watch TV.  So it was not natural for me to to think of, Kris Jenner.  I could not shake the thought for weeks,  so talked to one of my spiritual mentors and and she gave me a, prophetic, word. She told me, you're going to work with her; but not now it's going to be later. 

It was clear that God wanted this woman to be the main speaker of the next TMRWlive experience. I needed to teach women of faith they could learn, business strategy, from, Kris Jenner.  I knew that, Kris Jenner, had the goods to teach and to get, women entrepreneurs, to the next level as it pertains to,  business strategy. 

Like her or not you can't deny what she's done for the Kardashians family.  Most of us can't create generational wealth to pay for a funeral when

somebody transitions without doing a GoFundMe. 


Faith based leadership for women entrepreneurs

Pastor Sarah Jakes Roberts is also one of the speakers. 

This conference is not for every woman, this is for the woman that literally feels called to have more wealth and need a, growth mindset,  so that she

can have more impact and influence.  This is not for the, woman entrepreneur, who just wants more money for nice cars and purses. 

This is the time when God is raising up kingdom-minded millionaires and billionaires, so that we can have more impact here on earth. 

This conference is not just something inspires you,  it's meant to give, women entrepreneurs,  the, business strategy, to do the work. We're going to pray and worship and love God; but after all of that you're going to wipe the tears away  and you're going to get in this workshop. You're going to create a, business plan,  you get  to create the, social media strategy and you've got to get your, business formations, in order. 


Conclusion the TMRWlive virtual event

Our event is March 24th and 25th and it is the online virtual conference. More information can be found tmrwlive.com. Kris Jenner,  and, Pastor Sarah Jakes Roberts, are headlining the event; but we then have over 20 other amazing speakers that will be teaching on different topics of business and faith. 

Today we talked about, transforming your life,  as a, woman entrepreneur. 

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